#Jack Black had to reign himself in when singing
steps-to-parnassus · 3 years
dead men tell no tales reimagined as horror-action
thinking again about how dead men tell no tales had so much wasted potential to be a fantastic horror-action film. instead of focusing on j*hnny d*pp and his stale, washed-out-drunk “comedy” or trying to shoehorn in yet another love story to replace will and elizabeth, the writers/producers/directors should have taken a look at the absolutely phenomenal make-up, costuming, digital effects, and actors’ performances that they had on their hands for the crew of the Silent Mary, and at how the original script written by Ted and Terry heavily played up the horror element.
a horror-focused film would have been a breath of fresh air for the series and could have even made several other elements of the film (lieutenant scarfield, shansa, etc) work better. it would have made the idea of a “final adventure” ring much more true, and most of all, it would have harkened back to the horror elements prevalent in curse of the black pearl and ESPECIALLY dead man’s chest, which worked very strongly in those films’ favour.
just think about the possibilities (quite long, so i’ll put it under a cut):
ghostly hands coming out of the walls of the Monarch like in the trailer, but the viewer never sees what happens next. all we get are flashes of the massacre and Henry’s perspective, trapped in the brig with no light as he struggles to see and hears screams of terror and demonic shrieks of glee.
we don’t see the ghosts coming into the brig due to the darkness; all we see are golden pinpricks in the dark, noises of shuffling and agonized breaths and the sense that something is terribly wrong. they only appear to the audience as one of them brings a torch down into the brig for Henry’s benefit, and suddenly the Mary’s crew is revealed in all their terrifying glory to both Henry and us.
they stare and leer at him, and crewmembers in the background have red blood around their mouths. the audience gets the sense that they very much don’t want to let Henry go.
when we next see Henry in Saint Martin, he’s raving. he still meets Carina, still speaks with her, still agrees to help her, but he is terrified by what he has seen. he tells her about the corpses and the pools of blood he had to walk through to get to the Monarch’s longboat. he tells her how the demons watched him go with hungry eyes. he tells her that he can still hear the screams.
Scarfield does not seek to kill Henry just because he is a traitor - Scarfield sees him with Carina, whom he lusts after. Henry might help her off the island, might protect her. Scarfield wants him out of the way so that he might possess. he has heard plenty of the ghostly crew and cares not that they are attacking british ships - every officer not himself that dies is a greater chance Scarfield will be promoted in the seniority-obsessed ranking system.
Jack is doing well when we first see him, the cunning fast-talker we’ve always known him to be. it is only after the rumours of a ghostly crew with a captain calling himself Salazar spread like wildfire around Saint Martin that he starts trying to drown himself in liquor to assuage the bone-deep terror. 
when Salazar and his crew are freed, they don’t have a mild little cheer. no, they tear their hair and howl like madmen. they have been storing all their pain and hate against pirates and empires for decades - they are going to bathe the oceans in blood.
when we first see Shansa, she is hooded and cloaked, somehow able to track the movements of the dead. she takes her robe off and we see why: she is covered in scars from blades and fingernails and teeth, wounds left her when she was the “one man left alive” from a voyage into the Triangle many years ago, back when the Mary’s crew could not control their bloodlust as well as they can now. and that is terrifying to us - what they did on the Monarch was their version of being restrained.
we see the news of the dead crew spreading as they attack pirates and british ships alike. churches are overflowing with terrified citizens; people bar their doors and hold fast their rosaries and guns at night.
Jack’s crew were loyal to him up until they heard of the dead - now they must be paid off by Henry to rescue Jack, because every pirate in the Caribbean knows who Salazar is; and now that he is the undead, they daren’t let him find them. the rumours are coming back from men left alive that the crew of the Mary sing and laugh as they butcher without remorse, that the evil curse they lay under forces them to feast on human flesh just to keep going, just to feel anything. Jack’s crew do not mutiny later because he suggests it - they mutiny out of sheer terror.
the scene with Salazar and Barbossa’s first encounter is one of the few in the film where the horror element is quite prominent (the other being Salazar’s intro, and it isn’t a coincidence that these are two of the film’s strongest and most compelling scenes). very little about this would need to be changed to work, save for one thing: Salazar does not tap his sword five times at the end. instead he simply says, “you can take what’s left of them,” and nods to his lieutenant and his men, who all begin to smile as they turn to the crew. when we see them next, Barbossa’s crew are down to less than half. we never find out what happens to them.
when Salazar tells his story and we see the past, we are stunned. here is the crew of the Mary, working together, smiling, laughing at their victory. we see and hear them talking about how finally civilians will be safe; about how they can retire, go back to their wives and children and parents and siblings. we see them as normal men with a noble goal. 
we see them awake and scream in pain and terror, and it is on their agonized screaming at the start of their decades-long imprisonment that we cut back to the present. now we can understand, at least a little, how once-good men became monsters.
Carina, Henry, and Jack would have far more dramatic reactions to the Mary’s crew on the beach. for Henry, these are the demons that slaughtered an entire crew as he sat in the brig, trapped and helpless and terrified that his horrific end was imminent. for Jack, these are men whom he’s seen before as humans, and whose hatred and bloodlust is directed at him. for Carina, who has never seen ghosts before, she is struck dumb. these men have horrific injuries, and they are looking at her with detached curiosity and bloodlust that seems a thousand times more horrifying than the looks Scarfield gave her. she can almost see what they would have done to her had they caught her.
there is no ridiculous wedding scene on at hangman’s bay. instead, the locals saw the giant ghost ship sailing into their waters. they know who it is the demons want, but are not aware that the Mary’s crew cannot set foot on land. they intend to give Jack up to the ghosts in exchange for their own lives.
Salazar still executes Barbossa’s men in the name of the king. he is completely mad, but some part of him still thinks himself a righteous naval officer.
Scarfield wants the trident, but more than that, he wants to use it and Shansa’s knowledge to control these dead men. he remembers the reign of terror Beckett wrought with the Dutchman. he would see it repeated for his own personal gain.
in the ship-to-ship battle, Henry initially tries to defend Carina until he realizes that the ghosts aren’t attacking her. they want her to lead them to the trident so that they can seize it for themselves. our heroes do not yet know that they want to end their curse. in fact, the crew of the Mary don’t really know that themselves - they’d much rather have the pirates surrounding them dead to rights, and then free themselves.
every time one of the Mary’s crew is dissipated due to contact with land, the others react. they scream and howl and gnash their teeth and their eyes flare gold. the viewer can feel how much they would like to crush the heroes’ bones into pulp.
when Henry is captured, the officers of the Mary cannot take their eyes off of him. he is terrified for his life, shaking the whole time. when Lesaro mentions that they have tried possession before, the other officers mourn their comrades who became trapped in human bodies and slowly died of thirst, still unable to leave the Triangle, all because they wanted to see the sun again. the viewer is conflicted - are we supposed to pity these monsters? there are flashes beneath the madness that suggests that deep down, they just want to be human again.
when the crew’s curse is broken, we see more of it. we see limbs regrow, bodies knit together again. we see the bloodthirsty monsters we have come to fear laughing and weeping with joy, embracing each other. we hear their terrified screams for help as Salazar finally demonstrates that his own bloodlust was decidedly not the byproduct of a curse as was the case for his crew and pursues Jack.
Barbossa climbs down the chain to kill Salazar, but the former spanish officer deals a mortal blow. just as he is about to kill Barbossa, Jack himself decides to muster up his courage and sacrifice to save those dear to him, which throughout the films, he has always done. he falls from the anchor, and together with his rival-turned-best-friend, he plummets to his death with one last jaunty sweep of his tricorne hat.
there are many dead from the battle. Barbossa’s pirate empire is in ruins, and british power in the caribbean has taken a massive hit. people everywhere are terrified. Henry, however, finds that his terror has stopped and resolves to be a braver man after witnessing what Barbossa and Jack have done. Carina pledges to honour her father and never again to disbelieve in ghost stories. she decides to become a pirate.
in this bittersweet ending, a glimmer of hope: the Dutchman surfaces, with two new crewmembers. Will hangs up his hat to Jack, with Barbossa as his first mate, and Jack is finally reunited with Bill, who has made amends with Barbossa. the old captain-versus-captain dynamic is back - and destined to play out forever. with uncharacteristic solemnity, Jack vows to ferry Salazar’s crew to the other side so that they can finally rest.
Will climbs aboard the Black Pearl, where the crew has elected Carina Barbossa captain. he asks if she might sail him to Singapore - his wife is the pirate king and lord of the south china sea, and that is where she holds court. Henry and Carina, true pirates, share a kiss as the sun rises and our heroes head off to find new adventure. the nightmare is finally over.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
King of the Jungle
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Category: Childhood Fluff
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Characters: Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi
Hey, everyone! I am super stoked to present my story for the @iwaoibb! I had a great time working with my partner @kasiokami​, so be sure to check out her amazing art!
“All right, everyone! It’s time for recess!” 
All the kindergartners cheered in delight at the teacher’s announcement, aside from Tooru, whose mind was stewing with devious schemes. Snickering mischievously, he made sure to shoulder his way to the front of the crowd so that he was the first one out the door. It was the first day of kindergarten, and Tooru was eager to assert his superiority over the class from the get-go. 
The spring sun shone in a cloudless blue sky, and butterflies and songbirds flitted around the playground. The bright plastic constructions of blue, red, and yellow gleamed in the sunlight, promising an hour of fun before the school day finally ended. Unfortunately, Tooru’s peers wouldn’t be enjoying them. 
“All right!” he announced when he stopped in front of the crowd, his hands digging into his hips and his feet set wide apart in a power stance. “My name is Tooru Oikawa! I’m the king of the playground, and all of you are my subjects, so that means you have to do what I say!” 
The other kindergartners looked at each other in confusion. The teacher wasn’t paying much attention, thinking that Tooru had simply gotten them involved in a game, and was chatting amicably with a fellow kindergarten teacher. 
Tooru pointed at his gaggle of classmates with a proud guffaw. “Now, servants! Bring me gifts!” 
Tooru wasn’t sure if the other kids thought it was a game too, or if they were simply too scared to stand up to him. Regardless, they scrambled to do as he said. Tooru tottered off with his nose stuck in the air towards the center of the playground, where a hemispherical jungle gym shone in the sunlight. He was quite proud of himself, really; it had been easier than he had imagined to bend them all to his will. While the other kindergartners scampered around the playground to find trinkets suitable for a king, Tooru stopped at the base of the jungle gym— his new throne.
With his tongue sticking out of the corner of his lips, he began climbing the intricate latticework of plastic. It took him longer than he would have liked, as his stubby legs had difficulty stretching the great distances between the separate rungs, but there was nothing that Tooru couldn’t do. He would summit this mountain and reign supreme over his subjects! 
Tooru was panting slightly when he finally arrived at the rounded top of the jungle gym. He plunked himself down on the hexagonal bit of black plastic where all the pipes connected. He swung his legs in the open air as he surveyed his new kingdom from this appreciable height. It was quite nice indeed. 
He watched his classmates scurry around the playground like mice. The swings lay empty, swaying gently back and forth in the breeze. The slides baked in the sun with no one to slither down their tube-like tongues. The oak tree in the corner shook its leaves, begging for children to play house within its shade, but the children were preoccupied attempting to please their new lord. Tooru would give them permission to play, as long as they presented artifacts of his liking. 
Very soon, he had a line of children shuffling around in front of the jungle with their gifts. Tooru preened at the top of his throne, eager to see what offerings he would receive. A little girl in a red dress and white flats tottered up with a pink blush gracing her cheeks, averting her gaze while she held up a crown woven of flowers and twigs. 
“A king should have a crown, right?” 
Tooru nearly combusted with pride as she presented him with the crown. He half-climbed, half-slithered down the jungle gym to land in front of her, making her flinch back with a bashful look. His eyes gleamed hungrily as he leaned over, inspecting the craftsmanship of the crown. It was a bit clumsily woven with a few twigs sticking out here and there, and a few of the flowers wilted— but Tooru didn’t mind. He took it from her and laid it over his poofy, brown hair, admiring the way it sat upon his wavy locks. He puffed out his chest, placed his hands on his hips, and craned his head back snootily. 
“Pass! You can go play now.” 
The girl sighed in relief before whirling on her heel, bee-lining for the swingset. She climbed up into the seat and gripped the metal chains as she began swinging back and forth, filling the air with gentle creaks. The sound seemed to unsettle the crowd of children, spurring them to act quickly to win Tooru’s approval so they could enjoy the playground before their time was up. The next in line, a short boy with glasses, hurriedly toddled up to present Tooru with his gift. 
Tooru blinked at the large, blue-black beetle held in his hands. Its legs churned the air and its wings fluttered against the flats of the boy’s hands with snapping, buzzing noises. It had a funny-looking snout-like projection from its head that Tooru found reminiscent of a sword. A king must also have a sword to be a king, right? He grabbed the beetle by its snout, making it flap its wings furiously, and nodded to the boy. 
“Pass. You can go play too.” No sooner had the words left his mouth than the boy was running for the see-saw, but it wouldn’t do much good with no one to sit on the other end. It didn’t look like the next boy would be joining him, either, because he had the audacity to hold up a pinecone with a sheepish smile. 
“Are you serious?” Tooru asked blaisely, his eyes growing lidded with malcontent. The boy used his free hand to rub awkwardly at his shirt. “This is a pinecone. What am I supposed to do with a pinecone?” 
“W-well,” the boy mumbled with a red haze blooming on his cheeks. “My mommy told me you can put peanut butter and seeds on it to make a bird feeder.” 
“Does it look like I have peanut butter?” Tooru huffed with a stamp of his feet. “Rejected! Bring me another gift!” he demanded and whapped the boy over the head with the beetle. The boy screamed as the insect’s wings flapped against his scalp and its spindly legs tangled in his hair. He dropped the pinecone and ran off with thick, globby tears running down his ruddying cheeks. 
Tooru watched him flee with a glower, then looked back to the line of other kindergartners. Several of them broke free with alarmed squeals, presumably out of fear that their gifts would not please Tooru. The beetle continued to buzz pathetically in his fist as he stared expectantly at the remaining crowd, daring the next to present their offering. 
Tooru was a bit miffed to find that most of the gifts were no better than the pinecone, forcing the unsuccessful subjects to disperse again to rifle around the playground. Tooru stood at the bottom of his jungle gym with his small collection of trinkets.Still holding the beetle (which had accepted its fate and ceased its struggling), he admired the shiny marble, yellow rose, and other baubles he’d been presented with a pleased grin. He frowned when his crown slipped down his head. 
As he straightened up to right it, he noticed a dark-haired boy had approached. He didn’t recognize him as someone who had presented him with a gift yet, so he plastered a regal smile on his face and turned to him. 
“What do you have for me?” he asked in a sing-song voice, waggling his head and making the crown flop a little on his poofy hair. The smile fell from his face when the boy’s face morphed into a scowl. 
“I ain’t got jack for you!” he asserted and pointed his finger at Tooru, making him gasp in affront. “Where do you get off, orderin’ everyone around? Knock it off!” 
Tooru threw his beetle at him, but it just bounced harmlessly off the dissenter’s chest. Tooru’s face paled as the boy simply watched the beetle flop down on its back, rocking pitifully in an attempt to right itself. The boy sniffed and used the toe of his sneaker to flip the beetle over; it flapped its wings experimentally but was too tired to fly after suffering Tooru’s lordship, so it trundled off as fast as its six stick-like legs would allow. 
“I’m the king of the playground!” Tooru insisted. “Who are you to defy me?!” 
“My name’s Hajime Iwaizumi!” the boy declared, digging his fists into his hip and puffing out his chest. A small crowd was gathering around them, some of the students still holding their pitiful attempts at offerings. They ogled at Hajime with wide, moony eyes, and Tooru didn’t like how they were looking at him— like he was their knight in shining armor. “I ain’t takin’ orders from some prissy boy.” 
“Prissy boy?” Tooru gasped, a flush of red spreading quickly up his neck to paint up to his forehead in a crimson hue. “I’ll show you who’s a prissy boy!” With a grunt, he stomped up to one of his classmates, who was clutching a large tree limb that he had intended to give Tooru. Tooru wrenched it from his hands and held it up like a sword, clenching his teeth when he wobbled a little under its weight. He rounded on Hajime and brandished the big stick threateningly. 
“That looks a little heavy for ya,” Hajime sneered, and Tooru blanched at the fact he didn’t seem threatened at all. Hajime’s expression morphed into shock, however, when Tooru released a loud screech and charged him with the stick hefted over his head. Hajime scuttled out of the way, and Tooru slammed the branch down where he had been standing just a few seconds ago. Growling, Tooru picked up the stick again, swaying at the disbalanced weight held over his head, and ran after Hajime with a feral yowl. 
“What’s your problem?!” Hajime cried while he dashed for the oak tree in the corner, presumably to find himself a suitable weapon. 
“It’s a king’s duty to destroy his enemies!” Tooru shouted after him. Hajime jumped when the stick crashed right behind his heels, then scrambled on his hands and knees to grab a large limb resting among the roots. He rolled onto his back and thrusted out the stick, holding it horizontally, just in time to block Tooru’s next blow. Growling through clenched teeth, they glared at each other between the crossed sticks. Hajime then pushed Tooru away and, while the brunet stumbled around the roots to avoid falling, he climbed to his feet with a huff. 
“You ain’t no king, prissy boy!” he snapped before swinging his stick at Tooru. The brunet parried it with a grunt, knocking it away. “I’m gonna knock you off that throne!” 
Tooru squeaked as Hajime began whacking at him with the stick, and it was all he could do to block the blows. The crowd had followed them to the tree, and were now jeering and crowing at the dramatic schoolyard fight. Tooru grew irritated as a rhythmic cry of “Ha-ji-me, Ha-ji-me!” rose up; how dare they defy their benevolent king! He was going to show them, that was for sure!
He clambered up onto a particularly thick root, and then leaped off it with a resounding howl. Hajime let out a strangled squeak as Tooru plowed right into him. His knees slammed into Hajime’s stick, snapping it right in half and sending the useless stubs tumbling into the detritus. Tooru straddled Hajime’s waist and bore his weight down on him, leaving the ravenet to wiggle angrily beneath him.
“Who’s the tough guy now?” he teased, poking him in the cheek with the business end of his stick. He shouldn’t have let his apparent victory go to his head so soon, however. 
With a snarl, Hajime managed to snatch the stick away from him and whack him upside the head. The crowd let out a sickened yet excited “Ooooooh!” as it cracked against Tooru’s skull, sending the crown askew over his brow. Hajime used Tooru’s momentary shock to start wrestling with him. 
“You know, you talk a lot of smack for a prissy boy!” Hajime barked while he slapped at Tooru. The brunet winced as Hajime’s blunt nails dug into his cheek, scoring four parallel scratches into his skin. Tooru yelped as Hajime flipped him over, and he writhed underneath the boy’s weight. Both of them had their hands twisted into the fabric of the other’s tee-shirts as they wriggled about. That stupid cheer rang in Tooru’s ears, “Ha-ji-me, Ha-ji-me!”, and made his blood boil in his veins. 
“Stop calling me a prissy boy!” Tooru hissed, using a momentary burst of strength to flip Hajime underneath him once again. “My name is Tooru! Too-ru Oi-ka-wa!” Hajime responded by wrenching the flower crown off his head and crumpling it in his fist, which made Tooru screech in anger. 
“I don’t care what your name is! You’re a bossy prissy boy, and I ain’t gonna follow your orders!” Hajime snapped, throwing the crumpled flowers and snapped twigs away before grabbing a fistful of Tooru’s hair. Tooru screeched like a cat as Hajime tugged repeatedly at his fluffy locks. Tooru responded in kind by digging his finger into the corner of Hajime’s mouth and tugging as hard as he could. Hajime’s angry yell was garbled as Tooru stretched his lip and cheek painfully. 
The crowd around them had grown even more gleeful with the violence, stamping their feet and screaming at the top of their lungs. They probably didn’t even care who won; they just wanted to keep watching Tooru and Hajime scrap in the dirt like a pair of feral dogs. Unfortunately, all the cacophony finally alerted the teacher’s that the “game” had devolved into a schoolyard brawl. They burst through the gaggle of children to snatch Hajime and Tooru up by the backs of their collars. The boys still tried to swipe and kick at each other even while they were held several feet apart. After realizing he wouldn’t be able to reach Hajime, he crossed his arms and hunched up in the teacher’s grip while they were carried back inside. 
Hajime and Tooru gave each other stink-eyes while the principal lectured them for the fight. They were punished by sitting out the rest of recess in detention in the middle of the school office, kneeling on the hardwood floor while the secretaries strutted around them handling their paperwork. It was mind-numbingly boring, just listening to the clacks of their heels echoing through the small halls. His gaze slowly slunk over to Hajime, who was pouting at the floor. 
“Ya know, you’re pretty tough,” he said, filling the silence that had settled between them. Hajime’s gaze snapped to him, suspicious and hard as iron. “Why don’t you be my knight?” 
“You got a huge ego, prissy boy,” Hajime snorted, and Tooru’s lips curled down into a frown. “What part of ‘I ain’t takin’ orders from you’ ain’t gettin’ through that thick skull o’yours?” Hajime straightened his back and turned up his nose, fingers digging into the fabric of his shorts. “I don’t take orders from nobody!” 
Though Hajime kind of pissed him off, Tooru also admired the sheer confidence oozing from him. He knew then that he had to be friends with him, even if Hajime didn’t necessarily want it. A sneer bloomed on his lips as he scooted closer to Hajime, making the dark-haired boy look at him in slight disgust. “What are ya lookin’ at me like that for?” 
“I like you.” 
“Ew! You really are a prissy boy!” Hajime growled, but didn’t recoil— he was smirking, almost like he was amused by Tooru’s bluntness. “So what? I don’t like you!” 
“Sure ya do!” Tooru beamed, and Hajime just gave him a weary look. Tooru wiggled back and forth on his legs, gradually growing more pleased with Hajime’s presence as he realized how interesting he was. “Okay then, since I like you, how about this? We can both be kings of the playground! How about that?” 
Hajime’s eyebrows turned up at this, poking out his lips in a thoughtful pout. What five-year-old boy could resist the promise of power and lordship over his peers? A sneer appeared on Hajime’s lips, and Tooru could see the desire welling up inside of him. The ravenet turned to offer him a bright grin and held out his hand to shake. 
“All right, then. As long as I don’t have to take any crappy orders from you.” Tooru’s smile was bright as he grabbed Hajime’s hand to shake, sealing their pact of partnership. This is gonna be a lot of fun! He thought with a happy wiggle, and then gasped in horror. 
“Oh no! I left all my pretty gifts outside…” 
“Well,” Hajime said, a downright diabolical lilt to his grin, “we’ll just have to make our servants get us more, huh?” 
So, that’s how they found themselves sitting at the top of the jungle gym the following afternoon with flower crowns resting upon their brows and their subjects scrambling around to find them suitable gifts. That dumb boy had tried to give them pinecones again, and he’d run off crying when Hajime had ripped it apart with his bare hands. Tooru had watched him in utter adoration, eyes sparkling like stars as Hajime crumbled the crunchy pinecone in his hands. 
“Ya know,” Tooru hummed in contentment as he banged a new stick against the bars of the jungle gym, each hit punctuated by a metallic ring, “I think we’re gonna be great friends!” 
“Hah?” Hajime snorted, looking at him in disdain. “I already told ya, I don’t like ya!” He scrunched up his face to emphasize his disgust, but the bright pink coloring his cheeks betrayed him. Tooru crooned as he rested his chin on Hajime’s shoulders, steadfast despite Hajime’s attempts to shove him off. “Damn prissy boy,” the boy grumbled, giving up on trying to push Tooru away and resuming his grumping at the top of the jungle gym. 
They were a pair of kings, and they’d one day rule the world together, Tooru thought with a smile.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Trollhunting Lantern Chapter 1
A/N: This was written down long before Wizards, about two/three years ago, so this is an alternate universe.
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“It’s Marnie & Campo, on River 94.9!  We play the best music mix from the 80s till now!”
The song “Hungry Like The Wolf” starts playing as two strange figures fight in the early morning light. Technically, morning shadows. They don’t touch the light.
“Yield, Trollhunter Jim!” One of the figures exclaims.
This figure is terrifyingly tall, has glowing yellow eyes, and a crimson coloured armour all around him, only revealing the glowing eyes. He has a long sword in his right hand the same colour as his armour.
The other figure, who has now been identified as Jim, replies, “A Trollhunter never yields, Venjo! I’d rather die!”
Jim is a tall creature that looks like he was once human. He has teeth pointing out of his bottom jaw, blue skin, horns on the top of his head, messy black hair, blue eyes, and red/black armour on with a sword made of the same material as his armour.
A human female with brown hair, a white streak and hairclips in her hair, reddish-brown eyes and purple armour jumps into the fray.
“& I’ll kill you if you kill him!” She exclaims.
Venjo smirks, “Terms accepted Trollhunter. Flesh-bag! This is not your battle!”
Jim smirks, “I can take him, Claire. Get out of here. Stay with Blinky.”
Claire smirks, “And let you have all the fun?’
Venjo jumps at Claire, who dodges and slams into him with her armour.
She smirks, “I gotta thank Merlin for the armour.”
Jim scoffs, “You’ve already thanked him a dozen times!”
Venjo slams into Jim, causing Jim to come dangerously close to the sunlight.
“Master Jim! Careful!” Another male voice calls.
Jim jumps away from the sunlight and slams into Venjo. Venjo gets thrown across the ground. Jim holds his sword towards Venjo.
“Your reign of terror will soon be over, Venjo!” Jim frowns.
The sunlight touches Jim’s armour, causing it to burn. Jim panics, & Venjo takes this opportunity to kick him in the face. Jim flies away, close to another beam of sunlight, with his sword in the sun. Venjo gets up, ready to run into Jim. Jim reaches into the sunlight to grab his sword, burning his hand. Claire keeps Venjo occupied while Jim shakes the sparks off his hand. Venjo hits Claire away, into the sun, which doesn’t affect her has much as it does the other two creatures.
“There is nowhere left for you to run, Trollhunter! Give me the Amulet!” Venjo yells.
Jim looks towards the circle on his chest. He jumps up a tree, trying to get away from Venjo for a short while. But every now and then, the branches snap underneath his weight. Jim stops and looks around for Venjo, when Venjo hits him from behind.
“OW! That was worse than your breath!” Jim groans.
Claire jumps on the branches too; her weight being supported more than Jim’s and Venjo’s. Venjo pushes Jim close to the end of the trees, where the sun is shining.
“It ends here, Trollhunter. It’s either me or the sun. Either way, you’re doomed.” Venjo laughs.
Claire hits Venjo away from Jim, who is burning.
“Doesn’t matter. The Amulet will find a champion. That Trollhunter will stop you and your schemes.” Jim groans.
Claire gasps as she realises what he’s saying.
“JIM! NO!” She screams as he jumps into the sun.
As he burns, he turns to stone. He smashes as soon as he hits the ground. Claire runs towards Jim’s remains.
“No! No, Jim, no.” Claire cries.
An alarm goes off at 7:00 playing “Eye of The Tiger”. A girl climbs out of bed. She has brown, curly hair, blue shining eyes, and looks like she’s only 13. She sings along to the song as she gets changed. She slides to the kitchen and cooks herself some scrambled eggs. She sets the table for the rest of her family, with six plates on the table, at six chairs, then she removes a plate. She puts milk, Milo Cereal, oats, and Rice Bubbles on the table. She continues to sing. Her family comes out with a smile on their faces.
“Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'till we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive!”
A boy slightly taller comes out and yells, “Shut up, Scarlett!”
The girl now identified as Scarlett ignores him.
“It's the eye of the tiger, it's the dream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger!”
The boy yells, “If you don’t shut up, Scarlett, you’re gonna regret it.”
Scarlett stops, then looks at him.
“You know, if you had taste, and were a proper brother, Nick, you would be encouraging me, not patronising me for being happy. I have every right to be happy. You, Nicholas, should be happy too. But you have no idea what it’s like to be happy anymore. You don’t even know what it’s like to work at Maccas! I had to slave over a grill, a HOT grill, & clean it while it was still on!” Scarlett frowns.
The boy now identified as Nicholas smirks, “How many jobs have you had?” thinking he has the upper hand.
Scarlett retorts, “How many jobs have you kept for more than a month?”
Nicholas stumbles, and two young girls laugh.
“Thank you, little sisters. Now I must be off, to my ACTUAL and real job. Unlike your big brother here, who, A, I didn’t put a plate out for, because he needs to learn to do things himself, and B, is a freeloader.” Scarlett smirks.
Scarlett walks out the door with a satisfied smirk. She grabs her bike and sees someone.
“Hey Greeny!” Scarlett exclaims.
A girl with short red hair, a yellow shirt, blue eyes, and a few bruises rides up and sighs, “What did I say about calling me that? I’m trying to keep my secret, and if you blurt that all over town, they’ll figure it out.”
Scarlett giggles, “No one’s gonna find out, Bracha. When someone calls someone else a Greeny, they think the person is either a vegetarian or a person who cares too much for the environment. Not…”
Scarlett points to a little green ring on Bracha’s right hand.
“I get it. I just don’t like it. What if there are other people who know about them?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “It’s fine, Bracha. Talking about Extra-terrestrial’s is all the rage now. People are even going to storm Area 51 according to the internet. They won’t find anything. It’s all been moved to Area 49b.”
Bracha asks, “What makes you say that?”
Scarlett giggles, “It’s what my Arcadian friend Eli told me before he told me that he had to study abroad in Cantaloupia.”
Bracha asks, “Cantaloupia?”
Scarlett giggles, “I believe he actually meant he was visiting an alien planet to be the human ambassador or something. Speaking of, have you visited any new planets?”
Bracha smirks, “Akaridian-5. The species there are made pretty much entirely of energy, and their hearts they call “Cores”, and if someone dies, as long as their core is intact, they can come back to life through regeneration chambers. Or that’s what I gathered from the peace treaty. Queen Aja seems to be a wonderful queen. She recognised me as being human though.”
Scarlett asks, “Are they blue?”
Bracha falls off the bike in surprise.
“How did you know?” She asks.
Scarlett hops off her bike to help Bracha up.
“I’ll show you later. Let’s just say, Eli knows two. He was surprised I was actually sixteen. He swore I was alien.” Scarlett replies.
Scarlett stiffens.
“Did you hear that?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha shakes her head.
Scarlett notices a few rocks. She points to the rocks and sneaks over, as if a snake were going to jump out.
Scarlett gasps, “Rocks are saying my name. If I get a ring from digging in that, and it’s green, I’m requesting to be on your team.”
Bracha makes sure no one is around and whispers, “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.”
A green costume forms around Bracha, and a mask appears over her face. She thrusts her ring towards the pile of rocks and what appears to be a laser goes over them.
“I’m getting an energy reading, but it’s not a Lantern energy. It’s something else. It registered the stones as k-spar.” Bracha frowns.
Scarlett turns and sighs, “Take that off. Someone could see you.”
Scarlett picks up a rock to show a glowing blue object.
“An amulet?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “I thought it would be a ring. I was hoping. So I could hang out with you more often.”
Bracha’s green outfit disappears. Scarlett looks up and sees something white in the trees, then it disappears.
“Ever get that feeling you’re being watched, but you find no proof of it?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha nods.
“Let’s go. I’m gonna be late for work. Besides, if something does happen, I’m sure we can fight them off. Or you can.” Scarlett jokes.
The girls hop back on their bikes and ride off.
Meanwhile, above in the trees, a creature with blue skin and six eyes gasps.
“It chose a female human?” He asks.
Claire sighs, “I’ll keep an eye on the green girl. You keep an eye on the new Trollhunter. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be like Jim’s time as Trollhunter.”
 Scarlett smiles, “Will that be all for today, Ma’am?”
A woman replies, “That’ll be all honey. Too much damage to my account.”
Scarlett giggles and receives the payment. As the woman leaves, someone pats Scarlett on the back.
“Well done, kid.” A guy smiles.
Scarlett replies, “Well, like you said, Jack, at Macca’s, we strive to put a smile on every seat. Correct?”
Jack smirks, “Good job. You going soon?”
Scarlett sighs, “I gotta do some mopping, but I’ll go after that. Red bucket for customer space. Right?”
Jack smiles, “Right again, Scarlett. I’m going on break. Seeya tomorrow?”
Scarlett replies, “Sure Jack.”
Scarlett washes her hands and gets the mop. She mops the customer’s area, and a familiar figure comes up behind her.
“Anything interesting happening in there?” Bracha smirks.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Nothing really. I barely even know anyone outside of work. They are all old enough to be my cousins!”
Bracha smirks, “That’s rich. You have, like, fifty cousins. Half of them are much older than you. And they are on your mother’s side. I haven’t even met your father’s side.”
Scarlett smirks, “You & I both, kiddo.”
Bracha frowns, “I hate that nickname.”
Scarlett giggles, “I call everyone that looks young kiddo. Especially if they are younger than me. Like you.”
Bracha sighs, “Alright, Alright. But I still don’t like the name.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes and sighs.
“I’m done my mopping. I have other work to do. Seeya later, Greeny.” Scarlett smirks.
Bracha sighs, “Don’t call me that.”
Scarlett walks away and notices a young girl sitting down with a white stripe in her hair. It reminds her of Disney’s Princess Anna. Scarlett continues walking into the staff only area. She goes into the staff break room, where her workmates are having fun on their breaks.
“Is she still following you around, Scarlett?” A girl with blonde hair asks.
“She’s my friend. I’ve told her she can stay around as long as she doesn’t come into the staff area and doesn’t pick any fights. Besides, it’s safer when I ride home.” Scarlett replies.
A tall guy sighs, “Well, it’s none of my business, but a girl seems to have taken an interest in the two of you.”
Scarlett sighs, “Who, Caillou?”
Caillou replies, “A customer. Her name is Claire. She’s got a white stripe in her hair.”
Scarlett frowns, thinking.
“Could she know? No, she couldn’t know. Or maybe she does know Bracha’s Identity. Maybe that’s why she was looking at us.”
Scarlett sighs & realises her shift is almost up.
“Got to go, guys!” She smiles.
“Seeya later, Strange Scarlett.” Everyone smiles.
Scarlett laughs as she goes & grabs her bag. She shoves a jumper on so people know not to go to her for food now. She signs out & walks into the customer area.
“Scarlett! You ready to go?” Bracha calls.
Scarlett sighs, “Sure.”
 Scarlett frowns, deep in thought while riding.
“You okay, Scarlett?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett answers, “Yeah... I’m fine. It’s actually about a customer. I’ve been told she took an interest in us. She had a white stripe in her hair. Funny thing, I could’ve sworn I saw her in the forest, but no one was there.”
Bracha stares at her ring.
“Well, maybe the ring went haywire and didn’t see her.” Bracha suggests.
Scarlett smiles, “Well, we gotta split now. Seeya, Bracha. Good luck with the GLs.”
Bracha smiles, “Call me if that thing does anything.”
The girls split up and go to their separate houses. Scarlett opens the door and walks in.
“Hey, Scarlett!” Her father smiles.
“Hi Dad! How were the busses in Brisbane today? Anything special?” Scarlett asks.
Her father says, “Just your normal day. There were a few grumpy customers. I met a weird old man. I think he was at a costume party. He had armour on.”
Nicholas comes in and says, “Hi, Michael.”
Scarlett gasps, “That’s Dad to you!”
Michael sighs, “I’ll deal with it, Scarlett. How about you tell your mother about your day?”
Scarlett smirks. She knows not to get her Dad angry. She walks into the loungeroom.
“Hi Mum. How was Joshua today? Did he give you a hard time?” Scarlett asks.
Her Mum says, “Not really. He was actually quiet today. And you know that’s hard for your brother.”
Scarlett nods.
“Hey, Heather, where are the Wasabi nuts?” Michael asks.
“In the pantry!” Heather answers.
“I’m gonna put my stuff away.” Scarlett smiles.
“Alright honey. Your dad and I have to visit someone. Can you take care of your sisters tonight?” Heather asks.
Scarlett answers, “Sure Mum. As long as Face-ache is gone before you go.”
She walks to the room she shares with her sisters.
“Scarlett’s home!” The youngest exclaims.
“Hi, girls. Oriel, did anything happen today?” Scarlett asks.
The girl with sandy blonde wavy hair replies, “Sophie wanted to hang out. But since Nicko’s here...”
The girl with straight brown hair growls, “I really want to-”
Scarlett sighs, “Crystal, I know what you want to do, but it’s not that simple. If he hurts you again, do all you can to fight back. Just use a broom to whack him. By the way, I’m in charge tonight.”
Crystal frowns.
“Ring-ring-ring, Ring-ring-aling. Ring-ring-ring, ring-ring-aling. Get your phone! When someone calls. Get your phone!”
Scarlett answers the phone.
“Has it done anything yet?” Bracha’s voice asks.
Scarlett sighs, “Nope. Nothing yet.”
Bracha asks, “You’ll tell me when it does something, right?”
Scarlett giggles, “Yes. Should I Pinkie Promise to ease your worries?”
Bracha sighs, “Alright.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye I will tell you when it does something.”
Bracha giggles, “Thanks. I’ll ask tomorrow. Got to report in for the corps.”
Scarlett smiles, “Got it, Bracha. TTYL!”
Bracha hangs up.
“She still a Lantern?” Oriel whispers.
Scarlett’s sisters are the only other people that know about Bracha’s secret.
“Of course. It’s rare to be fired from her job. She’s still one of them.” Scarlett smiles.
“Girls!” Heather calls.
All the girls run towards their Mum.
“It’s time for us to go. Scarlett, you’re in charge while we’re gone.” Heather smiles.
Crystal hugs Mum & Dad first and gives them both a goodbye kiss. Oriel gives them a goodbye hug.
“What? No kiss?” Michael asks.
Oriel exclaims, “Yukky!”
Everyone giggles. Scarlett gives them a hug & a kiss.
“Seeya later guys.” Scarlett smiles.
Michael and Heather walk out the door. Scarlett’s sisters almost immediately run to the TV. Scarlett pulls the Amulet out of her pocket.
“What exactly are you?” Scarlett whispers.
Suddenly, all the girls hear a crash in the basement. They see Joshua is sitting on the couch. Crystal and Scarlett grab brooms and Oriel stays with Joshua. Scarlett opens the door and walks down with a torch in her mouth. Crystal stays behind in case something comes up behind Scarlett. Scarlett holds her broom like one would a katana.
“I hope it’s not snakes.” She mumbles.
She goes over to a pile of boxes and looks behind it. She notices strange footprints on the floor. Meanwhile, something comes up behind her.
“Lady Scarlett!” It exclaims.
Scarlett turns as fast as she can and whacks the creature with the broom. She now sees it has six eyes.
“Ow… Master Jim wasn’t so violent on his first encounter.” It comments.
Crystal comes down and goes to hit it when Scarlett grabs Crystal’s broom.
“Before we start attacking, and sorry, it was instinct, what are you?” Scarlett frowns.
The creature smiles, “I am Blinky. A troll. And you, Lady Scarlett, are the Trollhunter.”
Scarlett and Crystal exchange glances, look back at “Blinky”, then laugh. Blinky frowns in confusion.
“Sorry, Blinky. We just had to get that out of our system.” Scarlett smiles.
Crystal grips the broom again and goes to hit Blinky. Blinky winces when Scarlett grabs the broom, again.
“As you can see, Crystal’s prone to hit things that she doesn’t understand. I have adapted after living with her for thirteen years. Now, better explanation please before she hits me.” Scarlett asks in a deadpan voice.
“You have to fight evil trolls.” Blinky replies.
Crystal seems happy with this answer, then runs upstairs.
Scarlett sighs, “I’ll grab a mattress.”
She pulls a mattress out from behind some other boxes and puts it near the stairs as Crystal pulls Oriel and Joshua downstairs. Joshua acts like nothing’s different, and Oriel screams, promptly fainting on the mattress.
“You need to go before my parents get home. Either that, or get another beating, only from my mother. GET!” Scarlett orders.
Blinky leaves.
 Scarlett throws water on Oriel, and Oriel gasps.
“What was that for?” Oriel coughs.
Scarlett replies, “Simple. You fainted after seeing a troll. Crystal’s fault. She showed him to you. If I end up hanging out with him, getting rid of evil trolls, you two have to cover for me. Especially you, Crystal.”
A knock is heard upstairs.
“Mum and Dad!” Crystal gasps.
Scarlett orders, “Not a word. Oriel, shower.”
They run upstairs. Scarlett prays it’s not Nicholas. Oriel runs to the bathroom and the others finish running to the door. They open the curtain to see-
“Nicholas. I jinxed it!” Scarlett mumbles.
They open the door and scowl.
“What are you doing here, you monster? Didn’t Dad tell you that if you’re not back before Eight, don’t come back at all?” Scarlett asks.
Crystal growls in a growl that sounds like a lion’s growl.
Nicholas scoffs, “You’re not Dad.”
Scarlett feels her face go red in anger when suddenly, Crystal jumps on Nicholas and pulls his hair out, little bit at a time. Scarlett stares in shock when Oriel comes down, shower finished, and stares, slack-jawed.
“Is Crystal…?” She asks.
Scarlett nods, “Uh huh.”
Oriel pulls Scarlett’s phone out and records the ordeal.
“This is going to be awesome.” Oriel smiles.
“What is going on here?” everyone hears a voice asks.
Oriel stops the recording and hides the phone while Heather and Michael stare at Crystal and a boy that looks like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing.
“What did you just do?” Heather freaks out.
Michael just stares in shock.
“Uh… Mum, Dad, He had it coming for eight years. She’s done enough for both of us.” Scarlett sighs.
She pulls Crystal away from Nicholas and takes both of the girls to their bedroom, and collapses on the floor.
“This day went from normal to the craziest day I’ve ever had in my sixteen years of living. And I bet this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
 Nicholas comes back from the hospital, with his face and left arm in a cast. Heather walks upstairs and sits on the bed.
“I’m very disappointed in you girls.” Heather sighs.
Crystal frowns, “I’m sorry Mum. But he deserved it after all that he did to us!”
Scarlett keeps quiet, feeling ashamed.
“I know, but it wasn’t right. I know you have… issues, honey, but you should not do it. Scarlett, I know you were in shock, but please, take her off next time.” Heather frowns.
Scarlett nods. She walks over to the window and stares out.
“I understand Mum.” Scarlett frowns.
“I hope you all will be more responsible in the future.” Heather sighs as she walks out.
Oriel facepalms, “I can’t believe we let this happen.”
Crystal frowns, “Not my fault. He had it coming for years!”
Scarlett just continues staring out the window, a blue glow emanating from the amulet she now has in her hand.
“We have bigger fish to fry now. Like what showed up in our basement.” Scarlett whispers.
The girls stare at Scarlett.
“So, what do we do, Trollhunter?” Crystal smirks.
Scarlett giggles. It’s funny how her family can be upset and angry one second, then can be happy as Larry the next.
“Well, first, I need to find out more about this thing. It seems to be connected to Blinky. I have a plan.” Scarlett smiles.
Oriel frowns, “What are you doing?”
Scarlett whips out the phone.
“Hi, you’ve reached Bracha. Unfortunately, I am unavailable at the moment, but I will call you back as soon as I can. *Beep*”
“Hey, Bracha. Big news. I have to tell you something in person. One question I have to ask though. Ever heard of a Trollhunter?” Scarlett says into the answering machine.
 Scarlett looks at her glow-in-the-dark watch and sneaks out the window. She looks at her sisters as they put pillows under her blanket. Scarlett gives them a thumbs up and walks as far as she can down her yard. Living in the middle of nowhere gives you a fairly big property to live in. She stops near the dam. She never goes this far from fear of snakes. Especially at night. She looks at the Amulet, which is glowing blue. A language comes up, which Scarlett finds familiar. Maybe Japanese or Chinese. It changes to another language, and another, then English.
“For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to command.” Scarlett reads.
A few blue lights start going into the left side of her chest, and she floats into the air. Armour appears around her, which is slightly bigger than herself. The Amulet is right where the blue lights went. The armour glows blue, then changes its size so it fits perfectly.
“Awesome. Now my sisters will want one.” Scarlett laughs.
She holds out her hand and as another blue light goes into her hand, putting a sword in her hand, only slightly bigger than she can hold. It drops to the ground, making her groan in pain.
“I hope it works for this sword too.” Scarlett sighs.
The sword slightly shrinks to fit Scarlett’s muscles.
“Much better. So this is what that guy meant.” Scarlett giggles.
She waves the sword around and gets it stuck in a tree. She relaxes, then the armour and sword disappear, and the amulet falls onto the ground.
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brydeswhale · 4 years
Fic Preview Time!
Bc I might as well tease you guys since I actually haven’t been writing that much lately.
1. Untamed death row exoneration fic
So, I was writing this one before the US government went on it’s little killing spree, but it started to be topical and real, so I put it on a backburner, but I'm getting back to it.
The house wasn’t huge. Wei Ying knew that, intellectually. Compared to the house he’d grown up in, it was modest. Compared to the entire lake that had been in his backyard as a kid, the small pond and five trees in the backyard were cute. 
But he couldn’t help it, as soon as A-Yuan left the house, just walking from room to room to room, in and out. He tried to be careful and close the screen door, but sometimes he’d forget and one or two rabbits would hop in and surprise Lan Zhan in his office.
Lan Zhan never scolded him for it. He’d just pick the rabbit up and put it in his lap. 
“You’ve got to go to therapy,” Jack came by with a bottle of wine the first day, patted A-Yuan on the head, and let his wife give Lan Zhan a salad with nuts and artichoke hearts. “I’m going to give you this right now, and that’s all the booze you get until you send me a picture of the appointment.”
“I can buy my own alcohol,” Wei Ying laughed at him. 
Jack just smiled indulgently at him.
“Trust me,” he said, gently. “You want to do this. For your kid.”
So he had an appointment on Friday, and until then he was walking the house the same way he’d paced his cell.
Wen Ning was in his room, working on something A-Yuan had asked him to do. Qing-jie was working on finding whatever job a woman who was snatched from the gentle grip of a first year med school could get.
Wei Ying tried to lie down at the edge of the pond. Several goldfish swirled around, looking at him expectantly, and he waved apologetically.
“Lan Zhan told me you guys are on a diet,” he pointed out. The fish, disgruntled, fluttered their fins, and drifted away.
The sun went behind a cloud. The lilies floated in the wind.
He slept. 
The sun shone off the wine bottle, still unopened, on the kitchen windowsill.
So it’s not really about the death penalty, per se, it’s more about exoneration and also humans and trauma and stuff. Really heavy and it makes me sad.
2. Unnamed Teen Wolf vampire fic
So this isn’t REALLY a Vampire The Masquerade crossover, but it kind of IS, because I played that LARP for ten years and I still don’t understand(because I’m stupid) so it incorporated a lot of their brokenness, lol. Basically, it’s Scott getting kidnapped by vampires, who then decide to keep him and won’t give him back based on him being their precious darling.
A hunter came up behind him, but Scott felt, smelled, heard him, and, with a twist, threw him into the lights. They smashed, and several of them died, much to the delight of the captive. Her grin, briefly delightful, suddenly terrifying as two delicate fangs appeared, brought a cry of terror from the hunter as she dragged him up, and Scott found himself stepping forward, hands outstretched helplessly.
“Don’t kill him!”
She paused, and her pout returned.
“But I’m hungry,” she complained. “And he’s not exactly a good guy, wolf, he steals kids.”
“Just,” Scott wanted to agree with her, wanted, suddenly, to just leave the bastard there. She was right. He was a kidnapper and probably a murderer. 
(“Some of us are human!”)
“Just, please,” he begged. “Just leave him. Help me save Siobhan.”
She looked him in the eyes, hesitating, then bent her head and sank her teeth into the hunter’s neck.
Scott felt himself drop a little. That was that. He didn’t know why he’d expected to persuade her otherwise.
“Fine,” she stood up, letting the hunter fall into the broken glass of the lights, blood dripping down her face. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You could turn a cat from a mouse with those eyes. He’ll live, he just needs some juice.”
Maybe it wasn’t the shadows that had taken his breath from him. She’d thought the blood was someone else’s, but she could see it seeping out from under his fingers.
“Are you okay, wolf?”
“Scott,” he reached for a shirt, and pulled it on with jerking, shaking fingers. 
“My name’s Scott McCall,” he clarified for her raised eyebrows, then collapsed in a heap beside a pile of laundry.
She let a note behind. It was what you did, right?
She wrote it out on thin, lined paper, and pinned it to the fridge under a cute, pig shaped magnet. Then she picked him up, and stepped into the darkness.
“You’re awake!” The girl walked in carelessly. She wore draping scarves over a loose, not very long dress, and long, flashy necklaces. Her curls didn’t quite seem to match. “Took you long enough.”
“I can’t- I can’t stay here,” he was trying to get up, and he realized that someone had taken off his jeans and replaced them with loose, soft pyjamas. He was wearing a matching shirt. 
“You took my pants?” He held himself up with one hand, and noted, as if from far away, that it was shaking.
“Don’t worry about your maidenly modesty,” she pulled out her phone and used the camera to reapply lipstick in a bruised purple. “Seamus wanted you to be more comfortable. That’s all.”
“I have to go,” he shook his head. “I have to- How long have I been here?”
“Almost four days now,” she said, pushing him back into bed. “Stop that. You nearly died about five times.”
“My friends,” he tried to move, but she was stronger than she looked. Her hands were cold, and she smelled strange. Dull, and still. 
“I left a note,” she seemed utterly unconcerned. “I put it on your fridge. Cute magnets, by the way.”
“I’m Jewel,” she told him, clambering up to sit cross legged on the bed beside him. “Jewel Cleary.”
“Scott-“ she interrupted him carelessly. 
“I know, Scott McCall, you told it to me while you were dying.”
That explained it. They didn’t know he was an alpha.
“I wasn’t dying,” he tried to explain. “I’m an alpha. I would have been fine, you didn’t have to bring me here.”
“You nearly died three times in this very bed, boyo,” a huge, decaying mountain of a man, whose bulk spoke of power beginning to fade, and who had laugh lines at every corner of his face, came in with a steaming tray. “And now you’ll stay in it and eat your dinner and rest until you look a bit less of a corpse.”
“I’m Seamus,” the man handed the food to Jewel, then helped him sit up. “Tho most call me Shea, on the belief that my true name will call all manner of calamities down upon us. You’re Scott McCall, who saved our Jewel, and it’s a pleasure, indeed it is, Mr. McCall.”
He was saved from replying by Jewel putting the tray under his nose and both of them beaming expectantly over a bowl of stew and a cup of something dark and hot. 
It was… very good. And he fell asleep again as soon as he finished.
3. Another Chapter In Mysterious Fathoms Below
So this fic is actually stalled because I’m writing Uma giving a Ted Talk style speech on what it was actually like growing up in a concentration camp run by a totalitarian dictatorship and I’m stumped on it, also the mystical stuff that's coming in. But I'm back on track soon, so hopefully this will come out soon.
“Davy Jones’ Locker!”
“Don’t curse, dear,” Merryweather had scolded absently, trying to clear up supper dishes. 
“Don’t-What? Merryweather, look at the bloody stars!”
Harry grabbed her arm, pushing her to look up at the sky. It was just past dusk, soft and velvety blue, with early stars cheerfully popping into place. She followed Harry’s finger.
There should have been two stars there. One was newer, and that one had taken its place, although it’s bright shimmer was somewhat reduced.
Where the other should have been, there was black emptiness. Somehow, the sky looked cold and empty without it, and its mate seemed to shiver in the blackness.
“The second star,” she whispered. “Oh, Harry, what’s going on?”
“I was born in a prison, and on that day, from the moment I came screaming and bloody into this world, I was sentenced to life without parole. Like everyone born on the Isle Of The Lost, all my friends and my enemies, I was born to starve, suffer, and die, for the crime of being born to the losing side.”
“My first memory is of vomit. I was sick, because the food that came to the Isle came off garbage skows. Now, I don’t mean that the ships that transported the food were garbage skows, repurposed for bringing food to our prison, I mean it was garbage. The leftovers, the trash, rags and rot. Every bite we took was Russian roulette, and that day, I guess I lost.”
She smiled, and turned slightly again. She had never managed to stay still, even when she slept, she kicked and pushed out against the world. She had crawled early and walked early, she had swum from the moment of her birth.
“I don’t mean for you to think this was some kind of unusual event. I had food poisoning several times a year. The alternative was to not eat. There were no gardens, no farms. The ground was rocky and hard, and even if we’d managed to till it, the earth was leeched of life, to keep the barrier going. It was fed from the very island.”
From something more than the island. From something that had been since long before the Beast and his doll had been even thought of, something that had reigned before princes and queens.
Ursula drank her daughter’s face in. Sweet and pretty, crowned and gowned, just as she should have been. She traced the curve of her cheek, and pretended that this was something else, something from another world, where Uma was all that she appeared, and pure, and soft. 
They were making their way through grey fog, as fast as pixy dust could swing them. The Pan stood at the bow, staring into the mist. When Harry approached, he turned, eyes glowing with a terrible fire.
“It’s begun, impossible child,” he said, cheerfully.
Harry swore at him, savagely, and sat on the rail, listening for the sounds of planes and guns.
“Look how she lights up the sky,” she could hear Naveen singing, singing somewhere far away.
She stumbled out of bed. He must have been singing to Jimmy, and Jimmy was probably missing her.
But when she got to the nursery doorway, it was gone. 
The air was rich and humid, sweet with flower and sour with decay. Dragonflies hummed, their jewel-like bodies gleaming in the last of the sunlight as they danced over the glimmering water. She took one step, and another, the ground not giving way, but welcoming her in, wrapping water and earth around each foot. The trees swayed overhead, moss waving in the wind.
A place of death. A place of life.
3. The next chapter in Five Wolves Sansa Never Had
So this was a fic that stemmed from my irritation that Sansa lost her puppy. This chapter is called “Ned, you fucked up big time” and its about Ned trying to replace Lady with a sickly puppy who actually IS a dire wolf. Knowing what I know about dire wolves now, this is HILARIOUS.
He almost bought a doll, but Jory had shaken his head furiously, and he’d stepped past the toy shop, to a man selling what he called “exotic beasts, fit for the King’s own menagerie”.
Of course, the quiet little pup certainly wasn’t the dire wolf the man advertised him to be, but something in his golden eyes and quiet nature had reminded him of Lady, and he’d paid far too much for the little creature. 
Far, far too much, it seemed now.
Sansa hadn’t been grateful. She’d sullenly put it in her lap, and told him he couldn’t replace Lady, and needn’t have tried. Then she’d gone to her chambers, ignoring Arya, who wanted to play with the little creature.
At first he’d thought it was simply a quiet pup, like Lady had been. It had had little appetite, and messed in Sansa’s chambers, but she had been used to that from Lady’s infancy and hadn’t complained. He’d heard it when he accidentally eavesdropped on Jeyne’s complaints to another maid.
But after some days it had become clear that the little beast was dying. Food and water ran through it, ending in messes on the floor, it slept for hours, and when it woke, it cried weakly. It couldn’t walk, and Sansa would carry it out to the gardens, lay it on a blanket, and sit and embroider, only getting up to change the linens under the poor thing, or to persuade it to take a sip of water or a bite of food.
Ned tried to broach the facts of the matter with Sansa, but she had only glared stoney-faced at him, until he found himself faltering and retreating. He’d thought of sneaking in at night and smothering the creature, but it felt too much like murder, and he finally gave up, leaving the little creature alone to die in peace.
The one good thing about the matter, which was the rift between Sansa and Joffrey. The Prince found the puppy disgusting and wasn’t quiet about it, and Sansa found his rudeness distasteful, and tactfully avoided the boy. By the time he was able to put them on a ship, sickly pup and all, she was distant enough from Joffrey that her protests were only quiet, pointed remarks about how he had made her fit to be a princess, and now didn’t find the price she brought him high enough.
It reminded him, chillingly, of how Lyanna had argued with his father, and he found himself unable to embrace her when she left.
Stark had sent one of his daughters with a Braavosi swords master and the other with a sickly puppy, as if he thought that Stannis hadn’t enough to do, and would appreciate some further inconveniences. 
The younger daughter had no idea how to behave, and put the entire castle into uproar after uproar. But if he had hoped that the eldest daughter, who had lived up to her reputation as far as being a pretty child, who curtsied precisely the right depth, would balance the little urchin by behaving and staying in her place, he was, well, mildly disappointed.
“The dog will be placed in the kennels,” he told them on the arrival.
The girl shook her head. 
“No, my lord.”
He had paused, and the entire parade of noblewomen, septas and servants had stumbled in its tracks.
“No, Lady Sansa?”
She met his eyes, and he was reminded, uncomfortably, of her father.
“No, my lord,” she reiterated. “He shall not go to the kennels. He is the symbol of my house and he will remain with me.”
“It’ll probably die soon, anyhow,” the younger girl told him. “It’s been dying since father bought it, it’s an ugly little thing.”
For a moment, Lady Sansa was unable to school her expression to proper demureness, and a cold rage turned her eyes from sky on sea blue to springtime ice as she glanced at her sister. It only lasted for a heartbeat, then she was back to cold courtesy.
Stannis ignored their silent squabble, and looked more closely at the creature. It lay limply in her arms, eyes unfocused, and breaths shallow. 
“At the very least,” he allowed. “We ought not to bring whatever sickness that is amongst the dogs.”
Later, he found the girl seated by her hearth, trying to feed the little creature a soup of broth and bones, while her ancient septa slept in the window seat. The pup ate but little, and the girl rubbed a hand over her eyes before she saw him and stood to curtsey again.
“Forgive me, my lord, I did not see you.”
“I brought this,” he held up a small pot. “I purchased it for a sick hound, once, and it brought the creature strength enough to heal.” 
She thanked him very prettily, and he mixed a spoonful with the broth she was trying to feed the pup, showing her the portions carefully and appreciating her careful attention. Between them, they got the poor thing to finish the broth and eat a little meat, before it fell asleep in a rabbit fur lined basket.
“Thank you, my lord.” 
He took a closer look at the child. He’d never thought much about the girl who would marry his goodsister’s bastard, but he could see now that she had bright, intelligent eyes, despite her clear exhaustion, and that she carried herself very well.
“It must have been a shock,” he said, abrupt in his discomfort. “When your father told you why he had to break your betrothal.”
She hesitated.
“My father,” her voice was very soft, and uncertain. “My father has not-“
He stared at her, irritable and disbelieving. 
“Did your father not tell you why you were being sent here?”
He knew he sounded skeptical, but the idea that Eddard Stark would not have told his eldest child why her very excellent marriage pact was being broken seemed truly ludicrous. Stark wasn’t stupid, and he was a man of honour. It would only serve him well to keep his eldest daughter in his confidence.
The girl blushed in embarrassment. 
“He-He told Arya,” she said, slowly. “That is, I believe he told her. She hasn’t said anything. To me. But he speaks to her. He likes her.”
Stannis frowned. 
There had been another father, once upon a time, that father had made sure there was a space in his mews for a crippled bird, and as much fresh and good food for her as any flighted creature, all because his son had hoped she might fly again. Even if that son was not as handsome, or charming, or bright as his brother.
“Your father has been foolish,” he told her, coldly. He had not the talent to speak to children, but she seemed to understand that he meant no harm to her. “He may as well have sent you riding an aurochs blindfolded.”
“No matter,” he continued, and sat down in a chair by the hearth, motioning her to the opposite seat. “Listen to me. It’s a very long story.”
“…His Grace, the King, has explained all to me, my Lord Father. 
I am very glad to hear that you have escaped your confinement. Perhaps we shall see each other again soon.
Your Obedient Daughter,
Sansa Stark, lately of Dragonstone”
There was something cold about the letter, Ned thought, running a hand through his hair, for all that it was prettily written, with no ink blotches or crossed words, but he couldn’t quite tell what made him think so. He set it aside, with a group of others he planned to answer later, including word from White Harbour and the Wall.
Stannis had overstepped, he thought. Sansa was too young to know the truth of her betrothal, that her former betrothed was a bastard born of incest, that Jon Arryn had been murdered. But Stannis had never been known for tact.
His son had become a king. The Riverlands and the North called him so. So did some among the Vale. Word had come to the Stormlands, just as he managed to convince Renly to wait for the proper order of succession.
He put it aside for now. Robb was a boy, he could be persuaded to see sense.
“Sansa has chainjed her hair again. She just brayds it and pins it back under a hood like the new Queen does except she hardly spends any time with the queen. She and Stannis are always together with the Prinsess. All they do is play kivuss, and talk over maps and books. 
“I found a secret passij in the cellar of the kassle. It goes to the dungeon.
“Are you alright, Father? I herd one of the men say you lost your leg. I miss you very much.”
He smiled fondly over the mis-spelled words, imagining Arya roaming a new castle, learning all the new haunts and secrets.
“My Dearest Arya,
“I have not lost my leg, but it was very badly infected. I hope you are well, and you are behaving for your hosts…” 
The black wolf didn’t die, to everyone’s surprise. To their further astonishment, he thrived, with an ever-growing appetite and a newfound strength to match. He began to grow, and developed a certain cool dignity, to match his mistress’ adolescent gentility. She named him “Prince” and embroidered a collar in silver-grey thread and white shell beads.
Stannis wasn’t, precisely, surprised to find that the elder of his new wards was quick and clever, or that she knew already the names and banners of nearly every house in the Seven Kingdoms, and the relevant histories of said houses. His wife was pleased with her sewing and manners, and engaged a musician to teach her and Shireen the high harp and the lute. The girl’s septa kindly took Shireen under her wing, along with the younger Stark girl(when she wasn’t playing at swords with her water dancing master or dragging Shireen and Patchface into trouble) and their maid. She couldn’t really do much more than teach them etiquette and sewing, but she meant well, and she was too old to do anything else, so Stannis allowed it.
Sansa and Melisandre had begun a polite war. Word had been that the girl prayed as much in the sept as her father’s godswood, but she was little interested in opening her faiths any further, and clearly disliked the Red God’s followers for their fanatic disavowal of the older faiths. The small folk had been afraid that she was a witch, with her black wolf as a familiar, but when she proved kind and generous, they apparently decided that she was a good lady, whose wolf was a sign of favour by either the old gods, or the new.
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sodalitefully · 5 years
Cliches, Part 3
As promised, Steven’s annual holiday party!  More of the reptile store/bakery AU, Sluff with just a hint of Izzal, lots of fluff and drunken shenanigans.  
(Cliches part one, two, check out my masterlist for more!)
11:30AM, The Friday Before Christmas:
There was always a lull in customers between the breakfast and lunch rushes, but instead of taking a well-deserved break, Duff was used to finding ways to keep himself busy, starting by wiping down the few tables he managed to fit inside his tiny store. Damp rag in hand, he paused at one of the tables to check on the napkin dispenser and of course it was that moment, bent over to reach the dispenser by the wall, his ass in the air and his back to the door, when the bell over the entrance jingled. He spun around at the sound, whacking a table leg with his shin, and instinctively braced himself against the chair behind him when he saw Slash standing in the doorway.
Slash had… a presence, you could say, an aura about him that always seemed to hit Duff like a freight train. It must be the hair and the bulky black leathers, Duff decided, making Slash seem bigger than he really is and absorbing all the light in a room so that Duff’s eyes were always drawn straight to him. Sunglasses hid his eyes (did he really need them just to cross the street to Duff’s bakery?) and his lips were pressed together, but they softened into a tiny smile when he looked at Duff.
“Slash! Hi!” Duff squeaked, then cleared his throat and hoped he wasn't visibly blushing as he scrambled back to safety behind the cash register. Slash followed right behind him, stopping in front of the register with his fingers resting on the edge of the counter. Duff couldn’t stand watching his own reflection in Slash’s glasses, so his eyes wandered as he continued.
“Uh, what can I do for you?” he stammered, staring down at Slash’s silver rings.
“Mm, I just thought I’d drop by and check that you're still planning to come to Steven's Christmas party tonight."
“Oh! Yeah, of course. I am. Uh, I’m looking forward to it."
“Good.” Slash shuffled his feet, a gesture that would have seemed more nervous if not for the pleased little smirk on his lips. “I’ll see you there, then.” Slash took a step back as if to leave, then paused and leaned back in.
“Duff?” The baker froze in mortification when Slash pointed a finger up at the red and green elf hat that Duff completely forgot he was wearing. “Bring that."
6:00PM, Steven Should Really Be Decorating The Bar Right Now:
“Nah, I’m not going to go as hard this year."
Steven snorted in disbelief.
“Yeah right, Slash. Like how last year you said you were gonna take it easy but you ended up jumping off the roof? Or the year before, when you had a flight to catch the next morning but you still challenged Axl to a drinking contest, and then as soon as you beat him you turned around and challenged Izzy?"
Slash grimaced. Steven always tended bar for the first couple hours of the party and was therefore the last one to get drunk, which meant that he had dirt on everybody. Slash resisted the urge to argue that the roof was only seven feet high, and he’d landed on his feet without even spraining anything – it was nothing Steven hadn’t heard before.
“No, seriously…” Slash lowered his voice a little and leaned across the bar, even though absolutely nobody was listening in on their conversation. “…I really don’t want to embarrass myself in front of Duff. It’s his first party with us, you know? He hasn’t seen me drunk off my ass yet and I don’t want to, well, scare him off."
Steven nodded sympathetically, but mentally he was weighing the odds. It was true that Duff was a timid sort, and Steven knew all about Slash’s massive crush on his neighbor. But he also knew that Slash had been going steady with Jack Daniels for way longer than he’s been hung up on Duff. Could Slash make it through a holiday party without getting wasted? Not a fuckin’ chance.
9:30PM, Time (And Liquor) Makes Fools Of Us All:
Duff stepped foot in the building all of two seconds ago and already Slash was latched onto his arm and dragging him to the bar.
“Stevie, Duff’s here!” The party officially started at nine, but Duff suspected that Slash may have gotten a head start on the bottle of whiskey clenched in his fist, if his uncharacteristically cheery demeanor was anything to go by.
“Pick your poison, buddy,” Steven invited with a knowing smirk.
“Uh, I don’t know, something with vodka…?” Duff was very preoccupied by the warm leather of Slash’s sleeve pressing against his side and the barest brush of his frizzy hair against Duff’s neck, but Steven sure got his attention when he slid an unopened bottle of Smirnoff across the bar.
10:30PM, Santa’s Helpers Are Bringing Down The Neighborhood’s Property Value:
Every year, Axl and Izzy responded to their invitation with humming and hawing, as if they just might not be able to make it to the party this time, and every year (fashionably late, of course), Axl strutted into the bar like he owned it and Izzy slunk in behind him like a party crasher trying not to get caught.
Axl was more than ready to get his hands on a stiff drink, but the scene in front of him stopped him in his tracks: Slash and Duff, wearing an antler headband and an elf hat (respectively), equipped with window markers that Axl could only assume Steven had provided, were well on their way to turning the front window into a mural of lewd and filthy and sometimes festive doodles. When they finished, it would surely be a masterpiece to rival the Sistine Chapel, or maybe an issue of Hustler.
“Jesus Christ.”
It was only 10:30, did they really have to get such an early start on the shenanigans? Duff blushed red at Axl’s resigned exasperation, but it didn’t stop him from completing a crude drawing of a dick. The tiny bells on Slash’s headband jingled as he just laughed and added nipples to an (actually quite impressive) portrait of a shirtless woman. Fucking hell. At least they weren’t breaking anything… Yet.
12:00PM, Good Fucking Luck Getting A Turn At The Karaoke Machine:
"Oh, Nikita, you will never know, never know anything about my home. I'll never know how good it feels to hold you... Nikita, I need you so."
As he sang the last words of the song, Axl spotted Izzy slipping away from the karaoke stage, ducking his head to hide the pink flush on his cheeks as he hurried back to the bar. Axl just smirked; Izzy always got embarrassed when Axl serenaded him in public, but he’d be back for more soon enough. Axl thought about following him, thought about getting Izzy even more flustered then dragging him to the restroom for a little fun like they did last year… But there’d be time for that later. For now, Axl wasn’t about to give up his reign as the undisputed Karaoke King.
Duff was sitting at the edge of a booth next to the karaoke machine, absentmindedly sucking on a cigarette and watching Axl pace the tiny stage like a caged animal ready to snap at anyone who tries to stick their hand through the bars, when Slash snuck up behind him with three beers balanced precariously in his hands.
“Watch this,” Slash stage whispered conspiringly as he handed one beer to Duff and then slid the second over to Axl. “Taking requests tonight, Ax?"
Axl sipped his drink and quirked his eyebrow at Slash. “Maybe."
“Well, Duff says he wants to hear some Nazareth."
“I said what?” Duff spluttered, narrowly avoiding choking on his beer, but Slash just elbowed him in the ribs.
“Shut up dude, it’s about to get good!"
Axl rolled his eyes at Slash’s bullshit but he jabbed a song into the karaoke machine and twisted the dial on the speaker.
“Gonna need some volume on this one…"
As the intro to a familiar song started to play, Slash wrapped an arm around Duff’s shoulders in apology. Duff leaned into the touch, and any remaining indignation he might have felt vanished as soon as Axl opened his mouth and started to scream.
“You’re a heart-breaking soul shaker, I’ve been told about you…"
“Shit, Axl can fuckin’ sing!” Duff whisper-shouted into Slash’s hair. Slash laughed, a sound that Duff had been graced with more times in this one night than all the rest of their acquaintance. He leaned up to put his lips by Duff’s ear.
“I dare you to request All I Want For Christmas Is You next!"
1:00PM, O Tannenbaum:
“Hey, what are you guys doing to my – OH. Oh my god!”
A patch of branches on Steven’s Christmas tree was stripped bare of it’s dressings, but Steven couldn’t bring himself to stay angry about the vandalism when he saw how the decorations had been repurposed.
Slash sat cross-legged in front of the tree, very patiently doing his best to keep any drunken swaying to a minimum as Duff carefully wound a popcorn garland around his shoulders like a feather boa. Slash’s hair was sprinkled in gold tinsel, a pair of glass baubles dangled from his hoop earrings, and at least a half dozen more glass and paper ornaments were lovingly nestled in his voluminous curls.
Steven sprinted for the camera.
3:00AM, Come Here Often?:
Slash couldn’t actually remember where he and Duff were trying to get, but it was clear that Duff was having a hard time getting there without swaying and stumbling. Duff was leaning heavily on Slash’s shoulder to stay upright – even though Slash wasn’t doing much better himself.
“Oof!” Duff tripped on something (likely as not his own feet) and tumbled to the side, where he was fortunate enough to land on a sticky leather couch instead of falling all the way to the floor. His arm was still wrapped around Slash’s shoulders, which meant that Slash was also yanked off his feet and dragged by the neck onto the couch where he landed gracelessly on top of Duff.
“Shit, sorry –“ Duff wheezed, sounding like he might have had the breath knocked out of him.
“S’fine, fine… You ok sweetheart?” Slash’s pet-name filter had disengaged completely a couple hours ago.
“Yeah, lemme just… hold on…”
Getting up from the couch seemed like too tall an order, but after some squirming and fumbling they managed a more comfortable position: Duff lay on his back with his knees hooked over the armrest and his hair splayed around his head like a wreath on the cracked seat cushion. Slash was draped on top of him, his forearms on either side of Duff’s head and his thigh conspicuously dipping between Duff’s legs.
Duff suddenly felt a lot more sober as he stared straight up at Slash’s dark eyes. Slash’s hair fell like a curtain around their faces, and the slivers of light that pierced the veil left a gleam in Slash’s eyes that Duff couldn’t quite read. He was nervous as hell, but for once he relished the feeling, that intoxicating cocktail of terror, anticipation, and arousal.
“Duff?” Slash’s fingertips wove into Duff’s hair, the gentlest touch but still enough to hold Duff’s head in place, not that he ever wanted to move.
“Yeah?” Duff was surprised by the thickness of the want in his voice, a low, heavy tone that resonated in the small space between them.
One moment Duff could feel Slash’s warm breath on his cheeks, the next he could feel his hot lips, then his tongue when Duff’s mouth fell open, in surprise or invitation he didn’t know or care.
Duff couldn’t say how long they lay tangled together, Slash’s body pinning him down, his hands buried in Slash’s curls, gasping for air when Slash finally broke their heated first kiss. They each caught their breath and stared at each other’s wet lips, neither sure what to say except:
Steven has a secret box with a secret compartment full of embarrassing pictures of his friends at the Christmas party!
Axl’s karaoke songs are Nikita by Elton John, Hair Of The Dog by Nazareth (also on The Spaghetti Incident) and All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey.
Also, I’d like to formally request a drawing of Slash with ornaments in his hair. (Edit: here!!)
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My Brothers, Corrupted
Chapter 2 : Section 7 : Runaways
The outburst of Blue’s power, too strong to be hidden beneath Anti’s careful, means they are no longer secure in their hiding place at the height of the mountain, and Anti no longer cares about making sure his curse is safe before using it. Dapper is breaking down, Red and Blue are on the chopping block for the choice they made, and Anti is struggling desperately to maintain control as he takes his puppets and flees to the north.
Trigger warnings for some of the most severe abuse yet, including manipulation, abuse between brothers, and abuse of a character having a psychotic episode.  I’m telling you right now, this chapter bites. Please be careful.
Find Chapter One here.
Find Chapter Two here.
 Section Seven of Chapter Two: Runaways
Anonymous asked: Trick, Dok, Genesis, anyone? Are you guys okay?
When the signal comes back, your camera seems to be vibrating.
Thud thud thudding rapidly as colors and lights fly by. Mounted on the ledge of a car window, pointing back in towards the other side.
Trick is the only one who looks up at the faint beeping, his eyes wide. He glances towards the front of the car and gives you no answer, stroking his twin’s hair. Dok is sitting on the floor at his feet with the weighted blanket over his shoulders, his forehead pressed against Trick’s thigh so you can’t see his face. Dapper sits beside Trick, his knees drawn up to his chest, his big, teary eyes fixed on the floor. He’s holding his fluffy white bear to his chest, and, from his crooked nose all the way back to his right ear, there is one huge bruise, bright purple and deep black.
They’re traveling somewhere.
Above the driver’s seat, you can see the plastic antlers of Blue’s Christmas gift mask.
Anonymous asked: Just let her go, Chase. She’s got a family just like you do. It’ll alright, love.
Trick turns his face away from you, holding Doktor closer against his thigh. Dapper stares over at you, his mouth in a deep frown and tears slinking down his cheeks. Eventually he shifts, snuffling, and lets you see the golden hilt of that beautiful knife, returned to him now and cleaned of Genesis’s blood.
The car pulls over and stops.
“Okay,” says a flat voice from the front. “Wait here. I’ll get gas.”
Anti’s car door opens and shuts. Nobody moves.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Where's Red and Blue, guys?
“Front,” mumbles Trick.
Red turns back to you just for a second. His body shakes and no one has bandaged his cuts. He wears that black muzzle on his face - you can tell what it is beneath a thick scarf. He is handcuffed to the car door. You can recognize, by now, the way that guilt looks on him, and you can recognize, by instinct, the look of a man haunted.
Anonymous asked: Still wearing our boy, Anti?
Blue’s palms are a vivid red, not the flaking skin he had before, but burned. They must be painful. Anti sets them to the handle of the filthy gas nozzle and starts loading up the clean little car - stolen more likely than rented, but it hardly matters now.
“I can’t trust him right now,” he says, his voice dark. He seems to take none of his usual joy in it and his eyes are fixed blankly on the nozzle. “But I… I will… I’ll… fix it. Too much power for him.”
He sighs deep and runs his hand through Blue’s hair, singed black on one side. “Mmh… need to put the others back, too. Should I focus on Red or Dap, do you think? None of the medicine seems to be working on my little one, which makes him harder to reign in… but Red was so far off the fucking rails last night… maybe Red, maybe Red…”
Anonymous asked: personally bro I think you should focus on why it is that your whole schtick keeps tanking cuz I think there's some fundamental imbalances here that need to be addressed that you're refusing to acknowledge. or something.
Anti chews on his lip, staring at the gas nozzle.
“Should I… I just… I didn’t expect five to be so much harder than four!”
He pulls at his hair, distressed. “I thought I had taught Red better than that. Maybe I should just go back to four and keep a closer eye on all of them. Maybe I should just kill Trick and be done with it, reset them all and just… I think I could manage that, right? I used to manage Red and Trick and Dok and Dapper so well, they were just sad, and I wanted Blue to change that… but Dok would be a good twin to Dap, wouldn’t he? And Red and Blue would still be able to guard like Trick does. Maybe I should just give up on having the full set like I always wanted. Ship Trick’s body back to Jack and make him cry. I hate… I know he did this just to make it harder for me!”
Anti breaths in and then shakes his head at himself, pulling the nozzle out of the car. “No, no, no. Once I cull Blue’s power off I won’t have to be so worried about hiding them all the time and I can put all five of them back in their neat little lines. I can still do this. I just need to keep them away from the magical orders. If the Lapwings couldn’t protect Marvin from me, the Ravens won’t be able to help them either. I just need to do what I came to this country to do and then we can go again, and no one will take my pets from me.”
Anonymous asked: You read one book and suddenly you're able to take on who-knows-how-many magicians? You barely handled blue back in Norway and he hardly know what he was doing. What are you going to do against people that are actually trained?
Anti growls at you. “You are underestimating, first of all, what a goddamn little powerhouse this stupid brat is. Hardly knew what he was doing? He was one of the most accomplished magicians in the UK, you dumb fucks. Anyway, he would have been easy to kill - it’s just that I didn’t want my new pet dead.”
He snarls down at the gas nozzle and shoves it back into the tower. The electric little screen reading “S/.116.030″ glitches and the number disappears.
“These little thieves who are trying to take what belongs to me have no such guarantee. I will slaughter anyone who comes near them.”
nikkilbook asked: Yes, because literally the only possibly reason Jack could have created them all was exclusively to annoy you. No other reason. Not like they’re people, have been people, always will be people, and people don’t exist for only reason and especially not just out of spite. No, it’s definitely just to annoy you.
“He made that stupid little Jameson just to save him! That stupid doctor because he could feel me growing and knew he would need a healer! Jackie to protect him, Marvin to hide him, Chase to laugh while he cried! You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe him to be a selfless man - you’ll recall, after all, that I was only ever created to fucking entertain you!”
Anonymous asked: you're ignoring that there's actually six of you. you can't even handle yourself, bro. it IS an option to just like. let the boys do whatever they want. love is a stronger bond than fear, you saw that firsthand last night my dude.
“But then they’d go!” Anti clutches his burned hands into fists so hard he makes welts burst, and blood and clear puss come running down his wrists. “And they can’t! They can’t go! They’re mine, I’m owed them! They belong to me now! Better than being with Jack! Better than being with Jack!”
Anonymous asked: ok I would like your logic on why they were sad and if it doesn't include somewhere the phrase "being held against their will by a volatile puppetmaster and stripped of essential human freedoms" i'd kindly ask you to reword yourself
“Maybe they deserve to be sad sometimes,” Anti snarls, gritting his teeth. “Maybe they deserve everything I’ve ever done to them.”
Anonymous asked: bruhhhh if they loved you enough they'd never go. that's the reason we can't get Blue to up and skedaddle. he loves his brothers way more than he fears you.
“But they don’t love me,” says Anti. “And no one does without my control. So there’s no point to you trying to convince me. I know what I am. I only pretend not to be a monster around them, you know. I don’t try to tell myself any different. I never have. Not since I was little.”
bupine asked: what is it that you came to this country to do, anti? we never did find that out. is it something you're gonna be cryptic about or can you tell us?
“You never asked,” he says. And then: “There are parts of the world that are more magical than others. And I have a spell to cast.”
immabethehero asked: Hey Anti, here's a wild idea. let them run around for like a week with no chains and then they'll be happy.
“Haha! Oh, fuck, are you joking? They’d fall apart and never come back to me. Bet you a thousand sols at least one of them would die. Most of them would come running back to me. Hey, have you guys ever read Life of Pi?”
He glances at you like he expects an answer, but doesn’t actually check for one.
“He talks about, like… people like to go ‘oh, the poor animals in the zoo, all locked away!’ But the animals in the zoo aren’t actually unhappy. They’re glad they’re in the zoo. They’ve got space and food and routine. And if you shoved a family of people out of their house and you went ‘go, be free!’ they wouldn’t actually be free and they wouldn’t want to leave. They’d want to go back into the house. They’d want to go back into the house aggressively. They’d force you to let them go back into the house.”
He shrugs. “My boys belong in the house. Being let out wouldn’t be real freedom. Especially seeing as most of them would be caught and put in jail for life! Red and Dapper certainly, probably Dok too, maybe Trick if they could convict him. No, no, better off with me. The outside world is a scary place without master to look after you. I guarantee - I fucking promise - soon enough, they’d miss me.”
Anonymous asked: I’m sorry, but you don’t get the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’s time for you to move on to better things, y’know? Find some other...hobby or whatever. They’ll never stop breaking out of what ever the hell you’ve put them under, and soon they’ll be too strong for you to ever get them back under. They are so much more than puppets and once you realize that it’ll be far too late for you.
“I didn’t ask you for the benefit of the doubt and I don’t care what you think. And if you’re so convinced that they’ll never stop? They’ll never give up, they’ll never stop trying to be free?”
He turns to you with black eyes.
“I swear I will match every second of their determination, and bring them back under my control. Every. Single. Time. If I have to struggle for the rest of my fucking life. So be it. So be it.”
bupine asked: anti, my dude, look at urself. ur stressed the fuck out and the boys are scared and hurt and remembering again. you can't take care of all of this urself, u just fucking can't. u can't keep wiping their memories and torturing and gaslighting and burning urself out. i know ur not gonna listen to this at all and ur probably just gonna give some sarcastic response but fucking hell u know u can't keep doing this. something has to change here, and that something is u, i'm gonna be honest.
“I’ll do this as many times as I have to!” he screams.
It’s a good thing this gas station lot is mostly empty. He’s starting to look stressed.
“I’ll do whatever I have to! As long as I have to! Forever! I’m not letting anyone go! They’re mine! They’re mine! They’re mine!”
Anonymous asked: That doesn’t sound like a way to live
“Better than the alternative!” screams Anti. “Better than being - I’m not going back to - I’m not letting them go!”
immabethehero asked: You're stressed, Anti. It really shows
“Thank you for your stunning analysis, PsyD,” he snarls.
Anonymous asked: whatever you say, pal. just trying to make your life easier.
Anti growls and turns away from you. “None of you understand anything.”
dancing-anon asked: So, Anti, what's the deal with you and Sean? Why do you hate him?
“Don’t say that fucking name. We’re not talking about this. All of you be quiet.”
musical-in-theory asked: Anti you are a textbook control freak who’s just now learning that they have so very little control. Poor little thing, your strings are becoming quite frayed...
“Bit the strings off myself,” he mumbles. “No connections left to him now.”
Anonymous asked: Dapper this is not your fault, please do not blame yourself, love.
Dapper looks up at you, weakly clutching his bear to his chest, and tries to nod. Trick reaches over to rub his shoulder, but Dapper draws away, hiding his face in his bear.
dancing-anon asked: Okay now I just wanna know more about Anti and Sean-
Anti laughs hysterically. “I know you do! Everyone did! Because that’s all I ever was! A storyline! Yes, I know, you want to know all about me, don’t you? Want to see me a hundred times over! I’m a fun toy to play with, aren’t I? A fun video to rewatch? Oh, do you still shiver when he draws the little toy knife to his throat? Did JJJJ scare you? And when you finally saw me with the others, all of us lined up just the way Jack wanted, in his little costumes and accents and special effects, didn’t it just make your month! Leave me the fuck alone. I’m not a goddamn prop.”
Anonymous asked: “Gotta love how you don't even try to be better. 'Oh, poor me, made to be a monster' well fucking change that, then. If you hate your Jack so much because of what he made you, then stop doing exactly what he made you to do. And you want to be loved by these five who you admit to hating so much? I don't even know where to begin with that. You’re so obsessed with every ounce of control, that you can't even settle for being as in control as you clearly already are. That's sad." - I!A
“There’s no changing anything now. There never was any changing anything. I just realized late.”
Anonymous asked: Why are you so afraid of being on your own?
“I’m not afraid,” hisses Anti.
Glitches warp the gas station tower screen.
“I’m not afraid.”
immabethehero asked: Are you still in Mexico, drama queen?
“I’ve never been in fucking Mexico! Why did you think Mexico? Because they speak Spanish here?”
Anonymous asked: dapper, are you all right? any symptoms hurting you too much? i know what it's like... some of the stuff you're dealing with... and i'm sorry medication hasn't been helping you. you're doing a great job hanging in there
“I can’t tell what’s going on,” moans Dapper, barely taking his hands off his bear to sign to you. “N-nobody looks right, and everyone’s acting weird, and my face hurts, and I’m scared, I’m scared, I don’t know what’s happening, I want to go home.”
“He’s having bad delusions,” mumbles Trick, still just stroking Dok’s hair, for hours, for hours. His twin stopped responding some time ago.
immabethehero asked: YOU'RE IN SPAIN
Anonymous asked: Columbia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru?
“Don’t care to tell you,” Anti simpers, looking a little calmer now. He knows and you don’t.
Anonymous asked: Brazil. Got it.
“Oh, haha, are you pleased with yourself? No. I let you see plenty of hints so you figure it out.”
immabethehero asked: Puerto Rico?
“Leave me alone.”
Anonymous asked: I figured it was Brazil, smartass. Ever heard of confirmation?
“It’s not Brazil. Ever heard of being wrong?”
Anonymous asked: It’s Ecuador.
“I told you, I’m done talking.”
Anonymous asked: My mistake, Ecuador, right? They speak Portuguese in Brazil, pardon.
“They do speak Portuguese in Brazil, yes. A lot of you are Americans, huh? We’re done talking about this. I’ll ignore the rest of you, do you understand?”
Anonymous asked: Well damn, you certainly wanted to be far away from Jack then, huh?
Anti chuckles. “We’ve been all over. Dap and I were in Japan for a while. Just wanted to see what it was like. I love it there, actually. If I could stay somewhere, it would probably be Japan.”
Anonymous asked: Maybe the medicine is working too well, Dap...
“No,” says Trick, looking a little grumpy at this. “You saw him when the medicine was working. You were with us in Norway. He got a little confused, sometimes, but for the most part he was able to function just fine. It’s when he doesn’t have his medicine right that things get to be hard for him.”
Dap stares over at Trick, a little hope coming back to him. “It’s just medicine problems, C-love? It’s just confusion? Will I remember once we fix it?”
“Yeah, sweetie, yeah.” Trick reaches over to stroke his hair, and this time, Dap allows it. “I’m sure you’re just confused, honey. We’re trying really hard to make it work, okay?”
Anonymous asked: Hey Red, just want you to know you did the right thing. Don't lose faith.
Red doesn’t turn back to you.
But you see him shaking his head, just a little, his shoulders heaving.
immabethehero asked: Trick, is Doc okay?
Trick glances down at Dok, running his fingers through his hair.
“I… he… there’s just a lot going on right now. Once we’re safe, everything will be a-okay, a-okay. Anti’s taking us somewhere safe! To make up for fucking Red and Blue…”
nikkilbook asked: Red, I know this is probably cold comfort, but I think you made the right decision in helping Blue up the mountain. You did a good job, you were a good brother. I’m really proud of you. And I think Blue is, too.
Red slams his head back against the car headrest, panting. Trick lets out a grim laugh, looking shaken.
“Blue’s not anything, right now.”
nikkilbook asked: If you’re not a prop, stop acting like it. A prop is defined exclusively by its purpose within a scene, how it’s used and who uses it. A good actor can give the illusion that it’s always existed, but ultimately it is defined from curtain to curtain. A person is defined by a hundred thousand billion things, their relationships and interactions and wants and desires and flaws and struggles and emotions. All you’ve ever shown us is that you are doing these things to thumb your nose at him, prop.
“This is me being more than a prop. When was the last time you saw a scenic armchair kidnap five characters and drag them away from the storywriter?”
bupine asked: we know you're not a prop, anti. we just want you to leave the boys alone, which we know you won't do cause you're quite frankly just a stubborn, attention seeking asshole. like yeah we know you've got abandonment issues but fuck stop making that everyone else's problem fdhfghjhdg
“Yep, sounds about right,” he taunts you.
bupine asked: so what were the boys like before you had them, anti? tell us about that
Anti pauses, staring out at the sky.
“I remember… the fear in Jameson’s eyes, but also the determination, stabbing at my hands when I tried to take him away. And he was scared to swear but when he saw things he would hiss and spit at them until the paranoia made him break down, cause there was also something fearless to him.”
Anti opens his mouth and then pauses, maybe regretting his sentimentalizing.
“I don’t know. Jackie was loud and he hunted me well, I’ll give him that much. Marvin was this cocky, powerful thing, always flashing with jewelry - I always liked the way he shone. Henrik was tireless, Chase was a survivor. They had become, like I had, their own people.”
nikkilbook asked: Dap, I don’t think we ever asked, sorry—who are the ghosts? I remember seeing you having a puppet show with one, about Bro Average, but no one ever explained what was going on? And you don’t have to explain this if you don’t want to, but... who’s the red man?
Dapper sits back in his chair, a slightly glazed look coming over his eyes.
“Oh, I can see so many ghosts. Sometimes they’re scary but sometimes they’re nice. Look!” 
He points over at Doktor. Trick nervously holds his twin against him.
“It’s H-healing! His hair’s all green and he’s in Jack’s silly doctor costume. He keeps making jokes about fake surgeries and he’s so loud! He’ll bring me medicine if I get sick, but he’s still a ghost, he just doesn’t know it.”
Anonymous asked: Ah yes this again, because Jack is actually capable of love and you wanna daddy to love you, too, right?
Anti stares into the distance.
“Well, I guess that’s the other thing I remember,” he says. “That they all really loved each other. Always kind of… fucking hated that. And they’d all be smiling…”
Blue’s lips curl up into a sneer.
Anonymous asked: Ruined five perfectly good people, is what you did. Look at them, they've got anxiety.
“Glad we agree they’re ruined. Okay, let’s wrap this up, idiots, we gotta keep moving and I hope you know I’m not talking to you in the car.”
musical-in-theory asked: Why the fuck do you think that they deserve any of this???
“Please,” snaps Anti. “Assholes. Stupid - with their fucking house all together and all their goddamn ranting about ‘oh, we’re all brothers, we’re all family!’ Here’s what I think of your brotherhood - I can cut you into pairs and make you obsess over each other. Annoying fuckers. And Jack always looking at them with his goddamn - and they look - they look fucking just like him, and not in a way like I look like him, no matter how much I look like him, because they’re - they’re - they’re like him and - ”
Anti cuts himself off, turning away from you, panting.
Anonymous asked: Please see sense, Anti. Something about your methods has to change. It's not Blue's power or Dap's medicine that's the real problem. They will always rebel if your first instinct is to muzzle and collar and torture them.
“I’ll squash every rebellion, then.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Anti, who are you to decide what they deserve and what they don't? Even if they are your brothers, you should all be included and loved equally
“Okay, Mother Theresa, thanks for your words of wisdom. What about me makes you think I give a damn, and how do I correct that perception?”
Anonymous asked: Hes a scaredycat aw
“Shut the fuck up!” screams Anti. “Shut the fuck up!”
bupine asked: did you used to believe you weren't a monster?
“No, of course I did! I - you think you can look like a thing like me and not - you think - as if I wasn’t born with blood all over my hands, like - I know what I am! Why does the past matter?”
Anonymous asked: Why are you so hell-bent on keeping them?
“They’re mine, they’re mine, they’re mine!” screams Anti, shrieking like a seagull and glitching like a virus. “If I can’t have Jack I’ll take every fucking part of him! They belong to me, he owes them to me, he can’t them, he’s mine! I’m the master, I am, I am! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!”
the-weirdest-fan asked: Do you ever regret making them your puppets, Anti? I know you probably dont feel bad for them, but do you miss the collection process? Surely that was pretty fun, right? Are you ever tempted to just say the hell with it, and kill them?
“I always used to dream about killing them,” says Anti, in a voice shaking with fervor, his eyes too wide. Blood is welling up against his shirt. “Sometimes I just want to see them all stop breathing. I could d-drive all six of us off a cliff and that would be it, that would be it, that would be it. Miss collection, miss collection, no, no, no, I like having them with me. Everything was so much safer once I had my little boy. Everything was promised, everything is okay when my little boy is working right. I just have to put him back together and cast my spell and go and everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine…”
Anonymous asked: You must be really scared then, Anti, being away from your own master and all.
Anti freezes stiff, his face turned away from you.
The wind brushes through his hair and the sun glows down on him. Blue’s deer mask fills up with light, and for just a second, Anti stands in it, and you see the light dusting of freckles along Blue’s arms, and the burned hairs of his beard, and the strong, proud curve of that back.
Eventually Anti turns around again and limps towards the car like he’s been punched in the stomach, taking you with him. His trembling hands turn the camera off, and you are plunged back into darkness as you lose your connection to the car.
Anonymous asked: I know a lot has happened and were in a real transitional mess once again...but I have to know: How is Noodle the cat?
Your sound comes back before your video.
A car door slams shut and then another opens, and someone gives a small gasp. There is a fumbling bumping noise as the camera is pressed into someone’s hands.
“So I can keep an eye on you all.” Anti’s voice is simmering water. There is a small click and Trick’s face appears above you, looking pale and scared. “I’m going to go get you something to eat. Keep your brothers in line.”
The door shuts and Anti is gone.
For a long moment, the car is silent.
Trick puts you back up on the ledge of the window so you can see everyone, smiling weakly. Dok is sitting beside him now, with Dapper on the floor instead. Red, in the passenger’s seat, might be asleep, and you can hear him breathing steady and deep.
“Noodle,” says Trick, trying to keep his voice light. “Is great! He’s the best boy in the world and I’ve got him right here.”
He reaches down to scoop the little cat up, presenting him to you with a shaking grin. Noodle mewls softly and paws at his hands, and suddenly Trick, without knowing why, is on the verge of tears.
“Yeah, you’re a good boy, huh?” he whispers, kissing his cat’s head. “You’re my good boy. Everything’s okay. Everything’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: They're in Peru. (or were, depending on when we reconnect). What are your thoughts on the Nazca Lines?
“Oh, uh,” Trick pauses, laughing nervously. “I didn’t know where we were. I, uh. Don’t know what those are. I’m sorry. I didn’t leave the house much… in fact, I haven’t in… weeks… well, not farther than the mountainside. I haven’t seen the city since we got off the plane. So, not much sight-seeing, you know? Those sound cool, though, whatever they are.”
“Carvings in the desert,” mumbles Dok, his head resting against the cool glass of the car window. “Far south of us.”
Relief washes down Trick’s face and he turns to grab his shoulder, beaming at him. “Hey, buddy, you with me again?”
Dok breathes slowly in. He seems to be making an effort to turn his head back towards Trick, to open his mouth and answer him, but eventually he just takes a shuddering breath and sinks down onto Trick’s shoulder, burying his face against him.
Trick squishes him into a hug, pressing their heads close together.
 “We’re okay. We’re okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I got you, don’t I? So everything’s going to be just fine.”
Anonymous asked: They’ll come, Marvin, just wait. It’s gonna be okay. Take it slow.
Dapper stares up at you, distress beginning to fill up his face again. You hear Trick give a deep sigh.
“Who’s coming? Where are we, where are we going? Why is nobody acting like themselves? I don’t want the bad men to come. There are people coming to get us and hurt us and eat us.”
“Dap! Nobody’s going to eat us!”
“Where’s Marvin? What is he waiting for? I want Marvin, I want Marvin!”
“Dapper, please, all you’ve been doing for hours is crying! Can you cut it out for two minutes, please!”
“We’re going somewhere bad! We’re going somewhere bad! Everything is shaking with power and it gets worse the closer we are. Too much magic, too much magic. I want Marvin. I’m hungry.”
“Anti went to get food, Dap.”
Dapper falls quiet, rocking himself on the floor of the car.
Trick sighs and turns back to you. “And that’s something to thank God for, let me tell you. I was starting to get worried we were just going to keep driving and driving.”
“Blue’s not here to take care of us,” whispers Dok. “So he almost forgot we needed to eat.”
Trick sobers, staring down at the floor.
“They’re coming to get us,” Dapper complains, his eyes closed and his head pushed against the back of Red’s seat. “Scared, scared, scared. Ghosts! Ghosts! My stomach hurts, I hate this new medicine, I want my brain to work again!”
Trick runs his hand down his face, tugs Dok closer to his shoulder, and checks again on Red’s heartbeat, beginning to feel more than a little overwhelmed. Noodle sits purring on his lap.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: How long have you guys been on the road?
“Hours, I guess,” sighs Trick, staring out his window. “Clock on the car is digital, so it just keeps glitching. Sun’s high now. We left in the dead of night. We stopped for a bathroom like, twice, but that’s all. I hope Anti gets us something good. Pizza or hamburgers - or - fried chicken or something so fatty and American it just about kills me on the spot.” His face is lit up. “Dok, what would you go for if you could have anything in the world right now?”
Dok lets out a short sigh, trying to think. “Mh… bacon sandwich…”
Laughter bubbles out of Trick like a fountain. “Bacon sandwich?”
“Bacon sandwich,” whispers Dok, grinning frailly up at him. His eyes may as well be lit from the inside, and heated, too, with warmth like that. “Toasty bacon sandwich… with… tomato.”
“Oh, here he comes!”
Anti returns to the car and pulls open Trick’s door. “Look edible, pup?”
Trick startles. “Oh - me?”
“Yeah? Aren’t you hungry?”
He can’t remember the last time Anti called him puppy! A burst of schadenfreude joy lights up in Trick’s chest and he resists the urge to give Dapper a smirk, instead reaching eagerly out to accept the brown take-out bag from Anti’s hands. Inside, sandwiches gleam brighter than silver inside of crinkling aluminum foil.
“Fuck, you got so many,” gasps Trick. “And - mashed potatoes too, and green beans!”
“I need to make sure you all get a good meal. Things might be… rough for a while. We might have to fight soon, Trick.”
Trick looks up, afraid. “Those people… they’re really going to catch up with us. Aren’t they, master?”
Anti sighs. For a second, he doesn’t look angry, or cruel, or biting - he just looks sad.
“Yeah, Tricks, I think so.”
“Anti?” asks Dok. “Can we get out of the car for a while?”
“Yeah, come on. Get Dap and Red out too. Stretch and sit down and eat. I think we need to… talk about some things before anything happens.”
A cold light gleams in his eyes again. “And maybe I need to reinforce a couple old lessons.”
bupine asked: shit, anti, can you not leave them alone for two minutes?
Anti seats himself at a little park table as his boys gather themselves together and start helping each other out of the car - well, mostly Trick, though Dok keeps turning around to check that Dapper is close at hand. Noodle paces around a tree on a little cat leash fashioned lovingly, carefully, out of cheap string.
Anti hums, feeling a breeze brush over Blue’s hair. He holds himself strangely, slumped over the table but not allowing his chest to touch the wood. He keeps shifting his hands and readjusting the mask on his pale face.
“Look,” he says. “What would be the point of any of this if I left them alone? If they sat here happily on this bench eating their green beans and giving Dapper little kisses on the cheek til his boo-boos are gone? If I let Blue go and him and Red got to cuddle for a while and feed each other roast beef? Please.”
Anti shifts, massaging at his chest, a little winded.
“Besides, then none of them would learn their lesson. The way Red, Blue, and Dapper acted last night is the most unacceptable thing I’ve seen since the night Jackie tried to run away with Dapper. No, he has to learn his lesson again, like he did now. And let’s stop lying to each other - you’re going to love every aching second of it.”
He smirks and adjusts the camera so you can see the expanse of the little rest stop lawn, some privacy provided between him and the convenience store where he bought the sandwiches by a few thin but determined trees.
“In fact,” he says. “Seeing as you were a part of what happened last night, I think you should be a part of this too, don’t you think?
“Red and Dapper need to be punished, and it has to happen before those fucking magicians catch up with us. Blue will get what he deserves when we get where we’re going. But we have a couple options and I think we should be entertained by it, don’t you? So you can pick.
“I can hypnotize one of them and spar with the other - you choose which of each, it doesn’t matter to me. Or I can make them both spar with each other, and the winner can beat the other one into a goddamn pulp.”
Anti leans back, Blue’s eyes glittering black in his stolen face.
“Decide. We both know you want to. You can do it without even telling us who you are… are you already thinking about it? Wouldn’t it be fun to see Dap hypnotized? Or Red? To spare one of them the pain of a real punishment, and let him sink back into my power again? Or wouldn’t you like to find out which one of them would win in a real fight? Come on. Don’t pretend. Decide.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: How about none of the above? Let them be who they are, Anti.
“Boring,” sings Anti. “You can be more creative than that, can’t you? I’ll let you have some time to decide, but I expect an answer.”
He sits back as his boys approach, Trick chattering to Dok about everything and nothing, re-invigorated by affection and food. He sits himself right down next to Anti - a bold move - and starts pulling out food for his brothers. Dok sits wearily down beside him, pulling open his sandwich with tentative eyes, like he expects something to jump out and sting him. Dapper stares down at his sandwich, unenthused.
Red, for his part, is still standing by the car, looking panicked and ill, afraid of what Anti is planning for him - and he knows it must be something. Trick did not help him to the table and Dok and Dapper are not well enough to care for anyone right now.
“Um, Anti,” begins Dok softly.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
Dok’s mouth opens and closes again. He’s looking at Blue’s thin frame. After a moment he shakes his head and sits back again, glancing nervously over at you for help as Anti picks boredly at the wood of the table, not even glancing at the food and water.
bupine asked: anti, is your chest hurt? also, when did red and dapper try to run away, was that is norway? unrelated to both of these questions but how about no one fights! i feel like the trauma of last night is punishment enough, but i know you won't agree
“Oh, no,” says Anti. He reaches over and rubs at Dapper’s back, pulling on his overgrown curls. Dapper doesn’t seem to know how to react. “That was back in… yeah, we were still near home then. I brought Dapper to lure the hero in. He came almost right away. I broke him in pretty well, but after about a month he had a moment of weakness and he took Dap and ran. My poor little boy was too sick to even protest, just followed after the hero.”
His voice stiffens as he rereads your question. “Blue’s chest is… it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
Doktor sinks down on the other side of the table, picking nervously at his bread.
Anonymous asked: dok is something wrong? are you worried about something?
Dok glances over at you and touches his stomach, looking back at Blue.
Anonymous asked: Hey Anti, it might be a good idea to let Blue eat. He’s probably starving after all that energy he used. He’ll get sick if he doesn’t. Anonymous asked: Anti, you should eat something. Blue’s body is starving like this. Bupine asked: anti, you need to eat too. For blue, obviously. He’s human too man. Anonymous said: anti, you’re going to seriously hurt blue if you don’t eat and drink. If you want to have an easier time managing them, you might want to prevent him from becoming severely ill
“Oh.” Anti blinks and sits up, scowling. “I forgot about that. I’ll eat later. Hate that fucking… swallowing and the way the stomach moves… and if I’m being honest, Blue doesn’t fit very well. He kind of - ”
Anti flinches suddenly, eyes wide, and his hands clench together.
“Stings,” he hisses, waving them through the air. “But maybe that’s the… burns…”
“Anti,” whispers Dok.
“What, darling?”
When Dok doesn’t answer right away, Anti looks up at him.
His face is bloodlessly pale and his hands folded gently in his lap. Downcast eyebrows and a pinched, sorrowful mouth make him look about as pathetic as Anti has ever seen him.
Usually Anti would laugh at him for begging, or pet and flatter him and enjoy the moment of weakness, but suddenly he doesn’t think that Dok is begging or acting at all. Not like Dapper learned to do when he was small. Dok has never done that. Dok is too straight-forward. Dok is a rod and always has been.
“I would like you please to eat,” he says softly. “Please.”
Blue’s mouth falls slightly open as he stares at him.
Then he shuts it again with a deep sigh, trying to banish old memories of a spit-fire doctor with a scalpel in his hand and Chase under his arm, yelling and refusing to be hypnotized, kicking when he was taken out of his cell…
“You never cause me any trouble, do you, Dok?”
Dok’s mouth smiles, but it never reaches his eyes.
“Try not to, master.”
Anti stares at him. Memorizes his face, in all the ways it is different from the others - the streaks of grey in his hair, the imprints of the carefully clean glasses, the way he holds himself, still proud after all these years…
“When we get where we’re going,” he says. “You’re going to watch over your little brothers and keep them hidden. You’re going to be tough and not break down and stop talking again. You’re going to keep Dapper safe and away from the fighting. Okay?”
“Yes, Anti,” whispers Dok. “Whatever you ask.”
Anti nods shortly, a small blush on his cheek, no longer able to meet Doktor’s eyes.
“Good boy,” he says shortly, and reaches for a sandwich.
Anonymous asked: Hey Dap, why don’t you take the camera over to Red and see if we can get him to come to the table to eat, yeah?
“Who’s Red?” whimpers Dap, curling in on himself. “Why is everyone acting so wrong? Why does Marvin burn like that? He is radiating black and blue. That’s not the right kind of light. That’s how you get burned. Bad magic. Good magic. Doesn’t it sting? Why is everyone acting so wrong?”
nikkilbook asked: Red? How’re you feeling, buddy? You weren’t doing so great the last time I talked to you, but then it looked like you at least got some sleep. Will Anti let you eat, or no? At the very least, you should go sit with Noodle. I bet playing with a little kitty will help.
Red is shaky and white. He glances over at you on the car window, his face contorted with pain. After a moment, you see his hands reach up to touch the muzzle on his face - and then fall again - and then rise again - he crumples back against the car door, panting through his nose and clutching at his hair.
“Hungry,” he signs. “But bad. Punishment. Afraid.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dap? How much of the truth are you remembering?
“I can’t tell what’s real,” wheezes Dapper with shaking hands, growing more and more upset, though a hand on his shoulder from Dok helps to calm him a little. “I can see a thousand pasts. I can’t see a single future. I want to go home but don’t remember where it is.”
“Dapper,” warns Anti softly, his eyes flickering up to him. Be cautious.
immabethehero asked: Dapper, Anti'll be furious if he hears you call Marvin by his real name. The others too. Marvin is Blue. That's who Anti is possessing right now. Jackie is Red. Chase is Trick. Henrik is Doktor. Use those names and don't let Anti know about this! He might do something awful!
Dapper rubs at his teary face, distressed. “No, none of them are my brothers! They’re all Anti! I can feel him! I can see ghosts! I can see their ghosts! Anti killed my brothers!”
nikkilbook asked: Red’s the name Glitchy McGee gave J-happy.
“Happy, happy,” whisper Dapper’s hands. “Joy.”
He breathes in and out deeply. You can almost see him forcing himself to calm down, staring over at Red by the car, his eyes wide. After a moment, he rises to his feet and heads towards Red.
Anti allows it, chewing on his sandwich. Trick and Dok exchange anxious looks, but they’re splitting a cup of mashed potatoes as quickly as they can, like they’re afraid the food will disappear.
“Here, here,” signs Dap, approaching. “It’s okay, Joy.”
Red’s eyes are like a horse caught in a barn fire. He throws his head, his hands reaching up, scared to unclasp the muzzle.
It’s like Blue said. You can always untie the rope, or tear out the stake, or unclasp the mask, but you never know what might come afterwards.
Dapper reaches gently up and undoes the clasp, pulling it away from Red’s face. It has dug dark purple bruises into his face and his mouth is white without enough blood moving through it, but it doesn’t seem to matter. His eyes are fixed on Dapper.
“Come on.” Dapper reaches out a hand. Red takes it and lets himself be pulled carefully towards the table and the food.
immabethehero asked: Dapper. Anti's brainwashed all your brothers. They're not dead. Just brainwashed.
“Oh, please, stop playing with him,” sighs Anti, rolling his eyes. “You can’t make sense to him when he’s all fucking crazy like this. Just leave him alone. I bet I can make him play baby again if I fuss over him for a little while, or wake up Carver if I shove him around a little. He’s fine. He just has… days. It’s a confused day, that’s all.”
Anonymous asked: maybe some other kinds of medication could help dap, not just with his hallucinations, but also with his paranoia? maybe anxiety medication could help?
“Haven’t had time to try anything like that,” mumbles Dok, rubbing at his face. Oh, his bones are so tired. “Barely got him off the Risperdal - he had to have it all out of his system before I could start him on anything new. And then the last one I tried made him really sick and moody and weepy, so I’m just getting him off that one too so we can try something else. Maybe some combinations would be a good idea. I’m afraid nothing is ever going to work as well as the Haldol did. But sometimes our bodies get too used to medicines and we just have to work around it now. Soon as we settle down safe again, I’ll find something that works, I promise.”
Anonymous asked: Thank you, Dap.
He gives you a big, nervous smile, his face twitching.
immabethehero asked: Why do you have so many nicknames for Dapper? Are they his own egos? (No pun intended i swear)
Anti blinks, assessing his youngest from the other side of the table.
“Mostly it was just me being fond of him. Pet names and what not. Carver is a compliment, it means he’s like me. But as I began to spend time with him and saw the ways his mental state could change from day to day, I did notice a difference, and at some point, I started to think of the more violent days as Carver’s, and the sweeter ones as Dapper’s. And, when he’s very, very quiet, and very deep in his own head, and can’t even get his limbs to move, and his magic is beyond his control, that is Monochroma. But I haven’t seen Monochroma since his snap. No, though, he doesn’t have alters or anything like that. It’s just me organizing his moods.”
nikkilbook asked: Anti said something about having you and Dapper fight. He wasn’t sure if he was going to possess one of you or just have you fight until one of you’s beat into the ground. We’re trying to make him change his mind, but... I don’t know if we’ll be able to. I’m sorry. Be safe, okay? And please, go see if they’ll let you eat. No sense letting yourself starve. Abirbable and pixie-in-trebleland sent similar asks and were added.
Red’s face contorts for a second at the first message, but he’s too hungry to focus on it. He reaches anxiously out for a sandwich and Dok presses it into his hand.
Red sinks away from the table and begins scarfing it down, his eyes flickering all around, waiting for the attack he knows is coming. He can’t get himself to calm down and even the brightness of the afternoon seems painful when he’s this overwhelmed. He feels a little more comfortable with Dapper at his side, at least.
He scoots in front of his little brother, relieved to have him behind him.
Anonymous asked: Dok don’t stress out, you’re all doing your best and that’s all that matters, alright? You’re taking care of Dapper and everyone else very well.
“Yeah!” Trick beams at his twin and presses a bottle of water into his hand. “Everything’s okay, Dok-Dok, see?”
Dok smiles wearily at both of you, his eyes ringed in dark circles.
“Guess for now I can just eat, huh?”
“Exactly,” soothes Trick, squeezing his hand. “Exactly. We’re okay. Anti’s got everything under control. Right, Anti?”
“Course, baby.”
Trick glows with affection, simpering at Anti, who giggles just to see that dopey, over-enthused smile. He reaches out to put his hand on Trick’s, massaging his palm, and Trick about melts.
“Listen, love,” says Anti. “I need to talk to you for a second.”
“Oh, yes, Anti, okay.”
“Red and Blue can’t be trusted right now. You know that.”
“Yes, Anti. They’re the ones that caused this. We’d be safe if they hadn’t done that.”
“There’s my good boy. You have been listening, huh? I’m worried the magicians maybe even got into their heads.”
Trick’s eyes are wide. “Really?”
“Yes. So you can’t listen to anyone but me now, right? Me and Dok. Those magicians might try and get in your head too. They might promise you things. Hell, even these fuckers in the camera might promise you things.”
Trick shoots you an irritable look.
“But I need to be able to finish this project with Blue. While I’m doing that, I can’t be interrupted. Do you understand?”
“Oh, yes. And you can’t trust Red to watch your back.”
“Exactly. Dok isn’t a fighter and Dapper isn’t well right now. That means you, Trick - you have to protect them while I do what I need to do.”
Trick has puffed up like a lion, his back straight. “Of course. I’ll keep them both safe. I won’t listen to anyone who tells me to go or to let anything bad happen. Anti, I’ll be really, really good.”
Anti smiles warmly at him and Trick’s cheeks rush with blood.
“You keep Dapper and Doktor safe from the magicians when they come,” he says. “And you and your twin can have anything you want in the next place we stay. Okay?”
“Yes, Anti. Yes.”
“Promise me.”
“I swear, Anti. I swear.”
“Good boy.”
nikkilbook asked: You had a scarf, right? To hide the muzzle? Try pulling that over your head to filter out some of the light.
Red likes that. All he wants to sense right now is the taste of his food and Dapper’s library book smell. He lies down in the grass and tugs his scarf over his eyes, breathing out a sigh of relief and running his hands over the patchy yellow grass.
abirbable asked: This may sound weird, but maybe try some breathing exercises, Red. That always calms me down. Or even listening to someone else’s pulse (as long as it’s steady).
Red breathes in.
Breathes out.
Breathes in -
Oh, shaky on that one.
Breathes out.
Trying not to cry.
“Want Blue,” he whispers.
spicydanhowell asked: trick you fucking bootlicker istg
Doktor barks out a laugh and immediately covers his mouth with his hands. Trick blushes bright red, a sudden terror in his eyes. Doktor looks guilty the second their eyes meet across the table.
“Sorry!” He tells him hastily, reaching out to pat Trick’s hand. “Wasn’t agreeing! Just surprised me.”
His twin draws away, trying to swallow.
Then Anti giggles too.
Trying to breathe, Trick chokes out something about checking on his cat and hurries over to Noodle before he can start crying, turning his back to the table and sitting quickly down with him in his lap. He pets rapidly at Noodle’s head, hugging him to his chest.
“You’re such a good boy,” he croaks, kissing his cat. “You’re good, you’re good, you’re good. You’re just trying to be good, it’s okay, I love you.”
Anonymous asked: hey dap, i know how scared and alone you must feel right now. we’re going to play a quick little game, okay? I want you to name five little things you can see around you, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. can you do that for me?
Dapper claps his hands together, a slightly over-bright light in his eyes, beginning to get his manic, confused enthusiasm back as his mood shifts again.
“I see - a deer covered in flowers. A pretty golden cat. I see bruises down this face and burns hiding on that one. I see my mustache!”
He pouts out his lips to bring it into his eyesight and grins at you. The smile is a little crooked.
“I can touch… warm grass. Black sweatshirt. Clean white dress shirt, except that my nose bled all over it. Bruise on my face. Stings. Stings. Master kicked me.”
The smile is very crooked.
“I can hear him breathing a little too fast next to me. I can hear him crying over by the trees. I can hear the wind.”
“I smell… forest magic. Black magic. Not a good combination, you see. We’re getting closer and closer and closer to a place very powerful. This, I think, is bad.”
He nods sagely and pops a bit of sandwich into his mouth.
“And I can taste roast beef! That was fun!”
Abirbable asked: I have a great idea for a third option! How about a fuckiNG V I B E C H E C K to the face?! Spicydanhowell asked: I don’t want to see them hypnotized. Ughhfbdshgdfn. Anonymous asked: Seriously? We can’t do that to them, Anti. Anonymous asked: uhhhhhhhh no. Anonymous asked: You know you can’t force down reality forever, right? They’re still the same people deep down, no matter how many spells you cast or minds you destroy. I get that maybe all you want is to be loved, but training your brothers to be your hound dogs that fight for scraps isn’t really the way to truly achieve that. Leave them be.
“You five,” says Anti, pointing at the camera. “Are the boring ones.”
He gets to his feet. Dok looks up at him, surprised, finishing off his second sandwich.
“Are we going, Anti?”
“In a moment. But first, why don’t we play a game, huh, Dok-Dok?”
immabethehero asked: WHo needs Anti's love, Trick? You've got the love of Dok and Red and Blue and Dap, and us! We're annoying as fuck but we don't constantly abuse you and take our daddy issues out on you
“I don’t want to talk,” whispers Trick, hiding his face in Noodle’s fur. He meows, valiantly licking at Trick’s fingers.
Anonymous asked: why don't you fight one of them, glitch bitch?
“Now we’re talking,” grins Anti, his eyes filling up with a wild light.
Anonymous asked: I really don’t like the sound of that.
“Check that. You six are the boring ones.”
Anonymous asked: Dap, do you know where you guys are headed?
“Some place much too powerful,” mumble Dapper’s hands, beginning to get a little sloppy with his signing. “A place for bad spells and bad people.”
“Dap, Red,” calls Anti. “Get up, boys.”
Anonymous asked: Would you fight with Marvin on though?
“Oh, of course, my darlings. That’s half the fun of it. Especially if you pick my dear Red.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Iiiii think Dap should be hypno'ed and Red to spar with? He has some pent up anger.
“Ahh,” breathes Anti, smiling wide. “Thank you, my friend. I knew someone would decide. I quite like that idea.”
Anonymous asked: Are you sure? I think seeing Carver would be interesting.
“Oh? Seeing Carver fight? We have an objection in the court. What would you all prefer? I’m quite impartial.”
spicydanhowell asked: NO DO NOT HYPNOTIZE DAP
“Oh, you don’t want your darling boy anymore confused than he already is, hm? I could do Red instead… or pit the two of them against each other…”
abirbable asked: One day you’re gonna break one or more of them beyond repair, Anti. You have NO idea what being a human is like nor the emotional trauma you’re continually causing them.
“Oh, please. You should have seen the time Doktor forgot the difference between a scalpel and a band-aid. Screaming for three days straight. Babbling in German no matter how much Trick tried to calm him down. But eventually he came back to himself. Eventually they all come back to themselves. I’ll handle it.”
Anonymous asked: Would this be Marvin’s punishment then? Getting beat to a pulp by his brothers?
“Oh, no. I have something much more important in mind. Blue will need his strength tonight. I expect we’ll be there in a few hours.”
nikkilbook asked: Carver versus you. Red’s punishment would be not being able to prevent either of his brothers from being hurt or hurting each other. Give what he risked today and why he risked it, seems like that would cut pretty deep.
“Intriguing. I like the way you think. But I can’t just let him be. He needs to be under my control one way or another - physical punishment or hypnotism.”
Anonymous asked: And one day they won’t be fixable and then you’ll be yelling at us like the whinny bitch you are. You made your bed, have fun sleeping in it.
“I will, thanks - wait a second, whinny? I think that’s a horse noise.”
spicydanhowell asked: just.... them against each other.... i know they won't kill each other..... Bupine asked: if I really, really had to choose? Pit them against each other, no hypnotism. Fair fight. Anonymous asked: Red v. Dapper? That’d be a very emotional fight.
“Ah, and now we’ve had all three options proposed! I knew you’d all make choices when it came down to it. How will we decide…?”
Interesting! I’ll make posts for each option and then compare the notes on them soon. Whichever has the most notes, I’ll write - and then, when that’s done, we’ll be at the final scene of the chapter tomorrow. Thanks, guys. Wasn’t sure you’d play along… but hey! I had to try out something new! Audience participation and all that.
Post 1: Dapper and Red should fight each other.
Post 2: Dapper should be hypnotized and Anti should fight Red.
Post 3: Red should be hypnotized and Anti should fight Dapper.
nikkilbook asked: Dap, could you do me a favor? Without touching J-happy’s skin, could you squish him as tight as you can? Like, put a bunch of pressure on his shoulders. He hasn’t had that in a while, and he’s having a really hard time right now.
Dapper and Red watch as Anti discusses with one of the cameras.
He holds in his hand a large silver knife, swinging it around with shining eyes as he demands and manipulates, searching for a decision to be made - but about what, they don’t know.
Dapper blinks over at you and then looks up at Red, seeing his big brother shaking hard, his face drawn and guilty and resigned. He has not been bandaged or cared for since last night and there is still blood on his face, deep bruises from the muzzle, and scoring cuts from the plants with which his twin’s power consumed him.
He looks so overwhelmed he could shatter. Red is an Atlas and always has been.
Dapper tugs gently on his sleeve, smiling up at him, and Red turns wearily towards him, softening a little for the look on his face. Dapper holds out his arms cautiously, beckoning for Red to let himself be held.
Red wipes at his face and sniffles. Nobody’s supposed to see him in pain. Nobody’s supposed to see him needing comfort. Least of all his youngest brother, clever, wild little Dapper. Well, not so little, really - standing beside him now, Red can see that Dapper is exactly his height.
Oh, he’s so tired.
He puts his head down on Dapper’s shoulder.
Dapper wraps his arms around him and squishes him tight, tight, tight, just like you wanted to, a string of soothing, soft, meaningless clicks chirping from his mouth, the warmest reassurance in the world.
“Okay,” says Anti, turning towards them. “Are you two ready?”
Dapper and Red should fight each other.
“Do you remember,” begins Anti, pacing towards them. “When you two used to spar all the time?”
Dapper and Red look at each other.
“I guess you probably don’t, do you, Red? And maybe Dapper, you’re a little confused.”
“No,” Dapper interrupts. “No, I remember.”
His hands are clenched into fists.
“Oh, good. Well, I love it when you do. We haven’t in a long time because first Red was rather badly off, and there was Blue to deal with, and then Dapper! You got stabbed! Wasn’t that silly! So you were on bed rest. But now - well, look at the two of you, standing tall.”
Red wipes at the blood on his cheeks, trembling. Dapper frowns and it makes his broken nose hurt.
“It’s really good practice for you both, seeing as you’re my strongest fighters and all that. My right-hand soldier, my Red, fighting like a guardian, refusing to be moved, refusing to let anything get past him, waiting for the right moment to get a good strike in. And the sly little pet that sleeps beneath my throne… my violent, dirty, sudden little fighter, Dapper who never seems to feel any pain. Of course when I let him use his powers he always crushes you into pulp, Red - he can see your every move coming. But that won’t work now… Dapper’s having a little trouble getting it up.”
Dapper’s face rushes with blush and he stares down at his feet.
“You wouldn’t cast when I told you to, would you, Dapper?”
He doesn’t have an answer.
“Please, master, I’m so - I don’t know what you’re talking about, I can’t - there was just fire, and I couldn’t - I don’t - I can’t find the right past and I - ”
“Shut up, shut up,” snarls Anti, annoyed. “I don’t want fucking excuses.”
He creeps forward, stepping right into Dapper’s space. For a moment, he stares at him.
“Dapper,” he murmurs, leaning down, so Blue’s mouth brushes by his ear. “Reverse this. Reverse all this and go back to before Blue gave himself up on the mountainside, and I will stop all of this, and you won’t be punished.”
Watery eyes stare up at Anti from above an open, desperate mouth. “Reverse?” stammer Dapper’s hands. “B-but I don’t… I don’t know what Blue giving himself up means?”
“Before the fire last night, Dap! Before Blue and Red snuck off up the mountainside to cast spells!”
Dapper shakes his head, choking.
“Change it back!” screams Anti, grabbing his wrists. “Change it back, I don’t care how much energy it takes! I know you’ve turned back a whole day before. I know you can! Change it back and you won’t get hurt, do you understand me? Why won’t you listen to me? Why did you suddenly disobey? Are you so out of your fucking mind that you can’t - ”
A hand is suddenly clutching at Anti’s shoulder and he turns, panting, to see Red grabbing at his shirt. Pain spikes across the untreated burns that coat Blue’s chest, leaving Anti wheezing, sparks in his vision. Something is stinging throughout his whole body, like he’s gotten the wrong blood transfusion, and his hands are beginning to ache horribly, though he does not know why.
“Please,” cries Red. “Look at him. You’re going to make him snap again!”
There is a faint silver light in Dapper’s eyes and panic in his face. Anti turns to him, fear rising on the back of his neck.
“He’s lost track of the timeline. You’ve seen him do this before. If you push him past that, if you push him to reverse anyway, he won’t be able to go back safely and time will start to tear around us. Everything will blur together and we could all get lost or hurt or killed.”
“How do you know this?” whispers Anti.
For all that he’s angry at Red, the memory of Jameson’s snap is enough to halt him in his tracks.
“You were reset after that. You shouldn’t remember.”
“I don’t,” says Red faintly. “That was Blue’s speculation. He always wanted to know what you meant by a snap. He was sure it was more than a psychotic episode, or you wouldn’t talk about it the way that you do. Judging by your reaction… he was right.”
Anti turns to sneer at him, making Blue’s face ugly, and Red’s heart twists. “Fine,” he spits. “Your little baby doesn’t have to turn anything back since he can’t keep his head on straight. But you still have to have your practice for the day, my darlings.”
“Anti,” whispers Red. “Please. I don’t think you even want to do this, do you?”
“I want things to go back to the way they were!” screams Anti, backing away from him. “Just yesterday, we were so close to safety, Red! But you and Blue fucking ruined it, and Dapper refuses to fix your mistake! So, yes, I do want to see you two beating each other into the ground, like the wild, stupid animals you are. You’ll be broken in again as many times as it takes, and tonight, when I call upon you, you will fight for me.”
“I’m tired of beating my brothers around!” screams Red. “Look how scared he is, how scared he is of me! I’m done slapping them and yelling at them and grabbing them when they do something wrong! I’m - ”
“Oh, don’t fucking start,” snarls Anti. “Your stupid act.”
“No! This isn’t who I want to be anymore! I don’t want to do this!”
Anti’s voice raises in volume and pitch. “If you won’t fight the little brat, I will, and I promise you, I won’t stop til he can’t breathe through the blood in his face.”
“Please, just punish me, it’s not his fault!”
Anti stalks towards Dapper, raising the knife.
“No!” Red steps in front of him. Anti stares up at him. The hatred in his eyes - in Blue’s eyes - is so powerful Red could faint, and suddenly, all his courage is gone, and he is afraid.
“You’ll do it, then?” asks Anti coolly.
Red can feel Dapper shivering behind him.
“I’ll do it. I’ll do it.”
Over by the bench, Trick and Dok are standing so close to each other they could be Siamese, clutching Noodle between them. For a second, they look at each other, and see in the other’s eyes a question silently asked: should we do something?
But the other only answers, what can we do? What have we ever been able to do?
And they do not act.
Anti shoves Dapper towards Red and they regard each other uncertainly. In his impatience, Anti ends up striking Dapper three times on his own before Red is spurred into action, and begins to drive his little brother back, striking with sudden, harsh blows and following no matter how much Dapper tried to back away, confused and terrified. It’s a boring, aching sort of fight, and Dapper is upset and Red is hurting himself worse than he’s hurting Dapper, and then, after one badly-planned blow that ends up smashing hard against Dapper’s already blackened nose -
Dapper changes.
Red’s eyes widen as his little brother’s posture shifts entirely, his shoulders drawing back and his feet planting themselves steady on the earth, lifting him up on the pads of his feet. Suddenly Dapper’s befuddled distress looks more like a wild sort of fury.
He bares his teeth like a dog and begins forward, a hiss falling out of his mouth.
“There’s my Carver,” purrs Anti, sitting back on the park table, popping green beans into his mouth. “There’s my ferocious little pet.”
“Dapper,” calls Red, gently. “Dap, it’s okay. We’re just sparring, bud. It’s just me. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Hit,” snarl Carver’s hands. “Hit me. Slap. Red man. Bad.”
“Dapper - Dapper - ”
“I want my brother!” screams Carver. “I want my brother! But you are not him! You are not him! Jackie would never hit me! Anti has killed him! Anti has killed him, and you are the monster that remains!”
Carver tears forward like a jungle cat, teeth flashing.
From then on, Anti is laughing the whole fight long.
  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You can hear him sobbing it from the front of the car. Blood is flowing from his nose and he is curled in on himself, crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I’ll never do it again, I’ll never disobey you again!”
Anti flickers through radio channels, humming.
“I was bad, I was bad, I was bad! I’m sorry!”
“Holy shit!” laughs Anti. “Are they playing this? Why? Haha, in Peru? That’s hilarious.”
‘Take Me Home, Country Roads’ blares out of the radio speaker. Anti sits back, drumming Blue’s fingers against the wheel and humming.
Behind him, Doktor and Trick are no longer sitting one on the ground and one on the seat of the car, but both curled into a single chair, hiding in each other’s arms. Noodle sits on the ground beneath them, gone silent, staring at Carver, who writhes in the other chair, screaming without sound.
He and Red are hand-cuffed together, Red’s arm reaching back from the front of the car, and Dapper’s reaching forward. Carver’s had his other hand tied down to the armrest too since he wouldn’t stop trying to lash out at himself or the twins.
“Now, Red,” purrs Anti. “You’re going to watch over Dapper really well once we get to the equator, right?”
“Yes, Anti, yes, Anti, yes, Anti, I am, I am, I am.”
Carver hisses and kicks at the seat in front of him, sobbing. He drags his hand up to draw a finger across his throat, and no one knows if he’s calling for Anti or making threats.
“You’re going to keep your little brother very safe?”
“Yes, Anti, won’t let anything happen to him, won’t go with the magicians, won’t listen to anyone but you, yes, yes, yes.”
“Dap, would you tire yourself out already back there? Goddamn. Country roads, take my home, to the place, I belong!” Anti bursts into giggles and the glitches on the radio laugh with him.
“Tomorrow all will be well,” he purrs, speaking to someone no one else can see. “Tomorrow, my darling, I will strip the magic out of your traitorous little chest in one of the most powerful places in the world, just to be sure nothing remains inside of you, and put it into my own instead. Your power will hide beneath mine and you will never be able to betray me again.”
He can hear something inside his head screaming out, just like it was while Red and Dapper fought, watching his brothers bite and strike and beat each other, until at last, Red surrendered.
“West Virginia,” sings Anti. “Mountain mama! Take me home, country roads.”
I’m going to fucking kill you one day, shouts Marvin, inside his own head. I’m going to fucking kill you for what you’ve done to my family.
Anti bursts into laughter and turns the radio up.
 End Section Seven of Chapter Two.
Find the final section here.
16 notes · View notes
treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 133:  The Right Plan
"Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after…"
He'd been hearing that singsong rhyme in his head all night; almost as soon as he'd decided to summon his mother and ask her about the Curse. The rhyme sounded like something a child might sing, but it was known by adults and children alike throughout the land where the pair had once reigned. A stupid couple, really. Jack had been the bastard son of a King. He took a woman named Jill for a wife. In his youth, Jack's thieving brother had risen to the throne, and Jill had convinced Jack that he would make a better king. He'd managed to gather some followers, risen against the King, his brother, and then, because it really had been a stupid path to follow, his brother had crushed the rebellion. Anyone else would have probably made sure Jack and Jill were both killed, but being that special kind of evil, his brother had a different idea in mind. He'd killed every last supporter his brother had, man, woman, and child. Meanwhile, Jack and Jill were permitted to be released back to their farm, to "live with" what their actions had brought. It was the King himself who had come up with the song to commemorate their terrible failure. Now it haunted them just as much as the silence from their friendless life. For the King's lesson was well remembered with the people. No one dared to make Jack and Jill their friends after what had happened. The King had made it so that exiling them would have been a far kinder fate.
And why was he so suddenly consumed with thoughts of this pair? Of their children's riddle?
Because a few months ago, Jill had given birth to a baby boy named Gideon. She'd done it on her own with only coaching from Jack because no mid-wife would work with her. And if no mid-wife was willing to bring the boy into this world, he assumed that if the boy went missing, no one would care to help the pair or listen to their cries of remorse.
It killed him to do something like this. All around, there was an element of darkness to his current plan that he'd never sensed or felt before. He hated to take a child from his parents, if only temporarily, he hated to use Belle in the way he was going to, but most of all he hated to summon his mother into this world for any amount of time.
However, close as he was to getting his son back, he felt certain that he had no choice. "Gideon"…it was one of the names that the Seer had placed in his head when he'd first taken on the power. He was now convinced this was why. He was meant to take the child, to use him, to speak with the Black Fairy. It was imperative for moving forward, for planning the Curse, for finding his son! He'd come this far; he couldn't risk something going wrong now. So, he'd searched his books for the summoning spell that was necessary to get his mother to the Enchanted Forest. It wasn't as simple as raising a dagger and calling her forth from wherever she was. She was in another realm, and that meant that she required a special summoning.
For one, she required bait. Summoning someone from another land had to have heart to it. There had to be a connection of some kind. He needed a child, that was where Gideon came in. If his childhood had taught him anything about the Black Fairy, it was that she was always happy to come and take away children from those that didn't want them. Gideon was hardly an unwanted child, a few hours of watching him with his parents told him that, but he was hoping that the Black Fairy wouldn't sense that.
He took Gideon one afternoon while he was napping, leaving behind a note for his parents that so long as they were silent and didn't alert authorities, the child would be returned to them within a fortnight. It was his hope that he'd have him back sooner than that, but he didn't want to make promises he couldn't keep.
The child secure, he had to make sure the next part of his plan was in place. He'd looked and looked and looked for one that he could translate…but sadly, all he ever found was in a fairy language he couldn't read. Even the Dark Ones were suspiciously silent when it came to translating it. However, he had seen this language before, just once, he'd seen these characters on a book that was sitting on a nightstand of a certain princess whose mind he'd saved.
Belle had an affinity for languages. He'd known she was intelligent before she arrived, but now that she'd been here for months on end, he knew that she enjoyed translating languages. She stood a higher chance of translating the spell than he did. But he couldn't just ask her. She'd ask too many questions if he asked her. He had to have a plan. And the moment he brought Gideon into the castle, his plan was in place…even if it did make his stomach churn.
"Rumpelstiltskin, you're back!" she exclaimed almost cheerfully as he strode into the room just before tea time. She was happy to see him; she almost seemed excited about it. After skulking around his tower for these last few days, ignoring her, skipping meals, he almost understood it. He tried to maintain a confident gate, to keep his heart steely in her presence, to tell himself that he didn't care, but he couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship they'd have after all this was possible, after he locked her in his tower and took the child home. Would she trust that was what happened? Or would she think he'd sold the child to his mother?
It didn't matter. She was nothing to him, and as soon as he realized the real reason the Seer wanted her he'd send her away and prove that.
"I uh…I did the wash, and I polished the silver, like you asked."
"Good. Now you can take care of this."
Without looking at her, he dropped the basket with Gideon in it onto the table. Immediately, the jostling woke the sleeping child. Every instinct he had inside of him as a father demanded he move forward, lift the baby into his arms, and comfort him back to sleep. Instead, he walked away and left Belle to explore what he'd left her.
"A baby?!" she shrieked, looking into the basket at him.
"But where-where did it come from? What…" she stuttered, looking about as if it had appeared out of thin air. "Where are it's parents?"
"They no longer matter," he dismissed as he forced his eyes down onto some books he'd purposefully left out before his departure. He'd hoped that by leaving them there, Belle might be intrigued and tempted to look through them, but they appeared to be in the exact same place he'd left them. That was fine. It only meant that he'd have to try and make her temptation to look irresistible. He had to do this just right. He couldn't let himself be absorbed by her or the child's cries. "The child's mine now."
"Y-yours?" she blanched. "What you…you stole him?!"
"Yes. Scandalous, isn't it?"
He glanced up just long enough to see her face morph. Shock. Horror. Dread. Disbelief.
He could tell that she was working up to say something, opening her mouth to scream at him, to give him a piece of her mind, which in this case he would have happily admitted he deserved, but before she could Gideon let out another shriek.
"Shh," she hushed, finally pulling the child into her arms and bouncing him up and down like an expert.
Belle with a baby in her arms.
The flash he'd had the day he caught her forced its way into his mind's eye, but he quickly pushed it out.
"It's okay. Shh. Oh, shh…" she cooed, bringing him back into reality. It wasn't a vision. Merely a fantasy, male hormones running wild! Besides, this didn't fit that fantasy, the room was a lot darker in that fantasy, clearly at night. This was mid-afternoon. It was only further proof that it meant nothing. Surely it was just some embarrassing evolutionary habit of seeing attractive women with babies.
"What kind of beast steals a child from its parents?" she questioned with fire in her voice. "I mean…what happened to you that made you like this?"
Well that was the thing, wasn't it. He didn't know. But maybe, just maybe, if things went according to plan, he might find out. If he had a little bit of extra time after he'd asked the necessary questions, of course. His questions. Not hers.
"You'd do best to stop asking so many questions," he responded coldly before plucking the scroll with the summoning free from the books. "Ahh, there it is!" His pronouncement drew her quizzical gaze. She was intrigued. Good. Now he just needed to get her to translate it for him. "I have work to do. I'm not to be disturbed."
"Well, at least tell me his name so I can soothe him! Or did you not even bother to find out!"
Give her his name? No. Everyone knew the second someone or something had a name, there was an attachment formed. This child wasn't staying. It was his hope that in twenty-four hours, he'd have him back home with his family. She didn't need to know a name. She just had to look after him for a few hours. And want to protect him. Yes. He smiled as a new plan formed in his head. She hadn't done any translating when she'd put the scroll right in front of her, but if she knew he was going to use it against the child…that might be what he needed to get her to do the translation.
Of course…if he just told her about Baelfire, if he told her what he needed, she might also do what he wanted. She might even take his side.
No. The last time he'd told anyone about his son was Cora. He wasn't about to repeat those mistakes again.
"Why would I?" he giggled aloud. "A name's a special thing. You don't waste it on something you've no intention of becoming…a-attached to."
That was good. He'd done well up until that last little stutter. He nearly believed it himself. But more importantly, the suspicious look in her eyes told him that she believed him, and that was enough.
"What do you mean? What do you plan on doing with this child?!" she demanded frantically.
"I shall be back at sundown," he instructed strictly. "Don't think about trying to hide it. I'll find out."
"Ah-ah-ah!" he hissed at her. He'd given her a timeline, he'd given her a child to protect, he'd made a show of taking something important that she knew to be crucial to the child's fate. Now he just had to give her the opportunity to rescue him.
And so without an explanation, he left her standing there with the baby in her arms.
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Kindness is a good Substitute for Opioids
Ask: I have a prompt request! If they're closed just ignore me..Arthur's s/o 's horse just died and she's terribly upset over the whole thing, to make it up to her he buys her a new horse 💗💗
Warning: Cursing, horse death, angst.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: Hope you like this! 
It had happened after a robbery gone wrong. What was supposed to be a simple small town clean-out turned into much more when the entire lawman population poured into town like a colony of ants surrounding a worm. It was a setup, someone must had altered them. The gang had managed to escape in one piece but only because of how hard you had to push your horses.
You pushed yours too hard.
When you were coming around a particularly sharp turn she stumbled from the change in direction coupled with her exhaustion. She would have been fine if not for that hard landing. She broke both of her front legs and you had to put her down yourself. 
It hurt seeing her in so much pain. The noises she made would haunt you until the day you died. Thankfully you had managed to outrun the lawmen but at what cost? Your horse’s life? She had been with you through so much, she trusted you so dearly she would run straight past an alligator with no problem. 
You were the last to get back to camp. Everyone looked relieved to see you, especially Arthur, but you couldn’t share their excitement. 
“Hey girl, what’s wrong?” John clapped you on your shoulder once he saw how red your eyes were. “Something happen out there?”
You shifted your weight, uncomfortable being the center of attention. The whole gang had their eyes on you, waiting for some kind of response. If you talked you knew you’d cry again. 
The women of the camp grew closer, fearing the worst at your silence. Tilly was the first to speak. “(Y/N), did something happen to you?”
Wiping your face you shook your head and sucked in a shaky breath. “It’s not like that.” You surprised yourself with how steady your voice was. “I… my horse fell. I had to put her down.”
John sighed in relief and the rest of the camp looked visibly put to ease since they were all thinking the worst case scenarios. They were still sympathetic of course, but at least nothing happened to you. Arthur, on the other hand, knew how much your horse meant to you. She was like your sister, as weird and unusual as it sounded, you’d had her since you were only fourteen. She was the closest thing to you besides himself and Hosea. 
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.” Susan put her arm around your shoulders and started leading you to her tent. “You come sit down in here and let me make you some tea.” 
The gang watched you walk away with her into her tent, some of the members feeling bad for bringing you in on the job. 
“I’ve never seen her like that before,” John whispered to Arthur. “You should probably go talk to her.”
Arthur turned to John with a questioning look. “Me? Why me?” Not that he didn’t want to, he planned on it actually, but it was odd for John to suggest him specifically.
John snorted and crossed his arms, shaking his head. “You’re the biggest fool in the southwest, you know that?” Before Arthur could question him again he walked off, picking up Jack who looked almost as upset as you. Arthur could hear the young boy questioning his father about the incident before they were out of earshot.
Everyone else had gone back to their camp chores besides Hosea and Dutch, both who seemed guilty. Hosea had told Dutch he shouldn’t bring you along, you weren’t used to riding fast in the mountains. You’d lived in the plains most your life and had almost no experience riding in the mountains at all. But Dutch insisted they needed as many people as possible since they planned on robbing the whole town. Even Arthur had sided with Hosea, so it was strange Dutch insisted you came.
“I told you,” Hosea muttered, shaking his head with shame. “What did I tell you? I told you,”
Arthur walked off before he got pulled into their argument and went off to find you. He stopped outside the tent when he heard you sobbing to Susan and Sadie. You were incoherent but they nodded along and talked with you anyways. 
It felt wrong to go in, as if the moment between the three women was too sacred for him to disturb. There was something about the comfort a woman could bring to another that no man could ever live up to. So, he let you be, and rode into town.
“This one.”
“You sure?” 
Arthur nodded, looking the black horse over again. “Sure as can be, mister.” The man eyed Arthur down, unsure if he was being serious or not. “Sir, are you aware this is not only a mustang, but a stallion? Not to mention the pure black coat, it took years of fine breeding-”
“I know that.” Arthur cut him off and gave the horse a few good pats to check out his attitude. So far the horse seemed extremely calm, he didn’t even look up when Arthur circled him. “So, you gonna sell him to me or not?”
The man cleared his throat and checked the papers above the horse’s stall. “He’s one thousand dollars, sir.” He looked at Arthur like this was a deal breaker and expected a fight to erupt. Surely, this man dressed in gunslinger clothing with dirt on his face and blood under his nails couldn’t afford to spend 1k on a horse.
Arthur handed the man a thick wad of cash, it was his take from the robbery. All of it. He knew you’d be happy with any old horse, you loved all kinds of them. But it was hard not to get the very best for you. 
“Oh.” The man seemed surprised as he fingered through the money. He kept silent about the blood stains, money was money and he couldn't care less where it came from. “Thank you for your purchase, sir. Would you sign these? We’ll get the horse ready.” He handed Arthur a board with a few sheets of paper on it along with an attached pen.
After he signed what needed to be signed he handed the papers back over and watched as the stable boys saddled the horse and led it to him. 
“All purchases over five hundred dollars come with a free high-quality saddle, spurs, and reigns. Along with a complimentary bag of apples.” The salesman said and handed Arthur a burlap sack full of apples. “Your business is appreciated. We’ve included a warranty, so if anything happens to the horse along the lines of injuries we’ll fix him up at no cost.”
Arthur nodded as he listened to the man, clearly impressed. “Well, how ‘bout that. If that’s the case you can expect me here again soon.” He pulled himself up onto the tall horse, for a moment considering swapping saddles because of how comfortable the new one was. It felt like he was sitting on pillows. But he’d never do anything like that, at least, not when it came to you.
“Have a good day sir, pleasure doing business with you!”
Back at camp, you were still a mess, but less than before. You had stopped crying and your face wasn’t red and puffy anymore but you still felt awful. Memories of her crying pounded in your skull as well as the image of what she looked like after the shotgun blast. You swore you wouldn’t look but it felt cowardly to end her life without at least seeing what you’d caused.
It hurt even more knowing that when she fell she expected you to save her. You always did, every time she got hurt you were the one to heal her. When she got surprised by a porcupine you were the one to pick the quills out of her legs. When a pack of wolves would run at her you were the one to gun every single one of them down. Even when she would get a few thorns stuck in her hide you’d take the time to pick all of them out with patience, singing to her as you did. 
You wished you could have saved her then, too. But a horse with two broken legs is as good as one without a heartbeat. 
Outside of your tent, you heard a few people talking in surprised tones. You tried to ignore them but you distinctly heard Arthur asking where you were. Arthur. The one man you wanted to see most. Where had he gone off to, anyway? The whole time you were crying you were expecting him to come into your tent and calm you down like he always did, instead this time you had to calm yourself. You hadn’t done that in a while. 
You stood from your seat and walked out of your tent, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light of the setting sun. Dutch, Susan, and Karen were both standing near the blackest horse you’d ever seen. They were bickering about how beautiful it was, reaching out with eager hands to feel its pelt. 
Arthur was standing beside the new horse with its reigns in his hand, looking around as if he was searching for something. When your eyes locked he found what he was looking for and pulled the horse forward, walking directly through camp to the other side. 
“Where’d you get this beauty?” You asked when he stopped beside you and gave the horse a pat on the neck.
“I bought him. Purebred mustang, he’s good-tempered too, walked right past a snake and he didn’t even budge.” Arthur said to you, looking at the horse beside him. “He’s young, strong, and a stallion, so if you wanna breed him-” “Wait,” You cut him off, a trace of a smile gracing your lips. “Did you buy him for me?”
Arthur shrugged and handed you the reigns. “I know, I know, I shouldn’t have. But it was hard seein’ you upset like that. I didn’t buy him to replace your girl so don’t think that.”
You felt tears burn in your eyes again, not only by his gesture but at his words. No one else seemed to understand how deep your bond was with your horse. “Oh, Arthur.” You sniffed and the horse nudged your shoulder with his muzzle. A sob broke from your lips then and you hugged the horses head close to your chest. Arthur was right, he had an amazing temperament. Most mustangs you’d seen were wild and hardheaded, but this one seemed to enjoy human affection. Arthur was well aware of all the eyes on him and it made him feel uncomfortable. He wanted to leave and go somewhere more private, but, he’d deal with the attention for now.
“Thank you so much.” You said and parted from the horse, only to pull Arthur into a hug. “He’s wonderful.” You pulled away from his chest to look up at him with a smile. The pain of losing your horse was still fresh in your heart but the act of kindness from Arthur was enough to numb it for a while. You stood on your tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips, unaware you had an audience. 
Arthur stood there stunned as you walked away with your new horse, the rest of the gang just as surprised as he was.
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ofallingstar · 6 years
First lines from the books I read in 2018
Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd: Thus is 1711, the ninth year of the reign of Queen Anne, an Act of Parliament was passed to erect seven new Parish Churches in the Cities of London and Westminster, which commission was delivered to Her Majesty’s Office of Works in Scotland Yard.
Métamorphose en bord de ciel by Mathias Malzieu: Les oiseaux, ça s'enterre en plein ciel.
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen: The family of Dashwood had been long settled in Sussex.
Le plus petit baiser jamais recensé by Mathias Malzieu: Le plus petit baiser jamais recensé.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll: One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it -it was the black kitten’s fault entirely.
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson: Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity-Good.
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin: Dear James: I had begun this letter five times and torn it up five times.
The Secret in Their Eyes by Eduardo Sacheri: Benjamín Miguel Chaparro stops short and decides he’s not going.
At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft: I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why.
The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes: This books is the factual account of the life, up to now, of William Stanley Milligan, the first person in U.S. history to be found not guilty of major crimes, by reason of unsanity, because he possessed multiple personalities.
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket: If you are interested in stories in happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.
Puckoon by Spike Milligan: Several and a half metric miles North East of Sligo, split by a cascading stream, her body on earth, her feet in water, dwells the microcephalic community of Puckoon.
Piercing by Ryu Murakami: A small living creature asleep in its crib.
The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket: The stretch of the road that leads out of this city, past Hazy Harbor and into the town of Tedia, is perhaps the most unpleasant in the world.
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini: So, then.
The Shape of Water by Guillermo Del Toro and Daniel Kraus: Richard Strickland reads the brief from General Hoyt.
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell: He’d stopped trying to bring her back.
Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell: The Rue du Coq d’Or, Paris, seven in the morning.
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart: Welcome to the beautiful Sinclair family.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusack: First the colors. Then the humans. That’s usually how I see things. Or at least, how I try.
The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket: If you didn’t know much about the Baudelaire orphans, and you saw them sitting on their suitcases at Damocles Dock, you might think they were bound for an exciting adventure.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson: No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.
Battles in the Desert by José Emilio Pacheco: I remember, I don’t remember.
The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket: Sometime during your lifetime -in fact, very soon- you may find yourself reading a book, and you may notice that a book’s first sentence can often tell you what sort of story your book contains.
The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby: The word is everywhere, a plague spread by the President of the United States, television anchors, radio talk show hosts, preachers in megachurches, self-help gurus, and anyone else attempting to demostrate his or her identification with ordinary, presumably wholesome American values.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare: Theseus, duke of Athens, is planning the festivities for his upcoming wedding to the newly captured Amazon, Hippolyta.
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert: We were in study hall when the headmaster walked in, followed by a new boy not wearing a school uniform, and by a janitor carrying a large desk.
The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket: If you were going to give a gold medal to the last delightful person on Earth, you would have to give that medal to a person named Carmelita Spats, and if you didn’t give it to her, Carmelita Spats was the sort of person who would snatch it from your hands anyway.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding: The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon.
The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare: Christopher Sly, a drunken beggar, is driven out of an alehouse by its hostess.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: My name is Katy H.
Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami: “There’s no such thing as a perfect piece of writing.”
The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket: The book you are holding in your two hands right now -assuming that you are, in fact, holding this book, and that you have only two hands- is one of two books in the world that will show you the difference between the words “nervous” and the word “anxious.”
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare: Two households, both alike in dignity, (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene), From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Adventure Time: The Enchiridion & Marcy’s Super Secret Scrapbook!!!: My Devoted Evil Daighter, Marceline, I admit we’ve had a somewhat volatile father-daughter relantionship ever since the regrettable Fry Incident.
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin: Ser Waymar Royce glanced at the sky with desinterest.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.
Pinball, 1973 by Haruki Murakami: I used to love listening to stories about faraway places.
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket: No matter who you are, no matter where you live, and no matter how many people are chasing you, what you don’t read is often as important as what you do read.
Dracula by Bram Stoker: 3 May. Bistritz. –Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:43, but train was an hour late.
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare: I know this hartred mocks all Christian virtue, but They I loathe: their very sight  abhors me.
On the Road by Jack Kerouac: I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up.
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami: It was a short one-paragraph item in the morning edition.
The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket: There are two reasons why a writer would end a sentence with the word “stop” written in entirely in capital letters STOP.
The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince by Mayte Garcia: The chain-link fence around Praisley Park is woven with purple ribbons and roses, love notes, tributes, and prayers for peace.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Who’s there?
A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin: The comet’s tail spread across the dawn, a red slash that bled above the crags of Dragonstone like a wound in the pink and purple sky.
Out of Africa by Isak Dinensen: I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of Ngong Hills.
Carrie by Stephen King: News item from the Westover (Me.) weekly enterprise, August 19, 1966: RAIN OF STONES REPORTED.
The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket: When my workday is over, and I have closed my notebook, hidden my pen and sawed holes in my rented canoe so it cannot be found, I often like to spend the evening in conversation with my few surviving friends.
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick: The P-38 WWII Nazi handgun looks comical lying on the breakfast table next to a boal of outmeal.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James: The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve on an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only tale he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child.
Carmilla by Sheridan J. Le Fanu: Upon a paper attached to the Narrative which follows, Doctor Hesselius has written a rather elaborated note, which he accompanies with a reference to his Essay on the strange subject which the MS. illuminates.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson: No one has ever suffered as I have.
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski: I still get nightmares.
Othello by William Shakespeare: In the streets of Venice, Iago tells Roderigo of his hatred for Othello, who has given Cassio the lieutenancy that Iago wanted and has made Iago a mere ensign.
Dance, Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami: I often dream about the Dolphin Hotel.
The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket: A man of my acquaintance once wrote a poem called “The Road Less Traveled,” describing a journey he took through the woods along a path most travelers never used.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou: “What you looking at me for? I didn’t come to stay…”
A Most Haunted House by G. L. Davies: The house first came to my attention a few  years ago.
Ghost Sex, The Violation by G. L. Davies: I met with Lisa at her home in Pembroke Dock.
Any Man by Amber Tamblyn: Am I in a body?
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay: “This must be so difficult for you, Meredith.”
A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin: The day was grey and bitter cold, and the dogs would not take the scent.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain?
You by Caroline Kepnes: You walk into the bookstore and you keep your hand on the door to make sure it doesn’t slam.
The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket: After a great deal of examining oceans, investigating rainstorms and staring very hard at several drinking fountains, the scientists of the worlds developed a theory regarding how water is distributed around our planet, which they have named “the water cycle.”
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys: They say when trouble comes close ranks, and so the white people did.
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: About thirthy years ago, Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park, in the country of Northampton, and to be thereby raised to the rank of a baronet’s lady, with all the comforts and consequences of a handsome house and a large income.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë: My name is Gilbert Markham, and my story begings in October 1827, when I was twenty-four years old.
The Tempest by William Shakespeare: Boatswain!
Lucky by Alice Sebold: In the tunnel where I was raped, a tunnel that was once an underground entry to an amphitheather, a place where actors burst forth from underneath the seats of a crowd, a girl had been murdered and dismembered.
The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket: Certain people had said that the world is like a calm pond, and that anytime a person does even the smallest thing, it is as if a stone has dropped into the pond, spreading circles of ripples further and further out, until the entire world has been changed by one tiny action.
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Team Anthony
Song Inspiration: Touch by Haux
“You look beautiful today.” “Did I look ugly yesterday?”
“You look beautiful today, Isa.” I pause in the middle of pouring my much needed 5th cup of coffee to look at my incredibly annoying boss. He always felt complimenting his employees was a way to ‘boost morale’, never had the desired effect though, on me. Some of us groaned internally, but we stayed polite, while the rest all swooned over him.
I thought to myself, did I look ugly yesterday? However I gave a half smile and forced out, “Thank you Mike.”
A huge smile grew and feeling so proud that he might’ve just lifted my spirits he walks off whistling, raising his cup to someone on the floor. I rolled my eyes and finished making my coffee.
“You know that much caffeine in the span of 2 hours can’t be all that good for you, right?” I still at the sound of that amazingly sexy voice, Anthony. The kind that sounds like it’s on the verge of turning into a low growl. I love that voice, but he’ll never know that. “Considering my entire DNA is made up of caffeine, I think I’ll be just fine”, I respond casually turning to face that incredibly handsome face covered in a beard that screamed, PUSSY EATING EXPERT! But who knows really? He could be totally bad at it. Yet somehow I doubt it. He grins at me and it took everything I had in me to not groan out loud. It was completely unfair for any one human to look that gorgeous. His olive skin smooth and itchy hands wanting to touch it. His chiseled features adorned with a perfectly groomed full beard, dark thick eyebrows framing stunning green-brown eyes. I had to rein myself in because eventually I was going to forgo the coffee for his perfectly full lips. “How are you this morning, Isa?” “I’m doing better, thanks.” I pull my cup to my lips and took a long swallow in hopes to quell the moan that wants to escape my mouth. “Good to see you back in the office”, he inched closer to me and I froze. He leans closer raising his hand and reaches behind for the pot of coffee. When I realize how my eyes were glued to his lips I jump and move out of his way. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was acting like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
“Yeah, uh… thanks, Anthony. It feels good to be back”, I turn to leave the coffee bar hoping to make it back to my office without tripping. “Isa!” he calls out to me a bit loud to ensure I heard him.
I stop and only turn my head to look back at him, “yes?” “If you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask… me.” Shrugging at me he brought his cup to his lips and a smile crinkled his eyes. “Uh, yeah, sure… thanks.” Silently I ended with, I think. What the hell was that about? I hurry to my office, my special space. Being the introvert I am I enjoy the privacy of my little corner office. I close the door and leane against it. I took a couple of big gulps of my coffee and sighed. Anthony was one of the office hotties. The women, and some of the men, had a list of hot guys and he was on it. Top of the list was our boss. Ugh, that guy was such a douchebag but seemed like he was highly regarded for his sex appeal. If you liked that pretty white yuppie playboy look, yuck. I never paid much attention to the chatter of office gossip. I kept myself closed off from the rest of the folks because in order to focus on my work I needed silence. But every now and again when my door was open the few friends I did have would come visit and reveal the latest gossip to me, without my asking I should add. I always stayed quiet and nodded through their machine gun delivery of information I didn’t care about until his name was mentioned. Anthony gossip seemed to pretty much stay mild compared to some of the others. I think the most shocking was knowing the guy could sing and sing well. They had attended some office party and there was karaoke and he apparently stole the show. I was curious, but no one would ever know. So, today started with my cat knocking over every trash can in the apartment, finding that I had a flat tire, my boss telling me I looked beautiful (which was really annoying), to Anthony offering to help me with anything. I am not really sure where I was going with that line of thought. Maybe because my day seemed to start off bad, but this new development of Anthony offering to be helpful threw me off my bad day game. Suddenly it hit me… oh, that’s so unfortunate. I have a crush on the guy. I lean my head back against my door and this time I do groan out loud. I push away from the door, plop down into my chair, and lean my head on my desk. After being absent from the office, having to work from home for the last few weeks, this was the last thing I wanted to get myself caught up in coming back to work. “Fuck.” I say to myself and then reach for my phone needing to text my best friend, because she always has the answers. Me: Hey, are you free for drinks after work? Friend: Always! Me: I really need to talk. Meet me at the pub at 6? Friend: are you okay? Me: Yeah, no…  idk. Friend: ok, at 6. See you there.
I walk in the doors of the pub that is about 3 blocks from my office. It is already filled with happy hour patrons in broken down business suits. Men's shirt sleeves rolled up, ties gone, shirts unbuttoned, suit jackets on the back of chairs. Women's attire pretty similar or at least their clothing looked a little less smoothed out now that they had a few drinks in them.
The music playing is chill indie tunes. The pub is owned by former business types who decided they wanted more out of life. I envy them, the hipster couple living their dream. I love coming here, even if it at one time I wouldn't have been caught dead here. "Hey Isa!" shouts the owner Liz. She is a stunning beauty. She had a serious Chingona vibe that let her reign supreme here at the pub. Liz has long jet black hair that was typically worn in a fishtail braid. Big gold hoop earrings, a black pub merch tank top in order to exhibit her stunning tattoos all done by local artists, she is proud to say. "Hi Liz, it's good to see you", I step on the foot rest of the bar and reach over the bartop to kiss her cheek. "I'm so glad to see you out and about. You look fantastic." She enthusiastically waves a hand at me to indicate me being up on my feet. "Yeah, I am trying to get back to normal again. I hated feeling so helpless." I shrugged my shoulders as lean against the bar. The last 6 weeks were a hard recovery for me, but thankfully for a handful of friends I was able to get there faster. "Sometimes, Isa, it's okay to let others help you out. As you can see it actually works out because look at you now. No one would ever know you had heart surgery." Liz leans on the bar in front of me. She has the kindest light brown eyes, always framed by intense black eyeliner for that intense cat-eye look.   "Yeah, I know, I'm stubborn", I chuckle. "So what'll you have gorgeous?"
"Uhm, let me go easy tonight with a Jack and Coke, please."
Liz laughs, "you're one of few who call Whiskey easy. Coming right up!" I head over to my favorite spot at the end of the bar. I prefer my back to be to the wall so I can see the door. I'm not sure why, call it anxiety or being in control, but either way it's what works for me. I settle onto the barstool and look at my phone. It was ten till 6p and I knew soon Lillie would be making her entrance. She is always on time. "Here ya go, doll." Liz hands me my drink and right as she was about to say something someone came into the bar. She winks at me and moves to go serve her customer. Just as I brought my drink to my lips in walks a vision in bright purple. I grin because as soon as she steps in all eyes were on her. Lillie. She is always one to make an entrance. Her 6 foot tall frame always drew attention. Her chocolate skin was glowing, her short curls bouncing with every step. Her curvaceous body gliding its way through the crowd. The men looking at how her tight dress showed off everything she worked hard on achieving. All eyes on her is always Lillie’s goal. No matter how many stood taller as she walked past them, she had eyes only for me. My one true soulmate. We'd been friends since we were kids. Back when Lillie was once a little boy who kept himself hidden from everyone but me. Lillie was my first everything. First friend. First kiss. First boyfriend. First time. Then she became my very first girlfriend. I loved her more than I ever loved anyone. Then one day we both came to the realization that we were best friends and a love that felt like it was dying, became a big new love for friendship. She is my everything, always and forever, just now we are the very best of friends. "Hey beautiful" I grinned as Lillie leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Oh please… do go on!", she giggles loving being given compliments. "You're looking positively bright today." I look her up and down. "Oh this old thing? Girl please, I threw this on last minute." Lillie smiles at Liz as she walks up to us. "Hi Lillie, fancy seeing you here", Liz smiles at her. They always host karaoke on Wednesday nights, last night, and everyone always knew you'd see Lillie there. She had an amazing voice and everyone loved when she sang. They began to speak with each other and my mind drifted off. I don't know why I kept thinking about Anthony. I guess because it was still so new but it meant absolutely nothing right? Like, why would he even say that when he's never really shown me any interest? I can't seem to shake the smile he gave, or the intent in his words. Shaking my head I shrug it off as him just being nice. Noticing my mood, Lillie leans and elbows me to get my attention, "babe, you're a million miles away. What's going on?" I sigh and look over at her, just when I'm about to let it all pour out, in walks the devil. I didn't turn my head but my eyes shifted towards the door, there he was. He had his tie loose, his sleeves rolled up, minus a jacket, and he looks like something out of a freaking men’s fashion magazine. I close my eyes a second and take a deep breath. Lillie notices my gaze and then whispers, "who is that daddy?" "The problem." I grimace at her use of daddy. I say with a rushed exhale, "I think I could, might, possibly, definitely have a crush on that". "Uhm… Isa I don't quite think THAT is a problem, more like a solution?" Lillie has a huge grin on her face. I groan and bring my glass to my lips when he locks eyes with me. Fuck. He smiles at me. I smile back and turn to look at Lillie. I'm feeling a little claustrophobic suddenly and Lillie settles her hand on my arm.
“Breathe.” She whispers.
“Because he's coming.”
I slowly look over and he is walking through the crowd and they just move out of his way, like the parting of the Red Sea. Wtf, people just did that?
“Do what?” he asks as he's smiling at us.
Fuck, I said that out loud? Lillie knowing me reaches a hand out to distract him, "hi, I'm Lillie, the bff.. and you are?”
“I'm Anthony, the coworker.” He winks at Lillie.
Lillie grins and looks at me with a look. The look. I send out pleading eyes but nope she ain't having it.
“If you'll excuse me, I saw someone I need to say hi to.”
And just like that she leaves us. I turn and watch her leave and nervously look back and I'm staring at his chest. I look up and he’s smiling at me. Taking a deep breath I smile my smile, the one that makes people tell me “a real smile, Isa”. "Hi Anthony." I finally say feeling entirely ridiculous. He keeps looking at me and I start to feel even more anxious. Why is looking at me so intensely? "I'm trying to remember if I've seen you here before." He says as if he heard my thoughts. "Oh no, not for a long time. Before my surgery I stopped being able to go out. It's been a little over a year since I've been able to enjoy happy hour. But I've known Liz and her husband for a while before that, and use to come when they first opened up." I shift in my seat, my ass is starting to fall asleep or I'm just fidgety, either way I can’t sit still. "That's why, you stopped coming before I found this place." He leans sideways on the bar still smiling at me. Liz comes over, "Hey Anthony, your usual?"
He grins, "Hi Liz, yeah and whatever she's having" he points to my almost empty glass. "Uhm, thanks." I blush.
"Not a problem." At that moment someone bumps him pushing him into me. He reaches out on my legs to keep me from sliding off the stool. I grab his arm and realize how close we are and suddenly I feel my pulse rise rapidly. He smells so good! "Sorry about that," but his eyes send a different message, or is he, as he's still holding on.
"It's okay, it didn't hurt." Why did I say that? You're an idiot, Isa.
His fingers gripped a bit tightly before he releases his grip. My thighs feeling a lingering burn where his fingers had been. He leans in a little closer and begins "I was uhm… wondering if maybe", and before he could finish, a hand with long red polished nails snuck it's over his shoulder and across his chest. He froze and straightened himself. I looked at him like he suddenly grew an extra arm, a female one. Then a petite blonde with glossy red lips comes into view. Okay then… He turned and looked as if he was annoyed, "What Vicky?" She’s looking between him and me, I just turned to look over the bar. I see Lillie talking to some guy. Great no help from her. I realize that during our intense staring game, Liz had brought our drinks. I pick up my glass and begin to drink, a little too quickly. "I saw you and wanted to say hi. Can't a girl say hi?" She tosses her back over her exposed shoulder and I roll my eyes. "I didn't realize you were with a date?" She looked me over as if it was impossible for him to be with me. I freeze and then say from over my glass looking at her, "I'm not his date." Anthony stiffens and he backs away from this woman, getting closer to me. "Isa is a friend of mine." As if he needed her to know that he didn't just randomly decide to talk to me. "Well, whenever you're done here," she flicks her hand at me, "I’ll be over there with everyone." She tilted her head in a flirtatious way and spun around clacking her heels on the floor, even with the noise she manages it.   I laugh and shook my head, "damn dude, looks like you're in a world of trouble with that one". I turn my crossed legs towards him and he actually looks uncomfortable. I felt bad for the guy and so I leaned forward to whisper, "Don't worry, she didn't hurt my feelings." His shoulders relax and smiles at me, leaning back against the bar with his head turned towards me. "She's always a problem." "Women like her usually are, but some people like problems." I tap my nail against the glass rim and then take a sip. "What about you? Do you like problems?" I shake my head, and grin, "I like them easy". I said it so softly but just loud enough he didn't miss what I said. He turns fully towards, standing between my crossed legs and the bar, "is that so?" "Mmhmm… I don't like complicated. Like her," I nod towards the blonde. "People like her are messy. Leave behind destruction." "So can easy", he leans closer. I take a deep breath. What is going on? Who am I, like I have any right to be flirting with this guy? I'm not a stranger to flirting and hooking up. It's just been so long since I've entertained it. But with him it's happening so easily. Why fight it? Let it vibe and see what happens, that's what Lillie would say to me. "Not if you do it right", I let my leg brush against his crotch. He looks down at my leg. I wore a pantsuit today, the friction of our clothing did a lot to increase the current tension. He places his hand on my knee, rubbing his thumb over it in circles. "Isa, I have to admit that I'm incredibly attracted to you. Have been ever since we started working together. And normally this is easy for me, but right now I find I'm nervous being next to you." He confesses. I stopped breathing. I'm not even sure what just happened. Am I dreaming? Is this a joke? But I feel the warmth of his hand on my leg and it is surreal, how did this happen?! I’m reeling.
I lick my lips and bite my bottom lip. He watches the action, his eyes grow heavy with lust. Forgetting that we are in a public place I reach up and let my fingers drag through his beard. I needed to touch it and it felt like I knew it would. I moan slightly and squeeze my legs tighter. He slides his hand up my leg and grips my thigh. Suddenly the moment is shattered when Lillie walks up to announce she's leaving, "my friend and I want to catch up, so we are going go to eat." She winks and before I know it she's gone and I'm alone with Anthony. Anthony turns to Liz and raises his hand. He indicates that he wants to pay. She nods and he looks at me. No longer are we talking, just our bodies. I'm not sure what I'm doing, or him, but I'm going with it. One thing I learned recently is to take a chance at life because you never know when it'll end. I slid off the stool, straightening my jacket I wave at Liz as Anthony signs his receipt. Putting his hand on my lower back, we head towards the door. We both hear Vicky calling out his name. We move faster to the door. Walking briskly I turn and head towards my car and he follows my lead. After a couple of blocks walked in silence we are at my car. I took my keys out of my pocket and look at my door. He is standing close behind me. I breathe in deeply and suddenly I feel my body spin around. He pushes me back against my car, gently. He leans in, his lips hovering over mine. I realize he's waiting for an invitation. I let out the breath I was holding and reach my hands up to hold his face in my hands. Ugh, that beard drives me mad. I pull him in and suddenly I am feeling those soft lips against my own. He places his hands against my car caging me, moving in closer. His body needing to feel mine as his lips explore. I feel needy for his kiss, I pull him closer like I'm trying to bring him into me. Our lips getting to know each other, our breathing rising, our hearts beating faster. He lowers his hands to my hips and pulls me in, feeling how hard he's gotten already, for me. I moan into his mouth, his tongue making his way against mine. We tilt our heads, deepening our kiss. I feel absolutely carefree doing this, with him. I am not sure how long we've been kissing but it feels like hours. His beard scraping against my face causing my arousal to increase. It feels glorious and so incredibly sexy.
Slowly our kiss lightens, our need to breathe the main factor. He moves his lips to my jaw, down my neck. Taking his chin rubbing it against the sensitive part of my neck. I moan and push my hips up against him. "Oh god, Isa you have no idea how much I've dreamt of kissing you" he says into my neck. Moving his head up to look at me trying to control his heavy breathing. "I never knew" I whispered against his ear.
"I didn't know about you feeling the same." He lets out in a raspy breathless voice.
"I only recently allowed myself to admit it, but then being gone for 6 weeks kind of put a damper on things.” I bite his earlobe gently. He pushed himself back a bit, looking me in the eyes. Searching for something, I'm sure he sees the lust in my eyes, because I know I'm feeling it. He smiles and kisses my lips, letting them linger. He pulls away and I whimper. Wait, what, did I just whimper? He grins at me. "I don't want a one night stand with you. I want more." He says carefully, as if he's trying not to scare me off. I am at a loss for words. All I've known in the past is one night stands, a couple turning into toxic relationships. Never has a man actually said he wants more with me that didn’t imply sex. "I don't… I don’t know what to say…" I stammer.
"Just say yes to dinner with me, tomorrow night?"
"Yes" I answer instantly. Suddenly all the nervousness I felt since this day started gone. Feeling like my old confident self again. Feeling like me again. Not some broken shell of a woman.
"Excellent. I can pick you up at home, or leave from work?"
I bite my lip. "Could you get me at home?" I blush and look down.
He lifts my chin up with his finger, "it would be my pleasure."
I sigh like a schoolgirl and blush even more. What is with me?!
"I like when you bite your lip." He leans and kisses my bottom lip. "I noticed it the first day we met. When you're thinking you do it. It always drives me insane when we are in meetings."
I let out a soft laugh, "really?"
"God yes, how did you never notice me staring at you. I swear there were times you saw me."
"Uhm a little known secret about me, Anthony, I'm oblivious to flirtatious behavior if not directly shown to me. Kinda like you did tonight."
"Well then I'm glad I finally decided to bite the bullet." He laughed out loud. "When I saw you sitting at the bar I didn't even think twice, I made the choice to just walk right over to you."
"I'm glad you did, otherwise I'd be sitting in my office wondering why suddenly things shifted between us and convincing myself that I'm imagining things." I slide my hand up and down his chest. Wow, muscle, lots of it.
"Bite that lip again and I can't promise I'll stay a gentleman right now." His thumb rubs across my lip.
"No need on my account" I grin.
"No, you deserve better than a quickie in the back of a car." He pushes my wavy brown hair behind my ear. He makes me feel sexy, when I stopped believing I was anything more than just passably pretty.
"I guess I should head home. Bossy will be wondering where I am."
He raises an eyebrow at me, "my cat" I answer.
He grins, "oh yeah, you don't wanna worry him." 
He picks up the keys I dropped staying crouched down in front of me. Anthony is looking up at me, as I look down I am curious if he can tell how incredibly turned on I am, and how it'll take an hour just to let that fade away. He grins as he stands up as if knows my thoughts, he hands me my keys and I press the unlock button. He opens my door for me and I slide in. He leans in and kisses me, hard on my still swollen lips. "Drive safely, Isabella". He closes the door and I melt where I sit at the use of my full name. Oh god this man is going to make mush out of me. 
A/N: I originally wrote this about a year and half ago. It was a prompt I came across and I rolled with it. I wasn’t quite sure where it would end up, but here we are. I am not sure if I will come back to this or not but it was fun to write. Let me know what you think. 
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placetobenation · 4 years
Welcome to Money In The Bank PPV Weekend!
Originally set for Baltimore, the PPV will be fought over two venues – the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida and the MITB matches from WWE Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut.
BEST. MATCH. CONCEPT. EVER! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/3JQoNVnJHu
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) May 9, 2020
For the first time ever, both the men’s and women’s match will be fought at the same time. Plus, instead of happening in the ring, they’ll start at the bottom of the WWE HQ and fight all the way to the roof where the two briefcases will be hung over to acquire.
It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. Sure, they’ll be surprises along the way with other Superstars hidden around the HQ. No, I don’t think we’ll see anyone thrown off the roof as King Corbin suggested. But, it’ll be fun.
The MITB matches will be the stars. Expect Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins to be a stand-out match to with some chaos to keep the feud going.
As of Saturday morning, here’s the card:
Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Aleister Black, Rey Mysterio, Otis, King Corbin
Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Asuka, Carmella, Dana Brooke, Lacey Evans
WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins
Universal Championship Match: Braun Strowman vs. The Fiend/Bray Wyatt
Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley vs. Tamina
SmackDown Tag Team Championship Fatal Four-Way Match: The New Day vs. The Miz & John Morrison vs. The Forgotten Sons vs. Lucha House Party
Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro (kick-off)
R-Truth vs. MVP
Possible add – RAW Tag Team Championship: The Street Profits vs. The Viking Raiders
Men’s MITB – Aleister Black (2nd choice: AJ Styles)
Women’s MITB – Lacey Evans (2nd choice: Shayna Baszler)
WWE Championship – Drew McIntyre
Universal Championship – Braun Strowman
SmackDown Women’s Championship – Bayley
SmackDown Tag Team Championship – The Forgotten Sons
Sheamus interferes in Hardy match for DQ
Somehow R-Truth beats Rob Gronkowski for 24/7 Title
Star of the week:
𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖕𝖗𝖆𝖞. The end is here. #WWENXT @WWEKarrionKross @Lady_Scarlett13 pic.twitter.com/705SWI4MsK
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2020
Karrion Kross and Scarlett – While we are all looking for something different in this pandemic wrestling environment, KK and Scarlett gave it to us with an unbelievable entrance! Complete with smoke, singing and vivaciousness from Scarlett, it all exceeded expectations and led as a wonderful precursor to Kross’ dominance over Leon Ruff in his debut match. That’s they way you make new superstars get over and look strong!
Last Chance Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Match: AJ Styles defeated Humberto Carillo, Austin Theory, Angel Garza, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, Akira Tozawa and Titus O”Neil
Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink defeated Ricochet & Cedric Alexander
Non-Title RAW Tag Team Title Match: The Viking Raiders defeated The Street Profits
Non-Title NXT Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair defeated Liv Morgan
Non-Title WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Buddy Murphy
This week’s RAW just felt like I went on and on. With it being the “go-home” show for the MITB PPV Sunday, you would think there would be more of an urgency too it, but there wasn’t. Not that it was a bad show, it just felt like it dragged a bit.
One thing that has been a downer is the constant 50-50 booking from week-to-week. Take for instance, the team of Ricochet and Cedric Alexander. They look really good one week and then get beat the next. This week, they lost to Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink, a team they beat last week and honestly, a team that they shouldn’t be losing to on TV if they are going to be real contenders to The Street Profits.  The same can be said for the tag team champs, who lost, predictably, a non-title match to The Viking Raiders which you would think sets up a championship match at the PPV.
I’m all for teams and individuals looked good and getting a victory from time to time, but you’re not helping make the teams you need to be strong look strong. It doesn’t make sense making everyone happy with wins on TV. Getting them on LIVE events is one thing (not that there are any of those these days), but on TV where most of your people see them is another.
No one knows how far she'll go…@YaOnlyLivvOnce is giving it her ALL in this showdown with @WWENXT #WomensChampion @MsCharlotteWWE! #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/Q0OP9KA4R9
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) May 5, 2020
What we did LOVE this week was Charlotte Flair vs. Liv Morgan. Giving Morgan a chance to shine over three segments with a promo and a really good match with the NXT Women’s Champion does wonders for her. No, she shouldn’t have one and I’m glad she didn’t, but it will help build her character for a later point and time.
The field is complete.@AJStylesOrg @reymysterio @WWEAleister @WWEDanielBryan @BaronCorbinWWE and @otiswwe will do battle in the Men's #MITB Ladder Match! #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/7y2PoN1gFa
— WWE (@WWE) May 5, 2020
The gauntlet match was what it was. AJ Styles coming back to earn the final spot in the MITB Men’s Match wasn’t that unexpected but helps the PPV with another solid contender. I thought the WWE missed a chance to have some fun though. Having Bobby Lashley DQ’d was laughable to begin with. But, by having Austin Theory and Angel Garza as part of the match, why not have them face-off to provide some angst and tension within the group? It would’ve been better than what we got, which was predictability. Zelina Vega’s reaction only would’ve been priceless!
The animosity is at a whole new level between #WWEChampion @DMcIntyreWWE and @WWERollins on the road to #MITB! #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/ruVOu5g5uu
— WWE (@WWE) May 5, 2020
Nice build-up for Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins. Still don’t understand having interviews in the ring in front of no one, but they make even less sense when Charley Caruso doesn’t say anything for long stretches. Just make a production piece of it, those work better.
Overall, the WWE has to think of ways to attract more viewers as the 1.6 million viewers they got Monday night was another historic low.
Johnny Gargano defeated Dominik Dijakovic
Interim NXT Cruiserweight Tournament Match: Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher
Chelsea Green defeated Xia Li
Karrion Kross defeated Leon Ruff
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Io Shirai defeated Charlotte Flair by DQ – Flair retains title
Interim NXT Cruiserweight Tournament Match: Kushida defeated Jake Atlas
Cameron Grimes defeated Denzel Dejournette
NXT Championship Match: Adam Cole defeated The Velveteen Dream
Holy Karrion Kross and Scarlett! Now, THAT’S HOW YOU MAKE AN ENTRANCE!
Tick. Tock. Apocolypse. With the hype and the build-up, the duo still make a debut that was something different and exciting to watch! By far, the best thing on Wednesday night!
Johnny Gargano and Dominik Dijakovic gave us a strong, physical opener. NXT’s first couple (for the moment) swerved their way to victory with a Candice LeRae distraction to help her husband get the victory. Where Gargano’s next feud is coming from is a mystery at the moment but he and the Poison Pixie are making things interesting nonetheless.
We got expected wins from Mr. Winning Wednesday night Akira Tozawa (as opposed to his alter ego Mr. Losing Monday night) and Kushida in the interim NXT Cruiserweight matches. Both go 2-0 in the tourney and currently, both on top of their respective blocks. The tournament has been good with some of the best wrestling matches of the week. I wonder if they’ve made up their minds about Drake Maverick though.
Who will be Finn Balor’s attacker? We still don’t know, but we do know that Cameron Grimes didn’t do himself any favors by saying he could beat Balor up and will get decimated next week.
.@MsCharlotteWWE has had ENOUGH. #WWENXT #NXTWomensTitle @shirai_io pic.twitter.com/3Q1cV5OlCs
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2020
I like what they’re doing with Charlotte Flair. By taking on some new names on both RAW and NXT it almost has the feel of her father, Ric Flair traveling to the territories each week to take on the local top stars. Like her Dad, she makes them look good, gets the win most times and keeps the title. All good for business. This week, with a DQ loss to Io Shirai, it keeps a potential rematch alive and with Rhea Ripley’s return, sets up a nice three-person dynamic for a bit between the trio.
Love kept them together.
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@AdamColePro retains his #NXTChampionship… and that boys and girls, that's UNDISPUTED. #WWENXT #AndStill pic.twitter.com/IWqSB8g58V
— WWE (@WWE) May 7, 2020
The NXT Championship Match between Adam Cole and The Velveteen Dream fell a little flat to me. I expected more from these two but it just didn’t click. Cole extends his historic NXT Championship reign (340 days on Wednesday) but the match really didn’t do much for me and needed the expected run-in from The Undisputed Era. The Velveteen Dream’s run at Cole hasn’t been all that memorable. Maybe it’s the lack of crowd to give it some emotion and feedback, but it just hasn’t worked.  Who’s next for Cole, maybe NXT North American Champ Keith Lee? That I wouldn’t mind seeing. There’s history there.
Sonya Deville defeated Mandy Rose
The Miz & John Morrison & The Forgotten Sons defeated The New Day & Lucha House Party
Tamina & Lacey Evans defeated Bayley & Sasha Banks
King Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro defeated Daniel Bryan, Drew Gulak & Otis
The go-home show to the MITB PPV was all about the set-up with a showcase on three tag-team matches. Before we get to those, let’s talk about the non-in ring stuff.
"Come back home." – @WWEBrayWyatt "I am home." – @BraunStrowman #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/41gLp7gWFF
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) May 9, 2020
Braun Strowman’s face-to-face with Bray Wyatt fell kind of flat. It was nice to see Wyatt in person, but it was the same ol’ you started with me and I want your belt back-and-forth. Nothing new here to make me want to be invested in the storyline.
As expected, Jeff Hardy returned to SmackDown and as expected, Sheamus confronted him. That was pretty good stuff between the two veterans. We should expect that match to be added to the MITB PPV this weekend.
That trash talk from @SonyaDevilleWWE tho' #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/GzjkPyGUoH
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) May 9, 2020
I thought the best part of the show was the opener between Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose. Letting these go at it no only with the physical style in (and out of) the ring, but with the banter while they do it, this was very good to watch. I hope they keep it up.
 As for the tag team matches, we got some very good action. Really enjoyed the 8-man match between those fighting for the SmackDown tag team championship Sunday. Plus, it was good that that The Miz & John Morrison got some street crede back with a win. Still, with some tensions with The Forgotten Sons, it sets up for an exciting match for The New Day to defend the titles.
The women’s tag match went pretty much according to schedule with Tamina looking like a contender for Bayley’s SmackDown Championship, although it’s very unlikely she’ll beat Bayley.
Can King @BaronCorbinWWE become the first Superstar to win King of the Ring and #MITB in the same calendar year? #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/BWkch7qYwB
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) May 9, 2020
In the main event, the heels got over as King Corbin ended up atop the ladder to end the night. We, of course, in McMahon comedic style, got Otis breaking a ladder as he tried to climb it. I don’t expect either Corbin or Otis to be at the heights on Sunday either.
And oh yeah, the Hacker is still watching us. Payback is coming!
Parting shots:
With the Country starting to open up more and more things, I expect the wrestling world to push the envelope. But, here in the Northeast, they’re already canceling things through Labor Day. One of the things to fall by the wayside will be SummerSlam in Boston. State officials have already said no large gatherings before September 7th.  So, expect an alternative plan there for the WWE. Maybe we’ll get it back in Boston next year.
It was nice to see Roman Reigns address that he’s not at the WWE events due to making sure his new kids are healthy. I applaud him for that. Making sure your family is safe is always first priority. I wish the WWE would just address the situation honestly on TV as well.  
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots and Red Sox fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND!
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unofferable-fic · 5 years
The Flower & The Serpent (Arthur Morgan x OFC)
Chapter 5 - To Go For a Drink is One Thing
Summary: In the early 1890s, the Van der Linde Gang were truly at their finest. Experts at stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, they’ve made a name for themselves across the West. Two of their newest recruits, a pair of rebellious Irish siblings with an unknown past, slowly find their footing and settle into their new lives as outlaws. And yet, as they grow older, threats from all sides begin to appear. A strained relationship with Colm O'Driscoll spells disaster for the gang, and no matter how far they roam across America, the world continues to change around them. If they want to survive, difficult choices must be made. No one is as they seem and the impending arrival of law and order threatens to tear the siblings, and everything they hold dear, apart. Is it too late for anyone to find a happy ending?
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Originally posted by lotherings-rose
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x OFC
Warnings: Language, alcohol, violence, some fluff and drunken cowpeeps.
Word Count: 5,051
Previous Chapter    Next Chapter
Playlist: “The Railroad” — Goodnight, Texas, “Randy Dandy-Oh” — The Dreadnoughts, “Little Sadie” — Crooked Still, “Devil Do” — Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs
A/N: Also available on AO3. Chapter five comin’ at y’all.
Evening descended upon Madison County. With the dwindling sun setting the clear sky alight with vibrant yellows and oranges, the Van der Linde gang were already cracking open some beers and celebrating their successful venture in Winterset. After her earlier conversation with Arthur, Maebh had managed to convince Dutch to let her take her new horse out for a short trot outside camp. He seemed a little hesitant, but willingly relented when she insisted she felt much better after resting for so long. His one condition was that William go with her, and for some reason she got the feeling that her brother would have insisted anyway had Dutch not suggested it.
“I’m pretty sure she’s a Thoroughbred,” William announced as he made sure her saddle was securely strapped to the animal’s back. “If I was to take a guess anyway.”
Maebh was busy brushing the horse’s dark mane and raised a brow at her brother. “How can ye tell? Cause she’s mad tall?”
“That and the distinctive brindle coat. Plus, look at her — she’s all lean muscle for racin’. You picked yourself up a beaut.”
She grinned at the prospect of owning such a lovely animal. “Guess I finally had some luck with horses for once.”
“I guess you did.” He took a step back and pulled himself up on to Banquo. “Alright, up ye get. Let’s stretch their legs a bit.”
With slightly stiff arms, Maebh managed to climb atop the mare. Once seated comfortably, she let out a breath and rubbed the side of her neck. “Maith an cailín. Let’s get you movin’.”
As they lead their horses out of camp, William called to her over his shoulder. “You got a name for her yet?”
“Well, I was thinkin’ ’bout it, and then I realised I can’t give her a simple name like Bonnie or Biscuit because she’ll be surrounded by horses called Banquo and Dantés, so that wouldn’t fly.”
“Is that a sly dig at me?”
“It’s not sly if it’s true.”
Once they reached the outskirts of camp, they lead the horses around the outer perimeter at a slow trot. Her new mare seemed easy enough to direct and tolerated her more than Banquo ever had.
“Alright,” William admitted. “I’ll give you that. What names did you have in mind for her then?”
“I’d been thinkin’,” she began. “’Bout one of my favourite stories that ma used to tell during Samhain. You remember the Dullahan, yeah?”
William eased his horse so that he was trotting alongside his sister. He seemed amused by the suggestion. “The headless horsemen? Very clever.”
“I think it suits her. And this way, she’ll be on the same level as your two.”
“I’m kinda jealous I didn’t come up with that myself...”
Maebh chuckled and looked down at her mount. “You hear that, Dullahan? I think William wants to steal you off me. Not that I can blame him.”
After a short silence, William spoke up again. “What d’you think they’d think of us now?”
Maebh turned her head to find him watching her with a serious expression. “Who?”
“Ma and Da.”
She gripped the reigns firmly in her hands as they turned over a slight bend in the road. “I think they’d be proud of us.”
“Ye think?”
“Yeah,” she answered with certainty. “I do. Think about it — did you think we’d get this far after what happened to ’em? I don’t think most kids would’ve. We were lucky enough that we found the gang when we did.”
“What ’bout all the robbin’?” he asked thoughtfully. “I like to think that they don’t mind it.”
“I’d say as long as we don’t rob the innocent, then they’re all for it. Robbin’ the rich to give back to the poor? That’s basically like all those Robin Hood stories they used to tell us.”
“You’re in my boat so.” He smiled at the fond memories, seemingly miles away in his head. “Yeah, I think we’re right; they’d be proud of us.”
“Once we don’t lose ourselves in any of this or literally lose track of how we’re survivin’, they’ll stay proud of our choices.”
They didn’t stay out riding for long. Once they had done a few laps around the outer perimeter, the horses were lead back the way they came. They returned just before nightfall, as Dutch had asked, and went to his tent to announce her return.
“How was the ride?” Dutch asked upon their return, casually smoking a cigar with a glass of whiskey in his free hand. “Any trouble?”
“Us? Trouble?” Maebh asked, feigning innocence. “No such thing.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He stood up and pulled two beer bottles from a nearby crate and passed them on to the siblings. “How’s that new mount comin’ along?”
“She’s doin’ great,” Maebh replied, glancing over to where the horse was hitched beside their tent. “Really nice horse to ride too. I think I might actually have a name for her now.”
“Is it also somethin’ Shakespearean?”
“Nah, but it’s somethin’ Irish.”
Dutch let out a small laugh. “Well, why ain’t I surprised?”
“I’m goin’ t’call her Dullahan.”
Dutch appeared thoughtful before repeating the name himself. “Sounds like a good choice to me. Now I ain’t got a clue what it means, but I like it.”
“The Dullahan were famous horsemen from Irish mythology,” William explained between sips of beer. “Usually known for bein’ headless and ghostly. I think it suits her.”
“That it does, son. A fine choice for a fine stead. Just make sure you don’t lose your head anytime soon, Miss Maebh.”
At that moment, Mac Callander came strolling over to Dutch’s tent. He had already had a few judging by his slightly slurred speech. “We headin’ into town or what, Dutch?”
“O’course,” Dutch replied while getting to his feet. “I was waitin’ for these two to come back first.”
Maebh’s eyes lit up at the prospect. “Wait, are we finally celebratin’ the take from the bank?”
“Damn right,” Mac replied. “I’ll let the others know we’re headin’ out.”
As their companion walked away, William asked curiously. “We aren’t headin’ into Winterset itself, are we?”
“Indeed we ain’t. We’re headin’ north to De Soto instead. They got a decent enough saloon up there for such an occasion.” Dutch grinned at the siblings. “Y’all best get those horses ready again.”
De Soto, over an hour’s ride from their camp outside Winterset, was a small enough town. Only a few of them had been in and out of it in comparison to some of the other bigger places around the county. It was certainly a more practical idea to drink there instead of going back into a town they robbed mere days ago. As they arrived at the local saloon, Maebh looked on at the gang in amusement. Most of them were already half cut and singing songs as she hitched her horse next to William’s. Inside, the place was already hopping. A musician played away at the saloon piano, managing to rouse some of the more inebriated patrons into song and dance. Noisy chatter filled the room and barely any notice was taken of them as they arrived. Some of the gang including Mr Pearson, Hosea, Miss Grimshaw, and Uncle commandeered the Black Jack table while others surrounded the bar. Before Maebh could make a decision about where to go, a hand on her arm pulled her towards the bar. A slightly tipsy John Marston guided her to a small opening amongst the crowd and helped ease her to the front of the bar before standing beside her.
“It’s a tight squeeze in here,” she commented, pressed between her friend on her right and a stranger on her left. “Gettin’ drinks is gonna be a pain.”
“Whatchu drinkin’?” John asked her as he tried to count the coins in his hand with one eye closed and his tongue sticking out between his lips. “First round’s on me.”
Maebh gave him an incredulous look. “What, you dyin’ or somethin’, Marston? What’s with the generosity?”
“Guess I’m just feelin’ generous for once. That, and you nearly died a few days ago.”
“I’m only messin’,” she assured him with a gentle half hug around the shoulders even though they were already packed together like sardines as it was. “Thanks. Next one is on me.”
“I ain’t gonna refuse that.” Just then, the barman had a spare minute to take their orders.  John took it upon himself to order four beers — two each — given the slightly longer wait.
She had been about to go join her brother when John struck up a conversation. “How you feelin’?”
“Much better than how I felt a few days ago,” she admitted after having a sip of her drink. “The rest did a lot for me.”
John’s brown eyes appeared focused despite the fact he was usually a massive lightweight. “I know the feelin’. I’ve gotten in and outta plenty of scraps with my fair share of knocks. Sometimes rest will do ya a world of good, even if ya hate doin’ it.”
She chuckled slightly. “I definitely hated it. So I plan on gettin’ excessively drunk tonight to make up for lost time.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He clinked his bottle against hers and had another sup. “I intend on joinin’ you.”
“How much’ve you had to drink already?”
He shrugged. “A couple beers back at camp. Why?”
“I’m just surprised you’re not on the ground already.”
John rolled his eyes, though the small smirk on his face told her he didn’t take it to heart. Slagging him for being a lightweight was a common occurrence at that point. “You best be careful, Miss Hennigan, or I’ll drag you down there with me.”
“Always one for the dramatics—”
The arrival of William cut the conversation off. He had a whiskey in hand and a slightly sour expression as he addressed his sister. “Are you goin’ t’stay at the bar all night or come join the rest of us?”
Maebh looked at John and nodded her head towards the rest of the gang. “You comin’ to rejoin civilisation?”
“I’ll catch up. You two go ahead.”
Once more thanking him for the drinks, Maebh grabbed her beers and allowed William to usher her to a nearby table where Dutch, Arthur, and Bessie were sitting. Upon seeing the siblings, Dutch enthusiastically requested a song. The demand left no room for refusal, and when Hosea and Uncle encouraged it from their Black Jack game, William shrugged and slung an arm around Maebh’s shoulders.
He started them off with a classic their father had taught them as children. “Now we are ready to sail for the horn!”
Maebh let out a hearty laugh and joined in at the chorus lines. “Weigh hey, roll and go!”
As William took the lead, he gestured for the others to join in with whatever words they knew. It certainly wasn’t the first time they had sung this song. “Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn!”
Bessie’s voice joined Maebh at the chorus again. “To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!”
Soon, other members of the gang were joining in, mostly with each second line, and a sing-song had well and truly started.
“Heave a pawl, o heave away
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Mac appeared at the table with more rounds of beers, passing pint glasses around the group.
Man the stout caps'n and heave with a will,
Weigh hey, roll an' go!
For soon we'll be drivin' her 'way up the hill.
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Soon, the glasses Mac had provided were being used to bash the table top, keeping a steady beat as William lead them in enthusiastic song.
Heave away, bullies, ye parish-rigged bums,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Take yer hands from yer pockets and don't suck yer thumbs.
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
John appeared at the tables, rousing more welcoming cheers from them. Now with everyone joining in, the chorus reached an impressive volume, flourished with intermittent cheers and whistles between lines.
We're outward bound for Vallipo Bay,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Get crackin', me lads, it's a hell of a way.
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!”
The gang cheered in delight as the song came to an end. Applause were shared as people settled into conversation once more.
“You’re quite the showman, son,” Dutch complimented young William as he downed the end of his drink. “For such a reserved and hardened criminal.”
“It takes one to know one, right?” William shot back in jest, offering his bottle up in a gesture of cheers.
Arthur chuckled. “He’s got ya there, Dutch.”
Their leader found the response amusing. “That he does! C’mon, lemme buy you another drink.”
As the pair left for more alcohol, Hosea joined Maebh, Arthur, and Bessie at the table.
“It’s far too easy to lose money on that game,” he announced as he took a seat beside his wife. “Far too easy.”
“Don’t tell me you bust out already, old man?” Arthur asked incredulously.
“No, I just have enough sense to know when to call it a day.”
“That’s certainly debatable,” Bessie argues with a wry grin. “I can remember you emptying your wallet on more than one occasion.”
“My beautiful wife defendin’ my honour as always!”
“At least we’ve got some extra cash to spend on drinks and games this time,” Maebh added with a shrug and raised her glass. “To us, for actually gettin’ away with it despite a bit of a mess.”
The four of them clinked their drinks together, a small chorus of positive responses raising above the noise. As she took a sip of her drink, she noticed Arthur sitting with a slightly sour expression at the mention of the robbery. He cleared his throat suddenly. “I gotta ask, Hosea, what happened back in the bank?”
Hosea’s brow raised slightly. “What d’you mean?”
“While we was grabbin’ the money,” he elaborated. “We come back and suddenly a lawman is dead. That ain’t exactly like us.”
“I thought Dutch said he had to do it?” Maebh said. “That our cover would’ve been blown otherwise?”
“That’s what he says.” Though Hosea was merely repeating her words, there was something in his tone that left her unsettled. “I thought there might have been another way to go about things, that killin’ should’ve been a last resort. And maybe he panicked when he saw that man sniffin’ about. He says he saw us and was runnin’ for backup. Hell, I didn’t see any of it until I heard Dutch smashin’ the window and unloading a bullet into him. Regardless of whether he shot him or not, we were in trouble the second that lawman saw what was goin’ on. About the only good thing was that he couldn’t tell his friends how many of us were involved, which helped us escape afterwards.”
Bessie chose that moment to add her own thoughts. “If he was goin’ for backup, then surely it was a case of bein’ either you or him?”  
“I don’t ever agree with it unless it’s either you or the guy pointin’ the gun in your face, but trust in Dutch. I mean hell, he got us outta there alive.”
Maebh nodded her head towards Reverend Swanson, who sat nearby gulping down a whiskey. “With a little help from God.”
“I guess we also had some luck too.”
“Ain’t nothin’ to worry ’bout,” Arthur said rather dismissively. “It was a once off.”
“He ain’t steered us wrong yet,” Bessie added. “As long as we don’t start killin’ willy-nilly, we’ll be fine.”
“As long as that’s how things remain then I’m fine with it,” Hosea agreed. “No unnecessary killin’ or robbin’; we ain’t petty criminals. D’you remember what Dutch said to you when you were younger, Arthur? When you stole from that poor man’s house?”
Arthur nodded, lit himself a cigarette and then offered the box to his friends. “If we go ’round robbin’ and killin’ aimlessly, then we’re no better than the government that’s corruptin’ this land. We help people.”
“What does he say?” Maebh asked with a small laugh as she accepted a cigarette for herself. “We gotta have faith, right?”
Hosea nodded. “Exactly. Keep the faith in him and you’ll be fine. He’s a great man; one I’m proud to stand alongside.”
“You’s don’t fancy tryin’ to get out of it all again, then? I remember you told me that you tried before.”
“Ain’t no gettin’ out,” Bessie answered and placed her hand on her husband’s. “But I go where he goes. I agreed to a lot of things when I married him, and stickin’ by him through thick and thin is part of it.”
Her words had Maebh feeling curious. Her thoughts wandered to her parents and their attempted escape from a similar lifestyle. “You really think there’s no gettin’ out?”
“When you’ve been in it as long as we have, no. These old men don’t know any better. Can you see Dutch becomin’ a farmer one day? Maybe a ranch worker? Ain’t no chance.”
The notion was amusing to her, and she certainly agreed that it wasn’t a very likely future for the gang. She threw a glance in Dutch’s direction, seeing him speaking intently with William at the bar. His hand lay reassuringly on the younger man’s shoulder. Whatever they were talking about, it seemed intense.
The next time Maebh drunkenly waddled her way to the bar, she saw Marston and Davey talking to some working women. John, ever the prolific ladies man, already had his arm wrapped around one of them. Originally she had gone in search of him to pay him back with a drink, but decided to leave them to their escapades. She chuckled at the sight while asking the barman for some more beers.
“I know an Irish accent when I hear one,” a voice called from her right and she turned her head to see a man standing next to her. He nodded to her from beneath his worn flat cap. “Howiya, Miss.”
“Do I know you?” she asked as she handed the barman his money.
“No, but hopefully I’ll get to know you.” Though she didn’t know him, the stranger spoke in a distinctive Northern Irish accent.
“Oh! You’re a Paddy too.”
“Ah, see? Ye do know me, Miss…?”
“I don’t give my name out to strangers, Mister,” she replied with a wary smile. “Even if they come from Éire too.”
The man grinned at her. “Well how ’bout you let me get to know you better so I’m not considered a stranger. My name’s Padraig.”
At that moment, the barman set down her order on the counter and Maebh noticed Arthur take up a spot on her left at the bar. She knew what he was doing — usually if she or any of the other ladies were being bothered by pushy lads, Mr Morgan was more than happy to stand somewhere nearby just in case they fancied a hand in telling them to clear off. She heard him make an order, but pretended that she didn’t know him.
She instead replied to the Irishman. “Well, aren’t you forward, Padraig.”
“I am when I know what I want, Miss, so how much will it cost me to get yer name?”
Her brow piqued, and she could feel Arthur tense slightly behind her. “Cost?”
“Yeah. I don’t mind spendin’ a pretty penny on you. I’d say you’re up for anythin’ by the look of ye.”
A smile slowly tugged at Maebh’s lips. The man clearly mistook that for a good sign. He should have known better.
In as sultry a movement she could muster, Maebh slide up the side of the bar to stand a little closer to the clueless chap.
“Well, Padraig,” she began, and lightly traced his clean-shaven jawline. “You really know how to make a lady blush.”
“You aren’t no lady,” he replied with a smirk, probably thinking he was about to get lucky. “I can spot women whorin’ a mile off. Told you I knew ye.”
“I uh, think you might be right. I certainly amen’t no lady.”
In an instant, her demeanour changed. Padraig hardly had time to react before she grabbed him round the back of the head and slammed him face-first into the countertop. The crunch and cry that came from him grabbed the attention of those nearaby, while some were distracted by the booming music and rabble filling the bar. The barman let out a shocked profanity as Maebh stood over the whimpering stranger. “How ’bout you clear out of here before you insult someone else with your rude assumptions, ye bleedin’ gobshite.”
Padraig, clutching his blood-stained nose, glared up at her in anger. “You mad bitch—!”
“You heard the lady, boy!” Arthur growled, choosing that moment to take his place by her side and send the man a look that could kill. “Get the hell outta here!”
Now everyone in the saloon had noticed the ruckus, setting down their drinks to see what might happen next. Dutch got up from his seat at the table, silently backing up his gang by placing a hand on his holstered pistol. William stood too, entirely ready to defend them if needs be. A man she presumed to be a friend of Padraig hurried to his side and helped to haul him to his unsteady feet.
“Hey!” the barman exclaimed as he pointed a finger at the pair. “I thought I told you lot to stay outta my establishment!”
“Leave it, right,” Padraig’s companion urged him. “Let’s go!”
“I’ll get you back for that,” the injured man sneered as he allowed himself to be dragged out of the saloon. “Mark my words!”
“Proddy bastard!” Maebh called after him with a glare.
As the two men left the building, slowly but surely the music began to play again and people returned to their earlier conversations. It was right back to business.
“You okay?” Arthur asked her with a small smile on his.
“I’m fine,” she replied before looking back at him. “What’re you smilin’ at?”
“Just replayin’ how you broke that bastard’s nose in my head. I found it quite amusin’.”
Knowing he was getting a kick out of the confrontation, Maebh couldn’t help but smile too. “He definitely deserved it, right?”
“O’course. He needs to learn when to shut his damn mouth.”
“Right then, I don’t feel as bad about it now.”
“But I gotta ask… What the hell is a proddy?”
From his spot behind the counter, the barman cleared his throat to gain their attention. “No more fights in my saloon, please. I don’t want no more trouble in here effecting my business.”
“I can assure you, Mister,” Arthur began, holding up his hands. “We won’t bring no more trouble ’round. That feller was insinuatin’ some nasty things to the lady.”
“It won’t happen again,” she added, seeing the man frowning at them from beneath his bushy beard. “We can promise you that.”
“Good, I appreciate that. Now go make sure your friends behave.”
On that note, Marston and Davey appeared before her. They wore visible frowns, and the former was the first to express his displeasure. “Our company up and left thanks to your brawlin’.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and clasped his belt buckle in his hands. “You mean your expensive company? I doubt you’re missin’ much.”
“They was company no less, Morgan.”
“That they was,” John grumbled, looking rather unamused. “Thanks for the damn help, Hennigan. It’s not like I was tryin’ to get my frustrations out or anythin’.”
“A few more nights of your hand won’t kill ye,” she replied dismissively. “And knowin’ you, you’ll find more willing women in the next town over.”
Despite his threats, Padraig and his friend didn’t return to the saloon that night. With a brawl avoided, Dutch’s boys continued their celebrations and drank into the early hours of the morning. When they were finally forced to leave, they slowly stumbled out into De Soto’s streets and regrouped. Somehow, Maebh and John ended up in a harmless scuffle, which is turn led to William giving her a jockeyback, while Arthur did the same with John. They ended up drunkenly wrestling in these positions, with the loser being the first one to fall from their partner’s back. The whole thing had been hilarious in their drunken stupor, and it was only broken up when Hosea reluctantly got involved and said they needed to return to camp. While John tried to get down without falling flat on his face, William let Maebh stay where she was, and opted to carry her to her horse. In the haze of clambering on to Dullahan’s saddle, she caught a glance of Dutch speaking to a woman she didn’t recognise. She wasn’t entirely surprised to see him placing a kiss on her knuckles — he and Miss Grimshaw had called it quits last year, and though they had remained on good terms, Dutch’s didn’t stop his womanising ways. Though it was difficult for her eyes to focus, she seemed to be a pretty blonde, closer in age to Arthur than herself. She watched as Dutch saw her off and she rejoined the small group with whom she had come. Though unusual to see women in saloons at that time of night, she wasn’t surprised that Dutch had seen an opportunity to talk to a beautiful lady and subsequently taken it.
The ride back to camp was filled with singing and people nearly falling off their horses on to the dusty road below. Thankfully there were no injuries and everyone made it back in mostly one piece. On the outskirts of camp, people were either rearing for more alcohol, or already half passed out and ready for bed. Maebh, however, was dying for the loo.
“Anyone else need to take a leak?” she asked the group as she brought Dullahan to a stop. “I’m burstin’.”
“I do,” Karen replied in a slur and nearly stumbled off her horse. “Gotta make room for more beers.”
John’s face wore a drunken smirk. “I think I’ll join you ladies in the bushes.”
The statement earned him a smack around the back of the head from William, who glared at him from atop Banquo. “Ye will in your hole. Get t’fuck into camp, you.”
“Little Johnny Marston!” Karen teased him as he rubbed the back of his sore head. “Ever the ladies man!”
Maebh handed William her horse’s reigns while Mac grabbed Karen’s and the two stumbled off into the nearby bushes. Together they squatted amongst the shrubbery, and Maebh began to regret her decision to wear trousers instead of a skirt.
Around them, the small thicket was alive with whatever nocturnal animals made this spot their home. Above them, owls hooted and crickets sang their own tunes in response. The wind had died down, causing the leaves to lightly rustle every now and then. In the moonlight, it was difficult for either of them to see very far ahead. Even still, the night was calm and the atmosphere relaxing.
“I think John might’ve been comin’ on to us,” Karen pondered casually as they were left alone. “That boy is one messy drunk.”
Maebh shrugged as she finally relieved some pressure on her bladder. “He doesn’t mean anythin’ by it. I’m pretty sure he’s just desperate for his hole after I ruined his chances with yer wan.”
“I saw that! Jeesh, how’re you after breakin’ that fellers nose?”
“I’m grand. He was bein’ a right prick, if I’m honest.”
“I heard. Arthur told me he deserved it for bein’ a little shit. You know we always have each other’s backs in those nasty situations.”
“Thankin’ you. And if Arthur says that, then you know it’s bad—”
Maebh’s reply was cut short. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” she asked as she pulled her trousers back up. “All I can hear is you pissin’.”
“I thought I heard a twig snappin’,” Karen replied as she too stood up. “I’m sorry — the beers are gettin’ to me. I had way too many…”
“I’m sure it was just a racoon or somethin’.”
“Or maybe it was John comin’ back to try his luck?”
Maebh let out a barking laugh at the suggestion and slowly began to make her way back to camp in Karen’s company. “If that’s the case then I’m makin’ a run for it now!”
“Ugh, I ain’t able to run,” the blonde grumbled and linked her arm around her friend’s. “You can’t leave me out here while I’m drunk and sleepy.”
“I think we best get ourselves to our bedrolls.”
The women went back to camp with empty bladders and full intentions on going to sleep. But, Karen’s resilience broke as soon as Uncle offered her another beer, and suddenly Maebh was being dragged back into the throng, a whiskey finding its way into her hand. Yes, she had definitely planned on retiring to her tent and trying to sleep off the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed, but her gang mates were bursting into song and dance yet again, and as Mac Callander pulled her into a jig around the campfire, suddenly rest was the last thing on her mind. She was more than happy to stay up with her friends and see the sun rise to begin a new day.
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glopratchet · 4 years
Konchu collector "Ah, I have heard of your exploits many times before It is a shame that you are not here to see them though The Konchu are very strong and intelligent creatures and would easily take advantage of the situation if they could But as it stands now we have no one else in our area who can handle this problem other than yourself and me So let us work together to get rid of these pests once and for all! Bloodbath "I'm glad you agree We will be ready when the time comes The Collector leaves you alone with his words and you decide to leave him be until he gets back so you can go on about your business You don't think too much more of what he said but then again he probably was just trying to reassure himself that everything would be alright Operation: catch a gator While its no armor its light enough to not weigh you down and its tough enough to provide some protection, not to mention you've customized it a bit with some assorted straps and elastic bands for when you are holding multiple throwing knives You wake up early in the morning as you normally do and put on your favorite bush out After eating a quick meal of quality street you head out towards the sewer entrance that your clue led you to Bite your toungues these sewers will run red with all your blood After some tracking and information gathering you have found the home base of the reptile gang A rather large entryway to the sewer but certainly well watched, every time they see someone new coming into their territory they attack with intent to kill However since you arrived very early in the morning there are none along their part of the sewers Bite your toungues, Primal ponds crawling with rodents, water beset with lizards Slowly you slink along your path, ready at every turn With deftness beyond compare you avoid the gaze of serpents and evade the step of unrelenting crocodiles Activate upon entering the sewers: Snakes are awakening, hear them hiss Primal ponds crawling with rodents, Gator run and gun, bare hand beat 'em Smash and bash, don't forget T-Bone's bash You arrive at the underneath of a building connected to the reptile gang headquarters and the only way in since the nearest manhole is watched carefully Already holding your throwing knives in your hand you get ready to go in quickly Marking walls with your clues should've gotten us in J's heart Gator run and gun, Hunters heaven turns to hunters hell The sound of an alligator loudly snapped its jaw close to your ear, as you looked behind you thinking a gator had snuck up on you but there was nothing there except the darkness and shadows There was no time to investigate though as you were too busy trying to avoid the spotlight of security guards spotlight searching for intruders Rolling into a nearby alley without conflict, you decide to rethink your plan since wandering into their line of sight again would undoubtedly spell your doom Hunters heaven turns to hunters hell Posionous pair razors during night attacks, rally hordesies when light shows You could head further underground and try to find another way in that isn't as well defended meanwhile risking running out of oxygen, you could sneak back out of the sewers and try to enter through another entrance that isn't guarded as heavily or you could try talk your way in as one of the gang members Dive in deep, play a soaking wet; reptilian rep Posionous pair razors during night attacks, Cold blooded combo king of the wild Sneak or slay? Cold blooded combo, Newlywed game hunter heads deep inside young dragon's den Game on, choose your next step with care You spend the next couple of minutes carefully trying to peek out of the shadows to see if you can spot where the guards are before making your decision Well they aren't greenskins but they might as well be, sneaking in at this point seems really dicey Newlywed game hunter heads deep inside young dragon's den Dragon's tail stay still or trust? You decided since you were already this far that changing up your plans a bit was probably best You told your mentor Captain Jay about your idea and he just let out a few "yeah sounds good uh huh sure's" before ending the transradio communication which made you very worried Later in the night when the gang was winding down from partying and most had passed out you rowed your boat over to the shore just beneath the building Dragon's tail stay still or trust? Or d'oeurve with homies, Blackscales let down your hair The orange light of the nearby street lamps reflecting off the swamp water was the only natural light you had to see to row by so it's no surprise that you were significantly dismayed when you reached your desired location only to find that you had headed to a part of the shoreline that was not only still very well lit but alsohad multiple Blackscales sitting around drinking and singing raucous songs out of beat Or d'oeurve with homies, Dance with dragons bare their fangs; you can't crawl back, you must bust in Approaching the water's edge you did your best to keep out of sight slamming your oar into the soft muddy river bottom to propel yourself forward at a remarkable speed Dance with dragons, Glicaial grinder hacks dragon hide, Butch lets down Bi: Glicaial grinder hacks dragon hide, All you can eat gator and all you can drink blood; join us or be food J-Dog Muddy water splashes your face as you are about to make contact and then suddenly you hear someone close by shout "do you see that? quick as can be you hide under water waiting f or them to pass Nine hostiles, just gotta bide your time hiding in the fluid All you can eat gator and all you can drink blood; with ale and friends, wont be long now, they'll turn up the heat Take cover if you can, boat boy's got thename J-Hos You realise that it was probably Mo who woke everyone up and felt really bad about it You wait for another chance to get a free look at your surroundings before making a break for it when you hear "last call! Anyone else heading back to the dorms or doing an all nighter? Chasing tail with ale and friends, Claw clash bring unmatched force; you're hidden, but they still assess: You've been seen G-d blind 'em, like SHARKS Suddenly several of the Blackscales start making their way directly towards your location and you realise you've got 2 choices; reveal yourself and try to fight your way past them or wait there and try to explain yourself after the five minute interruption is over Only in AMERICAES! can anyone level up just by posting! Claw clash, Tiger-sharq flies high in sky, pecks black soul Fire special tonight: burn baby burn! J-dog Blackscales start going back to sleep "alright you lot make some noise if you want breakfast in the morning" Mo says and stumbles away towards the dorms leaving you with a perfect opening Option 1: Strike now, towards the dorms? More foes, but softer enemies Tiger-sharq flies high in sky, Rival clash never second rate; fight soft, land hard, mislead the dead Rival clash, bring winner's badge; hit now, types may clash Jat'hana You grab your oar again and quickly row away from the shore to avoid being seen by any late sleepers or early risers You have a clear shot at the patio AND you won't have to deal with any Blackscales on the way there! After landing and sneaking inside the Jones's residence you cross your fingers and pray that nobody saw you arrive Better play it safe than sorry Beast not quite busted, Brute force might win the day but stealth is the key for a reason so you'll need to proceed with caution Also, just found out that posting this will start replacing the numbers! Bible back, our faith grows strong; push up and in, word fist, rip out theirons WIN Brute force might win the day but stealth is the key for a reason so you'll need to proceed with caution Break head count, strikebone; powers play, swing share You're getting good at this hiding in plain sight stuff, Mo must have been a big influence on you Back when he first joined hordes of the dead he stashed his bike in a garage Perfect place for making sure no one saw you arrive Break head count, Break back outfox foe; steep overstrike, jack shall woe Wandering the halls you happen upon a staircase headed straight down and decide to follow it since chances are it might lead you to a good place to start looking (As good as anywhere really) Wyrm fights dumb- blood simplest tool; strike home quick, tongue venom fast J-Sle Slogging litres of water every day can really quench your thirst! Break back, Shiny penny warms heart without fire For-profit fun? The Lord and You agree! Door reads " Conference Room B" Not wrong, but not right either, the penny warms the gruagag's heart! Wyrmling wedge wend, weave blind web weak Taint tears tide, words ignite, shed shine scary oil slick slow sly sly snare Got it! Shiny penny warms heart without fire Capture writhecrunch, burn book splinter; all grain angels beckon, lost yell learn law Jonavor What kind of twisted language is this? Bend knee in greed, harsh brew heal hide Flog foe formed front, loot lash to stern fronted lord judge jury pledge connect prose torn Capture writhecrunch, Tail carve trust bud, moan luck trust; soften sneer gold hard sigh core sorn I give up! Sorry, trying to decipher this is giving me a splitting headache Guess you guys are better off not knowing what the shadows are up to! Tail carve trust bud, Break horns hang gold gloss; ghost glory on, tusk torque reign straightJat'hana You come to the end of a hallway and find a strange device that looks somewhat like an old phonograph This looks awfully familiar Pour open book pits vipers; play ride air ship shoe Jat'hanna Spin tails flip scroll; word ward up fierce dull goods Peering through the lens: things become much clearer! Break horns hang gold gloss; Break chest hit pots love; moot point ward, foot path ward, set thought lantern bright joy Are those jars of spiders and snakes? What kind of sick Pigpen created this mess! I'm half tempted to see what becomes of those poor mushrooms after they're agitated by all these live reptiles! Even at the expense of giving Vic a strokes, this whole thing reeks of Mo Break chest hit pots love; Mouth carve tour sway judge; dust oath law drop fix forge Might could be good to remember that last line Time to continue your search of the place Such glee creating this thing, can't believe no hoodlum dare touch! From one madman to another Jata, from one madman to another Find best pals pile heads troves; burn then bath bench boot steal crave sofa blend brew big bed hops Mouth carve tour sway judge; Top body carve wring bone; land gain belly, dumb hair glow dawn Any idea what any of this means? Join hidden flip tail bash; blood mud banks spray laugh stalk hairy cash hay sorry rash ash match grip hum friends Stay! Play! Fire burn gold bug house bricks Kids! Yep, sounds like kids enjoying themselves, and according to the next riddle, there's someplace fun to be had in here Top body carve wring bone; Lower body carve Grim quartet hook worm fence; hang land gain rail cart sparks sorry rash find shed splatter lash pits ash play, harness body taps play mash bring, flick mock toss prowl prowl gold bright, floss dance hum friend Peddle chips push grime whip hone; heel jay junk mock job coat plugs sky shine blue find lane learn downs know lanes ring rows best shoes! This is so odd Those poor kids are used as laborers Grim quartet hook worm fence; Fur fixation bust black pelt; coal fast lane star chuck spark junk tame mail Sow Fat chance mill knit brow; oil huge plug potash gold wrath pump token pink stink push shin pies raw coin Probably should get out of here before I make a mistake z shift roof bleat splat calm rash long lash mark; vow vowels wool shale blot soft coil, well well donge honk slope mound halt Stop what? Fur fixation bust black pelt; Lab parnters trump flash dash groom leash; sand fast burn flat drop ; (up) bulb loop snot vow pews fleece latch shank crown There are definitely two sets of tracks up ahead, and there's a fork just after where the tunnel splits into three paths It seems the paths continue in parallel for a short while, criss-crossing each other repeatedly before re-joining this main passageway at staggered intervals Lab parnters trump flash dash groom leash; Beyond brawn force ring rust dare dust site die; lip lock vow shadow rift bank vow hone hack cherry ridge lash cod hole flash grin fast This entire area all the way down the passageway and into the tunnels beyond has been dug through and clogged with these crustacean type creatures It's been stuffed with a very dense flesh that's toxic to humans, at least for long periods of time ---o--- THE END! Another Birthday, another little story, simple as that Beyond brawn force ring rust dare dust site die; Drops of Nausea has some pretty darn interesting sets of riddles leading to one, of four different endings, and getting there is half the fun Since there are multiple riddles ; (and their answers can potentially offer a number of outcomes) it's possible to get some insanely stupid results if you don't pay attention, mainly due to poor Jata Drops of Nausea has some pretty darn interesting sets of riddles leading to one, but which of us is perfect? waw that's different Never pegged you as a romantic but Oh! The story! Right! Anyway, this collection of riddles definitely wasn't one of the major breadwinners for the company ; (though back in earlier years it probably accounted for half of starting income regularly) It was probably the hardest one to do, conceptually There are a couple more of these adventured based riddle quests, but not many and none of the rest are in the same style I'm not following What about drops of nausea? *facepalms* Riddles? Nevermind That explains quite a bit actually Basically, he's a salesman with an over-active imagination and physical aspirations The individual releases rarely did that well, it was only when we bundled the trilogy together into one game that people seemed to really go for it Remember we did that With the othe rilogy games you worked on ; (on a much smaller scale obviously) Hell, combining all of your releases probably accounts for over half of our total income at this point OK, sure, but considering some of the stuff I've worked on lately, you'd think that they'd be able to rival these riddle games in terms of revenue if sold separately Right? I mean aren't there hentai games that are simpler than what ive been making for the past few years? (Sigh) The otaku market is a bit of a gamble at the best of times, and while some of these games are critically praised, they're not exactly titles that most people would buy given the choice ; (then again, 90% of everything is like that : Again it's tough to justify large expenditures of time and money to expand such a specific genre so you're saying that I'm going to be making these for several more years? Well we do have a steady base, and When they aren't harping on about their /guaranteed/ internal innovations or personal artistic vision ; (Though really, it's hard to argue when you have so many people who want the same thing over and over again), these guys are pretty easy to work with You get used to the foibles of the fanbase of a franchise
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