bestmessage · 4 months
National SAFE Day Messages and Sayings
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The National SAFE Day messages and wishes are ideal to post on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram on this occasion. Use these National SAFE Day greetings and images to celebrate this day.
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safeday · 5 months
Protecting workers in a changing climate.
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Public heath initiatives targeting workers.
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Spotlight on climate change and mental health.
"Climate change and safety and health at work." World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024. April 28th.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 9 months
Random headcanon I’ve had for a while, Varian and Cass always turn holidays into a competition.
But not in the way you think.
See, Varian is worse than Rapunzel. He’s a sentimental jerk who gives Cass the sweetest and most thoughtful presents. A new weapon, a new plushie to add to her army, a brand new sextant for her mapmaking, you name it. And Cass strives to get him something just as sweet and thoughtful so he doesn’t get the idea that she doesn’t care about him.
And very quickly, this spreads beyond Yule and birthdays and goes to every holiday on the Coronan Calendar. The Flower Moon Festival, the solstices, the Goodwill Festival, Guardians Day, Day of Hearts. Eventually the gang has enough of the chaos and Cass and Varian decide to pick one holiday as their safeday where no gifts whatsoever are given. They pick Halloween.
And then Varian finds out Cassandra’s birthday is on Halloween….
So he does what any reasonable person would do. He sneaks around behind her back, and right before midnight Cass hears a knock on her office door.
She opens the door…and there’s Varian with a present. Half an hour before the day comes to an end so Cass has no choice but to accept defeat and his gift.
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gubsgames · 7 months
Tavuary Day 12 - Wish!
Still recovering from being so sick, still getting caught up! It was the twelfth day of #Tavuary! There are two ways to participate by either following the Week-by-Week Prompts (Week Two is "Amour") or by using the Day-by-Day prompts found in this post! Fic Title: A Wing and a Prayer Pairing: Astarion x Dandy (my Halfling Bard Tav) Warnings: None, just fluff. Summary: (20 years Post-Game) Astarion makes a wish on Dandy's behalf.
Astarion had learned one very important thing after living amongst the Halflings for half each year over two decades: They did not need an excuse to celebrate. Anything and everything could result in a spontaneous potluck or barn dance, and these fêtes could be raucous affairs with family feuds being mended and begun anew over the course of several lagers in one evening.  When Halflings planned a celebration, however, it could turn into a tenday long affair of food and music. They were currently five days into a “baby shower” for one of Dandy’s many cousins. Astarion found it a weird phrase as he felt that the mother-to-be was definitely the one being showered with attention and gifts rather than the lump in her belly. As it was the fifth-day, Safeday as the Halflings called it, the itinerary of activities were a little more pious as Berry Hollow’s clergy were out in their finery, waving the banners of Yondalla, their mother-god. While some were preparing for the village luncheon, despite the fact that they had just finished morning tea, others were setting up games for later in the afternoon. Dandy and her sisters organised the children into several little squadrons and were taking them on the “Wayward Walk,” the least intimidating city patrol one could ever imagine.  From what Astarion understood of the Halflings’ dogma, these walks were meant to prove to their goddess that they loved and protected their home, their greatest gift from the divine. Off Dandy, Happy, and Jolly went with all the children to check over every corner of the village to clear rocks from paths that might stub a toe, to prune brambles in the vineyard that might cause a scratch, and to do small chores for those they met, singing and waving verdant ribbons as they did. Astarion wandered around, watching the festivities and trying to not be awkward. It was a beautiful day, and he wanted to enjoy the sunlight on his face. Astarion flexed his hand, feeling the weight of the Moonbalm ring he wore in place of a wedding band. The ring, found after many years of researching and adventuring, was a large oval of polished lapis fixed into an elaborately carved silver setting. It was a reminder of Astarion and Dandy’s bond, the new life she had given him, and all the improvements, both emotionally and physically, he had worked so hard for. Near the centre of the village, where the children would end their promenade and lunch would begin, there was a large wooden sculpture brought from the nearby temple for the Safeday services. Atop a short pillar, decorated with woven chains of flowers, was a cornucopia bursting with all the lands bounties with a very plump dove perched atop it all. The dove represented Yondalla, and the cornucopia and its contents were all the rewards given to her faithful.  Astarion stared into the wooden bird’s cheerful little face. In the distance, he could hear Dandy singing with children’s voices joining hers. “Listen, I know you won’t help me. No gods have ever done me any favours, and I’m not one of your Little Folk,” he spoke plainly, having learned over time that prayers to this particular goddess usually came with little fanfare or supplications. “But this isn’t for me. It’s for her, and, if you think she doesn’t deserve something after everything she’s been through, then you are a terrible fucking god, and you don’t deserve her.” The carved bird, of course, did not answer, remaining eternally still and content amongst the wooden fruit. “It’s not like I’m asking for a complete miracle either. It’s like a half-miracle.”
From the corner of his eye, Astarion could see the procession rounding a bend to return to the village centre. Dandy, her face so full of life, held the hand of a small child with another on her hip as she sang her song’s words slowly so that they could learn them. “Dandy’s always taking care of everyone else. She’s kept every promise she’s ever made to me without asking anything in return, so please help me give her this. Be the god she believes you to be because, until you do, you’re just as useless as the others.” While challenging a god was usually not an advisable idea, Astarion figured that, if the all the deities were truly out to spite him, that Yondalla might intervene just to prove him wrong, and he would most happily be made a fool in this situation. 
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krazyproductions · 1 year
how many chicken tenders would you eat in two days if i politely asked you with the 🥺 eyes
and i looked at you respectfully as you gargle them through your throat
todays not a safeday today is monday i WILL die
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aliciacomic · 2 years
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Buenos días ❤️ Good morning ❤️ #hugyourcatday #blackbearday #bubblyday #cheeseday #cleanbeautyday #cognacday #OldMaidsDay #prairieday #SafeDay #TrailsDay Disfruta tu día 🙏 Enjoy your day 🙏 Alexander Pedro Harp https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYzs_pOXAp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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macconsultores · 2 years
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El Día Mundial de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, que se celebra anualmente el 28 de abril, promueve la prevención de los accidentes y las enfermedades profesionales en todo el mundo. El Día Mundial de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo 2022 se centra en potenciar el diálogo social hacia una cultura de la seguridad y la salud. Acompañamos a construir y mantener una cultura en la que el derecho a un medio ambiente de trabajo seguro y saludable se respete en todos los niveles, en la que el Gobierno, los empleadores y los trabajadores participen activamente en iniciativas destinadas a asegurar un medio ambiente de trabajo seguro y saludable mediante un sistema de derechos, responsabilidades y deberes bien definidos, y en la que se conceda la máxima prioridad al principio de prevención. #diamundialdelaseguridadysaludeneltrabajo #ilo #culturadeseguridad #28deabril #sgsst #iso45001 #safeday @macconsultores (en MAC Consultores Ingenieria E Interventoria Sas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc6FQ7puq4O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Give me a charcuterie board with all the different kinds of cheese and I am a happy girl. Granted, there are some I have to say I don't like...goat cheese being one of them...but for the most part, I love all things cheese! My fave is still some good pepper jack. What is yours? Today is also
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cheflatino77 · 4 years
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Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful #safeday #staysafe #stayhealthy (at Sherman, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4vyvtH0m5PUqZkfORhKWD9-VUv2fDwDBdCPY0/?igshid=16wi51aadclm8
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To know what are safe days for not getting pregnant you need to understand exactly - how do ovulation and pregnancy work, about the fertile window, and intercourse.
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 Come ogni anno, anche nel 2020 UMdL partecipa alla Giornata mondiale per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro  sostenuta anche dalla International Labour Organization (ILO) e supportata dalla International Social Security Association (ISSA) e dalle Nazioni Unite (UN).
In molte località italiane il 28 aprile è vissuto come una ulteriore opportunità per ricordare e supportare tutte le vittime dell’amianto attraverso la Giornata Mondiale delle Vittime dell’Amianto.
Quest’anno il tema della Giornata mondiale è “Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives” / “Fermiamo la pandemia: la Sicurezza e la Salute nei luoghi di lavoro può salvare vite”). Qui il link al report ufficiale sull’argomento dal titolo: In the face of a pandemic: Ensuring Safety and Health at Work / A dispetto della pandemia: Garantire la Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro. Di seguito viene riportata una traduzione in italiano di quanto espresso dall’ILO nella pagina ufficiale di presentazione della Campagna .
“ Riconoscendo la grande sfida che i governi, i datori di lavoro, i lavoratori e l’intera società  stanno affrontando a livello mondiale per combattere la pandemia di COVID-19, la Giornata Mondiale per la Salute e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro si focalizzerà sulla gestione di focolai epidemici a carattere infettivologico all’interno degli ambienti di lavoro, con una particolare attenzione per la pandemia provocata dalla COVID-19.
La preoccupazione in alcune parti del mondo sta aumentando di pari passo al continuo incremento di malati affetti da infezione COVID-19, in altre parti in relazione alla effettiva capacità di garantire una costante diminuzione dei casi positivi. I governi, i datori di lavoro, i lavoratori e le loro organizzazioni affrontano quotidianamente enormi difficolta nel tentativo di combattere la pandemia di COVID-19 e proteggere la salute e la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Al di la della crisi evidente nell’immediato,  le preoccupazioni solo legate anche ad una ripresa delle attività lavorative nella garanzia di una prosecuzione dei miglioramenti raggiunti nel contenere la trasmissione dell’agente infettivo.
la Giornata Mondiale per la Salute e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro si propone di incentivare un dialogo tripartito a livello nazionale.  ILO si sta avvalendo di questa giornata per aumentare la consapevolezza sulla necessità di adottare pratiche sicure nei luoghi di lavoro e sul ruolo fondamentale che in questo ricoprono i servizi di salute e sicurezza occupazionale (OSH). L’attenzione è posta anche a medio e lungo  termine, incluso nella ripresa e per una preparazione futura, in particolare, integrando le misure all’interno di sistemi di gestione guidati dai OSH e di politiche nazionali e aziendali.
Dato il rischio infettivologico e del carico psicologico a cui sono sopposti gli operatori sanitari nella lotta contro la COVID-19 la World Health Organization ha messo a disposizione documenti tecnici specifici (di cui alcuni tradotti in italiano da UMdL) per il contenimento dell’infezione; lo stesso è stato fatto dal Ministero della Salute e dall’INAIL.
Secondo i dati raccolti dall’ANMIL in merito agli incidenti mortali sul lavoro in Italia, riportati dai mezzi di informazione, all’aprile del 2020 si sono verificati 85 incidenti mortali; secondo fonti INAIL in tutto il 2019 le denunce pervenute all’ente sono state di 1.089 decessi (con una diminuzione di 44 vite umane andate perdute rispetto a tutto il 2018).
Lucio Fellone ([email protected])
Link alle precedenti Giornate Mondiali per la Salute e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro
Aggiornato al 28/04/2020
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28 aprile 2020: Giornata mondiale per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro  Come ogni anno, anche nel 2020 UMdL partecipa alla Giornata mondiale per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro…
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safeday · 5 months
Examples of awareness raising campaigns developed by social partners.
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Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
The organization found that improved workplace air quality could give significant productivity benefits, in terms of reduced absenteeism due to ill-health as well as less presenteeism where employees are present at world despite being unwell.
Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI)
The campaign included organizing workplace actions in support of workers' rights to health and safety, putting poster in workplaces. Sharing message on social media to raise awareness and writing t relevant government ministries
"Climate change and safety and health at work." World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, April 28th.
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xtrnl619 · 6 years
#BeSmart and have a #SafeDay #BlessedDay #TapOutOrPassOut #TapOut or #PassOut #BrazillianJiuJitsu #PrayBeforeYouPlay #BJJ #BJJ4Life #StayActive #StayHealthy #StayReady #StayHumble #StayBlessed #God1st #TrainHard #WhiteBeltCrazy #ILoveBjj #StaySafe (at Extraordinary Desserts Little Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpcxr5igp2S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z8l06ckixkt7
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a-v-1-o-x-blog · 7 years
One Minute...
One Hour....
One Day.....
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jesuselealc · 7 years
Palabras de nuestra coordinadora del centro de ejecución de oriente en ocasión del #safeday o Día de la Seguridad Felicidades
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id just like to say. thank u for the discord. just from the bottom of my heart, a big old thank you
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Happy Safeday. 
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