fairycosmos · 2 years
incredibly empathetic of me to not skin you alive btw
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popqorn · 7 days
I don't have enough options to specify who is transmigrating into which universe, so basically, ignoring everything else, how well would they vibe with each other?
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carrie-tate · 7 months
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Girls 🌸💕✨
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starillusion13 · 4 months
I JUST HOPE THAT SAN NO MORE SEARCH ABOUT IMAGINES AND FANFICS... ALSO HE SHOULD NOT READ THE ENGLISH ONES ANYWHERE...AO3 has many korean fanfics but he should not know about these other platforms like Tumblr and Wattpad...
SANtan is VERY SATAN of himself...He is very evil for this.
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stellocchia · 2 years
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I genuinely wonder what someone who just watches Hermicraft will think of this.
Especially with the music Grian chose for it, this place looks spooky as fuck.
Seriously, any explanation you may come up with is not gonna be as bad as the truth.
Like, that's straight up Fwhip's Jimmy shrine. Man made a shrine when he was still an actual deputy and just... never even thought of taking it down because he's still 100% deputy of course. Definitely not just a clingy ex.
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astarions-wife · 6 months
Y’all i definitely don’t agree with ascending Astarion pls know that if you’re interacting with me KSKSKS I find ascended Astarion super intriguing but very devastating!! I will always write in terms of why it’s sad/not the best choice for him 🥹
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tulipsforvin · 9 days
Hey vin! I hope youre alright? Love youre content <33
I saw youre post where you helped an anon with their shitty boyfriend. I hope I dont bother you, and you may not even be able to help me but If thats the case please tell me. I dont want to dump anything on you and I hope me asking you for help here will start anything like a massive venting area on youre blogg or so... But it would be a great help if you could maybe tell me what youre thinking about my situation right now? Please tell me when youre too uncomfortable.
So, I am autistic (only level 1 but still autistic) and because of this I've got bad motor skills causing me to accidently pushing the door handle down rough. I cant really control this and I have it for now YEARS trying to make it better. But I cant really do anything about it... And this isnt the only thing that happens because of this. Apparently I run too loudly. People ( my parents) constantly tell me that when I walk I stomp on the ground like an elephant :/ I pull the cord of the blind too hard and now it's stuck... I've accidentally dropped 2 bowls so far and they're now broken. I ripped my shorts... You name it. And they constantly scold me for it and when I say that I don't do it on purpose and that I can't control it they tell me I should just be more careful. Then when I try to explain to them that it's not possible for me because I've been trying for years and it never changed, they don't listen to me trying to argue and I start to cry. I don't know whether they're right or not and I was hoping that you could help me somehow because you also wrote about an autistic reader. Thank you for looking at this message and I hope you are well <33
hi anon! apologies for not being able respond sooner, i came down with a fever & barely had energy to move an inch but i'm better now. i'm here to listen to you anytime and offer support so please don't worry about me :) let's focus on you instead, okay??? bit of a long post so... i hope you're ready
[ i'm not very familiar with this but i did research to understand better. please let me know if i make any mistakes along the way :) ]
first of all, it must have been frustrating to face criticism and feel like you're not being understood by your parents. it's important to remember that your experiences and struggles are extremely valid, regardless of whether other people fully understand or acknowledge them !!! autism can manifest in various ways & difficulties with motor skills + sensory sensitivity are common challenges for many on the spectrum.
it's not something you can simply control or change overnight. it's great that you've been trying to explain to your parents that you're not doing these things on purpose and that you're unable to control them I'M SO PROUD OF YOU !!
one suggestion is to consider finding resources or information that can help your parents better understand autism and its impact on motor skills and sensory processing. there are books, articles, & online resources available that can provide knowledge & offer strategies for both individuals who have autism & their families. another is to involve a professional who can help provide guidance + facilitate communication. a therapist or counselor experienced in working with individuals on the autism spectrum may be able to assist you and your parents in navigating the difficulties you might be facing.
BUT if the cost of a therapist/counselor is high then i suggest seeking support from organisations that specialise in assisting individuals that have autism. they may offer support groups, workshops or counseling services at reduced cost or none at all !! + there are also online forums where you can connect with individuals that are experiencing the same things as you are and can help you provide further advice & support.
& lastly, if you're still in school, please consider reaching out to a teacher, counselor or any supportive staff member who can help advocate for your needs and facilitate conversations with your parents. sometimes hearing from adults, experts or reading/watching personal stories (youtube and other websites etc) may be able to help parents grasp like.. a further understanding of your perspective.
ALSO i'd like to add once more — REMEMBER THAT YOU MATTER !1!1! the problems you're currently experiencing are valid and you are loved and always will be. i hope one day your parents will fully be able to understand you better and this is not just something you can 'control and be careful about'
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feelslikegold · 9 months
just know if jake posts from this day on his instagram I will drive myself to an institution
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kulemii · 3 months
the research that i have to do to make the setting of SMUT make sense is so upsetting to me-like, can they just fuck already?? im tired
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f3ntime · 3 months
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Queen picked the vegan option of cannibalism with a gf that would probably beat the shit out of queen for being too close to bee
Also bestie almost killed Larry which is funny
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yoisami · 6 months
saki how could u betray reo for chigiri :(((( i thought he was special. turns out he is the second guy :((((
i understand chigiri was my first bby in bllk too sksksksk the red haired pretty boy rizz is so real
AYO THAT’S ONE WILD ACCUSATION (but i mean i shamefully admit that u’re not 100% wrong here...)
betrayal is a very BAD word🧍🏻‍♀️choose another one to describe this situation🧍🏻‍♀️
BUT NOOO U GOTTA UNDERSTAND THAT sometimes first loves just doesn’t go away 😟 and this applies to my case too 😦
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So... Molt doesn't know he killed the villagers? Fun!!
Also before I even knew of this au I kept wishing there was an au with and corrupted Octo Dream and now here you are with my dream come true I love it!!! 💜💜💜💜💛💛💛💛
SDFslkdfjL Thank you! Though I am far from the first person to make a corrupted!Dream.
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hotmothsummer · 4 months
You’re all lucky I’m not involved in the transformers tumblr stuff and have my own personal echo chamber to say wild unrestrained bullshit otherwise you’d be getting posts like ‘omg Starscream my favorite femme boy girlfailure <3 I’d say he needs therapy if it didn’t seem like he’d try to launch psychological warfare on his potential therapist’ at least every one to two days
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mcrcki · 10 months
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"hey! oh fuck-- woah, hey absolutely not, slow down!" kaya saw him before he must've seen them, shouting out already to catch his attention as she took off to cut him off on the sidewalk. "what the fuck is your problem, dude! you busted a hole in my wall and yelled at my girlfriend? for what? what is your deal?" they knew this was most likely a mistake, knowing he could be dangerous and yet-- kaya couldn't let it just slide. "stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, okay? or i'm calling the cops next time."
@wvsteria for kasil monsula
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brain-rot-central · 3 months
"I have such a raw, emotionally-driven sex scene idea for ch 4 brewing. AA completely lost in the sauce. That's all I'm saying." *grabby paws* GIB BAGUL!
Gib bagul? Like gabagool?
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milkteatrait · 3 months
watch out im cooking something
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