#If Shadow opened Time and Space in front of me I'd also be distracted
hall0wedwyrm · 7 months
Played a bit more Sonic Chronicles (I hate the elevator puzzle) and I wanted to talk about this before but I'll do it now
One of Shadow's special moves being THIS????
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SIR!!!!!! WHY CAN YOU JUST... DO THIS?????????? WITHOUT AN EMERALD TOO. I was so baffled when I first read the description because WHAAAAAT
I love it and it's hilarious but HUUUUUUH????? and this is also NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN EVER. WHY IS THIS JUST SOMETHING HE CAN DO HERE???
Sega why did you take away Shadow's ability to rip holes in time and space. let Shadow tear holes in Time and Space again cowards.
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mirimiramiri · 4 months
The curious case of two identical sport bags
A not so serious take on the trials and tribulations of time travel
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Maybe this is not a new idea in a fandom that is almost 30 years old. Still, I haven't seen it yet, so I'd like to take this opportunity to write about a theory of mine regarding the infamous gym bag that follows Hitomi throughout the series.
(gif was made by @riafunnel)
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There has been some discussion why she was holding her bag at the very last scene of the series although she clearly did not have it while saying her goodbyes to Van. Maybe she bought a new one, maybe that faithfully soul simply floated back to her through time and space.
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I want to believe that the answer is time travel.
There is one bag that came to Gaea during the first abduction.
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Since she did not take it with her when she departed from Astoria in a state of blind fury and disappointment, one remained in the palace. The pillar of light transported her back in time, though only her mind apparently, as otherwise we would have the misfortune of witnessing two Hitomis simultaneously. However, Gaean time proceeded as usual, and so did the bag, which is likely in the care of Milerna at this time.
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Also the reason why Hitomi could change back into a uniform when she returned with Van on Escaflowne (in sweatpants and a T-shirt). If I remember correctly Yukari was holding the bag and Hitomi didn’t take it with her. Guess she was a bit distracted by someone 😄
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The Gaean bag waited for her and when she returned home (probably again going back in time…) the earth bag waited there, too.
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So now… two bags. On earth and Gaea. Children of time.
I wrote a short scene about this for my current wip fanfic „Star-crossed lovers“ which I hope to fully translate as soon as it’s ready. Hitomi and Van are talking every now and then through their psychic connection or as I like to call it telepathy telephone.
For months they enjoyed their inexplicable form of communication. Taking advantage of every spare second to check in with each other. It was weird, but if anyone had seen enough weird to somehow get used to, it was these two separated yet connected souls.
One evening things got even stranger when Van opened their conversation with the following words: "Your bag arrived today." Hitomi turned around in her desk. She had been working on an lengthy essay and was glad for the distraction. "My bag? What do you mean?" "Your bag, the one you always carried with you." He sounded clearly confused as to why she was neither pleased nor understanding. "I'm holding it in my hand." "Uh, describe it to me." "As you wish. Green and purple, about half a costa wide, a long row of golden teeth on the sides. A carrying strap." "That sounds like mine…how did it get to you?" She had risen and crossed her room in two steps. "From Princess Milerna. She wrote that you left it in the palace." "That can't be… how could… Van, my bag is with me! I see it right in front of me, standing in my closet." "Then what do I have here?" wondered the one on the other end of the psychic line. "Hmmm." Hitomi gently ruffled her hair, which was still wet from showering. Back then, in the shadows cast by the hopelessness of a cruel war, when Van had unyieldingly sent her back to Astoria, her bag had been waiting there for her like a good dog, fortunately including a spare uniform. Otherwise, she might have had to spend the rest of the time in running shorts and a sweaty t-shirt. In retrospect, it was all very practical and yet totally strange. Still she never really wondered. Unknowingly she had gotten used to the bag following her around like a second shadow.
Somehow she hadn't taken it with her… there were so many more important things… chaos and relief, unbearably many deaths to mourn and a gentle, blooming love to explore…
And here at home she hadn't given it much thought. Instead, she had always taken it with her to training as a matter of course. She had probably subconsciously assumed that the faithful soul of a sports bag had simply floated after her through space and time… Hitomi opened the zipper. The familiar smell of tartan and detergent came out. And a mess of various things. "Did you look inside?" "Of course not." He sounded indignant at the insinuation, and she believed him. Although the curiosity had certainly been killing him. "Why don't you?" she said carelessly. The need for certainty was too great. "Describe to me what's inside."
There was silence for a while. Hitomi took the opportunity to vividly imagine him. Sitting on the floor in his simple tent, illuminated by the drag energist’s rose red glow, tugging at the zipper with a befuddled expression because of the odd thingy until it mercifully revealed its innermost parts. She chewed her lower lip, bursting with excitement. "A flat, metallic black treasure chest," he finally reported. "How strange, there are two strings growing out of it. Like thin tentacles." My discman and headphones, Hitomi thought and couldn't stop marveling. She also held one similar slim device in her hands, which was hopelessly behind the state of the art. Sometimes she had been ridiculed for it, after all, there were smartphones and, in a pinch, iPods. But she didn't care. The device had been a gift and, as we all know, those were to be cherished. And somehow she liked listening to her parents' old CDs on it, feeling nostalgic for a time when she hadn't even been born yet. "What else?" Van made a sound of muted disgust. "Your tarot cards," he grumbled, forcing himself to a neutral tone. Hitomi felt a chill run down her spine. Of course, he wasn't entirely comfortable with them, and she wasn't either by now. To much had happened involving the seemingly innocent deck of cards. That's why, shortly after her return, they had to be put into a box and were now gathering dust in the attic buried under some old toys. Almost exactly at the same spot where she had discovered them many years ago. She could have thrown the suspicious cards away, or even burned them. But she just couldn't bring herself to such drastic measures.
"It's like those things are chasing me…" Hitomi mumbled for no reason. "What else is there?" Somehow she knew that Van hasty put the tarot deck aside as if poisonous spiders were about to hatch out of it before he continued. "A coin-sized glass disk, but it's fragmented… the ends of a short belt are attached to the sides." Their game began to amuse Hitomi. The way he idiosyncratically described things that were strange to him was quite comical and puzzling. "Are there three black lines in the disk?" she speculated, because she had the slightest idea. "Yes… and the picture of a small winged figure." "My watch!" Hitomi exclaimed. She pushed back the left sleeve of her sweater a little, but she already knew that she would find the same model on her wrist. Eagerly counting second after second, accompanied by soft ticking sounds. A mechanical piece, also a gift. Plain, except for the cute silhouette of the tiny angel on the dial, serving as a clumsy way of foreshadowing future events. Stranded in Ford Castello, she had noticed that the watch had probably been damaged during her escape from Fanelia. The glass was crushed and its steady ticking had died. But on Gaea, time was measured differently, if at all. She had glumly put the useless piece into her pocket and imagined her mother's scolding… oh, what petty worries had preoccupied her at that time. Van had continued his voyage of discovery.
"Hmmm…" He hesitated in his description, the object in his hand was too strange. "It's a bizarre piece of jewelry," he said to her astonishment. She certainly hadn't been carrying any jewels in her bag, and if she had, it would surely have fallen victim to the mole man. "Made of silver, I presume. Set with a long emerald and a short chain with the figure of a dolphin dangling from it… a gift from Milerna, perhaps? A token of appreciation and gratitude." "My pager!" the penny finally dropped. "I completely forgot about that." Merle had stolen it back in Fanelia, which in retrospect had come in handy. It had eluded the mole's greedy claws and distracted the soldiers at just the right moment. In Freid, she had carefully put the little hero into the bag.
It did not escape her that Van seemed to know how a dolphin looked. Astonishing, since he grew up cradled by mountains and had seen the sea and it’s majestic beauty for the first time when they sought asylum in Astoria. According to himself he was an excellent climber and a lousy swimmer. So exactly the opposite of her. Anyway, the very same pager was on Earth, in her hand. But apparently on Gaea as well. Could perhaps… "It’s not from Milerna and no jewelry, it’s a communication device! Press the tiny button in the middle…. Does something happen? The, uh, emerald should glow like a, well, drag energist." She pressed the start button herself. Unenthusiastically the display came to life. No new messages, of course. Nobody was using pagers anymore. "Nothing's happening, the crystal seems dead," Van reported after a short radio silence. "Aw, that is too bad." How funny it would have been if she had been able to send him messages with it. Amano's short query about her whereabouts, which against all odds had reached her with perfect timing, had probably drained the last drop of energy from the battery. "There are a lot of white socks." Now Van sounded amused. "How many feet did you say you have?"
Hitomi chuckled at his attempt at humor, as usual. She also held several clean, rolled-up running socks in her hands. They were always there. Her mother, bless her soul, just picked them out and put new ones in without being asked. "A hairbrush." "You should try it," she couldn't help herself. "Haha," he said in that dry way that always made her imagine his eyes rolling. "Oh!" "What?" "Your dress from Astoria." There was insufficiently concealed awe in his voice. "Oh yeah…" In the deceptive safety of Freid, Hitomi had slipped it into the bag without thinking twice. As pretty as it was and as incognito as she could travel with it, she missed the simplicity of her school uniform. The elegant robe was already quite battered after her past escapades. The torn hem from the rescue mission in Palas, the escape from Dilandau's sea of flames, the journey through the wilderness to the Duchy that promised protection. Milerna hadn't said a word about it once Hitomi was back in her old chambermaid's outfit. Perhaps the beautiful princess had immediately abandoned her plan to mold the foreign girl to her liking.
But maybe there were more important things on her mind, an impending war for example. "You hmmm…" Van started to speak, but then fell silent. Typical behavior for him. It had always irritated her a bit. What was on the tip of his tongue? What was too dangerous to say? Unlike her, he never just blurted something out, but preferred to remain despondently quiet. She did the same now. There was no delicate pink dress with an elaborate lace collar in the bag in front of her. In her imagination, thousands of miles or even light years away, Van held the shimmering silk up to the light of his lamp and admired its dazzling beauty. "More clothes," he finally said hesitantly, clearing his throat in embarrassment. Was it possible to just hear a human's bright red face? Very much. "So hmmm…" "Okay, okay, stop it. Close the bag, it's clearly mine." Somehow she didn't like the idea of him rummaging lewdly through her laundry. He obviously didn't either. She should have thought of that before. There were also several very very private things in there she simply was not ready to discuss with him. She fumbled with the zipper of her own bag. "How odd that there seem to be two of these bags now." "What do you want me to do with it?" he asked pragmatically. "Just keep it, it’s a gift. And, uh, the contents, give it all to Merle. I'm sure she'll know what to do with it." "Wouldn't you like to…" He trailed off.
"What do you mean?" "Excuse me," he said quickly. "I'm being called. Good bye." "Talk to you later," she said hopefully, but already felt that he was gone. What had been left unsaid? Again?
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So if there are two bags, why not two Hitomis? Well I guess Gaea doesn’t play by the rules of physics (or basic sci-fi) everyone else has to obey. Time travel is a tricky thing and I’d love to see it used more often in Escaflowne fanfic, wouldn’t that be fun? I mean, as the ending suggests Van and Hitomi kinda control those pillars of light (or at least he with the energist). Doesn’t that make them time lords? Last words go to somebody who should know:
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(Gosh this would be me dream cross over, Hitomi and Van as The Doctors new companions. Let me work on that!)
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bakageta · 9 months
More Blue Beetle fic, and prepwork for things to come! I'm not sure if I'll end up including the Reach in this, doing something with the movie's stinger, or leaving it open. I'd love opinions because that's part of what has been stalling me on this fic...
An acrid chemical scent woke them when they were nearly finished with the modifications to the base data of the host body. Chill air brushed their skin and a rough touch dragged lightly against their cheek.
Too close.
They sprung up and away with minimal resistance, coming to a stop on the wall opposite their nest-bed. Eyes were not finished developing, so they relied on their spinal sensory nodes. Four warm, living bodies. All were upright, mass varied, the smallest was in front and was supported by the others. They must have destabilized it when they moved. None registered as a threat, but they released a rattling, warning hiss from their chest as a precaution.
“Jaime?” One of the life forms, a larger one, stepped forward.
They needed to escape.
window! part of them inputted. 
Glass shattered as they defenestrated themselves through the portion of the wall that sounded hard and brittle in their echolocation. Their carapace burned over their skin before they landed crouched in the vegetation surrounding the building and they launched blindly into the air as soon as their elytra were formed. Open air was easier. The wide space gave them ample time to detect incoming targets.
Given time away from lifeforms with unknown intentions, they determined that the safest place to finish modifications was beyond the planet’s atmosphere. The orbiting moon would make an excellent hiding spot. Any attempt to reach them from the surface would be easily noticeable and the likelihood of discovery by their makers or other extraterrestrials was unlikely in the short timespan they would be vulnerable.
In fact they would have greater time to complete further base modifications.
Part of them hesitated, and wondered how long, but the majority of them, together, settled in for the duration.
They spent hours and then days adjusting the host body’s base code. Inserting parts of their own, scaffolding in support from their database so that it all meshed seamlessly. They would be perfect, capable, able to defend themselves and any they cared for. The Scarab, Khaji Da, would ensure it.
Eventually, they finished.
Finally, they relaxed. 
Jaime opened his eyes.
“Khaji?” His voice echoed in his ears, unable to travel any further in the vacuum of space. He was surrounded by gray dust, rocks, and harsh shadows. It was a familiar view,  he'd seen it dozens of times in history and science textbooks. 
“Why are we on the Moon?” The only reason Jaime even knew that was the monolith of Earth floating before them.
Your family attempted to mark your face with pungent ink while we were performing modifications. 
Yeah, that sounded like his family. Probably Mila and Rudy with the sharpies while mama and Nana watched. Still, he idly kicked a moonrock and watched it sail towards the horizon, the Moon seemed a bit drastic.
It was the most secure hiding spot, Khaji defended.
“Yeah, I guess you’re not wrong…” Still an overreaction. They really needed to actually talk. Khaji had to have reasons, Jaime just needed to stop being distracted by putting his life and his family’s lives back together. Easy. Jaime sighed. “Let’s head home Khaji. Everyone’s probably worried.”
Worried turned out to be an understatement. 
Once he got home, Jaime learned that he'd been on the moon for nearly three days. He also learned that he'd left the house via his bedroom window, which had been closed at the time he went through it. Currently, it was covered by a piece of plywood. Additionally, even though he was technically, legally an adult, he was grounded.
Khaji stayed quiet for the next day. Jaime got the feeling that its focus was elsewhere, not that it was unwilling to talk to him. And since all that had come from his trip to the moon was some general soreness and aching in his arms, shoulders, and teeth, Jaime put off confronting the scarab. It could wait.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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New Normal
Pairing: Yandere!Tubbo x Reader (with some Ranboo)
Request: we need more yandere tubbo i absolutely love the way you wrote him shdhhfjd........ maybe a short fic or some headcanons elaborating on "waking up in the mansion one day"? maybe the reader gets more afraid than going along with it .. I'd love to see ranboos aspect regarding tubbos behavior as well 👀
Word count: 2.3 k
Warning: yandere, kidnapping, drugging
A/n: This is all platonic. Nothing romantic. Also this was meant to be short not this long oh lord.
The night had been unforgiving to you as of late. Every night you felt like you were being watched over. It was so weird. It didn’t matter if the windows were open or not. Or even if they had blinds over them. Your paranoia was being fed by every noise emanating from the darkness. Now you weren’t afraid of the dark, never had been. But now, oh god the dark was terrifying. The unknown of the dark scared you. Anything could be hiding in there. And with this new “admirer” of yours, your newfound fear of the shadows was being fed a damn feast. The last straw for you was when you came home one night and saw your window broken and front door open. It spooked you too much; what if they were still inside? You couldn’t risk that.
That’s how you found yourself in Tubbo’s house, on his couch, hunched over and shaking over a cup of tea. You don’t remember why you came here, in all honesty. There were so many other people you could have chosen that were more than capable of protecting you. There was Sam, Bad, Sapnap, even Technoblade. Yet you still went to Tubbo. He was a comforting presence for you. And you just really wanted some comfort for this new fear of yours. Is this what I child felt when they were scared of the dark and needed a flashlight? God now you feel so bad for making fun of little kids for needing those.
“Hey are you okay,” a hand just fucking attacks your shoulder and you wip around. Oh god what if the guy got you now- wait it’s just Tubbo. Wow you overreacted there. Your swift actions shocked Tubbo, making him take a few steps away from you. He held his hands up in the air; an attempt to show he meant no harm to you. But you were just relieved at the sight of Tubbo.
“I don’t know,” a lump was forming in your throat. The tea isn't helping at all. You were so upset that you couldn’t even tell what flavor it was. Nor did you ask Tubbo, but that didn’t matter. Only distractions mattered now; a way to get your mind off of the paranoid thoughts. “I think I am”. Your grip on the cup tightened. Some of that was you trying to ground yourself, but another part of it was just tension. It was becoming harder to breathe and you had no idea why. There wasn’t a reason. Start breathing normally again- uh what was that breathing exercise?
Tubbo came around the couch and sat by your side. “Hey, can you look at me really quick?” He grabbed your hands and you looked at him. Somehow looking into his eyes made it harder to breathe. “Okay now repeat after me- wait not repeat. Uh, do what I do. Ready?” You didn’t get a chance to reply before he started. “Okay take a deep breath with me. In through the mouth for five and out the nose for four. In for five, out for four.” A small pattern formed from the mantra. Something about the exercise was extremely comforting, but you were never sure on what it was. Well you knew it had to do with slowing your breathing and helping you focus, but you felt like there was something else to it. There had to be something else to it. Why else would it be able to calm you so well right now?
It took a while, but you finally calmed down. Well, “calmed down” being a relative term. You were tired and numb inside. Your attention was completely focused on the flames in the hearth. They were mesmerizing. Happily dancing away, illuminating the room.
You hadn’t realized what was happening. All you remember is looking at Tubbo and then everything just became blurry. The sting of tears stung your eyes. Oh, you were about to cry again. That’s so annoying, stupid. You had just calmed down and yet you’re still crying. Craving human contact must be a symptom of sadness or some shit because you looked at Tubbo for comfort. And he gave you exactly that; opening his arms to give you a hug. Without a second thought, you essentially flew into his arms. He accepted you immediately and held you close. The tears that had once been contained by a damn once again ran free. Slowly you grew tired. Oh how you despised the act of crying and how it drained you so. A little nap wouldn’t hurt.
__________________________________ The sunbeams were attacking you and it hurt so much. So bright, demanding. You didn’t want to get up. Sleepiness still held you captive, flowed through your body like the very blood you had. Yet the light was relentless, attacking your closed eyes through it’s armor. A valiant effort was made to stay asleep and keep the sunlight out of your eyes. But it was futile. Rolling over did nothing but illicit noise and made you mildly uncomfortable. When you finally gave in, you just stared blankly at the wall.
For a wall, it was pretty. Kinda. It was plain but a stylish kind of plain. A timeless look. It took ages to finally muster the energy to even sit up, but you still did. The view changed yet it didn’t at the same time. It was pretty empty in the room. Three doorways, two next to each other on your right and one on your left, a bed, some curtains, a small nightstand, and a bookshelf. Other than that, there was a ton of open space.
Once you regained some more consciousness, you slipped out of bed. There was a jingle, but you didn’t really pay attention to it. You definitely heard it, you just thought something fell on the floor. Whatever it was could wait. The unexplored room was just waiting for exploration, though you could have easily explored it from your bed because of how empty it was. When you got to one of the doors, you slowly opened it to reveal a closet. It was absolutely filled with clothes you liked. Or some you were missing. Didn’t you own that shirt at home? And that one too? Huh, what a coincidence. Pretty cool.
Not even two steps away from the closet was another door, which you also slowly opened. Didn’t want to hit anyone. Through that door was a bathroom. It was pretty big and pretty. Very shiny and clean. There were some care products in there, some shampoo and conditioner. But you stopped yourself from looking too much. You didn’t want to snoop. It was rather rude to do.
Grogley you turn toward the last mystery door. It was all the way on the other side of the room. Man you weren’t awake enough for this. Yawning, you start your way to the other doorway. That must be the way back to the rest of the mansion. Sadly you didn’t get far. Not even halfway there before you were stopped. More accurately tripped. Something made your foot slip from underneath, making you fall onto your stomach. Everything ached, but your ankle felt weird. It was a different pain. When you tried to pull it closer to examine it, something stopped it and the sound of metal hitting itself rang across the room. You nearly give yourself whiplash from how quickly you turn your head.
A metal cuff clung onto your ankle which in turn was connected to a tense chain. At the other end of the chain was one of the bedposts. Specifically the one closest to the closet and bathroom. That’s odd. Okay now what’s going on here? Oh did Tubbo do this to make you feel more secure? Well it was and wasn’t working all at the same time. Because who puts an ankle chain on somebody?
A knock interrupted your thoughts. From your spot on the floor, you whipped your head back around to the last mystery door. You stayed quiet, wondering if you were just imagining noises. But another knock soon came. It was undeniable, very pronounced and purposeful. Whoever was out there- what could they be here for. Panic started to overtake you again, but the sound of Tubbo’s voice coming from the other side of the door caught your attention.
“Can I come in,” Tubbo announces his presence again with another round of knocks. With the amount of noise you made, you were pretty sure he knew you were awake. But you still replied to him.
“Yeah you can.”
Not even a second after you reply, the door slowly opens and Tubbo peaks his head in. He seemed to have woken up with some bedhead, which made him look boyish. A little careless for physical appearances, which can be an endearing feature. Tubbo gave the room a sweeping look, checking for something. What exactly, you couldn’t tell. But apparently he was satisfied because he opened the doorway entirely. You swiftly stood up, getting as close to the door as you could.
On the other side of the door was Tubbo in some pajamas. He looked a little sleepy, but his happiness shone through it. You smiled at the sight of him, happy that someone came to get you out.
“Good morning, Tubbo!” You gave a toothy grin and spread your arms to emphasize your joy. “Sleep well?”
“Good morning!.” He gave you a toothy smile in return, but it looked odd. Like it was forced, nervous even. But you must’ve just been looking too far into it. “I slept pretty good. How’d you sleep?”
“I slept like a fucking rock,” you reply with a little laughter. “Honestly? Best sleep of the month, man. Really needed it. Thanks for letting me bunk at your place last night.”
“Not a problem at all,” his smile soon became more natural, much bigger. “I really enjoyed having you over”. It seemed like he was going to say something else, but stopped himself. The nervous look reappeared on his face, and you gave the most reassuring look you could. “So about you moving in-”
“Oh yeah that,” your smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “I can’t just do that Tubbo. I just can’t.” Tubbo seemed saddened by your response. “It’s not like I don’t want to live with you,” you explained. “I’d love to live with you and Ranboo, but I have other responsibilities. Things that have to be done very far from the mansion. Seriously, I’d love to stay.”
“Then stay.” It was a simple statement on his part. You thought it was a little banter.
“I’d stay if I could Tubbo. But I gotta go.”
“You can’t go.”
“Yes I can, Tubbo. Now can you please unchain me, I gotta go.” You lift your ankle and shake it along with the chain for emphasis.
But Tubbo doesn’t even give it a look before answering. “You can’t leave.”
His actions are words are a bit worrying now, huh. This is just a silly prank. Any second now he’ll say it’s a joke and release you. Yeah, any moment now.
That moment never comes though.
“Come on now,” Tubbo starts to lead you back to the bed. “Get back in bed. You still look tired.”
“I’m not tired Tubbo,” your voice hardens to emphasise the fact that you really don’t need this shit right now. “Look I’m completely fine and I have to go. This joke isn’t funny anymore. Just unlock the fucking cuff and I’ll be on my way.”
You two stop at the bed and he gently ushers you in. Climbing on the bed to give you a hug. Struggling against him does no good. If anything, it just makes things worse. He just tightens his grip like a damn python. Wtf why is this kid so strong and clingy? This definitely isn’t a good combo.
“Look you aren’t fine. See?” He emphasizes his point by hugging you tighter. Which you don’t like and groan in protest. “You need to rest. It’s fine. You’re home.”
Internally you start to panic. Yo, hold up, what the hell is he talking about? You know damn well you ain’t home or agreed to stay here. So what does he think he’s doing?
There’s a cough from the doorway, and both you and Tubbo’s attention is diverted to the newcomer. At the threshold of the room is Ranboo. A platter loaded with food held between his hands. He looks awkward standing there. And you don’t blame him because you felt awkward just being in the hug. You couldn’t even imagine the embarrassment you’d get from walking in on this shit. When your eyes meet, he gives you a small, unsure smile.
Movement behind Ranboo catches your attention. You look behind Ranboo’s legs to see Micheal clinging onto Ranboo’s pants. He looked so happy. Well, happy being debatable and interpretive. He looked normal but he was making his little happy noises. Micheal bounded over to you, stretching his arms out while making the most adorable little oink noises. You look between Tubbo and Ranboo for any sign. Literally anything for them. But Tubbo just encourages you. So you pick up Micheal and hold him close to your chest.
Tubbo gives a cheer of joy while Ranboo joins in, though a little less enthusiastic. Still the fact he sounded genuinely happy about this situation was worrying. Especially since he knew what was going on. Knew how wrong it all was. Micheal had no idea. Happily oinking way in your lap and messing with your hands. Suddenly two sets of arms entangle themselves around you; pulling themselves toward you for a hug.
Looking down at Micheal, you now question if the backstory you were told about him was true. Was he actually found wandering around? Or was he kidnapped, just like you?
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diaco1968 · 3 years
Altair x Reader
Warnings! Smut, lemon, unprotected, a bit of choking, bit of humiliation, sounds a little dub/non con in the end
Note: I just realized I've written nothing for my first and longest crush, none other than the arrogant grumpy assassin! Sorry for the slight ooc-ness, I get weird writing about him...
Also amazing art! It's thanks to this, I've been visually crushing over this man for the longest time! *^*
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"Wanna blow off some steam, Assassin?"
He could still feel your hands all over him, the feeling of your touch;
Your fingers running up his abs, tracing his chest, running over his shoulders, nails lightly scraping the back of his neck before they carded through his hair finally coming to a rest in a tight demanding grip on the back of his head.
It was unlike whatever he was used to.
The girls in the garden. They just did what they were assigned to do. Though they were obedient and submissive, they didn't claw at him like they desired him.
It was unusual.
It was exhilarating.
It was wrong.
It had been one of the rare occasions where there was a brief pause in the conflict between the assassins and the templars. A moment of peace that kept you all from jumping at each other's throats while their mentors and your commanders talked out their differences for a mutually beneficial truce. And of course they both had the option of having their choice of bodyguards accompanying them.
That was how he first met you. In person and eye to eye. With a distance of less than a rooftop, even less than a swords lenght, apart.
He couldn't get it off his mind now.
You had heard of him, seen the havoc he had caused in your ranks without even being seen. And he had seen you before as you barked orders at your little pawns and cut through his less experienced brethren with no mercy.
Always from afar.
Maybe that was the reason you colided hard the moment those roles were gone and out of the way. Attracted by the differences like day and night.
So when you cornered him alone with that very suggestion you were met with little to no resistance as you grabbed his collar and crashed your lips onto his. You demanded and you took as you pleased, making him bend to your will and despite his arrogant self, he liked that. He liked being wanted. The way you had him on his back in moments, straddling him so full of confidence. You were quite a skilled rider too.
Had him wondering if he had finally met his match?
Now as he stalked in the shadows waiting for you to make a wrong move, he wanted to take back. He wanted you. He had spent weeks being distracted time and again by the memories of your little encounter, now that he was so close to you again he couldn't help but drown deeper and deeper in his inner conflict. Thess were slightly different times, what if you rejected him? It would be so embarrassing... and he couldn't just kill you off if you did, that would harm the truce...
He shook his head as he caught himself thinking nonsense again.
Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent...
You were a templar though... did you count?-
He didn't have time to measure your innocence as your pawns left to do something you ordered them to and finally you were all alone. All his. Easy prey.
A hand wrapped around your arm, twisting it behind you as he pulled you into the alleyway and slammed you front first into the wall.
"You've become too dull."
"Have I really?"
That was when he noticed you didn't use your other hand to brace yourself on the wall. The little sharp pain in his side from the blade threateningly pressing into him was proof enough.
"You'd still die anyway. So, yes, you have."
He let go of your arm and you turned around to face him in the very little space provided by his arms caging you to the wall, teasingly grinding your ass back onto him. He of course suppressed the little hiss in response, not wanting to give you the satisfaction.
"You think I dismissed my men because I'm dull and not because I saw a certain assassin lurking around in the shadows?"
He narrowed his glinting golden eyes at you.
"You are bluffing."
You chuckled as you wiped at your scraped cheek to ease the stinging.
"What ever helps your ego."
You could see his scowl even from under the hood casting shadows over his face that complimented his features, as he loomed over you, completely silent. His sunkissed skin, sharp bones, haunting eyes, defined scar over his lips.
"You are in templar territory, what do you want, bird?"
His grimace at the nickname had you smirking triumphantly. Why did you have to know their language... it was annoying.
"Don't call me that!"
"But that's your name."
You looked smug and he didn't like that but you didn't have all day for the yarn of his ego to untangle on it's own. You reached up, slipping your hand inside the hood and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to you so you could whisper in his ear.
"Or do you prefer, Eagle? Am I your poor little prey this time?"
He could feel the goosebumps rise over his arms as he growled in annoyance, your voice rolled over his skin smoothly.
"If you were, you wouldn't live long enough to mock me."
Your smirk widened, nipping the side of his jaw and pushing him off a whole step before he could react.
"Come, boy."
"... tch..."
Clicking his tongue he wondered if this was all worth it any way as he watched your form striding down the alley, taking his time before he decided to follow you.
To an abandoned building, top floors almost burnt away, leading to a giant hole in the roof opening up to the skies. At the entrance you grabbed his hand cause he was hesitating to step in.
He would have preferred more hospitality... like your own quarters maybe...
He didn't have time to ponder as you pushed him back on one of the few surviving furniture, before straddling his lap.
... a long wooden bench... in a burnt building with cold stone wallls...
"We're in a church!-"
You were already half way through his robes, heavily dropping the weapon belt on the ground as you looked up at his anxious expression, scoffing.
"And? Are you a religious man, Assassin?"
He glared at you but you had a point. He just didn't expect such disrespect from you. Were you not fighting as part of Richard's army?...
"You're shameless."
"Shame is a weakness. You didn't seek me out beacuse I am a weakling now, did you?"
You plopped down on his now not dangerously armed crotch and his hands shot up to grab your hips and steady you.
"Who said I seeked you out? I was just in the area for a job."
"Ouch... you mean you killed off one of my men and came to add insult to the injury?"
He paused as you paused staring down at him. Well maybe he didn't choose his words right. He wasn't good at lying on the spot.
"That's hot."
At this point he had no idea if you meant the things you said or if you were being sarcastic. But he didnt care as you started grinding down over him.
Like last time.
Oh hell no.
He flipped you, so now you were lying on your back looking up at him surprised.
"Not this time. You are mine now."
"Oh? Fine then, show me what you've got."
You almost immediately regretted that as the pit in your stomach deepened not only from excitement but from fear as his fingers wrapped around your throat tightly, nudging your legs apart to settle between them. As you let him discard your clothes, it was probably the first time it downed on you. The danger you were in. He could actually kill you. And no one would know. Kill you and leave you there disgraced and dishonored with no one to know where to look for you.
You wheezed loudly, clutching the wrist of the hand he had wrapped around your neck, your train of thoughts derailed as he unceremoniously thrusted himself into you.
His fingers left your neck, to fist in your hair instead, arching your neck so he had more room as his lips met the delicate skin, his stubble scratching you pleasantly. You grabbed the back of his neck, pressing his face deeper into the crook of your neck and he didn't mind endulging you, sucking and nipping on the skin, combined with shallow slow thrusts had you arching and twisting under him, trying desperately to get more friction out of him. He gripped your hips tightly, pinning you down and restraining your movements.
"I said you'll be good and do as I tell you to."
"That is not what you said."
"Don't test me, (y/n)."
He growled in your ear, his voice rumbling from deep in his chest and you were not about to argue with that as you hummed in response and decided to oblige.
He briefly pulled out of you, only to pull you up and dropping you on your knees on the stoney ground. With a hand on the back of your neck he had you face down, arse up and he plunged himself back into you groaning at the way you twitched around him eagerly with a loud wanton moan.
His other hand grabbed your hip to keep you from jerking forward while he drilled into you, completely different from his earlier pace.
"This is what you want after all. To be fucked like a little bitch with an important audience."
Between your moans and scratching at the ground in pleasure mixed with pain you didnt have time to wonder who, until he grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled you back against him so you were facing  the old crushed cross behind the altar.
"...you fucking basta-geh!"
He shoved his fingers into your mouth, down your throat, deep enough to make you choke and gag around them.
"I'd watch my mouth, if I were you."
He resumed kissing your abused neck, fingers thrusting in your mouth, creating lewd wet noises and heavy moans.
You were close, he could tell. You were constricting around him so tight he almost released a few times if not for the way you bit his fingers angrily. But he wanted you to finish first. Wanted you to whimper and beg as you just couldn't anymore.
He sunk his teeth in your shoulder and that was it for you. A high pitched mewl and you were clamping down on him violently as your release shook you to your core, slumping over him as he slowed down ever so slightly.
Then he let you drop on your front and resumed his brutal pace, seeking his own release now, disregarding your half hearted protesting sobs.
It didn't take him long and he finished over your ass, panting heavily as he watched your shaky body, get used to the abuse way too quickly as you rolled over underneath him to shoot him a glare.
Awkward silence engulfed you both as he got on his feet and even helped you up with a hand and you both started fixing up your clothes and putting your weapons back in place.
This was not how it ended last time. The silenece made him wonder if he did something very wrong. If your little forbidden rendezvous had come to an end because of him. If it had, it was probably for the best but... he felt a pang of sadness thinking about it. Oh how he wished for you to open your smug mouth and say something. Anything.
"I think we can both agree, I am better off in charge."
"You wish, Templar."
"...well... yes, I do. That's the whole reason behind our ancient conflict, Assassin."
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
a song recommedation: for me the biggest levihan song is Skulls by Bastille. i don't know if you've ever heard it (or maybe it's a basic song for every levihan fan out there and everyone collectively knows about it)...it sounds like they're having a conversation the entire time. especially these lines: "when all of our friends are dead and just a memory, we're side by side, it's always been just you and me" "i don't want to rest in peace, i'd rather be a ghost that annoys you"
Title: Milestones
“And just like with every loss he had ever felt, Levi would count down the hours, the days, the months and the seasons following the death, labelling them each as a milestone to trudge past. In that aspect, Hange’s death was no different.”
Levi has this habit of counting milestones following the loss of a close comrade.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Notes:  Thank you for the song rec anon! I made it a little homework for myself to listen to this song today while I did some grocery shopping and this really screamed Levihan, so loud I got a little inspired and I came up with this small ficlet.
The grieving process had always been respected.  
Soldiers could easily request time off to mourn the death of comrades and loved ones. In the survey corps, one or two days after a mission were usually given as a little gift for those who had given their lives and for those left to pick up the pieces.
It was a generous gift at face value but for many who had experienced too many deaths to count, it had started to twist into something a little short of cruel. 
Soldiers who had experienced more than enough deaths after all, eventually realized that the losses only completely sink in when they finally go back to their routines. The largest and strongest waves of grief come when the soldiers are left to navigate their routines, changing around their daily routines to fix what the dead had left behind. 
For some cruel reason, losses were rarely felt in the losses and the memorials that celebrated them. They were felt in routines that followed.
Levi had survived one of the longest in the survey corps and had experienced more losses than he could count. Having to quickly go back to routines after dealing with losses and having had to navigate these same routines peppered with continuous losses of squad members and teammates, Levi had developed a little habit, something to occupy himself between expeditions and missions. 
As Levi quickly noticed, that habit had gotten a little out of control that time around. 
Of course it would, there was nothing else to do. Levi had made the decision to retire. There were no expeditions to prepare for. The government was more than eager to grant humanity’s strongest pension already. He was also certain he couldn’t fight like before anymore either. 
And that extra time and mind space had given his grieving brain a little more wriggle room and consequently, a little more power. Levi found himself scrambling for a routine. With that free mental space, that habit decided to take control again. 
Levi had nothing much else to do but let it take over. When he was at his most vulnerable, when he was at his most alone, that habit had ended up becoming his best friend. 
He allowed that best friend to guide him once again as he went about the daily routine of a retired soldier. As it did with every loss, that best friend would religiously remind him that time continued to pass. 
And just like with every loss he had ever felt, Levi would count down the hours, the days, the months and the seasons following the death, labelling them each as a milestone to trudge past. In that aspect, Hange’s death was no different. 
At the same time, Hange’s death was special. Possibly because they had been working together for five years. Possibly because compared to the other times when he had wanted to grieve, he was in no pressure that time to recover quickly or go back to a routine. 
There were no distractions that time to fall back on. Levi was left with memories, milestones and himself. 
First sunset without Hange. 
The sunset and the gradual flashes of colors from yellow to orange to red. Levi had always found sunsets beautiful. Objectively, nothing had changed about that sunset. Somehow, Levi couldn't help but notice that he was seeing less colors than before. 
First Monday without Hange. 
Levi hated the typical Mondays in the office. The paperwork always made it unbearable. He had always preferred expeditions and combat. He was retired though and Levi was sure the paperwork would be nothing more than a memory moving forward. But reflecting on that monday in particular, he was certain he would have given up the world for it. 
First Friday without Hange. 
Depending on who won the argument or bet of the week, Fridays could be either drinking or heart-to heart-in-the-office-over-tea days. That particular Friday, Levi made sure to do both. He wasn’t sure what she would have wanted and it’s not like he could have asked her. 
First full moon without Hange
He didn’t even know he had built that habit of staring at the full moon until he looked out the window and felt time stop for a few seconds. In those few seconds, he was brought back to a time long ago, when Hange had been next to him, staring in complete awe at the full moon in front of them. He was too distracted by her then to have looked at the moon. 
Time started to move and Levi was reminded that he did not have much to distract himself anymore from the full moon in the sky. 
First spring without Hange 
Levi, when this war ends and I retire as commander, I really wanna explore the flora and fauna outside the walls. Let’s study them together!
He had tried to appreciate nature. He had tried to sit on the grass and just stare and touch the prettier or the uglier weeds that stuck out of the common grass. They were all weeds dotted with some flowers.  
Hange would have found them beautiful either way. He just found it mocking. 
First summer without Hange.
Hange loved ice cream. Ever since the first ice cream shop in Paradis opened. They made sure to get one as a treat after a hard day of work. Levi hadn’t gone back to the shop since he had last been there with Hange last summer. He wasn’t thinking of going back there either. 
First autumn without Hange. 
First autumn without Hange. 
Autumns were always special. The cool nights that only got colder and the days that only got shorter could have been depressing for most. Levi saw beauty in it because they built up to something else. 
They built up to her special day. That one special day Hange kept as a little treat for herself. She always decided what to do and she always made sure to rattle off her plans to him during down times between meetings and deliverables. 
Every year, she always had something she wanted to do and somewhere she wanted to go and every year, she always made sure Levi tagged along.
And as Levi thought back to their last conversations, he quickly figured out she had suggested one place she would have wanted to go with him. 
That passing thought she had shared during one of their conversations, that one night in the forest at least gave him direction. With her gone, Levi was the one who made the final decision to go there himself.
I came here for sanctuary
Away from the winds and the sounds of the city
I came here to get some peace
Way down deep where the shadows are heavy
In the first autumn after Hange’s death, In the forest glade where Hange had nursed him back to health, Levi had a small cabin built. Many could have concluded it as a capricious decision, even Levi himself. As he walked out and lay on the soft grass beneath him, he couldn’t help but think if he just closed his eyes and  focused on the familiar surroundings, he could imagine Hange next to him saying those words once again 
“Maybe we should just live here together.” 
I can't help but think of you
In these four walls my thoughts seem to wander
To some distant century
When everyone we know is six feet under
When Levi entered the newly built cabin and inspected it of any dust, he realized, maybe that was the first thing he had done for himself. He was already a retired soldier with nothing much to think about but himself. Levi was never one to constantly think of himself though, so he thought of everyone else.
When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see
When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
The cabin was cozy and there had been nothing much to clean. It kept the cool air of early autumn out and if he had been feeling a hint of self preservation, he probably would have stayed inside. His body was not as strong as it was before and even the night air of early autumn had him shivering. 
Self preservation had always been low on Levi’s priority list. Because of the lack of responsibilities that came with being retired, it managed to bump up to at least third. It was still the last thing on Levi’s mind though. 
The cold air and the rustle of the trees brought back countless memories at once. It brought back the faint pounding of the hammer, the swish of the bandages and her hitched breaths as she worked tirelessly as he slept. 
It evoked memories from times before that. 
Every year, when the wind was starting to get a little colder and the leaves a little redder, there was always one special day where Hange would take him out. 
To a place of her choice. It was that one day after all the commander would always spend for herself. The destination was always a different spot outside the walls. Sometimes it was a glade in the middle of the forest, sometimes it was a cave, sometimes it was a swamp. The places varied but the cool winds that came as the sun started to set were constant stimuli. The orange hues that stuck out of the green trees around him were also a constant view.
That night, Levi held his arms close to his chest, conserving warmth as the cool winds of autumn continued to barrel through his already battered body. He looked up at the trees around him, observing closely as some of the leaves started to stand out under the moonlight. The leaves were starting to take on a different shade and others were starting to fall off.
All those signs culminated into a scene and an experience Levi was all too familiar with. They were all heralding the coming of autumn
Hange’s special day always signaled the start of autumn.
Happy Birthday, Hange. That was the first birthday he’d be spending without her.
And his little habit made it so that he would never forget to spend it in the years to come. Even if he was painfully aware, he'd be spending every single one without her.
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains
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