#RWBY Thoughts
asm5129 · 3 months
RWBY has always been a scrappy indie production that beat the odds and hit the mainstream despite everything going against it.
Looks like it still is <3
what I’m being told is that Viz is primarily a licensing and distribution company. They’ve done some stuff in house but not much. I rewatched the announcement video, they said Viz will be the home for production as well but that’s a wide term so since details aren’t available yet obviously so I’m not 100% clear what the approach to production will be.
However, I’m being told Viz have lots of money, lots of experience, lots of respect and lots of connections.
This seems like objectively good news in every way
The petty part of me also adores how thoroughly this announcement *destroys* HTDM narratives 😅
Not only is RWBY valuable enough for a company like Viz to both want it and have such faith in it, but they *also* guaranteed they had Kerry—one of the people who supposedly “ruined” it
I mean just
Hot damn I would not want to be the people who celebrated RWBY dying right now
They must be absolutely scrambling to figure out how to spin this
How humiliating
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Is it just me or the volume 9 ost is just perfect? I was saving the songs that i liked while watching this whole show and the most songs that i saved are from volume 9. Its either that or im just a sucker for this show which is also most likely but WHO CARES! I just finished the whole series in two days 😎😎😎 and after hearing the ost i wanna go back and watch it again just to pay attention more.
Also its fascinating to see how much the animation quality got better and better each season. Like in the first season they didnt bother to animate the NPCs but now! And dont even get me started on this story!
I cant believe im just finding this show and not sooner! I envy all the people who started watching this series early on and actually experienced these changes and upgrades! you guys must feel so proud! I know i am even tho im a two day old fan 😅😅😅😅 BUT THIS WAS PERFECT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
imma probably write some stuff abt this show too like i did for tdp and i dont even know where to start!!! Theres so many places i wanna talk about!!!!
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eviltomb · 3 months
RWBY used Atlas in a interesting way to examine the foundations of the series. something that had been written in since the very near beginning.
many places in show taught how Huntsmen worked in society of remnant. Maria is an example of how Huntsmen were always a part of Remnant society, even if they weren't called that back then. Perhaps they were not widely trained as they are, but they were there.
And after the war, and the nations demilitarized, they were needed more than ever. and thus a support network was created. a system to separate huntsmen from nations. So that they can work together freely to face humanity's true enemy, the Grimm.
However, only Atlas remained as a Militarized nation. Instead of granting power to the now titled Huntsmen to act freely, They were absorbed into the already existing power structure. now Atlas decides where they are station, where they hunt, who they hunt with. what they protect. Always in Atlas' Interest, as military do as military does.
Yes, Atlas had freelance Huntsmen. As shown by the Happy Huntresses, but they seemed to be the exception to the norm.
Atlas from the start is a nation created to be the antithesis of the very premise, Humanity must come together or be destroyed divided.
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quattro-bacheema · 23 days
I try not to think too hard about RWBY's worldbuilding (bcs frankly I'm not sure even CRWBY thought too much about it outside of the bare minimum) but one thing that'll never sit right with me is how... disarmed, the nations are. In a world where monsters roam the countryside freely and are a constant danger, relying on a small class of specialists to deal with everything is frankly kinda stupid. Atlas being the only Kingdom with a large standing army doesn't make sense no matter how much suspend your disbelief.
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lesbianseaweed · 4 months
I kinda wish Ruby kept Penny's sword, as a reminder of Penny but also as something to help her fight with people in close combat
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We see Ruby often struggling in close combat with people bc she's not good at hand to hand and Crescent Rose is made for ranged attacks and mostly to fight Grimm
Qrow would've had a similar problem had Harbinger not been made to be able to turn into a sword
but I also think it would be pretty boring if Ruby just straight up copied every detail of Harbinger into Crescent Rose so an extra weapon for close combat, just in case, would be useful and I genuinely think Penny's sword could've been it
At the same time I am awfully conscious that this could set Ruby back on her grieving
but it would, once again, contrast Jaune, who used Pyrrha's circlet to upgrade his shield after she died and he was also struggling with her loss for a long time
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But he did get better, and I do believe that if Ruby kept the sword, it could also become a way to help her grieve
also it would reference her using one of Penny's old swords to fight at the Fall of Beacon after Penny died
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strawberry-seal77 · 1 year
d'ya think the fire in Yang's hair is purely visual, or if it gives off real heat? Could Yang get burned by it if she didn't have the near-instinctual aura use anyone gets from combat school?
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painting-plural · 1 month
Semblances are a manifestation of one’s soul, a semblance embodies its user’s identity or smth. So what would be a better semblance for Oscar, whose soul and identity is being taken over, than to have a semblance to negate it?
Why has no one that I’ve seen so far consider Oscar to eventually manifest a soul-based semblance? Most of what I’ve seen suggested is just sand-based semblances because…Vacuo…which makes no sense to me since semblances aren’t regional, they’re personal.
But seriously, please, anyone with a similar thoughts to mine, DM me. Let us ramble into the sunset.
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lexiekeyy · 1 year
stolen from twt but what if the theory that Summer got captured and turned into a Hound by Salem when her final mission went wrong and Raven had to put her out of her misery.
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and maybe the apology was directed towards summer as well
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falleri-salvatore · 9 months
Funny thing about about Cinder Branwen AUs and Cinder becomes the Third Rose-Xiao Long child AUs.....
.....Is that in the original Cinderella story (that is to say, where it is believed the concept actually originated from), the "Cinderella"'s name was Ye Xian of Wu, (or Ye Xian Wu, in modern format). And the characters that composed the name were the following Ye (葉): Meaning - leaf, petal, etc. Xian (限): Meaning - limit, boundary, encirclement, etc. Wu (烏): Meaning - black, crow, raven. So basically Ye Xian Wu could be loosely translated as Crow encircled by Roses. So yeah, Cinder Branwen AU has a mythological basis to it, if nothing else. Ain't that a hoot, @hadesisqueer?
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full-moon-phoenix · 4 days
Time to take the "Salem didn't kill Summer" theory a step further: What if Raven killed her?
What if Summer used her silver eyes to remove the Grimm from Salem for just a moment, just long enough to see a real human underneath it all, and hesitated? And Raven saw that hesitation as a weakness and killed her for it, then went to attack Salem only to find out she was immortal?
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y0urnewhyperfixation2 · 11 months
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hc that weiss raises her hands and hates loud noises/yelling bc it reminds her of her father
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asm5129 · 4 months
Okay folks let’s be real
With the caveat that objective quality is a myth
Vol 1-3 was NOT the strongest RWBY has been
The fights were at their best, yeah, but in almost all other categories that was in fact the weakest part of RWBY.
I don’t mean it can’t be your favorite or that it can’t speak to you more than what came after
But objectively the animation and performances have improved significantly since pre v4, and have especially improved post v6.
Writing is even more subjective but I do think it would be extremely disingenuous to say that Miles and Kerry haven’t grown as writers, not to mention the impact of new writers like Eddy.
RWBY is a better show now than it was in vol 1-3 in almost every aspect, even if you personally dislike the direction it’s gone or find some execution leaving something to be desired.
Stop romanticizing vol 1-3. Please. It’s exhausting.
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This is me appreciating RWBY, I'll be jumping from one point to another so dont worry if im not making any sense. its not you!
All of these past volumes for me doesn't feel rushed (it maybe because I've finished it in 2 days so thats on me) but i feel when i think about volume 10 and the story so far is that yknow when you start writing a book just because of that one scene you made up in your head. So now you need to build up the characters and the events for that scene to make sense. I feel like in nine volumes we got a good setup for "that scene" thats gonna happen In volume 10 or maybe even 11 who knows. Do you get what i mean? No? GREAT! SEEMS LIKE WE'RE OFF TO A GOOD START!
Can i also just say that Jaun's VA killed it in the 7th episode of Volume 9. Both arguments that Ruby and Jaun makes.. I can't help myself but watch the 7-8-9-10th episodes of volume 9 again and again. This whole volume was directed on character development mainly for Ruby since the other characters already had their arcs before this volume except for her and Jaun. (Jaun kinda did as well but never got the closure he needed which was acceptance and he learned that in the volume 9)
And i gotta be honest even from the start Neo was the most intriguing "villain" For me. Maybe because of her design choice or her semblance but something about her made me really like her. And I'm glad they went the way they did for her story too.
I'm saying it again. If Neo doesn't come for our rescue with the jabberwockies im gonna throw some hands.
AND the way they used the Blacksmith in the tree and the story is just UGHH BRILLIANT!!!
The whole politics shenanigans with ironwood in the previous volumes were really made this feel a bit too real especially Nora standing up to Ironwoods plan was just chefs kiss. IM A BIASED NORA FAN COME AT ME I DARE YOU
Another also PIETRO MY MAN BEING VOICED BY LEE HIMSELF?! (i know VAs name is not lee im talking abt the twd game lee dont get it wrong) I KNEW I HEARD THAT VOICE FROM SOMEWHERE!
Glad Emerald is on our side now. Can't wait to see how much of a time jump we had between volume 9 and 10 AND for more ✨TRAUMA✨ let's get it fam! Keep up the hype!
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Hot take
(Should note that we haven't seen RWBY Beyond or whatever its called yet. Only the Epilogue)
They shouldn't make the merge between Ozpin and Oscar so. Loud. The glowy eyes and the pain and falling over and all that? Yeah, out with it. That's telling us a merge is happening. What happened to show don't tell? Why can't they show us? Subtly drop shit. Make Oscar say things Ozpin would say. Make him act more like Ozpin. Make them say each others names on accident. You don't need Oscar and Ozpin in all this obvious pain. It doesn't need to be so fucking out there. What the fuck happened to Show Don't Tell???
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violentlyscreaming · 1 year
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I love that little has a cape like Ruby, a neck piece like yang, and a belt piece like Weiss. And then the gloves are both like Yang and Ruby.
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iwants0up · 3 months
so im belting "before you go" by louis capaldi on my way home and it Hits Me. fuckin yang when she thinks ruby might not be the same when she comes back, seeing her drink that tea, the fear, the pain, the self loathing for not seeing it sooner
i need someone to make this amv PLEASE
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