#Ikura gunkan-maki
yorugami · 2 years
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Food Sketch Art: Ikura Gunkan Maki (Salmon Roe)
Just wanted to do a quickish sketch of a gunkan maki, and I really egg based sushi. Especially Uni and Ikura.
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yen4life · 2 years
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What is your favourite #sushi? Is it a #tuna #nigiri #ikura #gunkan #maki #temaki #handroll or #onigiri #riceball? Happy #InternationalSushiDay All merch available in my #society6 #redbubble #threadless shops, https://bio.link/yen4life
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wikipediapictures · 3 years
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makesushi1 · 3 years
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Just some sushi i made while locked at home during covid :) salmon tartar, ikura, avocado slices in a gunkan maki sushi
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rawchefyin · 3 years
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I’ll be raising the price of “Master The Art Of Raw Vegan Japanese Cuisine” in 24 hours… ❓ Because it’s currently underpriced. With 33 recipes, 54-page course booklet and 31 videos, it’s a steal at a mere USD80. When I did my Live Workshops, people used to pay USD88 and they would only get 3 recipes. This one is 10X more! In the “Master The Art Of Raw Vegan Japanese Cuisine online course, you’ll discover ✅How to make no-rice “Sushi Rice” using the humble cauliflower instead (and how to get it to taste as close as possible to the original rice version) ✅The easy way of making vegan ikura ie “vegan salmon roe” without the need for a molecular gastronomy kit ✅How to elevate your raw vegan Matcha cakes to the next level that even non-vegans will be impressed ✅Simple ideas on how to make the prettiest Temari to bring to potluck parties (once the lockdown is over) ✅The one secret ingredient you would never have thought of to make your Japanese curry irresistible (plus it’s a superfood!) ✅A no-fuss way of shaping your sushi rice balls that is almost guaranteed to turn out well even if you’re doing it for the very first time ✅ How to make buttery Matcha Cookies without the need for dairy butter AND that don't even require a dehydrator Here’s the whole list of recipes you’ll get immediately once you enrol for this self-paced course: 1. Japanese Curry 2. Cauliflower Sushi Rice 3. Gunkan Sushi Basics 4. Corn & Beetroot Gunkan Sushi 5. Corn & Avocado Gunkan Sushi 6. Mango Gunkan Sushi 7. Avocado Gunkan Sushi 8. Avocado Nigiri 9. Vegan Ikura 10. Watermelon “tuna” 11. Avocado + Watermelon Tuna Roll 12. Cucumber Gunkan Sushi 13. Ikura Gunkan Maki 14. Tuna Nigiri Sushi 15. Shichimi Togarashi 16. Chirashi Sushi Bowl 17. Temari Sushi 18. Onigirazu 19. Temaki Hand Roll 20. Beetroot Sushi Roll 21. Easy Marinade 22. Yellow Bell Pepper Nigiri Sushi 23. Enoki Nigiri Sushi 24. Kimchi Nigiri Sushi 25. Eggplant Nigiri Sushi 26. Okra Nigiri Sushi 27. Cucumber Nigiri Sushi 28. Eryngii Nigiri Sushi 29. Japanese Mayonnaise 30. Kimchi 31. Matcha Cake 32. Chocolate & Black Sesame Swiss Roll 33. Matcha Cookies The price will be going up ⬆️ to USD100 in 24 hours😲. 👉LINK IN BIO. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWb6LuFkoR/?igshid=kuhfrrz0qr23
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durianpuffs · 4 years
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いくら軍艦巻きシリーズ Ikura gunkan maki series 🚢 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxvKDjFWal/?igshid=52f02pcio5tb
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prophetbirds · 4 years
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Cured salmon roe come piled into a ship-shaped gunkan-maki, the brightly flavored beads threatening to spill over their crisp nori vessel. It looks like any other ikura gunkan-maki, but its seaweed crackles and beads pop in a way you’re not used to. It’s as much about textures as it is about flavor.
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koikidd · 7 years
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Sushi. :)
First Row: Ikura Gunkan, Tamagoyaki, Akami Nigiri, Ginger + Wasabi Second Row: Kappa Maki, Tekka Maki, Amaebi,  Salmon Sashimi.
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the-canteen-auntie · 7 years
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Dinner at Keyaki, Pan Pacific Singapore
The savoury dishes ended off with a plate of sushi, with the Bottomless Pit helping those who couldn’t finish their plates (after the really filling nabe).
The tobiko-dusted maki was labelled a Spider Roll on the menu, and I had to explain to my mum that it was soft-shell crab. The darker red nigiri was maguro, and the lighter one salmon. The gunkans were uni and ikura - my favourite! I loved the contrasting textures - the creamy feeling of fresh sea urchin followed by the bubbles of roe popping on my tongue.
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wesharehk · 7 years
香港嘉里酒店 ⎈ Big Bay Cafe ⎈ 不一樣的鮮味體驗
海鮮迷請留意!9月15日至9月24日一連兩週,香港嘉里酒店 Big Bay Cafe 將會引入產自加拿大西岸潔淨水域的「優質可持續發展海鮮」,包括海膽、野生太平洋墨魚、不含水銀雜質的白吞拿魚、大平洋巨型八爪魚、野生太平魚紅三文魚、新鮮加拿大青口、馬尼拉海蜆及鱈魚等,讓食客感受不一樣的鮮味。
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  升小後的生活比較忙碌,逢週四都有家長講座,前晚抵達 Big Bay Cafe 時,已經錯過最美的 Magic hour 了... 不過仍然無損興奮的為食心,因為優質可持續發展海鮮實在非常難求!
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  而作為饕客,可以品嚐海鮮最原始的味道,當然是值得興奮期待的事!乘著秋意,這晚來到 Cafe 的戶外露台位置,一起品嚐優質可持續發展海鮮獨有的鮮味。   
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    開始前來自加拿大 Organic Ocean 的負責人 Steve 分享,同樣是野生海鮮,杆釣的可持續發展海鮮,原來會比網捕的更優質高質,因為杆釣的海鮮可以根據不同品種,馬上進行保鮮處理,令肉質及鮮度得到最好保存;這一點,是大量網捕的漁船漁夫無法做到的。
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   我們這晚很幸運,除了來自加拿大西岸潔淨水域的杆釣優質海鮮,又有香檳、白酒、紅酒、啤酒甚至是 Red Sugar 泡製的 Cocktails 以供選擇來配搭海鮮。
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   由刻名貝殼找到自己位置後,先來一杯泡沫細緻、富花果香的 Veuve Clicquot, Yellow Label, Brut, France NV 香檳,晚宴就正式開始了!
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  先吃天然帶深橙紅色澤的 Sockeye Salmon Futo Nigiri,紅鮭(三文魚的一種)的味道與一般的三文魚完全不一樣,口感緊緻很多,也沒有那麼肥膩。接著的 Albacore Tuna Nigiri 也一樣,無論賣相及味道都與平時吃的吞拿魚很不同,由於一點魚腥味都沒有,個人挺喜歡的!
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  Squid Nigiri 的味道口感也與平日的魷魚不同,質感軟身而柔韌,超有口感很過癮的~
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  來到 Sea Urchin Maki Roll,海膽十分鮮甜,但不會太水或軟叭叭,而是較為挺身有質感,大家都很讚賞!
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  最後一款是 Salmon Ikura Gunkan Maki,粒粒分明的三文魚籽鮮味濃郁,口感Q爽彈牙,來為美味的壽司環節作結。
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  接著是 Citrus and Dill Marinated Sockeye Salmon,紅鮭的色澤十分迷人,厚切的魚扒更能吃出結實柔韌的口感,當配上紅菜頭、枝豆、刁草檸檬汁,份外鮮甜味美,令人一試傾心!
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  當晚也品嚐了 Chardonnay, Chablis, Domaine Droin, France,越來越喜歡 Chablis 白酒,味道清甜易入口,配搭海鮮十分舒服。
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  接著來到 Sauteed Manila Clams,從來喜歡馬尼拉蜆,雖然在辣椒及蠔油的襯托下,蜆隻的鮮味給蓋了一半,但那份鮮濃惹味著實吸引!如大家在 buffet 中看到這項目,不能錯過呀!
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  當晚主菜是 Breadcrumb Crusted Ling Cod。可能大家都知道,深受歡迎的 Black Cod 屬於 Avoid(底拖網)或 Think Twice(杆釣)的類別,而 Ling Cod 由於繁殖力强、生長快,是高級海鮮食材中的可持續發展的魚種。
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  坦白說,論肉質論油脂,個人還是較喜歡肉嫩豐腴的 Black Cod,但偶爾換一下口味也不錯;而且大廚將此魚煮得皮脆吸引,微酸的醬汁也非常開胃~
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  大廚又為我們準備了 Mascarpone Panna Cotta 作為甜品,滑溜可口的意式奶凍,配上清甜有機雜莓、清爽青檸雪葩、柚子泡沫以及脆餅,清新好吃,但還未是終結。
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   所以,又進到 buffet 場內,繼續找尋美味的甜點了!Big Bay Cafe 的甜品陣向來很強,糖果吧、朱古力、配料吧、水果部,以及口味特別又好吃的 i-Scream,都不斷向我招手~~~
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   還未計超繽紛又誘人的甜品櫃、Dark Chocolate Fondue,以及多姿多彩的棉花糖、馬卡龍,我每一款都想吃啊!太飽關係,最後只取了 Tiramisu、抹茶泡芙(兩款都好好吃),加上 Dark Chocolate, Mandarin & Earl Grey Sorbet 以及 Green Tea & Yuzu gelato,非常滿足了~
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   Buffet 已正式開始,食客現在可從冰鎮美食亭品嚐海膽壽司卷、煙燻三文魚籽手捲、自家製煙燻紅三文魚、三文魚他他、水煮新鮮青口及馬尼拉海蜆、八爪魚凍批及白吞拿魚刺身;精選熱葷菜式包括慢煮墨魚、啤酒炸鱈魚配三文魚籽他他醬、香辣醃八爪魚鬚、威靈頓三文魚等... 如此豐富陣容下,晚市自助餐定價不變,仍是$598/位,非常超值啦!
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  推廣期間,Organic Ocean 負責人 Steve 將會每晚駐場,與客人分享更多優質海鮮選材對健康的裨益、環保海鮮概念及如何長遠協助海洋生態平衡等知識;之後食客可參與網上問答遊戲,其中3位答對全部問題之幸運兒將獲邀體驗十月舉辦「廚師之桌」晚宴!
 大灣咖啡廳 Big Bay Cafe 
酒店 Facebook:Kerry Hotel Hong Kong
 ** 想收到兩小兄妹的最新消息,可以like一下Matthew and Chloe fanpage哦~~
作者:  甜魔媽媽Yan
原文: http://weshare.hk/GourmetYan/articles/4617044
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bitesofvancouver · 6 years
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Happy #internationalsushiday 🍣🍣🍣!! Sushi is my absolute favourite thing to eat so I’ll share one of my favourite sushi restaurants with you: Sushi By Yuji! It’s always fresh, has a great sushi-focused menu and offers these amazing gunkan maki! I love the ikura with quail egg and the negitoro with quail egg ❤️ . . . . #bitesofvancouver #dishedvan #vancouver #igersvancouver #vancity #curiocityvan #vancouverisawesome #dailyhivevan #f52grams #food52 #vancouverfoodie #yvreats #yvr #eatfamous #beautifulcuisines #buzzfeedfood #eater #hungrycommunities #eeeeeats #foodforfoodies #appetitejournal #forkyeah #foodshare #getinmybelly #foodheaven #japanesefood #sushi #oshi #sushiislife (at Sushi By Yuji)
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rawchefyin · 4 years
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📢 FINAL CALL to enroll in my raw vegan Japanese course via my monthly subscription service RAWK WITH YIN. This is your chance to grab this course at a low, low price of only USD30 by 30 October. 🙌 Secure your spot now before the doors close. Go here: https://www.patreon.com/rawchefyin I’ve just uploaded the final bonus videos and the course booklet. The following course materials, recipes, videos are available from now till 30 October: ✅Japanese Curry ✅Cauliflower Sushi Rice ✅Gunkan Sushi Basics ✅Corn & Beetroot Gunkan Sushi ✅Corn & Avocado Gunkan Sushi ✅Mango Gunkan Sushi ✅Avocado Gunkan Sushi ✅Avocado Nigiri ✅Ikura (carrot “roe”) ✅Watermelon “tuna” ✅Avocado + Watermelon Tuna Roll ✅Cucumber Gunkan Sushi ✅Ikura Gunkan Maki ✅Tuna Nigiri Sushi ✅Shichimi Togarashi ✅Chirashi Sushi Bowl ✅Temari Sushi ✅Onigirazu ✅Temaki ✅Beetroot Sushi Roll ✅Easy Marinade ✅Yellow Bell Pepper Nigiri Sushi ✅Enoki Nigiri Sushi ✅Kimchi Nigiri Sushi ✅Eggplant Nigiri Sushi ✅Okra Nigiri Sushi ✅Cucumber Nigiri Sushi ✅Eryngii Nigiri Sushi ✅Japanese Mayonnaise ✅Kimchi ✅Matcha Cake ✅Chocolate & Black Sesame Swiss Roll ✅Matcha Cookies But hurry — the doors close on Friday 30 October 2020. After that the course price will go up to USD80 on 1 November 2020. 😯 DISCOVER ✅How to make no-rice “Sushi Rice” using the humble cauliflower instead (and how to get it to taste as close as possible to the original rice version) ✅The easy way of making vegan ikura ie “vegan salmon roe” without the need for a molecular gastronomy kit ✅How to elevate your raw vegan Matcha cakes to the next level that even non-vegans will be impressed ✅Simple ideas on how to make the prettiest Temari to bring to potluck parties (once the lockdown is over) ✅The one secret ingredient you would never have thought of to make your Japanese curry irresistible (plus it’s a superfood!) ✅A no-fuss way of shaping your sushi rice balls that is almost guaranteed to turn out well even if you’re doing it for the very first time ✅ How to make buttery Matcha Cookies without the need for dairy butter AND that don't even require a dehydrator ✅And much more! You can find all the details right here: https://www.patreon.com/rawchefyin (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG19DQXBI50/?igshid=1mq5vpp9f7u4r
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rawchefyin · 4 years
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If I got an IG follow for every time someone asked me if raw food was sushi, I would have already hit 10K followers on my Instagram a long time ago! Nigiri is made with an oval-shaped mound of rice, usually with a slice of raw fish on top. The word nigiri comes from the Japanese nigirizushi, which translates as "hand-pressed sushi." You begin by moulding the rice with your hand and then the fish or other topping is pressed onto the rice. The fish sticks to the rice due to the stickiness of the rice as well as the moisture from the topping. You can also put a bit of wasabi between the topping and the rice. It’s also quite common to have a garnish, such as spring onions or minced ginger. Now that you know a bit more about nigiri sushi, you can explore the world of raw VEGAN nigiri sushi in my Japanese course available on RAWK WITH YIN only in October. Instead of fish, I’ve come up with recipes that uses watermelon “tuna”, enoki mushrooms, eggplant, bell pepper & more for the toppings. In fact, I just added on these nigiri recipes to the raw vegan Japanese coursebook: ✅Yellow Bell Pepper Nigiri Sushi 🍄Enoki Nigiri Sushi ✅Kimchi Nigiri Sushi 🍆Eggplant Nigiri Sushi ✅Okra Nigiri Sushi 🥒Cucumber Nigiri Sushi 🍄Eryngii Nigiri Sushi ➕ PLUS...a super simple marinade for the nigiri toppings with just 3 ingredients. In addition to learning how to make all the above nigiri sushi, you also have access to video tutorials and recipes on the following raw vegan Japanese dishes too: 💚Japanese Curry 💚Cauliflower Sushi Rice 💚Gunkan Sushi Basics 💚Ikura (carrot “roe”) 💚Watermelon “tuna” 💚Avocado + Watermelon Tuna Roll 💚Cucumber Gunkan Sushi 💚Ikura Gunkan Maki 💚Tuna Nigiri Sushi 💚Shichimi Togarashi 💚Chirashi Sushi Bowl 💚Temari Sushi 💚Onigirazu 💚Temaki 💚Beetroot Sushi Roll 💚Japanese Mayonnaise 💚Kimchi 💚Matcha Cake 💚Chocolate & Black Sesame Swiss Roll As a RAWK WITH YIN member on Patreon, you’ll get this EPIC Japanese course for only USD30. In November, when it’s launched to the public, it’ll be at least USD80. Anyways, go here now to see what this is all about — and get details on this incredible offer in October: https://www.patreon.com/rawchefyin (at Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGPsHDLJiLI/?igshid=zucb0siy4wb1
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