#Iulia Hasdeu
plaques-memoire · 12 days
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Plaque en hommage à : Iulia Hasdeu
Type : Lieu de résidence
Adresse : 28 rue Saint-Sulpice, 75006 Paris, France
Date de pose : Inconnue
Texte : Julia Petriceico Hasdeu. 1869-1888. Femme poète de Roumanie. Cette maison garde le souvenir d'un grand esprit.
Quelques précisions : Iulia Hasdeu (1869-1888) est une poétesse roumaine. Surdouée, elle maîtrise trois langues étrangères (le français, l'anglais et l'allemand) dès l'enfance. Diplômée de l'Académie de musique de Bucarest, elle se rend à Paris et étudie à la Sorbonne à partir de 1885. Elle compose ses poèmes en roumain et en français, et s'intéresse également à la philosophie. Toutefois, elle contracte la tuberculose et décède en 1888, après être revenue dans sa terre natale. Son père, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, fit ériger un petit château à sa mémoire, achevé en 1896.
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bmhasdeu · 9 months
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu în 101 articole, manuscrise și monografii
Scriitorul Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu numele căruia îl poartă, în prezent, biblioteca orașului Chișinău (Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu”) a fost o personalitate notorie, un pioner în diferite ramuri ale filologiei și istoriei românești, spirit enciclopedic ce a semnat lucrări istorice și filologice, cercetări, lucrări beletristice, piese de teatru ș.a. Viața și activitatea lui B.P. Hasdeu a…
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Apparition by Eugeniu Vionescu (1842-1909) in which Iulia Hasdeu's spirit appears to her father.
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electricrogue · 11 months
May I have 2 and 8 for the Halloween ask game, please?
Sure 😄. Thank you and Happy Halloween!
What is the strangest thing you've ever dressed up as?
Boring answer here but I was some sort of a cowboy/sheriff I had handcuffs and everything (no not the sexy kind I was in eight grade or something 😅)
What is your favourite ghost story?
There is actually a local one around here. Longer version is here: https://rolandia.eu/en/blog/places/the-iulia-hasdeu-castle, but in a nutshell it's about the daughter of a noble man who died and then allegedly instructed her father to build a castle for her. It's nothing scary and she seems like a nice girl both before and after her death but yeah. Still have to visit that castle one day though XD
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unatestadellidra · 2 years
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redorangman · 2 years
Iulia Hasdeu First Edition Book Give Away!
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rolandiatravel · 7 years
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Stunning view of the Iulia Hașdeu Castle.
Read more about it and its history: https://rolandia.eu/iulia-hasdeu-castle/
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nobeerreviews · 3 years
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The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one.
-- Emil Cioran
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Iulia Hasdeu: The Peculiar Castle that was Designed by a Ghost
The father claimed his daughter’s spirit had called out from beyond the grave, describing the castle’s design.
In 1888, Romanian intellectual Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu’s daughter Iulia died at the age of 18, leaving him devastated.
Iulia Hasdeu’s early death significantly altered the course of Bodgan’s life. In the years after she passed, he dedicated much of his time, energy, and wealth into remembering and memorializing his daughter. Hasdeu was inspired by the Spiritism movement, through which he claimed he was able to communicate with Iulia beyond the grave.
Iulia, named after her mother, was born in November of 1869. She was an extraordinary child from an early age. Iulia was gifted in music and languages; by 11 she had graduated from St. Sava Gymnasium and the Music Academy of Bucharest, having studied both piano and voice.
By her early teens, Iulia had mastered seven languages, and she continued her secondary education at the Sévigné College of Paris. Her peers and professors considered her to be a genius, as she excelled in academia as well as drawing, painting, piano, and singing. She also wrote poems and short stories; a collection of her work was published after her death.
At the age of 16, Iulia began studying in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at La Sorbonne in Paris. She was a dedicated pupil, and the pride of her father’s life.A month before she turned 19, while working on her doctoral thesis, Iulia was suddenly stricken with—and passed away from—tuberculosis. Her distraught father built her a temple in the family vault at the Bellu Cemetery in Bucharest.
But this monument wasn’t enough for Bogdan Hasdeu.
The next “temple” that Hasdeu dedicated to Iulia took the form of a castle, located in the country town of Câmpina. Hasdeu and his wife were visiting friends in the summer of 1893 when they saw the property, and decided it would be the ideal place to build a shrine to their daughter. They purchased the land and began the planning process immediately.
The head architect on the project, Hasdeu claimed, was none other than Iuelia Hasdeu herself.
Hasdeu said that Iulia had been communicating with him in short bursts, giving him plans for the castle’s design. Special attention was paid to what Iulia considered “magic” numbers, 3 and 7. There are three towers, three rooms underground, and staircases made of seven steps each. Other details include a massive stone door entrance, hung on a diamond bearing. On either side of the door are stone thrones, on which rest two female sphinxes; above the door is the “eye of the world,” as well as the date “July 2,” which Hasdeu used as a symbolic representation for his wife and daughter—the two Iulias.
The castle has been described as deeply spooky; there are rooms designed specifically for spiritualist rituals, complete with seats for attending ghosts. Many claim that Hasdeu was not using it for memorializing Iuelia at all, but rather for worshiping Satan. Others report seeing Iulia’ spirit, haunting the castle to this day, dressed in white and clutching daisies.
Whether its origins were sinister or merely sentimental, the Iuelia Hasdeu Castle today stands as a museum, where visitors can see Hasdeu family memorabilia, including furniture, photographs, and original manuscripts.
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moonmausoleum · 2 years
The Ghost that Designed Iulia Hasdeu Castle
Through the power of spiritualism, the bereaved father built a castle designed by the ghost of his dead daughter. And today, the Iulia Hasdeu Castle still stands as a mysterious and haunted place. 
Through the power of spiritualism, the bereaved father built a castle designed by the ghost of his dead daughter. And today, the Iulia Hasdeu Castle still stands as a mysterious and haunted place.  Iulia was the beloved daughter of Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu (1838-1907) in Romania. He was a Romanian scholar of both history, philology and a great writer. Iulia was somewhat of a prodigy child as…
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marrutu · 3 years
Ingerul și ghiocelul! ~🌼~
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Ingerul și ghiocelul!
Intr-o zi, un inger zbura in vazduhul limpede leganandu-se printre stelele stralucitoare.
La fiecare stea se oprea si culegea o floare la intamplare.
Si dupa ce adunase cate una din fiecare lume a universului, facand astfel in brate un buchet ceresc, s-a pogorat pe Pamant si a cules si de aici o floare la intamplare.
Apoi, urca din nou la cer si disparu sub bolta de azur.
Florile de pe Pamant, care il zarisera pe ingerul stralucitor, fara a vedea insa si floarea ce o luase, se intrebau geloase care dintre ele era fericita surioara pe care o alesese ingerul si o luase cu sine.
– Este un trandafir, spuneau trandafirii.
– Este un crin alb ca si el, spuneau superbii crini.
– Nu, este o floare de portocal cu parfum divin, incercau sa convinga portocalii.
– Va spun eu, suratelor, ca nu poate fi decat o lalea, striga falindu-se o lalea splendida.
Chiar si violeta, atat de modesta de obicei, aspira la cinstea de a avea o sora in Rai si sustinea cu blandete ca ingerul luase cu el o violeta.
Singur, ghiocelul statea deoparte, in tacere.
Celelalte flori uitasera de el.
Deodata, din inaltul cerului o lacrima ca o perla cazu si prinse a straluci pe ghiocelul cu tulpinita franta.
Ingerul nu mai aparu; insa o voce divina strabatu vazduhul inmiresmat, ca o ruga blanda si necontenita.
– Biata floare, zise, floare cu adevarat modesta; pentru ca te-am vatamat, cere-mi o rasplata; spune-mi, ce doresti?
– Mai nimic, raspunse ghiocelul.
– Vrei parfumul trandafirului?
– Nu.
– Stralucirea lalelei?
– Nu.
– Albastrul brebenelului?
– Nu.
– Frunza parfumata a lamaiului?
– Nu.
– Atunci, ce doresti?
– Pentru ca iti face placere sa-mi oferi un dar, Stapane, da-mi voie sa ma nasc si sa infloresc iarna, sub zapada si promoroaca si fa ca la mireasma mea imbatatoare, la aparitia mea binecuvantata, oamenii inaspriti si infrigurati de vant si de ger sa se simta incalziti si intariti de speranta apropiatei primaveri, a soarelui de foc cu raze divine.
Din ziua aceea, ghiocelul este totdeauna prima floare care ne zambeste dupa uracioasa iarna, alb ca si cum ar mai purta inca urma lacrimii sfinte. ~🌼~
Iulia Hasdeu
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bmhasdeu · 9 months
Biblioteca „Alba Iulia”, filială a Bibliotecii Municipale „B. P. Hasdeu”, vă invită la o nouă ediție a dialogului cultural „Confesiuni în bibliotecă”, moderat de scriitorul Nicolae Spătaru.
Protagonistul acestei ediții este Ghenadie Jalbă, artist plastic, Om Emerit, distins cu mai multe premii importante precum Ordinul ”Meritul Cultural” conferit de președintele României (2018); Medalia de Aur și Diploma Academiei Internaționale Le Mérite et Dévouement Français, Franța (2016); Premiul Ministerului Educației, Culturii și Cercetării al R. Moldova în cadrul expoziției Autumnala-2018; Laureat al Premiului Național din Republica Moldova, domeniul Arte Plastice (2021); și altele.
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snacking-on-art-2022 · 7 months
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19th-century painting, Apparition, by Eugeniu Voinescu. Iulia Hasdeu's spirit appears to her father as he sits at a desk. After her death, Hasdeu's father became involved in spiritualism, believing that he communicated with his daughter.
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b0nten · 3 years
13: What’s your favorite urban legend?
i don't know if it actually is an urban legend, but Iulia Hasdeu's Castle is a pretty captivating story i've known ever since childhood jshsjendsns
ask game <33
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canaldelmisterio · 5 years
El castillo de Iulia Hasdeu, leyendas de Rumanía
El castillo de Iulia Hasdeu, leyendas de Rumanía
El castillo de Iulia Hasdeu, leyendas de Rumanía
La historia y la leyenda se mezclan en el castillo Iulia Hasdeu pues se trata de un precioso edificio en estilo folly que cuenta con un encanto especial incrementado por el misterio que rodea a la creación del mismo.
Todo comienza con el nacimiento de una niña prodigio, Iulia Hasdeu, un ser extraordinario que empezará a despuntar con pocos…
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succesul471off · 3 years
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în Liceul Iulia Hasdeu https://www.instagram.com/p/CNt3Mz2snEM/?igshid=1gbj9s0kkccyp
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