#Iva Bittova
ozkar-krapo · 4 months
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"Iva Bittová + Dunaj"
(LP. Panton. 1989 / rec. 1988) [CZ]
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womenofnoise · 2 years
Iva Bittova & Vladimir Vaclavek - Uspavanka
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pdrezik · 3 days
Konvergencie 2024: Iva Bittová & Lenko, Dugovič, Lupták
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for more photos click here: https://www.facebook.com/share/WTrZfoRnUt5BUmif/
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minowly · 2 years
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deerest-me · 1 year
a lot of people will say ``my music taste is really eclectic'' and immediately get taken down a peg by musicbros but i think it really is genuinely true when i say it
songs from my mp3 player on shuffle:
no love - death grips
every teardrop is a waterfall - coldplay
lalo cello concerto in D minor - jacqueline du pre recording
byzantine vespers psalm 117 - romeiko ensemble
athoth a go go - machine girl
earth intruders - björk
the battle of epping forest - genesis
calendar girl - neil sedaka
STATIC - black dresses
seid nüchtern und wachet from schnittke's faust cantata - iva bittova recording (OH MY GOD please listen to this one no one ever talks about it and it's so good. perfect for halloween she is an amazing alto)
colors - p-model
my immortal - evanescence
drown me slowly - audioslave
elder's drinking song - difang and igay duana
...surely this counts? have mercy upon me musicbros
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zhanteimi · 10 months
Paolo Angeli & Iva Bittova - SUL FILO
Italy / Czechia, 2019, avant-folk
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personal-reporter · 1 year
I Suoni delle Dolomiti 2023
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Sarà da non perdere la 28a edizione del Festival I Suoni delle Dolomiti, che si svolgerà dal 23 agosto al 1 ottobre, con 17 appuntamenti per scoprire gli ambienti della montagna che si prepara all’autunno, in grado di regalare colori e panorami come in pochi momenti dell’anno. Mercoledì 23 agosto a Malga Tassulla in Val Nana, ai piedi del Monte Peller nelle Dolomiti di Brenta, il festival si apre con il concerto di Erlend Oye e La comitiva, che è un’occasione per far dialogare le musiche nordiche e le sonorità mediterranee. Due giorni dopo, il 25 agosto ai Laghi di Bombasel nel gruppo del Lagorai, il Festival celebra il grande ritorno del trombettista Dave Douglas, che a distanza di vent’anni festeggerà l’album Mountain Passages, una composizione di 13 brani ispirata proprio dallo spirito dei Suoni, dalla cultura rurale e ladina, che fa esordì al Rifugio Boè e al Rifugio Brentei con un grande successo di pubblico e di critica. Si rimane nel genere jazz anche il 28 agosto ai Prati Col in Val Canali, ai piedi delle Pale di San Martino, con Tatiana Eva Marie, newyorkese, stella del jazz con la Avalon Jazz Band, per un viaggio nella musica di Django Renhardt. Nella cornice di malga Brenta Bassa in Val Brenta, il 30 agosto ci sarà un’artista di raro talento come  Frida Bollani Magoni. La musica classica esordisce in questa edizione in occasione dell’Alba delle Dolomiti che ritorna nella cornice storica del Col Margherita, nelle Dolomiti di Fassa il 1 settembre, grazie a Mario Brunello con il suo violoncello accompagnato dal Polish Cello Quartet,  che riunisce quattro violoncellisti di spicco della nuova generazione di musicisti. Si prosegue l’8 settembre in una delle nuove ambientazioni del Festival, Sagron Mis, con il concerto di Le Petite Écurie, una formazione di cinque oboe che esegue musica su strumenti d’epoca barocca, spaziando anche nella musica contemporanea. Il 17 settembre la violinista Iva Bittova tra le torbiere di Passo Lavazè, mentre il 21 settembre al Rifugio Roda di Vaèl salirà lo storico Quartetto della Scala rifondato nel 2001 da quattro giovani prime parti dell’Orchestra del Teatro e venerdì 22 settembre, a Malga Vallesi nella bassa, ci sarà il concerto di Edgar Moreau, giovane ma già affermato violoncellista. Le Dolomiti di Fassa, faranno da palcoscenico per il Trekking dei Suoni, dal 22 al 24 settembre, con tre artisti d’eccezione, Paolo Fresu, Daniele Di Bonaventura, Pierpaolo Vacca, accompagnati per l’occasione anche da Giulio Ferraro e Giosuè Mazzei, allievi del Conservatorio  Bonporti di Trento che approfondiranno il rapporto musica – natura. È invece un viaggio – concerto ad alto potenziale comico quello che andrà in scena il 30 settembre, al rifugio Viviani – Pradalago sopra Madonna di Campiglio, dove la favola musicale “Pierino e il lupo” di Sergei Prokofiev sotto la lente della Banda Osiris diventa il pretesto per una scorribanda nel mondo della fantasia musicale dove le melodie di Prokofiev si intrecciano a quelle di altri famosi compositori, da Mozart a Bizet, e deragliano in generi differenti, dalle colonne sonore di Walt Disney ai Village People. Non sarà da meno il concerto che chiuderà questa edizione, con protagonista Carmen Consoli, autentica icona della scena italiana a cavallo tra fine anni ‘90 e nuovo Millennio, che sarà al Camp Centener sopra Madonna di Campiglio il 1 ottobre, in una ambientazione già autunnale e per questo più suggestiva. Read the full article
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Alfred Schnittke `Seid nüchtern und wachet… VII. Es geschah…' soloist - Iva Bittova live performance, 2008
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Can we take a moment to appreciate the beauty of Iva Bittová?
Rosy dreams ( Czechoslovakia, 1977)
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spacelessbian · 4 years
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Czech Woman A Day (463) : Iva Bittová (singer, violinist, actress)
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luvetlux · 4 years
From “Step Across The Border”
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belafrika · 3 years
Trio Da Kali, Habib Koite & Bamada, Iva Bittova, Mec Yek concerts à Muziekpublique
Trio Da Kali, Habib Koite & Bamada, Iva Bittova, Mec Yek concerts à Muziekpublique #Bamada #DaKali #HabibKoite
Trio Da Kali (Mali) ft. North Sea String Quartet Fusion du trio malien mythique avec un quatuor à cordesSamedi 6 novembre 2021, 20:00, Molière Le Trio Da Kali du Mali est un groupe hors pair qui réunit tant de talent en un seul élément. La chanteuse Hawa Kassé Mady Diabaté n’est autre que la fille et héritière musicale de feu Kassé Mady Diabaté, le chanteur légendaire qui s’est produit à…
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basilicahudson · 7 years
24-HOUR DRONE: David Garland
#24hours24days: Especially for 24 Hour Drone, David Garland & Ensemble with Arone Dyer and Iva Bittova will premiere a new work, Lux Temporalis. David Garland (born December 17, 1954) is a singer-songwriter, composer, instrument designer, illustrator, graphic designer, journalist, and former New York city radio personality. One of Sean Lennon's favorite contemporary composers, David Garland has been creating innovative albums of songs for a small but passionate audience for the past 20 years. Since moving to New York in 1976 (after graduating from Rhode Island School of Design), Garland has performed with many of the luminaries of the New York downtown scene: Christian Marclay, John Zorn, Bill Laswell, Shelly Hirsch, Ikue Mori, Arto Lindsay, Sussan Deihim, and Meredith Monk. Kyle Gann, in The Village Voice, called Garland "the best songwriter of my generation, bar none." In his day job (on weekend evenings), Garland presents unusual music on New York Public Radio WNYC-FM 93.9 and wnyc.org. His on-air guests have ranged from John Cage and John Zorn to Devendra Banhart and Wooden Wand.
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dudewhoabides · 6 years
Iva BITTOVA sings *Ne nehledej*
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pedalfuzz · 6 years
Shane Parish Releases New Album Child Asleep In The Rain
Out on cassette via Null Zone, Child Asleep In The Rain finds the Asheville, NC based guitarist Shane Parish (Ahleuchatistas) in an exploratory mood. Striking a much different tone from his last (excellent) solo acoustic album Undertaker Please Drive Slow (Tazdik Records), this one takes a deep dive into the sonic unknown.
The phrase "Shane Parish is a father" keeps appearing in my mind while listening. I hear the dread of now, wrestling with the hope of now - the struggle of “it’s all gonna be ok,” that idea you work to convey even if at times you’re not so sure. Parish is a gifted improviser, and you can trace the threads of thoughts connecting as sounds whir around you, the notes still intimate though often awash in effects.
Shane Parish’s notes on the album:
“I am going to try to briefly talk about music as an emanation since this album seemed to just appear on my computer one day.  I have strived to cultivate a way of life that will allow my creativity to grow and flow over my lifetime. I believe that if you steep yourself in the raw materials of an art form and you are honest with yourself about who you are, expression will manifest itself in many different shapes and they will all be you.  And they will also all be everybody and everything. There is one infinite resource passing through seven billion finite filters of subjectivity.
Mastery of the body can lead to virtuosity, but that can take a lifetime.  And we must imperfectly communicate and express our feelings as we move along the path.  Our limits reveal our shape. Technology can bridge the gap between mind and body, an idea and its realization, in performance and the production of artifacts.  Sometimes, our bodies are all the technology that is required. Sometimes we need more.
I have always attempted to allow intuition and a feeling to guide my work, even when I have introduced technical and conceptual obstacles to be overcome and employed.  I feel that my most relatable and musically successful endeavors are the ones that seem to emanate fully formed and with no effort. Still, I am committed to the practice.  And the letting go.”
Child Asleep In The Rain is available digitally via Bandcamp and on cassette from Null Zone Tapes.
Tour Dates:
9/21 - Grey Eagle - Asheville, NC
10/1 - If Art Gallery - Columbia, SC
10/2 - Duke Coffeehouse - Durham, NC w/ Polychord
10/4 - Rhizome DC - Washington, D.C. w/ Anthony Pirog/Jarrett Gilgore
10/5 - Jalopy Theatre - Brooklyn, NY w/ Iva Bittova, Eva Salina
10/7 - Downtown Music Gallery - New York, NY Shane Parish & Frank Meadows Duo
10/7 - Wonders of Nature - Brooklyn, NY w/ Ross Hammond
10/13 - Golden Pony - Harrisonburg, VA
10/26 - Go Bar - Athens, GA
12/1 - Monstercade - Winston-Salem, NC w/ 1970s Film Stock, Spectral Habitat
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muddyfatty · 7 years
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Iva Bittova
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