#Irish sculptor
blueiscoool · 2 years
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Conor Fallon Horse
Bronze Height (including marble base): 25cm.; 9¾in. Height (excluding marble base): 20cm.; 8in.
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streetsofdublin · 9 months
His great victory at the Battle of Tara against Olaf Cuaran in 980 resulted in Gaelic Irish control of the Kingdom of Dublin.
A SCULPTURE BY JAMES McKENNA Irish sculptor, James McKenna, was born in Dublin on the 21st June 1933. I visited the area in order to photograph this on Christmas Day but because of of weather conditions I was unable to use my camera so I had no option but to wait until St Stephen’s Day. This area, in Trim, on the banks of the River Boyne has improved over recent years but it is still a bit…
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Ana Duncan
Left or Right
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grammymumzy · 2 years
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"First the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man." Sculpture created based on an old Irish saying.
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crankydevon · 1 year
I saw a rec for this Bobby Fingers video. He makes a diorama of the time that Michael Jackson got his head set on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial. It's 25 minutes long with intensely dry, surreal commentary that is funny as hell. It almost defies description. If you like weird humor, you will probably like Bobby Fingers.
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random-brushstrokes · 1 month
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George Clausen (British, 1852-1944) - Head of a Young Woman (Dolly Henry)
In October 1914 the tragic news that Dolly Henry had been shot by her lover, the artist John Currie, spread swiftly through the art world. A popular Irish model, renowned for her rich auburn hair, Henry's relationship with Currie was known to be tempestuous, and although highly regarded, he frequently talked of suicide. Having murdered Henry in her rooms in Chelsea, he took his own life. Shocked by the news, Clausen, with good memories of Dolly, and the days when the present portrait was painted, joined other artists for whom she had worked in subscribing to her funeral costs. Portraits and figure-pieces featuring the object of Currie's infatuation tend to accentuate her prominent cheek bones and adopt the Italianate 'Primitivism' that was a consistent feature of the work of Slade students of his day - and is seen in Head of a Girl, and in Dolly Henry on Hampstead Heath (sold Bonhams, 10 July 2018, fig 1). Living nearby at the time she first sat for Clausen in May 1912, she was also working for other artists such as William Strang, and the sculptors, George Frampton and Havard Thomas, as well as Currie. Clausen's approach was more naturalistic than Currie's, and in the present portrait he strips his model of the art fashions of the moment. The artist, having recently visited Sicily and Greece on Art Workers' Guild holidays, was developing his own individual approach to the classical ideal – best expressed in Primavera 1914 (private collection), for which Henry initially modelled. When she and Currie took off to live in Brittany for a brief period, this project was completed with Lilian Ryan, later Lady Kelly. In the meantime, as the Breton adventure ended in failure, Henry hoped to bury herself in Cornwall and escape Currie's attentions. There she bobbed her hair, and sat for Harold and Laura Knight, memorably posing for the latter's Marshmallows, 1914 (private collection), before fleeing again to Chelsea. (source)
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hlficlibrary · 1 month
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AO3: bananaheathen
Tumblr: @bananaheathen
✤ Number of fics: 8
✤ Posting Since: 2020
1️⃣ Of Mates and Men {E, 630k}
In which, Louis and Harry meet as best men for their best friends' wedding... well... sort of.
Or, the one where Harry's just moved back from New York and Louis doesn't believe in romance.
Or, I guess... the one where Zayn and Liam are getting married.
2️⃣ The Section {M, 11k}
In which Louis is a TA for an Intro to Cinema course, and Harry is an undergrad with a bit of a crush.
Or, the one with "Name: Harry Styles, Date: me please"
As usual, it’s the Irish one he hears first.
“Keep up, Styles. It’s YOUR boyfriend we’re off to see.”   “He’ll have heard that, Niall, you arse. Thank you so much.”
Louis just has time to text Zayn: fuck.
3️⃣ It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed. {E, 9k}
When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @harrystyles.
4️⃣ Babes in Boyland {E, 139k+}
The genderqueer parenthood sequel to Of Mates and Men ❤️
In which, Harry and Louis decide to start a family.
Or, the one where they all grow up.
5️⃣ Eat Your Vegetables {M, 8k}
In which Louis is a celebrity footballer and Harry is the new team nutritionist.
Or, the one where they have to go to Marks & Spencer and Waitrose.
“I’m not a child, Haz,” Louis says, trying to sound offended and not quite sticking the landing.
“No,” Harry chuckles, looking down over his notes. “You’re a big professional sports boy with perfect stamina and an excellent heart.” He blinks back up at Louis. “And I’d like to take you shopping on Sunday. May I please?”
💎 Make Me Feel {M, 10k}
The sound out of Harry’s throat can’t have been on purpose. “S’a prank right?” he says at last. “Has Nialler put you up to this?”
“I don’t know what a Nialler is,” Louis answers. “But I promise this isn’t a prank. Though it is starting to feel like one on my end.”
“You want to sculpt me,” Harry says again, though it’s less of a question this time through.
Or, the one where Louis is a disillusioned sculptor and Harry is a temp for hire.
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the---hermit · 1 year
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My last few days of rest before going back my studying routine next week are still pretty slow, but I feel a bit better compared to the other day. I have a bit more energy and I put that mainly into writing letters to friends and crocheting. My cardigan is very slowly taking form. I finished the back and the first front panel (which I winged and I will find out if it will look good onle once I am done with the whole project so cross your fingers for me). I am now working on more mushrooms, which will be of different sizes since the hook I was using is about to break and I had to switch to a bigger one. I also ordered more yarn for the sleeves since what ai currently have will only be enough to make the other front panel. At the store they told me it could be of a slightly different shade, but I am hoping it will be fine.
Cozy hobbit autumn activities:
Reading a short story every morning while I drink my tea
Writing letters to friends
Rewatching Coraline and enjoying every minute of its spooky cozy vibes
Crocheting while listening to audiobooks or watching movies
Finishing a graphic novel late at night
Reviewing Irish on duolingo before bed
Picking up again my bullet journal and making new spreads to stay on top of my upcoming study to do lists
📖: The Burning God by R.F. Kuang, Of Ghosts And Goblins by Lafcadio Hearn, The Sculptor by Scott McCloud
🎵: 12 Fractures by Pierce The Veil (ngl I've had this on repeat for two days)
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Vlad's Therapy Game - Part 3 (There is a Poll below) Vlad is still playtesting. And while he took a walk through the village and admired Tiny Can's work, it slowly went dark, the stands closed and the folks went to the Lion's Pride Inn.
He heard the music from the inside. 'The Dublin Pub Crawl' by The Irish Rovers was playing.
'We all went in to Kitty McGee's for we're a jolly crew We all went in to Kitty McGee's to have a drink or two Kitty McGee's, in Dublin town upon the crawl A hell of a time was had by all, down where the beer and whiskey flew'
He had nowhere to go and so he went in. Maybe someone takes pity on him and gives him some food? He already felt a bit weak on his legs. And his job at the sculptor only started early next morning... There are so many known faces here! Ms. Coombes, their former teacher, Travis (Jeb and Ji Ho's Roadie) and Uncle Stefan, who raised Jack. But they are just NPCs Tiny Can created and none of them recognized him.
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As soon as Gia, the bartender, saw Vlad, she stopped him. Gia: "I'm sorry. You can't enter as long as your status is unclear. Go to the castle after you got paid tomorrow and ask for an audience to talk to the Queen about your status. You can sleep in the shack behind the Inn and I'll care for your horse after my shift. But that's all I can do for you."
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And so Vlad went over to the shack...still hungry. Let's hope Diablo finds a better place for the night. At least he can eat some grass and would't have to go to sleep hungry. And then this cute - but somehow really delicious looking bunny approached Vlad... should he...? It's just a game. But the thought of eating a bunny makes him uncomfortable. He does eat meat, but killing the animal himself is a whole different thing. But he's so hungry. And he'll have to survive the night and the next day working before he gets paid...
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Vlad tried to escape this situation by going to (try to) sleep. But when he stood up and stepped inside the shack, he saw stars and almost fell unconscious. He has no choice...
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In the meantime, Gia was caring for Diablo. The way she looks at him. Is she having the same thoughts about Diablo as Vlad has about the bunny? Ö.ö'
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Phew. She finally leaves the stable. But Diablo decides it's better to stay awake and alert. No one will eat him. No matter how 'useless' they think he is!
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Gia: "You weren't about to eat that bunny, were you?" Vlad: "Uhm..."
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Gia: "You really must be very hungry then." And she gave him a plasma fruit! A HFN for Vlad and the bunny ^^'
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This will help him (and the bunny) to survive the night and the next day. After he had the plasma fruit (that really tasted like a real one outside of the game), he lay on the straw in the shack and pondered about his ingame experiences so far. Even though many events here were upsetting and annoying, they still were managable and there had been no moment where he wanted to scream 'OUT!'. So Tiny Can improved a lot. And of course the Therapy Game will be annoying and hard. They all know that. Therapy is no rose garden after all and as far as he can speak for the others, they are determined to change their lives for the better and are willing to work hard for it. And he will help them by testing this game and make sure it's safe for them. He decided to playtest also the following day and then report back to Saiwa. And then he fell asleep under the stars that shone through the missing shingles of the shack and the bunny watched over his sleep...
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TMI: Even though Vlad got killed by the Killer Bunny once, he isn't resentful. Vlad's sweet memories with Bunnies: on their trip to Henford and at Beltane.
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The situation with hungry Vlad and the bunny reminds me of some quests in games that gave me a hard time. There was one in World of Warcraft where I had to use torture on a prisioner to get information. It's many years ago. I did it but I still feel uncomfortable about this. Killing when I get attacked ingame is ok for me, but this - I don't know. I play computer games for over 40 years now and I am still not dulled ^^' Do other players even have such thoughts? Let's find out:
You are also very welcome to leave a comment with your thoughts.
This is a very enthralling topic for me these days while we explore the Therapy Game and there will be more situations like this. I'm so curious how the Boys will deal with them. It's also very different from other games because the Boys act as themselves and it really feels like they are a part of their ingame surroundings.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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reinvent-and-believe · 11 months
trick or treat!!! roy/jamie #12 !
12. musical 🥰
“The musical My Fair Lady,” Beard says, not lowering his book, “is based on the 1913 play Pygmalion by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, which is in turn based on the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion.” “So?” “Pygmalion—” Beard’s looking at him from over his book now with that nonplussed stare—“sculpts a statue he finds so perfect that he falls in love with his creation.” Roy finds himself glancing back through the doorway just as Jamie pulls off his shirt, pausing to fix his hair in the mirror before he opens the locker to grab his kit. When Roy turns around, Beard’s buried in his book again. “Right.” Roy frowns and shuts the door.
read it on ao3 :)
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Rowan Gillespie Maquette for Are You There?
Signed Rowan Gillespie and dated 2021 (on the base) Bronze.. Height (including integral bronze base): 74.5cm.; 29¼in. Executed in 2021.
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
From 1980 onwards, Edward Delaney concentrated on large scale environmental pieces and stainless steel works in Carraroe, County Galway. The Royal Hibernian Academy held a retrospectives of his work in 1992 and again in 2004.
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stairnaheireann · 11 months
Capall Mór Sculpture | Clonkeen, Co Kerry
Sculpture of a rearing Irish War horse, accoutered with a helmet featuring a unicorn horn, typical of the war horses used by the Celtic chiefs during their battles. There are broken chains around its front legs, signifying freedom. It is famous for The Sculpture Road to Killarney where the internationally respected sculptor, Tighe O’Donoghue of Glenflesk and his son, Eoghan, were commissioned to…
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 7 months
“Oscar” was designed by Irish-American art director, Austin Cedric Gibbon, and executed by American sculptor, George Stanley. The statuette shows an Art Deco knight gripping a sword, standing on a film reel with five spokes. The spokes represent the five original branches of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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On November 29th 1813 a campaign was launched in Dumfries to raise public subscriptions to fund a mausoleum for the poet Robert Burns.
Robert Burns was originally buried in St Michael's Churchyard, Dumfries, in a simple grave, marked only by a plain stone slab. In 1803 when Dorothy and William Wordsworth visited Dumfries they had difficulty in even finding the grave. Burns' admirers came to believe that this was an insufficient memorial to the poet.
A circular was published on 29 November 1813 calling for the public to subscribe to the cost of a mausoleum. 18 local worthies attended a meeting in the George Inn in Dumfries held on 16 December 1813, and the project was launched.
Amongst those who took a leading part in the fund raising campaign was Sir Walter Scott. Money flowed in from all over people as far afield as India and America donated money. By spring 1815 enough funding was in place for the work, based on a design by Thomas Hunt of London, to be put out to tender. The contract was won by a local stonemason, John Milligan, with a tender of £331.8s.6d. The first stone was laid on 5 June 1815, in a less crowded part of the churchyard than where Burns had initially been buried.
The construction of the mausoleum ran into a number of problems caused by Milligan's failure to comply with the specifications or take directions from the committee supervising the work. It was only in September 1817 that the mausoleum was complete and the monument installed within it. The actually monument within the mausoleum was the work of Peter Turnerelli, an Irish-Italian sculptor working in London. The statue on the wall shows the Muse Coila hovering above the figure of Robert Burns who is standing by his plough.
On the 19th of September 1815, Robert Burns’s body was exhumed from his original, modest grave, and reinterred in the Mausoleum which stands in the south-eastern corner of St Michaels kirkyard, in 1834 when Jean Armour (Robert Burns's Wife) died she was buried alongside him within the Mausoleum
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manessha545 · 9 months
South Georgia Museum
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Museum in Grytviken, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
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Bronze portrait bust of Sir Ernest Shackleton (by the sculptor Anthony Smith) at the South Georgia Museum, Grytviken, South Georgia. Unveiled in November 2017.
Ernest Henry Shackleton CVO OBE FRGS FRSGS (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
The South Georgia Museum is situated in Grytviken, near the administrative centre of the UK overseas territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Polar explorers Ernest Shackleton and Frank Wild are buried in Grytviken's graveyard. The museum was established in 1991 by Nigel Bonner. 
The South Georgia Museum opened in 1992 as a specialised whaling museum, subsequently expanding its expositions to include all aspects of the discovery of the island, sealing industry, whaling, maritime and natural history, as well as the 1982 Falklands war.
Address: PF9R+WXM, Grytviken SIQQ 1ZZ, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
Phone: +500 28200
Founded: 1991
Founder: Nigel Bonner
South Georgia Museum - Wikipedia
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