#Isak Ferriz
cemyafilmarsiv · 1 year
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İnfiesto directed by Patxi Amezcua
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trueshame · 4 months
Man forced to strip naked and laughed at by robbers (movie clip)
Location: Spain 🇪🇸 Year: 2008 Genre: Stripped Naked, Walk of Shame
This is a clip from spanish TV series Serrallonga. We can see a man who is forced to strip naked at gunpoint and is being laughed at while taking his clothes in front of other men, then he walks away naked.
The Naked Man (NM)
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Name: David Selvas (Antic) Age: 52 (36 during the scene) Nationality: Spanish (actor)
David plays the character named Antic, a rival to the other man - Joan, later known as spanish bandit legend Serrallonga. Antic was taken out as the thug leader and forced to strip naked, then walk away in shame while other men were histerically laughing at him. His stripping scene became iconic to the ENM community, as it contains everything necessary: single man nudity next to the clothed group, laughing, humiliation, walking away degraded.
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This is a speechless scene where no word is said. Just one guy stripping naked and the group of other men constantly laughing at him for about 30 seconds. Notice how he tries to keep a dignified face and avoid eye contact with other men.
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After removing all of his clothes, the actor walks away and the laughter becomes even more histerical as the man's bare ass is slowly vanishing on the horizon.
The Clothed Men (CM)
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Name: Isak Ferriz (Serrallonga) Age: 44 (28 during the scene) Nationality: Spanish (actor)
We can count a group of total 7 clothed men watching the other one stripping. But there is a leader: Joan Serra, later called Serrallonga. He is the one looking with pitiness how his rival, the former group leader is taken down and humiliated in front of the comrades.
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cinemaslife · 1 year
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Supongo que la finalidad del personaje de Úrsula Corberó era demostrar la frialdad de Rosa Peral que solo se quebraba al ser abandonada o rechazada y no cuando hacía daño a los demás. No tiene arrebatos de violencia nada más que en una ocasión aislada relacionada con su exmarido. Por el resto, no logra empatizar, ni con sus circunstancias ni con ninguno de los personajes, incluyendo a sus parejas, ni siquiera, con su hija, no parece una persona capaz de desarrollar amor o empatía, ni siquiera demuestra ser egoísta ni protectora.
El personaje de Quim Gutiérrez si indica que es egoísta y egocéntrico, que no sabe tratar a los niños, pero su obsesión por Rosa Peral no es más que competición, por otro lado no parece que sufra ni padezca por nada, solo por perder.
Dicen que el personaje de Isak Ferriz odia al de José Manuel Poga pero apenas tienen escenas juntos, se llevan mal porque todo el mundo dice que se llevan mal, igual que se lleva bien con la hija de Rosa y Javi porque lo dice todo el mundo a lo largo de la serie, no demuestra más que ser un señor que no se alegra cuando su mujer entra en la guardia urbana y él suspende las oposiciones, es un tipo celoso (y con motivos) pero no hay nada más. Solo está cabreado a lo largo de la serie pese a que ha rehecho su vida.
El personaje de José Manuel Poga es el que más me ha decepcionado, Pedro es celoso de Albert con motivos, abandona a su mujer y a su hijo de apenas un año porque se enamora locamente de Rosa y en tres meses está conviviendo con ella, pero no parece enamorado...igual que no parece que le suspendan del cuerpo por ser una persona agresiva ya que en el resto de la serie no se da como persona agresiva ni nadie lo describe así, en la vida real Pedro Rodríguez era conocido por tener un carácter muy fuerte, pero nada de esto justifica su fianal.
No voy a hablar del crimen de la guardia urbana como tal porque todo el mundo sabe las miserias de ese crimen, todo el mundo ha llamado promiscua a Rosa Peral, infeliz a Pedro Rodríguez y Tontoelbote a Albert López. La serie es creíble pero sus personajes dejan bastante que desear, el único personaje interesante es el de Eva Llorach.
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ursulacorberosource · 2 years
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Úrsula’s New Project!
Úrsula Corberó will star in Netflix’s new mini series ‘El cuerpo en llamas’, inspired by a true story full of mystery, violence and sexual scandals that occurred in Barcelona in 2017.
Quim Gutierrez, José Manuel Poga and Isak Férriz complete the cast.  
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moviescramble · 4 years
Below Zero (Bajocero) - Review
Below Zero (Bajocero) – Review
When you think of movies set in Spain, you’re likely to think of the colour and vivacity associated with the likes of Pedro Almodovar. You’re probably less likely to think of thick, rolling fogs; temperatures so low it hurts to exhale; and glacial expanses of frozen lakes. But that is exactly the setting for Lluis Quizel’s Below Zero (Bajocero), which has just arrived on Netflix. The film opens…
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jokeronthesofa · 4 years
Below Zero: Revenge Is Best Served Cold - Netflix Review
Below Zero: Revenge Is Best Served Cold - Netflix Review This Spanish-language revenge film brings us a harsh look at morality. #BelowZero #Bajocero
This Spanish-language revenge film brings us a harsh look at morality. SUMMARY (Spoiler-Free) Martin (Javier Gutiérrez) is a police officer who has a strong moral code, something that irks some of his fellow officers, like Montesinos (Isak Férriz). He is assigned for a late-night prison transport run with Montesinos which is supposedly completely covert. However, as the run gets foggier and…
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ASFF - Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival from Jordi Cussó on Vimeo.
Amsterdam Spanish Film festival ( ASFF) ASFF provides a showcase of new trends in mainstream Spanish cinema as well as focusing on independent films. The festival will enrich Amsterdam’s film culture with highly acclaimed films specially curated by Sin Fin Cinema that have gathered praise from critics and the public. In this first edition, we are delighted to present a selection of some of the most exciting recent Spanish films from a variety of genres reflecting the dynamism and creativity of Spanish Cinema today.
Director Jordi Cussó Produced by Oniric Events Casting: Isak Ferriz & Garazi Beloki Dop: Pol Orpinell Steady Cam: Raúl Bujardón Make up: Rubén Mármol Costume: Veronica Febrero, Stills Photos Cecilia Diaz Betz. Music: Oriol Tió Voice Cecilia Diaz Betz Graphics: Raquel Quevedo Location: Collserola, Barcelona.
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