#Instagram Hashtags Generator
neoseotipsblogs · 6 months
Instagram Hashtags: Everything You Should Know in 2024
Instagram hashtags remain a powerful tool for increasing engagement and visibility on your photos. 
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trapangeles · 5 months
Demystifying the Instagram Algorithm: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, understanding the algorithms that dictate what content users see is crucial for anyone looking to build a successful presence. With Instagram being one of the most popular platforms for content creators and businesses alike, mastering its algorithm is essential for maximizing visibility and engagement. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of the Instagram algorithm and provide actionable tips for optimizing your content strategy.
Understanding How the Algorithm Works:
First and foremost, it's essential to understand the core principles that underpin the Instagram algorithm. At its core, the algorithm is designed to prioritize content that is likely to resonate with users based on their past behavior and interactions. This means that posts with higher levels of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, are more likely to appear prominently in users' feeds.
Key Factors Influencing the Algorithm:
Two primary factors influence the Instagram algorithm: user behavior and post engagement. User behavior encompasses actions such as likes, comments, and shares, while post engagement refers to the interactions a post receives. By analyzing these factors, the algorithm determines the relevance and quality of content, ultimately shaping users' feed experiences.
Optimizing Your Content Strategy:
To leverage the Instagram algorithm effectively, content creators and businesses must optimize their content strategy. Here are some key tips for maximizing visibility and engagement on the platform:
Create Engaging Content: Focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing content that resonates with your target audience. Use compelling visuals, captivating captions, and relevant hashtags to grab users' attention and encourage engagement.
Post Consistently: Consistency is key on Instagram. Develop a posting schedule and stick to it to keep your audience engaged and ensure your content remains visible in users' feeds.
Use Relevant Hashtags: Hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing the discoverability of your posts. Research relevant hashtags in your niche and incorporate them strategically into your captions to expand your reach and attract new followers.
Encourage Engagement: Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, liking and sharing user-generated content, and initiating conversations. The more engagement your posts receive, the more likely they are to be prioritized by the algorithm.
Analyze Performance Metrics: Monitor the performance of your posts using Instagram Insights to gain insights into what content resonates most with your audience. Use this data to refine your content strategy and optimize future posts for maximum impact.
By understanding the intricacies of the Instagram algorithm and implementing a strategic approach to content creation, you can enhance your visibility, attract new followers, and drive engagement on the platform. With these insights and tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media and build a thriving presence on Instagram.
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buggachat · 4 months
adrien never went to public school / adrienette have never met AU where Ladynoir are dating but Marinette has beef with Adrien Agreste™ on twitter, spurred by her interest in the fashion industry and her friendship with Mylene. ads are all over the place of Adrien promoting products like air in a bottle and NFTs and just generally so many products that are extremely poor taste/bad for the environment. Marinette tweets about beauty standards in the industry and all the shit Gabriel brand does to the environment and how Adrien Agreste perfectly encapsulates it all.
Adrien, of course, never responds to any of her tweets. her tweets are just white noise in the background. she is nowhere near on his level. one day Marinette tweets out something akin to "if I saw Adrien Agreste irl i'd punch him in the face" and her twitter gets banned for Threats of Violence, Alya draws attention to the injustice of it via the Ladyblog and suddenly "I want to punch Adrien Agreste in the face [gets banned]" becomes a bit of a meme. NOW people know who Marinette is and are listening to what she's saying (on her new account or whatever). Chat Noir also tweets that he wants to punch Adrien in the face
A hashtag trends. Marinette caves and starts tweeting about the scandals of the industry on her Ladybug twitter too. Adrien's twitter and instagram comments are flooded with both threats to punch him but also just generally critical comments like "nice pic and all but are you not going to address the sweatshop allegations?". Adrien still does not address it. At most he turns comments off. Marinette is gnawing at the wood of her desk.
Then a Ladybug and Chat Noir identity reveal happens.
Marinette is stunned. Absolutely mouth agape. Cannot form words. Chat Noi— NO, ADRIEN— ADRIEN FUCKING AGRESTE looks at her and is like "oh ha :) .... Marinette Dupain-Cheng, right? You're the girl who wanted to punch me hahaha"
after recovering from her world being shattered, she's like...... "hahaha...... um............... yeah...... uh..... so you... DO know who i am. and you're just. ignoring it then. hahaha... ok... thats....... fine..... anyway..... u-uh...... im not... gonna actually punch you. but. um. k-kitty do you um. maybe want to stop promoting deforestation and all that"
he's like "I don't"
she's like. "yes you do. literally in your newest ad you said to the camera 'who needs trees when bottled air is the way of the future'. like did you really read that line out loud and not see a problem with it"
"yeah, that wasn't me"
"what are you talking abou—"
"it's deepfaked"
"..... what"
"all of my ads in the past few years are deepfakes. I complained too much so my father fired me. turns out that i signed away all rights to my face and voice to him when I was 13 or something. he can just use my face and voice and name however he wants. he generates ads. i dont even have access to the 'Adrien Agreste' twitter or insta accounts. sometimes he makes me do runways but beyond that I'm not involved in all."
"... ... ... ... ... what"
"yeah haha... :") im sorry. i wish i could help you more. but he never listens to me. i don't like it either, i.... i've asked him to stop sooo many times. but he never listens to me. i hate seeing my face used without my consent but haha.... i don't... have any rights here so. sorry. i really wish i could help more"
and now marinette hates "Adrien Agreste"™ ads/posts EVEN MORE and is threatening to kill Gabriel Agreste himself. all while kissing the real adrien agreste silly
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traditionaljewellery78 · 10 months
( rings,earing,nacklace,nacklace set, jewellery set,gold jewellery, anklet, nose pin)
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panstag · 1 year
Free Hashtag Generators for Instagram
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The Benefits of Using Hashtags on Instagram:
Before we dive into the list of hashtag generator websites, let's first understand why hashtags are so important on Instagram:
Increased Visibility: Hashtags make your posts discoverable to a broader audience beyond your followers, helping you reach potential new followers.
Enhanced Engagement: Posts with relevant hashtags tend to receive more likes, comments, and shares, increasing your overall engagement rate.
Categorization: Hashtags allow you to categorize your content, making it easier for users interested in specific topics to find your posts.
Community Engagement: By using trending and niche-specific hashtags, you can tap into existing communities and connect with like-minded individuals or businesses.
Brand Recognition: Consistent use of branded hashtags can help build brand identity and recognition among your audience.
Now, let's explore the top 20 free hashtag generator websites for Instagram:
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smellslikebot · 2 years
how to keep following people when a major social platform implodes
(...and you don't want to join 20 new websites)
First, get an RSS reader*-- here are some free options:
Desktop: Feedbro (browser extension), Fraidycat** (browser extension/web), Thunderbird, Dreamwidth (web)
Android: Feeder
iOS/Mac: NetNewsWire
You'll be able to make a custom feed to follow blogs, webcomics, social media feeds, podcasts, news, and other stuff on the web all in one place. To follow something, find its "feed URL"-- often marked by an icon that looks like this ↓-- and paste it into your reader of choice as a new feed.
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Some feed URLs for social media/other sites:
Tumblr: Use username.tumblr.com/rss or username.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art/rss to follow a blog's "my art" tag (as an example)
Cohost: Use username.cohost.org/rss/public
Mastodon: Use instance.url/@­username.rss
Deviantart: Info here
Spacehey: Info here
Youtube: Go to a channel in a web browser, view page source, and use Ctrl-F/Command-F to find a link that starts with "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id="
Reddit: Info here
Lemmy: At the top of a community's main page, there's a small RSS link next to where you sort posts/comments.
Some additions thanks to @innumerablewounds:
Dreamwidth: https://username.dreamwidth.org/rss (users can opt out of this).
Ao3: Tags have an "RSS Feed" button.
Bluesky: Add /rss to the end of a URL.
Neocities: https://neocities.org/site/username.rss
Sites that won't work all that great:
Twitter: Feedbro and Fraidycat** may be able to use Twitter profile URLs as feed URLs. Otherwise, use nitter.net/username/rss (or other Nitter instance) Public Nitter instances are dead/dying, and Twitter is now very hostile to pretty much anything that makes it easy to generate an RSS feed. For popular accounts, try this workaround using Google News...?
Instagram: Feedbro may be able to use Instagram profile and hashtag URLs as feed URLs. Check Feedbro's "scan interval" setting-- you could be rate limited or temporarily IP banned from Instagram if it makes requests too often!
Facebook: Feedbro may be able to use public Facebook group/page URLs as feed URLs, but see the warnings for Instagram.
Threads: Come on.
Also see how to find the RSS feed URL for almost any site. Try using public RSS-Bridge instances or Happyou Final Scraper to generate feeds for sites that don't have them (Pillowfort, Patreon, etc).
*You can set up your subscriptions in one reader and import them into another by exporting an OPML file. **Fraidycat's intended use is following a lot of people across different sites, so it's well-suited for this post and I'd recommend keeping an eye on it-- but I didn't recommend it initially because I had some issues with it, and it hasn't been updated in a while. The last time I used it, it didn't have a setting to change how often it makes requests to websites, causing me to get IP banned from Twitter and Instagram...
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myrefersofficial · 2 years
How Does Social Media Help Small Businesses Grow?
Social media has revolutionized how small businesses reach and engage with their target audience. In today’s digital age, social media platforms are a cost-effective and powerful tool for small businesses to showcase their products and services, build brand awareness, and reach a wider customer base. 
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With over 3 billion people worldwide using social media, it allows small businesses to connect and engage with customers in real-time, fostering meaningful relationships and ultimately driving growth and success. Small businesses can find new clients and expand their brand by utilizing social media to expand their customer base. 
Top 5 Ways Social Media Can Be Useful For Small Businesses 
The following is a list of the top five ways that small businesses can benefit from using social media:
Brand Awareness: 
Small businesses may build brand awareness by establishing a presence on social media and maintaining an active presence there through regular posting and interaction with followers. Social media allows companies to promote their goods and services, provide information and updates, and interact with the people who follow them.
Customer Engagement: 
Social media gives companies the ability to connect with their clients in a more personal and conversational manner to provide them better satisfaction. Businesses can strengthen their ties with their customers and boost the loyalty of their customers by reacting to comments and messages left on their websites. 
Traffic Generation:
Traffic generation to a company’s website can also be accomplished through social media to accomplish the goal of lead generation. Businesses can attract new prospects and turn them into customers by promoting information on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, for example, blog articles and product sites.
Market Research:
For market research, social media may be an extremely useful source of information regarding the preferences and actions of customers. Businesses can obtain a better knowledge of what their consumers like and what they want to see more of in the future by tracking mentions, comments, and feedback from those customers.
Effective Advertising: 
Social media platforms offer advertising alternatives that are both cost-effective and capable of targeting specific groups, which enables small businesses to get their message in front of the appropriate individuals. Advertising on social media platforms can be a more cost-effective strategy for reaching new customers and driving sales.
Contribution Of Different Social Media Platform In The Expansion Of Small Businesses
Each social media platform offers its users a one-of-a-kind collection of features and capabilities, distinguishing it from the others in terms of the types of businesses and marketing objectives best suited to use it. A basic summary of the contributions that each platform makes to the expansion of small enterprises is as follows:
#1 WhatsApp
WhatsApp is largely used for business-to-customer communication (also known as B2C communication), including order monitoring and customer service. WhatsApp allows for rapid and effective customer service, fortifying a company’s existing relationships with its clientele. Sharing content with their audiences is also easier on WhatsApp.
#2 Facebook
Facebook is a flexible platform that can be utilized for various reasons, including the development of brands, the engagement of customers, the generation of leads, and the dissemination of advertising. It is an excellent platform for small businesses to communicate with their followers, and market their products and services. 
#3 Telegram 
It is a messaging application that is mostly utilized for conversation and the sharing of material among communities. Telegram is also known as “Telegram.” Small businesses can utilize Telegram to cultivate a following of devoted customers and followers, who can then communicate news, special offers, and other unique material.
#4 Instagram
Instagram is a visual platform great for businesses that sell aesthetically appealing products or services, such as fashion, beauty, or food. Instagram allows small businesses to reach a huge audience that is highly engaged while showcasing their products in an engaging and visually appealing method for that audience.
#5 Snapchat
Snapchat is a platform utilized mostly by younger users, and as such, it is great for businesses targeting users in this age group. Through imaginative and amusing material, such as filters and lenses, small companies can connect with a younger and more engaged audience on Snapchat. Consequently, interacting more with the users. 
#6 Quora
Quora is a question-and-answer platform that can be used by small businesses to exhibit their expertise and create their brand as a thought leader in their field. Small businesses can connect with new potential customers and establish themselves as reliable sources of information if they respond to their goods or services queries.
#7 TikTok
TikTok is a platform for short videos that is perfect for businesses that want to target a younger audience that is more culturally diverse. TikTok allows owners of small businesses to produce both amusing and interactive material, allowing them to demonstrate their wares or services originally and excitingly.
#8 Pinterest
Pinterest is a platform for visual discovery that is great for businesses that sell things that can be aesthetically presented, such as home decor, fashion, or cuisine. Pinterest enables users to create boards that exhibit their items, reach new consumers, and drive traffic to their websites. This feature is particularly useful for small businesses
Social Media Tips For Small Businesses
So far, we’ve talked about why social media is good for your small business and how different social media platforms are useful. Now let’s talk about some more tactical things from the social media marketing point of view. Here are some tips for small businesses that want to use social media for marketing themselves more.
1. Identify the social audience
Most marketers will tell you that getting to know your audience is the first step to making a successful campaign. The same is true for social media. Even if you think you know who your audience is, you can use social data to check what you think you know. Use data from social networks or a third-party social media tool to find out more about your social audience. 
2. Get people involved
Customers contact you on social media for a variety of reasons. Getting in touch with your customers quickly to answer their questions is important if you want to build a stronger relationship with them and sell more. Using a social media listening tool, you can find conversations on social media that you would like to join.
3. Create a content calendar
If you don’t plan your social media calendar ahead of time, you might be scrambling to find content to share. It is a big problem because sharing good content on your social channels is one of the best ways to keep your audience interested and get followers. Choose how often you want to update each social network and profile. Make or find great things to share.
4. Content posting time
You should publish at your best time. You can do this by looking at your sent messages and finding patterns in when your posts get the most engagement, or you can use a tool to do it automatically for you. Every platform has different audiences who remain active at different time periods. So, you should post accordingly. 
5. Find the best hashtags
Even though hashtags may seem overused and are often made fun of in the media, they are still very important. Hashtags can help you reach many more people and even get people to Tweet when they wouldn’t have before. As long as hashtags make sense for your brand, it’s a great way to get content ideas on popular topics.
6. Audit your social presence
It’s important to audit your social presence, no matter how long you’ve been using social media or how much you’ve been doing social marketing. A social media audit will tell you what has worked, what hasn’t worked, which profiles need to be updated, and so much more. You can easily conduct social media agencies to audit your profile and make things easier.
7. Create great posts 
Each social network has different requirements for the size of images you can post, and if you don’t use the right size, your image may look a little off. Video content is also a great way to get more people to interact with you on social media, but making videos can be hard. Make videos using trending topics and music. 
8. Combine free and paid ads
If your messages get fewer views or impressions than you’d like, you can always spend a few dollars between them to boost them. You can get hundreds of new impressions on your posts for just a few dollars. Collaboration on social media is the key! Make sure you put together a team that handles all your messages without getting too busy. 
Social media plays a role in every part of your business, from managing client relationships through your customer service and sales teams to engaging audiences through your social and agency teams to finding new paths for your product team. If you can only manage some social media platforms, hire a digital marketing agency to help you.
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heritageposts · 6 months
An Israeli influence campaign is using hundreds of online avatars and fake social media accounts to attack Democratic lawmakers critical of Israel and promote news articles disapproving of the United Nations Palestine refugee agency (Unrwa), according to a report by the Israeli online watchdog, Fake Reporter. According to the report, the targeted campaign has used more than 600 avatars, sending out 58,000 tweets and social media posts to circulate articles published by The Guardian, CNN and Wall Street Journal, among other major news outlets that amplify Israel’s position on the war. The campaign relies on three major social networks, UnFold Magazine, Non-Agenda and The Moral Alliance, which were created prior to the war in Gaza. But the Hamas-led 7 October attack on southern Israel sent the accounts into round-the-clock posting. The sites, according to Fake Reporter, are geared specifically to a “progressive audience”, publishing content on climate change, AI regulation, and human rights, in addition to the war in Gaza. They have more than 43,000 followers across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The avatars promoting the content talk up their identity with lines like, “As a middle-aged African American woman” and use hashtags like #FaithJourney and #AfricanAmericanSpirituality.
Some examples from the report:
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And continuing,
The avatars were all created on the same day and their profiles were written with the same formula, subbing out just a few words. The declared gender and ethnicity of the avatars don’t match the profile photos, which have been taken from websites selling headshots. The campaign works to amplify news stories published by major media outlets. First, the fake news sites share the reports. Then, the avatars share them across social media, including on the official accounts of Democratic lawmakers. Avatars also shared social media posts showing video clips of what appeared to be Pro-Palestinian protestors calling for "massacres to be normalised" and calling for the US to "go to hell", contrasting that with peaceful protests of pro-Israel protestors.   In other cases, Avatars simply reshared widely published video clips of US lawmakers questioning the heads of Ivy League schools about antisemitism on campus.  [...] According to the report, around 85 percent of all the US politicians targeted by the campaign were Democrats, and 90 percent of them were African Americans. Ritchie Torres, a black Democratic Congressman with generally pro-Israel views, garnered the most social media engagement from the avatars. Other lawmakers targeted included Cori Bush; Lucy McBath; House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries; and Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock. Israeli news site Haaretz reported in January that the Israeli government had launched an online influence campaign to respond to pro-Palestinian content and reports about Hamas.  It’s unclear whether the campaign revealed by Fake Reporter is part of that initiative.
. . . continues at MME (20 Mar 2024)
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stargraph2023 · 2 years
Prince William Attends Ex-Girlfriend Rose Farquhar's Wedding:stargraph
The Prince of Wales, 40, was photographed discreetly arriving via a back entrance at the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Gloucestershire, England. He wore a standard black tuxedo with a white shirt and black bowtie....Read more
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awaketake · 2 years
How To Write Instagram Captions With Nichesss
Are you looking to make your Instagram captions stand out from the crowd?
If so, you’re in luck! In this youtube video, I’ll be showing you how to write instagram captions with nichesss.
I'm going to start by telling you what nichesss is and why it's a great tool for writing instagram captions.
Next, I will show some examples and also how to write your own instagram captions using ai.
That's where you will learn how to write instagram captions with nichesss.
And no you don't actually need to write everything by yourself, let the ai do it instead.
Want more options? That's why I will also show how to write tons of instagram captions.
Edit your hashtags to match your brand identity and add some hashtags (relevant hashtags tool)… and you'r done.
Now that you know how to write instagram captions with niches, you can get nichesss lifetime deal to generate your own captions and hashtags!
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moonikabear · 21 days
Let's #SaveDeadBoyDetectives!
Hi everyone!  
As you’ve probably already seen on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, or even the articles that are already written about how furious the fandom is right now, we are currently trying to fight for Dead Boy Detectives. 
There is A LOT that we can do to make some noise and so much is already being done that it’s all getting very overwhelming to keep track of. So I've made this masterpost listing all (or at least most of) the things people in the fandom are trying to do right now that you can absolutely help with too! Thank you to everyone who’s fighting for the show! <3
DO NOT cancel your Netflix subscription in a fit of rage because of this. Netflix does not care about that. Here’s all the things you can do instead to make some noise to reach the people who worked on the show and hopefully the people at Netflix as well:
Rewatch the show with sound on! You can just connect your headphones and leave it running in the background while doing other stuff.
Interact with the fandom online and share the Hashtags as much as possible! Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, wherever, spread the message as much as you can. The currently used hashtags are ‘save dead boy detectives’, ‘savedeadboydetectives’, ‘renew dead boy detectives’ and ‘revive dead boy detectives’. Try to boost the hashtags that are already used by the fandom but also feel free to create new ones on top of that or just generally tag the show etc.
We have sent out a tweet to Beth Schwartz asking her if there is any possibility of finding a new home or an alternative way of saving the show - if you’re on twitter, share the tweet by retweeting, quote tweeting, adding hashtags and tagging Beth in it! Here’s a link to the tweet: https://x.com/papysanzo/status/1829996492247220319
If you’re not on twitter, you can share the tumblr post about it and tag it using the hashtags mentioned above! Here’s a link to the tumblr post: https://www.tumblr.com/thepopsicle/760364779568300032/the-tweet-is-out-people-were-confused-about-the?source=share
There’s a petition for saving the show - sign it and ideally also share it wherever you can! Here’s the link to the petition: https://chng.it/M8dvDk9BcL
You can fill out the title request form and request Dead Boy Detectives Season 2 three times to let them know we still want it! Here’s the link to the request form: https://t.co/wkLf2DS06j
You can send (anonymous) asks to Netflix’s Tumblr account as long as they’re still open! Tell them how much you love the show and that the fandom wants more of it. Please remember to be polite in the message, rudeness won’t get us anywhere. Here’s the link to Netflix’s Tumblr account: https://www.tumblr.com/netflix
If you want to do more, you can send emails or physical letters to Netflix itself! Please remember to be polite here as well.  
Here’s an email address you can write to: [email protected] 
And here is the address you can send physical letters to: Netflix, Inc. 121 Albright Way Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA 
If you have a subscription, you can also sign into the app and follow these steps: 1. In the lower right, tap “my Netflix” 2. In the upper right, tap the Menu. 3. Tap “Help”. 4. Tap the Call or Chat Button.
We would love to coordinate big watch parties, fandom events and hopefully a big online meetup with as many people as possible! Please feel free to join any DBDA event you see shared online and of course also share the events you know about with others! 
And last but certainly not least, keep creating, interacting and sharing the love within the fandom! Even if all this effort leads to nothing in the end, we want to make sure the fandom stays active for as long as possible and that everyone involved can have fun and a good time with it despite the awful news we got. So keep the happy and positive fandom posts going as well as the fight for the show! <3  
Please don’t feel bad if you’re not doing every single thing on this list, but know that every little bit helps. 
Also, a quick reality check: The chances that Netflix will actually reconsider the cancellation are probably very slim. However, we’re still fighting for any little bit we can get, whether it’s the show being sold to another network, an audio format for season two, some sort of podcast with the cast, getting to read the script, anything. It’s not impossible to get something out of this, even if it isn’t a regular complete second season of the show. We'll keep fighting, even if it's scary, and the odds are bad, and we might die horrifically.
So, on that note - Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post, remember to drink some water, take care of yourself, and have a lovely rest of your day! 
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seoboard · 2 years
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SEO Title tag optimization is a process of crafting an effective title tag for a web page. One of the most important HTML tags for SEO, title tags are meant to be an accurate and concise description of a page’s content.
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sergle · 11 months
I'm thinking abt that pretty fall leaves embroidery pattern post and about how like... it is categorically a repost, it's a reupload. right? a thing that is generally disliked. but because it's credited, it's genuinely boosting the artist in question. and it could ALWAYS be like this. reposting content could ALWAYS be a symbiotic relationship, but because sourcing back to the original creator of something is so uncommon, it's just easier to ask people not to repost it at all. and people still don't understand the difference. or they'll go to the effort of cropping out usernames/signatures to repost something, which is More Effort than literally crediting the creator of something you liked enough to want to repost. Like. I literally don't actually care if my own shit gets reposted, you have to understand. I just don't want it STOLEN. But "do not repost" is easier to write on my art than "you can repost this, but don't alter the image/remove my signature, don't you dare write 'credit goes to the artist' because that is not credit, please link back to my original post or someplace that you can actually find me. please use an actual link/url instead of writing a non-clickable link of my username, because making it text instead of a clickable link cuts the number of people who will go to the effort of visiting my own page in Half." All those aggregate themed accounts, those fuckin annoying as hell instagrams and facebook groups that are like "body positive art we love wamen 💕 hashtag feminism" and then MASS-STEAL plus sized art created by women, if pages like these that always go and steal my older self-portraits and other works... If they just put a link to my prints of those pieces in the text of those posts, or, fuck, my commission info page? I would literally be living on the moon right now. I would have a house on the moon
#there is actually nothing morally wrong with running an account that just reuploads ppl's artwork or their jokes or their cosplays#if you just put a VISIBLE LINK in the description of your post with proper credit then it would be beneficial for everyone#because you can get your little clout or whatever it is you want by putting a bunch of same-category content on a page#but nobody's getting fucked over because if your post blows up then people just get FUNNELED to the source#because it's placed so plainly where everyone can see it#and yeah it's better to retweet or reblog but#on the rare occasion that I see my shit reuploaded on tumblr WHICH IS WEIRD BC I MAKE MY OWN POSTS HERE but anyway#someone making their own post where they upload my stuff. and it's always the floral self portraits so let's say it's a post with all those#if I scroll to the bottom and it says like. Artwork by Serglesinner on Twitter <-- clickable link [Sergle's Prints] <-- clickable link#to my etsy#I'm like oh okay and all the anger leaves my body and I'm like ah I see. and I toss the rock aside#like oh okay so you actually care that a person made these pieces. Instead of posting the caption ''women <3'' or smth#like you've GOTTA die if you do that. but if you just link back#or if you go to the effort of writing like a description with a BLURB? like it's a damn museum. like a light paragraph of info#about what the art is and who made it and their links#I am literally sucking you in a strange and peculiar manner. that is extremely helpful#and maybe other artists don't want this AT ALL and they'd rather people not reupload even if it is credited#but I feeeeeeeeel. like 99% of the time this would solve the issue#reposters could genuinely be helping ppl. sometimes the repost gets more traction than the real thing#as long as it credits the creator then that's an okay thing to happen!#that can land somebody a sale! a commission order! a new fan! A JOB#A JOB!!!!!!!!!!#sergle.txt#I didn't write this eloquently AT ALL what the fuck ever barkbarkbarkbark
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stychu-stych · 2 months
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You can call me Stychu. I'm 28 yrs old, from Poland 🇵🇱, and I work as a digital and tattoo artist. Currently I'm really into Cult of the Lamb fandom and most of my artworks will be about the game.
Please be aware, that this blog might NOT be for younger viewers, people that are sensitive to violence, artistic gore or suggestive content.
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You can also find me on:
Instagram Art account
Instagram Tattoo account
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You can find all my stuff here on:
MangoMilkStudio Etsy
MangoMilkStudio Bigcartel
MangoMilkShop is an online store with fanart and original artworks and stationery goods founded by my fiancée known on social media as MangoMilk. I am a co-owner of the store and also a second artist. You can find more info about us HERE. We sell our products via online (we have worldwide shipping) and conventions (mostly in Poland but we're trying to expand our shop on nearby countries)
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I'm okay with all kinds of asks! About my artworks, tattoos, CotL headcanons, more personal questions, simple messages - choose your poison, just remember to not be rude. I'm also okay with DMs but if you gonna ask me about being mutuals or write simple "hey what's up" I'm gonna to block you 🫵
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"Can I use your artworks as a phone/pc wallpaper?" YES
"Can I dub your comics?" YES and pls tag me I wanna see it
"Can I use your artworks as a reference for drawing?" Yes and pls tag me I wanna see it
"Can I use your designs to make a tattoo for myself" No, I'm working on tattoo commissions pls be patient
"Can I repost your artworks?" No, pls use a reblog button (or share button on instagram and tiktok) if you want to share my artwork on your page
If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an ask
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#stychu tattoo - hashtag for asks about my tattoos and tattooing in general
#ask stychu - hashtag for all my asks
#lambs car playlist - hashtag for making the most annoying music playlist that Lamb could play in Nari's car
#cotl slavic au - mostly slavic themes
#first resurrection - my cotl fancomic
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