#Itamar Ben Gvir
marioluigimarioluigi · 19 days
I am so desperate and frustrated😞💔
🙏😞Please help me I want to provide for my
family's needs in GazađŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ‰
Maybe 10€ makes a difference to us.🙏
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‏EXTREMELY LOW FUNDS! Only 175€ raised of €25,000 goal!!😞
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‏I hope they see this so they can see and learn about my campaign. 🙏💔
‏@el-shab-hussein @appsa @nabulsi @irhabiya @90-ghost @sar-soor @mohameddd
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2024 Israeli Revolution against Benjamin Netanyahu!
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taviamoth · 4 months
itamar ben-gvir, Minister of National Security of israel, explicitly announces the israeli occupation's intention to fully occupy Gaza, establish settlements, and displace Palestinians, which constitute war crimes under all international laws.
It is worth noting that this government is supported by the US administration with unlimited military aid funded by taxpayer money. During the genocide and up to this moment, all spokespersons for the US administration declared that they find "no indications" of israel violating international or american laws.
This isn't the first, second or tenth time these intentions have been declared, but no amount of evidence is sufficient to put a stop to mass gaslighting and reality denial on the american side when the goal is to preserve western impunity and keep international organizations toothless, lest the americans end up in the Hague themselves.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 5 months
Sanjana Karanth at HuffPost:
Israel’s far-right national security minister has reportedly asked whether the military could kill some of the Palestinians taken captive instead of arresting them — the latest comment by one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s multiple extremist cabinet members that dehumanizes residents of Gaza.
The comments by Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir were revealed Friday by Hebrew outlets Channel 12 and Ynet, and translated to English by the Times of Israel. The Israeli Defense Force’s chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, briefed ministers at a security cabinet meeting last week about recent operations in Gaza, where Israel has been carrying out a military offensive for almost seven months now in response to Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 that killed about 1,200 people and captured roughly 250. During the briefing, Halevi said that hundreds of Palestinians were recently arrested after surrendering to the military. “Why are there so many arrests?” Ben-Gvir allegedly asked. “Can’t you kill some? Do you want to tell me they all surrender? What are we to do with so many arrested? It’s dangerous for the soldiers.” Halevi was perplexed at the question, according to the Times of Israel, responding: “Dangerous for who?”
“We don’t shoot people who come out with their hands up. We shoot those who fight us,” the IDF official reportedly told Ben-Gvir. “There’s no dilemma here. Those who surrender, we arrest.”
[...] Friday was not the first time that Ben-Gvir reportedly called for executing Palestinian captives. Earlier this month, the minister posted on social media that applying the death penalty to some captives would help address the issue of prison overcrowding. The comment came after his proposal to build nearly a thousand additional “prison places” for Palestinian captives was approved. “The additional construction will allow the prison service to take in more terrorists and will bring a partial solution to the overcrowding crisis,” he wrote, according to a translation. “The death penalty for terrorists is the right solution to the overcrowding problem, until then — glad that the government approved the proposal I brought.”
In February, Ben-Gvir also called for the IDF to shoot Palestinian women and children in Gaza in order to “protect” the troops. “There cannot be a situation in which children and women approach us from the wall,” he told Halevi, according to Israeli media. “Anyone who approaches in order to harm security must receive a bullet, otherwise we will see Oct. 7 again.”
Under international law, killing prisoners of war is considered a war crime. Israel already stands accused at the international level of committing genocide against Palestinians, which it vehemently denies. But the indiscriminate killing that has led to more than 34,000 dead Gazans, the settler violence in the occupied West Bank, the blocking of life-saving aid and the dehumanizing language used to describe Palestinians has drawn the ire of human rights groups and a growing number of countries — including Israel’s biggest ally and weapons supplier, the United States. The Biden administration has made its position clear that it opposes Netanyahu’s far-right cabinet members — including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, Dichter and Ben-Gvir — who call for the expulsion of Palestinians in Gaza and the return of Jewish settlements. Ben-Gvir specifically faced anger from within the Israeli government in February after telling The Wall Street Journal that Biden is hindering their military campaign, and that former President Donald Trump would allow more freedom to fight in Gaza if he were in power.
Genocidal maniac Israel Apartheid State National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir asks Israel Occupation Forces to shoot dead captured Palestinians.
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chillinaris · 27 days
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Itamar Ben-Gvir*,
"Kami akan membangun sinagog di Masjid A-Aqsa."
Tindakan Islamofobia yang ekstrem, namun tidak ada yang peduli. Bayangkan kemarahan yang akan terjadi jika yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya.
*) Itamar Ben-Gvir adalah Menteri ekstrimis Keamanan Dalam Negeri Israel dari kelompok ekstrem kanan yang menyerukan hasutan kejahatan perang bagi IDF dalam operasinya di Gaza dan Tepi Barat.
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 5 months
You know, I've heard this argument a lot from Mehdi Hasan and others before and certainly after 10/7, and I feel like it wildly mischaracterizes what Biden et al are doing. Biden is not doing this stuff "for Benjamin Netanyahu", he's doing them for Israel, a country which contains more people than Benjamin Netanyahu and Itamar Ben-Gvir. If France elected Marine Le Pen as its president and then subsequently was subject to attack by Islamists, I would expect the US to rush in to help its ally there even if the president was a racist and a fascist like Le Pen is. Now, arguably the Biden admin could do what Chuck Schumer did and go "we support Israel and will help it defend itself from Hamas et al, but we want someone else to be PM" but I can understand why they don't do that, as that very well might lose them any influence with the current government.
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kp777 · 27 days
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
Aug. 29, 2024
While welcoming the move, one Amnesty International campaigner asserted that "the E.U.'s call for a cease-fire and curbing settler violence rings hollow until it takes concrete action."
European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said Thursday that he has recommended sanctioning Israeli leaders for hate speech and inciting war crimes in Gaza and the illegally occupied West Bank.
Borrell said during a meeting of E.U. foreign ministers in Brussels that he has asked member states if they support imposing sanctions on some Israeli Cabinet ministers who have disseminated "unacceptable hate messages against the Palestinians" and have proposed "things that clearly go against international law" and amount to "an incitement to war crimes."
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At least one E.U. member said it supports Borrell's recommendation.
"This is a war against Palestinians, not just against Hamas. The level of civilian casualties and dead is unconscionable," Irish Foreign Minister MicheĂĄl Martin said Thursday in Brussels. "It's a war on the population. No point in trying to fudge this."
"It cannot be business as usual," Martin added. "It is very clear to us that international humanitarian law has been broken."
Earlier this year, the Irish Senate voted to impose sanctions on Israel, prohibit the transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel via Ireland, and push for an international arms embargo against the country.
While E.U. nations such as Ireland, Spain, Norway, and Slovenia have been outspoken critics of Israel's Gaza onslaught and have responded with moves including recognizing Palestinian statehood, other members of the bloc—notably Germany and France—have been staunch supporters of Israel, even as its forces have killed and wounded more than 144,000 Gazans and displaced, starved, or sickened millions more.
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has threatened "severe consequences" for European nations that recognize Palestinian statehood.
Like the United States—Israel's biggest international backer—the E.U. has imposed sanctions on a handful of far-right Israeli individuals and groups, including extremist settler colonists who incited deadly West Bank pogroms and an organization whose members have blocked humanitarian aid shipments from entering Gaza.
While Borrell did not publicly identify specific Israeli ministers he believes should be sanctioned, he has recently condemned the words and actions of far-right figures including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.
Ben-Gvir was widely condemned for defending Israeli soldiers accused of gang-raping a Palestinian man detained at the notorious Sde Teiman prison and for taking part in a highly controversial visit to Islam's third-holiest site, the al-Aqsa mosque compound—which is located on what Jews call the Temple Mount, Judaism's most sacred site. Ben-Gvir infuriated Muslims and other critics by declaring he wanted to "put an Israeli flag" and build a synagogue there.
Smotrich, who has also defended the alleged Sde Teiman rapists as "heroic warriors," has drawn condemnation for promoting new and expanded Israeli settler colonies in the West Bank, a policy he attributed partly to increasing international recognition of Palestinian statehood and the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) recent ruling affirming that Israel's 57-year occupation is a form of apartheid and illegal.
Statements by Ben-Gvir and Smotrich—who recently asserted that it may be "justified and moral" to starve 2 million Palestinians to death—have been entered as evidence in the South African-led ICJ genocide case concerning Israel's war on Gaza.
Borrell has mentioned some of the ministers' words and actions in previous calls for accountability for those who incite hate and violence.
"While the world pushes for a cease-fire in Gaza, Minister Ben-Gvir calls for cutting fuel and aid to civilians," he said on social media earlier this month. "Like Minister Smotrich's sinister statements, this is an incitement to war crimes."
"Sanctions must be on our E.U. agenda," Borrell added.
While human rights defenders welcomed Borrell's sanctions recommendations, some groups urged him to go even further.
"The [ICJ's] findings clearly point to violations of international law committed by Israel and to the obligations of third states not to legitimize or provide any assistance to Israel's illegal conduct," Eve Geddie, director of Amnesty International's European Institutions Office, said on Thursday.
Geddie continued:
E.U. members states' supply of arms and equipment as well as their trade and investment with illegal Israeli settlements are enabling Israel's violations of international law and are contrary to their obligations under international law. There can be no business as usual with a state maintaining a brutal, unlawful occupation and perpetrating serious violations of international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, on a mass scale. The relentless bombardment of Gaza amid a clear risk of genocide, the deadly spike in state-backed settler violence, and the latest military offensive in the West Bank are all byproducts of Israel's unlawful occupation and decades of impunity enabled by E.U. inaction.
"The E.U.'s call for a cease-fire and curbing settler violence rings hollow until it takes concrete actions—an immediate arms embargo, a ban on trade with Israeli settlements, and support for action at the U.N. to bring an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory," Geddie added.
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vyorei · 10 months
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Itamar Ben-Gvir is being a fucking bloodthirsty pox again.
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reuna · 8 months
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marioluigimarioluigi · 15 days
I am Sohad,
I am a fundraiser for my family in Gaza: my parents, sister and (3) brothers and their wives and children, as all of them live in a tent in khanyounes city after they displaced 4 times without any basic facilities. And they lost their jobs without any income. And our house is partially destroyed.
My nephew Kareem and my mother need a medical help.
I hope to help them to provide their daily expenses, get medication, rebuild our house and to evacuate my family to safe zone.
We need your support to share my campaign, your help makes a big difference in their lives.
Their lives are in danger at any moment.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers 🙏🙏
My campaign is vetted by @90-ghost and @el-shab-hussien
Thanks in advance
He said "I *DESPISES* That Netanyahu."
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magicknightraytheon · 8 months
"The Ashkenazi are oppressing the poor Mizrahi Palestinian Jews who are the real Jews, who I'm sure are totally against the state of Israel too" "Oh hey there"
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taviamoth · 7 months
🚹 Occupation authorities have approved a plan proposed by “minister of interior security” Itamar Ben Gvir to restrict Palestinians, including those living within lands occupied since 1948, from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.
The plan imposes restrictions similar to those imposed on Palestinians from the West Bank during Ramadan: Palestinians from Al-Quds and the occupied interior under 50 years old will be banned entirely from entering the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Prayer within the mosque will be heavily restricted or outright banned, at the discretion of occupation authorities.
This is a highly provocative measure designed to target all Palestinians, not just those living in the West Bank, and has the potential to further ignite the situation outside of Gaza.
[via RNN]
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justinspoliticalcorner · 5 months
Barak Ravid at Axios:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded Thursday to President Biden's threat to suspend military aid if Israel invades Rafah, declaring in a video: "If Israel needs to stand alone, it will stand alone."
Why it matters: Netanyahu's defiance in the face of Biden's "red line" will further exacerbate tensions between the Israeli government and the White House over the war in Gaza.
Driving the news: Biden warned in an interview with CNN Wednesday that if Israel proceeds with an invasion of Rafah, the U.S. will stop supplying it with artillery shells, bombs for fighter jets and other offensive weapons.
Biden's ultimatum was the first time that the president or any other official in his administration has said publicly that an Israeli ground operation in Rafah will result in a halt to the supply of offensive weapons.
Biden's comments came a few days after Axios first reported that the White House had put a weapons shipment to Israel on hold as a signal of its concern about Israel's plans for Rafah, where more than one million Palestinians are sheltering.
What they are saying: In another video in Hebrew released on Thursday, Netanyahu compared the war in Gaza to Israel's war of independence in 1948.
"Back then, there was also an arms embargo on Israel — but we won. Today, we are much stronger
 If we need to, we will fight with our fingernails," he said.
In an interview with Dr. Phil released Thursday, Netanyahu said he hopes that he and Biden can overcome the current disagreement — but stressed that Israel will do what it must to defeat Hamas, including in Rafah.
Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet and one of Netanyahu's chief rivals, said in a statement that he is sure that the "important U.S. weapons shipments" will be transferred.
The intrigue: Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel's ultranationalist security minister, posted a tweet — which was widely condemned — suggesting that Hamas "loves" Biden.
"The U.S. stood by Israel in its most difficult hour and the attacks against it by irresponsible ministers are ungrateful and motivated by domestic politics," Gantz said.
Cry more, genocidal war criminal Israel Apartheid State "Prime Minister" Benjamin Netanyahu! We the American people are tired of propping up your repressive apartheid regime!
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jloisse · 5 months
L’infecte supremaciste juif, Itamar Ben Gvir, insiste pour qu’il y ait une rĂ©ponse forte sur l’Iran.
Pour lui, deux bases ont été touchées et il faut donc des représailles.
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 2 months
Honestly, the best thing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir have done is serve as a way of catching out people who speak authoritatively about the I/P conflict but don’t actually know shit, because their names are just tricky enough (at least for someone whose first language is English) that you have to put in a little bit of effort to pronounce them correctly, and they come up frequently enough that it’s an easy way to catch people relatively early.
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vyorei · 10 months
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The US is a strange place
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