#Is her name liv?
snazzyladreal · 1 year
This did well on the bird hell hole, so
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SpongeBob reference
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
wanted to give steve's take on how his and eddie’s kids take after them. very different vibe tho hope that’s okay with everyone
eddie’s version
If Steve was asked which parts of fatherhood he enjoyed the most, he would say that it was when he got to catch glimpses of himself and Eddie in the people his children are becoming.
Especially when it’s Eddie – like how Hazel has a penchant for collecting things and Robbie has all sorts of opinions about music and Moe is a trivia wizard and somehow knows at least a little bit about practically everything.
Robbie in particular is...well, she’s Eddie. She’d been Eddie since the moment she started becoming a real person and, for a while, Steve loved it. How could he not? He loves Eddie and all his wild ways and his loud intricacies and the way he’s himself without a care in the world for whatever anybody else might think, so when Robbie started turning out just like him, Steve couldn’t be more thrilled.
But then Robbie started high school and it started to become a problem.
Steve sometimes wonders if parents of boys have it easier – not that being a parent is easy by any stretch of the imagination, but without any sons, he can never know the difference (if there's even a difference to be known).
Steve knows that his and Eddie’s daughters are perfectly capable people. They’re tough and they’re smart – Moe is independent to a borderline-scary extent, and Robbie hasn’t taken shit from anyone since the moment she was born, and Hazel…well, Hazel is the baby, and the one Steve is gonna have the hardest time letting go of, but she can take care of herself just as well as her sisters.
He knows this.
Still, there’s a part of Steve that just wants to keep them all in a little glass box and never let the world touch them.
He’d never had that feeling about anything before.
Steve surprised himself by becoming particularly protective over Robbie – his Amelia Robin, his tough as nails middle kid – because she plays her music just this side of too loud and she gets in trouble for arguing with her teachers and once she was caught giving out stick-and-poke tattoos in the locker room and she rants and raves about all the problems with today’s society to any available audience.
Because Steve had seen Eddie do all those things, and he’d seen how it put a target on his back, and then he’d seen him nearly dead because of it.
He hadn't handled that well and he hadn't even been in love with him yet.
Steve knows that he’s tough on Robbie in a way he isn’t with her sisters, and he knows that goes directly against the promise he’d made to himself to treat the three of them as close to the exact same as he possibly could, but his traitorous brain (which might have never been on his side to begin with) can also twist the image of Eddie bleeding out in the Upside Down into one daughter more than it can the other two.
And Steve knows it's not really even possible to be a perfect parent anyways, so if this is where he's losing some points –
Sue him.
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Captain 👏 Olivia 👏 Margaret 👏 Benson 👏 belongs 👏 with 👏 A 👏 D 👏 A 👏 Rafael 👏 Diaz 👏 Barba.👏
Full stop.
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elliot-olivia · 2 months
Thoughts on SVU25? It's been touch and go for me and now I'm losing hope there's going to be any payoff for sticking it out.
imo there have been some hits and some (frankly astonishing) misses but the liv character work does occasionally go crazy so, like. i’m not a hater. i will continue to be seated.
also idk what “payoff” means for you but (& i’ve said this on main) it does kind of feel like dgraz is building up to a potentially incredibly cathartic endgame with all these lewis parallels. i know some people really hated that they didn’t do anything with the courthouse stuff last episode but i’m not mad about it? at least not yet. graz seems to enjoy a long game (see: the velasco storyline) & there are just…. too many signs something is coming? of course if it all goes to shit and they trudge all this up for nothing i might just lose my mind and hunt the writers room for sport, but rn i am still very much 👀👀👀👀👀
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i saw the “erin kellyman should play scottie from She Drives Me Crazy in a movie remake” discourse on my twitter but i am not active enough on twitter to echo this sentiment there but SHE TOTALLY SHOULD FUCKING PLAY SCOTTIE FRIM SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD TAKE
but also absolutely love that we are at a time in sapphic rep that on two major platform tv series we have two queer actors, playing canon queer characters, and are BOTH redheads so like really even if erin didn’t get it i would be elated if liv hewson got it
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celinecooperjones · 10 days
the Cabenson brainrot is so strong it broke my writing hiatus
enjoyyyy 😚
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gif via @alexcabotgifs 🤍
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olibavee · 4 months
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saw some friends today. this snake was one of them
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thisismehappy · 2 years
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Olivia and Noah - 16x01
How many times in her life has she had the chance to tell anyone she loves them?
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swimzliveblogs · 7 months
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a. TYPO SPOTTED b. that's another cute detail that i never noticed :)
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
dude her name is liv moore and she’s a zombie i’m really not seeing how this show isn’t instantly appealing to you all. when is everyone going to watch izombie come ON.
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Round 5
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
When Eddie and Steve first became parents, Robin made them a silent promise.
She swore to herself that she was going to give their children the most annoying gifts she could possibly find.
(To preserve the sanctity of their friendship, of course).
In 2006, when Moe and Robbie are five and three, Robin catches wind of the girls’ struggle to learn the appropriate places to put stickers. She found this out when Steve lamented to her for fifteen entire minutes about how difficult it is to get stickers off of clothing and walls and windows and light switches (everything, pretty much).
So it is with great delight that Robin adds two colossal books of novelty stickers to the collection of gifts she and Nancy were pulling together. She also gives them each a paint set and fabric markers.
Moe and Robbie were pumped, naturally. Steve and Eddie were not.
Robin: What? I just want to support their artistic endeavors!
Robin happens to think she went easy on them. She’d also seen a kids’ megaphone that she graciously vetoed (Hazel is still a newborn and still not sleeping through the night yet – she wants to bug them, not drive them off the ledge into total insanity).
The next year, she doesn’t hold back – not only does she give them the megaphone, but she also finds a slide whistle and a plastic recorder and a bucket of mega bouncy balls.
Over the years the girls get from their Aunt Robin – slime, kinetic sand, a karaoke machine that was only programmed with Disney Channel Original Musical soundtracks, prank kits, a cowbell, craft glitter, a rock tumbler, an ant farm. One year she gave all three of them Furbies.
This crusade is easy when the girls are little, because kids' toys are notably annoying as a baseline, but she has a harder time when the girls hit their teen years. Robin, however, is nothing if not committed to the bit, so she always manages to figure something out.
Robin: Do you think it’d be taking it too far to buy Moe that phone she’s been harassing them about.
Nancy: Uh, yeah.
Robin: What about the gerbil for Hazel?
Nancy: *thinking*
Nancy: That one’s fine.
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schnuzrising · 1 year
finished this girl with a bit of egg cash.....🥶
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loverscrossmp3 · 3 months
you guys have to stop reblogging that what did you do during recess post before i think too long about myself as a little girl and kill myself
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pruzan · 6 months
I don’t think I ever asked you, where did you get the idea/inspiration for your username?
it's a king of queens reference! pruzan is the last name of carrie's boss from season 2 to season 6. he's a complete idiot and kind of a weirdo, and he is sooo funny to me
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howtosingit · 2 years
Not unhappy about the idea of Iris returning, as it always felt like she had a lot of potential, especially for Carlos. Since we now know that 1x05 had a scene where Carlos talks about Iris, I think they originally wanted him to be a larger part of her story, and for her to have more impact outside of Michelle. They clearly shifted away from that idea as they wrote the end of the first season and kept her isolated for some reason. (It’s why that plot absolutely never worked.) My guess is that season 2 would’ve maybe opened that plot up if Liv hadn’t left, as she would’ve remained a focal point. All of this to say, I don’t know if she’s coming back for flashbacks or present-day material, I don’t know if she’ll actually have anything to do with Carlos or if it’ll be something completely different. Literally have no idea, and I’m unwilling to get my hopes up about it until we get more information.  However, I am very much hoping that we don’t see even a glimpse of Michelle Blake. Not a single emotionless, husky peep from her. No thank you.
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