#Jackie o'lantern
somelazyassartist · 2 months
You know how little baby ducks follow their mom around in a cute little baby parade??? Idk why but I just got the massive urge to draw Hallows and her kiddos as a little duck line :] (also I know all her kids are totally different ages and some should be adults by now but shhhhhhhhhhhhh they're baby right now <3)
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mellancholy-morose · 3 months
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Valentines Gift Exchange
for @chickycherrycola
I agree that we don't get nearly enough B team and had been thinking about them recently before we got our giftees so thank you for giving me the excuse to draw them. I hope you like it This took so long, thank god for whoever asked for the extension
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littlebigmouse · 6 months
One worldbuilding detail Soul Eater really had going for it was the way they explained everyone having weird, unique and horror-movie inspired names such as Soul Eater, Black*Star, Franken Stein.
The school all these kids attend allows them to sign up with any name they want and to change their names once every six months.
You better believe if I were a thirteen year old with the ability to turn into a scythe and eat monster souls I'd call myself Soul Eater too. "But isn't his original name 'Soul Evans'? That's already a weird first name." He's from a family of musicians. He probably has a cousin called R'n'B.
It also made for the very nice touches in charaterisation where you'd see a character calling himself "Ox Ford" and knew immediately which brand of arrogant, insufferable child-prodigy this guy represented and you'd be absolutely right. Why is there a girl who can turn into a lantern who's name is "Jackie O'Lantern"? Because she's the funniest teenager on the squad.
Shoutout to Maka Albarn for taking her education so seriously she decided to not get herself a fun name, and to Justin Law, who let's say, subverted expectations.
It also just makes total sense for their wacky and non-conforming headmaster to not give a shit about names, or birth names, or gender norms. Death said trans rights, yo.
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thesimline · 8 months
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You've got the perfect Halloween costume, now top it off with some spooky beauty! CC links under the cut.
1 - Hair | Top (Grunge Revival) | Face Bruises
2 - Black Eye by Ratboy Sims
3 - Facial Bruises by LavanderS4
4 - Hair | Ruff (direct download - retired) | Top | Makeup
5 - Dark Clown Makeup by Magic Bot
6 - Clowne by Serawis
7 - Halloween Bloody Set by Magic Bot
8 - Plasma Spill by Ellone Andreea
9 - Carrie Much? by Plummetya
10 - Hair | Skin | Top (Werewolves) | Skin Details
11 - Simblreen Facepaint by SimmieV (TSR)
12 - Skin | Third Eye
13 - Rawr by Plummetya
14 - Apocalypse Face Paint by MagicHand (TSR)
15 - Bruised Face by Nell
16 - Hat (Seasons) | Top (Grunge Revival) | Face Paint
17 - Jackie O'Lantern by Plummetya
18 - Raven Halloween Lipstick by MSQSIMS (TSR)
19 - Bodysuit | Face Paint (TSR)
20 - Skull by Lady Simmer
21 - Day of the Dead Mask by Lutessa Sims
22 - The Secret by Spiderwhims
23 - Unisex Skull Face Paint by Sims4Krampus (TSR)
24 - Ghost by Pyxiidis
25 - Eyeliner 1 by Peach Faerie
26 - Purge by Lady Simmer
27 - Eyeliner N24 by Suzue (TSR)
28 - Lips N22 V2 by Poyo Poyo
29 - Thirst by Screaming Mustard (TSR)
30 - Pale Secret Vampire Collection by Praline Sims (TSR)
With thanks to some amazing creators: @hexmcchina @ratboysims @magic-bot @serawis @plummetya @serenity-cc @sheabuttyr @clumsyalienn @ravensim @nell-le @bokchoijo @ladysimmercc @lutessasims
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ambeer6 · 8 months
Naming our new cows
4 new young ladies have joined our field and they're very cute, but I wanna give them Halloween themed names for fun! Top 4 names from this poll will be their names!
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sahdah · 3 years
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Zi gave a ted talk-- I attended. 
Also-- what in death city is consistent style?! I stg I use the same settings. I don’t flip canvases. I also apologize cause like how does one...askhdfakl forget it. 
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thedreadqueen · 4 years
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Her name is Jackie O’Lantern. Like her? Check her out on my redbubble.
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toweroftunes · 3 years
Soul Eater headcanon that Kim uses her tanuki witch powers to prolong Jackie’s life as they get older. But every time Kim uses her magic this way it takes a bit of time off of her own lifespan as a witch.
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Aww jeez.
Imagine that Jackie doesn’t know Kim wants to use her power like this. Kim doesn’t know how to tell her. Maybe she does this accidentally the first time after Jackie is injured in battle. Maybe she learns about it from Mabaa. Dunno! But it’d def be an interesting premise to play with themes of sacrifice and trust on.
Idk. Maybe I’ll fuck around and file it away with the rest of the fics I’ve never written.
(Also don’t feel like I see enough of this ship??)
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Digivices (I know they’re Bursts but for the sake of the AU, they’re called Merges). I made one for each of the main characters!!! Credit goes to digistardbz on deviantart for the base! One huge note: You notice Rangvaldr? That’s Ragnarok, I just gave him a different name because Ragnarok is an event and with the Norse already tied into Digimon with Yggdrasil, I just felt better with a small change.
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littleogreboii · 4 years
soul eater characters in a horror Movie
harvar: first to die probably hears a noise and gets angry at it and is killed investigating said noise
jackie: goes to look for harvar and is killed
patty: pretends to be the murderer and plays pranks on everyone. ends up dying third
ox: ends up at the back of the group and is calmly disposed of
soul: dies protecting maka like the lovesick boy he is
black star: wonders off on his own because he aint scared of nothing and ends up dying
kim: goes missing for a while but eventually shows up again making everyone super suspicious of her but she ends up dying
crona: disappears everytime there's a murder and everyone is super suspicious but then they sacrifice themself to save the others and everyone's like well damn
tsubaki: probably separates from the group for like a second to do something (like tie her shoelaces) and dies
liz: the crybaby walks around screaming at every little thing and misses patty a lot. one of the last to die
kilik: one of the last couple to die. he works out what's happening and is killed for his knowledge (like hughes from fma)
kid: there are so many instances where he should have died but for some reason he keeps surviving and ends up surviving right to the end
maka: solves the mystery and absolutely destroys them for killing her friends
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soundofez · 5 years
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@se-rarepair-day, jun 2019// sunburn
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somelazyassartist · 7 months
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toadson · 7 years
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she aint taking anyones bullshit
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anime-to-the-t · 6 years
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resbangmod · 2 years
Resbang 2021 Promo #13
Scientific Method
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presented by author: @maddstermind​ with artist: @Mellancholly
Pairings: Stein/Marie, Stein & Crona, other minor pairings (SoMa, Kim/Jackie, DeathStar, Liz/Tsubaki) Rating: Gen (PG-13)] Warnings: Trauma, Self-Doubt, PTSD, a dissection scene
Summary: Hypothesis: If you love someone, you will try and keep them out of harm. Stein is conducting experiments to see if he's in love, and along the way, learns so much more.
Please enjoy the story and art previews below the cut!
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STEIN: Hello, Soul. Thank you for coming.
SOUL: Yeah, nothin' better to do. So what's this about?
STEIN: I was hoping to ask you about Maka.
SOUL: Sure, what about her?
STEIN: How long have you known her?
SOUL: Uh. Gee, I dunno. Four years I think? I met her right after I came to the academy.
STEIN: And what was your initial impression of her?
SOUL: I thought she was a tryhard stick-in-the-mud.
STEIN: But you partnered with her anyway.
SOUL: Yeah, uh. When we were talking, she asked me about myself. I played the piano and said something edgy like, "This is what my soul sounds like," or some shit. But she really liked it, and she said… If that was what my soul sounded like, she looked forward to hearing it more.
STEIN: I see. What do you think of her now, then?
SOUL: [long silence] She's still a tryhard stick-in-the-mud. But she's my meister, my best friend. I trust her with my life, and she trusts me with hers.
STEIN: And that's it?
SOUL: [longer silence] I would die for her.
SOUL: I've got the scars to prove it, too. She's done so much for me, she's more of a family then I've ever had. I drive her crazy and she does the same to me, but I lo— [beat] I care about her. A lot.
STEIN: You love her.
SOUL: [sigh] Yeah. I do.
STEIN: So love is… being willing to die for someone?
SOUL: Yeah, I'd say so. [laugh] Though I know for a fact Maka wouldn't like it very much if I died. I've pretty much done it twice already.
STEIN: Yes, I recall. It's not very good for your health. But anyway, thank you for your time, Soul.
SOUL: Oh, that's it?
STEIN: Yes. [end of recording]
Interview with Jaqueline O'Lantern-Dupre
JACKIE: Good evening, Professor.
STEIN: Good evening, Jackie. I hope I didn't tear you away from anything.
JACKIE: No, there's nothing much to do yet. But I did run into Ox earlier.
JACKIE: He told me about his conversation with you. …I figure ours will be similar?
STEIN: Quite. If you already know the topic, let's just dive in. How long have you known Kim?
JACKIE: A little more than two years. I knew of her for about a semester before we became partners.
STEIN: And what was your initial impression of her?
JACKIE: [moment of silence] I thought she was… rude, and crass. But something about her drew me in. I think… W-Well, I think I just thought she was pr-pretty, you know? A-And then later I learned she was… actually nice.
STEIN: And that's what made you want to partner with her?
JACKIE: At first, I thought what I felt was… wanting partnership. I had been self-wielding until then, and I was young, and I… didn't really understand it. But I'm glad I pursued it. Because… Now we're partners in more ways than one.
STEIN: So what do you think of her now, then?
JACKIE: I… I still have trouble saying it.
STEIN: Everything here stays between you and me.
JACKIE: [moment of silence] I love her. I guess it's hard to say it because I still haven't really processed it? We've been dating for almost two years, but I haven't told my family. I'm afraid they… won't like it. And I'm afraid of messing up with Kim.
STEIN: You haven't told her?
JACKIE: Not in so many words. I try to tell her with the things I do, but… like I said, I have trouble saying it.
STEIN: Hm. Then what would you say love is, or means?
JACKIE: Love… Love is fragile. Like a flower that only grows in a certain place, or… a baby animal. It's very fragile.
STEIN: I see.
JACKIE: But… It's worth it. It's so worth it. I… I can't put into words how worth it it is. I can't imagine my world without Kim. She brought so much color and fun. I'm afraid of ruining it because of how much I care about her, about us. Is… Is that clear?
STEIN: Very. Thank you, Jackie. [end of recording]
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Secondary characters sketch
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