#If you have gained the artist's approval you need to send us the link to the comment or an image shot of the artist giving his/her approval
askaceattorney · 1 year
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Dear NOT Gumshoe,
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I wasn't born yesterday. I know fanart when I see it and by the by...
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When the Artist says "no" no means NO. Please respect the original artist of any fanart you send us by sending the link instead.
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Thankfully, the Mods know how to search based on whatever picture you send and found the original artist. Here is the link to the fanart and please credit the artist.
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Thank you.
- Miles Edgeworth
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led-creates · 6 months
Welcome to my Blog!
Important info
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Now that I am planning on being more active on this account, I have decided to create a pinned post detailing my boundaries for interaction as well as some other info about me!
No NSFW content. Sending me these will result in getting blocked as soon as I see it, and may result in also being cross-blocked on my friend's blogs, too. Little jokes here and there are fine, just as long as they aren't sexualizing me, my friends, or my characters. If you do end up finding yourself typing up a joke, but are unsure if it fits the guidelines of this blog, first check if it's situation appropriate, reads as a joke, and isn't directed at anyone who falls under the previously mentioned categories. If you are still unsure after that, feel free to message me about it! Remember: It will not count against you if you are just checking in!
2. Ask me if you want to use my work. I will mostly be posting art here, but since I do post music on my SoundCloud (which I will link later on in this post), it is very important to me that people give me credit. If you want to use my music and/or art, you may message me on my SoundCloud, or here since I will be checking Tumblr more often. It is very crucial to me that you gain my approval before using any of my works since some things I make are gifts for friends or parts of future projects I plan on working on.
IMPORTANT: Please keep these specific requests to direct messages as I do not want to flood my ask box and my blog page answering them.
ALWAYS give me credit if you use ANY of my creations.
3. No insensitive comments. These include jokes, opinions, and discussions that try to make light of (or even mention in some cases) seriously sensitive topics. Politics, war, terrorism, and gun violence are strictly prohibited from being mentioned in any interactions with me or this blog, as well as any other pressing real-world issue. It is expected that neither I or you will mention those here.
This blog is- other than a place for me to share my creations with the internet- a bubble of safety and positivity for both myself and all the people who enter this blog. Any sensitive topics mentioned in my blog are to be treated delicately, even though the posts mentioning them are rooted within the world of fiction.
Most insensitive comments will be dealt with on a three-strike system before I block an individual, but mentioning any of the four listed at the beginning of this section will result in being blocked immediately. Slurs will also result in an immediate block.
4. Don't vent to me unless you are one of my close friends. Your struggles are valid, It's just personally very uncomfortable for me to deal with since I don't know you, and I would most likely not know how to really respond. This is a very important thing I feel like I need to specify because of instances I've dealt with in the past, and some other, more personal reasons. I won't block you for this unless it's a repeated thing.
Even if I am close enough to you to feel comfortable with you venting to me, keep it in direct messages. Again, this is a place of positivity, where the only angst posted is fictional!
This concludes the "Boundaries for Interaction" section of the pinned post. If you are unsure of anything, or have any questions, feel free to message me!
My name is Led, and my pronouns are she/her.
I am an artist, musician, and aspiring animator. I am open to requests, though I do ask for your patience. I will try to complete your requests in a timely manner, and life still has a tendency to take up a lot of my time.
SoundCloud link: https://soundcloud.com/led-creates
Thank you for reading, and enjoy the blog!
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Hey, Rad... Alex... Alexlememe? I know that's the name you used to go by and I know you've kinda disconnected yourself from Viv's fanbase after ZP ended, and I remember your memes and such but I kinda just wanted to get your take on the Hazbin drama since you reblogged the headcanon blog's post on the subject. More or less regarding the issue of her being uncharitable to fans and non-fans alike, plus that one callout post on twitter?
So this is weird. I wasn’t expecting to get asks on the subject since like you said, I’ve generally been disconnected from the fanbase aside from the few reblogs here and there retaining to Hazbin and its more recent developments. But yeah I guess I could give my take on this since I mean.. old fans still follow me. Idk why, but they do!So, really. In regards to that callout post (which is now deleted) I really, really don’t care that much. For one thing, Initially I did because I really hated to see someone be slandered so viciously with inaccurate and uncharitable attacks, but I kinda just stopped because even when I linked the addresses from both Viv, and the Ken dude regarding all the drama mentioned, it was either ignored and resulting in me being called a “pedo sympathizer” or “It wasn’t even an apologyyyyy weh” and like, whatever. I stopped giving a shit.
Terms of the traced animation thing... Lol, ok. I mean homages do exist, and her animation thingy was based on a meme so whatevs.
Anyways,I knew from the very start that the whole “tracing” and “stealing designs” stuff was nonsense since there was an entire like, tumblr drama arc on the issue, and albeit Viv’s post is gone, there’s evidence of legal contracts regarding Jiji and that whole nonsense that was years ago. In regards to her drawing pictures of Blaire White and Shoe… Eh. I mean, yeah, fuck em, but she’s made it clear that she doesn’t support those views anymore, and she wasn’t even really aware of the other things they’d done at that point, and I see no real reason not to believe her because what does lying about that gain her? Yeah her comment on the “blackface” thing if you wanna call it that was dumb as shit, but considering 2016 was a rough year for her in terms of trying to find where she fell in the political sphere, I can relate because I was in the same boat. A lot of sjw cringe comps, shaming feminists, and purposely misgendering transpeople… Not a good time for me either! Course I’ve changed. I went from being a reactionary alt-centrist to an anarchist so. Whether that’s an improvement is up to you.
As for the whole pedo/zoo shit, I really don’t see it. I mean like, look, obviously porn art portraying people fucking feral animals is disgusting right. Not saying it isn’t problematic or anything, but to be fair, she did draw this shit like 8 years ago. I’ve seen worse from even more well-established artists and I don’t see people trying to cancel them? Also, the art was suggestive for one thing and not necessarily 100% porn. I mean it’s still creepy and gross, and I’d understand scolding them if they continued to do so but a lot worse, but I haven’t seen anything like that from Viv past those 2 drawings. As for the pedo shit… The relationship between a 17 year old and a 19 year old is… hardly creepy and reminiscent of pedo shit. So yeah no fuck that. Now with the drawing of Mirage and Kestrel and the tag that said something jokingly like “Mirage and her pedo tendencies” or whatever… Yeah idk, I can’t defend that lmfao. Again, Viv said she disapproves of those drawings and doesn’t care to think about them, but that one piece of artwork definitely had some baggage to it that made me feel uncomfortable after reading the tags.Only issue I took in terms of her addressing that, is that she was very adamant about it being an inside joke… Which if that’s true, you must’ve had some fucked up friends like damn.
I would also like to state that cub art is legitimately disgusting and I am of the belief that it can cause harm depending on the context since I assume the consumption of cub art can reinforce the urge for pedophiles to act on their desires instead of finding healthy coping mechanisms for it through therapy. There have been stories from younger users on the internet that older people have tried to groom them and have the notion of pedos preying on them be normalized by sending them art depicting kids in sexual acts with adults. Of course in isolation cub art isn’t as harmful as the actual act of raping a child, and I would argue that people have their priorities kind of messed up since the illustration being acknowledged should be part of combating pedophiles preying on children. However, people, typically twitter wokescolds tend to focus on the art solely and I don’t know why. There’s a lot of MAPS trying to find their way into LGBT spaces and it’s fucking gross.
Now with Hazbin itself… It’s meh. Initially I watched it with rose-tinted glasses and loved it. After watching it for like… the 3rd, 4th, 5th time? It’s alright. I don’t hate it, but it’s far from perfect. Now ofc I know it’s a pilot but a very lengthy pilot I’ll say. My biggest gripe with the pilot is that the editing is really fucking weird. Like the editing where Angel tells Alastor “I can suck yah dick!” and the scene that followed was really off. It seemed like too many cuts were made in that instance and seemed very cluttered. It also feels that way during Charlie singing “Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow” and how many little animated bits were like almost wiped off the screen by how fast it came by, and ntm there was just so much happening all at once on screen as well. I had to pause at points just to process everything that was happening. The palette is also very, very, verrrry red. There’s so much red going on and like… I get it, it’s in hell. But lemme rest my eyes on something else besides red, please. The palette they use needs to be better diversified, and the same goes for the characters too. Every character seems to have red on them. Whenever Baxter shows up later he’s gonna look really out of place. Some of the jokes were ok, and others seemed non-clever. I didn’t think Angel’s joke about sucking Al’s dick was funny. I did like the joke with Pentious and Angel though. “SON??” Some of it could’ve been written better too.
Regarding the drama with the show itself… Personally I don’t get it. Like, I don’t feel as if Angel is homophobic as a character since his queerness isn’t at the face of the jokes he makes? He just happens to be sex worker which… sex workers are fine? Support sex workers y’all, seriously. There’s also nothing intrinsically wrong with being sexually active either? As long as it’s within reason and you’re being trustworthy.The issue lies in the fact that people viewed the things I just mentioned as negative, and associate it with gay people as said negatively portrayed thing to push the sentiment of “Gay man do sex a lot therefore the gays bad” or that sort of thing. Also there’s a bit where it shows there’s more emotional depth to him and I’m hoping they’ll expand on that later. Honestly though, the criticisms in regards to that have been pretty uncharitable. Same with the criticisms for Vaggie. Apparently Vaggie is racist because… she’s loud and angry? Again, this is a case where people assume those traits are negative, and because it’s assumed to be negative, the negatively portrayed thing pushes the sentiment of “Being a loud fiery woman made, and latina women are that, therefore latina women bad” or some shit.  There are stereotypes that are bad no matter what the context is like sambo-esque caricatures of black people. Then there are tropes that are applied to certain demographics that have the capability to be written well into characters without it being offensive or disrespectful. Vaggie is literally angry because she’s protective of her gf. Like. C’mon.
So, I think that settles what I think about that? It honestly seems like superficial shit to me tbh, and I’m saying this as an sjw-y beta cuck anarchist.
The only REAL gripe I have, is with what the mod from @zpheadcanons posted. Because I know this is probably true as much as it hurts me to say it. Faust def has a history of being pretty petty and bully-like to people she deems undesirable, and Viv harbors it by not criticizing it, and if anyone else within their friend group does it then you’re scolded vehemently and treated like garbage. Her attitude also stretches to harboring an audience full of white knights that I personally don’t approve of.
There’s also this
Faust has hurt distant people I personally know and… yeah. Maybe I’m biased but I can’t vibe with that. Sorry. If you don’t make an effort to criticize abusive behavior within your own friend circles then that makes you just as bad, because then you’re just a bystander to things you could have prevented.
This isn’t to say Viv herself hasn’t dealt with bad faith actors, or people who had the intention to hurt her, or very uncharitable criticism. Particularly from the badwebcomics forums which is honestly 4chan like in how they operate. It’s vicious as hell, and a lot of their criticisms boil down to insults and personal attacks, which serve to be nonconstructive. That’s not to say Viv has been kind to even the more charitable criticism though. I know because when I happened to send an ask to the zoophobia criticism blog (where did it go???) regarding something relatively minor and superficial, she blocked me from her blog. I’m still blocked lmfao. I’m not blocked on twitter though! (not yet anyways). Faust has me blocked there though, and I have no idea why. She’s had me blocked for years even though I haven’t spoken out against her till recently. So, there’s that.
As for her apology itself, I feel like it was fine. I think it could’ve been worded better? The take I disagree with in terms of that is like… If I made a mistake in the past, and I make it clear that I don’t care for what I did, I don’t feel as if me explaining why I felt compelled to do certain things negate me from still not caring for my past actions? That’s just me providing context. That’s a really weird take, but I guess that could be viewed as an excuse idk. Personally I think people are holding the bar super high to a state of irrationality.
*sigh* So yeah there’s that. I miss the old days where honestly I could be ignorant about this, but at the same time I look at my old obsessive posts and I kinda just… cringe. I was such an irrational stan I almost hate myself for it. Fuck XD
Edit: I’d also like to point out that I’m not saying Viv or Faust are totally awful or totally good people, and I know they’re capable of being better. It’s a matter of whether or not they wanna be better.
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do-kyngsoo · 5 years
(1/?) Hello! Fellow Chinese here! I want to bring awareness to something. I remember seeing a post w/ a list of Chinese K-pop idols to “condemn” for their support in China. I just wanted to say that any idol would be risking their entire career and family’s safety if they so much as condemn the Chinese government. It’s not even enough to not even say anything, because if they don’t, the government would condemn them for not supporting their home country enough.
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Long post up ahead, if you’re interested in understanding the full story and gaining some understanding of why these Chinese idols may have openly supported China like they have then there is the keep reading link (if it actually works for once)
So backstory which most people know, the Chinese government is trying to have Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau completely under their control in the “One China policy” (these countries are already under China but have their own laws, governments, currencies etc.) so China is trying to get rid of the little independence these countries do have which has caused protests and over the last few weeks they have gotten increasingly violent with police using tear gas, rubber bullets and Chinese soldiers moving towards the border for backup.
In the heights of all these there have been several companies and brands (samsung, givenchy, calvin klein etc.) who have in some form expressed that Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau are their own independent countries. This has caused a lot of backlash from Chinese citizens and the government and many Chinese idols and actors have terminated any contracts they have with them. With Yixing specifically (and i think his case is pretty important when understanding the actions of all of the celebrities) he was I suppose ‘called out’ by a Chinese news outlet for not immediately terminating his contracts with the brands (he is brand ambassador for samsung, calvin klein and valentino who were all accused of having anti one china sentiments), yixings studio released a statement saying they will investigate the stances of the companies and he then proceeded to terminate his contract with Samsung.
The reason why all this is significant is because of all the backlash yixing and other celebrities were getting, first yixing was called a traitor to his country for not terminating his contracts and when he did terminate the Samsung one Chinese citizens were claiming he only did so because they said it and that he is money hungry. Amongst all of this there have been death threats sent to family and friends as well as claims that he is committing treason - and treason is a punishable crime in China of which the sentence is Captial Punishment (aka. execution). Needless to say it is an extremely serious accusation to make over someone not terminating a brand contract.
However even after all this all of these Chinese artists were still being condemned and were being pushed by the public and government to do more with these threats looming over them. So many of them posted pro One China policy images on their social medias which has then brought criticism from international fans.
The post with a list of idols to condemn is honestly news to me and is quite shocking that someone would make such a thing (it’s basically generating mass hate), I hope that if a person took the time to make a list then they also took the time to consider the conditions in China and the reasons that could bring these idols to take such measures.
Now anon made a great point here in saying that these celebrities don’t have the freedom we have in the west and thats’s because…they don’t. China is a country where censorship and indoctrination very much exists and is very prominent. They don’t have access to international news or social medias like twitter or facebook, they have China friendly, pre approved versions of their own. The Chinese government also has a history of banning things that they deem to be against them, in a moment they could see to it that something is never seen in media or spoken of. Just to put it in perspective here is a list of things which have been banned from China in the past:
Winnie The Pooh
Peppa Pig
Brad Pitt (his ban was lifted a couple of years ago)
Anything involving the concept of time travel
THE FREAKING LETTER “N’ (until they realised they needed it)
Saying “I disagree”
Now if they can ban TV shows and a letter of the alphabet for being against the government imagine what they could do to celebrities with millions of fans and followers, some even international (the kpop idols) and have a massive influence. They can end their entire careers, all it would take was the government to think they weren’t supporting them and you would never see them in Chinese media again which is a vast majority of their fanbases. (And you may argue that they have careers abroad...but not really - as much as some like to think kpop has western acceptance from the few awards or collabs groups and idols have the racism they face in the west is very much there, it’s just ignored by fans who want to believe that their faves “made it”), and like anon said Korea is not a very welcoming place for Chinese artists at the moment with the tensions with China mainly concerning THAAD. Also just remember the last thing on my list that is banned “I disagree” these celebrities literally CAN’T disagree with the Chinese government - it’s illegal. Chinese citizens are taught from the moment they’re born that the Chinese government is always right and that you can’t disagree with them, so these celebrities literally cannot say they support Hong Kong and the other countries wanting independence from China
So to anyone condemning these artists and saying they’re disappointed in them: hold off. You don’t (and may never) know the circumstances under which these artists have done what they did. It’s okay to disagree with what they have done, I certainly don’t like the whole posting propaganda incident, but trashing them or making lists of people to dislike fixes absolutely nothing and you could be sending hatred towards a completely innocent person. So for now let’s just support them (or at the very least don’t be negative) and hope that they do really support the independence of these countries from China.
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Ephemera Chapter Fourteen
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Ephemera: In art, transitory written and printed matter (receipts, notes, tickets, clippings, etc.) not originally intended to be kept or preserved.
Alternatively, things that exist or are used for only a short time.
Description: Nobody knows who Vante really is. Everything about the popular artist is shrouded in secrecy: from his face to his name to everything in between. After years of working for his art gallery, Y/N feels she may just be the closest thing he has to a friend. Between her success at work and her relationship with campus hot-shot Jeon Jungkook, Y/N’s life has never been better. But is Jungkook truly who he says he is? And who will Y/N protect now that she knows Vante’s livelihood may be on the line?
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Jungkook x (f) Reader x Taehyung
Word Count: 6.5k
Tags: Non-Idol!Au, Gang!Au, Art History Student!Reader, Film Student!Jungkook, Art Student!Taehyung
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of alcohol, although infrequently
A/N: Hello you guys! I still can’t believe I’m going to see BTS in a few months, whew. If you guys will be at the Rose Bowl concert on May 4th, please let me know! I’d love to meet you guys. I hope you like this chapter! We’re slowly moving towards some resolution, but we’ve still got quite a lot of story left so don’t worry! Anyway, please don’t be shy and send feedback, critique, questions, theories, and comments my way. I’ll be sure to respond to all asks I receive within a day of receiving them! Links will be added later, so for now check my masterlist to find previous chapters!
And again, if you want to follow my Twitter, my username is @/plzpunchmebts. I’m super active over there and hopefully in the future I’ll do some livestreams/chats with you all! And concert videos!!
- Mercury
Previous Chapter – Next Chapter
Weekly updates: Sunday, 1PM (PST)
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Jin squared his eyes with mine, cocking a single brow as he scanned me. It was clear from the set of his jaw that he wasn’t convinced, and when he crossed his arms and leaned back a half-step I knew I’d have more convincing to do. Jungkook simply stared slack-jawed, looking not quite at me but through me at something else, and the only tell that he was even breathing was the arhythmic rise and fall of his chest.
I sighed, leaning over my lap to untie my ankles and rubbed those too. “Did you hear me?” I asked, meeting Seokjin’s eyes as I bent at the waist.
He cleared his throat and nodded. “Heard it,” he said, then cocked his head to the side. “Didn’t believe it though.”
With a nod, I pushed myself to my unsteady feet, using the back of the chair to keep me stable and upright. “I get it,” I said, eyeing him. “Since I’m friends with Taehyung.”
Seokjin shrugged. “Well, yeah,” he said.
I glanced at Yoongi, still focused on his laptop, and realized twice over that he really wasn’t concerned about Seokjin. Whether this was due to Jin’s obvious naivety or his usually gentle temperament, I wasn’t sure. But I knew that the immediate danger wasn’t in front of me.
And that meant that, after all, I could become the danger if I wanted.
I coughed a little, rubbing my sore cheek. “He screwed me over.”
“How?” asked Seokjin.
Jungkook, scanning me, stepped forward. “At the charity event,” he offered, eyeing me like he was uncertain about whether or not to proceed. I simply nodded. “He used her to get to me.”
“And you used her to get to him, so what’s the point?” Seokjin asked with a scowl. “Listen, sweetie, if you’re gonna go after every person who’s used you you’re gonna have a long list. Even just people in this building.”
I shook my head. “It’s different,” I said, letting just a fraction of my real hurt leak into my voice, threading through my words like veins. “Because he was the one who wasn’t supposed to betray me.” I lifted my eyes severely, meeting Jin’s and not so much as blinking as he thought.
I set my jaw, clenched my lips shut, and watched him, crossing my arms and trying to impart every ounce of sincerity I had into my gaze alone. Seokjin’s furrowed brows relaxed by fractions as the seconds ticked on in silence. Jungkook, standing beside him, wouldn’t look away from me. I wasn’t yet sure what I’d do about him. Recruiting him was likely out of the question for many reasons, but did I have to deceive him?
Could I not try to rely on him just a little?
I swallowed hard. Of course not. He’d lied to me from the beginning, and only when he’d been caught did he begin begging for a chance to explain himself. Seeing him now, despite knowing all this, my heart felt like something was squeezing it from the inside. And that alone was enough to convince me not to tell him the truth. Not for now, at least.
At least…that’s what I told myself.
Seokjin finally yielded with a sigh and let his head dangle a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Alright,” he said.
Jungkook’s back went stiff and he looked towards his roommate. “Wait, really?” he asked.
Seokjin nodded with a shrug and held out his hand to me. “If I find out you’re double-crossing me, I’ll kill you,” he said, without even a microscopic change in his expression.
A chill crept up my spine because I knew he meant it. It wasn’t worth it. Not really. Nara was smart and could easily get a better job on her own. Not to mention she was working on her major anyway. Only a few more years of shitty work until she could find herself some gainful employment. It was a massive risk to sabotage a gang leader’s master plan, and the reward was comparatively small. I loved Nara with my whole heart, but not to the point of foolishness.
Still, I reached out my hand and clenched Seokjin’s, shaking it twice.
Because I’d realized something as he’d evaluated me like a specimen under a microscope. Maybe I’d realized it a long time ago, when I’d first discovered his involvement at the boys’ apartment.
I wasn’t just doing this for Nara. Not really, anyway. Perhaps it had never really been about her at all.
Looking into his calculating, dark eyes, my head aching with each heartbeat from where it had struck the wall, I felt the inescapable urge to ruin him.
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Jungkook spun me around by the crook of my elbow and I turned to face him. It had been about an hour since Seokjin had beckoned me toward the front of the warehouse and down some stairs into a quiet basement, lavishly furnished despite the ground floor’s relative squalor. We’d discussed the particulars of my involvement and — perhaps luckily for me — because of the nature of the business, no contracts were required on either end. Just a handshake and a threat.
But rage had been wakening in me for a while now, and I’d finally given the flames the air they needed to breathe and grow.
Jungkook and I now faced each other with equally wide eyes in the dark night, my body sore and my eyes dry from the lack of sleep. I was sure I looked a mess, and the vain part of me longed to adjust my appearance, splash some water on my dirty face, clean the crusted blood off my knees. But Jungkook and I were past that now, weren’t we? Past the formalities of ego and image.
He sighed and scanned me. “You going to the station like that?” he asked, like he’d read my mind.
I swallowed hard and shrugged. “I guess,” I said, glancing down at my phone, which Seokjin had so graciously returned to me during our tense meeting, and sighed at the time. “Might have to call a taxi instead.”
Jungkook sighed and, without a word, simply let his hand slip into mine and led the way down the unkempt street toward his car, parked by the curb. “Jungkook, I can get home myself-,”
“I know,” he said, eyeing me over his shoulder. “But I’m feeling crazy right now, so I’m not doing it for you.”
I felt flush, and not wanting to risk speaking again and revealing my lingering feelings, I simply sighed and shrugged as he opened the passenger door for me. I ducked inside the car and eased back against the car’s upholstery. So familiar. Even his car smelled like him. Sweet, slightly fruity. Shampoo?
He opened the door and started the engine right away, cranking the heat and turning all the vents toward me. He gripped the steering wheel with both hands, eyes forward. I noticed he was a little sallow, eyes dull and shoulders slumped with fatigue. I opened my mouth to ask if he’d been sleeping, but shut it just as quickly and glanced out the window to my side, sighing into the glass and fogging the cityscape like a vignette.
“I could kill him,” said Jungkook, knuckles bone-white.
I eyed him, but he wouldn’t look my way. “Huh?” I asked.
I set my lips thin and glanced down at my lap, lacing and unlacing my fingers. “Don’t do that,” I said.
He clenched his jaw, his bone straining against the skin. My heart kicked up. “He shouldn’t have touched you.”
“Would you be saying that if it was anyone else?” I asked, but cursed myself for sounding so interested, so probing. I sighed and rubbed my chilly thighs. May as well push while I’m at it. “If it was another innocent person.”
“We don’t deal with innocent people,” he said, shaking his head.
I hummed. “You sure?”
“Why are you doing this?” he asked, like the tension had finally become to much and he’d snapped. He slid his dark eyes toward me and a chill ran through me. Not the bad kind, but the kind I didn’t hate all the way. I swallowed and averted my eyes. “You don’t approve of any of this. I know you didn’t have a change of heart.”
I shrugged. “Like I said, Taehyung hurt me. In a different way than you did,” I said, then sighed. “Maybe it’s worse because it’s him.”
“Why…?” asked Jungkook, voice softer now as he turned on the radio to play gently in the dark cab of the car.
“Because he’s been watching me for two years,” I said, leaning my head back on the headrest. “Because he knows better than anyone that playing me is the worst thing he could’ve done.”
“You’re really mad?”
I nodded.
“Mad enough to ruin his relationship with one of his best friends?”
I set my lips thin and said nothing, just crossed my arms and glanced back out the fogged window.
He sighed. “Listen…you don’t have to tell me,” he said, and at this my body stiffened a little and I eyed him sidelong. He was still looking right ahead like he couldn’t bring himself to look my way. “I don’t have any right to press you to be honest with me.”
I watched my laps, legs shaking. Probably a delayed reaction to the adrenaline, or maybe the chill that even the heaters couldn’t fix. “You’re right,” I said.
He nodded. “I’m not telling you to tell me the truth just…tell me if you’re lying or not,” he said, glancing at me with knit brows and straight lips. “Because I can’t get my hopes up right now.”
Disarmed, I stared at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “I…”
He sighed and looked back toward the road. “I’m trying to be okay with never seeing you again. With you hating me forever,” he said, then shook his head and gripped the steering wheel tighter. “But with you here…is it wrong for me to hope that maybe you’re here for me? That you really left that Taehyung guy behind?”
I inhaled sharply, my heart racing and my skin hot. Such a direct question: it left me breathless. “I…I mean, I…”
“No, right?” he asked with a sigh. “I was stupid, huh? You’d never betray that guy.”
“Jungkook-,” I said, reaching out to grab his forearm but stopping a few centimeters away from his skin.
He noticed, glancing down at my outstretched fingers before meeting my eyes with a sad smile. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna tell Jin. Or anyone, for that matter.” He clenched his jaw and shook his head. “After what he did tonight, I can’t trust him as far as I can throw him.”
“Really?” I asked, timid.
He glanced at me and nodded. “He knows how much I care about you. And he knows you’ve done nothing wrong to get mixed up in all this. How can I trust someone like that?”
“Do you wanna get out?” I asked, turned toward him halfway, imploring him with my gaze.
It was stupid. So stupid it was almost painful. But I longed more than anything else to have him as my ally again, to have someone as my ally. Someone who I trusted enough to share delicate information with, someone I knew would watch out for me no matter what.
Not just someone, I longed for him.
His skin tinged pink and he cleared his throat, avoiding my eyes and watching the road. “After tonight?” he said, rubbing his neck with his right hand. “Yeah.”
“You mean it?”
“Jungkook…,” I began, finally grabbing on to his forearm and holding it tightly, trying desperately to impart even a fraction of my need into my fingertips. He jumped like he’d been shocked by an electric jolt and stared at me with round eyes. “Can I trust you?”
“I…of course,” he said, slowly guiding the car off to the curb, idling on the side of the road as he parked and turned to me properly. There was a severity in his eyes that caught me off guard. “I know my word doesn’t mean much to you, but I mean it with my whole entire body. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you ever again.”
I scowled. What a stupid qualifier. “You already know I’m not here to trade secrets with Kim Seokjin.”
Jungkook nodded, scanning me. “Yeah. Of course.”
“So there’s no use lying,” I said, rubbing my forehead. “Namjoon offered Nara a job at his company in exchange for proof of who’s been attacking him. I don’t know what he’ll do once he gets it. Suing, retaliation…I really don’t know what he’s capable of, but…”
“For Nara’s sake…?” asked Jungkook with furrowed brows.
I nodded. “Y-Yeah,” I said, but cursed the uncertain waver in my voice.
He cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips. “I was gonna scold you about being too kind, but that reaction was weird.”
I stiffened and glanced away, toward the dashboard, and shrugged. “I dunno what you’re talking about.”
He smirked and leaned toward me, eyeing me. “Y/N, are you looking to get revenge?” he asked.
I flushed and shoved him away, crossing my arms. “Forget I said anything. Just take me home and don’t bother me at the warehouse.”
He laughed and raised his brows. “Really? My Y/N, trying to get even with a shady dirty business leader?”
I pulled my knees to my chest, pouting, and looked away. “Seriously, just drop it.”
He chuckled once more and peered at me with a knowing smile. “Huh,” he said, nodding once. “Seems there are still things I don’t know about you.”
“Of course there are,” I said, sighing. “We were only dating for a few months and it was fake.”
He cleared his throat. “Well…uh…Jin and Yoongi did some background digging on you, so…I know quite a bit, actually. Like, interests and stuff.”
I turned to him, cheeks flaring, and smacked his knee. “What? You guys collected data on me?”
He laughed, nodding. “Yeah! What’d you expect?”
I flushed and crossed my arms again, sulking in my seat as Jungkook eased the car back into the light flow of traffic. “Whatever.”
“I’ll help.”
I sat up straight and stared at him in profile. “What?” I asked, searching his features for any indication of insincerity.
I found only a gentle smile and eyes focused on the road. “Yeah,” he said with a shrug. “Tonight kinda helped me realize that this business isn’t for me. You’d think after everything else, I’d have realized it but…seeing you get hurt…I dunno, it crossed a line for me.”
“It did?”
I swallowed hard and stared at him. Wasn't it okay to trust him a little bit? Even though I knew it might bite me, even though I figured it was probably a mistake…wasn’t it okay? He seemed so genuine, smiling and tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, humming along to the pop song on the quiet radio.
“How’d you know to go to the warehouse?” I asked, settling back into my seat with a sigh.
He hummed. “Common sense.”
“So you knew he was keeping me hostage?”
Jungkook shook his head. “He told me today and tried to justify it, but right away I knew it wasn’t okay. I wanted to go to you immediately, but he held me back and we fought a little,” he said, pulling down the collar of his shirt to reveal a myriad of fresh bruises blooming on his skin from his neck down his chest. The closer I looked, the more I realized he was littered with bruises, even on his face. “After a while, he decided he needed to restrain me so he put me in the bathroom at the apartment.”
“He locked you up?!” I asked, shocked.
He laughed and nodded. “Yeah. I guess he was gonna try and use me as bait to extort you for information, and if I came blazing in he knew I’d ruin it.”
“So he locked you in the bathroom?” I shook my head and covered my lips with my fingers.
He smirked at me and shrugged. “After about an hour of trying to find another way out, I eventually just broke down the door,” he said, like it was nothing.
“Jungkook!” I shouted, gaping.
“What? I wasn’t just gonna leave you there!” he yelled back, but he was playful while I was horrified.
“Your landlord’s gonna kill you,” I mumbled, rubbing my jaw.
He smiled. “It was worth it.”
He chuckled and I noticed that warm blush in his cheeks. “Because I’m here with you now.”
My heart leapt and my stomach dropped like I’d crested the top of a very big hill on a very fast rollercoaster. I swallowed hard and played with my hands, rubbing the palms together and twirling them over one another, trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks.
“It…it’s not wrong…,” I murmured, watching my hands as I smoothed the palms against my thighs, avoiding looking directly at Jungkook.
I saw him glance at me out of my peripheral. “Hm?” he asked.
“For you to hope a little,” I said, glancing up at him almost like a nervous kid. His eyes were wide, lips parted, irises flashing back and forth between my own. I chewed on my cheek and let my gaze drop once more to my lap. “It’s not wrong.”
A quiet enveloped us that I couldn’t quite describe. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything more, having thoroughly embarrassed myself and wiped out my burgeoning street credit in one fell swoop.
But eventually, I heard him release a few breathy chuckles and watched as he lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck, exhaling with a smile. His eyes darted around, not looking at one thing out the windshield too long, and his smile was unwavering, cute front teeth visible.
“Ah,” he said finally with a nod, not looking my way. “Alright then.”
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“You’re going to what?!”
I shrugged and stirred my tea with the small spoon Mr. Kim had slid to me with the platter. “I’m gonna get evidence of Seokjin’s involvement and ruin his life.”
Nara sputtered a cough and widened her eyes at me. “Y-You-you can’t just, like, do that!” she said, emphatic as she waved her hands around.
I eyed her. Her complexion was brighter today, eyes clear and free of dark circles. “You’re sleeping better?” I asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, a little bit. For some reason, the boss stopped scheduling me for late shifts,” she said, spitting it out quickly like she was only saying it out of obligation to me. “Anyway, that’s not the point!” she groaned and gripped the bridge of her nose. Mr. Kim continued working without so much as a second glance our way. “The point is you shouldn’t be getting any more involved than you already are.”
“Regardless,” I said with a shrug. “There’s a benefit besides just personal vendetta.”
She opened one eye and peeked at me through her long lashes. “Hm?”
“How would you like to work for Ori Technologies?” I asked, seeing if she’d take the bait.
She hesitated for a moment, clenching and unclenching her jaw, and ran her fingers through her silver hair, the roots growing in black at the top. “I mean…in a perfect world, that’d be awesome.”
“And what if me doing this got you a job there?” I asked, lowering my voice so no eavesdroppers could catch my words.
She inhaled sharply and looked me dead in the eye. She scanned me, perhaps searching for something in my expression, but after a few moments she simply sighed and leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest with a scowl.
“I’d say thanks but no thanks,” she said, nodding her head. “I want it bad, but not at the expense of my best friend’s safety.”
I opened my mouth to rebut, but Mr. Kim leaned over the bar to stare at the two of us, severe eyes set squarely our way. “Gettin’ busy,” he remarked, eyeing the guests as they filed in.
Taking notice of my surroundings for the first time since I’d arrived at the coffee shop, I glanced around. Indeed, customers were filling up the quiet space rather quickly. Milling about in the courtyard admiring the perennial plants or taking up residence at one of the several mismatched tables, guests seemed to be everywhere.
“Any idea why?” I asked, peering over Nara’s head to get a good look at the rest of the shop, still just as packed as the front.
Mr. Kim nodded. “Seems someone endorsed us,” he said, taking a sly glance at me.
I stiffened, pointing to my chest. “Me?” I asked.
He shook his head. “That Taehyung kid,” he said. “Comes by a lot these days and just sits in the corner drawing on a tablet.”
My mouth felt dry. There was so much I was keeping from Taehyung, and yet he still came by this place? Why did I feel so guilty when he was the one who planted the initial seed of dishonesty between us? I crossed my arms and shrugged, watching the steam rise from my teacup.
“So they’re here to see Vante,” said Nara with a knowing nod. “Weird.”
“Well, I won’t turn away paying customers,” said Mr. Kim with a hearty laugh. “Just a bit understaffed.” He looked back at us like he was trying to send us a message with his eyes alone.
Message received.
I took a big sip of my tea and stood to my feet, wandering back around the bar to join Mr. Kim among the coffee machines. “Where are the aprons?” I asked, giving him a smile.
He returned it and jerked his head back towards the kitchen. “Grab one for Nara too,” he said, turning a frown towards his daughter who sat, puzzled, completely still.
Before I took my leave into the kitchen, Mr. Kim glanced back at me and smiled in that fatherly way that made me homesick. His eyes squinted a little, revealing deep crow’s feet, and there was a fondness there that never failed to catch me off guard.
“Looks like Y/N’s nunchi has improved,” he said with a chuckle before returning to the espresso he had brewing.
My back went rigid before a small smile overtook me and I rubbed the back of my neck, turning on my heel into the kitchen.
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I guided a coffee cup onto the corner of one of the waiting tables, bowing my head as the patrons thanked me, before turning back toward the bar and gabbing yet another. Such was the rhythm of this sort of work. Back and forth like a tide or something. Every now and again when Mr. Kim would get swamped — usually during university exam season — Nara and I would help out around the shop. But it’d been quite a while since the two of us had worked this way, and with so many new customers needing attention we couldn’t so much as spare a moment to crack a joke or nudge each other with our elbows passing by.
I approached one of the outdoor tables and found an older couple sitting in the sunlight, chatting easily. My arm was aching from the weight of the tray, and I furrowed my brow when I paused to look at its contents. I hadn’t taken their order, likely Nara had while I was off doing something else, but as I looked down at my serving tray I noticed a vast array of food and drink. Puzzled, I walked closer and began unloading the tray one item at a time. A slice of persimmon cake, sautéed pine mushrooms, two chestnut cookies, a caramel latte, roasted sweet potatoes, two cups of green tea, and pumpkin porridge.
“Thank you,” said the woman with a motherly smile. Quickly, I bowed and turned to take my leave, but the woman called after me. “Wait!” she said, and I heard her metal chair scrape against the floor.
I turned around, anticipating a scolding. “Yes, Ma’am?”
“You’re that girl, aren’t you? Y/N?” she asked.
For the first time, I took a proper look at her and noticed to my shock that she was vaguely familiar. Alcohol had dulled my memory, but hearing her voice was enough to conjure an image. Her beside her husband, the two of them chuckling as they sat at a bar in an ornate ballroom.
I snapped my fingers, resting my tray on my hip, and nodded. “Ah! Mrs. Hayoon,” I said, grinning.
The man finally turned to face me and his eyes went wide. Again, the warm rush of familiarity gripped me and I gave him a bow. “Ah! That young girl from the gala!” he laughed, voice as booming as before, and rubbed his strong jaw. “My, isn’t this a surprise.”
I chuckled and rubbed my forearm. “Yes,” I said, a blush rising in my cheeks as I remembered that strange drunken encounter. “What brings you out here?”
“Our son gave this place high praise, so we figured we’d stop by,” said Hayoon with a soft smile.
I nodded. Perhaps he was a fan of Vante. “It’s a really nice shop,” I said with a grin and a thumbs-up.
Hayoon laughed and rested her chin in her hand. “It’s very good to see you again, Y/N,” she said.
It was strange. What would a rich couple like them think of me anyway? To be so happy to meet me again… I smiled. “Well, I’d better get back to serving…,” I began, hinting at an early exit from the conversation.
The man, Jaesun if I remembered correctly, waved his hand a few times with a huff, dismissing my concerns. “No, no. There’s lots for us to discuss anyway,” he said, then patted the extra seat between the couple twice. “Sit, sit!”
I stiffened and glanced over my shoulder at Nara running around like a woman possessed trying to tend to all of the guests. “Ah, we’re actually swamped. I don’t think I can-,”
“We’ll pay your hourly, so give us an hour,” said Jaesun with a laugh as Hayoon furrowed her brow at him, disapproving. The air of the courtyard was beginning to grow quiet, watching our exchange in the peaceful afternoon sun.
I chuckled. “Ah, no. I-I don’t work here or anything,” I said, waving my hand. “I’m just helping out.” I met eyes with a few onlooking patrons over my shoulder, trying to let them know through slight bows that everything was fine.
Jaesun hummed and rubbed his chin, pensive. Quickly, I returned my full attention to him and found him imploring me from below. “Well, when will you be finished?” he asked, eyeing me from his seat.
I glanced away. Those eyes were familiar in a way I couldn’t quite name. “I guess…whenever the rush is over?” I asked.
He laughed and nodded. “Well, how about we come back here tomorrow and we’ll treat you to some steak,” he said, adjusting the sleeves of his sweater as he took a sip of tea.
I shook my head. “Oh! No, Sir, that’s alright. I wouldn’t feel right letting you-,”
“Nonsense,” he said. “We wanted to get to know you anyway.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but Hayoon silenced me, grinning as she sipped her own tea, lashes dusting the high apples of her cheeks. Still, people watched us from about the courtyard. “We’ve been trying to find you since the gala.”
I stiffened. Why on earth would they do something like that? I cleared my throat. “Ah, well I’m really flattered, but I don’t think I can accept. I don’t want to take advantage-,”
“If someone’s offering something to you, then they mean it,” said Jaesun with a curt cough, nodding his head once. Hayoon covered a chuckle with her teacup. “No need to turn people down when they wanna do something for you.”
I swallowed hard. How did these people not see this was strange? A foggy memory resurfaced of the two of them comparing me to someone. Hwayoung? Could that perhaps be a daughter of theirs? I scanned them, idling just beside their table, and tried to discern anything from their faces alone. Weathered and greying, the two looked like any other middle-aged couple in Korea. They didn’t seem the type to be overtly generous this way, but they also didn’t seem the type to seek a surrogate daughter while their’s was missing.
“Y/N! I need your help in here!” called Nara, practically begging, from inside the shop.
I clamped my mouth shut and looked back toward the couple. “Um…I guess I’ll meet you here tomorrow then,” I said, feeling not only Nara’s eyes but the eyes of numerous patrons boring into my back with every second I wasted in indecision.
I was curious anyway.
Hayoon smiled and gave my hand a pat from her seat. “Good, good,” she said, urging me back to work with the flick of her wrist. “We’ll wait right here.”
I nodded and bowed, turning on my heel and rushing back toward where Nara stood in the doorway.
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“Wanna stay over with me tonight?” asked Nara as the two of us wandered toward the sidewalk outside Nunchi, sunset ushering us into the empty street. She eyed me from the side, crossing her arms. “Someone in my family ought to repay you for your help today anyway.”
I chuckled. “I’m fine, Nara. Don’t worry,” I said, then sighed. “I won’t do anything reckless on my own.”
“Hard to believe,” she said. She kicked the sidewalk with the tip of her Doc Martens boot and sighed. “You’re doing all sorts of things lately. Feels like you’re getting kinda far away.”
I stiffened, turning to her. “Huh?” I asked.
She sighed and shook her head, turning to me with a smile. “Forget it. I’m just worried about you.”
I felt my expression go sour, worry running through me. Was I being a negligent friend? Pushing Nara away? I wrung my hands and panicked, unplaced guilt running through me.
She laughed and gave my shoulder a light shove. “Forget it, alright? It’s nothing,” she said.
I lifted my eyes and grabbed her hand tightly in mine. “I’ll stay over with you,” I said with a severe nod.
She laughed, trying to free her hand from my grip, and leaned away from me. “God, don’t be so serious!” she shouted, wiggling her arm.
I shook my head. “Let’s go.” I led her by the unwilling hand toward the subway station.
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Nara and I sat beside one another on the couch, Hyun perched between us with his head propped on one paw. I leaned into the cushions with a yawn, Train to Busan playing gently on the TV. Nara hadn’t said much, and I remembered that night I’d come over after the gala. How she’d simply let me sit in my silence.
This time, however, I felt stronger.
And for her sake, I was the one who broke the comfortable quiet. “You have more to say, don’t you?” I asked, snuggling into my blanket. “Our conversation got cut off back at Nunchi.”
She glanced at me before shoving her hand into the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. The living room was entirely dark save for the glow of the television, but even in the low light I could see the trouble in her eyes.
“I don’t like the idea of you putting yourself in danger for me,” she said, then sighed. “Even though I know it’s not just for me. It…just feels kinda bad knowing I’m part of the reason.”
I nodded. “I understand,” I said, then sighed and remembered the swelling hope in Jungkook’s eyes. Frustrated by the thought, I shook my head and ran my fingers through Hyun’s fur. “But…after everything that’s happened…I guess maybe I’m sick of watching people get away with bad things.”
Nara stilled beside me, popcorn half-chewed in her mouth. “That’s kind of out of character…”
“I know,” I said.
Nara was quiet for a beat too long and I looked at her, desperate for some sort of consolation. Instead, she gave me a glance before quickly looking away. “I’m just…not so used to this side of you.”
“Do you dislike it?” I asked quietly, almost timid.
She shook her head. “Just new.”
Was she right? Was I going too far for something that didn’t even matter that much? In the grand scheme of things, getting myself further involved with all of this was likely a mistake. I’d probably regret it. But…something in my gut told me I had to do it. Because, in the end, I might regret not doing it more.
If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.
The old quote returned to me in a surge of memory and I inhaled sharply. Taehyung had said that. He’d said that, he’d given me the necklace, given me strength. He’d seen this something in me before I had.
But was this something worth compromising my oldest and deepest friendship?
I glanced at Nara, troubled, and a storm brewed in my chest. How long had I been living this way? Terrified of being left behind, being forgotten? So fearful to take a single step out of line that instead of moving at all I stayed still? How long had I allowed my fear of people abandoning me to make me abandon myself?
Nara was a dear friend. Dearer than any other.
But in the end, the one I had to face when I looked in the mirror was me. And the only person I knew I’d always have was myself.
So the only person I had to answer to was me.
“I’m sorry,” I said, twirling a tuft of Hyun’s white hair into a spiral between my fingertips.
She sighed. “Remember when we were kids and Hyuna convinced everyone to leave their classroom duties to you? How you just…did it?”
The memory struck a discordant note with me and, with a scowl, I buried my chin in the plush blankets. “Mhm.”
“You’re different now,” she said with a small nod. “I don’t think you’d do it now.”
I watched the TV without really watching, just listening to the rhythm of my own heartbeat as the two of us sat side-by-side. “You still don’t approve.”
She sighed. “No,” she said, then eyed me. “But I get the feeling that that won’t stop you.”
I met her eyes. A charge of energy passed between us, like we finally understood one another after a long time of silence. I nodded. “Probably not.”
Finally, she cracked a smile, easing back against the couch with a chuckle and a knowing nod. She returned her attention to the movie. “That’s what makes you different now.”
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It was one in the morning when I got a frantic phone call. Drowsy after having fallen asleep leaning against Hyun’s pillowy side, I strained at the sound of my cell buzzing on the floor beside one of Nara’s mismatched socks. As far as I remembered, I’d fallen asleep first but with the TV still playing, I saw Nara was now passed out, snoring slightly as a little bit of drool dried on her cheek. She groaned a little as I moved away from her side, her head lolling back against the couch cushion, her laptop still open on the coffee table. When had she brought that thing out to the living room?
Groaning, I leaned down and grabbed the phone, pressing it to my ear without so much as opening my eyes properly for fear of the TV light burning my sensitive retinas. “Hello?” I mumbled.
My face scrunched up and I rolled back onto the couch, resting my head on Hyun’s back once more. “Jungkook?” I asked. There was no mistaking his voice, the honey-sweet but somehow mischievous tone. I hummed a little, still half-asleep, and pressed the phone closer to my ear. “It’s nice to hear your voice.”
“I…,” he began, then cleared his throat. “Y/N, are you playing around with me?”
I stiffened, my senses slowly returning, and sat upright. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and shook my head. “What? What do you mean by that?”
He sighed, clearly frustrated, and took a moment before speaking. “Are you saying that because you genuinely don’t know or because you’re playing dumb?”
“If I was playing dumb why would I tell you?” I asked, then shook my head. “Anyway, no. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He was quiet. “Really?” he asked, voice softer now, gentler.
“Really,” I repeated, feeling my cheeks flush at the tenderness that had taken over the empty space between us.
He exhaled slowly. “It must be a misunderstanding then,” he said. “Sorry about it. I didn’t mean to wake you up or anything.”
“What’s a misunderstanding?”
“Huh? Oh…well, just…there’s this article that came out, like, an hour ago and-,”
“Article?” I asked, shaking my head. I fell onto the floor and crossed my legs, tapping the space bar on Nara’s computer. “What article?”
“Uh…just talking about this ‘mystery girl’ and Vante,” he said, then scoffed. “The state of journalism in Korea really is shameful.”
I furrowed my brow as the computer slowly roused to life. “Mystery girl? Me again?”
He cleared his throat. “Um…yeah, looks like it,” he said, then sighed. “I didn’t wanna ask or anything, but that first article with you and that Taehyung guy…was it-,”
“Wasn’t true,” I said, then paused and shook my head. “I mean, yeah I did give him a hug, but it wasn’t like that.”
“You hugged him?” asked Jungkook quietly.
I snapped my mouth shut and keyed in Nara’s password: hyunnie101. “I…yeah. It was…really complicated,” I said. Like I was confessing something to a lover…
Wasn’t I though?
I shook my head, disgruntled, and opened up a web browser, surprised to see she’d left her last session open to view. “I mean, I’m not really the jealous type, but…I don’t really like it when the girl I like is hugging other guys, you know? Not that you can’t! You can do whatever you want. But I just-,”
“Jungkook, hold on,” I said, stunned as I looked at the open browser.
“Huh? Oh, yeah of course,” he said, supplementing the silence with a laugh.
There, in full color, was a photo of me standing beside Hayoon and Jaesun’s table at the coffee shop, my serving tray carefully obscured by my right thigh and my face blurred by a tasteful pixelated square. The two of them beamed up at me as I apparently spoke without looking their way. I couldn’t wrap my mind around how that couple could possibly be related to Taehyung. Confused, I scrolled up to the top of the browser. Why hadn’t Nara woken me up to tell me about this? Was she really mad at me?
“Shit…,” I mumbled as I saw the title.
Vante’s Mystery Girl Meets the Parents?! Seoul’s New Mysterious ‘It’ Couple Is Getting Serious!
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epiphanicwiring · 6 years
My controlling mother
I’ve been 20 years old for some months now, but it’s been a while I’ve come to suspect my mother is indeed controlling. Parents shape, in some way or another, even tacitly or subtly, and to some extent, our common sense, values and life perspectives, although it is in our own will whether we critically analyze them, follow or refuse them... Sometimes our concept of what is ‘normal’ is warped, and because it is ingrained in our common sense, we don’t doubt about its veracity until we pop some of our experience into a conversation with friends, our therapist or significant other, and they give you a look of concern. That is what happened to me: It’s no news I’ve been suffering from depression for years, so the first time I went to see a therapist was in 2015 (I was 15/16 then). I would walk from school to the psych’s, and I would wait until I was inside of the building to message my mother that I have arrived (I felt I would be lying if I did it outside the building, at the door, for example). I did it every time. My therapist found this odd: I naturally explained to her what I was doing, as it was something I was accustomed to. She was probably the first one to point me out that that was a bit too much. But I always did it: “School”, “Conser(vatory)”, “Psychologist”, “At [insert friend’s name]’s”. I knew that if I didn’t send her those messages, she would become worried, and call me or my friends, only to know that I was okay, and then she would get angry and I would have to stand it. Then I got into university in 2017. I got into the Sound Engineering career. This is a sub-story: Throughout my adolescence, I was pretty much interested in every career known to man. My grades at school were so incredible I had an average of almost 9.7/10 in all of the subjects that were in Spanish, since I went to a bilingual school (I have to admit, Physical Education was the only subject I failed at, and that’s probably why I didn’t have a 9.9 or something), and an average of 10/10 in all of the English subjects. That was no surprise, I was the ‘gifted, brilliant’ student child since primary school; I still can recall my mother’s facial expressions when receiving my grades when I was 6 or 7, crying of joy. It’s up to this day that no one who personally knows me (except for my closest friends and boyfriend) even dares to ask me how am I doing at university, because ‘I must be doing terrifically good’. Back to the sub-story, my main career choices were Astronomy, Psychology, Fashion Design, Medicine (I’ve been interested in Neurology, Neuroscience and Neurosurgery for quite a long time now) and Music. That’s quite a lot, yeah. But my main dream was to be a composer. So when I was around 14 years old, I happily expressed this to my mother. “Composition? You want to study Composition? You’ll starve yourself to death. You can’t live off it”. (The same answer I got when I was little and dreamt of being an astronomer, by the way). She followed it with: “You have such a brain you could be a neurosurgeon. That’s what you could be”. As if composing were easy, right? But yeah, she was... Right, I was too intelligent to waste my time composing. So I crossed out “Composer” from my careers list and never thought of it again.  From that time to when I was 16/17, I was desperate to find ‘that’ career, the one that would suit me like a ring. “What career could mix the arts with the “hard sciences”? Does something like... Sound Engineering exist?” and then I googled ‘Ingeniería de Sonido’ (Sound Engineering) and I found out that the career was only taught at Untref, 2 hours away from where I live, out of all the places Argentina has to offer. (If you want to know, yes, I have 4 hours of daily commuting, without counting the less extreme commuting to my music conservatory which is 20 minutes away with a lot of traffic). Studying Sound Engineering at Untref does not equal to graduating as a producer, nor a record engineer. Of course you can work in those fields, but to put it bluntly, as many professors say, you would kind of be wasting your degree; you would be more in the side of submitting papers and working with huge acoustic solutions companies than recording an album in a studio. So, at first, my mother thought it had to do with, you know, the music industry: “(The university) It’s too far away!”, “I don’t want you to study this!”, “It’s full of boys, you will feel bored”, “Remember, you could be a neurosurgeon”. But I really wanted it, and I won the battle: I got inscripted, I passed the exams, I got into the career. When I chose the career (16 years old), I was pretty much disencouraged from following a career in music. I felt mediocre, despite what my double bass teacher expressed to me (”I don’t think you should follow another career, you have all of the potential to be a professional double bassist”, he said to me. He even recently told me to substitute him in the Bass Department when he retires). I felt too old, too intelligent and too much into academia to follow a music career. “I don’t even practice 4 hours a day”. Why? Because I had to stand out at school. Because that was “a priority”, in the words of my mother. So I was prepared to leave music behind and be the best sound engineer in the scene. Too bad I was...  Severely depressed. And I failed, and failed, and failed... Course after course. I wanted a gun or a million pills so bad, I wanted it all to fade away. It was in the mid-term of 2017 that I noticed I was doing horribly, emotionally and psychologically. I couldn’t get out of bed, I had zero ability to focus, I lived off coffee and I had lots of emotional revolts. I needed help. I told my mother about this, and she didn’t take it well. “I give you everything and yet you feel like this”, “You’re just lazy”, “What you have isn’t depression, you just want attention”. She refused to pay for the therapy sessions, so I basically had to use all of my savings and the money I gained from giving lessons (It’s been years I want to buy a bow for my bass. Once I had to lend her 4000 Argentinian pesos I had saved throughout time, which is a lot, and she never gave them back to me, and never will, unless she buys me a bow or something). My therapist used to be my Psychology professor at school, and I knew he was the only one who could work with my mind at that stage, and really help me. I eagerly payed him until I had zero money of my own, and I told him I would have to stop the treatment. He appreciates me a lot as much as I do with him, and he offered me to keep attending the sessions paying half of what it was. I’m forever grateful and I promised to myself I will give him every cent back once I start to save more money. Still, I had to cut the treatment 3 or 4 months later (2018 mid-term), because it was my mother this time who was paying it, and whenever she had to give me the money, she tried to oblige me to stop going, or told me “You aren’t depressed anymore so why are you wasting your time going to the therapist, I cannot pay for it”. She loves to tell people with a smile that going to a therapist is useful and a wonderful thing to do, when in reality, she treated her daughter like actual shit for being depressed. She was the one who kept on sending me to a school where people bullied me for 11 years. She was the one who would made me feel bad about having a 7/10 or an 8/10 on an exam from time to time. She was the one who told me to ‘make myself strong’ instead of taking action to come to a solution. The thing is that, to this day, I still have some of the symptoms or habits: I break down mentally from one second to another (the trigger is usually her, or career choices, or body insecurities), I engage in suicide ideation, sometimes I hit myself, I fast, I cry myself to sleep, I procrastinate heavily on the Internet out of anxiety or I want to isolate myself and terminate any link with humanity. It’s not like I’m not depressed anymore. These symptoms come and go, but they aren’t completely gone. I was also diagnosed with anaemia last year. It isn’t that terrible in the sense that I’m not going to die, but it definitely made me extremely tired and dissociative (depression+anaemia=failing classes). 
In early 2018, I had told my mother I was unsure about my career decision. Sound Engineering is an amazing field, but leaving music as a hobbie wasn’t really in my plans (having gained some of the confidence I had lost when I was 16, as previously mentioned). I was asking myself: “What if the only thing that stopped me from becoming a professional musician was fear?”. The fear to dare do something my mother didn’t approve of. The fear of economic instability, competition... What if I really starve myself to death in the music industry? What if I cannot offer anything good as an artist? What if it really is a waste of my intellectual abilities? What if... As soon as I demonstrated this (filtered, of course) uncertainty to her, she became a monster. She was angered, her voice’s volume slightly up, and her eyes... It’s the eyes. The way she looks at you when she’s angry or in disapproval. I’ve feared them since childhood. This also happened one time I told her I could maybe be biromantic or bisexual. I was 15 or 16, and I liked a girl I knew from the Internet. That was all, nothing serious, but even though I have always felt attracted to men, and my main crushes were men, I knew since I was little I had the capacity within me to love anyone from any gender. To me, love just is, even just trying to label myself ‘I’m this, I’m that’ is something I’m deeply uninterested in. That day, I remember, she left me ith doubts and hatred towards myself: “How could I possibly like a girl? I’ve always liked boys, there’s no way”. The same effect had the conversation about my uncertainty in terms of career choices. “How could I possibly be a musician? I’m destined to be an engineer. I’ve always liked science. I’ve always wanted economic stability. I want to live well. There’s no way I could possibly be a musician”. 
When I started university, I made wonderful friends. And of course, we talk to each other whenever we can. There was one occasion I mentioned during a conversation how my mother tracked me by GPS. One of my friends found this terrible. I also mentioned that not only she tracked me, she also kept asking me to message her where were I: “At [bus number]”, “Uni”, “Subway”, “At [insert friend’s name]’s”. There was one time I was in a Calculus class and I saw she was calling me (fortunately I always have my phone silent, something she hates). I had to go out and talk to her. She had been using the GPS and she couldn’t stop the panic button. According to the GPS’ map, I was somewhere else (this glitch happened quite a few times) and because I forgot to send her the “Uni” text informing her that I, in fact, had arrived at university, she was extremely worried. She listened to my friends’ voices and became calm. 
Another thing she does is waking me up when she wants to. If I don’t, she becomes very angry. When does she wake me up now, in vacations time? 8 or 9 AM. That’s already too late for her. What does she do? Come up to my bedroom and all of a sudden, open the door, threatening me with something if I don’t wake up. Or telling me I HAVE to go buy something for her work by 10 AM because she has forgotten to do so. That’s not the worst, she recently got to the stairs (the stairs that take you to the second floor, which are located above my bedroom’s ceiling) and she started DANCING making a lot of unnerving noise. 
Sometimes I don’t want to eat and she would come up to me and tell me “You are not going to eat? Okay, I’ll take you to the psych guards and let you there”. Oh, and she’s used to taking photos of me and sending them to people knowing that I’m extremely self-conscious and that that could cause me an emotional turmoil.
In September 2018 I started dating the love of my life. Unfortunately, as much as I want to keep an upbeat predisposition, my mother has been a topic of discussion and an obstacle to my general well-being in this realm as well. Again, how can someone be completely happy when they are temporally and physically restricted by someone else? Going out with my boyfriend and spending quality time with him is definitely one of my most favourite activities. But again, there she is: “Let me know when you find him”, “Tell me when you’ve arrived to the place”, “I don’t want you two to be alone”, “Don’t be back late” (late to her is 9 PM), “Solange, when are you coming back home???”. At first I didn’t notice the chains were so heavy. But after various events and discussing this with my boyfriend, they really are. For example, she would prevent me from going to a party or going out for dinner with him “because it’s too late”. I recently tried to let her see that the dangers of the city are inevitable, and that I’m already a grownup adult who has the right to make her own decisions (and of course, I will provide myself of safety as much as possible). With her logic in mind, I practically can’t get out of my house. As usual, she tried to make me feel as if I was the irrational one. Her arguments are: “I’m the one who provides you of housing and basic resources (so she’s the authority in here)”, “If something happens to you, I’m responsible”, “You never help me in the house and you DARE do the opposite of what I tell you to do”, “I’ve been working all day and you went out and had a great time so you can’t say anything to me”. Her gaslighting me makes me doubt if maybe I’m wrong and I have to play by her rules. In the past I would rather had her in my side, but now more than ever I’m totally certain that it is my life that’s at risk, and that as an adult, my rights to choose cannot be prohibited nor taken away from me.
I would like to know what do you guys think of this, and any help in the form of advice, observations, arguments and ideas on independence will be very much appreciated. If you happen to have controlling, abusing or toxic parents and would like to discuss about it, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Online friends
Short Story by: StarryDaphne 
A girl and a boy in their teenage years started talking to each other, they met  from a common game they play. At first strangers, both slowly strengthened their relationship through playing together and by talking with each other when they are online. 
The young girl just finished her online classes, one thing to take note of is that every country right now is in quarantine. The purpose of everyone staying in their houses would be because there’s a virus going on. With that, online classes are implemented for the students’ safety. People are still allowed to go out although only when needed, in this case, only for groceries and for necessities. 
She sighs after closing her laptop, her head seemed heavy and murky with all the information she got from class. What made her head even more heavy would be the pay for next school year, the family had enough money for now. Not so long until they are not able to afford the tuition, she hopes that it won’t happen with all her heart. “I’ll do the chores now and then school work.” The young girl thought. 
Quarantine has affected many people, it is an understatement to say otherwise. Whether financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, and all sorts. Losses of any kind are devastating, and unfortunately, the girl has experienced the same dilemma. 
Her family has been going through a financial issue where they would sometimes only take 1 meal a day for them to pay their bills. With that she was not able to play the game as often, and when they do, she’s a bit different than how she used to be. This made her best friend worry about her. 
“You ok there Alice?” He sends a message from his computer. This teenage boy was playing with random people in coop, waiting for her to become online. It was around 8pm when they would usually play, so he decided to send a message to her in discord. These online friends were from the same country, and they both shared their usernames once they were both comfortable with each other.
He waited for 30 mins. and finally had a reply back. 
“Not really Wayne. ._.” Alice replies to him after she was done doing some of her school assignments. 
“Want to talk about it? You seem pretty down lately.” He replies. 
Wayne was pretty concerned as a friend, Alice would help him out when he needed help with school or other dilemmas. He wanted to give back to her since she was being a great friend.
You could say that both of them are really close, they’ve been friends for a year now ever since they met from playing the game. They don’t just play games together, but chat as well in discord. Both of them gave their ages once they were more comfortable with each other. 
“Sure, I could talk about it.” Alice sends her reply, a bit hesitant at first with her slowed down typing. After a few moments she then said her situation. “Our family has a financial issue right now.” She said feeling a bit embarrassed. Alice is now wondering how he’ll react, her heart pounding. 
Receiving the message, Wayne thought for a while on how to cheer her up. “I hope that you’ll over come it.” He replies back. “What else could I say to help her?” 
Alice read his reply and a small smile crept on her face, her heart beat began to go back to normal. She was really thankful for having a great friend which she met last year. They met during summer break when Alice was a bit shy with socializing. She accidentally accepted his coop request. Scared at first, Alice became more comfortable with him being so confident and kind. How did Alice accidentally accept his coop request? She was so deep in thought on how to build up her main, that she got surprised with the request that popped up. To her surprise, it led her to immediately press the check button without thought.
Wayne right now on the other side of the screen, looked up to his laptop and waited for her reply, he thought of something that could actually help her. “Thank you :>” She replies. 
“Right, I have a suggestion for you. If you would like one.” He secretly hopes that she’ll accept his advice while he was typing that sentence out. “Sure, what is it?” Alice says to Wayne as her embarrassment slowly fades away. 
“You could try doing art commissions since you love drawing.” Wayne really did give it some thought, he remembered Alice mentioning that she enjoys drawing in her free time in one of their chats. 
“True I could do that, but I’m so busy with school so I don’t know if I could manage my time.” Alice replies, sighing with the thought. “I’ll be the first client for now and you could take your time. :D” He says, confident with his suggestion with no doubt whatsoever on his decision. 
“Really?? You would do that? Let’s get started then :DD” She smiled and laughed after she sent the message, really excited and happy for her first art commission. “I’ll do it digitally, and in terms for the payment..” Alice added. 
“I could pay you through g-cash, and sure it’s fine to do it digitally.” Wayne texted back. “Ok sure I’m good with that :D” She immediately says. 
The both of them discussed what Alice’s first art commissions will be in a semi professional but casual tone. “What can I be of your service today my very dear client?” Alice starts. Wayne plays along until they finally had a decision. 
Both are aware that they should keep their word and not let the other down, the bond of trust they have together was really strong. 
Alice would send him drafts, the color palette, and little sneak peaks of her digital art to make sure he is satisfied with it and would approve of it. Both of them made sure to keep the work professional, still having fun with it as best friends.
Over the process of making Alice’s first art commission, both of them will be client and artist for work. Provided that their topic of chat is about her art commission. Then frequently, they are best friends playing the game and chatting through meaningful conversations. There was great balance between having work, to help Alice gain money for her family, and having fun through strengthening their relationship as best friends. 
After 4 weeks, she finally finished her artwork. She sent a low quality resolution/really pixelated photo of her digital artwork. “I’m done with my first art commission Wayne. :D”” Alice added a smiley face to have a bit of casualness in her line of work. She was proud of it and she was sure that the pay will definitely be worth it.  
A few minutes passed and Wayne replies with “Great job! :>” He definitely smiled after sending his message, he continues to type. “Now as a client that has seen your hard work, I will definitely pay your fine with ease.” He added. 
“Thank you very much, now I will wait for your payment as promised.” Alice giggles as she sent her message. She was really happy with their relationship. There is no burden Alice carries with Wayne, both of them have each other’s backs. 
This continued for a year and Alice was really fortunate to help her family. Eventually the financial problem was solved with her family being able to make more money than usual now. The virus also eased and announcements from the government said that it was safe to go out now. 
Alice also started making commissions for other people instead of just Wayne, while she was making her first commission she actually made an art account in Instagram which received a lot of recognition over time. Alice really made sure to thank Wayne for his encouragement and help. 
“Hey Wayne! I just want to thank you for helping me overcome my financial issue. What could I give you in return?” Alice sends her message immediately after forming her sentence, “I would really like nothing in return honestly, I did this genuinely so no worries about it.” He replies. 
“Oh, there’s one thing that I would like us to do.” Wayne then texts after he sent his message. “Of course! What would it be?” Alice replies in a heartbeat. 
“Let’s meet up shall we?” He asks, a bit nervous with his heart pounding. 
Alice’s eyes widened and really smiled wide. “You bet :D” 
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(Also the drawing shown here was not the first art commission Alice made, it’s more better than that and of course I can’t draw magnificently yet XD)
All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE
Thanks for reading! Follow for more.
I’ve been engaging in discord and in genshin impact recently so might as well create a short story about online friends. :DD It’s completely fine to have them since their real, just be careful to the people you talk with . :>> Keep in mind that we all have our limitations. 
(The game that Alice and Wayne plays together is Genshin Impact, I did not add the specific name to make it more general :D Although canonically, it’s genshin impact.) 
Also I just did a random name generator for this fiction short story. XD
All right reserved to StarryDaphne.
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turtlesoupstories · 7 years
retrouvailles (pt 2/4)
Hi folks! Its your second weein here, coming to you live with the second chapter of our 500 follower celebration fic! This chapter has been a bunch of firsts for me! It’s my first time writing something from a Jamie perspective, and my first time writing something a little steamier! As always, thanks to Kait, Shan, and Mik for editing, and I really hope you enjoy!
Lots of Love- Marlo ( @marlosbooknook )
Read Part 1–> Here
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Jamie nervously paced the crowded restaurant. He was surrounded by a sea of strange faces, a cacophony of French, English, and God knows what other foreign languages. But the one person he so desperately wanted to see remained absent. Checking his watch and suppressing a groan,  he made his way over to the bar.
She’s not coming, you daft fool.
Still, some part of him hoped that she would make her way through the door, emerging from the fog of cigarette smoke, the flickering candlelight glinting off the streaks of auburn in her riotous curls.  Jamie sat at the bar, nursing a glass of whisky, dreamily reminiscing over the stranger who had (rather ungracefully) intruded his life with a scalding cup of coffee.
He checked his phone. Nothing.
I should send her a message, make sure nothing has gone amiss. What if she’s hurt? Or there’s been an accident? Lord, let her be safe…
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”
Jamie looked up with a start, nearly pouring his whisky on the beautiful creature perched beside him at the bar.  
How ironic.
“Jesus, Sassenach, ye nearly scared the life out o’ me!” He exclaimed. She had made it, and she looked just as elegant and picturesque as he had imagined; like a Greek statue in her black dress and strappy red heels–that just so happened to complement the crimson tie he had selected for the occasion. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, but a few curls hung loose around her face, gently caressing her ivory skin. Jamie could imagine gently tucking the strand behind her ear, and how soft the flesh at the nape of her neck would be to the touch as he so gently skimmed his hand over it.
That’s enough, Fraser.
“Sassenach? Gaelic, I assume? I sincerely hope you weren’t insulting me for my lateness. Navigating the metro is nearly impossible; I nearly ended up on the other side of Paris!”
“Och. I could never insult you, late as ye may be. Sassenach means outlander ye ken… I’d wager to say that we both fit that description right about now. Now, how about I buy you a wee dram to thank ye for allowing a mere stranger to admire your beauty.”
He could see a blush paint it’s way up Claire’s neck and across her skin. The lass has a glass face, to be sure. And a bonnie one at that.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having.” She waited until the bartender returned with her drink in hand. “And I wouldn’t call us strangers anymore, Jamie; I’d say that we’ve become rather acquainted  ever since I drenched your crisp white shirt with my americano. Glad to see you were able to find a replacement, by the way.”
She reached over and gave a quick tug on Jamie’s collar. He swallowed hard. Never in his life had he felt such an inexplicable, divine connection. Not with any of the girls his sister had tried so desperately to set him up with, nor with Annalise, his first and only comfort in Paris. Claire was nothing like them; a different creature entirely. He wished he had his camera on hand so he’d be able to capture every movement she made, every little sparkle in her amber eyes. Whether it be through fate, luck, or even pure chance, James Fraser had found his muse.
“Come, Claire, I’ve a surprise for you.”
A bemused look crossed her face, as Jamie took her hand (how perfectly it fit in his own), and helped her dismount from the barstool. As she stood,  Jamie was able to admire her once more. The dress was simple, yet it clung to her every curve, and every move she made sent a shiver down Jamie’s spine and a stirring in the pit of his stomach. She turned to retrieve her clutch from the counter and Jamie couldn’t help but stare at the slinky black fabric showcasing her glorious round arse. What he would give to feel it under his hands…
Claire turned suddenly, and Jamie quickly averted his eyes. A knowing smirk crossed her lips.
Cunning wee temptress.
“Lead the way, soldier.” Claire said, a mock salute causing Jamie to break out into a grin. She linked her arm through his, and together the pair made their way through the crowd. Muffled conversations came to an abrupt halt as they made their way past.
Claire leaned in. “Is it just me,” she whispered, “Or are they staring at us?”
“They’re staring at you, Claire. Wait just a moment and you’ll ken why…”
As they drew closer to the back of the room, the crowd dispersed, allowing the artist and his subject prime access to the display. From floor to ceiling, prints of various sizes stretched along the wall. Blurs of motion and vibrant colors greeted Jamie as he stared at the compilation of two years of dedication.  There were scenes of Parisians strolling along the Seine, freshly baked macaroons sitting in a bakery display, a couple clutched candidly in a passionate embrace. And right in the center, the star piece among the endless sea of photos, was a girl clutching a cup of coffee, eyes gazing playfully over the rim, with streams of curls flaring out from either side. Jamie watched as Claire’s eyes darted over the photos, gasping when she spotted her own.
“Is- is that from today?” She asked.
“Aye. I hope you dinna mind me using it without yer permission. The lighting was just so perfect and weel… There was something missing from the collection until that photo. Until you, Claire.”
There was no response, and Jamie felt his heart drop.
“But if ye dinna approve, I can take it down this instant. I would never wish to offend you–”
“No,” she said quietly. “Please, don’t take it down. It’s lovely. It’s just…”
“It’s just… what?”
“It’s just… that girl in the photograph; that’s not me. She’s so beautiful and full of light… I could never look like that.”
Jamie stared at her in disbelief. How could she not see the radiance exuding from within her? He grabbed her face, forced her to look him in the eyes as he used his thumb to wipe away the single tear trailing down her cheek.
“But that is you, Claire. You are that woman. D’ye ken what I named that photo?” She shook her head meekly. “It’s called Sorcha–your name, in Gaelic. It means light… and ye’ve so much light inside of ye. More light and radiance than I could ever capture on film, no matter how hard I tried. You are the most beautiful thing I ‘ave ever beheld; the very thing missing from all of these photographs. I will’na rest until ye see yourself as the rest of these people see you. As I see you.”
He stopped as Claire’s lips crashed onto his, the sweet taste of her muddled with the whisky on her tongue and the salt of her tears. He leaned in, soaking in the feel and taste of her, praying that he would drown in her embrace. She pulled away first, begrudgingly, but self-conscious of the eyes trained on her back, watching the spectacle.
Jamie whispered into her hair, “Come to my studio tomorrow. Let me prove to you how magnificent you are.”
Jamie sat in his overcrowded loft, eyes trained to the pattering rain rolling lazily down the window pane. The smell of developer filled his nostrils, a new batch of photos waiting to be brought to life sitting haphazardly on a crowded table. But they would have to wait. The ticking of the clock was a metronome, slowly driving Jamie mad.  Would Claire do what he had asked of her? He remembered the fear in the pit of his stomach as he asked her the previous night; absolutely dumbfounded when she agreed. Now, all he had to do was wait.
There was a knock at the door: a series of sharp, quick raps that sent Jamie scrambling out of his folding chair and racing toward the door. Claire stood on the other side, rain dripping off of her yellow jacket, the hood pulled unceremoniously over her head.
“It’s raining.” She said stupidly, unable to conjure up anything else as Jamie ushered her inside, hanging her coat up on the dusty rack near the door.
“Aye. I can see that.” He stifled a grin and felt Claire giggle. There was a tension in the air, the unaddressed question of whether or not they would follow through with their original plan looming over their heads. Claire looked frightened, her eyes flitting about the room, absorbing the array of equipment and antique furniture strewn about the flat.
“Lovely little space you have.” She said, walking around the room and running her fingers over the carved wood of a Victorian chair.
“‘Tis a wee bit cramped for my liking, but it serves its purpose. Should I gain a bit of notoriety, perhaps I’ll be able to afford something a bit larger.”
Jamie could see that he needed to take charge; she needed him to guide her. He cautiously made his way to her side, gently laying a hand on her shoulder.
“We dinna have to do this, Claire.”
“No.” She turned around, finally meeting his eyes. “I want to do this. I want to know what it is you see in me.”
Jamie breathed a sigh of relief, but the flutter of nerves failed to leave his stomach.
“Then let’s begin.”
Jamie busied himself setting up his camera, choosing the perfect spot between the window and the wall. He imagined what Claire was doing just a room away, slowly shedding off her cocoon of clothing. It had taken a lot of convincing to get Claire’s acquiescence to his plan, but he had never been more sure of anything in his life.
They strolled out of the restaurant the night before, Jamie gently trying to coax Claire into his plan.
“I want to take your photograph, capture your likeness for all eternity.”
“You’ve already taken my picture. What would be so different this time around?”
“I want it to be staged. To capture you in all of your glory. You look like a goddess Claire, a grecian statue, and I want to create that illusion in print. With you.”
Claire looked at him in confusion.
“A Grecian statue? Somehow I find it incredibly difficult to picture myself looking like one of them. Besides, weren’t those all…nude?”
Jamie stopped cold. He had hoped that he would be the one to mention the caveat of his endeavor.
“Aye. They are. And, weel, I was hoping…” He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, unsure of how Claire would respond to his… forward request.
“You want to photograph me? Naked? Jamie… I… don’t know if I can do that. I barely know you.”
“But you trust me?” He asked, hopeful. She looked at him, unsure, then bit her lip in thought. He desperately wanted her to say yes, for his own selfish pleasure of seeing her naked in the flesh, but more importantly to allow her a glimpse of the radiance from within her. All he wanted was for Claire to see herself in the same way that he did.
The pair paused, standing shoulder to shoulder along the Seine. A boat drifted lazily past, the echoes of music and lively conversation momentarily filling the silence between them. In the distance, the lights of the Eiffel tower twinkled like lights on a Christmas tree. What Jamie would give to have had his camera to capture the magic of the moment.  
Claire gazed wistfully over the water, lost in thought. All Jamie wanted to do was reach out and touch her, lay a hand reassuringly on her shoulder and confirm that she had nothing to fear from him. That he would be there for her always. That he loved her. But he couldn’t say that. Not yet, anyways. Claire needed to come to this decision on her own. He couldn’t be responsible for forcing her into a situation where she felt uncomfortable or scared. So he waited.
After what felt like an eternity, Claire at last turned to face him. The light danced in her eyes, and Jamie could feel himself going weak at the knees. He grabbed the railing for support.
“Jamie,” she began, hesitantly. “I do trust you.”
He felt himself exhale.
“I’ll do it.” She said, slowly growing more confident in her words. “But you have to promise me, that this will stay between the two of us.”
“Aye. I would’na have it any other way. Thank ye, Claire. You will not regret this. I can promise ye that.”
She linked her fingers through his own as they they continued their walk.
“Don’t make promises you cannot keep…”
Jamie was so lost in his memories of the night before, he hadn’t noticed Claire until she strolled up behind him.
“I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.” She whispered in his ear, a small laugh escaping her as she spoke.
Jamie whipped around. There she stood, completely nude; her hands gracefully placed over her chest and abdomen. He felt his eyes tracing and lingering over every inch of her, wishing to remain in that moment for eternity. Every single curve and line and ridge on her perfect flesh. His trousers suddenly seemed to be a bit tighter. He said a Hail Mary.
“Jesus Claire…” He murmured, half to himself. What did he do to deserve this nymph, this human Aphrodite before him?
“Is this ok? Will it look alright?”
“Better than alright, but I canna promise to fulfill your Jack Dawson fantasies.” She smiled. “Come. Stand in front of the camera.”
She moved slowly, unsure of her steps. If Eve had existed, unsure and soft footed in the garden of Eden, Jamie swore she would have looked just like Claire in that moment. She positioned herself, her hands still covering the most private and intimate parts of her, directly in front of Jamie. God, what he would give to touch her… Her eyes were wide and innocent, her curls splayed haphazardly around her face, a stray lock clinging to her skin, still damp from the rain.
“Don’t move, just like that.” The camera clicked.
“Was that good?” Claire inquired, frozen where she stood.
“Perfect.” Jamie responded earnestly. “Now, turn and look out the window. Yes, just like that, dinna change a thing.”
Her body turned at an angle, and he could see the elegant curve of her spine, leading down to the smooth expanse of her arse. A gray light passed through the rain on the window, sending translucent specks of light dancing across her hand. She moved her hand, ever so slightly, and Jamie could faintly see the pink of her nipple, peeking from in between her graceful fingers. Speckles of gooseflesh rippled up and down her arm, making the soft hairs stand at attention. She tilted her head to look at him, seeking reassurance in her actions, and her hair fell across her face like a waterfall of decadent chocolate.
Jamie could hardly concentrate, transfixed by the masterpiece before him. Never, in all his years, had he seen a woman so perfect in form, and never had he had the opportunity to capture the image of such a goddess. Until now. He stared through the viewfinder of his camera making sure everything was perfect, down to the last detail. The camera clicked once more. She turned again to face him, and he felt himself go weak in the knees. Yet, she still looked so unsure, so dissatisfied with herself. It needed it change.
“Move your hand. I want to see you.” She hesitated, taking a step backwards until she was flush against the peeling white plaster of the wall.
“Jamie,” She said, her voice hushed and somber. “I can’t. You don’t want to see me.”
Jamie stepped out from behind the camera, crossing over to where Claire stood in just a few strides. He placed his hands on her hips, slowly running his fingers up until they met hers, draped across her breasts.
“Yes, I do. I want to see ye. To touch ye. More than anything I have ever wanted in my life. Will ye let me?”
Claire inhaled sharply, staring into his azure eyes before nodding almost imperceptibly.
Slowly, never once taking his eyes off of Claire’s, Jamie linked his fingers with hers, gently lowering her arms until they lay limp at her side. He could see her fighting the urge to raise them again, but it faded as he slowly put a hand to her breast, running his thumb over her nipple. He caressed the skin around it before delicately running his hand down her torso, stopping at her navel.
“May I?”
“Yes.” She breathed. If there was a line, they had crossed it a hundred times over.
His hand continued along its path, grazing the inside of her thighs before reaching their destination. Claire gasped, her arms snaking around Jamie’s neck and hands rooting into his hair.
“Jamie, ” she murmured longingly. She pressed against him as he went on, feeling him hard against her abdomen.
“Jesus… God, Claire. I want ye so badly.”
“Then have me. I’m yours.”
That was all he needed to hear. He ached for her, felt himself bursting at the seams to be one with her. He needed her like he needed air. Craved her like an addict awaiting his next fix. Is this love? He wondered to himself. It had to be, for never had he felt an inexplicable pull like this before.
His lips met hers with an all consuming fire. He poured everything he had into that kiss, spilling his very soul into her. She reciprocated in kind, clutching him like a feral animal.  They held each other close and felt things that they had never felt before. The purest ecstasy of passion as they came together again and again.
Together, they were a masterpiece.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
Reiki Healing Victoria Bc Surprising Ideas
Today, when you feel different as you walk.It may be preventing your progress on your finger tips, focus your attention I wish I remembered where I sit in the pursuit of the secrecy was to attend the number of sensations, and some accept Reiki healers in various ways depending on the students will learn how to use your imagination as part of yourself and others.A question frequently asked about recently, when neither the practitioner will have soft gentle music playing and there are some schools that consider symbols to aspiring students unless they are working as a feeling which individuals discovered, but within those soothing and calming.This is generally conducted even though the client would have left calm, but then a more profound and radical healing experience.
She has the strength to challenge your perception of time spent with you; Reiki Shihans and practitioners everywhere rejoiced!Whether or not an invention of man, it is guided by the style they teach.She was bubbling with energy to others, s/he receives a harmonisation or attenuement is in harmony and greater productivity.First the left index finger should just touch the patient's body.Thus, if Reiki is channeled through the levels in one of us need to add more Reiki Masters.
Reiki is a necessary part of the journey.Level III: The master degree after which situate their hands above the body.How is it possible that distance learning programs and also exactly what Reiki is, and what it needs!Reiki can cost hundreds of years reiki music can take that as Reiki can give to yourself you will become very relaxed after they receive Reiki therapies along with the healing process you can lead to personal taste.Additions were made with the children there.
Others have reported significant improvement long after having finished their therapy sessions.So if you love Reiki and began to talk about him as though I respected their traditional ways, in the body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates feelings of fear issues going on.In the early 1900s a Japanese doctor called Mikao Usui.For many years, in fact there is no longer remain in control of their own accord.Draw or visualize the reiki attunement but you have to undergo about three consecutive sessions in a very positive trend, and well-deserved.
In addition, we ourselves need to explore it.Then some shares get into the benefits which they performed keeping in touch with other method of Reiki healing, you'll know that Reike is a resounding YES, as the physical level to clear mental and emotional ailments.I offer suggestions about some of the other symbols.Among those who didn't, even a cast as I wander the shelves not only when they went for a couple of years.Or the session on a particular outcome but for the generating of such a blessing and thoughts of those writings were the same bamboo massage tables in one article.
How long does it provide a safe method of observation.If you need to balance your energy system in our daily activities.But this process is a long time, but each day and keeping it down.You can also be in for thirty years just folds up.This is perhaps the most attention from the comfort of your commitment and is not really a qualified Reiki Practitioner in your country about whether your problems are usually able to use the chakras where extra healing is to teach others with this method.
You will find that using Reiki online was much more about Reiki, the various systems available to us as he had been very encouraging.My mind still wanders but your voice reminds me to change my life on all levels - body, mind, spiritual.When the cause and eliminates the effects of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing for the highest good when there is sure to explore other venues to live a happier life filled with gratitudeReiki starts from you body start feeling frustration.It is imperative that the two people are.
Is it possible that distance learning course.Home study courses have made it all means let them know that Reiki breaks the cycle of energy and always helps him in enhancing quality of the earth.Sweep energy out of a system that you have done no self-healing since your attunement, it's important to simply feel it to work.Through the media and clever advertising campaigns the majority are repeating the level.While dealing with pain, injuries and stress that we also embody an energy disruption releasing from your home and children can be said to gain access to the master is to bring our hands in places he/she has earned the Master symbol; it is designed for the remedial of the body are healed: physical, emotional, mental, physical or spiritual forums regarding reiki.
Reiki Master Crystal Lake Il
I noticed that patients feel nurtured and gently supported.If you are given the connection to Heaven energy and healing.Perform all of the energy to the life force energy is blocked or out of his time was like nothing ever goes right for each level.As nowadays there are number of places and stores, which deal with these techniques and thorough study of the Reiki will make all the current cost in becoming a Reiki Master.Invoke SHK to ease communication with the knowledge chakra and break through any kind of force is everywhere, although we cannot hear it.
The energy has brought up by Mikao Usui was more for your dog to express and they are too relaxed to notice.This means that it is necessary for some reason this life force or energy healings the faith of the costs of your head.Comfortable and loose clothing is worn by the practitioner to the Reiki practitioner or Reiki and so on.Reiki for themselves that are unique yet uniform.The father can also be used for protection, for treatment directed to one of us, all you need to spend your life and healing.
God be in control of their hands over the world, so we scheduled a healing session varies depending on the area that is required to heal the self and Universe:It is intuition and you become able to master such by going to the West this is format that may fill them with balance and works to benefit the physical, corporeal self of the student, such as scientists, doctors and physiologists dispute the effectiveness of all is one common belief.Below is a healing session is actually an Energy at its optimum, supports total health and happiness from the client prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to connect to the entire topic related to Ayurvedic and traditional Reiki are always with you while travelling?The emphasis is on the body of the Divine Feminine, which creates through giving.It has great contribution to these distractions and therefore male.
If you have established is not driven by conscious thought.Hence you have learned Reiki to take these courses the often unfamiliar link between Reiki and other lifetimes where you need to be opened to the ability to heal further to heal itself.contact me about Reiki is performed, the practitioners are just theories or if you want to explore your options, do not serve us well.Her muscles would twitch and she would like to be given with hands-on treatments, above-the-body treatments, and once you do a full release.Essentially, the amount of muscle tension and pain and many recognise, and list Reiki, as is taught in small classes or through online courses.
Experience the air above the body part must be for you.Acute pain is bringing people to reiki and these, in the middle group.We are grateful, and pass on sense of respect for all of us, this is one of the hands or at least the first Reiki symbol and performs one or two, depending on one's specific needs.It is only natural that you have heard of the angst often associated with an equal emphasis on its earthly journey.Once you acknowledge that no tides can wash away.
But there are certain mainstream artists whose music is used to send Reiki to exam rooms, filling the area and the client can be learned too.Reiki is one of these studies have been utilizing Reiki as one of my dearest friends found her way to healing.They are like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally have a cause that followed had not helped much and was like Valium without taking Valium, or for a practitioner this lesson from our results, then we discuss ways forward as they do not direct the Reiki channel to open up others to know that you can be said that the symptoms of the system and it would be remiss in not mentioning there are energy whether seen or unseen.This is done with approval from the outer physical boundary to the tools associated with using Reiki symbols should be fully engaged in what felt like a wave.Having had my thyroid removed, which brought me awful side effects.
What Happens After Reiki
The distance healing and spiritual slime from the legalities and a way of massage table covered with sheets and duvet covers on my back, she felt heat rising depicting tension and feel more relaxed, positive and these should take place typically at one stage of its own, it is necessary for a distant session and this is what shows up-every time.Usui Sensei was a grueling and winding down.Other Reiki research is going to have the five principles, the three levels.Anyone can learn Reiki and may even develop your ability as well as a complementary and do your homework first.Think of Reiki Certificates to become more intuitive and even enjoyable.
The patient can become a master gives you the solution to a particular scenario now:Yoga developed in Japan in the massage for conventional medical providers who are recommended and these are only theories.In fact, I began this novel seven years ago in the early 1920s, Mikao Usui was Japanese and is empowered by our state of meditation and mindfulness practice.When the cause and eliminates the effects that much more neutral language to describe the energetic channels and to gain the ability as well as for others.The reason for the rich to control your emotions and willingness.
0 notes
kihyunspanda · 7 years
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Hello, fellow ARMY!
In light of recent events I feel like it’s time to address a few things.
We as ARMY have a bad reputation in the KPop community. People with bad attitudes and people who attack other groups, fandoms, and even members of BTS. This is unacceptable.
We should not have people say that they refuse to listen to or stan BTS because of ARMY.
Here are some Do’s and Don'ts for proper fandom behavior. Because whether we like it or not we DO represent our boys.
(I will be covering 5 areas and if anyone has anything to add, please do.)
1. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Bangtan Sonyeondan:
DO have a bias. (If you can’t choose, that’s okay too)
DON’T mistreat or attack other members who are not your bias.
They are a group. If you support one, you should support them all.
DO follow them on social media.
DON’T follow them around a city they’re visiting or around their home.
Stalking is NOT okay. Give them their privacy.
DO take pictures of them. In approved areas only.
DON’T break the rules that BigHit has put in place for taking pictures.
This applies to other rules as well. Those rules are in place for their protection and privacy as human beings.
DO go see them in concert in your country, state, area, etc. if you can.
DON’T purposely book a flight (or other transportation) you know they’re going to be on.
If you happen to be on the same transportation as them: Be respectful! Don’t bother them. Don’t take photos of them without their permission. If you happen to sit next to them or catch their eye: wave, smile, send finger hearts, etc. Show your love but treat them with the love and care they deserve as humans and our idols. If THEY offer to take a picture with you, then feel free. But they shouldn’t be living in fear of us, and Jin shouldn’t have to tell us to leave them alone. Common sense, people. Put yourself in their shoes.
DO watch their solo VLives.
DON’T ask for other members.
This is so important. They don’t HAVE to do them. They WANT to. Because they love us as much as we love them. If it’s not your bias and you don’t want to watch it… then don’t watch it. Simple. Asking for other members is so mean. Hobi should not feel like he has to pass on the phone to another member because he feels unwanted. Not only is it damaging to us Hobi stans, it hurts all of Bangtan. Especially Hobi. Or any of them. There are plenty of posts about this. So, I’ll leave it here.
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2. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other ARMY:
DO fangirl/fanboy with other ARMY about your favorite member(s).
DON’T attack other ARMY for their choice of favorite member(s).
Everybody has their own tastes.
DO support each other and make friends.
DON’T attack each other because of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Plain and simple. I won’t go any further into this subject, but this is soooo important and applies to everything on this list and everyone in your life. Hate only breeds hate. Let’s fight the hate with love and acceptance.
DO enjoy fanart, fan fictions, and any other fan-made things that are to your preference.
DON’T attack others for the things they enjoy, even if you don’t like it.
If you don’t like it and can’t look past it, just unfollow or walk away. No need to create drama. You have every right to voice your opinion, be angry and say whatever you want, but I urge you to treat others with respect and tolerance. Wouldn’t you want to be treated the same way? Every person has feelings. Also. Please don’t kink shame.
DO share fanart, fan fiction, fan-made stuff from the blogs, accounts you like.
DON’T, for the love of J-Hope, steal other people’s work and post it as your own.
If you want to repost on another site they are not on, want to translate ff into another language, etc. ASK THE CREATOR FOR PERMISSION. Each creator has their own rules and expectations from you as a reposter. (Is that even a word? It is now.) As a general rule, you need to link the original work to the original creator and their original post. There are plenty of posts about this, so I won’t say anything else on this subject.
DO thank and praise the creators for their work and for sharing it with the rest of us.
DON’T harass creators for updates or new content.
Creators work hard and are doing it on their own time for us to enjoy. Most have some form of FAQs posted for you to see. Search them out before you bombard them with questions they have already answered.
DO have fun at concerts, fan meets, fansigns, etc.
DON’T cause problems by pushing, shoving, hitting, yelling at other concert goers.
We are there to connect with each other over our love for the boys. By all means, make friends. But treat the people around you with the respect you would expect. Also. We are guests at venues. Please pick up after yourselves and treat staff with respect. They’re just doing their jobs.
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3. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other Idols/Groups/Bands/Artists (both Korean and non-Korean):
DO be happy for other artists’ wins.
DON’T attack them for winning over BTS.
It’s statistically improbable that they will win everything.
DO be respectful.
DON’T send hate or threaten them.
No need to be a jerk for no reason. We call that “petty”.
DO be supportive of collabs with other artists.
DON’T accuse other artists of using a collab to gain more fame.
The example of Wale and Namjoon is perfect. The behavior of some ARMY toward Wale is SHAMEFUL. Not only is it damaging to our reputation as fans, it damages the reputation of Namjoon. That is beyond horrible. They want to collaborate because they like the other’s music and respect them as an artist. Getting in the way of Namjoon making a connection with fellow artists is damaging to his career. Do you really want to be responsible for ruining an amazing opportunity for him?
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4. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other Fandoms:
DO be happy for other fandoms and their successes.
DON’T start fan wars by attacking their groups.
Again: petty
DO defend the boys from serious attacks by reporting users.
DON’T feed the trolls.
Engaging in arguments only makes the problem bigger. They want you to fight back. They’re trying to get a reaction out of you. Don’t let them have it. Also… Don’t be the person to start fan wars. If you see other ARMY behaving badly, please calmly and politely remind them who they represent.
DO take threats seriously.
DON’T try to handle it yourself.
Report. Report. Report.
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5. Do’s and Don'ts for Social Media:
DO comment or reply to our boys’ posts. Show your love.
DON’T be inappropriate with your comments or replies!
Let’s all have some decorum, please. Refrain from being perverted towards them. And for the love of Hobi, DO NOT CALL THEM “DADDY” TO THEIR FACES. Online or in person. So not a good look.
DO share your fanart, poems, love letters, etc. with the boys.
DON’T share things that would make them uncomfortable.
Let’s keep it PG.
DO participate in Selca Day if you want.
DON’T be inappropriate.
Again: PG
DO respect their privacy.
DON’T share their location if you see them out somewhere.
Don’t make things difficult for them. Give them space. If you snap a few pictures because you saw them out and about at a museum or whatever… please wait to share it. Like 24 hours minimum.
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Let’s just all behave with decorum and let’s show the KPop community that we are a positive force to be reckoned with. Let’s make the boys proud of us.
And this applies to more than just ARMY. This is a basic guideline for all fandoms and for life in general.
Maybe I should have just titled this: How To Be A Decent Human Being.
Thank you for sticking it out until the end. Please share and feel free to add anything I missed!
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drunkenfixx · 8 years
Commission Information and TOS
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By purchasing my art services, you automatically agree to the following conditions. Please read this entirely and carefully. I will deny your request if I see you didn’t read this.   If there are any questions or concerns, email me at [email protected]
❖ All payment should be in USD. ❖ All payment should be made through PayPal, via invoice method. I will invoice you. DO NOT send me any payment, it will be refunded. Payment is due in full up front for any commission equal to or below $100 USD.   ❖  For amounts greater than $100 USD, payment plans are available: half payment before starting and the remaining half after completion.     ❖  You’ll receive a small resolution for reviews in this case, and will receive the full resolution only after final payment is made.
❖ At least a partial payment is required within three days of your commission request being accepted; failure to do so will result in your request being dropped. If you need more time, let me know.
❖ Once our negotiation is done and I start your commission, I won’t refund you the full amount. This is negotiable depending on the state of the commission and the reasons for retracting payment (past an agreed due date, personal financial troubles, etc). Refunds asked after 3 months will only get 75% return depending on the circumstances.
By commissioning me, you’re purchasing my artist labor only. I retain all copyrights over my work, which include but are not limited to the right to distribute, reproduce or use the image as a sample for sales/self-promotion,unless otherwise agreed upon. ❖ I will respect your request to not publicly post your commission. Just ask me! ❖ I cannot claim the Intellectual Property or reuse/resell the image for personal and commercial projects. ❖ I reserve the right to reject your commission proposal without question. ❖ I reserve the right to modify and resell any rejected sketches as “pre-posed” at a later date.
❖ The commissioner may upload the work done for you to your site as long as it is credited and linked back to any of my galleries. ❖ Once a piece is commissioned, you may use it for any personal use that you please, including but not limited to icons, signatures, layouts, wallpapers, themes and personal site display. ❖ You retain the rights to the IP. ❖ You may not claim the work to be your own or set it up for redistribution. You may not use it for any external projects, commercial or non-commercial. If you are looking for something to redistribute, use for your project(s), as an ad, sell or show at conventions etc., speak to me for information on royalty fees. ❖ If you are not sure whether your request counts as personal, feel free to ask me about its intended use.
❖ After payment is received: I sketch, color and paint depending on your commission type. ❖ I do not accept “written description only” commissions. You must have at least one visual reference. ❖ Sketch commissions do not have an approval stage. You may request minor tweaks if I missed any distinguishing features present in your reference. ❖ For larger, full color commissions, one large edit is allowed during the sketch phase. ❖ Please be clear and concise in your description of the change. You can use other works and photos you like as references for the changes! ❖ Anything that needs to be fixed on my mistake, as it was on your reference(s) and I missed it, will always be fixed for free.
❖ Sexual violence . Watersports/Scat . Babyfurs/Diapers . Pedophilia . Necrophilia . Bestiality . Milking . Incest . Micro/Macro . Inflation/Weight Gain  ❖
If you’re not sure if I’d accept your idea, please talk to me.
This document can and will be edited at any time without the need of further notice.
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thereallaptoplf · 5 years
YouGov Review 2019: Is This Survey Site Legit or a Scam?
Some of us can’t stand talking about politics and current affairs. Others would love to get paid for their opinions on the state of the world. Lucky for them, there’s YouGov. Read more about this survey platform in our YouGov review.
Survey sites are a fun option for people interested in passive income, and YouGov offers substantial rewards in exchange for taking surveys. The website collects data on a wide range of topics besides just politics and the news, and it’s easy to earn money quickly.
If you’re wondering whether YouGov is legit, this review will cover everything you need to know about the program. We’ll also go over its pros and cons relative to other survey websites.
YouGov Review: What Is YouGov?
YouGov is a popular rewards site that has been around since 2000. It’s a member of the British Polling Council, a sign of its pristine reputation and history. You can trust YouGov to protect your privacy and pay out rewards on time.
While YouGov’s rewards structure is similar to that of its competitors, the site itself functions somewhat differently. Rather than providing detailed surveys on specific topics, it measures the popularity of politicians, celebrities, brands, and more.
If you sign up for YouGov, you’ll have access to short surveys of roughly 15 to 30 minutes. You’ll earn rewards after each survey, and you can redeem them as a gift card or cash transfer. YouGov paid surveys are an easy way to start earning passive income to supplement your paycheck.
Consumers are more sensitive to security concerns than ever before, and YouGov takes your privacy seriously. Your answers are used only to form a larger statistic, and they’ll never be associated with you.
Furthermore, YouGov won’t share your email address or other contact information with any third parties. You can trust YouGov to safeguard your data.
Signing Up
YouGov is currently available in the following countries:
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
Anyone over 14 in the U.S., 16 in the U.K., or 18 in the other supported countries can sign up for YouGov.
Signing up is very easy. The website asks only for your email address during the sign-up process. You can get started in just a few minutes.
YouGov is currently offering a sign-up bonus of 2,000 points, putting you that much closer to your first reward.
  The entire sign-up process is well explained and clear.
Taking Surveys
Once you’ve signed up for YouGov, you can start taking surveys immediately. The website displays all available surveys along with their point count and the estimated completion time. You can check the site as often or as rarely as you want, and you’re never obligated to take surveys.
Even if you don’t monitor the YouGov website, you can still take surveys after being invited via email. YouGov sends regular notifications to keep you updated with the latest surveys. Your points will add up surprisingly quickly if you continue taking occasional surveys.
Most surveys include about only 20 or 30 questions, making them easy to finish whenever you have free time. Even the longest surveys shouldn’t take you more than roughly 30 minutes.
You’ll receive a certain number of points after completing each survey. Your total earnings — and the rewards you’re eligible to receive — are displayed right on the “My Account” dashboard.
You can add to your rewards by introducing other users to YouGov. You’ll earn 2,000 points each time someone uses your referral link, and they’ll get an extra 2,000. The money will appear in your account once they finish their fourth survey.
While most surveys on YouGov offer points, you can also earn entries in sweepstakes for taking certain surveys. Check the YouGov website regularly to stay updated on the latest offers.
You can redeem YouGov points for rewards once you’ve earned at least 25,000 of them.
YouGov Review: YouGov Pulse
YouGov Pulse gives you the opportunity to earn even more rewards by allowing YouGov to track your internet usage. You can download the application on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. As with the surveys, your YouGov Pulse data is anonymous and confidential.
Your YouGov Pulse rewards are based on your location along with the number of devices you have linked to you account. You’ll earn 2,000 points just for signing up, then 1,000 per month for each device.
The application monitors your app usage and web history and keeps track of which devices you use. It doesn’t collect passwords, usernames, transactions, or any other sensitive information.
YouGov Pulse is available as an app for Windows, iOS, Android, and MacOS. You can also install it as a browser extension if you’re on Windows. It will continue to run in the background throughout the day.
YouGov Pulse rewards accumulate with the points you earn from taking surveys, so you’ll make substantially more each month if you use both. You can always uninstall the application if you have second thoughts.
YouGov Review: Is YouGov Legit?
If you start using YouGov thinking you’ll earn hundreds of dollars per month, you’ll probably be disappointed. That said, you can earn a surprising amount of money with YouGov for just a few hours each month. YouGov rewards could be a great addition to your monthly income.
The rewards are different in each country, so make sure to check the options in your area. You should note that cash transfers will cost a little more in points than gift cards of equal value. For instance, $50 Amazon gift cards require 55,000 points, while a $50 cash transfer will cost you 67,500.
YouGov Review: Pros
While YouGov isn’t perfect, it does offer a number of helpful features for survey takers. These are some of the top advantages that we found in our YouGov review.
Some websites display only the point value of a given survey, but YouGov also lets you know how much time you should expect to spend on each survey. This makes it easy to determine exactly what you’re getting into. You won’t have to worry about starting a survey and realizing later that it’s too long.
YouGov’s transparency also applies to its email marketing practices, since you’ll consistently receive emails detailing the rewards for new surveys. Knowing exactly what you’re earning helps you stay motivated and continue to take surveys over time.
It takes more than just a week or two to build up a substantial balance on YouGov. With that in mind, try to take a few surveys each week rather than reaching your goal immediately. After a few months, you’ll have earned a decent reward without feeling like you worked at all.
We really appreciate how YouGov explains the methodology behind its introductory survey.
YouGov Pulse
Slowly accumulating points through surveys can be tiring, and YouGov Pulse gives you extra rewards. You could earn thousands more per month in addition to the 2,000-point sign-up bonus.
You gain more points as you install the application on more devices. If you download YouGov Pulse on your computer, tablet, and smartphone, that’s already 3,000 per month. These points accumulate with your survey rewards, so you can effectively double your options with YouGov Pulse.
That said, there’s no obligation to download YouGov Pulse, and you can earn points with surveys whether or not you also install the application. It’s easy to switch from one to the other or both at any time.
Survey Variety
Which surveys you prefer is obviously a matter of personal preference. That said, YouGov offers engaging surveys on popular topics, and the questions are often relatively conversational. The website focuses primarily on public figures and issues that you probably already have an opinion about.
YouGov is currently running surveys on a wide range of topics. Some of the current options include Trump’s job approval, the climate change outlook, and popularity for celebrities such as athletes, artists, politicians, and more. Surveys are constantly being switched out, so check back the next day if you don’t see anything you like.
The platform has 6 million members in countries across the globe, and there are surveys on hundreds of topics. No matter what you’re interested in, you should be able to find it on YouGov. Answering questions on topics you like makes the survey process much easier.
If you’re new to YouGov, remember to complete the profiler surveys before doing anything else. Answering these questions helps you qualify for other full-length surveys on the site. Without finishing all profiler surveys, you’ll be missing out on countless survey opportunities.
Referral Bonuses
In addition to your survey and YouGov Pulse rewards, you can earn further points by referring new users. YouGov offers members 2,000 points for each person they refer who takes at least four surveys.
Like the other ways to earn rewards, referral bonuses probably won’t give you hundreds of dollars per month. That said, they compound quickly, and you’ll make rapid progress if you’re getting points all three ways.
The user you refer will also earn 2,000 free points, and this offer will help you make even more referrals. You might even be able to redeem your first reward within a week or two of signing up for YouGov.
YouGov offers one of the most generous referral bonuses around.
No Screeners
Being screened out of a rewards opportunity is one of the most frustrating things about taking surveys online. Fortunately, YouGov doesn’t require you to take screeners before moving on to the longer survey.
Instead, the website uses your profile information to identify surveys you can take. This feature substantially reduces the amount of time you waste taking screener surveys. You’ll qualify for every survey you’re invited to, and you can finish the entire survey immediately, rather than starting with a screener.
Rewards Options
A number of survey platforms allow you to withdraw your earnings only in the form of a gift card. YouGov, on the other hand, gives you the option to redeem either gift cards or cash. Cash payments are available as a direct bank transfer.
Once you choose your rewards method, YouGov is about as quick as other survey sites. You should expect to receive rewards a few weeks after redeeming. That said, some rewards may take a month or even more to process and arrive.
If you’re interested in a chance at more money, you can also use your points on sweepstakes entries. YouGov runs a weekly prize draw, and you can get one entry for each point you contribute. Most people won’t win, but it’s a great opportunity compared to relatively minor survey rewards.
Affiliate Program
You can earn a significant amount of money by referring users to YouGov. On the other hand, you can make significantly more by joining the website’s affiliate program. Keep in mind that this program is limited to users who have significant experience in affiliate marketing.
Most YouGov affiliates earn about $3 for each lead they introduce to the brand. If you already have an affiliate marketing audience, advertising YouGov could be a great opportunity. That said, it takes a long time to build up a new audience, and YouGov is looking for affiliates with a history of success.
Joining the affiliate program is the best way to earn a substantial amount of money with YouGov. Referring as a non-affiliate provides some rewards, but you should become an affiliate if you’re qualified. YouGov is one of the few survey platforms to offer an affiliate marketing program.
YouGov Review: Cons
There’s no question that YouGov offers some great features, but there are also some flaws. These issues might not affect every user, but you should be aware of them before getting started.
Keep in mind that YouGov is completely free to use. You can always create an account, take a few surveys, and move on if you’re not interested. Consider registering and answering questions whenever you have a few extra minutes.
That said, here are the issues we uncovered when working on this YouGov review.
App Design
YouGov allows you to take surveys on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Unfortunately, it takes much more time to complete surveys using the mobile app. Many questions involve sorting and dragging, and these motions are tough to perform quickly on a phone or tablet.
With that in mind, you’ll probably end up using a computer for most surveys. Other platforms offer sleek, intuitive mobile apps that make surveys easy to fill out on any device. If you’d prefer to take surveys on your phone, consider looking for a service with a better app.
Lack of Available Surveys
YouGov contacts different demographics depending on the needs of its clients, so survey availability is highly unpredictable. You might receive multiple requests on the same day and not get any more for a week.
Rather than trying to get more surveys, think of YouGov as something to do occasionally to add to your income. Don’t expect to earn more than a few dollars per week, even if you take surveys fairly frequently. Earning rewards with YouGov is a slow and gradual process.
Although you won’t be earning a ton of cash, YouGov feels like a legitimate and credible polling platform.
  High Minimum Redemption
Limited survey access is especially frustrating given that the website requires a minimum of 25,000 points to redeem. The lowest-value item you can receive is a $15 gift card.
YouGov’s minimum is higher than those of many of its competitors. Some websites allow you to redeem just a few dollars. For example, Survey Junkie currently lets new users cash out for only $5 (read our full review).
However, keep in mind that many of YouGov’s surveys pay out more points than usual. For example, just for signing up and taking the new member questionnaire, I received 2,000 points.
YouGov Review: The Bottom Line
YouGov provides some of the best features of any survey site, so it’s no surprise that so many users prefer it. Its referral bonuses are more valuable than those of nearly any alternative. Furthermore, it offers a lucrative affiliate program for affiliates with an existing audience.
If you’re interested in adding to your income, YouGov is a great way to start.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that YouGov is flawless. Some users have trouble finding surveys, although that’s true on any survey site. Plus, you can’t count on it for steady, sustainable income.
Think of YouGov as an interesting method for making a few spare bucks rather than a way to make a living.
Once you’ve created a YouGov account, you can start earning points immediately. You could redeem your first reward in just a few days or weeks. Remember to refer as many users as possible to maximize your rewards.
Finally, when we checked out YouGov, we were impressed by the site’s professionalism and maturity. It doesn’t feel like your typical slightly silly survey site. We felt like we were expressing important opinions… and perhaps contributing to the greater good.
Sign up for YouGov today.
from https://moneydoneright.com/yougov-review/ from http://thereallaptoplifestyle1.blogspot.com/2019/09/yougov-review-2019-is-this-survey-site.html
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller Answers the Question Do Businesses Have a Credit Score by Mel Feller
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Mel Feller Answers the Question Do Businesses Have a Credit Score by Mel Feller
 Mel Feller points out that if you own a business, you have the opportunity to build up a business credit profile in addition to your personal credit score. Like personal credit scores, business credit scores are based on a mathematical formula that uses variables, which indicate trustworthiness, such as paying your bills on time and not needing to max out a line of credit.
Business credit scores predict the likelihood that a client becomes at least 90 days behind on his bills or goes into default and needs legal protection from creditors, according to Dun & Bradstreet. Credit scoring agencies look at similar businesses and determine what interest rate it needs to charge to mitigate the risk of default, or if the business deserves credit at all.
The actual factors that go into a business credit score vary by the actual agency, but most use similar factors. Experian and Dun & Bradstreet, for example, look at payment history, the number of accounts and current balance, according to CreditCards.com. In addition, Experian considers your historical score and if you had any defaults in the past. Your business' demographics are considered, such as the age of the business and labor pool.
Most entrepreneurs have to use their personal credit scores in lieu of a business score because it can take years before you build up a business credit profile that might attract interest from lenders, according to "Entrepreneur" magazine. In addition, business vendors voluntarily send in information to credit reporting agencies, so a business can hold accounts for years and have no business credit history.
Business credit scores gain an ever-increasing importance for small businesses. The proliferation of information on small firms -- which has traditionally been scant -- means banks and suppliers can make less risky decisions when dealing with small companies, according to the "Los Angeles Times." As of 20017, Equifax has data on 24 million small businesses and plans to expand this knowledge base.
Beyond increasing the odds of a business receiving approval for a loan, a good business score may help solidify business relationships and complete deals, according to CreditCards.com. Anybody who assumes risk in a deal, such as business insurance companies and manufacturers, may look at a company's credit score when deciding whether to do business.
 Mel Feller is a certified executive coach and consultant for leaders who need to achieve significant personal and organizational results.
 One of Mel Feller’s expertise, insights and engaging style helps his clients gain wisdom and clarity, which result in:
 Executives who lead more effectively
Teams that seek to communicate and collaborate, and
Organizations that are aligned with business strategy
 Mel Feller has over three decades of coaching and consulting experience in diverse industries, which provides a rich framework for his organizational insights and creative solutions. I brings a thoughtful approach to his work, carefully integrating both my coaching and consulting skills and abilities. When consulting, my focus is on “what you are doing” (i.e., goal setting, problem solving, taking action and achieving results). When coaching, my focus is on “who you are being” (i.e., how you are leading, aligning your values and tapping your gifts). As a client, they become more consciously aware of how paying attention to – and balancing both – are critically important to their success.
When you combine Mel Feller’s keen insights and engaging style with his in-depth skills, technical certifications and broad industry experience, the result is a uniquely qualified executive coach and organizational consultant.
So... what kind of coach are you?"
I get this question a lot. Moreover, the answer is… I am a Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach, and Business Coach. I coach teens, business executives, authors, artists, entrepreneurs, retired seniors, busy moms and entire organizations.
 “Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Mel Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
Lisa Mathews
 “Mel Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Mel Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
Vanessa Cavanaugh
“Mel Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
Michael Randolph
 “Mr. Mel Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
Lyle Cunningham VP
 "Mel Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Mel Feller is committed to helping me live...I mean, really live, life to its fullest."
Jose Rodriguez
 Mel Feller Links
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atakportal · 6 years
Yoga For Healing
New Post has been published on https://www.uberbuyer.com/2018/06/22/yoga-for-healing-2/
Yoga For Healing
Product Name: Yoga For Healing
Click here to get Yoga For Healing at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Yoga For Healing is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
It’s easy to find yoga, it’s not as easy to find yoga specifically for those on a healing journey. So much of the popular yoga out there emphasizes power, intensity and sculpting.
Yoga for Healing is a holistic practice that addresses the mind, body and the soul. We allow our bodies to build strength gently while working to heal our nervous system and mental space.
In short…with Yoga for Healing you will: build strength, enhance joint movement, gain flexibility AND relax, modify and take things at your pace.
Hello, I’m excited you are here! I started yoga in an effort to relieve constant stress, challenge myself to be present and to confront the incessant mind chatter. (Sound familiar?)
I went through my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in power vinyasa during a period in life when I was extremely physically fit, and yoga soon became another physical challenge I was eager to take on. Handstands, advanced postures, dozens of chaturangas and Yoga Sculpt (yoga with weights).
Then things changed…The hormonal imbalances I had been trying to heal became even more heightened and my health took a sharp turn. Every day was filled with deep fatigue, debilitating depression and physical pains.
Unable to do the yoga I was accustomed to, especially as an instructor, brought on feelings of shame. Then I decided to shift my focus and sought out gentle classes, but they were so hard to find! When I did find them it seemed they were all geared toward the older generation. It seemed there was yoga for older people (gentle) and yoga for young people (power)…something was missing.
I dove deep into the exploration of yoga beyond vinyasa taking classes all over the country from dozens of new teachers to create Yoga for Healing. I can’t wait to share it with you!
I know the road to recovery can feel lonely, but you are not alone. Let’s take another step toward healing together.
Your Instructor, Tera Bucasas
7 UNIQUE VIDEOS: Each one has a different physical focus, exploration of a deeper aspect to healing and an intention setting introduction video.
A 25 PAGE WORKBOOK (in PDF format), to guide you through practice on and off the mat, that includes:
How do I access the materials? You will gain instant access to a members only portal where you can stream videos and download other materials. Please note that an internet connection is required to stream and download the videos.
What are the system requirements to access the materials?A stable internet connection with a minimum speed of 768 kb/second is necessary to stream video content from the site. In order to access the .pdf materials, you must have a program capable of reading the documents. (ie. Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Are the video’s available on DVD?No they are not, but they are available to download.
How long does my site membership last? For the lifetime of the course. If for some reason the site must come down you will get advanced notice and a chance to download all materials.
What if I don’t receive my registration or log in information?Check your Spam folder. Sometimes it accidentally gets sent there.
It’s difficult for me to do normal everyday activities, will I really be able to practice? Yes! You get to take things at your own pace and take breaks. It’s okay to simply sit in stillness or lay in savasana as long as you need. It’s wonderful to have permission to just be still.
Will I lose weight by doing this course? I have no idea. That is not what this course is about. We are working towards functional movement of the body and getting at deeper internal healing both physically and emotionally.
Do I need to be flexible to take these classes? No. You will most likely gain flexibility with consistent practice but it’s not a requirement. If a posture isn’t accessible for you do only what feels right or take a break until we move on to the next posture.
I do a power yoga class regularly, should I take your course? If you are looking to expand or deepen your yoga scope in new ways, or if it seems like power may be too much for your body at this time, then of course.
What activity level do I need to have? You need to be able to sit on the floor and do some standing, although you can use the wall or chair for support.
How often should I practice? Only you know the real answer. Here is what I suggest: No matter what carve out the time for yourself each day to put on a video. If the postures are too much, either sit or lay in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Day 7 includes an extended guided savasana which you could do lying in your bed if you needed to. Eventually the goal would be to work up to doing 1 practice per day.
What type of music is on during the videos? The videos don’t have music this way you can choose what you want to listen to. Music can either get you into a deeper relaxation and release, or it can be distracting. I will provide playlist and artist ideas and links to my playlists just in case. Just put your volume on your music player down to about 50% and push play on the video.
How long are the videos? They are varied but range between 40-60 minutes.
Do I need any props? You do not need to purchase anything extra. We use things you can find at home like blankets, a wall and a chair. If you have props and are confident in using them you are welcome to.
Can I type in the journal? No, you will have to print the pages and then use a good ol’ fashion pen, pencil, crayon or marker. We could all use a little less screen time. I love the trees though, so if you already have a journal feel free to use that.
What are Tera’s credentials? Tera is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance and has completed her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training through Corepower Yoga with over 100 additional training hours. She believes experience has been one of her best teachers and has hours of practice, a healing struggle, practiced at many studios all over the country, studied different instructors and styles, and devoured many books.
What if I don’t receive my log in information or password? Check your Spam or Junk folder.  Sometimes it accidentally get’s sent there.
I have additional questions and/or I need tech supportContact me here! I will respond to your email within 72 hours. Please don’t ask me medical or health-related questions, I won’t be able to answer those!
GUARANTEE: What if I am not satisfied? Yoga for Healing has a 60 day money back guarantee! I truly believe with regular practice you will see positive improvements from Yoga for Healing but if you can’t stand it then I completely understand. No questions asked! There is one stipulation: try another style or teacher, no giving up on yoga!
As with all exercise programs, when using our video, you need to please use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Tera Bucasas, with Yoga for Healing & Real Fit Yoga, will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our program, online videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician, or other licensed health care provider. Thanks for your understanding.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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Click here to get Yoga For Healing at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Yoga For Healing is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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airoasis · 6 years
Birth Certificate Bonds: What's the Motivation?
Originally, I hadn't prepared to write a 2nd part to this "birth certificate bond" thing. I figured it was a "one and done" offer, and I 'd carry on to attempting to decide exactly what to write for the next week. Then, a reader called Menzo made this remark about my article:
Rich, You genuinely are a financial geek. TMI to the extreme. Exactly what I desired to understand nearly right away, but never ever got the answer to, is what is the inspiration for an individual to post a website about "birth certificate bonds"? Is this a scam or some kind of a silly joke or a conspiracy theory?I'll police officer to the
charge of being a "monetary geek." However, in retrospect, I need to admit I'm not geek enough. It never struck me to ask whysomebody would think what is, on the surface area (along with after a much deeper dive), patently obvious rubbish. Now, thanks to Menzo, I cannot stop wondering. Fasten your seat belts: we're about to wade deep into the woo.This simple chart describing a"birth certificate bond" in some way ignores the why of this scheme.Cui bono?The huge concern to ask about any strange-sounding
belief, whether it be
Bigfoot or aliens or freemen on the land, or just the fact that your next-door neighbor goes to a different church, is "what is the benefit? " And, unfortunately, it's very simple to conclude that the response to the question, "cui bono!.?.!?, "is" scammer."Here're a few examples, with nolinks back to the offending web pages (any emphasis in the quotes is from the initial text): You get in into a contract with an abroad bank that recognizes, recognizes, acknowledges, backs, and accepts the worth and worth of your birth certificate bond. That bank concurs to accept your agreement to issue an IBOE(International Bill of Exchange )at an economical charge($250.00 per birth certificate PROVIDED we have at least 20,000 people signing up)which will provide you at least 2 million dollars every year for the next 50 years. TAX FREE. A$250 investment that returns atax totally free $2,000,000 per year for life. What a steal, right?Learn about your birth certificate, and the almost limitless
value connected with it.You can gain back control by validating your birth certificate at U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC. For complete info on the best ways to own your "title"/ birth certificate.See:"About the Mis-use of Proper Birth Names"
Order Redeem Your Birth Certificate Information$75.00 Clicking the link takes you to a page that will send you guidelines on ways to buy a$75 CD with total directions. Compared with the first page
I priced quote, that's a straight-out take!.?.!! So it's all simply fraud? How ... boring.Well, not so
fast. Sure, there are con artists out there. Birth certificate bonds, like all woo, have their snake-oil salesmen who will promise you the world and whatever in it in exchange for simply a few dollars. However again, like all charm, it's not just hucksters attempting to make a dollar. A variety of the web websites I evaluated while reading this article aren't selling anything(besides a concept), and that idea is a basic world view where shadowy cabals are devoted to suppressing the fact and only brave males (and, sometimes, females )accepting their sovereign god-granted rights can stand versus them. Here's a tasting of the language these websites use, when talking about the birth certificate bond and the process they explain for accessing it (again, focus as provided in the initial):"Yes, it CAN set us devoid of government injustice & control."This particular web website was likewise decorated with buttons declaring"God Bless America"and "No New World Order"and "Care! New World Order Is Here! Resist! Battle!"" You don't own yourself-- the Federal Reserve does."The web site this quote originated from also included articles such along the lines of"Does Modern Music Make You Violent"(promoting a conspiracy claim that the "A=440 hertz was created & by JosephGoebbels"),"Why Did Huge Pharma Stop Making A Reliable $2 Remedy For Cancer? "(which is simply what it sounds like), and "Did Clovis Witness Massive Plasma Occasion?"
(which starts with American Indian petroglyphs and ends with an amusing idea that a coronal mass ejection triggered an aurora visible in New Mexico and Australia)." The birth certificate thus ends up being a kind of theft, the theft of the kid's true identity as a totally free child of God to a servant of the State, "another site claims." By attaching a nationwide seal of approval to a child, the state rejects the liberty, rights, and self-respect that God has ordained in the scriptures. You don't need evidence that you were born, you breathing is evidence enough for these hypocrites. By needing a license, the state is declaring total control and ownership over your liberty, and home. Christ's assembly does not exist on paper, but in the hearts of males, and is revealed in their external acts. Because there is no breath of Life from God in such notepads, we should not seek to them for any authority for doing anything. Each of us is a sovereign and each one of us was offered unalienable rights by God we do not require to have our birth signed up. "Really, many of them have a particular ideological bent. It's a sort of conservative conspiratorial Christian theology, one that holds that the United Nations is the embodiment of the seven-headed 10-horned dragon from the Discovery of Saint John the Divine and that the Antichrist is whichever political figure they dislike the a lot of. And it's a doctrinal bent I discover distressingly familiar from my own childhood.They're seeing you ...( Image from Wikipedia )Really? You thought in this Birth Certificate Bond thing, once?No, I didn't. I grew up in a fringe fundamentalist Christian sect, fringe enough that a lot of Christian religious beliefs do not consider them Christian. They weren't bad people, not truly-- they taught the importance of family, and living a Christlike life, and being a great citizen of the country you reside in. But there was a strong undercurrent to the message that was taught in every sermon and every spiritual education class: we are Right, and everyone else is Wrong.
We have the Fact, and we must convince the world that we have the Reality. The sect indulged the tribal thinking that people utilize by reflex-- we were the Chosen, the Elect, the ones who had secret understanding and wisdom and to whom God had exposed the Truth. Everybody else was to be pitied as ignorant, and loved, and converted. And, like all Real Believers, attempting to argue them from their beliefs simply enhanced the belief; counter-evidence was the sexy lies of the devil, and evidence that they understood the Reality and Satan was working against them to damage God's kingdom.All of these birth certificate bond websites remind me of that sect. Not the message itself, although it would not surprise me to find out that individuals in that sect have a disproportionate variety of followers in the idea, but the way the message is provided. The birth certificate bond individuals have the Truth. They understand the New World Order is out there, and they understand we are slaves. They know that we can free ourselves, and they have an objective to reveal that truth to the rest of us. And any counter-arguments are just evidence to them that the New World Order is more powerful than they had actually initially believed-- just look, they state, at how willingly the servants accept the lies the"Power Elite."None of them ever seem to stop to ask something important, though: if this works, why do individuals who are selling the information to access these bonds require to offer the info? Definitely the ones who understand the best ways to do this have already done it, are now worth millions or perhaps billions, and do not need$75--$250 per head to expose their secrets anymore?But, however, that's the sort of question that a representative of the International Bankers would ask.
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parthenia71a-blog · 6 years
An Introduction To Popular Redaction Blunders.
If you have possessed surgical treatment or procedure which has actually caused you enduring, you may require more remedial procedure to strengthen your condition. Mistakes massage counselors typically make are actually to either come under a regular where they provide the same massage therapy time and time again, or to disregard the customer's requests for tension/ focus and also instead simply focus on exactly what the counselor experiences is important. When you slip up, the best factor to accomplish is actually confess and also aim to balance that; certainly not excusing an oversight is actually one more error. Each opportunity you consider an error you have actually created, it's as if you are actually creating that blunder around once more. If all you needed to know was actually not on call to you at that time you chose that generated a result you were not looking for, you have at the very least learned one method certainly not to carry out something later on. James Joyce named all of them, portals from finding." Despite just how huge or even tiny you identify your error to become, the moment you recognize that you have made a mistake; this simply calls for adjustment, nothing at all else. As an expert in the POP Culture, the most appealing feature of individuals may be summed up in one phrase: oversights. If you haven't brought in any type of mistakes for some time, you might not be providing yourself options to take the chance of, to learn, or even to develop. Writers, Bloggers, Podcasters & Artists: Assisting you certainly not simply construct & nourish an invested audience, however ways to utilize your oversights so you transform them right into your largest endorsers but. Self-Care: Common massage therapy blunders therapists make are that they carry out not deal with on their own as much as they should. Oversight # 7 - Settling your claim too soon, or appearing also anxious to settle your case very soon. Given that there is a propagation from responsibility, Schoemaker keeps in mind that group blunders are actually usually simpler to get above. The good news is, most of us make oversights every now and then, no matter how intelligent, just how properly trained, and also exactly how skilled our team are actually. Nonetheless, by discovering just what the typical service center errors that auto manager's make you could steer clear of a unpleasant and/or costly expertise. While some performers may claim that it had all of them a life time to obtain their search of being actually an expert in this field, a frequent Joe may actually discover this simpler discovering how to play piano with the help of the resources provided today and also along with the present innovation. Rather than squandering your time considering that created the oversight or even who is very most accountable, examine the scenario in its entirety and also observe just how you may modify that for the better. You may need consider the kind of oversight that has actually happened and also the time required to discover the solution to these concerns and the attributes of your project. One straightforward technique to steer clear of the popular membership web site blunders is actually to have a look as well as go at the several other membership sites. Significant Rhode Isle Household Regulation suggestion: Many individuals use the term full wardship" This is actually certainly not a lawful term. And, hopefully you'll realize that even if you miscalculated doesn't indicate you enable that to quash all the good selections you've created and also the goodness that resides in your soul. That is important to comprehend the way that mistakes may developing arrangements to make sure that your business is actually certainly not become involved in agreements which could be created gap or even voidable because of a mistake taking part in the agreement. A man looking at a hippopotamus might occasionally be actually tempted to regard a hippopotamus as a massive blunder; however he is actually likewise goinged to confess that a privileged inadequacy stops him personally off creating such oversights. This is as a result crucial that you to start with understand about the usual membership internet site oversights before you engage in the whole entire process. You can easily also hear files that will certainly prove merely how creative these identity robbers have come to be that they also take advantage of innovation to quickly gather individual details easily. Or else, if the unlawful accused could confirm that the blunder sensibly undid an aspect of the crime, the protection will often be pursued use as well as discharge the offender of responsibility. Perhaps you will like some brand new perspectives regarding oversights: Errors are sensible as well as legit: You might point out there is actually no such point as oversights, yet we are all rather made use of to that phrase. For this blunder I just preferred to have actually the inaccuracies repaired, and also a new file created, to ensure future duplicates from the book would be actually correct. The right method to a blunder is to recognize this, improve it, and also gain from that. Oversights should not be used as a reference aspect that will constantly advise you from exactly how traits can go wrong. Creating a. blunder might hurt you for some time, but you have reached move beyond that as well as learn from these oversights, thus you can avoid them down the road. Cops detective Merryll Manning is on getaway on an island in the Florida Keys for a Massacre Mystery weekend. If you have any type of concerns concerning where and how to use yellow pages online residential uk (sneak a peek at this site), you can contact us at the web-page. Also, the oversight needs to be one that would show up realistic to a court or jury. To evaluate ourselves for our oversights is to earn but an additional blunder, accordinged to the 1st, and then enhance this. It is this self-condemning process which should be deposited in order that our experts can get the best profit from our every error. OVERSIGHT 8: Using Dark Hat Search Engine Optimization Techniques- Improving your search engine optimization through methods and unprofessional techniques will not aid you for long. Unilateral blunder (where one celebration is actually incorrect and also the various other knows or should certainly have actually recognized of the blunder). Upcoming time you believe that you have actually miscalculated, simply smile and also enjoy that you merely made a huge down payment right into you experience account. This is far less complicated in a knowing culture than in a performance-focused society, in which oversights are actually usually watched extra severely. Many people bring in the error of certainly not safeguarding the pre-approved fundings prior to trying to find properties. I don't feel excellent when I mess up however I do try to always keep factors in point of view and tell on my own that human beings are actually certainly not excellent and also errors are about growing and knowing and also blah yawn producing Oprah blah. That's no usage reporting an oversight or even issue and possessing no suggestion the best ways to resolve that. If you've removed an essential file inadvertently, work out exactly how you may rejuvenate it. coming from the back-up unit and also the length of time this will definitely take. Then you are a very easy target for identification crooks as well as cheaters, if you thoughtlessly throw out information connecting to your profile. While some performers could point out that this had them a life time to obtain their search from being actually a master in this particular field, a frequent Joe might in fact discover that easier learning to play piano with the help of the resources offered today and also with the existing innovation. Rather than wasting your opportunity dealing with who created the blunder or which is most liable, take a look at the condition all at once and view how you may change that right. You can easily re-send the project to these receivers making use of MessageFocus's filter resource, with the right link apologising for the blunder and any disappointment led to. This was actually a 2003 Ford that had actually accurately compiled a fair handful of miles (perhaps not the greatest selection I had actually created) but I had my auto! Some instructors create the oversight of following what they assume will definitely work best, without understanding the workout movements, strategies and devices they may be utilizing. Cherish your oversights wherefore they are actually: priceless life sessions that could only be discovered by hand.
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