#Igor Ivanov
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Igor Ivanov. Crumpled paper
canvas on hardboard, oil. 53x73
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antinousamongthereeds · 3 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Ho-hum. Another day, another unexplained death of a Russian businessman, current/former official, or dissident.
It's true that Igor Kotelnikov was on the sketchy side – he was in pretrial detention on a bribery charge. But he was 52 which is still below Russia's plummeting life expectancy. No cause of death was released by official sources.
Somebody up top may have been worried about Kotelnikov's upcoming testimony and decided to silence him once and for all. After falling out of windows, dying while in custody under mysterious circumstances seems to be a favored way for the dictatorship to get rid of people it doesn't want around.
A Russian businessman charged with bribing senior Defense Ministry officials on behalf of suppliers has died in pretrial detention, according to a member of the country's human rights council. Igor Kotelnikov, 52, died on July 8 after feeling unwell in the Moscow pretrial detention center, Yeva Merkacheva said. She did not give a cause of death but said he had been held in a part of the center that has tough conditions. "Rights defenders, examining the pretrial detention center, repeatedly noted that these cells are packed with people. [The cells] are small, hot in warm weather, cold in the winter. In addition, some detainees sit there all day," Merkacheva wrote in a column for the popular daily Moskovsky Komsomolets. She said that Kotelnikov's death was not the first in such cells and that other detainees have committed suicide. Kotelnikov allegedly operated as a middleman in the bribery scheme that rocked the ministry earlier this year, leading to the arrest of former Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov and two other businessmen. Kotelnikov denied the charges.
The Russian defense establishment is notoriously corrupt. Kotelnikov probably knew a lot about the sleaze.
According to the Telegram channel CHEKA-OGPU, officials from the Federal Security Service (FSB) visited Kotelnikov in detention on several occasions to encourage him to finger Ivanov. The channel claimed that when Kotelnikov refused, the FSB officials began pressuring him and later moved him to a punishment cell. CHEKA-OGPU is reportedly close to Russia’s security services. According to the Telegram channel, prison doctors said Kotelnikov should not be held in a punishment cell due to chronic illness and had him sent back. However, prison officials, allegedly under FSB pressure, had him returned, CHEKA-OGPU said. Ivanov, who oversaw the military-industrial complex for the ministry, was arrested in April on charges of taking more than 1 billion rubles ($11.4 million) in bribes from contractors. Ivanov, whose family flaunted its wealth, has denied the charges.
A reminder that this régime is admired by many Republicans in the US who are hoping for a Putin victory in Ukraine – despite the endemic incompetence and corruption in Russia's military. Russia is their model for how to run a country.
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batzwand · 4 months
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Oc’s save me ocs original characters ily
(The one smoking is named Igor, other one is Fyodor)
Ask about them if you want.. perchance! In the ask box or whatever idk how tumblr works sorry chat 💔
They’re both on my artfight profile!!
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Les Expendables sont envoyés en Libye pour empêcher le mercenaire Suarto Rahmat de voler des têtes nucléaires pour le compte d'un mystérieux terroriste nommé Ocelot, que Barney Ross n'avait pas réussi à appréhender 25 ans auparavant. Barney mène donc son équipe, composée des membres habituels (Lee Christmas, Toll Road et Gunner Jensen), avec de nouveaux venus comme Easy Day et Galan, le fils de Galgo. Cependant, ils sont mis hors d'état de nuire lorsque tous leurs véhicules sont détruits lors de la lutte qui s'ensuit. Lorsque Rahmat abat leur avion, l'équipe trouve le corps brûlé de Barney dans les décombres, identifié par sa bague.
Lors des funérailles de Barney à La Nouvelle-Orléans, l'équipe est rejointe par Marsh, nouvel agent de liaison de la CIA auprès des Expendables. Ce dernier leur révèle qu'ils vont partir à la poursuite d'Ocelot et de Rahmat, mais sans Christmas. Marsh lui reproche en effet d'avoir compromis la mission en essayant de sauver Barney. Il est remplacé par Gina, son ancienne amante, qui amène également une nouvelle venue, Lash. L'équipe se rend en Asie, secrètement suivie par Lee Christmas, qui avait glissé un dispositif dans son couteau offert à Gina.
La mort de Barney a ouvert un dossier scellé qui indique qu'il y a un témoin oculaire qui pourrait identifier Ocelot. Ce dernier prévoit de provoquer la Troisième Guerre mondiale en laissant exploser les têtes nucléaires dans l'Extrême-Orient russe, en les transportant sur un navire déguisé en porte-avions américain. Alors que les Expendables et Marsh montent à bord du navire, ils sont pris en embuscade et détenus en otage. Marsh est emmené pour négocier un échange de prisonniers contre le témoin.
Pendant ce temps, Lee Christmas se rend en Thaïlande pour recruter l'ancien Expendable Decha, dont Barney disait le plus grand bien. Mais il s'est désormais tourné vers le pacifisme. Par respecter pour Barney et pour le venger, il accepte de le conduire avec son petit rafiot.
Christmas s'infiltre à bord du navire tenu par les hommes de Rahmat. Peu après, Decha change d'avis et l'aide à sauver le reste de l'équipe. Ils lancent une attaque intense. Christmas afronte Rahmat en corps à corps et le tue. Cependant, Toll Road est gravement blessé et a besoin de soins médicaux immédiats.
Lors de l'échange de prisonniers, il est révélé que Marsh est Ocelot et qu'il espère tirer profit de cette Troisième Guerre mondiale. Alors que l'équipe part sur le bateau de Decha pour sauver Toll, Christmas reste derrière pour faire demi-tour et se sacrifier, comme l'avait fait Barney, pour éviter un conflit mondial. Il affronte Marsh, qui est étonnamment tué par une personne arrivant en hélicoptère. Lee Christmas découvre avec surprise qu'il s'agit de Barney. Une fois qu'ils sont tirés d'affaire, Barney révèle à son ami qu'il a simulé sa propre mort pour attirer Ocelot hors de sa cachette et faire rouvrir le dossier. Ils échappent à l'explosion nucléaire et célèbrent avec l'équipe.
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themidcenturyscene · 5 months
Yuri Ivanov, Igor Ovasapov, Leonid Rakov, He who comes with a sword by the sword shall perish, 1969
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Scanned from "The Soviet Political Poster", Sovetsky Khudozhnik Publishers.
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gorbigorbi · 3 months
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Maria Khoreva as Giselle, ballet "Giselle", choreography by Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa, music by Adolphe Adam, libretto by Jules Henri Vernoy de Saint Georges, Théophile Gautier and Jean Coralli, set design by Igor Ivanov, costume design by Irina Press, Mariinsky Ballet, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Photographer Aleksandr Neff
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blocpulp · 9 days
Let's Conquer Space: Drawings by Soviet Children postcard set (USSR, 1962)
Drawings from a 1961 contest in Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. All pictures after the break
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Cover image: Kolya Zapragaev, 13 years old
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"USSR - Moon" by Kolya Vaisbind, 13 years old from Kiyv
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"Vostok-40" by Inna Kalnina, 13 years old from Vladivostok
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"Space" by Valery Ivanov, 13 years old from Sverdlovsk
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"Motorcycle race on Saturn" by Borya Pospelov, 12 years old from Kiyv
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"First works on the Moon" by Kolya Zapryagayev, 13 years old from Leningrad
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"Homeland Earth" by Igor Makarevich, 13 years old from Pindushi, Karelia
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"Man in Space" by Ismail Mamedov, 13 years old from Baku
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"In Space" by Slava Ioshkin, 13 years old from Michurinsk
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chuitu · 8 months
Who's or what is Yeva ancestors?
Note: The only drawing i have to help me explain this-
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(Follow in the direction of the arrows, far down left to- yknow where to look-)
First off the very recently recorded former tsars, we have the first Tereshkov that got into this sovereignty power mess is
"Rostan", he received the powers of ecokinesis and rapid healing, on a dying wish towards a pink haired maiden wearing a red kimono in the middle of a forest.
Next was his son "Boris" who suddenly gained enhanced physical strength at the age of 14, being the opposite of his father wanting more power in the kingdom, he pulled a raging warlord for a good couple of years...
After that were the siblings "Akim" and "Daniil", now Akim was rather a really unlucky and clumsy one, gaining portal powers at the time looked like a one way ticket to death... which, unfortunately is what happened to poor Akim as he accidentally portaled himself into the frozen lake, his older brother Daniil (despite not having pure silver hair) had to take his place on the throne after the incident (at this time it was an exception...)
Daniil's son "Igor" seemed like the only chill and sane man in the family/household/bloodline, probably the only guy that decided that conquering and conquest can be the other guy's problem- anyways, he was basically the holy priest kind of guy during his reign, he used his healing abilities to cure his people when a sort of flu managed to raid in the kingdom.
Next came the generation that started depleting in terms of life force by the second, our first victim being "Leonid", after his sons "Ivanov" and "Ilya" turned somewhere 9-10, Leonid started getting nauseous every time he used his telekinesis, sometimes even through manic episodes which caused him to fling random shit around the place, it wasn't long until he suddenly became brain dead (and, to the people in this time, he was presumed dead-dead)... days after preparing his casket, his body simply... vanished...
On that same day Ivanov gained force manipulation (kind of like enhanced strength but on the mind kind of control), and Ilya became a telepath... Soon after Ivanov's reign flourished much, Yeva was born...
As for the rest of it... i think you all know the ending of that.
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never-be-tamed · 4 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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Name: Alexander Buran Wolkow
Alias: The Big Bad Wolf, The Storm
Nicknames: Lexi (💀), Alexei, Alex, Hubby, Grandpa, Saschenka, dummer Esel
Birthday: 11.01.1990 (34)
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Nationality: Russian
Height: 186cm
Hair: Dark blonde
Beard: Yes
Eyes: Green
Residence: Moscow
Profession: Mafia Boss of the Wolkowskaja
Other: Owns a nightclub called 'Wolfshöhle' and a fightclub.
Companions: Buran, a white wolf.
Family: Jegor (grandfather), Diana (grandmother), Kalina (aunt) †, Mavrik (uncle), Maksim (aunt), Igor (father), Anja (mother), Accalia @daemonoria (halfsister), Irina (sister), Stepan (brother), Timofej (cousin)
Significant other: Marissa Elena @ravishingnemesis (girlfriend/right hand/childhood friend/bestfriend)
Other: Iljà @betterstay-dead (hubby/bestfriend), Nikita @shevampyre (frenemie/bestfriend), Nikolai Saizew (handyman), Oleg Ivanov (the butcher)
+ Strenghts: Smart, skilled in fighting (with or without weapon), very understanding, strong, piano player, funny, caring , sarcastic
- Weaknesses: Tends to please people, very understanding (yes it's also very bad sometimes), loved ones, tends to get very angry sometimes, can shut down completely when hurt
Interests: Playing the piano, motorcycles, being in nature, loves to travel, spends time with his girl and his friends, loves to drive his family members crazy, drinks alcohol, jogging, fighting
Colors: Blue, red
Favorite weapon: gun
Drinks: Water, Tea, Whiskey, Vodka, Wine
Driver's license: Car and motorcycle
Signature outfit: Suit, leather jacket
seen on: idk anymore, lmao
tagging: you, I'm tired sry
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conser2restor · 5 months
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Architect: SPEECH Architectural Bureau
Place: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Year: 2022
Photographer: Dmitry Chebanenko, Ilya Ivanov
Location: 21 Strelka St., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Architecture: SPEECH (Sergei Tchoban, Igor Chlenov, Alexey Shubkin)
Design: SPEECH (authors of the project: Sergei Tchoban, Igor Chlenov, Alexey Shubkin)
Client: ANO Center 800
Completed: 2022
Total area: 3338.15 sq m (1: 1592.6 sq m, 2: 1745.5 sq m)
Total height: 16.57 m (roof ridge of the historical structures), 13.3 m (roof ridge cap of the new space)
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Igor Ivanov apple sketch 2012 Canvas on hardboard, oil. 53x73
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I am now no longer accepting submissions as I need time to set up the tournament to start on the 1st of December (first poll will be scheduled for midnight GMT that day). I will have a little more information about the tournament structure soon when I release the bracket. Thank you so much everyone for your submissions, the following 58 suites will be included:
Lincolnshire Posy (Percy Grainger)
First Suite in E-flat for Military Band (Gustav Holst)
Second Suite in F for Military Band (Gustav Holst)
The Planets (Gustav Holst)
The Firebird Suite (Igor Stravinsky)
English Folk Song Suite (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
Children’s Corner Suite (Claude Debussy)
Le tombeau de Couperin (Maurice Ravel)
Jazz Suite no. 2 (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2 (Maurice Ravel)
Peer Gynt Suite no. 1 (Edvard Grieg)
The Nutcracker Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
The Carnival of the Animals (Camille Saint-Saens)
Cello Suite in G Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Lieutenant Kije Suite (Sergei Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 (Sergei Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 (Sergei Prokofiev)
Pictures at an Exhibition (Modest Mussorgsky orch. Maurice Ravel)
Capriccio Espagnol (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Swan Lake Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Sleeping Beauty Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Giselle Ballet Suite (Adolphe Adams)
Masquerade Suite (Aram Khachaturian)
Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Suites for Solo Viola, op.131d (Max Reger)
Dances Suite (Béla Bartók)
L’Arlésienne Suite no. 2 (Georges Bizet)
Appalachian Spring (Aaron Copland)
Der Rosenklavier Suite (Richard Strauss)
Suite Española no. 1 op. 47 (arr. for guitar) (Isaac Albéniz)
Carmen Suite no. 2 (Georges Bizet)
Papillons Suite (Robert Schumann)
Mother Goose Suite (Maurice Ravel)
Holberg Suite (Edvard Grieg)
Scheherezade (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Má Vlast (Bedřich Smetana)
Magnificant in Bb Major (Francesco Durante)
Suite for Recorder and Strings (Gordon Jacob)
Symphonic Dances (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
Suite in Old Style (Nikolai Kapustin)
Livre de Guitarre dédie au roy, Suite no. 3 in D Minor (Robert de Viseé)
American Suite (Antonín Dvořák)
Caucasian Sketches Suite no. 1 (Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov)
Petrushka Suite (Igor Stravinsky)
Peter and the Wolf (Sergei Prokofiev)
A Time There Was… (Benjamin Britten)
Suite from Incidental Music from the Film “The Golden Mountains” (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Suite from Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Violin Partita no. 2 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Violin Partita no. 3 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Keyboard Partita no. 2 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Keyboard Partita no. 6 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Dances in the Canebrakes (Florence Price)
Mountain Roads (David Maslanka)
A Moorside Suite (Gustav Holst)
Lemminkäinen Suite (Jean Sibelius)
Danish Folk Music Suite (Percy Grainger)
St Paul’s Suite (Gustav Holst)
This number does mean that some suites will have a bye in the first round, however the draw (including byes) will be drawn randomly to make it fair.
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oldtimesnew · 9 months
Yuri Ivanov, Igor Ovasapov, Leonid Rakov, He who comes with a sword by the sword shall perish, 1969
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Scanned from "The Soviet Political Poster", Sovetsky Khudozhnik Publishers.
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lenniharrisonsims · 2 years
Three Year Anniversary Portraits!
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Simsdom Empire, Part VI
Cedarworth Manor
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Name: Prince Ygor Adrik Castille
Nickname: Iggy
Title: Prince of the Simsdom Empire, Marquess of Cedarworth
Previous Names/ Titles: Prince Igor Ivanov
Residence(s): Cedarworth Manor, Granite Falls
Parents: Tsar Alexei (Passed) & Dowager Tsarina Nadia Ivanov
Spouse: Francisco Castille, Marquess Cedarworth
Children: Princess Remy, Prince Rhys, & Princess Ruby Castille
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Name: Francisco Esteban Castille, Lord Cedarworth
Nickname: Frankie
Title: Marquess of Cedarworth
Previous Names/ Titles: Mr. Francisco Castille
Residence(s): Cedarworth Manor, Granite Falls
Parents: Mr. Jose (Passed) & Mrs. Juanita (Passed) Castille
Spouse: Prince Ygor Castille
Children: Princess Remy, Prince Rhys, & Princess Ruby Castille
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Name: Princess Remy Helena Castille
Nickname: N/A
Title: Princess Remy of Cedarworth
Previous Names/ Titles: N/A
Residence(s): Cedarworth Manor, Granite Falls
Parents: Prince Ygor & Francisco Castille, Marquesses of Cedarworth
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
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Name: Prince Rhys Yuri Castille
Nickname: N/A
Title: Prince Rhys of Cedarworth, Earl of Spruce Grove
Previous Names/ Titles: N/A
Residence(s): Cedarworth Manor (Current), Spruce Grove (Official), Granite Falls
Parents: Prince Ygor & Francisco Castille, Marquesses of Cedarworth
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
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Name: Princess Ruby Giselle Castille
Nickname: N/A
Title: Princess Ruby of Cedarworth
Previous Names/ Titles: N/A
Residence(s): Cedarworth Manor, Granite Falls
Parents: Prince Ygor & Francisco Castille, Marquesses of Cedarworth
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
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movienized-com · 6 months
Posledovateli (Serie 2023) #MarinaAleksandrova #ViktorDobronravov #BesoGataev #YuriyBykov #AnastasiyaBorisova #SofyaPetrova Mehr auf:
Serie / Последователи / FollowersJahr: 2023- Genre: Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Marina Aleksandrova, Viktor Dobronravov, Beso Gataev, Yuriy Bykov, Anastasiya Borisova, Sofya Petrova, Olga Tumaykina, Vadim Skvirskiy, Igor Samoylov, Julia Sharova, Sergey Ershov, Ivan Fedotov, Georgiy Mulika, Yuliya Lazko, Mikhail Ivanov … Serienbeschreibung: Vera leidet an einer schrecklichen Krankheit,…
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