pruzan · 3 months
Cosplay/Halloween costume for you: Claire Standish from the Breakfast Club. There’s SUCH a resemblance between y’all
i have gotten this comparison several times recently and i have to say... it is the biggest ego booster, i LOVE IT. THANK YOU. dressing up as her would be so much fun and i am looking for her outfit right now as we speak
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singersalvageshop · 4 months
Tagging game!
i was tagged by @calyxcurl THANK YOU TAKO 💖
Last Song I listened to: hate that you know me by bleachers :)
Currently Watching: I am about to finish fringe!!! I'm on the last two episodes... for the most part i've liked it but some parts were kind of a drag 😭 i really love olivia dunham and lincoln lee though <3
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: spicy!!! spicy food is so addictive to me i wish i could eat it all the time...
Relationship Status: single <3
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Current Obsession: always quanyin but the past few days i've been having a dirk gently's holistic detective agency-related breakdown. i miss that show SO MUCH
Tagging: @amirdrassil @bastetcg @the-kryomancer @evilhasnever @saturnisfallingdown
pls feel free to ignore it if i tag you lol
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kikinom · 5 months
Just added 1k words onto my tes fanfic thank you @the-kryomancer and @thejokig23 for helping me figure out if it snows in Cheydinhal o7
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pechaberriesandsoju · 6 months
I saw you ship with Plastic Man, especially from BTBATB and I’m just *waves excitedly* another dc self shipper and it’s exciting to meet you (I ship with Guy Gardner from BTBATB too)
(via @me-myself-and-my-fos)
PS. I followed from my main @/the-kryomancer
Hehehe, hiiiii ans y3ah I do ship with him. He's one of my silly guys. Tio Bats doesn't really approve, but as long as I'm happy, he's fine with it!!
And yeee, it is fun to meet new shippers!! Hello, hello!!! I'm just a mess sometimes, though, and bounce around a lot, is all.
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nerdstreak · 2 years
For some reason tumblr made me unfollow you? I hadn’t seen your posts in a while and I was wondering if you were okay but apparently it’s cause I wasn’t following you anymore. I’m following from my main @/the-kryomancer just to let you know! (via @me-myself-and-my-fos)
oh yeah im good!! im still following you over at your ship blog but since its a side blog mutual checker couldn'tve told if you were or not, thats tumblr for ya, glad youre back tho!
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dracwife · 2 years
Tim McGee was always my favorite/comfort character from NCIS when I was in middle school. I’m so happy to see he’s getting love from someone!! If you ever want to gush about him, my inbox is always open!!! (via @me-myself-and-my-fos) ps I followed back from my main @/the-kryomancer
thank u i think it's the fact that he's pathetic and strange much like myself. and also? he is so squishable
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doing this to him ^
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bastardsunlight · 2 years
‘ SMOOCHES? ‘ Cole smooching Bi-Han's face
Cole has accosted the Lin Kuei warrior as he is on his way out the door to train with Allison. He is peppering the kryomancer with more kisses than is, strictly speaking, within protocol and the only recourse is to return the favor. When his pace slows, Bi-Han responds by grabbing his face and doing the same.
“Your audacity has been returned,” he declares solemnly.
Send me smooches!
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jadequarze · 4 years
What happened to Jester to cause her to lose five years? I haven’t watched the episode yet and I won’t have time to for a while (I don’t care about spoilers tbh)
They found this altar (by random chance) during their expedition. As per the M9 ways, they’re very curious on what it does. They tried copying the statues poses (cue the cast shenanigans), even tried touching the altar, but nothing happens. Then, they thought maybe someone should stand on the altar. Beau, Yasha and Jester played boulder, parchment, scissor to determine who’ll be the volunteer. Jes, lost, so she’s the volunteer. The moment she got on the altar, she starts to hear whispers from the statues that surrounds the altar, asks a question and it’ll answer, with a price.
So she ask a question about the Tombtakers, she got a vision (hella traumatic) as per the question. After the vision ends, before she can even process the vision she felt a part of her soul got ripped out (her price for the question is her life span btw), leaving her cold just for a moment. Hence, her losing 5 years (?) of her life, horns becoming longer and her appearance are more mature.
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luckthebard · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about the queer Might Nein members but who’s the fifth? I counted Beau, Yasha, Caduceus and Caleb. Are you including Molly? I was just curious since my mind went to current members
Yes, I was including Molly. 8 total characters who’ve been main cast PCs in the Mighty Nein.
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fishandships · 4 years
You’re so valid honestly, I usually imagine putting my thumbs through my f/os’ belt loops but f/os doing it is just as powerful. Live your best life as your f/os pull you close
you are galaxy-braining there holy shit thank you for increasing my Daydream Power exponentially 
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pruzan · 9 months
I don’t think I ever asked you, where did you get the idea/inspiration for your username?
it's a king of queens reference! pruzan is the last name of carrie's boss from season 2 to season 6. he's a complete idiot and kind of a weirdo, and he is sooo funny to me
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imagineconnor-blog · 5 years
“I told you she’d be getting married soon. She’d been seeing the hints for weeks.”
Hank takes his time chewing his bite of food. “Congratulations for them spending thousands on something stupid.”
You’re tempted to toss a fry in his face. “It isn’t stupid! It’s a memorable and exciting thing!”
Beside you Connor blinks, head tilting slightly. “Do relationships always have to end up being legal?”
Both you and the lieutenant pause and give the robo-boy a look. His partner is the one to ask, “What?”
“Marriage is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. I also know there are legal benefits to being married, mainly in the management of money. That can’t be the main reason for getting married, is it?”
“Of course not,” is your instant response to Hank’s, “Of course it is.”
There’s an awkward moment as you two stare each other down, Connor’s chocolate hues darting between you two curiously.
“A woman will marry a man, then divorce him and takes all his money,” comes the lieutenant, taking an angry bite of his burger.
“Who hurt you?” you whisper, his eyes narrowing. Flashing him a wink, you take a sip of your drink before giving your own opinion. “Marriage is something more for the memories now. It’s the sense of feeling bonded to someone for life. Yeah, marriage doesn’t need to happen to be forever devoted to someone, but it’s something you and your friends and family can look back on years later and smile about.”
You watch as Connor’s eyes dip to the table in thought, then slide back up to your own. “So your friend and her partner are getting married for the memories it comes with?”
“Sort of.” Leaning back, you pop a fry in your mouth. “It’s different for everyone, obviously. Some people actually do marry for the reason you mentioned before, Connor. Others marry because they want citizenship, others marry because it’s what they think should happen, sometimes people get married even when they don’t want to. Every circumstance is different, but it’s suppose to be something special for both parties involved.”
“I see.” Those hues dip again, but rise to search out Hank’s. “Do you not want to get married, Lieutenant?”
“Why are you dragging me into this?” Groaning, he takes a gulp of his soda. “The moment a man marries, his life ends.”
“Stop being grumpy and be honest,” you scoff, poking his shin with your foot.  “I swear you’re unpleasant only to keep an image.”
He holds his hands up in surrender. “You caught me. Now can I eat my burger in peace?”
“You aren’t yourself when you’re hungry,” you chuckle.
A finger is pointed your way with a rare smile. “Exactly.”
“So if you were to get married, [Name], what would it be for?” Oh Connor, always the focused one in the trio.
Lacing your fingers together and leaning forward, you can’t help but give a wide smile to the android. “I’d marry for love. For the memories, the happiness it’d bring. To walk around and tell the world that I love my partner and I’m not afraid to show it.”
Hank’s painful looking eyeroll goes ignored as Connor suddenly leans forward. “[Name], let’s get married.”
Your chest feels as constricted as the lieutenant’s as his burger betrays him. “What?”
In hindsight, you really should have been concerned for Hank. Doubled over and coughing both his lungs out, he’d had the attention of half the restaurant as he proceeded to fight death’s own hamburger. Instead, you couldn’t tear your eyes away as Connor’s fingers graze up your wrists and pry your digits apart, only to wrap them in his own. Warm breath sends goosebumps down your skin as his brown eyes fill up your whole world, his lips dangerously distracting as they repeat, “Let’s get married.”
“I— Connor, wh— I don’t—”
They waver, his eyes, dipping slightly down before bravely meeting your gaze again. “Do you not want to?”
“That’s not the point, Connor,” you choke out, squeezing his fingers in a death grip as his lips press together. “There’s— There’s usually a ring, and kneeling, and—”
“Jeezus CHRIST!” wheezes the old man as he succeeds in keeping his life for another couple years and downs the rest of his drink. “I’m dying over here and you two flirt!?”
Suddenly aware of the heat dancing under your cheeks, you lean back and give a wobbly smile. “Lieutenant Hank Anderson isn’t dying from a vicious hamburger.” You snicker. “That’d be one hilarious obituary though.”
If only looks could kill, it would’ve saved Hank years of trouble. “You think you’re fuckin’ funny.”
“Hilarious, actually.”
“What kind of gem would you prefer? Diamond seems the most popular.”
You have to bite your bottom lip hard to stop the giggles from breaking free of your chest as Hank drags a hand down his face and breathes out, “Jeezus Christ, Connor…”
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fischotterkunst · 5 years
I hope Krie knows i would die for them
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avisnoctis · 4 years
Elodie, what’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?
“you’ve really got to ask me the difficult questions, don’t you? hmm. although thinking about it really it’s not so hard! not a thing exactly - things can be replaced, after all! - but i know i could never live without my friends and my family. i owe my dad so much, and i wouldn’t be here today if i didn’t have my friends backing me up the way they do!”
— elodie <3
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gearlic · 6 years
From one Kryo to another Cryo, I’ll be here to lend you a HAND should you ever need it ❄️❄️❄️
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hes been waiting a while to use that one
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julientel · 6 years
Question: Does Gavin also call Elijah “Eli”? Or is it one that never crossed their minds? ALSO!!! Anymore headcanons on how Elijah dorkishly copied Gavin’s looks?
No, he doesn’t.
Well, that earring was the only thing he copied. And he didn’t do it on purpose.
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