casualcloudchaos · 3 years
Contentment feels strange
after a lifetime of anxiety and fear and struggle
Contentment feels like boredom
Contentment feels like space that I don’t know what to do with
Contentment feels like silence that I can’t stand to hear
Contentment feels itchy
or stiff like a new pair of shoes that offers real arch support after wearing ballet flats for years
Contentment feels unsafe
Contentment feels like that moment before something else happens
I can’t trust it
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We dream of something strange and often wonder what it means,
Has it ever been wondered that it maybe is some wish that our mind makes,
Yes they are often strange, horrifying and frankly not something you would generally do,
But really, darling, has it ever felt so true,
It is said that people dream more but remember them less,
I always wanted to know why do they not stress,
The dreams we experience and forget or the ones that are really only phantomly felt,
What is that is so different in not remembering those we forget or the ones we dream and never really forget?
There are so many questions that I would dream about, so many ideas that could change the world but it won't be heard but now that I say it, I think maybe it is because I don't want it to be remembered.
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Brine's a funny word, innit? #ocean #isitapoem #isitwrongtotrytopickupgirlsinadungeon #crumblingmoons
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wetlandaftertherain · 8 years
It's empty I know why Yet I am stuck, simply Just because it excites me temporarily And that's okay Yes, that's okay
Me who is drowning
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karinaleigh92 · 11 years
I think I lost my way.
I’m not sure how I got here. 
It’s 3 a.m. and I’m lying face down on the pavement.
I can remember bits and pieces that led me here.
You were shattering my world.
Breaking the glass.
It was slitting my paper skin.
It was painful.
I was blinded by the light that shone into my eyes.
It hurt.
You were breaking me. I had to say goodbye…
And that’s when my skies went black.
I think I’m losing my way.
I can’t remember when it happened.
Those overhead clouds opened up and I began to drown.
I fought, with what strength I could muster, to stay above the waves.
The current is too strong. 
I can’t breathe. I can’t see. 
I’m drowning. It’s too late.
All I can do is close my eyes and, again, say goodbye.
And all I can see now is your face.
I know I lost my way.
I know that no one is looking for me here.
But the waves are now receding.
I can’t tell where I am, but I know if I move the pain will resume. 
I lay and await for the waves to overcome me again.
Awaiting the final end I so gravely wish for.
And now I feel someone beside me.
I think you found me.
I can’t tell for sure.
The light is shining brightly again and I refuse to open my eyes, but my skin accepts the warmth.
A tender touch removing the shards of glass from my fragile flesh.
A gentle voice caressing my mind back to coherence. 
I can feel the bricks lifting from my chest one by one and somewhere I know that only someone with your strength could remove them. 
I can breathe.
And suddenly the waves come back.
I think you want me lost.
The water is up to my chest and the waves are licking my chin as they crash into me. 
I take a final breath, sink in and await the end. 
And wait. 
And wait.
I finally open my eyes.
I think you brought me back.
My world looks so different with the sun shining, I can’t really tell.
I realize I’m not under the waves but that you have me afloat. 
I’m clothed in bandages, covering the wounds.
You have my hand, tighter than I’m used to but tight enough to make me feel secure. 
At times I’m apprehensive and fight to squirm away.
But you refuse to let me flee.
And finally, I’m alive.
I think, I’m finally home.
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