#InuKag Week 2022
stillunderyourbed · 2 years
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domestic + parenting
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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"Kagome has taught me so much. To smile, to trust. She's the only reason I'm not alone anymore! She taught me to rely on my friends. To shed tears for another. What true strength and kindness is. All of that I learned from Kagome.
Kagome was born so I could meet her. And I was born for her."
Anniversary (of Firsts) for @inukag-week 💓 Screencap, OG redraw and blurb below the cut 👇
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I am rather weak for a progress pic, must admit. When the Anniversary prompt dropped for @inukag-week this year, I thought it would be fun to redraw the "Firsts" prompt from last year. Same goal this time round: few layers, more focus on simplicity. And it kinda worked...kinda. There aren't a lot of layers here, but the difference in quality is pretty significant. The technical difference is muscle memory and skill in achieving that goal + time spent. And that's wonderful to see with my own eyes - cause that's the thing about progress. You never see it while you're in it.
ttyl bbs 💓
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ruikamo · 2 years
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“Role reversal” was honestly the prompt I was looking foward to the most! For this I switched the time periods they both live in. Inu Yasha is still a demon but lives in the present, while Kagome is a Miko from the past. The drawing is supposed to show their first meeting, as Inu Yasha climbs out of the well. 
I tried to do the lineart with a brush for this one and honestly it was such a hassle. Not doing that again. It doesn’t even look that great :( 
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For @inukag-week 2022: Role Reversal
The first time was accidental. One morning, InuYasha cupped Kagome’s cheek in his palm—drawing her face up to his for a good morning kiss—when his thumb grazed along the shell of her ear. A full-body shiver shook its way down her frame, and her lips met his with more force than usual, an unexpected and palpable eagerness in her movements. 
The second time was also accidental. He and Miroku had been away from the village for a couple of nights, on loan to a neighboring village to help with a minor demon infestation. When they returned home on the third day, Kagome caught sight of InuYasha walking along the path to their hut. A sunny smile broke across her face, and she’d immediately started running to him, flinging herself into his arms with a delighted squeal. InuYasha had held her tightly, burying his nose in her hair and exhaling a gusty sigh against her ear. Again came her full-body shiver, and she’d burrowed deeper into his arms, hiding her face against his chest. After that, he felt pretty confident that he’d stumbled upon something good. 
The third time was completely intentional. They were lying together on their pallet, awake and trading leisurely caresses, when he deliberately reached over and traced the shell of her ear with his claw. 
“InuYasha,” she said in a tone that was half complaint and half breathy encouragement. It only prompted him to gently rub her earlobe between his thumb and forefinger, before trailing the pad of his finger along the inner curve of her ear. 
That full-body shiver—the one InuYasha was beginning to love—traveled down her spine, and she squirmed closer to his body. 
InuYasha grinned. “Your ears are kind of sensitive, huh?”
She opened her mouth, but whatever reply she intended was derailed when InuYasha propped himself up on his elbow, leaned over her, and let his warm breath wash over her ear. 
She gasped, and blushed—he swore even her earlobe flushed red—and turned her face into his neck. He couldn’t help his widening grin as he ghosted his lips over her ear and whispered, “Your ears are cute.”  
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mamabearcat · 2 years
One Good Punch
Inuyasha's ears flicked in surprise at the sudden 'thwip' of Kagome's arrow as it shot past him, landing with a solid 'thunk' in the damp soil at the yamabushi's feet, barely missing his toes.
"In case you were wondering", she hissed, "I missed on purpose. Let. Him. Go!"
The monk's eyebrows raised in surprise, glancing between the dog hanyou he'd been about to attack and the unconscious fox demon kit dangling from his fist by the tail, the paper ofuda plastered across his tiny face fluttering in the evening breeze.
"Why would I do that?" he sneered, speaking to Kagome as if she were a small child. "Fox youkai are tricksters, always up to no good. Just like that half demon abomination who was about to attack me."
"How dare you!"
Inuyasha had moments to get out of the way before Kagome stormed passed him, dropping her bow and literally crackling with rage as static pink reiki swirled around her tightly clenched fists.
She stepped in front of the monk and swung, not gracefully, but effectively, hitting the startled monk directly in the nose, causing him to drop the kit. Inuyasha swooped in under Kagome's arm to catch Shippou, cradling him gently to his chest, and then stepped back, slightly bemused at the turn of events where Kagome was the instigator of violence and he was on the sidelines.
"Shippou is a child!" she screamed, voice cracking with emotion. "He was looking for mushrooms for dinner! And Inuyasha is no more an abomination than I am! You know nothing about them. Nothing at all!"
The monk's eyes were wide, one hand clamped over his obviously broken nose, but when he began to speak, Kagome brandished her fist threateningly in his face again.
"I don't wanna hear it. Not one word. And if you try and follow us, I'll let Inuyasha stick his Tessaiga where the sun don't shine, you got me?"
Inuyasha chuckled, then shrugged when Kagome turned her gaze onto him.
"What?" he said with a grin. "You know I'd do it."
Turning her back on the monk with a huff, she moved to Inuyasha, carefully peeling the ofuda off Shippou's face, growling angrily at the red blistered mark on his forehead. She ripped the ofuda in half, scrunching it up in her fist, before hurling it back towards the yamabushi with a venomous glare.
"Is he gonna be okay?" she whispered to Inuyasha, smoothing the red fluffy fringe off Shippou's brows.
"Yeah, I think so. He'll probably have a headache when he comes to, but nothing major. He'll be fine." He gestured towards the Yamabushi with his elbow. "You want me to beat this guy up?"
"No, let's just go back to camp. The others will probably be back by now, and I want to make sure Shippou's okay."
"That was a pretty good punch by the way. You just needed to keep your wrist a little straighter. Your hand okay?"
"My fingers hurt a little."
"I'll have a look at 'em after we make sure Shippou's all good. But yeah, I was impressed."
The monk watched cautiously as the girl and the hanyou carrying the fox demon disappeared from sight in amongst the trees, deep in conversation and ignoring him entirely. Perhaps that was a good thing. He whimpered as he straightened his nose with an audible crack. A sudden thought occurred to him.
I wonder what she meant by his Tessaiga?
And then realised, as he beat a hasty retreat in the opposite direction, he really didn't want to know.
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doginabirdcage · 2 years
Self Awareness
I saw the prompt "intimacy" and this sprung to mind. I hope you enjoy it!
"Kagome!" Yuka ran over, careening into her arm like a human cannon and making her slide with the math review sheets strewn across her desk. "You would not believe what just happened to me. I can't believe you're even at school to hear it live!"
She was having a peaceful nap at her desk during lunchtime before being interrupted. Sleep was getting harder to come by these days, so Kagome found she was dozing off at every opportunity. Blearily, she sat her head up from the desk and a pencil dropped off from where it was stuck to the side of her cheek. "Huh?"
"Arakawa," Yuka hissed in a passionate whisper and a big grin. "He put his hand on my back! Like, above my butt!"
Eri and Ayumi came swooping in from behind. "He what?!"
"I! know!" she gaped with her infectious enthusiasm, shaking Kagome's shoulder a bit for effect. She mustered up a smile for her friend, though she couldn't see what was the big deal here.
Eri dragged a chair over from the desk in front of Kagome's with an obnoxious squeal. The person who just had their assigned seat stolen sucked their teeth in annoyance from across the room, but it went unnoticed. "Don't spare us a single detail!"
Ayumi followed the lead and pulled up her own chair. Yuka stayed standing, bouncing on her feet as she relayed a story of epically bland proportions.
As she listened to her talk about dropping notebooks off to the teachers' office with the boy she liked, Kagome began to zone out. Looking at Yuka's radiant expression after a moment, she shook off her fatigue and recollected herself for the momentous occasion.
She barely sees her friends nowadays! Crushes are exciting!
"And then. And then," Yuka leaned forward. "Mr. Mabuchi asked me to bring more books back to the classroom."
"And?" Eri and Ayumi leaned in themselves, which Kagome awkwardly mirrored.
"The books were on a shelf that I had to tiptoe to reach. Arakawa said," she put on a deep voice, "'You're too small Shimizu, let me help.' And he stopped me from doing it. With his hand. On my back. Totally casual."
Eri drummed her feet on the floor, Ayumi clapped her hands together and gasped girlishly. Kagome teasingly poked Yuka straight in her side. She danced in place.
"What did you do?" Ayumi asked.
"I stood there gaping like a fish!" They started to laugh together. "I took the books when he was done and made a beeline for the classroom."
Yuka finally found a seat and sighed forlornly, rolling Kagome's pencil back and forth across her desk. "His hand was so big and warm. I stopped breathing."
Unbidden, a clawed hand wrapped protectively around the dip of her waist flashed across Kagome's mind.
Not now! Inuyasha only does that when it's life or death!
"I'd probably die right on the spot." Eri sighed too. "You're so lucky, Yuka. I hope Tsuda and I get some alone time together someday."
"You will!"
"It's bound to happen!"
"I bet Arakawa thought your reaction was cute, Yuka." Ayumi smiled.
"Seconded." Kagome nodded.
"You would know, too," Yuka smirked in her direction, "between that delinquent of yours and Hojo."
Kagome's eyes bugged out of her head in indignation. She quickly scanned the room for the boy in question before responding. "There's nothing going on with Hojo! Or the delinquent for that matter."
"Like I'd believe that." Ayumi scoffed.
It was Kagome's jaw that dropped this time. She'd been betrayed by her quietest friend!
"Yeah, seriously. Sometimes when you're absent and we call your grandpa, he says you're running around with Inuyasha." Eri said pointedly.
"I would hardly call it running around," Kagome said weakly. "He...takes me to my appointments!"
Appointments being jewel shards, she thought to herself.
"On what? His motorcycle?" Yuka waggled her eyebrows. "Do you hug his back tightly?"
Her face started heating up like a tomato. "He doesn't have a motorcycle!"
"So, what? He carries you?"
In the span of a few short months, it was already surprisingly easy for Kagome to jump on Inuyasha's back at a moment's notice.
"No!" She shrieked and began to sputter, "We travel like perfectly normal--h-human beings!"
"Shhhhh!" Their teacher smacked her ruler on the podium in the front of the class. "Everyone go back to your seats."
When Inuyasha met her on the way home from school, Kagome refused to look him in the eye the entire evening.
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hanmajoerin · 2 years
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Summary: Post-cannon one shot for @inukag-week. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world.
A/N: Holy macaroni and rice, I actually finished my InuKag Week piece and I finished it early, so I thought I'd give you all a head start on being able to read it as well!
II AO3 || FanFiction.Net II
"For Her"
Miroku told him before that childbirth was one of the world’s greatest wonders. InuYasha couldn’t wait to punt that bozo across the village for even saying that. A wonder of life? The most curious thing to it was that anyone who went through it could live past it. And no one was happier than InuYasha to have a wife like Kagome who was living past it. 
InuYasha knew about tradition, that to a man labor was meant to remain a “wonder of the world”, but tradition had never been Kagome and his style. Two years ago, she left her family to be with him. On the other side of the Bone Eater’s Well, Kagome’s mother was doubtlessly minding her day without realizing that the two were having this baby. He owed it to her to be there for Kagome, right? It was a loose justification, but good an excuse as any to leave Miroku, Shippo, and the kids in the dust after what was probably a nasty contraction on Kagome’s end. She’d never made a sound like that before–it almost scared the shit out of him–and he panicked, flying past the door and scooping up her hand so tightly. Kaede, Sango, and Rin tried kicking him out. As if they’d ever gotten him to listen once his mind was made up. So the half-demon stayed, perched beside his priestess. He held her hand and dabbed a cold compress across her face every now and again. The whole time, he thought he’d vomit. He kind of still wanted to. Everything was loud, there were so many scents, and his own home felt like a cramped den. He had a rotten time–couldn’t stand feeling so useless while Kagome endured wave after wave of incomprehensible pain. But it was over now, and crying was the only sound he processed.  
They hadn’t spoken a word to each other since those cries began, and yet, somehow, InuYasha and Kagome managed to tell each other that their life as two was officially and entirely over. After placing the compress back into the bucket behind him, InuYasha’s hand traced up the side of Kagome’s face, until his fingers split by her ear. He brushed the side of her forehead with the pad of his thumb, trying his best to smile down at her. It was probably just sweat, but Kagome was glowing. The half-demon could’ve stayed like that, once Kagome’s hand held his in place, forever. 
“InuYasha, come and bring your daughter to Kagome,” Kaede said. The half-demon’s mind scrambled, trying to get on track. There really were three of them which meant he couldn’t only focus on Kagome. Her lips curved up at him as he turned away, and InuYasha quickly squatted down to dip his hands into a boiling bucket of water Rin poured. 
“My daughter…” InuYasha trailed, time lurching oddly in response to this second realization. InuYasha had a little girl, and she was going to be the most precious being in the entire world. He thought he was moving slowly toward the old hag, but no sooner was he faced with a swaddled newborn than he was able to mentally say his child's name for the first time. It was Moroha. He and Kagome agreed that regardless of who Kaede would hand off to them, it’d fit. 
Kaede placed her into the half-demon’s arms like it was nothing. And he guessed she was always putting babies into people’s arms. For InuYasha though... he’d never held someone quite as small as his daughter. She was magnificent, a red flush overtaking every scrunched up feature on her face. Screaming, she was screaming so loudly but he didn’t mind it. Moroha stopped once InuYasha began walking anyway, her tiny brown eyes blinking up at him curiously. “That’s it, your old man’s got you,” InuYasha told her, crossing the hut to kneel by Kagome, “and your mama’s right here.”
“Oh, Moroha,” Kagome whispered, arms already outstretched. InuYasha placed Moroha there gently, and when he could see his wife and child together–it made him blink, a lot. The fire’s warmth must’ve finally made it over to them, too, since he could finally feel it. InuYasha watched Kagome guide Moroha to her breast, she latched on eagerly and he couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping. Being born must’ve worked up an appetite. 
InuYasha watched her for a few moments, taking note of the fine black hair on her head and the funny way it dried from when Kaede washed her. It swirled up, kind of like it was in a very tall ponytail. His eyes traveled higher until they locked with Kagome’s. Their entire story seemed to play in the tears lining her eyes. It was getting hard to ignore the stinging in his own. He wondered if Kagome could see what he did: The time he dropped her off of his back when he thought she was useless, the moment the Sacred Jewel shattered, finding a home in her without even realizing it, falling in love with her, her staying by his side, the day he nearly lost her forever, and the three years he really had.
“InuYasha,” Kagome said, shifting Moroha to her other breast. 
“I know,” he replied, reaching out to smooth a stray hair of Kagome’s before lowering his hand to Moroha’s head. It was hard to believe that InuYasha used to live alone or that he spent any amount of time obsessing over power and magic jewels instead of a moment like this one. 
Moroha cooed, her fingers curling and uncurling themselves in the air. He brushed his thumb lightly across his baby girl's hair, mindful of his claws. She blinked over at him as she continued with her first meal, and InuYasha swore he caught the faintest trace of amber mixing with the brown there. It only made sense for his traits to make appearances since she was apart of her parents’ story, too. Although Moroha didn't understand any of it–wasn’t sure how much she’d care to hear when she got older–it was there. Kagome and InuYasha would always be there.
Kagome shifted their baby to rest in only one arm. “InuYasha, you’re crying,” she pointed out before pulling the sleeve of her sleeping robe over her hand to wipe at the tears. 
“Didn’t even notice,” the half-demon confessed. His hands searched past the robe; he wanted to hold his wife's hand–he wanted to pull both of them to him.
InuYasha’s past had never seemed so unreachable, but gazing over at his own daughter made it impossible to stop remembering. There were slurs, rocks, fights, and beds made in hollowed trees. Then there was finding Kikyo and losing her, the pain from her arrow, his own demon power, and Naraku. 
Moroha’s hands flapped while her fingers kept opening and closing. InuYasha intertwined one hand with Kagome’s while offering his index finger to Moroha. She grabbed it, and he knew. He knew how every bad part of his life was worth enduring since it led to Kagome, but that he’d only live it over and over and over again for her: Moroha.
A/N: If Sunrise Studios gets to make no damn sense for two whole seasons of an InuYasha next generation spin off series then I can take some creative liberties and let InuYasha hang out with Kagome while she’s working hard to give birth to their child. Needless to say, this has like negative two ties to the Yashahime narrative, lol. I took Moroha with me to my own ever after where InuYasha and Kagome live very boring lives in Kaede’s Village. I began writing this piece back in November after a YouTuber I watched put out a video for the birth of her children. It made me wonder how I’d write Moroha’s birth. I listened to a lot of “Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2” while writing this piece; hopefully you guys enjoy this submission for InuKag Week!
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kstewdeux · 2 years
June 14th, 2022 - Intimacy
Summary: Inuyasha probably needs therapy for trauma. Alas there aren’t therapists in the feudal era so cuddles are substituted for Xanax.
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Two years in and it was still surreal that Inuyasha not only never slept sitting up but he would actually get annoyed - in his sleep no less - when she wormed out of his hot water bottle body’s hold. This sleeping arrangement was great for winter, don’t get her wrong, but in the summer, absolutely not.
And, quite unfortunately, summer was in full swing right now. During the day, you could actually see the heat waves dancing over the ground and if walking around nude had been an option, Kagome would’ve done just that.
Except, you know, social norms said that was a big ‘no no’ and a very jealous half-demon she was lucky enough to call her husband would drop dead of a stroke were that to happen.
In any case, tonight like so many others, Kagome had moved to sit by the door to get some air and almost immediately Inuyasha began to shift and groan. A part of her felt bad - especially when he began letting out soft whines and rubbing his face along the futon. The muscles on his bare back twitching beneath his sweat glistened skin.
Then, out of nowhere, he startled awake with a panicked gasp.
The whisper was hoarse and despairing before he rolled onto his stomach while his hands shot up to press against his neck. Watching his ribs expanded with his audible shuddering breaths, Kagome was already scrambling to stand when, without warning, he went rigid then limp. Both ears swiveling in her direction as he propped up on one elbow and began to glance around.
When those disbelieving amber eyes finally landed on her small figure half-kneeling by the doorframe, his heart absolutely melted behind his eyes and a relieved half-smile graced his lips.
It was a look she’d never witnessed before and just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.
“Don’t scare me like that,” he chuckled warmly as he reached up to rub the crust out of his eyes, “You can’t just leave.”
“I didn’t leave you. I’m still in the house,” Kagome teased as she settled back to sit on her ankles. Something dark and deep danced across his face that he wasn’t quick enough to hide.
“I know that stupid,” he offered tiredly as he slowly sat up and stretched his arms above his head, “Just saying you can’t leave me without saying something.”
“Again, didn’t leave you. Very much here,” Kagome snickered before noticing the way he closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh of what could only be relief.
“I mean, don’t go places at night. Scares me when you’re not here,” Inuyasha mumbled with a faint blush before inhaling sharply and quickly amending, “I mean, shit, you used to get kidnapped constantly and you can be a real idiot. Get hurt falling over a twig or something.”
For the first time in the past two years, Inuyasha appeared to be admitting - in a clearly unintentional way - that being away from her had been hard. That there was a very heartbreaking reason he was so hell bent on keeping her in his arms at night. Not once had he actually said anything more about their separation - other than a flippant ‘knew you’d come back’. Sango had hinted that Inuyasha had struggled to stay positive at times and had straight up disappeared for a month after the well closed but Inuyasha denied he had any problems with their rude separation. That he only disappeared to let people know Naraku had been defeated and the jewel was gone. Who he told he’d never say but that was his story and he stuck to it. Looking back, the reason he probably denied having a hard time was because, by all accounts, Kagome seemed to have carried on with her life and coped with the loss extremely well. She’d graduated from high school. Maintained the life she should’ve had. Meanwhile, Inuyasha…
Inuyasha tried the well every three days and put his life on hold waiting for her to come back. Miroku once mentioned that Inuyasha refused to go on exorcisms that would take longer than an afternoon. Speculated why that had been - something which had earned the poor monk and bump on the backside of his head.
In short, Inuyasha wanted her to believe he’d been fine when things went down. No different than when he insisted he was fine when a literal acid covered hand had pierced his internal organs. While some might chalk that up to him truly having supernatural healing abilities and being emotionally constipated, what it came down to was that he didn’t want people to worry about him and most certainly didn’t want their pity.
“You go on exorcisms without me. All the time. What makes nighttime so different?”Kagome asked slowly as she got to her feet and made her way back over. Inuyasha’s moon illuminated blush deepened and he averted his eyes.
“It’s dark.”
“Okay but you can still see in the….”
“Yeah but……it’s just…when I lost you it was dark,” he interrupted awkwardly- his entire body shying away from her gaze, “In the jewel I mean. Was, ya know, dark.”
As much as she wanted to comfort him, Kagome bit her tongue and waited to see if he was going to continue.
“Dream about it. A lot,” he offered barely above a whisper - clawed elegant fingers gesturing towards his temple, “I’ll wake up and…and get all confused. Think you’re still gone and you being here is the dream. If you’re here…”
Calloused fingers gently rubbed his sternum as he let out a heavy reluctant sigh and sagged.
“If I can feel you, that…that doesn’t happen.”
Kagome’s heart cracked with such ferocity it was within the realm of possibilities that Inuyasha could hear it.
“Oh Inu…”
“But I’m not stupid. I know you don’t like me holding you when it’s like this,” he interrupted with a heavy sigh as he scratched the back of his neck, “It’s hot and shit but m’gunna think of something, okay? Make it better ‘cause I…”
Pausing, Inuyasha tried to figure out a way to put what he needed into words looking more miserable by the second.
“I just can’t do this anymore, ya know?” he attempted with a tired weary sigh while his fingers returned to absently rubbing at his chest, “I need you to be here or else I just…I just can’t okay?”
Heart aching, the urge to hold him and make all the bad memories go away was almost overwhelming.
“Come here.”
Sighing, he shook his head.
“M’okay and you’re not,” he mumbled before laying back down and adjusting himself under the thin sheet, “Imma figure something out. You’ll see.”
“Fine. I’ll come to you then,” Kagome huffed playfully as she crawled over the floorboards and leaned down to nuzzle his jaw - earning herself a happy little hum. She was rewarded in another way as well. He didn’t say those words often and when he did, it made her heart sing.
“Love you,” he sighed contentedly, “Hope you know…”
Inuyasha’s breath caught when she placed a sensual kiss against his throat and moved her fingers to gently stroke his chest. Arching his neck slightly to give her better access, Kagome pulled back just enough to see his lips parting and a look of bliss wash over his face.
“I’m never going anywhere ever again,” she soothed as she dipped her mouth back and relishing in the way his body began to writhe.
“G-good,” he managed in between soft whimpers and light pants - a muffled moan escaping when her fingers slid down his torso and lightly caressed his bare stomach.
“Fans would be nice. Or maybe a cold bath before bed,” she breathed against the skin where his human ear would be. Half-listening, Inuyasha nodded absently while his hand fisted in the blanket. Kagome’s fingers moved further south and his face contorted in ecstasy. Wiithout further warning, Inuyasha gracefully and effortlessly twisted and pounced.
Time passed much like one might expect for a young married couple until they were both panting for breath and sweatier then they had been…
Albeit much more indifferent towards the suffocating humidity and uncomfortable heat. And this time Kagome had no complaints when Inuyasha gently gathered her into his arms and molded his body against hers.
“Love you,” came a masculine mumble as his lips gently caressed her shoulder, “Always.”
“I know.”
A tired snicker and weak nuzzle comprised his affectionate reprimand before his breathing evened out and the arm holding her in place went slack.
For the record, after some trial and error, Inuyasha did figure out how to keep his wife comfortable enough to stay in his arms.
Although…it was kinda weird that she never complained about being too hot ever again.
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lanming-art · 2 years
What if Kagome gets Inu's collar for a day?
InuKag Week Day 2: Role reversal
Then, Inuyasha says "come here" as spell and Kagome runs into his arms every time.
The end 🤭🤭
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Do not repost without credits, do not edit or erase the sign ☺🥰
@inukag-week Thanks for the effort 😊
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superpixie42 · 2 years
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@inukag-week​ Day 6: Teasing
NGL this was my favorite to write so a huge thank you to @monimuasblog for the concept :)
Living with a two year old some days felt less like parenting and more like being a professional translator for a language he didn’t speak. But Inuyasha would usually work it out - not as quickly as Kagome but he was getting better. The hard part was he never knew what things would stick and what words seemed to disappear from Toru’s vocabulary as soon as they appeared. While sometimes this was good (personally he thought an exasperated toddler mumbling fuck it was hilarious, but if it had happened more than the once Kagome probably would have kicked his ass) sometimes it was incredibly frustrating (when did three different movies all become known as mouse!?).
One lexiconic constant, though, was Yaya. Ever since Inuyasha became enough of a staple in Toru’s life to be graced with a name, he had always been Yaya. When he first moved in and again when the topic of adoption came up, Kagome had asked him if he wanted to push for Toru to switch from Yaya to Dada but Inuyasha had absolutely no interest in making the change. Anyone can be a dada, but there was only one Yaya.
Of course, it wasn’t until after he’d become emotionally invested in the nickname that he learned it means Grandma in Spanish. 
But he didn’t care. He could suck-up the teasing from the new waiter who called him Mrs. Doubtfire and the confused side eye from Rosa at daycare when he was added to the authorized pick-up list. 
He was Toru’s Yaya and he - and the name - weren’t going anywhere.
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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Evermore - a post-canon ficlet collection for @inukag-week 2022 ❤ Chapter 4/7 - Scars: Inuyasha learns a new word. ☆ Rating: M | Tags: Fluff, Very Slightly NSFW, The One With the Every Scar Has a Story Trope | Word Count: 1151 ☆ Read it on AO3 ▶ Part 1 ☆ Part 2 ☆ Part 3 ☆
The first time Inuyasha left a bruise on her skin, he was horrified.
“It's not a big deal,” Kagome assured, but his stare was a little wild as she tilted her hips towards the window for better viewing. The faint blotches crowding her hipbone where fingers had pressed too hard were nothing serious; if anything, she liked having them there, a secret she could carry under her robes. “It’s not like anyone's going to see them anyways.”
His mouth opened and closed as she dressed, and she grinned when it finally clicked shut for good. She could tell his mind was stuck on the bruises he could no longer see when she kissed him goodbye that morning, but she ignored it – she’d already said it was fine, and constant reassurance would do more harm than good.
Her temporary brand would heal in no time, and she’d make sure he forgot about them soon enough.
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The first time Inuyasha made her bleed, he was petrified.
“It’s fine,” she rushed between kisses. “Doesn’t hurt.”
“But Kagome–” She shut him up with her mouth. It wasn’t the distraction she’d hoped it would be, and he leaned back with a hand planted in the middle of her chest to keep her at bay. “Lemme see.”
She squeaked when he yanked her forward, sprawled across his lap within the second. He ran his hand along her spine, and she hissed when his fingers connected with a fresh cut. He froze, and she held her breath, the pair of them unmoving and unsure how to proceed when their previous activities had taken such a sharp turn.
He shifted, pulling her upright again to let her settle on her knees. He didn’t say anything, just smoothed his hands up and down her arms like he needed to keep his mind elsewhere before he ran his mouth.
The haste that had captured them as they stumbled to their futon was gone, leaving them silent while their heartbeats slowed and their breaths became less frantic. Inuyasha drew back slowly and leaned on the wall, finally dropping his hands from her arms. His face screamed dispirited, and her heart broke when his eyes fell to the clawed tips of the fingers flexing in his lap. 
“It doesn't hurt.”
“It doesn't matter.”
The space between them grew, and Kagome crawled forward to close the sudden gap. She grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her middle for him, raising her hand to his jaw to coax him into looking her in the eye.
“Inuyasha,” she spoke softly but firmly. She didn’t want to coddle him – he didn’t appreciate it – but she couldn’t ignore the dark cloud that hung over his head. “It’s just a cut.”
His eyes bore into hers, all molten gold in the firelight, and she’d never wished she could read his mind more. “You’re just so…human.”
“Inuyasha,” she scoffed – like that was news. “You’re married to a human. These things are going to happen sometimes. It will heal.”
“But that takes forever because you’re human,” he argued, pulling her hand from his face to place it on his chest. “And it could scar. You don’t heal the same as….”
“Then you’re adding to the collection,” she giggled, cupping his face when his frown deepened. “I’ve got plenty. You’ve met them.”
She pointed to the scar on her stomach where the jewel had been ripped from her. It was her most significant by far and marked a point in time where her life was set in motion. She explained that if she didn’t have that scar, she wouldn’t have broken the jewel once it parted her, they wouldn’t have embarked on the journey of a lifetime, and they wouldn’t be sat where they were now, naked as the day they were born in a home he’d built for them to live together.
She listed them off, every scar she could see, remembering a few she’d forgotten in the process. Each of them sparked a memory that, in some way, brought a smile to her face when she reminisced on the circumstances surrounding them. And for each one, he placed a kiss, trained on her every word as she shared stories with him he’d never heard. His hands grew bolder, his mood lifted, and his assuredness in himself and how he handled her finally returned.
Before long, she had him laughing with her at the dark mark on her fingertip that remained with her all these years, all because of a tiny splinter from her childhood.
The first time Inuyasha left a hickey on her skin, he was intrigued.
“What’s….” he trailed off, the pad of his thumb tracing her collar bone.
“Hm?” she asked, half-asleep and wrapped in a warmth that tried to drag her into sleep.
“This,” he said, pressing lightly. “Came out of nowhere.”
Her brows knitted, and she opened her eyes to twist her head at an impossible angle to try and see what he was fussing about. She caught the edges of a mark in her peripherals, and her head dropped back down when she saw the discolouration and realised what it was.
“It’s a hickey,” she said, yawning through it.
“A what?” he demanded, and his volume had her eyes flying open again. “Do I need to get–”
Kagome burst into laughter – modern terminology probably sounded worse than it actually was. Her husband froze, and she sat up, leaning on her elbows to see him better. His face was a picture of fright, and she couldn’t help the affectionate smile that only seemed to make it worse.
“It’s a love bite. There are a few names for it.”
“Love…bite?” he echoed, eyes dropping and leaning forward to inspect it closer. “Why?”
She giggled again and rolled her shoulder, trying to get a better look at it. “It’s like a bruise…but not. It doesn't hurt. It’s just something that happens when you kiss a certain spot. A lot.”
His ears perked, and his eyes darted between hers and the mark he’d left on her skin. “Doesn't hurt?”
“Nope. And it goes away. See?” She pressed her fingers into her shoulder for good measure, and he visibly deflated as he contemplated her. “Like a bruise, but not,” she said again, laying back down. She toyed with the ends of his hair while he stared, and her lids became heavy with the crackle of a dying fire.
They shot open when Inuyasha sat up, fingers wrapping around her ankle to lift her leg. His lips met her calf, then her knee, and trailed up her thigh before he latched onto a spot that had her gasping.
“What are you doing?” she asked, the drowsiness that clung to her vanishing when he pulled away just enough to look at her.
He smirked, and she caught a flash of sharp teeth in the dim light as he declared, “Testing something.”
Read it on AO3 ▶
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ruikamo · 2 years
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Soo, unfortunatly I really dislike Yashahime. That’s why even though Morohas Design is cute I didn’t want to draw her specifically in a fanart. So for this illustration you can kind of decide for yourself who the child is they’re parenting. Maybe they are just babysitting Miroku und Sango’s youngest, who knows.
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InuKag Week Day #3: Intimacy
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A tender moment between the hanyou and his miko...
For @inukag-week day #3: Intimacy
I was gonna combine Intimacy with Domestic, but than it just transformed into, well, this.......
I've only drawn kisses like this once before, and that was waaaaay back in middle school. I'll be honest with ya'll, I was blushing drawing this. I always feel weird when I see kiss scenes, even if its w/ ships I like. Idk, I just feel like I'm intruding on something that's private, or like I'm a 3rd wheel.
.....that's partially why I was sort of relieved when Souta came in right before Inuyasha and Kagome could actually kissed in her bedroom. Yes, I'm aware I'm weird😅
It's nice to be doing traditional art for InuKag again. I feel like all I've done is digital art and been neglecting my copic markers.
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Poor, blushy shy dog-boy is shy❤💚
@keichanz @disneysooner @zelink-inukag @clearwillow @lemonlushff @ruddcatha @xfangheartx @lostinfantasyworlds @serial-doubters-club @artistefish @kaze-ranna @mamabearcat @stillunderyourbed @fawn-eyed-girl @lavendertwilight89 @katerinu @sailorbabydoll92 @chit-a-to @swaggingtomboy
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mamabearcat · 2 years
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@inuyasharedraw for InuKag Week - Parenthood.
Might recolour this at a later date when I have more time, but have a happy little family.
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doginabirdcage · 2 years
The Boy Who Overcame Time
Inuyasha was digging through his backpack looking for his textbooks, to no avail. "Shit," he whispered. "Ma's going to kill me if she has to buy these again."
His first set of textbooks worked as kindling on one of Kagome's first human nights alone with him. There was a snowstorm, he found shelter in an abandoned hut and they’d be approaching hypothermia if he hadn’t acted quickly. The second set of textbooks eventually reeked so badly of miasma after a run-in with Naraku that grandpa Totosai said a prayer over them, his bugging eyes watering before he burned those too.
He could not afford to lose these. 
He dumped the entire bag onto the grass unceremoniously, as if it would make 3 heavy books materialize. 
"Now you're just making a mess." Sango crossed her arms somewhere behind him, and he turned his head to see the miko looking down at him with a disgusted expression. 
"Leave the kid alone," Miroku called from where he was sprawled out on the ground. "This homework thing sounds scarier than an entire horde of demons."
"Oh? Not too keen on being held accountable for your choices?" She cocked a hip and didn't wait for the slayer's response, "Inuyasha, your textbooks have to be somewhere, nobody is going to steal books they probably can't even read. Have you asked Kaede?"
"Maybe she's using them in place of rocks to weigh down her stew. Wouldn't put it past her." Miroku sat up in the grass. "Do you think Futaba has them?"
"Stop using anything you possibly can to harass poor, unsuspecting women—" Sango stomped over to him, which made Miroku smirk, as if he'd been aiming for that the entire time—
"Shut up!" Inuyasha grouched. "Your theories mean nothing to me. Where's Kagome?"
The half-tengu girl couldn't be harder to keep track of. She stuck her nose in everything and helped people who didn't even want her to because they were bigoted fucks. It gave 15 year old Inuyasha the vapors. He was way too young to be getting the vapors. 
Inuyasha left the miko and the demon slayer to hash out their unresolved sexual tension by themselves and went off to find Kagome.
He ran deeper into the very forest for which she was the namesake, looking for a set of raven wings hidden in the treetops. 
In return, the wind blew, rustling the tree leaves around in a gentle caress. Sunlight dappled down through the gaps in the foliage, the image before him so serene he could almost forget why he was hanging out in Feudal Japan in the first place. People paid good money for this kind of scenery in his time.
Deeper within, he found Shippo napping in a patch of sunshine, which meant that Kagome wasn't far away. She looked after the runt like he was her own. The fox kit smelled him approaching, nose wrinkling as he roused.
"Hey, stinkbutt," the 2 foot tall entity of pure irritation groused. "Got any lollipops to give me?"
"Not with that fuckin' attitude, shrimp. You seen Kagome?"
Shippo huffed. "She's off readin' somewhere. Beats me." 
She's reading, he thought to himself, that tells me everything I need to know.
"Back at camp there's ninja snacks," Inuyasha nodded behind him as he began to jog away from the fox. "Thanks for the intel, shitbird!"
Behind him, Shippo brightened with excitement and made to scurry off to where Inuyasha left Miroku and Sango before he stopped abruptly. "Hey, wait! I'm going to tell Kagome you said that!"
"I dare you! Hope you don't walk in on our friends making out!" Inuyasha yelled without turning back.
Once Inuyasha made it to the well clearing, he skidded to a halt. He looked down to the hem of his uniform trousers and winced at the dirt trailing up his pant leg. He'd started wearing normal sneakers in Kagome's time, but maybe it's time to start coming in sweats or something. 
Either way, he's going to get an earful from Izayoi ("I'm not mad sweetheart, just disappointed"), and then Toga's going to nod half-heartedly behind her like the loyal puppy he is. 
Gods, his parents were so embarrassing.
Inuyasha looked up, and sure enough, he could see Kagome's large wings hanging over one of the higher boughs. He sighed and walked right under the tree's impressive branches.
He whistled for her attention. When she didn't respond, he did it again, saying "Hey, pretty bird!"
Inuyasha continued to call her as if she were an actual pet until a burst of black feathers flooded his vision. He was scooped up and firmly planted on that same branch he saw Kagome sitting on in a matter of seconds.
"I resent that!"
She had a veritable nest building on the expanse of corrugated bark, a little nook being created by an adjoining section of sturdy wood where, bingo: his textbooks were piled next to an open bag of chips, one of them open to a page about the Heian period.
"Only birds steal things to make nests, y'know. I'm just callin' it like I see it." 
Kagome's wings flapped irritably as she scoffed, waving his comments away with a flick of her taloned fingers. 
"You can't just take my books without mentioning it. Ma'll wring my neck, and you'll be out one shard detector."
She loved his mother. Every time Kagome got even a flicker of praise from Izayoi, she'd brighten. 
"I'd never let you go home without them," she said defensively. "You just weren't using them and there were things I wanted to see."
"I carry them to use them."
"Why don't you ever take them out?"
"Uh, does the constant threat of power hungry demons ring a bell to you?"
Her brow crinkled at that. Inuyasha reined in that blooming affection he felt at the sight, it was creeping up far too often for his liking. 
"Fine," she replied softly. "Not like I can decipher it all anyway."
At her sullen mien, Inuyasha gestured to her pile. "Hand it over. We'll look at it together. That cool?"
Kagome plucked the heavy textbook one-handed and with lots of enthusiasm. He set the book between them on their legs.
"Tell me what you don't understand and we can go through it together."
She blinked at him in awe, a gentle smile curling on the side of her mouth. 
"Oh, the sun's starting to set."
"I was supposed to be studying math this whole time."
"Ew, math!"
"Tell me about it."
Midterms came and went. 
He had to retake his math exams.
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mrfeenysmustache · 2 years
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It’s day four of @inukag-week and today I have art 😮
I like when people mention in fics that Kagome has a scar from where the Shikon was ripped from her side.
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