#Interactions: Fred
fr1day-incredible · 11 months
Weasley memes part 1
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bethsvrse · 3 months
I find it so silly when someone writes smut about a minor then asks minors to not interact, like bro huh…
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scolo-evil-centipede · 7 months
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Must we march? Can´t we ride?
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caramelteaa · 8 months
This is frubbo to me btw
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Been wanting to say this for a while that Fred is the left and Tubbo is the right, but honestly it could switch
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strobilo · 6 months
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lkj on the red planet
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l3m-ntwo · 9 months
( one of ) Bad's manipulation tactics :
Act suspicious on purpose -> I'm actually a little guy -> I'm a little guy with feelings
Victim pov :
approach the badboyhalo aggressively -> wait. Was that him just being a little guy?? Was he actually telling the truth?? -> this little guy is sad as fuck actually, goddamn
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commanderfreddy · 2 months
people are discoursing about the laios and shiro fight bc that was always going to happen but i do hope that wave crests quickly and we can all come to see it as what it is: literally one of the best written fights between two people who are both entirely justified in their actions and acting without any malice or cruelty of all time
#theres a tendency - especially in action and faction based media (which a lot of fantasy is or is in dialogue with) - to depict fights only#as happening between someone who Is Right and someone who Is Wrong#and getting to see a full on beatdown between two dudes who are both acting in an entirely understandible way and who both dont actually#want to hurt the other at all - to the extent where their desire to maintain a positive relationship with each other is the SOURCE of their#conflict in the first place - is just so cathartic to see#like unpopular opinion but sometimes you do just need to Fight someone to work through issues youre having#like irl i would not recommend that extent of Force obviously#but if you're two people in a situation where neither has active power over the other sometimes the healthiest option involves expressing#and receiving genuine anger that is not filtered through a social buffer#like sometimes you just need to yell that someone is pissing you off by how much they invade ur time and space and sometimes you need to#yell that someone is sabotaging your ability to interact with them by not expressing any discomfort with your behaviour ever#AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO BE YELLED AT#BECAUSE it sucks. it sucks to experience and until you can both share that space of feeling awful with each other youre not gonna get past#it and you're not gonna understand each other's pain#i think they're both wonderfully well written characters and its a testament to their depth as people that i can so easily understand why#and how both of them are behaving the way they do#im still only like halfway through the manga but it is like my favourite character interaction scene so far#fred says a thing#dunmeshi
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
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Request: could you maybe do a caregiver George Weasley and a little male reader? I can’t find any :( and it make me sad. Any plot really but maybe the twins prank him while he is little on accident and he cries so George comforts him and finds out about his age regression? Thank youuu!! <;3🍉⭐️🧃
Fandom: Harry Potter; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
Readers pronouns: He/Him (could be read as they/them but more towards male, he/him reader)
Warnings/includes: Little bit of angst, little space, comfort, crying reader, discovery of little space, pranksters
It was your 7th year, you and the twins were in the same year….and you were best friends the Weasley twins. But they just wouldn’t stop playing pranks on you. You had had some tramas growing up, so you discovered a thing called age regression and started using that to cope and you’d been scared the twins would play a prank on you while in little space…we’ll today it happen.
You’d been really stressed with all of your work for your last year at Hogwarts, you’d also began to slip into little space as you were working. The twins sneak in with confetti poppers, fireworks and a whole bunch of other nonsense. You’d started to slip worse when they decided to set them off. You got so scared and slipped all the way after you processed it you couldn’t hold your tears in any longer, and you started to cry.
“George came back to check on you because he’d heard crying and sniffling. “Baby, what…oh my gosh was that cause of us? I’m so so so sorry baby I didn’t know you were in little space….” He said going and wrapping you in a hug and you sniffled into his shoulder. He picked you up from your chair at your desk holding you in his arms whispering soft comforting words into your ears as he grabbed a stuffier and went to the bed to lay with you. All he did was apologize, because he was oh so very sorry.
“It’s okay daddy, I know it was an accident I forgive you” you say as you started fading into your own little dream world. George just cradled you in his arms until you fell asleep, making a mental note to talk to his brother about not pranking you. He doesn’t ever want this to happen again because he felt so bed and guilty for pranking you while in little space.
A/n: sorry I haven’t been getting stuff out sooner I’ve just been having some bad mental health, but I think I’m doing better and doing y’all’s requests quicker now! :)
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20w14a · 9 months
QNPC02 I stg you and your letters and the flower language... OUGH
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metamatar · 9 months
god it is so humbling to move to a new country even when you know the language
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mankaiaddict · 8 days
(Stupid) headcanon: The twins try to use Harry’s lack of knowledge on the wizarding world to their advantage, and joke about the boogie man.
Harry is twelve when Fred and George first joke about it. They say the boogie man is a real magical creature that grabs at children’s toes, and hides under their beds; really ridiculous stories. The idea makes Harry a little uncomfortable, but he doesn’t believe it. At least, not when he’s big.
Harry is fifteen and is now regressing more and more because of the heavy stress of fifth year. One night, Harry is regressing once more, and he remembers the joke that the twins made almost three years ago about that boogie man. The idea scares him badly, and there’s no way he can go to sleep alone and vulnerable.
Ron doesn’t question or dislike Harry crawling into his bed, since it was an almost daily (nightly?) occurrence. Harry’s rambling to him, frightened and in distress, about how the boogie man might grab him when he’s asleep, and that he needs Ron to protect him. Ron does his best to console and provide safety to Harry, and within fifteen minutes, they’re both asleep.
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soup-scope · 1 year
we need a lovely and sam audio where lovely breaks down over how sam got to keep a good part of his abilities when he was turned but lovely got nothing 💔💔
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l1ttlepup · 4 months
Day 11 of 25 days of moodboards
A character you want as a Cg
🧡Fred weasley moodboard🧡
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My requests are open so feel free to ask for one. I'll make stimboards and moodboards just clarify which one you want!!
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nightwhispcrs · 1 month
closed starter for @vcndetta (frednigel) "you're not gonna try and murder me, are you?" fred asked although he wasn't concerned or worried about that at all. nigel was a punk, nothing more. it wasn't like fred was one of those weird butterflies nigel liked to study - he had nothing to fear.
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mycological-mariner · 6 months
wanna talk about your OCs I would love to hear about your OCs who are they 👀
Oh dear. Sorry I forgot I hadn’t posted this it was in my drafts lol Doing my historical OCs because, well. I wanna and I feel like if I delved into any of my fantasy/sci-fi ones we’d be here ages
Fred Norefleet.
Of all the naval and broadly maritime ocs I have conjured over the years, he’s the most pathetic. By god is he trying his best, but he has continuously come up short in everything he’s done. He tries so hard and his life until recently was just other folk deciding what he was gonna be for him. He’s silent unless spoken to, tends to miss the forest for the trees, stares at you really intently when you’re talking, wishes more than anything to disappear into the background and his first words were probably “I’m sorry.”
That being said, he’s deeply loyal and supports his sisters and uncle financially with his wages. He’s a prime navigator and very detail-oriented, a team player and quite sneaky when need be and might actually make a lieutenant if he didn’t have a spine made from celery. He’s also quite sensitive about his lack of any formal education, receiving the good chunk of it when he became a midshipman. Quite protective, especially after the wreck as a kid. Became a bit of a chronic helper and control freak after that. Absolutely shit at fighting but an excellent sailor. Once dug shot out of his own hip, made it into a coin and carved a ship on it to give to his Friend. He’s that kind of person. He’s trans.
Morwenna Norefleet.
If Fred’s first words were “I’m sorry” then Morrie’s were “WASSON MATE.” The older of the twins by a minute, she and Fred were stuck together like glue until he went away to sea. She taught herself to read by studying the Bible and writes regularly to her brother. As both of them swapped names and gender, they’re quite close. She wants to open her own public house and inn or at least buy one (all the papers in Fred’s name of course). She’s a total flirt, especially with the out of town tinners and any “foreign” sailors (upcountry), even though she’s never settled down what with the whole trans thing. Morwenna embroiders very intricate flowers and landscapes. She once tried to do a ship for her uncle and it was less of a ship than it was a box with sticks. When Fred wouldn’t speak after his shipwreck and time spent stranded when they were 11, she felt really hurt. Especially when he went away to sea the same year, she was really lonely and would often sit in the St Juliot’s graveyard and cry privately. Nowadays she’s alright! Constantly worrying about her brother but also, she’s looking after her other sisters and their children and her uncle and working in an inn and working in the pilchard cellar. Her hevva cakes are amazing. She’s the strongest person in this family, has a deeply rooted sense of self and has boundless self confidence without ever being arrogant. Community and family are what’s important to her most of all, she teaches what she knows of Cornish to her little family members and teaches them to write and read and once hit one unruly patron so hard he woke up crying.
Callum Tredwen.
A mess. Is actively being hunted down by his own brother, is an ex-navy lieutenant, a mutineer and now smuggler. He’s on a suicide mission. He’s a lesbian and has an extremely doomed and unspoken relationship with his first mate. He’s probably committed multiple war crimes, he took a 21-year old doctor hostage and kidnapped him. He ought to be dead but he just won’t die. He’s a dick. An asshole. He’s all the confidence of Morwenna but without any compassion for others (lies, he does, he just rarely acts on it), the anxieties of Fred without any of the perspective. He hits first to avoid ever being hit himself. He refuses to let himself be loved or taken care of. He’s gotten his dearest friends killed and his own self maimed. This man wants blood and he’s going to get it, whether it’s his own or someone else’s. It’s been years and his gender is still “eeeeh.” The 2nd messiest fucker.
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Fred climbing shit like the kitty cat he is [meow]
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