#Ignacio Arias
enalfersa · 2 years
«Para solucionar el problema de las bandas latinas, no se puede negar la realidad y decir que son tan españolas como Abascal”
El diputado de VOX Ignacio Arias ha defendido en la Asamblea de Madrid recuperar la educación en valores y tomar medidas de prevención de la violencia que el PP no ha querido aceptar El Grupo Parlamentario VOX en la Asamblea de Madrid ha llevado a la Comisión de Estudio de bandas latinas numerosas iniciativas para prevenir la delincuencia y proteger a los madrileños. Por su parte, el diputado de…
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dumbbitchhour · 2 years
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Ignacio Arias, Bodegón con recipientes de cocina y espárragos, 1652 x
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marshall0w0 · 1 year
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moth-pringle · 1 year
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Csm Au refs sorry i haven’t posted these here 💥
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Holy hell there’s alot
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eunchancorner · 8 months
who else would be willing to buy the lee or raspberry candies, while knowing what they were?
i.e. you know what’s in the candy but you buy it anyway
who else, aside from Ignacio or Kevin, would do this?
For themselves, prob Confi, Diego, Jack (for both him and John), Shotty, and maybe Frank
But to give to others, Liv, Aria, The whole fucking Summers family, Jaune, Carmen, Radford, and possibly Lila
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dergarabedian · 1 year
"Deep tech": la Argentina tiene el mayor número de "startups"
La Argentina es el país con el mayor número de “startups” de tecnología profunda (“deep tech”) en América latina, con un total de 103 empresas, lo que representa aproximadamente el 30% del total, según un sondeo privado. Continue reading Untitled
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the-comfort-den · 1 year
Yet more new characters!
I come back with more new characters! Have funnn!
Leon(zombie scare actor), Miles(mummy scare actor), Liv(zombie pirate scare actor), Aria(frankinsin's bride scare actor), Max(Werewolf scare actor), Ethan(other vampire scare actor), Patty, Eugene Evermore(Mayor), Lila, Jaune, - (Platonic mostly): Ross, Roy, Robert,
Note: the hatzgang are platonic for the most part, if its anything romantic they are aged up, 
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sunny6677 · 2 months
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colonna-durruti · 9 months
" L''Orco volante"
20/12/'73 Operación Ogro
Non fu una decisione facile da prendere, ma alla fine le lunghe notti negli scantinati di Bilbao portarono a una scelta, basta comprimari, stavolta si mirava al bersaglio grosso, anzi al più grosso di tutti, perché rappresentava meglio di chiunque altro l'essenza del franchismo, perché destinato alla successione dell'oramai vecchio Franco e perché grosso lo era davvero l'ammiraglio Carrero Blanco, talmente grosso e spietato da meritarsi l'appellativo di Ogro (orco).
Da diversi anni ormai, la dittatura fascista del generale Francisco Franco è scossa da un crescente malcontento sociale, che trova nelle mobilitazioni operaie la valvola di sfogo nei confronti di quello che è diventato il più longevo stato europeo guidato da un esecutivo dichiaratamente reazionario e conservatore.
La lettura di quegli anni, propagandata dal regime, parlava infatti di una crescente tolleranza nei confronti dei conflitti sociali.
Al contrario però, mai come in quegli anni, Franco decide di attuare una feroce repressione contro tutti i suoi oppositori politici, concentrandosi con particolare accanimento sulla popolazione basca.
Dal 1961 fino alla morte del Caudillo, il Paese Basco viene sottoposto ben 9 volte allo stato di emergenza nel giro di neanche 13 anni, vivendo un totale di 4 anni e due mesi in condizioni di completa sospensione di ogni diritto civile fondamentale, con un potere di vita e di morte affidato alle Forze di Sicurezza dello Stato.
È in questo clima che Euskadi Ta Askatasuna decide di entrare in azione.
L'operazione dura quasi nove mesi e porta la firma del «Commando Txikia» di ETA.
I quattro giovani baschi ai quali è affidata l'azione cominciano a seguire le mosse dell'ammiraglio nell'aprile del '73, dopo aver affittato un seminterrato al n. 104 di calle Coello a Madrid, dove fingono di svolgere il mestiere di scultori.
Il lavoro si rivela però più lento e dispendioso del previsto, dal momento che impegna tutti i componenti della squadra nello scavo dalla casa fino al centro della strada, dove sarà sistemata la carica più grossa.
L'operazione, prevista per il 19 dicembre, viene posticipata al giorno successivo. Poco prima dell'ora stabilita, uno degli "scultori" parcheggia, in seconda fila una "Morris" carica di dinamite. Quando l'auto dell'ammiraglio raggiunge la zona "ideale", al segnale stabilito il contatto elettrico fa saltare in aria la macchina.
L'automobile di Carrero Blanco vola per sei piani, oltrepassa il tetto di un palazzo e finisce su un balcone interno al terzo piano. Le guardie del corpo, scese malconce dall'automobile di scorta finita contro un muro, non si rendono conto dell'accaduto per molto tempo, mentre i quattro "etarras" hanno tutto il tempo per fuggire in tranquillità dalla capitale.
Nei giorni successivi, il Partito Comunista e vari esponenti dell'opposizione antifranchista e democratica, parlarono di provocazione, di possibile azione di "ultrà" fascisti, poi, di fronte alla circostanziata rivendicazione dell'attentato da parte di ETA, di atto irresponsabile che avrebbe fatto il gioco del regime. La realtà fu che tutto il popolo spagnolo, e non solo gli abitanti di Euskal Herria, furono ben felicissimi della morte di colui che, a tutti gli effetti, si era dimostrato degno continuatore delle politiche del regime franchista.
Rispetto per i compagni di Txikia :
José Ignacio Abaitua Gomeza “Marquín”,
José Miguel Beñarán Ordeñara “Argala”,
Pedro Ignacio Pérez Beotegui “Wilson”,
Javier María Larreategui Cuadra “Atxulo”,
José Antonio Urruticoechea Bengoechea “Josu” e Juan Bautista Eizaguirre Santi esteban. “Zigor”)
Gora Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Alain Arias-Misson, A MADRID. Poema público, 1969. 
From Poesía visual y acción pública. Alain Arias-Misson, Julien Blaine e Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, December 18, 2019, part of the exhibition Ignacio Gómez de Liaño. Abandonar la escritura, Museo Reina Sofía, December 18, 2019 – May 18, 2020.
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enalfersa · 2 years
Monasterio, en Collado Villaba: “Sin seguridad no hay libertad”
La candidata de VOX a la Presidencia de la Comunidad de Madrid participó en la manifestación que recorrió el centro del municipio para pedir barrios seguros contra la okupación “Okupas NO”. Decenas de personas recorrieron el centro de Collado Villalba este viernes bajo este lema de campaña. Los vecinos, convocados por Barrios Seguros, protestaron así contra los delincuentes que recientemente…
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gutzfreak · 11 months
↑ gut's intro post ↓
Heyyy im Gut ★ I write fanfics ★ He/They Im new here, so bear with me please :) I take passion in writing x readers! Only for spooky month tho lol Heres a list of rules n guidelines....
WILL DO --------------------- - Fluff - Smut - Angst - character x reader of choice (ex. trans reader, goth reader, etc.) - Headcanons - Things for comfort (like a character taking care of a reader having a breakdown) WONT DO --------------------- - character x character, this is for x readers only - anything that makes me uncomfortable, I'll let you know - Skid x reader, Pump x Reader, Hatzgang members x reader (get out weirdos) - Certain characters like Father Gregor and Mr. Wonder, idk how to write for them. I can do Ignacio tho - Cult Leader skiddad x reader, he would be abusive. I will do carver skiddad though. - Bob x readers, he makes me uncomfortable sorry!! HERE ARE CHARACTERS I WILL DO!! - Kevin - Radford - Rick - Jack - John - Lila - Jaune - Ross's dad - Carmen - Richard - Streber - Ethan - Leon - Aria - Liv - Blaz - Thin Thief - Fat Thief - Captain - Shotgun Aaand thats all!! The characters not listed are characters I wont do, obviously My writing tag will be #gutz writez But I hope to write here a lot, thanks for reading!!
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eunchancorner · 10 months
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Share ideas? :o
But not the ones you and Sunny talked about. or at least not the roles.
As you know I like to make my favorites the stars, as anyone does, so this was my thought process (in no real particular order)
Kevin- Hamilton Ethan- Burr Streber- Laurens Leon- Mulligan Radford- Lafayette Jack- Washington Lila- Eliza Aria- Angelica Liv- Peggy Skiddad- King George Ignacio- Seabury Diego- Lee (just bc it'd be funny)
I mostly just use these for animatics in my head. I wish I could project my thoughts to you bc it looks so cool in my head
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undrsk0re · 1 year
Ohhhh okay
After I sent that ask I was like "wait are they still wearing the same costumes or did they swap"
alt reality susie is named casey
alt reality bob is lucille
alt reality dexter is alan
alt reality radford is oxford
alt reality rick is owen
alt reality kevin is chris
alt reality streber is neumond
alt reality lila is rosa
alt reality jaune is violet
alt reality carmen is wisteria
alt reality richard is tobias
alt reality eyes is teeth
alt reality ignacio is giovanni
alt reality atticus is malcolm
alt reality summer is autumn
alt reality jack is max
alt reality john is milo
alt reality reina is olivia
alt reality roy is oscar
alt reality ross is oliver
alt reality ethan is evan
alt reality aria is sonata
alt reality liv is cal/callie
alt reality leon is mark
alt reality moloch is belial
alt reality happy fella is joyful chap
alt reality sad guy is melancholy dude
alt reality robin is opal
alt reality c.c is b.b
alt reality tj is cj
alt reality vector is tristan
alt reality skid is jack
alt reality pump is bones
alt reality morgan is june
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back on my warrior cat au bullshit more info as to who is who under the cut because it’s lengthy
Miststar- Skids dad
lavenderpelt- Lila
skeletonkit- skid
pumpkinkit- pump
Sorrelpaw- Susie
Russetpaw- Ross
Rootpaw- Robert
Reynold/Reedpaw- Roy
Rabbitfoot- Radford
Dustwhisker- John
Duskpounce- Jake
Sweettuft- Kevin
Sunnyleap- Jaune
Slatewhisper- Rick
Stemfang- Streber
Emebrsky- Ethan
Deadberry- Leon
Mosspeak- Liv
Houndmask- ???
Luckykit- Lucky/ that one kid that keeps getting kidnapped
Rosekit- Roberts unnamed sister
doekit- johns unnamed daughter
Hawkstar- Major Evermore
Fuzzyflame- Ignacio
Redthroat- Bob
Leopardpool- Patty
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bishopsbox · 2 years
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source: bishopsbox. Thanks to Seth Anderson (Flickr)
Giant olmec head, "El Rey" (The king).
El Rey, Giant olmec head
In November 2008, LLILAS celebrated the arrival of a special work of art on campus. The Universidad Veracruzana, one of Mexico’s most prominent universities, presented the institute with a colossal Olmec head, a replica of the iconic sculpture known as San Lorenzo Monument 1, or El Rey.The original, now housed in the Museo de Antropología in Xalapa, Veracruz, is considered a signature piece of pre-Columbian Olmec culture and a world-class art object that represents New World civilization as emblematically as the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán or the ruins of Machu Picchu. One of seventeen colossal heads still in existence, San Lorenzo Monument 1 was found by noted archaeologist Matthew Stirling in the 1940s. His discoveries, and those of other archaeologists in Mexico during this time, unearthed for the world the culture of the Olmec, an ancient civilization that flourished in southern Mexico 1500-400 BCE and significantly influenced later cultures such as the Maya and Aztec.The replica that now sits at the entry to LLILAS and the Benson Latin American Collection is made of solid stone and weighs 36,000 pounds. It was sculpted by Ignacio Pérez Solano, a Xalapa-based artist, who has spent his career exploring the history of the Gulf Coast and Mesoamerica. Pérez Solano meticulously reproduced San Lorenzo Monument 1 inch by inch, recreating the powerful lines and imposing features of the original work.Pérez Solano began creating replicas of Olmec heads under the initiative of Miguel Alemán Velasco, who as governor of Veracruz from 1998 to 2004 endeavored to make Olmec culture better known beyond the borders of Mexico. Reproductions of other colossal heads can be found at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and the Field Museum in Chicago, among other locations. Miguel Alemán Velasco was present for the dedication ceremony at LLILAS on November 19, 2008, which also featured remarks by UT President William Powers and his counterpart, Raul Arias Lovillo of the Universidad Veracruzana. Fidel Herrera Beltrán, current Governor of Veracruz, also spoke, as did Olmec scholars from the U.S. and Mexico.
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