#Israel is fighting Hamas
ace-hell · 10 months
the world: "where's the evidence? You have no proof. You are lying."
Israel: *provides proof*
The world: "fake" "haha deserved"
israel: *shows evidence of hamas tunnels and the massacre of 7.10*
The world: "zionist propaganda."
Israel: "its a footage of the CCTV of the al shifa hospital where hamas takes in hostages, photos of weapons hidden inside houses, schools, hospitals, churches and mosques. here's footage of hamas killing our and their own ppl and here is them admitting to have tunnels, that they'll do the 7.10 all over again and that they use palestinians as human shields"
The world: "israeli propaganda!"
Hamas, a literal billionaire terrorist group: "eh... Omg israel eats palestinian kids for breakfast and drink their blood on holidays!"
I swear to god yall are the most hypocritical people in the world, having the smoothest brain out here with an IQ lower than my 5 yo house slipper
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
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also remember that no form of resistance is ever acceptable to the colonizer. and that includes non-violent resistance (the great march of return) + non-violence is only successful against a force that has a conscience. but if your opponent had a conscience, he would not be oppressing you in the first place.
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honesty-my-policy · 4 months
i'm so infuriated
I'm not Jewish and I'm so infuriated at the world.
I can't imagine how it must feel to be Jewish. Especially as this entire ordeal has made me dive more into educating myself about Jewish history and how the world truly has always blamed everything on the Jews.
How is everything their fault?
Even the crucifixion of Christ has been blamed on the Jews when it was a Roman tradition?
Martin Luther who is known as one of the original reformers in Christianity's history wrote a book called "On the Jews and Their Lies". In which he advocated for burning down synagogues, Jewish homes and if that didn't work, Jewish people!
Apparently, somehow, Jews caused the Black Death despite the fact that the most predominant modern theory is that due to climate change in Asia, rodents began to flee the dried out grasslands to more populated areas which ended up spreading the infected fleas they carried, thus spreading the disease. The fleas infected not just rats but ground rodents in general, so once the rats migrated the fleas could jump to any ground rodent and the infection spread.
Some of the craziest modern stuff though has come mostly from the Middle East (i wonder why)...
Apparently, Israel has remote control sharks that can attack Egyptian civilians and tourists, at least that's what a Governor of Egypt things. source
According to a fundamentalist group of Muslims called the Wahhabis, the Jews have a secret ally they've been conspiring with... the Gharqad tree. A tree, they call it the Jew tree. source Which is identified as either nitre bushes or Lycium which is part of the nightshade family, it's such a thing that the TREE WIKI PAGE TALKS MORE ABOUT THAT THAN THE TREE ITSELF source
Palestine once said that Israel was breeding super rats that could grow twice the size of a normal rat - just to chase Arabs out of Jerusalem, note this was in like 2008, where are these super rats NOW? source
The Nation of Islam (an organization) accused Jews of tricking people into thinking slavery exists??????? Sorry, "still" exists. This was originally in 1996, the gall this motherfucker had in 1996 to say "Where is the proof?" - oh, his name is Louis Farrakhan btw and there is an entire section dedicated to him on the anti-slavery website iabolish.org - his page
Also, Pokémon is a Zionist conspiracy plot to overthrow Saddam Hussein, at least, in 2001 that was what some Iraqi security personal reported. source
listen... I won't lie. I love a good conspiracy theory because to be honest, the amount I trust my government or anyone in authority is so small that just about anything could come out as true and I'd be so un-phased.
but blaming the Jews for everything when they make up an estimated 0.2% of the population versus say the 23% that is Muslim? Which there are approximately 50 Muslim-Majority countries in the world, though depending on sources the exact number differs.
If anything Christianity (32%) and the unaffiliated (16.3%) should be eyed at. Also, how come no one ever gives the folk religion people a hard time? Not that anyone deserves to be given a hard time as long as they aren't hurting anyone, it just boggles my mind to be honest.
sources for numbers cited came from this website: https://worldpopulationreview.com/
anyway, woke up this morning and just wanted to say this cause I'm mad and I want to show my support but also call out stupid people. I'm here to fight for Israel and the Jews, fuck off pro-palestine simps.
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naipan · 6 months
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vallygirl285 · 11 months
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
I still will never forget this one zionist comment I saw sometime ago that was something along the lines of:
"If Hamas hadn't of attacked, Israel wouldn't be doing this right now"
Like are you fucking kidding me? Do you have soggy peanuts and cashews for brain cells?
Putting aside the obliviousness to the near 8 decades (yk.. over 75 years? over 27,375 days?) of the Genocide over Palestine. One day of an attack should never under ANY circumstance make over eight months of pure torture, bombing and despair the right thing to do or the right way to respond.
Hamas' attack was only one (1) day
Israel's attack (Genocide) on Palestine has been, since October 7th 2023, going on for 262 days, almost 9 months. This does not account for the 27,113 other days of unheard of and unspoken horror that Israel has been putting on Palestine.
That comment has not left my brain since I saw it, I think about it everytime I see another Zionist come out of the woodworks.
The SINGULAR DAY that Hamas attacked should not warrant illegalization of Palestinians marrying Israelians, should not warrant raping, torturing and humiliating Palestinian Hostages, should not warrant Military (IDF) posting tiktoks and videos about Palestine, should not warrant killing children, girls and boys under the age of 18, under the age of 12, under the age of 6, under the age of 3, under the age of 1, babies who are barely a month old. This should not warrant taking over supply trucks, should not warrant destroying various means of transporting necessities to Palestinians, should not warrant IDF Soldiers standing around and monitoring Palestinians, should not warrant putting Palestinians in concentration camps. This should not warrant Palestinians getting brutally [and physically] harassed in public spaces, should not warrant removing or tampering with a Hijabi's Hijab or anything of the sort, should not warrant name-calling or berating Palestinians. This should not warrant the displacement of Palestinians. That singular day should not warrant ANY OF THE BEHAVIOR shown towards Palestinians, their homes, their families, and their land.
If you genuinely believe that October 7th, 2023 should've warranted any of the aforementioned and unmentioned (because there is still so, so much more to what's happening, I did not list everything) behavior, I hope you one day will feel the anger and pain and sorrow and hurt and frustration and desperation that Palestinians have felt for almost a Century.
This is not propaganda, it's reality, and it's happening. Palestine is being washed out by Israel. This is not a "Well you're anti-israel that's not cool," situation, this is literally looking at the Genocide going on and realizing that what the IDF, Israel and most other countries are supporting is WRONG.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Bit of a mindfuck to see USAmerican conservatives supporting Israel. How do they square that with their antisemitic tinhattery and general abiding hatred of Jews? Do they slap an Israeli sticker with the Star of David on their pickup before or after going and vandalizing a synagogue?
Guess when we said "do not equate the Jewish people with the state of Israel" they went "Hell yeah! Fuck Jews! Stand with Israel!" 💀
Edit: I stand corrected. And informed. What the fuck.
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theeflowerofcarnage · 3 months
“Im against all support for murderous hamas” okay well I’m not. No one is born a terrorist they are made, what other course of action is there to take when you see your family members hunted for sport because you are Arab. Where the very government you live under bans all political parties that do not support the existence of Israel as an ALL Jewish state (1), withholds funds against institutions that recognize the forced displacement of 750,000 Palestinians in the establishment of said state (2), places video cameras in Arab only polling stations (3), whose very own citizen laws restrict the ability of Palestinians from Israel to marry individuals from the West Bank or Gaza (4) If your grandparents were expelled from the land after 1948 you cannot legally return nor can any of your future descendants (5). Even the UN described the control over Gaza as nothing short of a “medieval military blockade”. By 2021, Gaza had a 45% unemployment rate and a 60% poverty rate, with 80% of the population dependent on some form of international assistance. (6) What else is there to do? No human being should be expected to peacefully put up with such abuse
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“Do you condemn Hamas?”
Hamas is a resistance movement, and the notion that they are an existential terrorist threat is propaganda to justify the genocide of Palestinians.
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hole34 · 5 months
sure, call me pro-hamas
i don’t know about you but i certainly believe in the right to resist oppression
is it really terrorism to even try to take down an apartheid who’s taken your land, killed your family, raped and starved and abducted your people and beaten your friends?
a victim of rape is allowed to hit their rapist, hamas is rightful resistence
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taviamoth · 4 months
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yesimamuslim · 1 year
Wild that people talk like Hamas are solely acting out and therefore Palestinians fighting back is bad... as if it’s not been public info since day 1 that many Palestinian resistance groups are working together here to try and fight back against their colonisers.
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antifainternational · 11 months
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naipan · 10 months
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vallygirl285 · 5 months
When will these brainwashed idiots wake up and realize what they are actually supporting!
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