agentarc · 27 days
i need to talk about my disabled clone colony lest i die. it might be dumb but i don’t care
this is in no way organized so i apologize in advance
i’m cooking up an idea for small community of disabled or “defective” clones that would have otherwise been sent back to kamino for decommissioning or reconditioning. they operate a little like a mandalorian covert, and i was imagining that they hide in the lower levels of coruscant. only high-ranking clone commanders (and medics maybe? and also certain jedi??) know about them, and when a brother goes down hard and isn’t fit for battle anymore, the commander calls upon the covert to spirit them away to safety, if at all possible. two or so members of the covert kit up in the colors of whatever battalion they’re headed to, probably in some official GAR ship idk, and casually walk in and whisk the injured brother away. command lists them as KIA, body irrecoverable, so as to avoid needing to send a body or armor back to kamino. maybe they even destroy the armor, if not covertly redistribute it among the men if their various pieces need replacing.
the covert itself has clones from all across the GAR, so of course there are all sorts of skill sets to be found. medics and engineers work together to cobble together prosthetics with whatever meager supplies they can get their hands on. a select few able-bodied brothers wear masks or helmets with vocoders to disguise their voices when they go out for supplies or odd jobs, which i imagine could be anything from bounty hunting to stallkeeping, just as long as they can remain anonymous.
i don’t imagine the covert is particularly big in number, because saving an endangered clone isn’t always possible, but the covert does what they can for the GAR in their position. if they’re holed up on coruscant, maybe they act as informants and report to commander fox about various goings-on in the city, or keep tabs on sketchy senators, etc. fox takes care of them best he can. maybe jedi shadows are even in on it, because i’m a slut for jedi shadows…..
within the actual covert, maybe they took on an abandoned warehouse or an unused portion of a sewer system, and fixed it up to be comfortable and secure and totally unassuming, much like a mandalorian covert.
as for the clones, i wonder if they would feel the need to change their names — maybe some would and some wouldn’t? maybe it would depend on whether they were eligible to leave the covert for jobs and whatnot? maybe if they were, they’d use a fake name while out? much to think about… they’d obviously have no choice but to abandon their squads and their batchmates and go no-contact, and if they were ever to give their names outside of the covert, there’s always that slim chance that a recognizable name could make its way back to the GAR somehow.
it’s likely that many candidates for the covert would reject the offer to be sent there, since it’s literally desertion. this could cause complications in the process — would a commander even phrase it like an offer? if a brother rejected the offer on the grounds of desertion, there’s the chance they could snitch to kamino or spread the rumor, putting the covert’s safety in jeopardy. so maybe they’d phrase it like a question. “you’re unfit for duty, so it’s possible we’ll need to ship you back to kamino. if there was an alternative where you keep marching on, would you want to take it? even if it meant leaving the battalion for good?” and if they agree, then without explaining what would happen next, the commander calls in the covert, at which point the injured clone is officially marked KIA. maybe when the covert clones finally arrive and take the injured brother, they do so under the explanation of getting them ready for transport to kamino, and only when they’re safe inside their ship do they explain what’s actually happening. did any of this even make sense? i’m at work and literally just writing stream of consciousness
i think the clones that start the covert are straight-up deserters, a field medic and a captain. i have very little on them at the moment, but it might make the most sense for at least one of them to have been a corrie guard, if the covert lives on coruscant? anyway time to brainstorm more clone ocs thanks for reading
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posercowboy · 4 months
Need to practice suspending my disbelief while reading fics. Maybe his ass would say that.. who am i to say
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arcadiaposts · 12 days
loving that i religiously sanitize with wipes and was the only one wearing a mask but i still get covid in 2024 from an airport 🥴
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agentarcadia · 6 years
hello friends! i just discovered that i gained like 120 new followers the last couple of weeks so i wanted to say hi and thank you for putting a smile on my face!! apparently my askbox and messages were closed so yeah now they’re not!
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actualzombie · 6 years
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it bones
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leo-gold-hotchner · 2 years
There had been a car accident, so I’ve been busy...
Aaron Hotchner X G.N. Reader with Jack
Word: 1k-ish
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It had been a peaceful day—no calls from your work or Jack’s understandable whines of not wanting to do homework. Just before dinner, while waiting for Aaron, you were reading on the couch, and Jack was lying on his belly on the floor doing his maths homework.
“Hand!” You said without looking up from your book.
From the scraping sound, you knew Jack stopped chewing his nails as soon as you said.
“How did you know?” Jack asked as he put down his pencil and made a beeline towards you. The boy clung to your arm, glancing at your book full of black words without a picture.
“It comes naturally when you have a kid,” you replied as you pulled Jack into your side, not stopping reading. Jack giggled at your response and leaned on your chest, snuggling. 
You saw Jack fidgeting with his fingers, especially his nails, from the side glance. The boy’s nails were short from biting off, and you saw some red scratch marks on his arms.
“Did you scratch yourself again?” You asked softly, trying to convey that you were not angry at Jack.
Jack shrugged, his lips pouting a little.
You put the book on the armrest and got out of the couch to get a cream for his arms. After getting the cream, you kneeled in front of the couch while Jack stayed on the couch. 
“Let’s hope it won’t leave any scars,” you murmured as you put the cream on your son’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” Jack said with a sad face.
“It’s okay. I know you don’t mean to. I know you’re trying not to bite your nails.” You said gently.
“It’s hard,” Jack whined.
“I know it’s hard to break a habit. But you’re doing great. Let’s keep it up, yeah?” You held a fist.
“Yeah.” Jack gave you a grin as he bumped his tiny fist on yours.
You’re taking your shirt off in your bedroom when you hear your husband entering. You quirked a smile as you felt Aaron’s breath on your bare shoulder.
“How was today?” Aaron kissed your shoulder as he stood behind you.
“Good. No troubles or anything,” you chuckled as you leaned into his chest. “But I’m worried about Jack’s nail-biting.”
Aaron hummed. He was thinking of Prentiss’ nail-biting habit, which he often witnessed during difficult cases.
“I heard it’s either due to anxiety or trying to focus,” Aaron said.
“I know. But it’s gonna hurt him.” You frowned.
“Something in your mind?”
“Yeah. But if it doesn’t go well, I’ll need your help.” You have your husband a secret smile.
After dinner and dish wash, you called your husband and son to the table.
“Ta-da,” you beamed at them as you showed them colourful manicures on the table. Too bad there was no transparent one when you were getting them.
Aaron tilted his head with a frown. As soon as he realised what the little bottles were, he gave you a petrified look as he looked at the manicure. He probably remembered what you said the night before. You might need his help.
“This might help you to break your nail-biting habit easier.” You told Jack as he curiously touched a couple of bottles full of colourful liquid.
“You’ll stop biting because it tastes gross.”
“You gonna paint my nails?” Jack gave you widened eyes, a slight panic in his brown eyes.
“You don’t want to?” You asked a bit sadly. You thought this was a brilliant idea. You saw many articles that manicures helped with nail-biting habits. Fair enough, it might have been too much for a boy to paint his nails.
“It’s girl stuff,” Jack frowned.
“There’s no girl or boy stuff,” you huffed. Stupid gender categorising or whatever it was called. “If you’re not convinced, we all three can paint our nails with ‘em.”
Aaron pointed himself behind Jack, mouthing ‘me?’
“Dad too?” Jack asked. Aaron was Jack’s hero. If Aaron painted his nails, Jack would think it wasn’t a girlish thing to do. “If Dad does it,” he hung the last bit wistfully.
Aaron opened his mouth and then closed it sharply. He inhaled deeply and sat on the chair.
“Of course, I wouldn’t mind some manicures.” Aaron’s voice tightened but gave his son a reassuring smile, who gave him a worrisome face. The father knew what his boy was thinking. “If anyone makes fun of you, tell them even an FBI agent like me paint nails.”
Jack nodded, his fingers playing with a yellow manicure bottle. “Can I use different colours for my fingers?”
“Yeah, why not?” You happily pushed the bottles so Jack could choose the colours. You glanced up at your husband, who was giving you narrowed eyes.
‘You’ll pay for this.’ Aaron said soundlessly, and you just shrugged.
It seemed Jack didn’t have to worry. Jack became too popular among his peers, and other kids wanted to have colourful hands like Jack’s. Jack threw his arms over you as he talked about his day at school. After hearing this, Aaron felt better with his painted nails even though his teammates gave him a surprised look when he appeared in the office. Not only that, it seemed the manicures were doing their jobs well. The number of Jack’s biting nails lowered considerably, making you three happy. 
“See, it’s working!” You beamed at your husband as you two watched Jack doing homework without biting his nails.
“But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna punish you,” Aaron said with a dry tone. “It still hurt my hands’ pride.”
“Yours or your hands?” You asked teasingly.
Aaron huffed but soon leaned forward and lightly kissed your cheek.
“You just wait.” He whispered as he tangled his polished nail fingers with yours.
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davidf2posts-blog · 5 years
Crypto games
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When online casinos first came into the scene they had to think on a marketing idea that would attract more players. Online gambling was new and many players were unsure if they should deposit funds in what seemed like an unknown entity. The marketing ploy that most online casinos chose and is still being aggressively used today is the cash bonus.
When online casinos first came into the scene they had to think on a marketing idea that would attract more players. Online gambling was new and many players were unsure if they should deposit funds in what seemed like an unknown entity. The marketing ploy that most online casinos chose and is still being aggressively used today is the cash bonus.
Nothing charms a future client more than free cash, and online casino bonuses are just that. The most popular form of a bonus is the sign up or welcome bonus. The size of the bonus differs between the different casinos but it usually revolves between 100%-400% of the initial deposit. There is usually some kind of limit to the bonus so you can’t just deposit 100,000$ and hope to triple it up.
Naturally, as more and more casinos started offering cash bonuses a different kind of client emerged. A client whose sole interest was in the bonus itself and his goal was to cash out the bonus as soon as possible and than simply leave. This led up to the online casinos toughening their wagering requirements before allowing a withdrawal of the bonus.
                                         Crypto games
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The wagering requirement is a total amount you have the bet in order to be able to withdraw the bonus. The actual number varies from casino to casino but a typical number could be between 10x – 20x the amount of the bonus, so if you deposit 500$ and receive 500$ as a cash bonus your total betting must be above 5000$ to cash out the bonus. This may seem like a big amount but remember that if you are playing a game like blackjack using 5$ bets, you will win many hands (as well as losing) so the requirements can usually be cleared in matter of several hours.
Some casinos have blocked several games from qualifying as a method to clear bonuses. This usually includes the bets games that casino offers like a very liberal version of blackjack (for example a very small house edge single deck game) or some forms of video poker.
Online poker sites also offer sign up bonuses. The method to clear those bonuses is a little easier since you have to play a certain number of raked hands. Online poker bonuses are easy to clear even if you are a mediocre player and most online poker sites of periodical reload bonuses which allow poker players to enjoy other bonuses than the regular welcome bonus.
Bonuses are an attractive way to build up your bankroll if you are just starting out in the world of online gambling. Just remember to read the casino’s terms of agreement or consult your favorite online casino portal in order to be sure what the wagering requirements are so you will have a better idea what you are up against.
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agentarc · 3 months
if someone drew fox in a blanket nest it would singlehandedly cure my cold
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agentarc · 1 month
i’m so glad rvb ended in season 13 and no subsequent seasons ever took place!
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agentarc · 11 days
👁️ drop your fox sickfic recs to cure me of this terrible sickness
(will also accept any sickfics of any clone)
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agentarc · 1 month
i need to meet more artists with aphantasia. how do you Do it. it’s so frustrating
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agentarc · 4 months
well folks, i guess we should’ve thought to add “omega force sensitive” to our bingo cards
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agentarc · 2 months
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lady sabine wren meets commander fox
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agentarc · 5 months
oh my god star wars is trending because of cody day
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agentarc · 18 days
first impressions of the acolyte: ooo cool choreography! oh fuck everything else is boring
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arcadiaposts · 1 month
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behold, the animal i adopted to me my ESA who hides in the bathtub when im anxious
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