#In my mind it's Annabeth
doevademe · 1 year
Nico as a child of the underworld is already pretty romantic and passionate not to mention old school so he doesn't come off very different as a son of Aphrodite, but with less hang ups. I loved your head canons so much 💞
Could you give us more head canons if we suppose that he basically takes piper s place in canon as Jason s made up boyfriend (with the made up memories and all). Let's say Aphrodite wasn't saving him for Percy but for the perfect (and blond 😂) son of jupiter and it's just killing Percy! Angst angst angst but with a happy ending because, even tho Nico respects his mother as the goddess of Love, that perfect on paper romance with Jason can't compare to what him and Percy feel for each other (not to mention fake! It was already weird in canon).
(Aphrodite Nico's backstory would be the same as in the last post)
Instead of going to New Rome, Nico disappears around the same time as Percy. There's a rumor that they eloped, but no one really believes it.
When he comes back with Jason, Nico tells everyone he disappeared because he started dating Jason. His siblings, who knew how gaga over Percy he was, suspect foul play.
Aphrodite, however, appears before them and tells them Jason is her pick for Nico, and she had to trade some favors with Hera to arrange this. They agree to stay quiet.
Since Nico is replacing Piper, he gets the Cornucopia and Katoptris.
Jason gets his memories back after rescuing Juno, but Nico doesn't, since it was Aphrodite who took them. Like in canon, Jason decides to give the relationship a chance, especially since no one tells him about Percy, and Nico doesn't know.
Percy remembers Nico, and knows he's in love with him, and when the memories come back, plans to make up for avoiding him and properly wooing him.
Nico hanging on Jason's arm and introducing him as his boyfriend breaks Percy. He tries talking to him, but takes Nico not acknowledging his past feelings for Percy as Nico having given up on him.
A bitter rivalry is born between Jason and Percy. Percy wants to prove himself better than Jason, while Jason is peeved at Percy for being into Nico.
Nico starts developing feelings for Percy again, and feels guilty because he and Jason are perfectly suited for each other, but he can't help but want Percy.
Percy and Annabeth fall to Tartarus, and Percy promises to come back to Nico. Nico goes to Cupid with Hazel (since the staff works only with children of the Underworld), and his brother restores his memories. He tells him Jason is the path their mother set for him, but that Cupid set Percy as an alternative. The choice is his.
Nico tells Jason. He agrees to give Nico space to figure things out, but he also feels relieved. Trying to be a boyfriend to someone he barely knows is too awkward, and he was just ignoring it for Nico's sake.
Nico thinks for a long time. The reason he fell for Percy was because he believed he was the perfect match his mother had promised him, and now that he knows better, he sees his faults better, like how dismissive he was, how he worries too much about what others think.
Jason is the perfect boyfriend. Kind, caring attentive and understanding. It should be an easy choice, so why is he still just thinking of Percy, fighting his way through Tartarus to get back to him?
When Percy comes back, Nico runs straight to him, leaving Jason behind. He finally understands why Bianca rebelled. Jason is perfect for him in theory, but Nico doesn't want perfect. He loves and appreciates what his mother did for him, but it's Percy that awakens his passion, that makes him feel alive.
Percy apologizes for avoiding Nico and taking him for granted. They officially become boyfriends. Jason takes it in stride. After all, if Nico had options in love, he must too, right?
(He does.)
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musical annabeth "my grand plan is that i will be remembered/someday soon someone will notice me" -> show percy "you're better at this than me. and you know it"
musical percy "i swear that im a good kid/i just need one last chance to prove im good enough for someone" -> show annabeth "hes not like that. hes better than that"
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
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mydairpercabeth · 3 months
this is what percabeth looks like in battle of the labyrinth btw
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sixofbabycrows · 5 months
i really hope we get the whole series adapted cause the percabeth edits are gonna be insane once we get season 5
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twinsarekeepers · 2 years
Broke: I can’t imagine Percy Jackson as blonde. It just doesn’t fit his character.
Woke: Percy having blonde hair opens the door for a meta joke like Annabeth saying he’s the reason the dumb blonde stereotype exists, which fits perfectly with their early stage relationship. Also, surfer vibes.
Bespoke: Percy having blonde hair perfectly encapsulates his character because blonde hair does a thing where it significantly darkens as time passes, which is a direct parallel to how Percy gets “darker” as time passes. AND now that Luke has dark hair, Percy going from blonde to brunette will signify him becoming more like Luke, literally starting to look more like him. And the same applies if Poseidon is cast with dark hair. The change in color would symbolize Percy growing into the powers his father gave him. In this essay, I will—
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justaleafinthewind · 4 months
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Percy's little head shake when he realizes he has to leave Annabeth behind? the way he presses his lips together like he's trying not to cry and his jaw is trembling? hello???
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but then his exhale when he sees that she's there with him on the beach and she's okay? the way his lips start to turn up for the beginning of a smile and all the tension leaks out of his shoulders immediately? HELLO???
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helyeahmangocheese · 5 months
while I'm talking about tlt musical: sick and twisted to title miss annabeth "I want to be an architect. build something that lasts" chase's solo song 'my grand plan' LIKE WTF. OUCH.
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demigods-posts · 18 days
it's just that carl and ellie from up are so percabeth-coded. a boy who's very quiet about his ambitions. wanting to live a simple but purposeful life. and then he meets a girl who's extremely overt about wanting to live a big life. and the boy's new life goal is helping the girl achieve her dreams if it's the last thing he does.
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cabin9sblog · 5 months
Nico: Time sensitive question: how to flirt with a boy? Piper: Throw rocks at him. Leo: Hot Dogs. Annabeth: Kill him. Nico: Thanks guys.
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ninacarstairss · 4 months
the writers were insane for giving us annabeth listening to luke’s confession. we’ve always had percy’s pov, his understanding of the motives behind luke’s rage and his betrayal, but now we can see the betrayal in annabeth’s eyes. she is the one luke swore to protect like family, she is the one who trusted him blindly for all these years, she is the one who knew him and loved him. and the pain, the poison, the depth of the betrayal in her eyes when she finally hears the confession from luke himself, is priceless. she doesn’t get told luke stole the bolt and the helmet, no this time she hears luke confess to the theft, she listens to him talk about how glorious the titans are and how the gods are terrible parents who should be punished. she sees him wound percy when he apologizes for cutting luke, she stops him when he is ready to kill percy even when he’s unarmed and on the ground.
luke is the one who swore to be her family when she had none, who gave her a blade to protect herself when no one cared for her, and now she is ready to use that blade on him, because this is the ultimate betrayal, the one she never thought would come to pass.
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bookishjules · 5 months
one of the things i actually loved about episode four is just how much we see annabeth come out of her shell with percy. the conversations they had at the end of the previous episode, her watching him turn alecto to stone.. it was all setting up this dynamic where they are more able to work as a team, and we really get to see that relationship shift begin to find its footing in this episode.
she trusts him more now. enough to listen to him, or at least hear him out. she'll have a conversation with him, be honest about things she would have been cagey or defensive about before. we see it on the train. we see it at the arch. we see her being snarky with him in a friend way. it's like you can actually see annabeth's face open up as she begins to open up to percy. she reaches out to him when he falls, keeps her hand on him, and then prepares to protect him when the time comes.
it's everything, honestly
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mioakem · 8 months
Still to this date I have never experienced a fictional romance as groundbreaking and amazing and beautiful and scrumptious as percabeth
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Seing Annabeth call Percy "seaweed brain" on screen permanently altered my brain chemistry yall
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rashidartt · 4 months
Does anyone know why Luke don't got a strap of gray hair for hold the sky although he did before trap Annabeth in?
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
i was thinking about that taboo around menstruation and how fucking sick i am of it here u have headcanons of the chb boys actively trying to make it easier for the girls when they're on their period bc lmfao who the fuck is gonna stop me
the apollo cabin always gives free pads and tampons to whoever needs them. no matter the day. no matter the hour
percy recalls sally once told him exercise and movement helps w cramps, so whenever annabeth's on her period and they go to swim in the ocean, he makes calm waves just trying to soothe the pain
when piper's on her period leo makes a cup of infusion tea for her he learnt from his momma
thalia rarely visits camp but jason still keeps a kit of pads and tampons for her in their cabin's bathroom, just in case
will asked lou ellen from the hecate cabin to teach him some herbal infusions for his patients' and sisters' period cramps
he came back w plenty recipes of infusions after spending evenings w her
hazel, being freshly out from the 40's, was horrified when she first got hers
she woke up in a stain of blood on her pajamas and sheets in the middle of the night
nico got woken up by the muffled sound of his sis crying while aggressively cleaning her sheets
"...hazel?" "gods, nico! u scared me!" "why are u crying?"
when he tried to get close she rapidly covered the spot on the sheet w a pillow, and what was going on dawned on him
nico knocked on to the apollo cabin's door at 2am
a sleepy will opens up
"she got hers?" "yeah" "let me get u some"
nico comes back to cabin 13 w a little kit of pads w cute lilac flower design in his hands
he calmly got closer to her, hugged her and kissed her forehead
"i'm so sorry" "you've got nothing to be sorry about"
the next morning annabeth and piper calmly explained everything to her. warm hugs and cheek kisses included
no more disgust, no more discomfort, no more shame
the first time nico finally saw a pack of pads unapologetically just existing on hazel's night stand, he smiled
and left a little chocolate bar on her pillow
percy still bickers w clarisse. a lot
still that never stopped him from lending her a sweater to cover the back of her stained jeans when she needed it
leo knows piper has a irregular cycle so he always carries a bunch of tampons for piper in his bag whenever they go on long quests
"fuck i need a tampon" "got'cha"
grover learned to sew and started to make reusable pads
he made a pair for annabeth w little dagger designs on them
and then left a bunch in the apollo cabin, so there's a lovely bunch of handmade washable pads in the period kit for anyone to claim
percy often went to the store to get sally pads when he was younger
and also used to sterilize menstrual cups in the kitchen
so when estelle reached puberty boy already knew what to do
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