nattikay · 7 months
friendly reminder that Neteyam is a well-adjusted kid who has a good relationship with his parents, that he tries his darnedest to be a good warrior because he genuinely looks up to his dad and wants to be like him, and that the idea that Jake and Neytiri are "forcing" him to be perfect, that they "stole his childhood" or that he's "not allowed" to be a kid, etc. are all pure fanfiction with little to no evidence in canon thanks bye
#avatar#avatar 2#neteyam#given how hesitant Jake is to let Neteyam fight I can absolutely GUARANTEE you that there was almost certainly NEVER an interaction...#...in which Neteyam said ''hey Mom and Dad I'm gonna go hang out with Lo'ak and Kiri now''#and Jake and Neytiri reply ''no son you're too old for such childish things you must come do Adult Tasks that you secretly hate instead#so you can be the Perfect Future Olo'eyktan™"#THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN#AND IT'S NOT “IMPLIED” TO HAVE HAPPENED EITHER#Y'ALL MADE THAT UP IN YOUR HEADS#along with the idea that Neteyam secretly hates his lot in life and is internally yearning to be A Normal Kid™#guys Neteyam WANTS to be a warrior he WANTS follow in Jake's footsteps he strives so hard because HE *WANTS* TO OF HIS OWN ACCORD#there is absolutely d i d d l y s q u a t that suggests this path is being “forced” on him#or that he is being secretly ~crushed under the pressure~ and Just Wants to Be Free or w/e#you. made. that. up.#it's not a canon aspect of his character#and. look. if you wanna explore the idea of him being ''crushed under pressure'' in a fanfic#because you find it interesting or it helps you work through your own stuff then hey be my guest#but once you start saying stuff like#''oh i feel so bad for [canon] Neteyam because he died before he could break free of his parents' toxic influence''#Shut Up™#neteyam's parents were not a toxic influence; he was never forced into being something he didn't want to be; his childhood was not “stolen”#he did not have anything to “break free” of. you are injecting extra layers of tragedy that aren't actually there#you are giving yourself extra grief for things that were never canon#stahp#feel free to write whatever you want in fanfiction but please i am begging you#to be aware of which ideas are actually present in the movie vs. which ones are just fanfiction
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hey everyone, friendly reminder that this year will be the nightmare before christmas’ 30th anniversary (oct. 13, 1993)
also, friendly reminder that, this year, oct. 13, 2023 falls on a friday the 13th
do with that information what you will
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not spop-related but i can't post this on my main blog so.
i do find it funny how most of the fan depictions of belos were far more interesting and detailed than s3 belos. i've seen fanart and fanfics of him where he's a complex villain struggling with religious guilt and then the canon is just like.. lmao yeah he's pure evil. kill him.
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mem-fr · 2 months
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draw the dragon above you
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fridayswewearorange · 5 months
you have no idea how happy it makes me that neil is canonically demi
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reitheist · 3 months
strangling anybody who complains namari's voice is too deep with my bare hands
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mwolf0epsilon · 18 days
If you don’t mind, what is it about Cody’s Bean that Anakin finds off putting?
All Vestiges are off-putting to Anakin.
He can't explain why, he just senses it on an almost instinctive level, to the point where it drives him absolutely crazy that the other Jedi seem unaware of this bizarre sense of Wrongness™ that only he seems to detect in these Very Unusual Beans.
Coh being a Vestige naturally makes Anakin wary of him. Coh being Cody's Vestige adds a new level of discomfort.
Both because the 501st works with the 212th enough that Anakin can't avoid encounters with the little menace, and also because Cody considers Anakin a bit of a nuicense. That is to say, Coh has noted Cody's disdain for Anakin and his unorthodox (and often very stupidly risky) tactics, and taken it as permission to mess with him for shit's and giggles.
Add to that the fact Coh is much more aware than most Vestiges, and especially good at changing his shape in distressing ways, and suddenly you have a very tiny but determined Eldritch Horror hunting the Hero with One Fear in what almost seems like an endless game of cat and mouse.
To Summarize: Coh is an Unknowable Horror™ that only Anakin seems to fully perceive, and what he's seeing is both confusing and scaring him.
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beaulesbian · 7 months
thinking about Luffy, in this particular scene in Sabaody archipelago
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"if i hear anything about it, i'll quit being a pirate! I'll never go on an adventure that isn't fun!!"
like!! Luffy!! he's the most character ever! ♥
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(zoro, sitting across from everybody else in the room, watching and listening this conversation, arms behind his head, none of his reaction was needed (unlike the rest of the crew), because by now he knows luffy the best out of them, and nothing about this conversation could even surprise him.
he knows how luffy thinks, that what he says is always truth or honest, he can understand what luffy needs from his dream on this journey. after all, they are moving towards very similar goals with very similar dreams to achieve.)
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(^ it was already after the luffy speech, but it was the only time with focus on zoro in that whole scene.)
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theveryworstthing · 2 years
to all who Eat today, i hope you Eat Well and your family doesn’t send your mental heath into a death spiral.
to those who Don’t, i get it.
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hussyknee · 4 months
Put off reading Kushiel's Legacy thinking it would be vaguely racist harem-fantasy BDSM smut in high fantasy dressing. Instead I got feminist George R. R. Martin if he was less racist and skeezy.
You need to take notes to follow all the names and I can barely keep up with who's doing what and the author has never heard of cutting to the goddamn chase, but good God you get so invested in the characters within a hundred pages that it sends you reeling when they die. I'm only at 200 out of 500 pages but I'm so fucking gutted that I stopped reading to skim the rest of all three books to see whether any of my other favourites were going to die and who I should be braced for dying because good fucking god. I'm even heartbroken about characters that died before the book!
It really sneaks up on you because this book is so dense and crammed with so much detail that you don't realize you've begun to really love the characters. The fuckton of foreshadowing probably didn't register because they're front and center like main characters would be, so you're not prepared for them to die in the middle. And Phedre lives such a happy, sheltered life that it's a genuine shock when it all gets blown up.
I want them back. I like Joscelin, but he isn't them. Jacqueline Carey how could you. 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh btw, this series is also gay as shit. Heterosexuality doesn't seem to exist and it's so unremarkable it didn't even occur to me that this is a full-on LGBT series. It's not like in fanfic, when even in stories where queerness is universal and unremarked in-universe there might as well be a giant fuck you rainbow flag over it all. In Kushiel's Universe it's just so matter-of-fact that you realize this could actually have been what society was like in the past when the Church wasn't all up in everybody's business. Sure, in this universe there's a hippie Jesus that followed regular Jesus who was all flower power and free love and founded alternate universe France, so that nobody has any sexual hang ups, homo or otherwise (much like regular medieval France Ig), but even if there were, everybody's either too rich to give a shit or too poor to care (also like regular medieval France). It feels historically accurate somehow. Idk. But this book came out in 2001. Eat that, GRRM, with your two male gays and off-screen lesbians.
Edit: Just checked the AO3 tag and. Sigh. You know a book isn't trashy when it only has 350 works on AO3. Fanfic runs on trash and guilty pleasure, not sensitive and quality story-telling.
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
spitballing pining amangela + disaster amanda thoughts for my own perusal later:
When it comes to pining amangela unfortunately my brain is so enamoured with the concept of the rpf au Amanda who is SO down bad and is Not Making Good Decisions About It. I think the more composed/well adjusted/well reasoned Amanda is about things normally/is about other things happening the better it is for her to be a goddamn wreck about this. Like she can be deeply, wildly, hilariously in denial for a while, realize, and then handle the realization terribly. And it can be a trainwreck the whole time!
She can be HORRIFICALLY undercommunicating! She can be straight up lying! She can be lying poorly! Avoiding Angela! Avoiding people who would ask her about it! Fumbling other shit because she's trying to regain equilibrium. Doubling down in the worst ways possible: going on bad dates, avoiding conversations more after being called out, lying and then double lying, etc.
(I'm just a sucker for the trope of "character who normally has their shit together becomes a complete and total disaster about their feelings regarding a specific person".)
And like disaster Angela is fun- DUAL disaster Amangela is fun- but for me there's an extra layer of satisfaction of an Angela who also has a Lot of feelings about Amanda but is actually more at peace with/better at handling her emotions about it in comparison. Love a development to a relationship that unveils/highlights extra depths to both individuals, and I think the sort of fandom assigned roles of "responsible one/chaos gremlin" are VERY fun to flip in this scenario.
Like specifically the dynamic being "Amanda, normally competent and put together, absolutely putting her foot in her mouth during a regular convo with Angela/avoiding Angela blatantly and badly bc she JUST realized her feelings and is Not Fine About It, vs Angela who spilled her coffee in her car on the way over and is late for work, but has generally accepted she loves Amanda being very ????? about whatever weird gymnastics Amanda is doing."
(This also opens up for either angst OR comedy). (Or both!! ideally both. if i write it, it will probably be both, because i wont be able to resist.)
(Or, if the feelings are unrequited... even more opportunities open up.. ALL angst for sure, then. But more opps.....)
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boxalienist · 2 years
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Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi find a Kyber crystal.
“The strongest stars have hearts of kyber”
- Chirrut Îmwe
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papa-evershed · 9 months
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Robert James-Collier as Daniel Watson THE INHERITANCE EP01
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ghostyr-el · 2 months
guys I got back into alnst and now I'm ITCHING to make pjsk × alnst au and I wanna make mizisua mizuena BUT if ivantill is akitoya it would make a little more sense for mizisua to be anhane and I already started to draw anhane mizisua (an = mizi, kohane = sua (colofes card) but I YEARN for mizuena mizisua sob sob
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bloodraven55 · 1 year
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HP Rants: Things Fandom Gets WRONG
Remus Lupin’s Scars
Or more accurately, his lack of them
Alright kiddos I got a salty HP take and y’all are not gonna like it.
It is basically universal in any fandom depiction of Remus Lupin, whether in fic or art, that he has extensive facial scarring. this is another one of the movies-making-people-think-things-are-canon-that-really-aren’t-canon. the movies are shit. the movies lie. also.
it’s not physically possible.
y’all really never seen the anatomy of a wolf or even a dog?? they? can’t? physically? scratch? their? faces? unless? they? sit? down? on? their? bums? and? twist? around? all? awkwardly? to? use? their? hind? leg? but? even if that was what a rabid werewolf would do… that position/angle would in no way generate enough force to create actual cuts.
and like. most importantly, if Remus was covered in scars, don’t you think harry would have, i don’t know, mentioned/noticed/referred to it at least once??? kid’s visually observant (look I’m not talking emotionally, my man can be fucking clueless, but he paid attention to visual details) he always noticed people’s physical features and appearances. and the only visual/physical attributes ever associated with Lupin were ‘prematurely lined/aged face,’ and ‘[prematurely] graying hair’ ‘shabby’ [‘had an air of shabbiness about him’] he was often ‘worn’/‘wan’ ‘drawn’ [‘thin face’] and ‘tired’ or ‘pale’ and ‘ill-looking’ but never, not. one. singe. time. was he ever noted as having any scars.
and harry notices those kinds of things. read any book 7 description of Bill. read any description ever of Moody. if remus had scars that could be seen, harry would have said so.
also, if he was so extensively scarred as fanon just looves to make him be, by the time we meet him in canon, he would have been through over 28 years worth of transformations (a very minimum of 336, with the 144 most recent being without the marauders to keep him from hurting himself as a wolf). and most likely he didn’t have ready access to the Wolf’s Bane potion as he was not actually able to brew it for himself—which he fucking said flat out. so. yeah. he would have been even more scarred than mad-eye moody if the whole transformations ==> facial scars thing was true.
This is the actual canon description of Remus John Lupin.
“The stranger was wearing an extremely shabby set of Wizard’s robes that had been darned in several places. He looked I’ll and exhausted.Though quite young, his light brown hair was flecked with grey.” “Professor Lupin’s pallid profile” “illuminated his tired grey face but his eyes looked alert and wary”
also. let’s be real here. werewolf bites are cursed wounds (which is why the scarring from them does not heal). you know what’s not cursed wounds? werewolf scratches. so it is not physically fucking possible for Remus to have cursed werewolf bite wounds on his face. because you cannot bite your own fucking face. and magic easily and seamlessly heals normal cuts and scratches and non cursed wounds. without scarring. so sure, even if he scratched his face with his werewolfy claws, they’re not cursed wounds, so they would have been magically healed as such. same goes for any other injuries he got as a wolf. any broken bones, or scratches not from his claws. they all would have been magically healed and wouldn’t leave any scars.
and i just honestly don’t think that a werewolfs cursed bite mark wounds would be cursed on itself. like. it’s already a werewolf. it’s not gonna become any more werewolf. i don’t know. i just don’t think that any wounds from a werewolf biting itself would scar. it just doesn’t really make sense. plus again, we return to canon.
remus has no visible scars.
sure maybe. maybe. he is absolutely covered in scars on the parts of his body that aren’t covered by clothing or robes. but definitely not his hands or forearms. because canonically there is no mention of him having scars, and harry has seen his hands and forearms (when he just casually rolled up his sleeves so he could murder his former best friend, as one does nbd).
actually you know what. scratch all that. there is canonical evidence. WEREWOLVES ARE ONLY DANGEROUS TO HUMANS. once he became a werewolf, remus was no longer a human. so. any bites or wounds he gave himself while he was transformed were just normal non-cursed wounds. that could be fixed by magic and wouldn’t leave scars. so yeah. there’s my proof.
TLDR: my take is that remus has bad scars from his initial bite from greyback, but doesn’t have any scars from his own werewolf ass biting himself
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