#Interview Cake
sweetswesf · 2 years
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What I Did Today
Took a recruiter call
Chatted with a friend who wants to help me get hired
Connected with another former Apprentice who was also laid off
Worked out
FINALLY DID 1 ALGO!! It only took damn there 2 weeks!!!
Concluded a DECADE long "friendship" with probably my 1st love
Cut it off with that dude I met on Hinge because he was on a dating app looking for friends *EYE ROLL*
Called my grandmother to thank her for the Thanksgiving Day card she gave me
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What I Learned Today
I procrastinate A LOT...
I ACTUALLY want to learn this all this stuff I have mapped out
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Productive, and a little proud, but also a little ashamed of how long it took me to get started...I know I can do better
It may take at least 6 months to be where I want to be...is that too long? Am I being too liberal?
A bit anxious when I realize what the REAL timeline is
I don't have major headaches these days, but there's always a little something I feel in my head every day ever since my major headache last week...I'm a bit nervous that working out is not great for me right now, but I feel heavier than I usually am and need the physical exercise...gains can wait, but I don't know if I should pay more attention to these sensations...they're not super distracting, I am just hyper aware given that I had a head injury this year...next doc appt is next week, but they always reject my request for an MRI or CT scan...I have done some research online and SOME say working out is good for it...gets the blood going, reduces the stress, but only after some initial rest...but I haven't had an injury recently so IDK...pray for me please :) my balance is okay, coordination is okay, strength is okay, no vomiting or diarrhea anymore...idk what's up...
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I needed a guilt free 2 week break after being laid off...and I did not afford myself that, but I tried my best
I am so stressed BECAUSE I procrastinate when I think I'm already so far behind or try to discourage myself with, "do I REALLY have to learn these concepts?!," when I know I DO...
I don't have to master it all...I need to take it slow, forgive myself when I'm not operating at my best, and not put so much pressure on myself
I GOTTA get off of toxic ass TWITTER and stop watching so much YOUTUBE!!! I don't even be really entertained...just numb...and all the surprise porn or fights on Twitter is REALLY not the distraction I need right now
I get invites to things, and I'm going to take them...because I'm single af, I don't have A TON of close friends, and I need to be social
I'm healing...I didn't even get totally sad or cry when I told my grandmother I couldn't afford to come home for the holidays...I feel like I COULD pay for the flight...I just kind of don't want to anymore since I always pay to go out solo; I am also just so sad that they never want to help me with the flight, even after I claimed I couldn't afford...maybe they know I'm BS'ing, or maybe they don't care to see me that much for them to pay the ~$100 roundtrip
I could be so confident, so fit, so wealthy, so strong, if I gave up all the things not serving me...
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
Allowing myself to watch just one more episode of British Bakeoff before getting started
Telling myself that I did not have to do it all today
Ordering takeout so that it was one less thing I had to stress about
Exercising a little discipline
Putting all my unwatched YouTube videos in a playlist...sounds strange, yes, but the way my brain works is if I know I have videos unwatched but not organized, I will feel like they are an uncompleted task and my mind will distract me to tell me "DO THIS FIRST!" since the effort to complete them is small
Encouraging myself with "You can do it," and, "be 'That Girl'!"
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Goals After Today
Not listen to people worried about their own circumstances and remember God works on his own time and I am in no rush...
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in less 3 months
Drop my body fat percentage
Use social media/YouTube less
Improve my relationship with my family
Be more confident & faithful
Move more during my day
Get back on the ball
Be kinder to myself and stop guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Find a therapist
Figure out what keeps making me sick...
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hearteyedfeelings · 3 months
god the instant fucking CHEMISTRY that exploded from the screen with that Alicent and Rhaenyra scene- i know they can't always be on screen together due to the story. but the money i would pay to watch a full episode of just the two of them in a room talking? MILLIONS
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comicake · 3 months
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Really wanted to bake smth for the finale of season 2, so here’s my attempt at making theatre cake. It’s a little bit wonky but I put my whole heart into it! The building is also kinda difficult to recreate cause it’s connected to other buildings in the street, I think (but I don’t really know much about architecture, anyway 🫣)
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And then I tried to burn it, of course, for all the awful things they did to my poor Claudia and Madeleine.
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So, here’s the ruins in all of theirs chocolate cake glory 🫡
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russell-crowe · 5 months
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robert sean leonard in 1989
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
I dare you to point out the difference between this
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And this scene
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Ah yes that’s right. There are none. Modern time Polin has struck again
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
the most important part of playing lestat is being able to serve cunt and the most important part of playing louis is being jacob anderson. hope this helps
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suikamelon6 · 7 months
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Lestat's Leyendecker Robe cake is finished and has been eaten.
Happy birthday for tomorrow Sam Reid! We're eating your cake a day early over here. It's LEMON like our brat prince.
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iwtv-az-hours · 19 hours
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Daniel Molloy eyes explained
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knowthatiloveyou · 4 months
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God herself out here yet again showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. We love her so. 🏳️‍🌈
Hannah Waddingham with Jeff Conway today at her 'Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas' FYC Event in LA
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
checked in with an ex-colleague
finally finished all the AlgoExpert Data Structures Crash Course videos
finished registration to collect Unemployment; seems like I'll get about 25% of what I used to get paid...eligible to receive it for 6 months...I'm grateful
Day 2 of 100 Days of Python
What I Learned Today
booleans can be added together in Python!? Cray...
Felt good earlier, then tired, then heartbroken, then accomplished, then excited
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It’s going to be an everyday battle of pulling myself up to the table and getting it done, and it will get easier over time, but I just have to do it
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
I was so tired, but my 1st’s story of his sister passing mysteriously and suddenly made me paranoid…I shuddered at the thought of not being able to accomplish my goals in life, laid down for a bit, read some scripture, listened to Tim Tebow break down a few verses, prayed, then got back up, and banged it out…Thank you God.
ERRRKUHH FREAQIN' BADUUUUU! Danced my heart out...and cried a lot...especially to Bag Lady..."LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO...I betcha' love can make it better...pack LIIIIGHHTT!"
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Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Learn more about my gym crush & get him to ask for my number
Get a house similar to that one in Spain
Update my personal app
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kheldara · 1 month
what if. what if armand mind-wiped so hard he wiped his own mind too. so also doesn't remember a past time affair with Daniel. what if it only comes crashing back to them during the turning. what if i could watch these old men fumble their way back to each other whilst discovering the past? HMMM? what if this means i could see young!daniel getting kissed, but also watch old!daniel and armand fall for each other anew, from the ground up. hmm? what then.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
I’m So, So Proud of You
Pairing: Boyfriend! Curtis Everett x Reader
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Summary: Curtis is proud of you for getting that job
Word count: 2,086
Content/warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI, sweet loving smut, unprotected p in v sex, crying during sex (happy tears), established relationship, soft boyfriend Curtis, cake eating (it’s not really food play), LOTS of praise, the dangerous combination of heavy fluff and smut, playful chasing, dislike for old white men and the corporate patriarchy
A/N: Only hot hoes have a praise kink. I make the rules. Melt with me, it’s a beautiful thing. Seriously, what happened? I thought my heart was cold and dead…
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You walked through the front door of your apartment much earlier than usual, which could’ve meant one of two things for Curtis. Either you got the job, or you didn’t, coming home immediately to either celebrate or sulk.
Curtis listened intently from his place perched at the kitchen island. You had closed the latch gently. You were trying to surprise him. Well, either that, or you just wanted silence, but he heard no sign of sniffles. So no crying, but who’s to say you weren’t just angry, void of sorrow. No. If you had been angry, the door would’ve been slammed.
There it was, Curtis made his decision and grabbed one of the cake boxes off of the counter, tucking it on the chair next to him. He grabbed the small party popper, preparing it for you to cross the threshold.
Just before he expected to see you, he heard your footsteps stop abruptly right outside the frame of the entry to the kitchen. You took a deep breath before throwing down your bag and jumping out to where you had expected to see your boyfriend.
As you landed on the hardwood floors with your arms out, it emanated from you in almost a scream, full of excitement. “I got the job!”
Before you could register it, a loud pop reached your ears and confetti fell over your face. You laughed and closed your eyes, reveling in the moment, before running over to meet Curtis just as he slid off the stool. He picked you up in a tight embrace, taking a step away from the counter and spinning you around. He sat you back down and held you there for a second, his broad shoulders shielding you from the world, holding in all the happiness between you.
Curtis tucked his head into your neck, nose nuzzled against your hair, taking a deep inhale of what he had missed and been eager to hold all day. “I knew you’d get it, Tiger.”
He let you go finally, his large hands giving your shoulders a squeeze, then tracing down your arms to reach your hands before pulling you in for a kiss. “I’ve got something for you.”
Curtis moved the stools out of the way so he could guide you to the counter, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and perching his chin on your shoulder. You felt him nod in reference against your ear to the pink cake box sitting there, staring back at you. “Open it.”
You pulled on the ribbon that held it closed before flipping open the lid. You were greeted by a…cake? It didn’t look like much of one, more lumpy than flat, with icing smeared over the top, decorated with scrawled red letters. Curtis had definitely made this himself, and you couldn’t have been more happy with the gesture, both of you having stepped outside your comfort zones today. Until you attempted to read the words on top:
“Old white men can shove it?”
You looked over your shoulder at Curtis, his eyes wide and staring straight ahead. Well, more like to the side, at one of the stools he had moved. You followed his line of sight, finding an identical pink box at the end of it. Your body instantly shook with laughter against his tight hold as you leaned in his grasp to grab the box.
“Curtis, did you make two cakes?” You placed the cardboard down on the counter, feeling the way he hid himself in your neck again, this time in embarrassment as you could feel the warmth grow in his cheeks.
He sighed, debating whether or not to answer you truthfully, but there was no use in denying what was directly in front of both of you. “Yeah, but I promise I really had no doubts you’d get the job. You just never know, though. It wouldn’t have been on you, it would’ve been on those old white men that need to retire instead of turning down every good candidate in front of them.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes. He essentially pulled the words out of your mouth regarding how you had told him you felt about all those hiring managers and executives that ran things in their ivory towers. You lifted the lid of the second box to see decorations placed with much more care.
“Congratulations, Tiger. I’m proud of you.”
You swear you could’ve melted right there. You turned around and placed your hands on his cheeks, leaning in for another kiss. “Thank you. I love it.”
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The later part of the evening found the two of you laying on the couch, box between you with the non-celebratory cake half gone. The other cake was to be saved for tomorrow, as your parents said they’d be visiting for a congratulatory dinner with you and Curtis.
Bites were taken here and there as the two of you nearly drifted off to the evening news. Curtis stirred on the cushion, pulling your feet off his lap to lean forward and place the box on the coffee table, not before swiping icing off and booping it onto your nose.
Your eyes shot open at the betrayal as you gasped, realizing what had happened. Curtis let out a giggle as he leaned back quickly, evading your swiping grasp. You scrambled to get up as he was already making his way down the hall, running for you to chase.
“Curtis! I’m gonna get you!” Your socked feet slipped on the floor as your ran after him, almost catching up as he rushed into the bedroom. Before he could close the door, you shoved a leg in and squeezed through the entrance. He made an attempt to move to the other side of the room, found to be unsuccessful as you jumped and tackled him onto the bed, mattress bouncing with the impact. His minor struggle ended up with him on his back beneath you, you straddling his narrow hips, and your hands pinning his arms above his head into the comforter.
“Gotcha.” You spoke in a taunting tone. “Now get this icing off my face so you and I can enjoy the rest of our night together.”
Curtis looked up at you with something between a smirk and a grin. “Gladly, Sweetheart.”
He leaned up and licked the icing off the tip of your nose, moving down to kiss you briefly with the sweet taste on his lips, then pulling away, his previously mischievous face beginning to soften, but not fully yet. “Now that you’re all cleaned up, what was that you said about the plans for the rest of the night?”
Curtis wrapped a leg around one of yours for leverage, flipping the two of you over so you were now pinned beneath him in the same position. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him overtop of you, looking down at your face, sharing a smile as he pressed his growing bulge against you.
“Have I told you how proud I am of you?” It came out almost as a whisper as he lowered himself to nose against your neck, pressing kisses sporadically.
You hummed, throwing your head back to give him more room. “Maybe. I think you might need to tell me again, though. I’m not sure if I caught it earlier.”
Curtis laughed against your skin, one hand remaining over yours, the other gently tracing up your side, pushing up your shirt with it. The feeling of his callused fingertips against your soft skin sent shivers through your body, paired with the tingles from him moving down to kiss the newly exposed skin. “Apologies sweet girl, let me show you how proud I am.”
He released your hands to hook his fingers under your pants, pulling them down to fully expose your lower half, leaving your arms free to remove your shirt, bra long gone since shortly after you had entered your home.
Curtis kissed up one leg to the juncture of your thighs, switching to the other and doing the same before opening your legs more and pressing a featherlight kiss to your core. You did your best to keep your head up, holding his gaze as he savored your body.
“I’ll never stop, until the end of time, telling you how amazing you are. And how lucky I am to be with a talented, driven, fierce woman.” Small licks against your clit punctuated every adjective and you couldn’t help the way you shuddered under the praise and the sensation.
Before Curtis could dive into your pleasure, though, you placed a hand on his jaw, pulling his face up to yours. Your hands traced down his hips, running under his shirt and feeling his firm abs before tucking into his waistband and pushing for him to take off his sweatpants and underwear. His eyelashes fluttered against you, his body wearing too much clothing overtop of your naked one.
“Please. Please, Curtis. I just want to feel you.” It was breathed into the warm, thick air you shared. Curtis wordlessly nodded, quickly undressing as you shifted fully onto the bed. As he crawled over you, you traced your nails against the tattoos and chest hair that decorated his gorgeous chest.
Curtis grabbed your leg, hooking it against his waist, sinking down for another kiss, sloppy with love and admiration. One hand held the side of your head, thumb stroking your cheek, as the other reached down to perch him at your entrance, already glistening with arousal for the man who treated you like the most precious thing in the universe.
Curtis’s reverent eyes shifted between yours and your entrance as you nodded and whined to him. He slowly pushed in the tip, the stretch of your entrance welcoming him home rewarding your ears with his deep groan as your arms flung around his back, grasping for a hold as you transcended from this plane of existence.
Your bodies fit perfectly together as he continued to slowly slip in, inch by inch, without the normal preparation, bringing only wholeness. As his hips finally became flush with yours, the both of you sighed with relief at the deepest connection.
Curtis began to pull out, thrusting back in with just as much tender care, reaching a slow, amatory rhythm. His eyes still never left yours, the only thing in the world being what was in your line of sight. His hips continued to roll against you as he spoke against your lips. “I’m so, so proud of you. Always have been. Always will be.”
You expected to feel the weight of the day crash over you, all the stress you had gone through catching up past the excitement, but instead, it hit Curtis’s back and rolled off, shielding you from all possible worries and creating a bubble of warmth. At the thought of all the instances where he showed his regard for you, you felt wetness pour over your cheeks, swiped and kissed away by Curtis as he cooed at you.
There are only a few times where Curtis has made you cry during sex, all of them from when he treats you with care, reverently cradling your body and showing his love through slow, firm movements. Pulling you under as the emotions overflow through your eyes, manifesting as tears that hold a weight worth worlds of the gracious product of his veneration.
“I know, I know, sweet thing. You’re doing so well. You always do. You’re so incredible.” His praise and the sheer love of the moment was pushing you towards the edge, constituents stacking up. Curtis moved his thumb down to your clit, rubbing steadily in tandem with his thrusts, causing your cup to spill over as your entire being shook. You clenched against him, body contracting in on itself as you tucked your forehead against his chest. Curtis stroked your hair, holding you close to him as he came with you, shooting ropes of his release within your fluttering walls, further bonding the two of you in your ecosystem of intimacy and affection.
He held you closely as the two of you caught your breaths, before flipping over. You sunk into him as he remained inside of you, the both of you feeling sleepy with satisfaction. Curtis rubbed circles against your back, peppering kisses against your shoulders and hairline, speaking against your sweat-laced brow. “You’re phenomenal. And I’ll do whatever I have to, to prove that to you, forever and ever.”
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Bonus A/N: All I can hope for you and myself is to have someone this amazing😭😭🥹
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comicake · 7 months
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I’m still obsessed with iwtv season 2 posters so I baked a cake inspired by the loumand poster🥰
Can’t wait for season 2 and all fucked up stuff that we’re going to see
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rarilight · 3 months
There’s a section in the story where RariTwi pretend they’re soulmates to go into this… soulmate speed dating event and I’ve decided that every activity is going to be a reference/remake of past oneshots like we’re speedrunning the monochromatic greatest hits
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indelicateink · 2 months
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(eta: went ahead and made this request with a vampires-are-known universe hays-code-esque porn violations)
okay so Anne Rice’s son Christopher had responded to a tweet at some point in which it was jokingly concluded that lestat would’ve been in porn and lol, that Armand would’ve reported the filming for code violations
which is fucking hilarious, and I, of course, desperately needed to beg for a crack 5+1 of this on the iwtv kink meme, and went over to type that up, but—
BUT GOOGLE WILL NOT TELL ME WHAT CODE VIOLATIONS ON AN ADULT FILM SET ARE. and I get CR was making a joke, but gdi I’d love to read this! we need this for science
the big ones on a film set of that nature are (1) you have to be of age (o b v i o u s l y; doesn’t even need to be in the fic); and (2) at least in Cali as far as I can tell, you have to glove up. (and then state by state, city by city, at least in the US, there are codes about where you can locate your sexually oriented business, what it’s allowed to be, etc). (edit: getting tested is also important, but not the kind of thing that can be visually flagged by armand after a viewing)
that’s it. my google skill may be weak.
beyond that i’m sure there are codes to be followed on any film set, but I can’t find them. (and lbr, it would be more hilarious to have specific porn codes to break.)
I guess he could be breaking the very specific rules a production company privately likes to go by, and somehow armand knows those? or the TOS on the site he cams on?
I throw myself on the mercy of my fellow iwtv tumblees, all in good fun: lestat is out there violating codes in porn and armand is dutifully calling those in one at a time. please help: wtf is the man doing? (that is not super DARK, but IS hilarious.) [ETA: okay, possible solution added at top of post]
(fwiw, imho lestat’s husband louis is fine with the career, is aware armand is gonna armand, and is honestly too busy with his art curation/brokering/etc career to give more than a passing interest to these shenanigans, and is happy to watch the final products of an evening with his boo)
if I have to make this alternate universe/scifi/fantasy I will, but irl is possibly funnier. please help me perv. for science. and the reading pleasure of the greater community.
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girls-gays-theys · 13 hours
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amc's interview with the vampire
Anne Rice Interview With The Vampire
simon petrikov and betty grof from Fiona and Cake
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