#If I had q nickel for every time this happened. 2 nickel
kaleschmidt · 2 months
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gallwithapall · 6 months
!!Star Trek Picard seasons spoilers ahead if you still haven't watched them!!!
So you're fucking telling me, I cried, SOBBED and heaved over Q's... Death.... In season 2...
If I had a nickel for every time I cried, sobbed and heaved over a star trek character death just for them to come back again later....
I'll have two nickels...which isn't alot...but it's weird that it happened twice (more than twice) (Q and Data)
Fuck me...
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shadowfloofster · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time Q!Bad's individual lore was interrupted by someone else finding something meant for him first by accident, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
(No /neg to anyone it's actually kinda funny that it's now happened twice, with ElQuackity kidnapping Dapper when Cellbit and Baghera found him first then with the books in the federation office I'm pretty sure was meant for Bad to find only but Tubbo happened to find them first)
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bluejellie · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time q!slimecicle got drunk in minecraft and then sang almost the entirety of Blue (Da Ba Dee) i would have 2 nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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sillytaetime · 2 years
Jungkook Fluff A-Z
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UGHH he’s so rude😩
A= Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
if I’m being fully honest, Kookie loves your butt. Not just in a sexual way. Like, when you two are out in public, he might often put his hand there just so everyone who walks past knows your his.
B= Babies (do they want a family? why or why not?)
Jungkook would like 1 or 2 kids, maybe 3. He doesn’t want to have so many kids that it’s hard to maintain a nice household. He wants you to be able to stay alone with them if he’s on tour (or the other way around if you work night shifts).
C= Cuddles (how do they cuddle?)
He’s a cuddle bunny. He likes being the big spoon when you guys are watching a movie, but if you guys are going to sleep or having a conversation, he’d like to face each other of have you on his side while he’s on his back.
D= Dates (what are dates with him like?)
Jungkook likes night dates. Like, running to the convenience store to get your favorite snacks to watch a movie or going on late night walks in the park (or if you live near a beach, long night walks on the beach.) These dates happen often just so you two can spend time together when he maybe can’t see you during the day because of his schedule :(
E= Everything; you are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world.. etc.)
You are my center.
F= Feelings (when did he know he was in love?)
He knew he was in love when you beat him in video games on your 5th date. He was actually trying to win but he saw your little smile and got distracted by your beauty. and then boom. You won and he wasn’t mad because all he could think about was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you :)
G= Gentle (are they gentle? if so, how?)
Definitely NOT gentle. Your tough enough. He definitely doesn’t treat you like glass. He might not be as rough as he is with Jimin, but he won’t treat you like glass.
H= Hold hands (how does he hold hands/ how much? does he like it?)
Like i said previously, he much prefers to have his hands on your butt, but in front of your family? he settles for hand holding because he doesn’t want to put that impression on your dad (especially if he has a plan on marrying you anytime soon).
I= Impression (his/your first impression/s)
He thought you had the features of a princess and he thought you would never notice him, but you did. (Like, who doesn’t know who he is?)
J= Joker (is he into pulling pranks?)
Just because you’re his gf, doesn’t mean that he won’t prank you. you get pranked at least once a day, but the night dates with him always makeup for any previous pranks. (He’s still a sweetie at heart)
K= Kisses (how does he kiss?)
Sweet little pecks throughout the day as he sees you.
L= Little things (what little things does he love/notice?)
He loves when you nuzzle into his chest when you cuddle. He first noticed it one day after you beat him in video games and after he realized he fell in love, this made him fall more in love.
M= Memory (his favorite memory with you)
His favorite memory was when he saw how you act with little kids. he loved how good you were with them, and he could play hide and seek with you and whoever’s kids you were playing with. He smiles every time he thinks of that moment.
N= Nickel (does he spoil you?)
He spoils you with love. I don’t think he buys you much because what matters to him is quality time and with the very little quality time he gets, it means more to be with him than a gift could ever mean.
O= Orange (what color reminds him of you?)
Red reminds him of you because the color often represents passion, and he always notices how much passion you put into everything you do. which again, makes him fall in love. (Can we just appreciate how in love he is with you?)
P= Pet names (what pet names does he use for you?)
Baby (mutual); Kookie (you to him); Yeobo (meaning darling; him to you); and finally, gongjunim (meaning princess; him to you).
Q= Questions (what questions is he always asking you?)
He’s always asking you if you’re eating and sleeping enough. Baby worries too much.
R= Remember (his favorite memory of you?)
If I’m being honest, he has no favorite memory of you. He loves them all.
S= Sad (how does he cheer you up?)
Cuddling, Netflix, and you’re favorite snacks. He might also let you have some of his banana milk (maybe)
T= Talking (what do you guys talk about)
Everything and anything. Sometimes conversations can get weird (and the guys make fun of you two for it) but the conversations are meaningful and you both cherish those weird moments forever.
U= Universe; use a metaphor, what are they to each other? (e.g. he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
This relationship is my compass, it shows me where to go.
V= Very ____; their thoughts about each other (e.g. she’s very smart, he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying etc.)
He's very charming
She's very mean (in a joking way)
W= Why (reasons why he loves you)
There is no specific reason. He loves everything about you.
X= Xylophone (what’s your song?)
Purpose by Justin Bieber.
Y= You are the ____ to my ____ (e.g. you are the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the banana to my milk.
Z= Zebra (what pet would you two adopt together?)
He's already got a dog so you guys would just take care of his dog and be like a small family. Yk, Bom being your child and you and jk the parents.
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Ask: What direction do you see ruby and weiss's relationship taking after volume 9 depending on what happens in volume 9?
God I hope they head in the romantic direction they've been heading for seven years (volume seven is an outlier and will not be counted in the final tally) because according to recollections of how far Monty planned we don't got much charted territory left, besides, if these two don't make some progress when Ruby is at her lowest and needs Weiss, by Jove I'll eat my hat!
43 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 15:52:42 GMT
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55 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 23:01:11 GMT
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if i had a nickel for every time a member of team rwby picked up the weapon of their fallen friend with tears in their eyes to defend a redhead who ends up ultimately sacrificing themselves for the greater good anyways i’d have two nickles which isn’t a lot but its weird that it happened twice right
64 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 17:34:02 GMT
Anon Ask: I mean Nuts and Dolts may be gone but it still had moments actually interpretable as romance unlike Whiterose. The last two seasons of no development plus the VAs directly saying they don't see Whiterose happen canonically, did an irreparable damage to the likelyhood of the ship being a thing. I don't know what else has to be said to convince those few stubborn fans that Whiterose, while being a cute fanon concept, is probably never going to go beyond fanfiction, and baiting themselves will only result in more disappointment...i mean, it's kind of time to move on, and i say that as a former Whiterose fan.
Nuts and Dolts may be dead but Whiterose never even lived if you ask me personally...
oh so we're doing this now
we're doing this now okay let me pull up a chair-
If you sincerely think that Whiterose doesn't have any chance, and I don't mean to be rude here, you might not have been paying attention. Because these two are loud. They are absurdly loud in how in love they are and Volume 7 was a fluke. One dry season does not cancel out literal years of content! And you think that Nuts and Dolts had moments that felt romantic, and yeah they definitely had moments like that and it was very cute, but they had plenty of moments that were just as romantically inclined as Weiss and Ruby, albeit a lot fewer because Penny was, (is?) well, dead. There is a mountain of content I could post here but in the interest of not making this super long because I’m pretty busy rn with projects and this is cutting into my Tumblr time enough as it is...
(insert TedTalk here, link below)
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167 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 22:58:13 GMT
Anon Ask: I don't mean this as a challenge in bad faith, but i am curious to see if you can bring something more to the discussion. As someone who doesn't see anything romantic or implied in ruby's and weiss' partnership, i am kind of curious. What are the canon big moments that are 100% undeniably romantic in your opinion, and that would otherwise be considered q-baiting? Canon show only (not extra source material which is not made directly by crwby). I often see the same bunch of users discuss what they think makes WR canon, but the only explainations that are provided are interpretations, more external stuff like comments from the VAs or a meme made by Monty, or just one-line scenes (like Weiss calling Ruby's name first in v6), which, quite frankly, are not objetive or uniquely romantic explainations.
So, taking out literally everything that isn't just plain canon RWBY moments. From Volumes 1 to 8, which of their moments would you consider "undeniably romantic"? If there are any yet in your opinion.
*cautiously looks over shoulder* hoo boy hope the toxic N&D folks and that one RG shipper have vacated the premises and aren’t lying in wait because I don’t want to do deal with that shit again but uhhhh here goes?
Okay, let me preface this by saying I’m gay myself, I have fallen in love with my best friend (at the times) twice with both going nowhere because i have the backbone of an eclair when it comes to talking to girls and that fact has definitely impacted how I see them over the years because hoooooo boy do I know what ‘I’m in love with my best friend and she means the world and more to me but also I’m absolutely terrified to act on what I’m feeling send help’ feels and looks like, I will also preface this with I know that any romantic interaction between girls can easily be misinterpreted as close friendship which is frustrating but if these things happened between two guys or a guy and gal, it would be 100% interpreted as romantic, so just keep in mind that their genders don’t impact my interpretation at all, while anyone else could interpret this as gals being pals. Also I’m skipping over moments here and there in the interest of not making this longer then it already is, fellow WR shippers I know I skip some moments but let it be known I didn’t forget them.
*deep breath* 
(insert TedTalk here)
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195 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 05:43:19 GMT
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
if i had a nickel for every time i kinned from a music video I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right? /q -Bames Nond (Genghis Khan), Dale (2winz^2)
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Fluff Alphabet: Justin Foley
Our precious Justin....I needed to do a fluff alphabet for him because...just because. I hope I caught him alright here!! Enjoy!!
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about you?): Your eyes...your beautiful eyes. He can read your eyes like a book...he knows every expression and their meanings and regardless of what you say, he loves and appreciates that your eyes tell him what you mean. If the guys were to ask him, it’s them legs. Them long, sexy ass legs.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?): It’s something Justin has thought about. He currently unsure and it’s not like that’s a bad thing. He knows he still has his whole life ahead of him. Should he choose not to have a baby, it would be almost for the same reasons he would; for example, he would be the father that he never really had...on the flip side, he doesn’t know if he could be a father because he didn’t have one. Maybe being with the Jensens, he would learn what a father was. On top of that, he isn’t so sure he would want to bring a kid into his world knowing he has a drug problem whether he’s sober or not but on the flip side, he would know the signs and ways to deal with an addiction should it ever happen to his child. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?): Justin Foley is a cuddler through and through. He’s had a rough go at life and he’s not used to receiving affection...it’s been a rough life. So when he can, he’ll always be wanting to cuddle you. He likes to trade off on the spooning because when he’s the big spoon, it’s his way of showing you he feels loved and when he’s the little spoon, it makes him feel safe with you. Any chance he gets, he takes to cuddle you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?): Now that Justin is working at Monet’s, he likes to take you out. Your nights are dinner and movies...but he also likes to take you places where it can just be the two of you so you guys can talk in private about anything and everything. One time, he took you to dinner and then stargazing. He likes being in quiet places after spending so much of his time in the loudness of the rest of the world.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)): My heart. When Justin loves, he loves so deeply and whether he shows it or not, he puts his whole heart into your relationship. It’s caused him plenty of hurt in the past but you have been the first person he feels he can truly trust with his heart so he gave it to you to keep safe.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?): Earlier in the day, Justin had gotten into another fight with his former friends. He had a pretty good busted lip. You were so concentrated on getting the cut cleaned and doing your best not to hurt him...the loving and caring look in your eyes as you looked back at him when you were done...he knew he loved you. He even told you at that very moment.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?): As gentle as he can be. Justin’s life has been rough in every which way whether it was his home life or sports or even fights. It’s what he’s used to so he tries really hard to be gentle in every single way possible with you. He doesn’t want that roughness of his life or past to touch you or affect you in any way. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?): Justin always reaches out for your hand when you guys are together. He’ll lace his fingers together with yours and if you guys are just standing and talking to your friends, he’ll kiss the back of your hand before letting it rest at your sides. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?): When he first saw you, he truly believed you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Justin Foley is not one to be nervous when talking to a girl but he was. It took him 2 days to hype himself up enough to carry a conversation with you in English class. He was not disappointed to find out how funny and kind you were.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?): Justin tries to reign in his jealousy but it doesn’t always work. He doesn’t like seeing other guys flirting with you at all. He doesn’t mind guys talking to you but if he gets a whiff of flirt on, he doesn’t stand for it. He’ll be subtle in the beginning by either holding your hand (if he wasn’t already) or putting his arm around you, suddenly interested in the conversation. He knows you would never stray but he doesn’t like guys trying to win over a girl who’s already in a relationship...he feels disrespected.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?): Your first kiss with Justin...god, thinking back on it always made you smile. It was on your first date and he took you to the docks to watch the sunset before you guys went for a walk and ended up at a playground. You two had a competition on who can swing the highest on the swing set and he sadly won. When you both came to a stop, there was a moment where you smiled at each other, the laughter slightly dying down before he leaned in. When your lips touched, you swore fireworks were going off in your mind. It was gentle but passionate. You had never had that reaction to a kiss before. Definitely the best first kiss of you life.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?): You were the first to say I love you. It was maybe a few weeks before he said it but you just had to tell him. It was when he walked you home after a date and you ended up saying it. Of course, when he was quiet for a moment, you felt a little self-conscious and felt like you messed up. But Justin needed that moment to soak it all in. It made him feel happy even though he wasn’t ready to say it back. He told you he was happy you said it because he never wants you to hide your true feelings for him and that he wasn’t ready just yet. But he knows he will be. 
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?): The memory that tends to come up the most in his mind when he thinks of you was one night after one of his football games, you two ended up at one of Bryce’s parties. He knew you would go for him but you truly weren’t much of a partier. So he decided that night for you two to leave early. Your parents were out of town so he took you home where you made the decision to cook for him. He just loved hanging out with you, watching you move around the kitchen with ease and even teaching him a thing or two. He just loved how you made him feel: truly happy. It seemed like a slice of normal he sometimes so desperately craved with the chaos that seems to find him. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?): Until he started working, Justin didn’t really have much in the ways of money. He wished he did because he would by you everything including the world if you asked for it. But he didn’t so he couldn’t spoil you the way he wanted. Instead he would find ways to show you he cared about you in action. Even after he started work at Monet’s he would try to keep it up. Granted, he buys you gifts for your birthday and what not but you have always loved and appreciated whatever he did for you.
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?): It may seem odd but the school colors of Liberty High. He would find himself lending you his sweaters or letterman jacket and so whenever he sees the colors, he always pictures you in them.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?): His nicknames tend to be complimenting so he’ll call you things like beautiful or angel. In a way, it’s just his way of reminding you that he loves you.
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?): It’s not like Justin announces this but there have been plenty of examples of your relationship where when he wanted to take pictures, he would use a disposable camera. You remember asking once why he didn’t use his phone and he told you it was because he liked having physical pictures of you two that he can keep. “Phones can break down and if you don’t save to the cloud, you lose it all.” 
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?): Rainy days tend to come with the feeling of peace and tiredness so he loves to nap. So there were plenty of rainy days he’d come over to your place to curl up in bed and take a nap with you.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?): Justin used to have a very unhealthy way of cheering himself up because it involved alcohol and drugs...he tries to combat all of that by finding ways to keep himself busy. If you aren’t around, he’ll go to see a friend or play a video game...anything to keep his mind busy. He likes to cheer others up by trying to do little things to make them smile. He’ll try making things like normal so he’ll tease playfully or he’ll crack a joke in a silly voice.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?): Usually no topic is off limits with Justin. He tends to talk about anything and everything. Granted he’ll have some things to keep to himself until he’s ready but your guys tend to talk more about what your days and school and even your futures. Recently, he wanted to see what you’ve been watching on Netflix so he could have more stuff to watch.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?): Justin likes to take long hot showers to help him relax. He’s very active so he finds that to help him relax. He also likes to play videos games otherwise he’ll go over to your house and cuddle with you. He likes to play with your hair too.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?): This may sound weird but he likes to show you off. He’s proud that he managed to get you to fall in love with him and he’ll do anything to keep you. When it’s just you, he’s always proud to mention that he was adopted by the Jensens. He’s happy that this great family was willing to take a chance on him.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?): Justin was always the type that knew there may never be a perfect time to propose. You guys were in high school so something was bound to happen whenever he planned something big. So he decided to be spontaneous. He would carry a ring with him anywhere when he felt that the time was right then and there. He always knew he would have this mental speech prepared to tell you how much you mean to him and how you changed his life for the better before asking you those 4 beautiful words.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?): In your mind, you tend to associate Christina Perri’s song, “Human” when you think of songs about Justin Foley. He’s not perfect and he has dealt with a lot but he’s always trying his best to get through it all. The song speaks of experiences of dealing with a lot and hiding it all, which you’ve seen Justin do a lot. When it comes to your relationship, you remember your first dance together and Justin told you that it would be your song: “Faithfully” by Journey. But when it’s just him jamming out in the car or wherever, it’s “Everyday” by Logic and Marshmello.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?): Definitely. Justin knows he’ll marry you one day and always thinks of ways to ask you. He may be unsure about having kids but he’s sure that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You made him believe, after so long, that he is deserving of someone who loved him. So he can only hope you’ll be the only one to love him.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?): Justin would definitely get himself a dog. He’s an animal lover so whatever dog he would get would be treated with so much love and cuddles which is why you’re sure he’ll find himself a smaller dog.
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Buck Compton
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
The moment Compton walked through the doors he had caught your eye. The men had been joking that someone named ‘Lynn’ would be leading them, one look from you silenced their chatter. They had learned that feminine did not mean weak, having trained with you for those two years reaffirmed that fact. But seeing Lynn (Buck) Compton in person really drove home that he was anything but feminine. You went out of your way to hide the flush in your cheeks from the men around you.
(he also has a nice ass…not that you would ever admit to anyone that you noticed that)
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Buck definitely wants a family. During the beginnings of the war Buck would sometimes talk about his girl back home, boasting about how they were going to get married, and that their children would be absolute knock outs. Hearing this always made your heart hurt but seeing the photo he had of the two of them together you had to agree, their children would be absolutely beautiful.
Near the end of ‘Bucks’ war he changed. It was on Christmas when Buck joined you and Guarnere that he pulled out the photo again and gave it to Bill. “She’s finished with me” he said hollowly. Buck had changed so much since that first day you met him. It wasn’t long after Guarnere and Toye were hit that Buck was sent off the line.
He kept in touch with you and Malarkey through letters. It was through those letters that your dynamic with each other shifted a bit. He opened up more in your letters than he did in Malarkeys. A fact that you didn’t mention as Don was already having a hard-enough time.
A few months later you were hit. A sniper bullet through your lower abdomen had ended your war. You don’t remember much after being hit. Doc over you, mouth moving silently as if asking you something.
You woke up in some form of hospital a few days later. Buck at your side.
You two stayed close to each other after that, sleeping in neighboring cots, before he somehow, eventually, found his way into yours.
When the war ended he asked you to come home with him. So to Los Angeles, you went.
Buck would bring up the topic of children sometimes, but it was always hard for you. The surgeon had mentioned that due to the location of your bullet wound it could be difficult, if not impossible to ever get pregnant. Buck assured you that biological children or not, all he really needed was you.  
Eventually, you two filed for adoption, bringing your little boy home had been one of the happiest moments for the both of you. It was about 2 years after you brought him home that you found out you were pregnant. Buck had been ecstatic, you had been terrified. The pregnancy had been rough, you ended up going into labor prematurely, and while that had been terrifying your little girl came into the word healthy, and with a strong set of ‘fuck you’ lungs. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
The man is like an octopus. Every limb he can have wrapped around you he will. Not that you mind though.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
During your time in the hospital, ‘dates’ consisted of card games and stolen cigarettes. Once home he took you to all of his favorite places.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You were the angel I never knew I needed’
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It happened sometime between the 3rd and 7th letter he had received from you since he left the line. When the newest batch of mail came in and he only received one from Malarkey he got worried. Reading that you had been hit had sent him into a near frenzy. He pulled some strings and managed to get himself transferred. Sitting at your bedside, watching the slow rise and fall of your labored breaths broke something in him. He knew he loved you then, because the idea of losing you had become the most terrifying one he has had this entire war.  
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Buck is a gentle, teasing, asshole of a giant. The frustrating thing is he doesn’t even realize it most of the time. The way his hands gently brush the hair off the back of your neck drives your absolutely mental.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He prefers to have his arm around your waist, hand resting on your hip. He likes the closeness.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Buck came into Easy knowing that one of the few females allowed into the Airborne had been assigned to Easy. He expected some…well to be completely honest he didn’t really know what he was expecting. But it certainly wasn’t you, with your shy smiles towards him, yet you turned around and joked and brawled with the rest of the men. You were certainly an anomaly.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Buck is a pretty charismatic and confident guy. He also knows that you are one tough gal that will put a man in his place should he chose to ignore the word no. He has virtually no fears when it comes to other men and you. Granted he has no problem coming to back you up should you look over at him with your exasperated “Get this fucker away from me before I am charged with assault” face.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He did. It happened when you first woke up after being shot. He looked exhausted, but the smile that broke across his face when your eyes met made him almost look like a new man. His lips met yours gently, his forehead coming to rest against yours soon after.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You and Buck had managed to rig up some form of dartboard after your recovery. As per-usual he was shooting lefty most of the game, changing to his right-hand last minute to win. With a roll of your eyes you muttered “I can’t believe I am in love with a cheater” under your breath. It was a joke (only partially though), but the way his eyes met yours after that was almost electric. Buck kicked himself a bit for not saying it first, but he found creative and teasing ways to say and show you how much he loved you after that.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Buck has lots of ‘favorite’ memories of the two of you. But the one he probably treasures the most is the day you two brought your baby girl home and she got to meet her brother for the first time. The look on your face, and your sons could have lit up every dark and gloomy place on the planet.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Buck has always had good job. Be it the police force, or when he became a district attorney you two were never hurting for money. He made a habit of not spoiling your children though, as you both wanted them to be raised knowing the importance and value of things in life.
That doesn’t always translate over to you though. As the mother of his children, and the love of his life he doesn’t mind the exasperated sigh you will sometimes give him before opening one of his newest ‘just because’ gifts.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
He has a hard time thinking of one specific colour that defines you. You are a powerhouse of kindness and love. You brighten everything you touch. So the only word he can really think of is “light”. You are his light.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
While you were both serving he would come up and ask “How is our girl doing?”.
While in the hospital together it changed to “How is my girl doing?”
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
While this is not exactly un-modern, he still has the first baseball he ever caught as a child. Its old, and the wear and tear is more than evident, but the sentimental value outweighs its less than appealing appearance.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Tea parties with the kids. Its almost comical to see such a giant of a man sitting at a kiddy table playing super hero princess tea party (Your son and daughter had already negotiated the guest list). He is nothing if not a good father.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
While in the hospital Buck was still in a dark place, so you two would just squeeze onto the same cot and hold each other. You still do that now, even though two smaller bodies always seem to find their way between the two of you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Buck is charismatic and can string words together beautifully. But mostly he just loves talking with your children, listening to them string tiny sentences together that, sometimes, make sense. Your family brings him so much joy.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
His family. While it can sometimes be chaos (especially now that your daughter has learned to climb), being around the three of you has always made me feel better.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Photos. Of. His. Kids.
Yes, he is ‘that’ dad.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He would propose on the ship back home. The coastline of home in the distance he would pull out a ring and give you the most beautiful speech you will probably ever hear.
Your wedding will be a bigger affair. Both of your families, Bucks friends from work and school, as many of your Easy company brothers as possible. It is beautiful, and so terribly exhausting but more than worth it.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
When the parties over – Billie Eilish (covered by Garret Garfield) -please listen to his version- PLEASE-
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes. He didn’t even wait until stepping foot on American soil before asking you to be his.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You get a dog. It’s a bigger dog, one with an extreme amount of patience considering your children often try to ride it like a horse.
(I am not used to writing for Buck, and I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to provide enough content…I am almost embarrassed about how long this one turned out to be lol. I hope I gave him the love he deserves!)
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Tattoo Laser Removal. What's Up after 25 Years?
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Tattoo Laser Removal. What's Up after 25 Years? Tattoo Laser Removal. What’s up after 25 years? WATCH THESE VIDOES AND READ THE ARTICLE IF YOU CONSIDERING TATTOO LASER REMOVAL LASER TATTOO REMOVAL TREATMENT TATTOO LASER REMOVAL PLAY VIDEO HOW DO LASERS REMOVE A TATTOO? TATTOO LASER REMOVAL PLAY VIDEO LASER TATTOO REMOVAL. WHAT'S UP? TATTOO LASER REMOVAL PLAY VIDEO LASER TATTOO REMOVAL RESULTS (befroe and after) TATTOO LASER REMOVAL PLAY VIDEO LASER COSMETIC TATTOO REMOVAL RESULTS (befroe and after) TATTOO LASER REMOVAL PLAY VIDEO History of tattoo Tattoos have fascinated humankind from all cultures and strata of society for centuries. From the ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations to the modern society we have today, skin markings have been used to enhance beauty, demonstrate uniqueness, signify belonging, and sometimes to identify, shame, or punish.  The term tattooing is derived from “tattau,” a Tahitian word which translates essentially as “to mark” and is a process of implantation of permanent pigment granules in the skin. - Tattoos date back to 5200 years. The early tattoo was made by cutting the skin and rubbing powdered charcoal in the wound - Scientists believe tattoos may have been the first form of medical treatment - The tattoo has been found on female Egyptian mummies. Ancient Egyptians believed tattoos prevented complicated pregnancies and births - In the 10th and 11th centuries, crusaders had cross-shaped tattoos. If killed, that person would receive a Christian Burial. - The tattoo has been to mark slaves and criminals. - In many tribal communities, facial tattoos indicated a person’s status and accomplishment - In the 5th century, the Japanese developed tattoos in fine art with intricate designs and colors - In 19th and 20th century America, tattoos were mostly associated with sailors, fringe cultures, prisoners, and gangs How is a Tattoo Done? Tattoos are created by the introduction of exogenous pigment into the dermal skin layer and can be placed with intent or be the result of accidents and injury. Tattoo inks are composed of pigments or dyes combined with a tattoo pigment vehicle which entraps, encases, incorporates, complexes, encapsulates, or is otherwise associated with the pigment to form pigment/vehicle complexes that retain the pigment in the tissue.  Most professional tattoo artists purchase inks pre-made (known as pre-dispersed inks), while some tattoo artists mix their own using a dry pigment and a carrier. Manufacturers are not required to reveal their ingredients or conduct trials, and recipes may be proprietary. Professional inks may be made from iron oxides (rust), metal salts, or plastics. Homemade or traditional tattoo inks may be made from pen ink, soot, dirt, blood, or other ingredients. Heavy metals used for colors include mercury (red); lead (yellow, green, white); cadmium (red, orange, yellow); nickel (black); zinc (yellow, white); chromium (green); cobalt (blue); aluminium (green, violet); titanium (white); copper (blue, green); iron (brown, red, black); and barium (white). Metal oxides used include ferrocyanide and ferricyanide (yellow, red, green, blue). Organic chemicals used include azo-chemicals (orange, brown, yellow, green, violet) and naptha-derived chemicals (red). Carbon (soot or ash) is also used for black. Other elements used as pigments include antimony, arsenic, beryllium, calcium, lithium, selenium, and Sulphur. Both blacklight and glow in the dark inks have been used for tattooing. Glow in the dark tattoo ink absorbs and retains a light and then glows in darkened conditions by process of phosphorescence. The ingredients in some "glow" inks are listed as: (PMMA) Polymethylmethacrylate 97.5% and microspheres of fluorescent dye 2.5% suspended in UV sterilized, distilled water. Blacklight ink does not glow in the dark, but reacts to non-visible UV light, producing a visible glow by fluorescence. The resulting brightness of both these inks is highly variable. Unsubstantiated claims have been made that some inks fade over time, yielding a "semi-permanent tattoo. The safety of such inks for use on humans is widely debated in the tattoo community. After Tattooing What Happen? After initial injection, the pigment is dispersed throughout a homogenized damaged layer down through the epidermis and upper dermis, in both of which the presence of foreign material activates the immune system's phagocytes to engulf the pigment particles. As healing proceeds, the damaged epidermis flakes away (eliminating surface pigment) while more rooted in the skin granulation tissue forms, which is later converted to connective tissue by collagen growth. This repairs the upper dermis, where pigment remains trapped within fibroblasts, concentrating in a layer just below the dermis/epidermis boundary. Its presence there is stable, but in the long term (decades), the pigment tends to migrate deeper into the dermis, accounting for the degraded detail of old tattoos. Tattoo pigment has been reported both intracellularly and extracellularly, with mild fibrosis and occasional foreign-body giant cell reactions, with allergic granulomas, and with sarcoid reactions. Tattoo ink is remarkably non-reactive histologically, despite the frequent use of different pigments of unknown purity and identity by tattoo artists. Although it rarely occurs, red (mercury), yellow (cadmium), green (chromium), and blue (cobalt) tattoo pigments have elicited a persistent, localized allergic or photoallergic dermatitis and, more infrequently, systemic reactions. Interestingly, the colors most involved in allergic reactions (red and yellow) often spontaneously disappear from a tattoo without clinical signs of a response. Complex and light absorbing molecules are implanted in the skin. When tattooed skin receives UV radiation or natural sunlight, photochemical cleavage of the pigments may occur. The decomposition products are hazardously showing a potential risk of being toxic or even carcinogenic. At present, a risk assessment is not feasible since the concentration of pigments and their decomposition products in skin are unknown. Sun protection is necessary for successful laser tattoo removal. First, it decreases the number of melanin pigments that competed with laser absorption with tattoo pigments. This means reduced intake with tattoo pigments (reduce efficacy and increase absorption by melanin pigments (epidermal injury and more side effects). How to Do Safe Tattooing? What are the Complications? The tattooing should be carried out by trained personnel so that the pigment is placed at the appropriate depth. Thorough cleaning of the surface to be tattooed is mandatory to prevent resident organisms of the skin from being introduced in the dermis. The inks should be sterile and of good quality without external contaminants to reduce the incidence of allergic and granulomatous reactions. Strict aseptic precautions are essential to prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. The instruments should be sterile, and preferably all disposables should be used to avoid transmissible diseases such as Hepatitis B, C, and HIV infection and leprosy. There are regulations that restrict blood donation following a tattoo. The period varies from 4 months to 1 year in different counties. Who Get a Tattoo? In the United States, rates of tattooing have increased over the past several decades. It is currently estimated that 21%to 24%of the population in the United States has at least 1 tattoo. Tattoos also seem increasingly common in younger generations. It has been estimated that up to a quarter of young to middle-aged adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. 2 As tattoos become Who Get Laser Tattoo Removal? Why? 28% of people who get tattoos regret the decision within the first month. The motivation for tattoo removal includes new jobs or careers, the need to portray an image at work or in new social circles, and further, negative feelings towards old tattoos. Various psychosocial reasons, especially when names are tattooed, and patients reconsider or a change of faith in case of religious symbols. Many occupations, such as the armed forces, prohibit the presence of tattoos and seek tattoo removal. It has been rightly sung by Jimmy Buffett, an American singer, that a tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling. How Does Laser Remove My Tattoo? The mechanism of action of the QSL is through photon absorption by tattoo pigment within fibroblasts. During the 40-nanosecond pulse, temperatures exceeding 1000°C can occur. Gaseous products of pyrolysis or pores created by superheated steam may account for the lamellated appearance of the granules after laser exposure. The reduction in pigment particle size and fragmentation of pigment-containing cells results from rapid thermal expansion, shock waves, and potentially localized cavitation. Fluence-dependent thermal damage to collagen immediately surrounding the irradiated tattoo pigment also occurs. Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are capable of emitting two wavelengths of light, 1064- and 532-nm wavelengths. This enables effective treatment of dark tattoo pigments such as black and dark blue using the 1064-nm wavelength, as well as the removal of red and orange pigments using the 532-nm wavelength. This laser sends precise pulses of high energy light into the skin, vaporizing some tattoo inks and fragmenting other tattoo inks into thousands of tiny particles which are then safely eliminated from your skin by macrophages immune cells. How Long Should I Wait Between Tattoo Laser Removal? The appropriate treatment interval is critical and yet poorly understood. Early on, patients were treated every 4 weeks. Higher fluences and shorter pulse widths remove tattoo pigment more rapidly but may induce excessive shock wave tissue reaction; therefore, they must be balanced with the desire to remove dye without scarring or hypopigmentation. The current recommendation is to treat at 6- to 8-week intervals unless a more extended period of 2-3 months is needed for tissue recovery. For highly motivated patients, I schedule them every 2 weeks if only QS lasers are used. Fractional CO2 or Ultra-pulse CO2 is used every 4-6 weeks to help skin recover. You should think of the fading and eventual elimination of your tattoo as a project which you might work on from time to time over the next year or two. What are the Types of Tattoo? Tattoos can be divided into Decorative tattoo (amateur& professional), cosmetic, medical, and traumatic categories. Decorative tattoos are tattoos placed on the skin as a decoration. The classic types of tattoos such as amateur tattoos have paved the way to highly intricate multi-colored professional tattoos, with the current trend being 3D tattoos, optical illusion tattoos, head mandala tattoos, foot tattoos, miniature portraits, etc. Amateur tattoo inks consist of simple, carbon particles originating from burnt wood, cotton, plastic, or paper, or from a variety of inks, including India ink, pen ink, and vegetable matter. A needle used to deposit ink at various depth of the skin.  The amateur tattoo is easily to remove as it contains low volume of pigments and superficially place. Professional tattoos contain more ink, deeper ink, and multiple colors with the help of a hollow needle or a tattoo gun to inject pigments into the dermal layer of skin. The granule depth remains uniform and is located at the bottom of about 400 ums in the upper to mid-dermis. This explains the difficulty in treating these tattoos as compared to amateur tattoos, which are superficially placed. Cosmetic tattoos are also known as micro- pigmentation or permanent cosmetics. This type of tattoo is used as permanent eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick, and other permanent cosmetic purposes. This type of tattoo is also used to cover skin pigment disorders, scars, and other blemishes. In the hands of professionals, permanent cosmetics can form a beneficial final step in the treatment of many patients. Cosmetic tattoos using skin-colored tones like medical tattoos used as radiation markers. Medical Tattoo is used to treat a condition, communicate information, or mark a body location. Tattoos have also been used to provide notice to emergency personnel that a person has diabetes mellitus. During breast reconstruction after mastectomy or breast reduction surgery, tattooing is sometimes used to replace the areola or to fill in areas of pigment loss, which may occur during breast reduction performed with a free nipple graft technique. Medical therapeutic tattooing has been used as a camouflage technique in vitiligo, as camouflage for permanent hair loss after craniofacial surgery, and scars following plastic and reconstructive surgery. The inks used often contain pigments that are red, brown, white, or flesh-colored; inks containing titanium dioxide and iron oxide are difficult to remove Traumatic tattoos are deposited in the skin following abrasion, laceration, or explosive injuries. Such pressurized penetration of dark particles into the deep dermis gives rise to black or blue tattoos, depending on the depth of the pigment. Traumatic tattoos acquired because of fireworks or explosives must be treated with great caution. Some of the particles embedded in the skin may be flammable and may reignite after laser treatment. This may result in significant scarring. These tattoos must be approached with care and a small test spot performed before embarking on the removal of large areas What are the Options of Tattoo Removal? The methods for tattoo removal can be distinguished into 2 groups, namely ablative and non-ablative tattoo removal procedures. Ablative or “Do Not Care” Tattoo Removal or the History of Tattoo Removal If you are in a hurry, unwilling to pay the expense of modern, long process of laser tattoo removal and above all willing to accept scars as a trade for tattoo removal  (I call this attitude I don’t care" the old, ablative treatment is the way to go. In such treatment, the top layer of your skin that contains the tattoo pigments is ablated, and the skin healed with scar tissue. Another option to get a tattoo out is surgical excision.  The main disadvantage of destructive mechanical modalities is the high risk of scarring; hypertrophic scars are common when tissue is removed deeply to extract all of the tattoo pigment. In addition, residual tattoo pigment is standard, and postoperative pain can be significant Salabrasion The oldest method of physical tissue destruction involves abrading the superficial dermis (past the point of bleeding) with coarse granules of common table salt and a moist gauze pad. Salt is then applied to the wound surface and left under the surgical dressing for 24 hours. The upper layer of skin is abraded or “sanded,” and the underlying layers of skin replace the damaged slabs, allowing the pigment to leach out of the skin. Though some authors were enthusiastic about this procedure, including me, residual tattoo pigment often remained after the wound healed, requiring subsequent treatments. I personally, tried this method myself in combination with ablative CO2 lasers with resultant scar tissue formation and incomplete removal of pigments Dermabrasion Dermabrasion is the primary method of mechanical tissue destruction. To remove as much tattoo pigment as possible, a rapidly spinning diamond fraise wheel. The procedure tends to be bloody. Tissue and blood particulates, of a size that can access pulmonary and mucosal surfaces, are aerosolized into the operative suite and may carry infectious agents. Subsequent scarring is worse if complete pigment removal is attempted in one session by creating a wound to the full depth of the tattoo pigment. Removing tissue only to the extent of the papillary dermis minimizes scarring but leaves significant tattoo pigment, requiring additional procedures that increase the scarring potential. To enhance efficacy, gentian violet or tannic acid and silver nitrate are applied to the superficially abraded surface Side effects and complications of this procedure are skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation) at the treatment site, infection of the tattoo site, incomplete pigment removal, or scarring, even 3–6 months after the tattoo is removed. Chemical Tissue Destruction In 1888, Variot first described the use of caustic chemicals (tannic acid and silver nitrate) after disruption of the skin surface with punctures and incisions. This technique, known as the French method, results in a scar that is less coarse than that from the application of more destructive chemicals but often leaves variable amounts of residual tattoo pigment. A combination of superficial dermabrasion and a form of tannic acid also resulted in hypertrophic scarring in 34% of patients and remaining tattoo in patients with deep tattoo pigment. Intradermal injection of tannic acid by using reciprocating needles results in epidermal and superficial dermal slough and has the same risks as other destructive modalities. Phenol solution, used in the same manner as in facial peels, and trichloroacetic acid in a 95% solution remove tattoos but result in hypopigmented scars. Repeat application is hazardous and may result in a full thickness burn that requires skin grafting. Thermal Tissue Destruction Thermal injury via fire, hot coals, and cigarettes has been used for centuries to try to remove unwanted tattoos, usually with significant scarring. Thermal cautery, with a glowing soldering iron or an electrical spark for electrodesiccation or electrocautery, is equally crude and unpredictable. The infrared coagulator, developed in West Germany in 1979, delivers a noncoherent, multispectral light with preset pulses triggered by an electronic timer. This instrument attempts to produce a more controlled cutaneous thermal injury that treats cutaneous vascular lesions and tattoos. A tungsten halogen light is the energy source, and it emits light with wavelengths of 400-2700 nm and a maximum emission near the infrared range at 900-960 nm. At this range, the primary tissue chromophores are water and oxygenated hemoglobin; however, when exogenous black and blue tattoo pigments predominate as target chromophores, a nonspecific thermal burn from heat absorption occurs. In general, dermatology, liquid nitrogen (-196 °C), is used to destroy superficial cutaneous lesions, but it is not useful in tattoo removal because the nonspecific destruction leads to prolonged healing and unpredictable results. However, successful treatment has been described, two 30-second, freeze-thaw cycles for the treatment of digital tattoos. Surgical Excision Surgical excision of skin containing tattoo pigment is also conventional but often results in incomplete tattoo removal, tissue distortion, and scarring because of limitations in wound closure and healing. Small tattoos located in areas of adequate skin laxity that allow primary closure without excessive tension can be satisfactorily removed with simple excision and the benefit of only a single treatment. However, this situation rarely occurs, and complicated wound closures, skin grafting, multiple-staged extractions, and the use of tissue expanders are often necessary to repair the tissue defect created by excision. The efficacy of this technique is highly dependent upon the individual surgeon, the size of the area to be resected, the tension of the skin in the area, and the individual’s tendencies toward scarring or developing a keloid. Read the full article
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purrcraze · 5 years
Is Coconut Oil Good For Sphynx Cats?
The loving Sphynx requires a lot of maintenance due to their lack of fur which leaves owners wondering what the best method is to keep them clean and moisturized.
Is Coconut Oil Good For Sphynx cats? Coconut oil is good both for their skin and as a way to clean them between their weekly baths. It provides moisture to their bodies while also giving you the ability to get the dirt off of their skin due to their hairless qualities. It´s also beneficial as a sunblock if your Sphynx likes to sit by the window or go outside.
Coconut oil can be used as daily maintenance or as a pre-bath routine. It will, however, not replace the weekly cleanings or other issues that your Sphynx needs help with.
Read further on how to use coconut oil for your Sphynx and other tips to keep your kitty in tip-top shape.
Coconut oil’s benefits and Daily Maintenance
As mentioned above coconut oil works as a cleaning agent between baths, while also moisturizes your Sphynx’s skin. It has several other advantages such as sunblock for your Sphynx and can be used for a topical ointment due to its antibacterial qualities.
Just make sure not to use it directly on any wounds. Something to keep in mind, if you cat ingests too much coconut oil, then it can cause tummy problems. Using small amounts will not hurt them and can be used as a way to prevent worms.
I personally use it on my hairy kitties for their fur and have not had this issue.
While Coconut oil tends to be the most frequently used natural cleaning and moisturizing product for the Sphynx cat it isn’t the only one.
If you don’t like coconut oil then there are some alternatives:
Olive Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Gentle Baby wipes
Cat Wipes
Just because the Sphynx needs regular maintenance doesn’t mean they will like it any more than your standard cat. Hopefully by the time that they are adopted the breeder was already providing this care to accustom them to the process.
If you have been made painfully aware that this is not the case, don’t get discouraged. It might be rough at first, but try to make it as enjoyable as you can for them so that your Sphynx doesn’t look at this like torture. With time they will adjust to it.
Items needed for Coconut Oil wipe down:
1-2 Tablespoons worth of coconut oil
Microwave safe bowl
Two soft hand towels
Larger towel (In case they hate it)
The best method for your daily, or whenever you need it, routine is to scoop about 1-2 tablespoon’s worth of coconut oil into a microwave safe bowl. Heat the bowl for 10-20 seconds depending on your microwave.
You want the oil to be warm and melted not hot. After the coconut oil is the desired temperature and consistency dip a soft washcloth into the oil. Use this cloth to wipe down your Sphynx’s entire body excluding their eyes.
Once they are completely oily wet a washcloth with warm water. First, wipe their eyes with this cloth while it is not covered in oil. Then use it to gently buff the oil into their skin while removing the excess from their body. This part is essential.
The Sphynx is already an oily cat and while using coconut oil is excellent for sunblock and other benefits you do not want to accelerate this problem, or you will be cleaning them again very soon.
If your Sphynxy just hates this process play with them beforehand to wear them out. Then provide them with treats. Use a larger towel to half swaddle your kitty to prevent them from clawing you half to death.
Hold their body with your less dominant arm and use the other one to do the wiping. While doing this make sure to talk to them in a calm, loving tone so that they understand that this is not a punishment.
After it is done provide them with a treat afterward, just for good measure.
Using Coconut Oil Before Bathing Your Sphynx
The Sphynx is a beautiful, affectionate cat, so what is the downside to owning one? To put simply the amount of maintenance that is needed to take care of them.
Don’t let this be the reason why you never get a Sphynx though. If the habit of bathing and maintenance is started early, say when they are a kitten, it can be a pleasurable experience for all involved.
To the point where they will actually enjoy water time.
While some people use coconut oil as a way of daily cleaning others, use it for a pre-bath moisturizing session. This method will give your cat the moisture that they need, while also ensuring that no excess oil is clinging to their skin.
For this procedure simply scoop the coconut oil with your hands and then rub it in between your palms until it liquifies. Once it is wet rub the oil all over your Sphynx’s body, avoiding their eyes until they are completely covered.
If they are adjusted to water then merely wash them with a gentle shampoo in warm water, you can also use dawn dish soap or baby shampoo.
If your Sphynx absolutely hates bath time follow the pre-wiping procedure above and then place a towel on top of the water before you put them in. The towel provides them with something to cling to so that they don’t feel disoriented in the water.
Something else to keep in mind, they don’t have the protective hair for their ears or eyes. Part of the bathing routine will be to clean their ears with a q-tip soaked with warm water and/or gentle soap, making sure not to go too far in.
Then gently wipe their eyes with a wet washcloth dipped only in warm water.
Other things to keep your Sphynx happy and healthy
No fur means lack of warmth. The Sphynx cat is very susceptible to getting cold. If you live in a warmer climate, then this needs to be regulated only for a few months of the year. Colder climates are an issue for them.
During the chillier months, they will need your help with regulating their body temperature. Some of that heat will come from snuggling up to you for the added warmth. Which might add to why they are so affectionate.
During this time it will not be a good idea to let them outside without some help.
For those who tried to dress up their childhood cat in doll clothes, the Sphynx would be the perfect cat for this treatment. Maybe not the doll clothes, but something warm without getting the paralyzing flop that happens when a typical cat has something foreign on their body.
When cat specific clothes are not readily available for apparent reasons head to the dog aisle for options. You could also knit one while they rest lazily in your lap.
As a way to maintain their warmth, your Sphynx might eat more than a seasoned cat owner is used to. Make sure to provide them with healthy options that have protein as the first ingredient on the label.
Something to keep in mind is the litter that you use. As mentioned above their skin has a tendency to get oily so when it comes to litter make sure to get the kind that is dust free. Otherwise, your Sphynx will wander around your home getting everything dusty instead of oily.
Related questions
Will coconut oil kill worms in cats? Yes, coconut oil is a natural antibacterial substance that can be used topically and in small doses orally. It can also kill and prevent fleas. Rub a nickel-sized amount in between your palms and apply to their coat. This will beautify their fur, and the access will be licked off to kill parasites.
Are Sphynx cats friendly? They are among the most loving cat breeds out there. The Sphynx is known for never meeting a stranger. They will great you and your guests at the door to demand pets and lap time. Even dogs and other cats are welcome, as long as they know who is boss.
Coconut oil for cats’ ears. You can use coconut oil for your cats’ ears if they have ear mites or if they have wax issues. Warm the oil and then apply a couple of drops into their ears. Then gently massage around their ears. Do this every day until the wax is gone or there is no sign of irritation.
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woundepoxy53-blog · 5 years
The Bear’s Den, February 28, 2019
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Emma: After Turnaround Season, Bears Challenged To Sustain Their Success - 670 The Score - “We’re 0-0 now,” coach Matt Nagy says.
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Bears Draft Party tickets on sale Thursday - ChicagoBears.com - Tickets for the 2019 Miller Lite Chicago Bears Draft Party on Saturday, April 27 will go on sale at 11 a.m. (CT) Thursday at ChicagoBears.com/draftparty.
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Video: Matt Nagy outlines expectations for 2019 - ChicagoBears.com - Chicago Bears head coach Matt Nagy sits down with NFL Network's Andrew Siciliano and addresses his expectations for the 2019 season on Path to the Draft.
Pace Interview Video: We're definitely a team on the rise - ChicagoBears.com - General Manager Ryan Pace addresses the media at the 2019 NFL Combine.
Stankevitz: Why the Bears aren’t guaranteed to draft a running back in April - NBC Sports Chicago - Just because the Bears need a running back doesn't mean they're definitely going to take one in April's NFL Draft.
NFL Combine notes: Could the Bears keep both Bryce Callahan and Adrian Amos? - NBC Sports Chicago - General manager Ryan Pace didn't rule out the Bears being able to keep both impending free agents Bryce Callahan and Adrian Amos.
Stankevitz: Seeking 'major competition,' Bears will look to free agency and NFL Draft to fix their kicking woes - NBC Sports Chicago - The Bears could bring in at least two more kickers to build a significant competition as they attempt to fix the kicking woes that've plagued the franchise for years.
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Finley: Vic Fangio says it was 'hard to leave' Bears, but they'll 'do fine' - Sun Times - The players, he said, will “do fine” under new defensive coordinator Chuck Pagano, who will run a 3-4 scheme similar to the one Fangio orchestrated.
Finley: Bears claim consideration of RB Kareem Hunt 'never got serious' - Sun Times - "Did we talk about it? Yes. Was it serious? No," Bears general manager Ryan Pace said.
Biggs: Forget the kicker hullabaloo. The Bears' most pressing roster issue is nickel cornerback - Chicago Tribune - Bears GM Ryan Pace fielded 61 questions Wednesday morning and 19 were about kickers. Don't miss wide of the mark, the team's biggest issue right now is re-signing nickel cornerback Bryce Callahan or finding a talented replacement.
Campbell: 5 takeaways from Bears coach Matt Nagy's NFL combine media session, including running game improvements and Mitch Trubisky's development - Chicago Tribune - Bears coach Matt Nagy spoke Wednesday at the NFL combine about running game improvements, Mitch Trubisky's development, the defense's transition to coordinator Chuck Pagano and the ongoing search for a kicker.
Kane: 5 takeaways from Bears GM Ryan Pace's NFL combine media session, including finding a new kicker and whether Kareem Hunt was ever seriously considered - Chicago Tribune - Bears general manager Ryan Pace met with the media Wednesday morning at the NFL scouting combine to talk not only about the draft but a wide range of topics regarding the 2019 Bears.
Bear Download podcast: An interview with Bears coach Matt Nagy at the NFL combine - Chicago Tribune - Welcome to the weekly Bear Download podcast. Listen below or subscribe and listen on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Play Rich Campbell and Dan Wiederer are at the NFL scouting combine in Indianapolis and are joined by a special guest: Bears coach Matt Nagy (3:05 mark). Nagy weighs in on a...
Wiederer: GM Ryan Pace will 'explore every avenue' to find the Bears' new kicker - Chicago Tribune - With Cody Parkey exiting Chicago after one disappointing season, Bears general manager Ryan Pace faces a major challenge of stabilizing the kicker position. Robbie Gould is off the table. So where will the Bears search to find a new kicker?
Biggs: If the Bears aim to create more salary-cap space, an extension for backup QB Chase Daniel would make sense - Chicago Tribune - The Bears added some salary-cap space when they restructured the contract of right guard Kyle Long on Tuesday and GM Ryan Pace said "internal conversations" are constantly happening in regards to other moves. An extension for backup QB Chase Daniel could create more cap space.
Biggs Bears Q&A: Could GM Ryan Pace make a play for Antonio Brown? What about Le'Veon Bell? - Chicago Tribune - Brad Biggs answers your Bears questions weekly. Could GM Ryan Pace make a play for disgruntled Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown? What about Le'Veon Bell? When was the last time the Bears had a compensatory draft pick and, yes, plenty of kicker questions.
Rosenthal: Get ready for the NFL combine, the Westminster Dog Show for humans - Chicago Tribune - The NFL combine is a multiday job interview for 300 or so invited draft-eligible athletes, much of it out in the open as a manufactured TV event. It’s part Army induction, part gym class and affords every team the chance to evaluate the physical, mental and medical condition. But what does it mean?
Zeglinski: Reunion season - Bears’ off-season will be marked by team harmony – The Rock River Times - You know it when you see it. In roughly one calendar year, the best thing Matt Nagy did with the Bears is establish the kind of culture one dreams about
Mayer: 3 things we learned from Pace, Nagy - ChicagoBears.com - Speaking to reporters Wednesday at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis, Bears general manager Ryan Pace and coach Matt Nagy discussed what the team intends to do with kicker Cody Parkey, why Pace feels more pressure entering this offseason than last year and
Mayer: Pace wants ‘major competition’ at kicker - ChicagoBears.com - Bears general manager Ryan Pace on Wednesday vowed to leave no stone unturned in his quest to find a new kicker, saying: “I promise we’ll explore every avenue to better that.”
2019 Potential Cuts: Defensive Tackle - Over the Cap - 2019 Potential Cuts: Defensive Tackle - Over the Cap
OTC Podcast: Previewing the 2019 Free Agent Pass Rushers - Over the Cap - OTC Podcast: Previewing the 2019 Free Agent Pass Rushers - Over the Cap
2019 Potential Cuts: Edge Rusher - Over the Cap - 2019 Potential Cuts: Edge Rusher - Over the Cap
You know I disrespect the Lions... because, well... Lions... but I can’t disrespect one of the best we’ve ever seen. Fortunately, Barry made other teams look silly more than he did us.
Detroit Lions, Bob Quinn counting on Teez Tabor to improve in Year 3 - Pride Of Detroit - Confidence in Tabor doesn’t seem to have been shaken despite a rough first two years.
How to watch the NFL Combine like a scout - Pride Of Detroit - Cone drills? 40 yard times? We break it all down for you and give you some names to watch as well!
Detroit Lions GM Bob Quinn ‘not against’ drafting a TE at 8 overall - Pride Of Detroit - Tight end is very much on the table for the Lions’ 8th overall pick... provided the right prospect is there.
Transcript: Rick Spielman’s Press Conference in Indianapolis - Daily Norseman - Rickspeak is locked and loaded!
Mike Zimmer - Daily Norseman - Is this a sick joke?
Report: Minnesota Vikings shopping Trae Waynes at Scouting Combine - Daily Norseman - Could he be traded before the start of the new league year?
Josh Jacobs, not Le’Veon Bell, should be the target if the Packers upgrade at RB - Acme Packing Company - Green Bay may be just fine at the position with Aaron Jones and Jamaal Williams, but the Alabama product could be had for a much lower financial cost and still give the Packers an all-around threat.
Report: Minnesota Vikings Exercise Mike Zimmer’s Option Through 2020 - Daily Norseman - Zimmer is now slated to be the Head Coach through the 2020 season.
Matt LaFleur at 2019 NFL combine: run game can help Aaron Rodgers - Acme Packing Company - Mike McCarthy preached balance, but rarely practiced it. Matt LaFleur sounds ready to enact action to go along with his words on the run game.
Schmitz presents: [Video] Anatomy of a Play - The Trubisky-Cohen Connection, Terrible Throw Touchdown - Windy City Gridiron - With the season in the books, Robert S. kicks off a new series dedicated to analyzing the underrated plays of 2018. The first play up for review is Trubisky’s "poor throw" touchdown to Tarik Cohen in Week 15
Wiltfong: Bears inquired about trading for John Ross - Windy City Gridiron - The Bears are reported to be checking on the availability of speedy wide out John Ross.
Wiltfong: NFL Network’s Daniel Jeremiah on Bears’ running back prospects - Windy City Gridiron - Daniel Jeremiah talks late round running back prospects and drafting kickers.
2 Minute Drill - Website - iTunes - Andrew Link; Steven’s Streaming – Twitch – Steven Schweickert; T-Formation Conversation - Website - iTunes - Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; WCG Radio - Website - iTunes - Robert Zeglinski
Windy City Gridiron Community Guidelines - SBNation.com - We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to sports fans of all backgrounds. The following is not permitted in comments. No personal attacks, politics, gender based insults of any kind, racial insults, etc.
The Bear’s Den Specific Guidelines – The Bear’s Den is a place for Chicago Bears fans to discuss Chicago Bears football, related NFL stories, and general football talk. It is NOT a place to discuss religion or politics or post political pictures or memes. Unless otherwise stated, the Den is not an open thread, and profanity (including profanity only stated in pictures) is prohibited.
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Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/2/28/18243156/chicago-bears-den-offseason-links-news-information-free-agency-draft-nfl-combine-pace-nagy-kicker
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flauntpage · 6 years
Eagles Wednesday: Breaking Down the Breakdowns in the Secondary
There’s no real structure to this week’s video breakdown.
I think we’re just going to go through the Tampa film and look for two things:
breakdowns in the secondary
how did the receivers run their routes? were they getting open? where did they line up?
Those are the two biggest concerns heading into week three against the Colts. It’s the secondary play and the offensive skill positions, – i.e., does Carson Wentz have anybody to throw to?
Obviously some of this film will be rendered obsolete with the addition of Jordan Matthews, but I think we can look for some patterns from the Tampa game to get of an idea of how they might be able to use the limited offensive pieces currently on the roster. We can look at the different sets they used and how they deployed Nelson Agholor and Zach Ertz.
I wrote about the DeSean Jackson touchdown pass in my Monday takeaways article, but we’ve got access to the coaches film now via NFL Gamepass, so I wanted to give you the play again from a wider angle where you can see exactly what’s going on:
Malcolm Jenkins took responsibility for this mistake after the game.
He’s assigned to the middle third of the field as the Eagles switch from a cover 2 in their base 4-3 defense to a single-high safety and cover 3 scheme as they blitz Ronald Darby off the corner and slide Rodney McLeod down into coverage on Mike Evans.
This is what they were attempting to do, just a little counter-clockwise rotation where they drop off into a different coverage and send Darby towards the quarterback:
Jenkins is responsible for the deep middle third of the field and just takes the short angle there for some reason, which allows Jackson to beat Mills over the top.
Sure, Mills can do a lot better there, but it’s just suicidal to try to match up against DeSean Jackson with no safety help over the top.
On the second 75 yard touchdown, the coverage was fine I think, and Jordan Hicks was close to O.J. Howard when he caught the ball. Ronald Darby missed a tackle, Rodney McLeod wasn’t able to pursue from behind, and Malcolm Jenkins couldn’t shed a block:
Nothing crazy here.
They’re in nickel, so you’ve got Sidney Jones in the slot and Hicks is responsible for Howard on the inside. Nigel Bradham moves to address Jacquizz Rodgers coming out of the backfield and McLeod drops into a shallow zone on the right side in front of Darby’s man, Chris Godwin:
At least I think that’s what McLeod’s assignment was here.. I’m not totally sure, but I think it’s just a simple zone. It makes it harder for Fitzpatrick to pick out Godwin and McLeod can then cover the weakside flat if the QB dumps it off for the running back instead.
Again Jenkins is responsible for the middle third of the field, and he’s naturally going to trend to his left since the Bucs are throwing three receivers to that side of the hash marks. Jenkins gets over to help but can’t get through a really nicely executed downfield block from Godwin.
So on both 75 yard touchdown catches, Jenkins was the deep man. He blew his coverage on the first play and then failed to shed the necessary block on the second play.
Jim Schwartz was asked about giving up those scores during his Tuesday press conference:
Q. The two 75-yard touchdowns, that’s really an aberration for you guys. I know it’s a focus – (Reuben Frank)
Schwartz: It wasn’t in this game, and that’s all we have to go on. I think we’re on the wrong path if we just say that, if we just say it’s an aberration. The one was on a blitz and one was considered to be a pretty safe zone, and both of them were the same result, and it just goes to show you, you can’t let your guard down on any play. There is a risk of blitzing. I know most of the — every time I step on to the field, or come out of the tunnel, all I hear is, “Schwartz, you’ve got to blitz every play, you’ve got to bring it every play.” And I understand, they mean you have to pressure the quarterback, which we’re all for, but there is some risk inherent to that. We took a risk on the first play, we paid dearly for it. We didn’t execute very well on a 75-yarder, a lot of different layers to that. It’s never one person’s fault, but then we also didn’t tackle very well. I think that the first play is probably off of that because we never laid a glove on him, but the second play, we had chances, and we didn’t look like ourselves a lot of times. There were sometimes where running backs and wide receivers were dragging us for two and three extra yards, and you generally don’t see that from us. We need to get back on track to playing physical football and tackling well.
I was curious to go back and look at the red zone touchdown, the Godwin score from eight yards out.
There are a few things going on here, both in the secondary and on the line, so watch the clip twice and first look at Michael Bennett, who jumps offside and then fails to contain Fitzpatrick as he gets caught inside. Then look at it again and watch Godwin’s route across the middle of the field.
Two different camera angles:
The question of the Bennett jump was asked and answered:
Q. That third touchdown where DE Michael Bennett jumped and then it looked like he circled around, was that him doing a zone or was that a called stunt? (Nick Fierro) 
Schwartz: No, he just got — no, he doesn’t have coverage down the field. He just got off track once he was — here’s the thing with that. Mike was guilty of this, as was Malcolm, as was me. We had a lot of guys that were trying to make a play, and what happens is that sometimes rather than do your job, you press to try to make a play, and all of a sudden you end up giving up plays. And what Mike was trying to do there, we’re backed up, he’s trying to make a play, get a sack, get a jump, get a tackle for a loss, something like that. He got too aggressive, jumped, and then he just ended up in there. That’s what happens when you jump offsides. You get that.
But the coverage had nothing to do with it. We blew a coverage that we very rarely ever blow. We had very few missed assignments in the game. That was one, and we take pride in being a good red zone team. We weren’t in this last game.
This is very similar to the formation that Tampa Bay used on the Howard score, with three receivers on the right, one on the left, and a running back to Fitzpatrick’s left. The difference here is that they bunch up on the strong side. These are the routes Tampa ran:
The Eagles are in dime here with Corey Graham on the field. Malcolm Jenkins is lined up next to Hicks and takes Rodgers coming out of the backfield. Darby is 1v1 at the top of the image and Jones, McLeod, Mills, and Graham are responsible for the bunched receivers.
The way Hicks turns around and looks at McLeod after the play makes me think the safety was responsible for covering that area while the linebacker sits in zone at the goal line. Graham is on the strong side in what essentially equates to a 4v3 or 5v3, so somebody blew something here:
You see how far Bennett takes himself out of the play with that offside jump and overcorrection.
And I’m not sure what McLeod is looking at here, because Graham is already on the strong side and the Eagles have numbers defending two receivers. Hicks lets Godwin slide behind him and there’s no cover over the top.
When Schwartz says “we blew a coverage that we very rarely ever blow,” he ain’t lying.
As for the Eagles offense…
Actually, you know what – let’s do that tomorrow. This thing was long enough already, so let’s finish that Thursday as a “part two” of the weekly film review.
The post Eagles Wednesday: Breaking Down the Breakdowns in the Secondary appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Eagles Wednesday: Breaking Down the Breakdowns in the Secondary published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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footballleague0 · 7 years
Questions about Vic Beasley, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense
Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek! The Falcons (2-0) are getting ready for the Lions (2-0) – and you’ve got questions. Just remember that all opinions you see in this space are mine, unless otherwise noted.
And we’re off.
Opie from Charlotte, NC
Hey, Beek. The Lions have a dynamic receiving corps. Do you think we play dime and nickel most of the game? Their backs are pretty much third-down backs as well. I think their pass defense is suspect, but they have a decent pass rush. I say Hooper, Sanu and our backs out of the backfield have a field day. Your thoughts?
Matt: The Lions focused on their offensive line during the offseason and it’s paying dividends. They signed free agent tackle Ricky Wagner, who was considered to be one of the top free agents at his position, if not the best. Detroit got its run game going on Monday night, too, with Ameer Abdullah rushing for 86 yards (and 138 total on the ground). I wouldn’t necessarily call them “third-down backs.” And yes, their receivers – Golden Tate, Marvin Jones, Kenny Golladay and TJ Jones – can make some plays downfield. As far as their pass rush goes, getting Ziggy Ansah back and healthy makes a huge difference for them. Against the Giants he recorded three sacks and six tackles. But Matthew Stafford is the centerpiece of that team – he is the highest-paid player for a reason – and if you listen to Skip Bayless, Stafford has a “whole lot of Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers in him.”
Bahram from Alpharetta, GA
Is it possible that Steve Sarkisian just copied the previous game plan to use against Green Bay? Does he have a problem game-planning for teams we have had not recent experience with?
Matt: Every game is different, Bahram. The personnel, the matchups, the conditions, everything. And once the games start to unfold and the opponent’s game plan becomes more evident, teams make in-game adjustments as well. So to answer your question, teams just don’t copy their game plans. They’ll certainly stick to their strengths and do what they do best, but every game is different. And Falcons fans should like what they’re seeing from Steve Sarkisian and the Falcons offense. Hope that helps.
Viv from Grayson, GA
Hi again, Beek. I took your advice and stayed to the end of the Green Bay game, though I did pace in the concourse with 12 minutes left. My concern is seeing the opponents catch up. Not knowing much about the plays, what is the reason they seem to be able to go out and score so quickly in the beginning yet not do the same towards the end? Is it a fatigue issue, the opponent adjusting their strategy, or offensive play calling? I’m hesitant to listen to the Detroit game. What do you think? Listen or not. Will they hang in there?
Matt: Viv, I’m glad you stayed and saw your Falcons win a big game in the new stadium. Teams are going to take chances when they’re down by three touchdowns or in the case of the Packers, down 24. And when there’s a great quarterback involved, chances are they’ll make some plays. The Packers scored 13 points, and the Falcons did what they had to do and won. That’s all that matters. And you should definitely listen to or watch the Lions game. It should be a great game.
Steve from Atlanta, GA
Not to beat a dead horse, but when you are beating a team by a lot of points in the fourth quarter, you know what they’re going to try to do. We did and we still couldn’t stop them. Alford was not playing tight at all and kept giving up reception after reception. I am thrilled we won, but it’s hard to understand what we were trying to do at the end.
Matt: Hey, Steve. I’ll say it again, the Packers went into the second half knowing they had to score a bunch of points just to make it close. They were not only battling the Falcons toward the end, but also the clock and trying to preserve timeouts concurrently. If you’re the Falcons, the one thing you do not want to do is give up big plays and easy scores in a hurry – that’ll let your opponent right back into the game. And when you do have the ball back, you want to eat as much of the clock as possible – and that’s one thing I would’ve liked to have seen more of. Give the Packers credit for making some stops and trying to rally, but they came up short. A win is a win, Steve. They’re all different. Enjoy it!
Kellan from Dayton, OH
Hey Beek! I’m Kellan from Dayton, Ohio, a die-hard Falcons fan and I follow your column, but this is my first-time commenting. I was wondering why we seem to take our foot off our opponents’ necks once we’ve established a comfortable lead? The D played totally different on the back half of the Sunday victory against the Packers.
Matt: Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek, Kellan! Check my responses above. I get it. To the casual fan it might appear sometimes like a team is laying off the gas. But there’s so much more to consider. When a team comes out with an empty backfield and is deploying multiple receivers, you’ve got to react defensively – and you never want to get beat deep. Part of it is the defense reacting to the offense and personnel groups. But the other part is the Falcons offense, too. If they’re eating up the clock and scoring, it’s a moot point. That didn’t happen and so fans got a little antsy. Remember, the Falcons won.
Jose from Mesa, CA
Hey Beek, I am really enjoying your column. Just want to say that I absolutely love the train horn every time we score. I think it’s a great way to give a nod to the city’s history and get the fans all fired up!
Matt: Thanks for the kind words and you’re not alone, Jose. Falcons coach Dan Quinn loves the train horn, too.
Mike from Woodstock, GA
I absolutely love this segment and love the new mobile app, Matt. I heard a bit on the radio this morning regarding the reshuffling of the linebacker position now that Beasley is out for a few weeks. They mentioned Brooks and possibly Ishmael being the potential replacements. What are your thoughts on this? To me there is no replacing Beasley. I do think we should send Brian Hill to the practice squad and bring in Freeney to rush the passer and mentor Takk (if he needs it). He looks pretty stout to me.
Matt: Hey, Mike. Glad you love it. I’ll pass on your comments. I think there’s a lot of speculating and guessing right now, but the one thing we do know (as of Monday) is that the Falcons will not be making any sort of major transactions right now. Falcons coach Dan Quinn did say that Dwight Freeney was on the team’s radar but for now they’re taking a “next man up” approach. If Beasley’s injury requires that he miss multiple weeks, I think they’d like to get to the bye week and make a determination then on any possible moves. They do have some depth this year along the defensive front, which is a good thing. Let’s wait and see how things shake out against the Lions. If the pass rush is productive and Beasley looks like he could return in a couple of weeks, then that would be the best-case scenario. Remember, Freeney is 37 years old and you have to wonder how much gas is left in that tank.
Ricky from Springfield, GA
Hey Beek. I like your column. In being a former high school football coach, I think you do a good job in answering all the questions positively and well-mannered. I would like to know where the Green Bay fan is that predicted a blowout of the Falcons? I liked your answer, “I think your letter got in the wrong mailbag.” Thanks for what you do.
Matt: I really appreciate that, coach. I have a ton of respect for all coaches – and once a coach, always a coach in my book. That said, I was wondering, too, if we might hear back from Ryan of Lake Hills, Illinois, after he predicted destruction for the Falcons.
Alan from Atlanta, GA
Your Q&A exchanges are one of the most enjoyable reads since I began following the Falcons in ’66. Is it pronounced TA (tay) Beek or TA (tahh) Beek?
Matt: Why thank you, Alan. It would be more like the latter, sir (tuh-BEEK). I’m Irish and English, but my name is Syrian. Long story for another day. I’m glad you enjoy reading – and I enjoy getting questions about the older teams a lot, so please submit them whenever you have one.
Jason from Monroe, GA
Do you know if they plan to hang ring of honor banners and division/conference banners back up in the new stadium?
Matt: Jason, there are no plans at the moment to physically hang banners. Instead they’ll be digital banners, if you will, that’ll be shown during the games. There is an actual Falcons Ring of Honor and it’s located between Gates 3 and 4 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Rayquan from Atlanta, GA
We have lost our two best linemen on offense and defense in Vic Beasley and Ryan Schraeder. Do you think that will affect our production on both sides of the ball?
Matt: The Falcons are a better team when those two players are on the field and healthy. I don’t think anyone would dispute that. That said, don’t panic just yet because we still don’t know how long each player will be out. With Schraeder it could be day to day, depending on the severity of his concussion. And with Beasley, all Falcons coach Dan Quinn would say definitively is that the defensive end would miss this week and he wouldn’t commit to anything beyond that. So, for now, the Falcons will take a “next man up” approach. They’ve done it in the past and have still been successful and they’ll do it again. It’s football and injuries are a part of the game.
Eric from Atlanta, GA
Hello, we all know Vic Beasley is out around a month. However, I haven’t heard anything about Ryan Schrader’s concussion? Do we have any information on how long he will be out, if not at all? Thanks!
Matt: Eric, Falcons coach Dan Quinn said Beasley would be out at least this week. As far as Schraeder goes, he remains subject to the league’s concussion protocol and will be monitored throughout the week. If he can’t go this week, it’ll likely be Ty Sambrailo at right tackle. He was acquired from the Denver Broncos in exchange for a fifth-round draft pick.
Kit from Canton, GA
I think since Devonta Freeman’s contract signing, this is Tevin Coleman’s last year in Atlanta. In fact, I think he will be traded for a second-round round pick to San Francisco. Kyle Shanahan loves him. Comments?
Matt: Wow, that’s interesting and I see why you might connect those dots, but it’s obviously all speculation. I certainly haven’t seen any reports or heard of any trade rumors. I think the Falcons are built to win now and focused on 2017. As far as the offseason and possible trades go, it all depends on team needs and what they might be offered as far as compensation. Fans love to float trades out there and I get it; but it’s not fantasy football – there’s a lot more to take into consideration, as you probably know. Thanks for the comment and question.
Braden from Blanco, TX
Hey Matt, wondering if you think the Falcons should use Turbo Taylor more? He’s got the speed for big plays downfield but he seems to run mainly drags and slants.
Matt: Hey, Braden. It’s all about the matchups and hitting when the opportunities present themselves. The Falcons love to hit those big plays downfield and Taylor Gabriel certainly has tons of speed. I’m sure you’ll see Matt Ryan and Gabriel connect sooner or later.
The post Questions about Vic Beasley, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
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giantsfootball0 · 7 years
Questions about Vic Beasley, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense
Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek! The Falcons (2-0) are getting ready for the Lions (2-0) – and you’ve got questions. Just remember that all opinions you see in this space are mine, unless otherwise noted.
And we’re off.
Opie from Charlotte, NC
Hey, Beek. The Lions have a dynamic receiving corps. Do you think we play dime and nickel most of the game? Their backs are pretty much third-down backs as well. I think their pass defense is suspect, but they have a decent pass rush. I say Hooper, Sanu and our backs out of the backfield have a field day. Your thoughts?
Matt: The Lions focused on their offensive line during the offseason and it’s paying dividends. They signed free agent tackle Ricky Wagner, who was considered to be one of the top free agents at his position, if not the best. Detroit got its run game going on Monday night, too, with Ameer Abdullah rushing for 86 yards (and 138 total on the ground). I wouldn’t necessarily call them “third-down backs.” And yes, their receivers – Golden Tate, Marvin Jones, Kenny Golladay and TJ Jones – can make some plays downfield. As far as their pass rush goes, getting Ziggy Ansah back and healthy makes a huge difference for them. Against the Giants he recorded three sacks and six tackles. But Matthew Stafford is the centerpiece of that team – he is the highest-paid player for a reason – and if you listen to Skip Bayless, Stafford has a “whole lot of Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers in him.”
Bahram from Alpharetta, GA
Is it possible that Steve Sarkisian just copied the previous game plan to use against Green Bay? Does he have a problem game-planning for teams we have had not recent experience with?
Matt: Every game is different, Bahram. The personnel, the matchups, the conditions, everything. And once the games start to unfold and the opponent’s game plan becomes more evident, teams make in-game adjustments as well. So to answer your question, teams just don’t copy their game plans. They’ll certainly stick to their strengths and do what they do best, but every game is different. And Falcons fans should like what they’re seeing from Steve Sarkisian and the Falcons offense. Hope that helps.
Viv from Grayson, GA
Hi again, Beek. I took your advice and stayed to the end of the Green Bay game, though I did pace in the concourse with 12 minutes left. My concern is seeing the opponents catch up. Not knowing much about the plays, what is the reason they seem to be able to go out and score so quickly in the beginning yet not do the same towards the end? Is it a fatigue issue, the opponent adjusting their strategy, or offensive play calling? I’m hesitant to listen to the Detroit game. What do you think? Listen or not. Will they hang in there?
Matt: Viv, I’m glad you stayed and saw your Falcons win a big game in the new stadium. Teams are going to take chances when they’re down by three touchdowns or in the case of the Packers, down 24. And when there’s a great quarterback involved, chances are they’ll make some plays. The Packers scored 13 points, and the Falcons did what they had to do and won. That’s all that matters. And you should definitely listen to or watch the Lions game. It should be a great game.
Steve from Atlanta, GA
Not to beat a dead horse, but when you are beating a team by a lot of points in the fourth quarter, you know what they’re going to try to do. We did and we still couldn’t stop them. Alford was not playing tight at all and kept giving up reception after reception. I am thrilled we won, but it’s hard to understand what we were trying to do at the end.
Matt: Hey, Steve. I’ll say it again, the Packers went into the second half knowing they had to score a bunch of points just to make it close. They were not only battling the Falcons toward the end, but also the clock and trying to preserve timeouts concurrently. If you’re the Falcons, the one thing you do not want to do is give up big plays and easy scores in a hurry – that’ll let your opponent right back into the game. And when you do have the ball back, you want to eat as much of the clock as possible – and that’s one thing I would’ve liked to have seen more of. Give the Packers credit for making some stops and trying to rally, but they came up short. A win is a win, Steve. They’re all different. Enjoy it!
Kellan from Dayton, OH
Hey Beek! I’m Kellan from Dayton, Ohio, a die-hard Falcons fan and I follow your column, but this is my first-time commenting. I was wondering why we seem to take our foot off our opponents’ necks once we’ve established a comfortable lead? The D played totally different on the back half of the Sunday victory against the Packers.
Matt: Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek, Kellan! Check my responses above. I get it. To the casual fan it might appear sometimes like a team is laying off the gas. But there’s so much more to consider. When a team comes out with an empty backfield and is deploying multiple receivers, you’ve got to react defensively – and you never want to get beat deep. Part of it is the defense reacting to the offense and personnel groups. But the other part is the Falcons offense, too. If they’re eating up the clock and scoring, it’s a moot point. That didn’t happen and so fans got a little antsy. Remember, the Falcons won.
Jose from Mesa, CA
Hey Beek, I am really enjoying your column. Just want to say that I absolutely love the train horn every time we score. I think it’s a great way to give a nod to the city’s history and get the fans all fired up!
Matt: Thanks for the kind words and you’re not alone, Jose. Falcons coach Dan Quinn loves the train horn, too.
Mike from Woodstock, GA
I absolutely love this segment and love the new mobile app, Matt. I heard a bit on the radio this morning regarding the reshuffling of the linebacker position now that Beasley is out for a few weeks. They mentioned Brooks and possibly Ishmael being the potential replacements. What are your thoughts on this? To me there is no replacing Beasley. I do think we should send Brian Hill to the practice squad and bring in Freeney to rush the passer and mentor Takk (if he needs it). He looks pretty stout to me.
Matt: Hey, Mike. Glad you love it. I’ll pass on your comments. I think there’s a lot of speculating and guessing right now, but the one thing we do know (as of Monday) is that the Falcons will not be making any sort of major transactions right now. Falcons coach Dan Quinn did say that Dwight Freeney was on the team’s radar but for now they’re taking a “next man up” approach. If Beasley’s injury requires that he miss multiple weeks, I think they’d like to get to the bye week and make a determination then on any possible moves. They do have some depth this year along the defensive front, which is a good thing. Let’s wait and see how things shake out against the Lions. If the pass rush is productive and Beasley looks like he could return in a couple of weeks, then that would be the best-case scenario. Remember, Freeney is 37 years old and you have to wonder how much gas is left in that tank.
Ricky from Springfield, GA
Hey Beek. I like your column. In being a former high school football coach, I think you do a good job in answering all the questions positively and well-mannered. I would like to know where the Green Bay fan is that predicted a blowout of the Falcons? I liked your answer, “I think your letter got in the wrong mailbag.” Thanks for what you do.
Matt: I really appreciate that, coach. I have a ton of respect for all coaches – and once a coach, always a coach in my book. That said, I was wondering, too, if we might hear back from Ryan of Lake Hills, Illinois, after he predicted destruction for the Falcons.
Alan from Atlanta, GA
Your Q&A exchanges are one of the most enjoyable reads since I began following the Falcons in ’66. Is it pronounced TA (tay) Beek or TA (tahh) Beek?
Matt: Why thank you, Alan. It would be more like the latter, sir (tuh-BEEK). I’m Irish and English, but my name is Syrian. Long story for another day. I’m glad you enjoy reading – and I enjoy getting questions about the older teams a lot, so please submit them whenever you have one.
Jason from Monroe, GA
Do you know if they plan to hang ring of honor banners and division/conference banners back up in the new stadium?
Matt: Jason, there are no plans at the moment to physically hang banners. Instead they’ll be digital banners, if you will, that’ll be shown during the games. There is an actual Falcons Ring of Honor and it’s located between Gates 3 and 4 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Rayquan from Atlanta, GA
We have lost our two best linemen on offense and defense in Vic Beasley and Ryan Schraeder. Do you think that will affect our production on both sides of the ball?
Matt: The Falcons are a better team when those two players are on the field and healthy. I don’t think anyone would dispute that. That said, don’t panic just yet because we still don’t know how long each player will be out. With Schraeder it could be day to day, depending on the severity of his concussion. And with Beasley, all Falcons coach Dan Quinn would say definitively is that the defensive end would miss this week and he wouldn’t commit to anything beyond that. So, for now, the Falcons will take a “next man up” approach. They’ve done it in the past and have still been successful and they’ll do it again. It’s football and injuries are a part of the game.
Eric from Atlanta, GA
Hello, we all know Vic Beasley is out around a month. However, I haven’t heard anything about Ryan Schrader’s concussion? Do we have any information on how long he will be out, if not at all? Thanks!
Matt: Eric, Falcons coach Dan Quinn said Beasley would be out at least this week. As far as Schraeder goes, he remains subject to the league’s concussion protocol and will be monitored throughout the week. If he can’t go this week, it’ll likely be Ty Sambrailo at right tackle. He was acquired from the Denver Broncos in exchange for a fifth-round draft pick.
Kit from Canton, GA
I think since Devonta Freeman’s contract signing, this is Tevin Coleman’s last year in Atlanta. In fact, I think he will be traded for a second-round round pick to San Francisco. Kyle Shanahan loves him. Comments?
Matt: Wow, that’s interesting and I see why you might connect those dots, but it’s obviously all speculation. I certainly haven’t seen any reports or heard of any trade rumors. I think the Falcons are built to win now and focused on 2017. As far as the offseason and possible trades go, it all depends on team needs and what they might be offered as far as compensation. Fans love to float trades out there and I get it; but it’s not fantasy football – there’s a lot more to take into consideration, as you probably know. Thanks for the comment and question.
Braden from Blanco, TX
Hey Matt, wondering if you think the Falcons should use Turbo Taylor more? He’s got the speed for big plays downfield but he seems to run mainly drags and slants.
Matt: Hey, Braden. It’s all about the matchups and hitting when the opportunities present themselves. The Falcons love to hit those big plays downfield and Taylor Gabriel certainly has tons of speed. I’m sure you’ll see Matt Ryan and Gabriel connect sooner or later.
The post Questions about Vic Beasley, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
from https://dailystarsports.com/2017/09/20/questions-about-vic-beasley-the-lions-packers-fans-and-the-falcons-defense/ from https://dailystarsports.tumblr.com/post/165565991226
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footballleague0 · 7 years
Questions about trading Tevin Coleman, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense
Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek! The Falcons (2-0) are getting ready for the Lions (2-0) – and you’ve got questions. Just remember that all opinions you see in this space are mine, unless otherwise noted.
And we’re off.
Opie from Charlotte, NC
Hey, Beek. The Lions have a dynamic receiving corps. Do you think we play dime and nickel most of the game? Their backs are pretty much third-down backs as well. I think their pass defense is suspect, but they have a decent pass rush. I say Hooper, Sanu and our backs out of the backfield have a field day. Your thoughts?
Matt: The Lions focused on their offensive line during the offseason and it’s paying dividends. They signed free agent tackle Ricky Wagner, who was considered to be one of the top free agents at his position, if not the best. Detroit got its run game going on Monday night, too, with Ameer Abdullah rushing for 86 yards (and 138 total on the ground). I wouldn’t necessarily call them “third-down backs.” And yes, their receivers – Golden Tate, Marvin Jones, Kenny Golladay and TJ Jones – can make some plays downfield. As far as their pass rush goes, getting Ziggy Ansah back and healthy makes a huge difference for them. Against the Giants he recorded three sacks and six tackles. But Matthew Stafford is the centerpiece of that team – he is the highest-paid player for a reason – and if you listen to Skip Bayless, Stafford has a “whole lot of Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers in him.”
Bahram from Alpharetta, GA
Is it possible that Steve Sarkisian just copied the previous game plan to use against Green Bay? Does he have a problem game-planning for teams we have had not recent experience with?
Matt: Every game is different, Bahram. The personnel, the matchups, the conditions, everything. And once the games start to unfold and the opponent’s game plan becomes more evident, teams make in-game adjustments as well. So to answer your question, teams just don’t copy their game plans. They’ll certainly stick to their strengths and do what they do best, but every game is different. And Falcons fans should like what they’re seeing from Steve Sarkisian and the Falcons offense. Hope that helps.
Viv from Grayson, GA
Hi again, Beek. I took your advice and stayed to the end of the Green Bay game, though I did pace in the concourse with 12 minutes left. My concern is seeing the opponents catch up. Not knowing much about the plays, what is the reason they seem to be able to go out and score so quickly in the beginning yet not do the same towards the end? Is it a fatigue issue, the opponent adjusting their strategy, or offensive play calling? I’m hesitant to listen to the Detroit game. What do you think? Listen or not. Will they hang in there?
Matt: Viv, I’m glad you stayed and saw your Falcons win a big game in the new stadium. Teams are going to take chances when they’re down by three touchdowns or in the case of the Packers, down 24. And when there’s a great quarterback involved, chances are they’ll make some plays. The Packers scored 13 points, and the Falcons did what they had to do and won. That’s all that matters. And you should definitely listen to or watch the Lions game. It should be a great game.
Steve from Atlanta, GA
Not to beat a dead horse, but when you are beating a team by a lot of points in the fourth quarter, you know what they’re going to try to do. We did and we still couldn’t stop them. Alford was not playing tight at all and kept giving up reception after reception. I am thrilled we won, but it’s hard to understand what we were trying to do at the end.
Matt: Hey, Steve. I’ll say it again, but the Packers went into the second half knowing they had to score a bunch of points just to make it close. They were not only battling the Falcons toward the end, but also the clock and trying to preserve timeouts concurrently. If you’re the Falcons, the one thing you do not want to do is give up big plays and easy scores in a hurry – that’ll let your opponent right back into the game. And when you do have the ball back, you want to eat as much of the clock as possible – and that’s one thing I would’ve liked to have seen more of. Give the Packers for making some stops and trying to rally, but they came up short. A win is a win, Steve. They’re all different. Enjoy it!
Kellan from Dayton, OH
Hey Beek! I’m Kellan from Dayton, Ohio, a die-hard Falcons fan and I follow your column, but this is my first-time commenting. I was wondering why we seem to take our foot off our opponents’ necks once we’ve established a comfortable lead? The D played totally different on the back half of the Sunday victory against the Packers.
Matt: Welcome to Straight from the ’Beek, Kellan! Check my responses above. I get it. To the casual fan it might appear sometimes like a team is laying off the gas. But there’s so much more to consider. When a team comes out with an empty backfield and is deploying multiple receivers, you’ve got to react defensively – and you never want to get beat deep. Part of it is the defense reacting to the offense and personnel groups. But the other part is the Falcons offense, too. If they’re eating up the clock and scoring, it’s a moot point. That didn’t happen and so fans got a little antsy. Remember, the Falcons won.
Jose from Mesa, CA
Hey Beek, I am really enjoying your column. Just want to say that I absolutely love the train horn every time we score. I think it’s a great way to give a nod to the city’s history and get the fans all fired up!
Matt: Thanks for the kind words and you’re not alone, Jose. Falcons coach Dan Quinn loves the train horn, too.
Mike from Woodstock, GA
I absolutely love this segment and love the new mobile app, Matt. I heard a bit on the radio this morning regarding the reshuffling of the linebacker position now that Beasley is out for a few weeks. They mentioned Brooks and possibly Ishmael being the potential replacements. What are your thoughts on this? To me there is no replacing Beasley. I do think we should send Brian Hill to the practice squad and bring in Freeney to rush the passer and mentor Takk (if he needs it). He looks pretty stout to me.
Matt: Hey, Mike. Glad you love it. I’ll pass on your comments. I think there’s a lot of speculating and guessing right now, but the one thing we do know (as of Monday) is that the Falcons will not be making any sort of major transactions right now. Falcons coach Dan Quinn did say that Dwight Freeney was on the team’s radar but for now they’re taking a “next man up” approach. If Beasley’s injury requires that he miss multiple weeks, I think they’d like to get to the bye week and make a determination then on any possible moves. They do have some depth this year along the defensive front, which is a good thing. Let’s wait and see how things shake out against the Lions. If the pass rush is productive and Beasley looks like he could return in a couple of weeks, then that would be the best-case scenario. Remember, Freeney is 37 years old and you have to wonder how much gas is left in that tank.
Ricky from Springfield, GA
Hey Beek. I like your column. In being a former high school football coach, I think you do a good job in answering all the questions positively and well-mannered. I would like to know where the Green Bay fan is that predicted a blowout of the Falcons? I liked your answer, “I think your letter got in the wrong mailbag.” Thanks for what you do.
Matt: I really appreciate that, coach. I have a ton of respect for all coaches – and once a coach, always a coach in my book. That said, I was wondering, too, if we might hear back from Ryan of Lake Hills, Illinois, after he predicted destruction for the Falcons.
Alan from Atlanta, GA
Your Q&A exchanges are one of the most enjoyable reads since I began following the Falcons in ’66. Is it pronounced TA (tay) Beek or TA (tahh) Beek?
Matt: Why thank you, Alan. It would be more like the latter, sir (tuh-BEEK). I’m Irish and English, but my name is Syrian. Long story for another day. I’m glad you enjoy reading – and I enjoy getting questions about the older teams a lot, so please submit them whenever you have one.
Jason from Monroe, GA
Do you know if they plan to hang ring of honor banners and division/conference banners back up in the new stadium?
Matt: Jason, there are no plans at the moment to physically hang banners. Instead they’ll be digital banners, if you will, that’ll be shown during the games.
Rayquan from Atlanta, GA
We have lost our two best linemen on offense and defense in Vic Beasley and Ryan Schraeder. Do you think that will affect our production on both sides of the ball?
Matt: The Falcons are a better team when those two players are on the field and healthy. I don’t think anyone would dispute that. That said, don’t panic just yet because we still don’t know how long each player will be out. With Schraeder it could be day to day, depending on the severity of his concussion. And with Beasley, all Falcons coach Dan Quinn would say definitively is that the defensive end would miss this week and he wouldn’t commit to anything beyond that. So, for now, the Falcons will take a “next man up” approach. They’ve done it in the past and have still been successful and they’ll do it again. It’s football and injuries are a part of the game.
Eric from Atlanta, GA
Hello, we all know Vic Beasley is out around a month. However, I haven’t heard anything about Ryan Schrader’s concussion? Do we have any information on how long he will be out, if not at all? Thanks!
Matt: Eric, Falcons coach Dan Quinn said Beasley would be out at least this week. As far as Schraeder goes, he remains subject to the league’s concussion protocol and will be monitored throughout the week. If he can’t go this week, it’ll likely be Ty Sambrailo at right tackle. He was acquired from the Denver Broncos in exchange for a fifth-round draft pick.
Kit from Canton, GA
I think since Devonta Freeman’s contract signing, this is Tevin Coleman’s last year in Atlanta. In fact, I think he will be traded for a second-round round pick to San Francisco. Kyle Shanahan loves him. Comments?
Matt: Wow, that’s interesting and I see why you might connect those dots, but it’s obviously all speculation. I certainly haven’t seen any reports or heard of any trade rumors. I think the Falcons are built to win and focused on 2017 right now. As far as the offseason and possible trades go, it all depends on team needs and what they might be offered as far as compensation. Fans love to float trades out there and I get it; but it’s not fantasy football – there’s a lot more to take into consideration, as you probably know. Thanks for the comment and question.
Braden from Blanco, TX
Hey Matt, wondering if you think the Falcons should use Turbo Taylor more? He’s got the speed for big plays downfield but he seems to run mainly drags and slants.
Matt: Hey, Blanco. It’s all about the matchups and hitting when the opportunities present themselves. The Falcons love to hit those big plays downfield and Taylor Gabriel certainly has tons of speed. I’m sure you’ll see Matt Ryan and Gabriel connect sooner or later.
The post Questions about trading Tevin Coleman, the Lions, Packers fans and the Falcons defense appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
from http://ift.tt/2ydnWFz from http://ift.tt/2fATSgp
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