#Jack Braddy
stuff-diary · 1 year
Three Thousand Years of Longing
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Movies watched in 2023
Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022, USA/Australia)
Director: George Miller
Writers: George Miller & Augusta Gore
Few directors have a filmography as eclectic as George Miller. Seriously, his work ranges from action and science-fiction to dark comedy, tearjerking dramas and family movies. And Three Thousand Years of Longing adds yet another genre to that list: epic fantasy romance. That being said, I must admit this film was bit disappointing, considering his previous one (Mad Max: Fury Road) was such a mind-blowing masterpiece. It's not that TTYOL is a bad movie, not at all. It's just that my expectations were sky-high.
The "tales" are easily the best part of the movie. They are a visual marvel, with beautiful cinematography and gorgeous sets and costumes. And the stories are just as interesting as the visuals, too. However, the rest of the film falls kinda flat in comparison. The cinematography in the present day scenes is really bland, and sometimes it feels like you're watching a different movie. Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba are incredibly gifted actors, but they don't really have enough chemistry to sell the movie's final act, which is a bit of a shame. I did enjoy their conversations and all the themes approached in the dialogues, though. So, as you can see, Three Thousand Years of Longing is a bit of a mixed bag, but I enjoyed most of it. It lasts less than two hours, too, so it never gets boring. Overall, it's a pretty solid movie, even if it isn't at the level of Miller's best work.
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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There is no human, nor angel, nor demon, who wouldn't grasp at the chance to fulfil their deepest longings. And I am saddled with the one who claims to want nothing at all?
Three Thousand Years of Longing, George Miller (2022)
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emmanelson · 2 years
inspired by sara’s ( @addys-beth)  brilliant post i decided to also make a list of fandoms / characters / celebs / ships / etc that you can tag me in so if you ever wonder ‘would i annoy andi if i tag her in this?’ no, never! ‘do you really want to be tagged in every little thing?’ the answer is yes, YES you can and i would love it if you did.
i track the tags #userandiie and #emmanelson 
anyways, here we go!
degrassi (emma, manny, holly j, ellie, semma, pemma, janny, crellie, jenna, adam, katie, dolly j, spaige, spinner, craig, joey, jimmy, terri) 
riverdale (barchie, betty)
the secret circle (diadam, jassie)
veep (dan/amy)
himym (swarkles)
the americans
gilmore girls (rogan, logan)
shameless (jimmy/fiona, ian/mickey, lip/karen, fiona, karen)
dawson’s creek (andie, pacey, pandie, dawson, jen, jack, jawson)
castle (caskett, beckett, castle, ryan, espo)
quantico (shaleb, shelby, caleb, alex)
veronica mars (logan)
the oc (seth, summer, ryan, marissa, sandy, ryan/marissa, seth/summer)
scrubs (turk, jd, elliot, carla, cox, jordan, kelso)
love netflix
dance academy (kat, ethan, christian/kat, ben/grace, ethan/tara, sammy/abigail)
community (trobed, jeffbritta, annieabed)
red band society
gossip girl (serenate, audrey hope, jenny humphrey)
never have i ever (daxton)
oth (naley, leyton, jeyton)
tvd (forwood, stelena, caroline)
gmw (maya, joshaya, lucaya)
revenge (demily, emily, daniel, nolan, nolan/emily)
the hills/laguna beach
this is us (pearsons, kophie)
glee (quinn, kitty)
beverly hills 90210 (kelly, dylan, david/donna, dylan/kelly)
desperate housewives
private practice
the good wife
brothers and sisters
btvs (bangel)
mad men (don, betty, sally, joan, don/betty)
lesser known fandoms: lie to me, six feet under, a million little things, good girls revolt, malcolm in the middle, everwood, famous in love, video game high school, mythic quest, sharp objects, in treatment, younger, the society, the lying game, daybreak, the bold type, ghosts, tbc
movies: clueless, uptown girls, little miss sunshine, before sunrise, gone girl, side effects
johanna braddy, brittany snow, matthew rhys, keri russell, freddie stroma, genevieve angelson, hunter parrish, graham rogers, gillian jacobs, sabrina carpenter, meredith hagner, jessy schram, hunter king, kathryn newton, julia garner, emma rigby, dakota fanning, anne winters
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Starring Idris Elba, Tilda Swinton, Aamito Lagum, Burcu Gölgedar, Matteo Bocelli, Kaan Guldur, Jack Braddy, Hugo Vella, Alyla Browne, Pia Thunderbolt, Anna Adams, David Collins, Angie Tricker, Anthony Moisset, Berk Ozturk, Sage Mcconnell, Abel Bond, Agani Gecmez, Ayantu Usman, Peter Bertoni, Lianne Mackessy, Harlan Norris and Leslie Krahner.
Screenplay by George Miller and Augusta Gore.
Directed by George Miller.
Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer. 108 minutes. Rated R.
Writer/director George Miller has always had eclectic tastes in projects. From the all-out dystopian action of the Mad Max films to the supernatural dark comedy of The Witches of Eastwick to the medical melodrama of Lorenzo’s Oil to the family-friendly talking animals of the Babe and Happy Feet movies, you never know quite what is going to capture his interest.
So, it’s not exactly a shock that he totally reboots again for his latest, a highly-stylized romantic fantasy-drama about the existential difficulty of life as a genie – a story that, as the title suggests, spans about three millennia.
Three Thousand Years of Longing is an interesting, smart, diverse and extremely well-made movie. The acting by the two leads is terrific – as to be expected with Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba. The movie looks stunning. It’s a very impressive achievement.
I just wish that I could say I liked it more than I did.
Strangely, for a film which is about the immortal life of a djinn – which explores multiple encounters the creature has over the years – the film does not quite deliver the magic that is its hero’s stock in trade. Also, for a film that strongly posits that the only thing that can make the millennia bearable is love, Three Thousand Years of Longing feels oddly cold and detached.
For a film that is all about storytelling – and a great deal of the film is just the djinn telling his stories in flashback – the actual story is kind of the weak point here.
In fact, storytelling is the specialty of the lead character Alithea (Swinton). A professor who specializes in Narratology, she is in Istanbul to give a lecture at a conference. She’s kind of a loner, someone who not only enjoys but relishes a solitary search for knowledge. Or so she says.
One night in her hotel suite, she inadvertently releases a djinn from its bottle. The djinn (Elba) begs her to make three wishes of her heart’s desire so that he can be released. The problem is, as a specialist in the world of mythological fables, Alithea is all too aware of the dangers inherent in taking a djinn up on such an offer – there are often unforeseen circumstances which undo the good that is expected. Also, honestly, she is unsure she believes he is really a djinn. Even if he is for real, she is really rather content with her life of scholarly solitude. She is having trouble with the idea of coming up with wishes that are “her heart’s desire.”
Therefore, while she is deciding, she has the djinn tell her stories of his previous encounters with humans, as well as his years of solitary waiting in between.
And that is what happens, the djinn tells a series of fantastical tales about his experiences with humankind spanning the centuries, while Alithea listens and periodically asks him questions. It feels like a bit of a waste that a strong actress like Swinton is used in a role that is largely reactive for the first two-thirds or so of the film. Her interactions are ramped up during the last segments, where Alithea finally comes up with a wish, which becomes much more complicated for both of them than either one would have imagined.
The mythological flashbacks are interesting, but overly condensed. The modern-day sequences work a little better, although I’m not sure the storyline ever quite connects completely. Three Centuries of Longing is a brave attempt by Miller to tell a very different kind of tale, but more than occasionally the plot feels like a bit of a muddled mess.
However, wow, it all looks amazing.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: August 25, 2022.
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miafic · 4 years
brody is tall, and he has broad shoulders and a wide chin. he has swoopy, brown hair and long eyelashes. frequently, he wears a black hoodie advertising a local hockey rink, which reminds lucas of calum. 
brody is angry sometimes. he’s jumpy sometimes, too, to the point where lucas warns the aides specifically not to walk up behind him without making it clear that they’re approaching. 
brody mostly keeps to himself, and he aggressively stabs his food onto his fork at meals, and during his first few nights at peace and purpose, he has a lot of trouble getting to sleep. lucas has to stop by his room multiple times in the first days to instruct brody to lie down because he sits up and stares at the doorframe. 
one morning, brody is up before lucas and zakk’s alarms go off. he wanders downstairs and is in the entry doing push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. at breakfast prep, the aide on duty quietly lets zakk know that brody was asking him to time his planks at 5:45 AM. 
lucas thinks that it’s reasonable to request that brody stay in bed until it’s time to start the day. brody apparently does not; he quietly tells lucas to fuck off and subsequently loses game night privileges. he spends the time in his bedroom, alternating between angrily shadow boxing and lying silently on the floor, staring at the ceiling. 
brody eats so many apples that zakk starts watching him for signs of an eating disorder, but he doesn’t find anything. 
when the boys are sent outside to burn off some energy after dinner and one of the other kids playfully sprays him with a hose, brody angrily goes over to shout in his face. everyone is scared because brody is big and could probably knock any one of them out. 
lucas has to grab brody by the hood of his sweatshirt and drag him several feet away to get him to back off. it takes brody ten minutes to calm down, and he apologizes through his teeth.
brody loses movie night privileges for the episode. he jogs in place in his bedroom for a full hour and drinks water from the bathroom sink so that he doesn’t have to go downstairs. 
before bed, lucas and brody have a talk - or rather, lucas just talks - about the difference between when to ask someone to stop and when to react the way that brody did. brody spends the whole lecture with his hands locked into fists. 
zakk starts trying to introduce brody to healthy coping skills, but brody's not interested. zakk meets him with compassion, patience, and love, so lucas gives himself permission to go in harder with the stern words, warnings, and punishments. brody’s mad at lucas all the time, and lucas is frustrated with him, too. despite zakk asking lucas to chill out a little, lucas doesn’t pull back. 
brody’s roommate moves back in with his mom. lucas doesn’t know who’s more relieved: zakk or the roommate.
it’s not the way that brody throws his arms around his little brother brad that makes lucas nervous. it’s the way his tone sounds so anxious when he mutters, “are you okay?” 
lucas has only seen two visiting day hugs as tight and desperate and emotional: the first back in 2014 when awsten went bounding down the stairs to squeeze his best friend, and the second in 2015 when morgan’s mom showed up unannounced. there are no tears from brody, but there are some from brad. he’s 14 and shaking. 
brody barely looks at his stepmom, although he gives his brother a tour of the house and forces more smiles than he has in the whole time he’s been at peace and purpose. they hang out with the other boys in the game room for a little while before going out back to kick a soccer ball around the yard. when one of them yells, “that was unfair!” at the other one and they start rolling around in the grass and shoving at each other, lucas doesn’t break it up. 
brad - “bratty” as brody calls him, a play on “braddy” - can hold his own, and the stepmom doesn’t seem worried, so lucas lets it go. they’re not actually trying to hurt each other, and it’s not like brody couldn’t use the stress relief. lucas keeps his arms crossed as he watches them wrestle.
at one point, while he’s still on the ground, brody shoots lucas a hesitant smile. lucas sends a warm one back. 
that night, well past bedtime, brody knocks on lucas’ door. lucas is half-asleep, but he shoves his glasses on and stumbles over to see what’s up. brody’s got glasses on, too, and his hands are stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie. he can’t lift his eyes up off of the carpet. 
“you gotta get him out of there,” he says quietly.
lucas is quiet for a moment. then he asks, “why?”
brody tightens his jaw and walks away without responding. he goes into the bathroom and slams the door, waking everyone with a start. lucas hears the low thud of his fist connecting with the counter, but there’s no hiss of pain. brody punches the counter a second time. and then a third.
“get ice,” lucas directs the aide downstairs. to the other two kids emerging from their bedroom, he gently says, “go back to sleep. he’s fine,” even though brody is far from fine. 
the aide tosses a baggie of ice up the stairs to lucas, who catches it and calmly walks into the bathroom. he finds brody leaning on the counter with all the lights off, shoulders heaving from his hard breathing. lucas hands him the ice, and brody fires it onto the ground. lucas picks it up and sets it on the counter beside him. 
brody looks at lucas with furious eyes, but all lucas can see is the pain. 
“why?” lucas asks again. “if you tell me what’s going on, maybe i can help.” 
brody grabs the bag of ice and stalks into his bedroom.
lucas softly sighs. 
brody fails his math test. he takes it out on ryan - loudly.
he has to clean up lunch all by himself and write an apology letter.
“i don’t know what we’re supposed to do with him,” zakk says hopelessly one night after brody blew up at one of the other boys over nothing. “the kids get scared when he walks into the room, and honestly, so do i. i really think he needs to be somewhere else.”
lucas shakes his head. “give me a little more time; i’ve almost got him.”
on saturday, brody demolishes everyone during tag. he’s so happy with himself that he accidentally gets into a really good mood and is nice to the other boys. he’s singing a little while they watch tarzan, and the other two follow suit. for the first time in a long time, the house feels relaxed and happy. 
brody’s at the sink cutting up an apple for snack when lucas gets back from his day off.
“good morning,” lucas says. 
brody doesn’t respond. lucas watches him for a moment, taking in the way he’s focused so intently on cutting the apple in half and taking that half and cutting it in half and cutting that half in half again and then repeating it with one of the halves from before. 
lucas walks past him and brody flinches hard and whirls around, and suddenly the knife is pressing into the base of lucas’ throat. 
it’s over as soon as it begins - lucas’ face registers in brody’s mind, and he stumbles back and drops the knife on the counter like it’s burning him. “shit, i’m sorry,” he blurts sincerely. “i thought you were my dad.” 
the words that leave his mouth surprise both of them, but lucas is more shocked by what just happened. he reaches up to feel the thin skin of his neck, and his fingers come away with blood. it’s just a little - it hardly even hurts. but the way it got there is terrifying. 
brody must think so, too, because his eyes fill with horror. “lucas, i’m sorry,” he repeats urgently, and lucas is kind of thinking that he needs to sit down and also kind of thinking that it’s the first time brody has ever said his name. 
“it was a reflex,” brody pleads. 
“go get zakk,” lucas says, and he does sit then, just to be safe; he doesn’t know when the overwhelming surge of adrenaline will drain. 
“lucas, fuck, i’m sorry-”
“i’m okay. please go get zakk.” 
brody does. 
zakk is running when he comes into the kitchen. 
“can you get the first aid kit out of the office?” lucas asks tiredly. 
“he said he cut your throat with a knife!” zakk half-yells, and he’s almost crying. 
lucas snorts and points at the single bead of blood on his neck.
“i didn’t even know you were home!” 
“zakk, i’m fine - it’s just right here. look, see? i’m okay. just please-”
zakk rushes out of the room and comes back a little calmer, sitting on the floor with lucas, taking his time wiping down the tiny pinprick of a cut with disinfectant and soothingly rubbing neosporin on it with his bare hand. he places a tan band-aid over it, and lucas wants nothing more than to give him a kiss and lean in for a comforting hug, but brody has come back into the room and is standing there watching. 
“yer jalan atthirari anni,” zakk murmurs under his breath, and lucas smiles wearily. zakk always finds a way. 
“shekh ma shieraki anni.” 
zakk packs up the first aid kit, gets to his feet, and retrieves the knife from the counter. “that’s two strikes. you are in serious trouble,” zakk warns dangerously, and brody nods at the floor. 
zakk leaves, but lucas knows that he’ll stay close. 
brody sits on the floor across from lucas with several feet of space between them. “it was an accident,” he says, his voice hardly audible. 
“i know.” 
“it really was.” 
“i know,” lucas repeats. 
there’s silence. 
“you don’t get a reflex like that from nowhere,” lucas states. 
brody nods. 
lucas watches him carefully as he alternates between looking like he might cry and steeling his jaw. two minutes pass in silence. finally, brody speaks.
“my dad... he’s an asshole,” he says, his voice empty. “i want brad out of there. he can take my place here if that’s what it takes, but i need him out of the house. i will do anything.” with that statement, he looks up at lucas. 
“why?” lucas asks again. 
“because i’m his brother. i’m supposed to protect him.”
“no, why do you want him out of the home?” 
there’s another pause, but it’s not as long as the first one. 
“i can’t say it,” brody whispers, and he lets a gust of air out of his nose. “fuck!” 
“brody, take your time,” lucas says gently. knife incident aside, this is it. this is it, this is what lucas has been working toward for weeks. “it’s just me, and i can help.” 
“my dad’s a fucking creep, that’s all,” brody snaps. 
lucas nods. 
brody looks at him like that’s supposed to be enough. 
"i can’t help you unless i know what you’re dealing with.”
brody tips his head back and laughs emotionlessly. he swallows before tightly forcing out, “he comes in our rooms at night and touches us, dude.” 
“okay,” lucas nods, “that’s something i can work with. thank you for telling me.”
"yeah,” brody says sarcastically.
lucas waits, but brody doesn’t say anything else. he prompts, “can we talk about it some more?” 
“why not?” 
angrily, he answers, “cause i don’t want to.” 
“okay. are you comfortable talking about how it makes you feel?”
brody shrugs. “whatever.” 
“how do you feel when you think about what your dad does?”
“bad,” brody answers dully. 
lucas doesn’t think that brody’s lying to him about the situation, but to be sure, he asks, “how does it make you feel when you think about your brother living at home with your dad?”
brody’s quiet for several seconds, and then lucas sees his lips tremble. 
“it’s okay to cry,” lucas tells him. 
brody just shakes his head. “he’s not like me. he can’t take it the way i can. i’m worried he’s gonna run away or do something stupid...”
lucas purses his lips. 
“please get him out of there,” brody says, and the only way to really describe it is begging. “please, lucas, you’re the only one who can.” 
after the admission, brody gets angrier. 
lucas reports the information to child protective services, and even though he tells brody this, brody still winds up yelling during dinner because the kids are asking lucas why he has a band-aid on his neck. 
brody sits in his chair and shouts, and lucas calmly gets up and pulls brody - who’s still yelling - to his feet and into the office. he closes the door, and brody scowls at him. 
“this is all your fault!” brody accuses, and lucas prays to god that zakk didn’t hear that. he wants to handle this on his own.
lucas stays calm as he asks, “how is any of this my fault?” 
“you pissed me off!”
“you asked how i feel about brad being there!”
lucas watches him without responding.
“i feel like shit!” he shouts, and lucas can see the emotion building in his eyes. time to press some buttons. 
“tell me more about that.” 
brody blows out an angry breath. “i know my dad’s going to him every night now because i’m not there. he usually alternates, you know?” brody’s talking a little softer, but he’s still loud, and he still looks huge. his chest is shuddering. lucas wouldn’t be at all surprised if the lights started flickering. 
“what do you think that’s been like for brad?” 
brody starts to respond, but he falters. he closes his mouth, reaches up to cover his face, and begins shaking with tears. 
lucas allows himself a small, sad smile before stepping forward and reminding gently, “cps is going to remove him tonight. they might have already done it. he’ll be safe, and then he can start to heal.” 
“he’s gonna be so scared.” 
“the fear is short-term,” lucas promises. 
“where is he going?” brody demands through his tears. 
“i don’t have that informa-” 
“but he’s getting out of there? you’re sure?” 
“i’m positive.” 
brody’s face crumbles again, this time in relief. he leans forward so that his forehead is resting against lucas’ shoulder. lucas sets one hand between brody’s shoulder blades, right beneath that damn hockey hood, and exhales quietly. 
“you don’t have to stress about it so much anymore,” lucas tells him softly. “i know you’ve been worried sick.” 
brody nods and wipes at his eyes, but he keeps crying, and he doesn’t stand up. 
after another brief moment spent dipping into his pain, brody straightens and dries his eyes fully with his sleeve. “i’m so sorry,” he says, and lucas can tell that he’s speaking in general. 
“thank you,” he says with a nod. “i need you to do better, though. no more yelling. you’re scaring everybody.” 
brody nods, still wiping his face. “yeah.” 
“and no more knives.” 
he nods vigorously. 
“i accept your apology,” lucas states, “but i think there are a couple more people who deserve one, too.” 
when the office door opens again, the chatter at the table between zakk and the two other boys immediately stops. 
brody leads the way to the table, shoulders drooping a little. he tucks his hands into the pocket of his sweatshirt and says to the kids, “i’m sorry i’ve been an asshole.” 
lucas clears his throat. 
“a jerk,” brody corrects. “i’m gonna stop.” 
lucas knows that brody’s pink eyes and deflated posture humanize him far more than his words. 
“i’m just stressed out about my brother.” 
zakk shoots lucas a look as the excuse leaves brody’s mouth. 
“he’s at home, and my dad’s sexually abusing him.” 
“ohhhhkay,” lucas interrupts. to the other kids, lucas adds, “i reported all the information i have to cps, and they’re stepping in today.” 
“is it brad?” one of the boys asks, seeming upset. 
brody nods. 
a silence crosses the table. 
“he usually does it to both of us, but now i’m not home,” brody supplies. 
“brody,” lucas cautions softly, “they don’t need to know this. it’s private - if not for you, for your brother.” 
brody nods. he stares at his chair for a few seconds and then asks, “can i go to my room?” 
“you don’t want to finish eating?” 
brody shakes his head. 
“alright. take your plate to the sink, please.” 
after he obeys, brody trudges up the stairs and crashes onto his bed. when dinner and cleanup are done and lucas goes to check on him and see if he wants to hang out in the game room with the other boys, he finds brody asleep in bed with new tears drying all over his face. 
the next afternoon, zakk tries yet again to teach brody some healthy coping skills. brody’s still not into it, but he does confess to liking the way painting feels during art therapy. zakk excitedly goes to retrieve the art supplies that they’ve been keeping in storage upstairs. he tells brody that he can use them whenever he wants, that they’ve had a lot of kids who enjoy art, and that zakk always likes seeing what they make if they feel like sharing. 
brody doesn’t take him up on it, but he does at least pretend to consider it. 
thirty-six hours after brody’s confession, brad is standing in the entry of peace and purpose with a social worker and two bags of stuff. 
“this is lucas,” brody tells him, motioning to the counselor. “he saved you.” 
before lucas can rephrase brody’s words, brad hurries forward and throws his arms around lucas’ waist. “thank you,” he whispers desperately. 
lucas exhales silently and gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “no wrestling, okay?” he says to both of them. “that was a one-time thing.” 
brad pulls back. 
“okay,” brody agrees, and brad glances at him. brody explains authoritatively, “you gotta listen to lucas. we like lucas.” 
brad nods. 
lucas can’t help but smile a little. “okay. leave your stuff here, cause i’ve got to search it, but you guys can go help with breakfast.” 
they disappear, and lucas hears one of the kids in the kitchen exclaim, “brad!” and then all four of them start talking at once. 
lucas signs a few papers, thanks the social worker, and takes brad’s stuff into the office to search it. he knows that they’re still in for a rough ride - brody isn’t magically cured just by brad showing up, and now they’ve got two kids dealing with major trauma (and almost definitely c-ptsd), and they’re brothers... 
lucas walks into the kitchen a few minutes later and sees zakk and brad standing side by side in front of a mixing bowl filled with pancake batter. across the room, brody is leaning against the fridge, watching them and looking like he’s going to cry again. 
lucas quietly clears his throat, and brody looks over. he gives lucas a sincere look and a nod, and lucas nods back. 
yeah. this is gonna be worth it. 
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hogibebeleri · 4 years
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Elizabeth Henstridge - Gwendoline Cler
Elizabeth Olsen - Corinne Constantine
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Ella Purnell - Dolu
Elle Fanning - Rosie Van Laren
Ellen Page - Lydia Carrington
Elodie Yung - S
Emeraude Toubia - Elena Dimitriou
Emma Stone - Alexandra Zaleski
Emilia Clarke - Maya Davenport
Emilie De Ravin - Astrid Blanche
Emily Bett Rickards - Ocean Highmore
Emily Blunt - Lilla Arverne
Emily Browning - Ava Marlowe
Emily Deschanel - Hannah Montiel
Emily Didonato - Vera Isabel
Emmy Rossum - Vivian Gardner
Emily Rudd - Antje Griet
Erin Richards - Glory Constance
Eva Green - Verena Gray
Evan Peters - Viktor Chekov
Evangeline Lilly - Blue Marchand
Ewan McGregor - Acse Lemoine
Ezra Miller - Eugene Irwin
- F -
Felicity Jones - Macey Raphaelle
Felix Kjellberg - Silvestre César
Finn Jones - Buster
Freya Mavor - Olivia Fitzgerald
- G -
Gabriel Luna - José Espina
Gaia Weiss - Freya Kjellfrid
Gal Gadot - Cerys Ryan
Garrett Hedlund - Vitto Carlevaro
Gemma Arterton - Sabetha Belrossa
Georgina Haig - Calypso
Gigi Hadid - Mitchie Finnegan
Gina Rodriguez - Ida Castillo
Grace Phipps - Mia Kayleigh
Gustaf Skarsgård - Vincent Valente
- H -
Haley Bennett - Graciela de la Fuente
Hannah Simone - S
Harry Lloyd - Valentin Veaceslav
Hayden Christensen - Kristoff E. Petrov
Hayden Panettiere - Skyla Chavira
Hayley Atwell - Carmela di Chimici
Henry Cavill -Â Chester Norton
Hunter Parrish - Francis Rousseau
Hwang Jung Eum - Hana Godfrey
Ian De Caestecker - J.C. Murphy
Isabel Lucas - Helen Ambrosia
- J -
Jack O''Connell - Roy Whesker
Jai Courtney - Téo Teixeira
Jake Johson - Tony Thompson
James Franco - N/ash Carrington
James McAvoy - Sebastian Van Laren
Jamie Chung - Irene Weitz
Jane Levy -Â Elsie Rodgers
Jasmine Sanders -Â Liesje Lijsbeth
Jason Statham - Rafael Romero
Jay Baruchel - Cal J.W. Fox
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Zed O''Callaghan
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Cecilia D. Chandler
Jennifer Morrison - Penny Black
Jensen Ackles - Florian W. Hoffman
Jeon Jeongguk - Jeon Jeongguk
Jeremy Renner - Dorian Dixon
Jesse Soffer - Grover Alen
Jessica De Gouw - Vera Guthrie
Ji Sung - Yong Jae Sun
JoAnna Garcia Swisher - Pacifica
Joe Gilgun - Desmond Gallagher
Johanna Braddy - Reva Keegan
John Krasinski - Jesse Wescott
Jon Kortajarena - Aaron Anderson
Josefine Frida Pettersen - Dolu
Jude Law - Andrei Pavlov
Julian Morris - Wesley Franklin
Julianne Hough - Madelyn Weaver
- K -
Karen Fukuhara - Yuki Nakashima
Karen Gillan - Emma Fray (<33)
Kate Mara - Tuesday Beckett
Kate Mckinnon - Myrna Morgenstern
Katherine McNamara - Norene Harland
Kaya Scodelario - Quinn Jenae
Keira Knightley - Mystral Roux
Kevin Zegers - Damon Wallner
Kit Harington - Joel Paxton
Kristen Bell - Vivien Rouge
Krysten Ritter - Iris Thorne
- L-
Lauren Cohan - Wonder B.
Leighton Meester - Anastacia Bouvier
Leonardo diCaprio - Jerry Arlexa
Lily Collins - Frankie Chandra
Lily James - Anaïs V. Grimaldi
Lindy Booth - Camilla Weitz
Lindsey Morgan - Zenobia
Lizzy Caplan - Ramona Fade
Logan Lerman -Â Harley Langley
Luana Perez - Elizabeth Burton
Lucy Hale -Â Sheri Payne
Lyndsy Fonseca - Daisy de la Vina
- M -
Mads Mikkelsen - Ä°
Maeve Dermody - Athena Zoega
Maia Mitchell -Â Lynda Stine
Margot Robbie - Josie Lesniewski
Maria Valverde - Valerija Roque
Marie Avgeropoulos - Ljubica Solvej
Marion Cotillard - Marika Lamora
Martin Wallström - Fabio Chepe
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Amelie Steiner
Matt Hitt - Douglas Roswell
Matt McGorry - Corbin Renwick
Matthew Daddario - Diego Mendoza
Matthew Gray Gubler - Patrick Descoteaux
Max Irons - Marc Janko
Max Riemelt - Ziggy Hildebrand
Melanie Martinez - D
Melissa Benoist - Charlotte Evans
Melissa Fumero - Catherine Winters
Michael Fassbender - Franco Locatelli
Miguel Ángel Silvestre - Rico A. Moreno
Min Yoongi - Min Yoongi
Morena Baccarin - Tulip Talitha
- N -
Natalie Dormer - Gem Julep
Nick Blood - Isaac Wyatt
Nick Offerman - Alfred Castillo
Nico Mirallegro - Jack Daniels
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Theos Volantis
Nina Dobrev - Emmaline Winslow
Norman Reedus - Harley Harford
Noomi Rapace - Yulia Utkin
- O/Ö -
Olesya Rulin - Ceku Balım
Olga Kurylenko - Zelda Croft
Olivia Holt -Â Rylee Cantrell
Oscar Isaac - Aldo C. Ferreiro
- Q -
- P -
Paul Rudd - Marco Polo
Paula Patton - Winter Willford
Penelope Mitchell -Â Caitlyn Weatherly
- R -
Rachel McAdams - NavoÅŸ Lancaster
Rashida Jones - Jean Cardellini
Rebel Wilson -Â Lauren Dwyer
Reeve Carney - Dylan Breckendridge
Richard Madden - Tristan Windsor
Rinko Kikuchi - S
Rosario Dawson - Eve Blanchett
Rosamund Pike - Daniela Carlevaro
Rose McIver - Skyler Freestone
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - Leona Lane
Ruth Negga - Lara Tailler
- S -
Sabrina Carpenter - Louise Linn
Sam Claflin - Mathias Clayton
Sarah Gadon - Nina Buchvarov
Sarah Hyland - Marceline Apostolou
Sebastian Stan - Maximillian di Chimici
Seychelle Gabriel - Leila Beaumont
Scarlett Johansson - Diamontina Dixon
Shailene Woodley - Joy Cappella
Shantel Vansanten - D
Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
Sophia Bush - D
Sophie Cookson - Rain Gisbourne
Summer Glau - Rhea Crisanta
- T -
Taron Egerton - Caleb Lysander
Tatiana Maslany - Margo Wiggins & Felicia Makovecz
Taylor Marie Hill - Milla Alexander
Taylor Swift - Melanie Phoenix
Teresa Palmer - Dora Desjardins
Theo James - Keiro Padmore
Tom Ellis - Hector A. Whittemore
Tom Felton - Alpha Rigorous
Tom Hardy - Dito Delfino
Tom Hiddleston - Newton F. Windsor
Tom Holland - Flynn Holdsworth
Tom Mison - Armitage Cromwell
Toni Garrn - Audrey Tyler
Torrey Devitto - D
Travis Fimmel - Forrest Dickson
Tuppence Middleton - Mia Santiago
- U/Ü -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
Will Smith - Dante di Mercurio
Willa Holland - Ethea Middlesworth
- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
Zoe Kazan - D
Zoë Kravitz - Thalia Hardy
Zoe Saldana - Kiara Kingsley
Zooey Deschanel - Hailey Montiel
Zoey Deutch - Myra Blackbourne
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frenchquarter · 5 years
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jack ozerov, our joel kinnaman, is looking for his FIANCÉE. the mun DOES need to be contacted.
they got engaged about a month ago, having dated for a few months before that. jack was a little pushy about the marriage, and jumped the gun with a proposal. from her perspective, nothing seems amiss or peculiar, and she can feel however she wants to about jack/the engagement BUT she said yes so there’s some reason. jack’s reasons are more terrible. her family has connections with legitimate and illegitimate businesses that jack wants in on, to keep building his small empire. he thinks that marrying into the family will secure his position.
***SUPER IMPORTANT**** this connection contains a plot down the line that cannot be altered, so please contact me beforehand so we can discuss it!
literally anyone! some suggestions: johanna braddy, merritt patterson, alexandra park, nathalie kelley, amber heard.
here’s your chance for some angsty goodness!
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funeralbelle · 6 years
3. face claims that you are dying to use && 4. face claims that you are dying to play against !
another one of those roleplayer ask meme things
thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :’)
3. faceclaims you’re dying to use !
Anya Taylor-Joy and Lakeith Stanfield!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve had vague ideas floating around my head of ATJ as a sullen ballerina and Keith as a search&rescue ranger for a big eerie wilderness park, but I’ve never been able to develop them very far or find anything to do with ‘em.
also Tessa Thompson, R U T H   NE G  G A, Alex Wolff, Frances Conroy, Caleb Landry Jones, America’s Favorite Scream Queen Chase Williamson, Seychelle Gabriel (technically ive written her before but i never keep the muse or keep her as the fc for longer than like.. a week), Avan Jogia whomst i also played for about two weeks, Samantha Robinson
4. faceclaims you’re dying to play against !
i’ve been sleeping on mae whitman for years now and just fell in love with her after peeking at your gif pack of her and if i wasn’t trying to hold off on the amount of white girls i want to write i would’ve put her in the last list but oh my god she’s just a goddamn darling!!!
also sage’s wife mary elizabeth winstead when they find a place to play her!!!!
also olivia cooke
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nyc-hqs · 5 years
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WELCOME TO NEW YORK CITY TESSA GRAHAM. We’re so excited to have you as part of NYC-HQS, please make sure to over the checklist!
liberty, 22, cst, she/her, n/a ⇢ i swear i just saw JOHANNA BRADDY out on the streets but it turned out to be BETH LYNCH. SHE was born on JUNE 14 1987 making them only 32 years old. They’re known to be +ADVENTUROUS +OBSERVANT and -RESTLESS -UNORGANIZED. They spend most of their time being a L&D NURSE. Rumour has it they’re HETEROSEXUAL, and can be found in BROOKLYN. You know you’ve found them when you come across SCATTERED PAPERS, HALF-EMPTY COFFEE CUPS, AND OVERSIZED SWEATERS.
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dtownrpg · 7 years
¿Rostros deseados? Masculinos y femeninos
¡Hola por allá! La verdad es que creo que hay varios rostros que a más de uno le encantaría ver por acá, pero, personalmente, de femeninos puedo sugerirte a Willa Fitzgerald, Candice Patton, Gal Gadot, Kiernan Shipka, Krysten Ritter, Margaret Qualley, Phoebe Tonkin, Halston Sage, Diane Guerrero, Victoria Moroles, Lindsey Morgan, Karla Souza, Madelaine Petsch, Paulina Singer, Naomi Scott, Laura Berlin, Johanna Braddy, Natalie Dormer, Laura Harrier, Priyanka Chopra, Vanessa Hudgens, Kelsey Chow, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, Aisha Dee, Victoria Justice, Camila Queiroz, Crystal Reed, Shelley Hennig, Dove Cameron. 
En cuanto a los masculinos, tenemos a KJ Apa, Keith Powers, Dominic Sherwood, Alberto Rosende, Max Thieriot, Bob Morley, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Ross Butler, Brandon Flynn, Thomas Hayes, Mike Vogel, Richard Madden, Cody Christian, Dev Patel, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Cox, Charlie Heaton, Shawn Mendes, Riz Ahmed, Grant Gustin, Jack Falahee, Alfie Enoch, Wes Tucker, Brandon Larracuente, David Castro, Sebastian Stan, Rami Malek, Joseph Morgan, Robbie Kay, Levi Miller, Scott Eastwood, Sean Teale, Tyler Posey. Y por acá puedes encontrar más sugerencias, non. ¡Esperamos recibir tu reserva!
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mclibunghts · 5 years
off campus next gen 
the graham family
alexei nathaniel graham - matthew daddario (jordanne) — ship name: aleria / 23 cecile belle graham - ana de armas (sara) — ship name: cian / 21 valencia jane graham - lucy hale (jordanne) — ship name: alencia / 22
the dilaurentis family
anthony theodore dilaurentis - hunter parrish (sara) — ship name: alencia  / 23 hannah violet dilaurentis - nicola peltz (jordanne) — ship name: dannah / 20 ethan martin dilaurentis - matthew noszka (jordanne) — ship name: ethie / 22
the tucker family
james tucker - johanna braddy (jordanne) — ship name: jarrell / 27 spencer ashford tucker - casey deidrick (jordanne) — ship name: spelise / 25 alexandre jon tucker - pierson fode (sara) — ship name: ayla / 23 indie isabelle tucker - madelaine petsch (sara) — ship name: ethie / 19
the logan family
donovan leon logan - dominic sherwood (sara) — ship name: dannah / 23 kayla marie logan - barbara palvin  (jordanne) — ship name: ayla / 19 callie josephine logan - taylor hill (jordanne) — ship name: mallie  / 19
the connelly family
aaron dominic connelly - jack falahee (sara) — ship name: caaron / 23 asteria rose connelly - adelaide kane (sara) — ship name: aleria / 21 kian joseph connelly - stephen james (jordanne) — ship name: cian / 23
the fitzgerald family
matthias oliver fitzgerald - neels visser (sara) — ship name: mallie / 21 david marshall fitzgerald - taron egerton (jordanne) — ship name: derika / 22 elise catherine fitzgerald - merritt patterson (sara) — ship name: spelise / 22 leia jasmine fitzgerald - ester (sara) — ship name: beia / 19
oc family
darrell princeton hendrix - jamie dornan (sara) — ship name: jarrell / 28 erika selene hendrix - victoria justice (sara) — ship name: derika / 21
oc family 2
cassia elinor eldridge - bryana holly (jordanne) — ship name: caaron / 22 benjamin cohen eldridge - daniel sharman (jordanne) — ship name: beia / 23
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Opposites and ships wanted!
sO with a new blog and all, I found it fitting to make another one of these posts where I list opposites I need, ships I want, etc, etc, etc and see if friends and mutuals would be interested in taking one (or more) of these up! before approaching me, though, I’d like you to take a gander at my RULES, because they contain important information with regards to my boundaries and limitations etc! likewise, if we start plotting I’d love to read any rules you might have, yourself, because I wanna make myself familiar with your boundaries and limitations as well~ that said, check out the lists below!
DAVINA ROTHSCHILD / 27 / Aja Naomi King / Needed Opposite: Basically a sugar daddy she falls in love with. She’s a socialite extraordinaire, & extremely good at it, although what people don’t know is that she’s become a sugar baby to several rich men she’s met at functions and the likes. They pay her good money to be respectable arm candy at high profile events. Just a date. However, one of these men continues to charm her, so much so that she develops feelings for him...
RYLIE MARTIN / 25 / Penelope Mitchell / Needed Opposite: Someone adventurous (any gender). She just moved to the city three weeks ago to get away from her (homophobic, racist) family, she’s a total farmgirl (who’s totally going to inherit her parents’ farm and run it one day) & she’s very adventurous, and needs someone who’s as (if not more) adventurous as her. Basically this post.
JEREMY HAYES / 32 / Scott Eastwood / Needed Opposite: Jeremy is a gay professional race car driver whose family is shunning him because he publicly came out & subsequently divorced his wife-slash-childhood best friend (they’re still best friends tho). Basically, he just needs any type of opposite? No real plot, just someone he can fall for and end up with.
SHIPS WANTED bolded marks the one I’d like to play
clare bowen / michiel huisman (supernatural verse preferred)
dianna agron / naya rivera
imogen poots / matthew daddario
ishihara satomi / godfrey gao
johanna braddy / michael malarkey
matthew daddario / harry shum jr
margot robbie / tina desai
milo ventimiglia / max irons
nina dobrev / luke mitchell
park shin-hye / godfrey gao
rebecca rittenhouse / chace crawford
taron egerton / jack falahee
tatiana maslany (non-cosima) / (blonde) ksenia solo
tina desai / max riemelt
tyler posey / alfie enoch
yvette monreal / hayley kiyoko
willa fitzgerald / bex taylor-klaus
right now I’ll be prioritizing angsty plots with a lot of drama that can drive threads quickly~ check out my PLOT TAG! to see the verses I roleplay in, go HERE! if you’d like, I could take a look at your own plot tag if you’re interested but can’t find any in mine!
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bloodycrownhq-blog · 7 years
Aja Naomi King, Amandla Stenberg, Antonia Thomas, Arden Cho, Zendaya Coleman, Victoria Justice, Krystal Jung, Viola Davis, Tina Desai, Minka Kelly, Chanel Iman, Ashley Moore, Ivana Baquero, Minatozaki Sana, Vanessa Marano, Holliday Grainger, Emily Kinney, Lyndsy Fonseca, Chloe Bennet, Penelope Mitchell, Kat Graham, Kristin Kreuk, Naomi Scott, Martina Stoessel, Lee Hyeri, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Caitlin Stasey, Suki Waterhouse, Isabelle Drummond, Jung Eunwoo, Kim Joomi, Kim Chungha,Lou de Laage, Ana Golja, Felicity Jones, María Eugenia Suárez, Kiersey Clemons, Jeon Somin, Alia Bhatt, Cierra Ramirez, Kelsey Chow, Saoirse Ronan, Skylar Samuels, Sophie Turner, Halston Sage, Im Nayeon, Tiffany Hwang, Johanna Braddy, Lalisa Manoban, Evan Rachel Wood, Katie McGrath, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Beren Saat, Chloe Bennett, Danai Gurira, Deepika Padukone, Fan BingBing, Liu Yi Fei, Lucy Liu, Rowan Blanchard, Sabrina Carpenter, Tessa Thompson, Katrina Kaif.
Alfred Enoch, Godfrey Gao, Jason Momoa, Burak Özçivit, Carlos Valdes, DJ Cotrona,Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac, Jung Daehyun, Bob Morley, Tyler Posey, John Boyega, Avan Jogia, Nam Joohyuk, Michael B. Jordan, Park Bogum, Alberto Rosende, Jordan Fisher, Chadwick Boseman, Steven Yeun, Dwayne Johnson, Yoo Kihyun, Kwon Ji Yong, Chris Wood, Lee Dong Wook, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Tom Ellis, Brett Dalton, Dan Stevens, Cody Christian, Jungkook, Reece King, Zayn, Cameron Monaghan, Amadeus Serafini, John Karna, Santiago Segura, Nathaniel Buzolic, Zane Holtz, Maluma, Harry Shum Jr., Vladimir Ivanov, Sidharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan, Ricky Whittle, Jack Falahee, Charlie Weber, Hunter Parrish.
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can't find this anywhere, so--most wanted fcs?
Females: Krystal Jung, Jessica Alba, Zendaya Coleman, Kat Graham, Merritt Patterson, Deepika Pandukone, Meaghan Rath, Serinda Swan, Leighton Meester, Emily Ratajkowski, Troian Bellisario, Bethany Joy Lenz, Emmy Rossum, Shantel Vansanten, Shay Mitchell, Nathalie Emmanuel, Paulina Singer, Rebecca Rittenhouse, Minka Kelly, Mila Kunis, Chloe Bennett, Johanna Braddy, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Stella Maeve, Marie Avgro, Torrey DeVitto, Alycia Debnam Carey, Lily Collins, Eiza Gonzalez and Victoria Justice!
Males: James Lafferty, Bob Morley, Jack Falahee, DJ Cotrona, Aidan Turner, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Pine, Lucien Laviscount, Charles Michael Davis, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Liam Hemsworth, Michael Trevino, Boyd Holbrook, Austin Butler, Jon Hamm, Chace Crawford, Jon Bernthal, Ryan Renolds, Francois Arnaud, Zac Efron, Max Irons, Rahul Kohli, Shiloh Fernandez, Deigo Boneta, Skeet Ulrich, Michael Malarkey, Luke Pasqualino and Godfrey Gao!
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shkeitout · 7 years
here comes the sun next gen
Alfie Sebastian Carmichael  - Ben Barnes (jordanne) // ship: salfie / 24 Harry Donovan Carmichael - Johnny Stevens (sara) / ship: parry / 23 Luna Violetta Carmichael - Adelaide Kane (sara) // ship: laiden / 20
Nicolette Emilie Monahan - Nicola Peltz (jordanne) // ship: nicolai / 20 Paxton Tiberias Monahan - Arthur Gosse (jordanne) // ship: parry / 21 Ian Braedon Monahan - Dacre Montgomery (sara) // ship: raian / ?
Calia Blair Martell - Johanna Braddy (jordanne) // ship: caltin / 22 Raina Alexia Martell - Barbara Palvin (jordanne) // ship: raian // 21
Tai Anderson Olivier - Dominic Sherwood (sara) / ship: nicolai // 22 Ryan Xander Olivier - Amadeus Serafini (jordanne) / ship: jyan / 21
Family 1
Quentin Augustus Meyers  - Jack Falahee (sara) // ship: caltin / ?
Family 2
Serena Marie Mercier - Ana de Armas (sara) // ship: salfie / ?
Family 3
Ariadne Elodie Stevenson - Dove Cameron (sara) / ship: alyss / 18
Family 4
Jade Katherine McAvoy - Madelaine Petsch (sara) // ship: jyan / ?
Family 5
Blyss Sofia Lennox - Katherine McNamara (jordanne) / ship: alyss // 18 Caiden Levi Lennox - Matthew Daddario (jordanne) / ship: laiden // 23
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About this time last year Jack Kesterson invited his friend Earl Braddy to the Beginning Woodturning classes at Broken Bow School. Earl came to the classes and was hooked! Under Jack’s watchful eye he learned the basics of turning and has become a valuable member of the Southeast Oklahoma Woodturners, helping with school demonstrations, at Folk Festival, and even making his own entries in the Wood Artist of the Year competition!
We sadly lost Jack in August but his woodturning and community service legacy lives on through Earl Braddy. Thanks Jack, for a wonderful gift!
Forest Heritage Center…#history, #education, and #woodart.
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