heatwa-ves · 4 months
I think my best trait is how obsessed i am with female characters who have zero voice lines and don't even have a name
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rhaaclaws · 2 years
i am worlds first absent lesbian father its hard someones gotta do it
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abslghost · 2 years
I was so excited to see anasui and jotaro interacting. middle of a fight for the sake of the universe and we are introduced to the funniest duo in SO
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hauntingblue · 4 months
Idk how I feel about jotaro coming in to help for the end battle.... I like his relationship with jolyne and how she is motivated by him but coming in to save her right at the end... idk
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i would ask why jojo wanted to marry me so quick on character ai. but i literally wanted to marry him since i first saw part 2 so 🤷‍♀️ we gonna have three kids and if we have a son were naming him joseph joestar ii. its settled.
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
Anon: Yandere Johnathan, Dio, Joseph, Caesar, Wammu, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne Headcannons with a Female Tanjiro Reader? She’s kind, compassionate and fights to protect, save others and find a cure for her sister to turn her back into a human (She’s also a very hard working individual).
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, overprotective behavior, stalking, paranoia, manipulation, blackmail, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, isolation, abduction, death
To fit this theme better into the JoJo verse, darling’s sister is a vampire instead of a demon.
Tags: @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
Darling is like Tanjiro
Jonathan Joestar
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💍Given your brave and kind personality, it is no wonder that Jonathan falls head over heels for you. Both of you fight side by side as his adopted brother Dio starts plotting his evil schemes with the new powers given to him by the stone mask. Your sister was one of the many victims that was turned by him yet somehow she retained her control and her heart as Dio didn't take over her mind. Despite Zeppeli's caution and advice that he should free your sister of her suffering, Jonathan is moved to tears as he witnesses the determination and love you have for your younger sister, solely led by his emotions as he offers to help you. After all your sister is very tame despite having been turned into a monster by Dio and hides during the day in a box you crafted for her. Both of you are trained together by Zeppeli in Hamon and join forces in order to put a stop to Dio's craving for power and to find a cure to turn your sister back into a normal human again.
💍​One would think that Jonathan should know best about your talents as he has trained together with you yet he falls fast and he falls fast, leaving him with the constant taste of fear and worry lingering on his mind and in his heart. Whenever a battle ensues, he always tries to shield you and to protect you out of fear that you might get hurt. Whenever he loses sight of you, his heart drops as paranoia quickly takes hold of him. He suffers the loss of his father and eventually the loss of Zeppeli and all of it only enforces his growing obsession as even his teacher ultimately dies, proving in his mind that even with all of your strength you can still fall during this battle. As someone who was raised to be nothing but a gentleman, it is his desire to cherish and to protect you yet he seems to overlook that his noble gestures to protect you are received as an insult from your side as you think that he is underestimating your strength. Whenever you confront him about it though, he shies away from the conflict, hating the thought of arguing with his sweetheart.
💍​Instead whenever conflict arises between you two, he tries to appease you in whatever way he can. At this point it is painfully obvious how he feels for you and Jonathan isn't even trying to hide it from you. He wants to treat you well and he does exactly that. In his mind fate must have brought you too together as both of you met, struck with tragedy inflicted upon the two of you by Dio. Sometimes his obsessive thoughts plague him and the shame comes crushing down on his heart yet more often he is prone to those delusional phases where he thinks of your meeting as destiny. The young Joestar heir has already plans to ask you for your hand in marriage as soon as both of you have won against Dio. He initially plans to ask you after peace has returned but depending on how paranoid and desperate he gets, he might even ask you beforehand if you'd do him the honor of letting him be your husband. He promises that he will worship you and do everything in his power to protect you and your sister.
Joseph Joestar
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🦾​Joseph, Caesar and you form a trio when the Pillar Men appear as you have your own motivation for fighting them. During the expedition that Speedwagon took due to the rumored existence of other Stone Masks your sister, who was part of the team that accompanied him, was transformed into a vampire and you reunite with her during your first encounter with Stroheim who kept her alongside with Speedwagon captive. You are quite different from Joseph who relies on his wits and runs away when he realises that his situation looks helpless whilst you always stand your ground to save even those who do not deserve it even if you are only inches away from death. Multiple times he has sworn to not help you if you were to get in another such tense situation yet he has never had the heart to abandon you, leaving him no choice but to return and trick his way somehow out of the danger. Joseph always wants to scold you after every stunt you pull yet you always thank him with such a sincere look on your face that he doesn't have the heart to do so.
🦾​You are sometimes really too good for your own good as well as his own good yet despite the differences between you two, Joseph finds himself growing very attached to you and he knows that. Although he tries to hide his growing feelings, to people like Caesar it is quite obvious that he has caught feelings for you. Whenever there is a fight, he seems much more willing to fight and show off somehow but only when you are watching. Not to mention that he has gotten more hostile towards Caesar as he knows that that man has to flirt with every young woman within his vicinity, including you. He comes up with the most random bullshit to annoy you two only to interfere as soon as he notices that Caesar tries to flirt with you or simply just makes soma gagging sounds to distract you from him. Caesar might as well see it as a challenge as he openly admits to Joseph that he doesn't think that he would make a good partner for you. From that day on Joseph comes up with the most ridiculous things to keep you occupied with him.
🦾​Whilst it may appear like a bit of a cheap method, the fact that Speedwagon is looking out for your sister whilst you are helping to hunt down the Pillar Men in search of a cure is something Joseph uses to his advantage. After all he is quite close with Speedwagon so he likes to brag about it if he gets the chance. Throughout the entire time you three spend together, he starts slowly resenting your determination to help others though. He wouldn't call himself inherently a bad guy but he is also not someone who would willingly risk his life for some random stranger. You are the complete opposite as you always want to save everyone, something that sometimes isn't possible. He doesn't want you to lay down your life for random people, as noble as some people may think that is. In his mind it is simply stupid so during fights he starts actively dragging you away when he realises that the threat is too much to handle. He wants to live and he wants you to live as well. It is as simple as that. You want to see your sister being turned back to a human again, right? You won't witness that if you're dead.
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧​Lisa Lisa sends you as reinforcement during the earliest confrontation with the Pillar Men and whilst Joseph is initially gawking at you and wonders what you plan to add to the team, Caesar quickly shuts him up and apologises to you. Joseph truly has no manners when it comes to treating a pretty lady, plus he has utmost trust in his teacher so he has confidence in you. From the very beginning Caesar always favors you and treats you very well, although it is to be expected. As you join in the fights though and he gets to see just how much kindess and compassion you hold in your soul, his feelings deepen more and more. He truly admires your willpower and your determination to help people in need even if those people have threatened you before. Joseph, shrewd despite his sometimes stupid decisions, obviously notices the feelings of his rivals and starts teasing him about it. He goes too far when he tells you that Caesar catches feelings easily for women, something that almost ends in a fight between those two if it wouldn't have been for you stopping them.
🫧​His disdain for Joseph grows after that. How dare he even suggest to you that his feelings aren't sincere? Caesar urges you to not believe anything Joseph has told you as he swears to you that his feelings are sincere. When you three return to the island owed by Lisa Lisa, Caesar finds out about your sister that his teacher has kept safe during your absence. Initially he is very alerted as he doesn't trust your sister. She could pose a threat and harm you after all, even if she is also a lady. He knows that you would never let him harm her though as even Lisa Lisa assures him that she is different from the rest. After his wariness fades away, he can't help but wonder why you have never told him about her existence though. Do you not trust him? He immediately seeks you out to ask you about what has happened in your past and presses on even as you hesitate for a moment. When you eventually decide to tell him your tragic past, his heart starts bleeding for you. You poor thing have gone through so much...
🫧​After he has been entrusted with your path, he only starts feeling more protective about you. You are a woman too pure for everything you had to endure and it is your outstanding kindness that has him growing slowly more paranoid. He has seen terrible people in his life, people who would abuse your compassion and earnest desire to save others. He could never forgive someone if someone would stomp on your kindness and he could never forgive himself if he were to let anything happen to you. Caesar starts sticking close to you from that moment on, always paranoid when he isn't near you and can protect you. Obviously you address his smothering overprotective antics but you only get a lovesick smile in return and a kiss on your knuckles as he murmurs that he could never allow anything to harm you. In his eyes you deserve the world and nothing less after all the pain you had to go through and he intends to give the world to you. He is truly in love with you and in his eyes it is normal to protect the lady he plans to make his wife and spend his life with.
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🌪️​You are there together with Joseph and Caesar when the Pillar Men awaken and even if Wammu is far above you when it comes to strength, you refuse to back down. Even if you stand no chance against him, you stand time and time up again and he can tell that you put your all into this battle. There is a drive behind your eyes, a determination that keeps you going even if you shouldn't be able to stand anymore. It is that fire in your eyes that has his heart skipping a few beats as he proudly proclaims you as someone truly brave and worthy and even expresses gratitude that he was able to meet someone like you as soon as he has awakened. He almost doesn't want to kill you and Joseph, who has caught wind of Wammu's fascination with you, uses that partially to convince Wammu to let him and the others live for now so that they can return stronger. Wammu takes the bait, especially because he is eager to see how much stronger you will be the next time he sees you. You have the potential and willpower after all.
🌪️​His thoughts always seem to be around you as he eagerly and almost impatiently waits for the time to come and Kars and Esidisi sense his troubled feelings. Kars just bluntly advises him to take you if he desires you but Wammu refuses to use such underhanded methods as he prides himself as a strong and honorable warrior. So he chooses to challenge you when you find your way to him again to save Caesar as the young man impulsively storms into their hideout. As soon as you see how heavily wounded Caesar is, you are instantly willing to sacrifice yourself to save him and that is when Wammu offers you a deal. If you duel him and win, he will not only let Caesar go but also give you the antidote in his lip ring, something Joseph needs if he wants to survive. If you lose, he is free to do what he wants with you. You take the offer without a doubt and put a magnificent battle, even if he ultimately bests you. Even as you are bleeding heavily, you refuse to give up though and out of respect he not only lets Caesar live but gives him the antidote but takes you with him as you still lost and you accept it without throwing a tantrum.
🌪️​He caters instantly to your wounds as soon as he has taken you with a gentleness you didn't expect from a Pillar Man. After he has bandaged all of your wounds he decides to ask you what it is that motivates you so greatly and why you were so determined to find his kind. Initially you look at him silently and just as he is about to assure you that you don't have to tell him, you decide to open up. You confess to him that your sister was turned into a vampire due to a Stone Mask and that you had heard that his kind had invented them and so you had hoped to find a cure for her. Hearing your motivation truly only manifests you as a noble and honorable human as a warm feeling of pride spreads in his chest. It is in that moment that he decides that he desires to have you as his partner, though he is aware that you two stay on different sides of this current battle. Yet he sincerely wishes to help you so he makes another suggestion. He will help you to heal your sister but in return he asks of you to stay by his side as his lover in the future and remain loyal to him and he promises in return to cherish and love you until the end of time.
Kujo Jotaro
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🚬​You join the crusaders during their long and difficult travels to reach Egypt and DIO somewhere along the way. Your first encounter with them almost ends in a big fight when your sister escapes during the night and crosses paths with Jotaro who initially mistakes her as another minion of DIO. You arrive just in time and throw yourself in front of her, fully prepared to take all of Star Platinum's punches to protect your little sibling only for his Stand to stop in the last second. When the rest of the group arrives, you find yourself able to explain the situation you are in and since you have the same goal as everyone, you decide to join them with your own respective Stand. Jotaro clarifies to you from the very beginning though that if your sister should ever turn attack them and let her instincts get the better of her, he will have to get rid of her. You manage to hold his stern gaze though and reassure him that it won't happen as your sister is different from the others.
🚬​As all of you continue their journey, Jotaro learns to value you as a member of the team. You are strong and even your sister joins the fights when there is no sunlight around. Although he will openly admit that your very idealistic goals to protect everyone are at times quite exhausting and both of you have gotten into a few fights already. Jotaro has less problems sacrificing a few people if it can't be helped and reprimands you for your silly daydreams that you will always be able to save everyone only for you to get mad at him and call him heartless in return. What you don't seem to realise is that Jotaro's harshness and rude words are born out of a growing worry he feels for you the longer you are part of the Crusaders. He won't grieve random people he couldn't save in time but you are no random stranger to him. You are someone he has learnt to value and respect and he won't just watch as you throw yourself in danger over and over again to save someone who doesn't deserve it as you even express kindness to their opponents, though only after they have been beaten.
🚬​The tension only grows the closer you get to your destination and the more you are put through. Jotaro's obsession at this point has already gotten to the point of no return and he knows that yet he hides it, clueless on how to even act on those feelings. Although they do slip out in the very unpleasant shape of growing oppression and control he starts to keep on you. He has had enough with your antics by now to the point where he even tries to remove you from the scene to prevent you from trying to play hero again. Star Platinum, his Stand, has started acting on Jotaro's obsession as well and shows the feelings the man is trying to suppress much more openly. If you are within vicinity, it will suddenly grab you and pull you instinctively closer to it, much to Jotaro's slight embarrassment as he doesn't plan to tell you of his feelings. You won't be involved in theit final battle, he already knows that you would end up sacrificing yourself for someone else. Don't worry though, he will keep his promise and find a cure for your sister. He isn't as heartless as you claim him to be after all.
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🕰️​He feels like he is seeing a ghost of someone in you he has despised so much to the point where he feels the need to eradicate even the ancestors of said person. That's right. There is a resemblance of Jonathan DIO sees in you and whether it is his own petty hatred or a dormant fear he holds against the only man who ever beat him, he perceives you as a threat. He wants you gone and all of his minions are begging him to let them take care of you yet you have caught his attention to the point where he wishes to take care of you himself. Yet one of his pawns would not listen to him and assaults you themselves nevertheless only to be beaten by you and your sister. DIO couldn't care less about their death but it is the report that a vampire fought by your side that catches his attention. He's the only one who creates vampires. How is it then that someone who should obey him is fighting side by side with you? It seems like he can't just simply kill you after all. Instead he orders his pawns to gather information about you and the vampire fighting by your side.
🕰️​It doesn't take long for his minions to find what he wants to know as they are more than eager to please him however they can. Apparently your sister was turned into a vampire by one of his pawns he can't even remember and you are searching for him to demand for a cure to turn your sister back into a human. That's his chance. DIO can barely suppress the diabolical grin on his face as he realises that he could probably break you by tormenting you by using your sister against you. If he can gain control over her and order her to attack you, he is sure that he can break you down. As soon as you reach his hideout, his minions ambush you and even though you put up a brave fight, ultimately you are captured. His presence frightens you, he can tell as much by the way your heart hammers inside your chest yet you refuse to let any of your fear show as you stare him right into his eyes as he gloats about your loss, already suggesting with an evil gron on his face what he plans to do now that he has you and your sister.
🕰️​Yet you are so stubborn and headstrong and so is your sister as he is unable to gain control of her nor can he break you. He has always taken what he has wanted yet strangely enough he doesn't find himself displeased. Instead he revels in your unwavering determination and your immunity to fall for his charm, something that has brought countless men and women to their knees. After all the harder something is to obtain, the sweeter the taste of victory will be. He finds himself desiring to break you and then to possess you and to achieve that, he commits truly horrible deeds all to trigger your mental breakdown. He may force himself sexually on your sister whilst forcing you to watch or the other way around, will blackmail and threaten you to expose your sister to the sunlight and so many other things that should tear you apart yet even through your greatest sorrow and grief, that spark in your eyes never disappears. It frightens him a bit, confuses him to why you don't give up. Why do you persist? Wouldn't it be easier for you to just drown in your misery? You really are special, aren't you?
Higashikata Josuke
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💎​Josuke is hotheaded and enjoying his life and his youth. He is quite passionate about showing his feelings which is why he has no real way to cover up his growing infatuation with you as he quickly descends down the stairs of obsession. Above all it is your kind and compassionate attitude that has won him over and he greatly admires you for the strong and forgiving person that you are. You even complimented his hair when you met for the first timw which only added fuel to the inferno. Due to his openess to express his feelings though, Josuke has no lid on his emotions which means that he has no real way to control him. He isn't even attempting to control them in the first place and this has led him to be quite volatile depending on how he feels. Whether he is euphoric or enraged, he will act on those emotions. His infatuation has made him quite clingy which is why he often follows you around and always desires to be with you as his mood is otherwise quite grumpy which means that he is quite easily angered.
💎​Okuyasu calls him one night and informs him that he has seen a strange person sneaking inside your house as he just happened to pass by and instantly Josuke is alarmed. He ignores his mother's confused questions as he rushes to your house in the middle of the night and pounds against the door, his heart hammering against his chest in fear. When you don't answer, he instantly assumes the worst and Crazy Diamond quicly destroys your door only to instantly repair it. He looks fully prepared to murder the strange woman he finds in your house but you arrive just in time to stop him and his stand from attacking her. With no ther choice left but to tell him the truth, you tell him that the person is your sister and your tragic backstory about how she was turned into a vampire and how you are desperately searching for a cure. A part of Josuke reacts quite intrigued because whilst he knows about the existence of stands, he has never known about the existence of vampires, although he also expresses his concern about your safety.
💎​When he realises how much you wish to turn your sister back into a human, his heart instantly melts and he promises to help you however he can. It is his duty as your boyfriend to make his girlfriend happy after all. You do not quite know what he is talking about, although you obviously have noticed the obvious crush he has on you. What you don't know as of now is that Josuke has gone genuinely delusional with his love for you to the point where he already thinks that both of you share the same love for each other. Even if the situation isn't pleasant for you, he sees this as his chance to shine and to make you love him even more than you already do in his mind. He starts speculating pretty soon that perhaps his own Stand Crazy Diamond could be the solution to all of your problems and the idea that he can be your hero excites him as he rambles to you about his idea. He truly feels like you two were meant to meet because what are the chances that he would have the perfect solution to turn your sister back into a normal human.
Giorno Giovanna
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🐞​You have joined the Mafia a while ago yet you have quickly risen through the ranks. You are earnest and hardworking and hate to let people down, always set on fulfilling the missions you are entrusted with. On the other hand it is also that the Don favors you that you have gained so much in such a short time and his feelings for you only seem to get stronger the longer he gets to know you. You are the kindest soul he has ever met as you do not tolerate the abuse of power by others and refuse to follow orders if they go against your own set of morales. You have gone even as far as to sometimes suggest to Giorno himself that he could do something to better the way of the Mafia and if you would have been anyone else, he wouldn't have tolerated it with a genuine smile and a promise to consider your advice. Giorno isn't oblivious to his feelings and he isn't surprised either that he fell for you as hard as you did. Your kindness and compassion resemble the rays of sunshine and he knows that he wants that warmth for himself.
🐞​You have never really elaborated on your private life even if he questioned you gently about it. You may be able to fool others but not Giorno who has dedicated so much time to observe you and memorise your every reaction and emotion you have shown around him. You are hiding something from him, something that burdens you. You deserve better than that and whilst he recognises that you probably don't wish to worry him as you probably assume that he is already busy enough with his duties as the Don, you don't seem to understand that he sees his duties in catering to your needs and every worry just as much. With connections throughout the entire country, very soon he finds out sacred information you never wanted him to know. He soothes you as soon as you figure out what he has done as you feel like he has broken your trust as he gently holds your trembling hands and promises you in a gentle tone that he only wishes to help you. He already knows everything but won't you tell him yourself?
🐞​He promises you to protect your sister and keep her identity hidden just as much as he promises you to find a cure for her. Even if he knows that he has partially broken your faith in him by invading your personal life and finding out something you don't want anything to know, he would lie if he would claim that he feels guilty. Instead he feels like he understands you even better now than he understood you before as he now knows more about your personal motives for joining Passione. Not only that but he is not above realising how much control he would hold over you by using your biggest weakness in form of your sister against you. It is quite a cheap move and he knows that yet he will do what he must do to protect you and to keep you for himself. He cares too much to lose you after all. He is genuine when he swears to you that he really plans to find a cure for your sister. You should be prepared though that he will demand something in return from you for his assistance and it'll most likely be the first step to make you his forever.
Cujoh Jolyne
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🪢​Jolyne and you meet in Green Dolphin Street as both of you were labeled as criminals. She has been betrayed by her ex who decided to blame the accident and the death of the car accident on her and you have been locked away because you have a history of breaking into rich and important people's houses, although you have never stolen something. Unfortunately you were caught and had been unfortunate enough to get caught by an especially unpleasant couple who made sure to lock you away for good. Both of you recognise that neither one of you is a bad person though and you hit it off quite well with each other. Her tough personality she likes to put on is something you learn to live with as you can kind of guess that she does this to hide her own vulnerability. You talk about all sorts of things as you spend your time together in jail as you treat her with kindness and respect. Something that makes her heart very flustered, although she doesn't want to admit it.
🪢​Jolyne has never been exposed to much kindness in her life as her own father has largely neglected her during her youth and so she is like a dry sponge who eagerly absorbs any kindness and compassion you give her. It is no wonder that you have her wrapped around your finger as quick as you do as she grows increasingly possessive and clingy. She is selfish about any kind word and any minute you can give her as she is very prone to jealousy as soon as you give your attention and sweetness to someone else but she doesn't care about such things, if she even recognises the wrongness of her feelings to begin with. she is just desperate for all of your attention and affection and doesn't shy away from beating someone up with her stand Stone Free to get rid of any unpleasant pesk who tries to get between you and her. You also join her when she plans to break out and she doesn't even have to beg you as you quickly agree. She is dear to you after all. A statement that turns her harsh facade to mush.
🪢​It is only a while later though that you confess to her that you have another reason for breaking out. You have a little sister who was turned into a vampire and you have been searching for clues how to cure her, hence why you broke into people's houses who you suspected to have something useful. Jolyne has rather mixed emotions when you tell her. On the one hand she does feel sorry for you and can understand your desire to help your sister. All of that doesn't compare to her jealousy though and even some part of her can admit that this is quite petty from her. It's your own sister after all, someone who would pose no threat as a possible rival. Jolyne's obsession goes beyond the simple jealousy of romantic rivals though. She strives to be the most important woman and person in your life and desires to have all of your attention and love for herself so your sister is still perceived as a rival as she wonders who you would choose if you had to do so. For now she has you for herself though and she tries to push the gnawing jealousy out of her mind, although she grows much more touchy as you work on breaking out of prison.
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asuyaka · 2 months
My Husband !
★ - hi... (´・ω・`) erm, I know 've been gone for a while (a very long while) but m'back and addin' two new fandoms t'my masterlist !! (Haikyuu & JJBA pt.1 - pt.6!!) - do be warned 've not finished part six yet (m'on chap 114!) so I can't write for every character!
☆ -Narciso Anasui x Male reader!
♡ - he's close enough, welcome back Diavolo !! o((>ω< ))o — forgive me if he's a bit OOC, 've yet to watch video essays on their characterization >﹏<
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Being Anasui's boyfriend wasn't the toughest thing on earth. Nearly dying after meeting Pucci for the first time was tough, having to escape a fucking fairytale stand was tough, but dating Anasui was like brushing your teeth with your finger.
Annoying, yes, but it got the job done.
"Love..." Narciso whined from behind you, pushing his head into the crook of your neck. The two of you were situated under the shade of an oak tree, Weather Report and Emporio ate on the opposite side of the tree.
"Yes, Narciso?" You chuckled, patting the top of his hair affectionately.
The other wrapped his hands around your waist and sighed. "Nothing just wanted to say hi," he kisses your neck with a content sigh, sitting down against the trunk and placing you in his lap.
You roll your eyes but decide to humor him, lightly trailing your finger against his forearm. "Hello to you too, Narciso."
Anasui placed your hand on his palm, looking at your matching nails with fondness in his eyes. "So small... perfect for a ring." He mutters as he stares at your (annoyingly) bare ring finger.
Narciso and marriage are like two peas in a pod. When you two first met due to association with Jolyne, his first words weren't 'hi', 'hello', or 'watch out there's a Stand behind you', it was "Please marry me".
So yes, even after the unethical first meeting and the disastrous first date, he's been deadset on becoming your husband no matter what.
That was fine; you didn't hate nor love the idea, but none mattered to Anasui. Once his mind was set on something you couldn't take his mind off it.
"Sucks you haven't found one yet." You squeeze his hand, laughing at his expression.
He turns you over so you're facing each other, your legs wrapped around his torso. "You mean it? You'll marry me?"
"You don't seem to have the whole proposal thing figured out, do you, Narciso?" You ask playfully, watching a flush grow on his cheeks. "I do! This isn't the actual proposal, I'm just...scoping the area!"
"...scoping the area," You repeat slowly. "We've been dating for a while, what 'area' are you scoping?"
Narciso groans, resting his head on your chest. "You know what I meant!"
You chuckle, rubbing his head softly. "You'll know if I'll marry you when you propose."
Your boyfriend looks at you with wide eyes. "Really?"
You smile, pressing a kiss on his forehead. "Really."
"This was supposed to be a picnic." Weather says, looking at you two with a deadpanned expression. Emporio tried to pull him away to no avail.
"Fuck off, Weather." Narciso glared at him, the affection in his tone disappearing.
You sighed—he was the definition of 'I hate everyone but you'. Even with his interesting quirks, he was still your boyfriend; and eventually, your fiancé.
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shoechoe · 2 months
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I like how the one picture we have of Jolyne's mom and Jotaro together is a photo like it's supposed to be an endearing moment captured of their marriage and they both look mildly displeased to be there at best
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silent-sanctum · 5 months
If you can, you do Jotaro x reader where the reader (gender neutral) is a very famous music celebrity and how Jotaro handles the being with someone who is famous with their daughter Jolyne in their life as well. Love your work and hope everything is good with you 🩷
Thank you anon! 💖 Kinda stressing out over paperwork over here but it's all good nonetheless! 🫡 You're request is heard and I hope I did your request justice with this short fic. Hope you enjoy! ♡
My Universe - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2.2k
One of the perks of having your spouse be a famous global soloist, is having a kid with them and have said child be their number one fan if Jotaro wasn’t already.
Sure, he may not necessarily like all the discography you put out for your fans, but that’s normal for anyone. You did mostly pop with some R&B on the side, and he was more of a jazz man himself. But he did have his personal playlist of favorite tracks he’d listen to time to time on repeat.
But Jolyne was on a different level than he was- she adored you off-screen and on-screen. If you were at home or at least around her, she’d have a field trip being with her idol: She’d get her hands on every merchandise that’s yet to be released, listen to songs yet to be heard, and get special access to VIP areas only meant for artists.
How about the time spend with Jotaro?
Well, aside from musing your daughter with all the perks and love from a celebrity guardian, there were times you left Jolyne with her own bodyguard and babysitter, and used the free time to roam the city with your husband and do whatever they wanted to do.
Initially, your personal life was kept secret from the world, choosing to separate and not involve it with the life of stardom. And that was still the case back when you and Jotaro were still dating. You posted a lot on your social media, mostly pictures of your “selcas”, outfits-of-the-day, food items, behind-the-scenes special from your stages, nature shots, and pictures with fellow celebrity friends.
Once in a blue moon, your fans would blow up social media whenever you decided to be ballsy and post pictures of you with Jotaro, his face hidden thanks to his hat and mask. The content of the image was relatively tame and “neutral”, but given the context behind these pictures- the intimate proximity of the two, the matching color palette clothes, the rare posting of him in general- might as well made your fan base theorists.
“Boyfriend reveal when????”
“Bestie, please share the tea to the world”
“Hello? The couple fits?? The cute poses??? Call me delulu but-”
“All of you are being weirdos. Stop invading their privacy”
“Yeah the dude could be her cousin or brother or something”
“Girl they be dropping these lovey-dovey ass pics and still wonder why we’re this delusional”
“Uhm cousin?? Brother?? With those pictures? Weird but pop-off ig”
You’d receive many posts of similar flavor all over your timelines and you admitted to liking whenever your fans talk about the love of your life as if it’s a conspiracy theory and most of them coming from a supportive mindset. It irked Jotaro for a moment when said community managed to somehow track both his formal account used to document his research findings, and his private social media account where he posted pictures of scenery similar to yours.
But there were the rational handful who were able to veer them off his ass, dismissing their claims as false despite hitting the nail on the spot.
Eventually, once you shifted to a more flexible and lenient agency, you decided to reveal to the world that the popular music icon was engaged and to be married the next week all through a single image of your hand brandishing a ring on your ring finger with a bride emoji as its caption.
“And yall called us crazy for saying they had a boyfriend all this time”
“We boutta get Papa Star amongst us”
The fans and the general public went wild and aside from the obsessive ones, most of your community sent their support.
Despite your relationship now public to everyone, Jotaro still wanted to keep himself mostly anonymous to the news. So whatever images were taken with him in it was blurred out with the default blur effect or an emoji sticker- a “star” one to be specific-covering his face whenever it was shared among fans.
The community erupted with loud awes and cheers when you announced to the world that you were going to have a baby girl in the family in one of your interviews.
“Alright baby protectors, it’s our time to RISE”
“Much love to the little onee”
“I will defend this child with my life.”
“Shooters for baby girl where yall at?”
“Oh she bout to be the luckiest mfer with all the merch exclusives”
Years later, Jolyne grew up to be her parent’s number one fan, doing exactly what your fanbase had thought of when she’d grow older.
Going back to the present, you found yourself stuck knee-deep in your career doing a sold-out world tour, performing for thousands of cheering people in cities across the world. This wasn’t your first tour and you’ve found a decent routine to follow when doing so, but this year was a first for you.
You expressed both in social media posts and in interviews that burnout began to hit you full-time and a multitude of nagging negativity clouded your head as you kept up with all the schedules, production, and practice sessions for majority of the year. You’ve been so busy that time spent with your family this year was little to none. You constantly shared that hopefully sometime in the middle of promotions, you could return home to your family.
Jolyne felt it watching you through the screen. Jotaro felt it too.
All of them missed you and he wanted to do something about it for once.
By the time September came, your world tour came to a close with one last concert to be done in the Rose Bowl Stadium in California. Both him and Jolyne were never able to attend to any of your concerts due to work and school, but timing was in their favor for once and he made the most of the opportunity.
He got into contact with your manager, someone he became close acquaintances with, and notified of them coming over to watch your show. At first, Jotaro just wanted to be there with your daughter in tow, but the manager and a couple of the crew members in-charge of the set list had different plans.
He agreed to it.
With the VIP tickets secured and their booth ready for them, Jotaro and Jolyne flew across the States with eager anticipation and excitement, the latter mostly radiating off from the little girl.
Eventually, the day of the concert arrived and your daughter couldn’t contain herself from running about, unable to wait any longer for her to watch her other parent sing and dance live for the first time. During the day, rehearsals were done before the show proper and a handful of lucky fans were able to watch it.
Thanks to a streamer fan’s dedication and generosity, Jolyne was able to watch you walk about the stage in cozy casuals interacting with your community through a live stream in her phone. From time to time in the middle of preparing things needed for a concert, Jotaro would tune in as well, happy to see you even if it was from a live feed.
Hours later, he rented a car nearby and drove both of them to the beaming stadium, teemed with cheering crowds of fans falling in line either to enter the venue or to purchase on-site merchandise. On the lampposts and the walls were banners of you welcoming everyone to the event.
To avoid getting mobbed, both father and daughter kept themselves hidden from any passing person with a hat and mask as they walked across the area to the stadium’s entrance. To everyone else, they might as well be an ordinary dad-and-daughter duo who were also fans of their favorite artist.
Jotaro followed the instructions sent to him by your manager and headed off to a more discreet entrance where they didn’t have to worry about any lines or people complaining of why they get to enter first and not them. A guard stationed by waved them inside and led the family into their seats overlooking the brightly lit stage. Before the platform were thousands of light sticks waving in the dark, belonging to the fans singing to songs being played as they waited for you to start.
Beside him, Jolyne sang along with enthusiasm, shaking her own personalized light stick to the beat of the music. He would do the same in an alternate universe, but here it just wasn’t his thing.
After a few minutes, the music faded off into silence and the lights dimmed until the stage cast the whole venue in darkness. The crowds cheered and many miniature lights shook in the night. The speakers suddenly blared a remix of one of your title tracks and the jumbo screens flashed to show a VCR containing a mashup of you in a concept film, introducing your theme as a music artist to your audience.
Then as the dancers brought in the energy with their entrance, the stadium exploded with excited screams as you rose up from the below and walked to the front, passing by your back-up dancers until you stood in front of everyone. A second after you greeted the crowd, you switched demeanor and joined the others in choreography.
Jotaro couldn’t help but smile and clap by the time you finished your introductory performance, contrasted by his daughter’s loud screams. He watched wistfully at you speaking with the audience, sweating from all the dance and singing.
It truly was something different watching you live versus watching a live broadcast from home. You’re so near and yet so far from him.
And so far, the rest of the evening was spent like this with you; the beloved soloist performing many of their hit songs ranging from hard hitting beats with impressive dance routines to soothing ballads that had you simply sitting on a fancy stage prop all dolled-up to match the aesthetic of the songs.
Jolyne never pried her eyes away from her other parent, always focused on you and making sure she sung, danced, and responded to your every questions with the devotion of a true, hardcore fan.
By the time the concert was near its end, you were standing in front of the crowd in a cozy outfit akin to the aesthetics of a person living in a humble cabin in the woods. Supposedly, this segment was supposed to be for when you brought up a box of mixed Q&A and dares for you to do.
However, as you said that you were about to start with the bit, the screens beside you changed from showing an arcade-esque “Break Time with Y/N” to a simple “You have special guests watching you”.
Out of the blue, spotlights turned to Jotaro and Jolyne’s booth and there they were- clear as day on the jumbo screens. Everyone cheered yet again as their way of greeting their favorite artist’s family. And even as Jotaro froze on spot, tipping his hat over his eyes as he offered a small wave, his little girl beamed and waved her light stick at the camera.
“I’m here! Hello!”
Jotaro, from what he could see from under his hat, fixed his gaze on the other jumbo screen where it showed your reaction to the surprise- you were crouched on stage, one hand waving at your child, while the other covered your mouth as he saw tears well up in your eyes.
You didn’t expect them to be at your closing concert but seeing your family present was enough for you to break character and fixate on the loves of your life. “Ah really, you guys…”
In response to your happy tears, the crowd cried out a nearly-synchronized “don’t cry!” prompting you to let out a wet chuckle and sniffle.
It occurred to him that he could do something while the cameras were on them. He reached for his phone from his coat pockets and with a few taps, he showed the screen to everyone- a mobile digital message with the words scrolling across the black screen in neon yellow:
Congratulations on your successful world tour. We love you <3
“Ah! You’re gonna make me cry again!” You said, whining as you swiped your eyes free from the new batch of tears ready to fall. He chuckled back. “Everyone, that’s my husband and baby girl. I love them and the fact that they’re here makes me the happiest person right now.” The crowd cooed.
“Now that they’re here, I’m all the more charged up to perform for everyone!” You said and the stadium cheered in response. With one more long look at your family watching from their booth, you continued. “Hope you all enjoy the rest of this night as much as I am enjoying right now.”
With Jolyne’s suggestion via a whisper, Jotaro turned to his phone and changed the message one more time before the camera diverted away from them. This the message scrolled by in neon green saying:
Let’s celebrate! Let’s eat out later! Our daughter is starving.
Your fans expressed a mix of laughter and wholesome “aw’s”. In turn, you smiled and with both hands grasping your microphone, you replied back to them with a curt yet loving, “Of course. My treat.”
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Welp. I just had the strange capsule event happen to me. It's only ever happened to me once before so I was completely shocked to see it just sitting there in the middle of my animal enclosure.
I feel like out of all the things the farmer experiences, this might be the one thing that takes the cake.
How about some reactions to the strange capsule from the adventurers and magicians? So like, Magnus, Marlon and Gil, Camilla, Lance and Alesia etc.
Like, the farmer has no idea what this is or what to do, so they go to the first person they can find. It would be quite strange to see the normally unflappable farmer so nervous. Maybe there could be romance and non-romance reactions from the dateables?
Sure thing! ☺️
I did two different reactions (platonic/romantic), including future marriage candidates (Isaac and Alesia). I don't remember if it was confirmed that Jadu would definitely be a marriage candidate (I want to flirt with him so much, Flashshifter please), so I left him neutral. Hope it's alright. Thanks for the ask! ❤️
It doesn't matter if Alesia is just a Farmer's friend or their partner, the sniper will respond to their alarm in the same way, namely instantly, without delay. She reacts like that to any news she receives from adventurers, because she can tell from her experience that events that the rest of the warriors and mages would normally consider nothing dangerous can spell doom for an entire world. Better safe than sorry.
Except Farmer started telling Alesia not about a corrupt monster, but about a huge capsule with alien life. She's... in complete shock, and for the first time, she doesn't know what to do next. Still, it's better to tell the Ministry and the Order, let them decide for themselves. In the case of Alesia's romantic relationship with Farmer, she later shares that she has always believed in the existence of aliens, even if her religion says that humans are the only creatures, created by Yoba.
Isaac, being Farmer's friend (if almost constant silence and absence of harsh/unpleasant comments in their direction can be called friendship at all), at first will not react at all to the panic raised by the young adventurer. They have thei Guild master - let them take their stupid problems to Marlon. Why in the world would Farmer want to bother him? He wants a goddamn rest. But later, the sullen monster hunter will almost swallow his own tongue because of shock. What the hell is that thing? And it's... pulsing??? Report this to the Order immediately.
In the case of a romantic relationship, Isaac won't be rude or ignore Farmer, and will almost immediately rush to find out what's got his partner so worried. Well, the reaction will be the same - pure shock and confusion. The alien capsule... Sigh, and his day had started out so peacefully...
If Lance's friend, who single-handedly managed to deal with Bully and Apophis, is shouting that something terrible has happened, then it's a very serious matter. The gallant adventurer immediately arrived at the place where Farmer had pointed out, in passing giving a warning to Jolyne and the other members of The First Slash to be on their guard. Even as a young man, Lance had seen all sorts of wonders and creatures, but even this was something he wasn't prepared for....
This should be handled by the head of the Ferngill Republic. Sure, Lance would make a report for the Order and the Ministry, but they deal with magic, and this was completely different thing. After the capsule is taken away, Lance assures his friend that everything will be fine. Except, being Farmer's partner, he and they will reflect before bed whether they made the right choice. What will happen to that alien, and was it really a threat?
A capsule? What capsule? Farmer, wait, don't pull Jadu's sleeves. Okay, he'll go after them, but there's no need to panic so much. "What's wrong with them", the young mage thinks. If his memory doesn't deceive him, Marlon had described his new Guild member as professional and always keeping calm. And now Farmer in front of him is panicking and flailing their arms.
Fine, they both come to the farm, so what next- What... What is that? It's a... thing. it's emitting a strange energy that's unlike anything else. It's actually disturbing. Jadu's a pretty calm and collected person himself, but this capsule definitely needs special attention. It's worth alerting Camilla. Or the Ministry of Magic right away. Either way, Jadu thanks his friend for keeping a watchful eye on the safety of the people of the Valey.
Marlon already knows very well that Farmer is capable of many things - no monster in the Mines and Skull Cavern can stop them, and dozens of corrupt mummies in Crimson Baldlans fall by their weapon. Therefore, if they burst into the Guild, anxious and panicked, it means a great danger is coming. Before doing so, however, one-eyed adventurer will remind Farmer that it's impossible to make wise decisions in s state like that, so they need to calm down first.
When they both arrived at the farm and saw the object of Farmer's worry, Marlon still remained calm. The thing hadn't exploded and no one had crawled out of it yet - at least that's good. The Order of Pythagoras should look into this capsule, they can figure out what it is and if it's a danger to humans. Farmer's doing a good job keeping Pelican Town safe. There's no problem he and Marlon and Gil can't solve, everything if fine.
"Huh," that's Gil's reaction out loud to all of this. To be honest, it's only on the surface that the old adventurer seems indifferent to what's going on around him. Gil is just as concerned about this strange light emitting capsule, it's just that he doesn't panic as much as his young colleague. Destroying the thing would probably be unwise, little wonder what's inside. A virus? A monster? A hostile alien creature? What a load of bollocks this thing's dropped on their heads.
Gil will immediately contact Marlon, taking Farmer with him (and reassure them, reminding them that panic is an adventurer's worst enemy in such cases). The important thing now is to figure out exactly who the three of them need to contact with such a problem. Gil still insists on contacting the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras, since this thing can definitely be classed as a "potential threat to human life." The Orden will deal with this problem.
Poor Farmer was shaking beside Camilla, who had dropped in, sounding the alarm, pointing their finger in the direction of a two-metre long strange capsule. Their gut was screaming that this thing contained something (or someone) dangerous, but the young farmer didn't know who to turn to for help. And that's where Camilla came in! She's the one who can definitely tell them what to do with this capsule that contains danger.
"Or potential." What?... "Darling, what makes you think this object reeks of danger? Maybe it could be useful to us, who knows what secrets are inside." Oh, no no no... Farmer regretted telling the witch of Castle Village. She teleported capsule instantly, Farmer didn't even have time to react. "Don't worry, it's gonna be ok. We'll take care of it~" With that, she spurred and vanished into the smoke herself. Now Farmer was panicking even more.
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Magnus!" The man with that name nearly dropped the flask of black liquid right into his potions cauldron after that sudden noise. He began to grumble at this tactless appearance of Farmer. Though their panic and incomprehensible muttering made Rasmodius realise that something was wrong, they're usually collected and unwavering.
A capsule of incomprehensible contents falling from the sky right onto the ground of his friend/lover... Yeah, that's not something you see very often. Magnus will ask Farmer to calm down (or use a spell to do so), while looking at the capsule. Yes, the unknown is frightening, but maybe it's not that baf? Naturally, Magnus will move the capsule to a safe place, alerting the Ministry to be as careful as possible with the object. The reaction in both cases will be the same (only in the case of a romantic relationship, Magnus won't grumble about the abrupt open door).
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princelylove · 10 months
Oh I love how you add Holy and Lisa Lisa in, I love them too, need more content for them ~
I wonder how would their reaction/feeling and punishment when they discover darling's love is fake, they just pretending to love them so they can escape.
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Hii, 🏵️anon. Cutting a few out since I wanted to go into detail- I’ll probably make a continuation of the others down the line. 
Content warnings: Reader death, noncon/dubcon in Jolyne’s part, general violence, and gaslighting 
Holly would hate to hear that! She herself wouldn’t punish you, she’s definitely going to cry about it and lock herself in her kitchen for a little bit. She’s deeply hurt, how could you say something like that to your wife?? She channels her emotion into cooking or baking something she knows you like to eat. It’s an apology gift, and she’s prepared a list of things she’s going to do better for you! Holly hopes you forgive her, and understands if you still need some time to think about things. But, in the end, Holly’s not willing to get a “divorce,” so you’re not going anywhere. She sits on her knees and shoves her hands under her legs when she brings you breakfast, and tries not to talk too much. Is her voice annoying? Do you not like how she makes things cutesy? She rents books about marriage, watches programs on television about relationships, and calls her mother or father for advice. She might even vent to Jotaro, but she tries not to. She doesn’t want to worry him- mainly because he has no problem breaking bones. 
It… doesn’t really matter if you like Jotaro or not. As long as you submit, he’s going to lie to himself. You can say whatever you want, he’s just going to tell you to shut up and stop whining. You’re stupid, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need him, and he needs you to just stay put and let him protect you from the evils of the world.. Jotaro’s convinced that everything is trying to eat you, and he’s not going to just let it. He won’t punish you until you actually do something- words are just words, and Jotaro is convinced you’re all bark and no bite. If he catches you storing ‘shit’ to take when you run away, he’ll drag you by your wrists into your room, make sure you sit and stay, put everything back, and give you a light slap on your wrist. Jotaro would prefer to restrain you with his own hands, but he can’t really sit there and hold you down all day, so chains will have to do until he’s ready to “cuddle” for the night- which is just him holding you down and smelling your neck for a couple hours. Try to run away too often and Jotaro will just take away your ability to walk. You can keep your legs, he won’t remove them, but he will break them. He babies you throughout the healing process. When your legs finally do heal, if you still aren’t willing, he’ll just break them again. It was fun taking care of you, why wouldn’t he? 
Josuke takes it pretty personally. It’s hard not to. I mean, you can’t just go around saying that he’s a “creep” and “not your boyfriend.” Words have meaning, babe. You can’t throw a tantrum just ‘cause he got a little handsy with you. It’s just him. Somebody’s gonna hear you and think he’s beating you or something, you gotta cut it out. Josuke’s fairly lenient compared to the rest of his family- what are you really escaping from? He’s not trapping you, and it’s not like he really gets in your way. You’re overreacting ‘cause he didn’t read the room right, jeez. Josuke’s going to gaslight you and physically get in the way of every exit. He scoffs a bit when you tell him he’s overbearing- who, him?? What’s he done that’s overbearing? Oh! Oh, he’s overbearing ‘cause he wants to know what his partner is doing?? Yeah, right, that makes total sense- look, why don’t you just blow off some steam and come talk to him when you have a real problem with his behavior. 
Giorno already knows. Did you truly believe that you would be able to hide something like that from him? Giorno survives off of hope- Perhaps Guido’s philosophy of “things will always work out in the end” has rubbed off on him. You’ll come around. He won’t react to minor threats or tantrums, not even directly getting in his face and screaming at him will make Giorno budge. The only real way to get under his skin is to attempt to abandon him- he feels everything he felt when he was little. He’s just a small, frail little boy again when he finds your hoard of essentials hidden away. If you want to leave him so badly, fine, leave him. One of his bodyguards will bring you back, and he’ll try again, after a bit of coping with his situation (Brooding in his room wondering what could possibly be so awful about him), and starving you of any enrichment or social interaction. If you ever were to strike him, or otherwise attempt his life, Giorno’s instincts would take over. His hands tremble so much that he drops whatever weapon he confiscated from you mid attempt, and he’ll stay frozen in place until Guido or Sheila E comes to check on him. 
Jolyne was hoping her insecure thoughts were wrong. Part of her wants to snap, The hell is wrong with you? Of course you love her, you’re making her sound like she’s Narciso or something. You were just cuddling up to her telling her how big her muscles were the other day, did you get a fuckin’ lobotomy done on you in the hour she left you alone? The other part of her falls into a bit of a depression. Of fucking course you don’t love her. She was really trying, too. She could beat your ass for lying to her, but she’s not gonna. She’s too miserable. She throws herself into the gym and replays every single interaction she’s ever had with you- that was seriously all a lie so you could get her off your ass? The next time you see her- which is likely her hunting you down- she traps you in a small room, probably your cell. She genuinely just wants to talk about how cruel you are. If you try to run, Jolyne gets in your way, and uses her stand to hold you in place. Looking down at you like this, all tied up… it just sorta clicks. This is how it’s meant to be. Your door locks, right? Probably not, she can put something in front of it. She’s got some pent up frustration to take out on you. 
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astradis · 5 months
She Wants A Baby
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(P4-5) Jotaro x OC (Astor Prism)
Implications of 🍒💀, suggestive content, unhappy marriage, neglectful husband Jotaro (BUT HE GETS BETTER), Astor misses cherry boy
feel free to insert yourself/your oc into this if you’d like! i’m just proud of this <3 if you’re curious about astors appearance, here you go!
Jotaro slung his bag over the passenger seat and walked his way around to the drivers seat. Exhausted, he sat with his full weight, the car bouncing up and down a little before settling with him inside.
He shut the car door and covered his face with his palm, swiping downward and blinking away his exhaustion. He sat staring out the front window for a few seconds before finally turning the key into the ignition and turning on the air conditioning, preparing for his forty-five minute drive back home.
He pulled out his phone and checked the time - it was only 11:43, by the time he gets home it should be just after midnight. Jolyne will be asleep and Astor will be… doing whatever she’s doing when he gets there.
As Jotaro put the car into drive, he began to think about how he doesn’t know his wife as much as he used to. With the amount of work he’s had lately, all his time is occupied by the foundation. Working 12 hour, sometimes 18 hour shifts back to back, heading home to sleep for nearly 2 hours before he has to get up and work again.
This is exactly the reason Priscilla initiated a divorce in the first place. The man prioritized his work. His family? Merely an afterthought.
He wished that they could understand it was the other way around. He worked so much to be able to support his family. The paycheck was entirely worth it. Having Astor at home being able to take care of Jolyne and spend time with her friends (that being Priscilla) was all Jotaro wanted for her. She worked so much before he took the load, she deserved to rest. Jolyne deserved to have bountiful christmases and birthdays. Jotaro was the man of the house, and what kind of man would he be if he wasn’t working?
Not only that, but with the dangers that came along with being a stand user, he couldn’t imagine what he would do with himself if harm came to his family. It would’ve been a good excuse if Astor wasn’t a stand user as well, but it was an excuse regardless. Astor is capable of protecting Jolyne, she’s capable of protecting their family - Priscilla included.
Jotaro could protect them too, but he knew that as a Joestar, there could be so much else that could go wrong. He didn’t want to put that on his loved ones.
Caught up in his head, time passed quicker than he had expected it to. He didn’t remember half of the drive, but all that mattered is that he was in the driveway and the lights in the house were dim.
Lethargically dragging himself to the front door, he fumbled around with his keys and walked in. His gaze facing downward, removing his shoes as he shut the door behind him. Bringing his eyes up to the kitchen as he removed his blazer, he spotted Astor brewing tea with two cups on the counter.
“Hey,” Jotaro greeted, walking in and settling down on the couch with his arm over his face.
“Hi,” Astor replied quietly, the sound of the spoon clinking against the porcelain of the tea cup filling the silence.
“You’re still up,” Jotaro said, stating the obvious in attempt for a conversation.
Astor was quiet for a bit, save for the ‘ting-ting-ting’ of the spoon and cup, before even that sound became quiet too.
The soft padding of Astor walking up behind and around to the couch with a cup of tea in each hand was louder than it should’ve been. She placed one in front of Jotaro on the coffee table, and held hers close to her chest.
“You’ve gotten home around 12 for three days in a row, I wanted to catch you while you’re still awake,” Astor responded, sipping her tea. The remote on the coffee table was looking more inviting than usual.
“I know,” Jotaro said, adjusting his posture and tasting the tea. Earl grey, the perfect amount of bitter and sweet, and something else he couldn’t put his finger on.
The two sat in silence for a few more seconds that felt more like hours.
“I want to have a baby,” Astor stated.
Jotaro felt his heart stop. He choked on his tea briefly, setting it back down on the coffee table, the abrupt movement causing some tea to spill out and onto the glass.
He finally turned and made eye contact with Astor for the first time in about a week. Her eyes were red, bags he’d never seen before had formed underneath. She had a line between her brow that seemed to have made itself comfortable. She was so exhausted, just like he was. She was trying.
Astor spoke up again through the silence. “I love Jolyne. I see so much of you in her. When I have her here, it’s like you’re home again. It’s like I’m raising you.
“When she’s gone, I’m lonely. It’s just me. The house is quiet. I haven’t felt the warmth of someone next to me in bed for weeks.” Astor broke the eye contact, looking to the door, taking another sip as if to calm herself. “I want to have a baby.”
Jotaro continued to stare, partially in disbelief, mostly because she was so beautiful. Motherhood had caught up to her, regardless if Jolyne was hers or not. She was already a mother in the most important ways. She wants to have a baby?
“I didn’t get to see Jolyne when she was born,” Astor continued. “I didn’t get to
see the diapers phase, I didn’t see her terrible twos,” she took a breath. “I didn’t get to be a mom yet.”
“You want to have a baby,” Jotaro repeated.
“I want to have a baby,” Astor confirmed.
She wants to have a baby.
Jotaro blinked once, then again, then again. She wants to have a baby. With him.
“I,” Jotaro started. “I don’t know what to say.”
Astor shrugged, looking down.
She stood up from the couch and walked toward the stairs, Jotaro’s eyes following her as she went.
“Wait,” Jotaro called out to her, but made no effort to stand from his spot on the couch. Astor stopped her movement at the first step, waiting for him to say anything else.
He didn’t.
She continued her way up the stairs, quietly, as to not wake up Jolyne in the room right after.
Jotaro knew he wasn’t the best at communicating, but this was bullshit.
He took a glance at the tea, noting that flavor he had never been able to point out before. Ever since Astor had started making it for him, the taste was prevalent. Something he had never had before. He loved it. He loved her.
He couldn’t remember the last time he kissed her. Or the last time they’d hugged. Shared a meal, slept in bed together; he couldn’t remember a lot of things. The only thing that he knew was his wife was a blessing, a godsend. An angel.
The moment he proposed to her was the moment he knew he made the right choice with the right woman. She was everything he ever wanted. He had her, why did she feel like she didn’t have him?
Maybe it’s because she married the wrong man. The right one died over twenty years ago.
How could it be possible that what’s right for him is entirely wrong for her? Was that just his luck? Is it possible that everything he touched would be ruined one day?
She wants to have a baby.
Everything Jotaro does is for his family. All the work, all the traveling, all the time spent away is for them. He wants to do the best he can for them, he’s given them everything and more. She wants a baby.
Before he could even blink, he was in front of their shared bedroom door that was kept slightly ajar.
As he entered, his shadowed figure overtook the doorway from where Astor lay. She felt her stomach turn, watching him enter the dim room and shut the door behind him, encapsulating them entirely in the dark save for the lights outside their windows.
She felt the bed dip from her right, her back facing him. She felt his hand run across the length of her torso, his arm wrapping around to her chest, his front flat against her back.
Astor felt his breath against her neck, and his voice enter her ear.
“You want a baby,” Jotaro muttered, holding her close. Astors breath hitched, and the air was suddenly thicker.
Her hands found their way to his arm, leading their way up to his fingers and caressing them.
“I want you,” she said, voice barely above a whisper, a sudden wet warmth running down her face from her eyes.
In his touch, she felt him. The feeling of his hand now brushing against her cheek and turning her to face him. He was gentle, he was sweet, he was home.
The darkness framed his face perfectly. As she reached her hand to run her fingers through his hair, she felt a hat and was set back in reality.
Jotaro wiped a tear with his thumb, a piece of her he was entirely too familiar with. He felt her remove his hat and let his curl fall. She couldn’t see, but he was a mess.
“When you want something,” Jotaro quietly spoke up. “I give it to you.”
He felt her nodding in his hand.
“I give you everything.” Jotaro said. “You’re spoiled.”
Astor couldn’t tell if her involuntary laugh was sincere, or of disconnect.
“…I’ll lower my hours.” He offered, hesitant to accept his own words.
“Just be here.” Astor shook her head. “With me. With Jolyne. Priscilla.”
“Don’t bring her up when I’m trying to have sex with you,” Jotaro leaned in for a kiss.
Astor smiled against his lips, “I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he pecked her lips softly, an immediate yearning beckoning in the foreground of his mind.
As a car passed by, Astor caught a glimpse of Jotaro. He is soft. He is gentle, he is sweet. He’s home.
She brushed aside the curl against his forehead and leaned back in for another kiss. This is all she wanted, this is all she needed. He’s right. When she wants something, he gives it to her.
She wants a baby.
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
Would you like to talk about Jotawife headcanons? I have a version of her and a Stand I am always itching to talk about.
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Yes I'd love to! Here's a few of mine:
•Marina is half Mexican and half Puerto Rican, she's fluent in Spanish and English. She's also a lepidopterist (scientist of moths and butterflies)
•Marina could not swim to save her life when she first met Jotaro, he taught her how to swim as best as he could
•Only early on into their marriage did Jotaro admit to Marina that he liked her the very first time they met because she yelled at him (he likes them bossy)
•Their first date was at an aquarium in Florida and Jotaro had to contain his excitement at everything he saw (he eventually couldn't hold it in any longer and started blabbering about facts about every fish they saw)
•Marina gifted Jotaro that one pen that Josuke took out of his coat in the Surface episode (he got it back)
•Jotaro picked up a lot of Spanish from Marina and vice versa. While he's not very good at speaking it he does understand Spanish very well. Marina on the other hand had a harder time learning Japanese
•Marina influenced Jolyne's love for butterflies from a very young age and gifted her most of her butterfly earrings
•Marina gets along really well with Holly and Suzi Q, they're all very talkative together and love to cook together while they chat
•Jolyne successfully bullied Jotaro into talking to her mom again because she couldn't stand him fidgeting with his wedding band any longer. Jotaro was a nervous wreck as he stood on Marina's doorstep
•not long after they met again they got remarried and Jotaro eventually told her everything about stands, it took a while for her to get used to them
•she's the opposite of Jotaro when it comes to personality, she's outgoing, charismatic, goofy, and loud while Jotaro isn't. They both bond over appreciating peaceful moments and animals
•she loves to dance, she will pull Jotaro from standing in the corner at a party towards the dancefloor. He's not a good dancer but he'll do it for her
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harukominato · 11 months
hello friends, i'm back to my bs with my current hot take for tonight: anasui did nothing wrong!!
hear me out, the reason why anasui was sent to prison was because he murdered his gf and the guy she cheated on him with and not just murder but full on dismemberment. but what if he never meant to do that and it was just his stand manifesting at the wrong time?
like okay sure he already had his stand when he was a kid, but it didn't seem like he knew how to properly control it (he looked really distressed during that time he disassembled a car). he was also sent to undergo a psychological evaluation, but the results came back empty. this only means all the disassembly wasn't done out of a hyperfixation but rather his stand ability.
he acknowledged that he did in fact murder his ex but not once did he ever mention that he enjoyed it or that she deserved it. all that we've seen from him is him asking for jolyne's hand in marriage. jolyne was one of the only people who didn't consider him a creep as opposed to everyone else needlessly reminding him that he's a killer and that he's dangerous. to him, being ostracized like that felt like being dead, and jolyne was the salvation he needed.
anasui is so misunderstood not only within the story but also by the fandom. i wish people gave him the benefit of the doubt because he's such an interesting character beyond being a simp for jolyne.
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dilfartist · 2 years
Mine, and mine alone
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Pairing; Corpse bride Jolyne x reader
TW; death, cheating, forced marriages, yandere themes, homophobia mentioned, religion mentioned, age gap mentioned, NSFW mentioned a couple of times.
Word count: 4.5K
A/n; So sorry this took me a long time! I was hoping all the requests would be finished during Halloween, but I procrastinated and wanted at least on fic to be released in October. So sorry in advance if it seems rushed
You never understood why playing chess was such a complicated task for you. 
The black queen is raised aloft off the chessboard. Your eyes skim the chessboard, searching for its rightful place to claim your win against your opponent. Your opponent -also known as the head butler of the estate- Richard, observed quietly, eyes following your hand that clasped the chest piece. A sensation of frustration grows by the minute, the sound of the fire crackling from the fire pit overwhelming you, interrupting your concentration. 
Richard shakes his head, chuckling. “Chess is a game of skill; the game isn't for everyone, Mrs.L/n,” Richard says, his thin lips forming into a soft smile. 
Richard shifts in his chair, extending his arm to reach for his teacup. “Chess is a game of skill.” Richard reminds you, just as he did a million times before you decided to play. “the game isn't for everyone, Mrs.L/n.” 
“Yes, I know, but what less is there to do?” you whine. “I've already read all the interesting books in the library. There isn't much for me to do outside. And my soon-to-be husband is rarely home. I want nothing more than to go back to my hometown. I now despise the luxuries you once prayed to have.” 
Not too long ago, you lived in a small town near a giant forest. You lived in poverty all your life; your parents struggled to keep food on the table or even a roof over your head. You remember wishing on many stars, praying to whoever listened to grant you the wish to live in riches, and not worrying about how your parents would pay the overdue rent. A life where you could relax. However, if obtaining your wish meant you’d have to be married to a selfish man, then you’d happily throw away your dreams. 
(You recall the event vividly; Resting your head against the carriage window, you watched as the autumn-colored trees grew in number. The words ‘wouldn't take long’ were nothing but a lie; it felt like an eternity since you’d left the city. You're growing tired of sitting in one spot. Growing tired of the many bumps on the route, the coachmen decided to use. Weary of taking naps, hoping to pass the time. 
A fuzzy sensation in your warning you that the next nap will cost you a headache. 
Your eyes glance at your mother, sitting across from you. She quietly reads a novel she brought along. You, yourself, would have taken something on the ride if it weren't for the fact your mother rushed you into the carriage with no explanation. 
Then again, you should have known what she was up to when you saw her with one of the only gowns she owns, telling you to dress in one of the fanciest dresses she’d purchased you the week prior; A seafoam green gown accompanied by a pair of long white gloves. Your lips form into a deep grimace. You look back to the window. 
You’ve always dreamed of a life of luxury. Growing up struggling, all you could do was fantasize about the day you would live in riches, not having to worry about how your parents would pay the overdue rent. A life where you could relax. 
However, if obtaining your wish meant you’d have to be married to a selfish man, then you’d happily throw away your dreams.
You hear paper folding, then a loud sigh fleeing your mother. “Stop with the grumpy face, Y/n. You know this is for the family. You know doing this will lead us all to a better life.” She chastised in a mumble, sending you a glare. 
You shift in your seat, looking down at your hands. “Why does it have to be me?” you started. “Why can't you marry the old man?” 
Your mother clicks her tongue, “how many times do I have to tell you he is attracted to younger women? I'm far too old for him.” 
Your head snaps in your mother’s direction, hands bawling. “I can't believe you're doing this, mom! You don't even care about my feelings. You’re just selling me off to some pervert. And for what? A couple of thousand? Do I not matter to you?” you’re nearly in tears, breathing unsteadily, biting your lower lip to keep yourself from cursing.
Your mother snaps her fingers at you, “Don't raise your voice at me! Don't forget who you’re talking to!” you turn your head back to the window. “We need the money, Y/n. I don't want to do this either, but we have no choice.” 
You slumped back in your seat: starting an Altercation would get you nowhere. Your mother’s mind never changes. 
Placing her novel to the side, Your mother uncrosses her legs, inching closer to you. She takes your hands into her, starting deep into your eyes. Your eyes meet with your mother’s pity-filled orbs. “I promise, once we have all the money needed, we will come to get you.” 
You close your eyes, feeling your body shaking against your mother’s motionlessly still hands. You can't find your voice, so you nod your head. You pray silently to any god listening for her to keep her promise. She leans back, returning to her novel.
The rest of the carriage ride was silent, no one uttering anything. You proceeded with staring out the window while your mother continued reading. 
You notice the change in the panorama outside of the window. The trees lessened in number until there were none in sight. A vast sybaritic manor appeared, an enormous river beside it, no plant life besides grass
The carriage slows, then comes to a cessation. The carriage door on the right side squeaks open, and an emaciated man stands holding it open, greeting you with a welcoming smile. “Mrs. L/n, we have arrived to master Beckwith's manor.” The butler assists you both out of the carriage to the entrance of the manor. 
You step out onto the stoned road, placing on your white sun hat to protect your eyes from the blinding sun. It hasn't even been five minutes, yet your skin is trickling with sweat. “Geez, it's hot out here!” The butler chuckles slightly, “Well, that's the Florida heat for you. You’re going to have to get used to it out here. Especially during the night.” 
The front doors of the manor push open, and a middle-aged man walks out. The man models a fancy white suit with slicked-back brunette-colored hair with strands of grey in the front of his hairline. “Ah, Mrs. L/n. Sorry if I've kept you ladies waiting. I had some unexpected business to attend to,” he announces with a husky southern accent. 
The man approaches your mother first, greeting her with a kiss on each cheek, then he turns his attention to you, a smile stretching on his face revealing a yellow-crooked smile. “And you are supposed to be my bride-to-be? You’re more beautiful in person!” his callused hand grabs yours, raising the back of your hand to his lips, and he places a gentle kiss. “I will cherish you forever, my dear.”)
Living with John wasn't the nightmare you had expected it to be. In the mornings, you awake in a lonely bed. John usually awakes at the crack of dawn to ride into town for business purposes. The servants serve you a decent breakfast, giving you thirty minutes to eat, then it's off to training. 
John hired a woman named Gwendolyn to teach you the etiquette of a rich wife. Gwendolyn belonged to the Jones family; a wealthy family John worked along. Gwendolyn grew up taught what a woman was expected to do as a wife, and so she coveted you for being engaged to John. 
She made this fact clear as day by torturing you each session. Gwendolyn told John lies about you, she hit you multiple times with her ruler declaring you were intentionally messing up, and she announced to a room of John’s coworkers that you’d never become the wife John needed. 
Not only was she ruining your life, but she was also screwing your husband behind your back. You bet they were at it this very moment. It infuriated you. If John was committed to a young woman, why have an affair with a woman in her late twenties? 
You theorized, John only engaged with you because others thought highly of him. Gwendolyn was considered hideous to many people and John Not wanting to be a laughing stock, John selected you to be his bride. Though you had no feelings for John, your feelings were hurt. 
You slump back into your armchair, a grimace tugging on your lips. Leaning against the rose gold armchair, a huff of frustration escapes you. “Do you have anything, at all, that would entertain me?” 
Richard thought for a moment, a hand stroking his chin. Richards's eyes widen in what seemed to be a realization, “I've worked in this mansion for many years; perhaps, I have a story or two that might satisfy your boredom.” 
“Really?” you ask.
A cheeky smile blossoms on Richards's face, his excitement akin to a child on Christmas morning. Richard jubilantly rises from his chair, striding towards a dusty bookcase; His fingertip drags down the side of the bookcase until it finally halts at the letters J - M. Richard grabs, from what you can make out to be, a jewelry box. Richard inhales before blowing harshly on the jewelry box, blowing away all the dust. “There we go,” Richard mumbles, slowly approaching you. 
Richard sets the box in front of you; Richard shows off a ring of keys, holding a single tiny key, “If this story piques your interest, then I'll gladly tell you the story.” You share a look for a moment. Instinctively, your arm reaches for the key. 
Your eyes travel to the golden plate on top of the lock. Engraved on the golden plate is the name Jolyne Cujoh, written in cursive. Inserting the key, you unhurriedly twist it. The box unlocks ajar with a click. A breathtaking melody fades in as a butterfly a mixture of green and blue, twirls in the center of the box. 
In one of the cubbies, you grab a folded paper. Unfolding the paper, it showed a crinkled photograph of a gorgeous woman. You felt your cheeks flush drinking up her features. The woman, Jolyne, had a muscular physique, which you could only describe as a slim to athletic build. She wore her hair quite differently than most women; two sections of her hair were two different colors, the dark section of her hair in buns while the lighter part was braided or framed her face. The picture was a faded brown color, leading you to create your image of the real Jolyne. 
“What happened to her?” 
Richard lets out a long sigh, sauntering over to the chair across from yours. “She was a lovely woman, to say the least. You would have been the best of friends.” Richard smiles sadly. You felt your lips drop into a frown, “I see..” you spoke softly, “what happened to her. Is she dead?” 
Richard nods, picking up his teacup and blowing the heat. “I'm afraid so.“ 
Richard sips his tea then places it back on the table and proceeds with his story. “The Jisso family used to own this manor. They lived here for forty years till they decided to hand the property over to their son Romeo Jisso. Not much after Mr. Jisso met Mrs. Cujoh. She was like a love-sick puppy, following around everywhere, obeying his every command, looking for his praise. She truly was in love with him. Mr. Jisso proposed to her, a Dimond ring and all. Of course, she was over the moon and agreed almost instantly. There was no convincing that girl out of the relationship, for her fate was sealed. During the middle of the wedding, police came in unannounced and declared Jolyne was a murderer. Jolyne was innocent, yet her husband told the police otherwise.” 
Richards's eyebrows furrowed, the corners of his mouth tugging down to create a scowl. “Matter of fact, I watched Mr.Romeo murder the man in cold blood. Being the coward he was I wasn't surprised he accused someone else. Yet, I hadn't expected him to blame Jolyne. She died that night. They didn't even try to hear her side of the story, nor did they care to find evidence to prove her guilty.” 
“That bastard got what he had coming,” Richard said in a hushed-irate tone. You could barely hear him, even in a silent room.
“What happened to him.” 
“They found him dead with his tongue cut off. At first, I thought Mr.Jisso committed suicide. However, I knew one thing about Mr. Jisso; he was a coward. He’d never take his own life. It leads me to believe Jolyne-somehow some way- killed Mr.Jisso. There is no evidence to support my theory. It's merely a gut feeling. And in a way, I'm happy she had her revenge in the end.” 
The room fell mute, your eyes never leaving Richard’s. Richard’s lips upturned into his recognizable kind smile, “Here, I'm sure you’d love to explore her personal garden; wouldn't you?” Richard reached into his pants pocket, digging out what you assume to be the key.  
A fist enters your vision. Your eyes flicker from Richard to his closed fist. Your hands' cup together, moving underneath Richard’s; He gently places the frigid-metal key in your hand. 
Examining the key, you noticed the same blue and green butterfly from the jewelry box imprinted on the head of the key. 
Richard stands from his chair, gathering all the dirty dishes on the table. “Jolyne’s garden is located on the top of the hill behind the manor. Might take a while climbing up the giant hill, but I assure you it's worth your while.” Richard exits the room, leaving you to your thoughts. 
The conversation lingered in your mind the next day, interrupting many of your lessons with Gwendolyn. Much to her dismay. 
You mulled over exploring the garden or not. On one hand, you could do more than just sit around in the manor wasting the day away. On the other hand, you weren't too kind about the idea of exploring a dead woman's garden, especially since she was said to be behind the murder of her late husband. 
You sat in the library part of the manor, surrounded by dusty-ancient books. You stare off into the distance, staring at the hummingbirds outside the window, Instinctively
bouncing your left leg. You let out a bored huff. There truly wasn't anything for you to do. 
You know what, Fuck it. Nothing is more interesting than exploring a dead woman's past. 
You rushed out of the library, dashing up the stairs. Once you retrieved the key from your room, you placed on a light coat and grabbed a satchel hidden behind a rack of clothes in the closet beside the door. You left the manor, ignoring all of the maid's questions. 
You followed the path up the hill, walking at a brisk pace. The garden peeks from the edge of the hill, reflecting the sunlight off the glass walls. You finally reach the peak of the hill. The garden is coated in thick grime, covered in overlapping vines, and tangled over one another. No one has been here for a long time. 
Your fingers clasp the key in your bag. You insert the key inside the keyhole—the lock clicks. The door opens with a whine. The Interior of the garden is a dingy room surrounded by dead plants, wilted petals encircling the dead stems. A series of coughs discharge from your lips, the overwhelming smell of the plants too much for you. One particular thing you glimpsed in the corner caught your full attention; a rabble of blue butterflies with green tips on their wings. “Not every day you see that,” you mumble, passing into the garden.
Eyes skimming the room, you managed to more gain information about Jolyne’s character. 
She enjoyed the same music artist as you, a mound of records set next to an untouched record player. She enjoyed the romance genre in writing. She spent most of her time hanging out with two women, whom she titled her best friends. 
Deciding you had seen enough, turned to leave. However, your eyes caught sight of a book on the table beside the door. You approach the table, grabbing the book. You open the book and hold a chunk of pages, then let the pages slowly flutter by. It’s a Diary. Holding a deep interest in the diary, you pocket it, putting the diary in your satchel. 
The diary was quite the entertainment you were searching for, to spare your lethargy. 
Every entry she wrote was engaging- no, more like fun. You felt like you were having fun while reading. Jolyne somehow knew your humor, each page making you laugh to the point of tears pricking your eyes. 
Jolyne mainly wrote in dairy about her engagement, friends, and relationship with her father; and a massive amount of smutty thoughts. 
The next day, you revisited Jolyne's garden bringing along cleaning supplies. You groan slightly at the mess, eyes glancing back to the manor, considering possibly having one or two of the maids aid you in tidying up the place. "No, they already have too much on their plate. They'd hate me for assigning work they wouldn't be paid for." You chided yourself. 
In two hours, the garden looked untouched. Well, almost. Much to your surprise, the butterflies never left their spot. Adding a pleasing aesthetic to the room, you let them be. 
A Month passed by and you found yourself gaining an extreme liking to Jolyne. Not like a liking you'd have to a desert that you recently fancied and craved more of, no. The type of liking your lady friends describe when liking a man. 
No! A woman in love with another, that's a sin! You'd never love Jolyne, romantically. Or that's what you reminded yourself. 
If you were honest, even you knew your words were nothing but lies. You couldn't care anymore for John's affair, not even batting an eye when he and his mistress practically displayed their liaison to you. Your thoughts focused on Jolyne, and only Jolyne, during every part of your day. And shameful to say, you envisioned yourself as Jolyne's partner in many of her smut stories while your private time.
Fantasizing about her tongue dragging up and down your clit, teasing you by slowing her pace when she knew you were near your climax. You'd tug at her hair, whining for her to stop toying with you. Jolyne would chuckle lightly and fulfill your command.
John never had you hot and bothered the way she did: And even he started to notice you've started to drift from him, taking a fondness for someone different. And he wasn't a fan of this fact at all.
"Miss. L/N, you are late for dinner once again." Richard tisks in slight dissatisfaction, hanging the coat you shrugged off at the front door. You whirl around facing him with a guilt-ridden expression, "I'm sorry, Richard. I never pay attention to the time when I'm in the garden." 
Richard smiles, milling toward you, " I can assure you, I have no problem with you enjoying your time In the garden. I have a problem with it being pitch black and cold as ice when you walk back to the manor unsupervised." 
"I won't do it again, Richard." 
Richard hums in acknowledgment of your words, taking them with a grain of salt. "You hungry? The chef's made your favorite." Richard sang the last part playfully. 
"I thought something smelt good!" 
You follow the scent down the dining hall until you stop at the dining room entryway. The doors are closed, meaning Gwendolyn has joined you for dinner. Pressing your ear gently against the door, you hear muffled noises which hope to god aren't what you expect to be happening. Knocking twice and announcing your presence, you hear the shifting of chairs scraping against the hardwood floors and hushed giggles before John approves of your arrival, uttering a "come in!"
Opening the door, a handful of reactions ensued. John gazes at you with a completely deadpan countenance, chewing a bite of his stake. Gwendolyn seats beside your fiance, unable
to contain her humor, a smirk spread across her freckled cheeks. The smudge of her red lipstick and the lipstick stain on the collar of John's shirt answered your questions from before. The maids look down with a mixture of guilt and anger. 
You take your seat across the long table, quietly observing them. Your husband breaks the silence, "Ah, Y/n, my dear. You've finally joined dinner; we've been waiting for quite a while. Mind telling me where on earth you were?" 
"Same place as always, the garden." You answer, scooping dinner from the bowls in front of you. 
"Oh? Well, Gwendolyn says otherwise." Your husband replies nonchalantly. You glance up at John, noticing the way his grip compresses his glass. John was beyond pissed. What did she tell him?
Glowering at the pair from across the table, you placed the laid back on the table, ready to start a heated argument with how aggravated you were by their antics. “What evidence was given for you to believe her?”
John smiles, “she wouldn't lie to me.” 
Gwendolyn smirks, indulging in your fury. Her countenance morphs by putting on a faux disappointment. “Y/n, how could you cheat on your fiance?! Have you no shame?! Of course, you don't. Gold diggers like yourself only want one thing and it's money.” 
At this point, you were shaking with rage. Not only did she fuck your fiance behind your back, and make every day a living hell for you, but now she wanted to ruin your reputation. 
You could give less of a fuck about what she and John did or what she thought of you. Regardless, you weren't going to let her mess you any longer.
You snatched the ladle of the dinner table. Using all of your might, you swung the ladle back and hurled it toward Gwendolyn. The ladle hit her with a loud ‘thunk!’. Gwendolyn fell to the floor with a whimper, she cradled her eye, a stream of sniffles before bawling. 
John was quick to her aid, “Gwendolyn, are alright?!” he crouched to her level, examining her bruised face. 
Without any regrets, you vacated the dining room whilst everyone else's attention concentrated on Gwendolyn. The freezing night air whistled in your ears as you jogged up the hill, tears slipping down your cheeks. You trip over your feet a couple of times until you reach the top of the hill. You enter the garden, collapsing to the ground. 
You sobbed on the ground, your chest tightening enough to make it harder to breathe. No matter how much you wipe away the tears, they don't stop. 
“I wish I never fucking- came in the first place!” you cried, .between your words. In an act of frustration, you twist your engagement ring off of your ring finger. Clutching the Golden spiral, you chuck it against the ground. You sit down on the nearest chair, taking a moment to breathe.
It takes a couple of minutes, possibly thirty, for you to finally console your nerves. You stare at the floor blankly, numerous thoughts flowing through your mind all at once. All are questions of what comes next. What will happen when you return to the manor? Will he kick you out for good? Punish you? Call the authorities, or call off the engagement and find someone? 
Whatever fate had in store for you, you aren't ready to find out. 
The thought of running off with his money comes to mind. Not only would you be free of an unfaithful partner you hold no affection for, but you also needn't worry about finances. To set the plan into motion you needed to grab the ring; it most definitely held some valuability to it. 
Your eyes trail over to the spot you threw the ring. Unfortunately, the ring was nowhere in sight. The ring possibly bounced when hitting the floor. You arise from your seat, striding over to the corner with butterflies. Crouching to your knees, you waved your hand to shoo away the insects. The ring was hooked around something. What was it hooked around? You, yourself had no clue. 
Begrudgingly, you pinched the ring, slowly raising the ring off the object. Unexpectedly, a skinless hand wrapped around your arm holding an ironclad grip. An inhumane scream releases from your throat: your throat searing the longer you yowl.
What seems to be a corpse ascends from the earth, using your body to pull itself out of the soil its body was buried in. Using your left leg, you boot the corpse in the face, over and over till it frees you. You roll onto your abdomen, using your nails to dig into the wood, pushing yourself forward. "Don't be scared, baby!" A female voice coos, below you. 
You pay no mind to the voice, continuing to claw your way to the door. The yank on your hair prevents you from proceeding with your escape, the woman climbs to the top half of your body, her lips grazing the skin of your ear, "No need to be scared of your fiancée, now show me that pretty face of yours."
Disobeying her command, she used her hand to forcefully rotate her body. You went stiff; above you, a woman caged you with her arms, however, she wasn't normal. The woman's bluish tint skin felt icy against yours, her hair resembling Jolyne's only dirtier, the woman sported a wedding dress with butterfly patterns on the veil. 
"Recognize me?" The woman giggled, cold fingertip tracing your warm cheeks. 
"J-Jolyne?" You said breathlessly in an incredulous tone. 
Before you ask any questions, Jolyne interrupted you with a squeal. "The ring you got me is so cute! You actually put thought into it, unlike Romeo. " If she was still alive you were sure she'd be blushing. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"We're engaged! One more step and we’ll be married!" 
"Engaged? married?! Are you crazy, we're both women! And I'm also already engaged." You struggled in her grasp. Jolyne pouted, "I know this is different for you, Y/n, but I promise you'll be much happier with me! I've heard you declare your love to me before, more than once. And don't get me started on your moans of my name." 
your face flushes at her unfiltered words. "No! I don't want to! I want to be free, I don't want to be married!" 
Jolyne's once soft gaze harshened in a span of seconds. Jolyne's hand grips your chin tightly making you whimper. 
“You belong to me. I own you, body and soul. You agree to my terms the moment the ring was placed on my finger.”
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we-love-morioh-cho · 9 months
I am........a little heated about how Jolyne's mother was treated in the story today esp in contrast to a certain ex husband of hers 🙃, so I decided to post some of my personal ideas and headcanons for her! This is partially based on what little we have of her, but is also very fanfic-y, self-indulgent and may be unkind to Jotaro lol
I have 3 main ideas for her name which I am very indecisive on -
Irene - based on Irene Rapona and alt. Jolyne's name. This would mean that Jolyne's parents put their names together to name her which is cringe but does happen. In the ending, alt. Jolyne now lives free from the Joestar curse (I think?) and so, symbolically, loses the 'Jo-' prefix and just inherits her mother's name whom she's always been closer with anyway.
Dolly - because of Dolly Parton who obvs wrote and sang 'Jolene'. A musical reference and also just a very cute name imo.
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Hanna - named after Hanna Thorn, the model who Araki based her design and the pendant photo off of. While Irene and Dolly are based on her relation to Jolyne, this is the only name I could think of more based on herself. I'm not the biggest fan of a female character being named based solely on her connection to someone else BUT we have nothing to work with for this woman and, between the two characters she's connected to, I would much rather her name tie into Jolyne's. I haven't chosen a specific name yet though, I like all 3 ideas atm.
Based on the above reference to a model, I like to think Jolyne's mother is a model or at least works with fashion in some way. While it is a non-canon AU, the 'Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI' one-shot written by Araki gives us some crumbs to work with. I haven't read it yet, but apparently Jolyne's mother has passed in this story and left Gucci clothing behind for her daughter. She's even customized them to fit Jolyne and, through wearing these clothes, Jolyne feels like she's connected to her mother again 🥺 So yeah, I head canon that she's maybe a fashion designer who models her own clothes.
We're told she's a 'crybaby' and is unwell with stress over Jolyne's situation, so I see her as having some type of anxiety disorder. I think that Jotaro's neglect and Jolyne's delinquency has puts a lot of stress on her along with her career. She's been left in a really difficult situation and it takes its toll on her. Sadly, I could totally see her as one of those women who had to give up on her career dreams due to the pressures of single parenthood, so maybe she's no longer a designer or model. This would add to Jolyne's anger at Jotaro - not just for his neglect of her but also the toll it's taken on her mother. Her not being present during Stone Ocean could be due to health issues to parallel Jotaro's condition and the Gucci one-shot. I think she's generally a quiet and graceful woman and hasn't always been able to stand up for herself much; creative and brilliant but also unsure of herself esp when she was younger.
I'm not gonna dwell on this point too long because it makes me angry, but I don't think her marriage to Jotaro was ever that good. They were both quiet and got along decently, but I don't see much emotional warmth or openness there. Tbh, I question why Jotaro decided to marry and have a child if he was just gonna neglect them due to 'dangers', but who fucking knows lol. Anyway, I think their marriage was distant and sad and Jotaro did not open up with a baby like Jolyne's mother hoped he would. Instead, he left her to do all the hard work, showing a real disregard for her and Jolyne 😒 You'd think he'd be more empathetic to single mothers with absent husbands and wouldn't want to put his own child through that but apparently not! 🙃 I think, before his neglect of Jolyne, she rarely challenged Jotaro and instead accepted whatever he wanted. But when his distance started to include Jolyne, an innocent child who needed him, she had had enough and started demanding better. I think him failing to show up while Jolyne was dying in a hospital was the final straw. She was the one who filed for divorce, and when she demanded custody he didn't contest it.
Moving on - she of course deeply loves her JoJo even with all the hardships and doesn't want her daughter to repeat her parents' mistakes. She's a very accepting mother, encouraging Jolyne to express herself and stand up for herself. She's relieved that Jolyne hasn't inherited her quiet and anxious personality, treasuring how bold and open she can be and always working hard to encourage that. She was always accepting of Jolyne’s emotions, letting her vent and making sure she didn’t repress her feelings. To keep up with her unruly and wild daughter, she became more confident and assertive over time. She had to be a strong woman to raise someone like Jolyne and she found her daughter inspiring during some of her lowest moments. And while she never got the chance to know this, Jolyne was inspired by her in turn.
Even with her anxiety, career and general stress - she does as much as she can to give Jolyne a great childhood. She's happy to dye Jolyne's hair and style it however her daughter wishes. While she's not use to the style in her own fashion, Jolyne's mother does her best to make cute little punk outfits that Jolyne adores and proudly shows off to everyone. She brought Jolyne to a shoot one time, curious if her daughter would be interested, but the girl only got up to trouble and pointed out how uncomfortable and uptight it all seemed. On the drive home, Jolyne expected her mother to be furious or upset but instead she just burst out laughing at her daughter's bold antics and comments. It was clear Jolyne was NOT gonna turn out like her mother and that brought the woman a lot of joy and relief.
Sorry to say, but I think she's a Disney adult 😞 While they don't get to visit too often, I think the duo absolutely go to Disney World when possible and I think Jolyne's mother styled Jolyne's buns to look like Mickey Mouse ears. She is a fanatic for the old princess movies, their dresses inspired her to get into fashion and she watched those films with her own mother so she repeats that tradition with Jolyne. She knows Jolyne doesn't really give a fuck about those old movies and that does make her a bit sad, but it means a lot that Jolyne at least tries to sit still and pay attention as best as a child can. Watching those movies and going to Disney World brings out a new side to her in Jolyne's eyes; her mother seems so giddy, is fine with the large crowds and becomes so emotional over the romances. While Jolyne doesn't understand why her mother likes these movies and does get embarrassed by her obsession sometimes, she usually agrees to go meet the princess actors so that her mother has an excuse to see them as well (plus the park is still a lot of fun and exciting). And yes, her mother does see the actual princesses when Bohemian Rhapsody happens and she cries lol
Jolyne has a phase where she becomes deeply interested in marine life, largely inspired by Jotaro's career and interests. Jotaro took her to an aquarium once or twice and got her a book - she then became obsessed. Part of this enthusiasm was that she wanted to impress Jotaro and connect with him, wanted to find a way to make him stay this time. So Jolyne immersed herself in marine biology and tried very hard to show off her knowledge, desperate for her dad's approval. But he still left and, not wanting Jolyne's genuine interest and enthusiasm to be soured, her mother took time off work to take the girl to an aquarium herself, asking questions so her daughter could tell her at least. Jolyne barely spoke the entire time, and the next day her mother found the marine life book in the trash.
The two are obviously very close, but an absent parent can still be disastrous for a child. That's why Jolyne's delinquency hurts her so much - she really wanted to be enough for Jolyne to stop her going down a bad path, but believes she isn't. She endlessly tries to get through to Jolyne but just doesn't know what to do. Eventually, the lectures and emotional turmoil makes Jolyne a bit distant, especially compared to when she was younger and almost seemed afraid to be away from her mother. She still loves her mother and their relationship isn't bad necessarily, but it is strained and her mother fears one day Jolyne will shut her out like Jotaro. Jolyne's mother holds onto far too much guilt over their family situation and her anxiety is affected terribly. She always did the absolute best that she could and was a fantastic mother even if she didn't always know what Jolyne needed and I will die on that hill.
I hate to even think about her experience during Made in Heaven. Surely, she would've known her ex and daughter were at the center of it - while Jotaro hid a lot from her, I think in that moment she just knew. I'm sure she tried for hours to contact either of them, the phone lines jammed and the roads a dangerous mess. How would anyone have felt during that whole event, let alone a mother worrying for her child? My headcanon is this - despite her condition, anxiety and the sheer risk of going outside, she set out on foot to find Jolyne. She had no direction or idea of where to go but she had to try. She knew the world was ending but she needed to find her daughter no matter what. And sadly, I think she died searching, hoping her JoJo would somehow be OK.
In the new universe, Jolyne's mother is still separated from Jotaro, but I think it ended on much better terms. Irene only mentions visiting her father on the trip, so I assume her mother lives elsewhere. She met another partner and her life is generally freer from hardship and stress. With a partner and Jotaro's help in raising Irene, I like to think she achieved her dreams that she had to give up on in the OG universe. Maybe it's sappy, but I really want to believe that life is just nicer to her in the new universe and that her and her daughter remain as close as ever ❤️
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