#Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The Marine Corps stood up its first-ever Tomahawk cruise missile battery at Camp Pendleton, Calif., last week.[...] “This is a historic chapter in the Marine Corps and the 11th Marine Regiment. The American people expect the Marine Corps to prepare for war,” said Col. Patrick Eldridge, commanding officer of the 11th Marine Regiment, in the activation ceremony’s press release.[,,,] Tomahawks are one of the key assets being procured to achieve a long-range fires capability as the service gears up for challenges in the Pacific through Force Design 2030.[...]
This combination of Tomahawk and SM-6 provides the MDTF with a mid-range strike capability, which was only recently possible from the U.S. Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty withdrawal. While ground-based Tomahawks were used before during the Cold War, the 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty restricted the deployment of ground-based missiles with ranges between 500 to1,000 and 1,000 to 5,500 kilometers. [...] the U.S. has returned to the ground-based deployment and development of missiles within these ranges. Shortly after its withdrawal in 2019, the U.S. launched Tomahawk in a test to inform the future development of intermediate-ranged systems, such as the Marine Corps’ Long-Range Fires Launcher and the Army’s Typhon.[...] “I imagine someone pretty high up said, ‘We’ve seen what Marines can do with rifles, let’s see what Marines can do with Tomahawks’” Col. Eldridge said.
25 Jul 23
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
The US recently sent the Typhon missile system for drills in the Philippines, a move China viewed as a major provocation
by Dave DeCamp September 5, 2024 at 3:36 pm ET CategoriesNewsTagsChina, Japan, Philippines
The US wants to deploy a previously banned missile system to Japan for military drills, Nikkei Asia reported Thursday.
The Typhon missile launcher is a ground-based system that can fire nuclear-capable Tomahawk missiles, which have a range of more than 1,000 miles. Ground-based missiles with a range between 310 and 3,400 miles were banned by the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which the US withdrew from in 2019. The Typhon also fires SM-6 missiles, which can hit targets up to 290 miles away.
The US deployed a Typhon system to the Philippines for military drills, a move that China viewed as a major provocation. The missile system was sent to the Philippines for several months. It was first deployed for the drills that started in April, and Manila said it would be pulled out in September, meaning it could still be there.
The Philippines said China expressed “very dramatic” alarm over the deployment of the Typhon system. Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said the deployment “put the entire region under the fire of the United States (and) brought huge risks of war into the region.”
US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Wednesday that she told Japanese officials the US wanted to deploy the Typhon to Japan next. “We’ve made our interest in this clear with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces,” she said at a Defense News conference in Virginia.
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nikrei · 5 months
Okay so its wildly ironic (and a sign of different sides of DC just not talking to each other) that the Dr Fate and Phantom Stranger mini-series has a major plot point of rising nuclear tensions between the US and the Soviet Union happening at The Same Time as Firestorm is all about nuclear disarmament and the US and USSR are actually sorta getting along (because they both hate Firestorm so much). U cannot have it both ways.
The mystical side of DC comes to a head in the 3rd issue of phantom stranger (December 1987), with Reagan and his cabinet having a cuban missile crisis level situation, where they are literally seconds away from total war as demon!reagan (v easy to confuse w normal reagan, no difference really) phones in the code to launch nuclear missiles. (This is thwarted of course, because this is comics. Also we get to see the Phantom Stranger punch reagan in the face)
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(Phantom Stranger #3, Dec 1987)
Meanwhile, in Firestorm, Ronnie and Martin have been running around for the past 4 months trying to forcibly disarm the world of nuclear weapons, interrupting a summit in iceland and threatening everyone that if they don't do it, he's gonna do it for them.
As one might expect, this pisses everyone off. The US and USSR tag team to try and take him down (this is also happening simultaneously with the justice league going international and the us and ussr each putting their own player on the team to try and keep them in check (jli 7 & captain atom 10)). They fail miserably, firestorm and the russian agent fuse, and at the end of it at least Reagan is promising to take disarmament seriously:
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(Firestorm: Nuclear Man 65, Nov 1987)
This is actually following real world stuff pretty well! When they interrupt the iceland summit, the comic references the summit 'last year' which was the Oct 1986 Reykjavik Summit. That was where Reagan and Gorbachev failed to come to an immediate agreement for nuclear disarmament. In the real world, talks continued for a year and then in on December 8, 1987 the US and USSR signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), which was an agreement to disarm all Intermediate-Range weapons by 1991. In the DC world, this agreement is obviously brought about by Firestorm leveraging the world leaders.
So, like, its totally wild for the mystic side of DC to not know what's going on over on the earthly side, especially when the earthly side is directly mirroring real life events (well, as directly as comics can. certain values of directly). It is even more wild that Phantom Stranger's Missile Crisis was literally released at the same time the INF Treaty was signed.
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feelmir · 10 months
death of a true war criminal,zero accountability
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Death of true war criminal, good riddance, zero accountability
The infamous US war criminal, Henry Kissinger died centenary in his bed in Kent, Connecticut, while his millions of victims all over the world were not so lucky. Kissinger would be celebrated and feted as genial geopolitical analyst, hailed as the man of rapprochement and détente between the United states and China, of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), arms limitation treaties between the US and the USSR, aimed at restraining the arms race in long-range or intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nuclear weapons, which had resulted in the signing of SALT I and SALT II in 1972 and 1979, the evil who fooled Gorbachev to struck the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) in 1987. Kissinger might not have been motivated by hatred of communism. But he was a reactionary who empowered and enabled the sort of reactionaries for whom anticommunism was a respectable channel for America’s racist and exploitative socio-economic traditions.
Bush’s declaration of protection for Kissinger, coupled with his rejection of the Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Court, extinguished a glimmer of hope that Kissinger would someday join Pinochet under arrest. It was always a fantasy. The international architecture that the U.S. and its allies established after World War II, shorthanded today as the “rules-based international order,” somehow never gets around to applying the same pressure on a hegemonic United States as it applies to U.S.-hostile or defiant powers. It reflects the organizing principle of American exceptionalism: America acts; it is not acted upon. Henry Kissinger was a supreme architect of the rules-based international order.
Of course, the western mainstream would hide the dark side of the evil responsible of mass killing scored more than 4 million deaths according to the Yale University historian Greg Grandin, author of the biography Kissinger’s Shadow, estimating that Kissinger’s actions from 1969 through 1976, a period of eight brief years when Kissinger made Richard Nixon’s and then Gerald Ford’s foreign policy as national security adviser and secretary of state. America, like every empire, champions its state murderers. Every single person who died in Vietnam between autumn 1968 and the Fall of Saigon died because of Henry Kissin Kissinger materially sabotaged the only chance for an end to the war in 1968 as a hedged bet to ensure he would achieve power in Nixon’s administration. In February 1969, weeks after taking office, and lasting through April 1970, U.S. warplanes secretly dropped 110,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia. By the summer of 1969, according to a colonel on the Joint Staff, Kissinger — who had no constitutional role in the military chain of command — was personally selecting bombing targets. A second phase of bombing continued until August 1973, five months after the final U.S. combat troops withdrew from Vietnam. By then, U.S. bombs had killed an estimated 100000 people out of a population of only 700,000. The final phase of the bombing, which occurred after the Paris Peace Accords mandated U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, was its most intense, an act of cruel vengeance from a thwarted superpower. Kissinger inflicted indirectly rather than by edict. In 1971, the Pakistani government waged a campaign of genocide to suppress the independence movement in what would become Bangladesh. For Kissinger, the Cold War was a geopolitical balance among two great powers. The purpose of Cold War statecraft was to maximize American freedom of action to inflict Washington’s will on the world — a zero-sum contest that meant restricting the ability of the Soviet Union to inflict Moscow’s — without the destabilization, or outright Armageddon, that would result from pursuing a final defeat of the Soviets. On September 4, 1970, Chileans elected the democratic socialist Salvador Allende president whose program was more than redistributionist, nationalizing the firms Anaconda Copper and Kennecott held by these two companies, Allende informed them he would deduct estimated “excess profit” from a compensatory package he was willing to pay the firms. It was this sort of unacceptable policy that prompted Kissinger to remark, during an intelligence meeting about two months before Allende’s election, “I don’t see why we need to stand idly by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.” The coup was only the beginning. Within two years, Pinochet’s regime invited Milton Friedman, Arnold Harberger, and other economists from the University of Chicago to advise them. Chile pioneered the implementation of their agenda: severe government budgetary austerity; relentless assaults on organized labor; privatization of state assets, including health care and public pensions; layoffs of government employees; abolition of wages and price controls; and deregulation of capital markets. “Multinationals were not only granted the right to repatriate 100 percent of their profits but given guaranteed exchange rates to help them do so,” Grandin writes in his book Empire’s Workshop. European and American bankers flocked to Chile before its 1982 economic collapse. The World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank loaned Pinochet $3.1 billion between 1976 and 1986. Pinochet’s torture chambers were the maternity ward of neoliberalism, a baby delivered bloody and screaming by Henry Kissinger. This was the “just and liberal world order” Hillary Clinton considered Kissinger’s life work.
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rhk111sblog · 18 days
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Here is a recent Article from “The Manila Times” talking about how the deployment of Troops, Equipment and Weapons by the United States (US) in the Philippines could make our Country not only a Target of Conventional Weapons from China, but Nuclear Weapons as well.
You can find the Link to the Article below, meanwhile here are some Excerpts from it:
“Under the Agile Combat Employment (ACE) Strategy, as explained by Air Force Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander of US Indo-Pacific Air Assets from India to Hawaii, a Month after Marcos granted nine EDCA Sites, the ACE Strategy is "to have Jets spread out over many, many Islands [so as] to make the targeting Problem for the Adversary more difficult — it makes them use more Munitions."”
“Added the National Defense Website, paraphrasing Wilsbach: "Instead of trying to make Facilities withstand attacks from Precision Munitions, the Goal of [ACE] is to develop a Hub and Spoke Network of small Bases and Facilities so if one gets hit, the losses are small"”
“And Washington has no Resources and time to erect defenses for all Bases since Guam alone requires $1.7 billion and several years of construction to counter China's 500 Medium-Range Projectiles and thousands of Cruise Missiles, Drones and Warplanes, plus Cyberwarfare ("The Plan to Defend Guam from Missile Threats Is Years from Completion ). And our Bases are much closer to China than Guam is and far more vulnerable to many more PLA Weapons.”
“There's more. America's current Military Chief, Air Force Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown, has long sought to position Ground-based Intermediate-Range Missiles (GBIRMs) in Asia. As then-Air Force chief in 2020, he commissioned Think-Tank RAND Corp. to assess whether or not US Treaty Allies — Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand — would allow GBIRMs on their Soil.”
“"IndoPacom hopes to disperse US forces, including marine and army units, along the first island chain running from Japan through Southeast Asia. In a contingency, these small, mobile teams would support US air and naval operations and hold Chinese vessels at risk with ground-based missile units. … the Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that might realistically host such assets. So, these plans require saving the VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement) and implementing EDCA"”
“During hostilities, the choice for PLA Generals would then be to expend hundreds of Rockets, Drones and Aircraft in repeated Sorties against Missile Systems and Airfields here supporting America, which are constantly repaired after every bombing — or to take out dozens of those Threats with just one Volley of Atomic Weapons, saving ordnance for Naval and Air Battles and rendering Targets irreparable due to radioactivity.”
Here is the Link to the Article at “The Manila Times” Website: https://www.manilatimes.net/2024/09/05/opinion/columns/america-marcos-and-afp-can-get-us-nuked/1969022
SOURCE: America, Marcos and AFP can get us Nuked {Archived Link}
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Germany needs public debate over US missiles – defense chief
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/germany-needs-public-debate-over-us-missiles-defense-chief/
Germany needs public debate over US missiles – defense chief
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Washington and Berlin unveiled plans last month to deploy American intermediate-range rockets in the EU nation, starting from 2026
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has called for a public debate over the upcoming deployment of US cruise missiles in the country for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Russia has warned that it will take countermeasures in response to the move. Washington and Berlin announced during a NATO summit in July that they intend to begin deployments to Germany of long-range missiles from the US Multi-Domain Task Force, starting from 2026. According to a joint statement, SM-6 anti-air missiles, boasting a range of up to 460km (290 miles), Tomahawk cruise missiles, which can reportedly strike targets more than 2,500km away, as well as newly-developed hypersonic rockets will be deployed to the EU nation. The move would previously have been banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which Washington pulled out of under the administration of Donald Trump in 2019. The US claimed at the time that Russia had breached the landmark accord. Moscow denied the allegations and continued to abide by the treaty until recently. Speaking to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper on Sunday, Pistorius said a public conversation over the arrival of US long-range missiles was “important so that after weighing up all the arguments, we as a society find a stance which we can all live well with.”
Read more
US ‘concerned’ by potential Russian response to missile deployment in Germany
“We need this public debate to make the seriousness of the situation clear: On the one hand we are experiencing a new threat in Europe because of Russia’s aggressive demeanor, on the other hand, we have a capability gap that we can only close in the short term with the help of the US allies until we have developed these weapons ourselves,” the German defense minister explained. Pistorius acknowledged that the missile deployment had met with “sharp opposition” from some of his fellow Social Democrats. In an address at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that “if the US implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted moratorium on the deployment of medium- and short-range strike weapons… [and] take mirror measures.” Putin pointed out that the US deployment would put multiple key Russian state and military facilities within reach of the missiles, with the flight time being about ten minutes.
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finnianson · 2 months
La lezione di Hiroshima e Nagasaki
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Il 6 agosto del 1945 alle 8:15 della mattina, un bombardiere statunitense lanciò la prima bomba nucleare della storia sulla città giapponese di Hiroshima, uccidendo in un sol colpo oltre 100.000 persone e provocando sofferenze indicibili ai sopravvissuti. Il 9 agosto, un secondo attacco analogo contro Nagasaki.
Incredibilmente oggi, nel 2024, una guerra nucleare è ritornata possibile.
Per la prima volta, dopo decenni, è ripartita la corsa agli armamenti rendendo probabile l’aumento dell’arsenale nucleare nei prossimi anni.
Negli ultimi anni tutti i trattati che limitavano l'uso delle bombe nucleari in guerra sono stati stracciati:
Trattato ABM anti missili balistici firmato da USA ed URSS nel 1972. Prevedeva una parità strategica basata sulla dottrina della mutua distruzione assicurata. Nel 2002 ritiro degli USA.
Trattato sui cieli aperti (Open Skies). A maggio 2020 il presidente Trump ne ha ufficializzato l’uscita.
Trattato INF [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, NdR] sui missili nucleari a raggio intermedio del 1987. Gli Stati Uniti con Donald Trump annunciano il ritiro unilaterale nel 2019. Fino ad allora vietava alle due superpotenze il dispiegamento a terra di armi nucleari a medio raggio, ossia con una gittata tra i 500 e 5500 chilometri e il loro uso.
Al contempo le grandi potenze miniaturizzano le testate, chiamandole "tattiche", in modo da renderne l'utilizzo sempre meno "inaccettabile".
Anche il sistema mediatico parla di "guerra atomica" con sempre maggiore disinvoltura. Escono film di Hollywood ambigui sull'uso del nucleare in guerra. Sui giornali fioriscono termini ed espressioni militari anche su argomenti che nulla hanno a che vedere con il settore bellico. Spuntano applicazioni sui telefoni che diramano messaggi utili in caso di gravi emergenze o catastrofi imminenti. La televisione trasmette solo violenza, sia nell'intrattenimento che nel clima dei dibattiti. Le oligarchie che ci governano stanno militarizzando le democrazie in un clima di sempre maggiore intolleranza nei confronti di chi dissente dal pensiero dominante.
Le oligarchie propongono un modello che è bellico in ogni suo aspetto: sia sul piano sociale, che economico e culturale.
Beninteso è un modello capitalista morente che si allontana sempre di più dalla vita umana e che sta attraversando una crisi terminale. Ma intanto ci mette tutti a rischio.
Intanto gli Stati Uniti sono già entrati in Svezia. Un accordo concede loro accesso illimitato a 17 basi militari svedesi. Qui gli Stati Uniti potranno schierare anche armi nucleari.
Un accordo analogo è stato stipulato dagli USA con la Finlandia, entrata nella NATO sotto comando USA lo scorso aprile. La Finlandia concede agli Stati Uniti l’accesso illimitato a 15 basi militari, compreso il pre-posizionamento di armamenti e l’ingresso di aerei, navi e veicoli militari statunitensi. Cinque delle 15 basi si trovano in Lapponia al confine con la Russia.
Quest'anno è molto importante partecipare alle commemorazioni, che avvengono in ogni angolo del mondo, delle esplosioni atomiche di Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
Si tratta di una ricorrenza tanto più importante nel nostro presente, perché la lezione di Hiroshima e Nagasaki è una lezione che l'umanità sta dimenticando.
Dobbiamo essere saldi anche nel nostro quotidiano nello scegliere una direzione vitale, diversa da quella bellica proposta ogni giorno dalle oligarchie che ci governano.
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xtruss · 2 months
‘War Criminal United States’ Missile Plan In ‘Puppet, War Criminal & Genocidal Germany’ Dangerous Subservience
— Sevim Dagdelen | July 21, 2024
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Illustration:Liu Rui/Global Times
On the sidelines of the recent NATO summit in Washington, the Biden administration announced that beginning in 2026, the US is to position new weapons in Germany capable of hitting targets within 2,700 kilometers.
While still in Washington, the German chancellor agreed to this future deployment in a joint statement. Yet no prior discussion about these new US rockets and cruise missiles was held in the Bundestag or in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, nor was there any debate on the topic in the wider German public sphere.
This development ought to be highly controversial, especially as the missile systems in question are equipped to reach targets deep inside Russia - the linear distance between Berlin and Moscow is a mere 1,600 kilometers. Russia has declared its intention to respond accordingly.
The US' purported deterrent in fact poses a massive threat to the security of Germany's population. The US treats our country as if it is nothing but an aircraft carrier. The subservience with which the federal government accepts and waves through decisions by the US is actually frightening. When he was sworn into office, the chancellor committed himself to protecting the German people from harm. But by allowing the US to place its missiles in Germany, his willingness to uphold this obligation has been thrown into doubt.
The planned long-range missile deployment is just one example of a series of decisions the US has made in an attempt to push Germany onto the frontline of its conflict with Russia. Other examples include the US putting pressure on Berlin to ship its Leopard tanks to Ukraine, which factored in a predictable, and brutal, Russian reaction. In the meantime, the NATO mission in Ukraine has established its headquarters in the German city of Wiesbaden, near the banking centre of Frankfurt am Main. Stationing long-range missiles in Germany under US command - the attendant infrastructure will likely be partly financed by German tax payers - only inflames the situation further.
The aim is clear, to bring Germany closer to a direct military confrontation with Russia, or at least to force Berlin to spend a greater share of its resources on the proxy war with Moscow. Washington appears to have calculated that if Germany keeps Russia busy in Europe, the bulk of its own military capacity can be shifted over to its efforts to contain China in East Asia and the Indo Pacific.
It must be stressed that the current decision to station US missiles in Germany was only made possible by the US' unilateral withdrawal from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) under US President Trump in 2019 (the US alleged that Russia had breached the terms of the treaty).
Since 1987, the INF had barred the manufacture and deployment of all ground-launched intermediate-range missiles capable of hitting targets in a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.
The question must be raised: Is the current US deployment of missiles in Germany one component of a long-planned strategy of escalation, responsible for both Washington's withdrawal from the INF and NATO's eastward expansion? This interpretation would be consistent with the fact that the US had evidently already begun developing new intermediate-range missiles prior to the termination of the INF. As early as 2017, an initial Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) was established in Wiesbaden, allegedly for test purposes only. The 2021 reactivation of the 56th US Artillery Command may also be considered a preparatory step toward escalation. During the Cold War, this Command was responsible for US Pershing missiles; now it will oversee the new US long-range deployments.
The US' plans today are not identical to its previous Cold War strategy. However, the shorter warning period entailed by new hypersonic missiles, for example, means that contemporary US deployments are distinct from the intermediate-range missiles stationed in Germany in the earlier era. Not surprising, Russia perceives the new weapons systems as a significant threat - "a knife to the throat". The speed of the new hypersonic missiles in particular creates a far more dangerous situation than what prevailed during the Cold War, including potentially greater risk of irreversible consequences due to false alarms. As such, US long-range missile deployments increase the risk of nuclear war enormously, amid a new nuclear arms race that is already underway.
The central problem facing all NATO allies - those formal members of the alliance and those included through bilateral agreements - is this: As with the dependent kingdoms on the eastern border of the Roman Empire two millennia ago, allies must forfeit their sovereignty and subordinate their foreign policy to the security interests of the hegemon. All the while, an illusion is to be maintained that their sovereign interests are indeed served by such an arrangement with the US, if only as a collateral benefit. But this wishful thinking is increasingly difficult to sustain.
Instead of cultivating diplomacy, the US' NATO allies have followed Washington's example, and attempted to dictate to other countries what is and what is not permissible. Given the rapid economic rise of the BRICS states, such a neocolonial approach, however, appears to be doomed.
In Germany, the focus must now turn to mobilising society against the stationing of US missiles within its borders. Since this decision calls into question the very security of the German population, a referendum must be held urgently to determine whether the polity accepts it. Even more pressing is finding an answer to the general question of how peace and democratic sovereignty may be defended in today's Germany, given the US' evident willingness to put its own allies at such grave risk.
— The Author, Sevim Dagdelen, is Foreign Policy Spokesperson for the "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" (BSW) grouping in the German Bundestag, and is the BSW grouping coordinator on the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
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sutrala · 2 months
(NaturalNews) Russia is about to begin to manufacture missile systems that were previously banned under the now-defunct Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty...
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veale2006-blog · 3 months
The US suspended its compliance with the INF Treaty on 2 February 2019 following an announcement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the day prior. In a statement, Trump said there was a six-month timeline for full withdrawal and INF Treaty termination if the Russian Federation did not come back into compliance within that period.
The same day, Putin announced that Russia had also suspended the INF Treaty in a 'mirror response' to Trump's decision, effective that day.
INF Treaty = Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
The US declared its intention to withdraw from the treaty on 20 October 2018, citing the previous violations of the treaty by Russia.
This prompted Putin to state that Russia would not launch first in a nuclear conflict but would "annihilate" any adversary, essentially re-stating the policy of "Mutually Assured Destruction". 
Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would result in the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. It is based on the theory of rational deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which, once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.
The result is nuclear peace, in which the presence of nuclear weapons decreases the risk of crisis escalation, since parties will seek to avoid situations that could lead to the use of nuclear weapons. Proponents of nuclear peace theory therefore believe that controlled nuclear proliferation may be beneficial for global stability. 
The doctrine further assumes that neither side will dare to launch a first strike because the other side would launch on warning (also called fail-deadly) or with surviving forces (a second strike), resulting in unacceptable losses for both parties. The payoff of the MAD doctrine was and still is expected to be a tense but stable global peace.
👉🏻 So, check this… the declaration was made in October 2018… which was 3 months after Vladimir Putin handed President Trump the soccer ball in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16, 2018.
Now read it again and apply what President Trump says ALL-the-time:
“I will prevent World War III.”
“I will prevent Nuclear War.”
MAD = nuclear peace.
All planned. All in Laws and Orders.
Trust the Man with the Plan and you can trust the Plan. 🎯😎🐂🇺🇸
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abfindunginfo · 3 months
INF-Vertrag gekündigt - Russlands Antwort nach fünf Jahren
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Den INF-Vertrag kündigte Donald Trump im Jahr 2019 - fünf Jahre später folgt die russische Antwort - eine weitere Eskalation der Kriegsgefahr. Trumps Kündigung des INF-Vertrags und die russische Antwort Larry C. Johnson kommentierte am 29. 06. 2024 auf seinem Blog die Entscheidung des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zur Produktion von Mittelstreckenraketen. Die USA und die Sowjetunion hatten sich im INF-Vertrag (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces, Vertrag über nukleare Mittelstreckensysteme) wechselseitig verpflichtet, auf die Herstellung, Erprobung und den Einsatz landgestützter Flugkörper mit mittlerer und kürzerer Reichweite (zwischen 500 und 5500 Kilometer) zu verzichten und diese zu vernichten. Jahrelange Proteste gegen die Stationierung von Mittelstreckenraketen in Ost- und Westeuropa hatten mit dem Druck auf die USA und die Sowjetunion dazu beigetragen, das US-Präsident Nunmehr hat der russische Präsident verkündet, die Produktion solcher Flugkörper wieder aufzunehmen und diese gegebenenfalls einzusetzen. Wer die Geschichte nicht kennt (oder verleugnet), wird dafür jetzt die Schuld wieder bei den "bösen Russen" suchen und finden. Doch Larry Johnson erinnert: Beginn der Übersetzung (Links und Hervorhebungen wie im Original): Die jüngste Eskalation im Ukraine-Krieg geht auf eine Entscheidung von Donald Trump zurück Man kann es nicht schönreden. Donald Trumps Entscheidung, die Vereinigten Staaten 2019 aus dem INF-Vertrag (Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty), der während der Präsidentschaft von Ronald Reagan ausgehandelt wurde, auszutreten, ist ein Grund dafür, dass Wladimir Putin angekündigt hat, dass Russland mit der Produktion von Mittelstreckenraketen beginnen wird: Der INF-Vertrag verbietet die Herstellung, Erprobung und den Einsatz von landgestützten Marschflugkörpern und ballistischen Raketen mit einer Reichweite von 500 bis 5.500 Kilometern. Schauen wir uns also an, was Präsident Putin am Freitag auf einer Sitzung des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates Russlands gesagt hat: Wie Sie wissen, sind die Vereinigten Staaten vor einigen Jahren unter einem weit hergeholten Vorwand aus diesem Vertrag ausgestiegen und haben angekündigt, dass sie mit der Produktion dieser Raketensysteme beginnen werden.   Im Jahr 2019 haben wir angekündigt, dass wir diese Raketen weder produzieren noch einsetzen werden, solange die Vereinigten Staaten solche Systeme nirgendwo auf der Welt einsetzen.   Jetzt wissen wir, dass die Vereinigten Staaten diese Raketensysteme nicht nur herstellen, sondern sie auch nach Europa, nach Dänemark, gebracht haben, um sie bei Übungen einzusetzen. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wurde berichtet, dass sie sich auf den Philippinen befinden. Es ist unklar, ob sie diese Raketen von den Philippinen abgezogen haben oder nicht.   Auf jeden Fall müssen wir darauf reagieren und über unsere weiteren Schritte in dieser Hinsicht entscheiden. Es sieht so aus, als müssten wir mit der Produktion dieser Angriffssysteme beginnen und dann auf der Grundlage der tatsächlichen Situation entscheiden, wo wir sie einsetzen, um unsere Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, falls erforderlich. Dies ist ein ausgeklügeltes und potenziell tödliches Spiel des internationalen Schachs. Die USA haben sich aus dem INF-Vertrag zurückgezogen. Russland hat sich zurückgehalten und kein Programm zum Bau solcher Raketensysteme gestartet. Nachdem die Vereinigten Staaten diese Waffensysteme nach Europa gebracht und eine Militärübung durchgeführt haben, bei der ein Angriff auf Russland simuliert wurde, hat Putin nun angekündigt, dass Russland mit dem Bau einer neuen Gruppe von Marschflugkörpern und ballistischen Mittelstreckenraketen mit einer effektiven Reichweite von 500 bis 5.000 Kilometern beginnen wird. Angesichts des maroden Zustands der westlichen Industriekapazitäten ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Russland, wie schon bei den Hyperschallraketen, den Westen bei der Entwicklung dieser neuen Raketen dramatisch überholen und ausstechen wird - als ein weiteres Waffensystem, das es im Bedarfsfall gegen den Westen einsetzen kann. Der Westen ist nun gewarnt, genau wie Anfang dieser Woche, als der russische Verteidigungsminister Belousov den US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin warnte, dass Russland jede US-amerikanische ISR-Drohne, die über dem Schwarzen Meer operiert, abschießen wird. Es scheint, als hätten die USA geschluckt und daraufhin geplante Flüge des Global Hawk abgesagt. Putins Entscheidung folgt auf einen Bericht, in dem davor gewarnt wird, dass die Vereinigten Staaten nicht in der Lage sind, wichtige Hightech-Waffen zu produzieren, wenn sie nicht weiterhin von China unterstützt werden: "Wenn wir uns in einem Krieg mit China befänden und das Land keine Teile mehr liefern würde, wären wir nicht in der Lage, die Flugzeuge und Waffen zu bauen, die wir brauchen", sagte er.   Ein erschreckender Bericht, der Anfang des Jahres veröffentlicht wurde, hat gezeigt, dass chinesische Unternehmen 12 kritische Technologien, die für die nationale Sicherheit der USA von entscheidender Bedeutung sind, in ihrem Würgegriff haben, darunter die Modernisierung der Nuklearindustrie sowie Hyperschall- und Raumfahrttechnologien.   Die Studie, die von der Verteidigungssoftwarefirma Govini durchgeführt wurde, stellte der amerikanischen Rüstungsindustrie ein vernichtendes Zeugnis aus.   Die inländischen Produktionskapazitäten der USA sind nur noch ein verschrumpelter Schatten ihres früheren Selbst", heißt es in dem Bericht.   Entscheidende Industriezweige für die nationale Verteidigung der USA werden in keinem der 50 Bundesstaaten mehr hergestellt. Möchte jemand behaupten, dass China einlenken und den Vereinigten Staaten alle kritischen Elemente verkaufen wird, die benötigt werden, um die amerikanische Verteidigungsindustrie am Laufen zu halten, während US-Politiker und Generäle mit einem Krieg gegen China drohen? Ich glaube, ich höre nichts als Grillen. Natürlich nicht. Die chinesische Führung ist weder dumm noch selbstmörderisch. Wenn es Donald Trump mit der Deeskalation der Spannungen mit Russland und China ernst ist, sollte sein nationales Sicherheitsteam an Strategien zur Wiederbelebung der Atomgespräche arbeiten, um eine weitere Eskalation beim Bau neuer Raketen zu verhindern, die Europa dezimieren könnten. Es könnte zu spät sein, denn die Vereinigten Staaten verhandeln aus einer Position der Schwäche heraus, und Russland und China wissen das. Ende der Übersetzung   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 6.1 (after 1920)
1922 – The Royal Ulster Constabulary is founded. 1929 – The 1st Conference of the Communist Parties of Latin America is held in Buenos Aires. 1930 – The Deccan Queen is introduced as first intercity train between Bombay VT (Now Mumbai CST) and Poona (Pune) to run on electric locomotives. 1939 – First flight of the German Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighter aircraft. 1941 – World War II: The Battle of Crete ends as Crete capitulates to Germany. 1941 – The Farhud, a massive pogrom in Iraq, starts and as a result, many Iraqi Jews are forced to leave their homes. 1943 – BOAC Flight 777 is shot down over the Bay of Biscay by German Junkers Ju 88s, killing British actor Leslie Howard and leading to speculation that it was actually an attempt to kill British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. 1946 – Ion Antonescu, "Conducator" ("Leader") of Romania during World War II, is executed. 1950 – The Declaration of Conscience speech, by U.S. Senator from Maine, Margaret Chase Smith, is delivered in response to Joseph R. McCarthy's speech at Wheeling, West Virginia. 1950 – The Chinchaga fire ignites. By September, it would become the largest single fire on record in North America. 1958 – Charles de Gaulle comes out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months. 1961 – The Canadian Bank of Commerce and Imperial Bank of Canada merge to form the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, the largest bank merger in Canadian history. 1962 – Adolf Eichmann is hanged in Israel. 1964 – Kenya becomes a republic with Jomo Kenyatta as its first President. 1974 – The Heimlich maneuver for rescuing choking victims is published in the journal Emergency Medicine. 1975 – The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan was founded by Jalal Talabani, Nawshirwan Mustafa, Fuad Masum and others. 1978 – The first international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty are filed. 1979 – The first black-led government of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 90 years takes power. 1980 – Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting. 1988 – European Central Bank is founded in Brussels. 1988 – The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty comes into effect. 1990 – Cold War: George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev sign a treaty to end chemical weapon production. 1993 – Dobrinja mortar attack: Thirteen are killed and 133 wounded when Serb mortar shells are fired at a soccer game in Dobrinja, west of Sarajevo. 1994 – Republic of South Africa becomes a republic in the Commonwealth of Nations. 1999 – American Airlines Flight 1420 slides and crashes while landing at Little Rock National Airport, killing 11 people on a flight from Dallas to Little Rock. 2001 – Nepalese royal massacre: Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal shoots and kills several members of his family including his father and mother. 2001 – Dolphinarium discotheque massacre: A Hamas suicide bomber kills 21 at a disco in Tel Aviv. 2004 – Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols is sentenced to 161 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole. 2008 – A fire on the back lot of Universal Studios breaks out, destroying the attraction King Kong Encounter and a large archive of master tapes for music and film, the full extent of which was not revealed until 2019. 2009 – Air France Flight 447 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. All 228 passengers and crew are killed. 2009 – General Motors files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is the fourth largest United States bankruptcy in history. 2011 – A rare tornado outbreak occurs in New England; a strong EF3 tornado strikes Springfield, Massachusetts, during the event, killing four people. 2011 – Space Shuttle Endeavour makes its final landing after 25 flights. 2015 – A ship carrying 458 people capsizes in the Yangtze river in China's Hubei province, killing 400 people.
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darkmaga-retard · 13 days
The Hidden Face of War. NATO Sponsored War Professionals in Russian Region of Kursk. Manlio Dinucci
By Manlio Dinucci
Global Research, September 10, 2024
The Forward Observations Group, a private military company based in the United States, published a photo of its war professionals in the Russian region of Kursk, a presence confirmed by a video showing the destruction by the Russian armed forces of Forward Observations Group armoured vehicles and commandos in Kursk. This US military company, whose role is described by the authoritative Military Watch magazine as ‘very obscure’ (evidently, it is linked to US intelligence services), has been engaged for more than two years with Ukrainian forces against Russia with the task of carrying out special operations, including preparing attacks with toxic chemicals.
There is documented evidence that Ukraine is involved in the preparation of attacks with chemical and biological weapons. This US military company is not the only one operating covertly in the theatre of war against Russia. Based on precise documentation Military Watch writes:
‘Numerous facts have emerged about the role of military personnel from NATO member states (including Royal Marines and British SAS commandos) in supporting Ukrainian war operations against Russia. Military advisers, both logisticians and combatants, and other personnel have been operating since 2022 in the theatre of war with a range of newly delivered complex weaponry.’
This confirms that the Ukrainian armed forces are not only armed and trained by the US and NATO, but that US-NATO military companies and special forces operate directly in the theatre of war in command and management roles of sophisticated weaponry, such as long-range missiles and drones, for the use of which military satellite networks are needed, which Ukraine does not have.
At the same time, the US is deploying nuclear weapons (bombs and missiles) at intermediate range in Europe, increasingly close to Russia. Even the missile defence systems, which they deploy in Europe on the official grounds of protecting European populations from the ‘Russian nuclear threat’, are in fact prepared for nuclear attack. The two US Aegis Ashore sites in Poland and Romania and the US Navy destroyers operating in the Baltic and Black Sea are equipped with Lockheed Martin’s MK-41 vertical launch systems, which, as the manufacturer itself documents, can be used for any warfare mission, including nuclear attack on land targets.
Italy actively contributes to the preparation of nuclear war. Violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it hosts US nuclear weapons (the new B61-12 bombs), which the Italian Air Force is trained to use, and through Leonardo it manufactures nuclear weapons. Now Italy has pledged to build – together with France, Germany and Poland – ground-launched cruise missiles with a range of more than 500 km, i.e. a more advanced version of the US intermediate-range nuclear missiles deployed at Comiso in the 1980s, which were eliminated by the 1987 INF Treaty, a treaty that the US tore up in 2019.
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christinamac1 · 4 months
TODAY. Turning Point .The bomb and the cold war. Episode 4: The Wall - outlines the nuclear weapons race.
Introduction: 2019, with Donald Trump in power Mike Pompeo, Secretary of announces that USA is ls leaving the Arms Control Treaty – the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. Only the New Start Treaty remains, due to expire soon . USA-Russia relations at a low point because of Ukraine, Russia withdraws from nuclear communications. Now other nations also have nuclear weapons,…
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mariacallous · 5 months
Meduza: Moscow says missile production once banned under INF Treaty is moving ahead: Russian diplomats say the country is “intensifying the refinement and commencing the production” of ground-based missile systems with medium and short-range missiles that were previously banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Moscow made the announcement on Monday in connection with the news about preparations for drills with tactical nuclear weapons. The Foreign Ministry also tied its announcement to “recent bellicose statements by Western officials,” as well as the West’s supply of increasingly advanced weapons to Ukraine and the supposed involvement of the “Kyiv regime” in terrorism against Russia. Moscow also accused Washington of deploying identical missile systems for exercises in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, Russia’s Foreign Ministry warned that it views American F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine as potential carriers of nuclear weapons.
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
First U.S. sanctions on Russia for violating nuclear missile treaty #missile #production #Russia #sanctions #UnitedStates
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