#International Labour Organization (ILO)
coopsday · 7 months
Courses My.COOP - Managing your agricultural cooperative.
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Join the course My.COOP - Managing your agricultural cooperative: Training of trainers.
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worldaidsday · 5 years
HIV testing at the workplace.
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The AIDS pandemic is not over. HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and gaps in HIV testing continue to persist. Workplaces can help fill these gaps as has been demonstrated by the ILO’s VCT@WORK programme. This self-learning online course, comprising 9 modules, will help you develop or strengthen an ongoing HIV workplace programme.
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validworthblog · 2 months
A few things you need to know about ILO Article 10 of the Occupational Safety and Health Recommendations 1981 ( R164)
R164 is one of the outputs of ILO. It is called Occupational Safety and Health Recommendations 1981 (R164). The other output from ILO is convention. Specifically, article 10 of R164 puts a lot of responsibilities on the employers and employees of an organisation. These responsibilities are part of what employers and employees must do to maintain a safe workplace. Below are the obligations…
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socialjusticeday · 3 months
The Distributional Effects of Stabilization Policy.
Watch The Distributional Effects of Stabilization Policy!
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worldchildlabourday · 4 months
Discussing advances and challenges in relation to the elimination of child labour with the aim to improve the implementation of the ILO's Conventions.
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High-level event during the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference
To mark the World Day, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is holding a high-level side event to the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference.  While celebrating the 25th anniversary of ILO Convention No. 182, tripartite constituents and partners will discuss advances and challenges in relation to the elimination of child labour with the aim to improve the implementation of the ILO's Conventions on child labour, as well as to promote universal ratification of ILO Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age.  See full agenda here.
The event will take place on 12 June, 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. CEST at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, and broadcast live on the ILO website.
More information about the World Day and the campaign materials are available here: 
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safeday · 5 months
Protecting workers in a changing climate.
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Public heath initiatives targeting workers.
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Spotlight on climate change and mental health.
"Climate change and safety and health at work." World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024. April 28th.
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girlsinictday · 5 months
Human-centered digital transformation of skills development.
Explore the digital transformation of skills development diving into innovative digital strategies to enhance global workforce skills.  
Watch the Human-centered digital transformation of skills development!
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internationalwomenday · 7 months
A spotlight on the essential and inseparable roles of decent work and gender equality.
In celebrating International Women's Day 2024, under the theme of 'Investing in women: Accelerate progress', the ILO puts a spotlight on the essential and inseparable roles of decent work and gender equality. As this year's International Women's Day falls during the 350th session of the Governing Body, the celebration will be joined by the Director General, GB participants, and ILO colleagues. The reception will start with songs from the ILO choir followed by contributions from the DG and the representatives of 3 constituents. 
Watch the ILO Celebration of International Women's Day 2024!
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humanrightsday · 1 year
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Freedom of Association: The double helix of civic space and labour rights.
ILO and OHCHR are organizing an event to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the ILO Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87). The event aims to inspire more decisive action to preserve and expand both human and labour rights. It will celebrate the contributions of the OHCHR and of the ILO and its tripartite constituents to the promotion of Freedom of Association and related civil liberties for the protection of civic space.
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ruralwomenday · 1 year
Did you know women constitute 41% of the world’s agricultural labor force?
Rural Women workers are the backbone of their communities, making incredible contributions to health and economic well-being.
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equalpayday · 2 years
Closing gender pay gaps is more important than ever.
On average, women globally are paid about 20% less than men, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Sunday, International Equal Pay Day.
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coopsday · 4 months
High-Level roundtable on Freedom of Association in Belarus.
The high-level roundtable will discuss the grave situation of trade union rights in Belarus with UN special rapporteurs.
Watch the High-Level roundtable on Freedom of Association in Belarus!
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20may · 1 year
Planting awareness.
A beekeeper from Basra, Iraq, is raising awareness among his community on the importance of safety at work. Planting awareness on the importance of farms in the predominantly poor area was his goal. So, he set up Facebook and WhatsApp groups on beekeeping and farming, and with occupational safety and health training from the International Labour Organization (ILO), he is spreading the word on social media and transferring the knowledge to local farmers.
“Our work in agriculture promotes economic opportunities, security and self-reliance,” he said. “It allows us to be independent.”
“Our community has a relationship with our land that is hard to describe; our fathers and grandfathers were also farmers,” he said. “Our work and life cycle on these farms are interdependent.”
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Ziad Sa’ad has a degree in media and communications, but has always been a farmer and beekeeper in Al Qurnah, Iraq.
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Preventing and ending armed conflicts.
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Peacebuilding between nations and social classes on the basis of social justice is the raison d’être of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO was established in 1919 under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which brought the First World War to an end. The establishment of the Organization was based on the conviction that universal and sustainable peace can only be brought about against a background of social justice.
Political treaties and disarmament pacts are essential conditions, but they are not in themselves sufficient to guarantee peace, not only between nations but also between social classes within countries. This is why there is a document underneath the first stone of the main ILO building in Geneva, in which it is written: “Si vis pacem, cole justitiam” - If you want peace, cultivate justice. These important events at the end of the First World War and the establishment of the ILO were also due to the pressure exerted by the trade union movement at its congresses held in 1916, 1917 and 1918, during which workers demanded to be allowed to take part in discussions on the future peace treaty so as to obtain guarantees of minimum working conditions and to establish a permanent body responsible for ensuring that international labour legislation was implemented. As a result of its involvement in support of the construction of global and sustainable peace, the ILO was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969. Since that time, targeted initiatives have been put in place with the aim of applying the principles mentioned above as part of the Organization’s technical cooperation. In the United Nations Policy for Post-conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration, approved in 2008, it is stated that “an inclusive national dialogue including all stakeholders (social partners and beyond) will enhance ownership and programme effectiveness, thereby contributing to peacebuilding”.
Social dialogue is a powerful tool for ensuring that post-conflict economic growth and political and institutional reform are equitable and are achieved while fully respecting fundamental rights at work and social protection. Social dialogue can therefore make a contribution to social calming, to education for peace and to negotiation of the main economic and social questions, including ownership rights. ILO undertakes to build the capacities of the social partners so that they are able to play this important role in building sustainable peace and preventing conflicts. This training manual, which is intended for trade union organizations, is an initial contribution by the ILO in this respect.
Prevention and resolution of violent and armed conflicts: training manual for use by trade union organizations
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socialjusticeday · 3 months
Workshop on Reducing Inequality to Promote Social Justice, Meritocracy in the Face of Group Inequality.
This session explores how meritocratic systems assign tasks based on predicted performance, considering how innate ability and acquired training impact outcomes.
The ILO workshop brings together global experts to explore the drivers of inequality and identify crucial policy actions to create fairer societies for all. This session explores how meritocratic systems assign tasks based on predicted performance, considering how innate ability and acquired training impact outcomes. 
Watch Workshop on Reducing Inequality to Promote Social Justice: Meritocracy in the Face of Group Inequality!
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worldchildlabourday · 4 months
112th International Labour Conference.
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The International Labour Organization will hold its 112th annual International Labour Conference in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024. Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO's 187 Member States will tackle a wide range of issues, including: a standard-setting discussion on protection against biological hazards, a recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of fundamental principles and rights at work and a general discussion on decent work and the care economy. The Conference will also elect members of the Governing Body for the 2024-27 term of office
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