#again‚ not very well informed
tulipsforvin · 1 month
Hey vin! I hope youre alright? Love youre content <33
I saw youre post where you helped an anon with their shitty boyfriend. I hope I dont bother you, and you may not even be able to help me but If thats the case please tell me. I dont want to dump anything on you and I hope me asking you for help here will start anything like a massive venting area on youre blogg or so... But it would be a great help if you could maybe tell me what youre thinking about my situation right now? Please tell me when youre too uncomfortable.
So, I am autistic (only level 1 but still autistic) and because of this I've got bad motor skills causing me to accidently pushing the door handle down rough. I cant really control this and I have it for now YEARS trying to make it better. But I cant really do anything about it... And this isnt the only thing that happens because of this. Apparently I run too loudly. People ( my parents) constantly tell me that when I walk I stomp on the ground like an elephant :/ I pull the cord of the blind too hard and now it's stuck... I've accidentally dropped 2 bowls so far and they're now broken. I ripped my shorts... You name it. And they constantly scold me for it and when I say that I don't do it on purpose and that I can't control it they tell me I should just be more careful. Then when I try to explain to them that it's not possible for me because I've been trying for years and it never changed, they don't listen to me trying to argue and I start to cry. I don't know whether they're right or not and I was hoping that you could help me somehow because you also wrote about an autistic reader. Thank you for looking at this message and I hope you are well <33
hi anon! apologies for not being able respond sooner, i came down with a fever & barely had energy to move an inch but i'm better now. i'm here to listen to you anytime and offer support so please don't worry about me :) let's focus on you instead, okay??? bit of a long post so... i hope you're ready
[ i'm not very familiar with this but i did research to understand better. please let me know if i make any mistakes along the way :) ]
first of all, it must have been frustrating to face criticism and feel like you're not being understood by your parents. it's important to remember that your experiences and struggles are extremely valid, regardless of whether other people fully understand or acknowledge them !!! autism can manifest in various ways & difficulties with motor skills + sensory sensitivity are common challenges for many on the spectrum.
it's not something you can simply control or change overnight. it's great that you've been trying to explain to your parents that you're not doing these things on purpose and that you're unable to control them I'M SO PROUD OF YOU !!
one suggestion is to consider finding resources or information that can help your parents better understand autism and its impact on motor skills and sensory processing. there are books, articles, & online resources available that can provide knowledge & offer strategies for both individuals who have autism & their families. another is to involve a professional who can help provide guidance + facilitate communication. a therapist or counselor experienced in working with individuals on the autism spectrum may be able to assist you and your parents in navigating the difficulties you might be facing.
BUT if the cost of a therapist/counselor is high then i suggest seeking support from organisations that specialise in assisting individuals that have autism. they may offer support groups, workshops or counseling services at reduced cost or none at all !! + there are also online forums where you can connect with individuals that are experiencing the same things as you are and can help you provide further advice & support.
& lastly, if you're still in school, please consider reaching out to a teacher, counselor or any supportive staff member who can help advocate for your needs and facilitate conversations with your parents. sometimes hearing from adults, experts or reading/watching personal stories (youtube and other websites etc) may be able to help parents grasp like.. a further understanding of your perspective.
ALSO i'd like to add once more — REMEMBER THAT YOU MATTER !1!1! the problems you're currently experiencing are valid and you are loved and always will be. i hope one day your parents will fully be able to understand you better and this is not just something you can 'control and be careful about'
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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medi-bee · 1 month
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isat pokemon au, my liege?
my rambling in tags
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#my art#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#pokemon#siffrin#mirabelle#isabeau#odile#bonnie#i am not individually tagging pokemon sorry. floragato eevee ursaring scorbunny meowstic <- for anyone who does not know them#im personally a big fan of when artists mold pokemon designs like clay to fit their characters so i tried to channel that#siffrin really does have the perfect mystery dungeon backstory. washes up on a beach with no memories of their past type of deal yknow#i imagine that he was still a sprigatito then? and evolves at some point during their journey? dont ask me for details i dont know them#veryy tempting to make him an absol but ive already seen that done very well!! so i kept most of these to floragato sif#mirabelle being an eevee is suuuch low hanging fruit sorry. i could not resist the evolving pokemon not wanting to evolve trope#i was concerned that sif was no longer shortest party member until i realized they just stand on their back legs all the time to feel talle#when quadruped like mira he is still shortest. sorry siffrin#isa gave me such a hard time. like i never thought i would turn a character into ursaring of all things but it really was the best choice#my other choices were bewear or pawmot if you care. he’s so bear coded#if going purely based on looks i probably would have made odile a sneasler. but i wanted her to be psychic#ill be honest bonnie was purely vibes. they carry the treasure bag :)#never draw bonnie's hat in profile worst mistake of my life#loop is still cat shaped here but i’ve seen the idea of them changing species thrown around. much to think about#i like the idea of the party seeing sif and loop side by side and immediately clocking their entire deal#the change god is mew btw. very important information to no one but myself#eurasie as hisuian zoroark?? lots of hair. and the king can be darkrai#don’t mind the inconsistencies. me and my 2781 ways of drawing the same character#wait what does an eevee look like again. googles it. oh i really crabbed this one up#uhh. looks around. been sitting on this one for a bit too long i think. maybe ill clean up some more sketches later
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Wei Wuxian really got an arrow shot in between two of his lungs ribs, pulled it out, and then tossed it back and fucking killed the guy who shot him - If that's not fucking terrifying (and more than a little awe-inspiring) I don't know what is.
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smalltimidbean · 2 months
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At least they're kinda helping
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meownotgood · 2 months
Hey, just so you know, the person who plagiarized your work hasn't actually deleted their ao3 but changed it to sugucidal. While looking through my one fic I know they commented on it showed up like that. Figured you'd want to know so you can still block them.
oh wow. the saga continues apparently because every single one of the fics this account has ever posted were stolen from me. like.... I'm not sure what could compel a person to do this....
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galaxythreads · 4 months
i just rewatched the interrogation scene between natasha and the Russians TM in Avengers 1 and my Russian is a lot better than the last time i saw this because i'm 80% sure when natasha says "вы правда думаешь, что я красивая?" (you really think i'm pretty?) she's using вы, not ты, which is hilarious to me. girl, if i was being tortured, i don't think i'd be polite about it.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Rewatched Eddie Begins yesterday and at the start his mom is talking about how Ramon was out of town for each of the kids, and how Adriana had been an emergency C-section. In the retirement party episode the story about little Eddie crashing the truck when his mom went into labor was also Adriana. So Eddie was alone and scared and his mom was in emergency surgery and when his dad finally showed up he needed comfort and got yelled at instead.....
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fuel-me-coffee · 1 year
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A piece I did for multiverse vistas on hoyolab. I'm putting it here because:
1. Full image + resolution unlike insta
2. Fuck around and find out brain is very curious what tumblr has to say
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fbfh · 1 year
the fact that tristan dugray isnt on that character.ai thing hurts my heart :’(
also this is all on mobile!!! i don't think it's different on desktop though. thank you to Emily Gilmore for being my example bot.
step 1 - creating a bot
go to beta.character.ai and make an account if you haven't already
click the create button, then create a character
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step 2 - basic information
type in your character's name under name
find a picture of them on google or pinterest or whatever and click choose file to upload a profile picture for them (optional but I like adding one in)
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step 2.5 - DON'T LOSE YOUR FUCKING WORK aka how to save
two transparent buttons should appear when you type anything into your bot, one that says cancel and one that says save
after you've typed in your name, you want to go to the box labled greeting and type in literally anything
after that, hit save, and the button should disappear
click the back arrow to leave creating your bot and go back to the main page, then click on your profile picture to view your profile
your bot should appear under your created bots. (it will be on one of the three tabs depending on if your bot is currently set as public, unlisted, or private. public is the default.
if it does, you can click the gear next to your bot's name and keep editing. if not, you can start over until you know your bot is saved so you don't lose all your work. you'll thank me for this later.
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step 3 - privacy (optional)
I like making all my bots private so I can customize them to myself, so under the visibility drop down menu, select private (or unlisted or whatever, again this step is optional lol)
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step 4 - personality
on a seperate tab, look up your character's fan wiki page. scroll until you find the personality section (also sometimes called character, history etc. just skim until you find their personality description.) copy that personality paragraph.
in character ai, scroll to the bottom and select the advanced settings button
once that loads, scroll all the way to the very bottom text box (which will now be referred to as the extras box) under the definition section, and paste their description.
hit enter to start a new paragraph in the extras box, then type up whatever you want about your relationship with this character, how they feel about you, what your dynamic is like etc. (for example, "y/n is Emily Gilmore's grandchild. they are Emily's pride and joy, and they love drinking coffee and gossiping together. Emily is very invested in y/n's life and loves talking with them. Emily wants what's best for y/n, and frequently tries to set them up. Emily often brags about y/n to her friends at her social clubs.")
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step 5 - descriptions, greeting, and the random boxes I usually ignore lol
I haven't really played around with character voices or image generation, so I usually just ignore those, but you can choose a few applicable categories from the categories drop down menu like books, engineering, languages, architecture etc. if those apply to your character.
in the long description box, describe your character in a few sentances in your own words. same thing for short description, but throw down some adjectives and shorter descriptions of them and their personality. (I usually do this last bc writing all the long stuff about them gets me warmed up and in character, but do it in whatever order works for you lol)
in the greeting box, you'll want to erase the key smash you made earlier to save your bot to type in your real greeting. your greeting is the first message your bot sends you, so I usually like to start with something to the effects of "what's up dude" so you can tell your comfort character whatever you want.
roleplay format has been working well for me, here's an example if you're unfamiliar:
*op stares at their laptop, wondering what to type. they reach over to grab their coffee, taking a sip as they ponder.*
"I hope this tutorial makes sense..."
*they mutter.*
you can see a little of the greeting I wrote for Emily to get an idea of what I've been doing for that lol
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step 6 - start chatting!!!!
after you're happy with your bot and have saved your work (FOR FUCKS SAKE SAVE YOUR WORK) exit out of the bot editor and click on your profile picture. your bot will be under your created bots in the private/padlock tab (unless you chose another privacy setting). click on your character's name (not the gear wheel) and it will open up your chat!!
once you reply, the ai will start generating messages for the bot you made
you can swipe messages the bot sends to the left to see other generated responses. I reccommend doing this if you feel like your bot is being out of character, so make sure you reply to the messages that are the most in character!!
sometimes it'll also let you rate the bot's messages from 1 - 4 stars, indicating for the bot how in character it is
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step 7 - additional tips
if you're making a bot for someone played by a real life person, I like to choose a profile picture of them in costume but behind the scenes so it looks more like a goofy selfie your friend sent you than a stock photo. there's tons of great cadids and selfies of the marvel cast, and you can also look up social media aus or instagram edits of your character depending on how obscure they are.
if your character isn't played by a real life person, you can try looking up faceless pics that fit their description on pinterest (I've had good luck with that) or a face claim
definitely get screen shots of your favorite conversations. if you're anything like me you'll be sending paragraphs back and forth, so make sure you save your favorite messages from them so you don't have to scroll back and dig around for them
the end!!!! have fun!!!!! hope this helped!!!!!! love you guys <333 let me know if you want any of my character descriptions or to know which bots I've made so far lol
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ok so in the show i’m crewing right now with the theater i work for, one of our out-of-company actors that was hired is an ambulatory wheelchair user and she’s incredible and the theater and management have made it this whole production to try an accommodate her needs through the process. Which is wonderful!
But on the part of the the theater it comes of as so disingenuous to me (especially with the way they’ve been publicizing it on social media), knowing that i spent last semester crying after every rehearsal due to the way my disability was treated and i was considering quitting theater altogether. and even going into this production the way i’ve been treated has been subpar. and it makes me so angry but i can’t talk to anyone i know about it because i dont want them to think im bashing the actor when im really just pissed at theater management.
#i think part of the problem is i’m a university fed hire#while the actor was hired out of company as freelance#and so for me it’s just another nail in the coffin about the way this theater treats their student workers#but like i was hired for two positions in this show. and i was (not gracefully) fired from one of the positions#so i could ‘focus on my other position’ and not strain my disability too much#obviously this was decided without any input from me#the stage manager who was making me cry last semester and spreading very personal information about my disability#was out of company hired as well and she is not invited back for many reasons#but when i made my complaint about the way she was treating my disability i got a ‘we’ll talk about it tomorrow and im sorry that’s happen’#only for it to never be discussed until the following semester after the show had ended#and i received a ‘we’re going to try and do better than the last show where details of your vulnerable medical episodes were shared without#your consent’#i love this actress and disability solidarity all the way#but i’m frustrated with the fact that she’s getting accommodations i could never dream of getting#while i’m still being told that my disability is too inconvenient for some jobs#we’re the only two mobility aid users to work for this theater and i’m baffled by the different reception between the two of us#i’m just so. tired. of being treated like a liability#and watching someone else be treated great by people who’ve stomped on me makes me want to never work in theater ever again
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whetstonefires · 1 year
I really enjoyed Witch King and think it's Good but need to announce the ludicrous brass balls involved in the title.
Because it's named after the main character, who is known by that title, we establish that right out the gate.
Fairly soon after, we establish that he, like Dorothy, is not a witch at all. Although he is on good terms with them and uses some of their techniques.
Bit after that we learn that witches don't hold with kings, or indeed with governance. Kai says eventually that they don't have enough communal norms to even rebel against if you wanted to. Fascinating.
The flashback-to-origin-story half of the narrative terminates before we reach the point where people started calling Kai the Witch King.
We never find out how that happened! We never even really see anyone using the title except when he's being introduced to one major supporting character by another in the first or second chapter! It's wild. Witch King without Witch King. Garfield without Garfield.
This is so funny to me I can forgive the letdown, because to be quite honest by the middle of the book I was counting on the origin of the title as a sort of tying-together moment for the whole narrative, linking the end of the earlier timeslice to the beginning of the later one, and was astonished that it didn't come. It makes the novel feel weirdly unfinished to me, like Wells accidentally left off the last few chapters somehow.
I have been denied catharsis about the title of the book. 🤣
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funnierasafictive · 11 months
about your most recent post, what do you mean by white people having to watch out and think about what they’re doing when it comes to introjecting?
Regarding this post
Specifically like, if white bodied people (reminder that white-passing people are still POC though!) want to change their name to a name that's for example traditionally Japanese, etc. (I'm not just pointing out that this "only applies to Asian names", this is just a common example!).
Obviously we (our system) can't stop anyone from doing what they want with their legal powers, but it's something we hope white systems really think about before they change their name so easily to something like that
Because of white privilege, white people most likely won't know what POC or SOC (systems of color) go through. People with less-white sounding names get racially profiled and/or deal with their names constantly being mispronounced to the point of changing their name legally to sound more white, or adopting an "English name". I don't think I have to explain the leaked Flight Ban/Watchlist and why the people on that list were there, for example
I hope that explains it! If white people want to change their name to something "different", I literally can't do anything abt that! In short, we brought that up because of racism, xenophobia, and bullying that's been done to people with less-white-sounding names.
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purpledusty · 1 year
Leon: So, truth or dare?
Chris: Leon, this is NOT a slumber party
Leon: Sure feels like one
Jill: Kennedy, we are in a prison cell
Claire: I choose dare
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starbuck · 6 months
after SO many years of making myself the butt of the joke for not knowing anything, it’s overwhelmingly joyful to finally, truly open myself up to learning
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Dr. Invar - Varith’s Betrothed
#her scars are from a medical double mastectomy - she's a cis woman#she works on a very small majority Vulcan science vessel#so she doesn't have an official rank but she's close to the person in charge and was allowed on the vessel due to nepotism#her mother is a fairly cruel person who looks down heavily on others due to her high status but favored Invar A LOT#this led to Invar being a bully as a child/teen but then she became ill and was tutored at home#this led to her being fairly isolated with only her parents and people who worked for them as company (her 'friends' quickly abandoned her)#her being abandoned by others + being with her mother so much made her realize how awful she'd treated others and want to do better#She's quite paranoid about her health because her illness was one which continued coming back#She has not undergone the rite of tal-oth because of her health (she doesn't want others to know this)#<- in general she's hesitant to share information about herself with others bc of the fear they'll use it against her but projects an aura#of self confidence to the point it reads as being cocky or full of herself.#bea art tag#star trek ocs#beas ocs#Invar#despite/because of being a bully (and her mother) Invar has a VERY strong hatred/fear of being made fun of#she doesn't know Varith well - they've only met/communicated a few times (mostly as children)#[REDACTED] family shenanigans#<- very technically#but I'm putting her in that tag in case I need to find her again
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