#It has a sentimental value and I'll forever cherish it
krispycreamcake · 26 days
Kanato Sakamaki bf headcanons𖤐𖤐
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🧸- This is so random and probably not the best way to start things off, but he frequently dresses your hair
🧸- It literally doesn't matter if you're male or female or even a woolly mamoth, you're never seeing the inside of a salon/barber again
🧸- While it's generally fun for him to do his s/o hair, he also uses it to his advantage to essentially groom you to his likings and preferences (no not that kind of groom get out)
🧸- If you have a stuffed animal or a collection of the sort, they will be invited to his tea parties and he'll even teach you how to sew little outfits for them
🧸- Honestly as childish as Kanato is, I think the reason he acts like this is because he feels emotions very intensely
🧸- I have a similar issue and people will often undermine it as just having a "dramatic" or "childish" personality, when in reality the poor guy just feels things 10x more than your average Joe
🧸- And because of this, I think one of the main issues that'll present themselves in your relationship is that you might unknowingly hurt his feelings
🧸- Let me elaborate. Basically calling him "cute" for making a mistake, or let's say even just brushing off his tantrums by saying "that's just how he acts and I'll need to get used to it" is essentially babying him
🧸- The uh easiest way to fix this would be by letting him know you're there for him and ready to work at whatever the issue is, together
🧸- Ok I lied, it's not going to be easy when it comes to Kanato or any diaboy honestly, but I promise you it'll be worth it
🧸- Treat him like his own person while still retaining your compassion and sympathy for him and you'll be rewarded immensely in your relationship
🧸- In my opinion, Kanato seems like his love language is gift giving and quality time
🧸- Now I'm not saying you have to spend a pound and a crown to get him the fanciest Dubai chocolate or crumbl cookie box, I'm talking on a sentimental value level
🧸- So for example, he mentioned how he needed a new hat for teddy but couldn't find one that was right for him, what you would do in that scenario is go on YouTube, look up a tutorial on how to make shit with felt, fail like once or twice and THEN give him the gift of his lifetime
🧸- Now let's say you aren't the artsy type, pay attention to his wants and likes and even if it's a tiny cute little keychain from the dollar store, once he likes it, he'll cherish it forever
🧸- Ok I realized that I'm talking a loooot about the whole gift giving thing, so I'll just write a bit on quality time to even things out
🧸- Graveyard picnic dates, watching the stars on top the roof, 90s horror film night, you reading to him something from the Grimm Brothers, tea parties in the dungeon
🧸- When thinking Kanato, think "wow this is kinda fucked up but it strangely doesn't feel that way when I'm with this person"
🧸- I'm so dumb, I talked about his love language and didn't mention what he'd do for YOU💀
🧸- Well for starters, he's the type of guy to not say I love you a lot but instead write you songs and serenade you
🧸- Clothes galore with this guy. He's always making or buying some kind of outfit for you
🧸- If he knows you like a certain collection of an item (ie. Books, tea sets, stuffed animals, dolls) he'll get them for you, trust
🧸- He LOVES going bone hunting with you, literally loves it so much
🧸- Date night is a regular Friday night occurrence so do NOT miss it
🧸- Oh right, his favourite time of the year is Halloween and he LOOOOVES making you do creepy couple costumes, baking fall/halloween themed cookies with you, carving pumpkins. It's especially his favourite time of the year to take long strolls through the cemetery
🧸- He loves tracing the veins on your wrist with his nails
🧸- Speaking of nails, I imagine he has medium length nails and keeps them rounded but just a tad bit sharp and he likes to pierce your flesh with them if he's in the mood
🧸- Do you know that whole "would you still love me if I was a worm?" Thing? Yeah, that's him but replace worm with decomposing corpse that has lost all its beauty
🧸- His favourite spots to bite you are your lips and your hips
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What do you think each of the hacketteer's most cherished personal belonging is?
thank you for the ask, i love Making Up Things About My Blorbos hours. this really makes me think bc everyone bonds with such different things for random reasons. i've had a rock on my bookshelf for 7+ years bc a friend from a volunteer group found it for me & i like the way it looks. so it's always so different. still, i'll try
Jacob's for sure is some sort of lucky charm that he hangs from the rearview mirror of his truck, that he has one hundred percent belief in. i can't decide what it is - a horseshoe or rabbits foot or something else - but he thinks he's invincible with that thing
Kaitlyn will take it to her grave, but hers is her half of the tacky "best friends" necklace Jacob got for them when they were little, and no one will ever find out. she keeps it hidden but she still keeps her half, even tho she's sure Jacob didn't keep his (he did, it's buried in his sock drawer)
Nick, if you ask him, will say it's his pocketwatch - passed down through his father's side, it's a family heirloom, y'know? but he can't read analog clocks for shit & he has no idea what he's going to do with this watch. truthfully, it's a pair of limited edition Heelies signed by a local musician that he got when he was twelve. he's keeping those babies till the value skyrockets
Abi has her sketchbook, obviously, & probably many more that she's filled up over the years, but she has this cat mug with a chip in one ear that she's had for years & she loves with all her heart. comfort mug <3
Ryan loves his earbuds & probably has a lot of things he keeps for Reasons but i choose to believe his sister writes him letters every time he goes to camp & he keeps every single one of them tucked away in his room for when he needs them
Emma enjoys having all of her things. she loves stuff. she has lots of rings & earrings & bangles she thinks are cute, she has a box full of scrapbooking supplies, three different wax melters that she liked the designs of. but her favorite thing is a little music box she found at a flea market a long time ago, with a beat up little ballerina figure, that she keeps all her most sentimental items in. the love note with the strawberry-scented sticker she got in fourth grade. a gumball machine ring she got with her best friend in middle school. her first ever concert ticket
Dylan loves things. his necklace that he never lets us see, Schrodinger's baby teeth & old collar, weird or cool coins he finds while out. pretty much everything has emotional value to him. but he has a little wolf figurine that's scratched, beat up - he's owned it forever, barely remembers where he got it. but it sits right next his computer & he swears it keeps all his equipment running. he begs it for mercy whenever his computer starts to crash. he calls it His Royal Furriness, Lord Wolfington
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Dearest Ruki,
I feel so empty. So lonely. Now that we are parted and you are locked away from me, I cannot find a right place for myself. I cannot find peace of mind. I am reading the books we read together, I am drawing your face to bring you closer to me. I was even thinking to cook the soup you always prepared for me. Oh, don’t worry I did not. I know how you value your kitchen.
I know it would not last forever. I know that you will soon be back. If not, I’ll burn the world to bring you back. But waiting, waiting for you makes seconds seem like minutes, and minutes like hours. Hours like eternity. I do not know how it happened that I grew so much attached to you. I should not have. I never imagined I would. That I could.
I do not know if we are meant to be together. If Karlheinz-sama will accept it. Allow it. But I just want you to remember, no, to know, that you have a very special place in my heart. No matter if we are returned to each other, if we are able to cherish ourselves once more, or if I am taken away from you, or you from me, I need you to know that I will never forget you. I will always value each minute of our time together.
Yes, Ruki, each minute. Even your bites, although I hated them so much back then, even your bites seem pleasurable. As they meant you were close. But, please don’t consider that as an invitation to bite me. That’s not going to happen.
If calling you ‘master’ would bring you back to me, I would do it this instant. Not that I would ever confess that to you. But after all you cannot demand that much from me.
I do not know what I am feeling for you…I do not understand it…it is…??? Perhaps you can tell me…
You will never read these words. I will never send this letter. It’s for no-one’s eyes but mine to be seen. It’s for no-one’s lips, but mine, to read.
Please Ruki, do come back. I am waiting. And will be waiting till the end of my days.
PS. It makes me feel so special to write ‘yours’ even if I know that I am not… 
(Have Nunnally’s unsent love(?) letter; before I reply to the other thread and it would change everything?)
"What is the meaning of this…? A letter? It was rather bold of Nunnally to send me such a thing unannounced. Well, no matter. I'll read it, I suppose. It's not like I have much else to do in whatever this dreary place is," the Vampire sighed, looking around the room shrouded in darkness before opening the parchment. "Here goes."
Immediately, the first paragraph of her message to him already brought over a whole sky of clouds looming over him in regret. There was almost nothing Ruki despised more than being held captive against his will, reminding him of the orphanage. Alas, he imagined what he might do to Nunnally the moment they meet face-to-face again.
"Tch, I wish I could see her right now. She shouldn't have to feel so lonely. I appreciate that she would go through the motions of everyday life and indulge in things that remind her of me, but still... I should be there keeping her company as always. And even the idea of Nunnally potentially trying to cook soup on her own baffles me. I wouldn't want to miss that sight for the word," he chuckled coldly. "Someone still has to teach her how to do it."
When his eyes reached how time seemed to pass slowly to such a painful degree for her, Ruki could resonate deeply with the sentiment. In her absence, time froze over. Everything went stagnant.
"So, she's attached to me then... I see. I'm somehow glad to hear—no, to read it. It doesn't feel the same without her incessant questions, or that sulking face she tends to give me when things don't go her way. And regarding Karlheinz-sama... Even if he doesn't approve of it, I wish to see her no matter the costs. Good grief, she writes as though we truly never will see each other again. I absolutely don't want that. This isn't the end, Nunnally... I've put you through much worse. You've got to keep your chin up even when the situation looks bleak."
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The section about her admitting the pleasure she derived from each bite stroked his ego a little more than it should've as a smirk crept upon his lips. Oh, how his fangs ached to rupture that flesh again. Soft as silk, smooth as porcelain, yielding a stream of sustenance.
"Nunnally... I promise not to torment you as soon as I return. At least, not straight away. As much as I enjoy sinking my fangs into you, or sucking that fulfilling blood of yours... I want to see you laugh and smile again. I need to make certain for myself that no strange men try to steal you away from me while I'm gone," he averted his eyes from the letter for just a moment before clutching his own face. "It's unacceptable. I can't monitor you like this... You'll have to catch me up on everything that happened, Nunnally. To make up for my absence, I'll bite you so hard that you'll forget the loneliness. That you'll forget about every other man vying for your attention. That your thoughts will be filled only with me. Invitation or not, it should be a given by now."
Further down the page, his steel-blue depths traveled down, gaze lingering on the word 'master.' It surprised him to see she considered the prospect in hopes of his freedom, which suffused an odd warmth throughout his chest. She really was desperate to meet again, or so Ruki thought to himself. No one had ever yearned for his return like this before, to put pen to paper, to convey every sorrowful word with such heartfelt passion behind it all. A frigid hand snatched his own shirt, wrinkles forming at the fingertips to mimic the furrow of his brow in resentment. Not resentment towards an individual in particular, but towards his own isolated state. Away from his brothers, away from the academy, away from the one he began to treasure above everyone else.
"I believe this feeling is called 'love,' Nunnally."
How mysterious for the bottom of the letter to imply she never meant for it to grace his presence. It begged the question: how did it end up in his possession anyway? Ruki didn't know nor care. All he cared for was to walk with Nunnally again to new places. To forge gilded memories reserved for just the two of them. For once, a letter full of love filled him with hope rather than despair. Folding the paper neatly, he quickly placed it inside his pocket, reflecting on their time together.
"Don't worry. I'll return soon and we can forget this ever happened. Mark my words."
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🧩 I know it is supposed to be unsent, but here's Ruki's reaction to the letter. We can pretend it's like a "what-if" scenario unless you really meant for it to get to him somehow. I might've misunderstood, ahaha. But regardless, it was too sweet of a letter for him to pass up. I do hope the shadowban lifts soon... It's been nearly a week now. 😩 🧩
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amanda4love · 8 months
Good morning! It's 10:57am, January 30th of the year twenty-twenty-four.
Well, not much is new these days... Wait, what am I saying?!
Actually, I finally had my ears pierced, earlier this month to mark a milestone birthday. I quite love the studs that are in my ears right now, (synthetic) black opal. They flash green-ish. It's a vibe.
And I have a few pairs of earrings I've either bought for myself or had gifted to me by my mom and grandma, that I am also super excited to wear once my piercing holes are fully healed!
That, and I got my first tattoo a little over a week ago! I am beyond happy with it. I drew out the design two different times, with the second design being the one I was the most satisfied with. My tattoo artist managed to follow my design nearly exactly, so I'm hyped that I essentially have my own art on my body. Closest thing I could get to actually tattooing it on myself, haha. (Maybe one day, we'll see...)
Picture/video updates are going on my public/professional Artist's Instagram. Yeah, I guess I'm being a tease.
P. S.: Virtual cuddles + kisses for my one and only. I'm trying to cherish the dwindling number of days that you can be in one place.
P. P. S.: I did this guided meditation earlier (as soon as I woke up), that really helped me to clarify why I regret and hate myself for feeling regret. Jay Shetty, you da real MVP today. Apparently I am human, though. I love deeply, some people will feel the same way back and be obvious about that, and I also value loyalty so some relationships stay as friendships for good reason. Some relationships of my past, if they went beyond friendship, fizzled out if they were problematic to begin with but some also ended because I intentionally stopped putting in the effort. I've made mistakes but the important thing is that I continue to find ways to learn from them.
P. P. P. S.: Someone who devotes attention and effort to their relationship with you, even after you've completely fucked up, is the kind of person you want in your life forever.
P. P. P. P. S.: This one is an angry rant of a post-script. Fucking just stop. Being photographed with someone problematic doesn't automatically make another person a problematic person. The problematic person needs to take accountability, it has nothing to do with the other person just standing there and enjoying something else. I'm saying this because I saw someone I used to follow "Like" a reblog, with screenshots of an article that included pics of Taylor standing next to one of the Mahomes brothers - the original blogger's message was incredibly critical and basically demanding that Taylor needs to make a statement regarding some made-up connection to said brother, who is accused of something socially and morally unacceptable. Like, excuse me, since when is it Taylor's responsibility for some guy's reprehensible actions? She is seen in a picture with him, it doesn't mean she knows everything about him or even talked to him. Fucking stop preying on her privacy. You're the reason she feels like her life is inspected and critiqued under a microscope. Stop expecting her to be perfect and on top of all the bullshit news that you are making up about her. (I am fuming and I hate ending my blog post on this sentiment, but don't worry about it - I'll be fine eventually.)
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aufhcker · 1 year
For every "♡" I get I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart.
Books. Apsel has an extensive library in his castle containing literature collected over many centuries -- but he is forever adding to it. He would be absolutely overjoyed to recieve more. Old or new, fiction or non-fiction, he would cherish any that were gifted to him. Accompany them with a lovely bookmark (hand-made earns bonus points!), and he will always remember the thoughtful gesture.
Sentimental items. Apsel has lost many friends and partners due to their short lifespans, so anything that belongs to them becomes a keepsake. There are multiple items dotted around his castle that come from those he cared about, keeping their memory alive. Whether it be jewelry, an item of clothing, or even a photograph, he would love to be given it. He is a very sentimental creature -- anything that holds personal value will definitely pull at his heartstrings.
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gschamig · 3 years
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
rose: favourite scent on a person? 
red: describe your favorite shirt
blue: preferred type of weather?
Hope all is well with you 🌹❤️
Pecan: God Is a Woman - Rett Madison
Rose: On a person oooh that's tricky. I don't have a specific scent I like on people. I guess it also depends on the person. Freshly washed clothes is a nice smell lol. Also sunscreen smells nice on people.
Red: I have a ton of band shirts and I love most of them and am extremly passionate about them. The One Direction or Harry Styles related ones are my faves. I also have a ton of graphic shirts and I'm equally passionate about those. One of them says "Gay villain" in the front, that's one of my faves. My fave in general might be a shirt I got for my birthday last year that was specifically made for me based on something I talked about.
Blue: oooh I can't decide. It's either a snowy winter day, so cold the snow actually lasts for some time and it just doesn't stop snowing. Or a really stormy day, either with an extremly dark, cloudy sky or with a purple-ish sky, lots of lightning, thunder, wind, rain. All the good stuff. Both below 17°C.
Thank you babe! Hope you're well as well 💕
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coffeeman777 · 5 years
Lately it is becoming hard for me to care about eternal life. All I see are people saying "make use of your time now", "create great moments now", "these are the days you will look back on and cherish because they hold so much value and sentimental memories". It makes me feel like I'm missing out on good times because I'm so concerned with being obedient to Christ. I mean we don't even know what our lives will be like on the new earth. I've missed out on so much so far because I chose Christ.
 Whoever is telling you those things is giving you terrible advice.   As one who lived through a lot of the "best" stuff this world offers, please listen to me:  it isn't worth it.  Jesus.  Is.  Better. 
This world is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:31, 1 John 2:17).  Only the things that pertain to God have any real value; all the rest of this life is ultimately meaningless and will soon be gone forever.  These things you feel you're missing out on have no actual value, and if the things in question are the worldly "fun" stuff as I suspect they are, like sleeping around and getting wasted on the weekends, not only are they ultimately worthless, they're incredibly dangerous too.  Take it from a guy who went headlong into all that stuff: I very near ruined my entire life on more than one occasion, and I deeply regret all of it.  None of that garbage has given me good memories. If I could go back in time and get saved sooner, and spend all that time on Jesus instead, I'd do it in a heartbeat. 
Jesus taught that those who give up stuff for Him in the here and now would receive back a hundred fold and inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:29).  Nothing in this life, no possible pleasurable experience or set of favorable circumstances can even come close to being as good as what is coming in the next age.  In the Resurrection, we'll be immortal, glorious, and powerful beyond anything in all creation, save for God Himself.  You'll have every luxury you can imagine, and a lot more that you can't imagine.  And on top of that, you'll get to be in the unveiled presence of God Himself, a privilege and treasure greater than literally anything else. 
Don't stop seeking God.  Run hard after Him.  Ignore the siren song of the lusts of this dying world, and embrace the promises of God.  If I were you, I'd limit my intake of secular media and time spent with secular friends, and I'd envelope myself in the church.  Surround yourself with other Christians.  Dig into the Scriptures and see for yourself just how amazing the next age is going to be.  Engage in regular private prayer and worship.  Call on the Lord and cry out for His presence, and don't stop until you get it.  Like Jonathan Edwards, ask the Lord to "stamp eternity on your eyes," to keep you focused on what matters. 
I'll be praying for you. 
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