#Jaehaerys (son of Helaena)
drakaripykiros130ac · 2 months
“Poor Helaena…to lose a child like that”
“Poor Aegon…a father’s rage is justified”
Not hearing a whole lot of poor Rhaenyra who lost her father, her son, her throne and her unborn daughter in a short span of time.
According to TG stans, a child’s death is absolutely horrible (unless it’s Rhaenyra’s. If it’s Rhaenyra’s child, it’s fun, let’s celebrate).
I fail to see why Helaena’s grief is more important than Rhaenyra’s. She lost one son, said “bye bye world” and shut down (and I don’t see anyone pointing fingers at her and calling her useless in this war even though she was. She had a dragon she could use, but chose to remain locked up in her room and in depression).
Rhaenyra lost a whole lot more, and she had to stay on her feet and fight to take back what rightfully belongs to her.
Why is Jaehaerys’ death more tragic than Lucerys’?
Lucerys was murdered in cold blood, just like that boy of Helaena’s who’s barely relevant throughout the whole story.
Lucerys was a boy too.
Now there’s the question of who shed first blood.
The Greens did.
Actions call for reactions, and this is war.
Daemon wanted Aegon the Usurper to lose a son, just like the Greens forced Rhaenyra to suffer the loss of one of her own. He called for retribution. A life for a life. He could have arranged to have everyone in that tower killed that night. He could have demanded Aegon’s daughter, Jaehaera, be killed in exchange for the life of the daughter the Greens made him lose (Visenya). But he didn’t.
I’ve seen comments cheering on Aegon for wanting vengeance for his dead son, but apparently Rhaenyra is not allowed to demand retribution for the death of hers.
Misogyny runs high in the 21st century, doesn’t it? A woman who is not perfect is a monster, and a man with vices is just “misunderstood”.
And then you all have the nerve to point fingers at people who don’t care about the consequences of B&C. No, I don’t care that Aegon’s child is going to be murdered. Because I didn’t see that sympathy from stans when Lucerys was murdered. All I saw were jokes made at a child ripped apart by the biggest and most dangerous dragon alive because her rider is a twisted one-eyed psychopath.
The Blacks are entitled to vengeance.
Lucerys’ death is on Aemond’s head. And so is Jaehaerys’. He’s 100% responsible. If anyone is to blame for B&C, it’s Aemond the Kinslayer.
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ophelieverse · 2 months
Unpopular opinion:
If they are going to change the events and let Rhaenyra fight,they should do the same thing with Helaena.
Let them both be angry and mourning mothers that want to avenge their sons.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 months
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The Blacks // The Greens
By NaomiMakesArt
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witchlingcirce · 3 months
There’s such a heartbreaking parallel between Lucerys and Jaehaerys final send-offs.
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Lucerys funeral is presented to us as an intimate moment between family members. Every single person at that funeral cared for/knew Lucerys in a way. It was a send-off, a last way to say goodbye, his family’s last goodbye.
In the photos, you can see the heartbroken look on Jacaerys, Rhaenyras and Jofferys faces. That is their BROTHER and they aren’t even able to burn his body, only his clothes. But either way, it’s their moment to grieve someone who meant the world to them. It’s almost like their last way to say goodbye to him.
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Jaehaerys is displayed as having a public funeral, being brought around for all of king landing to grieve.
I think I am right to believe that the prospect of showing poor Jaehaerys was to gain sympathy from the people of kingslanding, displaying the black's cruelty. Turning them away from Rhaenyra.
To me, this is such a horrible thing to do, and I think it’s to the dismay of Helaena and Alicent. Who are almost being parading around the city.
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I think it’s worse when you realise this is probably a week or even a few days after Jaehaerys was murdered, I don’t think either woman had time to grieve. Even in the pictures, you can see that they don’t want to be doing this. Instead of being able to grieve in private, it’s made to be a public display. I especially feel horrible for Helaena, who looks heartbroken to be there. I can’t imagine your son dying and then having to parade his dead body for the whole of Kingslanding to see.
I think it’s an interesting perspective of both sides. One of them was able to get a private funeral, despite there not being a body to burn. And one of them getting a public funeral 💔. My heart breaks for both Helaena and Rhaenyra.
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fictonrantsworld · 2 months
I just think it's so cute that the smallfolk people of kings landing throw yellow/golden petals(in commeration of his father aegons dragon sunfyre) for jaeherys's funeral procession, while helaena and alicent and riding by...
Like they are genuinely upset for them
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Blood and Cheese
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Barely a year later, in 123 AC, the fourteen-year-old princess gave birth to twins, a boy she named Jaehaerys and a girl called Jaehaera. Prince Aegon had heirs of his own now, the greens at court proclaimed happily. A dragon’s egg was placed in the cradle of each child, and two hatchlings soon came forth. Yet all was not well with these new twins. Jaehaera was tiny and slow to grow. She did not cry, she did not smile, she did none of the things a babe was meant to do. Her brother, whilst larger and more robust, was also less perfect than was expected of a Targaryen princeling, boasting six fingers on his left hand, and six toes upon each foot. -- Fire and Blood
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laenorian · 6 months
let’s go mercilessly seek revenge and murder a defenseless and innocent 6yo in front of his mother because my inexperienced 14yo son who i deemed old enough to participate in war unsurprisingly dies in said war
do you hear how stupid that sounds?
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huradish · 8 days
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<Sleep well>
Helaena Targaryen and Jaehaerys Targaryen.
May you all the peace and joy in every dreams you have ever and after. 🥲
(No, I'm not ready for the S2. But at the same time, I can't wait for any longer.😂😂😂
I thought I couldn't finish this picture before season2.
After struggling with the background, luckily finished before June~😂
(If the first episode is "A Son for a Son. aka. Blood and Cheese", I would have waited until the end of entire season to show this picture🥲🥲🥲It's too cruel...)
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lilith-kruger · 1 year
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bietrofastimoff23 · 8 months
Lately I've been thinking a lot about how Aegon won't have the opportunity to bid farewell to his brothers, sister-wife, son. and the funeral of Jaehaerys will be the first and last for him, not because others will be saved, but because the bodies of most of them will not be found.
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pearlyiestofhearts · 2 months
Their twisted game was not only hers to win. He could play just as well.
Chapter 11 of The Prince's Pearl (Sacrilege) is now up!!
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gojuo · 10 months
we're still on our way to Hotd's s2 and I already feel the same hopelessness I felt in Got s7 and s8. What comforts me is that just because a theory is popular doesn't mean it's going to happen on the show, remember the theory of Gendry being Robert and Cersei's son because the show posited that Cersei had a black-haired son by Robert? or the Tyrion Targaryen theory which was so popular in the fandom that if GRRM had ever given the green light I'm sure D&D would have done it. I hope certain paternity theories in hotd remain just that, theories.
I've no faith in HOTD anymore either since they've completely uprooted the original message and moral of the story for something far lesser (aka moved goalposts), but the twins not being Egg's theory is already debunked by the opening cinematic
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The kids won't be bastards, I'm sure of that. The issue I have is the writers trying to undermine Helaena's suicide which was a consequence of being informed of Maelor's horrific death on orders of Rhaenyra by them trying to have Helaena already attempting suicide because Aemond rejects her, apparently... That's what leaks are saying is going to happen, allegedly.
It's just another attempt at washing Rhaenyra clean of her wrongdoings by already giving Helaena suicidal tendencies (which she didn't have before). It's lessening the future impact her baby's horrific murder will have on her. It's the same tactic they're doing with involving Dyanna, a girl raped by Aegon, in B&C. Everyone and their mothers will be calling B&C karmic retribution for Aegon because she's involved, mark my words.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
Aemond killing Luke =/= what happened during the night of Blood & Cheese. that was not equal* revenge, the two events can never and will never be equal under any circumstance nor attempts at justification.
I said what I said, and I believe it with my whole chest.
*quick edit on wording, that was my bad, definitely made my point look real stupid... this is why you double-check your rants, especially when they're controversial
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birdb1tch · 1 year
i think helaena should have gone batshit after blood amd cheese. i think she should have killed blood and cheese then sworn vengeance or smth. ik that helaena is supposed to be the “softest” (for lack of better term) of alicents children, but i would have enjoyed to see her be just as bloodthirsty as her brothers
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cridhe · 2 years
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this is how every character in hotd is related (so far)
see under the cut for how many times this family tree loops itself
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but wait! u may say. rhaenyra's children are bastards and laenor is not their actual father, so they arent actually related to baela and rhaena, right? WRONG. theyre still related, twice (three times if u count they are also step siblings):
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