tk-writer · 2 years
Peace and Quiet. [platonic Sonic x Shadow]
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Peace and quiet. All he wanted was a little peace and quiet.
What Shadow got instead were flashes of cobalt blue always appearing somewhere in his vision, along with constant chatter in his ear about this and that and stupid shit he only half-listened to when he had the patience for it. Conversations he prayed would end as quickly as possible but seemed to drag out every time. Or worse, when his attention was demanded for an absolutely ridiculous reason. Like it was at that very moment.
“Shadooooow! Look, I finally figured out how to do that one trick I told you about!”
The black hedgehog watched from his chair on the front porch as Sonic make his 47th fucking attempt at an upside down kick flip on the oak tree in front of the house and fail, quite miserably. He hit his head on a sharp rock and cradled it in his hands as a giant lump appeared on his forehead.
“Owwwowwowwoww...! Ugh, I thought I had it this time!”
He should’ve known that peace & quiet was too much to ask for, being around that blue menace and the rest of his friends. All of those big personalities shoved together in one house. That immature fox who cried every time someone made fun of him. That knuckleheaded echidna whose fists were bigger than his brain. That pink wannabe soothsayer who always tried to “pull cards” for him and analyze his natal chart or whatever new age shit she was into at the time. 
And worst of all, that loudmouth hedgehog who never stopped shoving chili dogs into his big stupid mouth and didn’t know the meaning of silence.
Under normal circumstances he would have hightailed it out of that tiny shack on the edge of the forest, but times had changed since they all first met. There was always a new crisis manifesting, a threat to the world they were all expected to handle by themselves. Living together made it easier to assemble their little “hero” team instead of having to chase down everyone on all corners of the earth. It wasted precious time and energy, both inconvenient and annoying.
But despite the fact that they had been together for months already, the lifestyle change was still difficult for Shadow. He was used to being on his own, fending for himself, not having to speak at length for long periods of time. Having roommates who practically begged for his companionship and attention was a huge adjustment. Being expected to make idle small talk everyday was a pain in the ass. Hell, having anybody in his personal space for too long was too much.
But he did it anyway, because no one had ever wanted to be friends with him until now. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn’t feel as lonely now as he used to.
While Sonic recovered from his clumsy little stunt, Shadow’s ears perked up as he heard a panicked cry for help coming from inside the house. Before he could turn his head to see what it was, flashes of orange and red appeared in his peripheral vision.
“Leave me alone! I didn’t do anything!!”
“Get BACK here you lying brat!”
Tails was, well, hightailing it as far as his two tails could carry him, followed in close pursuit by an angry and vengeful Knuckles. The two passed by Sonic, who watched them run circles around him before finally stepping in.
“Soniiiiic! Help meeee!”
“Lemme at him! He ate my last grape!”
“I didn’t do it!! Amy was the last one with the grapes!”
“You’re LYING! I caught you red handed you little twerp!”
Shadow shook his head as he returned to reading his book. Such foolishness over something so silly as food. He prayed it would be over soon so he wouldn’t have to hear all the fucking whining.
“Wait, I wanna play too!” Sonic finally piped up, ready to play. “I’ll grab him for ya, Knucks
Shadow watched them attack one another with eyebrows furrowed. Such childish behavior over something so trivial. He wouldn’t bother getting involved. He gave up on reading and crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he listened to the commotion.
“You grab him and I’ll pin him down!”
“NO! Pleeeease! I didn’t do anything!!”
“You’re gonna get it now, foxboy. I’ll teach you to mess with my stuff.”
“Wait, no, no! NOOO - ahahaha! PLEEHEHEHESE DON’T!”
Confused by the sudden laughter, Shadow opened one eye to see why the fox was suddenly squealing and begging as if being tortured by hot skewers. What he saw made his fur stand on edge.
Sonic had pinned Tails’s arms to the ground, holding them down tightly as Knuckles tickled his pits mercilessly. The fox was squeezing his eyes shut, wiggling from left to right as he struggled with all his might to break free and laughed loud enough to scare the birds away from the trees. Sonic was grinning deviously as he watched Knuckles dig into what must have been the poor fox’s most ticklish spot until he cried. It was enough to give him the chills.
Shadow decided that he did not want to get involved under any circumstances. He uncrossed his legs and stood up, walking towards the back of the house where he would be out of sight and out of mind.
“Hey, Shadow! Wanna give us a hand?” Sonic called out, making Tails plead even harder.
“Aww, come on! Stop being a grump for once and come play!”
“I refuse.”
“If you don’t help, we’ll get you too!”
Nope, nope, nope. There was no fucking way.
Shadow scurried off, hoping that if he was not seen and not heard that he would be forgotten. That’s always how things had been, anyway. He was really good at blending in with the background and avoiding all interactions. Maybe Sonic would leave it be and move on with his life.
“Tch,” he scoffed. Wishful thinking. Before he took his next step, Sonic was in his face grinning at him like an idiot.
“... AGH! How the hell…?”
“You ran away pretty quickly there, Shadow. Why’s that?”
“Mind your business.”
“Are you nervous or somethin’? You look like you saw a ghost.”
“No. Now leave me alone.”
“Whyd’ya gotta be so grumpy all the time? Have some fun for once in your life!”
“Fun to me is peace and quiet, two things I can’t seem to get living with the lot of you.”
He turned his back on Sonic. A grave mistake, in hindsight. If he had only paid attention to that glint in his eye, that mischievous expression of his… he would’ve seen it coming.
Instead, he felt two hands grab his waist, which made him fall to his knees, and yelp like a dog that had been hit with a rock.
He froze. Every quill on his body stood on end. He swung around to face Sonic, who looked just as surprised as he was.
“What was that?!”
“Shut your mouth. Not another word.”
A cheeky grin spread across Sonic’s face, and Shadow knew it was all over.
“No way… Shadow, you’re-”
Shadow took off before he heard the end of the sentence. He didn’t know what to say. And even if he did, he wouldn’t have been able to say it. So instead of speaking, he ran.
He bolted into the woods in attempt to get as far away as possible. He knew it was futile; Sonic had always been faster and nimbler than he. But it was all he could think of. It was his last hope for escape.
It only took a few seconds for Sonic to catch him. The blue hedgehog slammed into him, pushing his darker rival to the ground and pinning him on his stomach by sitting on his lower back. He couldn’t move. He could barely struggle. He started to panic, realizing what a compromising position he found himself in and began squirming like a snake speared through.
“Urrgh, get off me!”
“Why? You worried I’ll do something to ya?”
“If you touch me, I swear to God…”
“What, you’ll kill me? Dontcha think it'll be kinda hard to do that when you’re trapped like this?”
Sonic poked one of his sides, right under his rib, and Shadow jolted as if struck by lightning. He let out a gruntled yelp, trying his damned hardest to stifle a laugh. Sonic poked him again, and again, in again, alternating between the left and right to throw him off guard. Each touch caused him to jerk around as he choked back his laughter.
“Something wrong, Shadow?”
“Nghhh! N-No! ACK!”
“You seem a little tense. It couldn’t be because of these little pokes, right?”
“Mmpph! GAHHH!”
“The big, bad ultimate life form... taken down by tickles. Who woulda thought you had such an adorable weakness!”
At this point Shadow couldn’t muster a single word without potentially letting his facade crack. He bit his lip, pounded his fists on the ground, attempting all forms of physical release if it meant that his laughs wouldn’t escape. He couldn’t laugh, he wouldn’t laugh, not when he knew what would come next if he did…
Unfortunately for him, it didn’t take long for him to finally crack.
He felt Sonic’s hands at both sides of his waist again, fingers pressed against sides and ribs waiting for the right moment to attack. Shadow was breathing heavily, bracing himself for the next tickle attack. The anticipation was making it worse. If he was gonna do it, then he should just d-
“AAAAAH! Nghhh, mmhmhmmhm, FAHAHAHACK!”
Ten fingers dug into his body, wiggling and pinching and stroking every sensitive inch. It was way worse than he had expected. He had no idea that his seldom-touch body could be so sensitive or that light touches could make him thrash about so wildly. He understood why Tails was screaming and begging so loudly before. It was absolutely unbearable.
“Tickle tickle tiiiickle! Wow, this must be really bad for you, huh?”
“Ahahahahahaha! Fffff-FAHAHACK!”
Shadow couldn’t even muster a proper word. It was all too much. And it seemed to go on forever. Sonic somehow managed to find every horrible spot on his upper body. His underarms, his waist, the horrid spaces between his ribs. All of them tickled terribly as he screamed and tried to buck him off. The worst part was Sonic’s incessant teasing. It was humiliating enough being taken down with tickles, but to be teased about it? Certain death.
“Say uncle or I’m not gonna stop!”
“Saaaay it! Or else I’ll keep going!”
Only a couple minutes had passed and he was already out of breath, red in the face, and willing to do whatever it took to make it stop. He had no idea how sadistic Sonic could be. If he hadn’t been so proud, he would’ve begged for mercy long ago. 
Finally, after what felt like forever, it stopped, Shadow felt the pressure lift off his back, but instead of running he found himself stuck in the same spot on the ground, struggling to catch his breath. He was completely tuckered out from the tickling. Embarrassed of his display of weakness, he kept his eyes on the ground despite feeling Sonic’s gaze.
“You alright bud? That took a lot out of you, huh?” The blue hedgehog extended a hand, which he pushed aside while he pulled himself off the ground.
“...Ha… haaaa… leave me alone…”
“Aww I’m sorry Shadow! I guess I got a little carried away. You just sounded so… happy, for once. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you actually laugh hard like that.”
“You… don’t you dare tell anyone about this…”
Sonic smiled sheepishly. “Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Lots of people are super ticklish. But I promise I won’t tell a soul. Scout’s honor!”
He crossed his heart and looked at Shadow with such a genuine expression that he couldn’t help but feel relieved. He couldn’t fully trust him, at least not yet, but at least his honor could stay intact for the time being.
He would never admit it out loud... but messing around like that was more fun than he had expected.
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benoit blanc harry bright ex-boyfriends so true
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
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navysealt4t · 1 year
wagh 👍
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mariproducer · 2 years
I wanna talk abt smth I do like involving MLB's magical system: the way Lucky Charm works.
Lucky Charm's power involves summoning a randomized object that'll help solve a situation (in this case, a fight usually with an akuma). At first glance, this kind of power sounds like it'd suck: you don't get to choose what you create? Lame! But it's the way the item is used that makes it a well-designed power in my eyes.
In essence, Lucky Charm allows the wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous to shine as a person; they use their wits and smarts (or if you headcanon Marinette to have ADHD, super powered ADHD) to figure out how to best use the item handed to them. And that's a neat power to give to a superhero in a kid's show! It's not the power that makes you a hero, but who you are behind the mask that does.
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chisatowo · 2 years
Begging ensekai to hire a new graphic designer holy shit is the current event title so ugly
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dynamicks · 8 months
The push for censorship instead of education, increased literacy, and critical thinking is kind of weird honestly
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Man I've gotta be mean more often Im so sick of being polite abt bigotry I should just start killing ppl fr
#rat rambles#Im tired of babysitting ignorant ppl Im tired of trying to be nice abt shit someone needs to give me a gun#Im tired of trying to be presentable towards ppl who are on the fense abt shit Im tired of sanitising myself#I wanna reclaim slurs I wanna be angry I want to be loud I want to just yell at ppl that they Should be uncomfortable they Should be upset#you Shouldnt let ppl live in bliss you Should feel targeted when I call out your bullshit because I Am talking abt you fucking get over it#I have been teaching and guiding and explaining for as long as I remember and Im So Fucking Sick Of It#but someone has to. if I can get even one person to support us in a way that matters I have to.#I mean I dont. but I want to. except I also dont because its miserable and it fucking kills me to do. but I couldnt live with myself if I#didnt so here I fucking am.#I just want to be angry without guilt for once in my fucking life. I deserve to be. Im tired of pretending Im not.#goddddd Im so fucking mad rn Im sorry but also Im not but yknow.#I just wanna be more confident abt myself in like every regard like I hate how long its taken me to feel allowed to call myself mexican#yknow. a thing I am and always have beem#like I am still also white for sure and was raised in a very white enviorment but that doesnt stop me from being mexican#and Im allowed to reclaim slurs and Im allowed to defend myself from bigotry and Im allowed to be fucking angry abt it#Im allowed to exist as I am. I thought I had gotten to that point a long time ago but Ive been realising that I rly havent.#rat rants#rat vents#ok anyways. I should rly go to bed now lol#Ill probably be feeling better tomorrow but dont let that make you think my burning rage is gone lol#whatever gn gamers
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profic-mafuyu · 1 year
oh dear me? actually singing? that cant be- /s
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umiwomitai · 1 year
watching whatever is in my to-watch list but really im just avoiding watching the rest of mdzs
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nezushi · 2 years
picks up a phone and hears the dial tone: wow this is just like outlast
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pastadoughie · 4 months
i made anothr long rant abt sexism oh noooooo
so many people fundimentally do not understand terf ideology, and end up falling deeper and deeper into it because they think they are "immune" to it.
the fundimental feature of radfem ideology is sexism. or more specifically misandry. sexism by its very nature effects both genders, having a negative veiw of women fundimentally recontextualizes how you see men, if you see women as broadly less compatent, less intelegent, and therefore having less angency (dispite literally none of that being true) then you naturally veiw men as the opposite. thats just a core part of how sexism works. mysogeny and misandry are always gonna appear together. while you can just use the word sexism for all instances then, as that is more accurate in that it doesnt carry the implication that only one gender experiences negative effects from sexism, i think that having words like mysogeny and misandry are still useful. assuming you use them to mean 'ok im talking about sexism witch does effect both men and women, but im talking about just one gender to help make my point clearer' not having to bury yourself in asterisks is nice.
this does however mean that people can exploit this not explicitly stated part of the definition to pretend that misandry just doesnt exist. and i have gotten into many a very very annoying argument from people who just refuse to listen to my actual points and instead want to argue semantic differences about the words i use even when i explicitly state what i mean and their definitions. many people just refuse to use the word misandry entirely and just describe it as "mysogeny rebounding" or something of the sort. this is not only stupid and unhelpful, but also kinda sexist! a fundimental part of sexism is that it effects everyone, pointing out that misandry effects women too isnt groundbreaking stuff! thats how sexism works! women dont just exist in a void ok it is literally impossible to hate women and then be completely neutral about men that can not exist. if you want to speak about sexism but specifically talk about womens issues and experiences with it then thats fine and helpful! but you need to have the same thing for men. just like with mysogeny, being misandrist is going to make you a mysogenist as well, you maybe just word your sexist statements a little differently if youre coming from that angle, but you arrive in the same spot.
and because this is the piss on the poor website i should clarify that, no i am not saying that men experience the exact same issues in the exact same way as women, you will find that no where in this post! that is not my arguement.
feminism is important but if your goal is not gender equality but just to have it be in the opposite direction then that is! still sexism! and still bad!
to make my stance on this clear before i start… women are people, men are people, one is not more or less responsible, intelegent, phisically capable, or worthy of respect then the other. people should be paid fairly according to their skill level, products should be priced according to their value and not according to what gender stereotype they are meant to appeal to, sports should be based on skill level, and not on appearance or legal documents, persecution for crimes should be based on what actually happened, and not on the genders of the perpetrators or victims, and people should not be expected to act or dress a certain way based on what they looked like as a baby.
gender based descrimination is fundimentally illogical and extremely frustrating and horrific to have to experience, having to deal with mysogeny myself i am not somehow ignorant of this. given the magnitude of the issue this leads to alot of people lashing out and becomeing more and more radical. when you have so much of your life spent having people telling you you need to conform to "what men want" and seeing male peers be treated better in certain areas for no reason, youre gonna get a little bitter. when you view everybody as saying men are great and can do no wrong (witch people often do) then saying "well i fucking hate men" feels liberating. you start to get more bitter about it. you have to deal with so much shit for something you have no control over and men dont share your exact experience. its a classic case of trauma olympics where you start to veiw other peoples struggles as less valid and less worthwhile because of the shit youve had to go through.
this kind of emotional response is pretty understandable, but it is not a helpful or productive veiwpoint, sexism is frustrating. yes. but being sexist twards men doesnt help that!
this kind of response makes it really easy to tunnel vision on only the girl side of things. women face alot of sexual and domestic abuse, this is horrific and people have been desperately trying to help and spread awareness (though given the seriousness regardless of how much help there is its still horrible that it happens at all) men can often be violent or disregard womens consent even in non romantic/sexual circumstances, witch leads to a (sometimes warrented) level of distrust of people based on gender, though this is an issue with socialization differences between genders and not actually biological traits.
but theres a flip side to this. gender based socialization plays a big role in how alot of us behave and so, the same crime, for example sexual assault, can present differently depending on the socialization of the person. sexual abuse from a dude is broadly gonna be more violent, while with women its generally long term abuse, and alot more emotional, and when phisical less likely to be "severe" injuries.
agencies dedicated to helping in abusive situations, most of the time dont even consider emotional abuse. this means that its going to be biased to persecute men more, as abuse from women presents differently. systems designed to help with these things are pretty much only geared twards helping women, and to help in cases that align more with "male" patterns of abuse.
also, sexual abuse from women is far far more normalized, ive seen and experienced this myself, where, attention from older men to a young girl is seen as creepy and gross no matter how nonsexual the interaction is, but i have had older women grope me as a child, and nobody bats an eye, often seen as being a "cute" interaction and "just girls being girls!" ive noticed far far more pedophilic tendancies in older women then i ever have in men, as straight women from this demographic tend to expect young girls to be overly comfortable with them, thinking they have a "right" to little girls personal lives and bodies.
when it comes to the structure of organizations centered around abuse alot of people will argue with statistics that men are more likely to commit these crimes and therefore its completely sensible to prioritize an approach that works on that kind of abuse, and id argue this is unfair. this is like expecting accurate statistics on homosexuality from the 80s, there are a million reasons for people to lie on something like that. and moreover, if youve been sexually abused by a woman, not only are you unlikely to share that, but unlikely to properly report it, and extrordinarily unlikely to get any kind of action done for it, and extremely extremely extremely unlikely to have it actually be a punishment fitting for what happened.
moreover, women being seen as "weaker" in general then men means that within assault and abuse cases with a female perpetrator theres alot of shame there, youre seen as "not a real man" if you get sexually assaulted, its seen as a judgement against you, if you would even allow that to happen then you must have deserved it
+ alot of the time, in radfem ideology men are painted as little pervert sexual devients, witch makes talking about sexual abuse twards men really difficult because by the nature of your gender youre expected to "like it" or because of the fact that mysogeny exists at all its seen as "karma" for being a dude, regardless of the fact that one guy in an abusive relationship does not hold the responsibility of all womens rights issues on his shoulders (and argueing that anybody under any circumstance deserves sexual assault is horrific)
women are people, and people can be absolutely horrific. its unfortunately common to see women weaponizing mysogeny, the idea that they are fundimentally less capable and less responsible for their actions, to get disproportionitely less persecution.
these kinds of posts, and the idology they peddle its not just, silly tumblr nonsense, this has caused real, tangible, horrific damage to my (and many other peoples) lives,, and people just regurgitate it because is just so quirky to peddle blatent sexism.
and it doesnt even end there, veiwing people like this, thinking that people have some kind of biological flaws or superiority just naturally leads you to transphobia, this is why terfs are terfs, if youre a misandrist its just kinda the next logical step to hate trans people.
if you veiw men as awful evil penis havers who are, by their very nature, more violent and less trustworthy, then thats going to fundimentally recontextualize how you see trans women, you are not immune to being a terf because you post about girlcock or whatever, terfism including transphobia is a symtom of their sexism. and if you really want trans people to feel safe around you you cannot keep peddaling this shit! "men (or amab people) are biologically more violent" and "trans women are women (and all the gender stereotypes being a woman entails)" are fundimentally conflicting and odds are, youre gonna pick the one thats more violent and hateful, because the internet is about being angry, and there is nothing the internet likes being angry about more then trans women
also its worth nothing that quote en quote "trans inclusive" radfems exist, and they are going to exploit this idea that you are immune to right wing bullshit to push you further and further into the cesspit
you can go onto these blogs and you can find things you agree with, i think yea that the way we veiw gender is really shitty, i think mysogeny is bad and people need to be more aware of it, but then you start, agreeing with the more and more and more unhinged shit till ur straight up posting hatespeech
i cannot stress enough that this is. real shit, i want you to not be a transphobe! but theres only so much i can spoon feed you and you have to put on your big boy pants on at some point and start actually having your brain on when youre reblogging quirky tumblr posts about how hating men is such a cool opinion that does not impact anybody negatively at alllll
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vibes-on-the-fritz · 5 months
[im going to preface this post by stating i am extremely dissociated in this moment and therefore may not be as clear as i would like to be]
im so tired of having to be ok. im in pain and its ok if that sucks. just because its not something new doesnt mean its not taking up mental energy. im dizzy the vast majority of the time and cannot stand without falling, and its ok if thats frustrating. i should not have to put a positive spin on my disability for abled people to be comfortable with me talking about it. i do not have to be ok with my chronic pain, even if its a low pain day. idk im just so tired of pretending like its comfortable to exist in this shitty body.
[this post is about physical disabilities, do not derail]
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bulbabutt · 1 year
ok. elephant in the room or shit i thought about a while ago but didnt post, my going theory on the rise cancellation which idk if its a theory more-so as reading the room and putting the pieces together.
it seems like playmates fault to me on account of the toys being shit and then cancelled outright. like waves of toys ready to go in 2019, none saw the light of day.
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obvs a lot of them were shit, not the point. the point being theres up to 6 waves of toys on the table at 2019 toy fair, only 1 and 2 were made. compare to the last toyfair showing the mutant mayhem toys.
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playmates made both of these era of toys. do you see how much more effort went into one than the other. you can say movies are more popular blah blah blah. but playmates has made ALL tmnt toys since they ever existed, and comparing the rise toys to even the previous shows toys it seems obvious where they put the money.
anyway my theory here is playmates got told (or given or offered or whatever) mutant mayhem. they immediately went. oh. yeah this will make us money. lets start prepping moulds for this now, lets get ready to sell a shit ton of different stuff. and they just left all those rise things on the cutting room floor. they didnt tell anyone on the team they were gonna do that. they didnt say "yeah it doesnt matter what you do cuz we have this NEW thing coming" they just abandoned it. they pretended theyd give it a chance to come back if their movie went well just to appease them and us, cuz they saw more money elsewhere.
the dumb shit about that is like imagine saying that about like. batman or the avengers or something. yeah we wont make this cartoon anymore cuz we have a theatrical movie coming in 3 years. like. you can have more than one iteration YOU DID IT WITH 12.
truly this is nothing against mutant mayhem by all accounts it looks amazing, my point here is that im sick of playmates fucking over each tv show with their stupid hunks of plastic. it has in fact happened each time, rise was just faster
87 was good, then there were the 90s movies that got popular enough that the show needed to be closer in style to.
03 was good, then it got dark, told to be more fun (cuz kids like ben 10 now) so they made fast forward, which was also good but in its own way, but then tmnt 2007 came out and playmates literally said "nope nope, we want to save on moulds so change your show to look like this movie" then 07 didnt go well cuz warner bros didnt fucking market it (what i heard from a podcast w nolan north was that they were super preoccupied marketing the shit out of 300 at the time. which. ok very weird choice for kids toys)
then we have 2012 after nick buys the franchise. and 12 has the weird tonal dissonance of dark stuff and kid stuff, with the most "designed to be toys" characters in it, clearly messing w things in the show itself while it was going.
then bayverse comes out along side it and once its over we get rise, where the designs clearly take inspiration from that movie (donnie and raph specifically)
then mutant mayhem is announced and rise just. fades out of existence. planned seasons cut and cancelled. planned toys disappear.
anyway. none of those shows are bad. none of the movies that come out along side them are bad. its just the dumbassery of like. not being allowed more than one iteration at a time, and its nOT on account of popularity or brand synchronizing like youd think, its literally to not have to make as many DIFFERENT SHAPED hunks of plastic! its fucking stupid. rise's downfall seems to be POOR FUCKING PLANNING on playmates part for THEIR shitty toys and then also being cheap/unwilling to have TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF TOYS AT ONCE (proof being the 03/07 thing)
anyway. thats my theory or whatever that fills me with rage. i hate playmates and i think its insane that the downfall of rise literally comes down to two stupid companies and their desire to sell garbage to children.
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
Bro, can u do a pav x reader? Just some cute fluff, ik he has a gf, but lets just pretend she doesnt exist (its all fiction duh). PLEASE HE'S TOO CUTE UGHH
cw. fluff, gn!reader, platonic stuff *not proofread, just pure brainrot
[no bc seriously, as a desi kid pav means so much to me]
sorry about this one lmao brain juice is not flowly well today 😭😭
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ok his hair is literally so cool??
like it's all flowy and bouncy
I wanna do his hair
and I mean like stupidly
with bows and glittery butterfly clips and shit
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zeldasnotes · 2 years
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These are just for fun and I have some of these aspects myself so take these with a huge scoop of salt!🧂
Venus Square Neptune Stop fantasizing about marrying people who dont even know you exist. No you do not have a special connection they seriously dont even know who you are.
Venus conjunct Chiron please get over your inferiority complex you are GORGEOUS and deep down you know it. Also stop getting involved with people who you know damn well are toxic.
Chiron in the 1st house women I know guys trashtalk other women infront of you because of your obvious insecurities but just so you know they actually dont find that girl ugly they just say it because they know you wanna hear it. Oh and the worst part: The girl they told you not to worry about is always the one you should worry about😂
Scorpio Moons I know you jokingly call yourself a psychopath because you are so fascinated and obsessed with murderdocumentaries and you secretly wish you were that cold but truth is you are way too sensitive to be one.
Lilith Square Ascendant people so when are you gonna stop giving insecure guys a chance when you know they will start putting you down when they feel less than you. You know exactly what type of guy im talking about.
Sun aspecting Pluto ok thank you we know you are super dominant stop bragging about putting people in their place.
Moon aspecting Saturn stop bragging and comparing to make up for your sensitive ego and stop hating on people you consider ”weak” just because you dont know how to show emotions.
Virgo Moon ”Why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the beam of wood in your own eye?” Mathew 7:3. But you should already know that verse since you are pretending to be a saint.
Libra Moon you are not nice just because you avoid conflict. You dont even like most people you hang out with you just cant stand being alone.
Sagittarius Moon running away from the problem wont make it go away.
Scorpio Rising its not cool to stand in the corner of a room trying to analyze whos the fake in the room. You are the fake one for putting on an act 24/7 trying to be mysterious.
Mercury conjunct Neptune stop blaming the wrong people for things just because you are overidealizing the ones who are actually hurting you.
Aquarius placements Oh you are disagreeing with everyone in the room? You are refusing to wear the latest fashion? Wow how unique
Cancer Rising you are pushing people away with your mood swings
Capricorn Risings you find literally everything innappropriate and embarrasing just stay at home if everyone and everything is making you disgusted
Uranus 1st house you dont need to give a complicated answer to every question. Everything you say doesnt have to be unique
Mercury/Pluto and Pluto 3rd house you never get tired of all these mindgames?
Leo Rising No they are not pretending to ignore you because they are jealous of you they seriously did not see you.
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