#It'll be fun to figure out her differences with her brother especially once I do more research
eluxcastar · 11 months
As I opened my tumblr, just to check if there is new Arlecchino stuff to swallow... lo and behold, I saw your post with the Arlecchino simp tags. Shot me the moment I stepped into the door right there, hahaha! May I request an Arlecchino x reader, headcanon or anything you're comfortable coming up with. The reader is thousands of years old, who got disowned by the Tsaritsa because they declined their performance in greatness for someone else's benefit and saw no worth in her/them. Could be a sibling or a friend, the betrayal stung like a bee since she/they saw Tsaritsa as a mother figure or could literally be the mother (Got kunikuzushi'd in a way, minus the puppet part). So, here's the main part - How Arlecchino would handle that person, when they meet in hostile terms. An accidental encounter, had banters and fights and eventually found strange subtle solace from each other. Could be romantic, or just obsession on Arlecchino's part because we love deranged women pls step on me with your sharp heels - anyway, since Arlecchino is interpreted as someone who won't hesitant to betray the Fatui. On her own benefit, works with the reader to mess and interrupt Fatui operations. I won't include more or else you'd be dealing a whole thesis of it. Hahahah! Good day to you~!
One of Repetition
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: in a strange decision nobody quite understood but could not contest, you were dismissed from your position by the tsaritsa herself but allowed to live. you wander for some time, lost and confused, and most notably unable to escape the fatui even when you are no longer associated with them, which means an unwanted letter and an even more unwanted visit from the knave.
୨୧﹑genre :: kinda angsty
୨୧﹑content :: fem reader, reader has a pyro vision, arlecchino has a cryo delusion, reader uses a bow, capitano is not human this time, he's just a plot device too, their previous relationship is implied but ambiguous, implied age difference, reader is most often called by the title brighella, writing this spiralled me into insanity, possibly bad writing, not proofread 
୨୧﹑words :: 13.6k
hehe, I know that Arlecchino simps flock to me once they learn my requests are open. I have no idea why. maybe they're just especially desperate for food, but they linger, and I have a little collection of anons.
don't worry about how much it'll take me, I honestly enjoy writing longer works. anyway, I received a request similar to this some time ago (was it you? I have encountered that before) but haven't gotten around to completing it, so I'll be partly combining the two
here's the other request:
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it's gonna provide some stuff for me to follow, and I remember exactly when I got it, so I wanted to include it for the dear anon who sent it
why brighella you may ask well that's because brighella has been described before as essentially Arlecchino's smarter and more vindictive brother and they compliment each other well. I think Arlecchino may also work for Brighella in some versions?? either way it felt right even though they're not really based off of the character brighella, they do share a few traits with him but not fully it's just a fun little parallel
I really did not expect this to be so long that it literally lagged the writing program I was using to save it and I have been staring at this for so long I literally have no gauge on the quality anymore just that it's variable because it took me so long someone send help
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Her words left you exasperated, literally at a loss for words, and you struggled to comprehend the reason for it. There was nothing you could think of, no instance that struck you as prominent. Yet, somehow as one of the Tsaritsa's children, you had become what any parent might refer to simply as a disappointment, their failure—the problem child who never quite ironed out their issues. You had always been faithful to her, hopelessly devoted to the archon and her will. News such as this came out of nowhere and struck you like a hammer to the chest.
Two of her most mighty children were near and dear to her, and now the other had turned against you as he remains loyal to her. The Jester, who you once held in high regard, has turned against you. It is a bitter pill to swallow, for you must now sever ties with the one man you believed was truly deserving of serving the Tsaritsa. Your mother— your world— turns against you with him, before him, leading the way for him. 
In vain, you draw your bow to strike an arrow between his eyes, prove your strength and power as above your position, above him, but it means nothing. Your strike is blocked, and the Tsarita's Damselette Columbina moves to detain you. You believe she would not be strong enough, but you don't itch to fight ten other Harbingers. You understand that even you have a limit, and fighting what are supposed to be the strongest people in the country is not a part of that. Your honour is on the line, an honour which would tarnish not only Brighella's name but also have a ripple effect on your soldiers, men and women who fought for you and did not deserve a punishment that would result from their actions.
"Think carefully, Brighella." Columbina's warning is not lost on you, "You could remain as a hero or fight, and I will lure the creature you brought from the abyss and gut him before your eyes."
You do not want that. That creature is not yet loyal to the Tsaritsa but to you, and she will convince him he can save you. He will fall into her trap and die.
You bite your lip, trying to think of a way to escape and capture him so that you can run off somewhere. He does not deserve to die, but you can't think of anything. Not when you know how thorough these people are. There is not a will, really. There is only a has. He has fallen into her trap and is at the mercy of the Damselette. "What if I am to obey?" You finally ask the question you did not want to, surrendering in a way, though the bite has not left your words.
"I'll leave him be." Her answer is swift. She expected that you would eventually give in and only needed to wait for it to happen.
You shake your head, dissatisfied with only that as your compensation. "Not enough."
The smile on her face does not waver, thin and deceitful as ever, eyes hidden and closed, unseen behind the band of lace. "Mm. I can't bargain anything else." 
"Have him take my place." You lay your condition out firmly. There is only one to meet, and not a hard one at that. It would be easy to sway him into it, using whatever they plan to do to you as motivation. His loyalty and affection for you would make him accept it.
She ponders the situation and proposal momentarily, powerless to make the executive decision but undoubtedly keen on the thought of it all. "He believes that you are about to fall in battle to a foe and that he is going to save you."
You grit your teeth, knowing that this is her trap. Lure him to a place. It was not what you had expected, but it is no less the Damselette's style of acting. There is always a damsel, but perhaps she recognised that she would not suffice this time. She needed a better damsel for him to save; for that to work, it needed to be you. 
She needs your name, reputation, your relationship with your subordinate, melding together with her lies to make for a tale of tragedy with him as the hero.
The thought of him rushing to his death under the guise of saving you spikes your blood cold, chilling you. You're aware of her cruelty and always have been, but to experience it is different than hearing about it from her perspective. You are experiencing it from the perspective of the victim. 
His death was another factor to hold over your head, your penance, the anchor to force your compliance. Your blood boils with anger, but you cannot fight. Despite your feelings of anger and frustration, you know that lashing out will only cause further harm and pain.
There is only one thing you can do. You know you must. It's simply that you don't want to. 
But...you must. 
You must for him, that poor creature you tried to give a home to and who would never be in such a position if not for you and your ambition. 
"Then I will fall, and you will use the honour I built into him to persuade him." 
It was an honour meant to humanise him in a way, a being only able to imitate humanity. He had a mentor and something to fight for. Now you're imploring that it be used against him to burden him, but he will do well in your position.
Columbina smiles, that thin mocking smile like she knows the secrets of this world and more. "Would he really believe that?"
The helmet. You should use the helmet to your advantage. Your subordinate's first exposure to humanity, being you, a woman in a metal helmet, seemed to last. He used to think that was what humans looked like, and he admitted as much to you as he had asked you to remove it. Your impression left an indelible mark on him that he treasures to this day. Even if he was to see you in the aftermath, he would not uncover the lie.
"He has never seen my face. He would not recognise me."
Columbina accepts that readily, and her eyes open, pools of black and white visible through the cracks in the lace over her eyes. You've seen them before, inky black sclera and inhuman patterns decorating the borders of her irises, but you can't help the unsettled feeling that makes a home for itself in the pit of your stomach. 
By the evening, you are stripped of your honours, titles and coat and dumped to the curb like a bag of rubbish somebody left out. There is no more fight, no more bargaining, no more arguing. Everyone has the things they want, for the most part, so you are all satisfied enough to remain amicable with each other. Without a fight, you allow the Jester to remove the fur-lined overcoat despite the cold that rushes over you once it is gone and discarded in a heap of fur and fabric on the floor with none of its previous value. 
After that comes the slow, deliberate removal of every trinket that denoted you as you. From your delusion, several gifts to your very insignia, the only thing left of you is a lone pyro vision and the clothes on your back. You've never been more thankful to not wear a standard-issue uniform lest you be made to undress and hand that over too.
That was it. Your everything.
With each piece of regalia taken, a part of yourself disappeared until you were left an empty husk of a person, your entire reason for being for hundreds of years snatched out from under you and spat on.
The Harbingers were supposed to be the children of the Tsaritsa, and this was your grand disowning. A show of power and influence over her closest children and, by extension, the ability to bring pain to her less-- to her followers. It was foolish of you to ever think you were special in her eyes for having been by her side since before the Archon War. What did it matter when she left you amongst the rest of them? The years you spent since you had hobbled into her life so tiny and cute were now reduced to a few personal belongings and a set of words that shattered your world to sharp and dangerous pieces that would only hurt you in your haste to reassemble them and string your life back together.
When you were young, your cuteness may have been your best asset: a small body with endearing quirks, the inability to walk long distances without tumbling. In this state, you required her for everything because you would only find danger in the harsh Snezhnayan winters. To even acquire your own food was unthinkable, so you were sheltered and provided with ample treats that you could nibble from the palm of her hand if that were what you wished. Anything to keep you happy and content.
Like a little trinket, she cradled you for as many years as it took you to grow, and once you were at an age you no longer needed to be cradled, she made you her loyal companion, or so you had believed. You thought her affection for you was unwavering. She was the only mother you had ever known; she is the only mother you will remember for all of eternity.
Although it may have been an exaggeration, watching the sun's gradual descent below the horizon, you could almost believe eternity would quickly prove to be a very real concept. You watch the sky darken in silence for a time. You roam aimlessly around the city, your presence still striking unease in the people from the threatening demeanour you learned to conduct yourself with as a Harbinger, even without your official attire. The only remnant of your former self is a helmet you consistently wore during every public appearance. 
You can't help your wandering mind. Did your imitation of the Tsaritsa's actions make you weak? Attempting to nurture someone in the same manner she nurtured you? You are not a god, only the former child of one. Maybe you cannot care for him and maintain your objectivity. It's possible that he has become your Achilles' heel, as you were forewarned when the Tsaritsa less than subtly suggested you eliminate him.
You cannot live like this.
No matter how many suns you watched set, you would never come to terms with it living like this. The world you once knew, which revolved around a singular governing entity and individual, has disappeared without a trace. Without a central axis to anchor it in place, your world spirals chaotically out of control, with each passing second feeling more frenzied than the last. Your head is too muddled, your brain too overwhelmed by your emotions to think objectively of the faults in your time as a Harbinger, years of your life spent that way, burying your thoughts beneath a heavy weight of despair.
You almost want to call them wasted, but that would be wrong. Without the Tsaritsa, you might've— no, would've died during the Archon War. Perhaps another god would take you in, but it is unlikely that they would have exhibited the same level of compassion and generosity as the Tsaritsa. They would not have coddled you into comfort the way she did. Then again, what if that had been your downfall? Did she ever genuinely want you to stay? Based on this...perhaps you took her kindness for granted and overstayed your welcome.
You had no right to make demands of her in your final moments as her child, acting like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum. But can you be justified? Can the threat to your subordinate's life negate that? Surely a bit, but not entirely, not if her actions were in response to yours. 
Oh, even if you begged on your knees, she would not take you back now.
Why had you not done that before?
She must be disappointed that your attitude was born from her compassion, the epitome of her failures. You do not deserve to call her your mother. You took her generosity as a guarantee, thought yourself above her other children solely because you were her first, and believed you were her favourite for no reason besides your own arrogance.
You have failed the only being in Teyvat willing to show pity toward you.
The deepest heart of Snezhnayan forest welcomes you readily with open arms and the gnashing jaws of monsters starving for food. The forest seems to come alive with a vicious hunger for flesh. You have nothing but your vision and bow left to aid your defence. Your delusion is gone, and your subordinates are nowhere to be found to assist you. Despite this, marking your way with a trail of bodies is easy. It is just an inconvenience to have to always be on guard, but you are strangely used to it. 
The cold is numbing as the air hits your face, your fingers almost wholly without a sensation of touch and even a tingle in your toes.
You spent many missions that way, tensed and expecting violence at any moment, hardly allowing yourself to sleep, let alone relax. It feels like nothing has changed in that respect, but you know everything has. You cannot hear the large crackling bonfire or the pattering of footsteps in the snow as your subordinates come to join you, their laughter and chatter and their whispers to each other.
There is a stark silence that is deafening to your ears.
On the seventh night, you pass through a village on the outskirts of Snezhnaya, where you first catch wind of the news you had agreed on. The locals informed you that they had recently halted their work for half a day in your honour, believing that you had passed away. All of them are completely unaware that as they remark on the death of Brighella, they are speaking to the former Harbinger, who asks about the news under the guise of being a curious traveller. They also strongly advised you against venturing into the innermost heart of the nation. If anyone were to notice the helmet carefully secured around your waist, it might bring unwanted attention to your travels.
Though you were stripped of your insignia, you have your armour, which by some grace had been spared from confiscation. Though a seemingly trivial act of kindness, a sense of pride swelled within you as you gazed upon it. You are glad it is still yours. This armour had accompanied you through countless blood-soaked skirmishes, serving as a steadfast shield against all manner of danger. 
It is at that moment you decide to treat it as a trophy. Though there is no truth to it, you take responsibility for the Harbinger's slaying. Now, the armour which once protected you as a Harbinger will stand as a triumphant emblem of your hard-won victory over Brighella and the end of the Harbinger's tyrannical hold over the land. You know that you will keep it close, treasuring it always as a tangible reminder of the sacrifices you made to reach this pivotal moment. You slayed Brighella. You ended the Harbinger's tyranny.
If you didn't know better, you would think you were getting a little too far into it and starting to believe it yourself.
By the eleventh night, you find yourself situated in an inn, and the nights only carry on from there all the way up to the twenty-second night since your abrupt dismissal and, to the rest of the world, your supposed demise. Already, the whispers that once revolved around Brighella's defeat now shifted to speculations regarding her successor. The question was not necessarily who, but who could possibly? Her brutal reign as a Harbinger had instilled fear in the hearts of all who crossed her path and in the minds of the people, no one else could measure up to her sheer terror-inducing presence. Nobody knows what happened once they dared to fight Brighella until now. She was only the Fourth of the Tsaritsa's children, but she was the most combat-heavy, and no one wished to cross her, except for the rumoured contender for her throne, who was spoken of in hushed tones as nobody was eager to have their reverence for whoever was bold enough to reach the wrong ears.
Your achievements find their place amongst the rumours as people say that Brighella's killer stole her armour and wears it as her trophy.
Despite the slew of gossip that its patrons indulge in, you enjoy the quaintness of this bar made and run by travellers who use it like a pitstop to rest and recuperate. It is a home to them, along with adventurers and merchants who benefit from the atmosphere. The people are strangers, often reserved and eager to keep to themselves, but have immeasurable wealths of information that spill with a few drinks and a group of acquaintances who are, for only one night of pleasure and indulgence, their lifelong friends.
Among those friends buried in your own tankard of cheap ale, you laugh along with their jokes and entertain their questions like a test of your ability to lie and improvise in this tale you're making for yourself. If they have names, you don't know them. Brighella's death was a glorious battle but isolated to the hills where you were alone.
"Brighella was alone, and they were weakened by prior injury. I don't know what caused it." You mix a dash of the speculations in, downplaying your strength a tad as you're unwilling to expose too much of it. "I'm not one to miss an opportunity. When would it arise again?"
One of your new acquaintances scoffs, amused but no less aware of the dangers of doing such a thing. "And make an enemy of the Fatui?" He is a new graduate of the Sumeru Akademiya who's come to make his way through Snezhnaya for a job offer. Reminds you of someone else, minus the graduating.
"They will not miss her." You are quick to answer—too quick, arguably—as it draws a sliver of attention before dipping back under the radar as a product of your confidence. "Her 'head' makes too cute a decoration on my side to pass up stealing it."
"I wouldn't dare say such a thing. Fatuus comes here sometimes." They are the words of a Snezhnayan native raised to worship the Fatui, though he is somewhat disillusioned by their crimes and cruelty, as you've learned many are.
"Let them hear it!" Your laughter is boisterous and unabashed. "They'll see the armour anyway. They probably despise her like everyone else."
Another one of your new friends, a travelling merchant from Fontaine, interjects your ravings to add only a passing comment. It was as she had done all evening, her secrets locked up tight. "She did not make herself likeable."
"She was not meant to be likeable but a fearsome warrior." Again, the Snezhnayan man rebuttals the criticism against her as he had been doing all evening again.
"You don't have to get so far up her ass, Brighella's not gonna crawl out of her grave and thank you for it."
"You're so vulgar."
You plant your tankard firmly down on the table between the four of you, leaning over it to close the distance between you and the man. "I'm not meant to be likeable either."
Forget being only a little too into the role. You're revelling in the freedom of this new identity of yours.
Quick to disperse the tension, your graduate friend changes the topic without a hint of hesitance in his voice. "They left an underling people believe will take their place. It's a surprise to think Brighella had someone who followed them with such...devotion."
"It's strange, but not impossible." The merchant from Fontaine again, contributing nothing you weren't all already thinking.
"Could she have had a sentimental side?"
"Who cares if she had a sentimental side?"
"Upset the attention isn't on you anymore?"
Anger crosses your face, but you stifle it just as quickly as it appears. You wish their attention was off of you, really. The former you, maybe, but you nonetheless. You want to know about your subordinate. What happened to your second in command? You don't care to hear their speculation as to whether you were or were not particularly emotional with your underlings. You know the answers to all of those questions and more without their guessing games.
"Regardless of the reason, they say the underlying is much easier to swallow than she is, so maybe the position of Fourth Harbinger will change drastically if he takes it." 
"Would he really change its purpose if he was so loyal?"
"Unintentionally, perhaps."
God, these people are so dull. Just listening to them, you can tell they know nothing of the ways of the Fatui. Harbingers are not individual job positions with specific parameters. Each role is its own, and they are moulded by the person who assumes them like a character in a play, enchanting and unsettling in a horrific mix of theatrics and violence. It is what they stand for. One does not assume the role and become an actor with a script. They must improvise and act on a whim to the beat of the Tsaritsaʼs drum, their life no longer their own.
They are not whatever these ramblings and poor excuses for speculations make them out to be.
"Terribly misinformed, aren't they?" In your ear is the low voice of the Snezhnayan man holding in his laughter at the two as the scholar and the merchant go back and forth. 
You glance to your left, where he has leaned closer to you. "Repulsively," you respond curtly.
He has a faint glint of satisfaction in his eye as you seem to have confirmed something. "I thought you might've been from Snezhnaya." 
"So what if I am?"
"It was only an observation."
In the background, the main conversation continues, just as clumsy as it was before you had tuned it out in favour of drinking some more. "Does this mean he will also be named Brighella?"
Straightening back in his seat, the man swiftly interjected their back-and-forth responses to explain to them. "They receive a unique title upon their promotion, and nobody knows what it is until then." A simple enough concept to understand.
"In other words, anything but Brighella."
"It hasn't been long enough to know yet."
"It's strange. Nobody knows his name even now."
That would probably be because you never gave him one.
You considered it in the years you spent with him but couldn't find one you liked. His name was inhuman, not for your ears and not for your tongue, rendering it useless to you and every human who would hear it. The night you found him was spent crowded around a bonfire listing off every suggestion you and your subordinates could think of to no avail, as he only sat quietly by your side and said little about any of these choices, finding no familiarity in any of them. That's only natural, you suppose. 
You still haven't chosen a name for yourself that isn't Brighella, either. Your old one is well and truly forgotten, with the years eroding your memories. It had been centuries since you had been called anything else. Evidently, picking names is not your forte. 
"As far as I've heard, nobody knows what it is."
You find the mention of your subordinate has completely ruined your mood. You are grateful the creature is alive but worried the knowledge you're snooping around to find out when he will be promoted could land you in trouble. It's troubling enough to wonder if he has heard your tales through the grapevine about how you had supposedly 'killed' Brighella—his mistress and mentor—which he would not be happy about. Though you did not fear the creature before, now that you've personally trained him to understand human combat, you're not so sure you'd want to fight him. It would be a hassle. Unlike many, you do not fear the inhumanity of the Doctor or the stone wall that's called the Jester. Even the cunning Damselette struggles to do more than unsettle you, but you respect that creature's raw strength and understand that no matter what you do, it doesn't matter. You are confined to a human form, and he is not.
You lied when he said he wouldn't recognise you, however. You don't actually know if he would.
You don't know the extent to which his eyes can pick out the details in your appearance that aren't physical. Had he memorised your relative build? Your height? The way you carry yourself and your mannerisms? The thought unnerves you, but so does everything else about him.
"I'm turning in for the night." Without regard for the ongoing conversation, you declare your intentions and abruptly shut down whatever is being said at the time without much care for it. Whatever it is, it isn't important. Your unfinished drink is left behind as you make your way to your quarters.
In retrospect, you understand their eagerness to merely cover up the circumstances of your dismissal. For a Harbinger as feared as Brighella, it is easier to halt work for a mere half-day rather than attempt to contain the resulting fallout of admitting one of their own was inadequate while simultaneously preserving their tenuous hold on power.
Months pass before there is talk of the crowning of a new Harbinger, the people abuzz with the news and eager to know all they can, preferably before the aristocrats feel like sharing the night of the event. You considered attending the ceremony but ultimately decided against it. You may have the courage to do so, but you are certainly not stupid enough to wander into the waiting heart of the Fatui's clutches. You have waited patiently for this moment and can easily wait longer to hear the news.
No longer treating the inn like a home, you settled somewhere in the plains of another nation only a few weeks after you had first arrived there, sensing the barkeep was getting sick of you and the attention you were drawing to his otherwise obscure establishment. 
People settled there for a night, saw you were there, and word of mouth as they boasted of their encounters with you lured others who came to see you. While this influx of new customers certainly provided a boost to business, it also had the unintended consequence of driving away those who preferred to keep a low profile and valued its place as being for those 'in the know'. In other words, while you were great for a boom in business, you were bad for long-term business. 
The barkeep pushing the mora you tried to pay him to pay for another night was enough to send the message he wanted you gone, out by morning. The idea you were not to come back for quite some time was clear to you in the look he gave you.  
Liyue, on the other hand, is filled with mountains and teeming with visitors who have come to witness the highly anticipated Rite of Descension. Surprisingly, the influx of tourism only adds to the overall enjoyment of your experience. You would think that tourism would hinder your time there, but completely contrary it makes it better in a way. The locals are expecting an influx of outsiders to come to see the Geo Archon in person, and, as a result, they are not only willing to hire help for the time but also serve later at food stalls, and the place is livelier. 
People notice you less as you blend into a crowd of people who don't belong, and you slip under the radar.
You have no interest in the Rite of Descension nor the Geo Archon, and most of your time is spent outside the Harbour.
Wangshu Inn is still within Liyue but at a considerable distance from the Harbour, a mid-point between there and the border to Mondstadt. It is quieter, which is neither good nor bad, and home to some very understanding owners who ask so few questions it almost alarms you. Nonetheless, you crave respite from the chaos and theatrics you were revelling in as a reprieve from the stress you were under, wondering how you would live your life now. At one point, you relished being hailed as a hero by many, but it soon became overwhelming, and you found yourself trapped in the clutches of Brighella once again.
Whether by design or happenstance, your identity had begun to consume your life again, and if you wanted to have any hope of living outside of Brighella, then that had to stop. And so, you sought out a place to lay down your burdens and unwind, leading you to where you are now.
You arrive your old self, and despite clinging to it since your travels had begun, you remove every piece of your armour for what you intend to be a long time and leave it all neatly arranged for when you eventually return to it. You feel compelled to finally don the fresh outfit you acquired during your journey through Fontaine. Admittedly floor-length dresses and extravagance are not your style after years of being cooped up in a heavy suit of armour, but there's something alluring about trying out a new look, especially when it involves pants that don't weigh more than a third of your body weight. Besides, you always kind of liked them anyway, just...not yet. Now seems like a good time to dip your toes in.
You almost don't recognise yourself when you finally see yourself in the mirror. Perhaps you got too used to seeing a metal helmet staring back at you and a suit of armour for a body, but the fresh air against your skin and lighter clothes feels...good. 
For the first time in a while, you feel free.
The new outfit is making you giddy, too giddy for your taste. You don't recall having such an innate pep in your step, only one that felt deserved, but this different. While you typically associate a sense of satisfaction with having earned it through hard work or perseverance, this newfound exuberance seems to come from just existing in your new clothes. You are happy just because even if there is nothing to feel happy about. It's as if the simple act of wearing them has given you a boost, despite not having accomplished anything significant. It doesn't even seem like you made much progress toward becoming yourself when you lay it all out on paper. You bought clothes and wore them, that's it. 
Something about it feels so much like yourself. The freedom to stray from what you thought you were until now, something you hadn't dared to try before.
One thing you like about Wangshu Inn is how it serves even people who aren't staying there. The ground floor overlooking the water is designated as almost a kind of restaurant. People filter in and out to be served, stay for lunch, meet with friends, and take breaks from their missions. It is meant as a place for travelling merchants, but you find that is not all its patrons see in it.
You are not nearly as sociable as you were in the Snezhnayan bar you were at, but this seems more manageable anyway.
"If you've come looking for work, the Adventurer's Guild may have a place for you." A suggestion from a merchant who struck up an idle conversation with you for some reason sticks with you. You can't say why, but you imagine a product of boredom.
"They accept anyone?" Your surprise is evident in your tone, as you thought they might have tighter restrictions.
Just as in disbelief fact as you are, he shrugs, "As long as you've got enough power to back yourself, a friend of mine said they'll accept anyone."
That sounds far too good to be true, at least for your taste. "And it doesn't matter where you come from or where you go?"
"Adventurers are known to get restless in one place for too long."
"I see, and you can just go up a--"
"Excuse me, miss." You don't remember hearing that voice, but you recognise the attire when you turn your head just enough to be met with the sight of a cicin mage standing before you impatiently awaiting your attention. The top half of her face is concealed, as is customary, but there's no mistaking the unkind smile that tugs at the corners of her lips as you meet her gaze.
Has she come for retribution? 
Despite your fears of having to make a mess, the woman reveals a letter that is sealed with wax and extends it towards you, expecting you to receive it sooner rather than later as she waves it slightly as a form of incentive. "From the Damselette," she adds.
"What could the Damselette want with me?"
"Perhaps a warning." The words slip by, quiet but noticeable, immediately catching your attention. You raise an eyebrow at her. She's slowly unveiling her contempt at your presence; you're very aware of that fact. You are not familiar with her. It is unlikely that she ever worked under your command. However, it is possible that she might've held a certain level of regard, which has since turned to hostility as rumours of her arrogant killer run rampant. "I don't know. I'm not privy to those things."
Your eyes glance over her from head to toe in thought, scrutinising her for any indication of where her animosity came from. However, there is nothing that gives away her motives. You break your gaze away from her and glance down at the letter in your hand. "I suggest you get a better hold of your tongue. They don't like it when you're rude to their guests."
Her smile does not waver. "You are not a guest." She states that fact with glaringly false politeness.
"Everyone who recieves correspondence from a Harbinger is a guest."
You suppose you can't fault her disdain when all is said and done.
From somewhere tucked away in her clothing, she pulls what appears to be a knife from your peripheral vision and points it at you, but you look up to find it is only a blunt letter opener balanced in the palm of her hand, waiting to be picked up.
"I was ordered to stay until you had read the letter to deliver her your response."
Just as she believes you are a murderer, the letter addresses you as such. Your lies have reached her ears. Moreover, she is playing along with them.
You expected threats and unfair deals, but it is only an update on what is happening regarding your position, the reassurance that they have not violated the terms of the agreement made. A half-hearted apology and an excuse. Preparations set them back, supposedly.
While you imagine preparing not only a funeral but a ceremony to announce the next Harbinger does take time, it would not take this much time with how prepared they were to kill you off in the first place. It was a planned betrayal.
It just looks better if they don't appear so prepared.
For whatever reason, perhaps your consolation prize for enduring her shameless lies, she shares a secret with you. As you casually scan the letter with little care for its contents, your attention is immediately drawn to the heart of the matter. It's the very subject on everyone's minds and all that anyone speaks of. 
Il Capitano. His name is Il Capitano.
Personally, you would not have picked it, but that does not mean that you hate the name. Quite the opposite, in fact, as you have to admit that when you envision the name paired with his face, it suits him well. She ends the letter promising that she will 'take good care of him', though you know that your respective ideas of those words do not align or even coexist in the same universe. There is an unmistakable discrepancy between her intentions and your own, and you don't like it.
"Come back to us, Brighella. You can watch everything you wanted in person."
You won't go back. It's a trap.
Irritated, you find yourself back in the heart of the country where nobody lurks, haphazard in the way you fire your arrows at every creature that dares to disturb your sense of peace. It's hard to focus, and you don't bother trying. Liyue is not the same as Snezhnaya, with open plains broken up by rocky mountains. The creatures are mostly the same, and all die the same, hilichurls and geovishaps running rampant and shot down into piles of meat and rocks.
It doesn't matter how loudly you shout, as there's nobody around to hear it. You could scream, cry, and throw a tantrum all you want, and it won't matter. Even if you throw yourself at the ground and bang your head into the dirt, nobody will see it.
This is all pointless. You will never escape. It will never matter how far you roam or how fast you run.
Why did you think you could? Had your brain melted from your head?
There is no other side. There is no salvation. You are owned from the day you're brought in until the day you die, but why? Why did they want to bring you back to Snezhnaya? What was the point? You are out of the way now, hardly causing trouble for them. Despite this, everything seems to be running smoothly, even with the liberties you have taken in your new role. Was that it? The reason they wanted you to see?
It must be. There is no other reason to risk exposing the lie otherwise. Unless it was to tarnish the Fatui's reputation.
You refuse to believe it is something as innocent as wanting to see your request honoured. Nothing is innocent within the Fatui, not an action without hidden intentions or motives. Centuries of watching their misdeeds from the inside, which always go unpunished and unchallenged by anyone except the powerless commoners, have taught you that there is always an ulterior motive lurking behind their actions.
Not to mention it came from Columbina.
You must've spent three days out there before finally returning to Wangshu Inn, dirtied by the elements and craving something to eat, like a child's insatiable desire for sweets. The dead of night provides a cover for you to take a dip in the water beside the inn in an attempt to rinse the dirt and sweat off of you. It dawns on you that your new clothes would've been ruined if you hadn't had the foresight to change before venturing out again. In that moment, thoughts of the Fatui and the memories evoked by your armour flooded your mind, and you didn't want the same thing to happen to the clothes that had made you so happy from the moment you put them on.
It feels childish how you cling to these things.
A part of you just can't help it, torn between holding onto the memories that define who you believe yourself to be and starting anew with a clean slate. Neither can win. One is stuck on the past and what little you have of it, and the other wants to abandon all of that and start completely fresh.
The half-compromise you are trying desperately to make work by accepting that what's gone is gone while keeping your armour close to your heart is obviously not working. The thought of discarding it pains you too much to actually do it, plagued by the urge to melt it down to scrap metal while also being overwhelmed by the knowledge you will regret doing that as soon as you see the mess that would be left of it.
Your new clothes make you happy, so you need more new things to make you even happier, right? If new means you glean happiness, then more new is what will help you move past all of this deliberation in your head.
Clothes were a given, and...maybe a haircut? Yeah. You should try cutting your hair and decide on a name for yourself that isn't Brighella. Something you want, a name you like, that you can look at yourself and see that person reflected in a mirror. The person you think you are supposed to be when you look past the expectation that has been instilled in you.
That merchant you spoke to mentioned the Adventurer's Guild might have a place for you. What if you should be helping people instead of hurting them? What if you only did that to please the Tsaritsa?
In the background of your thoughts, you walk yourself back to your room at the Wangshu Inn and collapse onto your bed, thinking. Though you are exhausted, you cannot bring yourself to sleep for one reason or another. You make excuses for yourself just to ignore the glaring root of the problem you know is there but refuse to acknowledge. The problem isn't really how hot or cold the room is or the texture of your blankets and how much you dislike the humidity in the air. Something else entirely is keeping you from rest.
Your hair isn't the problem either, or your clothes. Even your lack of a proper name really doesn't bother you. They're only the illusion of change you're using to cover up how truly lost you have become now that you have to think for yourself.
How long have you been alive now? Centuries at least. You can't even live independently after that long? No. No, you can't.
You are so lonely, you are lost, you are confused. You need company, you need guidance, and you need purpose. How are you supposed to live? Where is the person who will tell you what to do every day? 
You have to make that choice yourself? You can't do that. You've never done that. 
The thought of even something so basic scaring you so severely brings you to a weakness you never realised you even possessed. Fear surges through the very depths of your being, an unfamiliar sensation that you find unsettling. You don't like it, but it's an impossible feeling to push down and ignore. Over the years, you had quietly collected your shortcomings into a neat little jar and pushed it aside, out of sight, away from your conscious thought, as if pretending you were invincible. 
What would you have done if you had gotten to Capitano? Make him decide?
He can't. He's not human. He doesn't know enough to decide. You've only made him just like you, a fearsome man until he's abandoned and vulnerable like you have become, and then he'll be pathetic and helpless too.
Nothing came out of any of your efforts, did it? It couldn't have possibly. Even with every attempt you made, it was always doomed to fail.
It turns out that the Adventurer's Guild was more than happy to take you in, in a way. They put you right to work. It helps to take your mind off of things if nothing else. It's mindless work, able to tune out everything in your brain and run on auto-pilot. You take to this life so well it scares you, completing your tasks with so little trouble you wonder how this isn't more popular, even if some are arguably unnecessary. If only you were good at proper cooking, you might get rich from the tens of requests for certain dishes. 
You're irresistibly drawn to the combat, right back to the heat of battle where you feel truly alive. In all you've had to question, your love for the thrill of fighting has never been up for debate. You're unsure whether it's the adrenaline or something else, but you don't care to know, either. You don't concern yourself with such questions. It's not important to you why, so long as you find comfort in it. It's the one thing you cannot be robbed of. 
A hard day's work is always rewarding.
"Make sure you be careful today." A fellow adventurer is quick to catch you before you can wander off for your next quest, smiling and unbothered despite his words. You've never met him, but he speaks as if you have.
Something about the bond of adventurers is so reminiscent of the Fatui.
You turn back to place your full attention on him rather than the grilled tiger fish you had acquired out of curiosity about the taste. "Why's that?" You're not too bothered, expecting him to tell you that it's dangerous out there, the Abyss Order existing and all.
"The Fatui are restless."
His words catch you off-guard, light in tone as they are. In outward appearances, he's mostly unbothered, while the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
You try to grasp your bearings just enough to speak. "They don't do that for fun." Something about it is just as shaky as you expected, unable to fully mask it, but you figure he'll blame it on nerves.
"Harbinger, apparently." He doesn't draw attention to your demeanour, so neither do you.
"Which one?"
It's probably Columbina. Maybe you pissed her off when you shot the messenger. Yeah, she probably wouldn't appreciate that. When you did it in a fit of anger, you expected her to find it funny after coming to your senses.
"Hey. Something wrong?"
You startle as you realise he had been speaking that whole time, and you just weren't listening.
"I said it's weird that they'd be up and about so soon after the newest was officially promoted."
You deadpan a little, realising it wasn't something of actual value, just a misconception that the greatest powers that be in Snezhnaya aren't spiteful enough to hate each other just as much as they hate everyone else. "Not really. They're not particularly sentimental."
"They don't even care to go out drinking for their own?"
"They hardly know how to tolerate each other." You realise your slip of the tongue too late, seeming too familiar. That's a problem. He barely draws attention to it, only making a strange face.
"Well, whatever the reason, work doesn't stop for them."
In silence, you agree and continue your day as if you really believe that.
As you wrap up your work for the day, you feel a sense of pleasant exhaustion wash over you. It struck you as strange that nobody was out in the wild, even the usual fatuus you avoid. Something about it was uniquely eerie. It dawns on you why he came to the conclusion that the Fatui were 'restless'. They must have retreated into the city to prepare for the impending arrival of the Harbinger destined to disrupt the small peace you had found. The sudden influx of fatuus in Liyue would make it seem like they are increasing in numbers nationwide when in reality, they are just moving.
You're not going to let it bother you for now.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know you have promised yourself that repeatedly and have found it to be a lie, but you mean it this time. You're familiar enough with the workings of the Fatui to know that they don't like to leave sectors alone for too long, and Liyue had spent a fair time before your dismissal unchecked. 
Even at night, you remain unbothered when you wander Liyue for a time, looking for something to do and notice what he was talking about.
Many of them are fussing more than usual, meaning that chances are it's too late to inhibit the process of this Harbinger arriving. You could turn tail and run, scurry off to the other side of Teyvat and settle in Fontaine or even Natlan, but you like it here.
You sit in the heart of Liyue, listening to a speaker tell his stories. You know you shouldn't linger, but you tell yourself you can for just a little while longer. It reminds you of the past, filled with Liyue legends you remember hearing about as news at the time they took place. The fact these tales are now old enough to be suitable for a speaker's recitation as 'legends' is a grim reminder that maybe you're older than you realised. Your early life is now from the time of legends. You can push that feeling aside to focus on the nostalgia of hearing these stories.
Beside you, you hear the chair move but don't budge from looking to see who it is, assuming that all other chairs are taken or that it's an adventurer who got curious, possibly even the man you had spoken to earlier about all of the Fatui--
“Reminiscing, Brighella?”
You recognise both that voice and that name and go stiff, eyes finding her before your head can even turn in her direction.
In front of you—or rather, across from you—the Knave sits upon the other chair at your table as if she was always supposed to be there, seemingly at ease, but you know better than to assume her guard is down. Arlecchino has always had an icy composure, though she can be hot-headed at times and can lose her temper when provoked. It's not surprising that she was able to track you down, even without knowing what your face looks like.
She turns to you leisurely, unhurried. "I came to look for you since you missed the ceremony." It sounds like a greeting the way she speaks those words. You suppose it is one, really.
Ah, maybe you should've been worried after all.
You try to play off your emotions as if you're completely unfazed by her presence. It's the only way to maintain some semblance of control. "Did Columbina not like my gift?"
"Oh, she rather enjoyed it." Arlecchino maintains a similar composure, knowing approaching you in public means employing subtlety as much as it means she's less likely to be attacked. "She felt it was just the kind of gift you would give."
"I try my best not to disappoint." Your response is less enthusiastic than you might like, a hint of nervousness infesting your brain and refusing to budge.
Despite this, she doesn't notice, not outwardly. Really, that means nothing, as you are very aware of how good her poker face is. "Il Capitano hasn't stopped speaking about how much he'd like to kill you. You don't want to disappoint, do you?" When you were waiting for her to speak, those weren't the words you expected to hear, but somehow you're not fully surprised either.
"I see, so my lies reached even his ears." 
You thought as much.
"I think you'll be quite surprised when you see him." Her reply is so cocky that you almost scoff at her.
"Who said I would be seeing him?" You try to match the audacity she had to make such a remark.
She turns to you rather casually for the words she speaks, an odd tone you can't quite place, lacing her words half like mockery. "You miss him, don't you?"
It's that question that makes you snort and turn away as you realise that her negotiation and persuasion skills are abysmal for such a cunning and intelligent woman. "Not enough to become foolish enough to trust someone whose title denotes them as dishonest and untrustworthy." You always wondered about that, really. "A name like 'the Knave' really isn't subtle."
"Funny." She doesn't laugh or even smile. "I believe yours was something close to 'bother'."
You lean back in your chair, testing it slightly as you push the front legs off the floor as a means of entertaining yourself through this frankly dull conversation. "Then I suppose we're both living up to our names."
She remains silent for several seconds, pondering her next words. You can see her fingers rub against the wood of the chair as a distraction. 
"The others told me it was pointless to try to bring you back."
"They were right."
"You won't come back for any reason?"
"I know a trap when I see one."
"Of course."
Silence, again. You don't care to break it, either. You came to hear the stories, and you really would like to continue that rather than listening to her voice, but she's not making it easy.
"Is that all now?" Your voice shows your impatience more than you might like, but you realise it may work in your favour if she senses she's annoying you.
For the first time in a while, she smiles faintly to herself. "For now. Your answer is abundantly clear." She appears to concede, if only for a little while
You let the chair land back on all of its legs and lean your elbow on the table. 
"Are you going to get out of that chair?"
"And why is that?"
"It's comfortable."
The urge to roll your eyes brims in your mind, but you stop yourself. You don't want to give the Knave the satisfaction of knowing something she is already well aware of. Besides that, you don't want her to know that you really don't want her here in any capacity. Arlecchino's presence is never a good thing.
You let out a tentative breath as you consider your next words quite carefully. The wrong thing might have Arlecchino never leaving you, and the right one might drive her back to Snezhnaya if you're lucky. You shift your whole body to face her. "You just arrived from Snezhnaya, I take it. What do you want to eat?"
She eyes you suspiciously, scrutinising you for any sign of trying to fool her into consuming poison or making herself sick. "You're feeding me now?"
You pretend you don't notice her intensity. "Well, you're not leaving. It would look strange for me to order food for myself."
Again she smiles to herself, a light mockery that's cautious and testing, easing herself into accepting your offer. "I wasn't aware you cared so much."
"You could starve if you'd prefer." You turn away as you speak and don't look back, shifting yourself back in your seat to be front-facing.
There's a quietness between the two of you, both waiting for the answer to your proposal. You have an inkling Arlecchino will accept, but you don't know with her. She never seemed especially pleased by the times the Jester would convene you all over meals and such, ending up in fights and bickering. She never fought with you, however, so perhaps it's different. 
"Order whatever you like."
You find yourself looking intently at a list of the options on the menu. It's quite a lengthy list. "Mm..." Even though it's just a false invitation and you're doing it to be courteous, you can't say you aren't enjoying the thought of picking out a meal and sharing it with her. Despite your removal from the Fatui's affairs for some time, you'd be lying if you thought you weren't at least a little curious. "Jade Parcels...and maybe Jade Fruit Soup? But Dragon Beard Noodles sound good too..."
Becoming slightly irritated by your indecision, Arlecchino looks across the table to where you are sitting deep in thought. "Is it that complicated of a decision?"
You spare her only a glance before returning to looking for something she would enjoy. "I have to pick something you'll like, don't I?"
Soup is more challenging to share than noodles are.
With that, your decision is made, and you settle. Despite yourself, you are somewhat restless in thought. Arlecchino's lack of contribution is slightly frustrating, but it sounds like she'd be content with anything. You're not sure if your choice is the correct one, but you believe you picked something to the best of your abilities that is easy, even to a foreign tongue. As far as you know, Arlecchino is from Fontaine. You've never eaten like this with Arlecchino to know her tastes or dietary restrictions.
"Jade Parcels and Dragon Beard Noodles. Sound good?"
"It'll do."
"Good. I'll go order it, then."
Arlecchino must be surprised that you returned, as she doesn't seem too thrilled. She never really does, but there was a disappointed glint in her eye right up until you walked in front of her to get to your chair. 
It continues until you get the food, and Arlecchino finally stares at it with an overwhelming sense of dread, left with an intense feeling of apprehension regarding whether. You appear not to hesitate, though this arrangement isn't quite what she had expected. Arlecchino had thought you would order enough dishes that you wouldn't have to share, but you seemed to understand it in a way that meant you would be eating from the same bowl.
You notice her hesitation almost immediately, yet your vexation with her arrival makes you unwilling to acknowledge that you know the reason, a deliberate miscommunication on your part. "Mm. I didn't think this through." Your words seem to make her perk up as if you will free her from her awkwardness by asking for another bowl. "You probably aren't used to using chopsticks, are you? Not many dishes that need those back home."
She knows you're toying with her, that sweet smile from across the table hardly hiding your true intentions. Arlecchino waits, watching to see what you will do next, as she looks back at you with a scowl. 
Her eyes do not leave you as you wordlessly collect a Jade Parcel and present it to her like you are patronising her with this action. Your feigned kindness, this supposed benevolence of you offering to feed her like a child, no doubt hoping she'll back down and excuse herself completely. 
She won't let you do that and have the satisfaction of seeing her back down. She won't allow you to break her facade of acceptance.
Though you circle the food in front of her slowly, only a motion with your fingers trying to convince her or make her as uncomfortable as possible, Arlecchino continues to stare for several more moments. Eventually, she musters the courage to relinquish some of her pride.
Arlecchino leans in slightly, just enough to open her mouth and take a bite from the food you hold out for her. Despite the circumstances that led to this moment, she can't help but acknowledge your good taste. Arlecchino couldn't possibly eat another bite that way, though. Not being fed by the woman who is now her adversary just to avoid her 'winning' in the situation, but admitting she is willing to let you get under her skin is not an option either.
She must treat this situation differently, as if you are merely feeding her out of obligation to her rather than because you have your own motives.
It hardly stops her from enjoying her portion of the meal from the chopsticks you share with her. At some point, it finally occurs to her that you only hold one pair, leaving her set untouched despite feeding her. You had been feeding her with the same set you ate with the entire time, and while you were well aware of that, it hardly seemed to alarm you as much as it alarmed her.
Your biggest disappointment was being unable to get rid of her that whole time, watching her readily accept whatever you tried to use against her. Watching a Harbinger practically bow their head and obey you, however, fuels your consciousness. It's like eye candy to think back and realise you did that.
It's another one of your quiet defiances against the Tsaritsa. You wonder how far you can take it.
As you stand from your seat, you stretch your arms above your head until you hear a faint pop as all the tension in your back relaxes. "I don't imagine you'll be leaving anytime soon."
"No. I have plenty of business outside of you." It's not a lie. She's got a lot to do in Liyue even without your presence, but you're a priority. 
You lean back over your chair, a mischievous little look on your face. "Do tell."
"You know that I can't do that." She's not amused by the attempt, either.
You straighten back to your usual height and brush it off in moments. "Unfun. I thought your loyalty to the Tsaritsa could be won over easily." 
She scowls. "Not by you."
"I see. You have standards after all."
She chooses to ignore your comment. Up until now, you have had quick-fire conversations, sometimes interrupted by a silence that drags on. This is no exception.
"Capitano truly believes you are dead." Arlecchino realises when she has caught your attention, and that time is now. She notices how your head tilts towards her ever so slightly, and your head raises. "For a time, he grieved, but it didn't last long. He has become fixated on the idea of revenge ever since he heard that Brighella's killer was running around boasting about their achievements with the authentic armour to support their claims."
Suddenly it makes some small amount of sense in your mind why they would want you to come back exactly. Capitano won't stay put forever. If he's stuck on vengeance, he won't rest until he exacts it. You weren't thinking about how much your stories would piss him off at the time.
When you spend an extended period of time silent and seemingly disinclined to answer, Arlecchino continues. "I want to show you to him."
You have subjected him to human emotions he's not equipped to deal with. Rightfully, you feel horrible like more of your failures are being wrenched from your corner and dumped out into the open for all to see. It doesn't matter that you're in Liyue, where nobody knows the two of you. You don't want them to see either. 
"He wouldn't want to see me." You don't think she really wanted to hear those words when you finally speak. Her expression gives it away. "He should enjoy his position without my interference. I've ruined his life enough."
"You've given him power and status, he should be grateful for that--"
"No. He shouldn't." You don't even wait for her to finish. She hasn't even realised it yet. Not the way you've been forced to. That power is a detriment, not a blessing. Why should he want that? "I thought that way as well, but now I…I don't think my choice was the correct one."
Arlecchino was not expecting to evoke your vulnerability, shallow as it may be for now. "What choice?"
"To bring him back from the abyss." 
From a purely objective perspective, taking in Capitano was the cause of everything. Arlecchino presumably thinks of it in the way you don't want her to, that you regret taking him in because he ultimately ruined everything for you, causing your world to fall apart. You don't. You wish you hadn't dragged him down with you.
Now Capitano still dealing with the consequences of your choices. He was perfectly satisfied where he was and would've remained that way had he not been caught up in your plans. It was your arrogance that made you think Capitano would prefer to come with you. At no point in your first interaction had he indicated he was displeased in his circumstances, only hostile because humans were so close to him. It is an understandable thing, considering that humans were a foreign concept to him and potentially posed a threat.
"Because he overtook you?" 
There it is.
Despite her words, she appears to have dropped her irritated expression and the impatience in her words and actions. You are finally speaking, and she won't lose that opportunity to an avoidable break in her temper.
"No. No, nothing like that." You try to find the words to explain it, even knowing she likely wouldn't understand it in her current position. You doubt she could ever comprehend it with how she treats her loyalty. "It's more like… Off the record, though I was cherished for many years, even I eventually became disposable. I have left Capitano in the hands of the person who caused that, and now I have damned him to the same fate."
Arlecchino is silent in thought, mulling over your words with great care. The tone of the conversation shifted right under your noses, and with it, so did her demeanour. She became relaxed in a way, though you imagine no less guarded than she always is. "I fail to see how your performance declined. In fact, you are more necessary now than you have ever been."
"I see." In your head, that means she's on your side to a degree. "So you believe that my termination was a mistake?"
"A grave error at best." Her words only confirm the way you thought of it. "Even if you had declined in performance, the people have begun to question more than ever, which sabotages the political landscape of Snezhnaya for those who care about it, the same people who stood idly by while you were ousted. Those who oppose the Fatui are pushing the notion that we must be weaker than we appear, because if even Brighella could die, then what does that say for the rest of us."
Though you wish you could say that concept was inconceivable, the idea that those fighting for reform would seize upon your demise as a means to spur change. It's not shocking that everyone else has been called into question, either. Though it is easy to push the role of frontrunner onto the Director, his duty is mainly administrative, as is the case with many high-ranking positions. His wrath is quick and brutal, and sparse. Dottore is too busy with his disgusting hobbies, and Columbina must remain in the light as a figure they can cling to. That leaves the position of Fourth as the one who is publicly the most violent and ruthless, which used to fall to you.
"I see. Is that why they want me to come back?" You don't expect an honest answer as you ask that question, half anticipating another play at your heartstrings.
Frustratingly, she doesn't elaborate.
"I'll only agree to return if Capitano is free to do as he wishes."
She scoffs, somewhat returning to her brash attitude. "Even if I could make that decision, we're well past the point where that's a possibility."
You know that she's correct in that.
Still, you can't stop the sight you let out. You knew the request was wonderful in theory but inconceivable in practice, but asking never hurt anyone. "Then what do you want from me? I take it that though I'm only a stagehand, my part in the theatre is not yet over."
"Is that how you see it?"
"Answer my question."
You pause at her answer.
You're not even sure you heard her correctly. The execution of who? Brighella has already been put to death, and Capitano has barely warmed his seat among the Harbingers. Nobody left in this is worth killing, given the precarious nature of the Fatui's support in the aftermath of Brighella's murder. It was already unstable, and now things are just worse, with no better word to describe.
You doubt they made the decision lightly.
"Execution. Your execution for the murder of Brighella and crimes against the state."
Your nerves instantly spike again, and your guard is higher than ever. At any moment, you could need to draw your bow and fight her because even though you're unsure of how to treat this life, you're not ready to give it up. No foe has scared you before, and neither will the prospect of rebuilding from square one.
"I see, so you've come to extradite me."
"You read my intentions horribly. I'm impressed you managed to make it so far like that."
You furrow your brows in annoyance. "Then what?"
"The values of the Fatui no longer align with mine." The assertion draws your attention more than anything else. You have always been aware that she is unconcerned with the ideas of loyalty and honour, which you can't fault her for. Abiding by the code of honour the Tsaritsa instilled in you left you here.
You may be completely wrong, but she was so vague and doesn't seem to be waiting to say anything else. "Is this your way of telling me you're deserting the Fatui?"
"Then what?"
"You so happen to be someone I like." 
You're startled by that as well. As far as you were aware, the decision to do nothing in the face of your dismissal was unanimous. You thought Capitano was your only remaining ally. Even if she's the lowest ranking, that is not indicative of power in an objective sense but of authority. In a sense, she is the new 'you' of the Harbingers, as she always was to a degree. 
Blame for the disorder is shifting in your absence to her.
"Because I cleaned the messes you now manage?"
"Because you aren't cowardly and fixated on politics but inhibited by them. You are a model of what is right." You can't say you follow what she's saying but allow her to continue. "Pulcinella and even Pierro refuse to travel abroad, always making excuses to shirk their jobs when faced with danger in order to comfortably remain in luxury. From the day I joined, you stood out to me in that way."
You raise an eyebrow at her, unimpressed by whatever she's trying to do right now. "Are you trying to flatter me into coming back?"
"I was telling the truth." She doesn't look impressed, either.
You feel a little embarrassed by that, suddenly feeling as though you really had responded quite rudely to an innocent statement. "Hearing a person idolise me is strange," you admit.
"It's not idolising." Her correction is sharp.
"Sounded close enough."
Silence again, as with the pauses scattered around the rest of your conversation. You aren't catapulting the topic into something of great interest or progressing, and neither is Arlecchino. Her lips press into a thin line trying to hide any cracks and stifle any emotion that slips through.
"I admire you."
You did not realise such a thing was possible, really.
"I thought you may have remembered the times we shared and think fondly of it, but perhaps not. We fought once- maybe twice- before. We drank together. Nothing else."
To end that statement with 'nothing else' as if to reduce every conversation, interaction, hour and experience to ashes is thoughtless at best. You didn't remember either instance in which Arlecchino believes you fought and still don't, though you try to now that you have come to find it apparently happened. If it did, the chances of you actually remembering is slim to none with how your memory is. It's not that you forget things quickly, but that minor events slip through the cracks in your frankly chock-full memory.
"I don't remember them, I'm sorry."
"I didn't expect you to."
Despite her words, there is a faint bittersweetness to it, the realisation you are insignificant to the person you aspire toward being like. Somewhere, even if she is aware it was always not only a possibility but highly likely, it still feels like a letdown, the fragile hope you might remember her strength. You only remember her drunken and all too enamoured by you to think properly. It is foolish of her to feel that way because you have battled many foes, and expecting you to remember all of them, let alone your underling, is unreasonable.
"You still haven't answered my question." Changing the topic, you take the opportunity to try to direct her back to what you asked in the first place. "Why are you really here?"
"The Jester gave me permission to pursue you, believing I would attempt to convince you to return to Snezhnaya after Columbina failed." As Arlecchino begins to explain, it slowly begins to make sense as the pieces fall neatly into place. "However, I have no interest in appeasing the wants of dignitaries who care only for their comfort."
You don't want that either. It's just a repeat of Capitano. "Do you understand how dangerous what you're doing is?" It's an attempt to remind her, but Arlecchino's unwavering expression tells you that reminders are unnecessary and unwanted.
"Yes, you were removed for less." She only confirms it for you. "Dottore is of the opinion that you will be forgotten, as are several others-" you imagine singling him out has something to do with them fighting all the time- "but that is simply impossible."
"Times change. You would be surprised how many things we thought would never be forgotten that humans have completely lost all knowledge of."
To her, that concept may be harder to swallow. Arlecchino has never seen the centuries roll by as you have and isn't as familiar with what does and does not remain. Even the greatest gods fell in the Archon War, and most humans cannot name any but the seven Archons. It is natural to forget and progress. The past is meant to become speculation and theory.
"I won't allow that." Abruptly she stops, though her sudden words startle you somewhat with how intense they are. That kind of illogical thought process is natural, maybe. You can't really say. "They could remember."
You shake your head in response, a firm denial before she's even begun to try and sell you on the idea. "There's no need for them to remember."
"There is every need."
"People don't glean the same admiration you do for someone they see as a tyrant."
"Then evoke fear!"
"Enough." You did not expect to have to put your foot down so harshly but do not hesitate to. "I won't entertain this."
Arlecchino grits her teeth at how easily you let go. Even though you are obviously not acclimated to civilian life, you refuse her offer that would allow you to return to Snezhnaya in a potential position of power. It is yet another failed step in the many she expected to have to take to convince you.
"Then let me hide you until some time passes."
"I'm not a precious treasure." She ignores how you roll your eyes at her, completely withdrawing how emotionally available you had managed to be. She can't let her anger take control of her again. "I can handle myself thank you very much." 
You sense she will not be giving up easily.
Even if you could convince her to leave you to your devices and that you would be fine, you doubt she would accept that. However, you have a feeling she knows you intend to disappear after this conversation. You have no idea why else she would pour her heart out in an attempt to make you easier to keep hold of. If you leave, you hold the advantage.
"I cannot continue to defend your honour while you stand by and allow them to do as they please with your name."
That doesn't worry you too much when you've been contributing to it since leaving. "Then give up. Let my name be tarnished."
Arlecchno's anger finally begins to boil over despite her efforts to contain it, rage spilling from the cracks in her composure. "You cannot have forgotten everything we did together."
"Of course I have not forgotten that." Your words are more fuel than suffocation to the growing fire.
"Then accept my help and stop being so stubborn."
"There's no need to."
She grabs you by your arm before you can step away, and you can feel a chill in her hand seep into your skin, likely a byproduct of her delusion. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't match well with how warm you are most of the time. "You would be willing to pretend you don't wish for normalcy to avoid confronting the Tsaritsa?"
"If I return to Snezhnaya, I will die." You lay it out as directly as possible, without an if, but or and. There's no room to debate this because the outcome will not change. Even if the two of you decide you're best friends, nobody else will see things that way, so it's pointless to pretend you don't see it as it has to be.
Arlecchino finally appears to consider your words more carefully, remaining silent again, but you do not interrupt her this time. You shift your focus to the icy hand still touching you and begin to channel what little you can of your vision without drawing your bow to warm her. You hope she doesn't notice it, not wanting her to find an ulterior motive in it.
"Then it is unavoidable."
You don't quite understand what she is saying until she removes her hand from you to place something on the table you shared.
Suspiciously, you eye the item as you wonder about the significance of abandoning it beyond the obvious, but you don't want to acknowledge that option. "You'll need your insignia if you wish to return." You needn't remind her of that, but it is a prompting statement.
Arlecchino shocks you with her next words.
"I'm remaining with you."
You stand in stunned silence for several seconds, replaying them over in your head. Remaining with you. She doesn't mean that, does she? This is another of her persuasion tactics, right? She cannot actually go through with this. "You're what?"
"I'm not going back to Snezhnaya."
That only confirms your fear, the chill of it rushing to the core of your being and lighting your nerves up with an icy cold. Maybe that's just the hand touching your cheek.
"You can't. You shouldn't. You should stay there."
She makes an odd face at you, half understanding of your plight and the other confused about why you care so much about what she does with her job. "In that place you curse yourself for leaving Capitano?"
"It's a comfortable position." You try to reason that way with her, pointing out the inarguable benefit.
"I don't care for comfort."
You scramble to find another reason, something else to make her give in and pick it back up. You have not gotten anything you attempted to get this night. Arlecchino didn't leave and is, in fact, intent on leaving the Fatui to continue that.
"I don't care to waste my time pandering to people who do not value what I provide for them, all the while relying on it."
That's not a reason you wish to say, but it is. It is a very real reason. You can see it in how the Fatui regards your circumstances that they have never found enough value in the mountain of work you took on. If they had, you wouldn't be having this conversation. She's right, you realise, she realised what you could not.
"Even if you do not allow it, I would be able to follow you." It's a strange thing to say, but maybe she was trying to convince you. Her arm falls back to her side.
You shake your head. "Humans tire."
"I won't be too slow."
It's different for her. Arlecchino doesn't hulk around a bulky suit of armour and a helmet to conceal her face. It is open and well-known. There will be places she can't ever travel to again. Her life will be this and nothing else, while yours will eventually become something else, as it was always supposed to. Even if you don't want to now, you will move on and find a new sense of self. She may never.
"There are grave consequences."
"I know."
"You may never know peace."
"I can live with that."
--will question everything you have ever known. That was what you were about to say. You again come to a realisation that clears things for you. It's different. Arlecchino has not spent her whole life dedicated to serving the Tsaritsa, only a few years at best. You spent centuries. It is no wonder that she could give it all up so easily. Arlecchino only had one foot in the door in the first place.
The realisation dawning on you this way is daunting.
"...Fine. I will accept that." Though you thought you would struggle more, you also understand that it is useless to do so.
"A good choice."
The act of conceding can bring about a sense of relief and comfort. Conceding feels nice, in a way. It is a respite from constantly controlling everything to be exactly as you wish. It allows you the freedom of simply acknowledging the reality of a situation and accept that it may not align with your ideals, even if you don't necessarily like it.
You don't want Arlecchino to accompany you for her sake, but accepting that she will not share your fate of being humiliated can bring about a sense of peace. She will live however she pleases, and that means she may not want for the same future you received. Having a free will allows her to leave.
Slowly, you try to recover from the shock of the situation. As you take in a deep, quivering breath, you begin to steady yourself and attemt to process all that is unfolding.
A single question comes to your mind, a relatively simple one but significant enough to matter greatly.
"What is your name?"
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Finally got to read issue 140! I gotta say, I'm confused and disappointed with what's happening to Raph. He's not really my favorite but the treatment he's getting is unfair. Once he said his dream was to become a farmer, and now he's offered the opportunity, he reacts like he was asked to kill his family! And Alopex sure is suffering from tunnel vision because she was NOT abandoned, SHE abandoned the clan out of fear/frustration. I can't believe she's poisoning the kids' minds like that.
As for Casey being missing... I feel like the writers exhausted their possibilities with him and that's sad. He and Raph used to be tight, like brothers, and with him gone... couldn't they have made him a cop, perhaps? Give Casey another purpose? Or is he off to find IDW Gabriella, adopt her child, and that's how we get Shadow in this universe?
At least now we know Bob's motivation for his betrayal, he just wants to be normal. And frankly, if going back in time brings Splinter back (because let's face it, the guys need guidance), then let Armaggon consume this timeline and end this madness.
Other than that, I'm hopeful the comics will have a sort of happy ending and don't get the Mirage treatment.
People make bad decisions and behave badly sometimes, especially teenagers. I'm not condoning Raph and Alopex's behavior but it's fun to explore characters acting like little shits sometimes, and just think about what they've gone through up to this point, honestly I feel like they should be BIGGER assholes than how I'm writing them.
I'm actually kinda surprised by how some readers are reacting to what I've been doing with Alopex. Like I know everyone wants her and Raph to be together and I get that but I keep saying to imagine things from her perspective; imagine your loved ones teaming up with the guy who killed your family, burned your house down, and brainwashed you, gaslit you, and abused you. Regardless of why your loved ones teamed up with this guy, sure maybe it was dire circumstances and they felt they had no choice, but to you, you'd still want them to refuse the team-up, you'd want desperately for them to make a different choice and find another way to solve the problem than immediately giving in and allying themselves with your abuser. Maybe that's shortsighted of Alopex since the fate of the world was on the line, but when I was writing that stuff I just couldn't justify it that Alopex wouldn't feel utterly betrayed and blow up at the Turtles and take a scorched earth approach, at least at first. Maybe she'll come around eventually, it hasn't been that long, maybe she'll cool off and forgive the Turtles and they can reconcile eventually, but right now she DOES feel abandoned. I would feel abandoned and betrayed in her shoes.
The Raph farmer thing: I haven't forgotten about that, but he's not just going to run off and become a farmer at this point, he's ticked off at Alopex and he's hurting and exhausted. He's sticking around because of Alopex. I think if Raph believed that Alopex was a lost cause then yeah he'd probably go off to Northampton and start a big farm there and figure out a business model for selling produce to the locals or something, but he's not at that point yet. He's frustrated and lashing out without direction as Raph is wont to do.
The Casey thing I'm frustrated about, too, that was a thing from the powers-that-be and he was shuffled off in Armageddon Game #8 (which isn't out yet and which takes place before #140). He's not missing, it'll explain it in AG #8. I had a whole big storyline with Casey I wanted to do where he goes out west to find himself and hunt monsters and meets Shadow, and Raph eventually goes out there to find him and they have their own adventures out there. Casey is probably my favorite TMNT character and I'd been trying to make him more grizzled and "hard" like his Mirage counterpart and I think I was able to do that a little bit but the rest of what I had planned for him was unfortunately not to be. Maybe down the road, who knows. Anyway, I share your frustration on that point.
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revui · 11 months
Friend !!! how are the silly little guys in your head doin. what have they been up to
buddy they are doing so well. hyacinth just made a deal with a ghost and if she doesn't get a girl to fall in love with her by the end of the day then she'll have to give up her body. that'll be fine i'm sure
OK I actually want to ramble about this part because Hyacinth's arc in the narrative has so much ghost shit going on and it's extremely fun for me to write. This whole plotline heavily involves two different artifacts, one being an orb that holds the souls of all Hyacinth's ancestors from the past ~400 years and the other being a necklace capable of acting as a vessel for the Corruption, allowing whoever wears it to wield the curse. There's a lot of stuff I'll skip over in order to stay on the main point, but here's the important summary:
Skyler shows up in Hyacinth's family's casino wearing an illusion stone that disguises her as Colum, and she intends to steal the Corruption necklace
Hyacinth almost loses the necklace but is able to leverage the fact that Skyler is honor-bound to NOT kill her (since Sky is buds with Hyacinth's older brother) and Skyler gets captured
While trying to find out where to put an assassin who keeps trying to bite her fingers, Hyacinth finds the aforementioned orb and gets to chat with the soul of her grandmother, a talented singer who died decades ago when the casino caught on fire
Her grandmother, Gloria, manages to pick out a ton of Hyacinth's insecurities during this conversation and gently exploits the fuck out of them in order to convince Hyacinth to make the deal
The long and short of it is: "Hey, Hyacinth, you're an incompetent person, I need you to prove that the family can depend on you by doing something super easy—just confess your love to Delilah and get her to reciprocate those feelings. If you don't, then I'll just take your body and live your life for you because clearly you can't be trusted to do it if you can't manage a task that simple."
Gloria recognizes that Hyacinth is generally socially inept and assumes that Delilah probably doesn't like her back, while also knowing that Hyacinth is very desperate for approval, so it's a perfect storm of promising precisely what Hyacinth's wants more than anything while hinging that on her greatest weakness—social emotions.
Hyacinth takes this deal immediately. She's scientifically minded and figures that it'll be easy enough to just solve love—she just needs to study how love works and she'll be good to go. Once she understands the theory, it'll be easy enough to put it into practice.
(I don't think I need to tell you, but that's not how it works.)
Unsurprisingly, she fumbles hard and completely blows up her already volatile friendship with Delilah, and Gloria comes to collect her end of the deal.
So, Hyacinth's soul is trapped in the nightmare orb, but remember Skyler? Remember how he was captured and he's just been hanging around for a while, and how he was left in the same spot Hyacinth found the orb? When Gloria takes Hyacinth's body, she leaves the orb there again. Skyler frees himself with relative ease and investigates the nightmare orb, and Hyacinth's soul pops out to be like "Sunset—(by the way Skyler's alias in Thistle is Sunset)—I know we've done nothing but try to murder each other for the past couple weeks, but Gloria's fucking up the casino and she might kill my older brother for being in Thistle, and I know you're pals with him so I have a horrible idea."
The horrible idea in question functionally being "let's split our souls in half."
This is to solve two problems.
Skyler is an unrefined caster. They don't have the natural reserve of magic that sorcerers do and can only draw on the land's latent, "wild" magic, which is difficult for anyone to control and especially for someone who spent 15 years of their life in a world with zero magic; Hyacinth happens to be an incredible sorcerer who's already familiarized herself with wild magic and would be able to use it competently.
Hyacinth is not a fighter by any stretch of the imagination. She's a nerd familiar with only the basics of self-defense and would be incapable of surviving in combat with no magic; Skyler fights pretty exclusively without magic and also happens to be extraordinarily competent in combat thanks to the whole assassin training thing.
So in order to get Gloria's soul out and take Hyacinth's body back, these two socially incompetent near-strangers whose only major interactions have been physical fights, have to enter what may be the most hilariously intimate scenario possible, which is to physically share a body and mind. They each halve their souls; half of Skyler's soul goes into the orb and half of Hyacinth's soul enters Skyler's body, irreversibly changing their relationship and creating the most literal interpretation of the phrase "platonic soulmates."
It's very fun to write. Anyway, in summary, they triumph, the orb is destroyed, the trapped souls are allowed to pass on, Gloria is defeated, Hyacinth gets her body back, Skyler gets the other half of their soul back, Hyacinth reunites with her older brother for the first time in four years, and then... Skyler just fucking takes the Corruption necklace and leaves. He just goes "well this has permanently transformed our bond with each other. yoink. bye."
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Ohh how about a director's commentary on Sophie's character :o
Send me a ⭐ for a director’s commentary on a story/section of a story/line I wrote
I think I made most of my Hetalia OCs, if not all, back in 2013 when I first got into the show. I've had a certain fondness for England (& FrUK) back then and was a big fan of the that one fanon version of Scotland, by an artist called repoko, I believe? That still meant, back then, there were three open opportunities for OCs from the British Isles, so I made a Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Which I will use in my writing until the day I die, thank you very much, the canon versions change nothing. I was here first, motherfucker.
Either way - I haven't written anything set in the Hetaverse with them in years and I would approach them differently nowadays as well. In regards to how they're portrayed in LFLS: The two Irelands would have a much more fraught relationship with each other and Northern Ireland would be far more disillusioned with the world. I like one excellent interpretation by @oumaheroes on the uk bros and I'd broadly say that my OCs would work the same way in the Hetaverse. I also wouldn't use the same name in the Hetaverse as I do in LFLS; again, I named them when I was far younger knew far less about the world and the history of Ireland. I like the name Liam for Ireland and Ava for Northern Ireland. Although Orla would also be a nice option.
One more funfact before the rest goes under the cut: Soph's very weird hairstyle (a bob with bangs but a chinlong streak of hair in the middle, which she pins behind her hair) comes from my inability to draw 😆 I had the little art booklet that came with a special edition of Vol. 5 and I absolutely adored the way France's hair was drawn in it. However, I wasn't good at drawing it. So once I had drawn Soph and realized I had drawn a drastically different hairstyle than I wanted ... I didn't backpedal like "Oh, I can't draw it yet, but no, it is supposed to look like this!". I simply went "Guess that's her hair now" and ran with it. Luckily, in "Irish Problems" I had the chance to give it an in-story explanation.
Here's by the way the kind of hairstyle I was aiming for:
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Sadly, I can't provide well what I achieved instead since I have no fotos of Soph in left profile saved, but let's say I aimed for the sky and shot myself in the foot.
Now, about Sophie O'Connel in Like Father Like Son:
Her character was introduced into Irish Problems more like an afterthought than a central pillar of the story. In my Hetaverse writing, the two Irelands didn't get along very well, but I knew I had to change this if I was to write them as siblings. (Or maybe Republicanism had gotten the best of me by then, who knows. I'm just kidding.) Paddy was the person through which recent Irish history with the Troubles was viewed, at least in theory. Sophie did retain some ties to Northern Ireland, with her brother having bought/rented her sheep and the land in Northern Ireland and she was always spoiled by the Scottish, Gavin and his father William in particular. Aside from this though, Sophie is very little informed by the history of Northern Ireland.
Part of the reason may also be that I made the non-sensical choice back then to split Nothern Ireland and Ulster into two different characters. Hannah, Gavin's girlfriend, is that Ulster OC and originally from Belfast. If I did intend to do more parallels between history and LFLS, I could use these two to represent two different strains of people with different histories and realities in Northern Ireland, though ... Not that it matters much, since Like Father Like Son tries to stay faithful to the characterisation of Hetalia and I love to be inspired by history, but there are no allegories to be made.
Thusly, Sophie is primarily a very lonely teenager, who's trying to juggle her normal life with the burden of her patchwork family's way of life. A lot of the characters in Irish Problems and the first half of Italian Affairs lack, if not character, at least narrative purpose. So Soph's primary function is to explore the nature of grief and loneliness. Slowly, as I manage to establish the world around her in her POV chapters, it also becomes a story about growing up. I always joke that Soph's subplot is the YA portion of the book, but it's the truth. While she is of course not singular in her theme of grief or family, Sophie is outside of the political framework of LFLS for most of it. The focus is on herself, the comparedly smaller stakes of teenagehood and young adult life. This also means she gets to experience and express her emotions in a different manner that's probably more akin to how the reader does. I think that is part why Soph's chapters tend to resonate so well with some people; her despair does not need to be extrapolated. She doesn't have a fight or flight instinct kick in that postpones it. She wallows in her powerlessness, because it has no dire consequences for her.
Aside from all of that, it is a lot of fun to write Sophie and see where the story will take her. While I don't think her journey of finding her place in the world will necessarily facilitate positive character growth with her surroundings, it'll be interesting nonetheless. She's much like her brother, loud, boisterous and equipped with a good sense of humour and a mischievious streak. Plus, she knows what she's invested in and is willing to work for it - You don't know how hyped I am to write more Soph farmwork. To let her be an even more pragmatic person than her brother suits her, I think. The same Irish fighting spirit, but not as worn out as the lads around her are.
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ewitsdylan · 2 years
The Losers w/ Richie's older sister (my OC)
First off, Richie had to beg her to come along with him to the Barrens.
It took him so long to get her to agree, because she's older than him and thinks she's too 'old' for playing there with her brother and his friends.
"Come on, Becky, please! It'll be fun, you might end up liking my friends, especially Eddie Spaghetti!"
Rebecca knew of Eddie Kaspbrak and she liked the kid and always apologised for her brother bothering him. Honestly, the kid was a saint if he could put up with Richie.
Listen, Rebecca loves Richie, she really does. After all, he's her little brother, but he can be so damn annoying!
She feels like she has to apologise for his behaviour, especially when the most unexpected things come out of his mouth.
When he finally gets her to come with him, she's immediately drawn to Stan, because he's the baby of the group, what with how much younger he is than the others.
She's also weirdly drawn to Bill, probably because they both have younger brothers.
They accept her into their unofficial club after she's able to successfully silence Richie.
"O-Oh m-muh-my guh-god, tuh-teach muh-me h-how tuh-to duh-do th-that!" is Bill's immediate reaction.
After that, the others start jokingly referring to Bill and Rebecca as the mom and dad and/or big brother and sister of their group (it depends on which Loser you're talking to).
"Moooom! Can you help me?" Richie once said as a joke.
"Ask Bill to help you," was Rebecca's respond, which made the others laugh when they overheard. "That's the same as saying 'go ask your father!'" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Beep beep, Richie. Stop being such a trashmouth."
The Losers are ALWAYS bound to laugh at the interactions they witness between Richie and Rebecca. It's a given.
Rebecca's also very motherly towards each of them
For Beverly, it's Rebecca asking if she needs to walk her home.
"Are you sure you're okay walking home alone by yourself?" Rebecca constantly asks Beverly. ⠀⠀⠀ "Yes, I'm sure. I do it all the time, Becky," Beverly usually responds, unless she really doesn't feel comfortable because of Henry and his gang lurking about.
For Bill, it's checking in on how he's doing emotionally after George's death.
"If you ever need to, you can talk to me. I might not understand the situation completely, but I can show sympathy for you. I'm an older sibling too, Bill. We big brothers and sisters need to look out for each other," Rebecca usually lectures Bill about not talking things out when he needs to. He appreciates how motherly she is since his parents have been emotionally unavailable and neglectful towards him since George's funeral.
For Eddie, it's Rebecca acting as a better mother figure than his own and teaching him that he doesn't have to be afraid of everything.
"It's okay to be afraid, but you don't have anything to be afraid of when you're with us, Eds," Rebecca reassures him, using that stupid nickname Richie gave him, but it felt different coming from her. It isn't in a teasing way when she uses it.
For Mike, it's Rebecca helping him by fixing him up, especially after the Rock Fight.
"Hey, are you okay?" Rebecca asks, reaching for the small first aid kit she keeps on her, seeing as all the Losers are accident prone. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Thank you all for helping me," Mike tells them gratefully as Rebecca wraps his arm in bandages.
For Richie, it's Rebecca giving him all her love and attention (their mother wants to understand why her daughter wasn't as feminine as she wanted her to be) and acting as the mother figure he always wanted; the one who understands him like their father does.
"Becky," Richie pauses, waiting for her to pay attention to him. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "What's wrong?" Rebecca answers, looking up from her book. ⠀⠀ "Thank you for being the best big sister I've ever had," Richie tells her as she grins at him from over the top of her book. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ "I'm the only big sister you've ever had, you goober," she snickers as he smiles at the fact that he's made her genuinely laugh. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "I know, but you're still the best," Richie shrugs as he latches onto her side, hugging her tightly. She returns his hug, a smile settling on her lips.
For Stan, it's Rebecca's reassurance and her telling him that it's okay not to believe It is real, even though it is.
"Face it, Stan. You're just as afraid of this… this thing as the rest of us," Eddie tells him as Rebecca hushes him. "It's okay for him to not believe in what he saw and heard, he's still in shock. You can't say you weren't shocked when you saw It, Eddie," Rebecca argues and Eddie has nothing to respond with, left speechless at her point.
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Headcanon: Omegaverse
Warning: little language and sexual moments
Problem: I don't push others away and label genders, I hate it. This is for any and all to read not just fem readers.
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Rin x Reader 🔖
🔖Rin as a omega just think about it, soooo kawaii 😍
🔖But seriously he'll try and keep his second gender a secret, he doesn't want to be looked down on by anyone.
🔖You can't tell me otherwise!
🔖But when he met you his omega senses clicked right in. Your strong, brave, a little mean but also bit of a temper bitch.
🔖But perfect
🔖Taking suppressments, acting all high and mighty not letting anyone press him down
🔖Being a fake alpha
🔖Your alpha like status made your profile shine, not just that your one hell of a knight and tamer. Best in the class
🔖He wanted you to take him as your mate then and there. But he had to ignore his instincts and use his head.
🔖What made things difficult was his doubts and uncertaint thoughts. That wasn't all that held him back you both had things to do, important things to focus on and dreams to achieve.
🔖Fuck no! That's not what holds him back!
🔖Your freaking last name is holding him back!!!
🔖Pheles, bloody hell you had to be the clown's kid.
🔖He wanted nothing to do with Mephisto anymore the clown was enough, but you were nothing like that guy completely different that what he fell for
🔖Your personality, the way you are, he didn't just desire your body for sexual use or his heat. He wanted you as a person to love and care for, making you happy is all he wants.
🔖But it'll never happen. His a demon and his afraid to tell you that.
🔖Later on something kept running on his mind, if your Mephisto's kid and his a demon are you one two
🔖Have he not seen it or something?
🔖So he went straight to the source and ask Mephisto himself it was irritating talking to the clown but what piss him off more was that Mephisto answered him with a question
🔖"Why is it that you wanna know?. Mr okumura."
🔖"Come on man just tell me, stop beating around the bushes and tell me!"
🔖"So rude. Yes (Y/n) is indeed blood related to me, so what do you think?"
🔖He was lost for words he was happy and worried at the same time.
🔖Could you be together if you know about him
🔖Your already great friends have a lot of fun together enjoying time doing stupid shit when you two are chilling together both your IQ's drops to one, but being near one and other just felt right to him.
🔖Finally working up the courage to ask you out.
🔖This guy went all out! brought roses dressed in the nicest hoodie he owns did his hair even wrote a speech that took a week to finish
🔖It all flopped, he got nervous suttering not making sense at all, the words that left his mouth came out as wrong as if his chatterbox broke. His palms all sweaty smudging the ink on them making it hard to tell what he wrote.
🔖You just stood there with a smirk trying not to burst into laughter, the second he came to you with roses dress like a slop you already know that he wants to ask you out.
🔖You just sat back enjoying the show.
🔖It was cute, but started getting annoying.
🔖You had to sush him placing your hands on his cheeks, "it's okay chill, Rin. Yes I will go out with you." Those few words made him the happiest omega alive, he couldn't ask for more. Maybe ask your dad to fuck off cause Mephisto was peaking his out from a corner behind you.
🔖But his happy.
🔖When you two started dating it was a little confusing all the couple stuff not knowing what to do or what's right or wrong, what your partner wants or likes.
🔖You where all cool and relax about it figuring things out along the way... on the other hand Rin was dumb as fuck, he didn't know shit he even took exstra time Googling what couples does?
🔖When he finally found the perfect blog that shoot his taste, he started experimenting. With hugs
🔖He loves hugging you from behind pressing his chest against your back and hocking his arms around your waist, rubbing his cheek against yours.
🔖But you prefer, embarrassing him making him blush. You hug him normally wrapping your arms around his waist pressing your bodies against each other his face in your neck and your in his, but your hands though goes straight down to his buttcheeks giving them a squeeze
🔖He blushes fifty shades of red!!! No end becoming all defensive and making no sense, but secretly he likes it.
🔖With hugs comes cuddling, but your form of cuddling is a bit different whenever he is busy or chilling you just lazily get on him.
🔖In cram school you sometime lean on his side wrapping your arms around him protective, when his studies you sit on his lap facing him as your bodies press together he rests his chin on you shoulder looking at his work, when he lays on the bed you just flop on him no matter what position just fall on him
🔖Holding hands, no big deal you two use to do it a lot before dating, just taking each other's hand in the mall or in public making sure not to lose each other in big open places
🔖It came naturally to you two not one of you are embarrassed or nervous. It was okay
🔖Next's was kissing, he expected a normal peck on the lips, but from you he got the best make out session of his life, but what he hates the most is when your angry that you found a new way to cool yourself down.
🔖Yes you kiss him just a normal average kiss, but to get to the kiss you suddenly without any warning whatsoever grab a hand full of his hair forcefully pull his face near yours.
🔖At least his happy you don't curse or kick random things around you or break whatever is in your hand if your holding something that is, as much as you used to before.
🔖When eating together you and Rin started sharing food without knowing, at times making each other taste your food or genuinely splitting a milkshake.
🔖Rin is actually very simple, pretty much gullible and naive at times, so taking him on a date is pretty easy you once took him too the aquarium and he had a blast like a 5 year old kid, so next time just take him to the zoo, he'd run around pointing silly things out and do all the things mention for kids.
🔖You guys take naps together all the time, just shows how much you enjoy each other company but it's best to find a different napping place other than during class.
🔖Rin is good at cooking we all know that, he loves to bake but you not so much. Your father is freaking Mephisto Pheles ofcourse your going to love junk food just as much as the clown does. You rather have instant ramen than eat a full course meal Rin took hours to make just cause you hate homemade meals.
🔖One thing that Rin will never stop is wearing your oversized hoodies it has you scent all over it making it feel like home to him, not just that he likes getting you two matching outfits or secretly pick out your outfit for the day. He even brought matching bracelets which you love thinking it's cute your omega wants to show his love
🔖You love reading and it makes you relax jumping into a new world, while Rin lays on your chest between your thighs sometime taking short naps or not, while you run your fingers through his hair letting him enjoy the little massage
🔖But.. You suddenly get pissed and either through the book or literally take a lighter wanting to burn the book which he has to stop you.
🔖 When the others found out about your relationship they where actually suprised it took them this long, especially Yukio.
🔖in all honesty Yukio tried giving Rin the talk, which ended awkward.
🔖Mephisto knew from the beginning, he really didn't care as long as your okay that's that.
🔖Suguro was beyond furious, jealous by how Rin got a lover before him which turned into a big mess of teasing and yelling between the two
🔖The others congrat you guys happy for the newly formed couple.
🔖You love Rin but sometimes you can't tolerate the people he hangs out with, you hate Shiemi and Yukio.
🔖Shiemi once tried to take your omega. Which result in you giving her a rude attitude and telling her to shove off. But Rin was quick to defend her... it turned into a full blown argument.
🔖And Yukio, tried separateding you two by secretly getting you mad at each other, you where able to catch on fast and exspose Yukio, Rin turned to your side on this getting angry at his brother.
🔖Sometimes he gets jealous that you hang out with Suguro and Shima the most. He get all whiny about it which you reinsurer him your only his alpha.
🔖When you get jealous you immediately turn violent, you once tried to kill Shiemi for wrapping her arms around Rin's arm, or when Shura hugged him to her chest, even when Izumo wore Rin's jacket.
🔖Ready to tear off their heads. But you have to contain yourself.
🔖At some point you did stumble upon Rin's nest, it wasn't in his room but in one of the many rooms in the dormitory he and Yukio lives in alone, it was like any other nest filled with blankets pillows you could find one or two suff animals in there and clothes... your missing clothes.
🔖But you just left it not wanting to do anything to it, it is his save place after all you have to wait till he willingly allows you in on his own terms it is privacy after all.
🔖Scenting is something you guys do regularly, Rin just wants your scent to feel comfortable he got so use to it, makes him feel uneasy if he doesn't get to rub on you. You enjoy it equally if he doesn't scent a stuff animal or two that is yours you might get angry and punch a hole through the wall
🔖Rin loves you dearly but he didn't bonded with you in the way he thought he would.
🔖Somehow you came down in a rut affecting him aswell, falling into an early heat.
🔖Your will power was long gone force yourself on him giving him the most lovable night he'd never forget you where so gentle and caring taking care of him before yourself. It took everything in you not to fuck his brains out.
🔖But with that it came with you slipping for a second, biting on nape so hard making him bleed, made him scream in pain mixed pleasure.
🔖it took you awhile to have Rin bite you in return cause he didn't what to hurt you and was nervous about it.
🔖But afterwards you showed off the mark wearing it with pride, pinning your hair up (if you don't have long hair just ignore it.) And wearing shirts that exspose more of you neck and shoulders.
🔖After bonding you two stayed near each other having issues with separating for more than half an hour, this result in you leaving your dad's home moving into the dormitory Rin lives in both of you claimed a different room.
🔖Rin rebuilt his nest in both of yours room giving you full access.
🔖Others seem to keep asking you what it like in a alpha x alpha relationship, which confused you.
🔖But you simply answer with either ignoring them or "Just like any other relationship?"
🔖After becoming intimate, you love walking around him shirtless and pantsless. You can either get a blush or a horny moan out of him.
🔖Something more intimate is taking a bath with each other you can't keep your hands to yourself at times like these.
🔖giving each other pet names are normal and cute.
🔖Rin mostly prefers calling you- Babe, sweetheart or handsome/beautiful.
🔖You on the other hand call him- Baby cakes, love, Darling or idiot
🔖But in bed he once accidentally let a Daddy/mommy kink slip his mouth, it turned you on more than ever.
🔖But in bed you call his name mixed with a lot of dirty talk. Which gets him all rile up.
🔖Studying together is not a good option anymore you both can't concentrate, can't keep your hands off your lover, randomly start goofing off or get horny.
🔖You regularly get more piss off at Yukio more than Rin does, When mission come around your either stuck on a lame team or with Rin not allowed in the action.
🔖During the camping trip or exercise, instead of bringing back a lantern you kinda got lost in the forest.
🔖And only reunited with the others when Rin went viral, blue flames every where the trees burning and mist of the students were injured.
🔖Yes Amiomon did think about using you before Shiemi but it wasn't a good idea since Mephisto refused for obvious reasons.
🔖Number one the would have not been able to control you much less get underneath your skin though to your superior abilities.
🔖Number two you would've beating the shit out of Aniomon even if he wasn't your uncle.
🔖And lastly number 3 Your a demon with a class near Mephisto, he could've exspose it if you fought Amiomon but keeping you a secret from the order is more important than Rin.
🔖After all that crazy shit, Rin couldn't look you in the eye now you know he's a demon there could've been hope if he was just any other demon but his the span of satan himself.
🔖He doubt you would want to have him as your omega anymore.
🔖It sadden him and made him depress losing the cheerful happy attitude. Not just his behavior that changed as well as his scent it started becoming displeasing and disgusting.
🔖You treated him the same as you always do, you already knew everything since Mephisto opened his big mouth and blab to you long before you and Rin got together
🔖your also the first to feel the change in your omega, but thought it was cause of the way the others treat him.
🔖But it wasn't the same when he avoided you and didn't let you in him nest.
🔖At some point you had enough, doing something that an alpha shouldn't, you drag Rin straight out his nest to confront him
🔖It started in a argument leading of to crying and yelling, it ended with you mostly trashed the room, and the words never spoken once from you
🔖"I love you!" It made Rin extremely happy knowing you love him dearly.
🔖"I love you too"
🔖You two were finally on the same page again, continuing your relationship. Loving and cuddling.
🔖When the others treated Rin bad you where the one to comfort him and give him a not of ice cream.
🔖That's till Izumo birthday came aroun, You don't celebrate birthdays since your a demon and all much older than you look.
🔖You even helped Rin decorate the cake that was clearly Christmas themed, which confused you but you just brushed it off.
🔖Until Suguro yelled at you two claiming it was clearly not a birthday cake.
🔖They could understand Rin's explanation being that his birthday is really close to Christmas it is natural to celebrate the two on the same day not using up much money.
🔖You on the other hand were a different case, they where honestly worried, who would tell someone
🔖"I don't celebrate my birthday, I really don't care and truthfully I don't know the date to my birth?"
🔖Yes, you read it Mephisto never told you, and you really don't care about minor stuff like that.
🔖You suggest to them to just give the cake to Mephisto, your old man isn't much of a Christmas fan after all
🔖It was fun. And so where the rest of your days with Rin.
🔖Really happy.
Thanks sis for the request... I'm blocking you🤗❤
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black-streak · 5 years
Saturday night's alright for fighting (but Sundays are meant for rest) - Curious New Hobbies
Part 11!
My god this took a while to write! Special thanks to @st0rmy-w1th1n and @mysnis (hope this is your correct Tumblr) for bouncing ideas with me and @kceedraws for giving permission to use her breakdancing au as inspiration for this!
Tagsss: @persephonebutkore @emjrabbitwolf @mystery-5-5 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @fandomkitty8 @dast218 @silvergold-swirl @shizukiryuu . @my-name-is-michell @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit @shamefullove @ladylucina28 @crazylittlemunchkin @rayray384 @cassiejaydee @yuulxd @ladysblackcat @naclychilli @caffeinetheory
They had meant to go the arcade for their date tonight. In fact, they'd even walked in and started scoping out games to play, but alas it wasn't to be.
Within moments of arriving, who else but Damian would single Mari out and immediately tell them to leave.
And of course she protested. In response, Damian only pointed at Jon over at the pacman machine (how dare he, that's the game Marinette was searching for!) and mentioned his lack of ability to keep secrets and suddenly she turned and dragged Tim right back out the door.
Walking down the sidewalk, he side eyed her, considering the best way to start his interrogation.
"So. You trying to keep me secret then?"
"No! Of course not. Just might've forgotten to mention something like… over a month ago."
"And it involves not letting Jon know we were there?"
"Only because he's a nark who would've ruined the fun. And heaven knows Damian and I wouldn't be satisfied with a void bet."
"You made a bet about our relationship with Damian?"
"About your family," she partially corrected.
"Do I even want to know."
"Was supposed to tell you a bit ago so you wouldn't ruin the stakes, so probably not, but im telling you anyways."
Sighing with false exasperation, he gestured for her to continue.
"We have an ongoing bet over how long it'll take everyone to figure out that you and I are together and not Dami and me."
With that, she relayed all the details of their bet and his part in it, manic grin spread across her face as her gait gained a small skip to it. Tim couldn't help but shake his head at her antics, amused despite an itch in the back of his mind saying this wouldn't end well.
"Alright, I'll play along. Honestly, I think you'll both lose. Your predictions are too specific. Too many potential outlying factors."
"True, but we did give set time frames. So at least one part of the bet will absolutely be clear on who won. Plus, I find victory in the fact that Damian didn't think of that possibility. That we'd both be wrong."
"On another note, we need to find a plan b. Anything in mind?" He asked, reaching out and snagging her hand to draw her closer. 
Shrugging, she looked about them, seeing if anything caught the eye. Suddenly Tim stopped, accidentally yanking her back when she kept walking. She let out a sound of protest only to see his eyes locked on the building across the way with a considering look. 
The building was gray brick with no windows, however a neon purple sign to the right of the black wood door declared it "The Underground", a well known club amongst Gotham dancers and while neither were necessarily that, word had gotten around enough for both to have heard of the place before from word of mouth.
"How do you feel about checking it out?" Tim asked, a curious look about his eyes, studying her.
"I'm not opposed to the idea. Little surprised you're interested though," she commented, letting him lead the way inside.
A quick ID check and they were in, the room dark with neon tube lights flashing across different surfaces and strategic spotlights placed to bring attention to the various raised platforms. It was strange actually. The wall directly to the left of the hall they entered from held the bar on a raised level only to slide into a ground level dance floor which was normal enough, however in the opposite corner was a raised platform where different people would hop up to take advantage of the spacing to show off both freestyle and blatantly choreographed moves. Another few spotlight platforms raised up randomly in the floor, but the main focus was a rather large circular one in the center of the place, raised just enough to make it easy to see from anywhere in the place, but not so high as to block the view across the way. These places were the most lit up, allowing the anonymity to the dancers below while allotting the attention to those who choose to step up. Beyond that, there were many crevices and alcoves holding tables into the walls and a small hallway across the way presumably heading to the bathrooms. An upper balcony held only the DJ.
While Mari took in her surroundings, she felt Tim lead her out into the crowds, before turning back to her with a questioning look. Leaning in she spoke into his ear, a spark gleaning her eyes, "You've been before, haven't you?"
"A few times. It's the perfect place to destress without the nonsense of keeping an image. As long as you stay in the crowd, no one cares who you are," he replied, spinning her around before stepping in so her back pressed to his chest.  His hands ghosted down her sides to grasp her hips, starting to guide her into the beat.
For a while, they stayed like that, separating slightly and coming back together to follow different dances as the music flowed and changed around them. Turns out Tim was a surprisingly good dancer. 
Cheers broke out as a new song turned over, the first beats of Bum Bum Tam Tam coming over the speakers drawing attention towards the main platform as a pair jumped up, starting to get into the beat, working around each other only to burst into perfectly synced choreography at the first breakdown, resulting in more cheers. The two dancers would break away after that into a more freestyle, only to flow back into more rehearsed moves once more.
"Wait is that," she trailed off to a groan pressed to her shoulder.
"Yeah. That's them. Didn't know they came here."
As the song came to an end and the two on the platform jumped down, they could only stare as none other than Dick and Kori unknowingly made their way towards them. Tim pulled back from Mari subconsciously, not quite comfortable being so fully on display in front of people who actually knew them. Which made exactly zero sense when considering how much they cuddled in the manor. 
Finally the two spotted them, their grins widening and a new energy emerging as they rushed over. 
"Timothy! Starshine! You guys are here!" Came Kori's exuberant greeting, grabbing them both up in a hug.
"Hey, Mar, Damian not like dancing enough? Had to drag Timmy out?" Dick teased.
"Dami's at the arcade with Jon. And actually, coming here was Tim's idea," she answered amicably, conforming to the rules of the bet and not correcting Dick's obvious assumptions. "That was amazing by the way. You two looked great up there!"
Tim smirked down at her, seeing through her antics, especially now that she'd let him in on the rules of her game. Doesn't mean he couldn't play into it himself, he thought as he wrapped an arm around her waist and placed his chin atop her head.
"She's a great dance partner," Tim mentioned after both Kori and Dick had thanked and waved off Mari's compliments. "Considering learning something more structured with her, myself. Maybe give you two a run for your money."
"You definitely should! I can help with figuring out a style for you two if you'd like!" Kori offered immediately as Marinette turned to look at him in excitement.
"She has to agree first. Who knows, maybe this was a fluke and Mari will never dance with me again," he sighed in defeat.
Marinette turned, practically bouncing in anticipation, "Are you kidding? I'd love to! I want to come here again too."
"Even if you don't take my help with the dancing, I can record you two so you can look back and see for any needed improvements? That's what Richard and I do," Kori further offered up, Dick jumping back in right after.
"Oh yeah, it helps immensely. Especially if you were wanting to perform it on the platforms here."
Tim and Mari met eyes, before coming to an agreement, "Yeah, we'd appreciate that actually."
"Great! We'll set up some time here soon. In the meantime, I could definitely use a drink," Dick stated, looking back towards where he'd originally been headed. Kori grabbed onto Marinette instead, leading her back into the fray of dancers.
"We should invite Stephanie next. She would make a most interesting dance partner," Kori rattled on, suggesting a girls night that Mari agreed to immediately before getting back into the music with her new dance partner of the moment, Tim and Dick rejoining them shortly after. 
The night continued on this way, the four trading off between them, two not aware that it'd become a double date by this point. Eventually parting ways from the two, Tim and Mari made their way back towards his apartment, breathless and happy despite the unexpected interruptions to their night.
"How come we never end up at your place?" He asked suddenly.
"Because my apartment has become workzone number 2. Seriously, the place has essentially become a studio for my work that just so happens to have a kitchen and bedroom. Among other secrets not meant to be divulged… yet."
"Is that pertaining to the mystery of your magic."
"Mmm, whenever you're ready, I'll be happy to keep them for you. Though I can't imagine anything bigger than holding two technical gods in your pockets at all times."
"Shhh, don't let them hear you say that!"
He only chuckled, leading her into the complex and up to his penthouse. Silence overtaking them until the door had clicked shut.
"You staying the night, sweetheart?" Tim asked, toeing off his shoes and walking towards his room to get changed.
"Mm, think I might," she replied, following him in and stealing a shirt before wandering into the bathroom to get first dibs on a shower. She still found it lucky that while he might be the shortest of his brothers, she was still small enough to be buried in his clothes. Made it easier for night like these.
Finishing up, she plopped herself on his bad as he went to shower as well. 
Eventually, the door reopened, Tim entering in only pajama bottoms, hair still damp and in his face. She hummed her appreciation, enjoying the view and reaching out to tug him closer.
"Is it weird how comfortable we've become in so little time?" 
"Only if you're uncomfortable with it."
"I'm not."
With the affirmation, he picked her up only to lay her out further up the bed. Stretching out at her side, he pressed kisses to her cheek and down her neck, hand trailing against exposed skin, clearly enjoying having her in his home, in his bed, in his shirt.
'Hmm, what were two raging insomniacs to do with the rest of their night?'
Not a week later, after a long discussion with Damian to ensure that Kori was not included in the bet and swearing the alien to secrecy, they asked her to film something for them. A dance they had come with that was just for them. Not anything that could be performed in a club or for anyone to see. Maybe one day they'd post it somewhere or show Dick, but for now, it was theirs alone.
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