#one day i will voice a character in a gl/yuri
profic-mafuyu · 2 years
oh dear me? actually singing? that cant be- /s
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couldlesbiansavethem · 3 months
Furina from Genshin Impact
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Reasoning: "She has more voice lines about female characters then about male characters, and the male ones are either she saying that she doesn't know them well, or she is avoiding them or that she's better than them, in her voice lines about female characters she shows more interest and desire to be closer and some can be even be seen as she having a crush on them Anyways she's closer to female characters than to male characters, she don't even used to interact that much with male character, but she did before when she was acting every day pretending to be someone she's not, but when she always finally free to be herself she got away from them and started to get closer to the female characters She even got happy when Ayato asked Chevreuse to replace him in the movie casting and she said that is better to portray two sisters instead of a brother and a sister since the main character is a woman and writing story about woman is better from her perspective as a movie director Literally every time she appeared after being free to be herself (after her story quest) she was surrounded by women Bonus: She has references to the story of the Little Mermaid (which is a metaphor for homosexuality) Bonus 2: She wears clothes that are common in GL animes (and hoyoverse is an open otaku company that has taken inspiration from anime many times) Bonus 3: Even outside of the game, the incels got upset with her because she was designed by a feminist woman and a lot of woman was behind her design process Bonus 4: Also she's inspired by two historical figures that, although unconfirmed, there were rumors that they were sapphics, but since is unconfirmed and they are real persons I'm just putting as a bonus (I'm not even going to say who they are because is not okay to speculate on real persons sexualities) Bonus 5: Those two things idk if they're true or not keep that in mind, but I heard that some writers called her a "yuri icon" and others said that she's a "woman made by women to other women" and a "woman for other women". But then again idk if that's true or not" (Anon)
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michiruze · 4 months
[OCs, GL, sketch] steampunk yuri concept....
main character is a nerd radio technician who works transcribing radio waves in an underground lair full of cables, oscilloscopes, transistors, and so on......who fell in love with her oshi after hearing her voice in a pirate radio broadcast.
she then collects every single trinkets of her oshi...makes custom drama CDs of her oshi by recording her voice from radio and editing it to form romantic drama CDs for her own consumption....
and then one day, she gets to work for her oshi....
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profile and design:
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hopefully i can turn this into a doujin...
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neospokenworld · 6 months
part one here
part two here
And here are the last 4! Honestly they were 3 but I started one more today and I wanted to share my thoughts on it too in case I continue it lol
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Seiyuu radio no ura omote
From what I understand it translates to ''The many sides of voice actor radio''. Also I've heard that this is one of the three yuri/gl anime that will release this season (I'm counting Jellyfish Can't Swim as one too for now) so I'll be 100% watching it through to see if it's true lol
Honestly yuri or not this was a nice and good first episode, I like the dynamic between Yasumi and Yuhi and I wanna continue watching it to see how they both become friends or at least grow closer together, good start for what it seems to be a good show
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Astro Note
ngl I wasn't even aware of this anime until like two days ago, saw some small clips of it and I went to watch the first episode to see what's up.
It's a cute one, I dig the style of it being like an homage to the 80s anime style more or less and well, it feels a bit strange how it has heavy sci-fi elements to it at the end (and beginning) given how grounded it felt for the rest of the series, not a complain tho, I think it can be done well but we'll have to see in future episodes
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Kaiju N°. 8
The only Shonen I'm watching this season lol, from what I've seen a lot of people have been waiting for this one to come out and honestly it was a really strong start. Really liked it and I've been meaning to watch something kaiju related for a while so this definitely scratches that itch lol. Designs are cool, nice story and the end part was something I didn't expected at all (now seeing the posted I should've known lol), I'll be surely continuing it to see how it goes
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Whisper me a love song
Ever since it was announced I've been hearing a lot of good things about it in the gl community, so this is the one I've been waiting for the most this season and it seems like it was 100% worth it!
This first episode was just too precious; the animation, the lightning, the characters, everything was just too precious and cute and good it's crazy
It'll definitely be a highlight for the season in the romance department and if not, then just this episode alone is one for sure
So yeah that's it!! lots of nice stuff here and while I feel that I won't finish every single one, a lot of the ones I put here had a start that at least make me interested in watching a bit more to see how they go on. I'll probably make one of these when the animes end too but for now these were my first impressions
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“Porter sur toi un nouveau regard”: basic outlines and preparatory notes
What better way to celebrate a fic being completed than me releasing some of the basic notes I took while planning it? Here they are, with a few additions.
 It all started as a prompt I got on Discord, the very simple “love at first sight” and I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it at first, but the idea of sight stuck with me. Are your first impressions the right ones? Can you learn to see someone a certain way or another? It’s ultimately a story about learning to see other people and yourself, isn’t it?
Which meant I had to take a certain point of view, because an omniscient floating eye is emotionally detached. Character POV may have a limited scope, but that may help empathise with them. This is a story about Kagami, so it was only fair for Kagami to be the centre of it.
Chapter 1: 
“How does Kagami truly feel about Marinette before Ikari Gozen”? 
While Marinette sees the two of them as rivals, that rivalry is one-sided, and Kagami wouldn’t take that girl seriously. She’s simply annoying. 
Kagami is a lonely character, who genuinely wants to make friends, still, and she’s anything but cool or smooth. She doesn’t know the other characters the way the audience does, at all.
Tomoe Tsurugi sucks.
Switching from “Dupain-Cheng” to “Marinette Dupain-Cheng” to “Marinette” would be a nice way to keep the reader hooked. Lots of tiny details that’ll come back later on!
Lots of comphet already. What you “should” like, a calculated, conscious choice.
A few jabs at the show because why not.
Chapter 2:
Filling gaps in characterisation and timeline to make sure that everything hurts later on! Including pre-Adrigami. People thought the paperwork between Tomoe and Gabriel was a marriage contract, not quite, but an arranged relationship? Definitely from Tomoe’s side.
Are Kagami and Marinette already going on dates when they visit the city together all on their own? Isn’t that the true sapphic experience.
Also, the promise of them going to the terrace rooftop on sunny days! It’ll come back later on.
The Bike Motive. Marinette driving her forward.
“Your hair is beautiful” but make it much gayer. 
I hate the André scene in the finale, it sucks and it’s awful for everyone. It should be awful for both Marinette and Kagami. Comphet. So much comphet. 
Kagami’s impression of brokenness is something we’ll come back to over and over again.
Adrien doesn’t notice because he’s Adrien. The kiss. Nothing.
“K-Kagami!” End with a cliffhanger for more suffering.
As a side note, I made myself cry writing this chapter.
Chapter 3:
Everything hurts. Everything. Hurts. 
Identity reveals don’t solve anything, they still fail, and Marinette still isn’t willing to show herself to Kagami, still hiding behind a facade.
Just because Marinette understands things a little better doesn’t mean it hurts any less
They are both lying to each other and themselves and they don’t even realise it.
“Fixing the brokenness” through comphet.
Nothing is solved at all.
Falling asleep on a chaise longue plus blanket
Chapter 4:
Life as a socialite in Paris, concerts and restaurants, wearing clothes she hasn’t chosen
The Adrien routine, pulling chairs and flowers
It’s all miserable still, lots of “shoulds”
Fencing competition, fencing competition ahead. Tomoe is a terrible parent and a terrible coach.
Text conversations with Marinette, overdoes joy with emojis
The Bike Motive Returns, with more feelings, Marinette’s almost desperate gestures
(Kagami as the only person she can fully confide in, but still won’t)
An early birthday present… But Kagami is born in November, Marinette is a mess and so is her room.
Hug and first hint of reciprocated Marigami? Just the happiness of having someone like Kagami who admires her work as Marinette.
Falling asleep on a chaise longue plus blanket, part deux.
Kisses on the cheek are really common in France, not Japan. A heavy kiss.
Dress or suit?
Marinette is a mess, texts at night. Difference between Adrien and Marinette’s texts, Adrien’s more self-centred.
No sense of space in Tokyo, jet lag and closed house. Closed spaces. 
Chapter 5:
I’m going to write a full chapter about sabre fencing and people will love it
Lots of sneaky (or not so sneaky) GL and Yuri manga/anime references. Make Juri Arisugawa part of the Jury.
All the locations are real
Marinette overdoes it again, Kagami can’t tell.
Kagami’s technique dissecting her opponents. She is a champion already.
Teach the readers about fencing whilst describing it. Have opponents be challenging in specific, understandable ways.
She chooses the suit. What even is subtlety.
As a side note: it was a really fun one to write.
Chapter 6:
Marinette internship phone call, Nathalie’s plan. No way Gabriel would accept to work with a kid. Flirting, Kagami as a muse?
The Foucault chapter. Everything is a prison. Restaurant, vertical stripes on wall as prison bars, the relationship, the self-locking car. This is no Utena car.
Everything is wrong, including the food
Adrigami friendship, much better than Adrigami romance. Rose/Chair. She doesn’t hate him at all, she just doesn’t love him… It wouldn’t work, she’s gay and he’s a liar.
Self-imposed gestures of affection.
Do not describe the kisses, they’re just a thing she has to do
Marinette is a mess, Ladybug is a mess, hell imagery, falling down a hole, almost dying. We are in the car with Kagami and we want to do something, anything, and we can’t.
Chapter 7:
The first step to things being alright again is to admit that they aren’t alright now
Nighttime conversation, Kagami letting Ladybug in
Marinette finally showing herself bare to Kagami but still tries not to until the dam breaks. Being a hero is miserable. Being the Guardian when you are a child with no guidance or support is miserable. Kagami as the only person she can trust.
Botched Lukanette date?
“I’m just so tired.”
“You are not a failure, you are so courageous, a genius fashion designer and my best friend”
(Additional note: I cried writing that passage)
Sharing the burden: help in more than just words.
“I hate that you have to see me like that.”
But showing your vulnerability and still being accepted as true love
Kagami truly sees Marinette now.
“Tutorship” and Tomoe being awful but excuse works. Help is material, homework, tidying up the room together.
“Stop feeling guilty about letting other people help you.”
Flirting hidden behind jokes, Kagami lying to herself. Way to ruin the mood.
Marigami baking.
Harlem 88, postal workers, acab
Watching television on the same couch, or rather watching Marinette watch television.
Umbrella scene with polka dots.
Kagami fully aware of her feeling and afraid of them, afraid that Marinette might feel the same
Chapter 8:
more fencing, Kagami absolutely rules
Worrying about Marinette alone with Gabriel, rightfully so, but can’t say that out loud
Stereotypical outdated Japanese-ness, Kagami can’t conform, doesn’t know how to put on her houmongi on her own. Tomoe and paradoxes, her daughter is both weak and “too muscular” at the same time.
The Palais Royal. The Buren columns are very climbable.
Gabriel, “quite miraculous”. Testing the waters, Kagami doesn’t notice. 
Jealousy when Adrien speaks of Marinette?
Ratatouille reference! Tatou. 
Tomoe playing the role of the exotic Japanese to be accepted. 
Drunk parents, drunk on power and self-satisfaction. 
Adrien’s kiss, forced to return it. 
Fear that Adrien might become Marinette’s muse
The bike motive once more
Barkk’s power is tracking magical signatures, each is different from the other
Marinette taking control over her own life, making plans to stop Hawk Moth instead of passively waiting for each attack, 
“She was never broken. She is in love with another girl.”
Marinette is in love with her too, but is ready to wait.
Chapter 9:
Adrien IS Chat Noir, up to the entitlement and his way of being physically affectionate. Stay true to canon and canon implications.
Adrigami/DJWifi double date, Alya means well but doesn’t know everything
Wordbuilding: of course the Ladyblog isn’t the only website ever, bad rival, Daily Bugle pun.
Not hating someone doesn’t mean you should be with them.
Hints of Adrigami friendship again, relief at avoiding romance.
Food at Kagami’s, cooker, formally perfect but not personal
Marinette and Barkk, closer to their goal
The Turtle Pearl bracelet: a shield, a great way to show feeling of danger, symbol of love
Kagami is the one to kiss Marinette on the cheek this time
Chapter 10:
Tomoe is a bad instructor episode 100
In which Adrien proves himself to truly be also Chat Noir, i.e. unable to understand personal barriers and entitlement. Still Kagami’s POV. He doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, insistence≠playfulness. certainly won’t apologise
The bike motive again. Scenic road and conversation
Going to Orsay, definitely a date!
Chat Noir was moody during akuma crisis because of course he was.
Chapter 11:
Adrigami “break”, Adrien sucks at admitting that he’s anything but perfect and being confronted with that.
Kagami bluntness.
Adrigami isn’t about Adrigami, it’s about the Tsurugi family’s status and Tomoe terrified of consequences. Attacking the room instead of Kagami herself.
The Turtle Pearl glows when wearer feels endangered or imminent danger
The museum pictures, the two of them together
Aquarium date?
“Voice of reason” isn’t the voice of reason at all.
Barkk is in the bag, smells everything
Chapter 12:
Kagami as Tomoe’s messenger
Agreste mansion as a mausoleum, setting up the geography, security cameras, cold. Painting of Émilie, goal is near
Nathalie being extremely good at pretending she didn’t just knock that kid unconscious months ago, she’s awful and it’s great.
Marinette internship, Gabriel wears a bowtie… Resembles a butterfly.
Barkk in the bag, smells everything.
Stressful phone call, feels feverish, it’s him and that’s undeniable.
Marinette the detective.
“Thanks for being there for me”
“Thank you for trusting me so much”
Having dinner with Hawk Moth, it’s awful and stressful
No more chair/rose
Adrien is miserable but not aggressive. Building up to final fight
Chapter 13:
Meet the Dupain-Chengs, short, awkward, sweet moment
Marinette’s room, perfectly clean
From creepy stalker to detective, without downplaying the former or overplaying the latter
The two are complementary, very concrete things, 
The plan: catch Hawk Moth red-handed, take it outside and expose him to the world
How the Kwami Pearls work: just like the Miraculouses themselves, feeding off the host, only more brutal. Marinette trying to reassure Kagami
Re-explain Turtle Pearl and other powers, illusion, thunder, time-rewind and portal
Gabriel owns original Degas painting since they are both assholes
Adrien/Chat still not great at all
Ice-cream but no biphobia/lesbophobia this time, just a regular shop suggested by Juleka.
The Pont des Arts, no more locks, just like in real life.
The confession, the kiss: consent and everything is right, but also desperate. Marinette really wants to do it well.
Longg is back, also, hype
Side note: I cried writing this one.
Chapters 14-15
Ryuko infiltrating the mansion, all in the details
I hate that Hawk Moth’s lair is an actual real physical space in the show, but if this needs to be material, then so be it. He was allowed to turn his house into that because he got help from the Mayor/Audrey.
Chat Noir can’t fight, near breakdown.
Nathalie knew. Remake of first fight, only Ryuko has clear upper hand.
Having missiles in your house isn’t a good idea.
The Turtle Pearl serves its purpose at last, 
Gabriel mostly defeats himself on his own, hubris, the whole extent of his power dynamic with Nathalie
Going back to the Champ de Mars, 
Teamwork, taking the butterfly down. Chat Noir rejects his father entirely, cataclysm-ed akuma.
The mansion again, entirely destroyed, paintings of Émilie burning. Spell book and tablet recovered.
Chapter 16:
Taking the big bad down is useless if you don’t take down the power structures that allowed him to strive in the first place. Killing Voldemort only solves that much.
Discovering it all on a phone screen, shut-in
ACAB no matter your gender
They are just following orders and happy to do so, and Gabriel still has some power over them
Tomoe plays by the rules, even though these rules are awful
Kagami’s anger
Chapter 17:
Aquarium date, aquarium date! Fish facts
Kagami’s anger still, doesn’t die out, render it through environment and senses
Water as a healing motive, fish facts
Hot outside - cold inside, ice-cream
Kagami nearly blows out because of kids after being slightly soothed
The power of love is strong but it can’t solve everything.
Additional note: someone in the comments asked me if Kagami had ASD, and the answer is, I don’t know, you tell me! If you think she is on the spectrum, then she is!
Addressing Kagami being closeted, because there’s simply no other way. This isn’t good. Having to live hidden out of fear isn’t good..
The bike motive, + ice cream
Kagami uses the word “lesbian” for the first time to describe her own experience.
Chapter 18:
Tomoe has feelings and these feelings suck. Under the guise of rules, abuse.
Kagami fighting back.
Power is material, through connections and money, nothing that can’t be bought
Kagami’s first demonstration, don’t make it too violent but still ACAB
Nino and Alya as reporters, Julerose and Luka seasoned protestors
The Palais de Justice’s gilded gates are closed vs the crowd
Marinette using her powers for something other than Hawk Moth, strong stance but also still a 15 yo kid’s understanding of the situation
Chapters 19-20:
No tanabata because Tomoe is terrible
The rooftop terrace at last, more Marigami wholesomeness
Dupain-Cheng house vs Tsurugi house, the furniture and dishes, the meal, more Tom and Sabine
Marinette has been cut from her Chinese heritage, exploring that (callback to Mandarin app, chapter 1) and bitterness of it
Adrien moving on in England, still Plagg with him, he’ll become a rich prep boy
Marinette as a Guardians, her own spell book
Duusuu is devouring Émilie’s soul and neither Marinette nor Kagami knows
Françoise Dupont at night, fencing classes, Marinette moves like Ladybug
The future: it is bright but bittersweet, let’s talk about it together
And there was only one bed
Oh, to cuddle with your girlfriend in her bed for the first time
Watching the sun rise together, calm breakfast
Side note: I also cried writing this one.
Chapter 21, epilogue
A new beginning
Kagami turning her back on her mother almost entirely
The bike motive, but Kagami no longer needs Marinette to show her the way now
New school, familiar faces but not only
An ordinary bracelet for Marinette, but proof of love despite everything
End on their hands.
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kyaaaaa-desu · 7 years
Ozmafia!! (Reaction and thoughts)
Overall Reaction
I just finished Ozmafia!! yesterday and I still have this emptiness after finishing the game.
It was sooo gooood.. I didn't think I would end up jumping on the Kyrie bandwagon at the epilogue. My poor baby is just a misunderstood brainiac.
But Caramia is definitely the ultimate bae. 😍
Followed by Hamelin and Caesar (sorry but Caesar is just the cutest awkward funny shit ever 😂😂😂 )
Then there’s Kyrie who’s just amazing during the love triangle routes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Now that I think about it, my top guys in Ozmafia includes all the “bad” guys except for my ever so fluffy Caramia (until he goes full lion on you  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
Unfortunately, there’s no actual sexual content here. Everything is left to your imaginations BUT there are some delicious laying on-the-bed-topless CG for the Oz guys. yuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm
I truly love the witty conversations between Kyrie and Axel or Kyrie and Caramia. But if there was one scene I have to choose as my favorite, it would definitely be the scene where Caramia taught MC how to shoot a gun and Axel made some pretty amusing conclusion based on how MC and Caramia expressed their thoughts when teaching MC how to shoot.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How everyone reacted to MC when they found out she was dating Kyrie:
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Well, sorry for having an awful taste in men. He tasted pretty nice to me   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ghad... there’s so much sexual frustration in this post. xD
I can’t help it. I wish it has sexual content in it sooooo bad when I started dating one of the characters.
The Boys
Oz Family
Anyway, for the Oz boys, I have to choose Caramia as my favorite. He’s just the sweetest little fluff ever! Like totally boyfriend/husband material. If you ever need a guy you could casually show your parents and say “Imma marry this guy because the world knows he will treat me right”, Caramia’s the one for you. *whispers* Sugar daddy *whispers*
Kyrie’s 2nd mainly because I have this weird love-hate relationship with him which completely went full on love after reading the epilogue and grand ending. I didn’t like how he was treating me during the first few days but I did love everything he is after the love triangle scenes (transferred or not). He’s probably the most serious lover out of the three.
 Axel for third place. The boy is sweet and awkward but I felt like it wasn’t enough for me. I love his absolute devotion but romantically, I guess he’s slow, but hey~ it’s not like he always had a heart. Surprisingly, Axel, despite his always serious appearance, is the most childish among the three. I laughed a lot during some of the scenes in his routes.
Grimm Family
There’s only 2 romanceable ?  guy in the Grimm family: Scarlet and Hamelin.
As stated from above, Hamelin is one of my favorite guys. I’ve always sort of known that there was something wrong with his character and I’m glad I was right about it. He has a really short route, but wow... He made me swoon in less than three days (game time). He’s someone I would file a petition to protect at all cost. He’s an absolute romantic, probably better than Caramia, and he’s so sweet. He continuously shows his romantic interest in MC unlike Caramia who switch between a daddy, brother, and friend.  Both of his endings wasn’t enough for me, but it’s not like I could do or suggest anything given that there’s really not much option on how his and MC’s relationship should go.
The next Grimm family member is Scarlet, Hamelin’s right hand man. He’s probably, by looks, younger than MC (but definitely older by age tho). I honestly went for Scarlet’s route first (out of all the characters) because... bishounen. I love his route to be honest. He was the calm before the storm (since I did not expect the following routes to be that heavy). Sweet, gentle, mature, and innocent. Those are how I could describe Scarlet’s route.
I really wish that Hansel has his own route. I wouldn’t mind tasting some of that well made “pastry”  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That and I want to interact/befriend Gretel. She seems like a really nice person if you talk to her enough.... at least that’s what I believe.
Boots Family
Despite what most people originally think, Paschet is not a GL/Yuri route. It’s a total friendship route wherein you have a girl-friend (an actual female friend). I don’t usually go for a female route but since I wanted to see the epilogue and grand ending, I sucked it up and played her route. I was quite happy with it. I enjoyed her route as if giving me a break from all the guy drama.
Robin Hood
^Literally said that when I first saw him without the Crow mask.
Robin Hood’s route made me quite uneasy to be honest. I’m not really interested in NTR (which made it a bit difficult for me to go to the transfer routes in the Oz family). Robin Hood is actually.... married and.... wait for it..... He’s absolutely in love with his wife. Despite this truth, no, you won’t end up fighting his wife to death. His route is definitely bittersweet up to the ending, but definitely worth every pain you take in whenever he talks about his wife. Be that as it may, he did do an extremely scumbag move on MC so that’s a bit of a negative for me, but I still love his route nonetheless.
It really goes downhill from here. xD
First and foremost, I would like to blame Kyrie for every single thing that happened in this route. 
There’s really no bad ending in this game but the closest to a “bad end” would be the second ending in this route.
There’s three guys here and the main guy you sort of romance is Manboy the servant  it’s a shitty name I know so don’t judge. The other two is Dorian Gray, the owner of the brothel, and Alfani, the number one choice in the brothel. Everything in this route is dark (at least compared to the others), but on the plus side, we do get to see MC being a seme/dom. I also did have the pleasure to change Dorian Gray’s name into “Little Bitch” just because he pissed me off during the route. xD
If I have to summarize the characters shortly:
-Dorian Gray is that creepy uncle that you just know is up to no good and have probably been sent to jail for perversion
-Manboy is that close friend who always had a thing for you but too afraid to tell you because he’s afraid of hurting you or getting you involve in the weird things the creepy uncle is affiliated in
-Alfani: he who brings out the inner seme/dom in you. He looks and acts like a girl, but damn his libido o-o
Wolf Gang
I played the Wolf Gang routes (Soh and Caesar) last since that’s what most people recommend.
I played Soh’s route first. From the previous routes, Soh is like the ultimate bestie. He cooks, give advices, and he’s a total sweetheart. I get to see some of his more manly-ish side in his route but I must say, I am a bit depressed about his endings. It was confusing (even after reading the epilogue and grand ending) and depressing, probably more than Hamelin and that’s saying something.
Caesar, however, is just... moe. He started of as this big bad wolf who’s chasing after MC to kill her, but in his route, he’s too much of a dorky sweetheart. The fact that his looks are extremely good and his actions are of a kid, makes him weirdly irresistible. He’s basically a tsundere but not exactly within the boundaries of a tsundere. His endings are the cutest. I just love him to bits.
These are all personal opinions of the game which I enjoyed a whole lot. It’s extremely difficult for me to accept that I don’t get to see more of Caramia’s face and hear his lovely voice, but.... my other husbando is waiting for me. 
Til the next game~
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 18
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In which Gitan is still an asshole but is at least a useful asshole. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation. So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 18: As a yuri fanboy, I cannot let this happen!
‘You’ve waited long enough,’ Masami said with a nudge to Sahana’s back. ‘Just give him the poem and get it over with.’
It was morning and Ukiwa was still late. Sahana had plenty of time. Time she was wasting in the limbo between following her heart and chickening out.
She took a deep breath and entered the classroom. Her eyes went straight to Toyomi in his seat. His hands, which held a piece of paper, were shaking. On his desk was a box of cookies.
At first, Sahana had assumed the worst. Did someone write him a love letter and give him cookies? Masami’s hand on her shoulder woke her from her momentary nightmare of assumptions.
After another deep breath, Sahana plodded towards Toyomi. ‘Um, hi. So, uh, I wrote you a poem to say sorry.’
Toyomi handed her his piece of paper. ‘Same here.’ The two laughed before reading their respective love poems. They sighed and put their hand on their heart in perfect synchronicity. ‘Oh, and I baked you something,’ Toyomi added.
‘Same here.’ Another laugh. While Sahana gulped down Toyomi’s cookies straight away, Toyomi stared at her cookies warily. ‘They’re dark chocolate and wasabi flavoured,’ Sahana explained.
Toyomi brought the cookie to his lips. He grinned at the mix of flavours in his mouth. ‘Wow, how did this turn out so great?’
‘They were made with love, of course. I’m so sorry I got mad at you. I shouldn’t have taken out my anger for Kunie out on you. You were just trying to help and I was too focused on myself to notice.’
Toyomi grabbed Sahana’s hands and held them up between their chests. His accompanying trumpets returned. The two kissed and the red string of fate between them got thicker.
So you may be wondering when I put the string on their fingers. The answer is simple: As soon as they met. 
I’m quite the fortune teller, am I not?
Sahana turned to Masami. ‘Hey, have you made up with Kunie yet?’
‘I tried, but she didn’t accept it. I probably shouldn’t have tacked on that love confession.’ She stepped back. ‘Um, I have to go help… the student council.. See you later!’
Sahana and Toyomi stared at each other with mutual confusion as Masami ran out of the room. Behind them was the sound of triumphant laughter.
‘I had a feeling,’ a voice said. Toyomi and Sahana turned and saw Gitan wearing the smug face of an eighth-grader who thinks he’s got dark magic powers. ‘My yuri senses took me in the wrong direction, but now they’re back on track. I could see it as soon as I noticed how close their faces were that one day. And now they are in the break-up stage that comes before the climax. What if they don’t kiss and make up and the story just... ends? As a yuri fanboy, I cannot let this happen!’
‘A what?’ Sahana asked. Toyomi winced, knowing exactly what Gitan meant but bracing for the long-winded explanation.
‘I am but a connoisseur of media celebrating pure love between women. And now I must bring my expertise to the 3D realm. I will need your help, Sahana.’ Toyomi put a protective arm in front of Sahana and glared at Gitan, who groaned. ‘And yours too, Toyomi. I guess a BL character such as yourself could be quite useful in matters of the heart, even if it’s second-rate compared to yuri. Now, I have a plan in mind but I am open to suggestions for improvement.’ 
He turned in his chair towards a girl who was trying her best to ignore him. ‘Fumie! Join us on our mission! You’re friends with Masami, right?’
 The look on Fumie’s face was a mixture of suspicion, annoyance and outright fear. ‘I am. What do you want from me?’
‘We are all working together to bring Masami and Kunie together.’
‘I’m going to have to pass.’
‘Masami needs to get over her and find a man. I won’t get in her way but I will not go out of my way to support an immoral lifestyle.’
Sahana asked, ‘Immoral?’
Fumie pulled a bible out from the compartment in her desk. Before she could open her mouth, Gitan made his case.
‘Oh, please. That only applies to gay men. I haven’t read that whole book, but I was under the impression that it makes no mention of lesbians.’
Fumie gritted her teeth. ‘It’s the principle of the thing.’
‘Principles won’t nurse Masami’s heartbreak. Or help her find true love and happiness, for that matter. What kind of Christian wouldn’t help a friend in need?’
Fumie released a squeak of a sigh that sounded like steam coming out of a kettle. ‘Tell me what you need me to do and I’ll decide if it’s going too far in the direction of supporting homosexuality.’
‘You won’t have to do much, just bring Masami from point A to point B.’
The four discussed Gitan’s plans until Masami came back. During that time, Masami had been sitting on the toilet, trying to slow her breaths as panic took over her body.
Kunie arrived at school just before lunch. When a student asked why, she said, ‘Overslept.’ Dark bags rested under her bloodshot eyes. 
When lunchtime came, Sahana went up to Kunie. ‘I think a talk between us is long overdue.’
‘What, so you can talk about yourself? Oh, never mind. You’re not self-centred. Sometimes you think about your boyfriend.’
Sahana inhaled and exhaled as slowly as she could. ‘I was going to talk about you.’ Kunie rolled her eyes but went with Sahana to the empty home ec room. ‘You go here sometimes with Masami, right?’
‘How did you-’
‘I do pay attention to you two, you know. Anyway, I’m sorry your secret got out the way it did. You know how Ukiwa is. I’m actually kind of shocked that she knew before me. Did you tell her?’ Kunie paused, then nodded. ‘Okay, I’m about to go into selfish mode right now, okay? I wish you’d have felt comfortable enough to tell me. We’re supposed to be friends but I wasn’t there for you when you really needed me. That breaks my heart.’
‘Why didn’t you talk to me after everyone found out?’
‘I didn’t know what to say. Plus, I was still kind of mad at you for blowing up in my face for no reason. Well, it seemed like no reason at the time.’
Kunie scoffed a laugh. ‘Yeah, well, I doubt you would have supported me anyway. After all, I’m a ‘wonderful person’ who doesn’t deserve to be called a lesbian, right?’
Sahana’s already large eyes grew even more. ‘Kunie… you know I didn’t mean it like that, right?’ She grabbed Kunie and pulled her into a tight bear hug. ‘You’re still the same person, okay? You’re still my friend. I care about you so much and nothing will change that.’
Kunie cried on Sahana’s shoulder. ‘Thank you,’ she said with a shiver.
‘Let me rephrase what I said before,’ Sahana whispered as she stroked Kunie’s head like a human pets a cat. ‘You’re a wonderful person, so it shouldn’t matter if you’re a lesbian.’
Kunie let go of the hug and wiped her tears away. The two walked back to the classroom, chatting and joking like they used to.
Sahana admitted, ‘By the way, now that we’re talking about our secrets, I’m aware of when I’m making a dirty joke. I’m not that innocent.’
‘Really?’ Kunie asked as she intentionally bumped into her friend. ‘You should be an actor. You had me fooled.’
Sahana grinned and I silently wished there was a friendship equivalent to the red string of fate. Not that these two would need it.
Of course, Kunie apologised to Toyomi, who graciously accepted it.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 17
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Kunie and Masami discuss what happened to Kunie. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation.
So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 17: You have no idea what it’s like!
When Kunie returned to school the following day, she saw black writing all over her desk.
Just crawl into a hole
Call Kunie at (555)-555-5555 if you want hot lesbian sex
Dooru laughed. ‘Wow, someone’s popular.’ Kunie glared at her. ‘What? I didn’t write that stuff. Much too vulgar. Plus, I doubt sex with you would be any good, even if I was a lesbian.’ Snorting mixed in the laughter. ‘Oh my god, could you imagine? Who’d want to sleep with another girl?’ She smirked at Kunie. ‘Oh, right.’
At lunch, Kunie decided to eat alone by the steps. On the way, she passed a male student she didn’t know. Apparently he knew her.
‘Hey, what’s scissoring?’
‘I mean, you’re the expert, right?’
‘What’s that supposed to…’ Realisation dawned on her. ‘Okay, fuck off.’
The boy snickered and went on his way. Kunie groaned and rubbed her temple as she sat down with her bento box. At least her mother included teriyaki chicken. 
She found herself wondering what ingredients Masami would add to chicken to transform it into one of her unholy abominations. Once the thought entered her brain, she shook her head to shake away any memories of that girl.
People whispered as they walked past her, thinking she couldn’t hear. ‘Who’s the mystery girl? That teacher said she liked a girl, right?’
‘None of my business. Still, kinda trippy, right? Never thought there’d be one of those people at this school.’
‘Oh, I saw a girl give her a love letter. Maybe they’re an item.’
Kunie twisted her upper body towards the gossipers and scowled at them. ‘Go bother that girl instead of me.’
She tore the chicken into smaller pieces with her teeth, not caring about the teriyaki sauce spreading onto her face. Something wasn’t adding up. She wasn’t the only lesbian at the school, so why was she getting all the attention? What about the girls who liked sending her love letters?
She stood up and began searching each classroom for one of the girls who had a crush on her, leaving her bento box on the floor. It didn’t take long for her to find one of those girls.
If there was one word to describe the girl, it would be ‘nondescript’. Average height, medium-length black hair and proportional facial features with no parts that stood out.
‘Hey, can I talk to you for a moment, uh...?’
The girl’s smile dropped. ‘Kuri Satou.’ However, she still followed Kunie outside of the classroom.
‘So, um, what’s it like, you know, liking girls?’ Kunie asked. ‘Has anyone given you crap for it?’
‘Oh, my class generally doesn’t care. Some of the girls in the art club…’
Kunie put her hand on Kuri’s shoulders. ‘What do the girls in the art club do?’ Her voice sounded a little harsher and more desperate than she had hoped.
‘Just, you know, comment about how they bet I can’t wait to start drawing naked portraits. Sometimes they also put fake love letters in my shoe locker. I don’t pay attention to those anymore, though. Fool me twice and all that.’
‘Wait a minute, fake love letters?’
‘Yeah. But my one to you was real. They send the fake ones to any girl they suspect is a lesbian, even if they actually aren’t. I think they just like to humiliate people. To be honest with you, I thought you were one of the people they got wrong, since you never, you know, responded to my letter.’
‘Oh my god, I am so sorry. I just didn’t know how to react. I don’t really know you well enough to be able to return your feelings, but I appreciate you for writing that letter. Probably took a lot of courage.’
Kuri looked down. ‘Yeah, it’s all good. If you want someone to talk to about your struggles, I can lend an ear.’
‘So, um, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but what got you interested in me? We don’t exactly know each other.’
As Kuri continued her answer, her face got redder and redder. ‘Oh, well, I would walk past you every once in a while and notice how pretty you looked. Then I saw you defending one of your friends one day, which was when I heard your name. You exuded confidence and I was super drawn to that. Um, thanks for talking with me, even if you don’t feel the same way about me.’
‘You’re welcome. Good luck with dealing with the art club girls. See you around.’
With that, Kunie returned to her empty bento box and brought it back to her desk. She then decided to stroll through the school. She was tempted to stop by the art club room and trash the place but remembered a key detail in Kuri’s words. Some of the art club girls.
However, she managed to spot a girl who may have been in the club. Or rather, the girl spotted her.
‘Hey, it’s the dyke! I knew I was right about you. Thanks for helping me win a bet.’ Kunie turned around and power-walked away from her. ‘Hey, where are you going? I thought you liked getting girls’ attention. By the way, what got you to hate men?’
‘Leave me alone or I swear I will hang you by your eyelashes over a pit of fire!’
‘Wow, no need to be so angry. I guess that’s supposed to be expected, though.’ After giving her a smirk, the girl eventually did leave Kunie alone.
Kunie realised that her classroom, despite containing Dooru’s Dooru-ness, was the safest place to be for now. She sunk into her chair.
Masami tiptoed towards her. Great. She had to be there. ‘Could we maybe be able to talk?’ Kunie turned her head away. ‘I want to apologise and tell you something.’ A shake of the head from our incredibly mature Kunie. ‘Come on. Please? I won’t bother you again. It’s just kind of important.’
With a big sigh, Kunie stood up and followed Masami outside the school building. They walked to the athletics track. While Kunie dropped on to the grass with no care as to how she looked, Masami sat down as gracefully and cautiously as a fairytale princess with a fear of germs.
Kunie grumbled, ‘What is it?’
‘I’m really sorry. For two things. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry with you the other day. You may have started it, but I should have finished it.’ Kunie opened her mouth to argue, but Masami’s sudden hand on hers shut her mouth. ‘I’m also sorry that you have to go through all this. You don’t deserve it. I know what it’s like to be-’
Kunie pulled out strands of grass from the ground. ‘No, shut up right now. Whatever it is, you don’t know.’
‘How can you be so sure-’
‘You have no idea what it’s like!’ Those little pieces of grass became huge clumps. ‘You don’t know what it’s like to have everybody at school take your personal life and make it their business. You don’t know how it feels to become the school laughing stock. You don’t know what it’s like to receive comment after comment after fucking comment about your sex life. You know why? ‘Cause you’re nice and safe in your little closet.’
‘Closet? How did you...’
‘Come on, Masami. We both know you like Sahana.’
Masami blinked. ‘Huh? Sahana? The one I like is you, idiot.’ Her jaw tightened as she fought against the temptation to act as if she had just made a joke.
Kunie dropped the bunch of grass in her hand. ‘Seriously? I can’t handle having you lie to me about that shit.’
‘Why would I lie about that? Kunie, I love you.’
The expression on Kunie’s face fluctuated with frightening speed. First, her eyes were wide and her jaw agape, then her mouth curled into a smile with eyes that squinted as if holding back tears. Her eyebrows met and the smile morphed into a frown, her eyes full of fire. Finally, she looked at the ground with the eyes of someone who had never even heard of the word ‘confident.’ This last expression made Masami’s heart beat as fast as that of a scream queen in a horror movie. She could barely recognise the girl she loved.
‘Look, I don’t know if going out is such a good idea for us,’ Kunie said in a voice devoid of life. ‘Now that my secret’s out, I don’t really want to deal with relationship trouble on top of that. Plus, what do we even have in common? We’d be a disaster as a couple.’
‘I… guess so. And you like Sahana, anyway.’
‘The hell made you think that? I don’t see her that way, and even if I did, that would be even more of a disaster. She doesn’t care about me at all. She didn’t even comfort me when I got outed. Maybe if she wasn’t so self-absorbed I could have worked through this easier.’
Those words pulled Masami up until she was standing. ‘You know damn well that Sahana isn’t self-absorbed! Stop slandering her and blaming her for all your problems! I shouldn’t have even bothered trying to make amends with you since it’s clearly a one-way street.’
She ran back inside, breaking the red string I had so carefully placed around her finger. I gasped and tried to repair it as best I could but to no avail.
Kunie looked down at the dirt where she had pulled grass from, at the mess she had made.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 13
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Atsuji’s romantic chances are called into question. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation. So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 13: These characters will get together!
The blue light from the laptop screen kept Atsuji awake. This was by design.
He groaned at the drafts on his word processor. After reading over each one, he pulled at the hairs on his head.
He took a few deep breaths and focused on happy thoughts. Naturally, these included memories of Sahana. Memories that transformed into ideas. 
He rubbed his eyes, stretched his arms and opened a new document. He was about to break a major rule of respectable writing.
He introduced a character named Sakana, a mermaid who didn’t let her unfortunate name, meaning ‘fish’, get in the way of her boundless optimism. He added a boy whose skin was covered in wool called Hitsuji, named after the animal he was similar to. Hitsuji was a grumpy intellectual with glasses. You can probably see where this is going.
Sakana didn’t seem to notice Hitsuji, who struggled to confess his feelings. Atsuji kept trying to find a way for the two to be together but he couldn’t find the right catalyst for Sakana to notice the sheep boy.
He eventually gave up, saved the story and went to sleep.
The bags under his eyes could be seen from the heavens. What a day to run into Sahana.
She talked to him about something but he could barely hear it under the burning of his cheeks. 
He spluttered his responses, earning a snicker from some of the students passing by him.
‘He does realise he’s lost already, right?’ one student whispered to another. ‘Can’t beat The Prince.’
Atsuji bowed his goodbye to Sahana with startling speed and rushed into his classroom. 
He shook his head. What did Sahana see in Toyomi? Sure, the two shared a love of theatre, but Atsuji had plenty in common with Sahana! Like… well, like… you know, like…
When he got home, he cracked his knuckles with intense desperation. ‘These characters will get together! I’ll show you!’ He may or may not have laughed maniacally after saying that. Who can tell? 
Oh, who am I kidding? His mother walked into his room and asked whom he was talking to, concern etched in her voice.
After making a mental note not to say his thoughts out loud like a fictional character, he began his quest to write the romance of the century.
The first roadblock was Hitsuji refusing to confess his feelings and Sakana being too oblivious to bring the two closer. Atsuji decided to have Hitsuji confess his feelings anyway but it didn’t feel natural for the character. He ignored the problem and moved on. He could always fix it in the editing stage.
Now that the characters were a happy couple, the second obstacle reared its ugly head. How exactly would the two act as a couple? Hitsuji naturally retreated back into his shell, rendering his brave confession moot. Atsuji made Sakana reach out to him but struggled to write her words of encouragement. He wound up writing something he may have already heard from some cheesy romantic comedy he watched a couple of weeks ago. He could always fix it in the editing stage.
These problems with the characterisation piled up until Atsuji could no longer ignore the fact that his characters had changed so much over the course of the story that they were unrecognisable. While he did not ignore it, he did justify it in his head as character development that was just a little too fast. If it became a problem, he could always fix it in the editing stage.
He wrote a happy ending for his characters and stared at his creation. His monster.
A monster with no semblance of romantic chemistry. His characters had nothing in common and weren’t even different enough to play off one another in their dialogue. There was no spark between them.
He wrote a new draft, this time with them as friends going on an adventure. The chemistry was still mostly lacking, but at least that wasn’t as obvious. Letting Hitsuji remain grumpy and Sakana remain oblivious lent itself to more comedic scenes. The story felt less forced.
As it slid down his cheek, one tear was all it took to make the author feel refreshed. Of course, more tears followed, but he smiled through it all.
He thought about what drew Sahana to Toyomi and figured it out in an instant, as though he had not wasted countless hours pondering this exact topic. He remembered how Toyomi was openly in the theatre club, openly into baking, openly a fan of romance manga. Open. Free. Expressive.
Atsuji looked over his previous works and smiled. They weren’t masterpieces but they were pieces of him. He visited Friendful and posted some of his stories to the student hub page for his school. He had to go to the bathroom and wipe the copious amount of sweat off his hands with a towel but his smile remained. His heartbeat was sickeningly fast, but that meant warmth spread throughout his body quicker. His legs trembled as he walked back to his room, but he was proud of every step he took forward.
It was a few hours before anyone commented, but he received words of encouragement. One comment stood out.
You’re one funny guy.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 10
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We’re at the halfway point, and an important development occurs. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation. So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 10: It’s not love
Great, now we have to talk about Gitan. He fancies himself another version of me, huh? Let’s see how he likes red string when it’s tied around his neck… I’m sorry. 
I guess I shouldn’t feel threatened by a boy who only plays matchmaker with girls. One day he was in a particularly matchmakery mood, so he searched the classroom for any girl who might be in love.
He saw the warm smile on Masami and took note of her glowing skin. She was talking to Sahana and Gitan put two and two together. 
When lunch approached, Gitan approached Masami before she had the chance to leave the classroom.
‘I sense love is in the air.’
Masami scowled at him. ‘Is that your idea of a pickup line?’
Gitan held his hands up with his palms facing Masami. ‘I wasn’t talking about love between us. I just sense some… interest between you and Sahana.’
‘Well, your senses are wrong.’
‘Then why do you look different than before? You look like a girl in love.’
‘It’s not love. Well, it is, but the friendship kind. So, because I’m supposedly in love, that means that the one I love is Sahana? I hope you didn’t break your hip trying to make that leap.’
Gitan couldn’t help but chortle at that comment. ‘You’d be cute together, is all I’m saying. You could simply be in denial over your true feelings. I must offer you some comfort. It’s not the 1970s anymore. Love between women is no longer a source of tragedy.’
‘Why don’t you go and bother someone else?’
Gitan took the suggestion to heart and went over to Fumie.
‘So, do your eyes have magic powers?’ Fumie glared at him. ‘Ooh, I sense a tsundere in our midst. What fun!’
Masami gave her an apologetic look before heading out of the classroom with her bento box. She was going to hang out with Kunie, have a few laughs and forget everything Gitan said.
They met up at the Home Ec room and Masami immediately got to work on a new, inevitably disgusting meal.
Kunie began gushing over the Takarazuka show as if Masami had not watched it with her.
Masami joined in with a smile. However, it didn’t take long for that smile to drop when she remembered the actor who had captured Kunie’s gaze. 
It also didn’t take long for Kunie to notice that Masami had fallen silent and was whisking with the speed of a peregrine falcon on caffeine.
‘Something else on your mind?’
Masami finally slowed down. ‘Yeah. Gitan talked to me. He thinks I’m a lesbian.’
‘He thinks every girl is a lesbian.’
‘Well, he thinks I specifically like Sahana.’
Kunie blinked with wide eyes. She put on a smirk and leaned in closer, though not close enough to let whatever Masami was concocting reach her nostrils. She sat down on the high chair behind her and played with the bowl of fruit Masami had placed on the counter.
‘Do you?’
Masami didn’t look up, returning to abusing the poor mix in the bowl. ‘No way. She’s just a friend. What kind of person falls for their best…’ she looked up. ‘...friend?’ She said that last word on a strangled whimper.
Kunie was right in front of her. Kunie, the girl she got along with even better than Sahana. Kunie, the fun and confident girl with the most enviable wit. Kunie, the girl who, now that Masami thought about it, had really smooth skin and soft hair and… Masami looked down again, but not before noticing Kunie’s chest. 
Clang! That was the sound of Masami’s bowl falling to the floor. Some of the mixture splattered onto the ground until it looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. The chef’s heart rocked back and forth inside her chest like a train carriage.
Kunie leapt off her seat and rushed to help clean up the mess.
‘So you do like Sahana,’ she finally said.
‘No!’ Masami shouted in a higher pitch than she had hoped for. ‘No, I was thinking about something else and got distracted. Damn it, I should have concentrated on making this.’
‘What were you thinking about?’
‘Uh…’ Masami couldn’t come up with a lie quick enough. ‘I’d rather not talk about it.’
Upon seeing the frown on Kunie’s face, Masami’s already fast heartbeat got faster.
‘Um, so that Takarazuka show, huh? Pretty… bodacious.’ Masami mentally swore at herself.
Kunie laughed but her eyes showed no signs of contempt. ‘Bodacious?’
‘Y-yeah.’ As Masami talked, she kept sneaking glances at Kunie’s chest. ‘That young actor was pretty good, if a little rigid in some parts. I think she’s a newcomer, but I have a feeling she’ll soon bosom- uh, blossom.’ Nice one, Masami. She gasped, looking at the now clean floor and the almost-empty mixing bowl in her hands. ‘What am I going to make you now?’
‘You don’t need to make me anything. Hanging out with you is enough.’ 
Damn it, Kunie, you had to make Masami stop working. The chef stood frozen with the big, fear-drenched eyes of someone about to be beamed up into a UFO. ‘What, did I say something wrong?’ Kunie asked. Masami shook her head like a wet dog but said nothing. ‘Okay… So, um, uh… Oh, how are things going with the cooking club? Is anyone still giving you crap?’
As if Kunie’s presence gave off a blinding light, Masami looked back down at her bowl. ‘No, it’s fine. Everything’s… fine.’ 
Kunie snatched Masami’s bowl and set it on the table before putting her hands on her shoulders. Meanwhile, I tied a piece of red string around Masami’s pinky finger as the poor girl trembled under the weight of Kunie’s affection.
‘Know you can ask me for help whenever you need to.’
‘I said it’s fine.’ Masami’s voice was a little sharper than she had anticipated. Kunie let go of her shoulders and lowered her own. Masami didn’t directly apologise but she did ask Kunie to continue talking about theatre. She didn’t add anything to the conversation, simply listening and trying not to think too much about how the other girl’s voice suddenly sounded like butter.
A saviour arrived in the form of the school bell, bringing a sigh of relief out from Masami’s lips. That sigh went back into Masami’s mouth with a gulp when Kunie continued talking to her all the way to the classroom. 
‘Uh, see you,’ Kunie said, forcing a smile before heading to the back of the classroom. As soon as she sat in her chair, Masami slammed her forehead head onto her desk.
Meanwhile, I kept on looking at Kunie as she looked at Masami with melancholic eyes, hoping I would get a chance to tie Masami’s red string around Kunie’s finger.
Alas, this was not the right time. Their destiny was still unclear, even to me.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 9
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It’s date time for Sahana and Toyomi, and date (?) time for Masami and Kunie. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation.
So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 9: That was so cool!
Sahana narrowed her eyes at the tickets in Toyomi’s hands, one eyebrow up. ‘Wrestling?’ She lifted her head, her eyes wide with apology. ‘You did mention liking that sort of thing. What date is it on?’
Toyomi gave her the date and time. ‘Would you like to come with me? I promise it’ll be fun.’ Sahana answered with an excited hug and the invisible trumpets surrounding Toyomi played a victorious tune.
‘You’re going to have to teach me everything about wrestling, starting with why you like it.’
Toyomi scratched his chin. ‘I think it’s because it’s a lot like theatre. A lot goes into making a wrestling show. You’re basically staging a bunch of action scenes except they’re live rather than in a movie, so you have to find ways to make it look and sound like a character hurt another without actually hurting them. It’s really clever what they do and the wrestlers are usually a lot of fun.’
‘Well, I guess I have something to look forward to, then.’ Sahana spotted Masami and Kunie walking to the Home Ec room and ran towards them. ‘Hey, guys!’
Kunie responded, ‘Oh, I was going to see a play this Saturday and was wondering if-’
‘I’m sorry, I can’t. Toyomi’s taking me out to wrestling. It should be fun watching a bunch of sweaty men pin each other down.’ When Kunie laughed, Sahana put on a shocked face. ‘What’s so funny?’
Toyomi finally caught up to Sahana. Between pants, he said. ‘You… don’t… need… to run… everywhere…’
Sahana bowed her apology but smirked. ‘Maybe you should get better at running.’
Kunie’s jaw dropped. An insult? Who was the Sahana that stood before her?
Sahana realised her error and chuckled awkwardly. She grabbed Toyomi by the arm and whisked him somewhere, anywhere, else.
Masami and Kunie turned to each other. ‘Mind if I go to the play with you?’ Masami asked. ‘What play is it?’
‘Well, it’s a Takarazuka musical. So yeah, it might be more suited to you than Sahana. I just haven’t hung out with her in a while so I thought it might… I’d be glad to go with you.’
Saturday night lifted its curtains and soon The two pairs were at their respective events. Let us begin with Sahana and Toyomi.
The term ‘verbal assault’ took on new meaning as Sahana stepped into the sizeable room with her hand in Toyomi’s. Her ears were hit by cheers and heckles from wrestling fans. The hype pulsed throughout her body.
She copied Toyomi’s chants and clapped along with the crowd. The first match was between Benny Beta, an American man, and Kouki Boushi, a Japanese man.
Toyomi clutched at his chest and looked like he was about to cry. Sahana put her hand on his shoulder and he smiled. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, inadvertently tickling it.
‘These two used to be a tag team but became enemies when one of them joined an evil gang. They spent so many games getting closer and closer only for that one event to shatter everything. It’s such a shame. Hopefully after this game they can go back to being friends or lovers or whatever they are.’ He turned his head until it was facing the ring. ‘Ooh, it’s starting!’
The first thing that stood out to Sahana was the booming of the wooden floor as the wrestlers fell onto it following a hit. It resounded through her core and made each attack from the wrestlers feel impactful. She could barely hear the dialogue above the crowd, but the wrestler’s moves seemed to tell a story all on their own. She remembered what Toyomi said about the wrestlers potentially being lovers and noticed a degree of sexual tension between them. She knew next to nothing about these two characters and yet all she wanted was for them to get along again.
As if the gods granted her wish, the two ended the match with a big hug, with the heel returning to the side of the face. Toyomi cheered them on.
They had to wait a while for the next match and the cheering gradually died down, giving Sahana and Toyomi an opportunity to talk.
‘So, what did you think of your first match?’ Toyomi asked.
‘That was so cool! I didn’t realise how complex the storylines were, plus the acrobatics were really impressive.’
‘Yeah, Kouki Boushi’s pretty light on his feet.’
After all the matches ended, the couple went to a nearby restaurant. They talked about wrestling while waiting for their orders but once they got their food Toyomi steered the conversation in a different direction.
‘Hey, uh, I’ve noticed something about the way you speak to your friends. You make a dirty joke and then act like you don’t know what you said. Is that an in-joke between you three?’
Sahana’s shoulder’s rose. She stood still for a moment before scratching her cheek and looking away.
‘You caught me.’ She brought her shoulders down even lower than they were before. ‘I don’t know. I guess I’m playing a game to see how long it takes them to realise I’m not the pure innocent maiden they think I am. It’s weird, I know.’ She slurped some noodles before twirling her chopsticks around the bowl without picking anything up. ‘I kind of want them to figure it out, but at the same time I kind of… don’t? What if I go too far and they think I’m some sort of pervy weirdo? But I still do it, trying to be as subtle as I can. At least if they don’t know they can just think I’m unintentionally funny.’
‘Do you think your friends are the type to judge you for something like that?’
Sahana stopped moving her chopsticks. ‘Probably not.’
‘I wouldn’t worry too much about what people think about you. I mean, it seems like half the school thinks I’m gay for some reason.’
‘Well, you were on the verge of tears over the reunion of two male wrestlers who may or may not be lovers.’
‘Fair point.’
Sahana leaned forward, her eyes half-closed. ‘You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, but if you, for whatever reason, want to prove your interest in me, my lips are here.’
‘Is this the real you? I like it.’
Toyomi’s lips were soft enough to tickle Sahana’s. She giggled at the sensation and took in the smell of ramen from his hot breath. Her heart alternated between shocks of joy and warm contentment. She felt as if she had moved into a new house and immediately settled into it. Toyomi’s gentle touch was now her home.
Now, how were Masami and Kunie doing? Before the show started, they chatted about theatre and, for the first few minutes of the musical, struggled to keep quiet. The glares from the people sitting around them eventually sewed their mouths shut.
Plus, they had pretty and talented women to watch. The grand movements and powerful voices of the performers captured Masami and Kunie’s very souls. At one point, Masami turned to Kunie and could vaguely see a blush on her cheeks whenever the stage lights got brighter.
She followed Kunie’s eye line and saw that she was staring not at the woman wearing a suit and singing in a deep voice but at the soft-faced woman in a dress. The feminine woman wasn’t singing at the time.
Something bugged Masami about that woman. It wasn’t like she had any reason to. Her singing was fine and she played the role well. What was it about her that ever so slightly heated up the blood in her veins?
Masami’s blood cooled down when intermission began and Kunie rapidly fired off all the reasons she was enjoying the performance.
‘And the costumes are gorgeous too! I think you’d look good in the outfit Mieko Chage wore in the last scene.’
Masami’s cheeks matched Kunie’s from earlier. ‘Wasn’t that a wedding dress?’ At this point, I had my red string in my hands. However, her thoughts went elsewhere. In her mind, she explained away her blush as the result of the embarrassment she would naturally feel from someone making such a suggestion.
‘I’d hope you’d look good in a wedding dress. You will invite me to your future wedding, right? I’d hate for my friend to look bad on her special day.’
‘Who on earth would I marry?’
Kunie shrugged her shoulders. ‘Maybe no one. Or maybe I was right about us being late bloomers. You could find someone. Just make sure he treats you right, okay? And for the love of all that is good, please don’t use tongue when the groom is told to kiss you.’
Another guffaw from Masami. As the two laughed, they got closer and closer until Masami’s head rested underneath Kunie’s chin. While calming her own laughter, she could hear Kunie’s heartbeat and felt like she was in front of the fireplace on a cold winter’s day.
After a few moments of them slowing their breaths, Masami removed her head from Kunie’s chest and stood up, holding out her hand.
‘Want to get some ice cream or a drink before intermission ends?’
Kunie grabbed her hand and let her pull her up. ‘Think we can get to the front of the line before then?’
Masami shrugged, giggling and taking her to the candy bar’s long line. Only then did she realise she was still holding Kunie’s hand and let go. Her hand felt colder by itself. Only a bit, though.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 8
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It’s the Valentine’s Day chapter! Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation.
So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 8: Today’s the obligatory Valentine’s Day Special
Nowhere was safe. The hordes invaded every inch of the school. They were hungry for blood and they got it.
Well, okay, it wasn’t really blood so much as a chance to give chocolates. When it comes to hormone-pumped teenage girls, it’s kind of hard to tell the difference.
Poor, poor Toyomi. His arms quickly started aching under the weight of all the chocolates he received. Why, he could barely see anyone underneath the sugary tower in front of his face! From far away, he looked like he was carrying a whole library’s worth of books. 
Out the corner of his eye, he could see Fumie a little. ‘Hi!’ His voice shook the tower of chocolates in front of him until it collapsed into the girl’s arms. ‘I’m sorry! I didn’t mean.’
‘It’s alright.’
‘Oh, while I’ve got you here, I’d like to thank you. You know, for defending me earlier. I thought I was alone and no one would come to help me, but you came at just the right moment. Uh, Fumie? Are you okay?’
Poor, poor Fumie. She could barely concentrate now that Toyomi was standing so close to her, looking straight into her eyes with his own beautiful set. Her chest rose in temperature and she could barely breathe.
The sight was too blinding, so she had to look down. When she did that, she finally noticed the chocolates in her arms.
‘It was nothing!’ she yelped as she put them back into Toyomi’s arms. ‘White Day’s going to be a pain for you, isn’t it? Haha. Gotta go!’ True to her word, she zipped out of there.
The next person Toyomi could just barely see was Atsuji.
‘Hey, I need your help with something,’ he said to the purple-haired boy, who was looking away but couldn’t avoid getting found. ‘It’s about Sahana.’
Atsuji’s words had to be squeezed out from his pursed lips. ‘I see. What about her?’
‘I know guys are supposed to wait for White Day to give presents, but since she and I are dating, I want to get her something. I don’t want to give her what I already gave her when I asked her out. What do you think I should get her?’
Atsuji blinked in surprise, then smirked. The heavens had blessed him with an opportunity. He looked up at the ceiling in thought.
‘Have you thought about getting her food? Try a can of sardines. She loves those so it’ll be romantic.’
Sweat ran down Atsuji’s face as he wondered if he was too blatant. Luckily for him, Toyomi smiled and put his fist in his hand as if he had come up with the idea himself. This led to him dropping all of the chocolates in his arms.
‘I see. Thanks!’
He ran out of the school, abandoning the chocolates. Atsuji considered calling out to him that leaving the school premises was forbidden at this hour, but his drooling mouth as he stared at the chocolates was much too distracting.
The student council president looked side to side before picking up a box and opening it. With all these chocolates, Toyomi surely wouldn’t notice, right?
It cost Toyomi ten minutes and 400 yen to get the Sardines and bring them to Sahana. Unbeknownst to him, Atsuji was watching over them from behind a corner. Don’t worry, dear reader, he is most definitely not a stalker. See? He’s not wearing a long jacket nor densely tinted black sunglasses that look like the windows in a mafia boss’ car. He is certainly, totally, without a doubt an upstanding member of society who would never participate in stalkerish behaviour.
What we can accuse him of, however, is being just a little bit sadistic. He grinned with anticipation. Would Sahana slap Toyomi in the face? Would she run away in tears, leaving a heartbroken Toyomi? Would she simply yell in his face?
Make your guess in three… two… one…
Bzzzz! She grinned and gave him a hug. Atsuji was grateful that he was not drinking any water or else he would have spit it out and possibly given away his location. 
Sahana took the can from Toyomi’s hands. ‘I ran out of sardines and Mum keeps forgetting to buy more. Thank you!’
Toyomi sighed in relief. The couple walked hand in hand to the shoe lockers so that Sahana could store her new sardines. There they saw Masami and Kunie.
Sahana and Toyomi said hello and delivered small talk before leaving. Kunie scoffed a laugh upon hearing Sahana giggle at a joke Toyomi made.
‘Those lovebirds… Well, I mean, today’s the obligatory Valentine’s Day Special. May as well let them act like lovebirds. I can’t imagine acting like that, though. You know I love Sahana to bits and Toyomi’s great with her, but… I don’t get it. What’s so special about dating anyway?’
Masami tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ‘I’m not sure either. To be honest, I’ve… never really fallen in love before.’
Kunie grinned at her. ‘Same here! It’s like, what’s wrong with me? Why don’t guys do anything for me? Am I just a late bloomer?’
‘I know, right? And Valentine’s Day’s just this giant neon sign saying ‘You’re alone!’ And don’t get me started on PDA.’
Kunie scrunched her nose. ‘The worst, right? I don’t want to see you flaunting your boyfriend with your tongue. We get it, you got a guy to have an interest in you for five minutes. You don’t need to let us know every other second.’
Masami giggled, then blushed at how similar she sounded to Sahana. ‘Yeah, it’s ridiculous. And I still don’t know the real difference between a friend and a lover. Other than tongue.’ 
‘And spending your hard-earned money on heart-shaped pieces of diabetes and flowers that are going to die in a week.’
Masami’s giggling turned into a guffaw. We’ve reached guffaw levels, people. Before Masami could blush and shut her mouth, Kunie joined in.
It took them a good minute to settle down. By me, these ladies laughed a long time for that little joke. 
Warmth spread through Masami’s heart. She guessed it was because of the mutual understanding. Meanwhile, I gathered up some red string. Just in case.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 6
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Remember Atsuji, the student body president? We get to know him more in this chapter. Also, we get to watch Gitan being a dick.  Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation.
So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 6: Is he really right for her?
You know when you’re out on a date and you happen to run into someone you know? Awkward, right? Luckily for Toyomi and Sahana, the person who spotted them stayed far away.
Atsuji’s table in the food court was several tables away from Toyomi and Sahana but their bright, attention-garnering Main Character Hair™ stood out amongst the black and brown hair in the background. He stared at them. Well, it was more like a glare.
He watched them laugh together and wondered what was so special about Toyomi, the boy who was always late to council meetings, frequently spoke in a sickly sweet voice seemingly dripping with condescension and was currently resting his hand atop his limp wrist as he leaned forward during his conversation with Sahana. Not that Atsuji cared. If Sahana wanted to be a discount lesbian, fine by him.
Part of his heart cracked upon thinking that. He had dared to sully Sahana’s good name. But he definitely didn’t care.
If Sahana was to date Atsuji, you know, just hypothetically, he would surely be a better match. He was punctual, hardworking, romantic and humble. But did he care? Of course not.
Wooh, reading people’s minds takes a lot out of you. I’m slowly getting better at it, though. Give me a moment. 
Okay, the story continues.
Atsuji found himself slamming his hands against the table as he pushed himself up. When he saw a few pairs of eyes on him, he put his hands in his pockets and hightailed out of there.
Once home he took out his laptop and continued writing a story on his bed. A big grin came onto his face when he laughed at a joke he wrote. He regularly checked his notes for plot points he should include. He stopped at the point where a teenage boy confesses to a girl, deciding to leave it until a day he could fully focus on writing the girl’s reaction. 
He had a general idea of how he wanted the character to respond, but his inexperience barred him from imagining the details. That is, until he started thinking about Sahana and wondering how she reacted to Toyomi’s confession. If he was the one who confessed, of course. Knowing his disposition, it could have easily been the other way around.
But imagine Atsuji did, and over time Toyomi’s delicate features were replaced by Atsuji’s until he was the one confessing to Sahana.
Once he got to the point of kissing Sahana, he pushed the laptop in front of him and crawled backwards until his head whacked against the headboard. The pain was numbed by a confusing mix of fear and anger.
In the middle of the confusion was one certainty. Toyomi needed to feel as miserable as possible.
This mandatory misery was enforced, or at least attempted to be enforced, by Atsuji, who dumped a landfill’s worth of mostly unimportant work on him. He did this under the guise of ‘student council’ duties.
First he made the poor boy clean the council room. Naturally, he inspected every inch of that room and barked at him to reclean any part that was not spotless.
Another command of his was that Toyomi compile a list of every club and the number of toilet breaks they offered. Atsuji pretended that this was necessary to ensure the efficiency of club activities. Toyomi’s repetition of this excuse to club leaders did not prevent them from giving him dirty looks.
Towards the end of the week, the student council president... By me, I dare not speak of it, for it is much too cruel and disturbing. Wait, you really want to know? 
Atsuji gave Toyomi several pieces of red string, which he had confiscated from a club planning to use them on Valentine’s Day, and ordered him to cut them into smaller strings.
The horror of it all! My beautiful invention treated as a weed ruining a lush garden!
This task did not work as Atsuji had planned. Toyomi didn’t come to the realisation that his relationship with Sahana was doomed to end, nor did he receive the message that love was pointless and that he should lead the single life.
What he did notice was humanity’s capacity for cruelty. No, not from Atsuji’s actions, but Gitan’s. After catching wind of Toyomi’s quest for toilet break information, he absolutely had to make a comment while Toyomi was walking from one club room to another.
‘Do gay guys even cruise these days? Honestly, you must be getting desperate if you’re using school toilets.’
Toyomi gave him a bewildered look. What did toilets have to do with gay people? Gitan grabbed him by the strands of his hair and pulled them up, mimicking the cutting of hair with his fingers.
‘Hey, maybe if you cut your hair, you can be better at sneaking into men’s stalls. Or do you like being an attention whore, faggot?’
Toyomi’s voice was strained as pain circled around his hair’s follicles. ‘H-how am I a-’
Gitan stretched his arms until they were open, still holding onto Toyomi’s hair. ‘Come on, we all know the truth.’ His voice and gestures were loud and dramatic enough to rival Toyomi’s way of moving. ‘Your hair and visage are terribly reminiscent of a BL character.’ 
‘BL? How do I look like one of those characters?’
‘Do you have a pile of dust for a brain?’
Toyomi shook his head and immediately yelped from the pain that action added to his head. Gitan snickered at him.
‘What’s the matter, faggot? And try not to sound too condescending when you answer. I know that’s hard for you.’
Before Toyomi could answer, a certain mint-haired girl shouted at Gitan, the sun creating a glow around her through the window behind her.
‘Let go of him before I bring a teacher here!’
Gitan didn’t even have a chance to let Toyomi go because Fumie snatched him from him. All he could really do was smirk and make another remark.
‘I see you need a girl to fight your battles for you. Isn’t that right, faggot?’
Fumie checked Toyomi’s face for any injuries. ‘You’re an abomination, Gitan.’
‘Oh, get off your high horse, you third rate nun!’
The yelling gathered a dozen students to the scene. Rumours dripped from the tongues of students in deafening whispers.
‘Are you really okay with him prancing around like he does?’ Gitan continued.
‘I never said I approved of his behaviour,’ Fumie answered. ‘That isn’t a good excuse to bully someone, though!’
Toyomi crashed into their conversation. ‘What behaviour? Why does everyone think I’m… and what’s wrong with gay people?’
Gitan crossed his arms and scoffed with pride. ‘Of course you’d defend gay guys.’
Toyomi didn’t know how to respond to this accusation, so he shut his mouth.
Whenever Sahana wasn’t around, he could hear people calling her a fake girlfriend in a failed whisper. Every word pinched his heart inch by inch until the entire thing throbbed in pain far worse than what he felt after Gitan’s insults.
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 3
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Now we get some of Masami’s backstory. Please comment your thoughts and like it if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation.
So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 3: That tastes disgusting! Was Kunie’s desk a mess? Here’s a hint: Masami had to push tissue paper off a chair with one end of her chopsticks. 
Just like last time, they ate in silence, though Kunie’s voice eventually entered the air.
‘So, uh, remember when Sahana accidentally made that innuendo about electrical sockets?’
‘Oh my god, yes! How on earth does she spout that stuff without realising the implications?’
‘It’s kind of amazing. She’s always…’ Kunie gazed at Sahana’s unoccupied desk before turning the piece of meat in her bento box round and round. ‘Have you acted before? Sahana’s always hilarious in comedy roles. She’s terrible at playing intimidating characters, though.’
‘No, I haven’t.’
‘I see.’
‘Oh, do you like to cook?’
‘Not really.’
Masami ground her teeth. ‘I see.’
Awkward silence is the eye of a storm. Sure, you’re safe for a moment, but to be in that spot you have to become surrounded by a giant mess of terrifying forces.
The next day’s lunchtime fared little better but, towards the end of the break, Kunie found a topic.
‘Why are you so protective of Sahana? I mean, I am too, but I’m curious about what your reason might be.’
‘Oh, that? She’s the only person who appreciates me.’
Now it’s time for me to guide you through Masami’s memories via the ever-important flashback.
She swore that day that she would kill the tooth fairy and take all their money.
Oops, wrong memory. Take two.
Masami held out a bowl of spaghetti carbonara mixed with peanut butter and strawberries. Everyone in the Home Ec room turned up their nose at it, but they didn’t leave it at that.
‘Ew, you’re so gross!’
‘Why would you make something like that? Are you trying to poison us?’
‘This is why no one wants to pair up with you.’
The teacher warned them about making such comments, but added, ‘But you should really consider making food that’s edible.’
‘Look, I’ll give it a go,’ a boy in the cooking club said with a smirk. ‘I’ll take one for the team.’ As soon as the food touched his tongue, he spat it out, tears in his eyes. ‘What in the ever-loving crap! That tastes disgusting! Definitely not edible. Guys, get me some water! Fuck! No wonder no one likes you when you make shit like this.’
‘Hey now, let’s watch our language,’ the teacher ordered.
‘She should watch what she makes first! She should be following your instructions but instead she decides to go off and make her own stuff. And what’s the result? This… I don’t think we can even call it food at this point.’
Masami looked down at the bowl in her hands. She wiped her tears before they could drop into the bowl and sully her creation. Her face was the temperature of a car left in the sun too long and her legs shook as if warming up to run away.
Before Masami could run away, Sahana helped herself to a taste of the carbonara. ‘This is actually pretty good. It could use a bit more salt, but other than that it’s delicious!’
The shaking stopped but not the tears. ‘You’re just saying that to be nice to me.’
‘No way. Look at what I’ve been making.’ Sahana showed her a steak marinated with melted icy poles of differing flavours. ‘We pioneers need to help each other out.’
Masami took a bite and felt joy course through her like electricity in a cable. The meat was cooked just right and the icy pole liquid marinade gave it a sweet kick that also managed to not be overbearing. She had never tasted anything so delicious in her life.
She never got around to formally thanking Sahana for that day, but she hoped that her protection would suffice.
After hearing this story from Masami, Kunie looked down at her hands and realised that she had been absentmindedly pushing her rubbish towards her side of the desk, giving Masami room.
‘Wow, that sounds exactly like something Sahana would do. I didn’t know about the weird food combos, though.’
Masami giggled. ‘Yeah, maybe I’ll make you something. I’ll go easy on you for your first time.’ Laughter sprayed out of Kunie’s mouth, including some spit. Kunie reached for her handkerchief and wiped the saliva that had touched her face. ‘Real mature. I didn’t mean it that way.’
‘Sure, Sahana, sure.’
Masami lightly slapped Kunie’s arm and Kunie retaliated by pinching some of her food. The two squealed with laughter as they stole each other’s food, annoying everyone in the classroom. Did they care? No way. Not when they had finally gotten out of that damn storm’s eye and gathered the courage to enter the eyewall.
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