#Irina Nistor
lara-transilvania · 1 year
Cine a tradus episodul 3 din Dinastia Tudorilor de a tradus "cunt" ca "ștrengar"? 💀
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holykittenunknown · 2 years
Loved it for the violence: an honest review of Goncharov
Many of you might've watched this in theaters or on some DVD/BluRay - however, I watched it in a cut version on a VHS cassette that was too short to actually catch the whole movie. The final scenes that give so much more depth to the movie? I didn't see them. It was in 1988, on a clandestine VHS tape, doubled by the legendary Irina-Margareta Nistor. The gay undertones? Completely lost on me. The eroticism? When „fuck me” gets doubled by a high pitched voice as „may the devil take me” („să mă ia naiba”), there's little eroticism there. But me, I loved the violence.
There's many things to say - but for a 9 years old kid watching the realistic depiction of violence, the brutal, unadulterated representation of a world I knew so well, it was quite engaging. The confessional scene, although panned by the critics for its lack of realism, struck home - the brutality was exemplary, and sometimes, kids in my neighborhood when they fought for God-knows-what always said they felt „gonch” about winning.
I don't think there's enough discussion also about the first movie that had DeNiro and Pacino in the same scene. The intensity of these actors, never surpassed until they met again, in Heat, really made everything fly. Sure, right now perhaps my eye would be keener to observe the homoeroticism. Then? It was the pure brawling that caught my eye. The hysterical violence.
Rewatching Gonch yesterday really felt strange - a slower paced movie, and the high-pitched voice of the doubling sorely missed. I also notice the movie was noticeably longer: and that explained the final scene, which was really 20 minutes before the real movie's end. All that being said, the memory of Goncharov is quite different for me.
Perhaps the most important part is the moment when Andrei talks about one of his many travels - and one place he mentioned was a neighboring village of Prejmer - the one place I never expected to be mentioned in a blockbuster movie, and for a while I thought that my bad memory was playing me. But rewatched it, and the three seconds mention of the Prejmer village was there. Those three seconds made all the difference to me. And I felt a bit „gonch” one more time.
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leontiucmarius · 1 month
Alain Delon lasă în urma sa o moștenire imensă. Irina Margareta Nistor: „A fost un actor care a pus tot timpul publicul mai presus decât orice”
Alain Delon a jucat în peste 80 de filme precum „Rocco și frații săi” și „Le Samouraï”. Delon a câștigat multiple premii în cariera sa, inclusiv Palme d’Or la Cannes. Cariera sa a fost marcată de roluri iconice în filme precum celebrul „Le Guepard”. Alain Delon, legenda cinematografiei mondiale, a murit astăzi la vârsta de 88 de ani. A fost un simbol al eleganței și talentului, dar s-a retras…
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techstartro · 7 months
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nicolae · 2 years
Andreea Nistor şi Irina Munteanu – AVE-România, educaţie şi business - RFI România
Andreea Nistor şi Irina Munteanu – AVE-România, educaţie şi business – RFI România
Andreea Nistor şi Irina Munteanu – AVE-România, educaţie şi business  RFI România
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Filmul "Liceenii" revine în curând. Afla cine sunt actorii care vor interpreta rolurile principale în noua serie ...
Filmul “Liceenii” revine în curând. Afla cine sunt actorii care vor interpreta rolurile principale în noua serie …
În noua serie a filmului vor juca copiii lui Ştefan Bănică Jr., dar şi nepotul lui Nicolae Corjos, regretatul regizor al filmului. Anunţul a fost făcut de criticul de film Irina Margareta Nistor. „Vestea bună este că va apărea a nouă serie a filmului Liceenii. Cu aceleași persoane, cu băiatul lui Mihai, cu băiatul și fata lui Ștefan Bănică Jr. și cu nepotul lui Corjos, care este muzician și…
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festivalists · 5 years
Innocence Un/Protected
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Innocence Un/Protected – quite a motto for the 13th Talents Sarajevo! Yet during the seven years of our partnership with the Talent Press initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we can assure you that passion, vigor, and inspiration have stayed intact ♥
In line with the commemorative 25th edition of Sarajevo Film Festival, this year's schedule was packed with masterclasses and noteworthy events featuring high-profile guests. We, too, had two special appearances – the prominent Romanian translator / critic / programmer / CHUCK NORRIS VS COMMUNISM's star Irina Nistor for THE VOICE, THE FILM CRITIC, THE LEGEND and fellow Festivalists contributor / Jugend ohne Film founder / writer / filmmaker / curator Patrick Holzapfel for NOBODY JUST WRITES (ABOUT CINEMA).
And indeed, as you may recall from last year, nobody at Sarajevo Talent Press just writes about cinema. This time Dana Linssen offered an experimental talk or mind walk titled INNOCENCE RE/PROTECTED, in which she touched upon the poetics and politics of images 2.0, also based on her experience as IFFR Critics' Choice co-conspirator. As for our editor Yoana Pavlova – inspired by Dušan Makavejev's 1968 classic, she proposed the (RE)COLLECTION BY OTHER MEANS challenge, the results of which you can see below.
But the SFF film reviews are here as well! Written by five talented youngsters from Southeast Europe and the Southern Caucasus, these texts offer a rich and nuanced insight into the cinema from the region, as well as (hopefully) a glimpse into our critical discussions in Sarajevo that we already miss dearly...
Alexander Gabelia, Georgia
Exchange of opinions and experience as well as critical analysis of different themes – that’s what I’m interested in.
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SPIT (2019) dir. Neven Samardžić & Carolina Markowicz – SEE FACTORY → ROUNDS / V KRUG (2019) dir. Stephan Komandarev – Competition Features →
Călin Boto, Romania
As a freelance film critic, I follow the festival circuit closely and do try to understand as much as possible of the apparatus that’s behind it, especially in terms of curating.
THE RIGHT ONE (2019) dir. Urška Djukić & Gabriel Tzafka – SEE FACTORY → DAD (2019) dir. Vladimir Bilenjki – BH Film →
Jovana Gjorgjiovska, North Macedonia
The past year I have been completely devoted to developing Gledaj.mkc.mk and some of the milestones include securing institutional support, publishing our work in major print publications in North Macedonia and getting elected as a jury member for the Best Film Critic contest at the European Film Festival Cinedays 2018.
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IN YOUR HANDS (2019) dir. Maša Šarović & Sharon Angelhart – SEE FACTORY → ROUNDS / V KRUG (2019) dir. Stephan Komandarev – Competition Features →
Milica Joksimović, Serbia
I have realized that film criticism has an essential role in the evolution of film as art and I like to think that in my articles I have raised some valid points and also inspired some of the people reading them to give them some thought.
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THE SIGN (2019) dir. Eleonora Veninova & Yona Rozenkier – SEE FACTORY → TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE (2019) dir. Ena Sendijarević – Competition Features →
Sezen Sayinalp, Turkey
My pieces are generally about characters’ conditions in the society and society’s changes. This is also about past and future relationships, because I try to show that meaning of representation within social structures.
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THE PACKAGE (2019) dir. Dušan Kasalica & Teodora Ana Mihai – SEE FACTORY → THE SON / SIN (2019) dir. Ines Tanović – Competition Features →
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acumtv · 5 years
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STIRI 15 09 2019
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misshazelevers20 · 3 years
Music Tag
Tagged by @pynkhues, thank you <3
1. Your favourite song at the moment: 
Fire for you- Cannons 
I heard it when I was watching Never have I ever, it’s such an amazing song and it got stuck in my head. 
2. A song you associate with a favourite character or ship: 
Movement- Hozier
One of my favorite fan videos of Beth x Rio used this song and I will be forever bitter that the video got deleted and I never thought to save it, so I’ll never be able to watch it again :( It was one of the best videos I have ever seen! 
3. A song that could be about you: 
Love again- Dua Lipa 
Not for the first time I have to wonder if Dua Lipa is writing about my life, so many of her songs describe exactly how I feel and I’m so excited that I’ll go to her concert next year <3
4. A song you think is overrated: 
You need to calm down- Taylor Swift 
I am really salty about this, so I’m just gonna leave this here. 
5. A song that reminds you of a specific memory: 
Lean on-  Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ
For years I couldn’t listen to this song because it reminded me too much of one of the worst things that ever happened to me, but since last year I was able to enjoy it again. 
6. Last song you listened to:
I'm outta love-  Anastacia
7. A song that makes you laugh: 
Bushes of love- Bad Lip Reading
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to: 
Subtitrarea la români-  Taxi ft. Irina-Margareta Nistor
This song is a masterpiece and it’s even funnier when you don’t speak romanian and don’t understand the context. You’ll see why ;)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this! 
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miorita · 4 years
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Russia, Polonia, Latvia, Lituania, Ucraina inca folosesc Slavic Irina Margareta Nistor 
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georgy61 · 6 years
Tată bogat, tată sărac. Educația financiară în familie - Robert T. Kiyosaki
Tată bogat, tată sărac. Educația financiară în familie – Robert T. Kiyosaki
,,Când ajungi la limitele a ceea ce știi, este timpul să faci niște greșeli.”-Robert T. Kiyosaki
Cică anul acesta am făcut câte două ore de economie pe săptămână. Nu știu cum, dar din câte am avut, la jumătate am dormit cu capul pe bancă. Iar aceasta a fost educația financiară pe care mi-a oferit-o sistemul de învățământ românesc. Nu mai știu nimic, n-am învățat nimic, dar am știut să iau două…
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stireazileiuk · 3 years
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Pasiunile neştiute ale celebrei Irina Margareta Nistor. Ce îi lipseşte cu adevărat actriţei
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xartero · 3 years
Luni, 21 iunie 2021, ora 18.oo, sub auspiciile Solstiţiului de vară la Studioul „Horia Bernea” din cadrul Muzeului Ţăranului Român din Bucureşti a avut loc premirea filmului „Omagiu lui Brâncuşi pe Calea Eroilor” – poem cinematografic, realizat de Uniunea Ziariştilor Profesionişti din România, producător general Maria Mitrache, având ca protagonist principal pe maestrul Sergiu Cioiu, membru de onoare al Societăţii Culturale Apollon-România.
În partea a doua a evenimentului, s-a lansat volumul omagial „Liliana Tomescu”, semnat de Maria Salas şi Sergiu Cioiu, apărut la Editura Integral. Partea a treia a cuprins un recital muzical numit generic „Pur şi simplu Sergiu Cioiu”. Printre personalităţile prezente la eveniment am remarcat pe: criticul de film şi traducătorul Irina Margareta Nistor, realizatorul tv. Ioana Bogdan, preşedintele UZPR Doru Dinu Glăvan, scriitorii: Aura Floris, Maria Niculescu, Maria Petrescu, Doina Bârcă, Maria Simion, Ene Dorin Eduard, Konstantin Korcinschi
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years
Finalistii Galei Premiilor Matei Brancoveanu 2021: 5 tineri care genereaza schimbari pozitive importante ȋn comunitatile lor
Finalistii Galei Premiilor Matei Brancoveanu 2021: 5 tineri care genereaza schimbari pozitive importante ȋn comunitatile lor
Fundatia Alexandrion anunta finalistii Galei Premiilor Matei Brancoveanu 2021: 5 tineri cu abilitati si pasiuni diferite, care au ȋn comun curajul si determinarea de a initia si coordona proiecte care genereaza schimbari pozitive importante ȋn comunitatile lor. Cea de-a sasea editie a Galei va pastra formatul initiat ȋn 2020. Astfel, ceremonia de premiere, prezentarea proiectelor finalistilor si…
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cercelmariyan · 4 years
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Ți-e dor de imaginile și sunetul de pe casete video de alta data? ce vremuri... Pentru cei care au vazut filme pe Casete Video VHS. aici ai un canal de YouTube cu numai de filme bune dar și dublat in Romană de Irina Margareta Nistor. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxtUx7NTINbsvxcsC6OufjzupfbW5mzBK https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwdZ0Msjqe/?igshid=iwczo9diryfx
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kd-heart · 2 years
Irina Margareta Nistor would be so proud of the OFMD Romanian subtitles
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