#Jak's just drinking juice
troblsomtwins829 · 1 year
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"SO THERE I WAS....surrounded on all sides by the NASTIEST beasties you ever saw...!"
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radioactivepeasant · 9 months
Fic Prompts: Snippet Thursday
I'm revamping Demolition Trio a little because I decided the boys needed a second dog 😆
It was still a novelty for all three of them, waking to find that someone had saved food for them. Not just saved, but prepared! Mar scrambled into the antechamber that connected his room to his father's, racing to the table with an excited trill. Jak and Daxter, by contrast, stumbled and shuffled their way in like sleepwalkers. Daxter's head thudded into the table and he groped blindly for the tiny cup of coffee that Sig had set out for him.
This was a point of great contention between him and Damas. Damas was of the opinion that having an animal body meant caffeine was bad for Daxter. Sig, on the other hand, insisted that dark eco only altered the outer form, not the internal structure, seeing as Daxter didn't get sick from drinking alcohol. These debates usually ended with Sig insisting firmly that Damas trusted his judgment regarding "his" rookie.
Jak picked up a tin cup and squinted at his warped reflection.
"Do I have a mark on my forehead?" he asked Damas, yawning, "Tell me honestly."
Damas liked half-awake-Jak. He wasn't reserved or feigning disinterest and bravado. In fact, he seemed to lack any sense of ranks, titles, or even that they were relative strangers to each other, early in the morning. Jak seemed to act on an instinctive trust -- a deeply encouraging sign. He acted like the child he was, or should have been, when he wasn't fully awake.
So Damas leaned forward and brushed hair from Jak's forehead to look.
"Well, let me see. I don't see...ah. That almost looks like a bruise. Have an encounter with the doorframe on your way to breakfast?"
Jak grumbled. "Had an encounter with somebody's tiny foot in the middle of the night. And nobody's confessed yet."
With a sympathetic chuckle, Damas poured a cup of coffee and passed it to his elder son. "Well if a bruise forms, you can match it to the suspects and find your culprit that way," he suggested teasingly.
"Nooo!" Jak groaned and batted his hand away. "It'll look stupid!"
Mar reached for a slice of hydromelon and took a huge bite. With juice dripping down his hands and chin, he signed, "I don't think it was me! Because I was sleepin' and that's how come."
"Dude, have you seen how you sleep?" Jak demanded.
Mar frowned. "No? Because I was sleepin!"
The force of the laugh he was suppressing left Damas wheezing. He reached over to tousle both boys' heads at once. "You're a mess; I love you," he snorted.
Mar beamed, dripping and sticky. Jak made a sound like a broken fog horn and plastered the coffee cup to his face. It wasn’t likely that he knew the statement had been aimed at them both.
Give it time, Damas told himself, Don’t be impatient. Let him adjust. Let him learn to trust kindness before you expect him to understand.
Having someone else be responsible for cleaning up a four year old barbarian who shunned forks made life much easier, in Daxter's opinion. Unfortunately for him, Mar appeared to miss his quality time tormenting Daxter. The moment Damas had finished fighting him out of his sticky pajamas, the little boy leaned on the table next to Daxter with a wide grin.
One of the only four words he liked to say aloud. "Da" for Damas, "Za" for Jak, "Ih" for Sig, and "Daz" for Daxter. And hearing it in that tone always heralded trouble.
"Ye-esss?" Daxter peered over the rim of his cup to eye the sticky toddler suspiciously.
"Daxxer, wanna help me make a tower today?" Juice sprayed from his fingers with each sign, dripping down Daxter's face.
Right in front of the world's most intimidating dad. Like he actually had the option to say no. Dangit, the kid was picking up Daxter's tricks a little too well. Grinning weakly, he sighed, "uh...sure, pal. After you put on clothes."
Damas snorted. "You're not obligated to babysit, Daxter. But I would appreciate someone keeping an eye on him for a few minutes. I need Jak's help with something."
Jak frowned. "You do?"
Possibilities raced through his head. Marauders? Storms? Reassembling the cheap set of drawers Daxter and Mar demolished while "racing" said drawers down a set of stairs?
He didn't expect to be taken to a bookshelf in Damas’s chamber, and shown a hidden door. This was obviously something he didn't want Mar seeing. Why was he bringing Jak?
"Do you trust me, son?" Damas asked abruptly.
"Um...I mean, yeah?" Jak mumbled. He tried not to cling to the word son too tightly. Tried not to think of Sig gently telling him "You have a family too, if you want it."
"Good." Damas stepped into a hidden elevator and beckoned him in. "There's something I want to give you. I think it will be a great benefit to your fight the next time you visit Haven."
Visit. Huh. Jak was just starting to notice that Damas went out of his way to avoid talking about Haven like Jak lived there. It was just a place he visited. He seemed to want to think Spargus was Jak’s home -- and he probably wanted Jak to think that, too.
The lift deposited them in a cavern, filled with the echoing bays of hounds, and Jak suddenly had an idea of what Damas meant.
Now, Jak hadn't been familiar with crocadogs before meeting Mar. And until Sig told him they used to be battle-mounts, he'd just assumed Chopper wouldn't get much bigger than a Lurker Hound.
Chopper’s mother was much.
Much larger than a Lurker Hound.
She had to be eleven hands at the shoulder, with a head approximately as broad as the jet board. The half grown pups around her leaped and bayed, snapping powerful jaws the moment they spotted Damas. For just a moment, Jak's steps faltered. Why would Damas bring him down here? Didn't Sig say Ghost hated anyone who wasn't Damas?
"Ghost!" Damas whistled sharply and held out a hand.
Ghost surged out of the shallow pool like a tidal wave, bounding up the incline in less than three steps. She pulled up short, seating herself expectantly in front of Damas with a stern "WURF!"
Damas cocked his head at Jak. "Well?"
He placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him forward a step.
"Go on, let her get your scent."
The next thing Jak knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. Roughly 400 pounds of pure muscle pinned him down while he was nearly deafened by excited barking. Ghost licked his face, wurf-ing and digging her cold nose into his neck.
"Gah-!" Jak shoved the huge head to the side, laughing. "Gross! Knock it off, girl!"
Looking oddly smug, Damas clicked his tongue. "Ghost, off," he commanded.
The massive predator whined and blinked sad brown eyes at him, and he laughed. "Oh? Is Jak one of yours now?"
"Now dear, we've been over this: four-legged pups are yours, two-legged pups are mine."
"Well, alright. Chopper was an exception. You needed a break."
He clicked his tongue again.
"Don't break Jak. You're not a lap dog, you know. Go on, there's a good girl."
Reluctantly, Ghost moved and let Jak sit up. He wiped the slobber from his face with a good-natured groan and looked up just in time to see the two largest juveniles bounding toward him. He had time to widen his eyes and mumble an expletive, then the dogs crashed into him.
"Ack!" Jak hit the ground for the second time as two male pups yipped and whined, apparently intent on physically merging with his torso.
"You gotta be kidding me-"
Damas stroked Ghost’s ears fondly and grinned. "Those are Chopper’s brothers, Rip and Tear. They've never been as interested in people as Chopper, Snap, and Maw. I thought for sure Maw was going to be the first one up here."
The smug look returned, crinkling his eyes at the corners.
"Obviously they recognize family."
"Which -- ow, watch the paws! -- which one is which?" Jak wheezed.
"Good question." Damas squinted at the tornado of scales and fur. When this yielded no clarity, he reached out and collared the nearest dog to hand to get a good look at him.
"Ah. This one is Tear. He's got suction cup scars across his chest from an ill-advised scrap with a squid."
Jak managed to push himself into a sitting position, sending the other pup flopping across his legs. Well. Clearly standing up was out of the question for the moment. He reached out and traced Tear's scars.
"Poor guy," he sympathized. "Did you win, though?"
"His mother did," Damas answered, "and one can only hope he's learned to choose his battles a little better."
Tear wriggled free of Damas’s grip and pounced on his brother, instigating a short-lived game of chase before nipping playfully at Ghost. Ghost was not amused. With a gentle warning growl, she headbutted the rambunctious juvenile, sending him tumbling. In an almost sulky posture, Tear decided to redirect his play-aggression to his more interested sisters. Rip, meanwhile, circled back to Jak again and clamped his jaws around one of Jak's gauntlets. With a quick shake of his head, he ripped the glove off of the boy's hand and bounced into a play bow, tail thrashing expectantly.
"Rip!" Damas scolded, "Drop it!"
"Wh- hey!"
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Rip did not drop it.
The second Jak stood up, the young crocadog bounced again and took off running. With a shout of dismay, Jak scrambled after him. Damas patted Ghost’s side and took a far more sedate pace down to the edge of the pools to check on the other pups. He could hear Jak’s complaints beginning to lapse into laughter behind him. Good. He hadn't forgotten how to play.
"Good luck back there," Damas called, "I haven't had the opportunity to run the dogs in a day or two. Rip has a lot of energy to get out."
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
Funniest Group
In Jakkon & Rose's universe, they have two other members of their group
Finn: Jakkon's previous best friend-turned nemesis when he rescued him from the fire that killed Jak's family (Jak blames him for not being able to save them) But they eventually forgive one another and become begrudging allies
Pherun: The Little boy who looks just Like Jak's son because someone thought it would be funny to trigger his PTSD. Jak has now pledged his life to protect this child in a: "If anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" scenario
They make the best group because sitting around a table talking here's how their food/drink situation goes:
Finn - Salad and Water
Rose - Something sweet and herbal tea
Jak - Literally just a bottle of wine
Pherun - A sippy cup full of orange juice and a bowl of mac-and-cheese
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wickedloverz · 5 years
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stupid bullshit i wrote for @woofjock​ under the cut !!
Scott seemed a little more excited than usual that day, during their “Listen to music and relax” time they had every late Thursday afternoon, when the sky had been dyed a deep orange that broke through Jak’s blinds and painted his room a colour that reminded him of orange juice. He’d always liked that colour, mainly becaue he associated it with Scott, now. They’d kissed during it, danced during it, and done
things during it. It was probably his favourite time of day, even though it was kind of melancholic for him -- it signified the end of a day, after all.
But there was always tomorrow. Tomorrow with Scott.
He’d never expected this was how things would end up, but Jak was more than happy with how they were. He was happy, for once. Geniuinely happy.
“So, why ya all bouncy ‘n stuff? You find a new band you like?” Jak asked Scott, tilting his head as he usually did, while he grabbed the pair of earbuds they’d specifically got for these moments. They were expensive as all hell, and they never wore them outside. Just when they had their moments together.
Scott practically lept onto Jak’s bed, a fluffy and soft mess of blankets and pillows, before shaking his head. “Nope! But, I got this great idea! We always listen to my music, right?”
Jak nodded his head. He’d always let Scott pick the music. His taste was just so slightly trashy, but it was almost always pop punk, and it was always right up Jak’s alley (apart from the one time he’d tried playing harsh noise, but that was down to Liam reccomending it to him to try and impress Jak.)
“Well, I thought about it, and you like the same music as me, don’t you?”
“So I probably like the same music as you! So we should listen to
music!” Scott said, whilst his tail wagged back and forth. Jak gulped for a second -- it was stupid of him to be nervous, but he was. Of course, he listened to trashy pop punk himself, but most of his taste could be described with a single word:
He liked sad rock most of all. That was his favourite “genre”. It always...spoke to him, he’d describe it as. He never used to be sure what that meant until he’d found out for himself. He just “got” the music. It meant stuff to him. Music used to be just noise to distract himself. Now he listened to it seriously, appreciating every beat, even when he and Scott were busy talking about mundane things.
The thing about Scott’s songs was that they were never explicitly sad. Jak doubted even the darker ones actually sounded depressing to Scott, but even then, they were relatively tame. Jak just wasn’t sure if Scott would like them -- sure, he could just play something else, but that was
Keeping up the whole “humonster” thing was already bad enough. He didn’t want to lie to Scott when he didn’t have to. Too many people lied to Scott, whether it was because they thought he was too stupid to understand the truth, or becaue it was “funny”. Those people pissed Jak off the most. Scott wasn’t stupid, and he wasn’t dumb.
Scott was smarter than most people, if you asked Jak. It was like he could see how you were feeling and fix it right away. Very, very few people had that skill. And even fewer were as good at it as Scott. Even if he struggled in class, class was just one thing you could be good at out of literally infinite possibilities.
“...Something wrong with that, Jakkie?” Scott asked. His tail had stopped wagging, which made Jak jump to attention when he noticed it, rapidly shaking his head.
“Oh, nah! No! Just thinkin’ ‘bout the best song to play, you know? I mean, I got a pretty big library, so…” He trailed off, pulling out his phone. Usually it’d be them using Scott’s phone, but since it was now Jak’s turn, he got his old beat up android out. He’d never been one for having the latest phone or replacing his screen when it got fucked up, even though it was only a few scratches. He’d upgrade when it was unusable, he always said.
As he sat next to Scott on the bed, the werewolf wrapping an arm around him and grinning, Jak scrolled through his songs while Scott pushed in the earbud plug into the phone with practiced accuracy. It was simple things like that which brought him enjoyment, and Jak could get it -- it meant they were about to spend some time together. Like a low effort, relaxed date. It was nice.
With the earbuds now in each of their ears, they looked into each other’s eyes leaning for a deep, long kiss, as they wrapped their arms around one another, and then collapsed down on the bed. Still staring at each other with stupid grins on their faces (they’d come to be known as their “just made the fuck out” grins by their friends), Jak shakily pressed play, and sweet, sweet
began to flow into their ears.
Scott’s expression seemed to dull just a tiny bit, which immediately made Jak worry, but then he seemed more curious than anything.
“...Sad?” Jak asked, finishing his sentence, to which Scott gave an unsteady nod.
“Yeah. Sad. I mean, you’re always so happy, bro! I expected...I dunno, happy music! Not that this is bad -- it’s really good!”
“I mean, I
listen to happy music, but…”
“...You’re sad, huh, bro?”
Scott was spot on, and Jak wasn’t sure what to say in response to that, instead looking away briefly, which all but confirmed that Scott was right on the money. Reaching out a hand, Scott placed his palm on Jak’s, grasping it tightly with a gentle squeeze. It amazed Jak how gentle Scott could be at times, considering how strong he was.
“...Yeah.” Jak said, nodding his head. He felt nervous. He felt like...like he was about to fucking overflow. One goddamn question, and he suddenly turned into a goddamn emotional wreck.
“I get sad too! I think everyone does! But, bro, you’re...I...I make you happy, right?” Scott asked, his ears pointing down as he asked the question, trying to find the right words.
“More than you realize.” Jak’s answer was instant, without a single shred of hesitation, and he meant it. He meant every word of it -- Scott was like the sole star in the inky, black sky he called his life, to be dramatic about it. There were other stars, too; one for each of his friends. But Scott shone the brightest. Like the moon.
This analogy was too dramatic for Jak.
“That’s good, bro. Babe. But...you’ve been sad for a long time, huh? That’s too long for anyone to be sad.”
Scott squeezed his hand even tighter, and Jak felt a stinging pain in the corner of his eyes. Goddammit, no. He was
gonna cry like this. Not in front of Scott. The only time Scott had seen him cry was during that one time he planned a surprise date to a theme park for their first month anniversary. Fuck, he was not gonna cry. He
“No one should be sad for as long as you’ve been. I’m sorry, bro. I wish...I wish I always made you happy. You deserve to always be happy. You’re awesome, bro!”
Scott pulled him in for a hug, wrapping his arms around Jak, sharing his warm embrace with the human, who buried his face into Scott’s chest.
Jak began to cry.
“It’s okay, bro. I’ll protect you, no matter what. I promise. I promise.” Scott repeated, and Jak just cried even harder, making ugly sobbing noises. God, if someone could see his face right now, he’d be embarassed to hell and back. Jak had an ugly crying face. It always scrunched up in the weirdest ways.
Scott began to stroke his mohawk as he pulled Jak in even more, closing the distance between them.The song was long over by now, but Jak continued to cry, making Scott’s shirt wet with tears. Scott just held him tighter.
After a few minutes of just laying there, Jak was done with crying, and pulled away, rubbing at his eyes, before he looked back at Scott.
“...Thanks. Sorry y’had to see that.” He said, grabbing at his glasses and slipping them on. “I’ll...go get us drinks or somethin’. ‘Less y’wanna go home, or--”
Scott cut Jak off by sitting up and grabbing at him, pulling him back to the bed.
“I’ll stay here tonight.” He said. It wasn’t a question, it was a fact. Scott was staying the night, and Jak felt like crying again, as they embraced once more.
“I promise, bro, that you’ll never be sad again. I’ll make sure of it.”
Jak didn’t answer for a while as those words sunk in, just lying together with Scott, looking into those cerulean eyes and getting lost (he’d never thought it possible to actually get lost in someone’s eyes before.), before he finally spoke again.
“I love you.”
They started kissing again, grabbing at each other like the world itself was trying to tear them apart, while music continued to quietly play out of Jak’s phone, left forgotten on the floor.
Jak figured he’d listen to happier stuff next time.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
New on Netflix: October 2021 Releases
And just like that it was Spooky Season. Having said that, Netflix’s list of new releases for October 2021 isn’t as horror-centric as one might think. But there is still plenty of streaming candy to be found.
Three existing Netflix original series of note get new seasons this month. It all starts with The Baby-Sitters Club season 2 on Oct. 11, leads into You season 3 on Oct. 15, and concludes with Locke & Key season 2 on Oct. 22. The latter two are pretty spooky in their own right. And who knows – maybe The Baby-Sitters Club will get a Boy Meets World-style slasher episode in its second season.
Movies are where the real fireworks are this month though. October sees the arrival of the Jake Gyllenhaal thriller The Guilty (Oct. 1), and horror flicks like There’s Someone Inside Your House (Oct. 6), Night Teeth (Oct. 20), and Hypnotic (Oct. 27). And if that weren’t enough the sequel to Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead, Army of Thieves, is already almost here with an Oct. 29 debut.
Of course, all of this new stuff may end up getting eclipsed by an oldie. Surely, you have heard by now that a certain show about nothing is set to make its big streaming return on Oct. 1. Amid all the traditional horror of October, be sure to make some room for the social horror of Seinfeld.
New on Netflix: October 2021
Coming Soon A World Without — NETFLIX FILM  An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts — NETFLIX SERIES  Call My Agent: Bollywood — NETFLIX SERIES  Encounters: Season 1 House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Inspector Koo — NETFLIX SERIES The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
October 1 A Sinister Sect: Colonia Dignidad — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Diana: The Musical — NETFLIX SPECIAL Forever Rich — NETFLIX FILM The Guilty — NETFLIX FILM MAID — NETFLIX SERIES Paik’s Spirit — NETFLIX SERIES Scaredy Cats — NETFLIX FAMILY The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light — NETFLIX ANIME Swallow — NETFLIX FILM  A Knight’s Tale An Inconvenient Truth Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 1 As Good as It Gets Awakenings B.A.P.S. Bad Teacher The Cave Desperado The Devil Inside Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Double Team The DUFF Eagle Eye Endless Love Ghost Gladiator Hairspray (2007) The Holiday Jet Li’s Fearless The Karate Kid (2010) Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Léon: The Professional Malcolm X Observe and Report Once Upon a Time in Mexico Project X Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Rumor Has It… Seinfeld: Seasons 1-9 Serendipity Spy Kids Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams Spy Kids 3: Game Over Step Brothers The Ugly Truth Till Death Titanic Tommy Boy Unthinkable Waterworld Zodiac
October 3 Scissor Seven: Season 3 — NETFLIX ANIME Upcoming Summer — NETFLIX FILM 
October 4 On My Block: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES
October 5 Escape The Undertaker — NETFLIX FILM
October 6 Bad Sport  — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Baking Impossible — NETFLIX SERIES The Blacklist: Season 8 Ella Fitzgerald: Just One of Those Things The Five Juanas — NETFLIX SERIES  Love Is Blind: Brazil — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)  There’s Someone Inside Your House — NETFLIX FILM
October 7 The Billion Dollar Code — NETFLIX SERIES Sexy Beasts: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES The Way of the Househusband: Season 1 Part 2 — NETFLIX ANIME
October 8 A Tale Dark & Grimm — NETFLIX FAMILY Family Business: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES  Grudge / Kin — NETFLIX FILM  ​​LOL Surprise: The Movie My Brother, My Sister — NETFLIX FILM  Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle — NETFLIX FAMILY Pretty Smart — NETFLIX SERIES
October 9 Blue Period — NETFLIX ANIME  Insidious: Chapter 2
October 11 The Baby-Sitters Club: Season 2 — NETFLIX FAMILY Going in Style The King’s Affection — NETFLIX SERIES  Shameless (U.S.): Season 11
October 12 Bright: Samurai Soul — NETFLIX ANIME  Convergence: Courage in a Crisis — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Making Malinche: A Documentary by Nacho Cano — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Mighty Express: Season 5 — NETFLIX FAMILY The Movies That Made Us: Season 3 — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go For It Smart People
October 13 Fever Dream / Distancia de Rescate — NETFLIX FILM Hiacynt — NETFLIX FILM Love Is Blind: Brazil — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly) Reflection of You — NETFLIX SERIES Violet Evergarden the Movie
October 14 Another Life: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES In the Dark: Season 3 One Night in Paris — NETFLIX FILM
October 15 CoComelon: Season 4 The Forgotten Battle — NETFLIX FILM  The Four of Us — NETFLIX FILM Karma’s World — NETFLIX FAMILY  Little Things: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES My Name — NETFLIX SERIES Power Rangers Dino Fury: Season 1 Sharkdog’s Fintastic Halloween — NETFLIX FAMILY  The Trip — NETFLIX FILM You: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES
October 16 Misfit: The Series — NETFLIX FAMILY Victoria & Abdul
October 19 In for a Murder / W jak morderstwo — NETFLIX FILM 
October 20 Found — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Gabby’s Dollhouse: Season 3 — NETFLIX FAMILY  Love Is Blind: Brazil — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)  Night Teeth — NETFLIX FILM Stuck Together — NETFLIX FILM
October 21 Flip a Coin -ONE OK ROCK Documentary — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Go! Go! Cory Carson: Season 6 — NETFLIX FAMILY Insiders — NETFLIX SERIES  Komi Can’t Communicate — NETFLIX ANIME  Life’s a Glitch with Julien Bam — NETFLIX SERIES Sex, Love & goop — NETFLIX SERIES
October 22 Adventure Beast — NETFLIX SERIES ​​Dynasty: Season 4 Inside Job — NETFLIX SERIES Little Big Mouth — NETFLIX FILM  Locke & Key: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES Maya and the Three — NETFLIX FAMILY More than Blue: The Series — NETFLIX SERIES  Roaring Twenties — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
October 24 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks
October 25 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
October 26 Roswell, New Mexico: Season 3 Sex: Unzipped — NETFLIX SERIES
October 27 Begin Again Hypnotic — NETFLIX FILM Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight Part 2 — NETFLIX FILM Sintonia: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES Wentworth: Season 8
October 28 Luis Miguel – The Series: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES The Motive — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY.
October 29 Army of Thieves — NETFLIX FILM Colin in Black & White — NETFLIX SERIES Dear Mother — NETFLIX FILM Mythomaniac: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES Roaring Twenties — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY (new episodes) Thomas and Friends: Season 25 A The Time It Takes — NETFLIX SERIES
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Leaving Netflix: October 2021
October 1 Death Race: Beyond Anarchy Tales From the Hood 2
October 3 Angel Has Fallen
October 6 Real Steel
October 14 Cheech & Chong’s Still Smokin
October 15 The Creative Brain
October 17 U Turn
October 20 Containment: Season 1 Free Fire
October 21 The Hummingbird Project
October 23 The Mist: Season 1
October 27 Rango  Shine On with Reese: Season 1
October 28 Pup Star
October 30 The 12th Man Zack and Miri Make a Porno
October 31 60 Days In: Season 5  Angels & Demons Battle: Los Angeles Beowulf  Billy on the Street: Seasons 1-5 Catch Me If You Can The Da Vinci Code Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Forged in Fire: Season 6 The Heartbreak Kid The Impossible Inception Legally Blonde Mile 22  Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You Reckoning: Limited Series Snowden Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny Yes Man
The post New on Netflix: October 2021 Releases appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ipTAcq
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altegos · 4 years
That coffee shop /càfe part of the story (with will and kotf) got me thinking of this weird question (lol, it also made me want a hot drink so I made a tea) what would be each of the egos favorite thing to drink?
Jims - fruit juice
Ed - whiskey
Dr Iplier and Silver - black coffee, no time for frills
Bim likes mocha. hot or cold, he doesnt mind.
Host - tea. He’ll try something new every week
Bing - milkshakes
King - water
Wilford will drink anything someone makes for him but never makes a drink himself.
No one has ever seen Dark drink. There is currently a pool going on as to what Dark’s liquid fuel is. the Jims are running it.
Madpat - energy drinks. Not too picky which. Just any
Mare doesn’t know that he can drink since he’s a ghost
Phantom mostly just drinks water
Roman -  Unicorn frappé
Logan - Cranberry Juice
Virgil - Orange soda
Patton - hot chocolate with cream
Jack Lemon (Jackie Boy Man) - coffee, cream and sugar
Remy Wood - Anything with a high level of caffeine
Medic - cider
Enis - a nice cup of blood, prefers B+ but isn’t too picky
Yan Cutler - any kind of soda
Dirk Patrick - flavoured water
Abe - alcohol, he’s not too picky
Illinois - water
Yancy - hooch wine
Siren - wine, preferably red, preferably merlot, though he isn’t opposed to a good rioja
Marvin - strawberry milkshake
Anti - doesn’t drink
Chase - English tea (he’s trying to cut out alcohol)
JJ - chocolate milk
Colonel only ever drinks water. No one is quite sure why.
Daniel Wickes - doesn’t drink
Celine - martini
The Writer (Jak) - cherry cold
"Deceit" - anythin that adds an air of drama
Brandon - water. Never ever offer him tea
All androids are unable to drink
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