#Jack definitely ranted about it to him on the way to and from Brooklyn
i-didnt-do-1t · 10 months
still can’t get over Jack singing ‘let me go, far away, somewhere they won’t never find me’ as if sante fe is not the First Place that everyone would look if he disappeared
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aceofspades-sml · 10 months
Newsies 30/07 matinee - closing matinee
So yes the show closed almost a month ago but I just found this in my drafts and realized I never actually published my notes from this show so... Here you go ! (Also let me know if you want my actual notes from closing night because I just kept ranting about random moments but can totally do an organized post if required)
Cast : all the main actors were on, Les was played by Harry and Bobbie did Hannah but not Splint since she was still sick
Josh's presence on stage at the beggining is so good- like man just owns the stage for the first 30 seconds and oh boy does he enjoy it. Race of all times.
After Buttons steals apples at the beginning he gives one to Ike and then they both spot Tommy boy kind of sulking in a corner and Ike throws him an apple while they both look at him like "take care, kid"
When Tommy boy comes back on for Carrying the banner the apple is still in his hand and I think it's adorable
Matthew was definitely already losing it in the Prologue and like. Mood. I kid you not he was crying for the whole show
Carrying the banner being the mess it usually is
Jacob Albert was back and ready to throw hands with anyone coming close to him. Especially if that person happened to be Oscar Delancey.
"Whatever happened to rOmAnCe"
Henry getting on his knees and crawling toward Wiesel with a pout and Wiesel just sighing and giving him the papes
Harry was such a cute Les oh my god. Actually everytime he was onstage I just kept turning toward my friend mouthing "he is adorable" but like he is so precious and must be protected at all costs
"and guess what ? 🎶He got elected🎶"
"buy a pape from a poor orphan boy ?" "nO he's not an orph-" ft jack holding his boyfriend back
"why don't you come home with us fordinnerimean"
Bowery beauties <3 also Lillie Pearl giving Les a feather from her costume while Davey's entire attitude is just "les NO"
For the first time I noticed Specs and Albert on top of the stage directing the lights during that's rich I love them
Also during That's rich Ike, Buttons and another newsie (if anyone remembers who PLEASE tell me i can't believe I forgot) are watching the show and they are a mess
"hey baby I was just talking about you !" *points at Ike* ft Ike standing up super excited and Buttons going "sit DOWN" while violently gesturing to prove Medda was pointing at him
And then "Life is too short to waste it on youuuu" *points again* and Buttons just mimics following her finger like "see she is pointing at ME"
Anyway also Alex looking at Lindsay for the whole song
When Albert is getting back down after That's rich and Katherine arrives he just looks impressed and stands aside
"we got a father too !" Davey desperatly trying to get his brother to stop talking
Oscar pacing back and forth before world will know while Morris is just sitting there with his legs hanging from the structure
I don't know if it was just me or because I was really close to the stage for the first time or something but Wold will know was the most intense I have ever heard ?? As in I always get chills during this song but then more than usual. Even in the evening it wasn't like that idk this one was just super intense I loved it
Finch physically dragging Crutchie away from the gates of the World after jack, Davey and les are thrown out
"two cents for a glass of seltzer ? Just give me a watah" then Race (who is sitting at albert's table) snatching the glass of seltzer from Jacobi's plate and Jacobi just grabs it right back in a way that says 1- he was expecting it 2- this is totally a thing Racer does every time
Race then proceeds to look personally offended for the next five minutes of the show
"I would say we launched our strike in the most auspicious manner" *longest silence you ever heard* "I dunno about thaAT"
Another one to add to the list of "who wants Brooklyn ?" reactions : mark spending a good minute wrapping his neck ribbon thingy around his eyes
"why don't I tell you what I'm hoping for for tonIgHt" and "can't you see it ? In my eyyyyes ?" This is true comedy right here. Jack trying so hard to be a straight guy and failing miserably.
Bronté legend queen goddess nailing the best Watch what happens ever
When the scabs arrive and Albert just shoves Tommy boy so hard he falls on the floor and Buttons has to help him up oh my god
Anyway I will make no comments about Seize the day nor Santa fe because I was bawling my eyes out at this point. And so was everyone on stage. All I can say is during the name call when it was Les's turn everyone started cheering and it was the cutest moment ever
ANYWAY king of new york my baby love of my life
Everyone rolling their eyes to high heaven when Katherine shows up
"the world's your erster !" Josh Race ceo of saying the dumbest things you have ever heard with an unmatched level of confidence
Featuring Henry's entire "what the absolute hell" attitude I love him like "your WHAT ?????"
I could talk about this scene for hours but anyway sitting in the bronx was so scary when they started spinning on the lamps lmao
The spoon crown is still the cutest thing ever done in newsies to this date <3
And like I never talk about it but I absolutely love how they removed the awkward moment when Katherine starts tap dancing and they all look at her legs because urgh I always hated this moment. But here ? Nothing ! They are just having good fun !
Anyway Matthew already crying during Letter absolutely broke me so I won't talk about it
Did I ever mention Davey is gay
"Front page news above the fold ! Oh yes. Above *flips paper* the *flap* fold *flip* !"
WWH reprise had me absolutely dying because of how adorable Les was okay bye
"Can we table the palaver and *angrily stomps foot* go back to business ??"
Jack and Davey are gay. If you even care.
The scene in Pulitzer's office is always so heartbreaking because you have jack being so confident and all but then the second Katherine appears you can see how heartbroken and lost he is
Michael's facial expressions >>>
Also the way he just has a flight reflex the second Snyder appears like urgh
And Oscar and Morris grab him violently and one of them (I wanna say Morris ?) growls "let's don't" like Jack is trapped in every way possible
Brooklyn's here my baby my angel love of my life
As much as I missed Stray I absolutely loved Lucy's energy on "when you doooo" and her lil high five with Spot
Brooklyn girlsies have my heart now and forever like "Pips !" "Ritz !" "Mack !" "SPOT !!"
Anyway the rally was. something. I was finally able to catch some of the unscripted comments (what with being in the bronx and all) such as Tommy boy going "how is that realistic ??" and it just made the whole thing so much more heartbreaking
Also the way Davey has to build up so much confidence to speak in front of everyone and then Jack arrives and turn everything he just did to nothing
Finch booing Jack with his whole chest is honestly one of the best moments of the show he just puts his whole heart into this
Gosh I had missed Michael and Bronté's dynamic during Something to believe in they are. they were. them. the best.
"It's good to have you back" "...shut up"
Jack's reaction to bill and darcy will never not be funny because he fully says "I suppose you are the son of William Randolph hearst ?" as a joke and then Bill answers with the straightest face possible and Jack is left like "?????" (Picture that one Pikachu gif if it helps because that's exactly the face Michael makes at this moment)
Spot and Race were flirting idc
"he can't talk right now he'll call you bAcK" *hangs up* *picks up the phone again* *incoherent sobbing*
"no you can't come i-" see uksies is great because they actually made spot scary. Lillie Pearl just has to stomp in front of Bunsen and he backs up to the other end of the stage
I missed almost the whole scene in Pulitzer's office after Once and for all because I was busy looking at Ross Lindsay and Josh in the aisles behind me leave me alone. Also because I was sat right opposite ross's sister and they just spent the whole scene waving at each other
"I am told we once shared a carriage ride !" "I TOLD YOU"
Roosevelt pointing at Les and harry's reaction was just adorable
There is something so personal about Race just going "it's Snyder the spider !" in such a genuinely mean way and Tommy boy having to physically hold him back and dragging him away so he can chill
Anyway I was full on sobbing at the end but during the bows I could see Ryan and Harry making up their bow choregraphy in the back and they were adorable
...this got way longer than I expected I am so sorry I think I am slightly in denial
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I am literally begging you to tell me about the Psych AU???
(Just to be clear this will be set in the fantasy land where all cops are trying their best to be good all the time. Thank you!)
So Psych was actually probably my favorite show for a lot of my life so I am pretty excited about this one. For those of you that haven’t seen the show, go watch it. It’s on Peacock and I believe it’s still on Amazon Prime. Definitely it’s at its best in the first three seasons, but it never ceases to be funny. However, I enjoy the first season a lot more because of how smart they portray Shawn without having him also be, for lack of a better word, an idiot. Shawn is incredibly smart and his humor and charisma highlighted that instead of hiding it and I miss that in the later seasons, but it is still a really funny show and I do recommend it.
Anyways, enough of me ranting.
Just to be clear, it could work with either Jack or Race as Shawn, and if you would like to see this AU the other way, just let me know!
Psych AU
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Racetrack Higgins — Shawn Spencer
Albert DaSilva — Burton Guster
Jack Kelly — Henry Spencer
Spot Conlon — Juliet O’Hara
David Jacobs — Carlton Lassiter
Medda Larkin — Chief Karen Vick
Racetrack Higgins (Shawn Spencer)
Tyler James Kelly had never had an easy life, with his drunk father or absent mother who had him on accident with a man she barely knew
His father had named him Anthony Higgins
When he’s six all of that changes when his half brother takes him in, against his father’s wishes.
Jack renames him Tyler James Kelly.
Race didn’t know Jack all too well back then. But he looked up to him, even if he’d refuse to admit it later.
Jack is eighteen and just starting out as a beat cop. But Jack’s father had been training him to be a good cop his whole life. Right up till he died.
Race never knew what a parent was supposed to look like. So when Jack began to test and train him, he didn’t think anything of it.
Race has a eidetic memory and Jack knows it even if his baby brother refuses to acknowledge it
The kid is hyper observant and quick witted which often can lead him into trouble though he describes it as being useful stay one step ahead intellectually while being one step behind physically
Was born two months too early and has always been pretty thin and small
Loves classic movies and television shows and often references them
Is wickedly smart and clever, resulting in him graduating high school three years early and leaving New York to travel the country
Growing up he’s best friends with his next door neighbor, Albert DaSilva, who he relies on constantly as he has a fear of abandonment
While growing up with Jack, Race finds himself somewhat resenting his brother who constantly pushes him to be more and do more and get better. He explains that Jack never let him just be a kid, and never lets Jack explain why he has him memorize how many hats are in the room and learn how killers and criminals operate
When he’s fifteen he takes the detective’s exam and gets a perfect score but refuses to go into law enforcement, instead chooses to leave Jack behind, illegally, and travel around the country on a bike he wins in a poker game with a bunch of old men who think he’s no threat.
When he’s eighteen, he inevitably ends up back in Manhattan.
After not speaking with Jack for three years, he has no idea if he’s still even there and is terrified to face him, feeling bad about running away and not knowing if Jack will forgive him.
He gets his own apartment, taking odd jobs around town to make ends meet
He starts going by Anthony Higgins again, but most of his friends just call him Race, a nickname he got from Albert when they were very young
Albert is the only one who knows when Race is back in town and Race makes him swear not to tell Jack.
Race often spends his nights watching the news, calling in tips to the police whenever he figures out a crime that they can’t.
Eventually this leads him to getting arrested before he even turns nineteen, as the police suspect he’s an inside man
In order to get out of this, he tells a lie that he believes will be a one time thing.
He makes the cops believe he is psychic.
Things spiral out of control from there.
After making the majority of the station believe he has the gift (all except for one skeptic who happens to be head detective) he thinks they’re going to let him off the hook.
He has no idea the chief of police is going to ask for his help
Actually excited by the idea, Race runs to Albert’s school and begs him to help him out. Albert is reluctant at first but eventually agrees
Race and Al go out investigating as private detectives until Race figures out the case, leading them straight to the suspect who turns out to be dead.
With nowhere else to turn, Race goes back to his brother, a brilliant detective who got injured in the line of duty and retired early, for help
Jack isn’t even shocked to see him. He’s not surprised, he’s not happy and he’s not angry. It makes Race mad.
Jack takes Race out to lunch where he lets Race talk and tells him that he’s the ultimate disappointment because Jack told Race all growing up how much he hated private detectives and psychics. But ultimately, he helps Race out anyway
This leads to Race solving the case and getting recognition for it. Jack keeps his secret and is even secretly proud of him
The happiness he feels at that convinces Race to open up his own agency with Albert
Throughout their journey as detectives, Race ends up falling for a junior detective, a transfer from Brooklyn who is a partner to the skeptic head detective, David Jacob, his brother’s former partner and best friend.
Spot, the Junior detective, often flirts with Race and leads him on, but they don’t start a relationship until five years later.
Race is faced with countless situations where he becomes a target for serial killers and criminals who come after his and his friends and family.
Race gets shot and kidnapped at one point.
He and Albert get held captive constantly and The Yin Yang killer, a serial killer who had been messing with the department for years, takes a special interest in him, causing his current boyfriend to be nearly drowned, Spot to be nearly dropped from a clock tower, Jack to be nearly blown up and he and Albert to be nearly poisoned.
Despite only telling this lie to get out of going to jail for a crime he did not commit, he ends up sticking with it and finding his purpose in life was to help others instead of help himself and loves it
Albert DaSilva (Bruton Gaster)
Grows up with a good life.
His mother died when he was really young, not even a year old, and he lived with his father and two much older brothers who spoiled him and loved him.
Albert was always smart. He was always smart in different ways than Race was and enjoyed learning and gaining better understandings of things
When he was young, he wanted to become an astronomer. He always loved the planets and the stars.
While being academically advanced, he knew that graduating with Race was not the best option for him as he used to doubt himself when Race wasn’t around to tell him how much he needed him
As a child he applied for a school for advanced students, which he was accepted into. His father refused to send him on account of wanting him to be a kid which Albert never truly liked being
His father never did appreciate the influence that Race had on his son, but allowed it in order to let Albert be a kid because he knew Albert needed it
Albert loved academic activities growing up and had nearly won a national spelling bee that Race botched for him. After learning this, Albert is angry with Race and realizes his friend’s need for him as Race eventually admits he was scared his only friend was going to leave him
Albert is very independent and enjoys doing things on his own, much to Race’s dismay
Al was voted most likely to succeed in high school
When Race runs away, Albert knows about it and tries to stop him, but believes Race will get nervous and come back
When that doesn’t happen, Albert is too embarrassed and scared to tell anyone so he lets Race go, feeling abandonment for the first and possibly only time in his life and he’s always secretly a little angry with Race for leaving
Albert goes to college right out of high school and studied medicine, wanting to become a doctor
When Race comes back into town, he ends up missing a lot of classes and barely manages to stay ahead in school
He still works towards becoming a doctor, which often helps with solving crimes
After finding out he does not like the sight of blood and dead bodies, he switches to forensics which also helps with a lot of investigations
Albert’s oldest brother is a rocket scientist at NASA and his other brother is an engineer
He constantly feels as though he’s trying to catch up and be just as accomplished as his brothers
Albert was pep captain in high school in attempts to be popular. While he did have more friends than Race, he didn’t accomplish actually being popular, but hanging around so many girls turned him into somewhat of a ladies man
During his senior year spring break, Albert, who’s already eighteen, heads down to Mexico with some friends but ends up meeting a girl. He gets drunk and marries her before leaving and never speaking of it again, not seeing the girl until years later when she is getting remarried.
After helping Race on his first case, Albert finds he had a knack for assisting his friend in crime fighting and, though often gives Race a hard time about it and complains, genuinely enjoys helping
Is very protective of his car that his father pays for, affectionately named the Blueberry by Race who picks up the name from a stuck up client
Albert knows Race better than Race knows himself and is sometimes the only thing actually keeping him from chaotically causing his own accidental death, despite Jack’s best efforts.
He has a very refined sense of smell
Grew up catholic and believes in demonic possessions and exorcisms
In an attempt to be cool when he was younger, Albert learned how to pick locks and crack safes
Is often given ridiculous nicknames by his best friend while they’re out solving cases, just for fun. He just rolls with them typically.
He joined an a capella group in college because he knew how to sing and was curious as to what it would be like. Race always finds it entertaining.
Is an experienced tap dancer
Has trouble doing things that are more on the dangerous side while Race doesn’t mind jumping in head first just to see what will happen.
Albert’s father is very protective of him and, even when he’s being accused of murder, tries to constantly give Race money and have someone babysit and take care of him.
It isn’t until Race sets the record straight that Albert’s dad begins to trust him to take care of Al moving forward.
Albert is the only person Jack trusts with Race for a long time as Race had a history with bullies all growing up and never really wanted any other friends.
Albert becomes like another little brother to Jack and Jack teaches him some street smarts to get him by after Race runs away.
Albert helps take care of Jack after his career ending injury
Albert eventually becomes a forensic scientist and ends up working for the FBI
Jack Kelly (Henry Spencer)
A trouble maker when he was young, the only child of his father, James Francis Kelly Sr. and first born of his mother
When Jack is fifteen his father dies, murdered by a criminal who’d been out on a killing spree.
His father had always wanted Jack to follow in his footsteps and become an officer so, to honor him, Jack does
When Jack was twelve, his mother had had another baby. Jack did not know a lot about this, but after his father died, became very curious.
When asked about the baby, his mother got defensive, so he tracked the kid down on his own, finding him in a neglective home and immediately falling in love with the kid and wanting to protect him.
Although he often shows Race tough love, he genuinely makes it his life goal to keep the boy safe and protected
He renamed Anthony Higgins, Tyler James Kelly, because Anthony was originally named after his father, the man who almost never acknowledged that the kid existed and Jack didn’t want him walking around with that.
Even after Race starts introducing himself as Anthony again, he still calls Race Tyler and Tyler James and his little Tyler James because that’s still Race’s legal name
Jack is a bit of a troubled kid growing up.
He has ADHD
His father helped him channel that into being hyper observant and alert
His mother was a bit of a deadbeat, but Jack still loved her up until she died from lung cancer. He didn’t trust her to look after Race once, instead hiring experienced babysitters and sometimes even taking Race into work with him and having another officer watch him
When he first meets Race, he quickly picks up on the fact that the kid is special and had extraordinary talents and he wants to help Race use them in the best way
Jack is a very protective person, though he normally comes off as slightly intimidating stand-off-ish. He is genuinely friendly and actually is the inspiration behind Race’s sense of humor
Jack raises Race to be the perfect detective, believing he was doing this for Race’s own good as Jack himself is terrified of losing someone else, especially his baby boy who he finds he loves more than anyone else in the world.
While Jack was a bit of a prankster and a fighter growing up, his father explained to him that this was a good thing and would help Jack in the future as he knew how criminals could think
Jack is an artist and loves to paint and draw. It’s his most peaceful activity
He once arrested Race when he was fifteen for “borrowing” a car to impress a girl with Race later reveals he only did to keep the football team from finding out that he was gay
He moves up in the police force quickly, becoming the youngest head detective the department had
He is partnered with David Jacobs who quickly becomes his best friend and eventually replaced Jack as the head detective.
When Race runs away Jack is extremely hurt and goes through a small depression that ultimately makes him lose his focus and gets him into a bad car crash, ending his career as a detective
His knee is shattered and he can’t run as easily as he used to be able to.
Refuses help most of the time and locks himself away from the world until Albert comes knocking on his door
He lets the kid help him out
It is eventually revealed that Jack put a gps tracker in the dog tags that had been his father’s. He’d given them to Race because he convinced the kid they’d keep him safe. He knows where Race is at all times
This is why he’s not surprised when Race is back in town and this is how Jack continues to be able to find Race when Race is in trouble.
When Race is shot and kidnapped, his drops the dog tags and Jack panics because he’s never not been able to find Race and when he does eventually find him, he puts the dog tags back around his neck and yells at Race to never take them off again
That’s when Race finds out what Jack did
Jack is Race’s biggest critic and biggest supporter all rolled up into one
While he never truly approves of what Race is doing, he still does his best to help him and protect him as best he can and is always proud of him no matter what he does.
During his time in recovery, Jack sells paints and works on commission, starting his own arti website and becoming a fairly famous artist
When the Yin Yang killer returns to New York, it is revealed that Jack worked the case before but had not been the target of the serial killer.
He is kidnapped by Yang who knows somehow that he’d be unable to run and slightly traumatized him, placing him in a car at a drive in movie with a bomb in his lap
Though he tries to convince everyone that he’s not scared, Race ends up staying with him to comfort him through the nightmares.
After Yin and Yang strikes again, making it even clearer that it’s Racer he’s messing with, Jack accepts a job from the chief of police as a police liaison in attempts to keep Race safe
A few years later, another old case of his comes up and he realizes that the cops who trained him and worked with him were dirty and tampered with his evidence.
He is later shot point blank by one of his old partners and left for dead, but Race, who had followed him, manages to take him to a hospital, saving his life though it was a very close call
After all of this, Jack eventually retires from the police department, no longer respecting the badge as he’d used to and becomes a professor of criminology at the same college Albert attended where he meets Katherine, his future wife
Spot Conlon (Juliet O’Hara)
Sean “Spot” Conlon grew up being around cops a lot.
His father was a crook.
While he knew his father loved him, he also knew that his father was a conman and what he did was wrong.
Growing up, Spot would wake up to receive little gifts on his nightstand and eventually he figured out that his father had been breaking in to leave them for him, taking the window apart and putting it back together without a trace.
Spot loves his father but moves on and grows up to become a cop to stop people like his father from taking advantage of others
He has one older brother, Hot Shot, who is also a criminal, though he is a criminal in the name of the Army which he was trying to protect
Spot does have to arrest his brother but is not shocked to find that his brother escaped
Spot does have a younger brother, Charlie or Crutchie as he’s called by his brother, who he loves very much and tries to preserve as the kid is the only member of his family who is remotely innocent.
Crutchie eventually moves from Brooklyn to Manhattan to be closer to Spot and meets Spot’s friends who he adores.
Charlie is the one who reveals that Jack was one of Spot’s idols. Spot looked up to Jack because Jack was one of the youngest head detectives in the country and was an overall brilliant detective
Spot first meets Race while undercover. The conversation only lasts a few minutes before Race deducts that he is in fact a cop about to make a jump on someone.
Wary of Race at first, Spot keeps his distance. He is skeptical of Race’s “gift” buy after observing him behind to believe his abilities may be real
Upon his transfer to Manhattan to become a detective, Spot is partnered up with Jack Kelly’s old partner David, who is very stand-off-ish and mean at first
Spot and David begin to build a relationship based on trust and become like brothers after a long while
Originally, Spot is not taken very seriously as he’s very young and cares about how he looks. Many of the other cops make fun of him, calling him “pretty boy” and other derogatory names because they all know that he’s gay
David often sticks up for him but doesn’t let Spot thank him.
Spot eventually starts calling Race “pretty boy” as a means to give the words good meaning again
Spot is very good at going undercover for jobs and enjoys getting to be placed in different roles.
Race often tells him that if he hadn’t been a coo he would’ve been a hell of an actor but Spot doesn’t like that because he fears he’s becoming too much like his father
Spot is desperate to succeed in his work and often goes to Jack for advice (I know, they like each other in this one. It’s crazy)
Spot is very competitive and likes to be right.
He often brags about solving cases before others but does not put others down, necessarily, in the process
Though Spot is a bit on the shorter side, he makes up for it with muscle and strength.
When he gets angry, people back off, afraid of what he might do if he decides to take his anger out on them.
Spot is fluent in Spanish, just like Jack, and after Race and he start dating, they often have conversations about Race right in front of him.
After getting kidnapped by Yin, Spot is traumatized to the point of being unable to stay at the station.
He develops a paralyzing fear of heights that’s Race helps him through
Eventually, Spot becomes the head detective in Brooklyn when the chief is transferred there.
David Jacobs (Lassie Face)
David had always had a difficult time with trust
He grew up with a twin sister and a little brother.
His father cheated on their mother and his mother cheated on his father
His sister grew up and left without telling anyone.
His ex wife had cheated on him and left him
Suffice to say that trust didn’t come easy to him.
Growing up, Davey likes the rules and he likes enforcing them. He likes being in charge and he’s good at it.
David loves his younger brother a lot. Les is going to school for film and he loves getting insight about what police actually do. He likes to make documentaries
When David is partnered with the head detective, he’s shocked to find he actually likes Jack
Jack is the first person he truly trusts in a long long time
Jack becomes his best friend and only confidant
As he’s close with Jack, he does meet Race a few times, but when he questions Race about his tips under his old name, he doesn’t know why Race looks so familiar
It isn’t until David sees Race with Jack that he remembers.
Jack lies to David and tells him that Race is a psychic and found out when he was fifteen and that’s why he left even though he knows Davey won’t believe him
David understands and respects that Jack puts his little brother first
But the kid still annoys him
Despite not necessarily getting along with Race, David does everything he can to protect him as a ways to pay Jack back for all the times he’d saved his life
When Jack gets in his accident, David refuses another partner, nervous about not living up to Jack’s reputation.
His first new partner ends up being a girlfriend of his during his separation from his wife. Race outs the affair on accident and the woman is transferred
David and Spot don’t get along at first but Spot quickly shows David that he’s not any junior detective and is really good at what he does
He ends up really liking the kid
After Jack’s accident, David has a hard time going to see him, feeling as though he’d failed the other man somehow.
Eventually, he takes Jack out for a drink where Jack apologizes for screwing up and they have a bonding moment
Eventually, David finds himself infatuated with a suspect in a case he’s working
Though the girl is ultimately guilty, he visits her in prison and eventually marries her
His whole life all he’d wanted was to be the chief of police
Eventually, after Chief Larkin is transferred, his dream comes true.
He and Race manage to become friends and, after receiving a video message from Race, confessing to the fact that he’s not a psychic, he tears the disc out and breaks it, never needing to know how Race did what he did
I absolutely love this one, so if ya’ll wanna see any scenes from it, just let me know!
For more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Soak Up The Sun - Fun Things/Facts
My favorite thing about writing my fic so far is exploring the relationships between my OC and the team. For example, I LOVE writing Emily and Derek the most, because they definitely have brother/sister vibes, and they remind me of my relationship with my own brother. I also want that for Kassidy: to have them there as her older “siblings” in a way. I especially love how close Kassidy and Emily are becoming. 
(I’m going to be writing a lot about Kassidy’s relationships with the team so I’m gonna put a read more thing here now.)
Emily and Kassidy stay up too late talking on the phone, talking about boys (and girls) they used to like when they were younger, telling stories of embarrassing things they’ve done. They go on breakfast dates all the time, sometimes inviting the other BAU girls along, but sometimes it’s just the two of them. Emily convinces Kass to adopt a cat so her apartment won’t feel so lonely. The two of them like to go to pet stores and buy matching sweaters for their cats. They also constantly text each other dumb things that are on their minds. “I saw a fat squirrel today” “!!!no way!” Kassidy helps set up a private facebook for Emily so they can share pictures to each other (this is placed in 2010/2011 so they don’t get instagrams just yet). They love taking selfies with their cats, as well as taking pictures of the sunsets they see when on the jet. They start collecting postcards from the towns they visit and write them to each other, so when they get home they have fun mail to look at. Emily’s ringtone is the Kim Possible theme song.
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And then there’s Rossi, who’s one of the team Dads(TM). I like to think Rossi sees Kassidy as the child he never had (SPOILER ALERT before Joy gets introduced to the story LMAO), so he’s extra sweet on her- and spoils her rotten. She never asks him for anything but eventually he starts buying stuff for her and paying for groceries to be delivered to her apartment and she’s like “???? what are you doing?” And he’s like “you’re my daughter now I am taking care of you.” LOL. Of course later on when Joy joins the BAU fam Rossi introduces her to Kassidy like “Joy this is my other daughter” and Joy is like “Cool I have a sister!” And Kass is like “I’m not actually his daughter tho-” “shush Kass you’re my kid, now smile for the camera.” She puts up with it and accidentally calls him “dad” once in front of everyone and it’s that whole scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and she’s like “no i didn’t why would I do that” lol. Rossi puts her in his phone as “Sunshine” since he’s the first one to ever call her that. She has him in as “Team Dad.” His ringtone is That’s Amore by Dean Martin. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore~”
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And then Hotch is like the other Dad(TM) who just wants to watch Kassidy and Spencer succeed at life and must protect them at all costs. Kassidy babysits for him a lot and freaking LOVES Jack. She becomes his unofficial “big sister” and lives for it. She loves taking Jack and Henry to the movies and park and is the best babysitter JJ and Hotch can find. Hotch has found her sleeping on his couch one to many times and just puts a blanket over her and lets her stay the night. He gets her coffee in the morning as a thank you for watching his son. At first she was embarrassed but eventually she gets a key to Hotch’s apartment, since he has a key to hers, and she just shows up sometimes just cause she can. She’s bad at buying groceries for herself but you bet your last dime she’s buying healthy foods for Hotch and Jack. She stocks their pantry FULL with foods, often showing Aunt Jessica where she hid the snacks so Jack (and Hotch) don’t try to get to them. She ends up with her own drawer in Hotch’s room that has some of her clothes and shower stuff in it cause of how often she’s over there. Her ringtone for Hotch is the COPS theme song LMAO.
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Morgan is Kassidy’s certified Big Brother(TM) and he will hurt anyone who hurts his baby sister. He takes on the role so naturally around her and loves her for making him feel life can be normal sometimes. He has to tease her a lot about her crush on Reid, but that’s what big brothers do, ya know? The two of them like to go out for drinks and dancing when they get home from cases. Gotta remind themselves that life is beautiful and fun too. She buys Morgan a bunch of books and DVDs that she thinks he’ll like, and he always promises that he definitely read/watched them, but she knows he didn’t. Except when she buys him Tangled on DVD, telling him that it’s her FAVORITE Disney movie of ALL TIME. She knows he watched that one because she hears him humming some of the songs that got stuck in his head. They also hav the complete opposite taste in music, often fighting over what station to listen to when in the car. Usually Hotch or Emily has to tell them to knock it off or they’ll end up hitting each other (nicely). Kassidy HATES running, but she gets up at 6am on Saturdays to run with Morgan. She’s getting more stamina because of it, but she won’t admit it. Her ringtone for him is her favorite song, “Soak Up The Sun” by Sheryl Crow. 
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Penelope and Kassidy are besties for sure. They have girls night once a week when they can, binging on ice cream and watching lame rom-coms (Kass can’t handle secondhand embarrassment movies but she’ll watch them if Penny asks- hiding her face in her hands when those scenes are on). They like to go shopping together, hyping each other up in dressing rooms and picking out cute/colorful clothes. They always do brunch when they go shopping. They spend a LOT of money when they’re together, and have no filter whatsoever. Kassidy tends to get drunk by the end of the night if she was with Penny, which is always odd considering at the beginning of the day she swore she wouldn’t drink anything. She ends up taking a whole small chest for herself at Penny’s apartment, keeping clothes and toiletries in there. Penelope joked once that Kassidy had her stuff scattered all around the state of Virginia. She wasn’t wrong. Kassidy’s ringtone for her is “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves. They also text cute pictures of baby animals to each other a lot. 
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JJ and Kassidy love getting mani-pedi’s together. And when they’re together it’s either a whole spa day, or they’re at the firing range- there is no in between. No matter what they do, a lot of money will be missing from their accounts at the end of the day, much to Will (and Rossi’s) dismay. Kassidy see’s JJ as a sister too, but more like a twin/super close best friend type of sister, not an older sister like she see’s Emily. She’s totally a Jemily shipper (as a joke, but like <w<). They like to lay in the grass in JJ’s backyard and stare at the clouds, talking about all the places they’ll visit someday. One time they planned a whole trip to Greece, pulling out their phones and looking up ticket prices for the plane ride, hotel, sight-seeing and more. They haven’t fulfilled that trip yet, but they sometimes mention it to one another, reminding themselves that they will go. Someday. JJ’s ringtone is the opening Disney theme to every movie ever.
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And then there’s Spencer <3 From the beginning she felt kind of drawn to him, his mannerisms, his love of knowledge- all of it. They like to get coffee together on their days off and trade books (Kassidy had to buy a bunch of new books recently so she had more to trade with him). She’s been to his apartment quite a few times, watching French movies and Earth Documentaries. They just like being in each others company (uwu). Kassidy probably texts Spencer the most, even though he detests texting- but that doesn’t stop him from replying. Her text tone for him is R2-D2 beeping (even though he says he’s not really a fan of Star Wars). During cases they’re almost always paired up together to work on geo-profiling and victimology, sitting close at the table with their legs just barely touching, their feet lightly pushing into each other every once in a while to remind the other that they’re still there. They’re totally NOT playing footsie (they totally are). Her ringtone for Spencer is the Star Trek opening theme. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise.”
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Kassidy hasn’t met some of the other fun characters of the show yet, but eventually she’ll love all of them too <3 This fic takes place in season 6, after Hayley dies and right before Emily “dies,” ;) ANYWAYS I wanted to rant about this a little so um, thanks if you read it? LOL. Let me know what you guys think? <3
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I'm gonna do it. I'll take all the history asks for 500, Alex!
OKAy. I may have to reblog and do an add-on, because I will almost certainly go over the 250 paragraph limit. ALSO NICE JEOPARDY REFERNCE. Okay, ready? Go.
1: Historical role model?
We could all stand to be more like Julie D'Aubigny.
2: Favorite underrated historical figure?
See above.
3: Funniest historical kerfuffle?
In 1774 Boston's Committee of Safety (John and Samuel Adams as well as Joseph Warren and PaulRevere were on it) was made up almost entirely of patriots, except for one man: Daniel Leonard. They couldn't decide anything important with him around so they would have a fake meeting and then be like OKAY IT'S AUGUST WE'RE HOT AND TIRED, LET'S GO HOME, and then after he'd left they'd lock themselves in a room and have their REAL, TREASONOUS MEETING. Reading about this is objectively one of the funniest things I have ever heard. It's literally the beack house episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where they have a fake party for Captain Holt.
4: Favorite conspiracy theory revolving around history?
Whatever the fuck the real story of the X FIles was (I've watched the whole thing multiple times and I still don't know what exactly what the point was. DOn't get me wrong I love it. It just makes no sense.)
5: Favorite political scandal to examine?
The XYZ Affair because I was there for it all and it's...a lot
6: Opinion on the presidential assassinations and their impact on America?
I answered this in depth last time I got that question and you can read my response here.
7: Which time period would you like to live in?
Either take me back to the revolution or put me in Victorian England (BARRING MEDICAL NONSENSE AND SOCIAL BARRIERS)
6 (again?!): Favorite historical fiction book?
See the assassination link!
8: Favorite tv show based on historical events, but not really faithful to real life?
Top choices are Outlander, TURN: Washington's Spies, Black Sails, and Ripper Street.
9: Favorite musical based on history?
*sarcasm* Definitely NOT Hamilton whaaaaaaat why would you even assume that?! Ahem. Also Les Mis is cool I guess.
10: Favorite movie based on history?
Wonder Woman!!!
11: Favorite biography?
The Swamp Fox by John Oller
12: If you could prevent one tragedy, which would you choose?
The Trump Administration.
13: Fun fact?
MLK and Anne Frank were born in the same year.
14: Favorite female monarch?
Cleopatra or Mary Queen of Scots.
15: Favorite war leader?
I'm biased but George Washington.
16: Favorite controversial leader?
Winston Churchill
17: Favorite feminist pioneer?
J U L I E D ' A U B I G N Y. Also Mary Read and ANne Bonney my queer pirate gals
18: Which president, in your opinion, was the best speaker?
No contest, Abraham Lincoln.
19: If you would travel back in time and kill anyone, who would it be?
Listen I’m not a fan of these questions when people are like “I’d kill Hitler” etc. bc butterfly effect, BUT The British officer who shot John Laurens can CATCH THESE MF HANDS
20: Opinion on each of the founding fathers?
Oh boy. This is an interesting question at this point in time because I am currently grappling with the fact that the people I worked with did not really believe in equality for all, and the system we built was designed to reflect this. However, it is a system that I believed in and put my everything towards so I have many conflicted feelings toward it rn. Anyway here's the low-down on the major ones. GEORGE WASHINGTON: Good guy, needed to loosen up and not be a slaveholder. JOHN ADAMS: old stinky man. Called me mushroom excrement once. Put him back in the swamp from whence he came. THOMAS JEFFERSON: Rapist. Slaveholder. Really stuffy. Founded an entire political party for People Who Don't Like Hamilton. Fuck him foreverrrr. JAMES MADISON: Friendly with me but betrayed me when Jefferson came back from France. 2/10, cute but do not trust him with your secrets or coffee order. JAMES MONROE: A teenager during the war and I barely ever saw him after that but he was fine ig. ALEXANDER HAMILTON: that me! Made mistakes but all around a cool(tm) guy. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: fresh funky and really funny. Cooler than you'd expect an old man with gout to be.
21: Which leader do you think would make the best spouse?
No leaders are good spouses bc superiority complex.
22: Most pointless war in your opinion?
All. But King Phillip's War was especially whack.
23: John Wilkes Booth - crazy or crazy with a cause?
I mean of course he had a cause, but it was a bad one and having a cause doesn't make him less crazy. He was...really yikes.
24: Why do you think Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and did he act alone?
Most certainly did not act alone. But I feel based on timeline of events and maps of the area that either he was paid off either by our own government or the Soviets, or one of the two set him up as a patsy. Then Jack Ruby was paid to cover up the tracks.
25: Opinion on assassinations of leaders in general?
Same as killing anyone else, I guess, murder is bad, and I don't think that's really the route that should be taken to remove dangerous parties from power. But in some cases it may be the only way of removing them, and, well, that is what it is.
26: Do you think we're going to repeat history because we haven't learned from it?
Always. It is constantly happening. There is nothing new.
27: Have you ever been teased for being a history nerd?
hahahahahahahahaha yeah. Ever since first grade.
28: Which historical figure do you think has been subject to the most fictionalization and elevated to a godlike status nowadays?
Due to the musical, Alexander Hamilton (me.) People need to realize that I wasn't perfect but also not evil. Just human.
29: Rant about your favorite topic?
See the other part of my Lincoln Assassination rant here
30: Favorite kids/teens history books?
The Dear America series and the Liberty's Kids novelizations are WHERE ITS AT.
31: How was your interest in history started?
I don't even know exactly when or how anymore. My mom's a book nerd and an archaeology/anthropology major, so I grew up in a house chock full of books, including history books. I've loved it ever since I could read, honestly.
32: Do you know a history professor?
I do not!
33: How did your favorite history teacher structure their class?
I was homeschooled so it was my mom. She made sure we covered every period, but other than that just let me pick out what interested me and what I wanted to read and explore. She read a ton of big historical books right alongside me and we'd discuss as we read. We still do this!
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Tell Me Why Again?
here’s some of our disaster boyfriends spot and race who are bad at feelings and relationships tbh but they’re trying.  sorry if its kinda shit.  it takes place in the binge baking universe kinda...like medda has cancer in this too
warnings: fighting
ship: sprace
editing: no
Race couldn’t even remember why they were fighting at this point.  Some trivial thing no doubt, that escalated into a screaming match.  Typical.  If they went to a psychologist, or talked to Albert, who was a psychology major, they would probably come up with some fancy explanation as to why they always fought like this.  Probably something about repressed childhood anger and bad coping skills and all that Freudian bullshit.
The reasoning didn’t matter as Spot shouted at him, spit flying from his mouth as he gestured wildly and without purpose.  Anger thrummed loudly through every vein in Race’s body and his ears were ringing as he let Spot’s words bleed back into his consciousness.
“And I’m so sick of always being the bad guy!  Of always taking the blame!” He seethed, eyes glinting furiously.
“I do not put all the fucking blame on you!” Race shouted back, adrenaline driving his voice to a higher octave.
“Bullshit,” Spot spat, “You always play the fucking victim, Antonio.”
Race froze, livid and horrified.  They crossed all kinds of lines while fighting, but his name was an entirely new boundary.  Spot knew his association with that god forbidden title his father had given him.  He knew how much it fucked him up to hear it- especially in an angry atmosphere much like the one they were creating now.
He clenched his fists at his sides, driving his fingernails into his palms, “Don’t you dare fucking call me that!  You know how much I-”
“Oh!” Spot exclaimed, a manic laugh intermixing with his wavering tone of anger, “There he goes again!  Playing victim!  Feeling all bad for himself!”
Race huffed out a disbelieving laugh, stunned that Spot was taking it this far, “Well, you ain’t a saint either, Sean!  You’re so fucking bent on playing tough guy all the time!  You drag down everyone around you, you realize that, right?  You and your toxic masculinity.  Afraid to be seen holding your fucking boyfriend’s hand in public!” his voice was bordering shrill by the time he was finished with his rant.
Spot set his jaw, his voice dangerously low as he answered, “You know why I don’t like to hold hands when we’re out.  You fucking forced it out of me during one of your hissy fits, do you remember, Tonio?”
Race flinched and Spot scoffed.  Race did remember.  It was after their group had gone bowling and Race had tried to intertwine their fingers between games.  Spot had pulled back abruptly, busying himself with his soda.  Race had finally snapped that night, furious that his then boyfriend of nearly six months still had refused to display the fact that they were dating.  He had accused him of being ashamed and yelled at him for nearly an hour about how little he was putting into the relationship.  It was then that Spot had broken down, finally admitting to having a homophobic father, that had instilled an ever-present fear of being outed into him after so many years of mental and physical torment, before finally being put in foster care.  Race had apologized, but neither of them had completely come back from that incident.  It probably wasn’t healthy.  This probably wasn’t healthy.  No, this definitely wasn’t healthy.
He loved Spot more than anything.  He wanted to protect him, to show him that.  But both men had so much trouble communicating their issues with both themselves and one another that by the time it had all piled up, it was too late and they were taking out their anger on one another.  It was a habit that needed to be broken.  
“You can’t even do me the courtesy of answering?” Spot sneered.
Race flicked his eyes back to Spot’s, growing angry once more, “Shut up, Conlon.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up!” Spot punctuated his statement by hitting his thigh with his fist.  Race could tell he wanted to punch something else, the wall probably, but he had learned a while back that that was not going to fly with their rental bills, “You should at least-”
He was cut off abruptly by Race surging forward and connecting their lips, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back.
They stared, breathless at one another.  Spot’s eyes were swimming with leftover anger, confusion, and pain, and Race softened.
“We need to stop this,” Race said, a note of finality in his voice, “We can’t keep doing this.  We’re going to crash.”
Spot averted his eyes to somewhere just to the left of Race’s shoulder, “I know,” he murmured.
“We always do this.  We let things bottle up until we’re testy and annoyed at everything and then the littlest thing sets us off and we blow up.  It’s bad for us and it’s bad for the relationship.  Do you even remember what we were mad about?”
Spot hesitated, “Uh, I got mad because you didn’t get the mail.”
Race ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath, “Case and point.  It was a tiny fucking thing and yet we spiraled until we were throwing toxic waste at each other.  Boyfriends don’t do that.”
“No, they don’t,” Spot said, then whipped his head up, a new fear in his eyes, “You don’t wanna break up, do you?”
Race shook his head, “No, I don’t.  But I do think we need to seriously reevaluate how we handle things.”
Spot nodded, pacing over to the couch and sitting down.  Race followed, sitting next to him and resting his forearms on his knees.
“How do we do that?” Spot asked, voice tired.
“We needa start talking to each other,” Race said, “Were you really mad at me for not getting the mail, or was something else bothering you?”
Spot paused for a moment, eyes hard and focused on the rug underneath his feet, “I dunno, I think I’ve just been stressed about everything that’s happening with Medda and her cancer and Jack kinda got mad at me on Saturday because I forgot to pick up Smalls from her kindergarten and yeah, I don’t know, like you said.  It kinda piled up.”
Race reached out a hand, allowing Spot to take it in his own time, “Thank you for telling me.  I’m sorry you’ve been stressed and I’m here for you.”
Spot started to run his thumb over Race’s knuckles subconsciously, “I’m sorry I called you by your, uh, yeah.  And I’m sorry for everything else I said.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Race said, sincerely, “I shouldn’t have brought up the PDA thing when I know why you react the way you do.  And I shouldn’t have thrown any of the other shit I said at you, either.”
Spot shifted, looking at Race for the first time, “I, uh, are we good?”
Race nodded, “I think we are if you do?”
“I think so, too.”
“Okay, I’m glad,” Race said, “But, next time, we need to talk to each other.  I need to do better about it, too, not just you.  So if one of us is starting to feel stressed, or something’s bothering us about the other person, we need to bring it up, okay?”
Spot squeezed his hand, a ghost of a smile on his face, “Okay.”
Race smiled, “I love you, Spot.”
“I love you too, Race, really,” Spot brought Race’s hand up to his face and kissed his knuckles.  Race pulled him in and hugged him in return.
“Look at us,” Race praised, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, “Being mature and talking about our feelings.”
Spot snorted, “Don’t push it, Higgins.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, asshole.”
“Oo, that’s a new one.”
“I know.  I was proud of it.”
Both boys laughed, the tightness that previously plagued both their chests loosening.  They were going to be okay.
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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racetraxk-higgins · 7 years
Bruises - Sprace
Soulmate au- spot hates the whole soulmate thing that is until he meets the cute guy who just so happens to be in detention with him and just so happens to have the same bruises as spot does.
- first ever time writing on tumblr so sorry if it’s bad?? also i’ve never written a newsies fic before so probably ooc.
- if you want a next part lemme know i guess???
“This whole soulmate thing is fucking bullshit.”
Jack looked up from the sketch he was working on for art class to see his foster brother, Spot, burst into his room. Spot, who had been hiding in his room all day, seemed to have a very impressive bruise on his cheek.
Jack whistled as he put down his pencil, “That’s some bruise you have there. Who’d ya get in a fight with this time?” He asked.
Spot only groaned as he flopped down on Jacks bed, “That’s the problem. No one. Instead my soulmate decided it would be fucking perfect to get into a fight and get as many bruises as possible.” Spot grumbled as he crossed his arms.
Jack sighed and closed his sketchbook, already knowing that a rant was about to come, “So there’s more than just one?”
“There’s so fucking many, Jack! Like yeah, I get into fights but I’m never fucking stupid enough to get this beat up! It’s all over my fucking ribs, I honestly think whoever it is has their fucking ribs broke it’s that bad. Not to mention either that there’s fucking hickeys on my neck that definitely came from my soulmate because lord knows I haven’t hooked up with anyone lately.” Spot took a breath before continuing, “I don’t even understand why the hell we have soulmates. Sure, you and David turned out lucky. But do you know how many turn sour? I mean just look at my parents, that was all messed up. I don’t understand why we can’t just choose our own damn partners. What if I wanted to be alone for the rest of my life? I wouldn’t be able to because this whole soulmate shit won’t allow it. And who in the fuck thought it was a good idea to have it so when your soulmate gets all fucked up you do too? Now Medda is gonna think I’m off causin’ trouble again!” Spot finished his rant, his Brooklyn accent becoming thicker as he got even more pissed off.
Jack just rolled his eyes, “Spot calm down. Yes, okay it is stupid that when your soulmate gets hurt you get the marks too but at least you can tell who you were destined to be with. And yes, maybe your parents relationship did turn sour but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen to you,” Jack paused, “You’re a good guy, Spot. You deserve to be with someone who will stick with you. And concerning the Medda thing, if you explain to her that it was your soulmate she’ll be fine with it. She knows you weren’t out today, so you won’t get her mad or anything.”
Spot, who was taken aback by the sudden niceness of Jack, sighed and stood up, “Oh fuck off with all that nice shit. I just wanted to rant. Besides, I don’t care if I ever meet my soulmate. Hell, they could die for all I care.”
Spot was about to leave the room when Jack spoke up. 
“Spot, just don’t give up, okay? Maybe this soulmate thing won’t be so bad after all.”
Spot just mumbled a “Whatever you say, Kelly.” in response and walked out of Jack’s room to go out onto the fire escape to have a smoke.
That Monday Spot was sat down in the school’s cafeteria with a pissed off look on his face, his now bruised knuckles now gripping onto the table.
Jack, David, and all his other friends all made their way over to Spot’s table. Everyone was talking about different things as they sat down but once they noticed Spot’s expression they all quieted down.
“Woah, you looked more pissed off than usual, Spot.” Elmer exclaimed.
“Your knuckles are bruised and bleeding.” Blink joined in.
“Who’d you soak?” Asked Romeo.
“What the hell happened this time?” That was David, or as Spot liked to call him ‘Mouth’. He was the responsible one out of them all and sometimes pissed Spot off, but he was Jack’s soulmate and Spot’s kind of friend, so he didn’t mind him all that much.
Spot rolled his eyes, “The Delancey’s. Fucking assholes think they own this damn school, someone had to knock them down a peg.”
Crutchie, who was quietly sat down next to Finch, spoke up “You get in any trouble?”
“Of course I did. Weasel hates me, loves the Delanceys. Got detention for two whole weeks.” Spot snapped as he gripped the table tighter.
Jack let out a laugh, “Well hey, I’ll be happy to report you’re not the only one in detention today.”
“What? Jack, what did you do?” David asked as he looked at Jack who just chuckled again.
“Oh chill out, Davey.” He said as he wrapped his arms around David’s waist, “It wasn’t me. There’s this new kid in the school and he’s in my English class. So Mr. Pulitzer was going on one of his famous rants about how the gays shouldn’t be allowed to get married and that it was a sin. Along with something about not drinking that tap water because the gay’s put chemicals in it to make all the straight who drank it turn gay? Anyways so this kid right, his name is like Tony or something, he went off on Mr. Pulitzer. Callin’ him all these names, at one point he even grabbed the kid next to him, another new kid, and kissed him. They seemed to know each other so it was fine but still. And now, because Mr. Pulitzer is a homophobic piece of literal shit he’s got detention for god knows how long.” Jack finished his story with a small laugh, “Guy’s got balls.”
“Damn, Spot he seems as bad as you!” Finch said as he stabbed at the cafeteria food with his fork.
Spot just shook his head with a small smirk, “No one is as bad as me, Finch.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But I’d love to see him try to beat the number of days you’ve been in detention with Denton!”
Spot just chuckled in response as David cut into the conversation once again.
“Alright enough about Spot’s habits. Everyone eat or you’ll start complaining halfway through fourth period that you’se hungry.”
Spot walked into the detention room and greeted Denton who was sat at the desk.
“Hey Denton. How was your day?” Spot asked as he took his normal seat down in the back.
Denton laughed, “In again, Spot? Whatcha do this time? Terrorize some freshmen? My day was shit, as usual.” He replied as he pulled out Spot’s “Days in Detention with Denton” sheet and put down a tally mark before putting it back in his desk.
Spot just shook his head, “Nah. Beat up the Delanceys. You know they really don’t pay you enough.”
Denton was about to answer when the door to the classroom opened. In stepped the new guy, at least that’s what Spot assumed. He never seen him before, and Spot knew almost everyone.
The new guy looked around before deciding on the seat right next to Spot in the corner. Spot watched him quietly. The guy had blond hair and bright blue eyes, his skinny jeans were tighter than Finch’s and he was about half an inch taller than Spot. He walked with confidence and sat down in the seat, kicking his feet up onto the desk.
Denton didn’t care, never did. The sooner he could get out the sooner he would be less miserable.
“Alright, boys. Spot, you know the rules. Tony, no talking, no texting, basically just sit there for an hour and reflect on what you’ve done. Or don’t. Not like it makes any difference to me.” Denton said then got up to leave the class room, Spot knew he’d be gone for at least ten minutes, Denton always went on a few smoke breaks during detentions.
Spot turned towards the new guys, “So, Tony, huh? Little rumour going around school that you told Mr. Pulitzer where to go.”
Tony, who didn’t bother looking at Spot, just replied coldly, “Yeah, what’s it matter to you? And it ain’t Tony, it’s Race.”
“Ah so you don’t know who I am.” Spot said. Tony, or Race, just shrugged.
“Oh I’m sorry, your highness. Forgot there was such thing as royalty in this goddamn school.”
Spot just rolled his eyes, “The names Spot Conlon. That ring any bells?”
Race looked over at Spot and raised an eyebrow, “So you’re the famous Spot Conlon, huh? I was told to watch out for you.” He scoffed, “I thought you’d be taller. How does someone so small win a fight?”
Spot wanted to choke the guy. Race was only like half an inch taller than him and a lot skinnier too. Not to mention the bruise that was on his cheek was a dead give away that he probably lost a fight, or at least got the shit beat out of him before he could stop the person.
Spot gritted his teeth, “You can’t say anything either, asshole. That bruise you got on there is pretty nasty. Did you loose a fight?”
Race just clenched his jaw in response, deciding that someone like Spot wasn’t worth wasting his breath on. Instead he took out a cigarette from his pocket and started to chew on it, praying to Jesus that the hour will go by quick. If he had to deal with that asshole for even another five minutes he was going to out right kill him.
Spot was sat back in his desk, staring at the white board in front of him. He turned, looking over at Race who was now completely zoned out and that’s when he payed more attention,
The bruise was the same size, colour, and in the same exact spot as Spot’s was. Believing it to be a coincidence Spot let his eyes trail towards Race’s neck and almost straight up left the room when he seen the three hickeys that was on Race’s neck, once again in the same place as Spot’s.
Holy shit.
Placing a hand over his own neck where the hickeys were he quickly pulled out his phone and texted Jack.
To: Annoying Brother (jack kelly)
   jack holy shit i think i just found my soulmate??
Needless to say Spot was not ready for what was about to come next.
part two now up!
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