mtg-smash-or-pass · 3 months
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robotpussy · 1 year
that african queens show.... why are they still trying to push that cleopatra was black because now these nonblacks are gonna bring out the antiblackness (once again) to tell us that we're "black washing" everything when we all know she wasn't black. of all the queens in africa they're focussing on Cleopatra too like what happened to discussing Nefertiti if they want to stay in Egypt so bad
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marciliedonato · 2 years
just came to the unfortunate realization there are blogs abt ppl supporting literal inc*st between g/mikey in the year of our lord 2023 and a BUNCH of them at that apperently and i’m afraid some of you are simply just past the point of touching grass doing anything for you....
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ihaveforgortoomany · 15 days
Discussing the 2.0 storyline focus, potential story threads
(Spoilers for 1.9, 2.0,2.1 and the recent release of the 2.2 PV)
Again MAJOR spoilers will be discussed here for 1.9 so do not read if you are global only.
Ive been sitting on some thoughts and would like to put them somewhere so here.
This will be purely lore based ( I am open for discussion and asks about global and cn btw asks are open I think?)
Focus on Zeno:
If the focus of the 1.0 storyline was on Laplace then 2.0 is focused on Zeno this time around. We are likely to be getting more Zeno characters as well (think so far its Lopera deffo, and idk on Mr Duncan and White Rum) just like with Laplace. Lilya probably is gonna be present for the long haul of the story arc, at least 2 to 3 patches possibly so it will be interesting to get more of her background and childhood.
In terms of Igor, there is a chance that like Lucy, he may become playable in the future. Igor now 2.2 is being sent to "clean up" the situation in Sao Paulo and this immediately is about killing all of the officers involved in the mutiny (again Lopera, what is her position here? I lean towards being a local as she doesn't wear the Zeno uniform as far as we have seen examples of. As much as alot of people want Igor to be playable I have a couple of suspicions on him.
Urd, Bessmert and Martha:
I think 2.0 story might give us more answers to Vertin's mom this time around. Not much here but oh god you better not leave a cliffhanger before Bessmert Martha Urd whatever actually has a convo with Vertin BP.
Implications of nuking Arcana:
Victories in R1999 are never simple (sure that Reformation Bill got passed but the "doves" of the Foundation is still a plotline that has not fully been addressed yet).
1.9 Igor is the one who verifies if Arcana is dead, with the headphones and all. What is suspicious is that after taking them off he says "it was just the wind shes dead", now why include that line? What if it wasn't just the wind but actually Arcana in some shape or form had survived? Arcana has already been referred to as a powerful arcanist and we do not know the full extent of her powers, as I said before shes created a martyrdom out of herself now coming to fruition in 2.0.
Druvis is a major flag here: out of everyone so far we interacted with she is definite that Arcana is not entirely defeated, and tbh she alongside Forget Me Not probably have been around her substantially enough to make a judgement like this. I mean Sophia got maybe one or two interactions with Arcana before the shitshow that was the Storm of 1914.
Stephen in 2.1 points towards these complications, although take this but with a grain of salt as I cannot translate anything and can only judge the voiced lines. He calls Vertin a murderer straight up over the nuking, ofc Vertin would be credited with the victory as it was her team that got Arcana in position for Zeno to fire but wdym? Why a murderer? Wasn't it Zeno who fired the bomb, and it was a longstanding goal of Zeno? It could be Tuesday manipluation of his fears so again conjecture.
Discussion of 2.2 story/ what the hell is gonna happen:
Already warning signs to the Foundation as a whole: Laplace did see loads of personal fall for the effects of the imperfect incantation and now wait to find or decide the new head of Laplace. Zeno even more dangerous, Igor suspecting potential Manus infiltration into their ranks and already Igor has resulted to literal firing squad of officers in the Sao Paulo branch. Maybe Stephen is not an outlier his thoughts. We still do not know the identities of the Eyepatch officer and the other dead ones who attempted to kill Vertin or his motives. (Again you start and focus on this one seen and show the immediate aftermath + Bessmert and Vertin interaction, thats alot for first mainline CH)
Were probably gonna get more information on the internal workings of Zeno this time around, possibly attempting to root out the Manus infilration.
(Thats everything so far in speculation I will return to Global posting possibly until the versions come out)
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thesoleilla · 2 years
Flufftober Day 4: Supporting silly quirks/hobbies:
Masterlist Fandom: bungo stray dogs
Ship: Akutagawa x reader
Warnings: Reader steals stuff out of spite, established relationship, swear words
Akutagawa had never been a man of knowledge when it came to social norms, so he usually just copied his trusted coworkers' reactions to things. But still, was collecting a stolen pencil from every single mafia member really necessary? So, he confronted you about it.
"Y/N? Why are you stealing these?! Don't youy see it's completely useless?! Haven't you got anything better to do?" He called out, almost screaming. "Shit I didn't want to be that aggressive", his inner mind was shouting, though he'd never admit it.
"Ryu, of course I know this is useless! It's just fun to do! Plus it doesn't really affect anybody you know, it's just pencils! It's not like they notice it anyways...and if there's a pencil shortage, you're gonna be ready just because of your amazing s/o! I know, I know, no need to thank me" His anger immediately disintegrated at your speech, how could he be angry at you when you seemed so happy? Someone with such a cute face had to be right, it wasn't hurting anybody! If a few colleagues complaining about lost pencils occasionally was the price to pay to see you like that, he sure as hell would pay it.
And so, days after days, he became more and more invested in your pencil stealing addiction, almost like an apprentice, until his exam day came! Today, the both of you would infiltrate the Agency and steal a pencil from the boss. Nothing could stop world pencil domination!
The plan was set in stone, You would throw a realistic cat plush at the window next to Fukuzawa's desk to lure him, after that Akutagawa would enter the building while hiding and get the pen, and use Rashoumon if discovered. Yes, you were going to such lengths for pencils. Has anybody got a problem with that?
The only problem was the following, Akutagawa got caught, which meant he had to use Rashoumoon for a pencil.
"Alutagawa-kun! What a shame to see you up here! Mind telling me about your infilration mission here? Oh, is that the boss' pencil? What are you doing with that, dear subordinate?" Dazai greeted him, a hint of mockery in his voice
"Shut up Dazai. I won't hesitate to fight you if I need to. Someone needs this" He said, confidently.
Because this was still cheap in comparison of the smile you'd make when he showed you the pen.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! Then again, I didn't reread this even once because I want to sleep so feel free to point out errors lol, I'll correct them
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razzberrydazz · 11 months
I'll summarize. During BG2, protagonist and party are shapeshifted (magically disguised) as Drow and infilrate the Drow city of Ust'Natha. Jarlaxle knows. Jarlaxle's lieutenant named Visaj offers to sell the party a magic rope to infiltrate a Drow lich's tower. Instead, when Drow lich tries to Imprison the party they are teleported to Jarlaxle's current hideout. Jarlaxle reveals that he knows. Pretends that souls of his men have bee imprisoned in gems the lich has. This is a lie, they are just gems Jarlaxle wants. But party kills lich, gets gems, gets teleported back to Jarlaxle. Jarlaxle reveals con, points out party can still take out Drow noble house associated with Lich and loot Lich's tower for other goodies. Teleports them back and wishes them good luck. If you really want the footage you can search for "Baldur's Gate 2 Jarlaxle" on the tube of you and probably find it.
Thank you for this vital lore information I will cherish and chew on it thank you thank you. I will always happily accept more lore on my man Jarlaxle.
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 years
( open )
America didn't have the same culture surrounding alcohol that the UK did--Mattie'd once seen a graphic that showed how many pubs were in the UK; there was a lot--but Mattie? Well, you could take Mattie out of the UK, but you couldn't take the UK out of Mattie. That, and the fact that she'd had a long day, was the reason that she was in a bar at about midday.
One day, someone would probably try to stop her from day drinking. They could certainly try.
It really had been a long day, though. The morning had been... as normal as it could be when Captain America was a fugitive, and had slowly collapsed into chaos when he turned up to announce what Mattie had already known--HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D in the same way a smaller sibling 'infilrated' the tree house--and had given her ample reason to grab everything she'd been keeping in her office and run.
Her hand was now gripping the strap of the bag that was far too big to be inconspicuous tightly, as if afraid that some stranger might try to walk off with it. It was heavy, which was the only reason the thing wasn't in her lap. Instead, it was on the seat next to her in the booth she'd slid into with the grace of an 18-wheeler on an ice rink as she determinedly sipped her drink; downing it in one had felt like a little too much, even for her.
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gray-dun · 2 years
#hobbystreak 411 worked on some 2nd hand infilrators I got early on when I started back into the hobby and jazzed up the Sgt a bit with a Skull I had laying around and a cape from a BT SB. Then pink highlights on the Tau breacher.
#miniaturepainting #WarhammerCommunity
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[SMUT] Overreact, Overstimulate | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Smut, Fluff)
Category: Smut, Fluff (Mandatory) Age: 18+ Trigger Warnings: Oral male receiving), intercourse, double penetration, oral (female receiving), subspace Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Reader Falls Into Subspace During Sex With Bucky And Steve Request: “Could I request a follow up in the sub space universe? Maybe the 3 of them playing and seeing the boys put her into subspace and bringing her back out? Intense play and lots of dirty sex would be awesome!!!” Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 9,026
“So, what are your thoughts?” Nat asks the woman as she stares at the plans on the sheets of paper covering the table.
(Y/N) tries to gather all of her thoughts, unsure of what she’s actually thinking.
“Does Bucky know?” She responds, voice quiet. Nat purses her lips.
“You think I’d ask for this to be a private meeting if he did?” She responds, raising a brow.
“I can’t do this to him, Nat.”
“(Y/N), we need you for this. We’ve been looking for an open door to get into Hydra’s base for months! You’re the key to getting in there and I think you’re damn well aware of that.” The woman tries to explain, but (Y/N) still shakes her head.
“I know, Nat, I know, but I can’t do this to him. You know what he was like with Steve getting involved with Hydra, let alone me.” The girl has guilt in her eyes and Nat can hear it in her voice but that doesn’t change anything.
“Then don’t tell him!”
“I can’t hide this from him and you know it.”
Nat sighs and leans back in her chair, still keeping her eyes on (Y/N)’s.
“There’s no persuading you, is there?” She mutters, (Y/N) shaking her head with a sorry smile.
“Sorry, Nat. He’d find out and I couldn’t live with myself going behind his back.”
There’s a few moments of silence as the two ladies stare at each other before Nat speaks again.
“FRIDAY, please ask Bucky, Steve and Tony to come here now.”
“Of course, Miss Romanoff.” The AI responds.
The pair return to their silence until the door opens and Tony strolls in, Steve and Bucky only seconds behind.
“What’s going on?” Steve quizzes as soon as he sees the stare that Nat is giving (Y/N).
“Bucky, don’t speak until I tell you to.” Nat responds, eyeing up the brunet who furrows his brows at her words but nods nonetheless. “Tony, I spoke to (Y/N) about mission seven-nine-four-two.”
This time, Steve joins Bucky in furrowing his brows.
“FRIDAY, give me a run down of mission seven-nine-four-two.” The blond instantly demands, Tony going to stop it but Nat holds up her hand to silence the billionaire.
“Mission seven-nine-four-two is encrypted and can only be accessed by the following members: Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, (Y/N) (L/N) and Nick Fury.” The AI explains.
“FRIDAY, please allow Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes access to the file.” Nat speaks, not wanting to receive the abuse from the two super soldiers who look ready to demand answers in any possible way.
“Of course, Miss Romanoff. Captain Rogers, Mission seven-nine-four-two, also named: Confidential: HYDRA Infiltration with (Y/N) (L/N), was a mission organised by Nick Fury who found an opportunity to infiltrate the HYDRA base where Sergeant James Barnes was held prisoner during the time where he was brainwashed as The Winter Soldier. Mister Nick Fury requested that Miss Natasha Romanoff and Mister Tony Stark were to persuade Miss (Y/N) (L/N) to break into the HYDRA base and make up a lie claiming that she knew the whereabouts of Sergeant Barnes so that she could access their files and bring them back to SHIELD. The meeting between Miss Romanoff and Miss (L/N) that took place today at fourteen-hundred hours was so that Miss Romanoff could persuade Miss (L/N) to complete this mission without informing Sergeant Barnes. Miss (L/N) politely refused the mission and, in her own words, said that she could not to this to Bucky.”
Bucky’s entire body is tense after hearing the entire story but he softens slightly at the last part.
“So, let me get this straight,” Steve begins, walking closer to the table and scanning all of the documents, including maps, blueprints, itineraries, identification files and so much more. “Fury thought he’d get our girl to lie her way into the one God-damn place where Buck was ruined, just to get some fucking information?!” He finishes, voice now loud and furious.
“Calm it, Capsicle.” Tony warns, receiving a glare from the blond.
“Calm it? How about we send Pepper into Ten Rings’ base to get information, yeah? And not tell you?” The Captain sees Tony visibly tense up at his words and anger flash in his eyes. “Exactly, Stark. Fucking exactly. If I can’t trust any of you to think rationally about sending mine and Bucky’s fucking girlfriend into the one place we want her furthest away from, I’m not sure I want to stick around with the Avengers.”
“Steve, calm down.” Nat adds, staring up at the man with her usual poker face but the look in her eyes are threatening.
The man’s eyes flicker to look at his girlfriend who has remained silent since everyone entered the room. Her eyes are staring blankly at the table, not focused on it, which means she isn’t here. Her head is miles away. She’s probably just listened to Steve’s rant but she doesn’t know what to say or do.
“Why would you keep this from us?” Steve asks, voice now somewhat calmer, but it sounds almost void of all emotions. He looks back at Nat before flicking to Tony.
“Because of this, Steve. You and Bucky would overreact.” Nat comments.
“Overreact?” Bucky interrupts at this point, catching everyones attention, except (Y/N)’s.
“I said don’t speak until I told you to.”
“You were going to send my girlfriend, alone, into HYDRA’s base, without telling Steve and I, and you think we’d overreact?” The brunet continues, ignoring Nat’s words.
“Yes, Barnes, I do.” The woman states, voice confident.
“We wouldn’t overreact, we’d react exactly how any person fucking would. In fact, I think our anger right now is quite tame compared to what Tony’s would be if, as Steve said, it was Pepper going into Ten Rings’ base.”
“Shut the fuck up.” The man himself hisses at the thought.
Bucky glares at him as if to prove his point.
“FRIDAY, can you play back the conversation that took place from the start of this meeting until we came in.” The brunet calls, looking up at the ceiling.
“Certainly, Sergeant Barnes.” The AI responds, playing back the conversation. It’s the last bit that the men really care about.
“Does Bucky know?”
“You think I’d ask for this to be a private meeting if he did?”  
“I can’t do this to him, Nat.”
“(Y/N), we need you for this. We’ve been looking for an open door to get into Hydra’s base for months! You’re the key to getting in there and I think you’re damn well aware of that.”
“I know, Nat, I know, but I can’t do this to him. You know what he was like with Steve getting involved with Hydra, let alone me.”
“Then don’t tell him!”
“I can’t hide this from him and you know it.”
Bucky’s eyes flicker to the back of his girlfriend’s head as he listens to the way she felt so bad for even discussing the idea of breaking into HYDRA, knowing it’d destroy him.
(Y/N) loves going on missions and she loves her life as an Avenger, but she couldn’t go on that mission.
“(Y/N),” Steve speaks up once the playback has ended.
The woman’s eyes glance up to meet her lover’s but her expression remains lost. Steve doesn’t know where he was going with his sentence in all honesty.
“I’ll go.” Nat murmurs but Steve snaps his head to look back at her and holds out his hand, gesturing for her to wait.
“You’re meant to be her friend.” He states.
“I am her friend, Steve.” The woman responds, eyebrows furrowed, annoyed at his words.
“No. Friends wouldn’t ask her to do something you know she’d be uncomfortable with.” Steve’s voice still holds anger. Frustration.
“I wasn’t asking her as her friend, I was asking her as her colleague who got asked by my boss.”
Bucky scoffs at her words, receiving a glare from the woman.
“You need to reconsider your priorities if you chose work before friendship.” Steve states, lowering his arm and raising the other towards his girlfriend, offering it to hold. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”
(Y/N) simply takes his hand and allows him to help her to her feet. He walks toward the door and takes Bucky’s hand in his other, leading his two lovers out of the room and to the elevator. The ride silent as they return to their floor. Their floor literally hosting their three bedrooms, although they all practically live in Bucky’s room. The brunet claimed that their scent helped him sleep whenever they were out and he was alone.
Steve continues to drag them out the elevator and into his room.
“FRIDAY, lock the door and don’t let anyone in.” Cap orders.
“Of course, Captain.” The AI complies.
He spins the two in front of him and eyes them both up, trying to understand how they’re feeling.
“What’s on your mind?” The blond quizzes, glancing from Bucky to (Y/N) and back, over and over.
“Bucky’s mad at me.” (Y/N) instantly whimpers, making the brunet snap his head around to stare at the woman, wide eyed.
She acknowledges that her lover is looking at her but daren’t taken her eyes away from Steve. The blond furrows his brows also, knowing it isn’t true.
“No he isn’t.” Bucky responds, reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ear. “I could never be.”
Her eyes close as she feels his fingers on her skin, making goosebumps scatter her body. An involuntary shiver runs down her spine and he notices. A smirk hits his lips and he glances at Steve, watching the blond’s lips also curve upwards as they catch each others gaze.
“How could I be mad at my baby doll?” The turn in Buck’s voice makes the girl’s knees weak and she closes her eyes, exhaling audibly.
The brunet moves to stand behind his girl, gently moving her hair out of the way so that he can rest his lips on her neck, the fluff of her jumper tickling the hairs on his beard.
Steve takes a step forward so that he’s stood in front of the woman, licking his lips as he watches her body react to the man behind her.
“How could I be mad at my baby doll when she’s so good to me? My girl is so good to me even when I’m not there.”
(Y/N)’s lips part slightly and the blond can’t stop himself leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. She instantly responds, their kiss starting as dirty as ever. His tongue was in her mouth in seconds. The whimpers that escape her body as she feels Bucky’s hands rest on her waist, sliding their way up her body until they’re groping her breasts.
The gasp that escapes her, the small moan that comes with it, all breathed in by Steve, and it doesn’t help the confinement that’s growing in his underwear. The Captain’s hands reach up to rest on her waist now, going back to kissing her lips whilst Bucky continues on her neck, focusing his attention on the caressing and grip of his hands on her clothed tits.
“Such pretty noises, baby doll. Who’re they for, huh? Tell me.” The man’s voice is so full of lust and want, it’s almost like it was transferred from the fear and anger he has inside him.
The girl can’t respond, she simply lolls her head back to lean on his shoulder, removing her lips from Steve’s.
The blond leans forwards and briefly catches Bucky in for a kiss before going to the other side of her neck, pressing his own kisses there.
“I think our boy asked you a question, sweetheart.” His voice is a whisper, the air hitting her skin making her shiver once again. Bucky can’t help but chuckle.
“Is our little girl feeling a bit sensitive?” The brunet asks, voice still quiet.
(Y/N) gulps.
“Bucky,” She whimpers, Bucky tutting at her word and removing his lips from her skin. A whine escapes her. “No, no, no, please…”
He smirks and admires her trying to turn to face him but not wanting to stop Steve’s ministrations.
Unable to help himself, the soldier wraps his arm around the back of her head, yanking her face to his so their lips collide in a heated passion. A small ‘sorry, Steve’ coming from his mouth before he does.
The kiss is just as dirty and messy as Steve’s was, if not worse. The man needs to remove all of the emotions he’s feeling and he knows that his two lovers are more than happy to comply and assist.
(Y/N) turns her body completely to face the brunet, Steve gripping her hips and thrusting his lower body forwards so that (Y/N) can feel his clothed erection, straining against his jeans, against her ass. Her own hips jolt forwards, crashing into Bucky’s crotch in response, receiving a growl from the man.
“You’re so fucking sexy.”
“Absolutely stunning.” Steve adds in agreement, lightly biting on her earlobe.
“Our sweet baby doll. Want us to play with you? Toy with your body like we own it?” Bucky questions against her lips, moving around the place kisses on her chin, nose and both cheeks.
The girl nods.
“You do own it.”
That receives a groan out of the Captain, thrusting his hips forward again. His hands make their way down to grip her ass that’s only covered by her thin, black leggings.
“Damn right we do, sweetheart.” His words are strained, even more so as her right hand reaches behind her to play with his crotch. “Fuck, baby girl.”
Without another thought, the woman begins moving her hips so that she rolls her crotch against Bucky’s before grinding her ass against Steve’s painfully hard issue. They both moan and tighten their grip on her body, knowing that they don’t have to be delicate with her.
“Does our little girl think she’s allowed to tease us?” Bucky’s words are playfully warning, but the more wound up she gets, the more she listens to his words. The more of an authoritative figure he becomes.
“You’re both so hard, daddy.” The word slips from her lips before she can think about it and it receives a slap on her left ass cheek in response. A squeal escapes her.
“Repeat that again.” Steve demands, allowing his right hand to wrap around her front and trail down, over her legs, to her crotch, pressing down with his three central fingers.
A moan ripples from her lips and Bucky inhales it. He loves the sound. It is the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
“I said: Repeat. That. Again.” The authority that is already in Steve’s voice sends blood straight down to Bucky’s crotch, let alone make (Y/N) feel like she’s about to gush like a waterfall. She gulps.
“You’re both so hard, Captain?” Her voice is questioning and quiet as she answers with what she thinks her blond lover wants. Unfortunately, it only receives another smack on her ass in response.
“Wrong. I asked you to repeat what you said, and what did you say, baby girl?” The man explains, beginning to make circle motions with his fingers and loving the feeling of her hips uncontrollably grinding down.
(Y/N)’s half-closed eyes look up to meet the gorgeous, blue gaze of Bucky’s in a desperate, silent plea, but he simply shakes his head as he has one hand stroking her face whilst the other palms his clothed cock.
“I said: you’re both so hard, daddy.”
“Fuck!” The girl whimpers, body jolting forward into Bucky’s once again.
“And who are we, sweetheart?” Steve continues.
The amount of times she’s gulped makes the brunet smirk, knowing that it’s her natural response to anticipation.
“You’re Captain,” She begins, Steve humming for her to continue. “And he’s Sergeant.”
Buck hums in approval, leaning down to kiss her already swollen lips.
“That’s a good girl.” Cap murmurs.
“Our good girl.” Bucky agrees.
Pulling back, The Winter Soldier raises his hand to the woman’s lips, hand lightly cupping her face whilst the thumb traces her lips. She doesn’t think as her tongue slips out and circles the tip of his thumb, his actions stopping momentarily to watch hers. Loving the way her eyes close in content. Following prompt, her lips close around the tip, tongue still swirling whilst she moves her head forwards until her lips hit the bottom.
The man groans in approval.
“Does my baby doll wanna suck my cock?” He quizzes, loving the way she nods and hums against him whilst continuing her actions with her mouth. Moans vibrating onto his skin from her mouth as Steve continues his assault on her clothed womanhood. “Does my slutty little girl wanna suck Sergeant’s cock?”
“Yes. Yes, Sergeant, please let me suck your cock.” (Y/N) pleads as she releases his thumb, looking up at him with desperate eyes.
“I wanna see you come for Stevie first, you minx.”
The woman moans at his words and nods, allowing herself to truly indulge in the pleasure she’s being brought by her other lover’s fingers. Upon hearing the request, Steve slides his hand up her leggings and slides his hand inside the material, reaching down and sliding inside her underwear.
“Is our gorgeous girl wearing that dirty, red, lace thong today, hm?” Steve hums, leaning over so that his lips are beside her ear again.
(Y/N) whimpers and throws her head back against his shoulder.
“Well? Is she?”
“Why don’t we find out.” Bucky states, using both hands to grab the top band of the material and yank it, ripping it straight and pulling the material off of her body.
She quietly screams and her eyes widen as she looks down at what the brunet did, the sight making her more turned on than she’d like to admit.
“Well, well, well,” The brunet smirks as the men are revealed with a brand new thong. It’s white, has a baby blue bow on the front with some baby blue ribbon adorning her crotch area. “Did our baby doll get some new underwear and choose not to tell us?”
Steve chooses that moment to shove two fingers straight inside her as she tries to respond, Buck watching her eyes widen and jaw drop as she moans, hands flying forwards to grip onto his shirt. He catches her wrists in his hands.
“I got you, baby. I got you.” He promises, taking a small step forward so that she’s pretty much sandwiched between the two soldiers.
“Oh my God…!” (Y/N) cries as the blond relentless finger fucks her pussy, feeling how dripping wet she already is.
“That feel good, baby doll? You like our Stevie finger fucking that tight little cunt? You love it, don’t you? You love our super soldier shoving his big fingers in that tight hole.”
The woman looks up and stares into Bucky’s eyes as his words make her body tremble. Her jaw is slack and tries to move to speak properly but it’s no use.
“Buck asked you a question, sweetheart.” Steve purrs in her ear, kissing her neck just underneath as he continues his assault. She whimpers. “And it’d be rude not to answer him.”
He chooses that point to curl his fingers, hitting that spot that he and Buck know too well. The moan that escapes her is pornographic and it makes them growl.
“Answer me.” Bucky demands.
“I love it. I love it so much. I love having Captain finger fuck my tight, little pussy!” She exclaims, looking up at the brunet with desperate eyes.
“That’s our girl. How’re you feeling, baby doll? Colour?”
“Green.” (Y/N) manages to whimper, knowing their colour code is the most important thing when they’re in the bedroom.
“Good girl. How’re you feeling?” Steve repeats the other question. “Can feel you squeezing my fingers, sweetheart. You close to coming for me, princess? Is my slutty little girl going to come all over her Captain’s fingers?”
The breaths that desperately come from her mouth make the men smile, Steve speeding up the actions with his fingers whilst Bucky continues to caress her body.
“Oh God, I’m gonna come- I’m gonna- shit! I’m gonna come. Captain, Sergeant, please let me come. Please!” (Y/N) pleads, voice sounding so wrecked and desperate.
Both Steve and Bucky look at each other and smirk as they listen to their girl beg.
“Is our baby doll gonna come for us?” Bucky clarifies, knowing full-well that she is.
“Our dirty, little princess going to give me all of her come?” Steve adds, not stopping his fingers and feels her clamp down on them, her hands gripping Bucky’s shirt like her life depended on it. “Come, baby. Come.”
“FUCK!” She screams, allowing herself to rest her body weight on Bucky, not that he minded - nor really noticed - as he stroked her sides, coaxing her into, through, and out of her ecstatic orgasm.
They can’t help but admire her state. The way her body just becomes lax in their hands.
“You okay, doll?” Bucky murmurs, raising his hands to her face, holding it between his hands and looking into her eyes.
She manages to force her eyes open and give her brunet lover and reassuring smile and nod.
“Yes, Sergeant.”
“That’s our girl.” He grins, leaning down and planting a delicate kiss on her lips.
“Wanna suck Sergeant’s and Captain’s cock.” Her voice repeats her earlier request, shuffling her way out of the men’s grip and dropping to her knees. Her hands reach up, yanking the brunet’s sweatpants down with ease and instantly coming face-to-face with his rock-hard cock as he hadn’t put on any underwear.
“You like that, baby? Like seeing Sergeant’s cock all hard and throbbing for you?” Bucky coos, sliding his right hand through her hair, moving it out of her face.
Just as the woman goes to reach up with her hands, Stevie’s tutting and humming a uh, uh, uh causes her to freeze. Her eyes remain staring at Bucky but she’s listening to her Captain’s follow up words.
“Hands behind your back, baby girl.” The blond orders. She gulps and complies, hands going behind her back and holding onto the wrist of each hand with the other. “Good girl. Now put that pretty mouth to use on our Sergeant’s cock.”
The words our Sergeant send a shiver right to the girl’s core, whimpering audibly before leaning forwards and kitten licking the tip of Bucky’s dick. He immediately hisses and tightens his grip on her hair.
“Don’t tease me, kitten. I’m ready to explode.” His voice holds warning yet both (Y/N) and Steve sense the desperation and weakness in his tone. He uses her pause to yank his t-shirt over his head and throw it aside.
(Y/N) does as told and wraps her lips around his shaft, tongue coating it in saliva. She starts off fairly innocent, taking no more than half his cock in gentle movements. Steve wants nothing more than to get his own dick out and begin playing with himself at the sight of his two lovers but he adores the sight of (Y/N) removing his trousers, especially the belt.
After minutes of being gentle, the woman unexpectedly relaxes her throat and drops her entire mouth onto the soldier’s cock, gagging on it. Curses rip from Bucky’s mouth as he snaps his head down to stare at the sight. Her teary eyes and red face sending him straight to the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm.
“FUCK, (Y/N), baby. You take my cock so good, doll. Take your Sergeant’s cock so fucking good.” He growls. She still doesn’t let up until Steve grabs the back of her hair and yanks it back, pulling her off of the man’s dick, coughing and catching her breath.
“Don’t push yourself.” The blond demands, knowing that (Y/N) will try and take more than she can to please the pair of them.
The woman nods but immediately goes back to sucking Bucky’s cock, increasing her speed.
“God, look at you… So desperate for your Sergeant’s cock like the little slut you are.” He comments, voice strained as he admires the view and tries his hardest to hold off his orgasm.
“Want Sergeant Barnes to come in my mouth.” She mewls as she removes his shaft from her mouth, glancing up with teary eyes to meet his gaze.
Bucky swears his eyes roll to the back of his head at her words.
“Yeah? You want my come in your mouth, baby doll? Want me to coat your mouth in my come?” He quizzes, encouraging her to work her mouth on him like no one ever has or could.
Her attempt is successful as she speeds up her actions, desperately working for her lover’s come. Unable to control himself also, Steve reaches forward and grabs Bucky’s jaw in his hand, firmly. Buck’s eyes snap open, along with his mouth as desperate pants come from his lips.
“Come down our slut’s throat, Sergeant.” The blond demands, voice and expression holding nothing but absolute authority which makes Bucky groan and release himself.
Moaning and throwing his head back, the man releases in his girl’s mouth, streams of hot come erupting from his cock and (Y/N) makes sure that she doesn’t miss a single drop. She also moans at the taste, making sure to gently work her mouth around him so that she gets every last drop.
“Bucky, colour?” Steve demands, watching the brunet take a few deep breaths before meeting his gaze.
“(Y/N), colour?” Cap follows up, looking down as (Y/N) glances up to meet his stare.
“Green.” She confirms, licking her lips.
“That’s our girl.” The man grins, reaching down and stroking her cheek, adoring the way she leans into his touch.
His gentle nature disappears as quick as it appeared as he slides his hand into her hair, yanking her up to her feet, sadistically loving the way she hisses at the sharp pain, and presses his lips to hers, tongue invading her mouth once again, adoring the taste of a certain Sergeant’s come that lingers in her mouth.
“Our pretty little whore.” He mutters, watching the way her eyes glass over with lust at his words. He smirks, admiring the sight of her falling deeper and deeper into the dreamland she calls subspace. The place where she doesn’t have to worry or think about anything. The place where she well and truly gives herself to Bucky and Steve, allowing them the trust of owning her entire body. Words will never be able to explain how much they appreciate and treasure that trust.
“Captain,” The woman whispers, staring into his blue eyes that hold so much love and affection in them.
“Yeah, baby girl?”
A carefree smile, one that represents that of a little girl, etches itself onto (Y/N)’s face.
“Love you.”
Steve swears his heart swells up at her words and he smiles back, leaning forward and giving her lips a gentle peck.
“I love you too, princess, but I think a certain man behind you is feeling left out.” He teases.
“Love you, Sergeant.” (Y/N) whispers, leaning back and trusting the brunet to catch her body, which he does without fail.
“I love you too, doll.” Bucky’s voice murmurs, pressing his lips to her shoulder.
“Want Captain’s cock.” The girl states, voice needy - almost whiny.
Steve’s eyes close at her words as he momentarily fantasises about the sight he’s grown to love so much. Dropping down to her knees once more, Steve releases his grip on her hair, watching her hands stay by her side as she raises her head to his crotch, more or less stroking her face against it, feeling the bulge against her face before opening her mouth, licking the denim that covers his erection. He also yanks his long-sleeved tee over his head and tosses it aside.
“Look at you, baby girl. So fucking needy for your Captain’s dick, even after taking your Sergeant’s so well.” The blond mocks, stroking her hair as if she’s his pet. His kitten.
(Y/N) nods against him and looks up at him with the most loving expression.
“Love your cock, Captain.”
The man throws his head back and nods, mainly to himself.
“Good fucking girl.” He murmurs.
The woman reaches up for the man’s belt and glances up to him again.
“Can I take your belt off, Captain?” Her voice is so innocent, genuinely asking if her actions are permitted. It drives the two soldiers crazy with desire.
“God, you’re such a good girl asking your Captain for permission.” Steve groans, stroking her hair in approval. “Go ahead, baby.”
Nodding, (Y/N) unbuckles the man’s belt and pulls it out of the belt loops in his jeans. Turning around, the woman glances up at Bucky and hands him the material. The brunet smirks and crouches down, using his free hand to lightly grasp her face and press his lips to her own.
“Such a good girl for us.” He praises, watching the sparkle in her eyes as he does.
Once he stands back up, the woman shuffles on her knees again so that she’s facing Steve, reaching up to unbutton and unzip his jeans before pulling them down his legs. Steve helping her dismiss them by kicking them off.
“Captain, you’re so hard.” The girl mewls against him, feeling her other lover’s hands grab her wrists, pulling them behind her back. She feels the leather material of Steve’s belt wrap around her wrists, tightly.
“All for you, baby girl.” The blond responds before Bucky speaks up.
“Colour, kitten?”
“Green.” She whispers, feeling the brunet begin tying up the belt on her wrists.
(Y/N)’s tongue escapes her mouth and licks Cap’s erection over his grey boxer shorts, hearing him hiss at the mild sensation. Unable to help himself, the man grabs her hair tightly once again, forcing her to lean her head back and look up at him.
“Don’t fucking tease me.” He demands, (Y/N) nodding.
“Yes, Captain, sorry Captain.”
“Good girl.”
Using her teeth, the woman reaches up and bites the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down, over his ass and down his thighs. Again, the man uses his own legs to help her shuffle and kick them off.
“Think you can take it, princess?” Steve murmurs, watching the way she stares at his shaft smiling as she nods.
Without another thought, (Y/N) leans forwards and takes his cock into her mouth, instantly working it as best she can. Meanwhile, Bucky reaches for the top of the jumper she’s wearing, at the back, and rips the material straight down the back centre. The woman moans and the vibrations prompt Steve to groan, jolting his hips forwards so that his cock hits the back of her throat.
“Well, would you look at that.” Bucky begins, admiring the view. “Our little slut has a matching bra to go with her pretty, lacy underwear.”
Cap glances down to see the undergarments and growls at the sight.
“You kept that from us, didn’t you, baby?” The blond comments, continuing to rock his hips gently into the woman’s mouth. She hums a response that is incoherent as she focuses on pleasuring the man.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Bucky demands, crouching behind the woman once again and stroking his hands all over her almost-bare body. “So fucking sexy.”
“I need to be inside her, I can’t handle this.” Steve suddenly pleads, pulling himself out of her mouth and watching her lick her lips, eyes showing disapproval at his withdrawal. “Don’t give me that look, you’re about to get fucked properly, sweetheart.”
The excitement and lust that shows on her face makes him bite his lip.
“God, I adore you.” He smiles, reaching down and kissing her. She moans into his mouth as Bucky’s palms grope her tits, hard. “You like that, baby girl? You like our soldier grabbing your pretty tits? They’re so perfect and gorgeous.”
“I love it.” (Y/N) whimpers, whining even more when she feels Bucky press himself against her back, grinding his hard cock against her ass, her hips moving to work with it.
“I’ve gotta have her ass, Steve. I need it.” The brunet pleads, sucking on the skin of her neck.
“Fine by me, means I get to fuck that tight little pussy.” The Captain nods.
“What do you want, doll?”
(Y/N) snaps out of her dazed bliss for a second.
“I need you both to fuck me, now.”
A slap on her ass makes her eyes widen.
“You don’t make the demands round here, little girl.” Bucky warns, stroking over the red mark that’s appearing on her skin. “Now, do you want to try that again?”
The woman’s eyes meet Steve’s, looking for help, but he simply raises a brow.
“Sergeant, please put your cock in my ass whilst Captain puts his cock in my tight, little pussy.”
Both men moan shamelessly at her words and nod. Buck standing up and yanking (Y/N) up with him, hands on her hips.
“Come here, baby girl.” Steve prompts, tapping the backs of her upper thighs, insinuating her to jump. She complies and whimpers as his tip instantly prods against her clothed clit.
Bucky has crossed the room to their bed and grabbed the bottle of lube out of the bedside drawer, pouring some onto his hand and stroking his cock with it. As a distraction, Steve uses one hand to pull the woman’s underwear aside and immediately slides his cock inside her, filling her to the brim. A gasp rips from her and her jaw falls slack.
“Fuck, baby girl, you’re so fucking tight. You feel so good around my cock, sweetheart. Your tight little pussy is clenching my dick so hard and so well. Love the feeling of your pretty pussy around me.” The blond groans, eyes closed as he relishes in the feeling of his girl’s cunt. “(Y/N), breathe for me, love.”
Steve forces himself to snap out of his pleasure-heightened state for a moment as he acknowledges the lack of oxygen flowing through the woman’s body.
“(Y/N),” The Captain attempts again.
“Doll, colour?” Bucky adds.
“M’okay.” She murmurs, gaze meeting Steve’s.
“Colour?” He repeats.
“Orange-Green.” (Y/N) responds. “Please, move.”
“You keep breathing for me, sweetheart, and I promise we’ll make you feel good, yeah?”
The woman nods.
“Words, doll.” The brunet orders, (Y/N) leaning back against him.
“Yes, Captain.”
“That’s our girl.” Steve smiles, beginning to pull out before sliding back in. The whimpers that crawl out her mouth making him groan.
“Faster, please.”
“Colour?” Cap questions.
“Green. Green, so very green.”
Without another thought, his pace becomes relentless. Moans and cries rip from them both, indulging in the feeling.
Coating his own hand in lube, Bucky spreads his girl’s ass from behind and slides his right hand between, teasing her entrance with his index finger, feeling that her hole is already lubricated from her come.
“Stevie,” The brunet calls, prompting the Cap to slower his thrusts in understanding.
“Relax for me, baby.” Bucky’s husky voice murmurs, pushing against the barrier of her asshole. She whimpers at the sensation and leans forward into Steve. “That’s our girl. You’re doing so well. You’re so tight for me, kitten.”
Her whines and whimpers soon enough turn into moans and pleads.
“More. Please, more.” Her voice begs, turning her head around to try and view her brunet lover.
“Such a needy little whore, begging for your Sergeant to fuck your ass with his fingers.” Bucky degrades, pouring more lube onto the top of her ass and watching it slip down the crack and cover his fingers. Coating his middle finger, he slowly begins to slide that in alongside his index.
A long, pleasured sigh exhales from her lips. Steve turns his head and presses gentle kisses to the side of her head.
“You’re doing so well, princess. Taking our Sergeant’s fingers so well.” He coos.
“Please, Sergeant, fuck me.” (Y/N)’s voice whines. Bucky groaning and nodding.
“You tell me to stop at any time, okay, doll?” Buck confirms, hearing her hum in confirmation. “Good girl.”
Bucky empties the rest of the lubricant onto his cock and covers it, keeping two fingers in the woman’s ass, only pulling out, slowly, as he aligns his dick with her entrance. He throws the bottle across the room.
“You ready, baby?” He checks once more.
“Yes, Sergeant.” The girl breathes, and with that, he slides into her, eyes clenching shut at the sensation, hands gripping her hips whilst Steve’s grip on her thighs tightens.
“Fuck, baby doll, so fucking tight.”
“Breathe, sweetheart.” Steve continues to remind her, smiling when he hears her release the breathsa she was holding in. “That’s our girl. Keep those breaths coming. You like feeling your Captain’s and Sergeant’s cocks inside you at once? You like it when your Captain and Sergeant fuck your tight pussy and ass at the same time? Such a little slut for us, baby girl.”
(Y/N)’s moan could be heard by the whole tower if it wasn’t soundproofed. Her grip on Steve would’ve painfully hurt the average person, but as we know, our super soldier could handle it. In fact, he loved the slight pain he felt when his girl was clinging to him, digging her nails and teeth into his skin as she feels two hard cocks slide into her at once.
Buck slides out about half way before sliding back in, setting a pace that matches with Steve’s. The groans and grunts that come from the men help (Y/N) chase her inevitable orgasm quicker, knowing that her body is able to make the two people she cares about most feel so good drives her wild.
“Fuck, kitten, you’re squeezing my dick so fucking hard. You gonna come, baby doll? You gonna come for Sergeant and Captain?” The brunet continues to coo, knowing his words can send the woman crazy. Her head nods, frantically.
“Yes. I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come. Please, Sergeant, Captain, please can I come?!” She finishes her beg with a gasp as Steve hits her g-spot, she stares at his hooded, blue eyes.
“Come.” Steve’s voice holds nothing but authority and demand, sending her spiralling toward ecstasy. Her head throws itself back along with her eyes rolling backward.
The blond growls at the feeling of her clenching around his cock and he knows he won’t be able to hold off much longer. A grip on his hair makes him re-open his eyes - unsure of when he even closed them - and look to see Bucky’s tense face staring at him.
“Come inside her.” He tells his boyfriend.
“Please, Captain. Please give me your come.” (Y/N)  pleads, still coming down from her high but desperate for the man to give her what she’s after. “I want your come dripping out of me.”
“FUCK!” Steve cries out, throwing his own head back as his hips set an uncontrollable, relentless pace, chasing his own orgasm which is ready.
The woman, now leaning her head on Steve’s shoulder once more, continues whimpering words of plead into his ear.
“Come for me, Captain. Come for your little slut. I’m your good little whore, right? Please give me your come. Please!”
“I’m gonna come!” Cap’s voice is strained as thick streams of come erupt from his cock and deep inside the woman’s cunt, (Y/N) feeling absolutely all of it.
Bucky would be lying if he said that the feeling, sight and sound of his two lovers coming together didn’t throw him to the brink of his own orgasm, but he wanted to hold off. He knew if he had his second orgasm now, he would be too exhausted to finish off his girl after, and he knows exactly what he wants to do.
“So fucking hot.” The brunet grunts once Steve takes some deep breaths to come down from his high. “Gonna slide out of your tight, little ass, okay, doll?” He checks, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of her back.
The woman nods and makes a humming noise.
His actions and slow and cautious, making sure he doesn’t hurt his girl, nor make her uncomfortable. She whines slightly when his cock finally leaves her ass but Steve’s strokes on her body calm her.
“Colour, sweetheart?”
“Green.” (Y/N) whispers. The blond places a kiss atop her head.
“Good girl.
Bucky’s hands reach around to sit alongside Steve’s under her thighs.
“Gonna let Stevie pull out of you, okay, doll?”
The woman hums again, leaning back so her weight is on the brunet instead of the blond. Steve complying and slowly pulling his cock out of her cunt, groaning at the sight of his come mixed with hers dripping out of her, onto the floor, her thong still sitting aside her slit.
“Can see our come dripping out of you, baby girl. So fucking hot.” Steve comments.
Adjusting his arms, Bucky holds the woman bridal style and lays her down on their bed. He sits on his knees at the bottom of her legs.
“Think you can handle one more orgasm for me, kitten?”
Her glazed eyes meet his own that hold nothing but love and care, knowing that if she chose to say no, he wouldn’t have minded in the slightest.
“Yes, Sergeant.” Her voice sounds so gone but the men know that they still have a strong hold on her. They’ll never lose her when she’s like this.
“That’s our girl. Colour?”
“Green.” She confirms.
Bucky smiles and presses small, gentle kisses along her legs, gently reaching up and removing her underwear.
“Spread your legs for me, baby.” He coos, lightly helping her in doing so. Not pushing. Never pushing. “So fucking gorgeous.” The man murmurs, eyeing up her glistening pussy that still has her’s and Steve’s mixed come dribbling out of it. “You going to let me taste my gorgeous boyfriend and girlfriend’s come, doll?”
She whimpers again and nods, letting her head lay back on the pillow beneath her.
“Tell me.”
“Sergeant, please eat my pussy. I want Sergeant Barnes to taste mine and Captain’s come. Please, taste me. I want to come all over your tongue.”
“Fuck, baby.” He utters, leaning forwards and licking a bold stripe up from the entrance of her pussy to her clit. The man adores the shiver that she responds with. “Our sensitive little girl.”
As Bucky dives in and truly begins eating out the woman. What Steve can’t help himself doing in the meantime is sliding behind his male lover, who’s backside is raised from being on his knees, and reaches around his torso to grasp his throbbing cock. The brunet moans against (Y/N)’s pussy in response, not expecting the much welcomed attention.
“Colour, Buck.” Steve prompts, checking this is what the man is okay with.
“Green. So very fucking green.”
The blond chuckles at his desperate words and nods, working his cock in his hands.
“Gonna need those multitasking skills now, Sergeant. Wanna have you come whilst you make her come.”
Bucky moans against the girl’s cunt at his man’s words.
(Y/N) flickers her eyes open to see what the words Steve’s saying actually mean, and she moans at the sight she’s greeted with. Having Bucky’s head between her thighs, eating her out like she’s his last meal, whilst Steve gives him a hand job and grinds his own cock against his ass drives her wild.
“You like that, our little whore, huh? You like seeing your Captain play with your Sergeant’s cock?” The blond mocks, (Y/N) whimpering and nodding.
She’s immediately distracted from the sight as Bucky shoves his tongue inside her hole, making her hand reach down and grip his hair, hips bucking upwards and head throwing itself back.
“You like Sergeant tongue-fucking your come-filled pussy, baby girl?”
The woman can’t respond, she simply nods her head, desperately.
“I asked you a question, slut.”
“YES! Yes, Captain, yes! I love Sergeant tongue-fucking my come-filled pussy!” She screams as she continues to buck her hips against his mouth, that is until his hands come up to her hips and pin them down.
“Don’t be a desperate little slut. Keep your hips still and I’ll give you what you want.” Bucky’s voice demands, glancing up to meet her glassy eyes. She whimpers as she sees her come mixed with Steve’s on his lips.
“Yes, Sergeant, sorry, Sergeant.”
“That’s our girl.”
Buck can feel his own resolve crumbling as Steve continues to work his cock with his hands. His own hips begin moving on their own accord to chase the orgasm that’s so close.
“Wanna come, Sergeant? Want to come all over my hand? You gotta make our girl come first and I promise I’ll let you.” Steve comments, feeling the way the brunet desperately works against his hand actions.
The brunet groans and nods against (Y/N)’s cunt, knowing she’s getting close anyway and begins toying with her clit.
“Oh, God!” She cries out, gripping his hair with so much force. He loves it. He absolutely adores it.
“You gonna come all over our Sergeant’s tongue, baby? Do you want to come in his mouth whilst I make him come all over our bed and my hand?” The blond coos.
“YES! Please, please, please, please! I’m gonna come, oh God. I can’t- shit! Captain, I feel like- Oh my God! SERGEANT-” (Y/N) trips over her words and Steve’s eyes almost sparkle when he realises what her feeling must be.
“Make our whore squirt, Sergeant.” He demands, taking an educated guess. “Make her squirt whilst you come all over my hand.”
Bucky swears he’s never been in such euphoria before as he feels his girlfriend squirt into his mouth, screaming as she does so, hands yanking on his hair as she cries out in pleasure. He himself groaning and bucking his hips uncontrollably, trying to focus on getting his girl off instead of moaning as he comes for the second time that night all over Steve’s hands. The Captain also manages to come, strings of hot, white semen landing on Bucky’s back. The unison of all three of them moaning and crying out in pleasure.
Steve manages to come around first, seeing (Y/N) and Bucky looking like they’re almost passed out and he knows he can’t let that happen. Despite his own exhaustion, he makes quick work of going to their ensuite and grabbing some wet cloths and dry towels, as well as running the bath.
“(Y/N), Buck, stay with me, alright?” He calls, Bucky humming in understanding but keeps his eyes closed as he rests against (Y/N)’s inner thigh. “(Y/N)!”
Upon hearing Steve’s second call of her name, the brunet forces his head up and reaches his hand up to his girl’s face.
“Hey, doll, open those eyes for me.” He murmurs, watching as her eyelids flicker and she reluctantly opens them. A few tears spill from them but the men know they’re from nothing but pleasure. “Colour, (Y/N).”
Her lips move slightly but she can’t find the energy to respond.
“Sweetheart, colour.” Steve additionally prompts whilst he cleans up the mess on Bucky’s back and dick before cleaning his own hands and cock.
“Green, Captain.”
Bucky goes to get up but Steve rests a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I got it, don’t worry.”
“But, Steve-“
“Shh, Buck. Go to sleep, alright? You’re exhausted. I’ll look after her.”
The brunet gives the most appreciative smile he can in his tired state.
“Kiss me.” He mumbles, Steve complying and leaning down to kiss the man. “I love you, Steven Rogers.”
“I love you too, James Barnes.”
Turning back to the woman, Steve wraps his arms under her own and pulls her up so she’s sat upright against the headboard.
“Gonna run you a bath, okay, sweetheart?” The blond tells her, watching her nod.
“Was I a good girl, Captain?” She whispers, watching him wipe her lower regions as gently as he can.
“You’re always a good girl, (Y/N). I’m Stevie though, remember?” He tells her, glancing at her and flashing his reassuring smile. “Let’s get you in the bath.”
Steve picks up the woman and carries her to the bathroom, sitting her on the countertop by the sink.
“Can I take your bra off, princess?” He asks, raising both hands to her cheeks and stroking her flushed skin, wiping the tears that are still falling. (Y/N) nods, raising her hands so Steve’s arms can slide around her chest and unhook the material at the back, gently sliding the material down her arms and throwing it into the laundry basket.
“Will you come in the bath with me?” Her voice is that of a lost, innocent child and it makes Steve smile slightly, knowing that only him and Buck will ever have the pleasure of seeing her this innocent and vulnerable.
“Of course I will, sweetheart.”
He lifts her again and climbs into the, now ready, bath, using his foot first to check the temperature. He sits behind the girl, legs on either side, as she sits between them, leaning back against his chest. Steve reaches over and turns off the taps before stroking over the woman’s skin.
“How’re you feeling, (Y/N)?” The man asks.
“M’happy.” Her voice is still so carefree and almost childlike that Steve knows he hasn’t got her back.
“Remember that time when you, me and Buck went to go and buy him a suit for Tony’s New Year party and he couldn’t work out how to do the tie? He had that black suit on that you adore and you had to teach him how to properly tie the tie because he refused to accept that you tucked the large part into the top. You told him about clip-on ties and he threw a fit because he had to wear a proper one.” Steve begins to talk to the woman, coaxing her mind back to reality. “Then on the day of the party, Tony was complaining that we were late because Bucky was adamant on tying it himself but he couldn’t. He wasn’t letting us anywhere near it.”
A small chuckle escapes the man as he reaches behind him to grab the woman’s apple scented shampoo, pouring some on his hand and returning the bottle.
“Can you sit up for me, sweetheart? Just going to wash your hair.” He requests, (Y/N) complying. “That was the night that Sam spilt champagne all over you. I’ve never seen the man look so scared of Buck and I before.” Another small laugh comes from his lips.
The man falls silent again for a few moments whilst he massages his girl’s hair, making sure that the shampoo is covering every strand.
“Luckily Pepper managed to get that stain out without ruining the dress.” He smiles, now washing the shampoo out of her hair. “It was similar to when we went out for my birthday at that restaurant near the State Building and the waiter spilt red wine on my trousers. If looks could kill, Bucky would be a wanted man.”
He continues to reminisce on a handful of their infinite memories whilst washing her hair and body, helping her out with shaving as well.
“(Y/N), sweetheart?” He asks once he’s washed himself as well.
“Yeah?” Her voice whispers in response.
“Have I got my girl back?”
The blond misses the smile on (Y/N)’s lips as she turns slightly so she can curl up against his body.
“Yeah. She’s all here, thanks to you.”
“God, I love you, you know that?” Steve smiles, pressing a kiss atop her head.
“I love you too, Stevie. Are you okay?”
“I’m perfect, never better. Shall we get out and dry and head to sleep? Buck will complain about the coldness of an empty bed sooner or later.” The man chuckles, prompting a giggle from the woman.
Steve climbs out the tub first, grabbing a towel and briefly drying himself off before tying it around his waist, grabbing another one of (Y/N) and opening it up for her to step into.
“Come on, pretty girl.”
“Thank you, Stevie.” She smiles, allowing the man to dry her body off, more or less using the time to worship her body all over again.
“You’re so beautiful.” He tells her, pressing kisses to all of her scars from their never-ending missions.
It took far too long for Steve and Bucky to assure the woman that she’s absolutely flawless, scars and all, but they got there. And although she’s still learning to accept them herself, she knows that her two super soldiers truly believe that she is stunning, and that’s enough for her.
“What do you want to wear to bed?” He asks as the step back into the room, eyeing up Bucky who’s fast asleep on his side of the bed.
“Anything.” (Y/N) shrugs, Steve nodding and grabbing a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt from his closet and hands them to the woman.
“These okay?”
They both change into their respective nightwear and climb into bed, (Y/N) laying between the two men. As soon as they settle down, Bucky’s arm wraps around her waist and pulls her against his chest.
“Took your sweet time.” He mumbles into her hair, followed by a small kiss.
The woman giggles.
“Sorry, baby.” She whispers, kissing his chest.
“Don’t be. How’re you feeling?”
“All good. Go back to sleep, my sleepy soldier.” Her voice is so full of love and adoration it makes the man’s heart swell with so many positive emotions that he’s still getting used to.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, James.”
Steve curls himself up against (Y/N)’s back and also wraps his arm around her.
“Thank you for declining the mission.” The blond whispers, feeling Bucky tense up slightly at the words.
“I would never do that to either of you.” She replies, followed by a yawn. “I love you both too much.”
“That’s our girl.” Bucky smiles, feeling himself drift off once more, knowing that he’s got his two lovers safe with him.
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baka-monarch · 3 years
QUACKITY HAS TORTURED THE INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO THIS OUT OF DREAM (since Dream won't tell him how to revive people-).
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Send 💬 and my muse will say what they really think about yours.         
“Portgas- who knows what he’s really up to? He acts like a nice guy, like such a playful, endearing and harmless child but he’s a pirate. One that is a Whitebeard Commander. He’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s a liar, a thief, and has numerable offenses against his name. I don’t know what motivates him, what or who he’s loyal to. He wears Whitebeards mark, and they say Whitebeards are a Family... but what does that mean to them? There have been and are many ‘Pirate Families’, and their definitions of such are all different.”
“...he had me and others fooled, when infiltrating the marines. I can’t decide if I blame him or our lack of diligence, but I do blame him for how- how he could laugh and smile and be one of us! It should have been obvious he was a spy, but for as short as he was with us, I-...
“I don’t know what to think of him. Is he an idiot? Most Certainly. A fool though? No. From what I saw of him, what I thought I knew, he isn’t heartless or needlessly cruel. If anything, he acted like a decent human being.
“... Above all though, Portgas D. Ace is something else. He’s a pirate, and he does what he wants, whatever it may be. Only he could tell you want that is and why.”
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dloeza · 4 years
Your art is lovely, and your bean medic commits the warcrime of living in my heart rent free. Thank you so much for your contribution of many beans. If I had cash, I would buy something off of redbubble, but bean medic already mugged me twice today. Keep it up!
OHHH THANK YYOU SO MUCH I’m happy he seems to have infilrated other hearts as he has my own ^_^ <3
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violet-dragongirl · 3 years
The thing I’m hating about being a combat medic is that people need to be rezzed. Okay then, Don’t go so fucking far out. There are exception classes like the blademaster and the infilrator, but if you’re NOT a class that is supposed to be in deep territory...stay close to me godfuckingdamnit it’s not that hard.
Because also this makes it harder for close-to-base classes to get to you IF THE COMBAT MEDIC IS DOWN... simple tactics people jesu fucking hell christ
Also for the love of god let me ‘nade kill enemies so I can rez the classes that need to be deep in enemy lines.
“I’m a healer...but...” =_=
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vanillacoolatta · 3 years
when a mutual in a different internet circle rbs my post and i get notes from people with usernames that would not be in the circle i'm in it's like . yess . i have infilrated your ranks .. how would you feel if you knew you just rbed a post made by an mcyt blog
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pathak03-blog · 4 years
Hold On......💘
Hold my hand and persuade the way
tell me all you want to say
Whisper softly in my ear,
all those things I want to hear
Kiss my lips and touch my skin
bring out passions deep within
Draw me close and hold me near
eradicate my pain and fear
In the darkness of the night,
shine your beacon, be my light
In the luster of the sun,
demonstrate you are the one
Offer me wings so I can fly
and I will soar when you're nearby
Infilrate my heart, break the wall,
it's time for me to let it fall
I've been a prisoner, extensively
Break my chains and set me free
Strip me of my armor tight
this time I won't put up a fight
Release my soul held deep within
For you’re in my heart where love begins....❣️
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courtingcourtiers · 4 years
FF7R Wizard
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brief overview
wizard is a shinra trainer who joined shinra at sixteen as an intern. they specialize in training SOLDIERs and other shinra cadets in materia. when they first obtained their position, the met bing (a friend's s/i), who was rather flaky. later, they were brought on by the science division to help with materia development, though they weren't particularly helpful on the science side.
when chadley was introduced into the science division, wizard took a shining to him and volunteered to follow him under the plate to help him with his "internship." they quickly became a staple under the plate simply because of their wondering and association with chadley. they become fairly well-adjusted to the neighboring sectors.
they're twenty when the main plot of ff7r starts. they're largely detached from the plot given their relationship with reno and rude. when the plate falls, they're already out of the sector due to reno's tampering.
their key plays in the plot happen during the infilration of shinra tower. they end up joining cloud and his party when the party meet up with chadley in the tower. wizard offers to take them where they need to go, so long as they get the clearance.
because of this, they end up escaping the tower with cloud and co., leaving chadley behind - to their regret. they known that they would likely become a criminal if they stayed, so they end up following the gang outside of midgar.
cloud strife - wizard doesn't like cloud all that much at first, because of his threat to chadley. later, though, they end up being rather fond of him. he's kind of awkward and they find it somewhat endearing. they like talking with him and talking at him, depending on the situation. cloud, in turn, likes that he's not really expected to talk, but is glad that they'll listen when he does. given how wizard sometimes assists at seventh heaven, they see each other often enough to development comradery and, later, feelings. in short: they are homosexuals.
chadley - wizard meets chadley in the science division when they're eighten and they're kind of horrified by what the science division is willing to do. they quickly grow attached to him, given how young he is - thirteen to wizard's eighteen. given the chance, they offer to watch over him while he spends time under the plate, demoting them from their previous position. in short, they are siblings.
tifa lockhart - wizard offers to work at tifa's bar for extra gil after their demotion. they spend a lot of time there, enough so that they and tifa become friends. they're not as close as they could be due to their respective affiliations, but they're close enough.
barett wallace - wizard likes barett. they think he's an excellent dad and they like talking to him about their respective kids. barett is a bit softer on wizard than he would be otherwise because of chadley. he and they spend a lot of time bonding and barett is like wizard's father figure, in a way, in spite of their affiliations.
avalanche - wizard has a workable friendship with the rest of the avalanche members. they're all somewhat wary, but seem to understand why wizard can't leave shinra. of course, they still joke about wizard offering information.
reno and rude - reno and wizard were fast friends. reno took a shining to them when they were younger and they ended up developing a quick and rather intimate friendship. rude kind of went along with befriending wizard because of reno. it took a while for him to warm up to them. the two of them end up getting wizard and chadley out of sector 7 before the plate falls, though at the respect of wizard's regard.
tseng - he knows wizard because of reno and rude. he's cordial toward them and even taught them how to fight when they asked, but ultimately they're not very close. they count as friends on the barest of levels and wizard wants to get to know him better but they just. don't.
aerith gainsborough - aerith and wizard meet because of reno, again. they're comfortable with each other and are good friends. aerith will put flowers in wizard's hair and they'll share stories. wizard adores her and considers her one of their closest friends.
reeve tuesti - wizard really likes reeve. they’re friends and reeve basically pulls them through the science part of what’s going on when they’re recruited to the science division. despite him being a lot older than them, they develop a solid friendship and end up spending a lot of time together. he’s the person who tells them the plate has been dropped and he promises them that he’ll look after chadley after they leave midgar with cloud’s posse.
andrea rhodea - andrea and wizard are homies. andrea sees wizard investigating the honeybee inn and basically takes them under his wing bc they look lost. he is basically their mentor in all things fashion.
leslie kyle - leslie and wizard are friends/have unresolved tension. leslie is still desperately hoping to find his fiance but he and wizard get rather close. nothing comes of it, of course, but they do remain good friends no matter what.
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