#Is Segregation Scriptural
wutbju · 1 month
It is Holy Week. It's time to remember the sins that put Jesus on the cross.
Our sins that put Jesus on the cross.
There is no better exposure and confession of our sins as white evangelical Americans than the latest documentary, God & Country.
You can view it on Amazon Prime.
Watch it. Confess and repent.
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adhdnojutsu · 3 months
Uchihas are Jew-coded
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Preface: I'm Jewish. As with all marginalized minorities, outsiders are welcome to listen, ask questions etc. but not talk over or goysplain us. This applies especially to challenging our indigeneity. Which is not in "Gobacktoeurope"...
I first started headcanoning this after seeing Obito's Kamui dimension. His panic room looks a lot like the Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
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He also said this to Rin:
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Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a): “Whoever saves a single life is considered by scripture to have saved the whole world.'
Tikkun Olam: if I ruled the world...
Jews have a collective imperative of Tikkun Olam, aka fixing the world. Obito's and Madara's drive to do so means little on the face since many anime villains have this goal, but given the previous things mentioned, this looks like part of a pattern. Itachi and Sasuke, too, wanted to shoulder the weight of the world to make it a better place. Even if it meant the whole world hating you - like the whole world has hated and still hates Jews.
Let's delve deeper into that hatred, shall we? The anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that we secretly run the world is directly tied to our imperative to fix it. You can't fix anything without power and influence. In fact, the whole notion of Tikkun Olam being our job, may strike Gentiles as conceited and inspire hatred. Obito and Madara needed to "run the world" in order to "fix it" and were happy to accept that this meant being hated.
This "Jews control the world" conspiracy theory connects seamlessly to Konoha's suspicion of the clan conspiring to take over and using the Sharingan, a trait unique to the Uchiha, to control tailed beasts in order to execute such a take-over. Kotoamatsukami is the ultimate parallel to Jews secretly controlling the media, and with them, public opinion (but not in our favour?).
Just like the Sharingan, Jews have, or are accused of having, singular qualities that facilitate our rise to power. This is because Judaism is a closed (ethno)religion and opting in (converting), having interfaith families etc. is discouraged. In some ultra-Orthodox communities, this is taken quite far... Let's just say that Uchiha wives, too, take their husband's last name, but Mikoto Uchiha looks like Sasuke looks like Izuna... go figure. Of course, in the case of Jews, this quality is not so much a gate-kept genetic trait, as a gravitation towards intellectual and influential professions passed down through generations. This is a direct result of anti-Semitic policy though: often being excluded from handicraft etc, Jews shifted the focus to administrative, financial and legal sectors. Jews are also traditionally studious, so our apparent domination of the Noble Prize is a result of this.
But no matter the cause of our success in certain areas, it would obviously have Gentiles eyeing us with suspicion. Why is a single ethnoreligious minority so prominently represented in positions of influence and acclaim? What might we be plotting? Why shouldn't we be plotting, since we ARE - allegedly - conniving, manipulative and greedy? Better get rid of us. Remember: Nazis hated Jews and were scared of arts and literature. Being Jewish and being an intellectual are, if you ask anti-Semites, shortcuts to power. You know who else hates books and Jews? Every single terrorist organization, be it Taliban, Hamas, ISIS,... Anti-intellectuals are often anti-Semites. Education is power. Jews love education. Terrorist regimes hate smart subjects. Ignorance is cheaper than bullets, after all.
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Ghetto Uprising/Beware the Beginnings
The clan suspected the compound was just the beginning. Although the discrimination the Uchiha actually suffered - a compound, which all the other clans got, too, and surveillance - was not comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto or any other real world segregation, Fugaku and other clan members expected it to take a turn for the worse if ignored. And in order to prevent another Holocaust, you must recognize and fight the beginnings.
These beginnings are upon us once more. Anti-Semitism has been skyrocketing, and blaming Israel, a single, far-away country, is dishonest, considering:
Palestinians have massacred Jews decades before there even was a state of Israel; what Nakba was their excuse in 1922? What Nakba was there in Iran?
Jews are entitled to Israeli citizenship, all moving expenses paid, so why do many live in Diaspora? Could it be that they do not wish to be involved with the state of Israel? So why take it out on them, unless one already hated Jews?
The most recent rise in anti-Semitism didn't follow Israel's bombardment of Gaza, but the DAY of Hamas' mass rapes, mutilations, torture, and murder of 1000+ Jews on October 7. People who don't usually praise children, including those of "colonizers", getting slaughtered and mutilated, suddenly praised exactly that. These people have always been anti-Semitic and found an excuse to be loud about it by weaponizing Palestinian suffering, which they only care about because Jews are the culprit. Proof: Houthis are starving Muslim children in Yemen, China oppresses Uyghur Muslims, Assad gassed Muslims, America bombed Muslims for 20 years, but - crickets. Think about it.
Likewise, the Narutoverse counterpart of the Nazis or Hamas, Tobirama and his acolytes, have found many a lazy excuse, most notably the Kyuubi attack. They suspected an Uchiha, and little did they know they were right, except, just like Netanyahu and the people under his command, a single deranged Obito did not represent a critical mass of Uchihas. And yet, the clan, just as world Jewry, faced collective punishment. The Narutoverse Nazis were frothing at the mouth for an excuse for decades, and notable Uchiha individuals kept delivering, not least because their own incompetence, just like Netanyahu's, allowed things to get that far to begin with.
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Doesn't Isobu look a lot like shellfish? And isn't he why Rin killed herself? Rin was Obito's everything and she died because of this monster. Not that it was Isobu's fault, but still. Jews aren't allowed to eat shellfish. Obito has every reason to hate shellfish for the mere memory that stuff evokes. I know it's a bit of a reach, but again, patterns.
Dress Codes
For a proud, prominent clan with a bit of a superiority complex for their gate-kept characteristics, the Uchiha sure dress very modestly, the women even more so. In fact, they might just be the least flashy of all Konoha communities. The muted colours and baggy cuts scream "modesty". If you've ever wandered an Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood, you'll see the women tend to wear long, plain skirts, long, tight sleeves, ultra-conservative shoes, and plain, long or covered hair.
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Mikoto fits right in, but so do other Uchiha women. Izumi is a bit "daring" with her sleeveless look, but her overall style still fits. Nobody in that clan seems to have much vanity, while the general population of Konoha and the Narutoverse at large, is a lot more individualistic.
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"This guy just slaughtered the whole police force, let's throw a kunai at him and see what happens" bless her little heart
Flag Infestation
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Uchihas have no chill when it comes to plastering their logo everywhere in their compound. They were driven out of the general public and are doubling down on pride as a result. Same applies to Jews in the safety of our indigenous homeland (the Jewish Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem predates Islam, born in modern Saudi Arabia, by many centuries, so don't Gobacktoeurope me).
Oh, and a Nazi found an excuse to ghetto them up, assigned some of them authority to keep their own in check (Sonderkommando/"Konoha" military police), then got rid of them all and managed to sell it as a necessary evil.
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bfpnola · 7 months
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Caste is a structure of oppression that affects over 1 billion people across the world. It is a system of religiously codified exclusion that was established in Hindu scripture.At birth, every child inherits his or her ancestor’s caste, which determines social status and assigns “spiritual purity”.
Hindu origin myths state that different people were created from different parts of God Brahma’s body and were to be ranked hierarchically according to ritual status, purity, and occupation. 
There are four main Caste groups. Those at the very top are Brahmins, who have traditionally been priests, scriptural knowledge-keepers, and legislators. Below them in status are the Kshatriyas, who were kings and warriors. They are followed by Vaishyas, or the merchant classes. People in these three Caste groups are often referred to as the “upper” Castes or Savarnas. Those at the bottom of the Caste hierarchy are Shudras or traditional peasants. Many of the lowest ranking Shudras are also termed Caste-oppressed.
Outside the 4-Caste group structure are people considered lower than the lowest of Castes. They go by the term Dalit meaning “broken but resilient”, formerly known as “untouchables” and the Adivasis, or the indigenous peoples of South Asia. Together these Caste-oppressed groups continue to experience profound injustices including socioeconomic inequalities, usurpation of their land, rights, and experience brutal violence at the hands of the “upper” Castes. 
Dalits under Caste apartheid are forced into segregated schools, villages, places of worship, and subject to violent oppression. Often they are denied access to public amenities including water and roads. This entire system is enforced by violence and maintained by one of the oldest, most persistent cultures of impunity throughout South Asia, most notably in India, where despite the contemporary illegality of the system, it has persisted and thrived for 2,500 years.
🚨 want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨
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yieldfruit · 3 months
Posting this as it is akin to the Ask I received last night on here
Eugenics is a social movement that supports the supposed improvement of the human population via selective breeding and other means. It was originally developed by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, and based upon Darwin’s theory of evolution. The word eugenics literally means “good birth” and comes from a Greek word meaning “well-born, of good stock, of noble race.” The goal of eugenics is to make the world (or at least a country) a better place by guiding the course of human reproduction and “purifying” the gene pool.
Eugenicists advocate genetic screening, birth control, segregation, transhumanism, euthanasia, compulsory sterilization, forced pregnancies, and abortion. Eugenics was practiced openly in the early decades of the 20th century in many countries, including the United States. Several state laws were passed allowing for the forced sterilization of institutionalized people. Such a law in Virginia survived a court challenge, with Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., writing in the decision, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind” (Buck v. Bell, Supreme Court, 274 U.S. 200, decided May 2, 1927). After WWII, eugenics by that name fell into disfavor when the extent of Nazi atrocities became known.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, was also a proponent of eugenics. Sanger railed against the “reckless breeding” of the “unfit.” In her book Woman and the New Race, she wrote, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it” (Chapter V, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families,” 1920). She desired “to breed a race of human thoroughbreds” and would rather a society “produce a thousand thoroughbreds than a million runts” (Radio WFAB Syracuse, February 29, 1924, transcripted in “The Meaning of Radio Birth Control,” April 1924, p. 111).
The Bible does not specifically mention eugenics, but the idea behind eugenics—that man can better himself by ridding the world of “undesirable” people—is definitely not biblical. And the methods promoted by eugenicists, including abortion, euthanasia, and racial segregation, are wicked practices. God told mankind to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28; 9:1, 7). No exception to that command is given in Scripture, and there is certainly no racial modification to that command suggested anywhere in the Bible. For social engineers to usurp God’s authority over life and death in order to create a self-defined “master race” is evil. Biblically, there is only one race—the human race—with everyone having descended from Adam and Eve. Racial discrimination and ethnic superiority go against God’s very nature: “God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” (Acts 10:34–35).
English theologian G. K. Chesterton wrote in his 1922 book Eugenics and Other Evils, “There is no reason in Eugenics, but there is plenty of motive. Its supporters are highly vague about its theory, but they will be painfully practical about its practice” (from Chapter VIII, “A Summary of a False Theory”). Since that practice involves abortion and euthanasia, eugenics is simply murder.
Eugenics is not commonly called by that name today, but the underlying philosophy is still evident in medical genetics. Today’s genetic screening and fetal gene manipulation are vestiges of eugenics. When a possible genetic defect is diagnosed in an unborn child, some couples choose to abort the baby. Unborn children with Down syndrome are one example: in the United States, an estimated 67 percent of the unborn diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted; in France, 77 percent; in Denmark, 98 percent; and in Iceland nearly 100 percent (“‘What kind of society do you want to live in?’: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing,” cbsnews.com/news/down-syndrome-iceland, accessed 6/22/20). It’s eugenics by a different name, as people continue to attempt to identify and eliminate genetic material they consider “unfit” or undesirable.
Eugenics is a meritless and immoral social engineering experiment. It is a slippery slope in which Chesterton’s scientific madmen abrogate the authority of God and seek to create their own utopia on Earth. Centuries ago, Job lamented the evil of his day: “When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up, kills the poor and needy, and in the night steals forth like a thief” (Job 24:14). This is the role of eugenicist: killing the poor and needy and those he deems “unworthy,” preventing a “poor quality of life” (in his estimation) by taking life, denying men’s liberty, and playing God.
One day as Jesus and His disciples were walking in Jerusalem, His disciples asked about a man born blind. They wanted to know “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). Jesus replied, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, . . . but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (verse 3). Who are we to decide who does or does not display the works of God?
In direct contrast to eugenics, the Bible tells us to defend the weak and disadvantaged: “Uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. . . . Rescue the weak and the needy” (Psalm 82:4); “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak” (Psalm 41:1; see also Matthew 25:35–36; Acts 20:35). Killing the disadvantaged, culling those whom the more fortunate determine to be “unfit” for life, or weeding out the weak is ungodly to the core.
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/eugenics-Bible.html
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hoorayiread · 3 months
Evicted, A Book Review
Has a book ever made you so uncomfortable that you wound up reading faster? Because I read this book in about a week (last year I read 14 books. I'm not one of those Booktok people that reads 5 thousand-page novels a month).
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond is a non-fiction book published in 2016 about the affordable housing crisis. More specifically, it examines the lives of several poor families living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and tells their stories. This book examines how and why people become trapped in cycles of poverty and what constant eviction does to people physically, financially, and psychologically. It also suggests ways our wellfare system could be overhauled to alleviate this.
Time, care, and empathy was put into this research. Desmond made an effort to look at both white and Black families during his project, analyzing the racial discrimination and segregation that is still very much a part of everyday American life. The families in these stories had problems such as drug addictions, criminal records, and a history of poor choices (you know, the kinds of things Fox News likes to rant about), but still portrays them in a sympathetic light. There is one person in this book, Crystal, who was prone to erupting into fits of violence when under exreme stress due to a history of severe childhood trauma. She hurt people, but I still came away from this book firmly believing that she deserved a roof over her head.
One of the chapters that really sticks out in my mind is titled "Lobster on Food Stamps." It tells the story of a poor woman in a trailer park who spent her entire monthly allotment of food stamps on a single, indulgent seafood dinner for one. Stories like this are a very common talking point for political pundits that like to demonize poor people. But Evicted uses this woman's story to explain why this happens: when you are extremely poor, it is next to impossible to dig yourself out no matter how much you save and what choices you make. There is no way out. Genuinely. Indulging will make the pain go away, at least for today. It is, ultimately, a very human choice.
Evicted is a difficult read, emotionally. Every time I sat down to read this thing it was always "Oh, great, Arleen's getting kicked out of another place for some bullshit reason." This isn't a fun book, but it's important. I've also heard good things about Desmond's followup Poverty, by America.
Now, nonfiction can't be spoiled, so let me end this review with the last line of the book:
"No moral code or ethical principal, no piece of scripture or holy teaching, can be summoned to defend what we have allowed our country to become."
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lettersfromgod · 4 months
Newly Uploaded - Section 2 of 2: "HYPOCRITES! ARROGANT ASSEMBLIES!" (From: Thus Says The Lord to the United States, and to All the Churches of Men Which Dwell Within Its Borders, Volume 7)
"Sons of men, look at what you have done! Look upon all you have wrought in My name! Behold, even My own people have turned from Me and pervert their way among many witnesses, misusing My Word to their own glory, uplifting and exalting themselves as they segregate the Scriptures to uphold their own corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions; a great perversion of speech among these who call of themselves Christian, who do not cease from polluting My name day and night!" Says The Lord
(*Please click the video to see the WHOLE Section)
▶️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMNBoWsyUz8&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=3
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Thus_Says_The_Lord_to_the_United_States,_and_to_All_the_Churches_of_Men_Which_Dwell_Within_Its_Borders
▶ ALL SECTIONS Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7jEAtx2JJQ&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=14
▶ MODERN PROPHECY Regarding the Churches of Men: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkPiKYh03vREaeYkTO258xjs
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oldshowbiz · 2 years
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February 1965. 
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at the Hollywood Palladium on Sunset Blvd. 
Earlier in the day several pounds of dynamite were stolen from a construction yard in Sylmar. A bomb threat against MLK was made shortly thereafter. 
As patrons filed into the event, a man slathered in blackface paraded on the sidewalk with a picket sign written in Amos n’ Andy style dialect.
Meanwhile at 1749 N. LaBrea, at the Women’s Club of Hollywood, a preacher named Wesley A. Swift delivered a racist sermon in which he claimed Christianity was a white man’s religion and the God demanded segregation. He was funded by James Oviatt, a haberdasherer who owned an art deco sky scraper in downtown Los Angeles known as the Oviatt Building.
Reverend Swift makes reference to Dr. King’s appearance at the Palladium at the 27 minute mark:
“We’re being told by the world order that we are to be absorbed by the world and we are to learn to think together with the world instead of apart from it. And the scripture tells us that we are not to let out thinking conform to this ... If America doesn’t come out [for] segregation you’re going to be a group of dark mongrels in the next thirty years ... What do you think Martin Luther King is in the Palladium for today? He should be picketed by a line so long that they recognize that there’s more white people in the United States than there are peoples who are emotionally disturbed by Communist-guided demagogues.” 
The ornate synagogue on Hollywood Boulevard where Dr. King also appeared that week is less than a three minute walk from where this racist rant was delivered. 
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black-paraphernalia · 2 years
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This will be a 5 part post to give details of the above statements also the underline links are left so you can click for more of the back story and informational history.
I will post only a synopsis of the information given to the 5 points of truth listed in the introduction, for this is not my story to tell, I am only sharing a bit of truth.
The full story is for the five truths click below the synopsis 
2. Terrorism, even if we refuse to acknowledge it
The largest terrorist attack in Oklahoma was not at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. It was down the road in Tulsa in 1921.
The Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was unique. In the early 20th century, it was referred to as “Black Wall Street” and was home to Black and Native Americans who had become wealthy from oil discoveries.
Wealth, however, did not mean equality. White residents were disturbed by the growing black wealth and sought to impose official segregation measures.
In 1914, Tulsa passed a law that forbade anyone from living on a block where more than three quarters of the preexisting residents were of another race.
In isolation, Greenwood thrived. Its main strip boasted attorneys’ offices, auto shops, cafes, a movie theater, funeral homes, pool halls, beauty salons, grocery stores, furriers, and confectioneries.
The resentment among whites against this community was a powder keg awaiting a spark. That spark came with a sexual assault allegation against a Black teenager named Dick Rowland. What happened in the elevator of the Drexel Building on May 30, 1921, is unclear.
A game of telephone, the story became more inflammatory with each retelling, and spread rapidly,” writes Dexter Mullins. A Black man took his life into his hands if there was even the suggestion of interest in or offense against a white woman.
When Rowland was captured, some Black World War I veterans from Greenwood armed themselves in front of the courthouse to prevent a lynching.  In front of the courthouse, a group of white men approached the Black men from Greenwood. “Nigger, what are you going to do with that pistol?” one of the white men asked. “I’m going to use it if I need to,” was the reply. The white man grabbed for the gun, and a gunshot rang out. It’s unclear whether it was accidental, a warning shot, or an attempt to injure or kill. In any case, all hell broke loose.
The Tulsa Massacre destroyed more than 35 blocks of the city, along with more than 1,200 homes and left some 300 people dead, mostly Black. Ten thousand people were left homeless. Yet this act of domestic terrorism is rarely mentioned or taught in schools. What we choose to remember speaks volumes.
FIVE TRUTHS ABOUT BLACK HISTORY If we want to understand the state of race in America, we need to know our past — particularly the painful parts. by
Jeffery Robinson, ACLU Deputy Legal Director and Director of the Trone Center for Justice and Equality
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
if it's not much trouble and I only trust whatever you have to rec since your posts are great! but essays/books would you rec if i want to know more about top bottom history regarding lesbians?
tbh, no... like if this is about arguing if lesbians "can" say top/bottom or whatever then i dont think u need to read historical essays or something bc the insistence lesbians 'can't' use those words doesn't come frm history, it comes from the homophobic and misogynistic notion that lesbians don't penetrate eachother, and the erasure and desexualisation of lesbian sex (I know!) by men, very much including gay men. the men who are arguing this, it isn't ABOUT history, it's about indignance to the idea of women as sexual beings, women as "real gays", women as party to an exclusive boys club. the dynamic between us and gay men ISNT symmetrical, bc they hold power over us (misogyny) but we hold nothing in return, you get the picture.
the words top and bottom arent sacred history, they aren't a community or an art form that one group worked tirelessly to establish and another group with power over them came and took out of their hands. so I think lesbians "can" say top and bottom because well. we can BE tops and bottoms, and there's no reason not to use the language that exists for describing that. i can give you books where lesbians penetrate eachother and essays where lesbians communicate their desire to either penetrate or be penetrated to other lesbians, but ultimately i would just ask why you need to see that.. what IS ‘top/bottom history’ ?? you mean you want to know more about the history of women fucking? you need historical proof that women fucked eachother? or you need to see specific usage of the terms top and bottom?? 
I would really encourage young lgbt people to question this notion you have been given that historical justification is necessary for anything to exist. we aren't christians and stone butch blues isn't the bible. if you think about it for a second this both creates a paradox where nothing is allowed to happen for the first time, and also means that ig bigotry and nonsense is fine as long as you can find historical justification?? plus what even happens if you find contradicting historical accounts which you know, you will constantly..... history matters inasmuch as it affects the present, when it comes to honouring the labour of marginalised people - for example, its significant that poor black gay people were instrumental in the development of vogueing and it was subsequently ripped off by rich white straight people; its important to honour the black trans women who were instrumental in the modern gay rights movement that we all benefit from, etc. HOWEVER, if there hadn’t been a single black trans woman at stonewall it WOULDNT mean black trans women in the modern day arent an incredibly vulnerable group that the lgbt community needs to support.  whats the difference if the first lesbian to call herself a top was in 2010, or 2000, or 1990, or 1960??? at what point in time do gay people’s lives stop being scripture and start being fraud? i dont believe in the segregation of useful language over some kind of weird intellectual property thing....the issue is terms being misused & the only cases where a term can only be used by a certain group is when it describes an experience exclusive to that group, like white lesbians cant be studs bc it describes a relationship to black masculinity that nb people simply dont have any experience of. lesbians calling ourselves tops/bottoms correctly is not the same thing bc like we do have access to the experience of penetratively fucking eachother in a non-normative way, the dynamic of which cant just be assumed by default, and that being important to communicate... the direction of privilege is also important bc when a privileged group appropriates terminology from a more marginalised group, they often become the new authorities over a term they did not create because their voices are more prominent than those they took the term from - and it often results in the warping of its meaning especially in cases where it was coined to describe a specific experience of that group, leaving them without a term to describe that experience effectively. lesbians using a term coined by gay men is NOT that because .... men are not a marginalised group. lesbians calling ourselves tops and bottoms is in literally no way hindering gay men communicating their sexual preferences to other gay men. i feel like im starting to repeat myself here but omg this weird dogmatic insistence on historical evidence for everything feels straight up reactionary at this point & feels no different than american conservatives needing to find a clause of the constitution or christians needing a bible verse for everything. like none of this is definitive its just gay people who existed in the past just like i am a gay person who exists today.... some gay people in the past were wrong, or bigots, or stupid, and so are some today. theres no magical historical document u can find to prove ur point, ur just going to have to argue for it on its own merits. like in 10 years this post will be history so ill be right then?
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seerpoetry · 2 months
ever since i was a young kid, i knew i was a prophet of some kind
but i do not want to preach in the street or call for rebellion
i know it's already coming
i know so many things
so i will just write my scriptures
today, it was sunny. chilled. windy. a moment of rain, tranquil and quick
the stars glitter with colors i cannot explain, and the world breathes
everything is as it is, as it always will be, until it isnt
so obvious but we love to play pretend
it isn't useless, but the only meaning there truly is
individuality is wonderful, beautiful, but nothing more than a dream we love to live
i dream of worlds like our own that followed the same path
segregating, isolating, ruled by fear
destruction comes to them, but they never notice in time. or perhaps, do not truly care
the sky is always pitch black, but i can sense the swirling storm alive with wrath
the god we love, Agape, is found everywhere. the world of light breathes Agape. but Orgé comes for us all, in its all consuming
the world has been swallowed by Orgé, we digest in its fire now. it's burning oxygen and suspicious poisons. Orgé wishes to make us part of it, to reflect itself within us. we live in hell, now, as we are.
our hate, fight, righteous anger, distrust, fear, and greed cause us to turn towards each other with the inability to recognize ourselves, and God.
many worship Orgé, or obey it out of a secret terror. it has planted within us the seed of animal instinct, and survival. it calls these seeds "truth".
though we burn here, the light of Agape pierces through to reach us. bathe in the light of love, and know that as long as you follow it your soul will be pulled away from Orgé to be held within the great light which travels through all.
love love love love love
all will be well, when all is gone
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wutbju · 2 years
The late Bob Jones, who founded the conservative Bob Jones University in South Carolina, said in a 1960 radio address entitled, “Is Segregation Scriptural?” that “God is the author of segregation!” and that the practice was a part of God’s “established order.”  
Many segregationists/white supremacists believe that it is their duty to keep the races separate. They have heard sermons that criticize any belief in the pursuit of “social justice,” teaching in many instances that social justice is “anti-biblical.”
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longwindedbore · 2 months
Are 2024’s Red State MAGA legislators’ Vagina-control criminalization and prosecution of miscarriages and reproductive medical procedures any different from 1692’s Salem, Mass murdering women with hideous torture for collecting medicinal herbs and acting as mid-wives?
Same narrow spectrum of authoritarian Patriarchal fundamentalists.
Same spectrum of self-segregating political/ethno-lingual/religious/cultural bigots.
Same non-scriptural ‘God-told-me’ ignorant pastors inciting the mobs.
Same subtext of crushing woman’s position in society and in their homes.
Same criminalization of what is accepted in countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America
I’m at a loss to find any examples of other countries from 1680s to the present in which there are any women burnings.
Or mob lynchings or Rittenhouse-type or police public executions which go unpunished. Even most Fascist regimes required legal processes before executions.
In parts of USAmerica are conditions WORSE than under peacetime Fascism?
Are we sure that the MAGAs only want to take us back to the 1950s? Or the 1850s?
Why not the 1650s?
Or the 850s during which time plagues were acts of Divine retribution and not of any natural science. wWhen the world was flat and dinosaur bones were from dragons. When EVERYONE was obedient to the Church or burned at the stake.
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riverdamien · 3 months
The Bright Light!
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The Bright Light!
Luke 2
    Today is one of the most ancient of holy
Days: Candlemas-The Feast of the Presentation
of Jesus, commemorating Luke 2 when Joseph and
Mary brought their newborn son to the Temple in
Jerusalem. The purpose was Mary’s purification, a
cleansing ritual forty days after the birth of a son.
    Upon arriving at the temple they encountered Simeon
the Blind prophet, awaiting the Messiah. He took the child from them and proclaimed:
"My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel."
  The final movement in the arc of light is
Candlemas, when the entire world is set
ablaze with God’s manifestation of love.
    Today opens up a hope in the midst of all our contemporary news about death, deceit, and political rivalry. Today opens up hope in our own lives. 
     While we may not see the world "ablaze with God" entirely, it is ablaze as we each trust in that hope, as we each move out in love and hope in own woundedness.
    Sr. Thea Bowman once shared of her glimpses of the love for all in the Black journey out of slavery, and  continued journey into freedom.
    The Bible as always was used as a tool by the slave owners, quoting scripture to justify slavery, and yet the Holy Spirit lead those in slavery to see the Bible as a tool of liberation.
    In the same way the Holy Spirit is leading us to see God at work in the liberation of L/G/B/T/Q's and all people, regardless of spirituality, creed, ethnic background--God is love for all!
    In my own life, my experience as been that of the liberating God.
    When one looks back at their childhood, and infancy, one finds that it colors all of one's life, until one looks at it and put it into context and find healing. When that begins to happen one becomes the 'wounded' healer.
    I grew up in a small southern town, one that was segregated, homophobic, and deadly to anyone outside of their box of fundamentalism, whiteness, and sexuality.
    My childhood, adolescence was boxed in, I could never ever be myself Within me it created  immaturity, low-self-esteem, and fear; the one slowly dawning "light" in my life was feeling "my heart strangely warmed" at twelve and having as a pastor David Richardson and his wife Ruth, who were liberal. And from their love and teaching I navigated through the fundamentalism and homophobia the best I could. All churches were homophobic, there were no gay therapists or out gays.
    Overwhelmed by  my vocation I entered the ministry, seminary and ordination, tied in painful knots, and only until I decided to seek therapy too look at myself, and found myself in "reparative" therapy, and when that was not working to force me into a state hospital until "you see homosexuality as a sin," did the light begin, slowly, every so slowly enter my life and I ran away, to Hollywood, prostitution, a lawsuit against my denomination, another Master's, ever so slowly as the light dawned back into ministry and to San Francisco!
    Through the years from being crushed by homophobia,being homeless, and the struggles here on the street, having my son murdered, and constant judgment threats and criticism,I am a wounded healer. 
    I see every person as a child of God, and only God has the right to judge! I see my life has a piece of an old cypress tree, each wound, each hurt is chiseled into a beautiful scar.!
    The Jesus know, the Cosmic Jesus, the One who embraces all. The Jesus I know is the One who leads us into the a revelation of an a blazing God of Oneness, healing, and love!"
"I know that I have life
only insofar as I have love.
I have no love
except it come from thee!
Help me please to carry this candle against the wind.
-Wendell Berry
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Fr. C. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
snap/chat: riodamien2
Mission in Life! (Revised January 1, 2024):
The best summary for my mission in life is found in the statement that:
"Obedience to Christ does not consist in
engaging in propaganda, nor in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such away that's one's life would not make sense if God did not exist."
Being a 'living mystery' means to love 'to the point of folly, and in the words of Kawaga:
"I am a free lance tramp, a vagabond for Christ. I must go until Christ's work is done. I go like the wind."
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xiphactinusfish · 3 months
I need to rant about Mormonism, so don't read below the cut if u don't want to see it.
Mormonism, as it currently and historically exists, is a religion fueled by hatred.
Mormons see themselves as a chosen people. In fact, the ONLY chosen people who have access to the ONLY true doctrine. They teach that only Mormons sealed in the temple (only cis, hetero couples can be) will be able to live in the holiest level of the afterlife (although, if you are a woman this just means you get to have babies for eternity) and that all other good people will be contained in a middle level or lowest level kingdom.
Mormonism is deeply zionist and antisemetic. Mormon scripture teaches that Judaism is essentially the training wheels religion and that Jewish people could not handle the "higher law" that was bestowed to its white supremacist founders. Mormons who receive an individualized "revelation" called a Patriarchal Blessing claim to belong to one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Mormons also spend lots of money as an organization and as individuals to tour Occupied Palestine to appropriate cultural sites (and rituals for secret temple rites) and gawk at the people and cultures there. With that said, maintaining civil ties with Occupying Israeli forces is important to ensure access to appropriated sites, so zionist, islamophobic, xenophobic, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian Christian behaviors are encouraged and funded by the Mormon church.
But of course the Mormons support a genocidal colonial force--their doctrine teaches them they have the divine right to colonize and destroy non-believers. Mormon scripture teaches that white Mormons should "save" the Indigenous inhabitants of Turtle Island (and the rest of the world) by eradicating Indigenous ways of knowing and cultures. Their scriptures teach that the spiritual beliefs of Indigenous peoples of North and South America are perverted forms of Judaism, which is also to blame for their "skin of blackness." More on inherent racism in Mormonism in a sec. They call all Indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere "Lamanites" and have a horrific history of genocide against them, including their own residential school program called the Lamanite Exchange Program. Continued efforts to "save" Indigenous peoples are seen in aggressive missionary work (where they send brainwashed teens or rich elderly people to harass and proselytize), organizational support and funding of colonial policies, and grooming of children to view Indigenous ways of knowing with a white supremacist lens.
Racism is inherent to Mormonism. Until very recently, members of the religion with any African ancestry were barred from fully participating is sacred rituals and becoming full members. Segregated members were, however, still required to fund the building of temples and places of worship, host missionaries, and give the church 10% of their income or risk total expulsion and excommunication. Mormon leaders will deny that racism ever existed in the church, citing "God's will" as the reason for policies of segregation. However, Mormon scripture calks dark skin a curse designed so that righteous white people would not be attracted to brown and black people (and that higher melanin content skin and curly and kinky hair will be "fixed" in the afterlife for the faithful.)
Speaking of innate human traits the Mormons doctinally view as curses, the treatment of disabled folks by the Mormon church is horrific. Mormonism teaches that disability is a trial or curse, depending on how righteous they feel the individual is. They teach that all disabilities will be fixed in the afterlife, despite protest from some disabled, neurodivergent, and Deaf communities that understand themselves to be complete humans as they are. Disabled white people are frequently infantalized and intersectional disabled folks are often demonized.
Being demonized by the Mormons involves having leaders incite physical violence and ostracization against people they view as sinners or as cursed. Another group organizationally hated by Mormons is the LGBTQIAP+ community. Mormon doctrine teaches that queer individuals are depraved and evil, and leaders encourage church members to use real violence against queer people (recently, a Jefferey Holland, a church leader, commanded Mormons to use their "spiritual muskets" against queer people). Heavy financial support from the Mormon church is used to fund anti-LGBTQIAP+ organizations and church leaders influence local and federal policy discriminating against queer people worldwide.
And this is a just a handful of examples of the Mormon doctrine of hate. Violence and hatred also toward women, people living in poverty, unhoused people, immigrants and refugees, people with mental illness, single parents (yes, really), unmarried adults, childless adults, BIPOC, and people who question the authority of the Mormon leaders are the bread and butter of the religious cult. Mormon leaders teach that outsiders and questioners of Mormonism lie in wait to martyr its members and that the rest of the world is fallen and depraved, utilizing fear and self-hatred to keep its members under control.
"Progressive" members often hope to change the Mormon church from within, to make it a church of love and acceptance, but with the foundations of genocide and the church leaders' collective refusal to acknowledge past and present bigotry and violence (not to mention active efforts to bury unpleasant history regarding the church and ongoing crimes committed by church authorities such as fraud, sexual violence, and genocidal efforts), I think these people are deluded.
NOTE: Nothing I say here is an excuse to harass or intimidate individuals. As with other cults, members not in positions of power are often victims of the cult themselves. In Mormonisn, members are often groomed from childhood to be compliant or were convinced to join at a point of extreme vulnerability. There are individuals in Mormonism who do genuinely try to be accepting and loving of those outside their group. My criticism here is primarily against the organization and people in power within it.
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drmaqazi · 3 months
Importance, Benefits, How To Perform, and Hadiths about Tahajjud Prayer.
Tahajjud prayer is a nafl or voluntary prayer. It is a night prayer that is offered in order to attain mental strength and peace. It is also known to avert acts of sin. Prayer (Salat) — one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is segregated into four main types:
Fard Salat: The most important prayer in Islam; it is compulsory, and missing it is considered to be a major sin.
Waajib Salat: It is compulsory, and missing Waajib Salat is regarded as a grave sin too.
Sunnah Salat: Known to be Prophet Muhammad’s (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) practice:
Make proper arrangements to wake up in the third part of the night. This may include setting an alarm or asking family members to wake you up before the Fajr prayer.
Clean your face, hands (till elbows), head and feet (up to ankles) properly.
Find a peaceful and clean place to perform the Tahajjud prayer.
When sitting down for the prayer, devote completely to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) and His glory. All worries from the mind and heart should be eliminated.
2. Performing the Tahajjud
While starting the prayer, it is important to make a note in mind that the prayer will be completed according to the chosen way, which includes reciting a few Raka’ats and Surahs. Also, the purpose of performing the Tahajjud prayer should be decided, i.e. whether it is to seek the mercy of Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala), to thank the Almighty, or to glorify the supreme power.
To begin Tahajjud, two Raka’ats of Salah are performed initially. One must stand and recite the verses from the Holy Qur’an. Following this, praying continues by bowing to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) while both hands are placed on the knees. Next, face the ground with palms, nose and forehead touching the floor in complete devotion to the Almighty. In this position, the elbows are slightly raised and feet folded. Then stand up and recite “Allahu Akbar”.
One can repeat Raka’ats as per their desire. For Tahajjud prayer, usually, two Raka’ats are considered sufficient. As per the Hadiths, Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) used to perform nearly 13 aka’ats on a frequent basis. Here, it is also important to remember that for Tahajjud prayer, Raka’ats should be performed in pairs.
After the Raka’ats, you can add your own set of du’a for the Tahajjud prayer. The du’a should be sincere and completely devoted to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala). While performing the prayer, one should acknowledge their misconducts and offenses, and ask the Almighty for mercy. Make a sincere promise to not repeat the mistakes and strive to become a better human being.
3. Exploring the Tahajjud
One should devote time to reading the Islamic scriptures in order to gain a better understanding of the Tahajjud prayer.
One should follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) by comprehensively studying how to perform the Tahajjud prayer. By doing this, one can come closer to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) and lead a blessed life.
As narrated by Hazrat A`ishah  (RadiyAllah ‘anhaa): “Allah’s Apostle used to offer eleven Raka’ats and that was his prayer. He used to prolong the prostration to such an extent that one could recite fifty verses (of the Holy Qur’an) before he would lift his head. He used to pray two Raka’ats (Sunnah) before the Fajr prayer and then used to lie down on his right side till the call-maker came and informed him about the prayer.” (Bukhari)
Incorporating the Tahajjud prayer in an everyday routine is the last and ultimate step. It is an optional prayer, but an important one as it brings one closer to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala). It is also associated with gifts of redemption and forgiveness by Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala), and therefore is a wonderful way for asking mercy for everyday’s sins and failures. It should also be kept in mind that God Almighty is appreciative of performing the prayer on a regular basis.
Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer
The Tahajjud prayer is associated with a number of benefits and rewards. As Tahajjud salah involves waking up in the middle of slumber, it is said to offer great rewards from the Almighty. Here are some of its benefits along with Hadiths regarding the same.
1. Tahajjud prayer is one of the best ways to attain closeness to Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala).
“Be vigilant in standing up [in prayer] at night, for it was the practice of the pious before you. It is a means of gaining proximity to Allah Ta’ala, expiation for transgressions and a barrier from sins.” (Tirmidhi)
2. The Holy Qur’an also mentions that those devoting time to praying Tahajjud reap great benefits.
“And the servants of the Most Merciful [Allah] are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace, and’ devote [part of] the night to their Lord prostrating and standing [in prayer].” (Holy Qur’an, Chapter 25, Verses 63-64)
3. Tahajjud prayer is that it gives inner strength and mental peace. It also has the capability to avert acts of sin and wickedness. Also, according to the Islamic tradition, the third part of the night is the best time to make wishes/du’as.
Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) said: “During the night there is a time when the Muslim does not ask for the good of this world and the Hereafter but it will be given to him, and that happens every night.”
4. Also known to be the best among the voluntary prayers, one major benefit of performing Tahajjud is that it helps with everyday problems. While performing this prayer, one completely places their trust in Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) and leaves all worldly worries. When a believer leaves everything to God Almighty, the supreme power then provides assistance through different sources.
“And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things.” (Surah Talaq, Chapter 65, Verse 3)
5. It is also said that the Tahajjud prayer grants patience even in the face of problems. Incorporating Tahajjud in daily routine is known to bring peace to the distressed heart.
Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) said: “The closest that the Lord is to His slave is in the later part of the night, so if you can be one of those who remember Allah at that time, then do so.” (Al-Tirmidhi and al-Nisaa’i)
Tahajjud Prayer of the Prophet
Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) also used to perform the Tahajjud prayer on a regular basis. He also encouraged his companions to perform the same. The Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) used to wake up in the middle of the night, cleanse himself, praise Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) and recite the following ten-verse passage from Surah Aal - e -`Imran:
“Verily in the creation of the heavens and Earth, and in the alternation of night and day are signs for those who understand. (Aal - e - ‘Imran, Chapter 3, Verse190)”
Following this, he performed ablution and commenced the Tahajjud prayer by reciting a few verses in praise of Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala). According to Aishah (RadiyAllah ‘anhaa)—when Allah’s Messenger (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) got up at night for Tahajjud, he used to extol Allah’s greatness ten times then praise him ten times. Then, he would say the words “Glory and praise be to Allah” ten times. Then, he would say “Glory be to the Holy King” ten times and ask Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala) for forgiveness ten times. Then, he would say “There is no God but Allah” ten times. He would conclude by saying: “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the tribulations of this worldly life and the tribulations of the Day of Resurrection.”
Prophet Muhammad ((SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) initially offered two concise units of prayer, which became much longer when he used to pray alone. Following Allah’s command in the Holy book Qur’an — “Stand in prayer the night long, except for a little“ (Surah Al-Muzzammil, Chapter 73, Verse 2).
Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) used to prolong every step involved in the Tahajjud prayer, be it the supplications, reciting the Holy Qur’an or even the opening recitations. He used to start the Tahajjud prayer with complete reverence, love and devotion towards Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala). The words, with which he used to start his prayer, were:
“O Allah! Lord of Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael, Creator of the heavens and earth, Knower of the seen and unseen, You will judge between Your servants in what they used to differ. Guide me by Your Grace to the truth in what they differ about. Indeed, You guide whomever You please to a path that is straight.”
“I turn my face to the Creator of the heavens and earth upon the pure faith, and I am not from among the polytheists. Indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are for Allah (Subhaanahu waTa’ala), the Lord of all the worlds, Who is without partner. This is as I was commanded, and I am of those who submit. O Allah! You are the King. There is no God but You. You are my Lord and I am Your servant. I have been unjust to myself and I confess my sins, so forgive me all of my sins, for indeed no one forgives sins but You. Guide me to the best conduct. No one guides to what is best except You. Keep me away from bad conduct, for no one can do this for me except You. Here I am. I heed Your Call, happy to serve You. All good is in Your Hands and no evil belongs to You. I exist by Your Will and shall return to You. You are Blessed and Sublime. I seek Your Forgiveness and repent unto You.”
Clearly Tahajjud is an important prayer even though it is not obligatory. Its benefits are immense and can really help bring peace and spirituality in everyday life of a Muslim who performs it with devotion and diligence.
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pashterlengkap · 4 months
Trans folks will someday be revered as the visionaries they are. Until then, the violence must end.
The Human Rights Campaign has reported that at least 30 trans and gender non-conforming people were killed in the United States in 2023. 87% were people of color, with 50% being Black trans women. 77% were murdered with a firearm, and 50% were misgendered or deadnamed by authorities or the press. First, let’s say their names: Savannah Ryan Williams Jean Butchart Kejuan Richardson Amiri Reid LaKendra Andrews London Price Lisa Love Dominic Dupree a.k.a. Dominic Palace A’nee Johnson Sherlyn Marjorie Chyna Long Luis Ángel Díaz Castro YOKO Thomas ‘Tom-Tom’ Robertson DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson Camdyn Rider Jacob Williamson Chanell Perez Ortiz Ashia Davis  Banko Brown Koko Da Doll Ashley Burton  Ta’Siyah Woodland Tortuguita Chashay Ashanti Henderson Maria Jose Rivera Rivera Zachee Imanitwitaho’ Unique Banks KC Johnson Jasmine “Star” Mack History is replete with groups and individuals facing colossal odds for simply expressing their truth, and for that, members of those groups were often forced to pay the ultimate price. Never Miss a Beat Subscribe to our daily newsletter to stay ahead of the latest LGBTQ+ political news and insights. Promotions (occasional) * Week in Good News (one on the Weekend) * Week in Review (one on the Weekend) * Daily Brief (one each weekday) * Sign Up Related: Americans once overwhelmingly supported trans rights. Anti-trans lawmakers have changed that. The political divide is creating “two Americas” for LGBTQ+ people. Abolitionists joined together to work for the immediate end to the institution of slavery and the cessation of racial discrimination and segregation. They faced steep opposition from many quarters, including a number of Christian denominations who asserted that sacred scripture not only condoned but mandated the practice of slavery.  Young people conducted a number of sit-in demonstrations at Southern lunch counters to end Jim Crow laws of segregated public facilities, all while enduring the abusive taunts of onlookers and the crashing batons of local police. Demonstrators faced imprisonment and the imposition of permanent criminal records. Feminists formed a new wave in the fight for women’s suffrage against a high tide of obstructionism within a patriarchal system of male domination and misogyny, and an attitude that the enfranchisement of women would destroy Christianity and civilization itself. The Church convicted physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei on the charge of heresy by insisting that the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than, as per Church teaching, that the Earth was the immovable center of the universe with the Sun revolving around the Earth. Galileo spent the remainder of his life under house arrest. Joan of Arc, the teenager who helped defeat the English in her native France, became one of the greatest war heroes in French history. In spite of this, she was tried by the Catholic Church on the charge of heresy in rejecting Church authority in preference for direct inspiration from God, and most importantly, by donning men’s clothing. Joan died by burning at the stake. Alan Turing, mathematician, logician, philosopher, cryptanalyst, and one of the original creators of the computer was largely responsible for cracking Nazi coded messages, which many believe shortened the war by two to four years. Many also say he saved Great Britain. However, the British government chose to convict Turing on the charge of being homosexual and ordered him to undergo “chemical castration” by taking estrogen injections as an alternative to spending two years in prison. Turing took his life a few weeks before his 42nd birthday. Governments and powerful individuals have long devised ways of silencing opposition for the purpose of maintaining and extending their control and domination. They commit genocide upon the true human liberators, the profits, the visionaries who advocate for a just and free world. These… http://dlvr.it/T0Yg34
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