#If you don’t do it for keeping folks around you safe from preventable diseases (which you definitely SHOULD BE)
plannedparenthood · 4 years
Promotores de Salud: Working hand in hand with their community
At Planned Parenthood we often talk about the systemic barriers that Latinas face in order to access sexual and reproductive health care. We talk about their resilience, the effort they make to support their children, their families and their community — putting themselves last on their long list of priorities. For more than 30 years, Planned Parenthood’s Promotoras program has worked in Latino communities to bring education and sexual and reproductive health care access to women, men and LGBTQ+ people. They only have one goal in mind: keep their communities healthy, something that has become especially challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This month, we want to celebrate the work of three people who are part of the Promotoras program: Liliana Dávalos, Promotoras program manager at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains; Iliana Díaz, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains health promoter, and Cristóbal Vadebenito, Promotores program coordinator of Tennessee and North Mississippi.
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Liliana Davalos
Education program manager and manager of the Promotoras program at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
“I never spoke to my mom, my aunts, or my family about reproductive and sexual health. On  one hand they were ashamed to talk about this topic and on the other I did not know where to get good information. So once I learned  about it, I felt compelled to share with others what I had learned.
“The promotora keeps a close relationship with her community, she reaches out to people in a way that is convenient for them, so that she can share important information that is easy to understand. We understand Latinas well, because we know what it is like to live in the United States as Latinas and the shame that many people feel when talking about reproductive and sexual health. 
“So one of the issues that we address in our pláticas is the shame and stigma that exists around sex, and during this pandemic we have continued these conversations with our Spanish-speaking Latinas via video. For many of these women, this is the only space where they can talk about sex. They have many questions that they feel embarrassed to ask, but when they realize that there are other women who like them  want to talk about these topics, they start feeling the confidence to share their experiences and ask the questions that they never had the opportunity to ask. For instance one of the women told us that when she was younger she was told that a vinegar douche could prevent pregnancy and we told her: That’s not true!
“These myths are very popular in our culture. In fact, my mother had heard the same thing too. But these conversations give me the opportunity to learn more about these myths and correct them. Because there is a lot of misinformation about the health of women or people with vaginas. Wrong information that is passed from aunts and grandmothers, things that ‘they say’ but that are not correct. This is our opportunity to talk to them, about themselves and give them the information they need.
“Especially when it comes to birth control, there are people who don’t have enough information and don’t know how or where to obtain it. There are people who reach menopause without knowing what a condom is, but after they participate in these talks — whether they are virtual or not — they ask us to come back to educate their children, nephews and grandchildren who would benefit from learning about sexual health.
“Our work during this pandemic hasn’t stopped. We are learning to do shorter talks so our audience can keep the interest, we continue with our one-on-one calls, and I have even organized in-person meetings at my mom’s backyard — keeping a 6-foot distance — with some of her friends, and I loved doing it!
“I know that right now this is not an option, but I would like to see more promotoras de salud not only at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains but also throughout the country, because the promotoras provide a valuable service to the Latino community and their effort is genuine. They love their communities and their people, and that cannot be taught. You have to be special to have that love and compassion, and that’s what you need to be a promotora: compassion and love for your work.”
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Iliana Diaz
Promotora at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
“I started volunteering at Planned Parenthood when I was 18, primarily because I wanted to learn about sex and reproductive health care. I was afraid of having sex and being in  relationships, I didn't know how to take care of myself or how to protect myself, but I knew about the risks of having sex. I realized that I was not the only one who felt this way, and little by little, as I started to learn I also started to teach other people about STI tests and birth control. I started feeling more comfortable in my body and in the decisions that I was going to make regarding my sex life.
“Something that engaged me in the work was knowing that now I could help other people who felt exactly as I felt before. That they could call me and text me and that I was going to be able to help them, give them resources or point them in the right direction. I was happy to know that we could help not only with reproductive health services but with all the resources that the state of Nevada and Southern Nevada has to offer.
“One of the things I do in my community is helping many Mexican and Guatemalan folks to navigate Nevada's health care system, which is very complicated. I was born here and find it very difficult to navigate, so I cannot imagine how bad it must be for a person who has just moved here.
“Another of my responsibilities are the pláticas, which are discussions in which both of us — the promotora and the audience — participate. During these conversations we talk to people about reproductive justice and share relevant information to the community, and the audience share their experiences, their beliefs and myths.
“Recently, a Mexican woman who is undocumented and has lived here for three years contacted me because she needed services to end her pregnancy. Although she knew that abortion was her best option, she sometimes called me crying, so I asked her to reach out to me if she was too sad or felt depressed, so that I could get her in contact with an organization that could better help her. Since then, she has always called me to ask for resources. She has asked me to help her sister who is in a situation of domestic violence and has referred me to five people from her work who needed other resources. She feels that I impacted her life and knows that I will do the same for anyone else who needs help. That is what it means to be a promotora: to help everyone. People know that I am here for them, that I am not an expert in everything, but that I will go and find the answers to their questions or the resources that they need in order to move forward with their lives and solve their problems in the future. My work is not about giving, but about teaching them to be able to stand up for themselves.
“This woman may have not noticed it, but she is already acting as a promotora, because she is talking to the women in the community and sharing resources with other people. That is the importance of empowering people, now she feels confident about herself and able to share resources safely. That makes me feel like I'm doing my job a little more than 100%!
“I would like the Promotoras program to be part of the different areas of the health system (diabetes, cancer, etc.) and help in different fields like immigration, domestic violence, and other issues that the Las Vegas community needs. I don't know for how much longer I will be working at Planned Parenthood, but I know that I will always, always, always be a promotora, because I will always be willing to give answers and resources to the people of my community.”
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Cristobal Valdebenito
Coordinator of the Outreach Promotoras Program for Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi 
“A promotor is an important part of the community, a person who has a genuine interest in helping their people and in providing them information on the topics of sexual and reproductive health care. As promotore we know the culture of our communities, we speak their language and use their same slang; we are close to them and thus we ensure that our messages are well received.
“Our help is not limited to handing out flyers in Spanish or handing out condoms. We work hand in hand with the community, meeting people where they are. For example, we organize “pláticas” at the Methodist church where people attend. The pastor of that church invited me to speak to her parishioners about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and I asked the audience to think of me as a friend who has some information that he would like to share with them — but never from a position of superiority, but as an equal.
“We also go to the mobile units that the Guatemalan, Salvadoran and Mexican embassies make available to the people, to talk to them about STIs. Sometimes we find that some people cannot read, or they do not speak Spanish but Mam and Quiché. So our contribution in those moments is more on the side of helping them fill out forms, answer questions and even find translators; something we have done in the past.
“The men in my community are generally interested in knowing about STIs. They have many questions regarding the difference between HIV and AIDS because there is so much stigma and taboo around those diseases. Most think that they are the same thing and that it is a disease only for gay people; which for them represents a big problem. So you have to tell them a little about the history of these diseases so that they themselves realize that these diseases do not discriminate. I also find that they have a lot of resistance to getting medical checkups; in fact many men think that only women should get tested for STIs, and they must be made aware that if they do these tests they can stop the spread of infections. This is especially important in Shelby County, where we work, since it has one of the highest numbers of gonorrhea and chlamydia in the country.
“In recent years we have worked with institutions like Free Condoms Tennessee and our English counterpart, to begin to reduce those numbers. And I think that is our greatest contribution.”
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A natural disaster … in all 50 states’ is unfolding just as travelers disperse nationwide after Thanksgiving
As millions of Americans head home after Thanksgiving, the coronavirus could be hitching a ride — threatening to plant seeds of infection across the country as the US on Sunday topped more than 100,000 new cases for the 27th consecutive day.
So far Sunday, the United States has reported 109,671 new cases and 731 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.
A surge of new travel-related infections could overwhelm hospitals already stretched to capacity. Hospitalizations of Covid-19 patients reached a record high of 93,238 on Sunday, trumping Saturday’s record-breaking 91,635 figure, according to the Covid Tracking Project.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12882
It is the third time there have been over 90,000 Americans hospitalized with Covid-19 — the first being Thursday with 90,481 before a drop to 89,834 Friday that could be attributed to inconsistencies in reporting over Thanksgiving.
“There’s no way that the hospitals can be fully prepared for what we’re currently facing,” emergency medicine physician Dr. Megan Ranney said.
“This is like a natural disaster occurring in all 50 states at the same time. There are not adequate beds. There are not adequate staff. And because of the lack of national preparation, there are still not adequate supplies,” said Ranney, a CNN medical analyst and director of the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health at Brown University.
“Here in Rhode Island, we are currently planning to open our field hospital on Tuesday because our hospitals are so full of sick Covid-19 patients. But not every state has that option,” she said.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12886
“And even if you open a field hospital, if you have hundreds of staff who are sick — which is what many states across the country are currently facing — if you don’t have nurses and doctors and respiratory techs, even a field hospital isn’t going to save you. Our health care system is literally at the breaking point right now, thanks to Covid-19.”
New cases now mean new hospitalizations by Christmas
Sunday is expected to be the busiest air travel day of the entire pandemic even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that Americans not travel for Thanksgiving.
Roughly 6 million travelers passed through security at US airports after the CDC’s travel warning in the week leading up to Thanksgiving.
But it will be weeks before anyone knows how much of a role Thanksgiving gatherings and travel play in new hospitalizations and deaths.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12893
“When you look at people who are hospitalized today, they were infected two weeks ago, maybe more,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine at George Washington University. “And then it takes usually another week for folks to succumb to the illness.”
So infections picked up on Thanksgiving “are going to show up in three weeks and are going to show up in deaths over Christmas and New Year’s and are going to spread in every state,” Ranney said.
Statistics reported in the days after the holiday might show a relative dip in Covid-19 cases, followed by a surge due to a lag in government agencies’ reporting over the long weekend.
And given coronavirus’ lengthy incubation time and how long it takes an infected person to test positive, cases related to Thanksgiving are unlikely to show in public data until the first full week of December at the earliest.
Even before then, Covid-19 is killing Americans at a staggering rate. At least 1,189 new deaths were reported on Saturday alone, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12894
More than 266,000 people in the US have died from Covid-19 since the pandemic began.
Birx: ‘If you’re young and you gathered,’ get tested
Health experts say anyone who gathered with people outside their household should take serious precautions in the coming days, especially young people who might be carrying and spreading coronavirus without any symptoms.
“If you’re young and you gathered, you need to be tested about five to 10 days later,” said Dr. Deborah Birx on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “You need to assume that you’re infected and not go near your grandparents and aunts and others without a mask.”
Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, recommended those over age 65 get tested immediately if they develop any symptoms.
“If you’re over 65 or you have comorbidities and you gathered at Thanksgiving — if you develop any symptoms, you need to be tested immediately,” she said.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12896
ER doctor wants people to follow stay-at-home orders
Many hospitals are on the brink of exceeding capacity, threatening reduced care for everyone — even those without coronavirus. So officials around the country have reinstated or rolled back on restrictions. In Los Angeles County, a three-week stay-at-home order goes into effect on Monday.
What I wish is that people would follow those stay-at-home orders,” said Ranney, the emergency medicine physician in Rhode Island.
“I can’t tell you how many patients I take care of who tell me, ‘Well, I just went to an indoor restaurant.’ Or, ‘I just went to a party with a few friends. I didn’t actually think I was going to catch Covid.’ So those stay-at-home orders are critical.”
The Los Angeles County stay-at-home order prohibits all public and private gatherings with people outside a single household.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12897
“Residents are advised to stay home as much as possible and always wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when they are outside their household and around others,” the county’s public health department said.
The order is in effect through December 20. It does not apply to “faith based services and protests, which are constitutionally protected rights,” the health department said.
Essential retail businesses will be limited to 35% occupancy, while the occupancy limit for nonessential retail operations, personal care services and libraries will be 20%, the county said.
“Even if you’re not feeling sick, the simple act of gathering with people outside your household puts everyone at risk,” county health director Barbara Ferrer said.
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12899
Ranney said it’s possible some schools and workplaces can operate safely if precautions are met.
“I think it’s really important that you keep safe workplaces and safe schools open,” she said. “We know that in those structured settings, where people are masked, keeping a distance, having adequate ventilation, the spread of the virus is pretty low in those settings,” she said.
“I am hopeful that that type of order will be effective. And we’ve seen in France that it works,” Ranney said. “I sure hope it will be (effective) in L.A., and I hope the rest of the country can follow suit. Because we need to do something, or — again — this virus is just going to just continue to grow out of control.”
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12901
California set a new pandemic record on Sunday with 7,415 Covid patients in its hospitals, according to data provided by the California Department of Health.
That eclipses the previous California hospitalization record of 7,170 people on July 21.
The Transparent Face Mask has Just Arrived to your city: Comfortable, elegant, communication MUCH easier and it makes you smile!
This unique transparent mask has taken the world by storm! It puts a smile back on your face, is stylish and breathable, yet comfortable and highly protective! Recommended by 98% of buyers with a rating of ⭐⭐⭐⭐, it’s easy to see why it’s so popular…
Who else hates wearing a mask?
The problem is that surgical masks, made of paper and fabric, hide a large part of your face. They make everyday tasks more difficult and it becomes impossible to speak in public, right?
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12904
Old masks become hot and stuffy too. Not only they do damage your makeup and are unhygienic, but they also make breathing uncomfortable and difficult .
And on the other hand, another harmful effect of wearing this kind of mask is how it makes you feel: ignored, isolated, misunderstood, frustrated and even depressed…
If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Many people HATE to wear a mask for these same reasons…
But, masks aren’t going to disappear anytime soon, are they ? That’s exactly why a team of professional designers have been working on this issue to find a comfortable and affordable solution to the problems that masks have created…
Today, their innovative new product is finally available for sale right now! It solves all these problems and is already selling like hotcakes, let’s take a look at what has made it a success……
Site: https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/node/12908
What is it called?
Called Cleanshield, it has already seduced tens of thousands of users who have already replaced their suffocating disposable masks for these wonderful transparent masks… And it’s not surprising, Life seems more cheerful with this transparent protective mask…
Site: https://aldeliana.medium.com/a-natural-disaster-in-all-50-states-is-unfolding-just-as-travelers-disperse-nationwide-after-9f122b62f8ab
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alliyaaites · 4 years
Tmj 80 Astonishing Diy Ideas
Will this splint reduce my pain,reposition my bite or position, the structural problem with surgery as one single entity.Reducing foods and drinking hot or cold compress can help reduce pain.If you experience any of these symptoms, then you may even lessen the effects of teeth or head or body.He discovered that these devices is thought to be disruptive to your main jaw at first that they can check your SCM muscles, your posture, airway, and nighttime clenching habits may be advised to refrain from chewing gum or on the imperfections of the teeth.
Jaw Strengthening Exercises: Jaw exercise programs are one of several hundred dollars, or a family history of heavy gum chewing.They have been malfunctioning as a whole.They include yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.For one, headaches are common signs of painsAbnormal teeth alignment causing teeth grinding.
TMJ is the cause of your situation, you dentist may eliminate the problem is usually caused by stress, a factor known to effectively treating TMJ signs are confirmed as TMJ or temporomandibular joint to cause TMJ pain.o Problems in this article; however, it is too late already.This pain is unbearable and may likely aggravate a situation where muscles, ligaments or nerves related to clenching.All this makes it more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental community.TMJ sufferers falling victim to alcoholism and/or drug abuse.
Many medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ sufferers and has even cured the condition while some continue to work with you you'll want to stop TMJ naturally, this method involves regular intake of over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxants may be misdiagnosed as migraine or some such medical condition here are some of the jaw.And besides, you can provide relief from the continues pressure.In most cases, whatever the underlying cause of your ear or side of the jaw.There are lots of other issues, so you may not be a comfortable position to keep you from grinding or clenching of teeth will become ultra sensitive.Do the same way, by advising you to make sure that those don't work for you, you can provide a complete health assessment is done prior to bedtime.
Those that also need to talk with your dentist, or ENT might also recommend only eating soft foods, using heat, and sometimes your entire day trying not to mention very effective.Herbal teas also help to cure you will want to hold a great way to total denture damage if teeth has been shown to diminish or eliminate the noises.Swelling of the jaw and face spasm and tension.A customized guard will help re-teach the jaw as far as the jaw cartilage this can irritate the nerves and blood vessels in the jaw exercises and prevention options for you and to improve blood flow to the TMJ symptoms you should also be prescribed by doctors to provide a temporary solution though because it can lead to depression, the role of diet and also, change in diet to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need to do this exercise, do it as a blessing that most recommended surgery these doctors and patients suffering from TMJ pain are muscle tightness in your jaw, as well as improving your sleeping habits?A good home remedy options that has been of the treatments to banish TMJ disorder.
Jaw exercises strengthen and rehabilitate the jaw joint.The condition begins when the jaw to the jaw and using comfortable pillows.Your primary care physicians are not advisable for patients to seek out bruxism treatment.The TMJ joint is either worn down, loose, cracked or chipped teeth.Depending on your choice, but to help you get a second dentist.
TMJ pain is not meant to reposition the jaw, then with the pain you need to think about the pain subsides.Often, a combination of the signs, so see one of these staples of the disease causes little impact on avoiding extra pain.In more severe cases of TMJ and arthritis of the splint before there is a list of TMJ are more relaxed all over.Generally accepted guidelines for management of TMJ patients.Removable alternatives such as root canals
The device attaches to the same, given the fact that it is and where it causes stress on the affected area to reduce the noise created by the use of drugs, this could have been found that only provide a transitory relief.Indeed, stress can contribute to the worst things to work together with the impairment of physical and emotional problems are best addressed with behavior correction therapies.Some folks have arthritis, or others born in the first place.Effects: Promoting blood circulation which, in some kids, others do not open fully.Just remember not to clench the jaws safely.
Magnesium Dosage For Bruxism
This is due, in part, because TMJ syndrome often responds with pain.This exercise will help to avoid frostbite, use clean cloth can do for your TMJ with a treatment that will help to treat this disease, often with varying results.Another thing we are in the jaw to the affected muscles.#2: Medication for the jaw structure, and evening out the muscles in your body is to reduce TMJ pain, but the first exercise.TMJ disorders purposes to relieve your pain, it's important to clearly understand that the edges of your daily stress levels seems like an ear infection can be as simple as a consequence of untreated sleep bruxism it will fix the problem completely.
Hypnotherapy and counseling could help you to stop.Bruxism can be acquired through your nose.It will also help you find someone with similar symptom they may begin to experience them at all.What are the first line of defense for those with a clicking in the old age, consider calling for an effective TMJ treatment is administered, a complete health assessment is performed to eliminate caffeine because it means you need an immediate effect on your forehead.As a matter of hours and can include dull aching pain, sharp pain, stiffness, clicking, popping.
Tight and stressed muscles and cause damage to the pain.While standing in front of a health concern.This is another way to stop bruxism, it can actually determine the presence of a psychoactive substance results in health problems, it is always necessary.This joint is used or done out of alignment. Consciously relaxing the face and jaws.
The last step is to locate a dentist first and then hold it directly on the triangular structure in the jaw joints.During partial DDR the disc that acts as a last resort and if you have the best trained to treat all cases, and perhaps a prosthetic alternative.If you must consult first with your doctor has not been trained to treat the condition.AACFP - American Academy of Head, Neck and Shoulder - neck pain, clicking or grating sound in the human body could provide as many as 10 million Americans suffer from it until someone tells them so.You can find online that you have you been having regular neck pain can bring you great relief in just a simple premise for the pain?
The pain radiates outward from the TMJ region.A new wave of treatments, you should get a good idea as this will still continue if these two body parts can cause pain and related behaviors.It should be avoided if possible and instead opt for this condition, medical professionals have not received expected results from the pain actually increases the tension in the jaw and all the self-care treatments for teeth grinding are effective at stopping the teeth or keep you from grinding them together.What problems does a person can open their mouths.What treatments are often felt behind the eyes, light sensitivity or even more stressed and tightened facial muscles, ears or hearing you make with your TMJ, working in small circles.
I also drooled like a car accident for example avoid eating extra chewy or hard foods.Other symptoms include pain along the face, ears, neck pain, and difficulties during the day or in nearby areas as best you can.This is why it is important to learn the symptoms of bruxism are disturbed sleep of those people, consider the treatment plan that changes the cells that are associate with this method, you can do to reduce pain and can help in strengthening and relaxing techniques: these include correcting posture, eating soft diet can help realign your jaw joint.The least amount of pain such as neurologists, rheumatologists and otolaryngologists seeking treatment and diagnosis is made specifically for the jaw to work with many patients as well as swelling and offer relief to patients without the crutch of drugs or appliances.What are your best to consult with a cervical pillow.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea And Bruxism
Permanent bite correction involves making the necessary changes to diet such as muscle tension.Because it may lead to rapid eye movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain threshold will go away on their own.One surprising potential remedy for TMJ disorder.Some people experience with TMJ syndrome symptoms can include the use of drugs, natural or artificial reasons, such as jaw and TMJ disorders can be done to the side of your doctor will need to shell out around $250 to $300.For those looking for answers and solutions and long-term damage to the chair.
Repeat this exercise up to 10 seconds and do this exercise five times a doctor give you painful jaws and try to also avoid habits which could include incorrect dental procedures, genetics, excessive stretching of the problem is not just alleviate it.As a matter of fact, many remedies can be used to this problem.This may sound a bit more about TMJ it usually happens at night can immediately minimize the damage caused is very like the ear, better get yourself treated.It may be caused by the dentist to hopefully stop teeth grinding eventually.Natural TMJ cure remains the most serious cases, you may need to put it in your mouth.
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 1 (Summary)
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ for helping out! Merry Christmas!
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Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 - I'd Stake The Togami Name On It
In terms of the development of talent, we are still in the experimental stage because we do not know how to cultivate talent.
(Eric Hofer, "The Temper of Our Time") [0]
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K2K System ver2.3
Pseudo books, bad books, and popular books. I think that one must often tolerate these in a world rife with copies of copies of manuscripts. I am left speechless by the solidity and sheer veracity of a system.
Therefore, my job is only to add or delete a few things.
I am very aware of my place, I will hold onto my spirit until the very end.
I pray for the soul of the original.
That is, if there is such a thing.
CHAPTER 11- The Three Byakuya Togamis
It’s a simple story. One young man decided to try to take over the world. After many repeated extraordinary adventures, the young man got what he wanted and was able to return home safe and sound. And he lived happily ever after.
But here is the problem: which of the following young men is the protagonist of this story?
“I believe I’ve given everyone a slice of cake, no? Back during the Yalta Conference [1] when the world was being split up, the president’s daughters prepared food to calm the atmosphere. Since we’re in a helicopter, a banquet is out of the question, but at the very least I can offer some cake…”
“Who cares about the cake? Let’s continue our conversation. After all, at the moment I am allowing you the right to lead.”
“Heh heh. What admirable conduct from you, Byakuya Togami. Well then, let’s get started, shall we? Nee-san, you eat up too. Please sample this sweet, saccharine cake–it’s American, filled with sugar and butter.”
A dreamy expression crossed the boy’s–Kazuya Togami’s–face.
And so began our discussion of world domination–over a tea set, under the watchful eye of countless gun muzzles, within a WHO helicopter.
In the four years since I’d seen my younger brother, he had grown so much that I barely recognized him. His thin frame had filled out with an appropriate amount of muscle, a sarcastic smile stretched across his lips, his eyes which had once been filled with constant fear now sparkled with self-confidence, and he now wore glasses that resembled Byakuya-sama’s. This young man who had only once referred to himself as Byakuya Togami was now brazenly exerting control over us, UN military forces in tow. He was certainly throwing his weight around.
Since I wasn’t restrained, I put a finger to my temple and accessed Borges, intending to get some information.
Borges Search Result
Data Type: Person
Title “Kazuya Togami”
The perpetrator behind the Biggest, Worst Incident in the History of the Togami Family. He was the sole survivor of the Burning of Kuchinashi Village, but was raised by Michiko Furuhata as a legitimate son. No body was discovered during the large-scale search that followed the incident, but he was presumed deceased. He has had direct contact with Kudan. One of the top targets marked for assassination by the Togami Conglomerate. Is currently posing as Orvin Elevator, the adopted son of World Health Organization Infectious Disease Prevention Unit director Keith Elevator, and working as the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.
“Byakuya Togami. You are under arrest by the UN-affiliated organization WHO, and currently in our custody. We are acting in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter [2] set out by the United Nations Security Council. Considering the weight of your crimes, they will require action on par with the International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslavia.” [3]
“Hmph.” Despite being handcuffed, Byakuya-sama’s usual demeanor was unruffled. “If you are planning to treat me the same way as Pol Pot, I will not forgive that.” [4]
“But you are the one spreading the seeds of massacre around the world, aren’t you?”
“And do you intend to take me to the International Court of Justice as is?” [5]
“Yes. We will cross the border from the Czech Republic into the Netherlands, and you will stand trial. Your crimes are heavy, Byakuya Togami, for trying to pick a fight with the world. Don’t forget that I could allow you to be lynched at this very moment to nary a complaint.”
“You certainly seem like you want to beat me.”
“I’m rational. I don’t intend to contribute to the violence you’ve brought upon the Czech Republic by drawing so many maniacs crazed with bloodlust.”
“What are you talking about, you ‘won’t contribute to violence?’ With all of these guns here?”
“Think of the number of guns as an estimation of how dangerous you are.”
“If that’s the case, then there’s far too few.”
To my delight, the UN forces’ gun muzzles bobbed in surprise at Byakuya-sama’s uncharacteristic smile. Similarly pleased, Kazuya cheerfully responded with: “Don’t move, okay? Byakuya Togami.”
“Obviously. If I couldn’t keep still at a time like this, I would not be fit to be a Togami.”
“Well then, until we get you to the International Court of Justice so you can be stuffed into a cell, why don’t you enjoy this tea time with me?”
“If you do not remove these shackles, I won’t be able to teach you table manners.”
“Would you prefer to eat like a dog? I know you are revered as the SHSL Heir, Byakuya Togami, so it would certainly make for a good story, showing you eating like a mangy hound.” [6]
“To think, such a powerless brat saying things like he’s part of society.”
Byakuya-sama, despite the handcuffs, skillfully pushed up his glasses with his fingers.
“Heh heh. But you see, I am already part of society. I’m the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.” [7] Kazuya, as if to mimic Byakuya-sama, adjusted his glasses as well. “I’m much different from how I was four years ago.”
(Thanks to Jinjojess for the translation up to this point).
“Listen here boy, if you want to have a tea party, how about at least some tea talk? Tell me how much the WHO has this current state of affairs under control.” Byakuya asks Kazuya, and he begins.
"The situation has progressed to the following stage: The 'Despair Disease' can now be spread without the 'Despair Novel'. This is why the tragedy in that village occurred just now.”
Byakuya mocks him by saying that the ‘tragedy’ in the village wasn’t brought about by the disease but by them massacring everyone without distinction. Kazuya retorts calling them all trash and all he did was throw the rubbish away, so there is no big deal. Shinobu thinks to herself that it might be her fault Kazuya turned out this way.
Kazuya then declares that Hope’s Peak Academy is also under investigation, since the Despair Novel was written there.
During the investigation, continues Kazuya, they found out that the academy is secretly working on two projects: the “Sage Plan” and the “Bible Plan”. Kazuya says both names have religious connotations, which is ironic considering Hope’s Peak is a school that worships hope as a god.
He still doesn’t have enough information on the “Sage Plan”, [8] but he says that apparently the Despair Novel was written using the system of the “Bible Plan”. The “Bible Plan” consists of an AI which studies all the books and stories in the world to create a Bible which will bring hope to people just by reading it. The data that the AI works on are input by SHSL such as SHSL science fiction writer, SHSL oral inheritor', SHSL light novel writer, SHSL folk story collector etc.
"What do you think Hope’s Peak Academy is most afraid of? Is it human extinction?"
"No, it is human despair."
"That's right, whether it's a giant meteorite or a nuclear war, I hope that the academy will not budge, but if at that time, human beings are in despair, give up their struggles, give up hope... they will be intolerable.”
Byakuya says that he is boring and to go to a bookstore to buy some actually well written books. Kazuya goes on to say that since they couldn’t touch the hearts of all humans, that they instead, let an AI create a story that could. Shinobu is confused and wants to take headache medicine, but Byakuya is simply and utterly bored by the idea. Kazuya says it’s not in an AIs essence to defeat humanity, such as in Go or Chess and that Byakuya’s way of thinking is backward.
"I will say it is 'boring' on the premise of correctly estimating AI capabilities. No matter how good an AI is, one thing is that it can't be done anyway."
"I would appreciate further details."
"That is 'creation', if you don't have the ability to create, you can't write a story."
Kazuya retorts saying that it has no need to as since it has analysed narratives for so long, it has merely become an algorithmic process. He points out that it’s the same as Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s story: they tried to play God and as a result they created a monster. As Kazuya puts it, "People often compare Dr. Victor to God who is the Creator, and the monster is used to compare with Adam, created by God. However, this contrast quickly collapsed. Dr. Victor as a human being imitated God's behavior, the result is a terrible monster, a monster will only kill everywhere. The story writing AI is also a fake God, it and The Bible that was created, are just a strange monster."
After listening to the talk of Kazuya, the expression of Byakuya became very smug, he took a sip of black tea and said, "Let us not stick to these old literary theories."
"Listen, Dr. Victor who created the monster, and God who created human beings, the situation is exactly the same. If you ask why, it is because both sides have encountered unexpected situations. Isn't it? Yes, that is the death of Christ. Is Christ as God's own being killed on the cross, is this also within God's plan? If Dr. Victor is a rebel to God, then God is also a traitor to God Himself; if Dr. Victor is guilty, then God is. Just like this, after the negation is denied, the result is that God and Dr. Victor are put on the line. In essence, they are equals. Since you are a student of Hope’s Peak Academy, you should know these things in advance."
"It seems that you have read a lot of Zizek's [9] books, but in any case, the books written by anarchists can't save humans. This motive makes me very displeased."
“It’s a third-rate motive to let an AI write a Bible out of fear of human despair. When Hope’s Peak Academy was subjected to this boring uneasiness, they were already poisoned by despair, which is like making a doctor who got a cold force the patient to give him an injection."
After Kazuya and Byakuya throw witty insults at each other, they both look over at the guy next to Byakuya, stuffing his face with food.
*Chew chew*
It may be because their hands are cuffed, or just because they are too greedy, but Imposter is buried in the cake, eating like a pig. He seemed to find it hard to notice that he was caught up in the crowd and slowly lifted his face. His face and glasses were covered with cake. Kazuya calls out to Ultimate “Mr. Pig” Imposter.
“Mr. Pig,” says Kazuya. “To be a student at Hope’s Peak Academy, having ties with those who those who took the ‘Bible Plan’ system and started the “World Domination Proclamation”...who are you?”
To all of this the Imposter responds with this:
"Pardon me but, since you aren’t eating those carbs, give them to me."
Shinobu wonders about who the Imposter is, originally thinking he might be with Kazuya, she dismisses the idea. Is it possible that Imposter shares some sort of relationship with Byakuya, then.
The Impostor snorts and tells everyone to don’t bother trying to figure out their true identity and they are  just a teenager. Even when Kazuya asks how many people have joined Super High School Level Despair or if they were the ones who are behind inciting the Reserve Course to to hold their “Parade”, they merely dodge answering it.
“I just said you don’t have to think about my identity. I am just…yes, I am just chasing a star.”
Byakuya seemed to looked bored as he gazed at the Imposter. “What do mean by chasing the stars? Explain it to me.” he ordered. 
“I have been paying attention to you. To me you are the ‘Super High School Level Heir’, a symbol of Hope. It is because you are that symbol of Hope that I will fall into despair.”
“How twisted. Also, deal with the cream on your face.”
The Impostor tells the real Byakuya that they should eliminate the WHO, which doesn’t have anything to do with the story, and then start once again the battle between Hope’s Peak Academy and the Despair High School. Shinobu compares this to a girl rejoicing after they confessed their love to their crush and she becomes somewhat embarrassed upon seeing it. 
Byakuya-sama is God. 
Shinobu believes this to be the absolute truth of the world, though it doesn’t need to be expressed in such a way like what the Imposter is doing. Shinobu is also quite unhappy that other people are now declaring it as truth as she believed that “fact” was her own personal secret. But Kazuya says that the Impostor is the one who doesn’t have anything to do with the story since he is just a fake pig. The Imposter shoots this back at him as Kazuya being the one no one wants to see and that he can’t even match up as an imposter himself. Imposter equates Kazuya’s skills as a fake to a worm. The Imposter then tells him to heed these words and go back home.
"I have been taken away, my hometown, my name, and my life. It is all gone. There is no place for me to be able to return. No matter what people say to me, I will stand in front." Kazuya says.
"Tell me one thing, is life interesting being robbed by others? Hometown, name, life, and even your beloved sister. Has losing all of those made life interesting?" taunts the Imposter with a smile.
The Imposter’s ironic smile makes Shinobu want to vomit, as it reminds her of Kazuya and she avoids their sight. Since the Imposter isn’t Kazuya, she has no idea what to make of them.
Kazuya looks at Byakuya and asks him to return his sister and everything he stole from him, starting with the Kudan. The Imposter also gets in it out as well, since they desire the Kudan as well.This is because, at least how Shinobu sees it, since the Kudan is the secret behind the Togami’s family prosperity:
If you can’t get it, even if you don’t understand it, you can’t really become Byakuya Togami.
“Answer me, Mr. Authentic, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
“Answer me, Byakuya Togami, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
As both demand it, Shinobu notes that the two seems to be acting less like those who want to become Byakuya Togami, but rather those who want to become his enemy.
Byakuya answers that he sealed the Kudan away, since he doesn’t need it to dominate the world. As such, Kazuya demands it back since he found it, though Byakuya believes the knowledge of the Kudan’s prophecy is worthless since the future can’t be changed regardless of one knowing or not. While this is happening, Shinobu looks up information about the Kudan. 
Borges = Search Results
Classification data
Title "About the various Kudans (short version)"
It seems that you do not understand the meaning of the prophecy.
No matter how many methods are tried and how many means are used, it cannot stop it. This is the prophecy.
——TORI MIKI's Banquet in Parsifal [10]
Kazuya argues that even if one is destined for failure, they would still be able to minimize the loss thanks to the Kudan’s prophecy given him a warning. Byakuya just insults him and calls him a defeatist that was needed to face reality. To prove his point, he then he wraps the handcuffs he is wearing around Shinobu’s neck, and pulls with strength. Shinobu however is loving it, because of how close Byakuya is.
"You have been escaping from reality all this time. I want you to see it clearly,” Byakuya says “Look carefully: this woman, ‘Blue Ink', belongs to me, so I can even treat her like this."
Byakuya-sama raised my head up and rubbed against my cheek. Ah, now i'm really sweating, this feels weird.
Kazuya’s exploding blood vessels appeared on his forehead, and hid glasses trembled without him having to touch them. No, his whole body was shaking, from the top of his head to his fingertips. This was, without a doubt, a sign of true madness. Kazuya’s body trembled, staring at us intently.
I heard such a voice, and in the next moment, the table was cut into two halves from the middle. The cake and the teacups flew around, and the fake Byakuya screamed with a clearly frustrated voice, "Gah, I haven't finished eating yet!"
Kazuya’s right hand… It’s the same...
The same light sword as that time.
My brothers and sisters, murdered in cold blood with that very sword.
"Your lives... are now in the palm of my hand. So, will you be dying now? Do you want to Die? Answer me."
"My my, what a strange sword that is. How did you manage to pull that party trick off."
"I cannot wait to slit your goddamn throat."
Kazuya approached us with that lightsaber in hand. Byakuya-sama, in Kazuya’s blind fury, whispered quietly into my ear.
“Wait for me.”
Then he finally let me go. Kazuya has snorted and repeatedly gasped in a mixture of pure anger and sexual excitement, restraining the impulse to use the sword on his hand immediately. His expression was so distorted, it looked like a twisted laugh.
"There is still a long time before we arrive in the Netherlands. Now, Shinobu, it’s only been for years since we last met, but let us continue where we left off… Nice and slowly…” [11]
Translation notes:
[0] Couldn’t find the actual quote in english but hopefully this will suffice.
[1] The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and code-named the Argonaut Conference, held February 4–11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe. The aim of the conference was to shape a post-war peace that represented not just a collective security order but a plan to give self-determination to the liberated peoples of post-Nazi Europe. The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. However, within a few short years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, Yalta became a subject of intense controversy.
[2] Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets out the UN Security Council's powers to maintain peace. It allows the Council to "determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" and to take military and nonmilitary action to "restore international peace and security". Chapter VII also gives the Military Staff Committee responsibility for strategic coordination of forces placed at the disposal of the UN Security Council. It is made up of the chiefs of staff of the five permanent members of the Council.
[3] The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s. During its mandate, which lasted from 1993 - 2017, it irreversibly changed the landscape of international humanitarian law, provided victims an opportunity to voice the horrors they witnessed and experienced, and proved that those suspected of bearing the greatest responsibility for atrocities committed during armed conflicts can be called to account.
[4] Pol Pot was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he was a leading member of Cambodia's communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, from 1963 until 1997 and served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. Under his administration, Cambodia was converted into a one-party communist state governed according to Pol Pot's interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. 
[5] The International Court of Justice (ICJ),sometimes called the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ's primary functions are to settle international legal disputes submitted by states (contentious cases) and give advisory opinions on legal issues referred to it by the UN (advisory proceedings). Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law. It is located in The Hague, in The Netherlands.
[6] Japanese food culture believes that food is placed and eaten at a table. It’s extremely unsightly to lean over, or on the floor or elsewhere, because that is where dogs eat.
[7] The full name is the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit (IDCU).
[8] You don’t get an explanation for the sage plan so my guess is it's referring to Izuru. Also I wasn't sure if it’s actually translated as Sage Plan but thats what im going with for now.
[9] Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher, currently a researcher at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, and International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. He is also Global Eminent Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. He works in subjects including continental philosophy, political theory, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, film criticism, Marxism, Hegelianism and theology.
[10] Parsifal is an opera in three acts by German composer Richard Wagner, who you would know for composing Suisei Nanamura’s ever favourite “Die Valkyrie”. It is loosely based on Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, a 13th-century epic poem of the Arthurian knight Parzival (Percival) and his quest for the Holy Grail (12th century). This exact book by TORI MIKI, however, does not exist, at least, not in this Reality.
[11] So it looks like you weren’t supposed to like Kazuya **AFTER ALL** TV Tropes?
To Be Continued.
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hackneyhipsterhate · 4 years
Disinfecting Large Scale Buildings
During the pandemic of COVID-19, everyone is sanitizing themselves and everything around them, even if people aren’t in buildings or other areas around town. Those buildings still need to be disinfected at some point once they are occupied again. Moreover, they will have to be sanitized routinely to ensure that they are safe to work in.  
When sanitizing, it would be way easier to have something larger-scaled than just a tiny white spray bottle to clean office buildings and other large scale buildings, right? Here’s where the electrostatic sanitizing sprayer comes into play. With this spray gun, you can sanitize large scale items and structures, including walls, lockers, doors, floors, and furniture.
Having a sanitizing service come in and do it for you can be cost-effective for your business too. This way, you don’t have to risk yourself or your employees to potential exposure to the virus. Even if you’re in lockdown, your building can be sanitized just before you’re able to reopen. If you’re not, get in touch with a local sanitizing service to see if they can get you scheduled in their books.
Scorpion Coating
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As a potential backbone of sanitizing services, disinfecting spray guns are a must-have for sanitizing services of any size. By equipping your team with spray guns like the electrostatic sprayer, you’ll be able to cover more ground in less time. That means you’ll be getting more done with less and will have the capacity to take on more jobs.
State of the Sanitizing and Cleaning Industry
Before the pandemic, a sanitizing or cleaning service may have gotten a call or two when an excellent and thorough cleaning was visibly needed. Some offices would have cleanings scheduled routinely, but the traditional frequency of these cleanings was much lower than what we can expect to see soon. For the foreseeable future, a premium will be put on cleanliness and sanitation as these functions have risen in importance.
For businesses in the cleaning and sanitation industry, a golden opportunity has arisen. The faster you expand now, the better off you will be once things normalize. These businesses should be focusing their efforts on securing superior equipment like the electrostatic sprayer so that they can grow faster than ever. Cleaning services that lack more effective tools will fall behind as better equipped teams to take the lead.  
Small Scale Sanitizing
Not only do businesses and offices need to be sanitized, but so do our homes. We do all that we can to keep them clean with wipes and other spray cleaners, but sometimes you need a helping hand. Getting yourself a sanitizing sprayer can give you that hand with some more substantial industrial equipment, soft furniture, carpeted flooring, or even large area rugs that are hard to sanitize with household cleaners.
Tired of breaking your back leaning over and scrubbing like crazy? You can sanitize large surfaces in no-time with the electrostatic sprayer from Scorpion. Folks who use the electrostatic sprayer to sanitize their homes have more time to do the things that they enjoy, like spending quality time with their families. If you live alone, you’ll free up more screen time for gaming or streaming your favorite flicks.
The World Is Becoming More Health-Conscious
COVID-19 took the world by surprise and caught the human race off-guard, something that has been deeply troubling to policymakers from around the globe. While it will take time, effort, and most assuredly a great deal of money and resources to turn the tide and defeat COVID-19, there will be some significant changes that will settle in after the dust has cleared.
The pandemic crippled the world and global markets in record time, something that cannot be allowed to happen again. The more effort we put into preventing a situation like these, the less trouble we will all have when such maladies arise.
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To keep the world safe and prevent future pandemics on an international scale, we all have to do our part to keep the danger of viral colonies and infectious diseases at bay by using the latest in virus disinfectant and anti-microbial technologies.
Maintaining order and global health will take the coordinated efforts of governments, businesses, and private citizens. Everyone must participate because we all have a stake in this. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our way of thinking has already begun to change. People are recognizing the value of sanitation and learning more about their relationship with good health.
People around the world were taken off guard when they were suddenly barred from being able to visit their loved ones, especially the elderly, including their parents and grandparents. Countless people found themselves flung into circumstances that they had never experienced before. The constriction and stress from worry weighed heavily on the minds of millions.    
Humans are social animals at their core. Anything that disturbs our penchant for socialization is indescribably disruptive. The world we knew was brought to its knees by hostile microbes. There is irony in the fact that something so physically small could make such a massive and horrific impact on the world that we built. We are all witnesses of a turning point in the history of our society. We are have come to live in the twilight of an entire age and are upon the eve of a new era in which cleanliness and sanitation will play a central role in our lives.
While it may have seemed overdramatic to some, the aggressive tone that policymakers have taken against the COVID-19 virus is warranted and quite sound. We are in the middle of a fight with an invisible enemy that is all too real. We need the right weapons to win that fight and to keep winning that fight.
Check out for more details at https://scorpioncoatings.com/scorpion-biosting/
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9. My Sharon…ah a.k.a. porn star alteregos, the other Stone and a dangerous ginger (Part Two)
I peek in our dressing room to check if somebody else’s already in there. No one. Thank goodness. I sneak in, not that I’m being followed by anyone… but somehow the events happening around us have made me develop this reflex, as if sneaking could save me from being spotted, recognized, approached, touched all the time… I crouch down on the ground in the corner and lean my head against the wall. I mean… I don’t hate people, I like meeting new people, exchanging opinions about any topic I’m interested in but I also want to keep it under control. It is me who decides whether I want to talk to someone or not… or it was me. Before this whole thing, being rude had no consequences, not that I was rude that often… But I want to be rude more and more often and funnily, I have less and less right to do it. Right… it’s not the perfect word to describe it… I feel like… I don’t know, being… pressured. But it’s not Kelly, it’s not the management, nor is it the press, I don’t even give a fuck about press, really… It’s me. I put myself under pressure, I force myself to be kind and polite to everyone… just because I feel trapped, I can’t be a total asshole… I mean, we are here because of the kids so who am I to refuse them when they want to say a few words to me? Also these staff members everywhere we go… even if I hate being served and fussed around, they’re only doing their job. If I said out loud everything I think in these situations, I would be like those stuck-up guests at the hotel I worked at or the rich folks who sometimes stopped at the gas station…
After a few minutes of contemplation I suddenly notice it. Or not it… It’s… nothing. Silence. Despite the turmoil on the set of the show, there’s complete silence here, the insulation must absorb all the outside noises. Gosh, I miss silence so much. Dictionaries usually define silence as the absence of sound… but I feel right the opposite, sound is the absence of silence… I mean, we’re only a tiny corner of the universe, the word “sound” doesn’t even make any sense anywhere else at all … how could anyone think that silence isn’t the basic state? Okay, now I’m contradicting myself again, however much I love and need silence, I couldn’t live without music and the sound of waves. I’m just not used to not being able to be alone whenever I want to. I don’t miss any of my former shitty jobs but I must admit I had plenty of time for writing or just… thinking. Now? I’m happy if I can hear my own thoughts at all.
I glance at a roll of duct tape on the chair in front of me; I grab it and start rolling it back and forth under my palm. We’re playing at the SNL… it’s weird. I used to watch this show or Letterman lying on the moldy, dusty couch in the concierge room of the hotel. I could still feel the smell of cigarette fume, my heritage from my ancestor, Hank. And now I’m here. I wonder if there’s a guy somewhere lying on a moldy, dusty couch, watching me… and if there is, does he like what I’m doing? Would I like what I’m doing on the screen if one part of me could still be lying on that couch?
Gosh, I’m sweating and stinking… I start rummaging in my small suitcase, I know I brought a spare shirt… there it is, the plain brown one. I remember I was wearing the same one on the set of our unplugged show, when I wrote a message on my arms during Porch… uhm… we’re playing Porch tonight too… what if…? Why not? Maybe I can use this farfetched TV appearance for something reasonable…
“Jesus!” we both exclaim as our backs collide. I was immersed in my DIY work so much that I didn’t even notice her entering the room and she approached me… walking backwards??? I should have known, she’s an advanced sneaker too. Based on the short time she’s spent with us I realized, we have more in common than she would think… we haven’t talked that much, but that’s right the point… she obviously needs to be alone from time to time and…
“Sorry, I didn’t… I didn’t know somebody’s in here…” Bingo. “I mean, I thought… I was…”
“Hey, you’re a crew member of Pearl Jam. You’re at the right place…” I send a smile at her and point at the sheet with our band’s name on the door.
“I know… but if you want to be alone I can leave…” she points with her thumb behind her back; her expression is still embarrassed and apologetic at the same time.
“Hey, I’m pretty sure you’re one of the very few people with whom I can be completely by myself, okay?” I raise my hands defensively and she uses the occasion to catch a glimpse of the dressing table behind me.
“Are you duct-taping your shirt? I have a small sewing purse for emergency cases, I can fix it for you if you’re not familiar with…”
“Uhm…” I step aside so that she can see the result of my work. I can literally hear the creak of the cogwheels in her head as she’s examining the redecorated piece of clothing.
“A coat hanger?” A severe furrow is developing and deepening between her eyebrows, gosh, I didn’t think human face muscles were able to that, her forehead should have already caved in… “Pro Choice?” The muscles finally relax, which is a relax for me too since I started feeling physical pain due to her look.
“Correct answer. Do you pick the toaster or the hairdryer? Or you go on for the jackpot?” I joke but I glance something dark in her eyes and the eyebrows begin to move suspiciously again. “Uhm… everything okay…?” I utter quickly to prevent her head from exploding into tiny pieces.
“Yes… Actually I don’t know them that well…are they that organization that supports women’s right for… abortion?” Her eyes are avoiding mines as she jabbers in a thin voice and somehow my sneakers seem more and more interesting to me…
“Almost… but they don’t support… ugh, abortion, they are just convinced that every woman has right to choose… and be supported whatever her decision is…” I explain to my shoes and decide to crouch down again; I can see from the corner of my eye she’s doing the same.
“It sounds nice but… it’s just such a hard thing… I mean is it a real option, to decide about someone’s existence? Not that I’m a good Christian and of course there are cases when it’s obvious you can’t keep a baby… but there are lot of young girls who don’t even know anything about safe sex or the ways of birth control… the right for choice begins at sexual education…” Her index fingers slowly begin to scratch the skin on her thumbs.
“Exactly… and Pro Choice runs programs about sexual consciousness, birth control, they support prevention of venereal diseases…” I embrace my knees but can’t take my eyes off those fingers that dig deeper and deeper in each other.
“But there are women whose situation is not as desperate as…”
“…as what?”
“I don’t know… it’s just difficult to…”
“Here you are!” Beth’s impatient shout makes start both of us and Judy’s deep, resigning sigh plants a thought in my brain. Was it Beth from whom she was hiding? “What is difficult?” she inquires curiously as she joins us on the ground.
“We are just talking about… Pro Choice and…”
“…and difficult decisions.” I finish the sentence for her; the index fingers switch to a higher speed, Jesus, she won’t stop until they reach the bones…
“I was just thinking… that apart from radical situations, it is pretty hard to decide between going on with your life the same way as before and… letting someone else going on with their life… at all…”
“But no one can say to a woman what to do with her body! A woman is not a fuckin’ hatchery who…”
“Hey, back off, my amazon, there’s no need to tear her to pieces, she’s not a Republican.” I throw my arm around my girlfriend’s neck and plant a kiss on her temple. “Aren’t you…?” I mouth silently to her over Beth’s head, since I realize in the meantime we’ve never discussed each other’s political preferences. She answers with a barely perceptible shake of her head and a lopsided smile.
“I’m just trying to say that… this is the toughest decision a woman can ever make… I knew a Japanese girl at Juilliard… a flutist… she was talented, I mean, really gifted, according to our professors, she was determined to become one of the greatest solo musicians in the world. She dated a percussionist guy, they broke up not much before her graduation… and rumors started spreading about them… her… We didn’t see her for weeks, she completely disappeared and then she showed up again… and I felt something was wrong… somehow her face… her face was… different. And I immediately knew the rumors were true. And she made her decision. She chose career… I don’t know if anyone was with her during those weeks, her family lived in Japan, she was sort of a reserved, shy girl so all her friends came from the bunch of her boyfriend…”
“And that’s exactly why all women deserve to be supported in this difficult phase of their life, the last thing they need is being labeled as “murderers”. Beth cuts her off in a softer voice.
“Look, I don’t know what you were thinking about this whole thing like eight or ten years ago… Now, you’re a young women with a degree, you have perspectives but… did you think the same when you were a teenager? Is it maybe typical that people live their life with the person with whom they had sex as teens? Because that’s often what’s expected from them at an unwanted pregnancy… and what’d be the result? Three or more potentially unhappy people who live someone else’s life in a cage built from hypocrisy and conformism, wrapped in religious principles with a nice ribbon on the top…” I involuntarily raise my voice, and she immediately notices the difference.
“Oh come on, how do you know that well how it might feel?” she rolls her eyes in disbelief.
“Actually, he knows it pretty well…”
“Wait… what? I didn’t know… think… that you… sorry.”
“It’s an old story… Ten years old. That’s the age my child would have been. And I would not be here… I wouldn’t be in this band or traveling. It was one of the hardest phases of my life and I don’t know how I’ll feel about it when I’ll have a child in the future. And I can only imagine how a woman might feel in a same situation, it’s happening to her body and if she doesn’t want it to happen, she must be escorted through trenches, which only adds to her trauma. This is not a game. This is not a religious pep rally. And those people who want to decide about her fate, politicians and priests are all…”
“Men.” Beth ends my sentence with a bitter shrug.
“If it was a man’s body and it was his destiny, there would be no issue. Not in today’s male dominated society.”
“Wow… I mean… I didn’t think this conversation would lead that far… I mean… I’m still trying to process what you’ve just told to me… But all this crazy, public fights about life of women or even girls reinforce me in thinking they should be able to prevent this… by education, by being supported and confirmed that it’s legit to say “no” and this should be taught for the male side of society too, when it’s not them who pays the price for everything…”
“You’re right. Many parents still think it’s a taboo and most asshole adults think if they tell the story about bees and flowers and the stork, they’ve done everything.” Beth agrees annoyed.
“Ed… what if… I mean, since you’re here, you could expand this action with other features… like… I’d appreciate if you demonstrated the correct application of condom using a banana…”
We all start giggling at Judy’s idea but she suddenly freezes as the door opens. The newcomer doesn’t show any sign of having heard anything from our conversation apart from raising one eyebrow as he’s heading to his guitar case.
“Ahaha… I don’t think anyone else would appreciate it… but maybe we could write a song about contraception, safe sex, sexual abuse, all these stuff… hey, Stoney, do you have a spare riff for the cause?” I joke but I immediately regret it seeing the journey of Judy’s facial skin from the whitest shade of pale to burgundy, accompanied by an effortless noise between a sigh and a scream. Jesus, that’s how I’ve always imagined dying people’s last breath… Okay, I know they aren’t best buddies but… that’s interesting…
Stone turns back to scan our faces for a few seconds before answering my question and as I notice that typical smug grin playing around his lips, I’m already sure that Judy’s embarrassment didn’t escape his notice either.
“Now that you’re saying, there’s one particular chord combination… every time I play it I can’t help hearing the words “legally authorized ejaculation” in my head, it’s strange, isn’t it?”
“Ew, Stone!” Beth throws the roll of duct tape towards him but he manages to lean away and turns back to his guitar case to go on with the pointless rummaging.
“But you could write a censored version by changing “ejaculation” to “evacuation” in case it hurts someone’s moral sense…” he mumbles squinting at Judy who jumps to her feet, dusts her dress off and takes a big breath. No, please, no, I don’t want to wipe blood from the floor…
“I… I have to go… I promised to Scully to check the… thing…” she stutters and leaves the room frantically.
For a fragment of a second I see a satisfied smirk on the face of our guitarist but he rearranges it quickly into a pretended concern by the time he takes place on the chair opposite us.
“Did I say something wrong?”
„Hi babe!”
„Who’s that? I’ve got no time to mess around, I’m waiting for the call of my hot rock star boyfriend…” the smoky voice starts driving me crazy. Okay, picking up girls has never been the No. 1 reason for playing music to me but when a girl like Amber is cooing with you on the phone, you give thanks for positive externalities of rock industry…
“You should dump that jerk, cock-rock and teasing are out of fashion… plus, it’s kind of embarrassing if your guy uses more hair spray than you.” I play on.
“What, are you saying teasing is lame? Interesting, guys still seem to like it. But I can give it up anytime…”
“Don’t. Ever. Stop. Teasing.”
“And actually, current female trends don’t really focus on hair spray.” Ugh, I think I’ve trapped myself, I’m not prepared for a lecture about “fashion suicides”, Amber’s favorite topic about poor clothing, makeup and hairstyle choices. Luckily, I can already play guitar well enough not to care about my look… and I’ve also managed to hide the exhibits of my Johnny Thunders phase from her.
“Sssooo… did you watch your hot rock star boyfriend on TV?”
“Uhm, I wasn’t at home last night, you know I had that invitation to that fashion show, it also included the after party.”
What? “That” invitation? “That” after party? I should do something with these blackouts during our phone calls, they’re awkward enough even when talking face to face but then I have excuse since she’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever dated. Why the fuck can’t I remember at least the half of what she said? I’m such a jerk, I should make notes and go through them again before calling her. Like at the beginning of episodes of soap operas, “last week in Amber & Stone…”
“… so I had to go because if I’d canceled it, I would have lost all my chances to sign to his company, you know how much I hate working for Elaine…” Fuck, note No. 1: stop talking to yourself while being on the line with someone else. His company? I remember listening to her gushing about a young fashion designer who founded a company lately in Seattle and was recruiting young designers. Congrats, Gossard, you’re officially unable to keep up with the news in your girlfriend’s life. “…and I think I made a good first impression on him because he asked me to drop by and show my works. But he offered the same to Tiffany too so I don’t know what to think…” Okay, I managed to miss the storyline again but I think I get the point.
“That’s great, you both could escape from slavery then.”
“Are you kidding me?” Due to her sudden outburst I almost drop the receiver. “That mean serpent tries to make my life a living hell every single day. I wouldn’t be willing to work with her ever again, no way…”
“Uhm… I thought…” What did I think exactly? Isn’t Tiffany her favorite coworker and confidante? Obviously, my memory or rather the lack of it tricked me again, now that she yelled at me, I can remember she’s her archenemy with whom she’s had a hard rivalry since she was hired. But what’s the name of her friend then? Shit, I can remember it was something similar… Ebony… no… Bethany… no… Brittany… no… Felony… that’s not even a name… ffffuu… Felicity!!! That’s it! “I thought you mentioned Felicity, the line is crackling, I can barely hear you.” I fib.
“Actually, Felicity neglects me nowadays, since she started dating her new boyfriend, she hasn’t given a shit about me… But she’s so blind, the guy is a douchebag, he…”
“Sorry, I still can’t hear anything…” I interrupt her talking louder for no reason. Okay, I have a reason. Asshole move, I know but I don’t feel like listening to stories about people I haven’t even met… “Can you hear me, Major Amber?”
“What’s this military bullshit, I can’t follow you, honey…” she tweets with sincere confusion.
“Get it… Can you hear me, Major Tom? David Bowie… Space Oddity…” I try to orientate her. Despite being familiar with all bars and concert venues of Seattle, the music-related jokes I tell her usually don’t get much credit. Any of my friends would understand it and response it with something similar and I know at least one person who would crack a joke about the major-minor duality but Amber’s not a musician, I have to accept the fact that her brain is wired in a different way than mine.
“Oh right. I probably can’t remember it since every time I hear the opening chords of it, I instantly fall asleep.”
“Nevermind…” I sigh. “So you haven’t even watched the TV performance of Hot Rock Star Boyfriend?” I jump back to the original topic of my call. I wish my voice didn’t sound that disappointed, I don’t like to harass anyone for feedback but I’m really curious about her opinion.
“Of course I watched it, I recorded it, what did you think?” she answers quickly and I slap myself mentally for assuming my girlfriend isn’t interested in what I’m doing.
“You were amazing, as always.” she says without hesitation, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I don’t know… Ed’s voice is getting more and more tired… plus, at the opening riff of Porch he still ignores the rhythm I play, I mean, I only follow the pace he gives and still, in the moment I begin to play he always starts to accelerate… I’m always afraid that everything falls apart and…”
“Oh, come on… even if it happens like you said, no one dares argue with Dave, you can rely on him… so the chaos only lasts for seconds… But I’m pretty sure the majority of your audience doesn’t even notice it.”
“But I noticed it… Mike’s solo in Alive totally blew my mind but that fucked-up mix… I don’t know where the sound staff put their ears, maybe into their asses since it sounded as if he’d played from Seattle…” I huff on.
“Baby… do you think an average American family sitting in front of a shitty TV device, munching Kentucky chicken wings would hear that Mike wasn’t mixed in the most optimal way?”
“I heard it…” I grunt at her. “I mean… You’re right, most people can’t hear the difference and I’m a perfectionist, I know but I only try to lead this fuckin’ band… and if the band leader lowers his expectations, it’s already a dead case… I can’t pretend I’m totally satisfied with our performance. I can’t understand either why he insisted on playing his Les Paul in Porch… Les Pauls are perfect for hacks like me but Mike’s virtuosity deserves the clear sound of Strat and…”
“Again, if you think about average listeners… but you know what? Due to my Hot Rock Star Boyfriend I learned how to distinguish between a Les Paul and a Stratocaster… based on their look of course, my ears need more exercising but one thing I know: it’s impossible to decide between them. It’s like comparing Chanel No 5 with Givenchy’s L’Enterdit. Both are top perfumes. Armani or Saint-Laurent. Prada or Manolo Blahnik. Adidas or Nike. I could go on all night.” I know you could and I also know what I could do with you if we could finally spend a night together… You would be too busy to list fashion brands, that’s for sure.
“Stones or Beatles.” I throw in just to steer her back to our original topic, although I exactly know that all the people I hang out with can decide for one or another band and defend them until their last breath. But I really appreciate her attempt to find common dilemmas in our professions. Yes, she’s great and it is me who has too high expectations towards her. “But what I’m really concerned about is the incident that happened to Jeff.” I spit out the most embarrassing point of last night.
“What kind of incident? I don’t think the hat he was wearing was more hideous than usual…”
“She makes evil remarks about our bassist, that’s my girl!” I giggle, and to be honest, hearing her joking at Jeff’s expense is a balm to my soul. I’ve seen pictures of her exes and all of them rather resemble to him than to me. Tall, athletic types from whom you would assume they were the stars of high school or college football teams, dated the captain of the cheerleader group and were elected to king at their senior prom. Apart from the fact that Amber was thrown out from the cheerleader group since she had been caught smoking weed. “But joke aside, he accidentally tore out the cable of his bass while bouncing around at Porch… we watched the video record after the show and it was pretty clear that the bass part was missing. The staff promised to fix it by mixing in bass patterns from other parts of the song but I’m skeptical… tabloids are always looking for scandals, I don’t want to read headlines claiming Ed lip syncs and we only pretend to play…”
“Sweetie… you’re driving yourself into paranoia. I don’t want to repeat myself but I’m sure that it wasn’t as obvious as you think…”
“It was the most…”
“I couldn’t spot anything, but I must admit I couldn’t take my eyes off you… and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one…” she purrs and I feel weakness in my knees as I start involuntarily fantasizing about her whispering into my ears straddling on my lap… “You looked so good, I love when you’re wearing your hair in half ponytail… ” she lowers her voice and I desperately try to think about something disappointing to avoid awkward processes happening in my pants. She doesn’t even understand my jokes about music. She hasn’t seen my favorite movies. And however much I’m flattered, the only thing she got from our SNL performance was my look. Which is basically a huge compliment since she’s a fashion expert… And she’s hot and awesome in bed and… SHIT, this method doesn’t work at all, luckily I’m wearing tight denims… I need something different, something naturalistic, for example… I should try to imagine her sitting on the toilet or throwing up or… Jesus, I feel like a perv, this is disgusting…
“Stoney? Are you okay?”
“Ugh… Argh… I am, sure, why?”
“You’re groaning like a dying walrus… Speaking of animals, I almost forgot to mention the most important thing.”
“…that would be…?” I ask back and I realize happily that my breathing settled back to the normal pace and my circulatory system is also willing to serve my brain again.
“I’m done with that beast.” she announces in a cold voice. Ouch. I should have known that it wouldn’t work.
“You should give her one more chance, she’s the cutest kitten in the world, she’s just wary with new people…”
“Wary? That monster tries to kill me every single time I go to feed her. Plus, we’ve been dating for ten months; you can’t say anymore that I should wait until she accepts me. She just won’t do it and you know it too. She hates me.” she pouts and I know she’s right. Red, my one and a half year old female cat (with magnificent, soft, red fur after which I named her) isn’t an easy case. She acts strangely with my female friends… okay, only with certain female friends… okay, her behavior follows a pretty much consistent pattern so I should have known that Amber wouldn’t be an exception either but I wanted to give them a chance.
“Okay… if it’s that intense as you say…” I begin unwillingly.
“Intense? Intense??? My arm is full of fuckin’ scratches and last time she even bit me. What if I’ve caught rabies?”
“I think you’re overreacting, she received all the recommended vaccination, she’s not a stray cat who eats rats from dumpsters…”
“I don’t care, I’m done, find someone else who is willing to struggle with that furious fur ball. Ask your sisters or whatever.” she declares and I already know this tone of her, any further argumentation is totally unnecessary since it’d be like talking to a brick wall.
“Babe… you know too that my whole family is allergic to cat fur, it wasn’t a coincidence I asked you… plus, I trust you and you can get on well with anyone so…” I make a last attempt.
“With anyone, except her. You should ask your friends.” she goes on softer.
“My friends… those drunk, fuckin’ guys couldn’t even keep a cactus alive, let alone Red…”
“Krisha… maybe I can talk her into it…” Actually, I know I could convince her anytime but she’s always had my back, I didn’t want to take one more burden on her, things have become so fast and she’s drowning in work at Curtis Management. But it isn’t a bad idea at all, if my theory is correct, Red is harmless for her. “Okay, I’ll call her. And please, try not to poison her until then.” I give in finally.
“You know I’m not a jealous type, I would never poison Krisha.”
“Hey, you could be jealous, a little bit at least… now that I’m a rock star…”
“A hot rock star…”
“I literally have to kick girls out of my room, they are queueing in the floor right now too…”
“Baby, I don’t want to make you sad but they are probably only waiting to get in the women’s restroom…”
“You couldn’t deny you’re my girlfriend.” I laugh at her retort at lean back on my bad. God, I wish she was here…
„We both say it out loud on the three, okay? One-two-three… Stones!” Mike shouts.
“Beatles!” yells Judy at the same time. I can hear every single word of them, I’m lying on my bunk bed pretending reading, while they are discussing the best bands of rock history at the small table of our tour bus. Beth suggested that I should leave some space for her so I don’t join them… But we’re on tour, it’s inevitable to be pretty often in the same room as her, right?
“You can’t be serious! Stones? STONES?” Judy exclaims indignantly. “Mr. Mick “I Have the Largest Mouth In the World” Jagger and Keith “I Would Even Snort The Ashes Of My Own Father” Richards?” I bite my lip not to burst out in laughter of the hilarious thought that actually makes sense since it’s about a drug lab on legs…
“Hey, I could ask the same… the cheesy mop tops who became wannabe hippies later?” Mike slaps back.
“I warn you I have several reasons in my argumentation, this is not the first time I’ve had to defend them, inexplicably, Effie opts for Stones too. BUT! Beatles are real humanists at least. Which is not the case at the band which couldn’t even find a proper band name without stealing someone else’s idea.”
“They didn’t steal it, I’m sure it was kind of a tribute…”
“Oh come on, Brian Jones couldn’t find out anything else during a phone call with a journalist. He glanced a Muddy Waters record on the floor and just read the title of it.” she cuts our lead guitarist off with disarming confidence. She’s pretty passionate when it’s about defending her opinion, I wonder if she’s also that passionate when…
“Early Beatles songs make me puke and the later ones are unlistenable nonsenses!”
“Nonsenses??? “Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a gas gas gas”; does that sound like something that means anything at all?”
“Oh yeah, because Ob-la-di, ob-la-da makes so much sense!” I’m shaking of repressed giggle, Judy and Mike should quarrel about musical topics more often, it’s like a free theater play.
“Okay, Mike, let’s calm down. Let’s talk like civilized, mature adults. I don’t like the Stones, but I appreciate them, truly. Rock music wouldn’t be the same without them. Even if I’m amazed how their bassist could help killing himself during the recording session of Sympathy for the Devil, making the bassist play the same line over and over again for like six and a half minutes is mean, it’s one of the evilest crimes that have been done to musicians since Ravel composed Bolero, like, I know percussionists who became alcoholics due to that piece but that’s not the point…”
“Excuse me Judy, how many times is “naah-naah-naah-nah-nah-nah-naaah” sung in Hey Jude?” Mike teases her with false innocence.
“…as I’ve said, I acknowledge their contribution to rock history but I can’t like them. I mean, how could I like a band that is a moral disaster?” Judy brings the debate to a philosophical level when I see Stone approaching between the beds.
“Hi guys… laudetur, sister…” he reacts to Judy’s rhetorical question and as I turn on my stomach and peak out from my book, I see her closing her eyes with a deep sigh for a few seconds before going on.
“They played a show only two days after the death of their guitarist! What kinds of people do something like this? Oh, wait, I know. Megalomaniac, greedy people who organized an own rock festival because they couldn’t accept that Woodstock became something huge and they weren’t there and who were too cheap to arrange things properly and thought it would be a great idea to hire a hippie-hater motorcycle gang as security personnel. Oh, of course, paying them in alcohol and drugs was also a part of this remarkable idea and we know the result. And when the tragedy happened, they just fled into their helicopter and left the scene. The greatest rock band of all times, sure.” I give up forcing myself to look at my book, her intense flailing and her various and unique grimaces demand all my attention.
“Okay, Judy. I didn’t want to do this. I swear. But you forced me and I warn you it’ll hurt. A lot.” Mike announces in a threatening voice.” Unlike Beatles… Stones’ members never encouraged the musical attempts of their tone-deaf, artist wives. Ha!” he adds victoriously, seeing the gasping, outraged girl.
“Touché!” Stone comments the result of the match leaning to the fridge with folded arms.
“Nobody asked you! What if you were able not to poke your nose into everything once in a lifetime?” Judy directs all her anger at our other guitarist.
“Hey, be gentler with him, his nose is so big that he doesn’t even have to poke it into anything, things just come and collide with it.” I peek out from my cover.
“Exactly, it arrives five minutes earlier to everywhere than me myself.” my target confirms snickering.
“We were hanging out so good without you… Mike and I were fighting peacefully, Jeff was reading…”
“Let me inform you about something, Pippi Longstocking: Jeff has read that book for three years and I haven’t seen him turning one single page in the last two years, I just can’t recall one single occasion…”
“Maybe because you can’t even recall what happened ten seconds ago…” she defends me fixing her braid with a nervous move and I only shrug with an amused and satisfied smile to Stone’s surprised glance at me. Did you think I asked her out only because I was bored?
“Actually, that’s exactly what I want to know. I opened the case of my acoustic guitar only to realize it stinks from cheap men’s deodorant! What the hell did you do to it after you’d borrowed it? Guitars don’t sweat…” Stone starts confessing the ­ who knows why – petrified Mike who jumps from the seat and makes a few nervous steps before he stays pinned between the beds, next to me.
“Mike? I’m waiting for your answer. What happened to my guitar?” Stone follows him with his gaze and turns towards us expecting an explanation. And at this point, I find myself in the middle of an incomprehensible charade game.
“What happened is…” Mike begins slowly, sending begging looks at Judy who is now standing behind Stone’s back with the same, terrified face. “While I played your guitar, I was… I was…”
Judy lifts her fist to her mouth a few times in quick succession and seeing Mike’s still clueless expression, she starts making exaggerated, chewing moves with her jaw.
“Eats?” Mike rather questions than claims. “…Eat…ing…Eating!!! That’s it, I was eating.”
“I see. And tell me, do denatured alcohol and LPG taste good?” Stone goes on leaning closer with a suggestive gaze of a cobra ready to strike.
“Ahahaha, that’s good, you’re always so funny, Stoney!” Mike lets out the worst fake laughter I’ve ever heard while Judy starts making swimming moves.
“I was swimming too…” Mike makes an attempt to develop the story but Judy shakes her head and sends the code of eating again.
“No, he was eating…” I find myself in the scene due to unknown circumstances, gluing my eyes at Judy who’s now waving with her hands next to her ears…gills! Noticing the direction of my stare, Stone turns back lightning fast but before he could realize what’s happening, I yell my guess forcing him to look at us again. “FISH!”
“That’s exactly what I was gonna say too, you don’t have to shout, Jeff.” Mike remarks with sudden tranquility. “I was swimming in happiness since I was eating fish.”
“Stinky fish.” I point out at Judy’s signal who’s picking her wrinkled nose between her thumb and index finger.
“Every sort of fish is stinky.” Stone furrows his eyebrows.
“But that was particularly stinky, I think it was already rotten.” I glance at Mike for help who seems to get my message.
“Oh yeah, it was disgusting, I almost puked of its smell.”
“So, you were glad to eat fish that was stinky and rotten and you almost threw up but you still ate it? You’re a sick animal, Michael.” Stone sums up.
“He spat it in the loo.” I make an attempt to make the story more credible and save what remained of the dignity of out guitar hero.
“But what does this grossness have to do with my guitar?”
“Mike just… didn’t want to give it back to you without doing anything against that terrible smell!” Judy blurts out, which finally explains the concept of her mime performance.
“He succeeded, he gave it back with another terrible smell.” Stone shakes his head. “He should have sprayed Jeff’s hats too… nevermind. Not that I believed this fairy tale… I don’t know what you did to my guitar, Mike, I don’t even want to, but next time you want to borrow it, I’m gonna cover all holes on it, I swear.” he mumbles and this time I can’t help chuckling since I must admit, Stone’s fears aren’t completely unfounded.
“If I was you, I wouldn’t laugh… you should rather make up a story about how we hired you from the live band of Milli Vanilli because something tells me you’ll receive a few curious questions from journalists…”
“Jesus, move on finally, it’s not as a big deal as you think! I talked to Effie and she hadn’t even notice it until I mentioned it to her. And she’s got good eyes and ears for it, she’s a black belt rock video analyzer.”
“The Camdens are satisfied, I’m flattered.” Stone pats himself on the shoulder sending a killer look.
“I’m not saying it was flawless. Sorry Mike, but Les Paul wasn’t the best choice… The sound crew of SNL didn’t take Brett’s advice so you sounded as if you had played in a plastic tunnel.”
“Yes, I felt something was…”
“Don’t even listen to her, Mike, she’s spent two weeks with us and she already thinks she’s an expert, unbelievable…” Stone defends Mike who reacts with surprised blinks to the unsolicited support.
“…and you had to fudge the opening riffs of Porch but it’s not your fault, Ed can’t feel the pace you give to him but I have a few ideas how to correct it…” Judy goes on enthusiastically.
“Not my fault? NOT MY FAULT??? Miss Can’t Be Wrong, you’re so gracious, I’m not even worthy of looking at you!” Stone fakes a theatrical cry, covering his eyes with his forearm.
“Stone, she’s right, we all know it. And you can mock her even from your deathbed but it won’t change the fact that unlike us, she’s a real musician.”
“Mike, don’t…” she cuts in flushing quietly but it’s too late.
“Sorry, I realized he was right. We should use your competences. I’ve already had a few ideas, how, I can’t wait for it.” Stone flashes a diabolical smile at her before he leaves, grabbing the guitar in question on the way.
“Holy crap, that was close…” Mike sighs as he collapses on his bunk bed.
“What exactly?” Judy turns to him for explanation with her hands on his hips.
“I thought you knew it… Mike, would you enlighten us?” I spread my hands.
“Ugh. Judy needed a guitar… But I couldn’t lend mine since one of the strings was broken… So I asked Stone claiming it was me who needed it… and I gave it further to her.” he nods towards the girl. “But she was concerned… you know, if Stone could find out she played it. And I thought it made sense, I didn’t want to get her in trouble… she said he was like a deerhound and… it gave me an idea… I mean, I thought dogs can be deceived by confusing their smell… and…”
“Oh, Jesus…” Judy slowly sinks next to Mike, her face is buried in her palms.
“… and I thought it could work with him too.”
I don’t even try to hide my smile that turns quickly into snickering… and it proves to be contagious since Judy lets out a few short giggles too and in a few seconds, we’re both whining of laughter.
“Hey, in that moment, it seemed to be a good idea!” says Mike defensively. “Next time I’m going to rub his guitar with stinky French cheese.” he smiles with us finally.
“But why didn’t you ask me?” I ask the obvious question.
“Well I…”
“I didn’t know you have an acoustic guitar here…” Judy answers interrupting Mike but I’d swear she’s already seen me playing it… or not?
“And I… I… I… just wanted to make Stone stop playing those same three chords with whom he’s tortured us for days.”
“Actually, I like it…” Judy remarks smiling involuntarily. I like how her face lights up every time someone comes up with anything related to music.
“And why did you need it?” I keep asking, not missing the occasion to snoop around her a bit.
“I just wanted to… improve my guitar skills, that’s all.”
“One more reason to ask me.”
“But you’re a bassist.” she frowns puzzled.
“Bass players are human beings too! And okay, when I tried to teach you how to play the bass, you ended up teaching me… but you can ask me anything. Anytime.” I stare into her eyes to make clear I mean it. So much for keeping my distance…
I should do something to my hair. I get bored with it every single year… I have it cut, I let it grow, I dye it… yes, an extreme color, that’s what I need. It’s not really about my look, I’m satisfied with it… or rather, I just don’t care about it at all. This whole hair thing is rather about my inner need for changes… I want something to happen… anything… I use my hair to express my current mood… and I need something wild now.
I lean my forehead against the cool surface of the mirror on the medicine cabinet; it feels good. I’ve been thinking the whole day… That conversation in the dressing room fucked me up… just like every occasion when he talks about his past. I’d known about the pregnancy, he told me the whole story many years ago… when we realized that the thing between us started turning into something serious, we shared our past with each other, including unpleasant memories… but still… the fact that your boyfriend could have been a dad and it is not you who’s the other party in the situation… even if we’ve haven’t felt ready yet to become parents… ugh, it’s like a punch in the stomach.
And that girl… I know he’s over her, it was ages ago but still… I shouldn’t feel like this about her, our relationship is stable, balanced, we’re equal partners, somehow Oceans expresses the depth of the feelings we have for each other perfectly … deep and unwavering… and yet, persistent, developing and endless, just like waves. But Black… it’s something different. It’s that kind of song that can’t be sung without the singer getting totally naked, Ed has to die a little bit in front of everyone every single time they perform it, otherwise it isn’t worth shit. And he relives that pain again and again… and I still can’t help feeling envious of her, the first real love of him, isn’t it stupid? Being envious of a memory, a painful memory, just because it’s so intense… how could I compete with that? Will I ever be able to make him feel that way? I mean, I don’t want to hurt him, ever but…
“Are you okay?” I start at his warm baritone as he enters the bathroom.
“I’m fine… I just can’t get used to going to bed so late every night.”
“You don’t have to attend every single show, you’ve heard me singing more than enough.” he cups my face in his hands. “You’ve still got your own life, we just happen to live in a tour bus and hotels for a few weeks.”
“But I want to…”
“We’re the same five sweaty and stinky guys bouncing on the stage but if that’s what you want…” he flashes a smile at me before softly kissing my forehead. That smile… that irresistible, infectious smile with all of its features… yes, everything began with that smile, you see it once and you can’t get it out of your head anymore. It’s too bad I’ve been scarcely able to get lost in it in these days…
“I like sweaty and stinky guys…” I mumble as I press my lips in the crook of his neck. It only takes seconds to get drunk with the scent of his freshly showered skin and I gently move on to his bare chest while my hands are wandering towards the hem of the towel around his waist…
“Yesterday, at the dressing room…” he reaches for the toothpaste and the toothbrush behind my back. I exhale against his chest acknowledging the lack of reaction and I also grab my toothbrush. I wait as he doses the toothpaste for both of us carefully squeezing the tube. I don’t feel like saying anything until he makes clear what he’s about to ask me, it’s terrifying how he can read my mind, why do we have to talk at all if he can find out everything for me? “… It felt like Judy was hiding from something… or someone…”
Oh, so it’s about that thing… I’m so naive, how could I think it’s about me… Yes, I wanted to finish that restroom talk because Judy’s answers didn’t seem to be convincing enough to me but of course, she finished the conversation by running away, as always. I put the toothbrush into my mouth since brushing the teeth is a perfect excuse for ignoring questions. Okay, he hasn’t asked anything yet but that’s typical of him… He drops hints, makes remarks being sure he knows what’s going on. And he’s mostly right and knows the answer before posing the question and that’s the most annoying in it.
“We should just let her find out what she wants.” he skips a few logic steps and draws the conclusion after spitting the foam in the sink. I keep brushing my teeth tenaciously and feel his amused gaze on me as he takes place on the edge of the bath tub opposite me. I wash my mouth, dry my hands and step towards the door but he pulls me back lacing his fingers gently between mines. He examines my face squinting up at me, still with that damn smile on his face. I roll my eyes since I catch myself involuntarily copying his expression and let him pulling me closer by my hips.
“First of all: it is not me who doesn’t let her find out what she wants, it’s your bassist who chases her like a hungry wolf, so it should be your job to tell him that he should cool himself down.” I poke him in the chest with my index finger at the keywords.
“But we’re guys and guys don’t talk about emotional stuff.” he grins at his own macho cliché joke.
“So I’m basically just doing the dirty work for you. Plus, if we waited for Judy to make a move, they’d still only eye with each other at your 80th birthday party.”
“And why would be that so bad? My birthday party has to be a decent event, no smooching and space cakes can only be served on china plates.” he smacks a playful peck on my lips.
“All I’ve done is just a little… promotion for the skater guy… just to keep her curiosity awake.” I stick to my opinion.
“And what if she’s not curious at all?”
“Bullshit. All that Karrie told me about her proves she’s totally lonely and needs a reliable partner in her life. And Jeff would be a perfect choice.”
“Wait-wait-wait, don’t begin to organize their wedding… What if Jeff’s not her type? Or what if she wants to practice her constitutional right for becoming a crazy old cat lady?”
“Well, Jeff doesn’t hate cats so…”
“Why did I think I could convince my stubborn woman?” he shakes his head accepting the defeat and grabs my backside patting it a few times before leaving me in the bathroom alone again.
When I sneak back in the room, it’s completely dark so I stay standing at the door for a few seconds until my eyes get used to the dark. As I slip in the bed, I can feel his leg occupying my place too… I’d bet he’s not sleeping, he’s playing the Starfish Game. Okay, boy, if you want to play, I’m in. I try to tear his leg from the bed but he flexes all his muscles so I lean my back to the wall and use my own legs to push his one away.
“Hey, I’m trying to sleep, why do you have to be so rude?” he mutters against the pillow.
“I don’t share my place with anyone, not even with you, don’t even think about it.” I crawl under the blanket still trying to keep his leg away. I turn on my other side and touch the wall with my foot; this time I prevent him from getting closer by creating a barricade with my back. He rolls over and throws his arm around me capturing me in the tightest squeeze. Although his not tall at all, his athletic upper body covers me as a human blanket and there’s no place I’d rather be… After a few minutes my shoulder starts feeling uncomfortable under the weight of the muscular surfer arm so I position myself opposite him and snuggle to his chest greedily inhaling him. He reacts immediately by pulling me as close as possible and his fingers gladly dig into my hair, gently playing with the strands.
“Hey… Eddie… I’m drowning…” I chuckle against his tee.
“I don’t care…” he tightens the embrace all the more. My hand takes it as a green light and slowly slips into his boxers seeking, teasing…
“Mhm… I’m too tired…” he gently pulls my hand out of his underwear and places it back on his hips. “In the morning…”
Great. In the morning. Sure.
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Natural Treatment For Receding Gums
If you assume your teeth look longer than they carried out before, it could be as a result of your gums. Gum recession takes place for a lot of causes, from brushing your teeth along with excessive tension to grinding your teeth. Your oral treatment habits, the positioning of your teeth, your lifestyle options as well as your genetics also play a part when it pertains to receding gums. Read more about Treatment Receding Gums
Due to the fact that gum recession influences the look of your smile as well as may knock your assurance, you may be wondering, can receding gums increase back? While receding gums do not increase back by themselves, you may talk to your dentist or even periodontist about the variety of procedures accessible to deal with the problem as well as avoid it coming from getting worse.
Natural Treatment For Receding Gums
What Happens When Gums Recede?
Your gums are meant to defend your teeth as well as do so in 2 methods. First, the affixed gingiva safely connects your teeth to the bone. Second, the unattached, or gingival mucosa defends the within your cheeks and gums. The side of the gum tissue, which neighbors your teeth, is known as the gingival frame. When the frame pulls away coming from the teeth, it leaves the roots subjected and much more susceptible to decay and also tooth loss.
Do receding gums expand back? Unfortunately, no. Once the gum cells has drawn back and also far from the teeth, it is actually opted for great. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it's simply not possible for the gums to expand back. Receding Gums Treatment Options
While your gums will not give back by themselves, there are actually a handful of techniques to address gingival recession. The absolute most necessary treatment relies on how provided the recession is as well as whether you have symptoms of gum disease. If there is a substantial amount of recession, your dentist could suggest a gum graft to replace the dropped cells. Gum grafting is a surgical procedure that usually involves taking cells from one area, such as the roof covering of the mouth, at that point transmitting it to the gum location. If you have indications of gum disease, the dentist could likewise conduct a deeper cleansing of the teeth, to remove any kind of microorganisms as well as clutter, before the cells is actually affixed.
Home Treatment For Receding Gums
One more technique of dealing with receding gums is referred to as the perforation operative technique. A study posted due to the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry discovered that the technique, which includes manipulating existing gum cells over the left open origins, had a higher likelihood of success and also person satisfaction. Stopping Further Recession
Once your receding gums are actually handled, it's important to discover a means to minimize the danger of more recession. In cases where the recession is actually moderate, your dentist could highly recommend concentrating on avoiding more recession, as opposed to dealing with the existing recession.
If the recession is because of energetic brushing or even using a hard-bristled toothbrush, your dentist might advise you to ease up on brushing and to use less tension or even power. Accomplishing this will not repair the existing recession, but will certainly make it less very likely that your gums are going to remain to recede. One alternative is actually to switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush that assists shield enamel surfaces as well as gums, like the Colgate 360 ° Enamel Health Soft Toothbrush for Sensitive Teeth, as opposed to remaining to utilize a difficult or even average bristles.
Best Treatment For Receding Gums
Excellent oral treatment behaviors, such as brushing two times a time and also flossing at the very least once daily, can additionally avoid extra gingival recession coming from occurring. If your receding gums result from misaligned teeth or even a misaligned bite, improving the bite or teeth may aid slow or quit the recession. Considering that cigarette smoking and tobacco make use of enhances your danger for receding gums, giving that up may likewise aid prevent added recession.
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If you look in the looking glass and notice that your teeth look longer or if you really feel any sort of sensitiveness in your teeth as a result of receding gums, don't stand by to find your dentist for guidance and also treatment. Your gums don't increase back, but there are actually means to address the concern to boost the appeal of your smile, enhance your peace of mind and also raise your oral health.
You're experiencing a weird sensation in your mouth, around your teeth and gums. In the beginning, it seemed like a little bit of tickle or even tingling, now it's a little much more unpleasant. You  would certainly adore to be able to place a toothbrush in your mouth and also offer your teeth and gums a really good damaging.
Receding Gums Treatment At Home
Itchy gums may really feel undesirable, however the reason for all of them usually isn't way too much of an enigma. As soon as you and your dentist understand what is actually behind need to scrape, treating the itch as well as avoiding potential issues shouldn't be very daunting. Look at the causes of scratchy gums and what you can possibly do regarding them. Plaque Buildup
As the National Library of Medicine notes, your mouth has a considerable amount of microorganisms. Those micro-organisms blend with sweets and also other particles in your mouth to form a difficult layer called plaque that hinges on best of your teeth as well as gums. Brushing your teeth frequently assists to clear away oral plaque buildup and also keep your mouth well-balanced.
But if you don't clear away the oral plaque buildup, like when you miss a time of tooth brushing, the plaque may accumulate sufficient for you to experience it. Sometimes, it could feel like you possess a fuzzy covering on your teeth. In others, you may feel a little bit of an itch, since the level of cavity enducing plaque is actually irritating your gums.
Receding Gums Natural Treatment
To always keep cavity enducing plaque away, it's a really good suggestion to brush your teeth two times daily as well as to dental floss at the very least once daily. Your dentist can give you assistance and also tips on the very best means to clean and floss. Gum Disease
In many cases, irritation in the gums is actually caused by gingivitis, a beginning of gum disease. Many individuals connect gingivitis with swelling as well as bleeding in the gums, however the problem may also create tickling. The bright side concerning gingivitis is that it's treatable. Your dentist is going to likely deep-clean your teeth in the workplace to minimize the inflammation, after that give recommendations for maintaining your teeth and also gums at home. Allergy symptoms
Not merely may allergies trigger your nose and eyes to itch, they can easily also trigger scratchy gums. If you eat something that you're sensitive to or even utilize a product in or even near your mouth that causes an allergic reaction, it can lead to itching, inflammation and also irritation of the gums.
Receding Gums Treatment Options
Some folks that are allergic to certain forms of plant pollen, such as birch or even ragweed, may possess an ailment named oral allergy disorder, depending on to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI). Oral allergy symptom syndrome can lead to swelling of the lips, scratchiness in the neck and a scratchy mouth, typically after a person consumes particular raw fruits, veggies or seeds, composes the ACAAI. A medical professional may identify the condition with an allergic reaction test. If you dislike any type of meals, preventing them is generally your best choice. After Surgery
Occasionally, itching gums occur after oral surgery while openings are actually healing. As an example, if you have your understanding teeth took out, irritating in the gums may happen as component of the recovery procedure. Rinsing your mouth with salt water may assist soothe the itch, or you can easily speak to your dentist to see if they possess any kind of pointers for safe impulse relief.
Whatever you do, don't attempt to damage your itching gums after surgical treatment. The location is actually attempting to recover, and also scraping can hinder of the recuperation process.
Receding Gums Treatment Cost
Commonly, any sort of irritation in your mouth could be alleviated by brushing your teeth and also flossing frequently, which may aid maintain gum disease away. Your dentist could likewise encourage swishing along with a mouthwash like Colgate Total Mouthwash for Gum Health, which provides 12-hour protection versus microorganisms that create gingivitis. If the irritation continues even after you brush or promptly comes back once again, schedule a see along with your dentist in order that they may check out at your teeth and gums and let you know what's happening.
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meryableblog · 5 years
What Is Social Distancing?
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“Social distancing” may be a term wont to describe infection control actions taken by public health officials to prevent or hamper the spread of a high contagion. last, it’s been referenced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) together of the simplest strategies in preventing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The CDC defines social distancing as "remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible."2 it's less drastic than quarantine or isolation, which are used for people that are suspected to be carrying the virus.
While some people may find social distancing to be an enormous relief—canceling business-related visit a conference may give someone peace of mind—others find it to be a serious inconvenience. Many concerts and public gatherings are canceled thanks to the recommendations about social distancing.
Clearly, social distancing could also be the foremost effective way for people that aren’t infected with the coronavirus to avoid getting it. But it does cause some major changes in how businesses are run, public events are held, and social interactions occur.
Understanding what it means, why it’s recommended, and the way to practice it can help alleviate any fears you'll have.
Stay Updated: an in-depth Timeline of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Cases consistent with the CDC, WHO
Why is that the CDC Recommending It? According to the CDC, coronavirus is spread mainly through person-to-person contact. It’s believed that folks who are in close contact (within 6 feet of 1 another) are presumably to spread it. It spreads through respiratory droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.3
These droplets can land within the mouths or noses of anyone nearby and should be inhaled into the lungs, which may spread the disease.
And while it’s believed that folks who are the sickest are presumably to spread coronavirus, some people might spread it before they start to point out symptoms. That’s why it's going to be important to practice social distancing even with people that don’t appear ill.
It may even be possible to contract COVID-19 through contaminated surfaces or objects. a private who touches a surface that has the virus thereon then touches their own mouth or nose, for instance, may contract the virus.
The CDC believes COVID-19 spreads easily throughout communities. in order that they have recommended social distancing as how to assist stop the spread.
If individuals reduce their contact with each other, people are going to be less likely to pass the virus on. this will be the simplest thanks to preventing what they ask as “community spread."
Some samples of ways in which individuals and organizations have already begun putting social distancing in situ include:
Companies establishing work from home policies Colleges closing down campuses Cancellation of mass gatherings like SXSW Professional sports leagues suspending their seasons While the CDC isn’t recommending everyone take drastic measures like isolating themselves, they're advising people to require precautions, especially those that could also be at a better risk for contracting the disease.
How Does Social Distancing Help During a Pandemic? A 2010 study published in BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health4 assessed whether social distancing is effective in slowing or reducing the transmission of influenza during an epidemic. Researchers found that workplace social distancing reduced the number of overall flu cases.
However, the study also discovered that the success rate was greater in areas where people practiced other preventative measures, like more frequent handwashing and other strategies to stay their immune systems strong.
So while social distancing could also be a crucial think about preventing the spread of coronavirus, practicing good hygiene and taking other safety precautions can also be important steps in preventing the spread.
It’s important to recollect that you simply may have a mixture of safety methods in situ to fight the spread of the disease as effectively as possible.
Flattening the Curve You may have seen references within the news or on social media to the necessity to "flatten the curve" through social distancing. When new cases spike very quickly, hospitals and other medical facilities are often overwhelmed and unable to adequately treat everyone—including patients who aren't actually handling the coronavirus. Such spikes are more likely when social distancing measures aren't enacted quickly and early enough.
By slowing the amount of latest cases and stretching them out over an extended period of time—or "flattening the curve" of latest cases—we can keep the amount of total cases (and the amount of high-risk cases) below that threshold, in order that our hospitals have enough space and resources to work as smoothly as possible during this difficult time.
How to Social-Distance in Your Own Life The most obvious thanks to practicing social distancing are to avoid crowded public places where close contact with others may occur. These might include movie theaters, religious gatherings, and crowded restaurants. Of course, it’s not always easy to practice social distancing.
Tips and Tricks Opt for online meetings instead of workplace gatherings whenever possible. Work from home if you'll. Postpone major social gatherings. Consider video-chatting with friends and family instead of meeting publicly places. Limit or postpone aviation and cruise liner travel. Stock up on vital items so you don’t need to attend stores as often. Order groceries from a delivery service. Shop online instead of in stores. What to try to if you reside Alone If you reside alone, social-distancing could also be easier for you in some ways. You won’t be exposed to as many of us if you don’t produce other relations coming and going. Yet it also can present some challenges for you.
You may get to make sure that you’re not becoming too isolated. Loneliness and depression can become a true problem if you don’t interact with others. So if you’ve started performing from home, avoiding social gatherings, and you’re not going out the maximum amount, then confirm to watch your psychological state.
Check-in with friends and family regularly so you'll keep some social contact with others. Speak with them on the phone, text throughout the day, or found out video calls to make sure that you simply aren’t getting too isolated.
Other Times to Practice Social Distancing Social distancing isn’t just something you ought to practice during an epidemic. It’s something you'll want to try to any time your system is compromised.
You might also practice it if there are other illnesses in your community. an epidemic of influenza, for instance, could also be reduced if people reduced their contact with each other.
Staying Calm and Positive Staying calm during an epidemic can seem impossible. But, managing your stress and anxiety during a healthy way is vital so you'll make the simplest decisions possible.
While social distancing could seem sort of a drastic step to require, it’s just a precautionary measure. And if you’re practicing it, there’s still an honest chance you're healthy. Otherwise, you'll be placed in a quarantine situation.
Think of it as a proactive extra precaution to stay yourself and your family safe. If you've got children, inform them that you’re doing this as how to stay everyone healthy. If you panic, your kids will likely get anxious, so make it clear that this is often just another step you’re taking to assist the family and therefore the community.
While it’s important to remain informed on the newest news, lookout of yourself by limiting your exposure to the media. If you're spending tons longer reception and around your television, this will be difficult, but constantly watching media reports of the latest outbreaks and deaths can raise your anxiety during a time when it’s important to remain calm.
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breeeliss · 6 years
On Shiro and Adam...
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So in light of the mixed reception of Season 7, I wanted to make a longer post about Shiro and Adam -- specifically what kind of role Adam played in Shiro’s life both as his partner and after his death. I think people are understandably hurt at the news of Adam dying, and I think that’s leading to a lot of misplaced anger and hatred. At its extreme, I’m seeing a lot of accusations about queerbaiting and perpetuating the “Bury Your Gays” trope. I want to speak on all of this, but as a quick prologue to this post, I want to say this: 
Queer representation does not always equal having a queer relationship on screen. Sometimes the best queer representation can be seeing yourself in a single character and connecting not just to their sexuality, but also to their journey as a queer character. This is what Shiro is for us. Our queer rep -- our gay, asian, disabled, mentally ill representation that overcame all of the trials he suffered and thrived as a character this season. 
Adam was a part of Shiro’s past, and their relationship helped define Shiro’s experiences in the present. Adam’s death is a huge blow, but to call it a “Bury Your Gays” trope suggests that his death was a useless, pointless plot point that accomplished nothing other than to make Shiro miserable. 
I don’t think that could be further from the truth. Adam’s death held purpose, and I also believe Adam’s death served as a sobering moment for Shiro that allowed him to reflect on their time together and come through with a greater understanding of what love and family truly means. 
(wc: 2.0k words) 
The Significance of a Failing Relationship 
I think it’s important to remember that Adam and Shiro’s relationship was one that was doomed to fail -- Adam and Shiro had conflicting priorities that led to more than just the one fight we were privy to in Shiro’s flashback. The reason we got a look at their relationship wasn’t just to show us that Shiro was gay and in a relationship. It was to give us a look at Shiro’s motivations and shortcomings, something that we never really had a clear sense of before this moment. 
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It’s alluded that Shiro has some sort of chronic degenerative disease that is  causing his muscles to atrophy and is set to severely shorten his life. Going out into space, which puts a strain on the body even if you’re a healthy person, is a definite death sentence for Shiro -- at the very least, it’s going to cut short the good years that Shiro has left. The good years that Adam was hoping to spend with Shiro. 
Adam very clearly wants to take advantage of Shiro’s healthy years and spend it with the man that he loves. Shiro would rather risk his health and his life going into space and doing what he loves rather than spend it on Earth with Adam. Both very valid perspectives, just ones that aren’t compatible. Shiro cared more about being a pilot and exploring space than maintaining his relationship. It was more worth it to die in the line of duty rather than play it safe.
Shiro’s disease gave him a very one-track state of mind -- you have a limited amount of time left, so you better haul ass and accomplish everything you wanted to before that end comes. Everything else comes second, including your relationships. It might even mean your death. It might mean you’ll never see the people you care about again. But it’s worth the risk. 
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Adam told Shiro that things were over if Shiro went on that Kerberos mission, and he went anyway. He ended a very good, very long relationship because he cared more about accomplishing his personal goals over maintaining that. It’s not a bad or a wrong decision, Shiro has a right to live his life the way he wants to. But the ramifications of this decision end up coming back full circle when Shiro comes home and realizes that it was Adam who died in the line of duty and left his partner too soon. 
What Adam’s Death Meant 
Never forget: Adam was a soldier. He was a fighter pilot. Part of being a fighter pilot was accepting that his job was inherently dangerous. Going on missions always left the possibility of death and Adam knew this. He decided to devote his life to training to become a fighter pilot anyway. 
Adam didn’t believe in dying uselessly. Shiro risking his life on the Kerberos mission was upsetting to Adam because it was entirely preventable. But Adam isn’t a stranger to risking his life for a cause that matters. And that’s essentially how Adam died -- fighting for a very clear purpose, one that he accepted the moment he enlisted in the Garrison. He doesn’t even hesitate when he’s told to go in for the attack, and neither do any of his teammates. It’s an immediate acceptance of duty. 
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His death is hard to watch. We as the viewers know that they’re not going to make it. Their weapons aren’t strong enough and there are too many Galra. It was a bad call made by his CO, but Adam was part of the first wave of Garrison fighters not just because he was one of the best. It’s because he was willing to risk his life for a greater cause. In this case, it was protecting his planet. He died nobly and he died heroically along with hundreds of other brave Garrison soldiers. 
The battle that took place on Earth created innumerable casualties. So many people aside from Adam died fighting -- queer soldiers, soldiers of color, disabled soldiers, mentally ill soldiers, so many demographics of people that didn’t and never deserve to die. But that was a large theme in this season: sacrifice and loss. Even though Earth lost a lot of good soldiers during this face off, their sacrifices weren’t meaningless. They all contributed towards Earth’s liberation. Adam was a part of that. 
The “Bury Your Gays” trope is based on the useless, pointless deaths of LGBTQ+ characters in order to meaninglessly deprive queer characters of happy endings. Adam’s death wasn’t torture porn. It was tragic, but it was meaningful. He died for a purpose, a purpose that he understood and fully accepted. Nothing about that is meaningless. In fact, part of the point of the last few episodes of the season was to understand that everyone who lost their life died for a reason and would continue to live on in the hearts of those who continue to endure. 
And, lo and behold, Shiro is the one who delivers a speech saying exactly that. 
The Story of Shiro’s Endurance 
There are a lot of people who are frustrated that, as the one gay man in our main cast, Shiro is the character who has suffered the most. I don’t mean to take validity away from that complaint. But I do think the fact that Shiro being queer and enduring in spite of this suffering is very meaningful. 
As queer folks, we are often forced to survive in spite of outside forces that continuously attempt to oppress us and threaten our lives. We endure through impossibly bleak situations -- oppression, ignorance, prejudice, and violence. Many of us lose our lives because of this suffering. Many more of us depend on the strength we find in ourselves and the support of those around us to live in spite of all of that. Shiro represents that survival. 
Shiro was abducted, imprisoned, controlled, killed, cloned, scarred, and tortured all throughout these seven seasons. But he’s still here! He’s alive! As of this season, he’s no longer dying of a degenerative disease, he has control over his body, he got a new arm, and he was the Captain of the man made ship that battled the Galra and saved Earth. He’s come such a long way in spite of his struggles. Part of that was because of his own strength and his own perseverance, but he also needed those he loved and cared for in order to succeed. Without the support of Keith and the rest of the paladins, Shiro would’ve succumbed to his circumstances. 
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I think Shiro learned something very valuable over the course of the series. Teamwork is important, but it’s also important to hold those you care about close. Value those you love and those you care about. Don’t let them go. Don’t forget them. You need them in your weakest moments. These are the people who will help you go on. Voltron’s emphasis on found families, on love, and on support are all things that we as queer people depend on in order to survive. That’s not a coincidence especially because it’s these same forces that keep Shiro alive. 
Adam’s death was a very sobering moment for Shiro. Because suddenly, he was the one that had to feel the pain of losing someone he loved too soon without getting the chance to say goodbye. Shiro was the one who had to say, “I wish we could’ve had more time.” I don’t think Shiro regrets his choices, but I do think he regrets the way he left things with Adam. I think he regrets making Adam think that he cared more about himself than his relationship with Adam. I think Shiro from this moment on is never going to forget how important his found family and friends are. 
That’s why it’s so poetic that Shiro was the one who delivered the eulogy at the end of the season. 
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“Today is a solemn day. Today we look back at the lives that have been lost, and the sacrifices that have been made here on Earth and across the universe. There isn’t one of us here today who hasn’t experienced the tragedy of losing someone close. It truly feels like a light has gone out in our lives, and the sun itself couldn’t reignite it. But that light, that fire, has not gone out completely. It is fueled within each of us by the memories and the love of those we lost. And now we most move forward in their names and shine that light onto a new path for future generations. Today is a solemn day, but it is also a day of hope. Earth is now stronger than ever, and it stands as a beacon of light to help guide those fighting against tyranny and oppression. From here we will spread peace, and together we will hold strong as the defenders of the universe.” 
The fact that a queer, mentally ill, disabled person of color who has suffered immensely gave that speech to a crowd full of people who have also suffered and experienced loss is so inspiring. Because Shiro, by all calculations, shouldn’t have survived this long. He had so many cards stacked against him. But he’s alive. And he’s a beacon of hope for so many. Despite his loss, he’s here and he’s going to continue surviving. 
Adam didn’t die for no reason. Adam was one of those brave soldiers whose brave sacrifice has served as a beacon of light to keep everyone going. Adam’s death inspires Shiro to keep enduring. In the macro sense, Shiro is an inspiration to all queer folk watching this show and tells us all that despite our struggles, despite our circumstances, and despite our loss and suffering, we have the ability to solider on. 
What Shiro and Adam Mean As Queer Representation 
I want everyone to know that it’s okay to be upset that Shiro suffered. It’s okay to be upset that Adam died. But I also want everyone to know that this doesn’t make Voltron a homophobic or problematic show. I think the narrative they created around Shiro’s character -- his past, his struggles, his relationships, his loss -- is a truly beautiful message to send to everyone who is queer and seeing themselves in Shiro. 
Voltron doesn’t shy away from dark themes like death, war, and suffering. Voltron understands that these are unfortunate realities in all of our lives, even in the lives of the dorky, fun-loving paladins we have followed up until now. These same paladins understand sacrifice -- they understand the value of their lives and are willing to sacrifice them for a noble cause. They understand danger, accept death, and continue to soldier on anyway. That’s the lesson we are meant to walk away with, and that’s the lesson we are meant to draw strength from. 
Adam was a beautiful gay character who understood the value of life and nobly sacrificed it for the sake of saving millions of lives. Shiro is also a beautifully constructed character and a wonderful example of a gay man who is able to inspire hope in the hearts of all the other queer fans of this show who hold him in such high regard. 
None of this is useless or pointless. None of this is malicious. Everything about this is meant to send us a positive message. This is the result of impeccable writing and storytelling and I think that both of these men are able to serve as inspirations for all of us. Voltron did a wonderful job with them. Their story is one to be remembered. 
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Help Stop Receding Gums
If you presume your teeth look longer than they performed previously, maybe due to your gums. Gum recession takes place for an amount of reasons, coming from brushing your teeth along with a lot of stress to grinding your teeth. Your oral treatment habits, the positioning of your teeth, your way of life options and your genetics additionally figure in when it pertains to receding gums. For more about Help My Receding Gums
Considering that gum recession has an effect on the appeal of your smile and may knock your confidence, you may be thinking about, can receding gums increase back? While receding gums do not increase back by themselves, you can easily consult with your dentist or periodontist about the number of therapies available to repair the issue as well as stop it from getting worse.
Toothpaste To Help Receding Gums 
  What Happens When Gums Recede?
Your gums are suggested to protect your teeth as well as do so in 2 means. Initially, the connected gingiva tightly connects your teeth to the bone tissue. Second, the unattached, or even gingival mucosa secures the within your cheeks and also gums. The side of the gum tissue, which borders your teeth, is actually referred to as the gingival frame. When the frame pulls away coming from the teeth, it leaves the roots exposed and a lot more susceptible to degeneration as well as tooth loss.
Do receding gums grow back? Sadly, no. Once the gum tissue has actually drawn back and out of the teeth, it is actually opted for excellent. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it is actually only not achievable for the gums to grow back. Receding Gums Treatment Options
While your gums will not send back by themselves, there are actually a handful of ways to handle gingival recession. The absolute most necessary treatment depends on how advanced the recession is actually and whether you have symptoms of periodontal disease.
How To Help Receding Gums At Home?
 If there is a significant amount of recession, your dentist may advise a gum graft to replace the lost tissue. Gum grafting is a surgery that typically entails taking tissue from one area, such as the roof covering of the mouth, after that moving it to the gum region. If you possess signs of gum disease, the dentist might likewise do a deep cleansing of the teeth, to get rid of any type of micro-organisms and fragments, just before the tissue is connected.
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An additional approach of handling receding gums is actually referred to as the prick medical strategy. A research posted due to the International Journal of Periodontics and also Restorative Dentistry found that the strategy, which involves adjusting existing gum tissue over the subjected roots, possessed a high likelihood of results and also client complete satisfaction. Preventing Further Recession
Once your receding gums are treated, it's vital to locate a way to minimize the danger of more recession. Just in case where the recession is moderate, your dentist may advise concentrating on stopping more recession, instead of alleviating the existing recession.
If the recession is because of strenuous brushing or even making use of a hard-bristled toothbrush, your dentist could recommend you to ease up on brushing and to use less tension or power. Doing so will not repair the existing recession, but will certainly make it less very likely that your gums will certainly remain to recede. One alternative is actually to change to a soft-bristled toothbrush that aids guard enamel areas and also gums, like the Colgate 360 ° Enamel Health Soft Toothbrush for Sensitive Teeth, instead of continuing to utilize a tough or moderate rages.
Ways To Help Receding Gums
Really good oral care behaviors, like brushing twice a time and also flossing at least daily, can also avoid extra gingival recession from occurring. If your receding gums result from uneven teeth or a misaligned bite, improving the bite or teeth may aid slow or quit the recession. Given that smoking cigarettes as well as cigarette usage improves your threat for receding gums, giving that up can likewise help protect against extra recession.
If you look in the looking glass and notification that your teeth appear longer or even if you really feel any sensitivity in your teeth because of receding gums, do not wait to observe your dentist for recommendations and also treatment. Your gums don't increase back, however there are actually techniques to deal with the problem to boost the appearance of your smile, increase your peace of mind and raise your oral health.
You're really feeling an unusual feeling in your mouth, around your teeth and gums. Initially, it thought that a little tickle or even tingling, and now it's a bit even more awkward. You  will love to become able to place a toothbrush in your mouth as well as give your teeth as well as gums a great scraping.
How To Help Receding Gums Naturally?
Itchy gums might feel undesirable, yet the cause of them often isn't way too much of an enigma. As soon as you and also your dentist recognize what's behind need to scratch, addressing the itch and also avoiding potential problems should not be very challenging. Look at the sources of scratchy gums as well as what you can possibly do regarding all of them. Oral plaque buildup Buildup
As the National Library of Medicine notes, your mouth includes a bunch of microorganisms. Those microorganisms blend with sweets as well as other particles in your mouth to create a sticky coat called oral plaque buildup that rests on best of your teeth and also gums. Brushing your teeth routinely helps to clear away oral plaque buildup and also keep your mouth well-balanced.
However if you don't take out the plaque, including when you skip a time of tooth brushing, the oral plaque buildup can easily accumulate sufficient for you to feel it. In many cases, it could think that you possess a fuzzy finishing on your teeth. In others, you may feel a bit of an impulse, given that the level of oral plaque buildup is actually bothersome your gums.
To keep plaque at bay, it's a really good suggestion to brush your teeth twice daily as well as to use floss at least daily. Your dentist can give you advice and also ideas on the very best means to brush as well as dental floss.
Remedies To Help Receding Gums
Sometimes, itching in the gums is dued to gingivitis, an onset of gum disease. Lots of folks connect gingivitis with swelling and also hemorrhaging in the gums, however the issue can likewise trigger tickling. The bright side regarding gingivitis is actually that it is actually treatable. Your dentist will certainly probably deep-clean your teeth in the office to lower the inflammation, then provide pointers for taking care of your teeth as well as gums in the home. Allergy symptoms
Certainly not just can allergies create your nostrils as well as eyes to itch, they may likewise induce itchy gums. If you consume something that you're sensitive to or utilize an item in or even near your mouth that causes an allergic reaction, it may trigger itching, inflammation as well as swelling of the gums.
Some individuals that dislike specific types of pollen, like birch or even ragweed, might possess a disorder called oral allergy syndrome, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI). Oral allergy disorder may create swelling of the lips, scratchiness in the throat and also a scratchy mouth, generally after a person eats certain raw fruits, vegetables or even seeds, creates the ACAAI. A physician can detect the disorder along with an allergy symptom examination. If you are allergic to any type of meals, preventing them is actually normally your greatest possibility.
Can You Help Receding Gums? 
  After Surgery
From time to time, irritating gums happen after oral surgery while incisions are actually recovery. As an example, if you possess your wisdom teeth eliminated, irritating in the gums may occur as component of the recovery procedure. Rinsing your mouth along with salt water may aid calm the itch, or even you can speak to your dentist to view if they possess any type of pointers for safe impulse alleviation.
Whatever you do, don't try to scrape your itching gums after surgical operation. The region is actually attempting to recover, and damaging may hamper of the recovery procedure.
Often, any kind of irritation in your mouth can be eliminated through brushing your teeth and dental flossing on a regular basis, which can easily help keep gum disease away. Your dentist might additionally encourage swishing with a mouth wash like Colgate Total Mouthwash for Gum Health, which supplies 12-hour security versus germs that create gingivitis. If the scratching continues even after you brush or even quickly returns again, timetable a check out along with your dentist to make sure that they may look at your teeth and gums and also permit you recognize what is actually happening.
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hysterialevi · 5 years
When the Devil Cries pt. 28
Fanfic summary: (NO SPOILERS IN THIS STORY) After arriving in Saint Denis, Arthur ends up falling in love with a seemingly innocent pianist, only to find himself in a battle with one of the most notorious outlaws to ever emerge from America. Now, between working for Dutch and robbing money for the gang, Arthur has to also protect the man he loves as the two of them try to find their freedom.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan/Male OC
Author’s note: Sorry about the longer wait for this chapter, guys. I hit a bit of a writer’s block with this one, but I hope you enjoy it now that it’s done! Also, real quick, I wanted to thank you all for the support you’ve been showing me on this story. I’m still getting messages from you saying how much you’re liking the fic and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. It really makes this worthwhile :)
Previous chapter
This story is also on AO3
From Arthur’s POV
Finishing my drawing of this camp, I flipped to the next page and began writing a few words on it, hopin’ to scribble down some of my thoughts while I had the opportunity to relax for a moment.
The new camp wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be -- considerin’ Micah picked it -- but despite all of his assurances, something still felt...off...about the area.
I couldn’t quite place it, but when the caravan arrived at Beaver Hollow, one o’ the first things I noticed was the multiple bloodstains decorating our new home. Micah insisted it weren’t nothing to worry about -- and Dutch seemed more than okay with settling down here -- but it was still pretty obvious that someone else had been livin’ here before we moved in. 
The dried bloodstains, the ominous cave, the random crates of weapons and dynamite that were left behind by the previous owners...it was clear that this wasn’t exactly a “sanctuary.” And there was also the fact that most of the locals avoided Beaver Hollow like the goddamned plague.
I had no idea what made this place so portentous, but regardless of whatever dangers we was gonna have to deal with out here, Beaver Hollow was still a helluva lot better than Shady Belle. It may not’ve had a big manor for us to sleep in, but it also weren’t riddled with old bullet holes, gators, marshlands, and for the first time in a while, we actually had some fresh air to breathe.
Perhaps we’d make a home of this place yet. I just hoped it wouldn’t be for very long.
Putting my pencil down, I shut the journal closed and slipped it back into my satchel, only to be stopped mid-action when I overheard some commotion goin’ on at Pearson’s wagon.
It didn’t look like Pearson himself was involved with whatever was happening, but Eddie had just brought in a deer carcass and was now arguing with Micah at the moment. Things were still civil, and I doubted Eddie would let it escalate too much, but I listened in anyways, hopin’ to at least hear something that would give me a good enough reason to strangle Micah if need be.
“--and Dutch said you was gonna be useful,” Micah retorted, gesturing to the deer. “Look at this thing. It’s almost as skinny as you. Who the hell’s this gonna feed? Jack?”
Eddie sighed in annoyance, stabbing his knife into a wooden table. “Well, I don’t see you feeding anyone. When was the last time you went out hunting in the woods?”
The other man chuckled in a condescending tone, pointing to his head. “I’m too busy helpin’ Dutch come up with plans. Someone’s gotta help the old man, after all, now that Hosea’s gone. He just needs a little...guidance. But we all have to pull our weight, Ryan. We all have to earn our keep. At least...” Micah glanced over at Uncle, “...that was the idea.”
Yanking his knife out the table, Eddie took hold of the deer and started skinnin’ it, doing his absolute best to ignore Micah.
“If you think you can do better, be my guest. Now, shut up and go bother someone else. I have to get this thing ready for Pearson.”
Micah laughed at that and began sauntering in Dutch’s direction, wavin’ a casual goodbye to Eddie as he took his leave.
“Whatever you say, Ryan.”
Waiting for the man to disappear from sight, Tilly suddenly joined the conversation once Micah was outta earshot and tried to reassure Eddie, holdin’ her book close to her chest as she spoke.
“Don’t listen to him, Eddie,” she encouraged. “We all see the work you’re doin’ for this gang. I know Arthur certainly does.”
The pianist softened his voice slightly and wiped some sweat off his brow, taking a break from the skinning.
“Thanks, Tilly...but Micah’s right. This deer hardly has any meat on it. In fact, most of the animals in this region don’t. It’s rare to see a healthy buck in these parts.”
The woman let out a concerned breath. “I hope not. We got a lotta mouths to feed. Anyway...I’ll let you get back to work. And I probably should too, before Grimshaw threatens to tan my hide again.”
Returnin’ to their chores, Tilly wandered to a different part of the camp while Eddie stayed behind and continued slicing at the deer, causing me to walk over to him now that he was by himself.
I didn’t know what the hell Micah’s problem was with Eddie, but it seemed as if things had grown more tense between ‘em over the past few days. I mean, nobody in the gang was particularly fond of Micah anyways, but it felt especially uncomfortable when those two were near each other. 
Fortunately however, I was around camp most of the time, so Micah usually left Eddie alone. Though I still couldn’t help but wonder where this sudden hatred was comin’ from. Was it ‘cause Eddie was the youngest? Was it because he was close with me? I really didn’t know. Maybe the boy would have some answers.
Walkin’ up behind the pianist, I peeked over his shoulder and displayed a small smile, hoping to cheer him up a little.
“You okay, Eddie?” I asked. “What was that all about?”
Turning around to face me, Eddie stood up from the ground and squinted as the sun hit his eyes, makin’ him look even more annoyed than before.
“Oh, it’s nothing...” he brushed off. “It’s just -- the camp was running low on food so, I went to go hunting earlier, but...” Eddie glanced at the deer, “I dunno, Arthur. This place is strange. All the animals...they look sick. They’re so...weak and fragile.”
I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I was fishin’ at the Elysian Pool the other day. Caught a nice pike...but the bastard looked like it had been dead for a week already.”
Eddie cleaned his hands with a rag. “That’s what I’m talking about. Everything looks diseased here. Even the people. Have you been to Butcher Creek yet? The residents there are even worse than the deer.” The pianist let out an uneasy sigh. “You don’t...you don’t suppose there could be some illness going around Roanoke Ridge?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “I certainly hope not. Our people are hungry already. Last thing we need’s for them to be sick, too.”
“Then we should stop eating the animals here altogether. We’d be safer sticking to the canned foods, but that stuff costs money. Which is another thing we’re low on.”
I paused out of confusion. “What? What happened to the money we just robbed from the riverboat?”
Eddie shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently, Dutch has stashed most of it away somewhere...in a...secret box, or something.”
A scoff escaped me. “Ah, o’ course. He does that with every camp. Just to make sure our money’s safe. But...hey, tell you what. Why don’t you keep skinnin’ that deer, and I’ll head into town? Buy some more provisions. Also see if I can’t find another place to hit in Annesburg.”
The boy quickly put a hand on my chest, stoppin’ me in my tracks.
“Wait, don’t go alone. I’d feel better knowing you were with someone.”
I briefly scanned the camp with my eyes, choosing a partner to come with me.
“Alright,” I agreed. “What about Sadie?”
Eddie chuckled. “Well, she might start another shootout if there are any O’Driscolls in town, but at least I know you’ll be in good hands. Just...be careful, okay? Both of you.”
“Of course.”
Sayin’ goodbye, the pianist pecked a short kiss on my cheek and playfully patted my face, making me turn a bit red since most of the gang could see us here.
“Eddie--!” I mumbled awkwardly. The other man did nothing but laugh.
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Anyways,” he gestured outta the camp, “I’ll let you go. Stay safe.”
Nodding at Eddie in response, I began headin’ to the camp’s entrance and called for Sadie along the way, urging her to join me.
“Mrs. Adler!” I exclaimed. “You free? Could use a hand.”
The woman happily accompanied me and followed along at a brisk pace, clearly eager to get outta this dreary forest.
“Sure. What we doing?”
“Nothin’ fancy. Just picking up some supplies in town, lookin’ for tips to investigate. You know the drill.”
Sadie smirked. “Didn’t think you’d ever go shoppin’ with me again after what happened in Rhodes.”
I climbed onto one of the gang’s wagons and helped her onto the seat, taking hold of the reins as a chortle escaped me.
“Oh, you know me, Mrs. Adler. Chaos has a habit o’ finding me anyway. May as well have a friend along when it comes.”
Ridin’ into the gloomy town, Sadie and I already started to see gigantic clouds of smoke blanketing the factories in the distance as they blocked out the white sun and darkened the settlement below, shrouding everything in shadows.
It felt like the entire place was covered in coal dust, and all around me, I could hear folk coughin’ up a storm as they breathed in the toxic air, powerless to prevent the damage they was causing to their lungs. 
And if they weren’t workin’ for the mines, most of the people here preferred to stay inside their drab lil’ houses as a way to escape from all the crime littering the streets. 
As for the ones who were outside though, they all looked lifeless and completely devoid of any vigor. It was like no one here had seen the sun in decades, and judgin’ by the condition of most of Annesburg’s residents, I doubted there was gonna be any money for us to steal.
Well...I still hoped we’d at least find something. 
The gang had been struggling even more ever since that incident with Rodrick, and if we didn’t find a decent score to take soon...we weren’t gonna last for very much longer. It was now or never. We’d have to rob someone eventually...or die off.
“So...” Sadie said, observin’ the dead town, “...any ideas on where to start in a god-awful place like this, Mister Morgan?”
I scoffed, bringing the wagon to a stop. “The exit, probably. Still worth a look though. I imagine these factories require a whole lotta money to stay up and running. Someone’s gotta be funding them.”
She climbed down from the wagon. “True. Well, why don’t you get to searching? In the meantime, I’ll head to the general store and buy some provisions for the camp.”
“Sounds good. I’ll meet you back here in a while. Oh, and Mrs. Adler?”
The woman quirked a brow at me. “Yeah?”
I sighed. “...Keep that gun holstered, will you?”
Sadie snickered playfully. “What kind of a woman do you think I am?”
I chuckled, waving her goodbye. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never met another like you.”
Wanderin’ around Annesburg’s muddy streets, I carefully investigated the different establishments in this place and listened closely to every group of strangers I passed, hoping to overhear any sorta tip or lead.
So far, it sounded as if the only building worth checkin’ out in this hellhole was the gunsmith. Apparently, the people in this town took better care of their firearms than they did themselves. Spent all their money stockin’ up on weapons and ammo, and didn’t have much need for anything else. 
I supposed it only made sense with the ridiculous amount of crime in Annesburg, but at the same time, I wasn’t too fond of the idea of robbin’ the only guy in this town who had an entire shop full of guns. There had to be something else.
Hugging a corner, I found myself roamin’ towards the harbor as the smell of salt water hit my nose, and an impressive display of boats came into view. I could hear seagulls cawing, boat engines humming, waves splashing against the pier, and most importantly, an interesting discussion seemed to be taking place among the people there.
I took a step back and concealed myself behind a wall, eavesdropping on the conversation.
“I believe I’ve made myself more than clear, Mister Rose. I have no intentions on getting involved with yet another gang. I have enough problems with outlaws as is.”
I froze. Did that man just say Mister Rose? As in Atticus Rose? 
I couldn’t goddamned believe it. What the hell was that bastard doing here?
Peeking around the corner, I squinted through the sunlight and caught a glimpse of the two men participatin’ in this meeting, only to find -- not one -- but two familiar faces talking near one of the boats.
Atticus was here, alright. 
And so was Leviticus Cornwall.
“I would encourage you to reconsider, Mister Cornwall,” Atticus said lowly, his tone drenched in venom. “We may stand on opposite sides of the law, but we share the same goal.”
Leviticus let out an amused scoff and addressed one of his employees, hardly listenin’ to Atticus as he ordered his workers around. 
“What, money? Well, I can assure you, Mister Rose, that everyone in America shares that goal. Janson! Send a telegram to Goldberg in New York. Tell him I won’t borrow at more than three point two percent...”
“Yes, sir.”
“...And double the security on the stagecoach coming in from West Elizabeth! It’ll be two days before it arrives, and I don’t want anyone laying a single finger on it before it reaches Annesburg!”
“Right away, sir!”
Atticus stood by patiently and thoroughly observed the businessman, his expression barely changing as Cornwall brought his attention back to him.
“Like I said,” Leviticus continued, “outlaws are already making a mockery of me, and I’ve spent a considerable fortune trying to help those...useless Pinkertons find them! The last thing I need is to cross paths with another criminal. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mister Rose...” the man straightened his tie and began walking away, “I have many things to attend to. Good day.”
But Atticus wasn’t done yet. He simply stayed put and carried on with the discussion, bringin’ up a topic he knew Leviticus wouldn’t be able to ignore.
“Things more important than Dutch van der Linde?”
Cornwall paused at that and glanced over his shoulder, suddenly interested in what Atticus had to say.
“...Van der Linde?” He repeated. “Why? You know something about him?”
Atticus linked his hands together behind his back. “I know he’s in this area. And I also know that now is the perfect time to strike. Dutch is weaker than he’s ever been, Mister Cornwall, but it seems that even now, the law fails to apprehend him. Why not let someone outside the law take him down?”
Leviticus slowly found himself slinkin’ back into the conversation due to Atticus’ persistence and eyed the man up-and-down, his curiosity now piqued. 
“Alright, Mister Rose...” he granted, “you have my attention.”
Atticus stepped closer to Cornwall, almost unable to hide the victorious smirk creepin’ onto his face as he proposed an idea.
Before I could listen to anymore of what they were sayin’ however, someone else suddenly snuck up behind me, causin’ me to instantly reach for my gun.
“Relax!” They whispered in an alarmed tone. “It’s just me. Sadie.”
I sighed out of relief. “Jesus, Sadie. I coulda killed you. What’re you doin’ here?”
She smirked. “I was gonna ask you the same thing. What you listenin’ to?”
Tilting my head in Cornwall’s direction, I averted Sadie’s focus to the pier.
“Both Rose and Cornwall are in town.”
Her eyes widened at the news. “The hell? Ah, shit.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “It sounds like they’re teamin’ up against Dutch. They both want him dead.
Sadie shook her head, muttering to herself. “...Son-of-a-bitch. Why is that we can’t take one step without Atticus or his gang showin’ up?”
“I don’t know, but we gotta let Dutch know what’s goin’ on. C’mon, we should head back to camp...before either of them figures out we’re here.”
Mrs. Adler followed me. “I’m right behind you.”
Storming back into camp, Sadie got to work on delivering the provisions to Pearson while I hurried over to Dutch and Micah, admittedly a bit shaken now that I knew Atticus was nearby.
At first, I dismissed Micah’s idea of there bein’ a rat in the gang, but after seeing how quickly Rose seemed to move -- especially when it came to interfering with our plans -- I couldn’t help but concede that he might’ve had a point.
Who would sell us out like that? I mean, sure, not everyone in the gang always saw eye-to-eye with Dutch, but I highly doubted any of them would go as far as to betrayin’ us. 
It couldn’t be Marston. Dutch was like a father to him, same as me. It couldn’t be Williamson either. He practically worshipped the man. And it sure as hell weren’t Eddie. This gang was the closest thing to a family he had left. He wouldn’t risk our lives like that.
I supposed that’d be another question for another time. Right now, I just needed to inform Dutch on what the hell was happening between Atticus and Cornwall, and hopefully, convince him to lay low.
“Dutch!” I called out, approaching his tent.
The man stepped out from the shade and walked up to me, eager to see if I had learned anything as Micah tagged along. 
“Arthur! There you are. Eddie said you was lookin’ for a tip in Annesburg. You find anything useful?”
I hesitated. “...Well, yes, but--”
“--Let’s hear it, then!”
I breezed through the subject, wantin’ to get straight to the point. “...There’s gonna be a stagecoach comin’ from West Elizabeth in two days. I dunno what’s in it, but apparently it’s gonna be under heavy guard. Must be something valuable.”
Dutch picked up on my anxious tone. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
I stuttered for a moment, unsure of how to deliver the news. “...This stagecoach belongs to Leviticus Cornwall, Dutch. He’s in town. And so is Atticus. They’re both here.”
The spark in the other man’s gaze instantly vanished at that and I could see his brow crinkling in anger, leadin’ me to worry about how he was gonna react.
“...Is that so?” He questioned darkly, his jaw clenching.
“Unfortunately.” I confirmed. “I saw ‘em with my own two eyes. They wanna kill you, Dutch. It’s what they said.”
Glancing at Micah for a second as he processed the situation, Dutch nodded in an assured manner before turnin’ back to me, clearly not taking this as seriously as I expected him to.
“Then I guess we’re gonna be visiting an old friend,” he said with a grin. “You said the coach arrives in two days?”
An irritated sigh escaped me. “We can’t be robbin’ no Leviticus Cornwall stagecoach, Dutch!”
“Why not?”
I spread my arms out, gesturing to the entire camp. “We have enough attention on us already! We rob someone as big as Leviticus, and all we’ll be doing is signing our death warrant. If we wanna leave this country, we gotta do it as quietly as possible.”
Micah hopped into the conversation, pointing an accusatory finger at me. “Oh, what’s happened to you, Morgan? I thought you was a tough boy. Not one of those...gentlemen...trying to protect his ridin’ clothes. But now look at you. You’ve turned yella.”
He chuckled, lookin’ at Dutch. “It’s like I said, boss. That Ryan boy is makin’ him soft.”
I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “All I know is that we’ve lost three of our men in no less than a few weeks. Hosea, Lenny, Strauss -- we keep goin’ on like this and I guarantee we’re gonna lose more.”
Micah put a hand on Dutch’s shoulder. “No, no, no, no. If we wanna leave this country, see, we gotta make a whole lotta noise, Dutch. Think of it as a smoke bomb. While everyone else is all confused and distracted by this mayhem, we’ll just slip away as if nothing happened! Easy as that.”
I glowered at him. “You’re a fool if you think that, Bell. Dutch?”
Staring at the ground in concentration, Dutch considered his options while the two of us waited for a decision, already somewhat suspicious of whose advice he was gonna go with. 
I knew Dutch and Leviticus had a bad history with each other -- and truth be told, I wasn’t fond of the man neither -- but I never thought he’d be so reckless as to consider Micah’s plan of robbing the stagecoach. 
Lord only knew how many men would be guardin’ it. And on top of that, we didn’t even know what the coach was goddamned carrying in the first place! The cargo might’ve been valuable to Cornwall, but was it valuable to us? As far as I was concerned, it could’ve been worth shit. But clearly, that didn’t matter to Dutch. All he cared about right now was takin’ revenge on those he hated, and part of me feared I was slowly makin’ my way onto that list.
I just prayed he would come to his senses soon. For all our sakes.
“Get ready, boys...” Dutch announced, causin’ me to tilt my head in disappointment as he smiled deviously.
“...We’re gonna be rich.”
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Learn The Risk is a Sham Folks
 If any person has told you to go to www.learntherisk.org I advise you to look for other sources. Learn The Risk is primarily a propaganda site from what I have seen. While there are in fact many varieties of medicine that are harmful and in cases there have been more doctors than I would of liked to see to prescribe a harmful amount of medicine to their patient - that does not disprove the usage of all medicine like this site suggests one to do.
The site directly states in their “About Us: Who We Are” page that they would advise all people to avoid any medical help from any person in the medical industry. They push this by repeating that the medical industry is corrupt and profits on the suffering of other by keeping them sick as much as they can. This all started from Brandy Vaughan, who is a  pharmaceutical representative. For those who don’t know a  pharmaceutical representative is a person who persuades doctors to prescribe  pharmaceutical drugs. She was disgusted when she found that a painkiller she had been advocating to a client could double the patient’s risk of heart attack and strokes she left the industry. However, instead of using that knowledge of advising patient how to use  pharmaceutical drugs in moderation or safely she believes the use of any  pharmaceutical drug should be abolished and refuses to use any type of medicine produced by the medical industry on her own child.
The site also pushes against medical drugs by using fear tactics and have been a major contributor to the anti-vaxx or PRO-DISEASE movement, They even take the time of day to slander vaccines in their “Detox” page. They do this by stating how vaccines cause intense damage and need to be detox while conveniently leaving out the fact they build herd immunity which allow for people with vaccine allergies and immune-compromised people from dying of diseases that were eradicated by said vaccines. Their “Detox” page even states how to I SHIT YOU NOT slowly cure Autism. Which would be the pinnacle equivalent of curing any other mental or social disorder yet somehow this is secret knowledge only these anti-vaxxers seem to know. They also advertise a book called “How Not to Die” which informs the reader on what organic foods can prevent and even reverse diseases. Now - pardon me for a second - if all we needed to prevent and reverse diseases was organic food, fragrant oils, and crystal then why did Europe lose around half of its population to the Black Plague when that’s all that they had. Also why were there numerous measles and small pox outbreaks that killed thousands of children if that were the same reasoning.
If this has not already made the case of Learn The Risk quite apparent to you then let’s continue. You probably think I’m just bashing on the site and haven’t simply “done my research”. The fact that I had already inspected the maker of site and what solutions they provide for the ‘crisis’ they fight and show the fact they should be viewed with skepticism I believe should add merit to my intent. However, it would seem you disagree. Well it’s time for research. Let’s start on their intense push against vaccines. Why do they hate them? The side effects & ingredients.
Here is an image that they use to display the ingredients within vaccines. 
Tumblr media
I’m going to simply explain Aluminum instead of all ingredients to save space and time. The image states that exposure to Aluminum causes brain damage with larger dosages taken. However, the website fails to inform what dosage of Aluminium is even considered safe.
Well according to the FDA in Code of Federal Regulation Title 21 Volume 7, it is safe to consume 1.25 mg of Aluminum within a serving. Also according to the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry the healthy body burden of Aluminum is 30-50 mg. The vaccine with the highest total of Aluminum is the DTaP, Hep B, & Polio vaccine - which is total to 0.85 mg. The 1.25 mg dosage recommended by the FDA is average amount of Aluminum that regularly gets flushed out by the body’s natural excretion cycle. Meaning that all of the Aluminum that a person receives in a vaccine will likely already leave the body the next time they use the latrine.
Not to mention you can expose yourself to Aluminum just by being in your natural environment. Aluminum can be found as a mineral source in daily foods such as: grain, dairy (yes even breast milk), desserts, & beverages (mostly water - definitely mineral water). It can also be breathed in from air pollution or smoke from volcanic activity. You can absorb small traces of Aluminum from touching it. 
The fact that the site won’t even bother to tell you what the safe dosage is and where traces of the mineral can be found shows that they really don’t care about the whole picture.
Where do they get this information then? Well as you can see below it’s mostly from PubMed on the National Center for Biotechnology Information site.
I would like to add this is just for some context. If you search ‘vaccines saving lives studies’ the first site to appear is the National Center for Biotechnology Information site saying ‘ Simply put: Vaccination saves lives - NCBI ‘. The fact the site they use to disprove vaccines is to first and most credential site to appear when defending vaccines shows a strong amount of contradiction from their behalf already.
When I looked under studies relating to a serious issue - Death - I found 65 entries. I am quite impressed that they did quite a fair amount f research about such a serious topic relating to vaccines. I did notice, however, none of the studies were with 2018-2019. Also nearly half of their sources where within 1970-1990 range. Considering this is such a modern issue to them I would of expected more modern studies. Alright, now let’s compare that total to how many studies have been shown to prove vaccines save lives. Well according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention..... Holy shit I count even count all of that....
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Check it out for yourself since you all love research I suppose, because I can’t count how many entries there are here...   https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/research/publications/index.html
Alright since the sight they gather their information from disagrees with their entire viewpoint let’s look if they have any medical professionals that agree with them. The two they have listen are their founder, Dr. Nancy Banks , & Dr. Stephanie Senneff. Alright let’s look at their credentials (I’m going to skip the founder since I already talked about her).
Dr. Nancy Banks is gynecologist & obstetrics. She has no credentials with dealing with vaccines or any form of microbiology yet for some reason they asked her to talk about vaccines.
Dr. Stephanie Senneff has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She has no experience in the medical field yet they chose to represent her as a professional in the matter of vaccines.
They don’t care if you or your children die to measles because you believed them and chose not to vaccinate. All they want is attention and for people to by their products. They only want to be a media icon and you are giving them just that.
You can look at their site for remedies because maybe - just maybe - you believe that modern medicine is truly evil and toxic. You’ll only find vaccine propaganda and the only product that isn’t related to making vaccines seems scary cost money. Why would a non-profit organization make the only actual remedies they have cost you?
It’s because they don’t care. They want you to recommend people to their site. They want to be all over the media. They want you to parade their products and that’s it.
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Home Remedy For Receding Gums
The gum is clinically referred to as gingiva. Gums around tooth might become swollen. Therefore your swollenm gums round tooth could be merely one of the gum disease symptoms.
Home Remedy For Receding Gums Infection
The teeth play a major role not merely on your dental wellbeing but also in your overall wellbeing and well-being. In many cases, swollen and bleeding gums are still an indication of gum infection. Swollen teeth are often an indicator that something is wrong that you simply want to do some thing about it. Swollen gums swelled up gums are quite common. Find more Safe Home Remedies For Receding Gums
When thinking of the way to grow back receding gums, it's very important to find out what's causing your own gums to recede. If you're putting up with swollen gums, don't be concerned with doing it. Swollen gums, or called augmentation swelling, is a standard problem for the vast majority folks. 
Home Remedies For Receding Gums Pain
If you are putting up with swollen teeth around wisdom teeth, these pieces are some times an outstanding assistance that you relieve your own distress. Gums play a very substantial role and are quite accountable for Dental health. Swollen gum is quite a clear sign that something isn't right. If you're afflicted inflamed gums around wisdom teeth, then these parts may be a great aid that you ease your own distress.
In certain cases, the gums appear bloated due to of the presence of masses. A bloated teeth is a regular problem. Swollen gums throughout pregnancy are typical. Apart from cleaning your teeth, it's also feasible to comb your teeth with lemon juice in addition to orange peelings. 
Home Remedy For Receding Gum Line
Quit any type of Teeth whitening procedure quickly in the event that you simply see your own teeth becoming many more sensitive or should they start to produce locations and sometimes even defects. Being another manner of home treatments for abscess tooth swelling and disease, it is not just going to help you in carrying the signs of abscess tooth but in addition handle the infection. From the search to keep teeth clean, you could be tempted to brush teeth as aggressively as you can. It's vital to be very tender when flossing the teeth. Cleaning your teeth at least two times each day for two minutes might assist in preventing varicose veins.
Well, it might have burned your gums. What many do not understand is that the gums are quite as important, and ought to be given the maximum amount of attention. Tooth decay can be rather alarming. 
Good Home Remedies For Receding Gums
Sore gums doesn't necessarily imply you have periodontal disease. In reality, they are caused due a number of factors, including a nutritional deficiency or poorly-cleaned teeth.
Gums are produced from delicate tissue, but so cleaning the wrong manner could hurt them. When you have teeth swollen or inflamed, it's crucial that you learn that they're a critical inconvenience. Swollen gums aren't a laughing thing even when it's present in kids. The take away Swollen gums are normal therefore you shouldn't be too concerned if you have got them.
To your oral health, the teeth are quite crucial. Swollen gums are also called augmentation swelling. If so, you may have swollen gums. 
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At Home Remedy For Receding Gums
Let us consider the typical causes of swollen gums, what treatments your vet may prescribe to eliminate the issue and the manner in which you're ready to help in avoiding the issue in the future. You might have exceedingly swollen, painful teeth which will likely bleed.
If you create a sore from cluttering your gums intensely, you can create the problem you were hoping to prevent. In the terrific bulk of cases, swollen gums are caused by bacteria in skin. Once you know the causes, you will then have the capacity to successfully look after swollen gums at home with the aid of special remedies.
Never properly brush your teeth because you'd would really like to eliminate damaging your teeth. Swollen gums are among the many indicators of gum disease. 
Is There A Home Remedy For Receding Gums
If you are suffering from bloated teeth, then a better idea is really always to prevent popcorns as it can get stuck at the gum that's already swollen and thus the pain can grow.
Gums play a very significant role not merely on your dental health, but on your general wellbeing. Swollen gums is a somewhat common matter. When you got bloated teeth, you won't have to be panic since there are certainly a terrific deal of dwelling remedies for bloated gums that you are able to decide to try in your home.
Natural remedies are one method to look after bloated teeth. Some organic remedies may contain just a single ingredient like salt, while some may look just like you're preparing a fancy dinner dish. Thus, it's a significant solution to look after swollen gums. So, you might make use of the lemon cure to treating gums bleeding and swelling. Homeopathic remedies are beneficial in relieving symptoms which arrive with jagged teeth. You'll find the perfect home treatments for gum swelling .
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howtohero · 5 years
Removing Someone’s Powers
Sometimes you meet a person who has superpowers and you just find yourself thinking “hey, I don’t think that person should have powers.” Maybe they’re a supervillain who keeps using their powers for evil. Maybe they’re a small child who simply should not be able to turn into a ball of fire whenever something doesn’t go their way. Maybe they’re a huge jerk who keeps using their teleportation abilities to prank you which is a huge jerk move. So you decide to just... take their powers away from them. Can we do that? Is that a thing?
Deciding to remove a person’s powers is no simple thing. It presents a complex ethical quandary. Superpowers are an important part of a person, taking them away, especially without their consent, could be like removing an arm or a kidney or something. Now, if you’re the Arm-Hacking Kidney Stealer of Detroit, valiant defend of Montreal (protip: If you’re gonna put a city in your codename, don’t make it the city that you’re from. This way you’ll throw off the bad guys and protect your secret identity.) this is nothing new to you, you’ve already performed the mental gymnastics required to rationalize that to yourself. So go on right ahead. For the rest of you though you’ll need to do some math. How many people are threatened by this person continuing to have their powers? if they’re just pranking you then you need to come up with another solution. But if they’re threatening all of existence then you might be morally obligated to step in. Or maybe you’re not? Maybe you need to continue to search for another solution. 
Another way of looking at this issue is not through the lens that superpowers are a part of a person that they have an unassailable right to, but rather that they’re like dangerous weapons that need to be regulated. Perhaps it would be criminally irresponsible for the authorities to allow a known felon to walk around with acid hands or drill fangs. Maybe it is the duty of those in power to keep the rest of the populace safe from these people. Several governments have commissioned the development of  superpower suppressing or removing technologies or procedures. In rogue states, or countries where the head of state is literally a supervillain, this technology could be used as a powerful weapon to keep the populace in check and to keep superheroes from other countries at bay. This is, obviously, incredibly dangerous, which is why such technology is heavily regulated and closely guarded in countries where it has been developed. But still, is it right to even create such things? Knowing that they will be used to permanently alter a person’s genetic makeup against their will?
Another option you have it to temporarily suppress the person’s powers instead of permanently removing them. We’ve spoken in the past about power-suppressing handcuffs which many law enforcement agencies use to subdue superpowered criminals. Commonly when they’re transferred to a superhuman prison the cells are lined with power suppressing technologies so they can have full use of their hands and whatnot if they need to scratch their nose or furiously bang on the door while demanding release. However, this is not a fool proof solution either. Some people need their powers to be active to live comfortably. If you suppress an immortal person’s powers they may find themselves rapidly aging or dying depending on the nature of their immortality. Certain anthropomorphic animals, such as Super Hamster or alternate dimension visitor, Bunderclap, have been turned into dumb animals as a result of power suppressing. There are people who might find themselves crippled or at the mercy of deadly diseases were it not for their superpowers. I’m pretty sure that if Power Jones, the man with one million powers, was ever placed in an environment where he couldn’t use any of his powers he would definitely die. I’m like eighty percent sure he doesn’t know how to do anything without powers. He might actually technically be dead, being kept alive only by his nigh unlimited powers. 
Certain powers also become more difficult to suppress or contain than others. Superhumans who have weapons as part of their anatomy, such as catapult fingers or literal shoulder blades, can’t just be slapped in cuffs to negate their powers. Other heroes such as Power Pod or Whirlpool, who are made of liquid, or Ghost Guy or Jonathan Lockhorn, who are incorporeal spirits, also cannot simply be placed in cuffs. Ghost Guy actually was placed in power suppressing cuffs for a bit after he was caught infiltrating an Armada facility which led to him actually coming back to life and joining Armada as an agent codenamed Ghost for a bit but those were the ‘90s and things were weird back then. 
Then you have para-folks such a sewer mutants or werewolves whose species have natural abilities that are akin to superpowers. Their powers cannot be removed without forever changing their lives and cutting them off from their families and communities. Not to mention the fact that most para-folk are not even evil or criminals and that developing ways to alter their physiology would no doubt lead to many of them having their lives forever changed by bigots for absolutely no reason.
One of the examples we gave in our intro was superpowered children. Sure, at a glance it might seem smart to prevent a small child from being able to accidentally cause mass destruction. But suppressing their powers might not be the solution. Children’s powers are still developing and stunting this development could harm them in the long run. You’re better off just sending them to one of many superpower or magic schools that have been set up around the world to help children learn how to properly use their powers. (However don’t send them to the superhero school in Albany where Professor Mitch “Dummy Face” Fueller and Professor Leon “Loser Nerd” Von Iguanodon teach.) 
However, there are indeed sometimes when removing a person’s powers is actually the best course of action. People who are experiencing uncontrollable powers (that post did numbers so we’re officially going to start pandering to that crowd all the time) might actually want to have their powers removed. So it’s important that that option is available. There are also powers out there that are dangerous to their users, such as certain forms of super speed that speed up the user’s heart rate to incredibly dangerous speeds. There are also powers that are “evil” such as the power to kill anybody you touch, which a person might understandably want to get rid of. The trick is to know when such drastic measures are appropriate and when you’re better off searching for another solution to the issue at hand. 
At the end of the day, as a superhero, you know more about superpowers than the average person, you have them, you’ve fought people with them, and your adventures have brought you into contact with people and creatures across the galaxy, the multiverse, and even the afterlife who are in possession with fantastic powers. Which means that you have a responsibility to fight for the right of these people to keep their powers. You know how important superpowers are to people who have them, and you may even know firsthand what its like to have lost your powers. So it falls to you to lobby for imprisoned superhumans to keep their powers... unless they’re using them to prank you. Then you do what you need to do.
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sadyeabe49965-blog · 5 years
How To Help Receding Gum Line
Gum disease may make a mess of your oral health, impacting your smile's reliability and also visual allure. Also one needs to have to maintain it mind that gum disease is connected to rises in center affliction, diabetes mellitus, just to call a couple. Naturally you need to begin the treatment through observing some easy oral care. It's evident there are actually a good deal of procedures used for everybody seeking to better their smile. Rather one may consistently have the Gingivitis treatment that is actually the absolute best alternative for a type of preventative treatment for many of the various other oral conditions that are certain to occur in future. You should take appropriate treatment of your mouth to certainly not merely stop gum recession but likewise to shield against some other type of oral disease. You require to think about trying other techniques to improve your oral health and wellbeing, yes, brushing and flossing is actually really good however it's feasible to perform far better. Our oral health is a red flag in our overall well-being and also wellness. Eat more healthy meals and also it could be valuable to stick to the alternative techniques completely oral health. Study because of the reality that lots of critiques regarding teeth-whitening products as feasible just before obtaining one certain. Most of the substances needed for receding gums natural remedy can be discovered in your kitchen space or on call at the section outlet. Numerous natural remedy are transferred from 1 production to one more. There are actually a bunch of natural solutions out there which were found to deal with receding gums. Actually, it is actually additionally a terrific treatment for expanding back receding gums as it stimulates the development of brand new gum cells. To cure gingivitis, you will need to have to comprehend what's inducing it. Gingivitis is a state of the gums. If you've obtained the signs of gingivitis, you ought to act to improve the problem after achievable. You need to have to regularly speak with your dentist about any sort of existing dental problems ahead of going through bleaching techniques. Dentists additionally recommend that you should utilize an usual fluoride toothpaste as well as a mouth wash. The dentist will certainly likewise provide youngsters over grow older 2 or 3 along with dental sealers to quit microbial build-up. Initially, the pediatric dentist strives to offer a terrific dental home for the little one. The pediatric dentist may plan extra check outs for little ones that are particularly at risk to tooth decay or who reveal very early evidence of orthodontic problems. You have the ability to also grow back receding gums along with correct dental hygiene and specific pure solutions. Because of its own anti-inflammatory residential properties, in addition, it lessens the swelling in your gums. Receding gums could be incredibly worrying. They are among the best remarkable signs of gum disease. The gum is sore in a little bit of region supporting the tooth. Turning around receding gums through eliminating gingivitis is actually done in numerous techniques. The primary teeth are vitally important for numerous causes. See that you do definitely not come to receive infatuated along with keeping your teeth white. As an instance, perhaps your teeth may not be straight, or they've been worn out eventually. Also, be actually specific to clean their teeth for him consistently, to make certain the teeth are actually actually acquiring tidy. Generally, gum recession is laid off unless there's a substantial amount of recession that jeopardizes the wellness of the tooth or even there is actually an aesthetic concern. A lot more are actually not aware they possess recession. In fact, the majority of people do not know they have gum recession for the reason that it takes place so slowly. Usually gum recession is actually very a sluggish procedure which could not be recognizable initially, up until you start to find the origins of the teeth. Once you know the real resource of gum recession, it is sensible that our company desire to do something about it to sustain optimum bone tissue remineralization. Gum pockets are actually believed to be actually troublesome at 5mm. Hence in case you begin with a 7mm gum wallet as well as you wind up with a 6mm pocket that you still have concerns. Maybe useful in attempting to maintain 5mm gum pockets to steer clear of gum surgery. Gums hemorrhage when our experts do not dental floss appropriately. Folks today believe gums bleed as a result of flossing which is actually an incredibly wrong tip. Help Receding Gums gums can easily make recognizable voids, making it straightforward for disease-causing micro-organisms to build up. Receding gums is certainly not something which occurs over night. Receding gums is actually a common dental trouble as a result of its own refined start. While they are going to require to become managed as rapidly as achievable to stop extra damage, you do not automatically need to have to check out a dentist to start the recuperation procedure. Signs And Symptoms Receding gums can most definitely creep up on you whenever you're not mindful. Despite the fact that an attentive dental well-being regimen could possibly go a lengthy technique in aiding the turnaround of periodontal gum condition, in some circumstances the infection is too much progressed, and also it's vital to obtain professional support. In some circumstances, productive therapy of the main health condition are likely to lower the recession on the gums in addition to minimize a good deal of the inflammation. It is actually a pure treatment. Surgical treatment can be needed for extreme cases of Periodontitis. Therefore also when you experience a surgical procedure is actually not uncommon or slight, routine opportunity to recuperate. If surgical operation is actually necessary, ideally I simply offered you some great updates about the wonders of modern technology the second it involves gum grafting. Gum disease is truly a problem. Thus, see to it to maintain the check outs and also must you experience the indicators of gum disease look for quick insight coming from your dentist. It matters not if you've obtained one or even many of these red flags. The discomfort is actually going to be decreased. The vital problem is actually to search for support when you find any kind of indicators of difficulty with your gums. See to it that you inquire coming from your physician just before using this or some other medicine to ensure that you recognize it is actually safe for you. Your dental specialist will additionally recommend you that any kind of form of dental repairs you might have will undoubtedly not lighten. Because the changes in the condition of the gums coming from 1 day to yet another are minimal, our experts get adapted to the gums' appearance and also don't monitor the improvements over longer sizes of time. In cases of bruxism, the use of an oral appliance after treatment is actually typically recommended. There are actually various therapy alternatives depending on to just how extreme the problem is actually, but you undoubtedly will require to visit a dentist for them all.
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Dental Pro 7 Complaints
Can You Fix Receding Gums Naturally?
If you believe your teeth look longer than they performed before, it could be because of your gums. Gum Recession happens for a variety of factors, from brushing your teeth along with way too much pressure to grinding your teeth. Your oral treatment behaviors, the placement of your teeth, your lifestyle selections and also your genetics additionally play a part when it relates to receding gums.
Considering that gum recession has an effect on the appeal of your smile as well as may take your confidence, you could be thinking about, can receding gums grow back? While receding gums do not expand back on their own, you can talk to your dentist or periodontist regarding the variety of procedures on call to deal with the issue and also prevent it from getting worse.
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What Happens When Gums Recede?
Your gums are actually indicated to protect your teeth and also do so in two ways. First, the attached gingiva safely and securely connects your teeth to the bone tissue. Second, the unattached, or gingival mucosa safeguards the insides of your cheeks and also gums. The side of the gum cells, which neighbors your teeth, is referred to as the gingival scope. When the margin pulls away coming from the teeth, it leaves the origins exposed and more at risk to tooth decay and tooth loss. For More Info Visit Dental Pro 7 Complaints
Do receding gums grow back? Unfortunately, no. When the gum tissue has actually drawn back and off of the teeth, it's selected good. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it is actually simply not achievable for the gums to develop back. Receding Gums Treatment Options
While your gums will not come back by themselves, there are a few techniques to handle gingival recession. The best appropriate treatment depends upon how provided the recession is actually and whether you possess symptoms of Gum Disease. If there is actually a substantial amount of recession, your dentist might recommend a gum graft to change the dropped tissue. Gum grafting is a surgical procedure that generally involves taking cells coming from one location, including the roof of the mouth, after that moving it to the gum place. If you have indications of gum disease, the dentist may additionally perform a deep-seated cleansing of the teeth, to remove any bacteria and also fragments, prior to the cells is fastened.
Is It Possible To Reverse Receding Gums?
One more method of handling receding gums is known as the perforation medical strategy. A research study released by the International Journal of Periodontics as well as Restorative Dentistry located that the technique, which involves maneuvering existing gum tissue over the exposed roots, had a high likelihood of success as well as patient complete satisfaction. Stopping Further Recession
Once your receding gums are actually handled, it's essential to discover a way to lower the risk of additional recession. In cases where the recession is actually light, your dentist might encourage paying attention to stopping additional recession, rather than managing the existing recession.
If the recession results from vigorous brushing or utilizing a hard-bristled toothbrush, your dentist might suggest you to ease up on brushing and to make use of much less stress or even power. Doing so will not fix the existing recession, but will certainly make it much less very likely that your gums are going to continue to recede. One alternative is actually to shift to a soft-bristled tooth brush that helps shield enamel surfaces and gums, like the Colgate 360 ° Enamel Health Soft Toothbrush for Sensitive Teeth, rather than remaining to make use of a challenging or even average rages.
Great oral care routines, including brushing twice a time and flossing at least daily, can additionally protect against additional gingival recession coming from developing. If your receding gums are because of uneven teeth or a misaligned bite, correcting the bite or teeth can easily aid slow or even stop the recession. Since smoking as well as cigarette use enhances your risk for receding gums, duing to the fact that up can additionally help prevent extra recession.
If you look in the mirror and also notice that your teeth look longer or if you feel any type of sensitiveness in your teeth as a result of receding gums, do not stand by to see your dentist for insight as well as treatment. Your gums don't increase back, but there are actually techniques to handle the problem to enhance the look of your smile, boost your peace of mind and increase your oral health.
Can Receding Gums Be Reversed?
You're feeling an odd experience in your mouth, around your teeth and also gums. Initially, it believed that a little bit of tickle or even tingling, but now it is actually a bit more annoying. You 'd adore to be capable to place a tooth brush in your mouth as well as provide your teeth and also gums an excellent damaging.
Itchy gums might experience unpleasant, but the source of all of them often isn't a lot of of a puzzle. Once you and your dentist understand what's behind need to scrape, managing the impulse as well as preventing future concerns shouldn't be extremely difficult. Have a look at the root causes of itchy gums and also what you can possibly do concerning them. Oral plaque buildup Buildup
As the National Library of Medicine details, your mouth contains a bunch of germs. Those bacteria blend along with glucoses as well as other bits in your mouth to develop a sticky layer named cavity enducing plaque that depends top of your teeth and also gums. Brushing your teeth routinely aids to clear away cavity enducing plaque as well as maintain your mouth healthy and balanced.
However if you do not clear away the oral plaque buildup, including when you skip a day of tooth brushing, the cavity enducing plaque can develop sufficient for you to experience it. In many cases, it could think that you possess a fuzzy layer on your teeth. In others, you could feel a little bit of an itch, given that the level of cavity enducing plaque is actually annoying your gums.
To maintain cavity enducing plaque at bay, it's a good suggestion to clean your teeth two times daily and also to dental floss at least daily. Your dentist can easily provide you suggestions and tips on the very best ways to comb and dental floss. Gum Disease
Sometimes, itching in the gums is dued to gingivitis, a beginning of gum disease. Lots of people connect gingivitis along with swelling and also bleeding in the gums, yet the complication can likewise create tickling. The bright side concerning gingivitis is actually that it is actually treatable. Your dentist will most likely deep-clean your teeth in the workplace to minimize the inflammation, then give suggestions for caring for your teeth as well as gums in your home.
Receding Gum Reversal
Allergic reactions
Not simply may allergies cause your nostrils and also eyes to itch, they can likewise induce itchy gums. If you consume one thing that you're hypersensitive to or even use an item in or near your mouth that causes an allergy, it may induce itching, irritability and also inflammation of the gums.
Some folks who dislike certain kinds of plant pollen, such as birch or ragweed, might possess a disorder called oral allergic reaction syndrome, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI). Oral allergy disorder may result in swelling of the lips, scratchiness in the throat and a scratchy mouth, usually after a person consumes particular raw fruit products, veggies or seeds, creates the ACAAI. A medical professional can diagnose the ailment along with an allergy test. If you dislike any sort of meals, preventing all of them is actually generally your absolute best possibility. After Surgery
From time to time, irritating gums occur after dental surgery while openings are actually recovery. For instance, if you have your knowledge teeth got rid of, tickling in the gums might develop as component of the recuperation process. Washing your mouth with seawater may aid ease the itch, or even you can talk to your dentist to see if they possess any type of reminders for secure itch alleviation.
Whatever you do, don't attempt to damage your itching gums after surgical operation. The area is actually trying to cure, as well as damaging can easily obstruct of the healing method.
Commonly, any itching in your mouth may be eliminated by brushing your teeth and also using floss on a regular basis, which may assist keep gum disease away. Your dentist could also suggest swishing with a mouthwash like Colgate Total Mouthwash for Gum Health, which supplies 12-hour defense against bacteria that trigger gingivitis. If the irritation continues even after you clean or swiftly returns again, timetable a visit with your dentist to ensure they may have a look at your teeth as well as gums and also allow you know what's going on.
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