toxycodone · 1 day
okay im weird but i like the idea of yandereish laios finding a beastkin/monster reader and tying them up and trying to "tame" them...fucking them and murmuring about how he's mating them and trying to scent them because he loves them so much,,,yeah
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cozystars · 7 months
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pcktknife · 6 months
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bamsara · 9 months
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help him
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99redragons · 1 month
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did the drawing, bill in full breakup hibernation + drunk crying
text says: ROCKY PLACE - Drown your feelings!
I. Want. SIXER! & O'Sadleys - "you'll be back"
inspired by the 'shave your grandma' code passage
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bobacupcake · 1 year
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HEY !!! you can play the demo for another crab's treasure RIGHT NOW for steam nextfest. it is a soulslike but you are a crab. it is made by AGGRO CRAB the devs behind going under!! they are a fantastic studio and their games are filled with so much charm and REALLY fun and i cannot recommend them enough . 🦀🦀🦀🦀
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the-meme-monarch · 9 months
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girls night
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everyone say 'thank you mark webber for making sure oscar piastri's contract has a 'no second driver' clause'
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joowee-feftynn · 7 days
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got possesed by something and drew lamed holding an ak-47 :thumbsup:
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nbmudkip · 9 months
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happy holidays brought to you from the loops of eternal torture
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millenianthemums · 7 days
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little bill and his family! featuring my headcanons that i’ll be using in the friendship au fic. i imagine his dad was very chill (to the point of seeming apathetic) and his mom was very attentive and caring (to the point of being dangerously overbearing).
also, .
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thornycanary · 1 year
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isjasz · 5 months
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[Day 300]
No way whos dat (Only a tiny amount of ppl will get exactly why i made this LMSAODSO ITS SO SELF INDULGENT BUT YEAHHHHHH >:3)
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
Why did Saleos stitch up a part of Kallamar's mouth in one of the comics? Is there something I don't know...?
the lil follower sprite looks like has stitches, maybe cause the skull is open in half on the punished form you have to beat to recruit him and maybe keeps some of the injuries to his mortal form? Idk
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yandere--stuck · 3 months
Imagine confessing to Joker that, sometimes, you do feel a bit crazy. He'd been wheedling it out of you for hours now, continuously and obviously guiding you to the idea that there had to be something special about you to catch his eye. Something about you that stuck out like a sore thumb, and not just to him. Something innate about you that drew him toward you.
“There has to be something, my dear,” Joker had said. “I don't exactly attract the most normal company.”
You tried noncommittal answers at first. Really, the only person who'd know why he'd fallen for you (so he claimed) would be him. And hadn't he claimed to know everything about you already? God only knew how he'd gotten your information, but it didn't surprise you considering the man holding you captive. Even still, The Joker kept pestering you for your thoughts. Your mind was just so fascinating to him. 
So, you relented, even if just to appease him. You watched his grin widen, and the smile reached his eyes as they crinkled in delight. The clown hanging onto every word. 
Sometimes, you did feel crazy. Like the world didn't really make sense. Everyone else had a set of instructions on how to navigate the world that you never got. How did everybody else know how to start a conversation without a shock of anxiety washing over them? How did others have the ability to get up out of bed when you couldn't find the strength to? How did anybody find consistent meaning and purpose in their lives.
Even when you tried to pretend to be like them, it fell apart so quickly. It was so hard to keep on top of things. So hard to stay organized and stable and motivated. And you were so aware of the act you were putting on. So was everybody else, you were sure of it. You were sure they could tell, as if they thought of you as something not quite human and just something pretending to be. Something to tolerate until it crawled back to where it came from, another failed attempt to infiltrate their ranks.
You didn't even know what made you stand out to The Joker of all people - especially for anything outside of a murder attempt. You purposefully tried not to stand out. It made it harder to detect how different you were so long as you kept your emotions and thoughts close to your chest. No chance for embarrassment if no one ever got close enough to embarrass you again. 
Joker raised a hand to stop you, resting his hand on your shoulder. The green of his eyes held surprising softness before flashing with mischief.
“How about we give those fools something to really be scared of?” The Clown flashed a grin, raising a small contraption in his hands.
“What the Hell is that?” You blurted out.
The metal thing was the same size and shape of a small ball, painted an acidic green and electric purple. Wiring covered the thing, either wrapped around the outside or sprouting up like weeds from within. A small LED display screen was centered in the middle, left blank.
“A bomb,” Joker grinned. “I figured it'd be thematically appropriate.”
“Get that thing away from me!”
“Oh, come now, it's not even armed.”
As if to prove his point, Joker tossed the bomb aside, letting it roll across the floor. He paused for a ment, raising a hand to his chin in thought. Then, he seemed to light up, snapping his fingers. 
“Oh, of course, you'd want to deal with ‘em up close and personal!” Then, with a flourish, Joker pulled a gun from seemingly out of nowhere. He threw his head back as a chorus of laughter erupted from within. 
“Stop!” You spluttered, backing away. “I don't want to hurt anyone!”
Joker stayed put and simply blinked, brows furrowing. He tilted his head. “Why?”
“Because- because you can't just hurt people! It's wrong.”
“No, it's what they told you is wrong,” The Clown's hands balled into fists. “They force you to play by their rules, then punish you for losing at a game you're not designed to win. They wear you down to the bone and know you won't fight back, so they get to walk all over you."
“That's not true.”
“Don't lie to yourself, Darling. I'm saying this all to help you. I want to help you finally fight back. Everything you've gone through has all been leading to this moment.”
“I can't,” You held your ground. “I won't.”
The Clown stared you down. His eyes held an emotion you couldn't quote register. He wasn't frowning exactly, but he certainly wasn't smiling.
You nearly jumped when Joker suddenly crossed the room. The sound of his footsteps mirrored the thundering of your own heartbeat. It muffled all thoughts as electric panic ripped through your veins and left you petrified in place. Not like you could escape, anyway.
You tried to calm your breathing, but hot, panting breaths kept escaping you, chest rising and falling erratically. You could hardly keep yourself composed enough to look him in the eye. And when you did, somehow it was worse than expected. The expression on his face and look in his eyes wasn't one of murderous intent. Not one of rage. Hell, he didn't even look disappointed.
No. His expression was one of pity.
He swept you into an embrace. One arm curled around your back, hand still holding his pistol. You could feel the cold of the metal pressing against the small of your back. Another hand came up to push your head closer to his chest. 
Joker lamented. “Oh, my poor little maniac. It's so sad to see what they've done to you. If only I had saved you sooner.”
You didn't respond, hoping the excuse of being smothered into his jacket would be enough for him to not demand a reply. You felt the slow rise of Joker's chest pressing against you, then sank back as he exhaled a sigh. A gloved hand petted at your head soothingly.
“You're just like Bats, you know,” he said. “These barriers you put up for yourselves are so small, but you give them so much power. And I just don't understand why.”
You paused, giving yourself time to think before mumbling into the fabric of his jacket, “Because it's the right thing to do.”
When you glanced up at him, the look of condescension on the Clown's face was nearly enough to forgo any ideas of self-preservation or pacifism. Nearly. The last thing you'd want to do is prove him right.
“They're never going to see you as normal, you know that, right?” He pressed. “You'll never really be one of them. Like a square peg trying to squeeze itself into a round hole. I don't see why you're so caught up in silly things like morality when it clearly hasn't helped you yet. It certainly doesn't seem like a concern for any of them.”
You didn't want to talk about this anymore. You didn't want to think anymore. You just wanted to find some cold comfort in the embrace of another. 
A pair of lips pressed against the crown of your head. You flinched in his hold, burying yourself further into his grasp. Maybe you could just disappear. 
“It's so sad to see you sabotage your own potential like this,” The Joker continued, voice taking on a lighter tone. “But it's okay. I'm here to take care of you. And I'll keep taking care of you until you can become who you were always meant to be. Because I love you, I really do.”
Yeah, right.
Still, you wished he made it harder to believe otherwise.
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7roaches · 3 months
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mutuals asleep post odd killermare
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