impactfulpitch · 2 years
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Top 10 Challenges Faced by Startup Founders in India
Starting a business has its own challenges, but it can also be like living your dream every day. In 2020, more than 800,000 brilliant ideas began their path as startups or small enterprises in the United States.
So, do all of these startups succeed?
No. Obviously not. In fact, the majority of them might not get through the first year. As fascinating and attractive as the concept of a startup may be, there are many difficulties to overcome. Your business idea is put to the test at each crucial decision-making stage. Ask any successful startup and they would describe their success tale, studded with challenges.
So, What does it take to go from having a great concept to building a brand worth a billion dollars? Just the determination to overcome challenges. Then, what are the difficulties? Read this article to learn about the difficulties startups faces in their initial phase.
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Financial Resources
Starting up a business requires capital, but for entrepreneurs who are new to this industry becomes difficult to acquire it. There are various funding sources available such as family members, friends, loans, grants, angel investors, venture capitalists, crowdfunding, etc. The aim to expand the business demands active cash flow from time to time and as the business starts to grow, the need to have capital rises rapidly. In order to have a successful startup, one must have a command of effective cash management. According to a recent survey, 85% of new companies are apparently underfunded, which indicates a possible failure.  
2. Revenue Generation
One of the main reasons behind the failure of many startups is insufficient revenue generation. The focus on the core mission and vision gets diluted as the company grows and expenses rise alongside declining revenues. This leads companies to focus more on fundraising. As a result, producing revenue is crucial, demanding good burn rate management, which is just the pace at which businesses spend money initially. The process of developing and keeping growth is more challenging than finding enough funding.
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3. Team Members
It is a crucial step which decides that whether your startup will reach the IPO stage. One must hire a team that understands your vision and mission in order to help you in your startup expansion. One should start by recruiting a team of reliable individuals with complementary skill sets. Having a team of people, where everyone is specialized in their area of work is a bonus for a startup. But not having a strong team can be one of the reasons for startup failure.
4. Strong Support System
In the lifecycle of startups, there are multiple support mechanisms that play an important role in startup success such as incubators, science and technology parks, business development centers, and many more. When these support systems are not available, there are high chances of startup failure.
5.Increasing Market Awareness
We often neglect the market barriers or sometimes unintentionally forget to take a detailed look at the market limitations. This becomes the major cause of startup failure. When you are trying out a new product, the environment for a startup becomes more challenging than for a well-established company. 
6. To Match Customers’ Expectations
Another major challenge is to understand the market’s need for the product, current trends, demand for the product, etc….In order to satisfy the customers’ expectations, one needs to come up with new changes in their product offerings and that demands innovation. If you want to stand up differently from your rivals, you need to be well-versed in your sector. As new technologies are coming continuously, it has become very important to create something that surpasses the previous innovation.  
7. The Founders' Tenacity
Startup founders need to be strong when times are difficult. Setting up a business is difficult, especially during the initial phase. The beginning process is filled with delays, setbacks, and issues that can’t be resolved. In order to pursue their goals, entrepreneurs must be tenacious and should be ready to cope with upcoming situations.
8. Rules and Regulations
One has to go under several government approvals in order to start their own business. Registering an office is difficult, even if you see noticeable improvement during the approval process. India has strict regulations governing labour laws, intellectual property rights, dispute settlement, etc.
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9. Lack of Mentorship
Having appropriate guidance during the initial phase of your startup is a must. One of the main issues in the Indian startup environment is a lack of appropriate guidance and mentoring. There are many entrepreneurs out having the best ideas/concept, but the main reason that most startups fail is the lack of mentorship, lack of proper guidance, and lack of market, commercial, or industry knowledge to get their products to customers. It is a well-known fact that a great concept only works when it is immediately put into action. The largest challenge that could put a potentially good idea to rest is a lack of sufficient mentoring or coaching.
10. An Inadequate Branding Strategy
Another problem that prevents startups from thriving more quickly is the lack of an effective branding strategy. According to Hemant Arora, Business Head-Branded Content at Times Network, branding is extremely important since it provides a product with an identity and takes up space in customers' minds.
The startup industry has numerous difficulties ranging from finances to human resources and from launch to tenaciously sustaining the expansion. As a country with a huge population, there are numerous opportunities open for startups selling goods and services ranging from food, retail, and hygiene to solar and IT applications for everyday problems that could be provided at reasonable pricing. It is appropriate to point out that some of these firms might turn into unicorns and establish themselves as household names if they extend into other emerging and underdeveloped nations.
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portfolioanalysistool · 2 months
Impact Investment Performance: Balancing Financial Returns and Social Impact
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In today’s world, where both financial returns and social impact are increasingly important, impact investing has become a key strategy. Impact investing involves allocating capital to enterprises or projects aimed at generating measurable social or environmental benefits alongside financial returns. As investors look to align their portfolios with their values, evaluating the performance of impact investments is essential.
AlternativeSoft, a leader in investment analysis software, understands the evolving landscape of investment strategies. With a focus on empowering investors to make informed decisions, we explore the nuances of impact investment performance.
Understanding Impact Investment Performance Metrics
Traditionally, financial performance metrics like ROI and IRR have been the primary indicators of investment success. However, impact investments require a broader assessment framework that incorporates both financial and non-financial outcomes.
Financial Returns: Despite the emphasis on social or environmental impact, financial viability remains crucial. Evaluating impact investment performance requires analyzing financial returns against traditional benchmarks.
Social and Environmental Impact: Measuring the tangible effects of impact investments is inherently complex. Metrics vary across sectors and initiatives, encompassing factors such as carbon emissions reduction, community development, or healthcare access.
Challenges in Assessing Impact Investment Performance
While the intention behind impact investments is noble, assessing their performance poses several challenges:
Standardization: Unlike financial metrics, there is no universally accepted framework for measuring social or environmental impact. This lack of standardization complicates comparisons and benchmarking.
Long-Term Horizon: Many impact investments have long gestation periods before tangible outcomes are realized. Evaluating performance in the short term may not accurately reflect the initiative’s ultimate impact.
Subjectivity: Assessing the qualitative aspects of impact, such as social cohesion or biodiversity preservation, often involves subjective judgment calls.
The Role of Technology in Evaluating Impact Investment Performance
As impact investing gains momentum, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing performance evaluation:
Data Analytics: Advanced analytics tools enable investors to collect, analyze, and visualize both financial and impact-related data. This facilitates evidence-based decision-making and enhances transparency.
Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms can identify patterns and correlations within complex datasets, offering insights into the effectiveness of impact investments.
Risk Management: Effective risk management is essential in impact investing, given the dual objectives of financial returns and social impact. Technology-driven risk assessment tools help investors navigate uncertainties and optimize portfolio allocation.
Conclusion: Balancing Profitability and Purpose
In the realm of impact investing, evaluating performance goes beyond financial metrics to encompass social and environmental outcomes. As investors strive to make a positive difference while achieving financial returns, robust performance evaluation frameworks are indispensable.
AlternativeSoft recognizes the transformative potential of impact investments and empowers investors with cutting-edge tools to assess and optimize their portfolios. By bridging the gap between dollars and difference, we pave the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future.
For inquiries about evaluating impact investment performance or to learn more about our innovative solutions, contact us at [email protected] or visit www.alternativesoft.com and book your demo today.
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moneybaglending · 5 months
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Transforming dreams into reality! 🏡💡 Little House Big Return showcases the perfect blend of philanthropy and smart investment. Witness the magic of impactful projects for sustainable returns.
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vallexcel · 2 years
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garyh2628 · 2 years
A far GREATER Leverage
The Global Structure Network Group is the world's most important Selfcare Institution.  
We are focused and ready to grow the Economic Power of the Global Modern Selfcare Economy at scale. We remain Vigilant, Value Laden and ready for Competition on the Merits.  
Ensuring that the resources you invest often at a premium to market value produces worthwhile returns.  
My more than two decades of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health History, Stature, Performance, Practice and Operational Resilience - Selfcare's most consequential SUCCESS and Achievement illustrate the exciting Value of Selfcare, and advances being made in Selfcare, and highlight the need for its broader adoption. My Selfcare story is enabling Selfcare in places where Selfcare was silent previously. https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/message-from-the-founder.  
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group have given Modern Selfcare leverage far greater than it would otherwise enjoyed. Our Proof of Concepts has allowed our partners on one side of the Modern Selfcare coin to do their jobs well, and, as a result, we are on the precipice of a world where Products, Services and Capital will be hardwired throughout the different global marketplaces.   
Selfcare Darlings and Households and Businesses with Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity ambitions have waited decades to see this type of commitment from our partners on one side of the Modern Selfcare coin and this level of policy experimentation. We are seeing a vast amount of funding being unleashed to fund Human Scale Projects - The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS. 
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS has initiated a critical commitment to Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency and Operational Resilience. The full weight is now behind Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Efficacy, cracking open a window for transforming the root causes of the many socioeconomic challenges. 
It is now incumbent on the Global Structure Network Group to deliver superior results from the proof of concepts on the other side of the Modern Selfcare coin in order for Households to reimagine the benefits that flow from Modern Selfcare when incorporated in a way that truly Adds Value. - Products, Services and Capital (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS). 
The People first strategy and Human Centred Value Chain are extensive. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is unique because it touches on every step of the Value Chain. The global Human Scale Projects spending is indicative of the biggest bets being placed on the Global Structure Network Group delivering for Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person - Products, Services and Capital. 
With the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS, The Global Structure Network Group and our global Proof of Concepts we have planted the seeds for a new global Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency and operational Resilience agenda. Selfcare Darlings, we are working to deliver a comprehensive global Modern Selfcare Products Marketplace. 
The Global Structure Network Group is an independent commercially driven Modern Selfcare Group and Publisher with a focus on Triumphant Living (PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL) the full length and breadth of global Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person and Home Landscape and Economy https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/.  
Our most trusted partners Households (The Human Person) will be treated to a global Selfcare stadium that will have as its primary objective Products, Services and Capital the Household can call their own the new and right way to incorporate Selfcare. New Consumer/Retail Health and Development will be about celebrating the Human Person through the robust, formidable and unrivalled delivery of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, and Complementary and Integrative Health (Modern Selfcare). https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/   
I want to thank all the people and Companies all over the world who are supporting me, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and Modern Selfcare as we work to deliver a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group (Modern Selfcare).  
The Global Structure Network Group, the Group that is the ESSENCE of YOU! The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever.  
The Founder’s Gallery – Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement - (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair) https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/message-from-the-founder  
Unrivalled Selfcare - Products, Services and Capital  
The People, Organizations' and Brands we partner with will be visible on our sites under Impact Partners.  
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theseratio · 4 months
Is Impact Investing an enabler or a barrier to ESG? The use of AI to disintermediate markets like EV, coffee, wheat. Hear the full 1 hr masterclass TBLI (world’s leading sustainability investment authority) with Olinga Taeed chair of Asili Coffee Estates at https://bit.ly/3WWo1vT
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Alternative Investment Strategies for Small Business Owners: Exploring Options Beyond Stocks and Bonds - Daily Business Updates
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esgdata1992 · 11 days
The Evolution of ESG Screening: From Exclusion to Inclusion
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In its contemporary form, ESG screening involves evaluating companies based on various parameters such as their products and services, ESG controversies, and alignment with global regulations and frameworks. All sustainability data can be effectively utilized for screening based on different priorities by simply setting the relevant thresholds. This evaluation can lead to either exclusion or inclusion in investment portfolios, depending on the investor’s objectives and the nature of the company’s ESG profile.
Inrate has provided various clients with screening capabilities based on UNGC compliance, SDG Impact, ESG Controversies, Product Involvement and more in order to align with varying sustainability priorities.
Impact ratings also act as a positive screening tool, enabling FMPs to identify top performers in various sectors and select them in a portfolio or specific fund accordingly. Such ratings can be utilized for Best-In-Class portfolios and Impact Investing strategies.
As sustainable investing continues to evolve, ESG screening has transformed from a simple exclusionary tool into a sophisticated instrument for portfolio construction. Its ability to support both negative and positive screening makes it particularly valuable in today’s market, where investors increasingly seek to create thematic portfolios that not only avoid harm but actively contribute to sustainable development.
Positive screening, in particular, offers a powerful means to build portfolios with enhanced sustainability profiles. It’s especially useful for thematic strategies and impact investing, allowing investors to concentrate their capital on companies and sectors that are considered leaders in ESG performance.
By leveraging customized ESG screening, investors and fund managers can create more targeted, impactful, and differentiated sustainable investment products. This evolution in screening reflects the broader shift in sustainable investing — from merely avoiding negative impacts to proactively seeking positive change through investment decisions.
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esgdatainrate · 18 days
A Guide to ESG Active Ownership: What Investors Need to Know
In the realm of sustainable investing, ESG Active Ownership has emerged as a powerful tool for investors aiming to influence corporate behavior and promote sustainable business practices. But what exactly does ESG active ownership entail, and why is it so impactful?
What is ESG Active Ownership?
ESG Active Ownership involves the use of shareholder power to influence corporate behavior through direct engagement and proxy voting. Investors who practice active ownership work closely with companies to improve their ESG performance, address specific issues, and encourage sustainable business practices. For a detailed overview, you can refer to Inrate’s ESG Active Ownership.
The Importance of ESG Active Ownership
Enhancing Corporate Accountability: By actively engaging with companies, investors can hold them accountable for their environmental, social, and governance practices. This can lead to more transparent and responsible business operations.
Mitigating Risks: Companies that are proactive in addressing ESG issues are often better positioned to manage risks related to environmental and social factors, leading to more stable long-term returns.
Driving Positive Change: Active ownership allows investors to push for changes that can lead to significant improvements in a company’s ESG performance, benefiting both the company and society at large.
How Does ESG Active Ownership Work?
ESG active ownership typically involves:
Engagement: Investors engage in dialogue with company management to discuss ESG issues and encourage improvements.
Proxy Voting: Investors use their voting rights to influence corporate policies and practices.
Collaboration: Investors may collaborate with other stakeholders to amplify their influence and drive broader industry changes.
For more details on how ESG active ownership works, check out Inrate’s methodology.
The Future of ESG Active Ownership
As the focus on sustainability continues to grow, ESG active ownership will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of corporate governance. Investors who prioritize active ownership are likely to see long-term benefits, both in terms of financial performance and societal impact.
Understanding and implementing ESG active ownership is essential for investors who want to drive sustainable change and make a positive impact. By leveraging their influence, investors can help create a more sustainable and ethical business environment. To learn more, visit Inrate’s ESG Active Ownership.
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impactfulpitch · 2 years
The benefits and challenges of bootstrapping your startup
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Bootstrapping your startup is a popular approach among entrepreneurs who want to start their businesses without external funding. In this method, you use your own savings and resources to build and grow your company, instead of relying on venture capital or angel investors.
While bootstrapping has its benefits, it also comes with its set of challenges. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of bootstrapping your startup and share strategies for success.
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Benefits of Bootstrapping
Complete control and ownership of the company
When you bootstrap your startup, you have complete control over the direction, vision, and operations of your company. You don’t have to worry about pleasing investors or meeting their expectations. You can easily make your own decisions without any worries.
Focus on revenue and profitability
Bootstrapped startups prioritize revenue and profitability over growth. They focus on building a sustainable business model that generates revenue from day one. This approach helps them avoid the trap of chasing after growth at any cost and burning through cash.
Creativity and innovation
The lesser the funds, the more creative you will be. You have to find ways to solve problems, build products, and acquire customers with little or no money. This will set you apart from your competitors.
Better decision making
As a bootstrapped entrepreneur, you have to make every dollar count. You have to be strategic in your decisions and prioritize activities that generate the most value for your business. This approach helps you make better decisions that are aligned with your goals.
Improved fundraising opportunities
Bootstrapping can also improve your fundraising opportunities in the long run. Investors are more likely to invest in a company that has a proven track record of generating revenue and profitability. Bootstrapped companies have a better chance of securing funding on favourable terms than those who haven’t.
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Challenges of Bootstrapping
Limited resources and capital
The biggest challenge of bootstrapping is the limited resources and capital. Completing all the tasks with lesser funds will be very challenging. However, the catch is that this will open your horizon to be more creative.
Slow growth
Bootstrapped companies often experience slower growth than those that have external funding. The main reason for the slow growth can be seen as limited resources. Because of limited resources, they can only invest in activities that generate revenue.
Increased risk and stress
Bootstrapping comes with increased risk and stress. You’re responsible for every aspect of your business, which can be overwhelming. Make sure you prepare yourself to handle the pressure and uncertainty that comes with starting a business.
Difficulty in attracting talent
Bootstrapped companies often struggle to attract top talent. They can’t offer the same perks, benefits, and salaries that funded startups do. Because of this, it might be challenging to find and keep the best employees.
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Strategies for Successful Bootstrapping
Prioritizing revenue-generating activities
As a bootstrapped entrepreneur, your top priority should be generating revenue. You need to identify activities that generate revenue and focus on them. Selling goods or services, providing advice or training, or even creating and reselling digital goods like e-books or online classes, are all examples of this.
Building a strong network of supporters and advisors
Building a strong network of supporters and advisors can help you overcome the challenges of bootstrapping. This network can include mentors, coaches, other entrepreneurs, and even family and friends. They can help you as you navigate the difficulties of starting and expanding a company by providing assistance, support, and counsel.
Making smart financial decisions
Bootstrapping requires smart financial decisions. You must exercise discipline with your expenditures and carefully handle your money. Spend less money than required and concentrate on making investments in profitable ventures.
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Bootstrapping your startup can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can build and grow a successful business. Prioritizing revenue-generating activities, building a strong network, making smart financial decisions, staying agile and adaptable, and being patient and persistent can make your bootstrapping successful.
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tradetalk01 · 2 months
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Investing in #HarvoBot NFTs goes way beyond trading - it's about making a real impact! Join the movement towards a sustainable food system and earn passive income at the same time. #Crypto #ImpactInvesting #NFT #Bitcoin #Binance #PassiveIncome 💰🌱🚀
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moneybaglending · 5 months
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🌟 At the crossroads of philanthropy and smart investment strategy lies Little House, Big Return! 💼💡 We're not just building homes; we're shaping futures and making a lasting impact on communities.
With every project, we're proving that doing good and making sound financial decisions can go hand in hand. Whether it's providing housing solutions for those in need or offering investment opportunities with meaningful returns, we're committed to creating value in more ways than one. Join us at the forefront of impactful philanthropy and discover how you can make a difference while securing your future. Let's build a better world together! 🏡✨
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vallexcel · 2 years
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garyh2628 · 2 years
Our Special Influence
The Global Structure Network Group is the world's most important Selfcare Institution. 
We are focused and ready to grow the Economic Power of the Global Modern Selfcare Economy at scale. We remain Vigilant, Value Laden and ready for Competition on the Merits. 
Ensuring that the resources you invest often at a premium to market value produces worthwhile returns. 
My more than two decades of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, Complementary and Integrative Health History, Stature, Performance, Practice and Operational Resilience - Selfcare's most consequential SUCCESS and Achievement illustrate the exciting Value of Selfcare, and advances being made in Selfcare, and highlight the need for its broader adoption. My Selfcare story is enabling Selfcare in places where Selfcare was silent previously. https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/message-from-the-founder. 
Happy Hannukah! Let's start today's post by saying what the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group is.  It is the engine and centre of the global Modern Selfcare Sector and the Household Economy, allowing Selfcare to be integrated in a way that truly Adds Value to the Human Person. It is an investment opportunity, it is a global business with the potential to employ people all over the world, it is a Brand but more than a Brand, and most of all it is 'the' Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity "ASSET" that sits at the centre and core of the global Modern Selfcare and the Home Landscape.
Our detractors tried and probably will try again to create a museum-type situation with the hopes of wiping out all things that the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group is.  The hopes of sidelining the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS haven't come to fruition and that left a permanent mark on our detractors' reputation.
Today, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group and our sector are viewed as more critical to the global socioeconomic agenda. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS, its History, Stature, Performance, Practice and Efficacy is stronger than our detractors' agenda. 2022 is the year that Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person - The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS (Modern Selfcare) fought back.
Our Selfcare Darlings both people and Organisations can rest assured that our People First strategy and Human Centred Approach are well on its to being Hardwired in societies all around the world.  Our agenda is on track to deliver a comprehensive global Selfcare Products Marketplace. We are one People, under Renovation.
The Global Structure Network Group is an independent commercially driven Modern Selfcare Group and Publisher with a focus on Triumphant Living (PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL) the full length and breadth of global Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person and Home Landscape and Economy https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/. 
Our most trusted partners Households (The Human Person) will be treated to a global Selfcare stadium that will have as its primary objective Products, Services and Capital the Household can call their own the new and right way to incorporate Selfcare. New Consumer/Retail Health and Development will be about celebrating the Human Person through the robust, formidable and unrivalled delivery of Selfcare, Human Development Prosperity, Life Science, and Complementary and Integrative Health (Modern Selfcare). https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/  
I want to thank all the people and Companies all over the world who are supporting me, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and Modern Selfcare as we work to deliver a fully functioning Global Structure Network Group (Modern Selfcare). 
The Global Structure Network Group, the Group that is the ESSENCE of YOU! The best science must lead to better lives. We can do this! Join millions who value our perspective. Diamonds are Forever. 
The Founder’s Gallery – Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement - (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair) https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/message-from-the-founder 
Unrivalled Selfcare - Products, Services and Capital 
The People, Organizations' and Brands we partner with will be visible on our sites under Impact Partners. 
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theseratio · 5 months
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Masterclass webinar: 'More than #Carbon. More than #bips. How #AI is increasing ESG Impact Investing 10 fold' with @olingataeed hosted by TBLI - world's leading authority on #ESG and #ImpactInvesting. Thursday, May 9 · 2 - 3pm GMT+1 https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/more-than-carbon-or-bips-how-ai-is-increasing-esg-impact-investing-10-fold-tickets-880633908727?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=&utm-term=creator-collections&utm-share-source=creator-collections #goodistrending
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