Isildor: If you're wondering why we attacked the train, we weren't. We were attacking the people ON the train. We're big trainaboos, you see, and we didn't approve of them decommissioning the train for scrap metal. I mean... it's a historic train, you know! So much history is on that train! Why would you decommission it!? 💢😭
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bocceclub · 1 year
nyan rings were gifted to the racist men, who above all else desire men,
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hslllot · 2 years
I can’t believe she didn’t tell anyone that was him?!?! Like guuurllll ya gots ya tell someone! Also, isildor….where you at?! Also, is the good looking elf the father of that young boy?! Sorry I don’t know the names 🫣 I really enjoyed season 1!
I love the vibe of this anon… i can’t wait for season 2! I think the good looking elf you’re talking about is Arondir and I thought he might be at first but now I don’t really know 🤷‍♀️ all I know is that sauron is sexy
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themovieblogonline · 22 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episodes 1-3: Sauron’s Chilling Rise
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Welcome back to Middle-earth! If you thought Sauron was just another big bad villain with a fancy ring, "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" Season 2 is here to set the record straight. Prime Video has given us three episodes packed with more twists, turns, and betrayals than a Game of Thrones wedding. Let’s dive into the first three episodes and explore how Sauron’s origin story is more layered than we ever imagined. https://youtu.be/c9fsBy45YTQ Sauron’s Origin: More than Just a Pretty Face From the moment Season 2 opens, it’s clear that the creators are diving deep into Sauron’s backstory. We all knew he was bad news, but who knew the guy had elf-like good looks before turning into the dark lord we love to hate? The show brilliantly captures the complexity of Sauron’s rise to power, from his elven origins to his ruthless climb up the Middle-earth corporate ladder. Adar, the not-so-lucky villain, gives us a front-row seat to this transformation. Adar thought he had killed Sauron, but in true horror movie fashion, Sauron came back stronger, more vengeful, and with a serious grudge. This wasn’t a simple power grab; it was a bloody, gruesome journey. And, if I’m being honest, watching Sauron’s transformation is as satisfying as seeing your least favorite reality TV star get what’s coming to them. Visceral Cinematography and Gruesome Battles One thing that sets "Rings of Power" apart from the other adaptations is the level of grit and gore. The cinematography in these episodes is nothing short of stunning. The battle scenes, especially the one where Sauron faces off against the orcs who betrayed him, are visceral and brutal. It’s a far cry from the epic battles of "The Lord of the Rings" films, and honestly, I’m here for it. The scenes are dark, intense, and dripping with the kind of tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you’ve ever wondered why Sauron is so feared, these episodes will show you. It’s not just the power of his ring; it’s the raw, unfiltered strength he wields even without it. The Political Intrigues of Middle-earth But it’s not all blood and battles. The series takes time to explore the political dynamics at play. Galadriel and Elrond’s complex relationship is front and center. Their scenes are rich with tension, with Galadriel’s inner conflict bubbling just beneath the surface. Her lack of reluctance to fully trust Halbrand's rings, despite knowing his true identity, adds layers to her character. It’s like watching someone try to convince themselves that the sketchy guy they’re dating isn’t really that bad—deep down, she knows the truth, but she’s not ready to face it. On the dwarf side of things, we get to see Prince Durin navigate his own family drama. The tension between him and his father, King Durin, feels all too real, and the show does an excellent job of depicting the emotional toll this conflict takes on both characters. The introduction of the mythril to the dwarves adds another layer of intrigue, as we see how politics can affect even the most steadfast of individuals. The Return of Familiar Faces Let’s not forget about the return of some familiar faces. The Stranger is back, and while his true identity is still up in the air, his scenes with the halflings are giving us major Frodo and Sam vibes. Whether he’s Gandalf, Saruman, or someone else entirely, one thing’s for sure: his journey is far from over, and I can’t wait to see where it takes him. And then there’s Isildor, who somehow survived being buried under a collapsing building. His scenes, especially the one where his horse finds him in a spider nest, are some of the most intense in these episodes. The loyalty of this horse rivals that of any dog, and the whole sequence is a masterclass in tension-building. Sauron’s Masterclass in Manipulation Watching Sauron manipulate those around him is like watching a master painter at work. He doesn’t lie outright; he simply lets others believe what they want to believe. His interactions with Celebrimbor, where he subtly steers him towards creating the rings, are chilling. Sauron’s ability to play the long game is what makes him such a compelling villain. He’s not just about brute force; he’s about strategy, patience, and knowing exactly when to strike. A Promising Start to Season 2 "Rings of Power" Season 2 is off to a strong start, with these first three episodes delivering everything fans could hope for. The show has found its stride, blending stunning visuals, intense action, and rich character development into a must-watch series. Sauron is finally getting the attention he deserves, and it’s clear that he’s more than just a dark lord—he’s a complex, multi-dimensional character whose journey is just beginning. Whether you’re here for the epic battles, the political drama, or just to see more of Sauron’s backstory, there’s something in these episodes for everyone. As the season unfolds, it’s clear that "Rings of Power" is setting up to be one of the most compelling shows on Prime Video. So, what are you waiting for? Fire up Prime Video and dive into the world of Middle-earth. Trust me; you don’t want to miss Rings of Power Season 2.
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thedisneysoldier · 5 years
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queenlucythevaliant · 3 years
Jesus is a Better King than Aragorn: An entirely serious literary and theological analysis
Despite Tolkien’s famous dislike of allegory, it is clear that Aragorn is in numerous respects a figure of Christ. Like Jesus, Aragorn is a great king who returns after a like absence to save his people. Both have roughly a hundred different names and titles. Most significantly, the name Aragorn uses in Rivendell as a child is Estel, which means “high hope” and is also a reference to the morning star, Gil-Estel. Jesus is called the Morning Star and also Emmanuel, “God with us,” which was and is the highest hope of all the earth. (I’m sure there’s a better example, but I can’t justify spending too much time on this when I have homework to do).
Aragorn also spends the early years of his life in obscurity. As a ranger, he is despised and rejected by the very folk he protects, such as Barlimen Butterbur, who advises Frodo not to trust him (and hurts Aragorn's feelings in doing so). Aragorn is also not particularly attractive; Frodo observes that he “looks foul and feels fair.” These qualities place Aragorn in line with Isaiah’s prophetic description of Jesus: despised and rejected by man, with nothing in His appearance that we should desire him.
Aragorn is also keenly aware of his kingly destiny in ways which mirror Jesus’ Messianic mission. Unlike the filmic Aragorn, the Aragorn of Tolkien’s books is eager to become king and has been preparing for the job all his life, studying the peoples, customs, and languages of Middle Earth. He carries around the ring of Barahir and the shards of Narsil, symbols of his kingly destiny, but waits until the proper time to publicly reveal himself as King. Faramir could even be said to be something of a John the Baptist figure, declaring Aragorn’s kingship before Aragorn himself claims it. Yet despite his great destiny, like Jesus, Aragorn is fundamentally selfless and humble. He spends many years thanklessly guarding the Shire and is quick to offer his life or his death to save Frodo. Significantly, Aragorn also has miraculous healing abilities. Indeed, the hands of a king are those of a healer; so shall the rightful king be known. This parallels the way in which Jesus healed people throughout His ministry in part as proof of His divine nature.
Finally, Aragorn is eventually received and crowned King of Gondor and Arnor in a big enormous super-parallel to Jesus's eventual return and the consumation of his eternal Kingdom. Aragorn's coming has been hoped and longed for for thousands of years. His coronation also coincides with his long-awaited wedding to Arwen; indeed, Aragorn’s ascension to his rightful kingship is a condition for his getting to marry her. This combined wedding and kingship imagery intimates at the return of Jesus, the True King, and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb which will follow.
Yet despite the clear parallels between Aragorn and Jesus, it is clear that of the two, Jesus is the greater King. Jesus is fully man and fully God. Aragorn, conversely, is like 1% Maia (for those uninitiated in The Silmarillion, Maia are like lesser angels) through Isildor, Elros Tar-Minyatur, and ultimately Melian, but this cannot compare to the true, incarnate divinity of Jesus, which enabled Him to live a sinless life on earth and serve as propitiation for our sins. This, indeed, is another way in which Aragorn falls short of Jesus. Sauron and his orcs and other assorted monsters are undeniably evil and gross-looking, but Aragorn is not even the one most immediately responsible for defeating them, and at any rate none of that compares to defeating all the power of sin and death forever and ever amen. Jesus died on our behalf and was then resurrected; in this respect, Gandalf is much more similar to Jesus (died to save the Fellowship and came back glorified; “Saruman as he should have been” ~ second Adam that one’s a stretch but go with me here). Yet Aragorn and even Gandalf fall far short of Jesus’s resurrection by virtue of not being the firstfruits of man’s glorification.
As King, Jesus currently reigns in Heaven and in the hearts of His people; after His return, He will rule the New Heavens and New Earth. Aragorn merely rules the united kingdom of Gondor and Arnor which, while awesome, does not have the direct presence of God, a New Jerusalem, of the complete absence of evil, sin, and death. Gondor has a White Tree, but no Tree of Life. Finally, unlike Jesus, Aragorn is also not perfectly holy, just, righteous, sovereign, gracious, or merciful. He may be pretty much perfect by human standards, but he still remains Just Some Guy and is therefore fallible. In fact, the only recorded kingly rulings of his that I can remember off the top of my head are banishing Beregond from Minas Tirith for disobeying Denethor and banning non-Hobbits from ever entering the Shire, both of which are kind of iffy in my opinion. (Text me if you want that rant 😜)
“But wait!” I hear you saying, “Jesus might be a better King than Aragorn, but Aragorn is definitely much cooler than Jesus. Aragorn has a sword!” And yes, Aragorn does have a sword, and his sword is awesome. Its name is Anduril, Flame of the West, and it was made from the shards of Narsil, the Numinorian sword which Isildor used to chop the One Ring off of Sauron’s finger. (I refuse to use the diacriticals; it’s too much work.) It has an insignia with seven stars on the blade and Aragorn uses it in a whole bunch of epic battles. That is, indeed, very cool. However, Jesus also has a sword! In Revelation, when John describes Jesus, He has a sharp, two-edged sword issuing from His mouth. He also holds seven stars in his right hand. As an added bonus, His face shines like the sun. So what if it's probably symbolic? Anything Aragorn can do, Jesus can do better.
(Note: I threw this together ages ago as a joke for my Bible study. @laurelin-of-valinor inspired me to post it today.)
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movieexpert1978 · 3 years
Ok I haven't read the books of Lord of The Rings, so I'm sorry if this is an annoying question but:
How come Lord Elrod didn't take the Ring from Isildor when they were in Mount Doom? He's much stronger than a human so he could have taken it and thrown it into the fire.
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A film fan’s reaction to reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time.
I’ve been a big fan of the Peter Jackson films (extended versions - nerd that I am) since I was about 11 and I think I know all of the big changes made in the adaptation: Arwen, Faramir, Aragorn falling off a cliff. I did read the first book around the same age (in the first of many waves of my lotr obsession) but I only really remembered Saruman of ‘Many Colours’.
However I have always wanted to properly know the book version of the story so finally started listening to an amazing full audio book reading by Steven Red Fox Garnett which I highly recommend:
And here are my silly reactions and occasional analysis of the differences between book and film that I didn’t know about.  
The Fellowship of the Ring part three, one, two, four, five, six
Many Meetings:
Frodo thinks he’s better but Gandalf can see that Frodo’s arm is transparent, not fully in the mortal world? Is this permanent? A metaphor for his ultimate depression/ptsd, I know the wound itself serves as that. Gandalf lies and says Frodo looks well. My poor sweet baby innocent Frodo.
Frodo knew Sam was by his side most of time rather than checking out Rivendell like he said <3
No Sam! Don’t wait on your master! Embrace being treated as an equal! Thank god he didn’t do it.
Glorfindel is sitting next to Elrond and this is enough for me to ship them.
Frodo finally meets Bilbo again, it having been 17 YEARS! This is more emotionally charged for Frodo than in the film. Bilbo does his Nosferatu impression here! Almost the first thing he says to Frodo is Sooo you have the ring? Can I see it? Can I touch it? This was SAD! That it was so soon. Then there is quite a tone shift after that, Bilbo says sorry for this burden/everything like in the film but then they keep taking, and chat to Aragorn like it never happened.
Some elves are racist jerks to Bilbo (although his song did go on quite a lot).
The Council of Elrond:
Boromir! So far he is much like in the film. Doesn’t say ‘by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe’ but says words to that effect. Including something like ‘we get praise but no help’ which I thought was a pretty good critique, it made me think of performative activism. Aragorn kind of seems petty when he says well rangers protect the north, the north’s not safe either! Like yes but also Gondor is RIGHT NEXT to Mordor. You can see it when you look out from Minas Tirith. I think there’s probably more servants of Sauron there even though there are many elsewhere. It felt like a whataboutism. I think Boromir’s point still stands. Perhaps this is meant to be read as a flaw of Aragorn’s but I don’t think so.
Aragorn says again that the sword will be remade, and says that he will go to Minas Tirith. That’s pretty much all but saying he will become king. He seems so far to accept that fate and be less reluctant to do it than in the film. At this point in the film I felt Aragorn knew in the back of his mind that he would probably have to fulfil that destiny, but there was still a part of him fighting it, or hoping against it. He also had doubts, fears that he would fail like Isildor, fears to take up power. In the book Aragorn himself says the line ‘I am Isildor’s heir, not Isildor himself.’ In the film this was given to Arwen who tries to reassure him. While book Aragorn certainly has humility and isn’t proud of his royalness he seems more comfortable with his destiny, and I so far find that less interesting, like there may be less of an arc for him. But it is early days and a lot more may be revealed about him. I’m especially interested in his interactions with Boromir, which, I find is one of the more interesting aspects of the first film.
Bilbo wrote the Aragorn Poem! And says it’s not that good, but it’s my favourite one so far. I think we’re probably meant to have that reaction.
Radagast! It makes a bit more sense here as to why Gandalf would go see Saruman, despite already being suss about him, given that Radagast unwittingly sent him there. I’d like to think the moth in the film is a nod to Radagast.
Saruman of MANY COLOURS! This is almost the singular thing I remember from reading the first book as a kid. As awesome as it sounds I’m kinda glad they didn’t put it in the films since it would look like queer-coding a villain.
Saruman has some rhetoric about maintaining ‘order’ which is never a good sign. He also seems to think that he’ll be able to take power from Sauron after they join somehow which, my dude, is never gonna happen.
Gandalf has a line about how despair is only for those who know the future, and we do not, and honestly that helps me with climate grief.
Apart from Frodo and Sam, (and Merry and Pippin) Elrond picks the other companions.
Elrond is starting to see that Bilbo isn’t so unique among hobbits, that they may all have strength of character beyond what may initially seem to. This is nice, I like this theme.
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warsofasoiaf · 5 years
I am going to assume you are a Tolkien fan when I ask you this question. Aragorn is Sa’id to be the heir to Isildor and thus the rightful King of Gondor. How exactly is he related to Isildor?
Through the descent of Isildur's fourth son Valandil. I don't know too much about Tolkien though.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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fairywinklegurl · 2 years
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My Isildor basking under the moon-lit sky..
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saurons-advice · 6 years
So how long were you missing a finger after isildor chopped it off?
It’s still gone.
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Fuck Isildor
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trans-mando · 7 years
Isildor throw it away
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themovieblogonline · 22 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 3 Review: New Twists, Old Shadows
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As we dive into The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 3, the show wastes no time in pulling us back into the rich tapestry of Middle-earth. The episode brings back familiar faces, introduces intriguing new plot threads, and of course, gives us more of the stunning visuals that Prime Video is becoming known for. But what really grabs attention is how the show blends epic fantasy with moments of genuine heart—and some unexpected political intrigue. https://youtu.be/c9fsBy45YTQ SPOILER WARNING: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 OF THE RINGS OF POWER A Loyal Horse and an Unexpected Rescue The episode kicks off with a scene that’ll have you both cheering and scratching your head. We see Isildor’s horse (yes, the one who deserves its own medal at this point) trotting through Mordor, like it’s got GPS coordinates directly to Isildor, who, last we saw, was buried under a fiery building. The horse, in an utterly wild twist, finds Isildor in a spider's nest. This scene is pure adrenaline, with the horse proving it's the real MVP of Middle-earth, while Isildor manages to fend off some very terrifying arachnid action. The spiders? They’re not your average garden variety—think Shelob with friends. The Queen Regent: A Lesson in Power The Queen Regent is back, and Míriel is not here to play games. When a grieving mother publicly confronts her, we expect a cold, Cersei Lannister-esque response. But instead, the Míriel delivers compassion and understanding, showing us that strength isn’t always about flexing muscles. It’s a moment that adds depth to her character and gives us a break from the usual political brutality we see in shows like Game of Thrones. Speaking of politics, Pharazôn, ever the snake, tries his hand at influencing the Queen, aiming for power in a way that’s less cunning than we’d expect but still interesting enough to watch unfold. The political drama here may not be as sharp as GoT, but it has its own flavor, hinting at bigger schemes to come. Orcs Just Want to Have Fun? Now, here’s where things get strange: the orcs are apparently trying to live their best lives, free from Sauron’s shadow. And just when you think you've seen it all, female orcs and orc babies enter the picture. It’s a wild departure from the orcs we’ve known, and it’s going to ruffle some feathers for sure. Adar, who’s quickly becoming a fan favorite, plots to stop Sauron from returning to power, adding an unexpected twist to the typical evil minion trope. Plus, when a troll joins their ranks, you know things are about to get even more chaotic. Sauron’s Masterclass in Manipulation Watching Sauron work his magic—literally and figuratively—is like watching a master at work. The way he manipulates Celebrimbor into turning against King Durin is nothing short of a masterclass in villainy. Sauron’s tactics are smooth, calculated, and a little too convincing, making you wonder if anyone in Middle-earth is safe from his grasp. This is one storyline you won’t want to take your eyes off.   Isildur’s New Adventure Isildur’s arc in this episode takes him to some familiar yet eerie locations. He ends up at a lake filled with dead elves—sound familiar? It’s a nod to The Lord of the Rings movies that’s sure to please fans. His interaction with the mysterious Astrid adds a layer of intrigue, though the budding romance feels like it’s heading for disaster. Thankfully, Arondir shows up to save the day in a moment that feels very much like Legolas at Helm’s Deep—epic and just in time. The Dwarves aren’t left out in this episode, with a tense exchange between Durin and his father over who will apologize first with Durin making the secession.  The stakes are high, and the tension between tradition and ambition is palpable. The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 3 ends on a cliffhanger with the creation of more Rings, setting the stage for the epic conflicts to come. Read the full article
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Girl’s don’t want boys, girls want Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildor and the throne of Gondor, bearer of the Sword that was Broken.
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exquisitelyeco · 7 years
Slave or master.........my precious?
Today I want to talk about Gollom, or Smeagol, as his real name was, from Lord of the Rings. I have touched on him before. And I want to go deeper. J. R. R. Tolkien hit on something really profound in the character of Smeagol. Basically, Smeagol found the one ring. The MAIN ring. Made by the evil Lord Sauron, to control all the other rings, he had helped make. He deceived the elves and tricked them. But, when all looked lost, the ring was cut from his finger. By Isildor. But it’s power of evil and mans greed for control, tricked Isildor, who took it for himself. Instead of destroying it. He was killed within the hour. But he did so much worse. He BOUND his entire bloodline to the ring. (Bloodline is SERIOUS. And can cause untold damage. I will post of that another time) and because of that, his bloodline was cursed. Until such a time, thousands of years later, one stood up and did what was right. But it took THOUSANDS of years for that to happen. So the ring fell into the Anduin river, and all thought it was lost. What carelessness and stupidity, not to check! Carelessness, no wonder God said we will be judged for it! How many die, each day, purely down to their own carelessness or somebody else’s? Another blog entry for another time…. And Gollums friend Deagol found it. Almost immediately it’s evil came alive and Smeagol murdered Deagol to get it. He became outcast. And fled into the darkness……what a parallel! He was eaten away by the ring, until he was a mockery, a hideous shadow of who he really was. Eventually, the ring consumed him, literally, in the fires of Mount Doom, they perished together.
Why did he have two names? Why both Smeagol and Gollum? Smeagol was the person he really was. A water hobbit. Small, hardworking and jolly, if it was anything like the kind of hobbit Bilbo, who found the ring, from Gollum…..was. But the evil of the ring, and Smeagol own choices to keep it, wrought a terrible change in him. He could not forgive himself for the murder of Deagol, because he would not let go of the ring. The ring needed to be let go of, so he could have and been free from it’s evil. But it’s evil and his choice to keep it hounded him. Day after day. Year after year. And he began to make sounds in his throat, a Gollum sound, gulping. And he earned the name of Gollum, which was the name that ultimately killed him. Hiding in the darkness changed his appearance. He lost much of his hair, and the rest became like string. He lost many of his teeth. The remaining ones became sharp, due to his change in diet. Rather than eating normal food, he now ate raw food, but worse, even orcs, the same kind of meat as a human. His eyes grew used to the dark so much, that he hated both the sun and moon. Who he was, totally had changed. Inside and out. Because of his choice to do and live with evil. And I see the parallel with us. Sin, (Or our damage, for a different way of saying it) causes us to change. It makes a mockery of who we originally were. And like Gollum, the more we choose evil, the more we refuse to change our habits and belief systems, the more of a mockery we become.
In our culture today, and since the word ‘teenager’ was coined in the 50’s, every generation has blamed youth for being rebellious and selfish. But you know what? I have learned that is a lie. Sure, teenagers are selfish and rebellious! But it does not REMAIN in them! It’s part of their growing up and learning who they are! But the baby boomers, those who were born into the luxury of the new National health service. The new support from the government, if you were unemployed, benefits if you became ill or disabled. Where food was now abundant. New appliances changed the whole way of life and made it easier. Some of this generation are disgraceful. Rude, grasping, and not wanting others, like the Pharisees, to have what they have had. I have had more judgement, more rude treatment, more contempt and lack of thanks and help from this generation than any other. And they should know so much better. Don’t get me wrong. As I said, they are not all like that! But from my own, personal experience of that, there are more I personally have come across, that ARE like that, than not. Take the mats for the door step. One states ‘Living it up on our children’s inheritance’ that’s is disgusting. The bible states that good parents leave an inheritance for their children. Be it money or character. But the point I am trying to make, is they have not learned. They are still totally selfish in their attitude. It’s all about ME. Yes. This culture is too. But so many more in this generation, could teach us SO much! They have so much knowledge and understanding. But they refuse to use it. They hide their light under a basket. And the most horrid and worrying thing is, they will not CHANGE. They have become set in their ways. And I see more Gollums everyday. More attitude, more blaming others, more lack of responsibility from them. Wanting everyone else to pick up responsibilities for them. Thinking it their right. Thinking we owe it to them. Moaning how much they have put in, and yet how MUCH have they taken out? And it’s still not enough. But worse, they do not want anybody else to have it!
Sadly I do not know many wise, kind older people. I see many older people trying to act like younger people but with an attitude that reminds me of the smell of dog shit. What an example! It’s disgusting. Recently I have had so many problems with these people. And been hurt by them. Even bitten by one of their dogs, which went for my guide dog, but got me, and they walked off! Every young person will either ask, or I hear their parents explain, a guide dog is a working dog. Not to be petted. Now if people ask me, and I am not busy, I LOVE to stop and talk! To explain how my sight works, how my guide dog got her very special name. How guide dogs have changed my life. And let them pet her. But this generation hardly EVER ask! So this one lady, her dog was not controlled. She was talking, taking up the whole pavement, which was narrow. There were three or four of them. All chatting, standing blocking the way. So getting past, without being hit by a car was not good. And her dog went for my guide dog. I asked her to keep her dog under control. Her response was unbelievable. She said ‘Go away!’ Like I was a piece of dog crap. She kept on saying it. Her husband, who should have known better, backed her up. I was disgusted and walked away. And as I did she was still being provocative being rude. I tell you, I wanted to smash her face in. Rude, uneducated, spoilt bitch. Just like her dog was. Her dog was unhappy and discontented. And because this lady was not open, one day her dog will go for somebody, and she will be forced to put it down. Her own fault. What a lack of love and care for her poor dog. She is a Gollum, loud and clear.
Another lady. My dog and I are in a shop, Onska is being perfectly well behaved and patient. Waiting for me to finish, so she can guide me to the counter to pay. A lady next to me, bends down and stokes her. I say, ‘Please don’t stroke her, she is working.’ I could not BELIEVE what she said next! It literally still blows me away! She said ‘No, she’s not!’ I couldn’t believe what I had just heard! I said ‘Yes, she is!’ The cheek of this lady was totally shocking. She then looks down at my guide dog and she states, ‘Now, WE’RE in trouble’ NO, Madam! YOU are in trouble! Rude, disgusting, pathetic behaviour from somebody of an age to know so much better. Gollum. All of us can act like this, no matter what age we are. But having help and guidance from our elders is vital to teach us respect, manners and how to behave. We follow our parents example. But these people did not act in a way I respected. They didn’t even act like any child I have ever met. That acted out of selfishness and rudeness. And it is THAT, and that only, that I took away with me, from the encounters I had with them. How sad and upsetting. How do we act like this and when? Well, when we do not listen to love and kindness, but act out of selfish motives…….IM MORE IMPORTANT!……It’s about ME……I want……ME first!…..How many times have I had a filthy look from an older person if I am in front! I even had one try to run my guide dog and I over in a motor scooter, down a narrow alley, so they could get by. How rude! How selfish. That could have killed my dog, and damaged me. And that person is elderly! Are they going to change? I doubt it. A Gollum they will stay. Putting themselves first.
I digress. But can you see what I am saying? Every experience I have had, of hurt or rudeness has come from this generation. I am so shocked. And very, very concerned. For them! They are the ones that will be in care homes, expecting to be looked after. Who will want to do it kindly? Let us pray they will not reap what they have sown. And be at the mercy of somebody else who chooses to put themselves first. So the more we make decisions based on selfishness, the more we become entrenched in that behaviour. Till we see nothing else. And we actually JUSTIFY our behaviour! Like the audacity of the mat! Of course it is their money, to do with as they will. But I tell you now. I would be ashamed if I act like that. I hope to God, He is merciful and helps me not to be so selfish. I want my boys to have an inheritance. It may not be much. I don’t have much. But I want them to know how much I love them, and in what high regard I have them. To help them go forward and not to hinder them. So they will pass on the batten to their children too. In my attitude I have many Gollums that need changing. As in the words of Robert Anthony, which I love; ‘We neither get better or worse as we get older, only more like ourselves’ What am I like? Who am I choosing to model myself on? This world, and its values, or God and His? What was His? Jesus said of the way to live, and it is profound. ‘❤️The first commandment is this, You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. And the second is LIKE it, you shall love your neighbor as YOURSELF. On this hangs ALL the law!❤️’
What does it mean? On the surface it looks like that generation, of ME is right. How wrong! It means treat others how YOU want to be treated! Do you want respect? Give it. ❤️ Do you want to be cared for? Care for others. ❤️ Do you want material things and a home? Give that to others. ❤️ Do you want somebody to put you first? DO IT TO THEM! ❤️❤️❤️🌺❤️❤️❤️ How right the book of James was! ‘If you see your brother hunger, and you say to him, ‘May God bless you’, but do not feed him…..you are not in faith but error’ Why? Because you are not putting your brothers needs first. It’s lip service only. How would you like that done to you? How utterly selfish. So generous is our God, He said ‘If you just give a glass of WATER to one of mine, I will count it as a blessing to Me.’ Wow! But we begrudge even that glass of water. Especially as Christians, we have no excuse. If the widow who gave the mite, was great in Gods sight. And we know she will be blessed 100 fold, how much more a bacon sandwich…….I digress…And if we know God, we have less of an excuse, because we KNOW he can feed five thousand with five loaves and fishes, so he He can provide more when we give what we have. Even in the first days, humans have put themselves first. Cain, when asked where Abel was, stated, ‘Am I my brothers Keeper?’ YES! We are our brothers keeper, because we would want him to be ours! How can we be so rude? If I fell over and had a fit in the street, would I want somebody to help me? To ring for an ambulance and protect my dog and handbag? To phone my ICE? YES! So would you! I love the song, He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. It’s beautiful, because it talks about helping the weaker. And in doing so, the singer finds joy. He finds pleasure. He finds RELATIONSHIP!
Reciprocity is beautiful. And if we want our planet to last we must make that a way of life. Gollum was not reciprocal. He was turned inwards only. It was all about his possession of the ring. He chose to be selfish. And became a mockery of who he was. And the price of that? My Lord! Loneliness, such loneliness. Hate of himself, despising of himself. Treating all life with contempt. He was a slave. But not just to the ring! To his darkness. To his selfishness. And did he stop? No. He kept feeding it. Yes, for a time he tried. But at the first hurdle he showed how deep that trying was. He reverted back to the selfish, murdering, contemptuous person he had chosen to be. And he tricked Frodo and took him to a place that was meant to cause his death. But you know what? It rebounded. And cost Gollum both his life and the life of the ring. But there is more. How we deceive ourselves! We tell ourselves it’s ok. We deserve better. We can put ourselves first. We can desert our neighbors. After all, who will look after number one, except ourselves? We justify and we deceive. And the motive? It’s all about ME. Why can’t we be truthful? Why can’t we admit, ‘I’m just being a selfish git!’ Because we want to look good. We don’t want people to know how self centred we are. So we justify our behaviour and blame the circumstances or other people. She got in my way………I only have a little left….there is not enough……..why should he expect that……on and on….becoming more and more like Gollum and less like Smeagol by the second. What are we going to do when we stand in front of God? Let us not deceive ourselves here. God KNOWS us. And like a tree when it is cut down, and you see the rings of its life, some where there were storms, some where there was extra rain. We will be naked before the great Judge. Worse. We will stand EXACTLY like we are. Who we have MADE or CHOSEN to be. Our motives exposed. God knows everything. Will we dare to justify our behaviour? Sadly, yes I think we will. Because that is what we have done since Adam. Shown contempt for God and personal responsibility. ‘It was the woman YOU gave me….’ ‘The snake tempted me…..’ Why not be truthful? ‘Lord, I’m sorry, I just did a major fuckup. Ate the apple you told me not too. Even worse. Let Eve do it first. Didn’t look after her and treat her as I would have wanted to be treated – warned and stopped, cos the consequences were devastating.’ WHAT could have happened if Adam had taken responsibility and thrown himself onto the mercy of God? A God who loves and whose mercy is new EVERY morning. Do we even get that? EVERY morning. Every. Single. Morning. What happened the day before is gone. It’s about today.
We get that choice EVERY day! Everyday we can choose to live better. Learn to overcome our faults and be more of the true ‘Smeagol’ and less of the ‘Gollum’ less of the person who is offensive to others and more of the person who is a pleasure to know. Because we all know, those who love us are good to us. And those who hate us aren’t. Yet, as Christians we are called to be good to those that hate us. Why? Because it gives the other person an opportunity to put down their Gollum behaviour and choose differently. Because this world shows us, if you are upset, you have the RIGHT to do upset to the person who upsets you. But as I have said before, an eye for and eye would leave the human race, blind, toothless and still tearing each other apart. That is what Gollum did to HIMSELF. By his choice to put himself first. So by loving those who hate us, we show them there is more. We offer them a choice. Just like Frodo did to Gollum. Will you choose to be Smeagol? Will you choose to be the person you were created to be, or will you be the person YOU have created…or chosen…to become? Me? Got more Gollums than I’m comfy with. Do I love my neighbor? Sometimes. Do I love my enemy? Nope. Not usually. I want to batter them. Make them hurt how they have hurt me. That lady who was so rude and said ‘Go away’ what if I had offered Jesus to her? I could have offered her a chance to change and that could have affected her whole life. But I was selfish. I put ME first…..God, I’m only just seeing this as I write it! What a loss. How devastating. That could have been a pivotal moment for her. But because of my justification of my own attitude, I did not offer it. God, I am so, so sorry. Lady, I am so, so, so sorry. I did not treat you as I would be treated. I treated you with the level of contempt you treated me. And I acted JUST like a Gollum. What a selfish thing to do. I am shocked. All this writing. To realize it’s ME who is in the wrong. For not being merciful and treating humans who make mistakes with the same love I would want for myself. Need to work on this. Don’t want to stay a slave. You see we are a slave to what ever we GIVE IN too, or to put it anther way, what ever has mastered us. A drug addict is a slave to drugs. An Alcoholic to alcohol. But you can also be a slave in your choices, beliefs and behaviours. I am a slave to anger. To hate. To fear. To condemnation and judgment. And that’s just a few. My goodness me. I need to spend sometime with God and sort myself out. I am so sorry guys. Just realised I’m more Gollum than Smeagol a lot of the time. Talk about mirror and planks. Just fallen smack over mine…..☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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