#Industry Collaboration
gauricmi · 2 months
Sustainability Initiatives Driving Change in North America Commodity Chemicals Landscape
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Sustainability initiatives are increasingly becoming central to the transformation of the North America Commodity Chemicals landscape. As concerns over environmental impact and resource depletion escalate, stakeholders across the industry are embracing innovative strategies to foster sustainability throughout the value chain. From raw material sourcing to product manufacturing to waste management, sustainability is reshaping the way North America Commodity Chemicals are produced, distributed, and utilized.
In recent years, the North America Commodity Chemicals sector has witnessed a notable shift towards greener and more sustainable practices. Companies are investing in renewable energy sources, optimizing production processes to minimize waste and emissions, and implementing circular economy principles to maximize resource efficiency. These initiatives not only reduce the environmental footprint of North America Commodity Chemicals production but also enhance operational resilience and long-term viability in an increasingly sustainability-conscious market.
One of the driving forces behind sustainability initiatives in the North America Commodity Chemicals industry is the growing demand from consumers and businesses for environmentally friendly products. As awareness of climate change and environmental degradation grows, there is a rising preference for products that are produced sustainably, with minimal impact on the planet.
Regulatory pressures and mandates are pushing companies in the North America Commodity Chemicals sector to adopt more sustainable practices. Governments at the federal, state, and local levels are enacting regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy usage, and minimizing pollution. Compliance with these regulations not only ensures legal adherence but also fosters a culture of sustainability and responsible stewardship within the industry.
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lastfry · 4 months
Learnbay Reviews – Career Tracks, Courses, Learning Mode, Fee, Reviews, Effective Ratings and Feedback
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Learnbay, a distinguished platform in the realm of industrial training, stands as a beacon for individuals aspiring to thrive in the IT industry. This article presents an in-depth analysis of Learnbay, exploring its evolution, key figures, strategies, accessibility, courses, and reviews to reveal its profound impact on the analytics job market.
Understanding Learnbay Reviews
Learnbay is more than just a training platform; it's a catalyst for career advancement in the dynamic world of technology. It strives to democratize data science knowledge, making it accessible to individuals from all backgrounds. Learnbay aims to dispel the notion that only IT professionals can succeed in lucrative careers, championing inclusivity and empowerment in the digital age.
History and Evolution
Established in 2015 by tech enthusiast Nisha Kumari, Learnbay has evolved into a leading ed-tech company based in Bangalore. With a focus on hands-on learning and project-based education, Learnbay offers job-ready courses in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, software development, and analytics. Collaborations with industry giants like IBM ensure specialized certifications and personalized assistance for learners, enhancing their employability in the competitive job market.
Key Figures at Learnbay
Key figures like Krishna Kumar, Nisha Kumari, and Abhishek Gupta embody the vision and mission of Learnbay. Their testimonials reflect a commitment to continuous skill development and career guidance, ensuring learners stay abreast of industry trends and emerge as competent professionals in AI, data science, and full-stack knowledge.
Strategies for Success
Learnbay's success hinges on several key strategies, including the delivery of quality education, comprehensive career coaching, an accessible learning environment, and active social media engagement. For working professionals, Learnbay offers a growth hack to enhance existing careers through upskilling and reskilling initiatives.
Accessibility and Courses
Learnbay's website and application provide a user-friendly interface, offering a plethora of courses ranging from HR analytics to cloud computing. The platform's emphasis on domain specialization, real-world projects, and industry collaborations ensures learners acquire practical skills and industry-recognized certifications, paving the way for career advancement and salary hikes.
Reviews and Testimonials
Customer reviews on platforms like MouthShut, Trustpilot, CourseReport, and Analytics Jobs testify to Learnbay's efficacy in delivering quality training and career support. Learners praise the platform for its structured curriculum, knowledgeable instructors, hands-on learning approach, and robust career guidance, reaffirming Learnbay's status as a trusted partner in professional education.
In conclusion, Learnbay emerges as a transformative force in career growth and professional development, offering individuals the tools and resources to thrive in the digital era. With a commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and industry relevance, Learnbay sets the standard for excellence in ed-tech, empowering learners to unlock their full potential and seize new opportunities in the analytics job market.
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Cross-Industry Collaboration for Enhanced Safety
In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety, the phrase “cross-industry collaboration for enhanced safety” is gaining significant traction. The essence of this concept is simple yet powerful: different industries, often with diverse safety challenges and solutions, come together to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies. This article explores how such collaborations can lead to more…
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0046incognito · 20 days
sorry a lotsa people been asking around recently byt i finished memory leak (somehow took me 3 days to watch a 7 minute thing? im a big procrastinator) and i reaaaally liked the sound design and wanted to know if there was any specific inspo for that, or if it was generally drawn from the same media that influenced other aspects. not to compare baselessly but it reminds me a little of yume nikki, but that may just be because of both having a sort of dreamy quality to them. who knows. good film!!
(this kinda includes music, but mainly im refering to sfx)
sound design is my BIGGEST passion besides outright animation, if i were to get an industry job and for whatever reason couldn't get hired to be a storyboard artist i would drive a honda through a walmart to be an audio engineer
i'm INSANE about sound design so i always tend to notice things others maybe wouldn't about it, But that includes being Extremely Nitpicky And Thorough about era-authenticity. it's mostly inspired by older anime! i've always loved how 80s-90s anime uses clearly-synthesized SFX with a really dry mix, i would've loved to have made original SFX with my microkorg if i had the time, but i was on a REALLY tight crunch so i spent like. three full days just Looking for a royalty free SFX pack that at least was Trying to sound authentic if not "literally was produced in that era". and i wound up finding two!!!! the vast majority of the SFX in memory leak are from these two packs:
they were EXTREEEEEEEEMELY HELPFUL and i would not have enjoyed doing the sound NEARLY as much if it weren't for these. everything else is from freesound.org! most notably, this is what i used for hibiki's footsteps:
i think more animated projects should use this style of sound design just because it's Leagues more charming than excessively-realistic footsteps and hit-sounds all the time. go forth with your whimsy
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abyssalzones · 13 days
i keep seeing news about a potential gravity falls reboot. as someone who very much despises reboots and who thinks gravity falls ended very well (it's something gf has been REPEATEDLY praised for,) do you think there's actually a chance they'd legitimately reboot it?
I watched a bit of hana's interview with alex hirsch out of (somewhat morbid) curiosity and from what I could glean there, it seems less likely gravity falls is going to get a legitimate "reboot" any time soon and more that there's potential for spinoffs when alex's contract with netflix expires. my honest prediction is that the book of bill is a prelude to more if it sells well, as it's very possible they're testing the waters to see if gravity falls nostalgia-hype is alive and well.
as much as I dislike reboots- and I have some strong feelings about the book of bill as a concept- I actually wouldn't be mad about some of the concepts alex has in his back pocket, such as a miniseries set on the stan o' war, or potentially more comics. I criticize elements of writing and what's being done with the story now because, obviously, I love gravity falls dearly, and I do think it could be adapted or continued faithfully... in the right hands, under the right circumstances. reboots exceeding the production of new, director-driven stories is symptomatic of a larger problem in the entertainment industry, but I don't think they're the disease themselves. people love strong stories, y'know? I would be a massive hypocrite if I acted like there was something wrong with wanting more, I've been actively making art for this show since I was 12.
so, do I think they're going to fully reboot the show, take us back to the mystery shack for "summer 2013" or potentially something further ahead in the future? ...mm, probably not. the series ended at two seasons for a reason, and in the age of, yes, pointless cash-grab reboots in a time where the entertainment industry is hopelessly dependent on selling established IPs, I respect that decision a lot. but I feel like it's inevitable there will be more gravity falls in some form or another in the future, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed if not for alex's words himself and the release of a new book this july.
whether or not it's any good... I guess we'll have to wait and see?
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dreamings-free · 6 months
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askagamedev · 5 months
With the expansion of remote jobs, will there be any reason at all for studios to reallocate employees in the future?
There are (and always will be) some fully-remote studios that manage to make things work, but I don't really think it will become the norm across the industry. There's a lot to be said for in-person collaboration and the spontaneous iterative process that's much more difficult to happen in a digital-only environment.
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There's also been some significant recent internal pushback against further full-time remote hiring at many studios I know of, including my own. There's been a lot of tech industry layoffs lately, which gives the management more leverage to require certain behaviors from the workers such as "return to office" and such. I know that my own studio has instituted two recent policies - a hiring freeze and a hard cap on the percentage of workers that may be full-time remote. Fully-remote devs like me get grandfathered in because the fully-remote status was already written into my contract when I signed, but most new hires won't get that same luxury.
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If I had to predict the future, my guess would be that full time remote positions will be uncommon but not unheard of in the future. They will be more common than they were pre-pandemic, but I suspect fully remote positions will be more like H1B visa applications - typically reserved for senior roles that are more difficult to hire instead of a common status for a majority of the team.
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autogeneity · 2 months
what an incredibly odd interview. they did, like, 80% of the talking. I'm not sure if they were expecting me to like interject or say things in response or something? I don't think I got the job. idk. on the one hand just carrying on talking and not asking much more might be something you do if you already decided no early on and are just biding time. on the other hand idk why you'd spend so much time detailing things about the job to someone you've decided against rather than just ending earlier. I guess if you were kinda hoping to nudge them into saying something else? if so I definitely missed the hint.
they only actively asked, like, 3 standard questions (tell me about yourself, what languages have you worked with, and a project you are proud of). they spent probably like 15 minutes telling me about shit they do. occasionally they'd pause to be, like, "do you have any experience with that" mid-explaining, like they just remembered to check rather than, y'know, being in the business of interrogating me. which, like, I tried to answer with some details of things I've done with it but. yeah. there's only so much I can say about if I've used postgres.
and then we spoke about the assessment I'd submitted briefly; I think they were reasonably happy with it but were maybe expecting me to say more words? I dunno.
I was expecting more, idk, technical questions or something. for their software engineer interview, they made me go through how I'd process the data for a specific scenario, for instance.
struggling to tell what the hell to make of this, lmao. guess I just gotta wait and see. I definitely think I should have said more words, somewhere, somehow. but idk beyond that.
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soillodge · 9 months
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kp777 · 1 month
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
May 7, 2024
The Groundwork Collaborative's leader also said that "the Department of Justice should criminally prosecute Scott Sheffield," the former Pioneer CEO whom the FTC blocked from joining ExxonMobil's board.
Groundwork Collaborative executive director Lindsay Owens on Tuesday responded to U.S. government allegations of fossil fuel industry price fixing with calls for federal prosecution and congressional action to return money to the American public.
"Americans have been working harder and harder to cover rising energy costs, with the understanding that supply chain snags and geopolitical forces were keeping prices high," Owens said. "Now the Federal Trade Commission has uncovered the real source behind the price at the pump: collusion."
"The Department of Justice should criminally prosecute Scott Sheffield and Congress should tax back the industry's windfall profits and issue every American a refund," she added, referring to Pioneer Natural Resources' founder and longtime CEO.
Owens' statement came after members of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) declined to contest ExxonMobil's controversial $64.5 billion acquisition of Pioneer—which was completed Friday—but approved a consent order barring Sheffield from serving on Exxon's board of directors or as an adviser to the fossil fuel giant.
"This complaint is a wake-up call about the dangerous consolidation of Big Oil's economic and political power."
The FTC voted 3-2 to accept the order and place related documents on the record for public comment. Citing communications including in-person meetings, public statements, text messages, and WhatsApp conversations, a commission complaint accuses Sheffield of trying to collude with the representatives of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and OPEC+.
"Mr. Sheffield's past conduct makes it crystal clear that he should be nowhere near Exxon's boardroom. American consumers shouldn't pay unfair prices at the pump simply to pad a corporate executive's pocketbook," said Kyle Mach, deputy director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition. "The FTC will remain vigilant in its enforcement efforts to protect competition in these vital markets."
Pioneer toldFortune that the company and its founder "believe that the FTC's complaint reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the U.S. and global oil markets and misreads the nature and intent of Mr. Sheffield's actions," but neither party would take "any steps to prevent the merger from closing."
ExxonMobil "learned of the FTC's allegations regarding Sheffield from the agency and said in a statement that they are 'entirely inconsistent with how we do business,'" according to Fortune. "Exxon has agreed to the terms of the consent decree," which also "prohibits the oil giant from appointing any Pioneer employee or director to its board for five years."
Still, since the FTC's allegations were initially reported by The Wall Street Journal last week and then confirmed with the complaint's release, demands for additional action by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress have mounted.
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Cassidy DiPaola, Fossil Free Media's director of communications, on Monday called the complaint "explosive" and said that Democrats "must respond with bold action to hold this rogue industry accountable," including:
Aggressive congressional and DOJ investigations into the full extent of Big Oil's price fixing;
A windfall profits tax to claw back ill-gotten gains; and
End taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas.
"But accountability is just the first step. This complaint is a wake-up call about the dangerous consolidation of Big Oil's economic and political power. We can't let them use megamergers to entrench their control and crush clean energy competition," she stressed. "Ultimately, this is about the future we choose: One where we remain at the mercy of Big Oil's greed and destruction, or one where clean, democratically controlled energy powers our communities. It's time to make the right choice."
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In response to the Journal's reporting, Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, similarly said that "Congress must immediately hold hearings on Big Oil's alleged collusion with OPEC to raise gasoline prices for Americans."
"Congress must not only investigate Pioneer's alleged role in conspiring with OPEC, but whether there existed a broader conspiracy by U.S. oil companies to collude with OPEC nations," he argued. "Big Oil must be held accountable for any conspiracy by or among American oil companies and OPEC members."
The reporting was notably published on the same day as the U.S. Senate Budget Committee's hearing about a nearly three-year investigation into fossil fuel companies and trade groups' decadeslong "campaign of deception and distraction," which has evolved from denying the planet-heating impact of their products to pretending to be part of the solution to the climate emergency.
"The joint report and documents we discovered show how, time and again, the biggest oil and gas corporations say one thing for the purposes of public consumption but do something completely different to protect their profits," Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, testified during the hearing. "Company officials will admit the terrifying reality of their business model behind closed doors but say something entirely different, false, and soothing to the public."
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
I mean I feel like the FACT of the validity of George’s frustration with the treatment of his songs in the Beatles is literally backed up by the numbers. The sheer amount of songs he had backed up for All Things Must Pass, the SUCCESS that record had, and the freaking tiny amount of songs he had present on any given Beatles album. If you don’t think it’s a tiny bit ridiculous then there’s a fundamental lack of respect for George as a musician and songwriter present that I just can’t stand with. At that point it has little to do with how you feel about John and Paul and everything to do with how you see George.
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What Major Historical Events Do You Remember? Reflecting on Construction Safety Milestones
What major historical events do you remember? The broader strokes of history paint a vivid tapestry of global events that have shaped our collective consciousness. But for those deeply embedded in the world of construction, our timeline of significant events is intrinsically linked to the evolution of safety protocols and the drive towards a hazard-free environment. The construction industry has…
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darklucia13 · 10 days
CURSE, my new song with Hex Formes My Instagram
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Two MIT teams selected for NSF sustainable materials grants
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/two-mit-teams-selected-for-nsf-sustainable-materials-grants/
Two MIT teams selected for NSF sustainable materials grants
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Two teams led by MIT researchers were selected in December 2023 by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator, a part of the TIP Directorate, to receive awards of $5 million each over three years, to pursue research aimed at helping to bring cutting-edge new sustainable materials and processes from the lab into practical, full-scale industrial production. The selection was made after 16 teams from around the country were chosen last year for one-year grants to develop detailed plans for further research aimed at solving problems of sustainability and scalability for advanced electronic products.
Of the two MIT-led teams chosen for this current round of funding, one team, Topological Electric, is led by Mingda Li, an associate professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. This team will be finding pathways to scale up sustainable topological materials, which have the potential to revolutionize next-generation microelectronics by showing superior electronic performance, such as dissipationless states or high-frequency response. The other team, led by Anuradha Agarwal, a principal research scientist at MIT’s Materials Research Laboratory, will be focusing on developing new materials, devices, and manufacturing processes for microchips that minimize energy consumption using electronic-photonic integration, and that detect and avoid the toxic or scarce materials used in today’s production methods.
Scaling the use of topological materials
Li explains that some materials based on quantum effects have achieved successful transitions from lab curiosities to successful mass production, such as blue-light LEDs, and giant magnetorestance (GMR) devices used for magnetic data storage. But he says there are a variety of equally promising materials that have shown promise but have yet to make it into real-world applications.
“What we really wanted to achieve is to bring newer-generation quantum materials into technology and mass production, for the benefit of broader society,” he says. In particular, he says, “topological materials are really promising to do many different things.”
Topological materials are ones whose electronic properties are fundamentally protected against disturbance. For example, Li points to the fact that just in the last two years, it has been shown that some topological materials are even better electrical conductors than copper, which are typically used for the wires interconnecting electronic components. But unlike the blue-light LEDs or the GMR devices, which have been widely produced and deployed, when it comes to topological materials, “there’s no company, no startup, there’s really no business out there,” adds Tomas Palacios, the Clarence J. Lebel Professor in Electrical Engineering at MIT and co-principal investigator on Li’s team. Part of the reason is that many versions of such materials are studied “with a focus on fundamental exotic physical properties with little or no consideration on the sustainability aspects,” says Liang Fu, an MIT professor of physics and also a co-PI. Their team will be looking for alternative formulations that are more amenable to mass production.
One possible application of these topological materials is for detecting terahertz radiation, explains Keith Nelson, an MIT professor of chemistry and co-PI. This extremely high-frequency electronics can carry far more information than conventional radio or microwaves, but at present there are no mature electronic devices available that are scalable at this frequency range. “There’s a whole range of possibilities for topological materials” that could work at these frequencies, he says. In addition, he says, “we hope to demonstrate an entire prototype system like this in a single, very compact solid-state platform.”
Li says that among the many possible applications of topological devices for microelectronics devices of various kinds, “we don’t know which, exactly, will end up as a product, or will reach real industrial scaleup. That’s why this opportunity from NSF is like a bridge, which is precious, to allow us to dig deeper to unleash the true potential.”
In addition to Li, Palacios, Fu, and Nelson, the Topological Electric team includes Qiong Ma, assistant professor of physics in Boston College; Farnaz Niroui, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT; Susanne Stemmer, professor of materials at the University of California at Santa Barbara; Judy Cha, professor of materials science and engineering at Cornell University; industrial partners including IBM, Analog Devices, and Raytheon; and professional consultants. “We are taking this opportunity seriously,” Li says. “We really want to see if the topological materials are as good as we show in the lab when being scaled up, and how far we can push to broadly industrialize them.”
Toward sustainable microchip production and use
The microchips behind everything from smartphones to medical imaging are associated with a significant percentage of greenhouse gas emissions today, and every year the world produces more than 50 million metric tons of electronic waste, the equivalent of about 5,000 Eiffel Towers. Further, the data centers necessary for complex computations and huge amount of data transfer — think AI and on-demand video — are growing and will require 10 percent of the world’s electricity by 2030.
“The current microchip manufacturing supply chain, which includes production, distribution, and use, is neither scalable nor sustainable, and cannot continue. We must innovate our way out of this crisis,” says Agarwal.
The name of Agarwal’s team, FUTUR-IC, is a reference to the future of the integrated circuits, or chips, through a global alliance for sustainable microchip manufacturing. Says Agarwal, “We bring together stakeholders from industry, academia, and government to co-optimize across three dimensions: technology, ecology, and workforce. These were identified as key interrelated areas by some 140 stakeholders. With FUTUR-IC we aim to cut waste and CO2-equivalent emissions associated with electronics by 50 percent every 10 years.”
The market for microelectronics in the next decade is predicted to be on the order of a trillion dollars, but most of the manufacturing for the industry occurs only in limited geographical pockets around the world. FUTUR-IC aims to diversify and strengthen the supply chain for manufacturing and packaging of electronics. The alliance has 26 collaborators and is growing. Current external collaborators include the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI), Tyndall National Institute, SEMI, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Intel, and the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Agarwal leads FUTUR-IC in close collaboration with others, including, from MIT, Lionel Kimerling, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Elsa Olivetti, the Jerry McAfee Professor in Engineering; Randolph Kirchain, principal research scientist in the Materials Research Laboratory; and Greg Norris, director of MIT’s Sustainability and Health Initiative for NetPositive Enterprise (SHINE). All are affiliated with the Materials Research Laboratory. They are joined by Samuel Serna, an MIT visiting professor and assistant professor of physics at Bridgewater State University. Other key personnel include Sajan Saini, education director for the Initiative for Knowledge and Innovation in Manufacturing in MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Peter O’Brien, a professor from Tyndall National Institute; and Shekhar Chandrashekhar, CEO of iNEMI.
“We expect the integration of electronics and photonics to revolutionize microchip manufacturing, enhancing efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and paving the way for unprecedented advancements in computing speed and data-processing capabilities,” says Serna, who is the co-lead on the project’s technology “vector.”
Common metrics for these efforts are needed, says Norris, co-lead for the ecology vector, adding, “The microchip industry must have transparent and open Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) models and data, which are being developed by FUTUR-IC.” This is especially important given that microelectronics production transcends industries. “Given the scale and scope of microelectronics, it is critical for the industry to lead in the transition to sustainable manufacture and use,” says Kirchain, another co-lead and the co-director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub at MIT. To bring about this cross-fertilization, co-lead Olivetti, also co-director of the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC), will collaborate with FUTUR-IC to enhance the benefits from microchip recycling, leveraging the learning across industries.
Saini, the co-lead for the workforce vector, stresses the need for agility. “With a workforce that adapts to a practice of continuous upskilling, we can help increase the robustness of the chip-manufacturing supply chain, and validate a new design for a sustainability curriculum,” he says.
“We have become accustomed to the benefits forged by the exponential growth of microelectronic technology performance and market size,” says Kimerling, who is also director of MIT’s Materials Research Laboratory and co-director of the MIT Microphotonics Center. “The ecological impact of this growth in terms of materials use, energy consumption and end-of-life disposal has begun to push back against this progress. We believe that concurrently engineered solutions for these three dimensions will build a common learning curve to power the next 40 years of progress in the semiconductor industry.”
The MIT teams are two of six that received awards addressing sustainable materials for global challenges through phase two of the NSF Convergence Accelerator program. Launched in 2019, the program targets solutions to especially compelling challenges at an accelerated pace by incorporating a multidisciplinary research approach.
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dreamings-free · 7 months
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Felix Howard, Director of A&R at BMG UK, at Louis’ show at The O2 London 17/11/23
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bahadurislam011444 · 3 months
Unveiling the Best SEO Worker in Bangladesh: Driving Digital Success
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