#also I am a bit sad all the island lads are ... lads :( Not even one woman among them
mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S6 - Episode 8
Leadup to dumping, chat with Ozzy, How well do you know your partner?
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island!
NARRATOR: Previously, the Islanders were rocked by news that the least popular girl will be dumped from the villa!
NARRATOR: My girlfriend also dumped me today! Apparently I was <i>too childish!</i>
NARRATOR: She walked out, which was pretty brave of her… Considering the floor is lava…
NARRATOR: Only joking... She ended up getting cold feet...
NARRATOR: Let’s see if the same can be said for our Islanders!
With news of the approaching dumping; the girls look around nervously.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: The least popular girl?!
LEWIE_SAD: Game changer.
BELLA_SAD: Boooo! Just when I was enjoying the vibes.
IVY_IDLE: Bring it on.
IVY_SERIOUS: I’m not changing who I am.
IVY_FLIRTY: I’m just gonna keep grafting.
BELLA_SERIOUS: That’s one way to stay popular...
IVY_HAPPY: Go hard or go home, girls.
{0}_SAD: Savage.
GRACE_SURPRISED: How’re you feeling about the announcement, {0}?
I’m worried
PLAYER_SAD: Not gonna lie, I’m worried.
BELLA_SAD: Me too, babe.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’m not ready to leave yet!
I’m confident
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m confident!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I have nothing to worry about!
GRACE_HAPPY: That’s the spirit!
It is what it is
PLAYER_IDLE: It is what it is.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m doing this for me!
BELLA_SURPRISED: Preach, babe!
BELLA_SAD: Personally, I’m pretty nervous.
BELLA_IDLE: I haven’t found that special cuddle partner yet.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Although I’m enjoying getting to know you more, {0}.
GRACE_SAD: I’m just sad someone's gotta go!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Doubt it’ll be me, though...
GRACE_HAPPY: I just mean that me and Ozzy are too cute!
OZZY_SURPRISED: Steady, Grace.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: It’s a public vote. No one knows what will happen.
OZZY_SAD: It sucks thinking someone’s gonna go.
{0}_HAPPY: Dry those eyes, lad!
BELLA_HAPPY: Guess we should make this day count, peeps!
You notice Amelia hasn’t spoken since the announcement.
PLAYER_IDLE: Amelia, you all good?
AMELIA_SAD: Just letting it all sink in…
Amelia moves towards you and whispers something in your ear.
AMELIA_SAD: {0}, can we talk?
Amelia ushers you to the bedroom for a private chat!
You join Amelia on her bed for a twin-talk.
PLAYER_IDLE: What’s up?
AMELIA_SAD: I’m just a bit stressed.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: I think I’m gonna be dumped tonight.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Hold up! No one’s going just yet!
AMELIA_SAD: I guess…
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: But I haven’t even met anyone I click with!
AMELIA_SAD: I’d hate to leave here before I find a connection with someone.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: I thought maybe Roberto and I had something going.
AMELIA_SAD: But now I’m not so sure.
PLAYER_IDLE: Amelia, chill. Who knows what will happen?
AMELIA_SAD: If I’m honest, I’ve just loved spending this time with you.
AMELIA_HAPPY: We haven’t hung out like this for ages!
AMELIA_IDLE: I miss the old days. Don’t you?
I miss the good old days
PLAYER_IDLE: Of course! I miss the good old days!
PLAYER_HAPPY: But we’ll always be sisters.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Remember when we used to have those twinny midnight feasts?
PLAYER_HAPPY: And sleep together head to toe?
AMELIA_HAPPY: Those days really were the best.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Minus your snoring.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Oops! My bad...
I like focusing on today
PLAYER_HAPPY: I like focusing on today.
PLAYER_IDLE: No use looking backwards all the time!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Let’s enjoy the here and now. It’s exciting!
AMELIA_SERIOUS: Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten our sister midnight feasts?
AMELIA_HAPPY: And then we’d sleep head to toe!
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I remember you taking up most of the bed…
AMELIA_HAPPY: Once a star-fish, always a star-fish.
Change is good
PLAYER_IDLE: Things have to change.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: The world keeps turning.
AMELIA_IDLE: But even if we’re miles apart.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I’ll always be here for you.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I hope you know that.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks, Amelia.
AMELIA_IDLE: Remember those twinny midnight feasts we’d have when we were kids?
PLAYER_HAPPY: And then you’d insist on sleeping head to toe?
You and Amelia lie back on a bed. Amelia seems lost in childhood memories.
AMELIA_IDLE: Do you remember when we both missed our school prom together?
PLAYER_HAPPY: And just ate snacks and talked for hours!
AMELIA_IDLE: Those were the days.
Amelia shuffles uncomfortably.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: There’s something I never told you about that night…
Before Amelia can finish, Ozzy enters!
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Hey, {0}, could I borrow you for a chat?
AMELIA_HAPPY: Look who’s Miss Popular!
AMELIA_IDLE: Go, {0}. We’ll speak later.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Thanks, Amelia, shall we chat on the terrace, {0}?
You get off the bed and follow Ozzy outside.
You and Ozzy take a seat. He’s clearly nervous.
PLAYER_IDLE: What’s on your mind, Ozzy?
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: My head’s a bit all over the place, to be honest.
OZZY_SAD: That news of the dumping has rattled me.
Ozzy nods and looks at his feet, struggling to find the words.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Don’t get me wrong, if Grace went, I’d be gutted.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: She’s been my day one in here.
OZZY_SAD: I have so much time for that girl.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: I don’t like the thought of someone I care about leaving the villa.
PLAYER_IDLE: You mean Grace?
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: I think I mean you, {0}.
OZZY_SAD: I just couldn’t take the thought of you leaving here.
OZZY_IDLE: Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m sensing something might be growing between us.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What about Grace?
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Grace is amazing. She’s gorgeous, so hilarious.
OZZY_IDLE: That girl can’t help but make me laugh.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: But I guess this villa was always gonna test us…
OZZY_SAD: Part of me worries it could be becoming more of a friendship vibe.
OZZY_IDLE: And I know we have our flirty banter.
OZZY_HAPPY: Like the time when you joined me in the pool...
PLAYER_HAPPY: How could I forget?
OZZY_FLIRTY: Looking out of this world.
OZZY_SAD: I’d just always regret tonight if…
OZZY_SAD: If you were dumped and maybe there was something more…
Flirt it up with Ozzy!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You might be right there Ozzy…
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re in the Love Island villa, after all!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We should be open to exploring each other…
OZZY_FLIRTY: That’s what I mean.
OZZY_FLIRTY: Exploring sounds like fun…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And I don’t see a ring on your finger, just yet.
Move in for a kiss!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Kiss me, Ozzy.
You move in closer, arching your head towards Ozzy’s.
His mouth meets yours, and for the briefest second, your lips touch. Ozzy draws you closer, before…
…He pulls away!
(A/N - oof, savage.)
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: As much as I want this…
OZZY_SAD: I don’t think we should be doing this yet. Not now.
OZZY_SAD: I’m sorry, {0}.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Believe me, I wish I could kiss you right now.
OZZY_SAD: But this isn’t respectful to Grace.
OZZY_SERIOUS: I promised myself I’d be respectful.
OZZY_FLIRTY: Don’t get me wrong, those lips feel amazing…
OZZY_FLIRTY: And I never expected this connection.
OZZY_FLIRTY: You really are out of this world.
Run your fingers through his hair
You move in closer and begin to stroke Ozzy’s hair. He holds your gaze, looking longingly into your eyes.
Suddenly, he pulls away guiltily.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: We shouldn’t be doing this.
OZZY_SAD: I’m sorry. I wish I could…
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: But I’ve got to be respectful.
OZZY_FLIRTY: That doesn’t mean that I’m not excited by this.
OZZY_FLIRTY: And by you…
Keep chatting
PLAYER_IDLE: And I’m not closed off!
OZZY_FLIRTY: That’s lucky for me…
OZZY_FLIRTY: Because I do feel a connection with you, {0}.
OZZY_HAPPY: You’re ticking all the boxes.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: I feel my head could be turned by you.
OZZY_SERIOUS: That’s not to say I don’t have a lot of respect for Grace.
OZZY_FLIRTY: But I just can’t shake the feeling there’s something more with you potentially.
Maybe if we were both single…
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Maybe if we were both single, Ozzy…
OZZY_IDLE: I feel you.
OZZY_FLIRTY: Right place, right time.
OZZY_IDLE: It’s still early days in here, who knows what could happen…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The best is yet to come.
OZZY_HAPPY: I hope you’re right.
OZZY_FLIRTY: For me at least, I think something could be developing here…
OZZY_IDLE: I didn’t imagine it would happen so fast.
OZZY_IDLE: But I know I’d feel like a real muppet if I didn’t say anything.
OZZY_IDLE: Like I said, Grace is an amazing girl.
OZZY_SERIOUS: I just can’t shake the feeling there’s potentially something more with you, {0}.
I’m still processing
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m still processing.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This was a bit of a surprise!
OZZY_IDLE: I respect that.
OZZY_FLIRTY: I’m glad I said something, though.
OZZY_IDLE: I’d feel like a right plank if I kept quiet.
OZZY_IDLE: Grace is amazing, and we vibed from minute one.
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: I just can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more with you potentially, {0}.
OZZY_IDLE: No matter what I do, my head keeps spinning back to you, {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: Is that right?
Ozzy looks at you and smiles.
OZZY_FLIRTY: You may be a twin, but you really are one of a kind, y’know?
OZZY_FLIRTY: And I won’t be forgetting those lips anytime soon.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You better not.
OZZY_FLIRTY: I hope we get another chance like this soon…
OZZY_FLIRTY: I’m gonna be thinking about your hands running through my hair all day.
OZZY_FLIRTY: This chat is gonna be living rent free in my mind all day.
OZZY_FLIRTY: You’re very hard to forget, {0}.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: What are you two doing up here?
As Grace enters, Ozzy falls silent. There’s an awkwardness in the air.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: What’s going on?
GRACE_SERIOUS: Did I miss anything?
OZZY_IDLE: We just had a chat…
GRACE_SERIOUS: About what?
Before either of you can say anything. Your phone PINGS!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Uh oh, here we go again…
The other Islanders hear your text from the garden and call up to you.
LEWIE_SURPRISED: Oi Oi! Was that a text?
IVY_SURPRISED: Eeeeee! Go on! Read it out!
LITEXT: Islanders! It’s time for the Couples Quiz! How well do you know your partner?
Grace shares an awkward glance with Ozzy.
LITEXT: The person who answers the most questions about their partner  correctly will be rewarded with a hot date with an Islander of their choice. {0}QuizUp {1}CoupleUp
LITEXT: {0}, you will be paired up with Roberto as you’re both single!
Roberto appears in the garden below and calls up to you!
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Reporting for business!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: …And, of course, pleasure!
IVY_FLIRTY: Three words. Bring. It. On.
LEWIE_HAPPY: Let’s take this to the challenge stage!
IVY_FLIRTY: Race you boys there?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Now we’re talking…
LEWIE_HAPPY: Never challenge a sportsman, Ivy...
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Guessing we should head over then.
With your chat with Ozzy still ringing in your ears, you rush after the other Islanders!
Everyone arrives at the challenge stage, ready and raring for the quiz!
IVY_HAPPY: Heads up, guys... I never lose!
GRACE_IDLE: Guess this will be a good test to see how well we know our partners...
JAMAL_HAPPY: Bring it on!
RYAN_HAPPY: Grace and Ozzy, you’re up first!
Grace readies herself to quiz Ozzy, who shoots you a slightly awkward look.
GRACE_IDLE: Ozzy, what is my biggest ick?
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Umm... Guys who talk with their mouth full?
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: I told you this! It’s anyone who doesn’t get on with my friends!
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: Of course! My bad.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: You’re gonna have to do better than that, mate!
GRACE_HAPPY: Next question!
GRACE_FLIRTY: What’s my favourite sex position?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Trouble in paradise?
GRACE_ANGRY: Zip it, {0}.
GRACE_SERIOUS: Are you for real!?
OZZY_SAD: My mind’s a mess today.
{0}_HAPPY: This is classic.
RYAN_HAPPY: Grace, your go.
It’s now Grace’s turn to answer questions about Ozzy.
OZZY_IDLE: Ok. Grace.
OZZY_FLIRTY: What is my biggest turn on?
GRACE_HAPPY: Girls who don’t take themselves seriously!
OZZY_HAPPY: Correct.
OZZY_SERIOUS: Next question…
OZZY_FLIRTY: What’s my kink?
Ozzy flashes you an uncomfortable look.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Not going great is it?
IVY_HAPPY: Awkwarddd!
Grace and Ozzy continued to fail harder than the time I asked my driving test examiner which pedal was the brake...
They should’ve known it was a joke! But how well do Bella and {0} know each other?
{0}_HAPPY: Alright Bel-dog, what’s my biggest fear?
BELLA_FLIRTY: Oooooohhhh…
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: Long-haul flights?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: No, mate! I told you this!
You think whether to chip in with an answer…
Guess {0}’s fear!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s pigeons!
{0}_IDLE: Damn right!
BELLA_SURPRISED: Say that again?
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s zombies!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Nah mate, pigeons.
Belly buttons
PLAYER_IDLE: Isn’t it belly buttons?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Who gave you that idea?
{0}_SAD: It’s pigeons.
Keep it zipped
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I’m mega scared of pigeons, guys.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: They freak me out, man!
JAMAL_EMBARRASSED: Especially when I’m skating.
JAMAL_ANGRY: They stare right at me. It’s weird!
LEWIE_EMBARRASSED: Especially when I’m trying to play footie.
LEWIE_SURPRISED: I’m just not having them stare at me, mate.
Bella’s knowledge of {0} was profound... Profoundly incorrect. She got all her answers wrong!
Will {0} be any less useless?
BELLA_HAPPY: Ok! My go, my go!
BELLA_FLIRTY: {0}, do I like it fast and passionate or slow and sensual?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Ummm.. fast and passionate?
BELLA_ANGRY: Boo! Wrong!
BELLA_IDLE: I like it slow and sensual!
BELLA_FLIRTY: The best things come to those who wait.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Am I right, ladies?
Bella throws you a flirty glance and smiles.
{0}_SAD: Bella, we’re bad at this.
BELLA_SAD: I know. Can’t we do a friendship quiz instead?
{0} also got everything about Bella wrong! They’ve got so much in common.
Surely Amelia and {0} will do better... Well, it can’t go the other way!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Here we go, {0}.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Public displays of affection!
{0}_HAPPY: Oh! 100%.
{0} amended the popular saying ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’, by getting two right and one wrong.
Next up, it’s Amelia’s turn to answer!
{0}_HAPPY: My turn!
{0}_FLIRTY: Am I a giver or a receiver?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Still mega competitive, Amelia!
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: Soz. Yeah, got a bit too into it.
{0}_SURPRISED: You’re right!
AMELIA_HAPPY: I overheard you telling the boys that!
{0}_IDLE: Good memory…
{0}_SURPRISED: Alright, nosey!
IVY_FLIRTY: Sounds like you treat the ladies well, {0}.
{0}_FLIRTY: I don’t get any complaints.
{0} catches your eye and smiles.
{0}_FLIRTY: When I find a girl I like, I wanna give her the world.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Good to hear.
GRACE_SURPRISED: How are you guys getting these questions correct?
GRACE_SAD: You’re already doing better than me and Ozzy!
OZZY_EMBARRASSED: It’s just a game, Grace.
Amelia stumbled over what was already a low bar, getting her next two questions wrong!
Ivy fiiiiinally brought some knowledge to the quiz getting everything right about {0}!
Turns out scientists are smart, who knew?
But has {0} been paying attention...?
IVY_HAPPY: Over to you, {0}. Look alive!
IVY_FLIRTY: What is my biggest turn on?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Toe sucking?
IVY_SURPRISED: Excuse me? No one likes that!
LEWIE_HAPPY: Ref! She want’s a sub!
IVY_ANGRY: Get your pens out boys.
PLAYER_HAPPY: They don’t all have laminated checklists like you do.
IVY_FLIRTY: It’s neck kissing with a sprinkle of sexy breathing.
IVY_FLIRTY: You can write that down, {0}.
Ivy winks at {0}, shooting him a flirty smile
{0}_SURPRISED: It’s noted…
{0} got a hattrick... Of incorrect answers. It was a low bar, which he somehow found a way to lower…
Finally, {0} and Roberto are up! But has Roberto been paying as much attention to {1} as he claimed he had?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Buckle up, {0}!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Ok, first up… what is my favourite food?
Seafood Stew
PLAYER_IDLE: Is it… seafood stew??
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Don’t get me wrong, I love my mum’s seafood stew.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: But my favourite is homemade burgers, like my dad makes!
IVY_FLIRTY: I knew that… just saying.
Homemade Burgers
PLAYER_HAPPY: I know this! It’s homemade burgers!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You make them with your dad back home!
ROBERTO_SURPRISED: How did you know that?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: You really are full of surprises, {0}...
IVY_ANGRY: Lucky guess…
PLAYER_IDLE: Is it… steak?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I know I’m a hunk of beef.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: But no, steak isn’t my favourite.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: My favourite is homemade burgers like my dad makes!
ROBERTO_HAPPY: I still make them with him when I go back home. It’s a tradition.
IVY_FLIRTY: I knew that… just saying.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Another question for you, {0}.
ROBERTO_IDLE: What is my most embarrassing story?
Forgetting a girls name on a date
PLAYER_IDLE: You forgot a girl’s name on a date?
ROBERTO_SAD: I mistakenly drew something… rude! In a plane I mean.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: It was meant to be a heart…
ROBERTO_SAD: But my artistic abilities weren’t up to scratch.
Mistakenly drawing something rude in the sky!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You mistakenly drew something… rude in the sky!
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Sadly, this is true.
ROBERTO_SAD: A mistake I will never forget.
ROBERTO_IDLE: And never repeat.
Bumping into your ex in a bunny costume
PLAYER_IDLE: Bumping into your ex in a bunny costume?
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: I don’t wear bunny costumes.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Alas, more embarrassing.
ROBERTO_SAD: I mistakenly drew something… rude in the sky.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: It was meant to be a heart, but my artistic abilities were not up to scratch.
LEWIE_HAPPY: Something rude?
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Something, what’s the right word… Phallic?
BELLA_HAPPY: I live for that story!
IVY_FLIRTY: It wouldn’t put me off you, Roberto.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Never again!
IVY_FLIRTY: Ask {0} what your sexual fantasy is, Roberto.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: {0}, what is my sexual fantasy?
Get wet and wild in a boat cabin!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wet and wild in a boat cabin!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: With a lady dressed in a sexy sailor outfit!
Roberto shakes his head.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I’ve ticked that off my list already.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: A few times in fact... It’s not a fantasy any more.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: But Ivy told me...?
IVY_HAPPY: Wow, babe! You’re so gullible!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I am a man of the world!
IVY_FLIRTY: Man of my world!
Steamy cockpit scenes!
PLAYER_IDLE: The cockpit?
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: That is my place of work, {0}!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I never mix business with pleasure.
Getting jiggy in the rainforest!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Getting jiggy in the rainforest?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I like the idea of getting steamy and wild in a dramatic landscape.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: But, there's probably too many creepy crawlies to deal with.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: I don’t want to get bitten, do I?
IVY_FLIRTY: Are you sure about that, Roberto?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Alright, my turn!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Roberto, what is my dream home?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Well, this is easy.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: You’d like to come to Portugal with me…
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: And live in a giant villa like this, but in the Algarve.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Stunning views of the sea it overlooks.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: In the morning we could drink coffee and read on the terrace.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: And in the evenings we could make love under the stars.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Does this sound about right?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yes please! That sounds dreamy!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: What can I say… I can read your mind.
IVY_FLIRTY: Room for anymore in this villa?
{0}_HAPPY: Yeah, I’ll be waiting on my invite, Roberto.
{0}_HAPPY: Ouch…
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Then what would you prefer?
Luxury Penthouse in the city
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want to live in a luxurious penthouse.
PLAYER_HAPPY: With city views that stretch for miles.
Jamal’s face lights up.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: Sounds perfect to me.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Ah, you want to feel on top of the world.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I like your style, {0}.
Cosy Cottage in the countryside
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want to live in a cosy cottage in the countryside.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wood fires and walks in nature on weekends. Nice and quiet.
Ryan’s face lights up.
RYAN_FLIRTY: Sounds perfect to me.
ROBERTO_SURPRISED: That sounds different… and cold.
IVY_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, Roberto, I’ll come to your villa.
English Beach House
PLAYER_IDLE: I want to live in a little beach house on the English coast.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Long walks on the beach in the evenings, quiet and peaceful.
Lewie’s face lights up.
LEWIE_FLIRTY: Sounds good to me. Throw a few dogs in there and it’s perfect.
ROBERTO_SURPRISED: Huh, you want an English beach over a Portuguese beach?
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Seems wild to me but whatever floats your boat.
IVY_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, Roberto, I’ll come to your villa.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, next question.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: What is my type on paper?
ROBERTO_SERIOUS: Let me think…
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Tall, handsome and with a Mediterranean tan?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Charming with an air of mystery to them?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Capable of flying a commercial aeroplane?
Spot on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there.
{0} looks deflated.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I think I saw someone in the villa who ticked every one of those boxes.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I’ll let you know when I find him…
IVY_SERIOUS: I thought you said your type was wild and spontaneous, {0}?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Exactly, didn’t say they couldn’t have a pilot’s licence too…
IVY_SERIOUS: I thought you said your type was romantic and soulful, {0}?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Exactly, didn’t say they couldn’t have a pilot’s licence too…
IVY_SERIOUS: I thought you said your type was a boy next door, {0}?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well technically anyone can live next door.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Didn’t say they couldn’t have a pilot’s licence too…
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, that’s wrong.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Oh wow, seems I’m way off the mark.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Thankfully that type is nothing like me...
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: So, {0}, what is your type?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I like fun, wild and spontaneous guys.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Guys who don’t just play it safe.
Jamal shoots you a cheeky look.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: Sounds like someone I know.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I think I can be pretty wild...
PLAYER_HAPPY: I like romantic, soulful guys.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Someone who really wears their heart on their sleeve.
Ryan shoots you a bashful smile.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: You know they say latin languages are the most romantic in the world…
PLAYER_HAPPY: I like the ‘boy-next-door’ vibe.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Chill, cheeky chap to settle down with.
Lewie shoots you cheeky grin.
LEWIE_HAPPY: Sounds like someone I know.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Technically anyone can be a boy-next-door. Just depends where you live.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Ok, the next question is easy…
PLAYER_HAPPY: What is my job?
IVY_HAPPY: Wrong! That’s me!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m an influencer, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m a personal trainer, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m an engineer, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m a charity worker, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m an entrepreneur, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m a trainee architect, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m a fashion designer, Roberto!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’m not really sure what my job is at the minute.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Course you are, sorry, {0}. We spoke about that!
IVY_FLIRTY: Flying through your thoughts, am I Roberto?
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Just got my wires crossed!
Give Roberto some sass!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Is your head still up in the clouds, Roberto?
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: Maybe it’s jet-lag.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Jet-LAD, more like!
Laugh it off
PLAYER_HAPPY: We seem to have hit some turbulence!
ROBERTO_HAPPY: That’s what happens when you land yourself a pilot!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I guess I just got lost in your eyes, {0}.
ROBERTO_SAD: I’m sorry.
Act casual
PLAYER_IDLE: No biggie.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s just a game.
IVY_HAPPY: Keep telling yourself that, babe.
IVY_FLIRTY: I guess we can’t all be perfect!
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Two out of three isn’t bad.
IVY_HAPPY: I guess there’s only one winner, people!
Ivy’s phone pings!
IVY_HAPPY: And I got a text!
LITEXT: Ivy, congratulations, you are the winner! Please choose a boy to take on a date! {0}CoupleGoals {1}DateNight
Ivy smirks and looks at {0}.
IVY_FLIRTY: Get ready, {0}. I’m taking you on a date to remember.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Seriously?
{0}_ANGRY: Are you for real, Ivy?
IVY_HAPPY: I’m as real as they come, {0}.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Aren’t you taking the boy you’re coupled up with?
IVY_EMBARRASSED: I became single as soon as he kissed Amelia and lied about it.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: Oh yeah, soz about that.
IVY_HAPPY: Over it, Amelia.
IVY_FLIRTY: Oh, and heads up, {0}, I’m feeling ready to mingle!
Put Ivy in her place!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Why am I not surprised, Ivy?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: You always want what you can’t have!
IVY_HAPPY: Don’t hate on me because I’m smarter!
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I don’t hate you, I just lost some respect.
IVY_FLIRTY: If you trust {0} then you've got nothing to worry about.
IVY_HAPPY: Save those tears, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: As if I’d ever waste tears on you, Ivy!
Keep it classy!
PLAYER_IDLE: Happy for you two.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Do your thing.
IVY_HAPPY: Awww look at you! Putting on your big girl pants!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Maybe you should do the same, Ivy.
IVY_FLIRTY: Sweetie, I’m wearing my sexiest pair…
She turns and winks at {0}.
Warn {0} off
PLAYER_HAPPY: Some of the most beautiful flowers can be the most poisonous.
IVY_HAPPY: Awwww, you think I’m beautiful!
IVY_FLIRTY: Thank you, cutie.
IVY_FLIRTY: Shall we, {0}?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Let’s do it.
{0}’s eyes flit to you, as he and Ivy head off to enjoy a private date outside the villa.
{0}_SURPRISED: Wowzer!
BELLA_SERIOUS: That girl means business!
{0}_SAD: You can say that again.
Suddenly, Grace taps you on the shoulder and whispers something in your ear.
GRACE_SAD: I need to talk to you, {0}. Now.
Grace leads you to the loungers for a private chat. Before you can say anything, she blurts out...
GRACE_SAD: It’s Ozzy!
GRACE_SAD: He’s going cold on me!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Especially after that quiz...
GRACE_SAD: I thought we were doing great!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: To be honest, my head’s just scrambled.
Comfort Grace
PLAYER_SAD: I’m sorry you’re feeling like this.
PLAYER_IDLE: The villa can be intense sometimes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re an amazing girl, any guy would be lucky to have you.
GRACE_SAD: I just wish Ozzy would think that.
Ask her to elaborate
PLAYER_IDLE: Could you elaborate, Grace?
GRACE_SERIOUS: I just sense something’s going on with Ozzy.
GRACE_SAD: I can’t put my finger on it.
GRACE_ANGRY: Ugh! Why is nothing with boys easy!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Can I ask you something else...
GRACE_SAD: Did Ozzy say anything to you about me?
Reveal Ozzy said he’d miss you
PLAYER_IDLE: Well, he did say something…
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He told me he’d be sad if I left the villa tonight.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I think he sees me as more than a just friend.
GRACE_HAPPY: Hah! Good one!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Grace, I wouldn’t joke about that.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Babe, I think you’re confused.
GRACE_SERIOUS: You and Ozzy are just mates.
GRACE_SERIOUS: That’s what he told me!
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: That’s not the vibe I got from him.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: He was just being friendly.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: And I reckon he’s just having a blip!
Deny you spoke about anything deep
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: We didn’t speak about anything deep.
GRACE_IDLE: You sure?
PLAYER_IDLE: Nothing off the top of my head...
GRACE_SAD: I feel maybe this is just a blip?
Tell her it’s private!
PLAYER_IDLE: We did. But it’s private, Grace.
GRACE_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
GRACE_ANGRY: Keeping your cards close to your chest, then.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: For now, yeah.
GRACE_SAD: I bet he’s just pranging a bit. That’s all.
Bad mouth Ozzy
PLAYER_IDLE: Between you and me, Ozzy’s not right for you.
GRACE_SAD: Really?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I sense he’s not being loyal.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: And his eggs aren't all in your basket.
GRACE_IDLE: Or maybe he’s just having a blip?
Grace looks at Ozzy across the garden.
GRACE_FLIRTY: I think I can win him back!
Bella and Amelia appear, interrupting your conversation!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: What’s up, chicks!
GRACE_IDLE: Hi, girlies.
BELLA_FLIRTY: We can’t stop thinking about {0} and Ivy on their date.
BELLA_FLIRTY: I wanna know allllll the saucy deets.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: {0}, you worried about Ivy and {1}?
I’m worried!
PLAYER_SAD: Can’t lie, I’m really worried!
AMELIA_IDLE: It just sucks that she had to pick {0}.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: And that girl doesn’t do things in half measures.
AMELIA_ANGRY: That’s Ivy for you!
His head won’t turn!
PLAYER_HAPPY: His head won’t turn!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m confident about that!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Ivy can do what she wants.
BELLA_SURPRISED: Ok. You’re officially my role model.
I’m focussing on my own graft!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m going to focus on my own graft!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And make myself the priority.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m here for me, after all!
BELLA_HAPPY: You go, girl!
{0} walks over with a cheeky gleam in his eyes!
{0}_SURPRISED: There you are, {1}!
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: Can we help you?
{0}_IDLE: Just wanted to grab {1} for a quick chat.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Sneaking in a date while {0} is gone? Cheeky!
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: Wait. Maybe I should be doing that.
BELLA_FLIRTY: While the cats are away, the mice will slay!
{0}_SURPRISED: Who are you calling a mouse?
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: They call me the Portuguese lion!
RYAN_FLIRTY: I’m a mockingbird!
LEWIE_FLIRTY: I’m a leopard, mate.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: I’m a cheeky lion, me.
BELLA_HAPPY: We didn’t ask.
{0}_FLIRTY: {1}, can I pull you for a chat?
PLAYER_IDLE: Sure thing.
{0} leads you to the swing seat for some more privacy.
You take a seat and swing gently in the shade.
{0}_IDLE: It’s good to see you, {1}.
PLAYER_IDLE: What’s going on, {0}?
{0}_IDLE: Just felt like we haven’t had a chat for a while.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You only got here yesterday.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: Very true. Feels way longer already. In a good way.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Wanted to see where your head’s at?
My head’s here with you!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My head’s here with you.
{0}_HAPPY: That’s good to hear, {1}.
Some things are playing on my mind
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Some things are playing on my mind right now.
{0}_IDLE: That’s not surprising.
{0}_IDLE: This villa’s been non-stop drama!
I’m not sure right now
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure right now.
{0}_IDLE: That’s fair enough.
{0}_IDLE: Totally understandable.
{0}_IDLE: It’s certainly quieter with Ivy away!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s true…
{0}_IDLE: I thought we could take this time to get to know each other a bit.
{0}_IDLE: Is there anything you want to know about me?
What is your favourite memory?
PLAYER_HAPPY: What’s your favourite memory?
{0}_SURPRISED: Good question, {1}!
ROBERTO_HAPPY: It would have to be cooking classes with my mum and dad as a kid!
ROBERTO_IDLE: They taught me everything I know!
RYAN_HAPPY: It has to be singing with my family as a child!
RYAN_IDLE: We used to do this concert every Christmas eve.
RYAN_HAPPY: Those were the days!
LEWIE_HAPPY: Playing football with my sister in the park. 100%!
LEWIE_IDLE: We used to play every weekend.
JAMAL_HAPPY: It has to be hitting the skatepark with my brother after school!
JAMAL_HAPPY: Not a care in the world.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sounds like a good time!
{0}_HAPPY: It really was.
Have you ever been in love?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Have you ever been in love?
{0}_SURPRISED: Good question, {1}!
ROBERTO_SAD: I have, just once.
ROBERTO_EMBARRASSED: It was a long time ago.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: But it was wonderful.
ROBERTO_IDLE: Being in love is the best feeling.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I hope I find it again soon.
RYAN_HAPPY: Of course! A couple of times.
RYAN_FLIRTY: I love the feeling of being in love.
RYAN_SERIOUS: That feeling of closeness and being able to be fully open with someone.
RYAN_IDLE: Nothing in the world beats it.
RYAN_IDLE: I’m a deep guy…
PLAYER_IDLE: Interesting…
LEWIE_IDLE: I have actually.
LEWIE_IDLE: My girlfriend at school.
LEWIE_IDLE: She was the first girl who truly saw me for me.
LEWIE_HAPPY: It was proper class.
LEWIE_HAPPY: Love just makes everything better, I reckon!
LEWIE_IDLE: I can’t wait for it to happen again.
JAMAL_SAD: I’ve never let myself get that close to someone.
JAMAL_IDLE: I really hope it happens one day.
JAMAL_HAPPY: I’m secretly a bit of a love bug!
Have you ever been heartbroken?
PLAYER_IDLE: Have you ever been heartbroken?
{0}_SURPRISED: Good question, {1}!
ROBERTO_SAD: I have, just once.
ROBERTO_SAD: They say the love that lasts longest is the love that’s never returned.
ROBERTO_IDLE: But that’s ancient history now.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: It’s best to look forward!
RYAN_HAPPY: Of course! Millions of times!
RYAN_HAPPY: That might be an exaggeration.
RYAN_SERIOUS: But I’d rather love a million times and have my heart broken…
RYAN_SERIOUS: Than possess an empty heart forever…
RYAN_HAPPY: I’m a deep guy…
LEWIE_IDLE: Yeah, my girlfriend at school.
LEWIE_SAD: She was the first girl who truly saw me for me.
LEWIE_SAD: First love, first heartbreak! All that jazz…
LEWIE_IDLE: I learnt a lot, though!
JAMAL_EMBARRASSED: I’ve been lucky…
JAMAL_EMBARRASSED: As of yet, no heartbreak for me.
JAMAL_SAD: I’ve never let myself get that close to someone.
JAMAL_IDLE: Hopefully someday very soon.
{0}_IDLE: And may I just say…
{0}_FLIRTY: You look sensational, {1}.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: Unbelievably beautiful!
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: I keep losing focus when I’m around you.
RYAN_FLIRTY: Just so stunning.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: No word of a lie.
LEWIE_FLIRTY: Like, proper fit.
{0}_IDLE: You’ve actually been playing on my mind a bit.
{0}_FLIRTY: You keep distracting me. In a good way.
{0}_SERIOUS: I know that you might be getting closer to {1}.
{0}_IDLE: And I respect that.
{0}_IDLE: But I wanted to take this chance to maybe…
{0}_FLIRTY: Maybe turn your head in my direction.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: You’re really something else, {0}.
LEWIE_FLIRTY: I just can’t drop the ball with you.
RYAN_FLIRTY: Everytime I’m with you, I gotta catch my breath.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: I still feel like there’s a proper vibe between us.
Get your flirt on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m always down for flirty fun, {0}.
{0}_FLIRTY: That’s what I like about you.
ROBERTO_FLIRTY: You seem to be ticking a lot of my boxes.
LEWIE_FLIRTY: Plus, you’re a total worldie.
RYAN_FLIRTY: And if you were a song, you’d be the best track on the album.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: Plus, I can definitely picture us skating off into the sunset together.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: You’re gonna have to try harder than that...
{0}_SURPRISED: Alright!
{0}_IDLE: Your body is 65% water.
{0}_FLIRTY: And I’m thirsty.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I understand how cringey that line is.
{0}_HAPPY: It just came to me…
{0}_FLIRTY: But you get the idea!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re only human, {0}.
{0} gives you a cheeky grin, looking deep into your eyes.
*Kiss him! Yolo!
You move towards {0} and press your lips against his.
As you begin to kiss, your fingers melt into his hair and he draws his body towards you.
You both kiss with increasing urgency.
Your hands touch his shoulders, feeling his rippling muscles.
Finally, you both pull away.
{0}_FLIRTY: You’re unreal, {1}.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re not too bad yourself.
{0}_FLIRTY: I’ll be thinking about this all night.
{0} smiles and leans in closer towards you…
Don’t kiss
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not giving you any kisses just yet, {0}.
{0}_IDLE: I respect that.
{0}_HAPPY: Good things come to those who wait!
Keep it casual
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’m actually looking to keep this casual, {0}.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Oh yeah for sure, understood.
{0}_HAPPY: Let’s keep things chill.
{0}_IDLE: I just wanted to tell you where my head’s at.
{0}_SERIOUS: I’d always regret it if I didn’t.
Tell him you’re into someone else
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m into someone else, {0}.
{0}_IDLE: Understood.
{0}_IDLE: Although anything can happen here, it’s still early days.
ROBERTO_HAPPY: No one’s at the altar just yet.
LEWIE_HAPPY: No one is married off just yet.
RYAN_HAPPY: I don’t hear any wedding bells yet.
JAMAL_HAPPY: No one is driving you to the chapel.
{0}_IDLE: I just wanted to tell you where I’m at.
{0}_IDLE: I’d regret it if I didn’t.
Suddenly, you hear footsteps returning to the villa!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: That must be {1} and Ivy.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: They’re back from their date!
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I’m glad we got this mini-date for ourselves.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It was fun.
{0}_FLIRTY: You truly are gorgeous.
{0}_IDLE: I hope we can do it again soon.
{0}_HAPPY: I better leave before I get into trouble!
{0} winks at you and heads back to the villa.
{0}_HAPPY: Catch you later, {1}!
You hear Ivy and {0}’s distant voices and head over to find out about their date!
You arrive at the villa entrance and see Ivy take {0}’s hand.
You wait just out of sight and listen to their conversation...
IVY_FLIRTY: Let’s not tell anyone about what happened...
{0}_IDLE: Sure thing.
IVY_FLIRTY: It will be our little secret!
Suddenly, your cover is blown when your phone pings!
{0}_SURPRISED: {1}?
IVY_HAPPY: We’ve got ourselves a voyeur!
IVY_FLIRTY: I hope you brought popcorn.
{0} looks awkward, pulling his hand away from Ivy.
The other girls rush over.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Text! Text! Text!
GRACE_SURPRISED: Read it out then, {0}!
LITEXT: Islanders, please gather round the Firepit as one girl is about to be dumped. {0}PackYourBags {1}ByeByeBaby
AMELIA_SAD: Oh here we go…
BELLA_IDLE: Ladies, whatever happens, we need to look and feel our best!
IVY_IDLE: She’s not wrong there!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Time to look fresh and fierce!
You and the other girls rush over to the dressing room to prepare for the dumping.
AMELIA_SAD: Can’t believe one of us is going…
BELLA_SURPRISED: This could be the last outfit we ever wear in the villa!
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: If I leave, at least I’ll be leaving in style.
BELLA_IDLE: Defo. I’m confident of making a lasting impression in this!
IVY_FLIRTY: My look’s going to knock the boys’ socks off!
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: Trust Ivy to still be grafting at the dumping.
GRACE_IDLE: Which boy are you trying to dazzle, Ivy?
IVY_FLIRTY: Maaaaybe, baby!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: How did the date go?
IVY_FLIRTY: I’m not giving you the juice just yet.
IVY_HAPPY: See you ladies down there.
Ivy winks at you, then leaves.
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: That girl needs to take a day off.
AMELIA_SAD: Guys, I’m beyond nervy!
BELLA_SAD: Me three.
AMELIA_IDLE: {0}, what are you going to wear?
BELLA_IDLE: Better be jaw-droppingly gorgeous, whether you’re staying…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Or if it’s your exit outfit!
BELLA_HAPPY: Not that I think you’ll get dumped.
GRACE_FLIRTY: And it could be your last chance to show those boys what you got.
BELLA_HAPPY: Wow, you’re smoking in that!
GRACE_HAPPY: Now that’s a last look!
BELLA_HAPPY: Any touch ups?
I’ll do some touch ups
I’m good like this
PLAYER_HAPPY: If I’m gonna be dumped then this is the one.
GRACE_HAPPY: Yes, girl.
AMELIA_HAPPY: You should go all out for tonight!
BELLA_HAPPY: Make sure they remember who YOU are.
GRACE_HAPPY: And that they stay wrapped around your little finger!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re right, I’ll have a look.
PLAYER_HAPPY: How’s this?
GRACE_HAPPY: Nah, you shouldn’t be allowed to look this hot.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Oi Oi! You have to wear that, right?
*TRYOUTFIT* This is the look!
I’m going to see what else I’ve got
AMELIA_HAPPY: You do you but that outfit was so cute.
BELLA_HAPPY: With the dumping tonight, maybe have another look?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: We need to look our best!
GRACE_IDLE: She’s not wrong! You gonna look again?
I’m gonna try on that cute outfit again
BELLA_HAPPY: All I can say is… damn.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Knew you loved this one.
AMELIA_HAPPY: No one will be able to look away from you!
GRACE_IDLE: This is the one, right?
*TRYOUTFIT* It sure is!
I’m not feeling it
I’ll check what else I have
I like this
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Nah, I’ll wear this.
PLAYER_HAPPY: If this is my last night, then I have to go out in style.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Show ‘em what you got.
GRACE_HAPPY: You look hot as! Let’s go!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m defo wearing this!
GRACE_HAPPY: You look hot as! Let’s go!
PLAYER_IDLE: I like this outfit.
PLAYER_IDLE: No matter what happens. We’re in this together.
BELLA_SAD: Damn, it’s a shame one of us will be leaving tonight.
BELLA_FLIRTY: We’re a bunch of fitties, aren’t we?
GRACE_HAPPY: May the best girl win!
You and the girls strut to the Firepit to face the music.
The Islanders gather round the Firepit, a palpable tension in the air.
Grace and Ivy both look nervous, while Amelia looks at the floor.
Bella leans in and whispers to you.
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: You think you’ll be dumped, {0}?
Yes. I’m bricking it!
PLAYER_SAD: Yeah, I’m bricking it.
BELLA_SAD: Me too.
BELLA_IDLE: Believe me, you have nothing to worry about.
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: But, if one of us does go...
BELLA_SAD: I’ll be sad we never got to explore this more.
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: You’re not only an amazing girl.
BELLA_FLIRTY: You’re a spicy 10/10.
BELLA_IDLE: I guess we should see what the results say.
I’m 100% safe!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m 100% safe.
BELLA_SURPRISED: Always admired that confidence.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: If you’ve got it, flaunt it!
Let’s see what happens
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s see what happens.
BELLA_SAD: Wish I was that zen, babe!
BELLA_EMBARRASSED: I’ll be sad if one of us goes.
BELLA_FLIRTY: I was getting used to having you around.
BELLA_IDLE: Guess we’ll wait and see.
Suddenly, you get a text!
LITEXT: Islanders, the public have been voting for their favourite girl. The girl with the fewest votes will be leaving the villa immediately.
LITEXT: The girl leaving the villa is…
{0} and {1} steal nervous glances your way!
NARRATOR: Drum roll, please!
NARRATOR: No, no, no. I said <i>drum roll</i>. Not maracas! Blimey!
NARRATOR: No Drumroll? What’s the budget on this thing?
NARRATOR: Imagine a drum roll here.
NARRATOR: Come back next time to find out which unlucky lass will be packing her bags for good!
9 notes · View notes
breitzbachbea · 2 years
Ohh how about a director's commentary on Sophie's character :o
Send me a ⭐ for a director’s commentary on a story/section of a story/line I wrote
I think I made most of my Hetalia OCs, if not all, back in 2013 when I first got into the show. I've had a certain fondness for England (& FrUK) back then and was a big fan of the that one fanon version of Scotland, by an artist called repoko, I believe? That still meant, back then, there were three open opportunities for OCs from the British Isles, so I made a Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Which I will use in my writing until the day I die, thank you very much, the canon versions change nothing. I was here first, motherfucker.
Either way - I haven't written anything set in the Hetaverse with them in years and I would approach them differently nowadays as well. In regards to how they're portrayed in LFLS: The two Irelands would have a much more fraught relationship with each other and Northern Ireland would be far more disillusioned with the world. I like one excellent interpretation by @oumaheroes on the uk bros and I'd broadly say that my OCs would work the same way in the Hetaverse. I also wouldn't use the same name in the Hetaverse as I do in LFLS; again, I named them when I was far younger knew far less about the world and the history of Ireland. I like the name Liam for Ireland and Ava for Northern Ireland. Although Orla would also be a nice option.
One more funfact before the rest goes under the cut: Soph's very weird hairstyle (a bob with bangs but a chinlong streak of hair in the middle, which she pins behind her hair) comes from my inability to draw 😆 I had the little art booklet that came with a special edition of Vol. 5 and I absolutely adored the way France's hair was drawn in it. However, I wasn't good at drawing it. So once I had drawn Soph and realized I had drawn a drastically different hairstyle than I wanted ... I didn't backpedal like "Oh, I can't draw it yet, but no, it is supposed to look like this!". I simply went "Guess that's her hair now" and ran with it. Luckily, in "Irish Problems" I had the chance to give it an in-story explanation.
Here's by the way the kind of hairstyle I was aiming for:
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Sadly, I can't provide well what I achieved instead since I have no fotos of Soph in left profile saved, but let's say I aimed for the sky and shot myself in the foot.
Now, about Sophie O'Connel in Like Father Like Son:
Her character was introduced into Irish Problems more like an afterthought than a central pillar of the story. In my Hetaverse writing, the two Irelands didn't get along very well, but I knew I had to change this if I was to write them as siblings. (Or maybe Republicanism had gotten the best of me by then, who knows. I'm just kidding.) Paddy was the person through which recent Irish history with the Troubles was viewed, at least in theory. Sophie did retain some ties to Northern Ireland, with her brother having bought/rented her sheep and the land in Northern Ireland and she was always spoiled by the Scottish, Gavin and his father William in particular. Aside from this though, Sophie is very little informed by the history of Northern Ireland.
Part of the reason may also be that I made the non-sensical choice back then to split Nothern Ireland and Ulster into two different characters. Hannah, Gavin's girlfriend, is that Ulster OC and originally from Belfast. If I did intend to do more parallels between history and LFLS, I could use these two to represent two different strains of people with different histories and realities in Northern Ireland, though ... Not that it matters much, since Like Father Like Son tries to stay faithful to the characterisation of Hetalia and I love to be inspired by history, but there are no allegories to be made.
Thusly, Sophie is primarily a very lonely teenager, who's trying to juggle her normal life with the burden of her patchwork family's way of life. A lot of the characters in Irish Problems and the first half of Italian Affairs lack, if not character, at least narrative purpose. So Soph's primary function is to explore the nature of grief and loneliness. Slowly, as I manage to establish the world around her in her POV chapters, it also becomes a story about growing up. I always joke that Soph's subplot is the YA portion of the book, but it's the truth. While she is of course not singular in her theme of grief or family, Sophie is outside of the political framework of LFLS for most of it. The focus is on herself, the comparedly smaller stakes of teenagehood and young adult life. This also means she gets to experience and express her emotions in a different manner that's probably more akin to how the reader does. I think that is part why Soph's chapters tend to resonate so well with some people; her despair does not need to be extrapolated. She doesn't have a fight or flight instinct kick in that postpones it. She wallows in her powerlessness, because it has no dire consequences for her.
Aside from all of that, it is a lot of fun to write Sophie and see where the story will take her. While I don't think her journey of finding her place in the world will necessarily facilitate positive character growth with her surroundings, it'll be interesting nonetheless. She's much like her brother, loud, boisterous and equipped with a good sense of humour and a mischievious streak. Plus, she knows what she's invested in and is willing to work for it - You don't know how hyped I am to write more Soph farmwork. To let her be an even more pragmatic person than her brother suits her, I think. The same Irish fighting spirit, but not as worn out as the lads around her are.
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All We'll Ever Be
Request: Yes
hi could i request something where the girl is an f1 driver and she has a platonic relationship w the boys. she's from a costal caribbean island and she invites them to her home to spend like a week with her and some of her hometown friends and it's like laughter all around and like doing silly little beach stuff and like carlos starts to see the girl in another light when they're on the beach and the other drivers start to notice and tease him abt it and like very cutesy like sunset vibes all around lol
Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
Summary: Realising you can never have the one you love sucks, even for a famous F1 driver.
Warning: Swearing, Angst, drinking.
Word Count: 3036 words
Authors note: I am so sorry this ended up being so sad. Evidently I was a little upset after the Spanish GP and a bit too in my feels. I hope you all enjoy 😊  
All We'll Ever Be (Part 2)
“Ah there you lads are!” you howled out as you saw all your friends and fellow drivers as they walked through the luggage collection of your airport.
You couldn’t help the massive grin spreading on your face as they came into view, their own smiles mimicking yours. Upon seeing you, Lando immediately dropped his bags and spread his arms wide open which was your cue to run and give him a hug, wrapping yourself around him tightly as he spun you both in a circle, you laughing all the while.
Once Lando had put you down, you began greeting the rest of the boys, Charles, Pierre, Max and Daniel each getting hugs just as enthusiastically. Once you got to Carlos though your smile softened, slowly hugging him, but holding tighter and longer than the others. Him copying your lead.
In truth, you had harboured feelings for him, but you hid it behind the fact that you and Carlos were best friends, which you truly were, but you just happened to have very, very, very strong feelings for him and you made sure he would never find out, too terrified that it would ruin the friendship you had and potentially make the races far too uncomfortable for your liking.
So, hugs like these, slight touches here and there, and being able to spend as much time with him as possible was something you were more than happy to settle for.
“So, welcome to the Caribbean boys” you gestured towards the doors and began walking to the car, the boys all following behind. “So I know there was discussion around you guys staying at a hotel, but that did not sit right with me so I made sure there was enough sleeping space at my place, hope that’s okay” you explained the sleeping arrangements to them as they chucked their bags in the boot of your car.
“Shame, are you sure?” Pierre didn’t want to intrude in your space, knowing what it was like to stay with he rest of the boys for a week.
“Of course I am, but it will definitely involve you boys sharing beds” Daniel let out a groan, automatically knowing he would be sharing with Max and as much as he loved Max, he also knew from experience that Max was a cuddler, as much as he denied it, he was, and Daniel was already sweating from the heat.
“Yes Daniel, that is correct, you will be sharing a bed with Max” you instantly knew what he had a problem with, having to hear the two bicker over it countless times, “Pierre and Charles, you two will take the other spare room and finally, Carlando, you two will take my room” you finished up the explanation once all of you were seated in the car, Carlos sitting front passenger next to you, leaving the other five to squish in the back, Daniel and Lando happy to be the ones to sit on the others laps.
“Where are you going to sleep?” Carlos asked concerned as the prospect of him taking your bed.
“Oh, I was just going to take the couch” you shrugged off as you pulled into traffic, concentrating on the road.
“I cant take your bed while you sleep on the couch” Carlos was stern, speaking on behalf of all the boys if he was honest.
None of them wanted you to be uncomfortable, especially not in your own home. They would do anything to make sure that you were okay and comfortable and that included something as trivial as making sure you weren’t sleeping on the couch.
Truthfully, you had become incredibly special to all of them. Inviting in a new feminine dynamic none realised they needed. You had become a safe space for them all, a carefree space, a person they could be unapologetically themselves around free from judgement and you’d somehow made life on the road for them a type of home, and this was more true for Carlos than for anyone else.
“Well, if it’s that much of an issue you can take the couch and I’ll share a bed with Lando?” you threw a wink to the boy in the review mirror, the thought making him blush.
“I’m sure you’d have a much better time sharing a bed with me” ah, there the flirty Daniel was.
“And who am I meant to cuddle then?” Max joked with Daniel, knowing how much he hated the thought of him getting close in his sleep, the last time Max having ended up on the floor after in his sleep a hand had been placed slightly too low and Daniel waking from a less than convenient dream.   
“No one wants to cuddle you after the hand incident” Charles scooted away from Max to emphasise his point.
“You told him!” Daniel turned around to give Max an evil eye, shocked that Charles knew the story.
“Everyone knows the hand story” everyone hummed in agreement to Pierre’s admission.
“Truthfully Y/n, if the hand incident was anything to go by, you’d have a really disappointing time sharing a bed with him” that comment earned Max a punch in the arm, but it was worth it.
“No” Carlos suddenly added to the conversation.
“No?” Lando asked on your behalf.
“No, maybe rather you just take the couch” Carlos wasn’t sure were this sudden jealousy came from, and truthfully, he’d never really felt it before, but he just chalked it up to you being his best friend and him not wanting to hear you potentially hooking up with one of the ither drivers under the same roof as him.  
Especially a driver that wasn’t him.
“Well, I’m glad we agree. Now onto other plans, I have some friends coming over this evening to meet you guys and some boardgames, how does that sound?” you paused, waiting to hear the response from the boys, all seeming to think that it was a good idea before continuing, “and then tomorrow, I was thinking we pack a cooler bag and some snorkelling gear and hit the beach for the day?”
“Am I allowed to get drunk on both those occasions?” Daniel began looking out the windows for a liquor store, ready for the holiday he finally deserved.
“Oh hun, I already have the drinks for us all at my place” you winked at Daniel in the mirror, “lots of rum”
“Rums for fun!” the entire car shouted out in unison.
“That’s my boys” you threw Carlos a smug look, starting to feel more and more excited for this entire holiday with the most unexpected bunch, ready to combine the two different lives you lead together.
“How did this turn into a night of ripping into me?” you hid your face from embarrassment as your hometown friends as they shared the worst stories from when you were growing up.
“Oh no, this is everything I was hoping for” Daniel couldn’t breath with how hard he was laughing at the stories being told about you.
God, this is not the part of your life you wanted mixing with the other.
“Okay, okay, I’m pretty sure it’s past all our bedtimes” you began getting up to start ushering your friends out so you and the boys could head to bed before your day in the sun.
“Yeah, yeah we’re going” goodbyes were thrown all around and by the time you had gotten back inside from walking your friends out, you’d noticed the lounge and kitchen had been partially cleaned and a bed had been made on the couch for you. Why were your boys so good to you?
“Goodnight my darlings” you shouted out as you got settled into bed.
A chorus of drunken goodnights were shouted back to you, “Oh and thank you to whoever made my bed”
“I think it was Carlos” you were pretty sure that was Pierre.
“This is why he’s my best friend” you hoped Carlos heard you, constantly hoping you were making him feel as special as he was to you.
“Love you too Y/n” Daniel shouted in response.
“Love you all” you giggled out, when was this conversation going to end? You felt like you were at a sleepover again as a teenager.
Suddenly all the other boys were letting you know they loved you too, but you distinctly noticed that you didn’t hear Carlos’s voice amongst them all.
“So, I was watching this really good movie the other day” Lando spoke into the dark.
“Lando, it’s bed time, that means it’s time to go to bed” Carlos really wasn’t in the mood to hear about this movie, wondering how Lando was even still sober enough to talk, sure the younger driver had never consumed so much alcohol in his entire life, and even more sure that this may have been his friend time having rum.
“No, listen, it’s really good” Lando waited for Carlos to give him the go ahead, nudging him to make sure he wasn’t just ignoring him or that he hadn’t fallen asleep.
God, all Carlos wanted to do was sleep, he was too drunk for this, and some part of him kind of just wanted to dream about how good tomorrow was going to be, with you.
“Fiiiiine” Carlos was only half committed, thinking about how he hoped your sleeping situation was okay, that you liked the bed he had set up for you.
“Okay, so there’s this guy and this girl and they’re best friends right” Lando began prattling off about some movie that sounded like every single rom-com in cinematic history.
“Jesus Lando, A rom-com?” Carlos absolutely could not sit here and hear about a rom-com right now.
“Let him finish” Max’s voice was suddenly heard through the wall
“We’re invested now” Charles voice cam through next.
“It’s like a bed time story” Pierre continued the reasoning.
“Thank you!” Lando responded to them all, “now where was I?”
“You had literally just begun” Carlos might have been drunk but not drunk enough to be dealing with this.
“About the guy and the girl being best friends” Max quickly caught him up.
Either they were all talking way too loudly or Carlos needed to have a conversation with you about how thin your walls were.
“Ah yes! So I know this guy and this girl and they are best friends right”
“I thought this was a movie you saw?” Carlos questioned this very suspect story now.
“Jesus Carlos, stop interrupting and let him finish” Max shouted again, slightly more aggressively this time.
Lando took Carlos’s silence as his cue to continue, “So these two best friends get on better than a house on fire, like, sparks flying every single time they’re around, they care about each other, make each other laugh, do literally everything together and the more and more time they spend together, the closer and closer they get. Then one day, they find themselves away together with some friends in a beautiful place which gives them this amazing opportunity to explore their potential feelings for each other  and everyone around them knows they are meant to be together, and they are clearly in love and absolutely everyone sees it except them apparently” Lando paused, wondering if Carlos was going to catch on.
“And? How does it finish?” Carlos entertained Lando’s little bedtime story.
“I don’t know yet, I guess we’re all just hoping for the best” Lando confessed to his friend.
“Yeah, well, good thing that’s just a movie mate because in real life, people just have to live with the fact that sometimes all you’ll ever be is friends” Carlos knew he couldn’t get his hopes up, he wasn’t even sure what he was getting his hopes up about, but suddenly he felt a pang of pain in his stomach and this wasn’t something he wanted to feel, especially not about you.
With that, Carlos turned around, indicating to Lando that he was done with this conversation, not wanting to show that it hit a nerve with him.
“Yeah, but I guess the key word is sometimes” and with that Lando too turned around and let the rum drift him off to sleep.
Charles sat down next to Carlos on the unused towel, thanking Pierre as he passed him a drink and all of them allowing a silence to settle over them as they all watched you and Daniel have a sandcastle building contest.
Once Charles was confident that you wouldn’t hear him he decided to pick up the conversation Lando had been brave enough to begin last night.
“You haven’t been able to take your eyes off of her the entire day” he stated, not looking at Carlos, nervous he might be overstepping.
“Oh my god right! Every single time I look at him he’s staring at her!” Max was a bit too loud, Lando instinctively putting his hand over Max’s mouth to shut him up.
“How she hasn’t noticed is beyond me” Pierre shared his own observation on Carlos’s lack of subtlety when it came too you.  
“You do realise that Lando was talking about you and Y/n in that story last night right?” Charles needed to make sure that Carlos fully understood the situation. That all of them thought that it would be a good idea for him to make a move and the longer he waited the more nervous they all got, concerned you’d lose any interest you may have.
“Yes Charles, Lando wasn’t exactly subtle about it” Carlos gave Lando a look of indignation, still annoyed at the drunken rambling.
“When did you realise how you feel?” Pierre asked, a little more gently than the others, having been in Carlos’s situation before and knowing how much it hurt.
“I think it may have been coming on for a while now, but honestly, when we saw her at the airport, I don’t know, I guess I felt calm” Carlos was thankful to be able to speak about this finally, wanting to be able to soundboard off his friends in order to help him figure out what was going on in his head, “When did you guys realise how I felt?”
“Day one” Charles blankly answered, tired of how long it had taken everyone to figure this all out, Pierre humming out in agreement.
“I think for a while now, but you getting jealous about her sleeping in the same bed as me was a pretty good indicator” Lando chuckled thinking back to the uncharacteristic behaviour of his friend.
“Yeah, honestly I thought you guys had been hooking up this entire time” Max shrugged, because if he had that kind of chemistry with someone, especially someone like you, he would have been doing everything in his power to get with you.
“Doesn’t really matter though does it?” Carlos had focused on the hole he was digging in the sand in front of him, trying to distract himself, only lifting his eyes when he heard you laugh at whatever Daniel had said or done.
“You can’t give up even before you’ve tried mate” Charles didn’t want to see him not even bother trying, not when he was so sure you may feel the same.
“You care about her right?” Pierre was gearing himself up to give a passionate speech, hoping to encourage Carlos to just go for it, that there was no way he could miss, but Carlos had other plans for the afternoon.
“More than anything, but like I said, it doesn’t actually matter” Carlos began to try and explain his reasoning.
“It does though because I’m sure we could figure-“ Lando wasn’t willing to let his friend give up before he had even tried to fight for you.
“No, Lando, no. There is no figuring it out, because she is my best friend, and I am certain she doesn’t feel the same and me telling her that I am in love with her will definitely ruin the friendship and I am not prepared to lose her because you guys think I could have some luck in the situation. It isn’t your life, you’re not the ones who would end up heartbroken. You aren’t the ones taking any risks. This isn’t a rom-com mate. This is my life and for some people all we get is the friendship and we learn the be thankful for just that little bit of a person because that is better than nothing. Its okay, I’ve come to terms with the fact that all we’ll ever be is friends” Carlos didn’t even try to hide his anger and frustration, not at his friends, but more so at his situation, at his own cowardice.
All of them knew he was right, it wasn’t their lives and if they all had to be honest, they’re pretty sure they would be doing the exact same thing as he was if they were in his position, so instead of fighting him on it, they chose to comfort instead, Max handing Carlos another drink, all the boys making it their goal to either help him get over you, or help him forget for just tonight, the latter seeming easier at this point.
“I’m not sure how anyone could look as sad as you lot do while sitting on the beach” you plopped down in front of Carlos, taking a sip of his drink, missing the sad looks all the boys sent your way.
“We were just discussing this really shitty sad movie Lando saw” Carlos opted to tell you the half truth Lando had told him last night.
“Oh yeah?” you prompted him to continue.
“Yeah, a romance where the guy doesn’t get the girl” you missed the sadness is Carlos’s voice completely, but no one else did, all for the hundredth time this day noticing how he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Well that sounds like a really shitty movie” you handed Carlos his drink back, none the wiser that you were one of the main characters.
“Yeah, it is.”
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
My Best Girl (Tom Holland)
a/n: this was supposed to be short and sweet yet here we are asdfghjkl i mean it’s still short but 2k isn’t necessarily a blurb ahah. this was written fairly quick but i hope you guys still enjoy it!
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pairing: tom holland x female!reader trope/genre: slight angst & fluff summary: You hear people gossip in the bathroom about how Tom looks so good and how you basically don’t reach his level. warnings: not proofread, tom being a wholesome boyfriend, slightly steamy ending word count: 2.3k+ requested:
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prompts: ~ “Talk to me.” ~ “You deserve so much better.”
masterlist in bio & pinned post
Galas or fancy parties have never been your thing, especially when they're littered with too many celebrities. Some of them are nice of course, sweet and kind, but some are a bit much, stuck in their own little bubble of fame. It was just the constant thing of one upping each other, who has the most expensive dress, which island did they visit just recently, whose yacht were they invited to, and so on.
It was not your crowd, at all. Yet here you were in a floor-length, black sleeveless dress, a V-neckline to match the low back and a high slit to show off your leg and your silver heels. The fabric was hugging you in all the right places while a strong arm was wrapped around your waist, warm fingers sometimes grazing the skin on the small of your back as you smile at this well-known producer who your boyfriend just introduced you to.
Your boyfriend who happens to be world renowned actor, Tom Holland.
"I need to use the bathroom," you whispered into Tom's ear, the lad cutting his conversation off briefly to meet your gaze, a charming smile on his lips and a loving glow in his eyes.
"Okay. I'll be right here," he hummed, giving your cheek a sweet kiss and your waist a gentle squeeze before he lets you go.
After asking around the staff for a minute you've finally reached the bathroom. You pushed the door open to find it completely empty which was a relief. You just didn't want to deal with any more gossiping or encounter any more "high class" people. You went inside one of the stalls and locked the door shut. Although, you didn't get a chance to even do your business when you heard three pairs of heels click against the tiled floor. You wouldn't have entertained it until they started to exchange words about a certain man.
"Have you seen how good Tom Holland looked?" one of them said, a sense of pride coursing through you because your man does look so good tonight, that until the same girl spoke again. "Do you think I could snatch him up for tonight?"
"Well he's got his girlfriend attached to his hip so your chances are close to none," a second voice spoke.
"That was his girlfriend?" the first one gasped exaggeratedly.
"No way, I thought it was his PA," a third girl said with a laugh.
"What a shame, he deserves someone who can actually match him," the first girl sighed.
"Someone who at least could afford a proper designer dress," the third one said.
All three of them laughed at that.
"I bet I could still get his number despite the girlfriend. I could just get him alone," the first one hummed, giggling to herself as if it was the best things she's said in her life.
Finally having enough, you fixed up your dress, took a deep breath to calm yourself before opening the stall door and walking out with your chin up. All three sets of eyes followed you as they immediately quieted down. Only brave behind the back, always cowards face to face.
You shot them each a wide smile through the mirror as you turned the faucet on to wash your hands. The three of them tried to return it but their lips only twitched as they stared at you in shock.
"With all the classy make-up and elegant dresses you'd think it would at least taint your personalities no? Be ladies with a bit of class and elegance but huh," you paused, rinsing off the soap and then turning the water off before grabbing some paper towels to dry of your hands. "What a shame," you tutted with a shake of your head, shooting them a sympathetic smile through the mirror. None of them spoke a single word as you threw away the paper towel and started towards the door with your head held high.
Before you grabbed the door handle, you turned back to them with a tight lip smile. "Oh, and this dress is worth more than all of you combined with how cheap your personalities are." You pulled the door open, though stopped midway through the doorway to look at them over your shoulder. "Words of advice, try and go for the single men, ladies, and maybe you'll get lucky. Although not guaranteed if you're a bit...desperate. Have a great night. I know I will, especially later with my man," you said with a smirk, throwing them a wink at the end of your sentence to properly get the point across.
But the moment you stepped out of the bathroom you felt your knees weaken, breathing turning heavy, tears burning in your orbs as you tried your best to keep them at bay until you were out from prying eyes. The words they've said have always been sitting in the back of your head, how Tom could leave you so quickly for someone who was up to his level. Someone more gorgeous, someone with a high status, someone who could actually match him in terms of looks and just overall fame. And hearing those words be said out loud, to hear them from actual strangers, it only makes them more real, the insecurities that's always been nagging in your brain. It only makes them more painful.
You rushed back out into the ballroom, holding your composure as best as you could. Tom was still in his place as promised, talking to the same person he did just minutes ago before you went and excused yourself.
"Tom," you croaked out when you got to him, not meaning your voice to sound weak the way it did. But it was already too late for you to try again when your boyfriend's eyes immediately snapped to look at you. Tom knows you like the back of his hand, one change in the tone of your voice and he immediately will notice that something was up.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he turned to face you fully, his hand coming up to cup your cheek so you had no choice but to look at him in the eyes. Tom's worry only grew some more when he saw your orbs glossed up with tears, features coated by nothing but utter panic.
"I'm going to go ahead and get back to the hotel room," you whispered. "You can stay—"
"No, if you want to go, then we're going now," he said firmly.
Tom didn't give you any time to finish your sentence when he turned back to the producer he was talking to. "I'm so sorry but we need to get going. It was nice meeting you sir. I'll have my agent send you the details. Thank you so much," Tom said, offering his hand out to which the man shook with a smile, not at all minding that their conversation got cut short.
And with that, Tom took your hand in his and swiftly but gently guided you out of the ballroom.
"You didn't have to leave with me," you muttered as you both made your way back to the elevators, thankful that your hotel room was in the same building.
"No, but I wanted to. The night was getting long anyway," Tom reassured with a squeeze of your hand.
You stayed silent on the way up and even after you're inside the room. Tom's frown could only deepen when you sat at the edge of the bed with a shaky breath.
"Sweetheart, what happened?" he asked as he locked the door. You ignored him completely, hands gripping tightly at the fabric of your dress, keeping your head down as you tried to keep your breathing steady and your raging thoughts at bay, but much to no use.
"Talk to me," Tom said softly, frown deep on his lips as he slowly moved over to your shaking form. He crouched down in front of you, hands landing on your knees as he searched for your eyes but all you did was hide your face behind your palms. "Darling," he tried again, but still, you didn't even bother looking up.
Tom took it upon himself to pry your hands gently away from your face and letting his fingers intertwine with yours. His heart broke when you looked at him with nothing but utmost sadness and hurt, tears running freely down your cheeks as you whispered,
"You deserve so much better."
"Okay, who the fuck told you that," Tom growled, but you only frowned deeply at his reaction because you knew, with one look in his eyes that his anger wasn't directed at you. It was at whoever planted that thought inside your head.
"No one—"
"Y/N," Tom warned.
"Nobody told me it directly. I just heard some girls in the bathroom saying how much you're way out of my league and how I looked like some assistant when I'm beside you and they are right Tom. I can't wear any designer clothes or any expensive dresses to look at least presentable when I'm with you. I can't match how handsome you are because I look nothing like those models or those actresses—"
"Darling, have you even seen yourself tonight?" Tom cut you off, shaking his head in disbelief as he furrowed his brows. "Have you seen how many guys I've been trying to wave off of you? Have you ever wondered why I've never let you go even in the slightest? Why I kept an arm around you or a hand on your back at all times?"
You shook your head no with a frown, not really getting where he was going with this.
"Babe, you stole the whole room! They were so drawn to you all the damn time like fucking moths to a flame and I was getting so fucking annoyed at them for always staring at you like that," Tom said through gritted teeth, closing his eyes for a moment to take a deep breath and calm himself before his gaze landed back on you. He flashed you a bright, genuine smile as he gave your hand a squeeze. "But I also felt so proud because fuck yeah, look at how fucking gorgeous my girlfriend is. Look at how lucky I am to have her with me and guess what? Get wrecked 'cause all you lot can do is stare at her while I get to hold her in my arms and call her mine."
You didn't have a chance to response when Tom suddenly stood up to his full height, pulling you with him and away from the bed as he walked backwards. You followed him with brows furrowed in confusion, but he only flashed you a charming grin.
"To be honest you're the one who's way out of my league, I mean look at you," Tom paused just as he stopped moving, stepping to the side until you were face to face with yourself in the floor length mirror. "Look how fucking beautiful you are! Those girls are just jealous because my god love, you make my fucking heart explode!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards your reflection in the mirror. You tilted your head at him with a pout, fresh sets of tears coating your eyes but for a different reason this time. Tom sighed as he moved back to stand in front of you, one hand landing on your hips as the other went on your cheek.
"I don't deserve someone better you know why?" he hummed, brown eyes boring into your own. "Because you are already the best girl I could ever have in my life." Tom pressed his forehead against yours, giving your hip a loving squeeze before he lifted his hand up so he could cup your face lovingly with both hands. "You are my best, most gorgeous and amazing girl with a heart of gold to match. I couldn't possibly find someone better than you my love and fuck whoever thinks otherwise," he finished, nothing but utmost sincerity coating his voice and swimming in his eyes, words doing nothing but make you heart grow ten times its size.
Your bottom lip trembled as you stared at him all teary eyed, leaning even closer until you were able to capture his lips in yours, to let him feel through the kiss just how grateful you are of him. Tom hummed at the feeling, his hands sliding down your bare arms until he rested them on the small of your back, welcoming your kisses as he pulled you even closer to him.
"I love you," you whispered against his lips, fingers getting lost in his styled hair, tugging at them playfully making him let out a soft groan.
"And I love you so much, darling," he muttered, giving your bottom lip a soft nibble before he suddenly pulled away. One you met his eyes again, that's when you saw how they were already a shade darker than before.
Tom shot you a wide smirk before he pulled away completely, walking around you until he stood right behind, one hand taking home on your waist as the other went to hold your chin gently, turning your head to look back in front so you were once again face to face with yourself, right in the mirror.
He met your eyes through the floor-length mirror, his grin wide and mischievous as he ran his fingers down your spine, goosebumps erupting on your skin. You suck in a breath as he took hold of the zip on your dress right as he sucked on that sweet spot on your neck he's already memorized. He pulled the zip down gently, the fabric going lose around your body as you kept eye contact with him through the mirror. Tom hooked his fingers on the straps of your dress, slowly pulling them off your shoulders and down your arms until it pooled at your feet, exposing you to the cold air of the room. With his voice deep and husky, Tom growled lowly against your ear,
"Now, enough talk and let me show you just how beautiful you are."
>> come say hi and send some in!
♛ Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega​ @vinylmendes​ @fallinfortom​ @disneysamara​ @avengersficwriter​ @musicalkeys​ @apatheticanvas67482​ @camimndess​ @tom-hlover​ @jjandreidsgirl​ ♛ Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @2018shawn​ @darlingspidey​ @namoreno​ @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl​ @keepingupwiththehollands​ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh​ @unbelievableholland​ @kittenruby​ @sunkisseddreamer​ @worldoftom​ @quaksonhehe​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @clara-licht​ @dummiesshort​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @sonofabitchstyles​ @perspectiveparker​ @geminiparkers​ @parker-hollandx​ @arivera-30​ @rebekkah4766​ @particularnarry​ @iwannabekilledtwice​​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @fancyxholland​
just lemme know if you want to be removed from the taglist loves <3
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loudestcloud · 3 years
HEYO! I did this kinda cos I noticed some new One Piece followers coming in from my Baron posts.
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Explanations under cut
• Flame Flame fruit - I think that it's fun, looks cool and is used by 2 of some of the most coolest character. However I would never want it as I am 🔥🔥Pyrophobic🔥
• Mt. Colubo - idk, I think living there would be nice. It being just out the way enough of Dawn Island means it's not too crazy but also not too calm and prime for mini adventures.
• Rumbar pirates - Sing me Bink's Sake anyday boys, I'm always up for it! Its actually one of my main vocal stims to hum or whistle it, it's that engrained in my brain. Anyway, these lads only wanted to be free on the seas to be who they are and sing as the waves crashed on the ship. They never lived to see the pirate king race or even the popularity of pirates as a whole, they just vibed until they died and truely? Who could ask for more? This crew was so kind and wonderful right until the grave and even past that.
• Skypiea - This will probably change cos I'm only on Dressrosa ✌🏻
• Skypiea - I like the storyline, I like the actor, most of my favourites jokes are from this arc, I love the world building and the flashbacks while a bit problematic are still very fun and my favourite.
• I know what your thinking " Sans, how can you know these panels if you are anime only and on Dressrosa?" First off, don't call me by my name, it's confuses people. Second, listen, If I hear something big is happening and Sanji is involved, I'm gonna spoiler myself for the sake of Sanji deleopment. I know way too much about Whole cake because I got sucked in and had to pull myself away before I knew everything that happened. But also when it comes to Wano, I know Sanji was smiling a lot at the start and he asked Robin for help in a fight and that's huge, I know about out cute and powerful trans lady and out sexy strong big tiddies trans man. That's all.
• Sanji - He look, who'd have guessed. For real tho, I always looked up to Sanji as a kid, who had only ever seen his into arc, I wanted to be cool like him. I tended to dress like him any chance I could which was easy cos I'm British so it was just my school uniform really. I would fight like him too being the scrappy lil kid disabled with mild anger issues I was. If someone would try and start shit with me or my friends and I'd just kick their legs out from under. I'd usual fall too, again being disabled n all, but I'd flip back up so I still looked pretty cool. I thought his fight style was perfect for me because if I punched, my arm just dislocates but my legs where strong at the time so it was perfect. Now my legs aren't really that strong either and I use a cane for walks outside the house. The only think I didn't do was cook and that always made me sad but cos I really wanted to but poor ment that I felt didn't have enough food for me to be abled to get things wrong with and again, I'm pyrophobic so cooking is still hard for me like I said before when I picked One Piece back up in 2019, I started trying to get over my fear of cooking by useing Sanji as motivation. The only think id change is his simp levels and his transphobia. But, It's safe to say that Sanji has had a consistent impact on my life. Also as a child I tended to pick the role models that where also womenizers, another example being MCU Tony stark.
• Buggy - He's funny sometimes, he's dumb, I actually like clowns, he was hot in Impel down and we don't talk about how he looks past that. Fatherless behaviour at its finest, I know.
• Shanks - He's disabled, he's powerful in multiple ways, he's got dad vibes and I cosplayed him once and it gave me gender euphoria. So like, he's cool.
• Aokiji - Fujitora, Koby and Isuka had been super close choices but Aokiji ultimately landed on top because I remembered how whenever he shows up, my brain stops working and I have to do nothing but listen to him talk and also him in Film Z
• Brook - My love for Brook is only a tiny but less then Sanji and that's probably only because Sanji has been around longer and reasons I mentioned above. Brooks story is beautiful, as I said I love his crew, his loyalty is so unmatched and he's a really nice old man who is surprisingly chill with new consept. The one thing I don't really like is his panties obsession but at least he is polite about it ig.
• Post timeskip Luffy - Listen, if you've see the outfit exams I used to do, you'll know why I love this design so much but for the new comers let's just say that a lot of thought went into this outfit, a lot more than you'd actually guess.
And a quick bonus, my favourite movie is very obviously Baron omatsuri and the secret island, as if it would be anything else.
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snesdudes · 4 years
Pairing: Lucas x MC
Prompt: Lucas’ apology to MC after he switches to Blake is out of character and just downright shitty. As well as the islanders behaviours when Blake arrives. Had to fix it!
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It was a beautiful night. From the roof terrace, there seemed to be a million stars, and the moon was full – somehow it seemed to be bigger than it looked back home. It was a shame Lucas couldn’t relax and enjoy the view… But he was the only one to blame.
A shaky breath left his lips as his hands gripped the balustrade, his knuckles turning white and his head hanging low. You will come up there at any minute and he would have to face the aftermath of his mistake, look at you in the eyes and explain why he decided to break your heart. He had to think about what to say, how to express his feelings properly to make you understand and, with luck, open a little the door to forgiveness.
But every time he closed his eyes, he could only see your face. Your skin illuminated by the firepit light, your lower lip slightly trembling and your eyes opening wide and starting to well up as you saw him arrive with another girl by his side. It felt like the floor beneath him have disappeared when he saw the empty space beside you.
I thought we had something special… I just don’t get it. What about everything we said before? We were going to work things out. I thought this was something we both wanted.
You jaw had clenched and tears fell from your eyes, your fingers quick to wipe them out. And he stood there, talking nonsense while his brain couldn’t process what had happened, while Blake stepped up and in no time she was telling everyone to not compare her with you, since you always had to try so hard to look good and how you weren’t his type. And he couldn’t speak. He was frozen.
You had taken a step towards Blake and Lottie had taken your arm to hold you back, loudly saying how it wasn’t worth it. Your face was red and he was sure he had never seen you so angry. It had been the first time he had seen Chelsea looking genuinely annoyed as well, as she walked to stand beside you.
“I just thought there were some similarities!” The blonde had screeched, her voice suddenly louder and wobbly. There was a cold tone in her voice as she continued. “I was awfully wrong. You don’t even know her, hun.”
“It was a bad comparison.” Lottie practically growled. “But they say you’re making it in life once people start to imitate you, right?” Her hand was gripping yours and he could see how strongly you were holding to one another.
Chelsea linked her arm with yours and looked at Blake with a frown and Lucas saw the gratitude on your eyes. Priya let out a laugh and left Noah’s side, striding towards you, briefly staring Blake up and down with loathing before standing between you and Blake.
“You really should be more careful with who you try to insult, babes.” Priya snarled, tossing her hair above her shoulder and linking her arm with Chelsea’s.
Gary and Bobby stood beside you as well, comforting hands on your shoulders, and icy looks on their eyes, and he watched as your body relaxed softly, all this time still tense and ready to have a go at Blake if another word left her mouth. Blake seemed to notice half of the Villa was looking at her with hatred and stepped back, taking his hand.
Lucas had realized he had to take Blake awake from the tension before the girls ate her alive. You were probably the most loved person of the Villa, your friends hurrying to step up for you was the proof. You had devoted yourself to make everyone’s time in the Villa more peaceful and fun, helping everybody and listening to their problems, playing mediator and making them all feel better. Being a true friend.
He walked away as your friends formed a wall around you, hugging you and murmuring soothing words, and his heart broke beyond repair as he heard a sob cut through the night. He couldn’t go back. He needed to get Blake out of there. Also, if he had gone back, Gary and Bobby would have probably made sure he couldn’t get to you. They had been giving him the silent treatment all day long, since he said he was going to switch. Gary had broken a cup when he slammed it against the counter stronger than he wanted to. Bobby had stared at him open mouthed for a moment before the both of them started yelling at him how stupid he was being, that he was a fool, a tool, an idiot…
“You’re so gonna regret this decision, mate.” Bobby had finally murmured, more sad than angry, when they realized they couldn’t talk some sense into him.
And he was right.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t hear the clicking of your heels as you climbed the stairs to find him. You stood there for a moment, looking at him and trying to swallow the tears that were about to slide down again. Lucas hadn’t noticed you yet.
A part of you had been worried this might happen all the time you were away. Lucas came off as someone confident and strong, but the days you had been coupled up gave you the feeling he was actually quite insecure. And while you knew he had feelings for you, the right words would make him doubt about your relationship. Not about how he felt towards you, but about how you felt towards him.
The brief moment you had met Blake was enough for you to know she was a proper snake. She had apologized to you, and a moment later she tried to humiliate you in front of everyone. While your friends stood up for you, your eyes found Lucas’ face. He looked so lost, so shocked, it took you a moment to understand he was sure you had found someone else. That was even harder to look at than the moment your eyes landed on Blake.
Now on the roof terrace, he looked like a mess. You could see he had run his hands through his hair multiple times, since it was tousled and that wasn’t usual. His head hung low and you couldn’t see his expression, but his shoulders were trembling ever so slightly. Your initial anger had dissipated, but the hurt wouldn’t leave so easily.
“Hey.” You murmured softly, Lucas head snapping up and looking at you with wide eyes. He seemed speechless again, but you couldn’t find the strength in you to make this easy for him. You walked towards the terrace’s couch and sat down, softly patting the place beside you and he hurried to obey.
“I needed to clear my head a bit.” He almost whispered, you wouldn’t had heard him if he wasn’t right beside you. The familiar scent of you – a mixture of perfume, sun cream and body milk, all of it kind of fruity, hit him with the strength of a hammer. He had missed you so much. He just wanted to hold you and kiss you and never be far from you again – but he had lost that privilege.
“Were you thinking about me?” You asked, a small smile on your lips.
Jesus. She’s smiling at me after what I did to her. I don’t deserve this.
A smile of his own paired yours. “Straight to the point. Alright…”
Your expression didn’t falter when he told you about the video the boys had gotten, and it remained as stoic when you told him you would do the same again since you had followed your heart. He felt like a piece of shit.
I am a piece of shit.
You took one of his hands in yours. “Lucas, you’re not.” Did he say that out loud?! “I just wish you would have found the strength in yourself to trust me.”
“It wasn’t about trust.” He was avoiding your gaze, while you were dying for him to look at you. “That video made it look like you were having the time of your life. I suddenly felt as if I was weighing you down, and that you probably realized that while you were away. I kept hearing Blake saying it would be safer to switch, that I would look like a fool if you came back with another lad –”
So Blake messed with his head. Figured as much.
“And I’m the one who actually looked like a fool.” You tried to extract your hands from his, but he grabbed them tighter, alarmed, looking up at you. His eyes glistened.
“No, I’m pretty sure I managed to do that myself anyway. I am so sorry. I understand if you want me out of here, and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if I get kicked out by the audience --”
“That’s not what I want, Lucas. I need you to know something, anyway.” You took a deep breath. “I stayed loyal to you all the time.” His heart hammered so loudly he was afraid you might hear it as well. “The guys grafted hard on me, you probably saw that, and I turned them down as nicely as I could. The only time I got close to any of them was during the challenge… The very same challenge where you kissed Blake. In fact, I asked Hope to send it to me –”
He was caught off guard and you managed to let go of his hands, he quickly missed their warmth, but you only pulled out your phone and handed it to him, a video playing.
He cringed all through the video, unable to believe just how fixed it was to make them all look like unfaithful assholes. Except Bobby (and well, Rahim, who had actually found someone) the rest of them seemed to be all crazy about the new girls, his awkward, way too long, horrible kiss with Blake manipulated to make it seem like they were terribly into it with the others cheering at them. It even seemed Noah had cheated, the video barely showing Jakub at all.
“And you still…” His voice broke.
“Chose you? Yeah.” You murmured. You both remembered the night in the Hideaway when you both said you chose each other.
“Will you ever forgive me?” He asked, his voice low. Your hand found his cheek and he shuddered slightly at the touch, leaning in to you.
“You still hurt me, Lucas.” Your voice trembled slightly and he wanted to punch himself. “I understand why you acted like that. But if you ever want this –” You gestured between the two of you “to work, you gotta believe in me. Believe in us.”
He swallowed as your lips momentarily found his, caressing them softly before pulling away.
“I want to. I will try, as hard as I can, if you give me another chance. Please.”
You kissed him again, a little harder this time, but still wary enough, he didn’t get to deepen the kiss before you pulled away again. He sighed with frustration.
“You are with Blake now.” A dangerous glint sparkled through your eyes. When you were close like this, he felt that familiar sensation, his stomach flipping and his breath faltering, the effect you had on him making him dizzy. “So we shouldn’t really be doing this.”
He recognized the playful tone in your voice and slid his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and crashing his lips against yours. Lucas’ kisses always stole your breath away, his familiar touch making you growl with happiness into the kiss as his tongue danced along your lower lip. You bit on his lip and pressed your body against his, earning a snarl from him which made you moan as heat surged through your body. He moved his lips towards your neck, leaving a trail of kisses, before you put a hand against his chest and pushed him away. Lucas looked at you, pupils blown and mouth agape, as you stood up, ready to leave.
That would teach him to never do something like this again.
“I don’t give a fuck about Blake!” He quickly spoke. “It’s not like there’s something between us. I don’t care. You’re the only one for me. I only care about you. I only want you.” He started to get up, but your sweet smile stopped him, as it oozed danger in a way he couldn’t describe.
“Good.” You winked at him. “Cause I’m going to fucking destroy her.”
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satellite-trash · 4 years
what i did the past few weeks... is create a 5Ds animal crossing island!! and good god i have sunk deep into it!
SO I made three Island Residents, and I’m kinda proud of how they look
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(NOTE: Yusei and Jack’s custom outfits are NOT my own! They are from a Pinterest user from a 3DS custom pattern! will add the link in edit when i find it!) The hair is the same (kind of) spikes, honestly jack was the hardest (wink) to make because of eye colour (so he has brown eyes in animal crossing...) and the hair is obviously nowhere near as spiky and blonde :(  Jack is the Resident Rep, the one I started the Island with, mostly because I was going to use him to make the most money and basically be... KING... of the island. haha - YUSEI:
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(the boots are the recycled boots because of course yusei would wear stuff from junk... I mean..... its yusei)
I LOVE the square-y eyes, and I used them for yusei because theyre the most accurate to his anime eyes which kind of have a square shape but are also pointed........ also i didnt want to reuse the eyes i used for Jack so. I’m so happy you can use custom designs as face paint... he has his signature marker which makes it more obvious who I’m trying to make!!! (this might be why i least like Jack’s villager look... no marker = no distinguishing feature :(( )
I give Yusei all the crafting recipes I can to make sure i keep track of what DIY recipes I know (balancing it through 3 accounts is impossible!) also he has a second outfit with just the basic tank top and a tool bag which I loVE the physics of this game!! the bag bounces when you walk at a medium pace itS SO CUTE i love this game omfg
oh and yusei hates bugs like blathers, thank you 5Ds dub ep 2 for that totally not forgotten lore : )
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(he has the uwu mouth because i just wanted to use that mouth on someone i love itttt)
Crow’s hair is as accurate as it can be, without that damn bandanna!! i dont even think theres a headband-bandanna item in the game so thats not happening! (he looks bald without it agh)
Crow is mostly my “museum-lover” account - whenever theres new fish/bugs i need, or just to go around collecting the daily fossils, i make sure its through crow (although im very disloyal and often just cba swapping acounts so i catch stuff with yusei and jack because as i said im lazy)
Here are some screenshots I took (whenever theres two characters, I used the joycon controllers in co-op mode to play with myself because im very lonely its lockdown still OK dont judge)
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this is Crow finding jack’s outfit. i love the “heh heh” its very... Crow. also yes i gave jack a “King” outfit with a crown. i had to try and act the part y’know.
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Crow in the residential district of the city just thinkin’. idk i love the look of the streetlights I LOVE THIS GAME did i mention that?
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I made custom outfits of the 5Ds gear and slapped them on jack and yusei, and honestly # ad ? 
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crow fishing with the lads. (he’s the only one using the flimsy fishing rod because he is a rebel)
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an unlikely duo O.O
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Yusei just enjoying the nightlife in his PJs 
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awwww bros makin’ snowbros together (crow’s is kinda lopsided but we still love him)
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yusei and jack in the fireworks! jack had a golden wand because flex
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hard at work with his iron wand and random dog in the background ?
(i love the city wallpaper and it works for him! the houses are still in progress lol)
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erm next one
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these are the posters i made using the animalcrossingpatterns website, its so fun and it makes it that tad bit more geeky and frankly wtf am i doing with my life im making an animal crossing yugioh 5ds themed island why am i doing this wow what is happe
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OH GOD Yusei’s worst fear A BUG
a SCORPION! THis image shows the ULTIMATE DUEL between Yusei and the enemy, Scorpion! How will Yusei win such a disadvantageous duel!! FIND OUT NEXT EPISODE!
and finally , the 3!
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(the only way i can get all three in a pic is through harv’s island, im not paying £100 for another controller I’m not that sad can you believe!)
i hope you enjoyed that update on my way of coping with the current world mess - ive just escaped into a fictional world in a fictional game-world, Yugio 5Ds through Animal crossing, fiction-ception! Might post more random pictures if I actually make more progress, I recently made BANK from turnips so hopefully I can do something besides crying at how weird my island layout is currently... (oh and i know my digital art is trash but I drew the three as portraits and i wanted to at least try and make it look digital and cute ok)
pls dont judge me on how sad i am doing all this... im very sad bUT  AC exists. just probably not for this purpose.
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I decided to do another updated post on what my villagers are like on my island.
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She is sometimes difficult to track down because she likes to Naruto run all over the island
Loves to party and is usually the first one let you know when there is a party going on
She still wants me to take her clothes shopping
She really loves flowers so much that she has sent me flower seed through the mail multiple times
She does get told by most of the other villagers that her cooking sucks
She is mostly chill and gets along with practically everyone
Very close friends with Flip, Rolf, Eunice, and Claudia
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Not the brightest bulb in the box, but he’s very nice.
He’ll accidentally get into arguments with the other residents and immediately feels awful afterwards, hince usually having me deliver apology gifts to others
That being said, he’s surprisingly really good at picking out gifts
He still alerts me when there is a visitor on the island
He will still follow me around when I’m doing work to my island
Still has a friendly rivalry with Twiggy and Rolf
Very close friends with Deirdre, Twiggy, Papi, Eunice, Eugene, and Mac
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She still loves to talk about video games and comic books
Loves to do yoga at the plaza a lot
She is always either giving gifts or selling me her stuff
Adopted by Rolf
Usually the first one to befriend new villagers
Still has a funny rivalry with Flip
Very close friends with Rolf, Papi, Flip, Eunice, and Eugene
She could try commit arson if given the chance
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She is one of the sweetest villagers you will ever meet
She is also one of the most savage villagers you will ever meet: Eunice’s most iconic savage moment is when she gave Eugene a hula top that matched his fur color to make him look like he’s naked
She compliments me everyday and it’s very sweet
She’s always giving me gifts as well
She likes to do yoga at the plaza at night and she will let you join her
If she is not outside taking a stroll around the island then she’s at another villager’s house hanging out with them
Very close friends with everyone
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The king of eavesdropping
He’s a bit of a smartass
He likes to read a lot
He likes to ask me to catch bugs or fish a lot for him
Usually the first villager to say hello to me in the morning
Likes to trade items with me a lot
He has given me clothes that he has worn and changed out litterally moments ago as a gift five times.
He still still loses his stuff a lot
Very close friends with Eugene, Claudia, Eunice, and Flip
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The resident though, but sweet old man
Likes to give life advices a lot
He’s probably the strongest villager on the island
He has apparently adopted Twiggy and Papi
That said, he has a funny father-son relationship with Papi
He’ll stop and look at the flowers multiple times during his stroll on the island
He likes to check in on me quite a bit by writing letters
Still has a friendly rivalry with Flip
Very close friends with Papi, Twiggy, Claudia, Eunice, and Deirdre
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The queen of singing
She is usually very calm, but can lash out at others when provoked
She loves it when I talk to her and she loves it even more when I come over to her house to hang out with her
She’s still my sitting buddy and my museum buddy
She’ll sing and dance at the plaza everyday
She will usually give me gifts that compliment my outfit
Very close friends with Deirdre, Eunice, Rolf, and Lopez
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He is also one of the most sweetest villagers that you will ever meet
If I am sitting on a bench alone he will usually join me
He loves to constantly water the flowers, I’m surprised he hasn’t drowned any of them yet
If I’m doing something on the island he’s usually somewhere close by me
He is apparently adopted by Rolf and has a funny father-son relationship with Rolf as well
The other villagers likes to give Papi gifts because he is either a sweet boy or have accidentally made him sad
Very close friends with Rolf, Twiggy, Eunice, Flip, and Eugene
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This poor lad had a rough first two months of living on the island because over half of the other villagers didn’t like him, but everybody is cool with him now
He had a major problem with stealing everyone’s catchphrases, he stole a grand total of 27 catchphrases: I’m not joking
He does get sick quite a bit
He love visiting the fish exhibit at the museum
He’s a pretty cool and chill guy
He had a strange rivalry with Lopez when he first started living on the island and now they are close buds
He loves to go all over the island and sing his heart out
Very close friends with Lopez, Twiggy, Eunice, Papi, Mac, and Flip.
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The newest island resident
He’s pretty a nice guy
He can be shy at first, but can quickly warm up to others
He loves doing his exercises and lifting weights
If he’s not doing any of that, then either he’s chasing bugs or at the plaza socializing with the others
He’s surprisingly strong and is probably the second strongest villager next to Rolf
He’s made several of close friends so far and they are Flip, Eugene, and Eunice.
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nevermindthewind · 5 years
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the beach house on crack: a love island au
alright lads so basically i’ve been binge watching love island and got to thinking about how jake and amy would be if they were in the villa bc you know it’d be spicy af so naturally i called up my resident brit @fourdrinkamy​ and the two of us wrote up some (4k words of) headcanons!!! If you dont watch love island then 1) culture yourself 2) it’s a british reality tv show that’s like a better version of the bachelor
“The premise of Love Island is simple. A group of attractive 20-somethings are made to couple up and share a bed—regardless of whether they have a romantic connection—in a villa on the Spanish island of Majorca. New cast members and challenges are introduced to make things difficult and they are made to recouple.” - time.com (oh + the winning couple gets £50k)
keep reading below the cut for some reality tv/brooklyn nine nine madness!!!
· so jake and amy are part of the original ten in the villa, obvs, along with charles, terry, gina, sharon and rosa and a few other randos who we don’t care about
· when jake comes in amy thinks he’s cute in a goofy sort of way but she doesn’t step forward (therefore admitting she would want to couple up with him) bc she wants to keep her options open and what not but jake thinks shes a BABE so he decides to couple with her anyway
She’s not mad about it though, he seems like a good time
charles choses rosa and she is Not Pleased bc he seems like a goober (he is)
Terry picks sharon and they become like the jack and dani of the season (kinda)
· Charles and jake instantly bond and have one of the best bromances in love island history
· Gina is the biggest pot stirrer the island’s ever seen and is constantly trying to get terry away from sharon but he doesn’t ever budge
· within the first few days its clear to amy they’re just gonna be buddies but that’s fine bc while he likes orange soda in his cereal and is possibly the messiest man she’s ever met he’s really funny and they’re really good at all the different competitions and she’s got the perfect wingman for when mr. right does come around!
· jake doesn’t mind either bc amy’s super chill and also wants to join the police academy so they can talk cop movies which is dope and also they smoke the competition when it comes to challenges
· Amy loves that they get given water bottles and forces Jake to drink it in its entirety x3 daily
· The first set of new guys/girls comes into the villa and while amy and jake both try neither of them feel anything so at the first recoupling Amy chooses to stay with jake so they both can stay and try to find someone
Rosa choses the new guy marcus much to charles’ disappointment
· jake gets everyone in the villa to start making title of your sex tape jokes and it becomes a running joke and the public gets it trending on twitter
· Over the course of the next week or so they have become each other’s best friend in the villa and often find themselves hanging out one on one even when they don’t have to, to the point where everyone else is questioning whether they actually like each other or not
· The islanders get a text from the producers (“I GOT A TEXT”) saying each couple has to pick two other couples they think are the least compatible and whoever has the most votes will get dumped from the villa, but even though jake and amy are in a friendship couple the rest of the couples think they have such good chemistry they don’t receive a single vote
· jake’s thinking the same thing and confides in charles after a few drinks and charles convinces him to say something to her
Charles is already a self-defined “melt” for jake & amy
Amy’s instantly drawn to teddy and everyone is excited bc she finally found someone she’s interested in
“He’s 100% my type on paper”
jake is genuinely happy for her ( “how do i look? Is this lipstick too much?” “you look great, ames”) but at the same time is a sad lil puppy
That night they recouple and amy chooses teddy and the public are sad bc jake and amy belong together!!!!!
Gina recouples with jake to keep him around bc she’s his mate le duh
amy’s all excited that night because she finally has someone to cuddle with but teddy just??? rolls over and goes to bed??? uh okay…
Also he snores. Big time.
Charles brings his sleep apnea machine and between that and teddy’s snores no one can sleep
On the brightside no one can hear the couples who are ~doing bits~
(A/N to clarify: in the villa, everyone sleeps in the same room which has six double beds & you share a bed with whoever you happen to be ‘coupled up’ with at the time)
· The jimmy jabs is totes one of the competitions they do and jake lets amy (and therefore teddy) win bc he knows how bad she wants it……and because he still likes her
· The heist, on the other hand, is something jake comes up with on his own and eventually everyone in the villa starts swiping things from each other
· Eventually this super hot girl sophia enters the villa and jake is SMITTEN
Jake in the interview room: “Looks like the gods have finally answered my prayers…”
iain the narrator: “Yes, the gods. Or, our producers wanted a bit of action so they asked our intern to find out your type.”
· Pimento enters the villa the same time as sophia and he and rosa are instantly drawn to each other and poor marcus doesnt stand a chance
They become co-presidents of the do bits society within like a day, even doing it in the middle of the day
Jake walks in on them doing it TWICE in one day and just silently backs out of the room, it’s not like he needed sun cream anyway
· sophia gets to pick two guys to take on a date and one of them is jake and amy is v jealous bc teddy is a dud (not that she’s going to admit that to anyone apart from in the talking head…just yet)
“I just don’t get what he sees in her honestly? Oh god…am i jealous of sophia?! Noooooo…”
Iain the narrator: “Yessssssss…”
· Amy’s been trying to get to know teddy, but it turns out the guy is a total snoozefest, which she tells gina and rosa one day while they’re getting ready
“All he ever talks about is pilsners. I dont even like pilsners!!!”
“Also, I dunno if you guys noticed this but the guy wears mesh underwear. Like why? Is it medical? How do you even ask that?!”
· Jake and sophia immediately hit it off and in the same episode it becomes v clear amy is over teddy and his lack of a personality
Theres a recoupling where boys pick and jake picks sophia and teddy picks amy but amy is Not Pleased
· A group of the islanders (led by Jake) creates a game where they take a shot every time Teddy chooses a pilsner to drink
charles is pissed by like six pm
The islanders play snog marry pie, so basically the boys line up in a line and the girls pick a boy to make out with and one they’d want to marry (and one they want to throw a literal pie in their face)
Sophia snogs jake ofc and then says she’d marry some rando (again who we don’t care about)
Amy, however, chooses to marry teddy - “i’m marrying you because i think we’d have cute babies who would go to code camp” - AND KISSES JAKE. jake is surprised but also not upset?? And when amy pulls away jake seems to lean in for more!!!
Cut to sophia in the talking head like “HANG ON. why did she kiss jake and why did he look like he was going in for more???”
Sophia gets pissed off at jake who’s genuinely confused
“It was just a game??  Like i’dve kissed anyone bc that’s literally the game”
“Yes jake but you clearly went for more. And you didn’t have to slip your tongue into her mouth.”
Jake tries to clear his name but sophia’s not having it
“If you liked amy you should’ve just told me, not made out with her in front of me and the whole damn country”
She storms off after that leaving jake alone on the swinging couch
Cut to jake smiling in the talking head: “amy kissed me…”
Just kidding i don’t have enough follow through to make two posts so we’re just gonna do it all now
· After all that ~drama~ sophia goes to sleep on the couch but jake, ever the gentleman, tells her he’ll take the couch and she can sleep in the bed
Teddy and amy still share a bed…i mean it’s not like they cuddled before anyway…
· Everyone in the villa gives jake crap for his bedhead and amy crap for her old lady glasses
Jake def makes the glasses/penis comment and iain makes some snarky narrator remark
· Jake and Amy kinda dance around each other most of the day and then they hear Gina announce “I GOT A TEEEEEXXXXXT”
“Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. The girls will choose their partner. The remaining boy with be dumped from the villa immediately. #choosewisely”
Everyone in the villa immediately turns to jake and amy
· After a proper gassing up from gina, rosa, and charles jake finally goes over to amy
“Hey ames, can we go for a chat?”
Amy tucks her hair behind her ears as she gets up heheheh
Gina, rosa and charles don’t even try to hide the fact that they’re watching the entire conversation unfold from their spot on the day bed
· They go to the hanging couch (the best spot in the villa in my humble opinion) and jake finally tells her how he feels!!!!
“Look, i dont wanna be a jerk…I know you’re coupled up with teddy and it’s going really well. It’s just…”
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what’s going to happen at this recoupling and I think I’d be pissed with myself if I didn’t say this. I kinda wish something could happen between us…romantic stylez. And i know it probably will never happen because you’re happy in your couple but…”
· Before either of them can say anything more they’re cut off by terry announcing he has a text!!!
“Islanders, it is now time for the recoupling. Whichever boy is not chosen to recouple will be dumped from the villa immediately.”
Jake and amy just kinda stare at each other for a few seconds before amy finally gets up wordlessly and walks to the bonfire
· In classic love island fashion, amy has to choose her boy last, so it’s down to just teddy and jake. Whoever she doesn’t pick has to leave the villa.
Everyone, e v e r y o n e is visibly stressed. Charles is full on crying, and rosa is clutching pimento’s hand so hard it may or may not break by the end of the night
Teddy, god bless him, looks completely at ease. Jake keeps scratching the back of his neck and wringing his hands
· Finally amy takes a deep breath.  
“I chose this boy because…he makes me laugh. He’s a good friend, and he knows me better than anyone in the villa. Also – he’s probably gonna make fun of me for saying this – but he’s, like, really fit. I don’t know, I just would be so, so sad if he left the villa. And I want to give us a chance to go beyond friends.”
At this point the camera flips to jake who is giving her the smallest, sweetest smile and then to teddy who’s finally catching on.
“The boy I choose is…”
*dramatic-ass pause*
Amy smiles as they pull apart.
“So, a lot of change around here, huh?”
He kisses her again. :’)
· The first night they sleep together they don’t kiss but they do spoon
Jake is almost always the little spoon and at first he gets crap from the other boys when they see this but he doesn’t care because being the little spoon is the best!!!!! He gets to wake up in amys arms like hellooooo
· Amy and jake are surprisingly affectionate??? Not in a weird way like charles and genevieve but amy just always seems to have a hand on his knee or what have you
For the record, amy was NEVER like that with teddy.
· Amy has a STRICT no-sex rule in the bedroom bc hello they are on national television her abuela could be watching!!!! + it would be super weird to do bits in the same room as charles…of course jake completely and utterly respects this and doesn’t even question it. If he has to go 6 weeks without sex even though he’s sharing a bed every night with the hottest girl he’s ever seen then so be it
· UNTIL it’s announced via text that The Hideaway (a private area/bedroom in the villa away from everyone else but still not the cameras Obviously this is love island) is open and the islanders get to choose a couple to stay there for the night. Having had to put up with their blossoming love and flirting 24 fucking 7 everyone else unanimously screams “jake and amy!!!! It has to be Jake and amy!!!!” and they just grin at each other
· The bed is so big and covered in rose petals & there happens to be a very handy bowl of condoms on the bedside table…at first they just talk about how nice it is to get some alone time and just hang out….which of course turns to kissing and then making out and then………under the covers they go (for those who don’t actually watch the show it’s literally like seeing sims wahooing but irl) (maybe we see a cheeky black and white shot of amy moaning)
· The next morning amy wakes up with the BIGGEST grin on her face and her hair all mussed, and she kisses jake awake “morning, baby” and he immediately pulls her into him and kisses her back
Jake’s talking head: “Last night? Last night was….it was amazing. Stupid good. That’s all I’m going to say.” our boy!!! Cannot!!! Stop smiling!!!!
· When they get back to the main villa they naturally segregate into boys and girls and the guys immediately ask jake “how was your night? Did you get any??” “oh my god, did you FRENCH???” “charles, no nothing happened”
· (in true Jamie style) he goes over to the day beds with amy and lets her cuddle into his chest and asks if it’s okay if he tells people what happened in the hideaway - he’s a gentleman!!! And he’s always going to respect her boundaries!! Amy tells him of course that’s okay, people are going to find out anyway and that it’s really sweet of him to check with her…and she laughs to herself when jake goes back over to the boys and she hears charles scream “I KNEW YOU WERE GLOWING”
· Rosa and Gina casually-but-not-so-subtly ask amy “so did you shag? Tell us everything” and amy just smiles….rosa and gina look at each other like noice, they’re so proud of her!!
Rosa later confides in amy “the amy i knew two weeks ago would nEver have done that with Teddy…i’m happy for you, santiago”
· CASA AMOR. the boys have to sneak out of the villa (jake goes into full on spy mode rolling around on the carpet) and get shipped off to a separate one that has 6 new girls in it and then 6 new boys enter the old villa to shake things up (reality television at its absolute FINEST YALL)…the producers’ twist? Fucking Constantine Kane gets put in the girls’ villa - amy’s eyes widen out of their sockets when she sees her most random ex enter. He of course is still so in love with her, or so he claims, and tells her how excited he is to couple up with her and share a bed and win her over and get married and have babies with her. Amy naturally is like no way jose and spends the entire time trying to avoid him (with the help of rosa) hiding everywhere she can fit and sleeping on the sofa at night (and, also naturally, she worries that Sophia 2.0 is with jake right now and she realises it kind of makes her sick to her stomach thinking about jake kissing another girl….maybe she likes him even more than she thought she did?)
· Just to mess with him, jake gets a text that has a photo of constantine trying to kiss amy and poor bb gets beside himself with worry…
Jake’s talking head: “I mean Amy can do whatever she wants, I’m obviously not going to stop her from being with another person - we’ve only known each other for what a month…” [he looks away from the camera and rubs his face with his hand] “But I really like her…so it just kinda…sucks.”
· OBVIOUSLY he has nothing to worry about and his face!!!!!!!!! Just lights up in relief!!!!! When amy walks back into the og villa during the Most Dramatic recoupling without bringing back anyone from the new one!!! She rushes over to him and cups his face with her hands and kisses him hard in front of everyone
· “I missed you, you know” “I missed you too” “Hey I have to ask…that guy you were with-” “You saw that?” “I got sent a photo…nothing…nothing happened between you, right?” “Yes - I mean no. Things did happen. In the past, on the outside. But I was young and I regret it so much - i tried to avoid him the entire time in casa amor. Honestly all I could think about was how much i wanted to be hanging out with you” “really?”  she moves to sit on his lap, wraps her arms around his next and kisses his cheek.  “the only person i want to be in this villa with is you” “i could say the same thing about you, ames” and then they get straight back to kissing :’)))
Iain: “nope, that’s definitely not a tear in my eye”
· One morning the islanders wake up to the delightful sound of babies screaming bc you guessed it!! baby challenge!!! (i.e. towards the end of the summer, the couples are given plastic babies and have to look after them for a day)
Amy is SO excited and throws the covers off running towards the cribs (after Charles and Genevieve) screaming - “We made a baby! Oh my god I have a baby!” leaving a half-awake dazed and confused jake still in bed
Jake & Rosa eventually bother getting out of their respective beds, definitely not as excited as the rest of the villa, but jake will admit his heart flutters a little seeing amy cradling a plastic baby to her chest so attentively
“Jake! Look we have a little girl!” “awww she looks just like you, Ames” “we have to name her” “Nakatomi” jake answers immediately, to which amy whines “jaaaake take it seriously! I’m not having a daughter called Nakatomi” “fine, i’ll compromise on Holly”
At first jake is a little apprehensive about having this new Responsibility (and he’s not about to blurt out all his dad issues on national television) and so he keeps his distance and mainly lets amy take care of their new offspring in the morning (“amessss why does it keep crying?” “i cannot Believe you would call our baby it, peralta!”) That is until the girls get sent off on a Mommy’s Lunch, turning the villa into daddy day care….
He knows how much Amy loves this little baby so he decides he is going to take this seriously and it doesn’t take long for him to realise that??? This is kinda fun??? He takes Holly on strolls in her buggy around the villa and plays with her in the pool with charles and terry and (tugging at the public’s heart) sits on a day bed with her and tells her just how awesome her mummy is
When amy gets back, her heart completely MELTS at the sight of her new bf with their little one……and they end up talking about how they’re the best parents in the entire villa nay the world (“our kid is WAY cuter than terry and sharon’s” “oh for SURE”) & then of course win the challenge
· For the Final Date extravaganza they go on a helicopter ride and ngl even Amy is beside herself with excitement…they’ve spent the last 6 weeks talking about their favourite action films etc. and now it’s like they’re in one! They definitely act like literal children/real cops pretending they’re on a manhunt for a fugitive (instead of appreciating the view like normal people)
They get treated to a romantic dinner afterwards followed by dancing with live musicians and that’s when they FINALLY say those 3 words to each other….(well 5 if you count “noice, smort”)
· AND THE WINNER IS…..jake and amy obviously this is a b99 x love island au :’) they’re so sweet and humble about it & amy makes jake promise on live national television that he’s not just going to spend all their cash prize on sneakers. They each end up with over a million followers on their instagrams, where they regularly post photos of each other on date night/ at premieres/ evenings at home…and also video sagas of them pranking each other which starts with amy pieing jake’s face unexpectedly and escalates into fake proposals and frozen shoes….and maybe some *light* tasering
· Of course they end up getting married for realz and a baby announcement follows not too long after that…they are utterly the nation’s sweethearts (and Charles keeps doing interviews to the press saying he’s the one who brought them together in the villa from the beginning)
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Hold On (Tom Holland)
a/n: hello, surprise? but yes, so, i was kind of in a funk for a bit and when that happens, i write angst. then i heard the song (i was listening to my sad playlist as u do aha) and here we are. i wrote this fairly quick so bear with it as it may seemed rushed (it is) so it may be bad heh. also, i suggest listening to the song while reading for full effect.
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pairing: tom holland x female reader summary: You locked yourself in the bathroom when things got overwhelming. Tom felt worried when it went quiet inside for too long, heart stopping by what he saw when he broke through the door. based on song: Hold On - Chord Overstreet warnings: drug overdose (vaguely written & only on tom's pov), angst, brief panic attack, open(?) but happy ending. word count: 3.2k+
masterlist on bio & pinned post
"I can't do better in helping if you don't tell me what's wrong Y/N," Tom said softly, concerned eyes staring right into your troubled ones.
He had his arms open wide as he slowly inched towards your trembling form, making sure to not get too close, too fast. He doesn't want to overwhelm you by being all over your personal space, he doesn't want to stress you out even more by crowding you. Tom knew he needed to be gentle, patient, giving you enough space to breath but also showing that you can jump into his arms whenever you need to, whenever you're ready to.
"That's the thing Tom, I don't know what's wrong," you started with a shaky intake of breath. "I just feel this pit in my stomach and sometimes it gets so overwhelming in my head about everything, about what I'm even doing with my life, if I'm doing enough, if I am enough. I'm overthinking about everything and I just feel so lost and angry for not knowing what's wrong with me. And I—I am so tired," you admitted, tears slipping down your cheeks as you ran your palm over your face in frustration.
To see your agitated state, to hear the hurt and frustration in your voice, added with your heavy words, it just broke Tom's heart to pieces. You didn't need to elaborate what you meant by 'being tired' because he understood, both physically, emotionally, but especially mentally. And Tom's frown could only deepen as you continued.
"And you can't do better Tom, you don't need to. You've already done so much for me. You've put up with my shit for so long. I've already put you through so much," you trailed off at the end of your sentence, bottom lip quivering as you stared at him with utter guilt.
The look of distress on his features was hurting you so much. You just want to see him happy, that's what he truly deserves. But now it seems like you're not giving him that anymore. Not giving him enough happiness, just nights of him being worried about you, stressed because of you.
"I feel like lately, all I've done is be a burden to my family, to everyone in my life, but even more to you."
Tom shook his head frantically as he took a few steps forward. "No, don't say that love," he whispered.
Once he reached a safe distance, he gently took your hand in his, touch soft, comforting. You let him hold you, eyes trained on the way your fingers intertwined but never looking up. You couldn't bear to hold his gaze, especially with the obvious sadness that swam in them.
"Darling, look at me," Tom coaxed, giving your hands a tender squeeze. With a deep intake of breath, you willed yourself to meet his eyes again. Those brown orbs bring you so much happiness, and to see them filled with everything but, to know that you're the sole reason why they're not coated with that lovely glow, it only makes you feel guiltier.
"You know that's not true Y/N," he said firmly, but you only shook your head at him with a soft whimper, his voice unable to break through the loud screams that filled your mind.
"Angel, you are not a burden to me. I'll always be here for you no matter what, remember? Didn't I promise you that, love?" Tom tried again, both hands going to cup your face as he gently wiped your tears away with his thumb. "When I said I wanted to be here for you, with all the joy and the chaos, all the demons we're made of, I meant that with every beat of my heart Y/N."
"But you deserve so much better Tom," you croaked, nimble fingers wrapping around his wrists, leaning into his warm touch with bottom lip jutted out as fresh tears dampened your cheeks once more.
"No, I don't," Tom objected. "You're all I want, all I ever need, please believe that, believe me Y/N," he whispered, forehead pressed up against yours as his eyes held nothing but truth.
Still, it wasn't enough to help subside the roaring demons in your mind. Not because Tom didn't hold any importance or his words any power, no, he's everything to you. But tonight they just happen to be a lot stronger, the loud and guttural voices. They were blocking anything that's trying to get through to you, blocking the only thing that always seemed to easily get through to you which was Tom.
"I just—I need to think. I-I need to be alone," you muttered under your breath. Although reluctant, Tom nodded, figured that if that was what you wanted, then he will give it to you.
"Okay," he sighed, placing a tender kiss on your forehead, the warmth of his lips on your skin making you close your eyes with a shaky breath. It was a sweet, rather mundane kiss, but it was one that lasted a few seconds longer than normal before he lets you go. Tom's grip around you slowly loosened, your heart growing heavier as you feel his touch gradually disappear.
You quickly turned on your heel with your head down, arms wrapped around your body to stop you from crumbling to the floor. Tom hesitantly stood still in his place, a certain feeling in his gut growing as he watched you walk towards the bathroom. As you were about to shut the door, his voice stopped you.
"Y/N?" he called out.
You turned around with a hum, meeting those brown orbs you've grown to adore with every inch of you. So many emotions were swimming in them, but only one struck you the most, even more so when he opened those lips to let it out into the air, loud, clear and sincere.
"I love you."
You gave him a small smile, trying your best to suppress your sobs as more tears ran down your cheek. And softly, you said,
"I love you too Tom, so much."
There was something about the way your voice trembled that made Tom feel even more uneasy, but he decided to let it go, thought that it was just him stressing over nothing at all.
The bathroom door slamming shut was what he heard next, a frustrated hand running through his hair as he stared at the white painted wood for a whole minute. With a sharp exhale of breath, Tom looked at it for a few seconds more.
Once he heard the running water on the sink, he made his way out of your shared bedroom, body slumped with deep frown still intact. His demeanor was quick to catch the attention of his brother who was sitting on the living room couch, the only other person in the house as of the moment.
"Is she okay?"
Tom could only flash Harry a sad, forced smile, not speaking any words as he went straight to the kitchen to get you some water and a bit of food. You haven't eaten anything yet and it was worrying him even more.
It wasn't long until Tom was back in the bedroom, setting the glass of water and the plate of your favorite sandwich on the nightstand.
The silence that filled the room was uncanny, nervousness coating the lad slowly as he stood completely still. Tom's eyes landed on the closed door of the bathroom, a lump forming in his throat as he found the negative thoughts that grew in his mind harder to ignore.
He took long strides towards the door, pressing an ear on the surface as he tried to listen to something, hoping to hear anything. Tom felt his heart quicken its pace as the silence screamed in his ear, brain quick to jump into horrible, dreadful conclusions.
"Darling? Are you okay in there?" he called, fingers twitching as his eyes landed on the metal knob.
No response...
"Darling?" Tom tried again, voice even louder, fear growing stronger as he grabbed the doorknob, chills running down his spine once the cold surface touched his skin.
"Y/N, if you're not going to answer I'm kicking this fucking door down," Tom growled frantically, grip on the doorknob tightening as he tried to shake it open.
With an anxious breath, Tom walked away until he reached a safe distance, lifting a leg up and with all his might, kicked the door just by the keyhole, the wood snapping in its place as it swung open.
Tom ran inside but immediately froze, blood drained out of his whole body at the sight of you, heart coming to a halt for a full second as he shook his head in utter fear.
"No, no, no," he rushed, scrambling towards your limp, unconscious form on the white tiled floor, the bottle of painkillers right beside you, so close to empty. Tom was breathing rapidly as he pulled you onto his lap, vision turning blurry as he cleared the hair away from your face.
"Y/N! Wake up love, p-please wake up," Tom stammered, fingers shaking as he brought it up to your neck to the side of your windpipe, urgently feeling for your heartbeat. Cold sweats coated his entire body once he felt a faint one. It was there, but barely.
"No, don't—p-please don't leave me!" he cried out, head pounding as he shifted in his place, adrenaline at an all-time high as he hoisted you up in his arms. "Harry! Harry please!" Tom screamed after his brother as he rushed outside the bathroom and into the hallway, the lad in question rushing towards his brother's voice with sheer worry on his freckled face.
"Start the car! Her breathing is getting slower," Tom choked on his words. The twin didn't waste any time as he bolted towards the kitchen island to grab the keys and went straight to the front door, held it open until Tom was out with you, alarmingly unmoving in his hold.
Once the car door was slammed shut with you and Tom in the backseat, Harry veered right out of the driveway and drove fast like your life depended on it, because it did.
Tom kept you close to his heaving chest, mumbling sweet but desperate nothings against your hair, silently praying as he tried his best to contain his shock.
The slower your heart beats, the faster Tom's heart raced, your body cold to the touch, his head spinning at the dreadful feeling. Tom felt so helpless just staring at your expressionless features, his clammy palms resting on your cheek as he kept talking to you.
"Hold on, I still want you angel, please hold on," he whispered over and over, hoping that you were able to hear him, hoping that the sound of his voice will stop you from fading into the light.
He was glad that the drive to the hospital was only five minutes away, but with you lying still, turning colder by the second in his arms, time seemed to go slower, agonizingly slower. There was no doubt that it was the longest, most painful five minutes Tom has ever endured in his life.
The bright hospital lights were blinding the moment Tom rushed inside with you in his arms, his voice hoarse as he screamed for help until the nurses came to your aid. They took you away on the table, your whole body lying motionless as they checked for your pulse. He didn't want to let you go, didn't want to let you out of his sight in fear that it would be the last time he'll see you with a bit of life left. But despite his protests, he was met by double doors slamming closed on his face.
Both of Tom's hands tugged at his hair in pure agitation, bottom lip caught between his teeth to try and suppress his sobs. He was pacing anxiously as his eyes kept steady on the door of the room where you disappeared into, lungs struggling to provide oxygen, unable to keep up with his raging heart.
He felt a hand grabbed at his shoulder, unable to see the person as they immediately pulled him in for a tight hug. But he didn't need to, he knew who it was, he knew what his brother's embrace felt like. Tom's whole body shook in Harry's hold as loud and broken sobs came out of him, arms wrapping around his brother for mere support, knowing that his legs are about to give out any second.
"I d-don't want to lose her, I can't lose her H-Harry, I—" Tom felt his throat start to close up, his grip around his younger brother turning vice-like as he gasped for air.
"Hey, hey Tom, breathe," Harry rushed, grabbing Tom's shoulders, pulling him away and holding him in arm's length. "You're alright, just breathe."
Tom shut his eyes tight and tried to regain his breathing, calming himself as best as he could. A whimper came out of him as he shook his head slowly, opening his eyes to meet Harry's with nothing but utmost fear and pain swimming in them.
"I c-can't imagine a world without her, I can't—"
"Then don't. You're not losing her Tom. She's going to be fine. She's a very strong girl. You, out of all people, know that," Harry reassured, giving his shoulder a squeeze for good measure.
"Fuck, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. I knew something wasn't right before she even—I should've tried harder," Tom sobbed as he ran his shaking fingers through his hair, bottom lip quivering as he casted his eyes on the floor in shame.
"Tom you did the best that you could. No one could've seen this coming. Y/N wouldn't want you blaming yourself. You know it hurts her when you blame yourself," Harry said softly, rubbing his back comforting as he shot him a knowing look.
Tom rubbed the nape of his neck as he nodded with deep, strangled breaths. He pressed his lips into a tight line as he didn't say another word because Harry was right. You always get even more upset when you see him blame himself for something out of his control.
"You just sit here and wait alright? I'm going to get you some water."
He only shot Harry a small but thankful smile, the younger lad giving him one last hug before he disappeared down the opposite side of the hallway.
Tom cleared his mind and thought of nothing but you being safe. You are going to be safe, alive and well, because he wouldn't know what to do with himself if you weren't.
It was an hour and half later until the doctor came out. Tom scrambled on his feet as she asked about who was there for you. His nails were digging into his palms, creating crescent shapes on the skin as he held his breath, dreadfully waiting for her to speak.
"We've managed to pump all the drugs out of her system. She's stable now but still unconscious," the doctor said. Tom lets out a big puff of breath, his whole body relaxing as he felt the weight of the universe lift off his shoulders. Tom grabbed onto Harry for support once he almost lost his balance, just feeling relieved to hear that you were fine, still breathing.
"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked when Tom can't seem to form any words, the older brother squeezing his shoulder as a way to silently say thank you.
The doctor nodded with a small smile. "We still need to keep a close eye on her until she makes a full recovery. There are still a few dangers that can occur given that she's consumed quite a handful."
Tom stood straighter as he cleared his throat, "Can I see her?"
"Right this way."
The sound of the soft beeps of the heart rate monitor oddly felt comforting to Tom as he entered the room. It was a mixture of relief but also hurt the moment his eyes landed on your sleeping form, hooked up to all these wires and tubes as you lay peacefully on the white bed.
He would've just stood still on his place, just staring with a deep from if Harry hadn't given him an encouraging tap on back. Tom flashed him a small smile before Harry closed the door, giving Tom some time alone with you for as long as he needed.
Slowly, he made his way over to your side, pulling up a chair beside the bed and letting out a shaky breath once he sat down. It was when he reached over to hold your hand did Tom start to bawl his eyes out, body shaking with full on sobs as he lifted your nimble fingers and pressed it on his damp, flushed cheek.
"You're okay. You're going to be okay love," he whimpered, not sure if he was saying those words to reassure you or himself. He turned his head to place a warm, tender kiss on your palm before he cupped your hand with both of his, his thumb sweetly stroking the back of it.
"It may sound selfish but you know I can't just let you go. I'm not that strong. Not as strong as you," Tom paused, giving your hand a squeeze, just waiting patiently for you to return it. "So, come on, darling, come back to me," Tom begged, a choked sob following after as his teardrops soaked the white sheets.
"I still need you. I will always need you," he continued, voice merely above a whisper as he tried his best to keep his breathing steady. "You're going to wake up and tell me to take you home, yeah?"
"We're going home," Tom breathed out with a small nod. "You're going to come back to me, and we're going home." Tom's voice broke at the end of his sentence, his head dropping low as he screwed his eyes shut, an overwhelming feeling rising in him that he couldn't stop the tears from falling continuously.
Tom just wants you to be back in his arms, wants you safe and warm in the comfort of your shared bed. He just wants to hear your hearty laugh echo in the kitchen as you make breakfast together. He wants to hear your scolding whenever he leaves dirty clothes on the floor, or the little arguments on whose turn it was to load the dishwasher.
Tom just wants to take you home.
Then once you do, once you come back home, he will take your hand and make things right, help make things better. And with all that he is, all that he has, with every beat of his heart, Tom will swear to love you all his life.
"Come home to me Y/N."
It was then Tom felt it, the light squeeze around his hand, his head shooting up as he looked at you expectantly. It was completely unmatched, the utter joy and relief that coated every inch of his bones. The sound was music to his ears, happiness filling him up to the brim once he heard your sweet, lovely voice.
“Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.” – Unknown
like, reblog & leave a comment if you liked it and tell me your thoughts <3
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insomniac-gamzee · 4 years
Me and the bois really do be making Discordius Romance huh
Shout out to @hellishwoods for helping create the greatest story of all time!
under a read more because this bitch thicc as fuck!
On an average Wednesday morning, an unholy screech of "MY WATERS BROKEN!" pierces the veil of sleep between two normal people. Chatter gets out of bed, going to his wife's side, putting his hand down on her shoulder, looking past her huge badonkers to her belly. "HONEY DON'T WORRY, CAN YOU MAKE IT TO THE CAR?!" he yells. Chattette nods. They hobble over to the car, the overnight bag already in the back, towels on the seats. "HOLD ON HONEY!" Chatter yells to his wife as they hit a pothole, while on the main road. Chatette screams, and places one hand on her stomach. "CAN'T YOU GO ANY FASTER?" "HONEY I'M TRYING OKAY?! ITS GONNA BE FINE!!" Chatter screams slightly hysterical. He sees the car of his old highschool rival, Trae, a little bit behind him. He doesn't know why he noticed. He keeps driving. 
Trae glances up, out of his fire-engine red, jacked up Ford Fusion, and spots Chatter. He nearly smiles, but stops when the high-pitched shriek meets his ears. He frowns.  Back to Chattette, She looks down. From her perspective, you can't see anything past huge badonkers + her belly, but let's imagine. Chatette sees the fact that she forgot shoes. She can't show off Prada at the hospital now! Chattette is very pissed at this. Maybe Chatter at least packed her gold Gucci slides? Either way, Trae's dick went into this kid, so Chatter wouldn't be useful anymore. Hell, Trae didn't even know about Chatter either. Chat is too busy behind the wheel to notice Trae's look at him or his wife, but if he did, that wouldn't be good. He sure doesn't notice his wife's glance at him. Hopefully the kid looks like Chattette, right?
Hell, he only called her his wife. Truth is, she said she didn't wanna get tied down. He respected that, but it threw him off a bit. Still, the pregnancy held them together. They arrived to the emergency ward, Nurses rushing to meet them. Chattette notices Trae pull up in the parking lot as she is taken into emergency care. Chatter is just worried.
Trae opens the door and hops out of his car, nearly spraining his ankle from jumping from that high up. You should have used the foot stool meant for that purpose. He walks into the hospital after the couple goes in. Only family can get in the hospital room, but ……. well, he is. Chatter finally notices Trae. Chattette has as much of an evil smirk as she can manage in this much pain. "Uh, Trae? Why are you here?"
"Uh, because I'm the father of Chattette's child? What are YOU doing here?"
"Same reason, apparently?" 
The child.... looks nearly identical to Trae. The only thing stopping it is the heterochromia- One of Trae's brown eyes, and one of Chatette's blue ones.
they both, in unison, stop talking and spin around as a child's cry pierces the air.
Chatter sees this and blinks. He slowly starts sobbing. 
"Chattette, what... What the fuck?"
"Chatter wait!" Trae yells, but it's too late as Chatter runs out of the hospital and into his car. Chattette is grinning all the while with her new child, Sharon, while a nurse grumbles angrily about "third time this week" and "stupid fucking kids, ruining their relationships."
Chatter doesn't know what to do. He decides to head to arbys. eat his heart out and try and find out whether he and Trae can sort it out. 
The nurse is so tired that they just leave. There's security cameras, if it gets bad then we'll know who started it, I guess. Trae turns to Chatette, and what is obviously his kid. 
"You cheated on me?!" He exclaims, angry but also mildly relieved.
"Actually, I cheated on Chatter, but what's the point? you're still stuck with me, or everyone will know what you are hun! No give me a kiss before the doctors get concerned, 'kay?"
'conceited bitch' He thinks to himself.
"WHAT was that, hunny? You going to go be homosexual with my ex?  You know I will tell them~~"
"I don't care. You fucking disgust me. Good luck on your own, Chattette." Trae walks out, on the verge of tears. Chattette was cheating on two men, just to hold them both down? Fuck it, tomorrow he's going full College homo. But first, Arbys.
Chat, at Arbys, has the desire to eat one of everything, but decides that maybe some soda, a burger, and some curly fries is a good start. He sits in a window booth, and then glances up. Like he's in a music video, the window reflects back to him his sad, crumpled face. His eyes are kinda watery. He's pretty glad he didn't marry Chattette after all. So much for a family though. He crams some fries into his burger. Luckily for him he guesses, at least Chattette won't get on his back for eating meat anymore. Maybe he can even go wear his leather jacket again! Still, he's probably gonna have to deal with Trae soon. Then, Comically, Trae walks through the door. 
If I could play a laugh track, I would. But nobody's smiling, except for those happy families. The workers aren't, and Trae goes up to get some food. Nice- He gets a milkshake. He is on a slightly healthier diet, so this is a slight reward for him. He sits in the booth parallel to Chatter. He doesn't realise it, but he says "Damn that bitch" out loud in his husky accent. 
Chatter hears him. "Trae, dude?". Chat moves parallel to him. "What the fuck happened back there with my... What happened with Chattette?" Chatter brings his food along with him. Is this a date? Chatter's lips purse as he looks back to Trae. He waits for Trae to explain.
Trae feel the need to say one thing. "I only did it for my safety. I'm fucking gay."
".......So that explains the booty shorts on valentines day!" Trae nearly smiled. Those were some comfy booty shorts, and very gay. He stopped it though, taking a bite of his order. Chatter made a weird face halfway in - between a smile and a :| .
"I still fit mine." Chatter admits this much.
Trae is slightly concerned with how much he blushes at both the acceptance and also the vision of Chat in those sexy booty shorts. "Same here, I still have a tonne of em. I could've gotten married in em!"
"then again, it's only been two years!"
"I guess you're right."
The conversation turns awkward. Awe, no. By coincidence, a kid zooms by. He stops, and makes a truck noise as he stops by the table. With wide, curious eyes- he asks very bluntly: "Are you two gay?"
Chat points at himself "I think?!" They look at eachother. "yes"
"yes" They both said, finally.  The kid slams a toy down on the table- a rainbow mcdonalds toy, and zooms off. look at him go-
"Uh." Chatter starts something, then stops. 
Trae, ever the top in the relationship, picks it up again. He rubs his neck. "Do you wanna maybe... get outta here?"
"we can head back to mine if you want, gonna have to move Cheater C's shit out anyway. I know her dad'll take care or the rest anyway." He's blushing slightly. He makes that head movement of 'c'mon lessgo' towards the exit, and they both head toward their respective vehicles. 
"WAIT! PHONE NUMBER?!" Chat yells quickly
Trae yells his phone number over to Chat, who saves his contact with a heart and a question mark. He blocks Chattette while he's at it. 
"Just follow me to my place, we're only ten mins away!" he yells over. He hops into his car and revs the engine. Then the two lads hit the road. As soon as they get home, Chatter calls a locksmith over- replacing the two locks in all the doors, so Chatette can't get in. He gets a master key, and bit his tongue as he got another one. Who knows.... Chatter starts to pull out some trash bags, putting Cheater Chattette's .. everything in their boxes, into the bags. Man, she has a lot of shit.
"wait should i delete her island on animal crossing?"
She won't be getting that back any time soon.  He moves on to the baby room. What USED to be the guest room.
"Uh Trae, we have a problem. There's only one bed in the house. You fine with taking the bed?"
Trae shrugs. "I can take the couch. By the way- random question , what's your favorite movie?" 
Chatter only frowns. "Megamind, and you're taking the bed, it's horrible for your posture. You- you have an excellent bo- SPINE, and mine's just really messed up. I'll take the couch." 
Trae sighs. "As soon as you fall asleep on the couch, I'm moving you to the bed."
They both stop. >:| is on both of their faces.
"Megamind is also my favorite movie though. Do you want to watch it on the couch before we fight about this some more?" He has a small smile on his face, and they go to do that.  One bag of m&ms later, they're .. really close on the couch. They make offhand comments through the film, one of which from Chatter is 'Chattette would never have done this with me...' Trae looks at him out of the corner of his eyes, and holds his hand under the blanket. 
Chat blushes slightly, smiling gently. He leans closer to Trae, ""Just for warmth"" he tells himself. The movie is coming towards a good bit. However, it seems Trae had fallen asleep. Chatter poked him a bit before giving up. He just snuggled closer and smiled, cramming his face full of m&ms. Chat snuggles deeper into the cuddle, and Trae moves slightly in his sleep. Waking up slightly, he notices the pressure on him and looks down. Very gently, he puts his arm around Chat. He drifts back off to sleep, not before whispering a little something.
"How glad I am that I never gave up on you, Chatter."
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c-atm · 5 years
Bittersweet meetings pt6
*November 7th..Night of Connie's birthday.*
Steven slightly turned the knob of the burgandy door at the back of the house; stepping into the kitchen of the Maheswaran household as he did many times. In his hand a small cobalt blue box with a gold ribbon, a gift for his closest friend on her birthday.
The kitchen itself was empty for the moment, but in the living room he saw some people not much. Most were already engaging in conversation near a wall or on the couch playing the gaming system. Though Steven could hear the music blaring from underneath them; the basement. He looked  to the southern wall, saw the table where the gifts were being held and decided against adding his. He look towards the stairs and smirked as a plan formed in his mind.
He took to the stairs greeting people as he did and climbed up to the second floor. He walked to the second door on the left and entered unnoticed. A third of the room glowed in a natural light from outside; including Connie's bed and desk. He's been in this room many times before, but this time he felt different. There was a swell in his chest.  
“it's been a few weeks since I've been in here. Still as orderly as ever.. and still smell of jasmine.” Steven let off a chuckle before taking notice of a slightly old picture of the two on her desk. the picture was taken during one of their group excursions, a karaoke bar. Steven and Connie was performing, mic in one hand and the other connecting them.  He couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked in that pic, despite it being mid ‘belt out’ of ‘Partners in Crime’
‘But she always do...ok enough fawning over her. I'm here for a reason.’ He scolding thought before turning to the bed he gently laid the present on the blue pillow on the bed with a card next to it. Happy with his work, the teen  left the room discreetly. as he was walking away from the room he felt two strong, feminine arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders and a very womanly form pressed behind him. He froze, feeling the person breath in his ear.
“Oh my. you've grown haven't you, Lil Stevie?”
His eyes widen at the sultry, accusatory voice before turning around and looking down at a 20 year old beauty, who was smirking at him. They had lighter mocha skin than Connie, slightly smaller nose as well. They shared the same hair color and length, though there was a streak of pink in it. They also shared the same black pools for eyes as Connie.  He hugged the ;person and gave them a twirl.
“Stevonnie! Oh my gosh, when did you get in? How’s college? ”
The surprised person laughed a bit at his antics before tapping his shoulders. “ A week ago and it’s good, it's good. Hey, can you put me down big guy, you'll mess up the outfit.”
“Oops, Sorry.” He placed them down and stepped back at his older friend and alumni. “You’re looking great. You must be beating people away with a stick on campus.”
“Well yeah, that because I don't have my little protector...Though you’re not so little anymore.”
He watched them straighten out their skirt of their burgundy hoodie dress before shooting him a look. Stevonnie walked around Steven looking him over as they did, causing Steven to feel self-conscious as they poked and gripped his arms approvingly.
“What?” Steven watched them as Stevonnie stopped and whistled, hand on their cheek.
“Where all this man come from, you didn’t have all this when I saw you last”
“That was nearly a year ago, I did, and you still saw me as you ‘kid-brother’.”
“Then maybe i’m blind. Sheesh, you all growing up and becoming attractive young adults.”
“Your only what, two to three years older than us.”
“Where's the twelve-year-old who gave me and Connie chocolate every time he visited?”
“Oh god, you still remember those days?”Steven scoffed with an embarrassing smirk at Stevonnie's jest.
“How I'm supposed to forget my first confession; you were such a dapper little tween with your tuxedo and pompadour."
“Stop. Please stop mentioning my old crush.” Steven flushed red as stevonnie giggle at his protest as they ruffled his head fondly.
“You've really had grown since I've been gone, kind of sad really.  If I knew my cute admirer would have such an upgrade, I would've accepted your proposal."
"Well too late, you sibling-zoned me. So you get to admire me from afar." Stevonnie rolled their eyes at his playful boast.
"Sure,sure probably for the best; last thing I want is to wake up to a rabid Connie...Speaking of, what are you doing up here?"
Steven looked at them sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Just came from the bathroom."
Stevonnie arched an eyebrow and gave an accusatory smile as they folded their arms under their breast. "There's one downstairs where the party at and I just came out of the one up here, try again sweetie."
"Uhhh..Psssh..got lost."
"Really in your ‘home away from home’ Steven...Now tell me, Why did I see you come out of my little sister's room?"
Their authoritative voice froze the boy into submission. it sounded just like their mother and sister, same effectiveness too.
"I was just dropping of my gift, didn't want it to get lost in the chaos that is the gift table. That’s all.”
Stevonnie gave him a quick side eye glance before adopting a mischievous grin. “Sooo….What you got herrr?”
Steven shook his head and pulled his index and thumb across his lips. “Lips are sealed, Vonnie.”
“Oooo, it must be something good if you can’t share it with me. Which makes me \want to know even more.”
“I bet, but I ain’t saying anything...It’s a personal gift from me to her. That’s all”
Stevonnie lifted their arms in surrender at the serious tone of Steven.” No problem, far be it for me to pry in your two relationship...can I ask one thing though.”
Steven nodded towards his friend, who looked at him with a bit of sympathy.
"Is everything ok with you and her?"
Steven gave a faux smirk before shrugging his shoulders. "Why wouldn't it be?"
"You’re dropping off your gift.”
Stevonnie watched as a Steven nostrils flared ever so slightly and his persona was a bit more somber.
“Nothing is wrong. Me and Connie are alright.”
Stevonnie squinted their eyes in a small glare, hands on their hips. “Uh-huh...So are you going to stay then?”
“For a bit.”
“Glad to hear it and since that is settled, how about we go downstairs to the party, huh?“
“Wait a minute, Vonnie” Steven started to protest as stevonnie latched their arm around his.
“Nope, you’re my date for the moment and as such I want a dance. Maybe it’ll help you with that disposition of yours, yeah?”
Steven knew he couldn’t argue with as they dragged him down the stairs and smiled a slightly mischievous smile at him. Steven bit back a groan as Stevonnie sighed with mock melancholy.
“You know how to make a person feel wanted, Steven. Here I am dressed in one of my best, hanging on your arms, begging for your company and you don’t even appreciate it.”
“Stevonnie, come on..Just not in the mood for a party..that’s all.”
Stevonnie groaned as she led him to the kitchen away from everyone and pointed to a chair near it’s island. Steven sat, looking a mixture of bored and annoyed as Stevonnie sat across from him. Stevonnie glared deeply into his eyes before speaking.
“Does this have to do with the guy hanging around Connie lately?”
Steven tensed for a quick moment, tightening his fist  before answering. “I...don’t know what you mean?
“The guy who introduced himself as Connie ‘boyfriend’.”
Steven eyes widened at that before standing up, lip in a tight frown.“Really, is that so?”
Stevonnie guided him back to his seat, holding his fist in a calming way. “Geez, relax lil’ Stevie, It’s ok.”
Steven breathed deeply but his demeanor didn’t change. “I’m fine..She can date whoever she wants. No skin off my back.”
Stevonnie giggled at his claim before answering. “Uh huh..Is that why you look like you’re ready to cause WW3 though 5.”
Steven blushed embarrassingly and bit the inside of his cheek. Stevonnie shook their head at the surprising stubbornness of the otherwise easy going lad. “It’s ok to be jealous, Steven.”
Steven scoffed with a mirthless laugh. “I’m not jealous...just feel some sort a way. mean..I wasn’t even aware that she did or would want decide to date anyone. Then she got with some no name while I was out sick and it was one of our close friends  that set up the meeting and i’m the last one to find out.
Stevonnie nodded in agreement but before she could open her mouth, the door leading to the back yard open revealing  Priyanka and Doug Maheswaran holding two string handled bags and a decorative cake respectively. The two on the island rushed to assist the couple, Steven helping Doug with the cake placement on the island, and Stevonnie taking the surprising heavy bags from their mother upstairs. Priyanka shaked and flexed her fingers and hands in relief before taking Stevonnies’ seat as Doug went and got his wife something hot to drink before giving the boy a small, motherly smile.
“Thank you for the assistance Steven.”
Steven waved the gratitude off .“Anytime Dr.Priya, you seem a bit tired though.”
”Priyanka nodded in agreement “Been up since early this morning getting all this together.”
Steven watched as she took the cup of dijong tea from her husband, giving him a tender kiss and a bright smile..It reminded him of Connie’s.
“how are you doing this evening Steven?”
Steven shook his head and blushed in embarrassment after being caught daydreaming. “I’m sorry, what did you say.”
Priyanka and Doug shared a quick glance before Priyanka spoke. “ How are you this evening, everything ok, Sweetie?”
Steven nodded his head and smiled at appreciatively at Priyanka. “Sorry yeah I’m ok..Just in my thoughts a bit.”
Doug smirked as he sat next to Priyanka and casually massaging her left hand.
“Well, we’re glad you found time to celebrate with us,Steven. For a minute, we thought you wasn’t going to show.”
Steven gave a slightly strained chuckle. “Yeah, I really can’t stay long though..Just long enough to drop off my present.”
“Oh and where exactly is the present,young man?”
Just a Steven was about to answer, a voice beat him to it.
“He sneaked into Connie’s room and left it on her pillow..he was very delicate as well.”
While Steven turned to see Stevonnie walk in, smirking at the now red faced teen; the Maheswaren shared a secret smirk between each other. Priyanka cleared her throat gaining the attention of the two..
“Steven that’s quite charming, though it begs the question...What did you get her?”
“Nothing, just a PMP she had her eye on for awhile and some other things.”
“Other things, hmm?”
“What other things, Son?”
Steven groaned at Doug and Stevonnie teasing; causing Priyanka to snicker before assisting the teen.
"Ok you two, leave the poor boy alone."
With a chuckle and scoff the daddy-child duo eased off Steven, who gave an appreciative nod towards the house matriarch.  
"Gifts aside, I hope your sporadic appearances will become more frequent like it before. It's been a little off without your visits."
"You know, my parents said the same thing about Connie..."
Doug nodded with a smirk. “It has been a while since you stopped by..thought you abandon us, son.”
Steven gave a mocked scoff. “Nothing of the sort, Mensiour Doug..Just been busy, school, clubs and stuff.”
"He doesn't like Connie's new guy very much."
Steven eyes widen at the older person exasperatedly as Stevonnie took a seat at the other end of the island. "Really Stevonnie."
"Am I wrong?"
"Can't dislike someone I have never met…Can I ask, what is your opinion of him,Good guy?"
Stevonnie sighed. " He's a nice kid, but the 'relationship' seems kind of jokey."
Priyanka looked at her eldest with a slight disdain "Rude".
Stevonnie shrugged "But true. What you think Dad?"
Doug hummed with his eyes close before  giving an answer. "Seems like a good guy, but I am in agreement about their relationship seeming kind of  rehearsed."
Priyanka shook her head at her child and husband before turning to Steven, who was looking expectantly. "He's a nice guy, Steven."
Steven sighed. "That's good and Connie is happy."
"She seems to be,There's no big change in her demeanor. "
"Seems to be?"  
The Maheswarans heard the irritation in his question.
"There seems to be a strictly platonic tone when she talked about jim. " Stevonnie chimed in causing Priyanka to begrudgingly nod in agreement.
"His name's Jeff, 'vonnie."
"For real?" Stevonnie flushed in embarrassment as both her parents and Steven nodded. "Don't that be all."
Steven shook his head at Stevonnie a small smile on his face when he felt Priyanka squeezed the teen shoulder gently before speaking. "Steven, she never told you about him?".
Steven shook his head again as Priyanka took a sip of her tea before continuing. "Don't let it get to you, Steven."
Steven shrugged "I'm not...Just felt like she ghosted me. Wouldn't she want her Biscuit  to meet her boyfriend?"
Priyanka couldn't help feeling bad for the boy she saw as a son, but also feel a little giddy at the apparent jealousy.  "Which is why you don't have to worry... Now, while I hate to come off as criticizing, if she has not introduced you to him, it may be a casual thing and not anything important. Which is believable, when you compare their interactions to yours, which are MUCH more intimate in nature."
Steven allowed a small smile on his face.It wasn't  the first time he heard someone state, one way or another, that Connie and him seemed like a romantic couple. It got to the point that they would jokingly flirt with each other; calling each other silly pet name like 'Hubby and Wifey' and over-exaggerate seeing each other.
Though there were times when the flirting was very sincere and full of affection. Times when they referred to each other as ‘Biscuit’ and ‘Berry’. Times when they unwittingly found each other hand during their outings. Their joy rides on 'lion', where despite having a passenger sidecar,she always opted to sit behind him; her reasons being she feels more secure holding him and it’s comfy. Times when they watched a movie together and would end up cozying up together, one head on the others chest while the other held them close enjoying the warmth. didn’t matter if they were with their group or not.
“Looking kind of relieved there ,Stevie.”
Stevonnie teasing voice caused the teen looked up at the family who each member held a knowing grin.
"I have nothing to be relieved about...That being said I'm going to wish the birthday girl a happy birthday before I head home. He gave them an appreciative smile before he got up and walked out of the kitchen and toward the basement stairs. The music was loud even before he opened the familiar green door and for a quick moment blared as he opened and closed it.  As he walked down the stairs the high paced rock music changed into a fusion of slow r&b and pop.
He opened the door darkened by the stairwell and entered the basement that resembled a small party hall; more than enough room for the 20+ people that currently resided in it. The basement was dimly lit with multicolored strobe lights, but not so much that it tempted unwanted attention. He could see everything clearly; from the mini kitchen on the far east complete with fridge,sink and refreshments. The DJ booth at the back with a good friend of theirs, Sour Cream, manning the one and twos.
He spotted some people from school as well as some from around the neighborhood. It was a sea of dancing and conversing `seventeen thru nineteen year olds...With a few twenty-one year olds they knew playing chaperone. All in all looked like it was a good time. He walked his way through the crowd saying his greeting to all who happened to spot him, giving the smallest of talks when he needed as he tried to find his berry, only to stop as his lungs got caught up in his throat as he saw her.
Forest green crop top sweater zipped down with a light green collarless shirt underneath, a pair of black Jean's that gently hugged her hips yet were baggy legged and a pair of small heeled copper boots. Her dark brown hair was in neat ponytail that stopped right at the center of her back. She had on the smallest amount of her signature lip gloss giving a slight but noticeable gleam to her lips and no other makeup
"Not that it's needed." Steven couldn't help his stare and the feelings within as he drank in the newly minted 17 year-old form. Her ever confident stance and gentle smiled as she conversed with the rest of their friends. The way her clothes showed off her figure respectfully and the gloss. Not the first time he saw her wear it and yet it made her more adorable. Yet he couldn't take a step towards her.
He was nervous. He was nervous to speak to Connie, something he hasn't been since the first time he met her. ‘The hell are you doing, Universe? It's Just Connie. Your bud, friend, confidant. Your Berry..The hell are you afraid of.' Steven breathed deeply trying to silence pounding heart. With clenched fists and determination he took a step towards her and their friends..
Only to see another slightly taller guy with a matching color scheme stand beside her. Very lightly tan skin, slim build, slightly messy brown hair, brown eyes. He had a small smile as he took her hand and introduced himself to the group .Steven watched as Connie was lead deeper into the crowd, seemingly not minding the hand on the small of her back.
Despite having a quite a few people between them, Steven felt he was right there with her. Her scent of jasmine and chai found his nose easily. Her unique giggle vibrated in his ear despite the music of ‘Tee lopes Yourniverse’ playing at a thundering level. His eves couldn’t leave his berry as she danced. The lightness of her steps, the small rotative movements of her arms, the sway of her hips and waist. It was all intoxicating, melodic and hypnotizing respectively.
He watched her date grabbed her hand and danced in away that was complementary to her own and despite being a visible distance away from each other, sans their hands, Steven couldn't  help the heat in his chest and the small growl in his throat. As he was about to step towards them, he felt someone whispered gently and coolly in his ear from behind.
"Aren't you gonna wish her happy birthday?"
Steven turned in surprise as he came face to face with shining deep blue eyes looking up at him; familiar ocean blue hair was in a stylized bang-bob combo, and a slightly freckled face that held a sly yet sad smile.He found himself blushing under the gaze of one Lapis Oceana lazuli.
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theslasherchild · 6 years
Micheal Myers love story
Part 5
Once we got home I passed Michael his new cloths, “ I hope you like them Micheal”, I also hope they fit i thought. Suddenly Micheal began to undress, mine and Elie face burnt red as he shirt lifted and his bare skin began to show through, I quickly ran forward and yanked his shirt back down,”NOT HERE” I yelp “go upstairs and changed“ my face still burning pink.
He nodded and quietly walked up stairs, “ buzz-kill” I heard Elie sniggering at me as she began to laugh, I threw a scoul at her. “ you lucky thing having that strapping lad living with you, almost makes me forget he’s a psychopath” she said giggling.
I swiftly turn on my heal and marched into the kitchen leaving Elie in a laughing messing the sofa. I sat on the island in my kitchen, still had a pink to my cheek as I drank my coffee, I sat and look out the window at the kids playing in the street. I once again began to cast my mind back to my childhood thinking about Micheal, he’s grown a lot I though casting my mind back to the little boy with blonde hair I wonder what happened to him once I left.
I sat thinking on it for a few more mintues before I felt someone walking into the kitchen I turn around to see Micheal. He looked...really hot, the jeans I got fit him really well and the black shirt outlined his muscles perfectly, I felt my face going pink as he stood there in front of me, staring at me. I looked up to meet his gaze, it was the first time I had properly look him in the face since we were little I suppose, his eyes were dark brow to the point where they almost look black they were beautiful I started to begin to loose myself in those eyes, so much so that I didn’t realise nor stop my self when my hand began to move to his face cupping his cheeks, what am I doing I thought once my hand touched his face, my face getting closer to his how can one man even do this to me so quickly why am I so desperate to be near him he’s a killer but yet I want him.my head swirling as our face become closer and closer, I begin to feel his breath on my face, my arms wrap around his neck and his hands move down to my waist and he moves himself in between my thighs on the counter, bringing me closer to him as I feel myself press right up against him, god why did he have to be so sexy to me I though. Our lips so close, “am I interrupting something” I heard a nervous voice come from the doorway.
I turn quickly to see Elie stood looking nervous, standing next to the policeman that had came to my door a few days ago, “s-sorry I’m interrupting you two, but I’ve bine sent to this neighborhood again to tell yer about the situation” my face blushing scarlet as Micheal still hadn’t taken his hands off me yet in fact if anything he had tightened his grip on me, “ r-right yes thankyou c-could you just please go into the living room we’ll be there in a minute” I look up at Micheal and gently push him away from me he had a oddly hurt look on his face, “ would you like any coffee sir” I ask , “ why thank you little miss” he replied walking away into the living room with Elie.
I jump off the island and I look up at Micheal sternly “ listen Micheal, that man thinks your my boyfriend and if you want to continue staying here your going to have to play along, I know you’re not the most talkative person but if he ask you anything I need you to answer” he didn’t say anything, “ please Micheal, I don’t want you to go please do this for me” without thinking I wrapped my arms around his waist and look up at him, a slight pink cane across his face, “ fine” he said, “ but only because I want to stay with you” I blushed at his response and squeezed his, I made the guys coffe and walked into the living room, Micheal following behind me.
We sat across from the police guy “so sir what’s this about” I ask nervously gripping Micheal hand, “ please call me bill”, he said cheerfully, he looked over at Micheal “ I do t honk we’ve had the pleasure, he held his hand out to shake his, anxiety ran over my body as I watch Micheal, suddenly michel leaned over reaching for his hand and shook it before quickly grabbing my hand and squeezing it right. “ anyway enough introductions what’s this about” Elie ask sternly “ right, sorry luv, I’ve just come over to tell yer that we’ve bine tracking the car that’s he’s bine using and we’ve actually tracked it to Maine” my face suddenly began to brighten, “ so does this mean he’s left he town”, “must so miss but we’re still asking yer to be careful and make sure yer doors and window are locked” he said once again cheerfully.
After Bill left I quickly ran into Micheal arms, “ isn’t this great some stupid kids must have taken that car you stole to Maine, thing might finally dye down a bit” I said happily. “ he held me tight a small smile going across his face, “ I’m gonna be heading home Ilene”, I turn to see a relived looking Elie, “okay I’ll see you tomorrow at work” I have her a quick hug and waved her goodbye. Once I got back in and locked the door I looked at the clock 22:30 it said, I should get ready for bed I do have work tomorrow I thought. “ Micheal “ I said, he quickly came into the hallway, “ I’m gonna go to bed your welcome to stay down here for a bit though” he nodded and walked into the living room.
I sluggishly walked up the stair, I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs and climbed into my bed, relief washing over me, I was so happy that Micheal would be staying with me I do t know why but I don’t want harm to come his way I want to keep him safe Because he wants to keep me safe i thought about it for while before drifting into darkness. I woke up to the sound of my alarm, after a few minutes it took me a second to realise the hands that were clutching onto me, I began to rock Micheal in hopes to wake him up but all I got was an annoyed grunt, “ Micheal” I said but still no response, “ mikey...” I said in the best sexy tone I could muster up at 6:30 am, however it seem to work as his eyes open and he sat up to face me but then he place his head in my chest pulling me closer to him, oh shit I thought as I tried to pull away, “ please don’t go” I heard Micheal say muffled but my chest, “ but I need to go to work Micheal “ I said gently, I got no response I sighed and thought, I mean I haven’t had a day off since I started at that school, I thought, “ okay fine BUT only this once” I said annoyed he then look up at me his face emotioless but his eyes said everything. I stretched to reach my phone and on my night stand hoping the cable would reach me, I called Elie to tell her I wasn’t coming I and then the school to tell them I was Ill, you know the general excuse.
“Okay I’ve called I’m all your today, but tomorrow I’m going In no excuse” I said sternly. Suddenly he grabbed me lifeting me up as he sat cross legged so that I could sit in his laps my legs either side of him. “ why is your face so red” he ask, he leaned in close so his head was the crook of my neck, “am I embarrassing you” he asked innocently. I pushed away from his in shock, “WOAH, weres mister I don’t talk to anyone gone” I said laughing, “ I don’t feel like I can’t talk to you Ilene” the way he said my name made me feel so special. Once again without realisation my arms were wrapping around his neck as i pushed his down into the mattress so that I was on top, our face got closer until our lips finally connected, it was amazing I had never felt so much emotio in just one kiss, at this point I didn’t care that he was a killer he was mine in this moment, the kiss began to get more sloppy as our lips danced together my tongue exploring his mouth, suddenly I felt something, something hard pressing up against me, I couldn’t help my self but push further down on it making a slight grunt come from Michaels throat, I stopped and sat up “ looks like I’m the one making you nervous” I said with a smug look on my face. I heard a small laugh come from his lips, my face brightened I was so happy that I could make him laugh he always looked so sad to see him smile made me feel so good.
WARNING: mature content ahead (you’ve bine warned)
“I’ve missed you” he said, I froze for a moment staring into his eyes until he continued “ I was so lonely when you left I couldn’t wait until I would be able to see you again” I blushed as he expressed his disire for me, “am I really that special to you” I asked nervously embarrassed by all this attention “yes” he said plainly but his eyes said everything I needed to know, I bent down and peck his lips, “ I dont quite know what it is about you, but you make me feel like I can be myself and loose myself in you” I said. His face grew red at my remark until he quickly tossed me over so that he could be on top, I grew red as his mouth moved to my neck and earlobe kissing and licking me adding in small bites, it felt so good I placed my hand in his hair and neck. This really is crazy I thought me here messing around with a killer but I oddly didn’t care I want to be with him I don’t want this to go away I thought. He suddenly began to push his hips against me moving them rhythmically my grip tighten on his hair and I causiouy moved my hips upward to match his rthym.
Small moan escaping my lips as low grunt came from Micheal as he worked away on my neck. On god what am I going to do with him I thought slightly giggling into one of my moans. I loved this feeling Michael gave me, I never got this much lust when I was with peter or any of my ex’s this felt so real and right to me I never want it to stop. I started to kiss his neck biting and sucking in it, as I switched off my thoughts and letting pleasure take over. Michael slowly moved down from my neck to my collarbone as his hand moved up my shirt, a sudden embarrassment came over me, “ s-sorry there not very big “ I said face night red, with that he whipped of my shirt and just stared at me “ your perfect “ he said as he began to kiss my breast playing with them, my moans became louder as I felt his warm, wet mouth over my nipple sucking on it, “ohhhh my go-“ my moans cut of as he pulled away as disappointment spread across my face.
He sat up to take his shirt off and threw it across the room, my hands rubbing all over him, he really was well built he was so beautiful. He them harshly grabbed my wrist pulling them above my head before quickly pulling my pants down, I closed my eyes and I felt him kiss my stomach moving down further and further until I felt a warm mouth lick me, kiss me there, I couldn’t help my self I moaned out so loud, “ OH GO-Oood yEs rIgHt thErE” my voice shaking, his hand squeezing my thighs. I suddenly felt something cold push against my entrance as I felt his cold finger pushing into me, I yelped out, he kissed me on the lips gently to almost comfert me, as I relax he began pumping his finger in and out before adding another. I became a moaning mess as he kiss me roughly.
He then pulled his fingers out and kissed me again, I looked at his face it was red and flustered he was so cute, I pushed his over kissing him softly before my hand started to push his pants down I pulled him to the end of the bed as I knelt down I rubbed his back as I reached into his pants rubbing him gently his face a deep red and he pushed my hair out of my face. I pulled his member out, oh my god I thought blushing at the sight of it, it was big and thick. I began to kiss the tip and kissing all the way down before licking back up I took a dead breath and took him all in one, hearing him grunt and moan made me so happy that I could be the one to make him feel such strong emotion. My head bobbing up and down faster and faster before he grips my hair right grunting loud shooting his load into my throat before I swallow it. Both panting I snake my way back up into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as he falls back into the bed pulling the cover around us.
Hello 👋 sorry if the mature bit was bad it was the first I’ve ever write but I hope you enjoyed it
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ritebeforeyoureyes · 6 years
This is a bit rubbish but it’s for the anon who requested a fic of Z comforting Tom after the football match. 
Also, as some of you may or may not know I am being sponsored by loads of generous donors to from Vienna to Budapest for a charity called First Story. I will be completing this venture very soon so my uploads and interactions may be very limited over the next few weeks! 
Masterlist - Plot: Zendaya watches the World Cup with Tom and his family and friends. 
Softie (One-Shot)
The night started off like any other when their friends and family united. There was a plentiful stock of beer, a soft flow of music infiltrating the room and smiles that could light up London till the new year. But, once commentators started speaking and the all mighty English national anthem was sung, everybody quietened down. It was like somebody had pressed a mute switch; the house silencing almost  with an air of comedy. 
Zendaya and Tom found themselves on a couch together, Z’s body pressed tightly up against him as he buzzed with an excitement that the whole country was feeling. With an arm draped across her shoulders and his face inches away from hers, Zendaya could feel Tom’s excitement radiate and she found herself getting engaged with the soccer game that she usually possessed no interest in.  Despite not knowing anything about the technical terms, she rested her head against her boyfriend’s chest and watched intently like everybody else in the room. 
And as England scored within the first five minutes of the match, Zendaya found herself being thrown out of Tom’s hold. Him, Harry, Sam, Tuwaine and the rest of the British lads jumped out of their seats in an uproar that could rally that at any Trump protest. They were screaming and embracing and Zendaya couldn’t help but chuckle at their overt patriotism. It was infectious and she found herself joining in; her logic instructing her that she had an affiliation with the country now that her boyfriend was British. 
But as the game slowed down a little, Zendaya found herself zoning in and out. She was still getting used to the time difference between L.A. and London and her head would lull downwards as sleep took over her. She was always in that in between phase, never really asleep but not one hundred percent awake and that meant that every little sound had her eyes flying open. The boys would scream at the TV and she’d jump up, somebody would call for a beer and she’s sneak an eye open. And gradually, the interruptions grew more frequent.  As the yells grew louder and louder, Zendaya forced herself out of her restfulness to join back in with the English festivities. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” As Z peeled her eyes open, she was met with Tom kneeling on the floor in front of her; Harry and Sam on either side of him. It was an amusing sight but from the look of pure fright on their faces, Zendaya knew now was no time to laugh.  “Come on, come on-” As she took in the sight of the scores in the top left hand corner of the screen, Zendaya realised why the Holland brother’s were so intently attached to their television screen. It was extra time and England were down by one with just minutes left on the clock. 
“We can do this.” Sam spoke with a nonchalance that nobody really had much faith in as the timer in the corner slowly drew to a close with Croatia in the lead. It was like watching the countdown to the New Year but in an alternate universe; everyone was sad about it. The numbers ticked unbearably slowly and the room’s previously buzzing atmosphere dropped to that of great mourning. 
“I saw it coming.” Tuwaine was the first to speak after England’s tragic lost and his version of ‘I told you so’ was met by an influx of protests and cushions to the face; everyone’s wounds still too fresh. “Hey, don’t hate the messenger!” 
“Ass.” Tom muttered jokingly as he got up off the floor with an empty beer bottle in his hand. He silently began to pick up the mess that had accumulated throughout the game and Zendaya instantly noticed his sullen mood. Despite his mocking tone with Tuwaine, Zendaya could see the frown lines in his forehead and she wordlessly followed him into kitchen. Even though she saw the match as just a game, she knew it meant more than that to Tom. Him and his family religiously followed the sport and had been doing so since they were children. 
“Hey.” As Tom set his bottles onto the counter top, Zendaya put a hand to his shoulder. “It’s okay-”
“I’m fine.” Tom shrugged her off casually and busied himself with fussing over dirty napkins and cutlery. Deep down, he expected her to ridicule him for taking the football so seriously. Zendaya was just like Paddy and Haz sometimes; she’d tease him whenever she got the opportunity. Sometimes there would be a snide remark about his height or his inability to talk about her without grinning like a Cheshire cat and now that he was genuinely upset about England’s lose, he wasn’t in any particular mood to entertain her witty (and sometimes ruthless) banter. “I’m fine.” 
“Tom,” Zendaya adjusted herself between the central island and where Tom was stood, immediately halting his movement. Even with their close proximity, Tom’s gaze refused to meet Zendaya’s and she knew he was taking this harder than he tried to portray to her. “Will you look at me-”
“Z, come on I’m just trying to tidy up-” 
“It’s okay for you to be upset, you know?” With a speedy movement of his chin, Zendaya forced his face upwards, their nose brushing as a consequence. She pecked his surprised lips tenderly, both of her hands cupping either side of his face. “You don’t have to lie with me, loser.” 
In that moment, with her hair all natural and a cheeky smile on her face, Zendaya and her Marvel Comic Universe character, Michelle Jones, were one in the same. And Tom couldn’t stop the small smile that ghosted across his features. Michelle was a misunderstood character who had such a depth to her that, on the surface, many people misunderstood and in a way, Zendaya was the exact same. Behind her celebrity facade, her Dad jokes and her devastatingly beautiful looks, she was a softie. He had expected her to make fun of him and yet here she was, trying to comfort him. She was a loyal, kind, humble person and her desire to make Tom feel better after the football was an example of the kind of person that she was - the kind of person that Tom was proud to call his girlfriend. 
“I love you, you know that, right?” Tom kissed her this time, his previously tense frame melting under her touch. Whether or not the football was coming home, he knew he’d be coming home to Zendaya and in his mind, that was all that mattered. 
If you enjoyed this piece and would like to help further me and my work, please support me whilst I get through university. The money you donate will go towards assisting me in my student fees, rent etc. It is one hundred per cent a voluntary pursuit and greatly appreciated, however, your lovely comments, likes and reblogs are always welcomed too. Thank you for being the greatest: https://ko-fi.com/D1D072V0
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betweensceneswriter · 7 years
Second Wife-Chapter 9 : Better to Marry than Burn
Second Wife Table of Contents
Second Wife on AO3
Previously -  Chapter 8 : The Gentleman of Leisure Fergus has always been like a son to Jamie.
“Well, I did see you together that day in the alcove,” I defended myself, “and somebody certainly taught you how to kiss.” Jamie shuffled his feet in the dust, embarrassed. He ducked his head shyly. “Well now, Sassenach, I’m no better than most men. Sometimes I try, but I dinna always manage. Ye know that bit in St. Paul, where he says ’tis better to marry than burn? Well, I was burnin’ quite badly there.”
I laughed again, feeling light-hearted as a sixteen-year-old myself. “So you married me,” I teased, “to avoid the occasion of sin?” “Aye. That’s what marriage is good for; it makes a sacrament out of things ye’d otherwise have to confess.” (Outlander, 416).
     He might have stormed out of their bedroom in anger the previous night, but Jamie knew that he needed to keep peace in his home.  Several times in his life, Jamie had walked toward a necessary conversation with a heavy heart, and this time hurt him especially.
     He found Fergus in the stables, forking hay down from the loft into the stalls. He’d thought of Fergus frequently in the years he was in Ardsmuir and Helwater.  The lad was still the same handsome, clever, quick-witted creature Jamie had first met, but the familiar face had changed markedly in the eleven years Jamie had been gone.  Fergus had been eighteen when Jamie turned himself in to the British, a young man who was still slender and youthful of face.  A boy continues to grow and mature in his twenties whereas girls have often reached their maturity before they leave their teenage years.  Fergus had widened through the rib cage, though he was still thin.  His beard had thickened as well, so that if he did not shave, there was a dark shadow on his cheeks.  But the real changes were less perceptible—a sense of humor and wisdom in the eyes, confidence, and a settled peace in his personality.
    Fergus climbed down the ladder as Jamie stood below, trying to consider his words.
     “Ah milord,” Fergus said empathetically as Jamie approached him with downcast face.  “I know what you need to say.  Please know I cannot fault you.  You must consider the feelings of your wife now.”
     Jamie shook his head, as if the effort could change the circumstances.  “But Fergus, lad, you’re like a son to me. I wanted you here.  I didna even consider that it would be a problem for the second Mrs. Fraser.  I think maybe Laoghaire sees ye and it makes her think of France, and Claire.  For me those are good memories, but they are not good memories for her.”
     “What shall I do then, milord?” Fergus asked, looking about him at the beasts in the stable and the crops in the fields beyond.  “I am not made to be a farmer.  I cannot go back to Lallybroch.”
     Jamie wrinkled his forehead as he too stared out over the fields.  “I’ve been thinking, Fergus.  The land doesn’t create enough income anymore.  There’s not enough to support Jenny and Ian and their children at Lallybroch, while also supporting us here at Balriggan.  We need another source of income.”
     “Milord?”  Fergus asked curiously.  “What are you thinking?”
     “Ye were speaking about seeking out yer fortune last evening.  You’re a smart lad, Fergus, and ye have a way wi’ people.  If I sent ye to Edinburgh, do ye think you could find ways for us to make additional money?  I’ve got the last gem retrieved from Silke Island secreted away, so we would have some capital to buy or start something. I need a business, lad.  Something respectable. Something an educated man might find stimulating and rewarding, but something that might also be a cover for a less reputable but more profitable business venture.”  Jamie’s eyes twinkled as he spoke, and Fergus could see the idea gaining more traction in his mind.
     “Milord,” said Fergus, brightening, “This is a thing I could do.  What exactly might you be considering?”
    “When I worked for Jared,” Jamie mused, “I could see that there is money to be found in the selling of spirits. Ye should go to Edinburgh and seek out a business that moves things, one where it’s common for tubs and casks to come and go.  A business where the excise men willna typically think they should even go.”
     “Ah, milord,” Fergus smiled.  “This will be a challenge.  And it will be good to be in your service again and seek a different source of income. As I said, I was not made to be a farmer.”
     “Nay, lad, ye werena made for that. Well, come in to break yer fast,” Jamie said.  “Ye can say goodbye to the little lassies.  And Laoghaire will be happy to pack you a generous amount of delicious food, as long as it’s to send ye away on a long journey.”  He chuckled bitterly.
     Jamie was right.  Laoghaire was quite cheerful, considering the sabaid mhòr they’d had the previous night. He had crept down to the guest room and slept on the bed he’d intended for Fergus.  He didn’t want to be around her after the words they’d said, but he didn’t much feel like apologizing, either.
     Joanie was sad to see her new friend leave.  “Ye will write and tell us if you find a parrot and decide to sail to the West Indies, will ye not?” she asked seriously, holding onto Fergus, one hand gripping his hand and the other his hook.
     “You will be the very first to know if I become a pirate, Miss Joanie,” Fergus assured her.  “But currently, I do plan to return at least for Hogmanay.  I wouldna want to be away from the family at the holidays.”
     “But that’s months away!” Marsali exclaimed, breaking her silence and stepping toward Fergus in her distress.  “Nine months!  Will ye truly not come to visit us in all that time?  And that means ye also willna be here for my birthday next month.  I’m turning fourteen. Nearly a young lady.”
     Fergus smiled at her, and patted her on the arm.  Jamie was glad Laoghaire was in the kitchen packing vittles for Fergus to take on his journey, for the way Fergus looked at Marsali, and the way Marsali tensed and blushed at Fergus’s touch demonstrated that sending Fergus away was probably the best choice, though he wouldn’t admit it to Laoghaire.  Fergus needed to be reminded of his influence on real women, not a mere child like Marsali. 
     As he bid the girls farewell, Fergus first bowed low to Joan, taking her hand after she’d curtsied and kissing it briefly.  He did the same for Marsali, but he met her eyes, and his lips perhaps lingered a little longer than they should have.  But he was leaving, so Jamie rolled his eyes at the young flirt and ushered him out of the house.
     The two men embraced once more at the road as Fergus prepared to mount his horse for the journey to Edinburgh.  Jamie ruffled Fergus’s hair as he used to when he was just a wee lad, and with some last pieces of advice, he sent the young man on his way.
      Laoghaire had been very aware of Marsali’s admiration for Fergus the previous evening.  She recognized the telltale signs of infatuation in her daughter’s actions: listening intently while not actually making eye contact, blushing in response to being acknowledged, and more than anything, Marsali’s otherworldly awareness of the young man’s location at all times.  When Fergus had left, her daughter had burst into tears and gone running upstairs.  Laoghaire thought she might actually still be crying up there.  The lad definitely needed to leave.
     Her argument with her husband had been horrid last night, but she was very glad that Jamie had listened to her, even if his words had stung her to the core.
     Icy?  He called her an icy bitch.  She had been anything but icy towards Jamie at Castle Leoch.
     It was a miracle that her father let her out in company again after the hall.  That night her Da and her Gran had a huge argument.  Mrs. Fitz finally told her son-in-law that she would take responsibility for the young lass.  Wasn’t it those uncouth village boys who she’d been with, after all?  Laoghaire had tearfully promised on her mother’s grave that she would not behave in a loose manner, and the deal was done.  Now she was sharing a room with her Gran, and sequestered to the kitchen for most of the day, with just occasional privy breaks where she could be alone.  Even with those restrictions, Laoghaire was grateful.  She had a feeling if she’d gone home with her Da, it wouldn’t matter that Jamie had volunteered to take her punishment in the hall—her Da was just as capable of using his belt at home.
     She was grateful to be allowed to see Gwyllyn the bard perform in the hall that evening.  When Mrs. Fitz finally excused her from her kitchen duties, she crept into the large vaulted room and looked for an open seat.  She didn’t realize she was sitting next to the Sassenach until the woman had leaned toward her to introduce herself.  They had exchanged names, acknowledging each other with congenial smiles.  Then Laoghaire’s attention was drawn away to the entrance to the hall, and her heart instantly began to pound.  There he was—James Fraser, wearing his kilt, drawing the attention of everyone with his handsome face, his strong body, and that red hair.  
     Mistress Beauchamp had noticed as well, and whispered “Cuts quite the fine figure, that Mr. MacTavish!”
     “Aye,” she had answered.  There was no use denying it.
     Jamie had been engaged in cheerful conversation with several men by the entrance, but as the two young ladies were watching him, he glanced over in their direction.  Mistress Beauchamp waved to the young man, as Laoghaire considered, Which one of them was he looking at? 
     She sighed, concluding the worst.  “But it’s not me he fancies.”
     He was walking toward them, as Mistress Beauchamp joked, “Well, men rarely know what’s best for them.  That’s what us women are for.”
     He tried to make himself smaller to not offend the other members of the audience, but that was virtually impossible.  He completely filled the empty space in between them with his bulk, greeting them in turn. 
     “Laoghaire.  Mistress Beauchamp.”
     “Mr. MacTavish,” said Mistress Beauchamp.  She leaned out and looked beyond him to Laoghaire.  “I was just telling Miss MacKenzie how beautiful she looked tonight.”
     He looked at her distractedly, taking in her hair, her dress.  “Aye,” he said.  “Aye, she’s bonny.”  Then he turned his gaze away from her as Gwyllyn started to play.
     Laoghaire could tell from Jamie’s posture which one of them had the majority of his attention.  His body leaned away from her like a tree blown in the wind, his torso angled clearly toward the English woman.  Mistress Beauchamp tried to include her in the conversation, but Jamie seemed to shut her out, his broad back like a wall.  She couldn’t hear what Mistress Beauchamp was saying, and Jamie was leaning toward the Sassenach every time he spoke.
     He did mention the time he had been at Leoch before, and Laoghaire tried to re-insert herself in the discussion.  “I remember the time you were here before,” she'd mused.
     “Mmmm?” said Mistress Beauchamp, sipping her Rhenish and acknowledging her.  “Do you?”
     “You canna have been much more than seven or eight yourself,” said Jamie. He smiled, and Laoghaire sighed in embarrassment.  He leaned back towards Mistress Beauchamp, saying, “I doubt I was much to see then so as to be remembered.”
     “Well, I do remember, though,” she had responded to him.  She thought back to that strong young man, and her young girl’s crush.  “You were so—.“ She didn’t want to embarrass herself and didn’t quite know how to finish the sentence.  “I mean, do you not remember me from then?”
     “No,” said Jamie, casually.  “No, I dinna think so.  Still, I wouldna even be likely to.”  He was trying to be polite, maybe.  He turned back to the Sassenach, again.  “A young birkie of 16 is too taken up with his own grand self to pay much heed to what he thinks are naught but a rabble of snot-nosed bairns.”
     Snot-nosed bairns!, Laoghaire thought in disgust.  She wanted to remind him.  She wanted to say, Ye weren’t but fourteen, and ye did notice me, Jamie Fraser.  Ye said I would be the bonniest lass at Leoch when I was grown.  But he wasn’t paying attention to her now.  Mistress Beauchamp had just elbowed him, which made him freeze and stare at her.
     The older two continued their whispered conversation next to her, and Laoghaire felt ignored.  Gwyllyn had only finished the first song, when Jamie finally turned back to Laoghaire.  But it was only to hand her Mistress Beauchamp’s glass which he had just drained, and to say, “It’s gotten late.  I believe I’ll see Mistress Beauchamp back to her chamber.” 
      With that, Jamie and Mistress Beauchamp got up and left the hall, and Laoghaire watched them as they went, Jamie holding onto the Sassenach by the elbow.  They weren’t married, and Mistress Beauchamp seemed very proper.  But the way she had touched Jamie the previous night seemed very intimate.  What were they going to do?  Laoghaire’s stomach ached with longing and disappointment, and she glared at Claire's retreating back.
      The following day Laoghaire was yet again working in the kitchen.  Mrs. Fitz had her wrapping up bannocks and cheese in cloth and putting them in baskets for the young men who picked up their luncheons before heading out to work in the fields or with the horses.  She was busy at her work, when suddenly she felt fingers on her back and then someone tugging at her hair.
     “Stop-it, Adam,” she hissed.  The young lad was constantly teasing her instead of bringing in wood like he was supposed to.
     “Not Adam,” said a deep voice from behind her.  Laoghaire’s eyes flew open and she whipped around, slowed slightly by the hand which still gripped a sizeable hank of her hair.
     “I just recalled,” said Jamie.  He was grinning at her, his eyes twinkling.  “I think I do remember you, Laoghaire.  Did ye used to plait your hair in a thick braid, like a golden rope down yer back?”
     She pursed her lips at him.  “Yes,” she said skeptically.  Did he truly remember?
     “And I told the other lads we should be careful.  For when you were grown, you were going to be the bonniest lass at Leoch.”
     ��You do remember,” she said, shaking her head, feeling irritated with him. It was too late.  He’d already embarrassed her in front of the Sassenach.  “Are ye here to take your luncheon?  The finished baskets are over there.”  She gestured to the other table.
     “No,” said Jamie.  “I will be working the horses today, but I think I need to go to confession, first.”
     “Confession?” Laoghaire asked.  “’Tisn’t Sunday.  Dinna ye want to wait for Mass?”
     “Some things need to be confessed sooner, or they wear on your soul,” Jamie responded.
     “Are you so very evil?” Laoghaire asked him.  “You have so many sins that you must confess every day?”
     “Nah,” said Jamie, “But I have been thinking about the scriptures, and it’s put me in mind of some things I need to confess.”
     She made a face at him.  Not many lads bothered to read anything, much less the Bible. He was in an odd mood, but Laoghaire decided to play along.  “Which scriptures are ye thinkin’ about, James Fraser?” She gave him a sidelong glance as she continued to wrap up the bannocks and cheese.
     Jamie was looking around the kitchen, and he gestured toward the hallway with his head.  Mrs. Fitz was occupied, so Laoghaire put down the packet she was working on and followed him. 
     When they were out in the hall, they faced each other.  Oh, his eyes were so blue, Laoghaire thought.
     He couldn’t quite meet her gaze, and his lips twisted in a wry smile.  “I was thinkin’ about what St. Paul says, that ‘tis better to marry than to burn.”
     “Are ye getting’ marrit, then?” Laoghaire asked, confused as to where the young man was going with this line of discussion.
     “No.”  Jamie stepped closer to her and bending close, whispered in her ear in a husky voice, his warm breath blowing on her in a way that sent chills down her spine.  “No, but I’m burnin’, lass. And if I’ve got to go to confession already, I might as well have something to confess.”
      “What about Mistress Beauchamp?” she asked, eyes narrowed.
     “Mistress Beauchamp?”  Jamie paused and sighed thoughtfully, “Well, she’s been marrit, and she doesna plan to stay at Leoch.  Besides, she has no use for an outlaw like me.”
     Laoghaire stepped back and looked up at him.  Was he making fun of her?  The look she saw in his eyes made it quite clear.  This was not the distracted young man of last night, dismissing the little lassie next to him while he hung on every word of the beautiful Sassenach.  He was devouring her with his eyes, looking at her face, and quite clearly his eyes were drifting lower as well.
     “Well, maybe we can give ye something to confess, and I can show my thankfulness,” Laoghaire teased.  “I know a place,” she whispered.  And taking him by the hand she led him into an alcove where a striped linen curtain would hide them from view.  He sat on a keg and pulled her down onto his lap.  With a sweet, hungry smile, he stroked her cheek, then dug his fingers into the thick blonde locks at the back of her neck and pulled her close to him until their lips met.
     Her heart may have leapt when she was seven, and she surely felt roused when she kissed Hugh and thought of Jamie, but that was nothing in comparison to what Laoghaire felt now.  With Jamie’s gentle hands roaming her body, she was head-to-toe goose bumps and shivers.  Hugh kissed in a sloppy, wet way, which Laoghaire sometimes thought was like letting a baby calf suck on your face.  But Jamie did it differently, opening his lips, and gently touching and licking hers with the barest touches of his tongue. 
     He stroked her body as well, gentle caresses down her arms and up her back, tracing her ears and neck with his fingers, traveling over the rise of her breasts at the gathered edge of her shift.
     And then Laoghaire felt his large hand pushing her skirts upward, for a moment resting on her knee, and then gently creeping farther, stroking the sensitive skin of her thigh.  She thought she would faint.  Her muscles were liquid.  She felt weak, in body as well as willpower. 
     “No,” she said, when his hand was halfway up her thigh, finally realizing she needed to place a limit on him and on herself.
     “Oh, Laoghaire,” he breathed.  “Oh, ye are so bonny.  Ye are right, though.  We shouldna keep going.”
     She thought she’d felt something shift beneath her as they were kissing, and when she got off of Jamie’s lap, he didn’t instantly rise.  He was wide-eyed and somewhat breathless, his face flushed.
     He chuckled and made a face at her.  “That St. Paul.  He must have done a lot of confessing, for I dinna think the man married.  So he must have been burnin’, all right.”  She was waiting for him to leave with her, but he stayed seated.
     “Ah, we should probably leave separately anyway.  And I think I need a minute, lass,” Jamie said, slowly blowing out his breath as he waved for her to exit. 
     As Laoghaire watched Jamie read to the girls that night, she truly looked at him for the first time in quite a while.  He was not the same young man as he had been at Leoch.  For one thing, he had more scars.  Besides the scars from the double flogging, and the small white line on his lip from the beating he took for her, as well as the crescent shaped scar on the back of his head, buried in his hair, there was the triangular one on his neck, and the long wound on his thigh from the battle at Culloden.
     He certainly had hidden scars as well.  Though he was very sweet with the girls, sometimes it seemed as if he didn’t have a whole heart to give.
     But then, neither did she.  She was scarred as well, in ways that Jamie would never see; some of her deepest scars actually caused by him.  She wondered, as she looked at the red curly head bent close to the girls with their braids, like gold and copper ropes: What would their lives have been like, if Jamie had really listened to himself as he propositioned her in the hallway, with those words from St. Paul?  What if she hadn’t stopped his hand?
On to Chapter 9b: A Bird in the Hand Jamie’s memories of Leoch
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Bug Run 7: Comments & Movesets
The movesets and comments on each of the pokemon on my team can be found below!
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Gaz the Vikavolt
Thunderbolt/Bug Buzz/Volt Switch/Dig – Choice Specs
As my selected starter, Gaz had a pretty tumultuous start to the team. She did not pack much of a punch in the beginning. Certainly, Grubbin is strong when compared to Caterpie, Wurmple and other grub-based pokemon. But this strength is still not much when compared to the early trials she had to face. As such, her alliance with Ledyba at the very start of the game was essential. This support helped carry her through the difficult early stages of soft, squishy vulnerability.  
Something that also helped was my choice to obtain a Grubbin with a Brave nature. While Vikavolt is a very specialized special attacker, its previous stages are physical attackers. This may seem odd, but it actually mimics nature, in a way; part of why insects undergo metamorphisis in the first place and have immature forms very different from adult forms is because they can occupy different environmental niches. Thus, it’s not so strange, and it makes sense to embrace her physical attack in her early stages, when she was still such an important member of the small team. I had some concerns that late game, this choice may eventually end up a liability, but at the moment, I had to do what I could to survive.
It was my great relief that once Grubbin evolved into Charjabug, she became quite the little powerhouse. Spark was an incredibly welcome piece of move diversity to the team that hit crucial foes, and while she was slow, she had great defenses for that stage of the game. This was only improved when somebody generously handed me an Eviolite. She began contributing in a major way to the team, dishing out hard hits and helping me survive hits in equal turn. Her Acrobatics was also a welcome coverage move, especially against fellow bug foes and fighting types.
It took quite some time before I could reach the mountain that would allow Gaz to evolve into her final form. Like the pokemon itself, Gaz had a bit of a slow start. But once she got rolling, she could become quite unstoppable. Her evolution into Vikavolt had us saying goodbye to the spunky little toothy battery and hello to a full-on railgun.
As mentioned, Vikavolt is very specialized, putting almost all its stats investment into its special attack. When compared to the average electric type pokemon, it’s also disappointingly slow. I always felt salty about that fact when Vikavolt was first released, and so never used it during Sun/Moon. That said, I am glad I finally gave it a chance during this run. Vikavolt may be slow, but there’s no denying that its raw spec. attack power allowed me to fell many foes. This became especially the case when I traded Gaz’s Eviolite in for a pair of Choice Specs. Gaz was a very regular and extremely important contributor to the core team. With a little bit of team support– screens and stun spores and tailwinds and the likes– it could also help her overcome speed issues and set her up for even greater success. With her typing, she was often the sole defender able to take out dangerous Flying types, and a welcome destroyer of incredibly common water types.
She also was a good answer to facing off against fellow Electric types, and not simply because of a resistence and immunity to paralysis; she also picks up the move Dig. This is a physical move, and so doesn’t seem a big deal, but it actually ended up being quite the advantage. It didn’t play off her biggest strength but a really good coverage move is still coverage, and it was often enough to check electric types. The fact that she was Brave nature probably helped, as it ended up even as an adult she was still using her attack after all.
All in all, I would say that if used correctly, this railgun bug can be a truly potent critter to face down in battle.
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Protoman the Ledian
Light Screen/Reflect/Tailwind/Air Slash – Light Clay
Purely support pokemon kind of go against my play style. But there’s really no way around it– Ledian was always intended as just a support. He’s a team player. He ‘s only there to set up others for success, not to bask in any glory himself. And with limited choices in the grass beside my house, I just couldn’t go at things with Gaz alone. I tried to, absolutely. But Gaz just couldn’t face all those critters solo. She needed some help. And Ledyba was there to give it.
There’s no doubt that Protoman allowed us to get through the early game. He was even taking out pokemon solo at first. And once he picked up screens, he provided an essential service to the team. For a lopsided mono-bug team full of mostly slow teamembers, screens made an enormous difference; often the difference between utter failure and success. Their value really can’t be overstated.
I did feel … bad, though. There was something heroic about Ledian endlessly opening as my starter to get up screens and then faint. It was a huge self-sacrifice to the team, whose eventual victories he was rarely even awake to witness, but it also was kind of sad. With that kind of tireless support and putting others in the spotlight, Protoman deserved a lot of praise. He was playing with the big boys in Alola, a weak Johto bug far from home, but he was still contributing something major and meaningful. I went out of my way to feed him beans and pet him as much as I could without raising affection too high. (I don’t want affection to influence my runs, since that can sometimes score extra critical hits, 1 HP survivals, etc.) Give him massages and so forth. He deserved some love– heck, he sure fainted enough for it. Never once complained a peep about it, too.
Eventually, towards late game, my tireless ladybug guardian was starting to have a hard time even getting screens up. A lot of the foes simply outsped him and wiped him out. I shifted some of the support duties onto other pokemon. Despite all of that, however, Protoman got a few windows even during the final battles with the elites to get his job done. I suspect during post-game, his role will become entirely obsolete … but perhaps that will just allow Protoman to enjoy his retirement. He certainly earned it.
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Ms. Sidle the Ribombee
Bug Buzz/Dazzling Gleam/Quiver Dance/Tailwind – Silver Powder
I love Ribombee. I just freaking love it. Look at it. It’s adorable. Aaaahhhhggh. I need a plushie of one. When they were first announced I was so hyped. Bee flies are awesome. They deserve to have a pokemon based off them, especially one as adorable as Ribombee. I’m not normally a fan of fairy types at all, but Ribombee is perfect.
Now that you know my bias, you can perhaps understand my disappointment in her attack prowess. Her special attack is good, and does a lot of damage, but it’s never QUITE enough to get the job done. It always needs a little bit of a bump. “No problem,” you say, “Just use her Quiver Dance!” And that is a potential solution, yes. But Ribombee is frail, lacking in any real bulk. Quiver Dance cannot be depended upon on a regular basis. She often needs to just get in, do her thing, and get out– or faint, as is the case more often then not.
So that is what she did. She was a regular contributer to the team, getting in big chunks of damage, but rarely quite getting the kills solo. As such, she either softened up pokemon for her teammates to finish off, or she added the final blow to pokemon that were already softened up. She also had something special that nobody else on the team had:
In Alola, everybody tends to take things pretty dang slow. Including the pokemon. Nobody is in any hurry, even in battles, it seems. So for a fast Alolan pokemon, well, that is truly something special. And for my team, it’s something essential. In fights, speed is often key, after all. Things were especially dicey when facing down pokemon from Kanto or Johto or other regions, as they tended to outpace the islanders easily. So Sidle’s job very often was to get in a quick hit or to set up a screen or to Stun Spore especially dangerous pokemon and make them more managable for my pokey little bugs. In the late game, when I got fed up with Stun Spore missing too often, I tutored Tailwind onto her to do the job.
Part of me is still a little bummed out, though, that Ms. Sidle can’t claim more of the glory herself. It’s great to have her on the team, and she does a lot to help out, but I wish … she was more of a starring role than an important support pokemon.
Perhaps someday, my sweet little Sidle will claim a little piece of glory all for herself, too.
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Dipper the Ariados
Toxic/Protect/Sucker Punch/Poison Jab – Black Sludge
If Ribombee and Ledian had a bit of a hard time as support pokemon, then Dipper had the worst time.
This poor lad never seemed to hit his stride on the team. Slower then even many Alolan pokes and stuck with very low base power damaging moves for quite some time, Ariados really struggled. Teaching him Leech Life (a move that gets an amazing power buff in this gen) helps him along eventually, but not by much. He just wasn’t giving enough of anything– speed, defenses, attack, movepool diversity.
Dipper ended up falling into a role that nobody should have to be stuck with as a pernament job– fodder. Needed a safe switch-in? Toss Dipper out there. Needed somebody to eat up a z-move or a First Impression? Dipper will do it for ya. Need to potion up at an opportune moment because your foe had done so earlier? Dipper will give you the chance.
Eventually, I picked up the TM for Toxic, and assigned Dipper a toxic stall role. He managed to perform this some of the time, at least for a little while. These moments sometimes helped us land important victories against powerful foes, such as the totem Kommo-o or Ultra Necrozma. But very often, Dipper didn’t even get the chance to get his toxic off, so eventually the role slipped away from him.
Even in the end, at the hands of the elites, Dipper was serving as important fodder, but I had wanted so much more for him. He deserved a chance to actually shine. With the main game complete, my hope is that during post-game … well. Maybe. Maybe he can do something besides faint.
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Neptune the Araquanid
Liquidation/Reflect/Lunge/Mirror Coat – Waterium
Neptune started out during an opportune time on the team, joining us in Akala after defeating the water totem (his own kin), and just in time for tackling a fire-type area and a fire-type totem. Despite the fact that Araquanid actually has very modest attack for a physical attacker (base of 70), he was a dependable and stalwart fighter on my team. With his typing, it meant some important resistances and STABs, and with his sky-high special defense (Araquanid’s specialty), it meant a lot of survivability. With his ability (Water Bubble), it also meant important advantages over fire moves (can’t be burned, halves fire damage). He was regularly cleaning out opponents, even with the handicap of his best water move being Bubble Beam, a special attack. The Waterium he held often is what bumped up Bubble Beam enough to make it finish the job. (His ability, Water Bubble, also gives a major bump to his water moves.) It felt like a ridiculous amount of time before he finally earned Liquidation, a physical water move that truly took advantage of his potential. It was just in time for the Elite Four, and I was thankful for the added advantage.
Araquanid has a disappointingly shallow movepool and virtually nothing in the way of viable coverage options, unless you’re very intent on killing fairies (Poison Jab). He’s also as slow as many Alolan pokemon, so don’t count on outspeeding much with this spider. That said, he still occupies a niche. His Water Bubble-powered Liquidation truly gets impressive results, and he has the bulk and moves for possibly some particular strats (Mirror Coat, chesto-resto/sleep talk, etc. with aqua ring & lefties support, tox & infestation stall/trapping, etc.) He will live long enough to do real work on your team, and I was very happy to have him around. Plus, look, his design is cool as heck. He’s a badass.
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Luciel the Golisopod
Liquidation/Iron Head/Sucker Punch/First Impression – Sitrus Berry
Ah, and now what is no doubt the ace of the team, Golisopod. Do I even need to say anything about him? This magnificent creature has incredible attack and defense, among the highest of all bugs. He has a fascinating set of strats that go along with his Ability (which involve abusing First Impression) and a cadre of priority moves to offset his low speed, including his signature First Impression, a +2 priority bug move with 90 basepower. He has an incredibly diverse movepool and the stats to take full advantage of it. He has options if you want to stave off Emergency Exit (including berries and HP-stealing moves like the buffed Leech Life). He has a water typing, a boon for all-bug teams needing to deal with fire types. He’s flexible, he’s powerful, and he’s freaking awesome.
This beast was, of course, the biggest powerhouse on my team. Although the moveset I carried has Iron Head and that’s a lovely move to have, he also sometimes carried Brick Break instead as his coverage move. In terms of types that Brick Break hits, it covers even more common types you run into. Specifically, it gives you something to use against Steel and Normal in addition to the Ice and Rock that Iron Head gives you (and obviously hitting Dark types isn’t a challenge for Golisopod). However, I kept Iron Head around for fairies while I was waiting to pick up Poison Jab for Ariados or Araquanid. As for his other moves, Liquidation is a fantastic water STAB, First Impression is way too cool not to use, and I like Sucker Punch because I love extra priority once you’ve used your turn of First Impression. This was especially crucial on a team as terribly slow as mine was– I honestly used Sucker Punch all the time.
This guy is such a joy to use. I never tire of it. He’s the best thing to happen to gen 7, along with Guzma. Needless to say, he was the keystone of the team and not only did he help us through this game– he shall go far beyond it, bashing faces at the Battle Tree and no doubt joining me on future bug teams to come.
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Aug 14, 2019.
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