milolovesbmc · 4 months
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Art for @understance 's fic "More racquetball"!!
Hi Sammie!!! Sorry for making you wait so long to find out what I was making, finally here it is though!!! Hope you like it :3
I seriously love this fic so much, it made me sob, so obviously I had to make myself sob EVEN MORE by drawing my fav part from it!
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cronchyy2 · 10 months
I think it's about time I posted him before I forget forever.
Dr. Otis Octavius, "Doctor Octopus"
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He's fun to draw..
(Hella lore under the cut.. be warned, I type a LOT)
In the AU, he's one of the more "drawn out" villains, like Dr. Ohnn. His arc develops mostly in the background. If I were to turn the AU into a fan-comic, I'd have moments where it'd cut to him. 👀
Anyhow, the lore is that he started off as one of the many people chosen by a foe named Black Velvet (Dr. Archer Blakeley) to catch the Pseudo-Spider, so he could rid any sort of "traces" of the whole "radioactive spider" incident. Otis goes against it at first, but he eventually gets the idea of studying the Spider himself instead. After weeks of being vigilant, he's saved by Percy Parker from a car accident. Out of gratitude, the scientist takes Parker out for dessert the same afternoon.
After a somewhat sour conversation over sweet delicacies, he manages to find out that Percy was, indeed, bit by one of the two radioactive spiders that escaped Blakeley's grasp. However, he doesn't know he's the Pseudo-Spider.
This doesn't stop him from chasing him around the city the next day with his few months old mechanical arms. Since they're still in the process of being touched-up, the chase doesn't last so long. That and because the Pseudo-Spider deals with him before any sort of damage is done.*
(*Note, this is when Percy comes up with the name 'Doc Octopus' for him,,)
A month passes, and it seems like Otis has finally gotten along with Percy after clearing his own name, telling the youth that his actions were (mostly) from his own motivation, and that he should've just cut off Dr. Blakeley.
Then, one night, while Otis is dabbling in his little job with reactors, the Pseudo-Spider disrupts him while taking on an unknown villain.
To shorten things, the fight causes PS to bump into something and mess up the entire experiment. After the chaos that is Otis trying to get everyone out of the building and him staying behind in attempt to fix the situation, it all ends in a bright and seemingly powerful explosion.
Fortunately, all of Octavius' labmates escaped unscathed, but the head scientist himself vanished without a trace. This is enough info to convince Percy that he, the Pseudo-Spider, just killed a man. And that info haunts him for a good while.
It's been less-than-a-few months since the explosion now, and Percy has somewhat managed to get over Otis' death, and tried to resume his two lives. The thought still gives him shivers time-to-time.
That is, one night, the Spider finally confronts five of his greatest foes one more time, back to back. After a while, he meets their leader. The thought-to-be deceased Otis Octavius, in the flesh, standing before him like a ghost caught in the exact moment of their death.
The now not-so-good doctor reveals that he's been actively conjuring a (master) plan to get revenge on PS, thinking that he was, indeed, his murderer. Ock also reveals that he was saved from the blast by his own robo-arms, and they took him to a safe place while he was out cold. His influence for getting rid of PS mostly comes from them.
And that's all I have for his main arc. Told you it was a mouthful
There's more, but it's mostly side plot shenanigans
Edit: I lied. I forgot to talk about his personality shift during his arc. Basically he starts off as this grumpy, strange, almost-old man who has a soft spot for a select few people he cares about (biggest example being this universe's Harry Osborn, who's constantly under stress as the heir of Oscorp. Not to mention his long dead father. Otis kinda acts as a dad or cool uncle to Harr, constantly checking to see if he's alright and even taking on some of his work for him sometimes.) After the incident, the drive of getting revenge on the Pseudo-Spider REALLY starts to show. Especially on his face. Sometimes he subconciously breaks out these sinister-ass grins when he thinks about his plan (THE PIPELINE,,)
anyhow, heres this goofy drawing of him because i wanted to see how the arms would work with his coat's belt (yes, that bothered me for a bit)
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Noir using she/it
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vuelode-irbis · 4 months
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I graduated and put Miles on my cap :D
(and also cosplayed as Catra hehehw)
Anyways, the last months were quite busy for me beacuse of all this. I've still got plenty to do, but I'll get back to posting drawings soon! Thanks to everyone who has joined this blog recently, i hope you'll like what i have planned :]c
ID: a photo of a graduation cap from above. It has been decorated with Miles Morales (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) doing his leap of faith above the city. Everything is made out of paper. End ID.]
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indecisive-dizzy · 5 months
Thinking about Julie and Daisey, I need them to be friends
Julie would totally drag Daisey to play her made up games, Daisey has genuinely lost their head multiple times trying to play
They do each other’s hair, Daisey loves playing with and braiding Julie’s long hair
Cuddles are real, they hug almost every time they see each other. Daisey loves Julie’s hugs
Girlfriends maybe?? /hj
Julie makes flower crowns with the flowers in Daisey’s garden, with permission of course. Daisey keeps every single one
Daisey helps with her jokes, they buy her joke books
Julie totally asks if Daisey has horns (since she knows Flora has horns)
Daisey is confused and just says no
Daisey gets along with Julie’s siblings, they like Bea the most. Frannie tends to be mean but Daisye can handle it lmao
I know next to nothing about Jonesy but I love him and Daisey likes messing with his hair
That’s all my ideas I don’t think about them often but I love them
Julie's games get intense I'm not surprised Dasiey loses her head! I'm sure Frank has to on occasion lol
Doing 👏 Each others 👏 Hair 👏 the ultimate platonic love language for Julie, she loves letting people play with her hair
Cuddles, Hugs, akfjajdjjad YES absolutely Julie is spinning Dasiey around in a hug every day without fail, girl has so much energy (and strength)
Flower crowns sniff,, I love flower crowns,,
ajfjajdb Julie loves the joke book, she probably decorates it with stickers <3
Bea is definitely the calmest of the four I imagine,, Look at her and tell me that's not a Peacekeeping Older Sister
Franny has an attitude! But she genuinely cares for her family, you just gotta learn to understand when she's roasting you with love
Jonesy is a mystery! and I bet he's so confused by that lol. He's not trying to be mysterious, he's a just quiet, chill dude. But he will roast Franny right back. And play all of Julie's games (except chess). And enjoys hanging out with Bea while they do their own thing, parallel play my beloved.
Oh and He totally doesn't mind when Daisey messes with his hair, Julie and Franny do it all the time so he's not bothered!
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shirinbuthealthy · 1 year
is my choice whit no Regret
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Like look, I don’t really believe in magic, except in that way you believe in monsters under the bed at age 5 or something following you from the shadows when walking alone at night. Ya know. But the way my life and the world is going I’d be less surprised at a fairy than a walrus.
Like I don’t live close enough to an appropriately cold enough and large enough body of water to be like eh it could happen. Like how did you squiggle your blubbery ass all the way here my dude. Why did no one notice you, we regularly got bear sightings mentioned in school how did no one notice you. How did you get up the stairs and where did you come from. I didn’t think there was a zoo nearby with one of you guys.
To see a walrus requires either a breaking of natural law which I’ve been led to believe absolutely govern our natural world or a pretty wild ass story.
Fairies are outside the laws of physics. Their appearance turns my world view 90 degrees sure, but like it doesn’t break any rules technically? Cause if magic is real than it’s like discovering quantum physics, where you have a new field of information that doesn’t necessarily follow the rules you’d normally expect it to. It just adds a new facet of complexity. Ya know. Like maybe the fairy flew up the stairs, maybe they walked. How do I know my front door isn’t their natural habitat and they e just been pushed out by excessive human travel through their territory. I don’t know. It’s not governed by science yet so sure. And given everything already happening, why not at this point.
But a walrus.
A walrus is breaking rules.
I will not tolerate this.
Go away and bring back the fairy dammit.
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phuezo · 7 months
gosh I'm so obsessed with hazbin hotel and helluva boss (but especially hazbin) I have been doing doodles here and there...
Like just now I have been reading about their universe and how the hells rings are organized while singing the songs lol
also liking all the chaggie art I see... and carmilla art too oof.. she so... so pwetty
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allmyworth · 3 months
Recently bumped into the english dub for BBB Windara and...
I can't say I hate it, because I don't. They picked amazing actors and it's clear they put work into the voices. But I got 2020 Mha tiktok flashbacks when I heard Bbb's english dub. And I wasn't even in the Mha fandom. There's no hate at all towards the voice of Bbb in the english dub, but I would honestly love to hear some opinions on it since I've never heard anyone talk about it yet. If you like the voice acting, that's fine. And if you don't? Also fine. Everyone can have their own opinion on something.
I got to say though, putting Bbb aside, the voice actors chosen were so cool. Especially Maripos, although I wasn't particularly a fan of his animated design, the voice casting for his character fit him well.
I don't know, this is just my two cents on something. If this is seen as rude or as hate, I'll be happy to take this down. I'm not at all trying to trash on the voice actor, that is the last thing I wish to do.
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candyheart-mlm · 2 years
btw if you dont support neopronouns this blog isnt for you
just wanted to make that clear
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mashedpotatosinacup · 18 days
I love you tre cool …
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inittosinit · 4 months
Kind of sucks when silly doodles or random posts get more attention than art that I actually put effort and time into.
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pennybutwise · 5 months
Say hello to my new playlist just for dreaming about this fucker.
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trentione · 4 months
JOE GOMEZ you’re my hero 😭😭😭
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just-a-gl1tch · 4 months
my kind has always cherished and adored their offspring, so truthfully it is not unspeakable for me, a humble being to also be extremely parental towards youngin’s. It is also not improbable for a being, apart of my own species wanting offspring of my own. It’s just apart of our weird nature and I’m not ashamed of it.
I’m not going to be ashamed of my own kind’s instincts, especially since it it a harmless one. I’d rather just learn to embrace it and love it like the rest of my unique identity.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 6 months
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