obsessedbyneon · 9 months
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Piermont Morgan Library, New York. The library was made a public institution in 1924 by J. P. Morgan's son John Pierpont Morgan Jr., in accordance with his father's will, and the annex was constructed in 1928. The date of this interior landscape is unknown.
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hbowaredits · 1 year
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One random screencap per episode challenge 
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fuzzyghost · 2 months
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john-cleven · 5 months
The Pacific Episode 2: First Fight and Goodbyes
John knows logically that he should feel the pain. Knows that the skin of his hands and forearms has been seared straight off from the intense heat of the machine gun that he’d held with his bare hands. Knows that he’d watched countless marines die, painfully, brutally, inhumanely.
 But despite this, John cannot feel much of anything except the anxiety that has built up inside his veins, an anxiety which threatens to burst forth from his capillaries in a spray of precious, life blood. But it is not the Japanese he is fearful of. It is not death that has his heart pounding with relentless trepidation. The dread that quivers beneath his skin is the thought of losing Manny, his friend, his brother. 
Manny, who’d broken bread with his family, prayed with his mother, and cared for his siblings. Manny, who should have been with him, should have been right at their side, like always. Manny, who’d saved his life sometime in the heat and blur of the battle last night as John had run desperately through the jungle, weighed down by chains of ammo to feed their machine guns, to obliterate the Japanese. John still feels the heat of Manny’s hand in his before they’d both slipped off into the foliage in opposite directions. 
He will not rest until he finds his brother. Will not rest, even though J.P. watches him with careful, concerned eyes. Will not rest, even after Colonel Puller praises him for the mass murder he’d committed hours ago. Will not rest, even though his bones are weary with exhaustion, even though his muscles ache with severe exertion. 
Heart a heavy hammer against his ribs, John backtracks through the jungle in the fading light of day. Walks past bloody, torn corpses of both marines and Japanese alike. Grips his pistol tight, like perhaps it might protect him from what he may find. 
Manny rests face down, chains of ammo circled around his body, dirt-crusted fingers wrapped around his gun. John swallows over the aching lump that has formed in his throat. Places a hand on his brother’s shoulder and pushes him over, face-up. John’s world slowly collapses at the sight of Manny’s empty, staring eyes. His heart quivers with distress as his bloody hands tremble above his lifeless body. Manny is gone. Cross dangling from his neck. Manny is gone. Dog tags intertwined with faith. Manny is gone. 
John watches him for what feels like hours. Tries to will his brother’s soul back into his pale, injured body. Tries to remember the feeling of his palm against his, so warm, just hours ago. He places his hand over Manny’s heart, feels nothing, hears nothing. Swallows back his misery, his loss, his agony. He grips Manny’s cross with his injured hand, lowers his head in prayer and whispers, “Thank you and goodbye, my friend, my brother.”
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menandwomanofhistory · 4 months
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JP Morgan
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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The townhouse of financier J.P. Morgan is lit up for the huge party he threw for his debutante granddaughter, Louise Morgan, December 30, 1934. The house was at 37th St. and Madison Avenue, in Murray Hill.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP via WHNT
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Se è dal '700 che la massoneria agisce per controllare il mondo, se le famiglie Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, etc. tramano da allora per avere il monopolio su tutto, se il satanismo è così diffuso soprattutto fra le élites, come è possibile che esistano ancora persone ed interi Paesi (vedi El Salvador) che non si sono piegati ma, anzi, alzano la testa?
Perché abbiamo ancora la facoltà di avere un pensiero critico se sono secoli che lavorano per eliminare questa possibilità?
Perché ogni giorno nascono nuove tecnologie volte ad aggirare la censura ed il controllo?
Non sarà che tutti i loro sforzi sono sopravvalutati? Non sarà, per caso, una mossa per farci credere di avere un nemico troppo grande per combatterlo o per farci combattere la battaglia sbagliata?
Il risultato di tutte queste teorie del controllo globale, non è forse quello di annichilire lo spirito delle persone e farle desistere dall'intraprendere quelle azioni individuali che le renderebbero libere, facendogli accettare con rassegnazione lo stato di cose? Non serve forse a spaventare i più pavidi, per convincerli che questo è il migliore dei mondi possibili o l'unico mondo possibile?
Pensateci su: perché, dopo tre secoli se non di più, non hanno ancora vinto ma, oggi più che mai, abbiamo nelle nostre mani gli strumenti della nostra libertà?
Forse sarà il caso di cominciare a guardare la luna anziché il dito...
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wethekidnappers · 29 days
Everybody’s here!
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nando161mando · 2 months
'If You Paid Your Debt To Society, You Should Be Allowed To Work': JP Morgan CEO On Why He Hires Ex-felons
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General Motors (GM.N) on Thursday made a counterproposal to the union representing its U.S. hourly workers in a bid to avoid a costly strike, but United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain called the offer "insulting."
The largest U.S. automaker said it offered workers a 10% wage hike and two additional 3% annual lump sum payments over four years in its offer to the union ahead of the Sept. 14 contract expiration.
Last week, Ford said it had offered a 9% wage increase through 2027 and 6% lump sump payments, much less than the 46% wage hike being sought by the union. The UAW has said 97% of members voted in favor of authorizing a strike if agreement is not reached.
Fain, who represents 146,000 workers at the Detroit Three, said GM's offer was "an insulting proposal that doesn’t come close to an equitable agreement for America’s autoworkers.... The clock is ticking. Stop wasting our members’ time. Tick tock."
GM shares were down 1.3% in mid-day trading.
GM said the wage hike is the largest proposed since 1999. It is also offering a $6,000 one-time inflation-related payment and $5,000 in inflation-protection bonuses over the life of the agreement, along with a $5,500 ratification bonus.
Chrysler-parent Stellantis said Wednesday it planned to make a counteroffer to the UAW this week.
GM said that under its offer, current temporary employees will receive a 20% increase to $20 per hour wage and it would shorten the time it takes to get to the maximum wage rate for permanent employees - mirroring proposals from Ford.
GM President Mark Reuss said in a video posted on Thursday "we need a fair contract that both rewards our employees and protects the long-term health of our business."
A UAW strike that shuts the Detroit Three manufacturers could cost carmakers, suppliers and workers over $5 billion, Michigan-based Anderson Economic Group estimated.
With new car inventories tight, consumer experts have said that could translate into higher car prices - an important component of inflation.
Last week, the UAW filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board against GM and Stellantis saying they refused to bargain in good faith.
The union's demands include a 20% immediate wage increase followed by four 5% annual wage hikes, defined-benefit pensions for all workers, 32-hour work weeks and additional cost of living hikes. GM is proposing to give employees an additional paid holiday.
The UAW also wants all temporary workers at U.S. automakers to be made permanent, seeks enhanced profit sharing and the restoration of retiree health-care benefits and cost-of-living adjustments.
The UAW said Ford's profit-sharing formula change would have cut payouts by 21% over the last two years.
J.P.Morgan on Thursday said supply chain disruptions from a potential UAW strike would cut new vehicle production, drive up used car prices and put pressure on margins in the personal auto insurance business.
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carloskaplan · 1 year
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Domenico Ghirlandaio: Retrato de Giovanna Tornabuoni (Abaixo, no salón de J.P.Morgan en Madison Av)
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disneyweirdness · 2 years
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kickerofelves · 1 month
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From The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro
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From the St. Petersburg Times, St. Petersburg, Florida, on this day in 1939: Morgan ‘Chatters’ As Usual NEW YORK. – (AP) – J.P. Morgan was as talkative as usual when he sailed in the Queen Mary yesterday for a spring vacation at his London home. His comments on the state of the world: Politics – Nothing to say. Finance – Nothing. Weather – Nothing. Europe – Nothing. James J. Hines’ conviction –…
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1900scartoons · 2 years
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They Want To Be Good 
March 17, 1907
Children J.P. Morgan, Mellen, Stickney, McCrea, Hughitt, Harriman, and more are lined up outside the White House.
The caption reads: 'The White House is beginning to have the appearance of a Sunday school just before Christmas'.
The various railroad magnates were scheduled to meet with President Roosevelt to discuss reforms.
See Also: J.P. Morgan
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5213/rec/79
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pcasabona · 2 years
J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge: más de 2 mil participantes en su primera edición en Argentina
J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge: más de 2 mil participantes en su primera edición en Argentina
Por primera vez en Argentina, se desarrolló el evento más grande y prestigioso del mundo corporativo. El jueves 3 de noviembre, miles de personas participaron de la carrera que se realizó en el Parque Micaela Bastidas (Puerto Madero), además de un espacio posterior de festejo y networking. Para extender el impacto a la comunidad, se realizó una donación a la Cooperadora del Hospital de Niños,…
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